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Conference turris::womannotes-v3

Title:Topics of Interest to Women
Notice:V3 is closed. TURRIS::WOMANNOTES-V5 is open.
Created:Thu Jan 30 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 30 1995
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1078
Total number of notes:52352

104.0. "Grey Hair..." by BPOV10::PILOTTE () Tue May 01 1990 13:21

    I have been dying my hair for at least 10 years (I am now 35).  I have 
    gone thru cellophanes, which would cover the grey with a color such as
    burgundy, to eventually dying because of grey hair.
    I am considering not dying it anymore and letting the grey grow in.  
    Any thoughts or comments on grey hair?  
    Do you feel that it makes a person look older than they are?
    Thank you, Judy
104.1SANDS::MAXHAMSnort when you laugh!Tue May 01 1990 13:466
I really *like* gray hair. I think it adds interest and character.
And what's more, I figure I've earned every one of my gray hairs!


104.2SONATA::ERVINRoots & Wings...Tue May 01 1990 13:4714
    Well, my hair has been turning grey (gradually) since I was about 25
    years of age.  I think it depends on the person regarding...does grey
    hair make one look older.  People tell me that it doesn't make me look
    older, not that I would do anything about the grey hair even if it did!  
    I actually love the grey hair that I have.  It is a really nice silver
    color which makes a great contrast with the dark brown hair that has
    yet to turn grey.
    I would think that dying and cellophanes would be a bother...go for it!
    Heck, if you don't like it you can always resume dying it.
104.3RANGER::TARBETHaud awa fae me, WullyTue May 01 1990 14:077
    Oor Peggy (Leedberg) has the most beautiful head of prematurely-grey
    hair I've ever seen, I turn viridian every time I see it.
    Do it!
104.4whatever makes _you_ feel good!YGREN::JOHNSTONbean sidheTue May 01 1990 14:1511
My first grey hairs showed up when I was sixteen, and I was thrilled! At 35,
my hair is still more dark brown than grey.  From time to time I get bored
and use some very temporary stuff to give myself outrageous highlights, but
I've never messed with the permanent stuff because I really enjoy the grey
and would hate to have to grow it out [my hair is about 17" long and that
would be a l-o-n-g march from the roots down my back...]

I don't think my grey makes me look older than I am.  It probably does make
me look older than I was.

104.5anxiously awaiting.....SHRFAC::PADAMSTue May 01 1990 14:3910
      I'm just a youngster of 23 and already starting to get some of
    `the greys'.  They really show up on me because my hair is very
     very, very dark brown (its not black, I'm tellin' ya!). I look
     forward to getting more grey. I think it looks really sharp.
     (not to mention that I will hopefully no longer be mistaken 
      for 15!!) 
104.6LEZAH::BOBBITTpools of quiet fire...Tue May 01 1990 14:447
    I'm kind of looking forward to graying around the temples.  It'll make
    me look distinguished.  I was also told that gray hair is thicker, and
    will probably have more body, than the fine mousy brown I'm dealin'
    with now ;)!
104.7i can't help it if i'm shallowDZIGN::STHILAIREdo you have a brochure?Tue May 01 1990 14:4520
    I'm afraid I really do think gray hair makes people look older.
     I have a few gray hairs, but because of the color of my hair (lt.
    brown/sandyish/dark blondish?) they don't show much unless you look
    really close.  (I think!)  My father had the exact same color hair
    as me, and by the time he was 50 his hair was pure white. (but at
    least he never got bald)  But, I'm afraid that my hair will turn
    white in the next ten yrs., too, because my father's did and mine
    is the same color!!  If it does, or gets enough gray to show up,
    I plan to have it dyed as long as I live.  That's just my choice.
    I usually don't find men with gray or white hair attractive either.
     For example, I think both Steve Martin and Phil Donohue would look
    better with brown hair.  I also think Barbara Bush would look better
    with brown hair.  Just my opinion.
    P.S.  I'm for equality but I just don't want gray hair and hairy
    legs!  :-)
104.8YGREN::JOHNSTONbean sidheTue May 01 1990 14:525
Well, Lorna, if you're shallow I guess I am too.  I keep my grey because I love
it.  When I get bored with my eyes I wear different colour contact lens [when
I'm _really_ bored I wear two different colours]

The day I stop liking the grey hair it will probably go.
104.9I Wonder if Jennifer Would Color My Pubic Area :-)FDCV01::ROSSTue May 01 1990 14:5411
    Re: .7
    > i can't help it if i'm shallow
    Lorna, I can't either. Not only do I color my hair, but my beard
    and 'stache get done too.
    Fortunately, the hair on my legs (and other parts of my body) are
    still brown. :-)
104.10CUPCSG::SMITHPassionate committment/reasoned faithTue May 01 1990 15:184
    I don't know if gray hair is *thicker* but mine is much coarser and
    less pliable/manageable than my brown hair.
104.11gray = more body!CASPRO::LUSTPLEASE empty the bit bucketTue May 01 1990 15:2413
    re: .6 Jody
    >                       I was also told that gray hair is thicker, and
    >will probably have more body, ...                                   
    For me, at least, this has been true.  I also had very fine brown hair, 
    that would NOT hold a curl, no matter how much goop I put on it.  As I 
    have gotten grayer, however, a slight but definite wave has appeared, 
    it has more body, and will even hold a do.  I have been known to put
    a temporary rinse on it when I get bored with it, but basically I like
    the gray. (I also feel that I've earned it!)
104.12I'm "shallow," too, Lorna!DOCTP::FARINATue May 01 1990 16:2425
    Well, Jody, I have some sad news for you.  You might not grey around
    the temples only!  Turning gracefully grey is a lovely thought.  People
    think of it as part of the natural aging process, and for some it is
    just that.
    For many others (myself included), it is a hereditary factor.  I
    started greying ("whiting" would be more accurate) at 16, and in a
    clump just off center at the front of my head.  There was nothing
    graceful about it!  There was nothing attractive or distinguished about
    it either, since it was one odd-shaped spot that expanded year to year. 
    I've been dying my hair for almost 10 years, I think.
    Also, my grey hairs are course, stiff, and straight, as opposed to my
    naturally curly hair.  Go figure!
    Now the entire front of my head is white, and the back is just
    beginning to grey.  Of course, I could go punk and pretend I did it on
    purpose!  ;-)  Sorry, but I'm with the other "vain" and "shallow"
    people.  I'm too young to be grey.  I feel better about myself when I'm
    not grey, so I color it.
    I figure that when I'm 50, I'll let it grow out like my mother did. 
    Then I'll have a beautiful head of white hair!
104.13Stain that grayTOOK::CURRIERTue May 01 1990 16:2616
    I started going gray at age 16.  I am now 43 and have a lot of gray
    hair.  I don't look good in gray hair - it makes me look pasty.  It
    depends upon your complexion.  I you let it go gray and people start
    asking you if you're tired or don't feel well take a good look in the
    I stain my hair.  This is more natural than permanent color.  The gray
    doesn't take the color the same.  The stain also spiffs up the un-gray
    hair which as you age doesn't have the shine or texture that it once 
    I user whatever color suits me at the time.
    I find that the stain acts as a great conditioner as well.
104.14RAVEN1::AAGESENthe realization of innocence....Tue May 01 1990 16:4712
    i think grey hair is attractive.  i especially like the salt/pepper
    i had a great aunt whose hair was long enough to sit on, and it was
    completely grey. it was beautiful!
    i have about a dozen or so now... but i can't wait to reach an age
    where more grey is scattered across my scalp.
104.15the silver fox ;*)TINCUP::KOLBEThe dilettante debutanteTue May 01 1990 18:5911
    I've always had a streak of pure white hair near my forehead. In high
    school and much of my twenties I colored my hair to hide it. Then in my
    thirties I let my color grow out to its natural dark blonde and a
    wonderful thing happened. It turned grey. Only on me it's more a white
    silver. Now I get compliments on my hair all the time and love having
    it long to show off the color. It's darker underneath and lighter on
    the top which makes streaks of various shades of blonde over my head.

    So. I guess what I'm saying is "I love gray hair"! BUt I must admit on
    my sister's dark brunett hair the gray didn't look so good. Now that
    she puts a burgandy rinse on it it looks great too. liesl
104.16DZIGN::STHILAIREdo you have a brochure?Tue May 01 1990 19:125
    Re .15, Liesl, your hair looks *blonde* to me!  It's certainly not
    what I picture when I think of gray hair!
104.17I've always wanted to know this.RANGER::LARUEAn easy day for a lady.Tue May 01 1990 20:126
    This is probably totally irrelevant but I have heard that people with 
    patches of white hair near their foreheads are more prone to migraine
    headaches than the rest of the population.  I personally know two
    people for whom this is true.  Does it follow for others?
104.18SANDS::MAXHAMSnort when you laugh!Tue May 01 1990 20:295
It sure does sound odd. But I have a little patch of white
hair near my forehead, and I do get migraine headaches....


104.19On the other hand,JUPTR::SMITHPassionate committment/reasoned faithTue May 01 1990 20:354
    Well, I don't (have the patch of white in the front) and I do (get
    migraine headaches).
104.20SONATA::ERVINRoots & Wings...Tue May 01 1990 20:496
    Well, most of my grey hair is around my temples and forehead and I've
    never had a migraine in my life...well, my grey hair started there, now
    it's moving to other places on my head :-)
104.21DZIGN::STHILAIREdo you have a brochure?Tue May 01 1990 20:534
    I don't have a patch of white hair, nor do I get migraines...
104.22CADSE::KHERTue May 01 1990 20:559
    I don't see anything wrong with having gray hair. Some people look
    distinguished, other's don't. But I don't remember anyone looking
    ugly because of gray hair. But then I don't see anything wrong with
    letting your age show. Besides, there's more to looking old than 
    gray hair. I've known young women in their 20s with gray hair and
    the hair didn't make them look like they were in their 40s or something
    I agree with =maggie. Peggy looks great with her hair.
104.23easy on the blue rinse!LYRIC::QUIRIYChristineTue May 01 1990 21:5417
    What a weird coincidence: my grandmother started going grey with a
    streak starting in the front and she was a migraine sufferer (until 
    she went to a chiropractor).
    My hair is dark brown and going grey slowly.  So far, I like it.  I
    like the way salt & pepper looks on other people but I don't have
    enough "salt" yet to know how I'll like it on me.  My mother's mother
    was totally silver by the time she was 40 but my mother and sisters
    haven't followed suit, so I'm expecting a gradual increase too.  My
    mother just stopped coloring her hair (she's been "blonde" since her
    early 40s) at 75 and gone natural!  My gran's hair was really pretty
    and sparkly.
    A few notes back someone mentioned a "stain" -- what is that?
104.24that's interestingTINCUP::KOLBEThe dilettante debutanteTue May 01 1990 22:025
    I have the white patch of hair and I do get migraines. I'm not sure if
    that patch was ever any color but white though. I don't think it
    developed, I was born with it. It's just that as a young kid my hair
    was very light all over and it didn't start really showing (or me
    really caring) till I was a teenager. liesl
104.25AIADM::MALLORYI am what I amTue May 01 1990 22:225
    I don't have any hair, but I still get migraines.  :-)
104.26Funny you should mention...CUPCSG::RUSSELLTue May 01 1990 23:0710
    Hummm, I've got a patch of pure white, started in high school which is
    about the same time I started getting migraines.  I go to a
    chiropractor but still get them.  :^(
    As for the rest of this discussion, I've streaked my graying hair for
    years now.  Streak it with my own (former) color.  Some colorists are
    better than others.  I refuse to grow old gracefully!  I plan on being
    a juvenile delinquent forever.  :^)
104.27STAR::RDAVISBut there the resemblances endWed May 02 1990 04:5413
    I'd noticed that the heroes in Andrei Tarkovsky's films often had a
    dramatic clump of white or gray hair.  My first boss in NYC was a
    Russian with such a patch, and a fellow Tarkovsky fan, so I asked him
    about it.  He claimed that Russians considered a white patch a sign of
    intelligence or spiritual wisdom.
    If it's also true that a white patch is a sign of migraines, it could
    explain a lot about the long-suffering Russian soul.
    P.S. - Clumped, salt'n'pepper, or completely gray - I think it looks
    mighty fine.
104.28exRANGER::LARUEAn easy day for a lady.Wed May 02 1990 14:326
    I'm fascinated by the number of people with white patches and
    migraines.  And, btw, I love grey hair.  I wish mine were that
    marvelous salt and pepper but being a dark blond it's just going to
    look washed out.  sniff, sniff.
104.29more on stainTOOK::CURRIERWed May 02 1990 16:3926
    I have had a patch of white hair near my forehead for more that 15
    years.  I have never had a migraine.
    Stain does not chemically with the hair as does permanent color (cause
    the plates on the hair shaft to raise, etc).  It has no strong odor. 
    does not burn the scalp.  It fades a little with each washing.  I wash
    my hair daily and after abotu 2 weeks notice a definite fading.  But I
    wait 3 weeks or longer to have it done.  It is applied in the same 
    manner as permanent color and I have to sit with it on my head for at
    least 20 minutes.  It comes in some wonderfully outrageous colors.
    I like to do strange things with my hair to overcome the blahs, if I 
    have the time.
    I remember  years ago being the first one at high school with a shag.
    It was similar to Rod Stuart's (I showed his picture to my hairdresser)
    and was several different colors.  I was a teacher at the time.  My
    hairdresser and I go back about 20 years.  We like to experiment on
    When I was in college I went from waist length hair to hair so short
    you could see the skin above my ears.  People didn't recognize me.
    I've done so many things with my hair that color is just about all
    thats left.
104.30BUILDR::CLIFFORDNo CommentWed May 02 1990 16:574
    Women are so lucky. Their hair turns grey. Mens falls out. I wish
    mine was going grey rather then leaving all together.
104.31This pain is migraine, this pain is yourgraine ...STAR::BECKPaul BeckWed May 02 1990 17:062
My grey hair is concentrated around my chin. Should I be getting migraine 
104.32Foiled againRAMPNT::HALVORSONWed May 02 1990 20:3432
    I'm in my early thirties, and have been greying for almost ten
    years.  I'm terminally cheap, and didn't think it looked bad
    enough to justify spending money to alter it.  It was only the
    hair in the center of my part: none on the sides and back.
    In fact, one of the things my current boyfriend commented on the first 
    time we met was that he liked the "honesty" (lack of artifice?)
    in my keeping my natural hair color.  
    I changed haircutters this year and my new one wanted to highlight
    my hair.  (The ends turn red-gold where they stick out from under
    my hat in the summer: he wanted to highlight the top and
    front with the same shade, and said that it would blend with and 
    detract attention from the grey. If I didn't like it, he said he'd cut my 
    hair free for a year.)  I thought about it for eight months, then 
    had it done in March.   
    The method he used was called a "foil", because they wrap clumps of 
    hair in foil after putting the color on.  It is a more subtle change
    than dying the whole head would be, and I love the blend of colors!
    I'm even getting over feeling shallow and vain :-).
    I don't think that a few grey hairs in the crown make someone look
    older, but I'm afraid I do think a headful of grey hair does, except
    in a few cases.  Perhaps it does have something to do with skin hue
    (maybe even what colors the person is wearing). 
    On the other hand, a 50-year-old friend of mine just let her hair go 
    back to grey after years of dyeing it, and she's quite happy.
    I guess if you let the grey grow in and didn't like it, you could
    always go back ...
104.33MigrainesUSCTR2::DONOVANcutsie phrase or words of wisdomThu May 03 1990 07:004
    I have a few greys. Not many. I get BAD migranes!
104.34It's kinda neatFSHQA2::DHURLEYThu May 03 1990 16:098
    I started getting grey hairs when I was 25 (I'm 37 now) but it was
    not that noticable and I thought it was kinda neat.  Now I have
    long straight hair and two grey streaks on both sides which I love.
    I feel very comfortable with grey in my hair.
104.35Let my freak flag fly....DELNI::POETIC::PEGGYJustice and LicenseThu May 03 1990 18:3535
	I started going grey about 15 years ago - for a long time
	I just let it go.  A lot of women asked who did my hair,
	thinking that I had it streaked.  Then I started using some
	stuff called Sun In (or something like that), that worked
	ok for a few years.  Then about 8 years ago I went to a
	hairdresser and had my hair dyed - yuck, yuck, ick.  Shortly
	there after I cut my hair to about an inch in length.  I kept
	it short until all the dye was cut off.  I have not done much
	to my hair since then. Except to let it grow.

	My grey hairs are finer (which is hard to imagine) then my
	brown hairs.  I found this out in Bio Lab in college.  They
	are also more crinckly.

	I am very proud of my hair - it is truly my most outstanding
	feature.  I don't think that I look old, but then I don't 
	know what old really looks like.

	My father is finally as grey as I am - he is 68, my mother
	has rich white hair and has had it since she was in her 30's.

	To me grey hair is the same as white, or blonde, or brown,
	or red, or black or even geen hair, it is not as important
	to me as the person it is attached to is.


			The Goddesses favorite colour must be grey,
			it is everywhere in New England - sky, rocks
			ocean, wood.

104.36Do What Makes You HappyMARLIN::JOSEPHSONFri May 04 1990 11:2710
    Do what pleases YOU and forget about what anyone else thinks.  Give
    the grey hair a shot.  If you don't like it, do something else.
    The beauty of hair is that it's easily changed if you get bored
    or decide you don't like it.
    I probably have grey hair but I've been highlighting my hair for
    so long, I've forgotten what it really looks like!
104.37DZIGN::STHILAIREdo you have a brochure?Fri May 04 1990 14:5714
    I was thinking about this and I think that the reason I have never
    liked gray or white hair on men is that I can't remember my father
    before he had white hair.  He was 48 1/2 when I was born and his
    hair was pure white as long as I can remember.  When I was a little
    kid in the early 50's all my friends had fathers who were in their
    20's and looked young, and my father looked like he should be my
    grandfather.  I can remember other kids teasing me because I had
    an "old man with white hair" for a father.  I remember feeling very
    ashamed of having "an old man" for a father.  Maybe the subconsious
    memories (consious at the moment) of these feelings is why I can't
    help but feel that gray or white hair is to be avoided.
104.38;-)RAB::HEFFERNANJuggling FoolFri May 04 1990 16:5410
RE:        <<< Note 104.37 by DZIGN::STHILAIRE "do you have a brochure?" >>>

Lorna, I going out right after work and getting some Grecian formula!
I guess that means it's all over between us!

Yes, the greys are coming in over ears!   It's a good thing I act like
a seven year old!

104.39NATASH::ANDERSONMon May 07 1990 19:3419
    I have had a grey (more like white) patch of hair - but I wouldn't say
    it was on my forehead.  John Davidson had the 'patch'...but I noticed
    it wasn't there the last time I saw him on some commercial.  Mine is more
    in the middle of my head and on the right side.
    Anyway...I have been 'frosting' mine for about 13 years now - because
    so many people came up to me and wanted to know if I had spilled paint
    in my hair.  I botched the job _badly_ this last time so I am thinking
    of saying the heck-with-it and going back to my natural hair color.
    By the way - I do not have migraine headaches (thank God!)
    Also - I was told that there is a book about people (famous and
    not-so-famous) that have had this 'patch' and what it symbolizes.
    Has anyone heard this before...and do you know the name of the book?  I
    believe 'the patch' also has _name_.
104.4013 and WaitingPOBOX::SCHWARTZINGEWed May 09 1990 21:5811
    I am almost 43 years old and have 13 grey hairs.  I have been waiting
    since I was 15 years old to get grey....where is it?  My father is 67
    and has only a few.  My Mom has the most fabulous white streak with a
    little salt and pepper and she is 65.  
    Do I have a chance?
    (By the way, this has been the most enjoyable note, we have such
    ingenius people in this conference, I giggled the whole time!)
104.4113 & WaitingPOBOX::SCHWARTZINGEWed May 09 1990 22:017
    Sorry, I forgot to sign my name on the last one!
104.42Fooling Mom NatureCUPCSG::RUSSELLWed May 09 1990 22:209
    Hi Jackie,
    How's life in the windy city?
    Well, seems that you may not be genetically programmed for early
    grayness or even much late-life silver. You can always thwart nature by
    going silver at your favorite salon.   :^)  
       -- Margaret
104.43Mom Nature's RevengePOBOX::SCHWARTZINGEThu May 10 1990 13:4417
    Hi Margaret!
    When I was 17 yrs old and in Beauty School, I was the first one to
    volunteer to "trying bleach".  I was the guinea pig for the class and
    of course when they asked what color I wanted to be (I have brown hair)
    of course I said silver gray!  When I got home, I thought that my Mom
    would have a fit.  Little did she know that from that point on I would
    have every color there was....even green for St. Patty's day.  I think
    she definitely like the silver gray out of all of them.
    I would fool mother nature, but she does get back at you, when you "go
    to lite gray" she (mom nature) just makes your hair grow faster so you
    have to bleach every 2-l/2 to 3 weeks, you get to sick of it, you let
    mom nature have her way, and I just settle for the 13 gray hairs I
104.44Got 'Samore!POBOX::SCHWARTZINGEI'd Rather Be ShoppingFri Aug 10 1990 19:567
    Just wanted you all to know that I have about another 1/2 dozen grey
    Hip Hip Hooray!
104.45All grown in now.....DEVIL1::PILOTTEMon Aug 13 1990 16:495
    Since I was the author of the base note here is an update. I decided to
    let my hair grow out.  It is now fully in and I have gotten compliments
    from those whose opinion I repect.  I like the way it looks!
104.46Try it you might like itDPD08::BORREGOThu Oct 18 1990 19:5746
    I've lived with grey hair, it seems, all my life.  When I was 10 or 11
    yrs. old my friends, teachers, family, *everyone* would comment on my
    grey hair.  When I was growing up I would notice other girls hair
    color and wish my hair was just ONE color like theirs.  
    My grey hair is hereditary.  My fathers' hair has been a solid white
    color since I've known him.  Now that he is 85 his hair is turning
    black around the edges!  These last few years I have noticed a
    prominent streak of grey on one side of my forehead, but no migraines.
    Like any normal teenager, or pre-teen in my case, with grey hair I
    started to color my hair.  Since then I've used all kinds and have been 
    all colors.  It wasn't until I began to seriously worry about the
    condition of my hair that I decided to give it a rest from all the
    dying and the perming.  That's been close to 4 years now and while I
    can't say I LOVE IT I am certainly quite happy to stay with my natural
    color.  There are _no more roots to keep up with_ and my hair is VERY
    healthy at this point. 
    The idea of picking up a hair rinse does tempt me everytime I come
    across that aisle at the grocery store or when I see a commercial or
    advertisement with _before and after_ pictures.  The dialogue is always
    the same "I was happy to live with my grey but now that I can see the
    difference (insert brand name here) makes in my life I will never go
    back to grey again!!!!!" (insert music and the picture of  a man and 
    woman rushing into each others arms).  So the temptation is there and so
    far I haven't succomb to it but that doesn't mean I never will.  
    I've received comments from women, men, *and* teenage girls regarding
    my hair color.  Some want to know where I go to get it streaked and how
    much do I pay to get it done.  What makes the difference for me
    personally, is that I now Like who I am and who I am happens to have
    grey hair.   I'm not as beautiful or THIN or rich or successful as I
    WOULD LIKE TO BE but hey, we're not on that subject.    
    What I'm getting at (as I'm sure you have all probably gotten the gist of 
    by now, drone drone snore snore) is that if you want to let your
    natural hair color come out go ahead!  If you don't like it you can
    always change it! 
104.48boiinngg!!!BTOVT::THIGPEN_Swho, me?Thu Oct 18 1990 22:542
    yah, in my case the grey hairs are sticky-up, on my head of otherwise
    straight straight straight long dark brown hair.
104.50GREY & LOVING IT!!!WR2FOR::STIGERS_REMon Mar 25 1991 18:5115
    I have had a patch of grey in front since I was 2 yrs old!! 
    I use to dye it in my younger days and since have not and I get
    nothing but comments on how GREAT it look..and yes I have had awful
    migrains...in fact my co worker just brought this note file to my
    attention and commented because I just had one that lasted 3 days
    ...after 2 shots of pain med and lots of other pain medication it
    finally got where I could maintain...So I don't know if grey patches
    and migrains go hand in hand ...but they got me!! If anyone finds any
    documents on it please let me know I am very interested...you see my
    daughter is getting grey hairs and she's only 24yrs old and is getting
    headache to since having her 1st baby..Thats it!!!! Its children that
    give you migrains!! 
104.51LEZAH::QUIRIYLove is a verb.Tue Mar 26 1991 13:586
    Speaking of grey hair, mine seems to come in in spurts and I just got 
    a new crop, on top.  I even noticed a silver eyebrow hair.  I immediately
    checked other places for grey body hairs; none there yet. :-)
104.53"*other* half?"GAZERS::NOONANGet thee down, be thou funkyTue Mar 26 1991 14:595
    _d, considering *where* we are talking about, your wording is a little
    disconcerting.   (*8
    E Grace
104.54LEZAH::QUIRIYLove is a verb.Tue Mar 26 1991 15:247
    I'm not sure how concerned I'd be, but I consider it one of the
    surefire indicators of that state of affairs known as Getting Old. :-)
    Along with aching joints, inability/lack of desire to stay up to all
    hours, etc.
104.55I really don't know!RHODES::GREENECatmax = Catmax + 1Tue Mar 26 1991 15:555
    Is is "grey" or "gray" ???
104.56PROXY::SCHMIDTThinking globally, acting locally!Tue Mar 26 1991 16:347

> Is is "grey" or "gray" ???
  It's either (which you may pronounce either "eye-ther" or "ee-ther").

                                   Atlant :-)
104.57One woman's solution :^)SPCTRM::GONZALEZLark of the morningTue Mar 26 1991 19:129
    "I used to drink, smoke, and boogie all night long,
     I used to drink, smoke, and boogie all night long,
     I used to drink, smoke, and boogie all night long.
     But now that I am old and gray,
     I only drink, smoke, and boogie in the day."
                                       Anon. shoutin' blues
104.58CFSCTC::MACKINThat is a non sequiturThu Mar 28 1991 14:584
    Christine, wouldn't it be more of a problem with males not being
    able to stay up all night?
104.59Grey hair is grey hairASDG::GASSAWAYInsert clever personal name hereThu Mar 28 1991 16:5622
    I have a question here that has stumped me for a while.....
    There's a commercial on every day during the news about a couple who
    both have grey hair.  They both dye their hair, but the man remarks how
    lucky he is because his dye, that's ESPECIALLY FOR MEN'S HAIR, only
    takes 10 minutes to apply, while his wife's dye, (implied ESPECIALLY
    FOR WOMEN), takes 40 minutes.
    Now will someone please explain the difference between male hair and female
    hair.  I had always been under the impression that hair was hair, and
    that it didn't matter whether you used hair dye for men, women,
    children, pit hair, chest hair, leg hair.....it was all going to be the
    same stuff, and take the same amount of time.  There should be no
    problem with the woman using her husband's dye so that it would only
    take her ten minutes too.  But we all know that women love to dye their
    hair while men have better things to do, so that's why there's quick
    men's dye but long women's dye....
    I really hate this commercial.......
104.60VMSSPT::NICHOLSIt ain't easy being greenThu Mar 28 1991 16:572
    men are four times as fast as women?
104.61it's really a public service announcement!BTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark Boots!Thu Mar 28 1991 16:591
they who wrote the commercial did this as a stupidity alert?
104.62permissionRUTLND::JOHNSTONtherrrrrre's a bathroom on the rightThu Mar 28 1991 17:0911
    "Just for Men" is really and truly just a product that says it's OK for
    a man to colour his hair.
    It works along the lines of Grecian formula, which had/has both ladies'
    and gentlemen's packaging ... err formulas.
    Hair is hair.  I've know it to vary with race, age, location on the
    body, and chemical processing.  I've never known gender to be a
    determinant of how well it takes to chemicals.
104.63VMSSPT::NICHOLSIt ain't easy being greenThu Mar 28 1991 17:123
    i thot men had longer follicles than women, indeed i thot wimmin only
    have vestigial follicles.
104.64BTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark Boots!Thu Mar 28 1991 17:1913
enuf of the dye rathole, here's another.

my hair has started going gray, and sometimes I amuse myself at meetings pulling
out some of the longer ones.  (This when I get tired of splitting the split
ends :-)  Once in a while I find a hair that is two-toned, that is, brown at one
end and white at the other.  Usually but not always the white is the newer hair,
and sometimes I get brown-white-brown.

I wish my hairs would make up their minds!

Does hair ever really go white overnight?  I don't see how that could happen.

104.66:-0LEZAH::QUIRIYLove is a verb.Thu Mar 28 1991 18:136
    re: .58
104.67A quest for perfection?BUBBLY::LEIGHBear with me.Thu Mar 28 1991 21:156
    Mabel (my SO), who has lovely long black hair, pulls out white hairs
    when she finds them, or (if I'm available) asks me to pull them.
    Personally, I like them, and I keep threatening to save them all!
    I don't have any gray hairs yet, but my mustache is now a mixture of 
    dark brown, grey, and BLONDE???.  Very strange.
104.68must be some variant of Murphy's lawSA1794::CHARBONNDYou're hoping the sun won't riseFri Mar 29 1991 09:312
    re.67 If I grow my beard out it comes out with red(!) hairs. And
    I'm tenth generation brunette ;-)
104.69GAZERS::NOONANUh OhFri Mar 29 1991 11:408
    "Murphy's Law?!?!?!?!?"   *"MURPHY'S LAW*"???
    Everyone should be so lucky to have red hair.  anywhere.  so there.
    E Grace
104.70it suits me, I guess, but I still like red betterBTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark Boots!Fri Mar 29 1991 12:1510
red hair -- agreed -- I love red hair!  I have always had (boring) brown hair.
The closest I come to having interesting hair color is when the sun shines on
it, all sorts of reddish glinty highlights show up (another reason to like the
outdoors :-)

and just an observation, lots of men have beards a different color than their
head hair.  My hs boyfriend had bright blond hair, and a dark red beard.  Since
hippies went out of style, though, you don't see that too much anymore!

104.71WRKSYS::STHILAIREperhaps a film will be shownFri Mar 29 1991 12:1915
    re .68, that happened to my father, too.  His hair was the same color
    as mine (sandy colored), when he was young, but the one time he ever
    grew a moustache and beard it came out red.  I guess he thought it was
    pretty weird, too.
    As far as someone's hair turning white overnight, that happened to my
    mother when she had a brain aneurysm and almost died.  Up to the day it
    happened, she had had salt & pepper hair for years, but when I went to
    see her in the hospital the next day her hair was snow white.  It was
    shocking really.  I remember turning to somebody and saying, "My God! 
    Her hair is white!"  (I don't know if there is supposed to be any
    scientific basis for this happening but it did....)
104.72White over nightWMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesFri Mar 29 1991 14:0624
Sara and Lorna,

Recently I read an explaination of how hair can 'go white
overnight'. Up until then I'd thought it was an old wives

In a person with salt and pepper hair, (white and a second
color mixed) the white hairs are younger hairs. Normally
hair is lost at a steady pace, a % at a time and are replaced
by new hair from the same follicle. Once a person begins
to go grey, the darker hairs are gradually replaced with

Severe stress, can cause all the older (dark) hair to fall
out at once leaving only the whiter younger hairs. Then, assuming  
all the new hairs grow in white the person will have
white hair the rest of their life. 

If not all the follicles produce white hairs, then, as the
new hair grows in, some color will return to the person's

104.73geeGEMVAX::KOTTLERFri Mar 29 1991 14:229
    - .1
    I thought that was an old husbands' tale!
104.74- .1 :-)WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesFri Mar 29 1991 14:511
104.75CFSCTC::KHERA gentle angry personFri Mar 29 1991 15:023
    when my hair goes grey, i'd like it to look like Dorian's. So beautiful
    and distinguished!
104.76I blame it all on my kids.GEMVAX::KOTTLERFri Mar 29 1991 15:056
    I have gray hair?!  ;-)
    No, really, thank you very much for saying that!
104.77re: .59BROKE::THATTENisha ThatteFri Mar 29 1991 18:0115

I think that the FOR MEN ONLY stuff is marketing.  

1) Men aren't going to dye their hair if it is going to take a long time so 
   they had to make something that works quickly. 

2) Men are (probably) not going to want to use something that Linda Evans or
   Cybil Shepard are pushing because "it makes them feel more beautiful and 

Hair is hair and when I need to dye mine, I am going to buy the men's version 
so that I don't have to sit around for 30 minutes if I don't need to!

-- Nisha
104.78Such thoughts on a Friday! Tsk, tsk.REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Fri Mar 29 1991 18:135
    Why do I have this dark, suspicious feeling that it took one-quarter
    of the time because the man's hair was one-quarter the length of the
    woman's, so that it took that one-quarter of the time to comb through?
    						Ann B.
104.79HPSTEK::XIAIn my beginning is my end.Fri Mar 29 1991 18:195
    Is there some dye on the market that turns ya black hair into a natural 
    gray?  Just wanna have that illusive distinguished look in case I have
    to go to management meetings.  What do yawl think?
104.80GUESS::DERAMODan D'EramoFri Mar 29 1991 18:215
        Only apply it to the temples, though.
104.81the things we do for a job!MEIS::TILLSONSugar MagnoliaMon Apr 01 1991 18:2020
re: .79 Eugene,
    Yup, you can have your hair dyed grey.  I'm a very small (vertically
    challenged, now that I know E Grace ;-) woman, and have always looked
    considerably younger than my age.  When I was about 24 years old (and
    looked about 16) I had a job that required me to work extensively with
    customers.  Despite being technically proficient and having excellent
    presentation skills, I had a *very* difficult time establishing
    credibility - and when you're with a customer for only a day or two,
    you have to establish that credibility *immediately*.  It wasn't
    working, despite the whole dress-for-success thing, etc., so I went I
    went to my hairdresser and asked for about 15-20 years to be added to
    my apparent age.  I exited the salon about an hour later with very
    conservatively styled, grey-streaked hair.  It worked.  The change in
    the customers' perceptions (and behavior toward me) was readily
104.82Hello, my hair is gr(e)(a)y, really, (s)he saidAUSSIE::WHORLOWI brew the best koala_tea productsWed Apr 03 1991 00:535
     Is it possible that the FOR MEN ONLY stuff has summat innit that might
    make one's voice go deeper??
104.83Oh to be an alto!SPCTRM::GONZALEZDessert GuruWed Apr 03 1991 13:396
    RE: .82
    Ohhh, that would be wonderful, if it does.  I'm tired of having
    a voice only dolphins and dogs can hear.