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Conference turris::womannotes-v3

Title:Topics of Interest to Women
Notice:V3 is closed. TURRIS::WOMANNOTES-V5 is open.
Created:Thu Jan 30 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 30 1995
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1078
Total number of notes:52352

828.0. "Fifth Anniversary Party - 6/20-23/91 - Planning Note" by WMOIS::B_REINKE (We won't play your silly game) Sat Aug 11 1990 02:06

    Next April, 1991, Womannotes will be five years old. It seems
    amazing to me that this file has been growing and evolving
    for so long. I still remember my first summer in notes when
    I was trying to find out how to log on to womannotes and
    had problems because it was still listed in one of those
    places that was hard to log onto for a new noter because
    it was more than node::name. I remember how excited I was
    to actually find the file and how scared I was the first time
    I replied!

    This file, and by that I mean the people who write in it, has
    become very important to me and I believe to lots of women 
    (and men) at Dec. I have been talking with the other moderators
    and we'd like to encourage a 'gala' fifth anniversary party
    next spring. The fifth anniversary will technically be in
    April but it seems reasonable to put it off until late May
    or early June given New England weather.

    We'd like to get as many =wn= as possible to come to this 
    party, both local read/writes and read onlies and out of
    staters, the (in)famous and the quiet.

    This is a call for volunteers for party planning and for
    ideas both for the party and for ways to raise money to
    help those who don't live locally to make it here. (Offers
    of places for people to stay are also welcome.)

828.1XCUSME::QUAYLEi.e. AnnSat Aug 11 1990 11:188
    I volunteer.
    I have a spare room with a double bed, and lots of [reasonably]
    padded and carpeted floor space so can probably offer sleeping room to
    several in Merrimack, NH.
828.2Gala is my middle name! ;-)TLE::D_CARROLLAssume nothingSat Aug 11 1990 15:176
I volunteer.

And assuming i still live in the same place next year (big "if") I have
an spare double bed, a big couch and a folding chair.

828.3About A$2000 should cover itGIDDAY::WALESDavid from Down-underSun Aug 12 1990 11:5910
    >ideas both for the party and for ways to raise money to
    >help those who don't live locally to make it here.
    Hope you're planing on raising LOTS of money, I'd love to come :-).
828.4BIGRED::GALEDittoSun Aug 12 1990 13:017
    RE: given New England weather
    Well, Bonnie, I have a lovely 5 bedroom house (3 bathrooms, and PLENTY
    of hallways), If you want good Texas weather, I'd volunteer to have it
    in Houston, Texas...
828.5the great northwestDECWET::JWHITEthe company of intelligent womenMon Aug 13 1990 17:284
    if there's anything i can do from here, i'm more than willing
    (and it's on my calendar to attend)
828.6ooh! ooh! ... a REAL! gala ???YGREN::JOHNSTONbean sidheMon Aug 13 1990 18:2711
I'd love to help plan ... [now I just need to settle whether I'll still be 
in the GMA ...]

If I am still around and in posession of my house, I have a spare bedroom 
[possibly two, but I don't offer up Rick's space without a prior check] in
Nashua for a non-smoker[s] who isn't allergic to grey cats.

Now I need to check into the cost of a short tux [or a tea-lenth beaded gown
... or ...]

828.7MOMCAT::CADSE::GLIDEWELLWow! It's The Abyss!Tue Aug 14 1990 01:5011
>    This is a call for ... ideas for the party 

At the parties, we often recognize each other only by the
name tags Maggie does.  How about if we give Maggie something
new to pin the name tags on ...  say, if each person who comes
prints out a note they have written and wears it!!

   natch, we would print out notes that we wrote that were
  our favorite notes for some reason.

828.8party via satelliteCOGITO::SULLIVANSinging for our livesTue Aug 14 1990 14:3912
    I know there's talk of trying to get folks to come to the Northeast for
    the party, and I hope to meet lots of distant noter.  But what if we
    planned lots of simultaneous parties all around the country and world
    and we linked up via terminals and/or phones.  Kind of how they've done
    some of those "Live-Aid" type concerts with some performers appearing
    via satellite?  I know the time differences would pose an obstacle,
    but I'd be more likely to attend a party at 3:00 am than to fly
    somewhere far, far away...
828.9LYRIC::BOBBITTwater, wind, and stoneTue Aug 14 1990 15:1814
    I think human_relations did something like that once....it's a cool
    idea - but long distance is still the *next*-best thing to being there. 
    I admit, it's a long reach of the imagination to get some far-flung
    exotic-locationed noters to the greater Maynard area (GMA), but if we
    have enough time and energy we can at least make a start, and
    supplement with additional parties wherever other noters wish to
    hip hip - 
828.10UK Party ChapterYUPPY::DAVIESAGrail seekerTue Aug 14 1990 15:2713
    Re -1
    Considering how many people have put "visit the UK" on their list of
    thing to get around to.......
    Maybe we should have a supplementary party over here someday!
    Then I can go too......;-)
    (who got to the Noters party in Colerado in May, so who knows?
     New England is nearer, right?)
828.11Gee, works for other groups...BLUMON::WAYLAY::GORDONThe laws of physics do not apply to me...Tue Aug 14 1990 15:486
(Tongue ***firmly*** in cheek and even so, I may regret this...)

	So, when's the =wn= Bake Sale & Car Wash?

828.12PROXY::SCHMIDTThinking globally, acting locally!Tue Aug 14 1990 16:287

  Remember the DEC motto: "Those that propose, dispose of!"

  Hop to it! :-)

828.13A weekend party?PENUTS::JLAMOTTETake a Hike...join the AMCTue Aug 14 1990 16:4610
    I could rent an AMC lodge or cabin for a weekend.  Accomodations are
    often rustic...for instance 
      Noble View
      Russell, Mass. Located in the foothills of the Berkshires, Noble View
      offers weekly and weekend rentals of a cottage and farmhouse during
      the summer.  Hiking, nature trail, views, swimming nearby, streams
      and sightseeing.  Rustic accomodations at an early 1900's farmstead.
    Average fee is $3 to $5 per night per person.
828.14NOATAK::BLAZEKand it's passing strangeTue Aug 14 1990 17:127
Well, since the only other active Seattle =wn='er is planning to attend 
the party, I won't have anyone here to play with.  So forget the "next
best thing to being there", I _will_ be there, too!


828.15Relax in the MountainsUSCTR2::DONOVANcutsie phrase or words of wisdomThu Aug 16 1990 06:574
    I love Joyce's idea about renting cottages, condos or something for 
    a weekend party in or near the mountains.
828.16If Only...HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedThu Aug 16 1990 17:404
    If someone wants to swing by Salt Lake City and carpool it, I'll
    be most happy to attend.
828.17MOMCAT::TARBETFor the love of the Gypsy MarySat Aug 18 1990 23:2321
    Could we get a quick straw count of members who definitely plan to come
    to Massachusetts for our Fifth Anniversay Celebration?  Tentatively? 
    How many would come if they could get some financial support to help
    with the air fare and didn't have to worry about housing while here?  
    We're particularly interested in getting a count of members who might
    come from other countries...and preferably some ideas of activities
    you might find particularly interesting.
    (I don't want to let any hypothetical cats out of bags (actual cats I'd
    let out quick as a wink, of course) but right now we're talking about a
    long weekend packed with a choice of activities ...everyone should be
    able to sleep *really* *well* on the plane going home :-)
    Please send mail to MOMCAT::PARTY; we'll keep your name and any
    financial issues confidential (but please keep in mind that the party
    committee is more than just the mods).     
828.18I'll be there.MILKWY::CROBERTSThu Aug 23 1990 16:244
         I can whip up a Bandana or 8 Hour Star quilt for a raffle.
    This will be my first =wn= party.  I can't wait!!!
828.19but they wouldn't be as good as Dawn E.'s...LYRIC::BOBBITTwater, wind, and stoneThu Aug 23 1990 17:274
    I could raffle off backrubs!
828.20What Money?HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedThu Aug 23 1990 23:056
    Since I couldn't send mail to MOMCAT::PARTY (no such user or
    something), I would love to come to the party, but I do not have
    the bucks for a plane ticket.  It's as simple as that!  If anyone
    can "beam me" to the East coast, I'll be there!;)
828.21GOLF::KINGRSave the EARTH, we may need it later!!!Fri Aug 24 1990 03:544
    Re:19 I would buy a couple of tickets  for something like that... I
    can't remember when last I had a really good back rub...
828.22RUBY::BOYAJIANDanger! Do Not Reverse Polarity!Wed Aug 29 1990 09:1214
828.23WMOIS::B_REINKEWe won't play your silly gameWed Aug 29 1990 13:336
    Kristy Gleason periodically tries to get general noters parties
    together, but almost no one comes.
828.24TCC::HEFFELSushido - The way of the tunaWed Aug 29 1990 18:519
	Oh, yes!  Back in Aught 9.  I still remember Jerry, Simon Szeto, Roger 
Goun, and Mike Foley (and wasn't there someone else?) meeting me at the airport 
wearing buttoneers(sp?) and carrying a corsage for me.  The party was at Jim 
Burrows' house.  I met Bob Wyman for the first time and he greeted me with 
"So you really don't think Heinlein is a male chauvanist pig?"  (A carry-over 
form a discussion in the SF file.)  Those were the days!

(going to get my false teeth and cane now.... :-) )
828.25pedantic noteRUBY::BOYAJIANDanger! Do Not Reverse Polarity!Thu Aug 30 1990 11:526
    No, there was just the four of us at the airport. And the party
    was at, I think, Dave Griffin's, not Jim's.
    --- jerry
828.26TCC::HEFFELSushido - The way of the tunaThu Aug 30 1990 12:556
	Well, that explains why I can't remember the fifth person... :-)	

	I'm sure it was at JimB's.  'Cause I met Selma and whatever kids 
had been born but were not in bed by then. :-)  

828.27BOLT::MINOWCheap, fast, good; choose twoThu Aug 30 1990 17:577
Probably a different party.  Dave's had the terminal links to all-over
(I remember Austrailia and France) and I think John took some of the
non-locals on a tour of the Mill.

About 5 years ago, as I was the one in the beard.

828.28HOO78C::VISSERSDutch ComfortThu Aug 30 1990 17:595
    Is there some idea as to what date the party will be? I've heard June,
    so far, but nothing very definite.
    (yup that's a definite "maybe" ;-))
828.29me too ;*)TINCUP::KOLBEThe dilettante debutanteThu Aug 30 1990 21:102
    Well, the good lord and creeks aside, I'm planning on showing up. How
    could I stand to miss this? liesl
828.30Holiday companionsYUPPY::DAVIESAArtemis'n'me...Thu Sep 13 1990 09:1420
    I would love to be there.
    The flight isn't a problem.....
    And I think that hiring a lodge would be a great idea.
    It's just that as I'm coming so far I'd obviously want to plan a
    holiday around the party weekend, and I'm having trouble finding a
    holiday companion for end of May/beg. of June....have we set a firm
    date yet, btw?
    If other wmn are travelling from afar and are planning to stay around
    the area for up to two weeks maybe we could get together and make
828.31well, two-thirds of the timeTLE::RANDALLliving on another planetThu Sep 13 1990 16:366
    I expect to be there, but with three kids it's impossible to make
    a definite commitment this far ahead of time.  I mean, if it's a
    choice between my daughter's dance and a party, my daughter wins
    every time.
828.32RAMOTH::DRISKELLI want you to be independant and available...Thu Sep 13 1990 19:255
	I'll be there (or here since i live in the gma!),  and gladly
	offer up my spare beds & sleep-sofa's to anyone who needs a place
	to flop. Also ther's lots of space for tents & sleeping bags......

828.33June 2oth to June 23rd 1991WMOIS::B_REINKEWe won't play your silly gameThu Sep 20 1990 19:213
    The date for the party/weekend has been set, mark your calendars!
828.34Wouldn't It Be Nice...HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedMon Sep 24 1990 17:207
    Since I can't get through via mail, yes, I would *LOVE* to come to    
    the party, and yes, I would need serious financial help to get there.
    I would also need to borrow someone's floor for my sleeping bag.
    Wishful thinking,
828.35LYRIC::BOBBITTwater, wind, and stoneMon Sep 24 1990 17:3915
    The primary reason I requested answers via e-mail to MOMCAT::PARTY in
    the "pledge" note was that I felt it was vital to allow people who
    wished to give to be able to give, and still allow those who could not
    or did not wish to give the freedom not to.  I'd hate to have
    "groupthink" or "jumping on the bandwagon" force people who either
    could not give, or did not wish to give, to respond with offers
    comparable to others so they would not feel left out, or thought less
    of by the community.
    The same goes with those who wish to attend, and those who do not.
    Freedom and peace,
828.36(*8GWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Tue Oct 09 1990 13:593
    I *think* I can make it to Massachusetts that weekend!
    E Grace
828.37I also want to provideAKOV12::VELAZQUEZTue Oct 09 1990 15:2712
    I am new to the womannotes, but I will be willing to host any
    travelers for the party.  I have a 9 1/2 room colonial house,
    maybe be able to spare two-three bedrooms for whoever wants it.
    I am also good with fundraising activites, ei car wash, bake sale,
    I hope I can be of help!!!
    New comer
828.38GWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Tue Oct 09 1990 16:536
    >>                                                                 We
    >>who can not or will not pretend to be fully feminist and Politically
    >>Correct for even the duration of a gala gathering don't belong there.
                                                        ^^^'^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^
    Sez who?    
828.39also Horsefeathers!WMOIS::B_REINKEWe won't play your silly gameTue Oct 09 1990 16:575
    in re .39
    what she said
828.40DSSDEV::KRISTYI came... I saw... I hugged!Tue Oct 09 1990 17:072
    by then, I should have a little bit of room on my living room floor for
    weary travellers (in Nashua).  
828.41SANDS::MAXHAMSnort when you laugh!Tue Oct 09 1990 18:545

I hope you'll reconsider and join in on the festivities.

828.42SKYLRK::OLSONPartner in the Almaden Train Wreck!Tue Oct 09 1990 19:0513
    indeed, eagles...who else will tell us the story of the trashnoter
    phenomenon, and the subsequent vote, from the perspective of having
    been the roommate of one so closely involved?  who else could claim to
    be the most enigmatic womannoter of the archives, because so few
    eagle-prints remain in the archives?  for better or for worse, you've
    been here for years and you're just as much a part of this clan as any
    other among us.  Some of us might moan about 'eagle pellets' and others
    might appreciate the rare bright and beautiful 'feather' we carefully
    collected before it joined the rest of your notes in the wisps of our
    memories, for that alone is where they now rest.  Have a five-year =wn=
    party without eagles?  I hope not.  
828.43The secret of silenceREGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Tue Oct 09 1990 19:526
    Just smile, nod, and be enigmatic.  You will be thought charming
    and wise.
    						Ann B.
828.44Pleeezzze? ComeOnComeOnComeOn..Ya gotta come!GWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Tue Oct 09 1990 19:5522
    >  ... practice being socially inept and you get really good at it !!!
    	That's okay, Eagles.  That just means you're just like most of the 
    	rest of humanity!
    	Either that, or you and I are really just two Gooney Birds!  (*8
    >It always seems easier to just wait and read the reviews after parties!
    	Well, *I* could say that about my acting, too, but it's just not
    	the same as being there.
    >>~--?--~  once eagles flew to social gatherings where now we flee from
    >>         since it's better 2 B thought a fool than 2 remove all doubt
    	Aw, heck.  Let it all hang out!  I always figured that once people
    knew I was a fool, they would stop expecting me *not* to be.
    E Grace
828.45MILKWY::JLUDGATEpurple horseshoesTue Oct 09 1990 20:128
    You're giving away my secrets!
    Now I have to think of other ways to be 'charming'....
828.46WRKSYS::STHILAIREFood, Shelter & DiamondsTue Oct 09 1990 20:187
    re Eagles, I think you should come to the 5th anniversary party and I
    think we should get your former roommate to come, too. :-)  I wonder
    how many womannoters would donate 5 bucks to fly him out here.  I
828.47WMOIS::B_REINKEWe won't play your silly gameTue Oct 09 1990 22:5010
    I'd like to have all those who have played a role in the =wn= file
    history show up at the 5th anniversary party. I'd also like to
    have as many read onlies come as are willing.
    But, much as there were times that I did enjoy sending mail and
    talking to the eagle's ex roommate, I'm afraid Lorna that he's
    not a noter I'd want there. But that may be because he was a 
    rather prickly person to deal with as a moderator.
    Bonnie the noter, not the mod
828.48CSC32::M_VALENZANote while you spawn.Wed Oct 10 1990 00:035
    I have received approval to take that week off.  So, barring unforseen
    circumstances (like, for example, I chicken out), I should be able to
    make it to the party.
    -- Mike
828.49RUBY::BOYAJIANDanger! Do Not Reverse Polarity!Wed Oct 10 1990 00:504
    I just hope that that weekend isn't the one during which I will
    be in Minneapolis for a convention.
    --- jerry
828.50well...LEZAH::BOBBITTCOUS: Coincidences of Unusual SizeWed Oct 10 1990 00:544
    I'll send on the request to jym.....
828.51or was that someone jumping up and down ? :-)SA1794::CHARBONNDscorn to trade my placeWed Oct 10 1990 09:251
    re .51 I just felt a trembling in The Force
828.52It's a celebration!CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, indeed...Wed Oct 10 1990 16:4315
    	Let's not get carried away about what's going to happen at the
    	anniversary party.
    	I plan to go - for only one reason:  I want to help celebrate the
    	love that makes this community so special to so many of us.
    	If anyone has any bones to pick with me (about Womannotes) during
    	the party - they can send me mail when I get home.
    	This will be a happy time - and I'm bringing my party mood (and
    	leaving all other thoughts in Colorado!)
    	Can't wait to meet those of you who will be there!!!
828.53GLITER::STHILAIREFood, Shelter & DiamondsWed Oct 10 1990 17:3817
    re Eagles, don't be silly.  A person can't get much more anti-NRA
    than I am, and you've never scared me yet.  But, if you don't
    want to show up, don't!  I think you just want tons of people
    to beg you to go! :-)
    re 56, Phil, I don't know how you can form an opinion as to
    whether you'd want to attend or not if you haven't met any
    other noters yet.  People are often very different in person
    than they are in notes.  You might think you wouldn't want
    to associate with a person based on their notes but then
    find that, in person, you like them.  (or vice versa)
    re Suzanne, I'm looking forward to meeting you after reading
    your notes all these years.
828.54GLITER::STHILAIREFood, Shelter & DiamondsWed Oct 10 1990 17:5010
    re .60, oh, I'm very sorry.  I apologize, Herb.  I hope you'll accept
    my apology.  I didn't do it on purpose.  
    P.S.  That's what happens when I take quick note breaks
    while working.  I don't really have the time to do it right.
828.55In the same room with so many wonderful people - can't wait!CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, indeed...Wed Oct 10 1990 19:015
    	RE: .59  Lorna
    	Looking forward to meeting you, too!
828.56so many women, so little timeCOGITO::SULLIVANSinging for our livesWed Oct 10 1990 20:297
    I'm looking forward to meeting lots of women -- both writers and
    readers, past and present!
    I think summer camp is wasted on the young.
828.57WMOIS::B_REINKEWe won't play your silly gameWed Oct 10 1990 22:395
    you echo my thoughts !
828.58Interest in some FWO activities for the party?COGITO::SULLIVANSister of SapphoThu Oct 11 1990 17:5819
    I'm interested in scheduling some FWO events during the weekend
    celebration.  Some ideas I've heard are:
    a women's dance and/or coffeehouse (I can rent my friend's women's 
    a trip to the beach and shopping in Ogunquit, Maine
    Brunch somewhere (with strawberries and champagne -- didn't you get
                      enough of that for your birthday?)
    A Tour of the combat zone or some other political thing
    If you have other ideas, send mail to Carla Blazek (Ha, I volunteered
    you!) or me.  
828.59summer camp for womannoters! Yay!SPCTRM::RUSSELLThu Oct 11 1990 18:009
    Summer camp!!!   Ohhhhh! Can we build campfires and burn samores?
    And have an archery range?  And learn about little teeny creatures
    that leave footprints in the mud by the pond?

    And can we all bring flashlights, and canteens, and sleeping bags
    and tell ghost stories. And go skinny dipping late one night?
        -- Margaret  
828.60BLUMON::GUGELAdrenaline: my drug of choiceThu Oct 11 1990 18:229
    I'm not coming unless I can bring my bicycle.  Everyone who bikes,
    please bring yours along (Witt, you've just *got* to bring that fancy
    tandem of yours!).  I'll plan the bike ride - maps and everything (but
    sorry, I don't *do* arrows).  For our out-of-town guests (DougO), I'd
    look into renting bikes.  The ride can occur wherever we are, and
    alongside whatever other activities are planned.  Probable ride length
    25 to 30 miles.
828.61FWO slumber party - the closest thing to summer camp!RAVEN1::AAGESENsister of sapphoThu Oct 11 1990 18:317
    as long as it's not an FWO-potluck!
    <just kidding (-;>
828.62Don't answer that!REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Thu Oct 11 1990 18:390
828.63MEIS::TILLSONSister of SapphoThu Oct 11 1990 18:404
    re .70: now *there's* an idea ;-)
828.64SNOBRD::CONLIFFESupporter of the Sisters of SapphoThu Oct 11 1990 18:433
Might make the Womannotes Picture Album a best-seller... (-:

828.65Some place with a large hot tub would be good...BLUMON::WAYLAY::GORDONFriend of the Sisters of SapphoThu Oct 11 1990 18:557
	Those of you who would like to have an FGD orgy are welcome to make
suitable plans as well.

	(We could even try to have them on different nights so some members
wouldn't be forced to make a choice...)

828.66FORBDN::BLAZEKsister of sapphoThu Oct 11 1990 19:3018
    ooh, I _like_ the idea of summer camp!  telling ghost stories
    around a campfire and scaring ourselves silly, getting melted 
    marshmallows in our hair, watching for shooting stars, trying 
    to name different constellations, listening to owls, cooking 
    out over an open fire, drinking lemonade out of canteens,
    drinking champagne right out of the bottle (we're adults now,
    right?), waking to a bright sunrise and fresh air snuggled in
    a sleeping bag ...
    my idea is to have a FWO evening beach picnic with a bonfire,
    or a brunch (I have offered to supply champagne and fresh
    strawberries, unless I feed them all to Justine beforehand).
    what's the combat zone?
828.67GWYNED::YUKONSECFriend of SapphoThu Oct 11 1990 19:334
I was wondering if there might be the possibility of having some event be
alcohol-free.  That way we could *really* get to know one another!

E Grace
828.68This is going to sound REALLY good in March!CUPCSG::DUNNEThu Oct 11 1990 19:427
    Summer camp does sound fantastic! And knowing =wn=, there will be
    something enjoyable for everyone. I wouldn't miss it. I always
    thought that what was wrong with =wn= parties was they are two
    short. This way I will be able to talk to everyone I want to
    without rushing. I will definitely bring my bike.
828.69SKYLRK::OLSONPartner in the Almaden Train Wreck!Thu Oct 11 1990 19:588
    Ellen, was that "I'd" meaning, *you* will find out how we can do bike
    rentals, or *I* should?  But it sounds like a *great* idea, I'd love to
    do some riding while back there.
    Carla, if you're gonna melt marshmallows in your *hair* count me out!
    Other places, well, we'll talk. ;-)
828.70MILKWY::JLUDGATEpurple horseshoesThu Oct 11 1990 20:037
    DougO.....it all depends on how Carla intends to melt those
    marshmallows in her hair.  if this is to be a group activity,
    things could get pretty sticky (but i think it could still be
    fun).  of course, she could choose to restrict this to the
    FWO campfire, in which case i'll just have to be jealous.
828.71maybe...if...well, more thinks needed, methinks.SKYLRK::OLSONPartner in the Almaden Train Wreck!Thu Oct 11 1990 20:137
    jonathan, melted marshmallows are guaranteed sticky, no question about
    it.  I would wonder how much fun it could be (when I like sticky fun, I
    prefer honey or chocolate) because marshmallows just...well...don't do
    it for me.  Maybe I haven't got enough imagination ;-).  I must admit
    I've never gotten much chocolate in my hair either.  Hmmmm....
828.72HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedThu Oct 11 1990 20:294
    If only I can get there!  It all sounds like so much (dare I say
    it?) "FUN!"  The ideas so far sound fabulous!
828.73FORBDN::BLAZEKsister of sapphoThu Oct 11 1990 20:3410
    DougO, you have such gorgeous hair ... I bet marshmallows and 
    chocolate and graham cracker crumbs would be complimentary to 
    your flowing, blonde tresses.
    and haven't you ever tried warmed marshmallow creme?  better
    than honey ...
828.74under the boardwalkTINCUP::KOLBEThe dilettante debutanteThu Oct 11 1990 20:406
    This is going to be worse than waitng all summer for the conclusion to
    the ST:TNG cliff hanger. I should be worked up to a frenzy of excitment
    by the time June rolls around.

    I like the evening beach party idea. But I will NOT go swimming - I saw
    Jaws. liesl
828.75SKYLRK::OLSONPartner in the Almaden Train Wreck!Thu Oct 11 1990 23:305
    I'm starting to feel like the featured dessert at Max's or something.
    Thanks, Carla, you're very kind to help my imagination out ;-)!  Liesl,
    frenzied is good sometimes.
828.76SA1794::CHARBONNDscorn to trade my placeFri Oct 12 1990 09:381
    re.76 In vino veritas :-)
828.77LEZAH::BOBBITTCOUS: Coincidences of Unusual SizeFri Oct 12 1990 11:3714
    re: .74...(I think it was .74)....
    (in my best Bull Durham/Susan Sarandon voice)..."---oh my....."
    and of course, there's nothing nicer around the camnpfire than s'mores,
    singing, tiptoeing along the surf in the moonlight, and *trading
828.78WMOIS::B_REINKEWe won't play your silly gameFri Oct 12 1990 11:456
    E Grace
    I've noticed that even the =wn= parties where alcohol is brought
    the drinking is extremely moderate.
828.79Is this an IV party?YUPPY::DAVIESAFull-time AmazonFri Oct 12 1990 11:4615
    Re -1
    "- Jody
     - Jody "
    "So good that they named it twice", huh? ;-)
    Btw, is this party an Inner Visions one?
    Optional Visions?
    Or anything so long as you can still give/receive a backrub within the
    bounds of decency? (Or not, depending.....)
828.80BLUMON::GUGELAdrenaline: my drug of choiceFri Oct 12 1990 13:086
    re DougO:
    I meant that I'll look into the bike rentals when the time comes.
    And I'll arrange to rent them, if people like, but I'd need info
    from you (bike size, road bike/mtn bike, etc.)
828.81Camping camp??RAMOTH::DRISKELLI want you to be independant and available...Fri Oct 12 1990 13:3710

Is this 'summer camp"  going to be real 'camping'?  If so,  I have 
*tons* of camping stuff.. (trust me!  I gotta carry it all up a flight
of stairs to pack.  Several tons,  at least!   8-}  )

I'd be more than willing to bring & allow group usage of it. Including tenting
space for ten.. (or more,, depending on how cozy it gets!)

828.82CSC32::M_VALENZAI noted at Woodstock.Fri Oct 12 1990 13:575
    I'm confused.  I thought that all of this talk about camping was in
    response to Justine Sullivan's request for ideas on FWO activities.  So
    is DougO being invited to a FWO camp outing as an honorary woman?

    -- Mike
828.83CSC32::M_VALENZAI noted at Woodstock.Fri Oct 12 1990 14:2014
    Actually, I would like to suggest that the FWO schedule *not* be
    planned in secret, but should instead get a topic of its own.  My
    reason for proposing this is not voyeurism, but the FWO activities will
    impact the activities for both sexes.  For example, it sounds like the
    FWO crowd is planning a lot of fun things; there is a possibility that
    all the really interesting events will be FWO.  What if these are
    scheduled at the same time as the activities for both sexes?  This
    could, as a result, mean that all the women will decide to attend the
    FWO activities, and then would have a Womannotes party with nothing but
    men.  Aside from the ironic nature of such an outcome, the result for
    me would be that I would not meet a lot of the famous female

    -- Mike
828.84I know a place to camp outCSG001::PWHITEJust lookin' for a homeFri Oct 12 1990 14:269
    I know of a private campground in central Massachusetts, which
    has flush toilets, a pond for swimming, a large field for
    tenting and bonfires, picnic tables, and outdoor electricity.  
    If we get serious about camping, I can inquire whether it is 
    available for that week-end.  There would be a small per-person 
828.85LEZAH::BOBBITTCOUS: Coincidences of Unusual SizeFri Oct 12 1990 14:498
    There will be at least an FWO and an FGD thang planned for any
    particular point in time, even if either one consists of just "hanging
    out and sharing" somewhere and relaxing with cool folks.  
    This is for all the womannoters....that's the idea....
828.86CSC32::M_VALENZAI noted at Woodstock.Fri Oct 12 1990 15:004
    So Jody, what if all the women decide to hang out at the FWO event? 
    Doesn't that make the FGD event really a FMO event?
    -- Mike
828.87one way to schedule stuffSA1794::CHARBONNDscorn to trade my placeFri Oct 12 1990 15:152
    It could be done as a multi-day thing with the first day for
    FWO events and the next for FGD stuff
828.88never usedTLE::RANDALLliving on another planetFri Oct 12 1990 15:2214
    Well, my life is such that I'll probably only be able to make it
    to one event, and to maximize the number of people I'd see, I'd
    probably choose the FGD event.  
    I think we should plan all the activities jointly, so that there's
    a good variety of things for everyone, out of town as well as
    local, to do.  
    I'd love an FGD bike ride.  Might even be able to persuade spouse
    to come. 
    Camping sounds like fun, too.  I've got a large tent.
828.89BTWBLUMON::GUGELAdrenaline: my drug of choiceFri Oct 12 1990 15:271
    My idea when I mentioned biking was to include everyone.
828.90FORBDN::BLAZEKwindswept is the tideFri Oct 12 1990 16:0510
    the =wn= community is large enough to withstand both FWO and FGD
    events.  those of us who are planning FWO events, such as summer
    camp =8-), will want to interact with the community as a whole, 
    also.  the beautiful thing about having an entire weekend for a
    party, or multiple gatherings, is being able to diversify in our
    wants and needs.
828.91SKYLRK::OLSONPartner in the Almaden Train Wreck!Fri Oct 12 1990 17:0117
    yes, Carla's got it.  Mike, I don't know how you got the impression 
    that I was being invited to FWO; I couldn't in good conscience even
    entertain such an invitation, believing as I do that FWO space is
    valuable; the society which shapes us all has inbuilt restrictions on
    the communications models used between men and women, and when women
    use FWO space to attempt to escape those restrictive interactions, any
    male presence would inhibit it again.  I don't need to be included in
    everything this community does over a four-day event to feel a part of
    the community.
    Though since we're still in planning stages, while I recognize that
    camping is a wonderful opportunity for FWO space; if its not
    logistically impossible, camping is also wonderful for community
    retreats.  Perhaps two camping areas, or one that starts out FWO for a
    day or two then opens up to the rest of the community, might be options.
828.92please, I want it allTINCUP::KOLBEThe dilettante debutanteFri Oct 12 1990 17:087
    Just in case anyone is taking votes. I only like the idea of camping
    out for one night. I'm basically a bed and indoor toilets person unless
    it involves my horse and the trail. But one night of FWO campout and
    slumber party sounds great. I also want to attend mostly FGD groups.

    And E Grace, I rarely drink, though people often think I have, so you
    can always talk to me and get both experiences. :*) liesl
828.93FORBDN::BLAZEKwindswept is the tideFri Oct 12 1990 17:157
    Liesl, if you're at the FWO campout I definitely won't have to
    worry about taking my contact lenses out for sleep.  not with 
    your laughter.  =8-)  =8-)  =8-)
828.94CSC32::M_VALENZAI noted at Woodstock.Fri Oct 12 1990 17:4810
    So Doug, you mean you *aren't* an honorary woman after all?  :-)
    Actually, my concern isn't with not being included in *everything*.  I
    don't have that need.  But I was concerned about being excluded from
    virtually everything.  Why spend the bucks to fly out there if most of
    the community is going to be spending the entire weekend doing things
    that I'm not allowed to particpate in?  I can stay home and read a book
    -- Mike
828.95It's a celebration!CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, indeed...Fri Oct 12 1990 17:503
    	Mike, I'm sure there will be plenty to do for everyone!!
828.96FWO events during the anniversaryFIVE9::haynesCharles HaynesFri Oct 12 1990 18:0313
Hey, I'll admit it, I expect that I will miss seeing some of my favorite
noters at some events because they'll chose to be at a conflicting FWO
event at the same time, but that's not a reflection on ME. Sure, I'm just
childish enough to pout a little, but I'll get over it. I'm CERTAIN that there
will be plenty for me to do and see and people to meet. Hey - we might even
have a FMO for feminist men and talking about being a feminist man in a
sexist society. I'm sure that as a man and a feminist I have a lot in common
with other feminist men that neither non-feminists not non-men [:-)] would
share. It would be wonderful to create "man-space" that was also feminist!


	-- Charles
828.97now wher'd them Advils get to?HEFTY::CHARBONNDscorn to trade my placeFri Oct 12 1990 18:084
    re .107 Charles, your last three sentences just gave me a pounding
    headache. You owe me a beer at the party :-)

    Dana (who will attend)
828.98EDIT::DUNNEFri Oct 12 1990 19:503
    Groups for feminist men! Way to go, Charles!
828.99Gee...I'm just a little bit EXCITED!BSS::VANFLEETNoting in tonguesFri Oct 12 1990 20:3612
    This sounds so good!
    I can't wait!!
    ...maybe I will have moved out there by then and won't have to pop for
    plane tickets...otherwise, Barb, plan on flying into Denver, I'll meet
    you there and we can fly out together!  Liesl and Mike V -  want to
    join us?
828.100CSC32::M_VALENZAI noted at Woodstock.Fri Oct 12 1990 21:051
    Sounds like fun, Nanci.  :-)
828.101yUSCTR2::DONOVANSat Oct 13 1990 05:297
    regarding FMO:
    I don't think I will be attending any FWO activities. May I hang out
    with you guys while they're going on? I'll be bringing my 12 speed and
    I can hold my own at horseshoes. 
828.102LEZAH::BOBBITTCOUS: Coincidences of Unusual SizeSat Oct 13 1990 11:1911
    As with feminism, humanism, and equalism or whatever the whole thing is
    about CHOICE.  people will do what they want to DO.  Freely and
    comfortably.  People will choose to be with the people they feel most
    comfortable being with, and people will choose to do the things that
    make them happiest.  I am anticipating a weekend that is as supportive,
    friendly, connecting, and stress-free as humanly possible.  
    The weekend is not something to fear, but something to rejoice in...
828.103CSC32::M_VALENZANote instead of eating.Sat Oct 13 1990 13:445
    Kate, as far as I'm concerned, you are more than welcome to hang out
    with "us guys".  Maybe you can teach me a thing or two about horseshoes
    while you're at it.  :-)
    -- Mike
828.104ULTRA::WITTENBERGSecure Systems for Insecure PeopleSat Oct 13 1990 14:115
    We'll bring  our tandem bike, and I can probably loan at least one
    and  maybe  more  other bikes for people who can't bring theirs. I
    don't have any spare helmets, so please bring your own.

828.105Ah Kin Hardly Wait!HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedMon Oct 15 1990 20:466
    RE: Nanci-
    I'd LOVE to meet you in Denver, Nanci!  Assuming that I can somehow
    arrange to attend, you're on!
828.106It's entirely up to you...YUPPY::DAVIESAFull-time AmazonTue Oct 16 1990 07:498
     Re .116
    So eagles - you've taken your personal decision not to attend.
    Hope you have a good time wherever you are.
828.107MOMCAT::CADSE::GLIDEWELLWow! It's The Abyss!Sat Oct 20 1990 01:2821
>    .66 Justine
>    a women's dance and/or coffeehouse 
>    (I can rent my friend's women's bookstore)

Hey Kids!  My friend has a barn [coffeehouse]. 
Let's put on a Show!

    The WomanNotes, Volume 3, Fifth Anniversary, 
    Talent and Conviviality Event.

This file has a bundle of singers [Justine], writers, poets, dancers,
jugglers, and lo, comics.  So let's get a space and give everyone 
who likes five minutes to do their thing. And for those who don't
currently have a "thing," they can arrange duos, trios, and *ets
to sing.  People can read their favorite note from any Volume, 
perhaps even finding muscians to score the note for them.

If we should decide to do this, I will help organize the program.

Good Evening, Folks,
I-just-flew-in-from-the-Mill-and-are-my-arms-tired   Meigs
828.108strings r usDECWET::JWHITEsappho groupieMon Oct 22 1990 15:405
    assuming i'm there (too far in the future to be definite anymore ;^)
    i volunteer to do any violin-ing or viola-ing (if someone can lend me
    an instrument) needed.
828.109Assembling a trio...BSS::VANFLEETIt's only life after allMon Oct 22 1990 17:027
    I have a song that I've been thinking about that would be perfect for
    the party.  The trouble is that it's written in three parts and I'm
    talented but I'm not _that_ talented!  ;-)  I need a second alto and a
    first tenor and a pianist.  Sheet music and tapes can be provided on
    request.  Any takers?
828.110What's to celebrate? Greater civility and understanding?CSSE32::M_DAVISMarge Davis HallyburtonTue Oct 23 1990 03:035
    I'll pass.
    checking out,
828.111GNUVAX::QUIRIYNote with the sisters of SapphoTue Oct 23 1990 19:167
    What's to celebrate?  The "good times": the great people you've met,
    the support you've received, the fun times you've had that were, in 
    any way, connected to this forum.
828.112It's a celebration, alright!!CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, you bet.Tue Oct 23 1990 19:3214
    	RE: .123  CQ
    	> What's to celebrate?  The "good times"...
    	You bet!!!  
    	Most families have their ups and downs - happy, laughing times
    	along with times when tempers flare - and visits from "interesting"
    	relatives/friends at times.
    	The good times make it all worth it, though - WELL worth a 5 year
    	anniversary celebration!
828.113Womannotes CoffeeHouseCOGITO::SULLIVANSinging for our livesFri Nov 09 1990 16:4019
    Lots of folks in this file have mentioned that they have talent.
    I think we should have a Womannotes variety/talent show on
    Saturday night or Sunday afternoon of the anniversary weekend.
    I would be willing to help organize this, and we could use my sound
    equipment.  I would like some help with getting a place to have the
    show and recruiting talent.  Folks could sing, tell jokes, put on
    skits, juggle, do dramatic readings.  Maybe we could have an exhibit of
    peoples' crafts and artwork, poetry, etc., too.
    Send me mail if you think you'd like to help organize and/or perform
    in this.  We can talk together about when during the weekend to have
    Let's start planning some activities for this 5th anniversary party!
828.114can we get Sandy to come?SKYLRK::OLSONPartner in the Almaden Train Wreck!Mon Nov 19 1990 22:565
    Event suggestion: picnic at the Strawberry Festival at Nashoba Winery
    saturday the 22nd of June. (Thanks, Jody, for the schedule in 71.26.)
    May make an excellent group outing to the orchards...
828.115<*** Moderator Response ***>MOMCAT::TARBETbut Mary's more than able!Tue Nov 20 1990 23:3312
    As one of our other members --I'd like to give credit, but that might
    be misconstrued-- very correctly pointed out, the end result of this
    fundraising will be financially beneficial to individuals receiving the
    travel subsidy, which may place our fundraising efforts in technical
    violation of DEC policy.  I don't think it is a violation, in part
    because the whole thing is *ENTIRELY* voluntary and there are a number
    of safeguards being built in, but I'm going to trot it by our personnel
    manager next monday just to be quite sure.  If it somehow does turn out
    to be a violation, all monies will be refunded and we'll figure out a
    different way to do all this.
828.116Count me in -- I *love* birthday parties :-)NEMAIL::KALIKOWDAy CISCo, Let's went! Too RISCo!!Thu Nov 29 1990 11:4254
I sure plan to be there for as much as I can...  Wotta great idea!!

Event suggestion --

Since the =wn= party seems to straddle the 6/21 Solstice, I'll probably be  
hoping to head off to Mt. Wachusett to enjoy the sunset on the longest day.  I  
'usually' try to go on the day nearest the Solstice that meets the following  
criteria --

    * Clear weather, or at least the prospect of seeing horizon events       
      with some interesting clouds to catch the light

    * Full moonrise (this is a luck-of-the-draw thing, 1 in 30ish chance of it 
      hitting on the actual solstice, sorry not in '91)

    * I'm not crazy-busy and unable to take the time away from the        
      evening (Mt. Wachusett is about an hour's drive away from my office or 

(Well really the last time I actually *did* this was about 3 years ago, but at  
least I THINK of it every year...  :-)

FYI, Mt. Wachusett is a Mass. state park about 10 miles west of route 495, and 
as I recall, the entrance is off route 31 in Princeton...  There's an auto-road 
to the summit for softies like me, and hiking trails for the hearty; "on a 
clear day(, la la :-)" the view extends to the Berkshires to the west, and to 
Boston and the sea to the east.

Next June 21st, weather permitting, might be a good evening to stick a picnic  
dinner in the cooler and repair to the mountaintop for the sunset.  There won't 
be a near-simultaneous opposite-from-the-sunset full-moonrise that evening -- 
my "Sky & Telescope" almanac sez that the moon will already be up and be about 
3/4 full, to set an hour or so after midnight -- but to compensate, Venus, 
Mars, and Jupiter will be fairly closely-clustered and will set more or less 
together at around 10PM, by which time all the chocolate-chip cookies should be 
exhausted and/or we should have long since been ejected from the mountaintop by 
the park rangers...  I think they close about an hour after sunset, but they 
may well be more lenient on the Solstice(s? but who would be crazy enough for 
December?? :-)...

Anyhoo FWIW it might be a good place to enjoy some good conversations, and a 
special summer evening...

I love watching sunsets, sunrises, clouds, etc. -- it brings out something 
atavistic in me...  I really can empathize with the notion of the Sun 
God(dess), as I watch hir pass across the earth's edge...  I used to take scads 
of time-lapse movies of sunrises and sunsets on Cape Cod so I guess I qualify 
as a Sun Worshiper...

So, along with others in the =wn= world I join in proposing one of MY fave 
activities for the =wn=<Vth>= party, in hopes that others might resonate to the 

Cheers, Dan
828.118Low theatre anyone?VIA::HEFFERNANJuggling FoolWed Dec 05 1990 18:2114
I'd be willing to toss a few objects into the air.

Also, does anyone want to get some skits together or maybe do some
improv?  Send me mail if you do, I'll try to get a list together...

I'm sure we could poke some good-natured fun at at file or even better
at the moderators.



828.119CSC32::CONLONWoman of NoteThu Dec 06 1990 21:1117
    	Question on travel plans:

    		My car busted completely last week, so I'm having many
    	   urgent repairs done on it as we speak - but it appears that
    	   it's going to be in the best driving shape in a long while
    	   once this work is finished.

    		So, I'm thinking about driving out to the east for the
    	   party next June.  My son wants to come with me, so it would
    	   be nice to make it a driving trip - he doesn't recall ever
    	   seeing anything east of Colorado (all his previous travels
    	   east and to Europe occurred when he was an infant,) so I
    	   thought it might be a fun experience for both of us.

    		Our accommodations in MA are set, so I'm just looking
    	   for info on how long it might take (2000 miles?) - and any
    	   advice on routes and anything else I might not have considered.
828.120RUBY::BOYAJIANOne of the Happy GenerationsFri Dec 07 1990 08:1010
    How long it might take?  Well, that depends... If I was driving,
    it'd be about 30 hours, straight. :-)
    Unfortunately, I won't be at the party. As I feared, that weekend
    is the same weekend that I'll be out of town.
    --- jerry
828.121SONATA::ERVINRoots &amp; Wings...Fri Dec 07 1990 13:1825
    Re: .132
           >>I'm just looking
    	   >>for info on how long it might take (2000 miles?) - and any
    	   >>advice on routes and anything else I might not have considered.
    Well, according to my mileage/time chart, driving from Denver to Boston
    is estimated at 39 hours.  This estimate is based on driving the posted
    speed limits and excluding stops.
    A couple of years ago I drove from Boston to Chicago in 18 hours
    including stops.  My chart says that it takes 19.5 hours without stops. 
    So you could probably get to Boston in less than 39 hours including
    If you want, I have an AAA membership which entitles me to request trip
    tiks where they map out the best route from point A to point B.  If you
    want, I'll call up and request one if you are not a member of AAA.
    Just let me know.  Send mail or call DTN: 276-8470.
828.122FRAGLE::WASKOMTue Dec 11 1990 20:1112
    Suzanne -
    I've done the trip.  It is wonderful.  It is about 18 hours to Chicago,
    which I do in a day and a half by taking I-80 across Nebraska.  Chicago
    to Boston is another "day and a half".  I recommend taking I-90, which
    is the Indiana turnpike, Ohio turnpike, New York State Thruway, Mass 
    Turnpike.  I generally stop on the far side of Cleveland, which makes
    the New york day a long one.
    Hope this helps.
828.123Also, sorry we won't be seeing you at the party, Jerry B...CSC32::CONLONWoman of NoteTue Dec 11 1990 23:1411
    	Thanks Laura and Allison (and everyone who sent me info thru
    	I do have an AAA membership (I'd forgotten they give out road
    	travel info, it's been so long since I've driven across a
    	state line) - so I'll get it here.
    	Also, I do hope to go through Chicago on the way out (if I
    	drive.)  Depnds on a few other factors - so we'll see.
    	Thanks again!
828.124Maybe me and a mystery guestSCARGO::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Wed Dec 19 1990 18:3418
    Ok, everyone, the party starts 6 months from tomorrow. I may be able to
    attend in Massachusetts. I will be bringing or rather be brought by a
    person who is a known noter. Just not in WOMANNOTES. Dejavu is where I
    see most of her notes. I ran into her yesterday and mentioned the party
    and she thought it sounded great. I said yes but I didn't drive and
    probably couldn't make it. Well we have to coordinate it all, but she
    offered transportation. I'll buy dinner and gas and whatever else is
    required so we may make it. 
    Anyway, I was wondering if there was any kind of schedule starting to
    form around tentative times and locations for FWO and general
    membership events. I don't want to get stranded there and I do want her
    to have an oppurtunity to partake of FWO events, if she so desires and
    not feel an obligation to cart me around. She is a mystery guest at
    present. If every thing clicks and we end up at the party, I'll reveal
    her name at a future date.
828.125In light of last Fri evening's experience...NEMAIL::KALIKOWDLibR8 Q8Thu Jan 31 1991 13:5910
    The party for Carla was *great* but was (imho:-) hampered by our being
    stuck in a too-small-for-us-all corner of the Scupper.  Talking-head
    TV's and passing-thru waitrons didn't help, either...  
    So -- it's been awhile since I read thru this recently-dormant string
    and I *do* remember mention of a/some part(y/ies) in private homes, but
    I'm hoping that for many if not most of the publicly-sited, non-outdoor
    events of this long-anticipated and sure-to-be dynamite blowout, we'll
                          (-: Get A Room (tm) :-)
828.126TINCUP::KOLBEThe dilettante divorceeMon Mar 11 1991 20:562
Just to get the ball rolling again...I got my tickets!!!! $218 round trip from
Denver. Arriving on the 20 of June and leaving on the 24th. Lets party!! liesl
828.127SX4GTO::OLSONDoug Olson, ISVG West, UCS1-4Mon Mar 11 1991 21:568
    Argh!  I've been checking for two months and the promotions for travel
    SF-Boston or SJ-Boston are still over $500.  That's the 14-day fare so
    it won't hurt to wiat...travel agent keep saying, lets check in a few
    Well, good to know you're ticketed, Liesl...
828.128AKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Tue Mar 12 1991 09:048
    Got it 4:30 the 20th...I'll be at Logan...make your reservations...I
    will get a van and we can have a real great party in the midst of
    the Boston traffic!
    Can't wait liesl...Clinton is a little different then Boston but you
    will love it!
828.129I have my tickets...FMNIST::olsonDoug Olson, ISVG West, UCS1-4Tue Mar 19 1991 00:406
The latest round of price reductions brought the round trip airfare under $400
so I'm inbound...

hmmm.  Where's the hospitality committee's list of avaliable floorspace ;-)?

828.130AKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Tue Mar 19 1991 09:157
    liesl and I will take real good care of you Doug!  ;-)
    The party is shaping up!
    It's marked on my calendar!
828.131I have plenty of space....WAYLAY::GORDONLand of the Bottom LineTue Mar 19 1991 11:564
	Hell, I have real beds to offer...  And the person(s) who take the
sofabed downstairs get their own bathroom... ;-)

828.132CSC32::DUBOISThe early bird gets wormsTue Mar 19 1991 22:178
Even at $200, I cannot afford to pay my way out there.  Is there still going
to be an effort (now, with Maggie gone) to fundraise some of us out there?  
I imagine that the folks from other countries will be first priority, but
I can always hope there will be enough money for this Colorado noter, too.

Also, since MOMCAT is no longer, where do we send mail about the party?

828.133Happy, Happy, Happy News!!!!CSC32::DUBOISThe early bird gets wormsFri Mar 22 1991 19:4714
Due to the outstanding generosity of Mr. Charles Haynes, it looks like
not only will *I* be able to come to the Womannotes anniversary celebration, 
but so will Shellie and Evan!!!!!

Let's hear it for Charles!!!!!!!

We will be flying out to arrive on Wednesday night, June 19, and leaving 
Monday morning.  If anyone wants to offer us a place to stay, has the time to
help us with transportation to/from the airport, or can help us with
transportation to all of the wonderful =wn= activities, please send me EMAIL! 

Ohmygosh, I can't *believe* this!  I am *so* happy!!!  *Thank* you, Charles!

828.134GAZERS::NOONANhuggestive solicitation mandatoryFri Mar 22 1991 20:003
    Yes, thank you Charles!
    E Grace
828.135RAVEN1::AAGESENto each their royal surfaceFri Mar 22 1991 23:105
    **thank you*, charles!!!!!!!
    this is going to be a weekend to remember! (-:
828.136Only 12 weeks to go!AKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Mon Mar 25 1991 14:4514
    I have volunteered to coordinate the activities of the Fifth
    Anniversary weekend.  It is less than 12 weeks away and we need
    to begin yesterday.
    I am creating a note that will accumulate info on prospective 
    attendees.  Please respond if you plan to be involved in any
    way with the weekend.
    If you have any ideas about the party I would suggest you send
    me mail for the time being.  I am a little worried about volumes
    in this conference....  If you would like to work on the planning
    with me let me know your availablity, etc.
828.137A ProposalAKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Tue Mar 26 1991 15:2817
    I am putting in a schedule to explore...send me mail if you have
    any ideas.
       DATE           ACTIVITY            LOCATION           COST
    Friday Afternoon  Museum of Fine Arts Boston             Free to DEC
    Friday Evening    Grand Party         GMA                Potluck
    Saturday Day      Hike                Mt.Monadnock       Free
                      Bike Ride           Mt.Monadnock area  Free
    Saturday Eve      Chinese Buffet      Leominster         $10.00
    Saturday Evening  Special Interests   TBA                ?
    Sunday Morn       Brunch              Boston             $7.00-$15.00
    Sunday Afternoon  Boston sights       Boston             Free to $25.00
    Sunday Evening    Harbor Cruise       Boston             $20.00
    Monday Morn       Goodbye Breakfast   ?                  
    Monday Noon       Goodbye Lunch       Maynard, Mill      $4.00
    Monday Eve        Goodbye Supper      Bertucci's ?       $10.00
828.138can't wait!TLE::DBANG::carrollget used to it!Tue Mar 26 1991 17:415
No FWO events???

Some ideas percolating, I'll send you mail later (when I get time).

828.139Join the Planning CommitteeAKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Wed Mar 27 1991 15:554
    If you are interested in helping plan this gala event please send
    me mail.  
828.140BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanFri Mar 29 1991 17:106
I would love to come to the party too but due to limited funds I can't
afford a plane ticket.  If I can get my manager to sign off on a class 
at the appropriate time I'll come.  Otherwise I'm afraid I'm going to 
have to miss this one.  :-(

828.141Did someone say party???VINO::LANGELOHooray for the Gay,Lesbian &amp; Bisexual 90's!!!Fri Mar 29 1991 22:259
    I will be present and accounted for! No accommodations necessary. 
    I have space in my house: a single twin bed, two sofas (one is falling
    apart and has the imprint of my family members' behinds on it so it
    could be dangerous sleeping on it) and floor space. I also have a ping
    pong table but I won't recommend sleeping on it :-) Oh yes, I have 2
828.142News...BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanThu Apr 04 1991 18:4515
    Due to the incredible generosity of Bob Leigh.....
    I'll be there!!!!!  :-)  :-)  :-)
    Bob - I feel like I have a fairy godfather!  :-)
    I'm working on plane reservations now!  
828.143NOATAK::BLAZEKtripping the light fantasticWed Apr 17 1991 19:0818
	I've been solicited by the Powers That Be to provide an
	official Carla Blazek Countdown to the big party.  For 
	those unfamiliar with my countdown methodology, I do not 
	count weekends, holidays, nor any non-work days, as they 
	are classified as Fun Days we do not necessarily want to 
	glide over.  I also do not count today, nor the day of 
	the event.

	My mother claims I'm the only person she knows who can
	have a vacation 6 months in the future be only 6 days

	Real Days Until The Party:  64
	CB Days Until The Party:    45


828.144Are the stars out tonight...?COGITO::SULLIVANSinging for our livesFri May 10 1991 14:2513
    For Friday (June 21), the night of the big bash, I'm organizing a
    little live entertainment - about an hour.  So far we've got plans for
    some music, standup comedy, juggling, poetry reading, and John Heffernan 
    has offered to put together a skit or 2.  What about you?  Do you have 
    some talent you'd like to share with the rest of us?  Would you like to 
    work on a skit with John (and, I hope, E Grace!)?  
    This is going to be friendly, safe, and, of course, lots of fun!!!  Send 
    me mail if you'd like to be part of this!  
828.145other party notesWMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesSun May 19 1991 17:303
    See also 744, 779, 804
828.14629 days to go realtime 20 DAYS CBTAKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Thu May 23 1991 09:537
    The activities for the Fifth Anniversary Celebration will be posted in
    this note *TODAY*.  The whole thing has come together beautifully and
    it looks like a great time will be had by all...
    If there are any last minute ideas now is the time to suggest them!
828.147*THE* FGD ScheduleAKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Thu May 23 1991 16:3926
DATE       EVENT                     WHERE         COST        ORGANIZER
Fri, Day   Museum of Fine Arts       Boston        $0 - ?      AKOV13::LAMOTTE

Fri, Eve   Grand Party               Maynard       $5 - ?      AKOV13::LAMOTTE

Fri, Eve   WNote Central	     TBA           $0          TBA
           Late Night Gathering

Sat, Day   Bike Ride		     GMA	   $0          FMNIST::olson  

Sat, Day   Hike                      Mt. Monad.    $2          LEZAH::QUIRIY

Sat, Eve   Dinner, Chopsticks        Leominster    $10 - $20   AKOV13::LAMOTTE

Sat, Eve   Fresh Ground Coffee..     Gardner       TBA         TBA

Sat        WNote Central             Leominster    Ask Mary    RAMOTH::DRISKELL

Sun, Day   Grand Brunch              Boston        $0	       AKOV13::LAMOTTE

Sun, Day   Freedom Trail Tour        Boston        $0 - ?      AKOV13::LAMOTTE

Sun, Day   WNote Central             Boston        $0          AKOV13::LAMOTTE
828.148NOATAK::BLAZEKwhite wing mercyThu May 23 1991 16:436
	Just for you, DougO!

	Real Days Until The Party:  28
	CB Days Until The Party:    19

828.149MoreAKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Thu May 23 1991 16:4820
    Durning the next 29 days we will be finalizing these activities...
    If you want to help let the organizer know by mail.
    Sign up procedures will be communicated soon.
    As always there are suggestions as to how this can be a fun time for
    all.  This event requires coordination, in some cases money, and time.
    Be courteous to the organizers and let them know if you are interested
    and if it is necessary to cancel do that as quickly as possible.
    Before entering any home be aware of the house rules, if they have not
    been posted ask.  Most homes are non-smoking, but there may be an area
    where you may enjoy a cigarette.  Other considerations will be
    addressed in mail to the folks that sign up.
    I hope first of all we all have a great time.  I also hope that the
    wonderful community that has developed in this conference will be
    noticed and that this gathering will be viewed as an outgrowth of what
    is so fondly called the DEC culture.
828.150FWO ScheduleTLE::TLE::D_CARROLLdyke about townThu May 23 1991 18:4620
    FWO activities for the 5th anniversary weekend.  
    	Saturday Morning: Dim Sum in Boston
			  10 AM - 1 PM

	Saturday Afternoon/Evening: open for suggestions
	Sunday Afternoon: Swim/Hot-tub/BBQ party in Stow
			  2 PM - ??

	Sunday Night:   Dancing at Campus/Man-Ray (a Lesbian bar in Cambridge)
			10 PM - 1 AM
			(Straight women are welcome at this event; but 
			obviously you probably won't enjoy it if you will
			feel uncomfortable around many Lesbians)

    Details of these events will be discussed by mail. If you are
    interested, please send me mail and I'll put you on the mailing list.
828.151ADDING A SOLSTICE CELEBRATIONAKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Thu May 23 1991 22:3028
DATE       EVENT                     WHERE         COST        ORGANIZER
Fri, Day   Museum of Fine Arts       Boston        $0 - ?      AKOV13::LAMOTTE

Fri, Eve   Grand Party               Maynard       $5 - ?      AKOV13::LAMOTTE

Fri, Eve   WNote Central	     TBA           $0          TBA
           Late Night Gathering

Sat, Day   Bike Ride		     GMA	   $0          FMNIST::olson  

Sat, Day   Hike                      Mt. Monad.    $2          LEZAH::QUIRIY

Sat, Eve   Dinner, Chopsticks        Leominster    $10 - $20   AKOV13::LAMOTTE

Sat, Eve   Fresh Ground Coffee..     Gardner       TBA         TBA

Sat, Eve   Solstice Celebration      Leomister     Donation    MEIS::TILLSON

Sat        WNote Central             Leominster    Ask Mary    RAMOTH::DRISKELL

Sun, Day   Grand Brunch              Boston        $0	       AKOV13::LAMOTTE

Sun, Day   Freedom Trail Tour        Boston        $0 - ?      AKOV13::LAMOTTE

Sun, Day   WNote Central             Boston        $0          AKOV13::LAMOTTE
828.152Well, you've finally got a note out of me!ICS::MCQUAYFri May 24 1991 19:1913
    Hello!  I've always been an "observer" on this conference....but this
    sounds like a *lot* of fun!  
    Think you can all make me feel at home if I show up?  :)
    (After reading all of your notes...I *know* you can!!!)
    See you all there!
828.153CGVAX2::CONNELLWe are gay and straight, together.Wed May 29 1991 15:258
    Cindy Painter and I will be attending. She has graciously offered
    transportation to me. I have also heard from someone who is read only
    in here, who would like to attend and so there will be three of us
    coming together. Some of you will know this person from other files but
    not here. I pretty sure that most of you who know her, love her and the
    rest will find it easy to do so. :-)
828.154Have we let everyone know?AKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Thu May 30 1991 13:0516
    I am trying to remember if we set something up to insure that we have
    tried to contact wnoters that have left the company.  Can you folks
    help me?
    Do the following people know about the weekend, if they don't does
    anyone know how to contact them?
       Peggy Leedberg
       Pat White
       Pat Jeffries
    Is there anyone else?
828.155FMNIST::olsonDoug Olson, ISVG West, UCS1-4Thu May 30 1991 16:293
Steve Mallett, but Jody told me he knows about it.

828.156CTITLE::TLE::D_CARROLLdyke about townThu May 30 1991 17:154
    Catherine Ianuzzo.  I sent her the FWO schedule but I don't know if she
    knows about the rest of the weekend.
828.157Peggy knows...CADSE::FOXNo crime. And lots of fat, happy womenThu May 30 1991 17:246
... as a matter of fact I had lunch with her today.  She hasn't decided
what she's going to yet.

Also, I don't see mention of =maggie=.

828.158WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesThu May 30 1991 18:106
    =maggie= knows and is, I believe on the attendance list.
    I've also sent mail to Karen 'bugsey' Taber's husband - anyone
    remember who she was in the file? :-)
828.159MEWVAX::AUGUSTINEPurple power!Fri May 31 1991 13:204
How about Marge Davis Hallyburton?

828.160WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesFri May 31 1991 13:491
    does anyone know how to reach Roberta Pickett?
828.161AKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Fri May 31 1991 16:143
    Marge has signed up and also made a donation.
828.162Barb HaslamBSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanFri May 31 1991 18:137
    Apparently Barb Haslam has left DEC.  See "The Strange Disappearance of
    Barb Haslam" note.
    Has anyone heard from her?  The last time I heard from her she was
    planning to come but that was over a month ago.
828.163DirectionsAKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Tue Jun 04 1991 13:478
    I am willing to send out a road map with the activity locations
    highlighted.  That will get you to the town.  
    Directions to peoples home will be sent by mail.  If you want to attend
    an activity contact the host or sign up in the note and the directions
    will be mailed to you the week of June 17th.  
    I will publish the directions to the public places the same week.
828.164AKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Mon Jun 10 1991 09:4910
    Well folks, next week the celebration begins.    It is important to let
    the organizers of the events know if you are planning to attend.  Some
    times and meeting places will be determined based on numbers attending,
    and their geography.
    Directions for the Grand Party will be published, as well as mailed. 
    Directions to private homes will be mailed to those that have expressed
    If you have any questions ... send mail
828.165reminder: FWO eventsTLE::TLE::D_CARROLLdyke about townTue Jun 11 1991 13:2210
    Just a reminder - all women who would like to attend FWO events during
    the anniversary weekend should be sure to send me mail to make sure you
    are on my list.  I'll be sending out specific meetings places and times
    and directions early next week.  If you got a previous mailing, or you
    have sent me mail, you are already on the list.
    We have planned a Dim Sum brunch on Saturday in Boston, a hot-tub and
    swim party for Sunday afternoon and dancing/clubbing Sunday night.
828.166non-pc discussion about s-e-xDCL::NANCYBMon Jun 17 1991 06:5314
    	I volunteer to coordinate the time and place of the
    	non-PC discussion about sex  ;-) !!
    	This event may occur during one of the regularly scheduled
    	events, or a separate time may be arranged.
    	Required attendees:  Liesl, Joyce, and Lorna     ;-]
    	Other interested parties, please send mail.
    						nancy b.
828.167AKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Mon Jun 17 1991 08:443
    I can't wait!
828.168is this when & where?GLITER::STHILAIREjust for one dayMon Jun 17 1991 11:238
    re .166, NancyB, I thought it was going to be Thursday evening
    at Joyce's place!  Are you going to be there?   I hope so, as I'm
    certain you'll have a lot to contribute to the conversation! :-)
    (I'm going on vacation Sat. so I won't be around for the weekend.)
828.169yes.DCL::NANCYBMon Jun 17 1991 13:598
    	Loooorna, it's supposed to be a secret !!! ;-)
828.170AKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Mon Jun 17 1991 17:351
    Can you imagine a grandmother hosting such an event?
828.171granny won't knit!SA1794::CHARBONNDundertall club memberMon Jun 17 1991 18:011
828.172Isn't that how you became a Grandmother?CARTUN::NOONANpeppy and cheapMon Jun 17 1991 18:031
828.173She was thinking of England...TALLIS::TORNELLMon Jun 17 1991 19:507
    Yeah, but you're still supposed to lower your eyes, blush and change
    the subject and pretend you know nothing about it.  Knowledge is bad
    enough but actual desires and preferences??  You wicked, wicked women!
    Will someone please take the minutes at that meeting?    ;^>
828.174Myth explosion: even England isn't *that* boring!YUPPY::DAVIESAHerd it thru the bovineTue Jun 18 1991 06:281
828.175So what is new? And did I do a trigger word?AKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Tue Jun 18 1991 18:447
    Things are perking and I am losing control!
    Looks like we are going to have a great time!  ;-)
    Everything will be updated tomorrow, lists, directions etc...
828.176AKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Wed Jun 19 1991 03:153
    DougO is here...so the weekend is beginning.
828.177AKOV06::LAMOTTEThu Jun 20 1991 09:321
    Carol, Shellie and Evan arrived last night!
828.178Of course there is a gliche!AKOV06::LAMOTTEThu Jun 20 1991 09:439
    They promised my account would be functional this morning...
    The good news is that Maggie has almost everyone's name for tags.
    The bad news is any questions or mail over the past few days is stuck.
    This account is on a development machine and I am not sure I can
    receive mail here...if you have any questions that must be answered
    today call DTN 244-6252.
828.179WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesThu Jun 20 1991 11:227
    you can't get mail, I tried several times..
828.180BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa natural womanThu Jun 20 1991 11:465


I expect a full report, and a bevy of satiated smileys, next week.
828.181Carla, where are you?!?ATSE::FLAHERTYA K'in(dred) SpiritThu Jun 20 1991 12:367
    Can anyone tell me when Carla is arriving?  A couple of friends are
    trying to get in touch with her and I don't have that info.
828.182It's really *hot* todayLEZAH::QUIRIYIt's the Decade of the BobThu Jun 20 1991 12:534
    Has Robin arrived? :-)
828.18311 a.m. arrival into logan, 6/21.RAVEN1::AAGESENwhat a short, strange trip...Thu Jun 20 1991 13:149
    my mother says no.  i beg to differ. (-;
    re: carla
    i believe carla is still kicking around the pacific northwest. she's
    probably not out of bed yet though. <^;
828.184Updates...AKOV05::JLAMOTTEThu Jun 20 1991 13:3811
    Charles and Kai are here!
    liesl will be inflight around 2.
    I have my new account, but all my files are missing and I still can't
    receive VAXmail.  I can receive A1.
    Has anyone heard a long range weather forecast?  It is looking Grand
    as we speak!
828.185Signing In...KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KFollowing my heartThu Jun 20 1991 14:2510
    Well, folks, I'm here!  Kim is putting me up for the next few days (or
    should I say putting up with me;)?).  I still can't quite believe I'm
    here signing in as a guest.  It feels odd, but I'm delighted to have
    the chance to let you know I've arrived safely and will seeing you
    tomorrow.  Kim's home number is (603) 654-5615 if anyone wants to call
    or get together for other than the events.
    Major HUGS to all of you!!!
    Barb (as in Haslam)
828.186AKOV05::JLAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Thu Jun 20 1991 17:2417
    Well, I am functional again, I may have lost a few mail messages but
    everything looks okay.  
    I am quite busy on my real job, and I have liesl to pick up at 4:30.
    I will be updating lists and everything.
    Directions to the Nashoba Valley Winery and the Grand Brunch will be
    available tomorrow evening.  I will also send them out tomorrow.  
    My main priority at this moment is to update Maggie on any last minute
    name tag requests.
    All is well...and just remember if someone says  "Trust me it will only
    take an hour to move your account" you are in trouble!  ;-)
    And I have a new account...GIAMEM::JLAMOTTE
828.187BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanThu Jun 20 1991 17:536
    I'm here and staying at Doug Gordon's (603)891-1163.  I'll give you a
    call, Barb.
    Carla will be here sometime tomorrow evening.  :-)
828.188Wish I could be there :-(LRCSNL::WALESDavid from Down-underThu Jun 20 1991 20:5811
    	I'd just like to wish everyone a great weekend.  Unfortunately it
    was a bit far to come for me but I'll be thinking of you and waiting
    patiently for all the photos to appear in the album which I hope to see
    in the next couple of months or so.  All the activities that have been
    arranged sound great and to those who have been organising this event
    for almost a year - WELL DONE!
828.190GIAMEM::JLAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Fri Jun 21 1991 10:073
    And to top it all off the weather promises to be gorgeous.
    This is it folks...enjoy!
828.191GIAMEM::JLAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Fri Jun 21 1991 12:454
    If anyone is moved to pick some wildflowers they would make a great
    8 more hours....
828.192close to partySALEM::LUPACCHINOThey say heaven's like TV...Fri Jun 21 1991 14:245
    If you are into Chinese food you could order takeout from May Ling's
    which is close to the party location. The phone number is 508-897-1767.
    Ann Marie
828.193Just one more thing...AKOV05::JLAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Fri Jun 21 1991 17:154
    Just a reminder, there is a cash bar at the hall.  We must purchase our
    beverages at the bar...as part of the rental agreement.
828.194AKOV05::JLAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Fri Jun 21 1991 18:513
    I am on my way...see you all soon!
    mega ;-)
828.195Need a volunteer to copy video tapesCOGITO::SULLIVANSinging for our livesSun Jun 30 1991 19:5712
    I have the video tape of the entertainment part of the Friday night
    party.  I need a volunteer to take on the task of copying tapes and
    distributing them to those that want them.  Send me mail if you have
    more than one VCR and are willing to do this.
    ps Unfortunately, we didn't get the tribute to Maggie on tape, but
    just about everything else came out pretty well.
828.196XCUSME::QUAYLEi.e. AnnMon Jul 01 1991 19:107
    How'd the tribute to Maggie go?  Since it isn't on videotape, will
    someone enter a description?
    I only have 1 VCR, which I use for playback (being a low-techie).
828.197RUTLND::JOHNSTONbean sidhe ... with an attitudeMon Jul 01 1991 19:419
    _I_ think the tribute to Maggie went well.  To say that she was
    overcome is in the nature of an understatement -- and we kept it fairly
    I leave the description to someone viewing it from the hall.
828.198WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesMon Jul 01 1991 19:534
    I  don't think I could describe that part either Annie, my eyes
    were too wet. I can't even recall what I said.
828.199FMNIST::olsonDoug Olson, ISVG West, UCS1-4Mon Jul 01 1991 22:144
Dorian's poem, did that make it on tape?  Was that part of the tribute,
lost or taped?

828.200GUESS::DERAMOduly notedTue Jul 02 1991 02:273
        Got my photos back today!
828.201LEZAH::BOBBITTsailing around my soulTue Jul 02 1991 12:3132
    play by play....
    Justine steps up to the plate and.....it's a wave!
    she invites all mods, past and present to step up with her!
    Jody waves a suspicious looking binder with a labrys penned in
    	on the front....and....
    Maggie is invited up specifically since she was taking her time, and
    Justine suggests a few words.  Bonnie speaks about the special place
    she has in her heart and life for womannotes and Maggie and the thanks
    we feel for her starting this wonderful thing.  
    The rest of the mods shuffle and grin.
    Maggie steps up to the microphone and.....says "thank you" very
    quietly.  And weeps gently.  And says how great she thinks we all are. 
    And Jody hands her the binder which contains the tributes that you all
    sent to Ann Johnston, typeset into a book.  
    Tears fall, onstage, off, people's vision blurs, the moment blurs,
    everybody applauds for a VERY long time, Maggie gets a hug and some
    pats on the back from the modsters.
    When the time is appropriate, Justine introduces me and I read poetry.
    The first poem was written specifically for the fifth and I think I put
    it in the poetry topic here.....
828.202woof.GEMVAX::BROOKSTue Jul 02 1991 12:405
    I'll put my 'poem' (more like doggerel!) in the poetry topic.
828.203THANKSSALEM::LUPACCHINOThey say heaven's like TV...Tue Jul 02 1991 14:118
    I just wanted to thank folks (and I apologize if I've overlooked
    anyone) involved in the WEEKEND THAT WAS: Joyce, Justine, Laura and to 
    all the organizers. It was great and fabu!!!!
    THANKS creating such a fun celebration! 
    Ann Marie
828.204Where do I order?BSS::VANFLEETRing around the moon...Tue Jul 02 1991 17:044
How does one get on the list to receive a videotape?

828.205GNUVAX::QUIRIYIt's the Decade of the BobTue Jul 02 1991 19:436
    What Maggie said was "You [gyns] are the best."  (It sounded like 
    "guys" at the time but it was probably "gyns".)
828.206WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesTue Jul 02 1991 23:118
    That is funny that you said that, I expected her to say 'gyns'
    but standing next to her I would have sworn she said 'guys'...
    I 'spect she mangled the two a bit.
828.207I missed so much stuff early in the evening...YUPPY::DAVIESAIn withdrawal:handle gentlyWed Jul 03 1991 10:465
    I don't suppose any of you people have any way of converting the
    tape to some format that would work in the UK, do ya?
828.208COGITO::SULLIVANSinging for our livesWed Jul 03 1991 14:0317
    I think I got everything on audio tape (haven't listened yet), so maybe
    I can find a way to put the audio of the Maggie tribue onto the video
    tape.  I've got offers from folks to copy.  Over the weekend I'll try to
    figure out the best strategy for getting blank tapes to the copier and
    copies to those that want them.  Maybe we could make several copies
    and circulate them - I can see that folks might like to see the show,
    but I would think that mostly just the folks that performed would
    want to own a copy of the tape (this is probably just me wanting to
    keep the number of copies of me on video to a minimum :-) god, I hate
    seeing myself on video).  Why don't folks think about whether they want
    to borrow or own a copy of the tape, and I'll get back to you all with
    a distribution plan.
    'gail - is audio a different format, too?
828.209YUPPY::DAVIESAIn withdrawal:handle gentlyWed Jul 03 1991 14:196
    Dunno Justine (I'm open to any input from our technical people here!)
    but I'd be happy with just a walkman-sized tape of the event.
    I'm sure that would work...
828.210cassettes should be okayAYOV18::GHERMANI need a little timeWed Jul 03 1991 14:245
    re -.1
    US audio cassettes work okay on UK machines and vice versa.
828.211YUPPY::DAVIESAIn withdrawal:handle gentlyWed Jul 03 1991 14:506
    Thanks George!
    I'm on for a soundtrack then, if it's not too much hassle for you.
    I'll even send tape/$ - let me know....
828.212Count me in!BSS::VANFLEETRing around the moon...Wed Jul 03 1991 17:043
I definitely want one.  Let me know how much $$ to send.

828.214CGVAX2::CONNELLCHAOS IS GREAT.Wed Jul 03 1991 19:185
    I want one too Justine. Did I write you? I'm so frazzled now, I can't
    remember. If not then I want one and maybe more then one. I wanna own
    'em Not borrow. Can't rent or borrow tapes gotta own 'em.
828.215CFSCTC::GLIDEWELLWow! It's The Abyss!Thu Jul 11 1991 21:585
I'd like one too. If you're too tied up, I'd be happy to take
the tape and arrange copies. (That is just an offering, not
a prompt. :) )

828.216COGITO::SULLIVANSinging for our lives!Fri Jul 12 1991 16:4011
    News of tapes!  Joe Riley has volunteered to make copies.  I will buy
    several blank tapes (cheap but decent).  If you want a tape (and
    haven't told me here or in Mail), let me know.  You can send me a check
    to cover the cost of the tape (which I'll post) plus postage, if 
    necessary, and I'll send you the tape.  I'll make some extra copies for 
    those who'd like to watch it but not own in (Hmm.. shall I start selling 
    those little bags of microwave popcorn, too :-)
    Justine -- thanks, Joe Riley, for offering to do this - I'll be in
    touch with you by Mail.
828.217Me too!PROSE::BLACHEKFri Jul 12 1991 18:105
    Please add me to the list of those who want tapes.
828.218GNUVAX::QUIRIYLive from B-B-Q central!Fri Jul 12 1991 20:166
    I want a tape.
828.219GIAMEM::JLAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Tue Jul 16 1991 16:521
    Me too
828.220pretty in pink, who are you?TLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireMon Sep 09 1991 16:307
    Who is the pretty, thin women with two sons who was wearing a pink
    blazer and blue skirt at the 5th Anniversary Brunch?  I'm sorry I don't
    remember your name, we spoke for a while, and I'm so embarassed!  But
    anyway, I have a good picture of you that I would like to include in
    the photo album...can I?
828.221who? *me*??KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideMon Sep 09 1991 16:476
    Ummmm.  that's me!  Blush.  Thanks D! :-) You made my day.  Of course
    you can include it in the photo album, I would be honored.  
828.222ah...I can sleep easy nowTLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireMon Sep 09 1991 18:155
    Thank Kim.  I *knew* it was someone with a "_K" in their name, which is
    why I thought first it was KENNEDY_KA.  At least I'm not going *too*
    crazy.  :-)