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Conference bulova::decw_jan-89_to_nov-90

Title:DECWINDOWS 26-JAN-89 to 29-NOV-90
Notice:See 1639.0 for VMS V5.3 kit; 2043.0 for 5.4 IFT kit
Created:Mon Oct 30 1989
Last Modified:Mon Dec 31 1990
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:3726
Total number of notes:19516

613.0. "Menu history in option menu" by BROKE::RAVITZ (Ken) Mon Apr 17 1989 18:37

    I'm trying to set the menu history of an option menu at
    I set up the create callback in UIL for the push button.
    At create time, I call SetValues passing the widget id of
    the push button and setting its parent's menu history.
    But, nothing happens.
    XtSetArg( arg_list[ 0 ], DwtNmenuHistory, wid );
    XtSetValues( XtParent( wid ), arg_list, 1 );
    Any ideas ?
    - Ken

613.1CASEE::LACROIXGone with the windTue Apr 18 1989 08:5113
    Re .0:

>    XtSetArg( arg_list[ 0 ], DwtNmenuHistory, wid );
>    XtSetValues( XtParent( wid ), arg_list, 1 );

    The parent of wid is probably not the option menu itself. Use a
    creation callback for the option menu itself so that you can register
    the option menu widget in your own data structures, and do the
    SetValues on this widget.

    Hope this helps,

613.2widget must be child of option menu?CSCOA5::HOOD_DOThu Feb 01 1990 15:1023
    re -.1:
    I'm a little confused. I am running uws 2.2 on a cmax. my documentation
    says :
    DwtNmenuHistory   Holds the widget ID of the last menu entry that was
                      activated...... This attribute may be set to
                     precondition option menus and pop-up menus mouse memory.
    This seems to indicate thhat the ID will be one of the child togglebutton
    widgets for the child pulldown menu associated with the option menu....
    i.e. the parent of wid in the previous reply would be the pulldown
    menu and not the option menu itself. Am I missing something?
     I have a customer with the following hierarchy
    The "Writing Applications" in Volume 1 of "Programming" in uws 
    documentation states that this a special case for the pulldown menu,
    and that you dont have to create a pulldownmenuentrywidget to use the
    pulldown menu (just pass the pulldown widget id in the DwtNsubMenuId
    attribute of the option menu). I tried this and could not get it to
    work.   Any Ideas?
613.3does anyone read old notes?CSCOA5::HOOD_DOTue Feb 06 1990 14:166
    should I include code with my question?
    should I also say that this appears to work from UIL?
    has anybody out there created an option menu under UWS v2.1 or UWS v2.2
    for a DECstation 3100? One 50-line working example of an Option menu
    would make my day!!