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Conference bulova::decw_jan-89_to_nov-90

Title:DECWINDOWS 26-JAN-89 to 29-NOV-90
Notice:See 1639.0 for VMS V5.3 kit; 2043.0 for 5.4 IFT kit
Created:Mon Oct 30 1989
Last Modified:Mon Dec 31 1990
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:3726
Total number of notes:19516

684.0. "What is message 02DB821C?" by ELRIC::MARSHALL (hunting the snark) Wed Apr 26 1989 17:50

    I'v found a few notes that mention getting message 02DB821C,
    but there seems to be no clue as to what it actually means.
    Could someone please "draw me a picture"? What is its literal
    translation in English?

684.1Connection AbortSTAR::BRANDENBERGSi vis pacem para bellumWed Apr 26 1989 17:564
    The linkage of some applications to the message file seems to be rather

684.2TLE::BEALMon Jun 12 1989 16:369
My title bars disappeared from all my windows on a couple of occasions and
I found that message number (02DB821C) in the DECW$SM.LOG file.  What does
it mean?  Any ideas on why the title bars are disappearing?


P.S.  I'm running V5.1

684.3QUARK::LIONELB - L - Oh, I don't know!Mon Jun 12 1989 16:517
As it implies in .1, the message is "connection aborted".  Your title bars
disappearing means that the session manager process has died.  I had thought
that this error was discussed elsewhere in the conference, but I couldn't
find it.


684.4Missing titles means dead WM.VINO::WITHROWRobert WithrowMon Jun 12 1989 17:1920
> Your title bars
> disappearing means that the session manager process has died.

Well... Not exactly...

When your title bars disapear it means that your *window manager* died.  
Depending on how you start the WM, the above message may or may not appear
in the decw$sm.log file.  Suggest you $set verify in your decw$login.com and
find out what is really croaking.

It is common to have a WM croak and still have the SM running.  In that case
the SM window will still be on the screen somewhere, but may be occluded or
covered by other windows, and since you can't move things around without
a WM running you may be pickled.  If you can still get at a decterm window
then try launching a *new* WM process, say by $spawn/nowait/input=nl: and then
redraw the screen.  You may be able to quit certain applications until you
can access a decterm window.

See other notes on how to run specific WM programs.

684.5xlib io errorODUTCH::J_MARSHSvelte & Petite-nosedFri May 04 1990 19:568
I found this error code on a DECwindows 5.3 results disk in

000002DB    68  .FACILITY       XLIB,731 /SYSTEM /PREFIX=X$_
            90  .SEVERITY       FATAL
02DB821C    91  IOERROR         <xlib io error>