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Conference turris::womannotes-v3

Title:Topics of Interest to Women
Notice:V3 is closed. TURRIS::WOMANNOTES-V5 is open.
Created:Thu Jan 30 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 30 1995
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1078
Total number of notes:52352

12.0. "I really love............" by WMOIS::B_REINKE (mother, mother ocean) Wed Apr 18 1990 02:09

    Use this note for a place to talk about things
    that are really special to you.
    Credit for originally entering this note goes to Gina Gagnon
12.1Tired but muddyWMOIS::B_REINKEdreamer of dreamsSun Apr 22 1990 22:275
12.3CONURE::AMARTINMARRS needs womenMon Apr 23 1990 00:014
    Wathhing my son (Ashleigh wasn't really interested) plant a tree and
    actually like doing so.
    We shall watch it grow.
12.5ASHBY::GASSAWAYInsert clever personal name hereMon Apr 23 1990 15:2711
Planted my garden (first time I've had a real backyard!) on Sunday too.

But more because it was the first beautiful day of the year rather than 
"Earth Day".

As if it really mattersa....=)

Can't wait too see the results!

12.6coffe without a donut is barbaricSA1794::CHARBONNDYour Mama Won't Like MeTue Apr 24 1990 11:011
    ...donuts ! which is why I always have this one handy :-)
12.7LYRIC::BOBBITTpools of quiet fire...Tue Apr 24 1990 12:5511
    the ocean
    poetry that makes my senses reel
    caring friends
    good music
    engineers who get their review comments on my manuals in on time
12.8MEMORY::FRECHETTEUse your imagination...Tue Apr 24 1990 14:466
    my nieice, Kerstin
    blue skies
12.9NUPE::HAMPTONANY DAY NOW! (EDC: T minus 8 days)Tue Apr 24 1990 16:4211

	My wife...
	Our baby she's carrying...
	good friends...
	sitting on the front porch on a nice sunny day with beer in hand...

	did I mention my wife and our baby she's carrying?

12.10A few ...ASAHI::SCARYI'm noting, and I can't log out !Wed Apr 25 1990 04:578
    Being as husband ...
    Being a parent ...
    Honest people ...
    Good music ('bout any kind)
    5" red heels
    The color (or lack of color) black ...
12.11Second weddings!TLE::D_CARROLLSisters are doin' it for themselvesWed Apr 25 1990 18:3216
I really love...meeting my new step-family and discovering that they are
wonderful, delightful people.

I went to my father's wedding on Sunday (actually was in it, along with my
brother and my father's new wife's two children).  I found that I got along 
wonderfully with Susan's (step-mom's) parents, and they invited me out to
CA to visit.  Susan's siblings are intelligent, vivacious and interesting.
Susan's children (at least the younger one) is mature and quite cute.  And
Susan herself is a very, very special woman, and I was glad that I got the
chance to get to know her over the 4 days that I was in NM for the wedding.

Even though I am 22, and haven't lived with my father for over 8 years, I feel
like I have just aquired another family, one that is warm and accepting, and
I am looking forward to getting to know them better!

12.12USCTR2::DONOVANcutsie phrase or words of wisdomThu Apr 26 1990 05:486
    I did 2 oil paintings this month. I hadn't been painting in a year.
    Good weather's coming up.
12.13**RAINBOWS**AUNTB::DILLONMon Apr 30 1990 20:264
    Yesterday I saw a *double* rainbow.  It was the first time I'd seen a
    rainbow in YEARS and it brought back a flood of warm and wonderful
    childhood memories.  For me, little surprises that happen infrequently
    are very special!
12.14GardeningCLOVE::GODINYou an' me, we sweat an' strain.Tue May 01 1990 16:5210
    Spring in New England, when it's finally warm enough to get out into
    the garden and get dirt beneath my fingernails.
    Putting new, baby plants into the earth in anticipation of the beauty
    that will come.
    Working outside all day and coming in at dusk, tired, sweaty, and
    dirty, but feeling like I've really DONE something today!
12.15My kitties after a long day....CSC32::W_AMESI don't KNOW where Tinkerbell is!Tue May 01 1990 23:237
    Coming home from work (late at night) and sitting down for a cup of
    tea.  The best part is the 2 cats that jump on my lap and warm it up
    and the other two who rub on my legs, all four purring their little
    hearts out 'cause they are glad I'm home.
12.16mountain/cat loverMELKOR::HENSLEYnil illegitimi carborundumWed May 02 1990 19:1113
    >>>penny the cat (even if she DID give me poison oak AGAIN!)
    >>>planning and planting a drought resistant garden in the mountains
    >>>seeing Monterrey-Santa Cruz at Sunrise from 2000'.  Daily.
    >>>seeing /hearing our local bird friends on the deck (a pair of acorn
    	woodpeckers, many towees(sp),blackbirds
    >>>watching Penny watch "cat-TV" (birds on deck, class door CLOSED)
    ...and having such a good buddy to share it with... (even if he is a
12.17ASHBY::GASSAWAYInsert clever personal name hereWed May 02 1990 20:095
    re: -1
    Can I come out to CA and be you for a while?   =)
12.18well, um, maybe, watcha got??MELKOR::HENSLEYnil illegitimi carborundumFri May 04 1990 19:496
    I assume you also read 13.21 ;-)
    gee, i would agree except that as a child i never really learned to
    share well.....so i would have to keep the ratbag and cat....
    sorry - had a depraved childhood!
12.19does that make me a lesbian?DECWET::JWHITEthe company of intelligent womenSat May 05 1990 19:055
12.21(-: Giving my daughter a special moment :-)RANGER::KALIKOWNature abhors a VAXuum; DEC too!Sun May 06 1990 22:1825
    Jodie ('90) had her last intramural crew race last Thursday morning,
    so, proud daddy that I am, I "played hooky" to enjoy the gorgeous
    spring morning on the Charles River in Cambridge MA.  My usual routine
    is to watch the crew launch their shell from the boathouse, cheer them
    by as they row downriver to the race under the Western Ave. bridge near
    the florist's shop, and then drive down to the Charles River basin near
    the Hyatt Regency and cheer them over the finish line.  That day,
    though, I had an inspiration and stopped into the florist's and bought
    a huge bunch of cut flowers...  
    It was a special thrill to watch her and two of her roomies in the
    North House "eight" struggle against their competition in the brilliant
    sunshine, with the Boston skyline framing the view; so who cared that
    they came in third?...  So I rushed back upriver...  waiting at the
    Western Ave bridge...  and when her eight smoothly stroked its way
    homeward, towards and under the central archway, I strewed the entire
    river and her shell with a rain of fresh flowers...  :-) :-) :-)
    Every woman on the boat paused to grab a blossom, and when they arrived
    back at the boathouse, they were all carrying flowers, or wearing
    flowers in their hair.  They all thanked me for that magic moment.  I
    took lots of team pictures, complete with oars and shells, and I was
    pleased with my floral inspiration - but most of all I was proud to be
    among such fine, happy, intelligent women, and proudest of all of my
    daughter.  It's nice to be able to sincerely admire your kids! :-) :-)
12.22Learning to love yourself...HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedMon May 07 1990 21:291
    ...being me.
12.23RUSTIE::NALETue May 08 1990 18:573

	... passing cars on my bike.
12.24purple (air) powerCUPCSG::RUSSELLTue May 08 1990 21:076
    ...when the family of purple finches from the nest in the eaves of my
    house start to fly.
    the little ones are so wobbly and flutter so energetically
    They hatched just three weeks ago.  
12.25Flying daffodilsVAXWRK::GOLDENBERGRuth GoldenbergTue May 08 1990 21:334
    ...male goldfinches this time of year. It's enough to make me
    wish I were a lady goldfinch.
12.26DASXPS::HENDERSONThinking a lot about less & lessWed May 09 1990 13:259
The first real warm days of spring

Watching the goose family on and around the pond here at work.

my 13 year old son calling me just to talk

12.27HANNAH::MODICAWed May 09 1990 13:5310
    re: .24 
    Yeah, we too have a nest of purple finches in one of the
    shrubs out front. They hatched about two or so weeks ago.
    Every night, my two boys want to be held up to check on them
    and say goodnight to em. 
12.28ICESK8::KLEINBERGERummm....I forgetThu May 10 1990 11:227
    ... having two more courses over (4 more to go :-)...)

    ... getting the final and knowing the answer in full detail to every
        question (all 10 of them, worth 10 points a piece)...

    ... getting a 50 page term paper back with a solid "A" on it!..
        makes all those long nights worth it after all!..
12.29FSHQA2::DHURLEYThu May 10 1990 12:384
    my grandson michael comes over to visit me and we have a wonderful
    time playing in the yard.
12.30I hope my dad feels like that!PCOJCT::COHENIn search of something wonderfulThu May 10 1990 18:026
    What a wonderful dad you are!
12.31sweet dreamsELMAGO::PHUNTLEYThu May 17 1990 21:562
    ...watching my little son sleep, when a smile slowly spreads across
    his face as he dreams.
12.32I loved hearing...REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Mon May 21 1990 21:4359
    "You makin'-a fun of-a his accent?  That's-a not nice."

    "Hans, why did he just call you `My prince'?"
    "It's a secret, Nell."
    "Oh.  Can I tell anyone?"

    "Squirrel, why are you and Moose talking with that funny accent?"
    "It's a secret, Nell."

    "Sir, as an unmitigated cad myself, I must inform you that you have
    received my Cad of the Day award."

    "What's that noise?"
    "What noise?"

    "That's a checkpoint!"
    "Don't stop!  *You're* driving!"

    "I ask for some bottled water.  I get two glasses, and Boris gets one.
    So I hang back, and Boris gives her the water.  Nell drinks the water,
    and I think, `So *she's* drugged.  Okay.'"

    "Did you look behind the drawers?"

    "So Dr. Dread and I start to help the prince upstairs, and the boulder
    drops, not on the prince, not on me, but on Dr. Dread.  `This is only
    right,' I think."

    "You try to guess how it would feel to be driving around the Vermont
    countryside, with a woman in the back seat that you've `kidnapped',
    and you're stopped by a police car with that [A fine reproduction of
    a large calibre automatic pistol hits the dining room table with a
    solid thump.] in the car."

    "Now, then.  Moose, what did you do?"
    "I am Squirrel."
    "Did you see anything else, Squirrel?"
    "I am Moose."

    "I realised that we needed an explanation for the blood in the trunk,
    and I wasn't looking forward to cutting Rocco's leg to do that, when
    he said, `That's alright, boss.  I already cut my leg.  See?'"

    "It's 3:30, I'm lying awake, going over things, and suddenly I
    realize there's one more question: Who are the jewel thieves?"

    "The prince, he-a agree to twenty-seven thousan' dollars.  I'm-a
    thinkin' that's-a nice-a, round number."
    "Si, I'm-a thinkin' that too."

    							Ann B.
12.33RANGER::TARBETHaud awa fae me, WullieMon May 21 1990 22:511
12.34maybe a clueWMOIS::B_REINKEtreasures....most of them dreamsTue May 22 1990 02:476
    Did you go on a mystery weekend with Jim Burrows this past
12.35SiREGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Tue May 22 1990 14:023
    You mean, Dr. Dread?
    					Lucretia d'Martinetto
12.36WMOIS::B_REINKEtreasures....most of them dreamsTue May 22 1990 16:246
    I believe that was the gentleman's name, was he the one all in
    black with waxed moustaches?
12.37Help! Help!GODIVA::benceThe hum of bees...Tue May 22 1990 16:474
	Shhhhhh...it's a secret!

					little nell
12.38SiREGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Tue May 22 1990 17:217
    All in black?  Hmmm.  Natasha Badenov was no gentleman.  Her husband,
    Boris, did not wax his beard.  Rocco, while not clean-shaven, did not
    have a moustache.  My so charming brother, Cesare, waxed his moustache,
    but he dressed far more elegantly than unimaginative black.  So, indeed,
    you have to mean Dr. "No, Rocco, no!" Dread.
12.39WMOIS::B_REINKEtreasures....most of them dreamsTue May 22 1990 17:449
    I found Dr Dread to be most handsome...
    but then I only met him on Monday
    (sounds like you guys had a ball!)
12.41No.REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Tue May 22 1990 18:083
    The Signorina Amber Snidely dressed very colorfully.
12.42(-: Linguistic 'Terrorism' :-)RANGER::KALIKOWDEC LanWORKS/Mac: VAX to the MAX!!Sun May 27 1990 14:5456
    We have a long tradition in my family of weird but harmless practical
    jokery.  The latest was engendered by an upcoming trip my wife Debby
    and elder daughter Jodie will be taking soon to Norway, Denmark, and
    France.  Debby is happily learning Norwegian, which involves her
    wandering around mumbling as she listens to her training tapes.  She
    also bought a "Norwegian in 10 Minutes a Day" book with lots of small
    word-and-pronunciation stickers you can put on common household objects
    (POSTKASSEN = mailbox, HJORNE = corner), primary colors (ROD, RODT =
    red), etc., that teach you continuously.  One evening I noticed that
    the entire house (HUS) had been festooned, down to the SALTET and
    "Self," I said to myself, "are you going to sit idly by and let your
    HUS be FESTOONETE (or something)?"  I also noticed that (a) the labels
    were done in New Century Schoolbook 18Pt (a font I also have on my
    Mac), and (b) that she hadn't used all of the labels in the book.  Hmm,
    I said, opportunity knocks... 
    So my younger daughter Mandy and I put our heads together and made up a
    batch of fake Norwegian words, and I laser-printed them up the next day
    in the office.  
    Our dream was to recreate one of our favorite Steve Martin bits where
    he tells of his hapless experiences with French... "I was thrown out of
    a restaurant because instead of ordering what I wanted, I was told I'd
    said 'Give me a plate of your best shoeleather, and I want to fondle
    your Grandmother.'"
    That night, Mandy put up all but one of the labels through the house
    (college kids have rules that mandate their staying up later than their
    parents), and I saved the last label for Debby's toothbrush.
    The payoff came the next morning... I tried to keep a straight face as
    Debby wandered down from the bedroom with a weird expression on her
    face.  She said nothing to me but reached for her Norwegian
    dictionary...  Not finding what she wanted, she finally said "OK
    wiseguy, what's a 'RODHEERRING??'  I thought you'd found some of those
    labels I hadn't put around, but the REAL word for toothbrush is
    TANNBORSTE... What gives here?"  
    When all I could do was grin, she finally got it, and realized that if
    there was ONE "red herring," there would be more...  and started
    prowling around the house trying to distinguish the labels SHE'd put up
    from the fakes.  
    She had her normal breakfast of Aunt Jemima mix pancakes (en
    SJULAETHER) with lo-cal syrup (en FJONDL-NANA), and later discovered
    other common household items like our freezer (en
    (DISJDUSJ), down to the dirty socks in the hamper (VERSTUNKENEHJOSE)
    were labeled...
    And she *still* hasn't found them all!  :-)  :-)  Hee, hee...
12.43a day when all the tricky things work..WMOIS::B_REINKEtreasures....most of them dreamsMon Jun 04 1990 02:1010
    I really *love*
    having made it to Newton to be a chuppa bearer in my good freinds
    David Wittenberg and Cynthia Kagno's wedding...
    *and* making it back from Newton Center in Athol in time to
    make my son Peter's graduation in the same day!
    Sometimes we are blessed by God/the goddess/ good fortune!
12.44...being a Real WomanTLE::D_CARROLLThe more you know the better it getsMon Jun 04 1990 19:5717
How can you tell if a woman is a Real Woman?

Her vibrator has a kick start and a throttle.


I really love...being *back* on my motorcycle at LONG LAST.  My foot has
healed enough for once and for all that I am okay with riding.  (I tried
it out a few times since I broke my foot a month ago, and each time it
hurt a lot afterwards, so I knew it wasn't time yet.)

Wheeee! (Now if only the sun would come back...)


PS: Mine doesn't have a kick start, but don't tell anyone
12.45PENUTS::JLAMOTTEJ & J's MemereTue Jun 05 1990 21:072
    having 0 unseens in wn... 
12.46ULTRA::ZURKOFriends don't let friends wear daygloThu Jun 07 1990 22:072
Finding out I have an account on a system with Rogue!
12.47Or Nuthack (not publically available, though)TLE::D_CARROLLThe more you know the better it getsFri Jun 08 1990 02:454
Oh, ferget it...bag rogue, go for hack (sort of super advanced rogue.)
Or better yet, nethack.  (See PFLOYD::HACK.)  Yeah!  :-)  

12.48simple things for simple mindsULTRA::ZURKOBurning with optimism's flamesFri Jun 08 1990 13:234
Unclear D!. The thing I love about rogue is the lack of a need for more than a
rudimentary strategy (run into and bash monsters, check magic, rest up). I
don't go in for games where I need to find the hacker and fly paper...
12.49another clutch in the nest!CUPCSG::RUSSELLTue Jun 12 1990 18:379
    ...when the nest that the purple finch family made this spring 
    is occupied again.
    The bushes are too thick to see who it is, but I can hear the cheeping
    of baby birds at feeding time.  Those little guys are LOUD!
    If the same schedule holds for this batch, flying lessons commence
    toward the end of June.  Yay!    
12.50CGVAX2::CONNELLTrepanation, I need it like a hole in the headTue Jun 12 1990 18:5410
    RE .49 I know what you mean. I love animals in the wild. For the first
    time in my life, on Saturday, I saw a big old snapping turtle laying
    her eggs. I watched her for about an hour until she finished and made
    sure she returned to the water and that there was no one around to
    disturb the eggs. People, that is. I can't do anything about other
    I have only seen this on TV.
12.52Summertime...PARITY::DDAVISLong-cool woman in a black dressTue Jun 12 1990 19:454
    I really love the summertime sky....especially at dawn and dusk.
    The colors are absolutely incredible!
12.53....animal, too.NUPE::HAMPTONBart Dude!Tue Jun 12 1990 20:1511
re. animals

A couple of nights ago our outdoor security lights came on (they are triggered
by motion).  I thought that is was another dog running by the house, but when
I looked out I see this 25lb (at least) raccoon climbing up the fence, over
the top and down the otherside.....in kind of slow motion.  It was the neatest
thing to see.

Now I know what's been getting into my garbage.

12.54TINCUP::KOLBEThe dilettante debutanteTue Jun 12 1990 23:178
    Riding through a field of wildflowers so thick that my horse seems to
    be stepping across a blue carpet. Then cantering up a hill and seeing
    the ground alive with a dozen different varieties and colors.

    And Sunday a hawk flew out of a tree straight past us at shoulder

    Waking up every morning to the sound of birds singing the sun up. liesl
12.55this is what I LoveCOMET::POSHUSTASolar CatWed Jun 13 1990 06:1214
    	Dissolving problems with DECnet.  
    	Surprising a 'Guru' with spontanious solutions.  
    	A friend; who almost died, and getting out of intensive 
    	care this week!    
    	Life, love and freedom.  
12.56JJLIET::JUDYDump her over the cliffWed Jun 13 1990 14:434
    	that my kitties come to greet me at the door when I come 
12.57what a sweetheart!USCTR1::PMONFALCONEWed Jun 13 1990 15:533
    ...that I just received flowers from my best friend, my husband!
12.58random stuff.....MARLIN::RYANMake sure your calling is trueWed Jun 13 1990 16:1021
    -Coming home from a rotten night at school, and Mike smiling at me
    and saying " I got you present" and handing me a videotape of one
    of my favorite movies (Young Doctors In Love)
    -Snugging up with the kitties
    -The song I'm listening to as I write this (REM's "We Walk")
    -Planning a dream vacation (driving across the country)...
    - Knowing that we really are going to take this dream vacation...THIS
    YEAR !!!   
    -Changing my personal name
    Dee (feeling really happy today for no apparent reason)      
12.59TwinkiesMILKWY::JLUDGATEWhat's wrong with me?Wed Jun 13 1990 16:171
12.60*Sigh* ARCHER::CANCROThe heart of the matterThu Jun 14 1990 14:5815
    Sitting in my room with the red flowered wallpaper, on my white wicker
    daybed, sunlight filtering through the tree leaves into the windows,
    birds chirping, classical music on low, writing in my journal.
    Cantering up a hill on a woodland trail.
    Being held in the morning.
    Kids and puppies cavorting in the back yard.
    Little arms around my neck, and dirt-stained faces upraised for kisses.
    Kissing boo-boos away.
12.61MILKWY::JLUDGATEWhat's wrong with me?Fri Jun 15 1990 02:534
    going in to Newbury Comics and finding THREE issues of 
    Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children.  one that i had missed
    when it came out, and two the most recent ones.
12.62tra-la, I'm freeeee!CADSYS::PSMITHfoop-shootin', flip city!Sat Jun 16 1990 01:474
    ...finishing a university class I hated, feeling like I aced the final,
    and knowing I have the rest of the summer to kick back and enjoy!
12.63ICESK8::KLEINBERGERThe enemy of my enemy is my enemySun Jun 17 1990 01:1511
    Having my 15 1/2 year old surprise me (she lives 100 miles away with her 
    dad) and coming to visit and spend the day with me... having fun shopping, 
    eating pizza (oye, the gym first thing tomorrow!)... buying her a bikini, 
    and walking around eating ice cream (so, maybe the gym for more than an
    hour :-)...) and checking out the males :-)... (yes, that is "les" not
    "lls" all day.... letting her drive my car for few blocks on a deserted
    road back in a warehouse district, and having her scare me half to
    death!...   (and she wanted me to let her try route 9 - hahahahah -
    funny girl!!!)....

    What a GREAT day...
12.64goin' for the green... mountains!ULTRA::THIGPENYou can't dance and stay uptightFri Jun 22 1990 17:3410
    ...that I'm moving to Burlington VERMONT!!!!  and will still work for
    ...that I'm going on vacation tomorrow!
    Anybody got any info on the towns/school systems/other stuff within
    about half an hour of Burlington?  (Send mail, not notes.)
12.65WMOIS::B_REINKEtreasures....most of them dreamsFri Jun 22 1990 18:544
    That I'm going to be a grandmother in late December ( a *young*
    grandmother, mind you :-) )
12.67HANNAH::MODICAFri Jun 22 1990 19:185
    Congrats Bonnie, that's wonderful news.
12.68WMOIS::B_REINKEtreasures....most of them dreamsFri Jun 22 1990 19:465
    Thank you Hank
12.69DECXPS::HENDERSONThe dog has not been fed in yearsFri Jun 22 1990 20:426
Sitting in the living room in my apartment after a crazy day watching the
birds come to the feeders on my balcony.

12.70ICESK8::KLEINBERGERThe enemy of my enemy is my enemyFri Jun 22 1990 23:499
    ... having the opportunity to move out of Mass, and deciding that the
    opportuity is one that will probably never come my way again, and
    deciding to follow that opportunity...
    ... knowing that soon I'll be close to my whole family, (well, three
    hours away)...
    ... having my 15 year old say "I love you Mom".. (she's watching TV in
    the other room righ tnow - two weekends in a row with her!...
12.71Young Memere's have a great time!PENUTS::JLAMOTTEJ & J's MemereMon Jun 25 1990 16:427
    Taking the seven year old grandson to the ball game yesterday...and
    having the Red Sox play a great game.
    You will love it Bonnie!
    J & J's Memere
12.72RANGER::TARBETWho's that gallopingTue Jun 26 1990 11:459
    ...going outside with my flashlight around midnight last night in
    response to what sounds a peculiar cat-fight only to find four young
    raccoons having a fine old time up in the big maple in the front yard.
    They all stopped and stared at me as though to say "what's the matter
    with you?  we're just having fun!"
    Strange animals.  :-)
12.74CSC32::CONLONLet the dreamers wake the nation...Wed Jun 27 1990 01:529
    	Caught a glimpse of an article on the bulletin board at school
    	tonight - about what life will be like for women in the 1990's!
    	It said that women will make more money, our houses will be
    	dirtier, and we will make love not war!  ;^)
    	Sounds like we have some good days ahead!  :)
12.75SX4GTO::HOLThellhounds on my trailThu Jun 28 1990 03:4611
    The scene in "Chushingura" where the inkeeper and his wife of Ako 
    bid adieu to the Shogun's emissaries, after having put them up (gratis)
    with all due ceremony.
    When the party has departed, they wearily and relievedly strip off their 
    formal attire. A tall sake in hand, he rolls his eyes and complains 
                             "Oy, these nobles!"
12.76Reading essays by Melinda RegnellAIADM::MALLORYI am what I amFri Jun 29 1990 11:481
12.77ICESK8::KLEINBERGERThe enemy of my enemy is my enemySun Jul 01 1990 03:337
    ... having my oldest daughter tell me she has decided to move back home
        with me....
    Heavy sigh of relief...  please continue to keep us in your thoughts,
    its still going to be a VERY VERY rough road ahead of us....
12.79home sweet homeCADSYS::PSMITHfoop-shootin', flip city!Mon Jul 02 1990 14:4618
    ...finding a place to live that I LOVE.
    I've been looking for housing in Amherst for three weeks ... I've seen
    a lot of modern 2 BR apartments/townhouses/ranches:  "Door opens to
    living room, kitchen in the back.  Upstairs, 2 bedrooms and a bath.  
    Wall-to-wall carpeting."  Yuck!
    THEN I saw a house that had everything I wanted -- laundry, den, porch,
    cats allowed -- AND was really neat inside, with lots of little rooms
    stuck together in an interesting layout!  Hardwood floors and exposed
    wood panels and pocket doors!  And a lovely backyard and a garage and a
    shed (I love sheds)!  
    Apparently, the landlady also bakes cookies at Christmas... :-)
    Oh, happiness.
12.80downtown livin'TLE::D_CARROLLAssume nothingMon Jul 02 1990 16:0816
...also finding a place I want to live.  (Like Pam!)

We've been looking for *ages* for a place in Arlington that 1) we could
afford, and 2) had the necessary attributes (porch, parking for the 
motorcycle, lots of space, accessible to bus lines).  The place we found
has *five* bedrooms (for three of us) and huge, beautiful Bay windows in
the living room, and three floors and more closet space than I'll ever
know what to do with...  And it's big enough to have *parties*!!!!

Now if only our third person decides it's okay to live outside of Cambridge,
and the landlord decides that we (or the 6 other parties looking at the
place) are the best tenants.

Anyone wanna help me move?  :-)

12.81and I still get Joe and the cats on weekends in GrotonULTRA::ZURKOI walk down another street.Mon Jul 02 1990 16:275
Well, I'm not sure I love signing the lease (the first check I signed meant I
really _am_ starting at MIT in Sept!), but I do love the studio on Beacon St
I'll be moving into in Sept. I haven't lived alone in quite a while; I'm
looking forward to the introspection.
12.82MEMV01::JEFFRIESMon Jul 02 1990 17:114
    Going the the New England Arabian Horse Show and watching my daughter
    and her horses win ribbons after all the hard hard work preparing for
    the show. What a pay off!!
12.83new friends through =wn= t-shirt + riding + cookingSKYLRK::OLSONPartner in the Almaden Train Wreck!Mon Jul 02 1990 19:0711
    I went for a bike ride with my former roommate and some friends
    yesterday; Joel is a DEC engineer at WSL and brought a new person
    along.  Well...this guy recognized my "Woman of Note!" t-shirt!
    And it turns out, I think I'd met his wife in Washington, she isn't a
    Deccie but came to the rally with Arun.  His name is Vasudev Bhandakar.
    And after our ride (we took him over Hicks road, a brutal hillclimb)
    he fixed an incredible curry for us, with garam masala and some other
    wicked spices...it was fantastic.
12.84Getting awfully wet is greatSCARGO::CONNELLTrepanation, I need it like a hole in the headMon Jul 02 1990 20:129
    I went for my daily walk yesterday afternoon, along the Merrimack River
    in Hudson, N.H. and got caught in the mini-monsoon. I loved it. I
    stayed in the woods and under the trees and stayed dry. Then the wind
    picked up and I started getting wet. Then the lightning started and I
    thought to myself. "Get the H*** out of the forest. I got drenched but
    it was warm enough that I didn't get chilled. Took all of 10-15 seconds
    to become a wet wrag. Best time I've had in months.
12.85How small is it?REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Mon Jul 02 1990 20:336
    Doug & Bonnie,
    Arun and I started at DEC at the same time, before Sam was even a
    lump in her tummy.
    							Ann B.
12.86sorry Ann, got this out of syncWMOIS::B_REINKEtreasures....most of them dreamsMon Jul 02 1990 20:4319
    I know Arun! She used to be a Decie if she isn't now. She even signed
    into V2 of womannotes. 
    I got to know her because her son Sam started contributing to the Science
    Fiction conference at the tender age of 13 and some other noters
    complained and he had to stop contributing. 
    Sam should be going into his third year of college if I recall
    correctly. Two summers ago he was a temp at Dec and had a real, legal
    account and enjoyed being a 'legal' noter.
    Anyway I corresponded with Arun at the time about how I felt it
    was unfair that Sam couldn't write in SF.
    small world!
12.87YGREN::JOHNSTONbean sidheMon Jul 02 1990 20:524
DougO...say hello to Vrinda for me.  After two 14-hour van rides I feel almost
like family!

12.88YUPPY::DAVIESAGrail seekerTue Jul 03 1990 08:5117
    ...	sitting in an open window watching a *stunning* thunderstorm
    ... hearing a much loved piece of music after a long absence 
    ... great memories
    ... daydreaming
    ... playing - on beaches, in bed, in the rain - being a child with 
        someone special
    ... lunch in sunny Covent Garden, supper in the City, evening at
        the ballet, night at the Ritz....
12.90discoveriesKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KOK--but bear in mind, I'm a nun!Tue Jul 03 1990 14:157
    RE: -1   Tell me how!
    I love discovering a great new author...Dean Koontz and reading
    2 of his books since the weekend. Number three awaits invitingly
    at home.
12.91SA1794::CHARBONNDUnless they do it again.Tue Jul 03 1990 16:0910
    re .89 You've either
    a)joined a monastery
    b)watched them "How to make a fortune in Real Estate" commercials
      on cable-TV
    c)decided to drive us all crazy
    Which is it ?
12.92See ya'll next week!TLE::D_CARROLLAssume nothingTue Jul 03 1990 21:065
...going away for a 5 day weekend to western NY!!  A *much* needed vacation!

(I'm gonna hate the 300 or so messages in my mailbox when I get back though.)

12.93the many faces of envySA1794::CHARBONNDUnless they do it again.Thu Jul 05 1990 11:092
    sending lots of mail messages to someone I know is going away
    for a few days >8-)
12.94PENUTS::JLAMOTTEJ & J's MemereThu Jul 05 1990 14:4615
    I really hate...blisters
12.95NOATAK::BLAZEKblinding eyes that shineThu Jul 05 1990 15:535
Indiscriminately flowing magnums of champagne...


12.96holidaysCADSYS::PSMITHfoop-shootin', flip city!Thu Jul 05 1990 17:256
    ...kayaking on a quiet stretch of river
    ...watching GORGEOUS fireworks!
    ...sitting on the Boston esplanade, looking at the Boston skyline at
12.97what a beautiful morning!RAVEN1::AAGESENbeing happy shouldn't be illegalThu Jul 05 1990 21:016
    ...packing up my dog, lawn chairs, a blanket to sit on, and a friend
    visiting from mass. at 6:00 a.m. on a holiday morning to go watch 
    the mass ascention of about 100 hot air balloons at Freedom Weekend
12.98mail from a friend...CUPCSG::RUSSELLThu Jul 05 1990 22:488
    ...Getting a funny card from a close friend.  Carol lives in NYC and we
    don't get to see each other often enough but we phone and send silly
    cards and postcards.  I can hear her voice when I read her writing.
    She's got the best sense of humor.  And she's _very_ intelligent.  And
    we talk about books and family and movies.  And I really miss her.
12.99friends foreverWECARE::GERMANNFri Jul 06 1990 17:386
    ...reconnecting with my very best girl-hood friend after 34 years
    and finding that we have soooooo much in common.  We spent a day
    and a subsequent evening together and felt like we had never been
12.100and round numbers, too :-)GUESS::DERAMOColorado Rocky Mountain highFri Jul 06 1990 22:541
	... Reese's peanut butter cups
12.101Music back in my lifeYUPPY::DAVIESAGrail seekerMon Jul 09 1990 12:0014
    ...being amongst musicians again
    ...walking into a local music shop for the first time and being
    invited to sing in a piece of harmony that someone was trying out
    ...playing "Chopsticks" with a young girl on a piano (she'd only
    ever played it alone before) while her parents were off discussing
    renting the piano for her
    ...finding that I can still play after ten years absence (just!)
12.102diapers and drool :-)CADSYS::PSMITHfoop-shootin', flip city!Mon Jul 09 1990 13:5111
    ...babysitting my cousin's or my friend's babies
    What a kick!  I get to play with a cute kid and then GIVE THE KID BACK
    at the end of the evening!  :-)   
    Also it feels good to know I'm helping out and giving the parents a
    break from "being parents" -- promising to babysit is the best shower
    gift I know of, apart from arranging for a diaper service ...
12.103PARITY::DDAVISLong-cool woman in a black dressMon Jul 09 1990 14:303
    	The beach.
12.104triple!DECWET::JWHITEthe company of intelligent womenMon Jul 09 1990 15:035
    hitting something other than a single
    working on my tan
12.105black shoesMARLIN::RYANMake sure your calling is trueMon Jul 09 1990 16:277
    ...I love my new black shoes. They are *so* black. Did anybody read
    the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy trilogy ? Remeber when they
    steal the rock bands space ship and it's so black in the inside
    that it was like it wasn't even there ? My new shoes aren't quite
    that black, but they're still pretty neat.
12.106FDCV07::HSCOTTLynn Hanley-ScottTue Jul 10 1990 13:282
    ..... the smell of blooming freesias, fresh from my garden.
12.107skimming the waves!RUSTIE::NALETue Jul 10 1990 15:498
	... finally catching enough wind in my sail so I can lean back
	and really *cruise* on a sailboard!  After 2 hours of dropping
	the sail, falling in the water, *hauling* that immensely heavy
	thing back up, losing my balance and falling in again, I really
	needed that feeling!

12.108LYRIC::BOBBITTscreenage mutant ninja demosTue Jul 10 1990 17:328
    The fact that I'm going to see Robert Plant.
    *> pinch <*  - *tell me I'm not dreaming*
12.109Paul McCartneyWJOUSM::STRATTONWe didn't start the fire...Wed Jul 11 1990 14:309
    re: -.1
    just replace Robert Plant with Paul McCartney on July 26th
    I'm in heaven!!!
    "Maybe I'm amazed..."
12.110NOATAK::BLAZEKvenus envyWed Jul 11 1990 15:578
Meeting and talking with one of my musical heroes, Robyn Hitchcock,
*and* landing front row seats for last night's show!

He's a kebab through your ovaries...


12.111thanks, D!!!CSSE32::M_DAVISMarge Davis HallyburtonWed Jul 11 1990 16:004
    to receive party pix!!  :^)
12.112SELECT::GALLUPI've been ska'd!!Wed Jul 11 1990 20:5611

	....going to my chiropractor and having him comment on the
	weight I've lost.  :-)

	....and having him spend the time to test me for everything
	that could possibly be giving me headaches/backaches.

12.113LEZAH::QUIRIYChristineThu Jul 12 1990 00:387
    ...getting acquainted with my new cat.  She's very sweet and very
    small, and she purrs when I pet her.  She follows me from room to room
    and if I don't pick her up as soon as she likes, she kneads the floor
    where she stands as if to say "touch me!"
12.114A fun weekendSCARGO::CONNELLI was confused.Mon Jul 16 1990 16:5814
    This past weekend. I won a bagged copy of the new Spiderman book in a
    raffle at my local comic's store. I understand that this book is
    currently valued from $25-35 or more, depending on what part of the
    country you live in. That was Friday. On Saturday, I found a dollar
    bill while mowing the lawn and won $84.00 in the N.H. Pick 3 lottery on
    Saturday night. On Sunday, my birthday, my mother took me and the kids
    to Kimball's Ice Cream (IMHO The best ice cream in all the universes.)
    We stopped at Mrs. Nelson's Candy House on the way. The kids have never
    been to Kimball's and loved it. They got T-shirts from there. Of course
    the shirts had a cow on the front and the weekend has been full of cow
    imagery. Coincidence or conspiracy hhhmmmm. Anyway, the weekend was
12.115"Slitha"TLE::D_CARROLLAssume nothingMon Jul 16 1990 18:2712
...getting a new pet.

A couple of friends of mine are moving to Pittsburgh and they decided not to
bring their ball python with him...and since I have some experience with snakes
they decided that they should give her to me.

The adoption will take place this weekend, just in time to move into our
new place.

Now if only we can get the doggarn thing to *eat*!!  (Pythons are so picky!)

12.116just another little bite, honey...CUPCSG::RUSSELLMon Jul 16 1990 18:498
    I'd love to watch you encourage "monty" to eat.  I have this wondrous
    vision of you playing "here come's the airplane!" with her.  :^)
       Margaret (who just added another snake to my office, 
                 for a total of two inflatable snakes. 
                 Scott C.'s nervous system has perked up considerably :^) 
12.117MOMCAT::TARBETMon Jul 16 1990 19:312
    Not so swell for the dinner (who, I believe, has to be alive at the
    time :-(
12.119maybe D! and I should be distributing cigars?MEIS::TILLSONSugar MagnoliaMon Jul 16 1990 20:3723
    >Not so swell for the dinner (who, I believe, has to be alive at the
    >time :-(
    Not necessarily, most snakes can be taught to take dead dinner.  Even
    if their dinner is alive, constrictors kill their food very humanely. 
    (No details here, if you're curious I'll tell you offline.)
    How very synchronous this all is - Wally and I just got a baby Ball
    Python today, given to us by a pet store owner who didn't know how to
    properly care for her (yes, its a girl!  When she's older she'll be a
    womyn-snake :-) so we got her gratis because he cared about saving her
    life.  She obligingly ate lunch this afternoon, and is at home asleep
    in Wally's shirt pocket.  We're looking for name suggestions, too.
    (Lucretia and Hypatia are the current top choices, but if you've got
    a good idea, better take it to the rathole!)
    I'm sure your new baby will be just as cooperative, D! - isn't being a
    snake-mom a blast!  
12.120I'd love to teach Slitha to fetch, too!TLE::D_CARROLLAssume nothingMon Jul 16 1990 21:2916
>    I'd love to watch you encourage "monty" to eat.  

No, no, no,no.  "Monty" is my best friend's boyfriends MALE Ball Python,
with whom we plan to attempt to mate Slitha, a FEMALE Ball Python.
We think Monty and Slitha would make a cute couple - at least Monty
eats reliably.  (Ball Pythons are very hard, if not impossible, to
breed in captivity...but we can try.)

Most snakes I know of require dinner to be both live *and* conscious...

Rita, how did you get yours to eat?  (I suppose we ought to talk about
this in mail.)


[PS: We don't like the name Slitha...we are looking for renaming suggestions.]
12.121MOMCAT::TARBETon the King's High WayTue Jul 17 1990 00:5623
    And in the case of mammals facing a snake, "conscious" really means
    "fully conscious that they're going to die" and "desperately trying to
    stay alive".
    I got acquainted with a very large king snake when I was at school in
    Texas.  Not wanting to knuckle under to the standard cultural
    mythologies, I even considered adopting it (supportings snakes was chic
    then, too, though I'd like to think that wasn't one of my motivations). 
    Folks, it didn't take a PhD in theoretical physics for me to understand
    what was really at stake:  in order to support that snake I'd have to
    deliberately send to their terror-stricken deaths a lot of animals with
    much more claim to my compassion than the snake.  No different to
    taking them one by one and smashing their heads with a hammer.  Worse,
    really; if they were mice or gerbils from a supply house the poor
    things might suppose I was cuddling them in their last few seconds of
    life, whereas with the snake they'd know what was coming as their
    little hearts raced out of control and they scrabbled at the sides
    trying to get away.  
    Nope, I just didn't have it in me, I turned the snake loose again.
12.123co-mod topic reminderULTRA::ZURKOsnug as a bug in a rugTue Jul 17 1990 13:253
There has been a request to hold the snake discussion in another topic (I'll be
glad to start one if no one can find a suitable one).
12.124life!KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KOK--but bear in mind, I'm a nun!Wed Jul 18 1990 14:097
    broccoli fresh from the garden
    last weekend!
    hot tubbing under the stars
12.125and going into it with a 95 averageHEFTY::CHARBONNDain't no Prince CharmingWed Jul 18 1990 14:182
    being _almost_ done with my summer course. One measly final
    exam to go :-)
12.126WRKSYS::STHILAIREgather flowers under fireWed Jul 18 1990 14:325
    my flower garden...it's *so* pretty
    this beautiful summer weather
12.127HANNAH::MODICAWed Jul 18 1990 15:234
    What are you growing Lorna?
12.128Wrascally WabbitCUPCSG::RUSSELLWed Jul 18 1990 17:228
    Hearing that a car race was stopped temporarily so the race workers
    could shoo a bunny rabbit off the track.
    Happened last weekend at Meadowlands, NJ, my older bro is one of the
    guys who work the races.  He's so big his position on the team is
    holding up the car while someone else changes the tires.  At least
    that's what he tells me.  :^) 
12.129WRKSYS::STHILAIREgather flowers under fireWed Jul 18 1990 18:208
    re .127, nothing exotic...mostly petunias and marigolds, but they're
    and I *love* this hot weather :-)  (makes up for all the complaining I
    do about being cold in the winter)
12.130SSVAX2::KATZFlounder, don't be such a guppyWed Jul 18 1990 18:211
    really?  I love cold weather...but I always was a nut case
12.131need cold beer to counteract the heat...SUBSYS::NEUMYERFUBAR, Big time!Wed Jul 18 1990 19:148
    	I love the warm (hot) weather.
    	I love laying on the beach with maximum exposure getting a dark
12.132Chilling outCUPCSG::RUSSELLThu Jul 19 1990 01:4912
    ...Thinking of fall.  Cool days and frosty nights.  Taking that last swim
    of the year in water warmer than the air.  Wearing sweaters.  The first
    morning when frost forms on the ground. Hot mulled apple cider.  
    Taking long walks and hearing the geese honking their way southward
    overhead. Breaking out the down comforter for the first time. 
    Most of all, no sweating.
    ...Thinking of going wading in Norway above the arctic circle in water
    so cold that it was slushy, and watching the stars and Northern lights
    so close above.
      Margaret -- who loves the cold and can't stand the heat
12.133BOSOX::HENDERSONAnd have nothing but fun &amp; musicThu Jul 19 1990 16:3112
....the hot weather.  I found myself envying folks in Phoenix awhile back when
it was 120.  I do consider myself fortunate, however that I live in an apartment
where I have air conditioning and a pool.

I looked out the window here a little while ago and saw the geese standing
on the sidewalk getting sprayed by a sprinkler.  They were flapping their
wings and having a heck of a time :^)

12.134all these and more....AKOV13::HOLMESSusan HolmesThu Jul 19 1990 17:0526
so many things... like:

  - having a file like this to discuss women's issues/topics of
     interest to women
  - reading the replies to this base note
  - old friends; new friends
  - sunshine/laying in the sun and feeling it gently warming your body
  - watching fireflys on a soft summer night
  - gentle rain
  - water/beaches/lakefronts
  - good wine, good food, good company
  - new insights
  - the comfort of my MickeyMouse nightshirt
  - the smell of clean sheets that have been fresh air dried
  - a nice cold beer on a hot summer's day
  - early morning dew
  - Tanya (our 11 yr old. German Shepard) and Fred (our "fabulous feline")
  - having a husband as gentle and kind and loving as mine is
  - back rubs; (better yet, all-over body rubs)
  - fresh flowers and veggies from your own garden
  - the clean fresh scent of a babys skin
  - hot tubs and cool showers
  - life!

12.135LEZAH::BOBBITTmy shangrila beneath the summer moonThu Jul 19 1990 17:272
12.136FSHQA1::AWASKOMThu Jul 19 1990 17:3411
    my secretary, who managed this morning, with only minimal clues as to
    my whereabouts (*I* didn't know what conference room I was headed for
    as I left last night, nor the exact title of the seminar) to track me
    down and get security to break into the seminar to get me.
    My son had sustained an injury at work, and they needed my
    permission to send him off to see if he needed stitches.  It appears
    that he'll be fine, but apparently it was a little scary when they
    couldn't get through to me right away.
12.137;^)DECWET::JWHITEthe company of intelligent womenThu Jul 19 1990 18:144
    me too!
12.138That too...BSS::VANFLEETMaking choices, taking chancesThu Jul 19 1990 19:318
    re:  .135
    Thanks for reminding me....Vermont.  Sigh!  :-)
12.139Heat Hater melting in LondonYUPPY::DAVIESAGrail seekerFri Jul 20 1990 11:484
    ...air conditioning.
12.141MOMCAT::TARBETIt's that dark &amp; handsome lassTue Jul 24 1990 04:1312
12.142I toooold yoooou sooo!REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Tue Jul 24 1990 12:530
12.1432130::ZAHAREEMichael W. ZahareeTue Jul 24 1990 14:566
    I seem to recall reading a few years back about rabies epidemic in
    raccoons that was moving up the east coast.  I don't know the status of
    this obviously old information, however; PLEASE be careful when dealing
    with wild animals.

    - M
12.14419584::BECK$LINK/SHAR SWORD.OBJ/EXE=PLOWSHR.EXETue Jul 24 1990 16:455
Rabies is a problem with raccoons, though I believe the epidemic hasn't come 
further north than New Jersey or so; individuals may still be affected, so 
care is definitely advised.

You might also want to change your locks and put an alarm in your car...
12.146 here it isDNEAST::PLANTE_PATStill the Capt., Long LouWed Jul 25 1990 13:3429
    My two sons, Shawn & Scott
    My ex-boyfriend Timmy L.
    My family/friends
    The great outdoors
    The woods/Moxie Falls, Great Moose Pond, Moosehead, Moose River Dam,
    	Smalls Falls
    The ocean, my favorite is Old Orchard Beach, others are Pemaquid,
    	Rockland, Camden, Boothbay Harbor
    Horses/horseback riding
    Motorcycle riding (especially at night)
    Bicycle riding
    Walking for exercise and enjoyment of the outdoors/scenery
    My home/land and having my brothers' horses on it
    The sunshine
    Rainy day (as long as it's not on the weekend)
    Fishing from a boat
    Boat cruises
    Going out dancing once in awhile
    Music (no country or heavy metal)
    Special pictures of a special person
    My rings from Tim, especially the amethyst (his birthstone, it has
    	lots of sentimental value to me and brings back very nice memories
        of someone that is still very special to me in my heart/mind/thoughts)
    Memories of Tim and I and all the special times we had and his laughter
    Playing in the snow
    Chilly, but nice winter days
    Meeting new people
12.147NETMAN::HUTCHINSDid someone say ICE CREAM?Wed Jul 25 1990 18:124
    A heavy summer downpour...and running barefoot through the puddles!
12.148BIGRED::GALETexas? yep, I'm hereWed Jul 25 1990 20:582
    ..When my dad comes and hooks up my stereo, dryer, and fixes my
12.149RAVEN1::AAGESENhow can anyone *know*????Wed Jul 25 1990 22:133
    ...when i get to leave work after a day like today.
12.150BIGRED::GALETexas? yep, I'm hereThu Jul 26 1990 11:377
    ... waking up totally stiff and sore - cuz it reminds me of the
    wonderful time I had yesterday on the racquetball court, even *if* I
    did lose all three games (didn't lose the last one by much though)
    ... having the person I was playing against turn to me after the last
    game and say, When can you play again?"... WOW...  maybe Texas won't be
    ALL that bad afterall :-)...
12.151CGVAX2::CONNELLAmateur EngineeringThu Jul 26 1990 19:433
    Winning the pool at work. Yea!!!! $120.00 extra dollars this week.
12.152AV8OR::TATISTCHEFFyes YOUFri Jul 27 1990 03:357
    my cats.  little zeke (9 mos) just got out of exploratory surgery
    yesterday.  the reason for his illness?  a bowel obstruction, caused by
    a plastic baggie.  gives new meaning to the term "garbage kitty".
    i get to pick him up friday; noah (adult cat) will be glad to see him.
12.153CGVAX2::CONNELLAmateur EngineeringFri Jul 27 1990 11:026
    Correction to .150. I really love winning the pool at work and giving some
    of it to my kids and using some to buy to new videotapes. I'm now at 160
    movies and still climbing. Mississippi Burning and Errol Flynn's The Sea 
    Hawk got added last night.
12.154NUPE::HAMPTONIf you do it too much, you'll get diabetes!Fri Jul 27 1990 12:524
The National Anthem being sung by Rosanne Barr at a baseball
game.  Ahhhhhhh, what a great country this is.

12.155Better suited for the CATS notesfile?MCIS2::NOVELLOI've fallen, and I can't get upFri Jul 27 1990 14:019
    	RE: .152 
    	One of my cats have been eating plastic bags for 10 years. I guess
    	he didn't learn his lesson the first time he got sick. I thought
    	he was unique or part billy-goat.
12.156SCARGO::CONNELLAmateur EngineeringFri Jul 27 1990 16:305
    Weighing myself today and instead of gaining 2-4 lbs. I have lost
    another 2 lbs. At this rate I'll be down to my goal by Valentine's Day.
    And after I stressed myself out (see the Stress coping string).
12.157biiiig birds !HEFTY::CHARBONNDain't no Prince CharmingFri Jul 27 1990 17:153
    living near an airfield, getting to watch *enormous* C5's 
    fly like hawks. Bonus - the airshow this weekend features the 
    B1 - what a machine(!), whatever your views on military spending. 
12.158home and kitties!WMOIS::B_REINKEtreasures....most of them dreamsSat Jul 28 1990 18:365
    Coming home after 4 days away! Also finding 4 new kittens, 2 black
    males white feet, bibs and noses, and 2 black females with calico
    markings. (anyone looking for a new cat?)
12.159MOMCAT::GIDDAY::WALESDavid from Down-underSun Jul 29 1990 12:2010
    	I love the new node (MOMCAT::) that =wn= resides on.  Why?  I'm
    glad you asked.  For some reason the old cluster (RANGER::) has slowed
    right down for the trans-pacific trip to Australia but MOMCAT really
    flies - almost instant next note updates instead of the up to a minute
    or two between notes!  Thank you Maggie!
12.160RE: Big "Birds"RTL::PELLEGRINOBob PellegrinoSun Jul 29 1990 13:575
Oh.  Airplanes.  Gee, the title had me interested for a minute.

Squawk!  :-)

12.161It's true, you can sleep alone in a strange placeTLE::D_CARROLLAssume nothingMon Jul 30 1990 15:0713
...MOVING!!!  :-)

Finally finished moving (although not unpacking) this weekend.  The place
is wonderful and I'm so excited!  (For those who are confused, I just
moved to Lowell, *not* Arlington. Yes, I did say I had found an apartment
in Arlington...however, the landlord jerked us around and blew us off,
so we found another place, equally wonderful but very different.  Unfortunately,
not large enough for real parties.)

Boy did that CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING feel good yesterday after 8 hours
of loading and unloading furniture and boxes in the blazing sun.

12.162But Boston was worth it...YUPPY::DAVIESAGrail seekerThu Aug 02 1990 12:035
    After 24 hours of non-stop, no sleep, hassle-ridden and jet lagged
12.163Maybe I should do a Rebok commercial :-)COGITO::SULLIVANSinging for our livesMon Aug 06 1990 18:568
    Throwing crumpled-up paper into my trash can (or recycle bin) from
    across my cube and having it go in almost every time.
    (I especially like it if someone is walking by when I make a
    really impressive shot)
12.164honestyGWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Wed Aug 08 1990 20:074
    ...the fact that there are so many men in this notes file that don't 
    have a problem saying they love things!
    E Grace
12.165Last night's rain stormSAGE::GODINNaturally I'm unbiased!Wed Aug 08 1990 21:345
    Walking in the driving rain with my husband, stomping through puddles
    trying to get each other wet, ignoring the incredulous looks of our
    neighbors and passing motorists, becoming like children again.
12.166RAVEN1::JERRYWHITEJoke 'em if they can't take a ...Thu Aug 09 1990 06:576
    Public affection, and hand-holding.   8^)
    Sure, it makes some people sick, but it makes my wife and I very happy.
    Jerry ...
12.167HLFS00::RHM_MALLOdancing the night awayThu Aug 09 1990 07:455
    Why would it make people sick? It makes my wife and I happy to show our
    affection and we enjoy it when other people do the same.
12.168RAVEN1::JERRYWHITEJoke 'em if they can't take a ...Thu Aug 09 1990 10:589
    We're often kidded because people think "we're fooling around". married
    people shouldn't look at eachother with such lust !   ;^]
    I think the people that get sick are mainly the people in unhappy
    realationships, or none at all.
    Romance roolz ...  8^)
12.169SSVAX2::KATZAin't I a stinker?Thu Aug 09 1990 12:368
    ...the early to mid-October air in the Upper Valley.  There's a very
    crisp, clean feel to it as the first leaves to fall skip across the
    ground.  The nights are so clear that you can see just about every
12.170SA1794::CHARBONNDin the dark the innocent can't seeThu Aug 09 1990 12:496
    yesyesyes October!!!
    What Upper Valley do you mean, Daniel ?
    Looking forward to Vermont autumn myself. fooey on the heat, I
    want to hear leaves crunching :-)
12.171SSVAX2::KATZAin't I a stinker?Thu Aug 09 1990 13:008
    Upper Valley in New Hampshire -- Hanover where if you sneeze too hard
    you're over the Connecticutt river and into Vermont...I have some
    friends in Thetford who have a house htat overlooks the
    mountains...right in the direction of Mt. Cube.  When there's a
    thunderstorm, you just kick back on the back porch and watch the
    lightening on the horizon...
    Gawd, I *love* living up there!
12.172RTOEU::TVANDIJCKThu Aug 09 1990 14:5912
    RE. 168
    Yes, that's true, some people are getting sick when seeing other
    people being in love and everything remembers you of being
    alone or living in a bad relationship.
    But this does not mean, those people don't want the others to be
    happy, it just hurts a little bit. But being unfair is not the
    right thing to solve oneselves problem ...
12.174RAVEN1::JERRYWHITEJoke 'em if they can't take a ...Fri Aug 10 1990 04:434
    There's a lot of sad/bitter people out there, and misery *does* love
    company ... sad to say ...
12.175You don't know what's going on in the lives of strangers...CSC32::CONLONLet the dreamers wake the nation...Fri Aug 10 1990 05:3826
    	RE: .174  JerryWhite

    	> There's a lot of sad/bitter people out there, and misery *does* love
    	> company ... sad to say ...
    	It's interesting that you assume that "misery" (sadness/bitterness)
    	is the most likely reason that some people don't feel comfortable
    	watching couples acting romantic in public.  Why would you want to
    	assume the worst about total strangers?

    	Did you ever think that they might be assuming the worst about you
    	at times like these?  They could wonder, for example, if you're
    	putting on a show to make them jealous or to draw attention to
    	yourself.  They might also be assuming that you shower affection
    	on your wife to hide the multiple girlfriends you've seen behind
    	her back.  [Disclaimer:  I'm sure this isn't true, Jerry.  Please
    	don't take it personally.  It's just an example of what others
    	might think while you're assuming something completely different.]

    	Romance is great - if it feels good to romance your wife in public,
    	go for it!  I think it's wonderful.

    	Please don't use it as an opportunity to look down on people who are
    	alone or NOT engaging in this sort of public display. 

    	They may be happier than you are at home.  You never know.
12.176***co-moderator nudge***LEZAH::BOBBITTwater, wind, and stoneFri Aug 10 1990 12:4010
    Please note that the "I love...." note, similar to the "I hate..." note
    and the "Hot Button...." note, is primarily for one-shot expressionism,
    with brief discussion if any in the case of the "I love" and "I hate"
    If a topic seems to be springing forth from any of these, please begin
    a new topic to discuss it....
12.177not really that miserable either...WRKSYS::STHILAIRELater, I realized it was weirdFri Aug 10 1990 13:247
    re .175, no kidding.  I don't "have" anybody in my life right now but
    it doesn't bother me if other people paw each other in public.
    re .176, sorry.
12.178LYRIC::BOBBITTwater, wind, and stoneFri Aug 10 1990 15:416
    Engineering teams who VALUE and INCLUDE their technical writers in all
    aspects of the engineering effort....!  Makes me *want* to put in that
    extra effort.....
12.179moreGWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Fri Aug 10 1990 16:3014
    ...working for a company that treats me as well at Digital does, even
    though I'm "only" a DECTemp.  Forums like this in which I can discuss
    almost anything under the sun, clean air, attractive surroundings, 
    people who, for the most part, say "please" and "thank you", and 
    co-workers to whom the environment is something important, not just
    a passing fad.  These are things that I hear many people take for
    granted.  Trust me, they are not the norm.  With all its problems, 
    Digital is still the best place I've ever worked, and I have 
    worked in a lot of different types of places.
    E Grace
12.181How Touching!HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedFri Aug 10 1990 20:051
    ...reading notes like the last one.  Thanks!
12.182DOCTP::FARINAFri Aug 10 1990 22:072
    when my only sister gives birth to a baby boy!  Andrew was born a
    couple of hours ago!
12.183XCUSME::QUAYLEi.e. AnnSat Aug 11 1990 01:101
    Congratulations to all of you!
12.184WMOIS::B_REINKEWe won't play your silly gameMon Aug 13 1990 02:403
    Lying outside watching the stars and listening to crickets...
12.185LYRIC::BOBBITTwater, wind, and stoneFri Aug 24 1990 16:086
    Diet Vernors.....
12.186good taste!DECWET::JWHITEthe company of intelligent womenFri Aug 24 1990 18:023
    vernors! wow! haven't had it in years!
12.187cardinals!!SPCTRM::RUSSELLFri Aug 24 1990 18:044
    Leaving for work this morning and seeing the biggest reddest sassiest
    cardinal ever in the pine tree next to the front door. 
    And he just looked at me and didn't fly away.
12.188happy feetDECWET::JWHITEthe company of intelligent womenFri Aug 24 1990 21:443
12.189While the cat's away....CSSE32::M_DAVISMarge Davis HallyburtonMon Aug 27 1990 14:407
    ...having a night off...with my spousal unit in Dallas, I plan to stop
    at the local sub shop and order a gyro sandwich with lots of garlic and
    yoghurt sauce and raw onions... and my pores will ooze a disgusting
    odor for the next 48 hours!!
12.190Ah, camping in MaineGWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Mon Aug 27 1990 21:476
    Having a chipmunk sitting in my hand, trying to decide which morsel
    is just right to carry back to hir nest!
    And then having her come back for more!
12.191Hope it happens in some other way tomorrow, though.CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, indeed....Tue Aug 28 1990 01:233
    	Being distracted for one day from the Gulf Crisis.
12.192vernors and skyline chili (an ohio treat?)ROCK::GRONOWSKIthe dream is always the same...Tue Aug 28 1990 20:197
    Vernors... and I thought I was weird having friend and relatives 
    bringing cases out here when they visited...  I've got a case and
    a half at home right now, but its not diet.
    Anyone who's lived in Cincinnati out there?  What about Skyline Chili...
    actually, they've opened up in Columbus and Cleveland too!
12.193NOATAK::BLAZEKfor i smell of the earthTue Aug 28 1990 21:465
What's a Vernor?  Is it another non-west coast thing?!?!


12.194FSOA::AWASKOMTue Aug 28 1990 22:006
    Vernor's is a regional gingerale.  I first ran across it in Detroit,
    evidently it's also available in parts of Ohio.  It's the only
    gingerale that I like - and I can't describe how it's different from
    other brands.
12.195CSC32::M_VALENZANote while you floss.Tue Aug 28 1990 22:224
    They also have Skyline in Indianapolis.  Chile, and in particular
    Skyline Chile, seems to be some sort of Cincinnati institution.
    -- Mike
12.196LYRIC::BOBBITTwater, wind, and stoneTue Aug 28 1990 22:586
    I've only been able to savor it a mere handful of times.  *sigh*. 
    New England has its flaws!
12.197On Wadaquadack HillPENUTS::JLAMOTTETake a Hike...join the AMCWed Aug 29 1990 00:334
    The smell of apples ripening on the trees, as I drove through the
    orchards of the Nashoba Valley Winery tonight...
12.198I didn't know what Vernors was, either...GNUVAX::QUIRIYChristineWed Aug 29 1990 03:354
    Yes, but New England has Moxie.  :-)
12.199yum yumGWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Wed Aug 29 1990 13:117
    New England *might* have its flaws - I doubt it - but a lack of a
    great Ginger Ale is not one of them.  Have you ever tried Chelmsford
    brand Golden Ginger Ale? (*8, (*8, (*8!
12.200OooooohHOO78C::VISSERSDutch ComfortWed Aug 29 1990 13:124
    ... nicking replies which are a multiple of .100. But some of you
    already knew that.
12.201ROCK::GRONOWSKIthe dream is always the same...Wed Aug 29 1990 14:316
    re: .199
    Chelmsford brand Golden Ginger Ale is not Vernor's....  its a taste
    that can't easily be described.
12.202thanks! i needed that (and still do)WECARE::KRISTYTake off your kid glovesWed Aug 29 1990 15:032
    my supportive friends... bonnie r, sunny and mary-lynn, and sue s just
    to name a few.
12.203MS MagazineGEMVAX::KOTTLERWed Aug 29 1990 15:461
12.204Blue Sky!SKYLRK::OLSONPartner in the Almaden Train Wreck!Wed Aug 29 1990 17:179
    ok, all you vernor's fans triggered my memories of my favorite soda,
    which (yay!) I can now get in the Bay Area through the Trader Joe's
    stores.  From Santa Fe New Mexico, Blue Sky soda, raspberry flavored;
    100% natural, no artifical preservatives, flavorings or colorings;
    delicious, pale pink refreshment.  I hadn't had any since I left New
    Mexico in early 1988...until last month, when I found it at TJ's.
    Now I keep a case on hand...
12.205On the olde Rio GrandeTLE::D_CARROLLAssume nothingWed Aug 29 1990 18:057
Oh Blue Sky is great!  My favorite was the Grapefruit Soda.  Not too tart and
not too sweet!  I've never seen *anywhere* outside of New Mexico that sells
it.  As a matter of fact, I have never seen anywhere out of Santa Fe that sells
it.  Last time I went to Santa Fe (last April for Dad's wedding) I was going to
bring back a six-pack but ended up with too much too carry.

12.206)-:GWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Wed Aug 29 1990 19:3811
    re: .201
    I know Chelmsford(trademark symbol inserted here) brand Golden
    Ginger Ale isn't Vernor's, but have you ever had it?  It also is
    a unique and delicious taste experience.  I can't drink it anymore,
    as I no longer "do" sugar, and they do not have a sugar-free
    E Grace
12.207Get your Vernors here!GLDOA::PAGELStart a wave ...Thu Aug 30 1990 00:5715
    RE: Vernors
    I'll be out your way (east coast) in October ... anybody want me to
    bring a sample along?
    Born and raised in the Detroit area, Vernors is part of my culture.
    As a kid, a trip to the Vernors plant downtown was a treat.  We got
    samples and got to watch them bottling and all.  Mom gave it to us warm
    if we had a tummy ache (really did/does make you feel better), and
    there's nothing to compare with a Vernors Float!  Whew!
    I wonder if the cans would explode in my luggage on the plane?
12.208SKYLRK::OLSONPartner in the Almaden Train Wreck!Thu Aug 30 1990 05:074
    ...fresh hot banana bread, 10 minutes from the oven, with butter,
    accompanied by hot orange-cinnamon decaf tea...mmmm.
12.209GOLFDEC25::BERRYUNDER-ACHIEVER and PROUD of it, MAN!Thu Aug 30 1990 11:041
12.210A paid day off...thanks to the justice systemBSS::VANFLEETA mind is a terrible thingThu Aug 30 1990 20:508
    getting called for jury duty, having them tell me to wait for a phone
    call and then being dismissed after getting the whole day at home.  
    You gotta love the system!
12.211And it was my 14th anniversary with DECPENUTS::JLAMOTTETake a Hike...join the AMCFri Aug 31 1990 10:3614
    My son and his wife are here for a visit.  I haven't seen them in a
    year and a half...and I heard hints that there is a plan for a wee one
    in their future...   HOOORAY!!!  USAIR and I will be good buddies..
    My oldest daughter was accepted into graduate school.
    My boss had a phone call from a manager that I interviewed with.
    My grandson and I had some excellent alone time.
    I got a lot out of the Investment in Excellence course I am taking.
12.212CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, indeed....Fri Aug 31 1990 18:1217
    	Getting my Grade Report from school and finding out that I got all
    	A's in the *THREE* courses I took this past term - one Junior level
    	and two Senior level Computer Science courses (I must have been nuts
    	to sign up for all that work at the same time, now that I look back
    	on it, though!)  ;^)
    	Still holding a 4.0 for my second Bachelors (in Computer Science.)
    	Starting classes last night with only TWO Senior level Computer
    	Science classes this term (and one writing class to help me recover
    	from the effects of Noting for the past 4 years.)  ;^)
    	(I can see it now - my teacher will ask, "Why did you put the quoted
    	material behind 'greater than' signs????" and "You know, you could
    	express an opinion about this author's ideas without telling him to
    	go shove it up his sock...")  ;^)
12.213VernorsOXNARD::HAYNESCharles HaynesMon Sep 03 1990 04:285
     Vernors is great stuff (you can get it California). I believe the main
    "special" thing about it is that it is aged in oak. Well, maybe these days
    it just has oak flavor added. Yum.
    	-- Charles
12.214a room of my ownSPCTRM::RUSSELLTue Sep 04 1990 15:2914
    Having a room of my own.  Finally, all the books are found and shelved;
    with two additional bookcases, there is even some free space on
    the book shelves (what a challenge!!).
    I've finished refinishing the desk and reassembled it.  The Macintosh
    is in working order (thank you Jim), and on the desk.  I've got
    three filing cabinets.  
    A bit more work to get the drawing board assembled and the art supplies
    dug out and put into the taborette and 
    Gee, I may have to have a "Virginia Party" to celebrate!
      And the room is soooo sunny!!      Margaret
12.215Aruba, Jamaica, let me take ya'....PARITY::DDAVISLong-cool woman in a black dressTue Sep 04 1990 16:588
    Finally agreeing with lawyers/insurance companies on a settlement from
    an accident that happened almost 3 years ago.
    I'm so happy I could spit! (tee hee)
    Aruba here I come...
12.216CGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Tue Sep 04 1990 18:0811
    Going to my dietician's last Friday and after swearing up and down that
    I had gained 2 lbs, being flabergasted to find out I lost 5 instead.
    That's 30.5 pounds in 14 weeks and only 32 more until I'm satisfied and
    52 more until I'm at my ideal weight. All at only $5.00 a visit too.
    Who needs Holiday fitness. I've got my HMO and the great Ella Dow.
    Now if my cholesterol has dropped... Had it tested Friday but won't
    know until I see my cardiologist in 2 weeks.
12.217Great refresher!!CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, indeed....Wed Sep 05 1990 14:063
    	... My writing class at school!
12.218mmmm - fall is coming (even to California!)MELKOR::HENSLEYnil illegitimi carborundumWed Sep 05 1990 19:2822
    re .204
    the good news:  we have trader joes
    the bad news:   we have trader joe$		(dropped too much $$$ last
    re .213
    yes, at least in Northern California, VERNOR's is available (regular
    and diet, i think) and the last place I noticed it was Nob Hill Foods
    or Cosentinos.  Also, Sioux City Sasparilla and Cream Soda are
    becoming available (even at Trader Joe's?? maybe??)
    TJ also has a decent Spanish Sherry (Solera) selection, but that
    launches us into things we love about fall: 
    	apples, pears and ginger poached in port, served with "simple
    	custard".   the orchard has golden delicious already, with
    	pears almost ready.  a full fall moon over fog-ribboned monterrey
12.219BLUEBERRIES!BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sridin' the Antelope FreewayThu Sep 06 1990 16:533
    Picking blueberries in Charlotte, at a place that does not spray them
    with anything nasty-to-humans, and nibbling as I go!
12.221Being Official!!! now waiting for the profile's to change!RAMOTH::DRISKELLwaiting for day AFTER Xmass....Thu Sep 06 1990 23:2326

	Finally, after 5 months of being fought over, fought for,
	fought on (i have the 'skid' marks to prove it!), and
	fought about, all the way to VP level,

	we are finally, officially, and permenately transfered to
	the field!!!!

	Now, if only I can remember what it's like to be allowed
	to work with the external customers again before the 70 
	hour weeks start up again!


	ps.. I also love -wn- for being here, allowing me to vent 
	the considerable fustration I've experienced over the past
	five months....weeks of "you'll be transfered tuesday,
	no make that monday,,, now it's a week from friday,,, first
	we have to have a meeting on wednesday"... and so on.  
	So Thanks, -WN-  for keeping me sane (or what passes for me!)

	pps... of course it was never anything as non-PC as a 'fight',
	just felt like that to us 'cannon fodder' in the trenches!
12.22220 Carla Days to go!PENUTS::JLAMOTTETake a Hike...join the AMCFri Sep 07 1990 09:532
    A new job, a new career and the opportunity to work with/for two talented
12.223LDYBUG::GOLDMANAmy, whatcha gonna do?Fri Sep 07 1990 12:325
	...finding a wonderful doctor who takes the time to really
    talk to me and explain things and work with me.  After a horrible
    experience a couple weeks ago, this was quite a relief!

12.224GWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Fri Sep 07 1990 14:183
    ...having my contract renewed!
    E Grace
12.225gimmeTLE::D_CARROLLAssume nothingFri Sep 07 1990 14:245
.223 Amy -

Who???? Where?!?

12.226DCL::NANCYBhold on tight, the night has comeSun Sep 09 1990 02:349
    		mechanical pencils
    		Staedtler erasers
    		New England's glorious end-of-summer days (like today!!)
12.227PENUTS::JLAMOTTETake a Hike...join the AMCSun Sep 09 1990 21:168
    Being a parental unit!
    ;-)....the sons and daughters and in-laws and outlaws visited last
    I survived....how 'bout you NancyB/
12.228YUPPY::DAVIESAGrail seekerMon Sep 10 1990 12:295
    ....the first fresh winds of autumn in Cornwall, under a full moon,
    with a bottle of elderberry wine.........
12.229He and his friends make me feel like a kid againWMOIS::B_REINKEWe won't play your silly gameMon Sep 10 1990 12:453
    Seeing my 20 year old son for an afternoon after 3 months apart!
12.230NOATAK::BLAZEKshine like thunderMon Sep 10 1990 18:138
    Vacations, falling in love, being silly, sensuous tequila shots,
    the wild and wonderful women of Colorado Springs, early morning
    telephone calls, slow dances, these butterflies in my stomach, a
    blown reputation (or the aiding and abetting thereof) ... !
12.231CGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Mon Sep 10 1990 20:424
    Sounds like our Carla has fallen real hard over the weekend.
    Whodathunkit. If true, then YAAAAYYYY for you Carla.
12.232CGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Mon Sep 10 1990 20:434
    The first frost of the season. Yesterday in my yard. Trees in the
    neighborhood beginning to turn. Christmas is coming yyyaaayyy.
12.233*sniff*HANCOK::D_CARROLLAssume nothingMon Sep 10 1990 21:005
Carla!  I'm jealous!

Lucky you!

12.234JJLIET::JUDYthe boomerang zoneTue Sep 11 1990 18:067
    	...it when one of the guys in my group who traveled and
    	thought I had a hard time getting his stuff together,
    	brings me chocolates back from Switzerland as a thanks!
12.235SPIDER::GOLDMANAmy, whatcha gonna do?Wed Sep 12 1990 02:256
    	...talking and catching up with a very special friend.  It's
    amazing how in some relationships, time apart really doesn't
    matter, the closeness continues regardless.

12.236WMOIS::B_REINKEWe won't play your silly gameWed Sep 12 1990 13:126
    my husband, who ran out this morning in the wet and got my electric
    curlers that I'd left in the car!
    he's a special guy
12.237CADSYS::HECTOR::RICHARDSONWed Sep 12 1990 13:418
    ... finding out that my Kuwaiti friend is ALIVE!  In hiding someplace
    in Saudi Arabia, but he managed to word out to his American friends
    that he is safe.
    PS - Yes, I realize that this means that someone else was killed in the
    invasion instead...  war is hell!
12.238what a pickmeup!REGENT::WOODWARDYet Another Writing Newbie (YAWN)Thu Sep 13 1990 13:502
    Having a gentleman in the caf compliment me on my outfit ... 
                                 made me blush!
12.239Women's + men's issues results spotted in Filene's men's room! :-)CYCLST::DEBRIAENYC to host Celebration '94!!Thu Sep 13 1990 15:0118
    I love it when I see signs that our efforts for progressive social
    change are slowly paying off.
    I was in the new Cambridge Filene's and went into the Men's Room. I
    walked in and saw a diaper changing station right there by the door.
    My heart jumped, I thought I had entered into the Women's Room! No
    urinals were visible either. I went outside to check the door, and sure
    enough it was the men's room (and the urinals were hidden behind a
    Imagine that, baby care stations in MEN'S rooms! Right on! Maybe we are
    slowly being successful in debunking ridiculous gender roles after all.
    It made my day! Way to go Filene's!
12.240EDIT::CRITZLeMond Wins '86,'89,'90 TdFThu Sep 13 1990 16:4514
    	... seeing my wife's eyes light up when she saw the
    	handmade oak quilt rack I bought her for her birthday.
    	A friend I grew up with made it. He's a supervisor for
    	B. F. Goodrich in Ohio and does this for relaxation.
    	They decided to take a vacation in New England bring
    	the rack with them.
    	My wife said this morning that I couldn't have gotten
    	a better gift.
    	Well, once in a while, I get lucky.
12.241SPIDER::GOLDMANIt's a new me!Thu Sep 13 1990 16:595
    	...my new look and the reactions I'm getting to it today!!
    It's amazing what a completely new and different hair style can

12.242I seem to remember lots of black curlsTINCUP::KOLBEThe dilettante debutanteThu Sep 13 1990 18:111
    Well, Amy, tell us what it looks like! liesl
12.243SPIDER::GOLDMANIt's a new me!Thu Sep 13 1990 21:0715
    	Well, I still have lots of black (dark brown actually) curls...
    at least on the top and right side!  Whereas my hair used to be
    medium long, it's now *extremely* short on the left side (dare I 
    say nearly shaved! :^) ), but the right side is still somewhat
    full and curly and come down to a couple inches or so above my 
    shoulder.  The back is sort of diagonal, from the short on the left 
    side into longer curls on the right.

    	It's hard to describe - but everyone that's seen it has loved
    it!  I've never ever worn a cut like this (me?  An asymetrical
    cut?!), but now I wish I had done it sooner!  It's very stylish!
    :^)  I'll definitely have to update my picture for the =wn= album, 
    soon as I have some taken!

12.244good riddance to the heat and humidity, sez ISA1794::CHARBONNDFree Berkshire!Tue Sep 18 1990 20:003
    cool dry autumn weather, double the blankets and sleep like
    a log :-)
12.245most fun with my clothes on...MILKWY::JLUDGATEPostPostModern NoterTue Sep 18 1990 21:036
    .....falling out of the sky!
    .....seeing a white, red and blue canopy spread over my head!
    .....making a nice soft landing!
12.246HermaphroditeULTRA::WITTENBERGSecure Systems for Insecure PeopleTue Sep 18 1990 22:0136
    Our new tandem bicycle. The results of negotiating well so we both
    got  what  we  wanted.  Cynthia  got  a  recumbent  seat  which is
    comfortable,  she  doesn't  have  to steer (which she doesn't feel
    confident  at),  and  she can keep up with me even if she coasts a
    lot  more.  I get the ability to take bicycling trips and possibly
    vacations  with  her.  And she even let me name it with an obscure
    pun (though I have to explain the name).

    It arrived  last week, and the purple paint we chose is absolutely
    beautiful.  It's  really fun to ride, and it's great to be able to
    ride  together. We're still getting used to the notoriety it gives
    us  --  It  looks  rather  unusual,  and almost everyone turns and

    As for  the  name,  Hermaphroditus  was  the  son  of  Hermes  and
    Aphrodite (Mars and Venus respectively if you prefer Roman gods to
    Greek.)  He  was seduced by a woods nymph who wanted to become one
    flesh  with him. From that merger, we get the word "hermaphrodite"
    which  means  an  organism  which is both male and female, whether
    that's usual for the species, as in several plants, or unusual, as
    in  humans.  By  the  18th  century  "hermaphrodite"  also meant a
    mechanical  hybrid, originally a sailing vessel where one mast had
    both  square  rigged  and  fore  and  aft  sails,  and  later  any
    mechanical hybrid. It was also used (in a meaning now obsolete) to
    mean the juntion or combination of any two unlike things.

    So for  us  it  has  a  double meaning, both the original meaning,
    since  it  has  both  of  us,  and the later meaning since it is a
    hybrid of a regular bicycle and a recumbent. I'm not sure if we're
    admitting  to what I believe is Christian imagery of marriage as a
    joining of the flesh to give a third interpretation.

    Now you  see why Cynthia wanted to name it "Purple Passion", which
    wouldn't require explanation.

12.247particularly in winter...I loveLYRIC::BOBBITTwater, wind, and stoneWed Sep 19 1990 12:583
12.248GWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Wed Sep 19 1990 13:093
    Thrift shops and GREAT bargains!
    E Grace
12.249CUPMK::DROWNSthis has been a recordingWed Sep 19 1990 14:257
       ordering shrimp at the Hannah Jack Tarvern, and having
    to make sure they weren't lobster tails. The things were
    HUGE!  YUmmmmmmy.
12.250whee!!!TLE::RANDALLliving on another planetWed Sep 19 1990 15:346
    ...when fall finally comes and it's cool enough to snuggle under a
    quilt to sleep at night and have an ice crackling fire in the
    fireplace and the trees are starting to look orange around the
    edges . . .
12.251I think you said it all, JodyBSS::VANFLEETMt. St. Nanci Look out below!!!Wed Sep 19 1990 16:035
    Jody Bobbit's definition of duct tape in the "I hate" topic.
    :-)  :-)
12.252CGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Wed Sep 19 1990 16:2213
    the arrival of cold weather, placing my slippers on the radiator and
    coming home to find them toasty warm. The sound of the steam hissing
    from the radiators, the leaves changing colors, not having to mow
    anymore for the season, warm sunshine while the air is still cool, ripe
    horsechestnuts on my neighbor's tree. You can't eat them but some
    people make bolas and pipes out of them. I just like to add them to the
    fall centerpiece on the table. The fall sky and as it gets later into
    the season and more towards Winter, looking at the clouds and wondering
    if this will be the first snow of the seasons. Just everything about
    Autumn is great.
12.253no, honey. Really, the ice won't melt!GWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Wed Sep 19 1990 18:1411
 RE: .250
    >>quilt to sleep at night and have an ice crackling fire in the
    >>fireplace...                        ^^^
    I love typos that make interesting visuals!
    E Grace
12.254Not much....but a start...GMC4X4::BRIGGSRebel without a ....station wagn..yeahWed Sep 19 1990 19:326
    		Flying over Sugarbush yesterday on my way home from
    Mass. and seeing snow on the trails at the very top.
12.255Sorry, I could not resist!BIGRED::GALESomeday never comesWed Sep 19 1990 23:0210
    ... reading about all the cool weather in New England, whilst its about
    90 degrees outside, the ceiling fans are on, and its wonderful... 
    still sleeping with no covers on, just a very light sheet...
    ... knowing that pretty soon you guys in New England will be fighting
    snow, just bout the same time we MIGHT have to bring out the
    sweatshirts cuz its getting a little cooler :-) :-)
    I knew there would be some REALLY goood points to Texas :-)
12.257I like crackling iceTLE::RANDALLliving on another planetThu Sep 20 1990 13:144
    ...when I know it's 90 degrees somewhere else, but I'm cool and
    comfortable and will soon be skiing...
12.258and we will have no comments re: turning it *on*!GWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Thu Sep 20 1990 13:385
    ...my waterbed.  When it's cold outside I just turn it up a little bit 
    and it snuggles me with warmth, when it is hot outside, I just turn it 
    down a little bit and it keeps me cool.  {*8
    E Grace 
12.259I love fallMEMV02::JEFFRIESThu Sep 20 1990 14:422
    ......The crisp cool mornings, the changing leaves, the anticipation of the 
    holiday season. +pat+
12.260FORBDN::BLAZEKsomewhere in the autumn seaThu Sep 20 1990 15:246
    foggy, cool autumnal mornings
    poetic license
    being awakened by puppy kisses
    living honestly
12.261Good news from the college studentSAGE::GODINNaturally I'm unbiased!Thu Sep 20 1990 16:1914
    Learning that Laura's infectious mononucleosis is a mild case and that
    she's felt up to attending all her classes and labs these last two
    weeks.  She takes an afternoon nap and has cut back on her social
    activities, but otherwise she's feeling well.
    Mom (that's me) is planning to spend part of my vacation time next week
    taking her to lunch.  (Actually I'm making an opportunity to check 
    things out first hand.  You know how mom's are!)
    And a big thanks to all of you who expressed concern and sent kind and
    healing thoughts.
12.262WRKSYS::STHILAIREFood, Shelter &amp; DiamondsThu Sep 20 1990 17:209
    I really love that when I got home from work yesterday, after feeling
    bad all day because my 16 yr. old daughter and I had had a bad fight in
    the morning, that she walked over to me, gave me a big hug, and said,
    "I'm sorry I yelled at you and said nasty things.  I love you."  I
    said, "You do?" and she said, "You *know* I do!"  It made me feel a lot
    better.  Maybe she's not such an awful kid afterall. :-)  
12.263WRKSYS::STHILAIREFood, Shelter &amp; DiamondsThu Sep 20 1990 17:226
    I also love the fact that my new boss really seems like a, dare I even
    think it?....Nice Guy to Work For.  Thank goodness there are a few nice
    bosses in the world and I seem to have one again, for a change!
12.265hearing from an old and good freindWMOIS::B_REINKEWe won't play your silly gameFri Sep 21 1990 01:275
    notes from my friend meigs in the file again
    have missed you lady!
12.266I really love...WFOV11::BRENNAN_NFri Sep 21 1990 12:085
12.267WRKSYS::STHILAIREFood, Shelter &amp; DiamondsFri Sep 21 1990 14:167
    Even though I miss summer, I must admit that I loved the view I saw
    this morning as I drove into the center of Upton on my way to work, a
    bright orange tree in front of a tall, white Congregational church spire 
    and bright, blue sky.  How New Englandy can it get?
12.268t'was his birthday tooBTOVT::THIGPEN_Sridin' the Antelope FreewayFri Sep 21 1990 16:007
    spent yesterday at home, for "I really hate..." reasons (as in note
    #13).  Anyhow, my husband came home at lunchtime and said, "bag that
    canned soup, let's go have lunch at 5-Spice Cafe!"
    Love him, great idea!  And no kids along!
    Yummy food too - great hot'n'sour soup.  Wish I had some now!
12.269feels so goooood!KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KOK--but bear in mind, I'm a nun!Fri Sep 21 1990 18:5016
    re .264  Good for you Cheyenne!  How are ya???
    My sister calling me to apologize for some hurtful comments she made,
    as well as saying "I love you"  difficult words in our family  
    Love you too little sister!
    Getting back together with my BEST friend, after a 3 year drifting
    apart, and finding things are JUST the way we left them!!!! And
    as icing on the cake, being reunited with her brother whom I was in
    love with for a good two years about 13 years ago, when a five year
    age difference was insurmountable....and finding the same feelings 
    again, and we're 28 and 33 now, so age doesn't matter!!! 
12.2703rd mvt. by sundayDECWET::JWHITEthe company of intelligent womenFri Sep 21 1990 18:523
    it when I CAN PRINT PAGE ONE!!
12.271FORBDN::BLAZEKsomewhere in the autumn seaFri Sep 21 1990 20:278
    re: -.1
    The tuba goddesses finally worked their magic!
    Carla (who doesn't quite remember if it was the tuba or bass 
           goddesses in absentia)
12.272hint, hintDECWET::JWHITEthe company of intelligent womenFri Sep 21 1990 21:054
    tuba ;^)
    i may need some help celebrating...
12.273it's a VT420TLE::D_CARROLLAssume nothingFri Sep 21 1990 21:215
Getting a brand new terminal at home....SOOOO much better than that
damn clunky VT100 that I hated so much...tilt screen, ergonomic keyboard,
amber screen, quiet, easy to read... wheeee!

D! who is on it even as we "speak"
12.275EDIT::CRITZLeMond Wins '86,'89,'90 TdFMon Sep 24 1990 13:4111
    	... Campagnolo, Shimano, and DT. Wednesday, on a bike trip to
    	Maine, I rode into a storm drain at about 18 MPH. My bars
    	rotated in the stem, my rear bottle flew out and spewed
    	Gatorade all over the road, but the wheel came out without
    	even a scratch. I'm not a flea-weight either, weighing
    	in at about 260 pounds. Shimano 600 hubs on Campy rims
    	with DT stainless steel 14-gauge spokes.
    	I coulda done a serious face plant on that one.
12.276Autumn :-)YUPPY::DAVIESAArtemis'n'me...Mon Sep 24 1990 14:144
    ...a fluffy hot water-bottle just when I need one....
12.277Good PeopleYUPPY::DAVIESAArtemis'n'me...Tue Sep 25 1990 10:4214
    ...my parents
    They are supportive, understanding, willing to learn and great fun to
    be with. I laugh more with them than with any other couple I know.
    These thoughts are prompted by the arrival last night of a package from 
    them for me containing a hilarious card (about meeting a new manager - 
    most apt), a supportive letter, and a tape and transcript of a radio
    programme about wmn in business that I missed......"just to let you
    know that we're thinking of you".
    It really cheered me up at the end of a long day.
12.278WRKSYS::STHILAIREFood, Shelter &amp; DiamondsTue Sep 25 1990 13:324
    re .277, I love hearing somebody say they love their parents. :-)
12.279They have their flaws, but so do I!BLUMON::GUGELAdrenaline: my drug of choiceTue Sep 25 1990 14:184
    re .278:
    I love my parents too.
12.280the BEST!TLE::D_CARROLLAssume nothingTue Sep 25 1990 14:226
Oh, lorna, I love my parents.  I wouldn't trade 'em in on any other parents
in the world.  In fact, now that I think about it, I haven't mentioned to my
parents recently how much I care for them...I think I'll call them tonight.
Thanks for the nudge.  :-)

12.281HEFTY::CHARBONNDscorn to trade my placeThu Sep 27 1990 12:207
    ...that 'The Family Channel' is re-running 'Beauty and the
    Beast' on Friday nights. Gives me a chance to see episodes
    I missed a few years back. Last week's episode ended with
    Vincent (Ron Pearlman) reading Shakespeare's 29th sonnet.
    (My p-n is from the line "then I scorn to trade my place
    with kings.") Not normally a poetry fan but I could listen 
    to that voice for hours.
12.282Whatta beautiful day!YUPPY::DAVIESAArtemis'n'me...Thu Sep 27 1990 13:573
    ...feeling REAL STRONG in my heart
12.283and it's been lonely without them too.NUPE::HAMPTONI don't care how U get here, but get here if U canThu Sep 27 1990 14:034
the fact that my wife and son will be coming back home on Sunday after
being away for over a week.

12.284maybe this should go under milestonesTLE::RANDALLliving on another planetThu Sep 27 1990 14:087
    . . . baking bread 
    . . . and making lovely tatted and crocheted needlework things the
     ,       way my grandmother taught me 
    . . . and finally accepting that doing those things doesn't make me 
             dependent, helpless, or unliberated . . . 
12.285i guess it's one of those daysNUPE::HAMPTONA matter of priority!Thu Sep 27 1990 17:023
....really loving!

12.286BSS::VANFLEETA hypothetical destination...Fri Sep 28 1990 15:0411
    ...being pursued by one of the nicest guys I've met in years.  :-)
    ...rites of passage, my daughter lost her first tooth on Wednesday and
    the tooth fairy came to our house that night.  :-)
    ...good friends who aren't afraid to pull punches when it comes to
    what's best for me.
12.287aaahhh, Autumn in New England!GWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Mon Oct 01 1990 14:222
    ...driving along Mass. state route 20 on a crisp, cloudless October
12.288DSSDEV::KRISTYMaximum Shock Value!Mon Oct 01 1990 14:401
    my new place and my new car!
12.289Now I have to work on my glass-ceiling-penetration skills... CADSE::FOXNo crime, and lots of fat, happy women...Tue Oct 02 1990 15:519
  I really love it when I get promoted to Software Principal Engineer!!!

Sisterhood:  I own my own accomplishments, but my older sisters blazed the
trail, and my age-sisters helped me when I stumbled and keep me strong so
I can help smooth the path for my younger sisters as they carry it on.

Bobbi "p.s., I made the damn deadline, too" Fox
12.291things I love.....ABACUS::SCHUBERTTue Oct 02 1990 16:146
    ..fishing on a warm October afternoon listening to the loons
    ..having my son jump into my arms at the end of the day and
       saying "I missed you mommie"
    ..having my husband doing 55% of housework and childrearing
    ..sunsets in October
    ..moving 50 miles closer to work
12.290that's GREATDHASSA::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Tue Oct 02 1990 16:194
    E Grace
12.292Yayyyyy!!KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KLooks like someday is here!Tue Oct 02 1990 17:017
    making a dream come true!  If all goes well, I 'll have a horse of my
    own on Sunday!!!! I've been asking for a horse since I could speak,
    now I'm 29 years old and it's gonna happen!!!
    :-)  :-)  :-)
12.294Oh, I am so glad you asked!KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KLooks like someday is here!Tue Oct 02 1990 18:1220
    Her registered name is Mahogany Bay, which is her color, the same shade
    as mahogany wood, with a black mane and tail. Her nickname is Baby.
    She's half registered Arab and Morgan, and only 14.2 hands high, which
    I am not sure what that translates to in feet, but just big enough 
    for me to hug, and when I ride her, my feet don't drag the ground, but
    I don't get a nosebleed either!  And the best thing of all is that it
    is opening up a new closeness between my seven year old son and I, he's
    working with me in learning all he can about caring for and riding a
    horse!  Robert is usually a tough little nut to crack, but I've never
    seen him so interested and open and positive!  But back to Baby, I am
    taking her on a trail ride tomorrow night---and if she's as lovely on
    a trail as I think she is, she comes home on Sunday!!!!  
    Yes, it is never late for a dream to come true, and the most wonderful
    thing of all is realizing that with so many dreams still waiting in the
    Thanks for asking, d!!!
12.295USCTR1::JNOVITCHTue Oct 02 1990 18:442
    A hand is 4 inches, so Mahogany Bay is a little over 4' 8" at 
    the shoulder
12.296A week is so short!NETMAN::HUTCHINSDid someone say ICE CREAM?Tue Oct 02 1990 18:539
    ...Quebec City
    ...a small wedding with good friends and family
    ...baking apple tarts and having some quiet time at home
12.297Whatta guy!YUPPY::DAVIESAArtemis'n'me...Wed Oct 03 1990 13:129
    ....getting my back worked on.
    I have an osteopath with the heart the size of a planet, the touch of a 
    healer and the hug of a brown bear. I wish he read this so I could tell 
    him how great he is.
12.298Awesome, Bobbi!DCL::NANCYBCool is the night, is the morning ...Wed Oct 03 1990 15:4418
    	re: .289 (Bobbi Fox)
    > 	I really love it when I get promoted to Software Principal
    >   Engineer!!!
    	Way to go, Bobbi!  
    -<  Now I have to work on my glass-ceiling-penetration skills... >-
    	Hey, I bet your specially_customized_for_glass_chewing teeth 
    	has given you a head start there! :-] :-]
    					nancy b.
    					(who is still recovering from a 
    					 3 hour code review yesterday!)
12.299CSSE32::M_DAVISMarge Davis HallyburtonThu Oct 04 1990 02:055
    ...being asked to take on additional responsibility and being able to
    turn it down without penalty to one's career....
12.300What can I say, I'm a sucker! (*8GWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Thu Oct 04 1990 14:411
    The Red Sox!
12.301DECXPS::HENDERSONGrow the scortched ground greenThu Oct 04 1990 15:078
Watching my 7 year old son play soccer, thinking back to the longest 24 hours
of my life when he was born and the doctors informed my then wife and I that
he had suffered brain damage...turned out to be a bit of a foul up on the doc-
tor's part.  But back then, I didn't think he'd live to play anything.

12.302MOVIEMANIASCARGO::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Thu Oct 04 1990 15:086
    Going to K-Mart at lunch and picking up 2 new movies. Well, actually
    they both aren't new, just new to me. Carousel and When Harry Met
    Sally. Almost at the 200 hundred number for movies owned. I love movies
    and owning movies.
12.303...the "crazy dwarf"REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Thu Oct 04 1990 15:5829
    ... knowing that there would be a new Miles book to read when I
    got back from vacation (because under Lois McMasters Bujold's
    picture on the Wall of Fame, it said that _The_Vor_Game_ would
    be out "soon" from Baen Books.  (Thanks, Jim.))
    ... buying two copies of _The_Vor_Game_ so Tim could give a copy
    to his house-bound friend, Doug.
    ... having Tim come back from his visit to Doug and ask in what order
    the Miles books should be read.
    ... being able to show him the chronology in _The_Vor_Game_ .
    ... having him read right through _Shards_of_Honor_ with only one
    ... hearing him croggle over the situations in _The_Warrior's_
    ... having him read me one of the quotes from _The_Warrior's_
    _Apprentice_ that I had read to him previously.
    ... finding that Suford's copy of _Ethan_of_Athos_ is now
    autographed ("Newt nuggets!").
    ... hearing Tim say that he'd stopped reading them because he was
    going through them at the rate of one a day.
    						Ann B.
12.304love those VORTINCUP::KOLBEThe dilettante debutanteThu Oct 04 1990 17:253
    RE.303 finally getting the nerve to write to an author and beg her for
    more books!!!! I love LMB too. Shards is my favorite book of all time.
12.305Beta is bestREGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Thu Oct 04 1990 17:4011
    You love the Vor?  Are you mad?  Miles, on the other hand...
    Suford is going to a convention in Huntsville, just because LMB
    is GoH there!  Did you know that Miles is based on a real person?
    _Shards_ is one of my favorites, along with _The_Loves_of_Medora_
    _Graeme_ which is a mainstream novel (of all things!) although
    the author, Elsie Lee, was an old friend of Ann McCaffrey.
    						Ann B.
12.306SCARGO::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Thu Oct 04 1990 18:497
    Leaving on Thursday afternoon for a long weekend. I'm only going to the
    dietician's, but a long weekend will be nice anyway. Hope I see some of
    you at Canobie Lake on Sunday. I know I know. I haven't met any of you
    yet, but their must be a way to identify ourselves. I mean besides the
    name tag bit. Anyone going and wearing their Women of Note t-shirt?
12.307Late Nites at the keyboardVINO::LANGELOCaught up in the Rapture of YouThu Oct 04 1990 20:074
    ...getting totally lost in this story I'm writing and staying up till
    all hours working on it!
12.308BIGRED::GALEBlink, Blink, BlinkFri Oct 05 1990 15:006
    Getting through my SSST course - don't know my final grade, but I was
    sorta stuck on the 90's throughout the course- 4 tests, and I got a
    94%, a 93%, a 94%, a 93%, and the presentation is 1/2 my grade...
    But now its almost over (graduation in 1/2 hour), and I'm onto Boston
    to go play for a while...
12.309Good GoingHENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedFri Oct 05 1990 15:094
    Congratulations on your success!  This is wonderful:)
    Hugs and smiles,
12.310SKYLRK::OLSONPartner in the Almaden Train Wreck!Fri Oct 05 1990 22:2111
    After 30 months as a software specialist onsite with a customer
    (NASA Ames), I was looking for some other opportunities.  I interviewed
    with a group in downtown Mountain View (where I live) several weeks
    ago, and received an offer from them today.  I need to think about it
    this weekend, but I really love the location, the prospective work, and
    the positive changes that this represents for me.  
    If I take it, I'll be commuting with a five minute *walk* from my
12.311My fave movie!LEZAH::BOBBITTwater, wind, and stoneSat Oct 06 1990 01:147
    That Fantasia has been re-released with the Original Stokowski
    soundtrack re-mastered!
12.315My not-so-little angel...CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, indeed...Sat Oct 06 1990 06:0113
    	The other night, I fell asleep in my room with the lights and TV
    	on - 
    	My son Ryan tiptoed in - turned off the tv, tucked me in with a
    	hug and a whispered "I love you - you're a great Mom!" - then
    	turned out the lights and tiptoed out.
    	It woke me up just barely (enough to see him and hear what he said)
    	then I dozed off again.
    	What a nice boy I've raised...
12.317going tomorrow evening, perhaps...DECWET::JWHITEthe company of intelligent womenSat Oct 06 1990 21:304
    i most heartily agree!
12.318Monday I will be a Customs Specialist 1PENUTS::JLAMOTTETake a Hike...join the AMCSun Oct 07 1990 21:518
    The anticipation and excitement of a new job...
    A great sendoff from the old job...
    Being back in the GMA...
    Being an individual contributor...
12.319PENUTS::JLAMOTTETake a Hike...join the AMCMon Oct 08 1990 09:381
    When two deer sneak up on Dana and he isn't ready..
12.320see if _you_ get any of my famous chili !SA1794::CHARBONNDscorn to trade my placeMon Oct 08 1990 09:421
    thanks Joyce :-)
12.321EDIT::CRITZLeMond Wins '86,'89,'90 TdFMon Oct 08 1990 13:376
    	...the view from the top of Mt. Monadnock.
    	If I have to bust my butt to get up there, I guess I outta
    	enjoy it. Trip down was intense. My feet paid the price.
    	Scott (I shoulda been on the bike and ridden to Monadnock)
12.322BTOVT::THIGPEN_SI donwanna wearatieMon Oct 08 1990 13:438
    yeah, Mt Monadnock!!  we've done it for several years, but have trouble
    keeping up with the kids, who scamper up like little mountain goats!
    Advice for the novice:
    Wear stout shoes.  Bring drinks and snacks.  Wear tough pants -- you
    usually slide down much of the mtn on your butt, and you can always
    tell which people did that if they wore sweat pants -- their underwear
12.323OACK::CRITZLeMond Wins '86,'89,'90 TdFMon Oct 08 1990 14:4610
12.324CSC32::M_VALENZANote except when you sleep.Mon Oct 08 1990 16:111
    ...snow on October 8.
12.325OFF THE HOOKGWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Mon Oct 08 1990 16:593
    ...5 days and counting!
    E G.
12.326FORBDN::BLAZEKall the sin that i can takeMon Oct 08 1990 22:0812
    ... planning for a 7-day cruise to the Mexican Riviera.  Even
    better, it will be a women-only cruise, and 700 of us at that!
    Robin, thank you SO MUCH for inviting me!
    I'm so excited I can hardly breathe!
12.327COGITO::SULLIVANSinging for our livesTue Oct 09 1990 12:5016
    I know there were some angry words and hurt feelings around
    the personal habits note, but it was so lovely to log in this
    morning and see that women who had strongly disagreed about 
    something could actually listen to each other and preserve their 
    relationships while not backing down from their own view.  
    It might seem like a small thing, but it's the kind of thing that
    gives me hope for the future of the planet.
    Thank you,
12.328Lots of rock/cliff climbers to watch tooWMOIS::M_KOWALEWICZTremendous Terrence, hero of space.Tue Oct 09 1990 14:006
	Having a picnic with friends on top of Crow Hill ( near Leominster
State Forest, Mass) on a beautiul ,colourful , unseasonably beautiful
autumn afternoon.   We even took pictures to remember...

12.329My new laptop!!!!DCL::NANCYBCool is the night, is the morning ...Wed Oct 10 1990 10:1521
    	It's 6 lbs, 20mb, 32 grey-scale VGA, 12MHz 80286, 1 1.44mb floppy
    	(internal), and a great keyboard!!!  (the Zeos 286 notebook)
    	After wanting one for at least 5 years but never being satisfied
    	with the features offered for the weight and value, I saw the ad
    	for it in the most recent PC Mag when I was half-asleep, knew
    	this was _it_, called their 800 # and ordered one, and wondered
        what I did the next morning ;-).  
    	The battery life is much more than they 2 hours advertised as well
    	 -- I know this because I fell asleep when I was editing a file
    	at 11pm to wake to hear it beeping at me (low battery) at 2:30am.
    	(Yes, I have already been informed that sleeping with computers
    	 is anal retentive, and to "Get a life, Bit!") ;-) ;-)
    						nancy b.
12.330Hey Vicki!YUPPY::DAVIESAFull-time AmazonWed Oct 10 1990 15:343
    ...finally finding an *excellent* hairdresser after *two years* of
12.331Change.KYOA::HIDALGOWed Oct 10 1990 16:0022
    Learning new things.
    Reading & bookstores. 
    Giving up "anger" towards specific people.
    			People who wear mental blinders are functioning 
    	                at THEIR level, when they become ready to drop
    			the blinders, they will. 
    Realizing that  "posibilities" are unlimited.
    Feeling like "WONDER WOMAN" when I've accomplished something I'd
    previously set as a goal.
12.332FORBDN::BLAZEKdown river down streamWed Oct 10 1990 16:505
    ... getting flowers from two special friends.  i am loved.
12.333... the "festive" mood in the file today!CADSE::FOXSister of SapphoThu Oct 11 1990 18:063

Bobbi "some days you just can't bother with deadlines" Fox
12.334SANDS::MAXHAMSister of SapphoThu Oct 11 1990 18:144
...it when the vet calls and says it looks like my dog's going
to be okay, in spite of the scare he gave me the other night!!!! 

12.335NAVIER::SAISISister of SapphoThu Oct 11 1990 19:099
    ...when I go back to the used book store and the book that I want
    is still there, and I buy it even though it is kind of $$.
    It is called "Indian Legends of American Scenes" and contains
    stories that American Indians told that explain natural phenomena
    and reflect their religious beliefs.  There is a brief description
    of each tribe represented (I didn't realize there were so many)
    and sketches of animals and color plates of some of the places.
    I will include a story under one of the alternate religion topics.
12.336Need to find more books like this...CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, indeed...Thu Oct 11 1990 19:2413
    	My new book - "The Feminist Papers" ...
    	The first description of a women's rights convention that I happened
    	upon in the car (after paying for the book) had me as proud of our
    	heritage as I've ever been.
    	When you consider the odds the women faced back then - their courage
    	and determination is beyond inspiring.
    	I'm looking forward to reading the whole book (when my college class
    	load calms down a bit...)
12.337NAVIER::SAISISister of SapphoThu Oct 11 1990 19:482
    re .335, make that Native American if you prefer.  Still learning,
12.338YUPPY::DAVIESAFull-time AmazonFri Oct 12 1990 06:476
    ....Indian Summer weekends
    ....new, deep, incredibly fluffy pillows on my bed
12.339JJLIET::JUDYMoney? What's that?Fri Oct 12 1990 13:524
    Our 11 week old kitten curled up on my neck with her cute fuzzy
    	face resting on mine.....when I really need it...
12.340but they're *all* good!RAVEN1::AAGESENis it nov 16th yet??Fri Oct 12 1990 16:486
    ...looking thru the proofs of the puppy portraits and selecting which
       one(s!) to purchase.
12.341FORBDN::BLAZEKwindswept is the tideFri Oct 12 1990 17:128
    ... hearing my brother saying "I love you" for the first time
        in memory.
    ... anticipating 16.November, and the cruise, with ~robin!
12.342No big surprise - our district has wonderful managers!!CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, indeed...Fri Oct 12 1990 18:583
    	My manager!
12.343AV8OR::TATISTCHEFFbecca says #1000001 is a keeperFri Oct 12 1990 20:247
    getting so much support from this community.
    thanks for your mail messages and replies folks.  it surprises me how
    much it helped to know that there were so many people who cared that i
    was (am) mourning the death of a very important man.
12.344CSSE32::M_DAVISMarge Davis HallyburtonFri Oct 12 1990 21:024
    ...receiving lovely warm greetings on my birthday.... AND a 1920's
    Thomas Edison Ediphone (dictaphone) from my sweetie ... wow!
12.345Delivered in the mail today...CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, indeed...Fri Oct 12 1990 22:153
    	...my copy of the latest Ms. magazine.
12.346LEZAH::BOBBITTCOUS: Coincidences of Unusual SizeSat Oct 13 1990 11:246
    Winning a floral arrangement through a raffle at the Worcester Art
    Museum's "Tribute to Flora" members night!
12.347SKYLRK::OLSONPartner in the Almaden Train Wreck!Sun Oct 14 1990 22:467
    having participated in the 2nd Annual California Small Brewer's
    Festival Homebrew competition.  My brewpartner (Stacey Jueal) and I
    entered two categories and our "Foggy Frogger Stout" took first in its
    category, with 141 out of 150 possible points.  And we're still waiting
    to hear how we did in the Best of Show competition!
12.348Hi Justine!GWYNED::YUKONSECcouldn't think of anything pithy todayMon Oct 15 1990 16:143
    ...having a face to match to a =wn=ers name!
    E G.
12.349can you say "Annie Lennox"?TLE::D_CARROLLAssume nothing.Tue Oct 16 1990 14:147
    Finally getting the new 'do I've been wanting for a year.
    This one is *truly* radical.
12.350ya hadda be there :-)HEFTY::CHARBONNDDELETE the SimpsonsTue Oct 16 1990 15:3611
    Last night I'm sitting in my favorite watering hole. The owners
    are a couple a few years older than me. Old hippy types :-)
    In walks their daughter, who had just turned 21, with a gold stud 
    through her nose. "Look, Dad!" I thought he would have kittens!
    Turns out that she had a 'fake' stud that is held on with a magnet
    behind the skin. Looks like real pierced. Mom knew about this,
    tells daughter "Why didn't you get a diamond?" Father is turning
    colors :-) After much commotion joke is exposed. Much hilarity.
    Going out and buy some for myself. Upset stodgy types ;-)
12.351my mind drifts back...BTOVT::THIGPEN_Swho, me?Tue Oct 16 1990 15:427
    from another old-hippy-type (John Sebastian); it seems to relate to .-1
    "...what's the matter daddy
    "howcome you're looking green
    "can it be that you can't live up to your dream?"
12.352going for that longer, short hair lookSELECT::GALLUPDrunken milkmen, driving drunkTue Oct 16 1990 19:4513
>                        -< can you say "Annie Lennox"? >-
>    Finally getting the new 'do I've been wanting for a year.

	Okay, I give, D!, you beat me.....  (but the real test, is it
	shorter than carla's????)

	My hair is finally growing again.....whew....

12.353We're so far behind here...YUPPY::DAVIESAFull-time AmazonWed Oct 17 1990 10:318
    RE .350
    Where d'ya get 'em?
    Can I bribe someone to ship me some??
12.354magnetic earringsLYRIC::QUIRIYNote with the sisters of SapphoWed Oct 17 1990 10:382
    I've seen them in earring shops in malls.
12.355FORBDN::BLAZEKwindswept is the tideFri Oct 19 1990 16:348
    ... reuniting with a very dear soul friend.  she knows who she
    xoxo, spiderlove,
12.357BOOKS::BUEHLERFri Oct 19 1990 17:4621

           Mikhail Baryshnikov dancing

                 (O)      O)
                 _|      /|_
                   \     /  


	  Mark Morris

          Counting down to Wednesday....

          sigh :-)

12.358SONATA::ERVINRoots &amp; Wings...Fri Oct 19 1990 19:369
    Notes that make me laugh so hard I get tears in my eyes!
    Thank you, Mike_V for 9.62.  If you come to the =wn 5th anniversary
    party would you sing a few bars wearing a v-neck sweater?
    Still chuckling,
12.359MCIS2::WALTONFri Oct 19 1990 22:395
    Me to, Mike.
    Peeing in the flotation tank.
    It was perfect!
12.360Mike likes me "just for being me," too. In his sneakers. ;^)CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, you bet.Fri Oct 19 1990 22:433
    	Yes, that was definitely one of his best!!
12.361MOMCAT::TARBETNor any sort of weatherSat Oct 20 1990 02:477
    Lorna's notes.
    *hugs*, sister!
12.362SELECT::GALLUPDrunken milkmen, driving drunkMon Oct 22 1990 13:1324

	I REALLY love....renewed faith that there is still hope for the

	ILIW...I go dancing at a club and...

		people are dancing alone and it's ACCEPTED
		women are dancing with women and it's ACCEPTED
		men are dancing with men and it's ACCEPTED
		men are in the women's restroom and it's ACCEPTED
		women are in the men's restroom and it's ACCEPTED
		people are friendly with each other and they
			accept each other without applying
			"standards" to measure others by.

	I think I'll be hitting X Night at Axis more often....it felt
	SOOOO comfortable there!  8-)

12.363blissBTOVT::THIGPEN_Swho, me?Mon Oct 22 1990 13:267
    ...the view from the house we're buying in Vermont.  and that I can ski
    right out the back door.  and that I can walk out the back door to
    miles and miles and miles of woods (just have to wear red or orange for
    a certain few weeks in the fall...).  I love the woods.
    Mt. Mansfield, here I come!  The land backs up on the state park land,
    and the view of Mt. M. is, well, it could hardly be better!
12.364WMOIS::B_REINKEWe won't play your silly gameMon Oct 22 1990 13:456
    Visiting both my boys on Saturday at their respective colleges.
    Patting Holly's tummy and saying 'hi' to my grandaughter to be.
12.365REGENT::WOODWARDI've got friends in low places.Tue Oct 23 1990 17:0317
    RE:  .362...
    Yes!  ha ha ha...  Quite a difference from Colorado, eh Kath?
    I grew up in MA, where it is quite all right to dance with a 
    group of women.
    When I moved to CO, I found out women only danced with guys.
    I remember the night a bunch of us females from MA went out on the
    dance floor IN CO at (egad I forget the name, the club across from 
    Chapel Hills) and danced...to the shock of many men who we'd
    been turning down all night! 
    hee hee hee
12.366Ice cream'aholic...CYCLST::DEBRIAEthe social change one...Tue Oct 23 1990 19:0011
    	....when I leave the heavy cream, egg, and white chocolate mixture
    	on the stove too long and it turns into an unusable thick custard, 
    	which by complete surprise still made the *best* base I have ever 
    	had for white chocolate-macadamian nut ice cream. We finished all 
    	four pints in about twenty minutes... :-)
    	I love it when winter comes and there's no such thing as 'in
    	training' anymore! Been wanting to do that all summer!
12.367purrrGNUVAX::QUIRIYNote with the sisters of SapphoFri Oct 26 1990 02:306
    ...it when I have to type my notes in with one hand because my lovey
    cat is stretched across my lap and onto the desk and has her little
    head resting on my right arm.
12.368EDIT::CRITZLeMond Wins '86,'89,'90 TdFFri Oct 26 1990 13:411
    	...cholesterol level at 154.
12.369CURIE::PJEFFRIESFri Oct 26 1990 16:224
    You beat me, my cholestrol level is 155.
12.371A phone call to my folks in Hawaii, and...CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, you bet.Sat Oct 27 1990 05:205
    	...my Dad and his politics - born and raised in Massachusetts 
    	(and still a lifelong Liberal at 72 years old.)
    	Right on the money, Dad, as always!
12.372Lorna, want to have lunch with me?SPCTRM::RUSSELLSat Oct 27 1990 23:4712
    ...my new ring.  I've had it on layaway for months and finished
    paying for it this afternoon.
    It is very old (about 100 years) an has an intricate gold setting of
    twisting vines and leaves holding a lovely aquamarine and two side
    diamonds.  The aquamarine shines like still pellucid waters.
    It almost makes working on the weekend worth it 'cause I get to
    watch the ring shimmer across the keyboard.  
      Margaret (using lots of o, p, [,l, ; today :^)
12.374AKOV13::LAMOTTEJ &amp; J's MemereMon Oct 29 1990 09:481
    having Dana back from vacation and his PN.  ;-)
12.375Sorry Dana, I've got a one track mind lately :-)BIGRED::GALEWill 4-Jan-1991 get here quicker!Mon Oct 29 1990 10:014
    RE: -1
    But Joyce, it you think about it, and think about flying, I'd HATE to
    be around his personal name :-)
12.376WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesMon Oct 29 1990 11:233
    Finding my glasses after 10 days of wearing my old perscription!
12.377GWYNED::YUKONSECbeing gentle is *not* being wimpy!!!!!!!!!Mon Oct 29 1990 12:0212
    Fiddle-de-de, Mike Z.
    My cholesterol is 133, and with 2 brothers dead from Artherio Sclerotic
    Heart Disease, and a mother dying from it, you can bet my doctor and
    I are just as happy as purring kittens!
    I love it when I give platelets, and I look at everyone else's bag
    of plasma (ok, so I'm strange (*8  ), and they are bright yellow, and
    I look at mine, and it's almost clear.  The nurses are pretty
    impressed, too.
    E Grace
12.378LYRIC::BOBBITTCOUS: Coincidences of Unusual SizeMon Oct 29 1990 12:337
    spending my sister's birthday with her and the gajillions of friends
    who love her like she was THEIR sister.  
    I'm so proud of her.  She's touched and changed so many lives.
12.379FORBDN::BLAZEKgirl's germs, no returnsMon Oct 29 1990 14:179
    getting the chance to talk with Amy Ray and Emily of the Indigo
    Girls yesterday, privately and separately, for about 10 minutes
    each (YOWZA!)
    the labrys given to me
12.380*squeal*TLE::D_CARROLLHakuna MatataMon Oct 29 1990 14:209
    >    getting the chance to talk with Amy Ray and Emily of the Indigo
    >    Girls yesterday, privately and separately, for about 10 minutes
    >    each (YOWZA!)
    Carla, NO!  You didn't!  Oh, I'm going to faint.
    Tell us about it!!
12.381COGITO::SULLIVANSinging for our livesMon Oct 29 1990 14:337
    Wow!  You got to talk to the Indigo Girls?!!!!  How did you manage
    that?  What did you talk about?  Come on, tell us everything!
12.382FORBDN::BLAZEKgirl's germs, no returnsMon Oct 29 1990 14:5423
    during the Saturday show in Portland, Emily told the audience 
    there was a pro-choice rally on Sunday we should attend, that
    they'd be playing.  so I lingered longer on Sunday than I had 
    planned.  unknowingly, I wandered into their hotel, discovered 
    as I meandered past the restaurant and saw Emily eating breakfast
    with two others.  I waited until she was exiting the restaurant 
    before approaching her.  we talked.  she was warm, friendly, and
    genuinely interested in the conversation.
    "well," thought I, "perhaps Amy (*major* WOOF) is around."  so I
    sat in the bar for a scant minute when I spotted her leaving the
    elevators, alone.  my friend flagged her down and we all talked 
    for several minutes.  I asked her secret things.  she smiled,
    then answered.
    the experience was so unexpected ... I'm still dazed.  =%-}
    oh, the rally was cold, rainy, empowering, and we had front row
    seats for their performance.  Amy recognized us.  bliss.
12.383SANDS::MAXHAMSnort when you laugh!Mon Oct 29 1990 16:214
Lucky you, Carla! Now, do you think you can get the Indigo Girls
to do a few tunes for our Fifth Anniversary Party?!? ;-)

12.384FORBDN::BLAZEKgirl's germs, no returnsMon Oct 29 1990 17:045
    hmmm, couldn't hurt to ask, could it?  =8-)
12.385GNUVAX::QUIRIYNote with the sisters of SapphoTue Oct 30 1990 01:065
    In cases like this I always remind myself that the worse that can
    happen is that "they'll say no".
12.386Someone had to say it... ;^)CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, you bet.Tue Oct 30 1990 01:0810
    	...DECwrite.  (Sorry to those who hate it - I think it's cool!)

    	Although I'm no expert at it, I love the way it lets me see the
    	whole page while I'm working with it - and I don't mind pull-down
    	pop-up menus.  ;^)

    	I only wish my DECwrite skills were a bit sharper - I really need
    	DECwrite for a project I'm doing at work.

12.387AKOV13::LAMOTTEJ &amp; J's MemereTue Oct 30 1990 03:0018
    I really love my commute to work...after I complained for years about
    Rte 93 and more recently about 495 I can only say that...
    Rte 110 is heaven.
    This morning I followed a truck full of pumpkins for awhile...I like 
    pumpkins...they are a symbol.
    After that truck pulled away I traveled along admiring the beautiful
    farm land and homes...
    And before my foot got to heavy on the accelerator I approached a woman
    exercising her horse and a man walking his dog...
    And of course the joggers are fun..I wish they would run facing the
    traffic.  I need a bigger rear view mirror.
12.388Still crazy after all these years...YUPPY::DAVIESAFull-time AmazonTue Oct 30 1990 06:578
    ....when the UK press report that Prince Charles went to drink from
    the Chalice Well in Glastonbury to help the healing of his damaged
    arm AND they don't label him a weirdo for it.
    I thought "The Prince of Wells" was a weak headline though ;-)
12.389AKOV13::LAMOTTEJ &amp; J's MemereTue Oct 30 1990 10:043
    that the birds have found the feeder I put out for them...
12.390CURIE::PJEFFRIESTue Oct 30 1990 13:275
    I love the hugs and good wishes that I have recieved. I love the fact
    that starting Monday I will be fulfilling a dream. 
12.391grins grins grins,GWYNED::YUKONSECaaaaaahhhh, the gentle touchWed Oct 31 1990 15:513
. . . that now I have 3 faces to go with =wn=ers!

E Grace
12.392do re mi fa so la ti doTLE::D_CARROLLHakuna MatataWed Oct 31 1990 17:2516
    ...i really love buying a new digital piano.  I have been saving up for
    this for about 6 months, and shopping for two months.  I hate making
    decisions, especially ones this big, so it took me forever.  And of
    course, immediately after signing the credit slip, I started telling
    myslf I made the wrong decision.  But I think I made the right one...
    one the other hand...I really hate spending more money on this than I
    have ever spent in my entire life before, except for my car (which I
    must admit, was a steal, since I bought it from my mother.)  Scary,
    especially since I am still a beginning piano player and don't know
    whether I'll ever get good enough to have made the purchase worth it.
    On the way back I had visions of the new car I was thinking of buying
    sprouting wings and flying away.
12.393Did you get an employee discount on that? :-)CSC32::M_VALENZANote in rhythm.Wed Oct 31 1990 17:283
    I didn't know that Digital made pianos.  :-)
    -- Mike
12.394learn something new every dayTLE::D_CARROLLHakuna MatataWed Oct 31 1990 17:338
    It's a big company.
    Employee discount only available for those working in TMD (the music
    Oh well.
12.395transfer?DECWET::JWHITEsappho groupieWed Oct 31 1990 17:596
    there's a music division?!?!?!?!?!?!?
    how come nobody *tells* me these things!
12.396now if you could just sit there and _play_... :-)SA1794::CHARBONNDbut it was a _clean_ missWed Oct 31 1990 18:072
    re .395 Sorry, but if it's like most DEC departments they already
    have too many 'conductors' :-)
12.397STAR::BECKPaul BeckWed Oct 31 1990 18:141
One thing about The Music Division is they really know how to make use of Notes.
12.398GEMVAX::KOTTLERWed Oct 31 1990 18:193
    careful, you'll get in treble...
12.399CSC32::M_VALENZANote in rhythm.Wed Oct 31 1990 18:314
    I'm not sure I like the tenor of this conversation.  Can we scale back
    the puns?
    -- Mike
12.400GEMVAX::KOTTLERWed Oct 31 1990 18:363
    I'd say it's way off bass.
12.402We're getting "off note" here...CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, you bet.Wed Oct 31 1990 18:527
    	> I'd say it's way off bass.
    	My son describes someone with questionable musical ability 
    	as singing "off note" - (I always tell him, "Must be a very
    	short song.")  ;^)
12.403SONATA::ERVINRoots &amp; Wings...Wed Oct 31 1990 18:521
    Can we not harp on this subject?
12.404COGITO::SULLIVANSinging for our livesWed Oct 31 1990 19:149
    Yes, please, give it a rest.  yuk, yuk, yuk
    quick: someone come up with something they "really love" so we
    can get back on track.
12.405GEMVAX::KOTTLERWed Oct 31 1990 19:233
12.406The view from LKG2 was *wonderful*!SPIDER::GOLDMANHighway to the danger zone...Wed Oct 31 1990 19:597
    	...incredible sunsets like the one tonight!  Pinks and purples 
    and pale blue sky...the orange ball of fire melting into the
    horizon as the sky goes from light to dark...  And seeing what
    remains of the foliage not far away...  Yeah, I'm a sucker for a 
    great sunset!

12.407OXNARD::HAYNESCharles HaynesWed Oct 31 1990 20:346
I really love winning "Best Costume 1990" at our local Halloween party.

	(Actually I share the award with Kai!)
	-- Charles

P.S. :-) If you want to know you'll have to ask in some other topic.
12.408SKYLRK::OLSONPartner in the Almaden Train Wreck!Wed Oct 31 1990 20:563
    How about instead I hustle over and crash the party? ;-)
12.409CSC32::M_VALENZANote in rhythm.Thu Nov 01 1990 01:263
    I love it when I drive past two deer as I am leaving the CXO facility.
    -- Mike
12.410Yes - one of my very favorite sights, too!!CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, you bet.Thu Nov 01 1990 02:4613
    	If you look closely at the front lawn of CXO3 at night (or in
    	the early morning,) there are often deer standing very still
    	among the few small trees.  It's easy to miss them - they don't
    	run away (they're used to DEC-critters coming and going from
    	the building at all hours) - but they peer at you as you walk 
    	Sometimes they graze on the side of the building - then they
    	lope back to the nearby woods after their meal.
    	The CXO facility must have the tastiest lawn in the area - if
    	the regularity of dinners for deer is any indication.
12.411REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Thu Nov 01 1990 15:574
    ... finding my blue crystal hairsticks that I had misplaced *six*
    months ago.
    						Ann B.
12.412people i respectDECWET::JWHITEsappho groupieThu Nov 01 1990 20:393
    lively discussion with suzanne and d!
12.413it'll get you everywhere, JoeTLE::D_CARROLLHakuna MatataThu Nov 01 1990 21:485
    Being flattered.
12.414your reply should go in topic 14, right?SKYLRK::OLSONPartner in the Almaden Train Wreck!Thu Nov 01 1990 21:517
    ...the picture of a womannoter on p6 of the 1990 Annual Report from 
    DECUS.  yeah, Atlant!
    (I haven't seen Atlant dressed up like that since Susan Wheeler and a
    few others of us took him to dinner in Cinncinati at DECUS in '88.)
12.415:^)DECWET::JWHITEsappho groupieThu Nov 01 1990 21:593
    it's so easy when it's true 
12.416BIGRED::GALEWill 4-Jan-1991 get here quicker!Fri Nov 02 1990 10:261
    ...the kiss from last night still lingers in memory this morning...
12.417IE0010::MALINGLife is a balancing actFri Nov 02 1990 12:521
    Indian Summer in New England.  Today is gonna be a real winner!
12.419big grins in the morningTLE::D_CARROLLHakuna MatataMon Nov 05 1990 16:075
    ...getting a bedtime story.  Or, rather, a bedtime poem... :-)
    So romantic.... :-) :-) :-0
12.420let the good times roll!CADSYS::PSMITHfoop-shootin', flip city!Tue Nov 06 1990 17:489
    ...wonderful weekends dating men who interest me!
       ...joking around
        ...sharing dreams
    ...and, of course, k*i*s*s*i*n*g !!!  :-) :-)
    Pam "call me spontaneous" Smith
12.421:^)DECWET::JWHITEjoy shared is joy doubledTue Nov 06 1990 21:193
    note 47
12.42211SRUS::DUNNEWed Nov 07 1990 01:027
    These starry nights! We may argue the existence of God, but
    who can say the winter night sky is not a gift? (Rhetorical
    question only!) Pink Saturn and the little Plieades! And
    good old Orion, a comforting friend from childhood.
12.423Oh yeah....WFOVX8::BRENNAN_NDykes 'R UsWed Nov 07 1990 15:074
    A topic is opened with interest to ALL the wmn in the file....
12.424JJLIET::JUDYI put highbeams on my Xmas tree lightsWed Nov 07 1990 19:134
    	Our 4 month old kitten jumping into my lap when I get home,
    	settling down and purrrrring!  Kitties are sooo soothing!
12.425rewrite #1VINO::LANGELOWhen a Kite Catches the WindFri Nov 09 1990 03:596
    ...when I decide to rewrite the first 12 pages of my story for school
    and the rewrite is going much better than the first write :-) And here
    I thought this rewrite would cause me to never get this story done.
    Hee,hee,hee. I'm feeling soooo pixie this week :-)
12.426More so every day.CISG16::JAIMEA friend.Fri Nov 09 1990 04:526
    ...the smiles, the hugs, the sharing and the wonderful women of this 
    - Jaime
12.427ESIS::GALLUPCombat erotic illiteracyFri Nov 09 1990 13:0226

	I really love my hairstylist.  He is the BEST....

	Last night I was helping him wash a friend's hair before he
	cut it, and we were chatting about ear piercing.  I mentioned
	that I wanted a cartilege pierce, up near the top of my ear, but
	that the thought of the pain made me not do it.

	The subject changed and later on in the evening I was combing
	out my friend's hair, I turned around and Randy had the ear piercing
	gun up to my head and alcohol on my ear already and....

	FFFFTTTT!  It was done!  Sure, it hurts like hell today, but
	just having it done without sitting there thinking of the pain
	was perfect.


12.428seems kinda oddCUPMK::DROWNSthis has been a recordingFri Nov 09 1990 13:076
    Your hairstylist let's you help? Does he give discounts if you bring
    a helper?
12.429SPIDER::GOLDMANAmy, whatcha gonna do...Fri Nov 09 1990 14:287
    	You have to understand that Randy is not typical, nor is the
    atmosphere in his shop! :^)  

    	Hey Kath - I thought you weren't gonna tell, but wait and see
    if people noticed! ;^)

12.431ESIS::GALLUPCombat erotic illiteracyFri Nov 09 1990 17:3113

	Yes, Randy is definitely a very "different" hairstylist.  His
	shop is more like the social gathering place of the season.
	Cheese and crackers, hot cider......he's great....(and a
	superb hairstylist too!)

	Amy, I wasn't going to tell anyone, but it's kind of hard for
	people in =wn= to SEE my new addition!  8-)

12.432FORBDN::BLAZEKour absolute distinctionFri Nov 09 1990 18:477
    having my yearly exam over with for another year.
    I feel squooshy.
12.433What's it all about, Alfie?VINO::LANGELOWhen a Kite Catches the WindFri Nov 09 1990 19:298
    ...it when I finally buy a plant for my office and it survives one week
    and actually creates a beautiful blossum!
    ...it when I name this plant Alfie so that I can have something to say
    "what's it all about, Alfie" to :-)
12.434More on the worlds best hairdresser :-)BIGRED::GALEOkay, I'll settle for 12/11/90Sat Nov 10 1990 12:4054
    RE: .427, .428, and .429

    I REALLY love reading notes about Randy and New Horizon!!!....

    Okay, I confess, I was the one who introduced these people to the worlds
    best hairdresser. And THEY now get to reap the benefits, and I sit in
    Texas needing a trim on top, and a frosting RE-Done, and have to wait
    until my next trip BACK to Boston to get it done (Appt is already set
    up :-)...)

    Randy learned a long time ago, that he loves people. He doesn't NEED to
    be in the hairdressing career, as he has a real estate career that is 
    multitude times greater than the hairdressing, but he does it cuz he
    likes people.

    To answer the question, "Does he let EVERYONE help, and does he give a
    discount when you do help?

    No, he doesn't let EVERYONE help. Usually he goes on gut, or by
    introduction. If he respects you, and your opinion, that is what
    matters the most.  For example -
    All I have to say to him is "Randy, she'll do a wicked good job of
    replacing me around here, thats all it would take"
    I helped Randy out for 4 years. I'd do everything from washing
    customers hair, to washing/drying folding towels, to sweeping up the
    floor of hair.  He never had to ask me, he just knew I'd do it. I
    tended to stop in on Saturday's cuz I KNEW he needed the help. I did
    it, because I liked the person. I also realized that I never knew WHEN
    he was going to charge me OR what he was going to charge me. Randy
    is a "giver", I am also a "giver". Randy knows I will go out of my way
    to do something for someone, attempt to make something better for
    someone, and just try to make the world a better place to live in, and
    he is EXACTLY the same way. That alone with his skill set is what makes
    him the best hairdresser.

    Before I left, I made SURE Kathy, Amy, Dave, and a couple of other
    non-noter DECies, were introduced to him, or that he knew about them -
    I called before people went to make sure he knew that they were good
    people he needed to spend more time with, not just in a "chair".

    If you want to meet him, and try a REALLY nice hairdresser, let me
    know, I REALLY LOVE introducing new people to him. I will be seeing him
    in about a month, so send me mail, and I'll make sure you get an
    appointment while I am there, and will introduce you.

    BTW: For the men readers, he is also the worlds BEST men's hairstylist

12.435...My exceptionally nice son.CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, you bet.Mon Nov 12 1990 16:1118
    	...Meeting the girl my son is dating - what an adorable couple they

    	Ryan has always had a zillion girls call him on the phone, but he's
    	never had much of a girlfriend before - he's so nice (in addition
    	to being a cutie) that the girls he meets want to be his friends.

    	Now that he's in his late teens, his wonderfully nice nature is 
    	paying off - he's meeting girls who appreciate very nice guys -
    	so several of the zillions of girls who call him are vying for
    	his romantic attentions, too.

    	When I answer the phone, Ryan asks me to find out who's calling
    	before I bring him to the phone - he's having trouble telling all
    	their voices apart.  (They do sound pretty similar.)

    	It makes me feel good to know that he's nice to girls/women (and
    	makes a good friend as well as a cute date.)
12.436BIGRED::GALEOkay, I'll settle for 12/11/90Tue Nov 13 1990 10:085
    Knowing that I have the day off... getting ready to call weather
    briefing, and flight plan a flight to San Antonio today, to let my
    parents see me land and take off (and have lunch in between)...
    Gale_who_needs_this_mini_vacation :-)
12.437BIGRED::GALEOkay, I'll settle for 12/11/90Tue Nov 13 1990 20:0316
    No, make that, flying to San Antonio, 4500 feet on the way, and 5500
    on the way back...  no winds (well, none that matter all that much)
    my headings were RIGHT on, and my landmarks WERE wonderful...
    I surprised my dad - who my mom had drug to the airport as a surprise,
    had a wonderful lunch with them, and my CFI (instructor), and then
    Oh gosh...  I never wanted to land the plane, I wanted to stay up
    forever!!!  Its true, flying a plane is BETTER than any three letter
    word that starts with "S" and ends with "X", and has an "E" in the
    middle :-)...
    Next time, I get to do a solo cross country!!!!...  
    Gale_still_floating (what a way to spend a vacation day!!!!)
12.438"Why are there are always one or two left over?"PROXY::SCHMIDTThinking globally, acting locally!Wed Nov 14 1990 12:224
  ...Getting LEGOs for my birthday, even if it is a set that was on
  my son's Christmas list rather than mine!  (He did the picking! :-)

12.439SCARGO::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Wed Nov 14 1990 15:229
    Lorna St. Hilaire's personal name. My daughter has a poster that say
    "All I want is world peace and ...." The picture is a beautiful water
    front home in Florida. Immaculately manicured lawn, "Miami Vice" type
    speed boat tied up at the dock, Lamborghinni in the driveway, and
    personal helicopter next to the car. Lorna's personal name makes me
    think of my daughter every time I read one of Lorna's notes and this
    always brings a smile to my face.
12.440WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesWed Nov 14 1990 23:507
12.442WRKSYS::STHILAIREFood, Shelter &amp; DiamondsThu Nov 15 1990 12:385
    re .439, Thanks, Phil!  It's from a sign I saw at an antique show once,
    "Food, Shelter and Diamonds.....all the rest are luxuries" :-)
12.443one of the massesTLE::D_CARROLLHakuna MatataThu Nov 15 1990 13:476
    ....my new leather motorcycle jacket.  Thick (ie: safe) leather, but
    soft and supple...that "new leather" smell permeating my office and
    car...chains and chrome...warm, practical, and *hot*!
    D! who supposes that yes, there is a dyke uniform, and yes, she's
       conforming, but who the hell cares? 
12.444OXNARD::HAYNESCharles HaynesThu Nov 15 1990 19:079
>    D! who supposes that yes, there is a dyke uniform, and yes, she's
>       conforming, but who the hell cares? 

A *lot* of people D! :-) and you love it.

	-- Charles

12.445So sue me!!!TLE::D_CARROLLHakuna MatataThu Nov 15 1990 19:355
    >A *lot* of people D! :-) and you love it.
    You figured me out.
12.446COGITO::SULLIVANSinging for our livesFri Nov 16 1990 13:5311
    the hug note.  And it surprises me to say that, because I see myself
    as a rather stoic soul, and well, frankly, I couldn't see why anyone
    would want to announce to the world that they (gasp) need a hug (hmm...
    maybe this should go in the true confessions note).  But.. just when I
    start to think that this whole conference is about to go up in flames,
    I see folks asking for support and reaching out to each other with real
    caring, and it touches me.
12.447You just never know when you'll need itIE0010::MALINGWorking in a window wonderlandFri Nov 16 1990 14:1713
    re: .446
    Its funny, but until yesterday afternoon I felt exactly the same --
    stoic and not understanding why people would announce needing hugs.
    In fact yesterday morning I was thinking "what are these people just
    begging for sympathy?, I'd never do that."  But something happened
    yesterday afternoon that left me emotionally stunned (I'm trying to
    hold back the tears right now) and without support.  The hug note
    was just what I needed.
12.448CUPCSG::MAXHAMSnort when you laugh!Sun Nov 18 1990 18:433
...topic 526.

12.449Finally, a nite outVINO::LANGELOWhen a Kite Catches the WindMon Nov 19 1990 14:076
    ...it when I get to go to Campus/Man Rey on a Sunday night and hang
    out! Yahooooo!! Lotta leather,lotta ear cuffs,lotta jeans with no
    pockets in the back,lotta funky haircuts,lotta tails,lotta,lotta
    lesbian/bisexual women garb! I love it! I'm still smilin' :-)
    :-) Laurie :-)
12.450WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesTue Nov 20 1990 17:108
    in re recent notes in note .47
    I love it when various file members take what was looking like
    a potentially upsetting trend and turn it around peacefully.
12.451**BLUSH**GWYNED::YUKONSECjumping off spot for electricity!Tue Nov 20 1990 18:285
    ...getting flowers at work!
    E Grace
12.452MRPIBB::GALEWill 4-Jan-1991 get here quicker!Fri Nov 23 1990 00:547
    Spending the day with my brother, going out and getting our Christmas
    Tree (its an artifical tree), getting a GREAT buy on it ($90.00 for
    half price!), going to see Three Men and a Little Lady, and generally
    just having a great day, almost 80 degree weather couldn't have asked for
    a better day.. Kids were great, and so was the Turkey dinner...
12.453I love putting up my Christmas tree...BIGRED::GALEOkay, I'll settle for 12/11/90Sat Nov 24 1990 02:391
    900 miniature lights on my 6.5 foot Christmas tree in my living room...
12.4548-)8-)8-)ASIC::WELCHSun Nov 25 1990 09:031
    I really love my spoon.
12.455Inquiring minds wanna know... (-: SPOON?? :-)NEMAIL::KALIKOWDAy CISCo, Let's went! Too RISCo!!Sun Nov 25 1990 12:4514
    OK, I'll bite...
    "Spoon" as in "'Spooning' Partner?"  (My personal choice, if I had to
    "Spoon" as in "Favorite Heirloom Spoon?"
    "Spoon" as in "Silver Spoon in the mouth?" 
    "Spoon" as in "Private Joke?"
12.456I WISH IT WAS EXCITING....BUT JUST NICE...ASIC::WELCHSun Nov 25 1990 14:1812
    Don't I wish....
    No...It was a special gift from my son-in-law (who likes to read
    things I put into Notes when he has a chance)....
    He told me that I was so good at "dishing out" love when someone needs
    it that he thought the special ( you know, souvenir-type) spoon would
    be a nice gift.....
    We had a pretty difficult weekend emotionally in the family, and this
    was just his way of saying "Thank You, Mom".........
    Where did you get daisies this time of year....Tell me tomorrow at
12.460.... on a lighter note, playing hooky for an extra day :-)NEMAIL::KALIKOWDAy CISCo, Let's went! Too RISCo!!Mon Nov 26 1990 00:0710
    ..... I *know* I'll love spending Monday on-campus with my wife,
    co-alum older daughter, and Sophomore daughter, taking in a couple
    Russian History lectures, taking a bunch of kids and their roommates
    out to lunch ..... work can wait for yet another day, at least until I
    put the California-bound kid on the plane Tuesday...  :-( 
    Quite the weekend...   Time to go on a diet...  BUT IT WAS WORTH IT!! 
12.461GOLF::KINGRPREPARE to die earth scum!!!!!!!!!!!Mon Nov 26 1990 03:106
    Listening to the "Lost 45's" and hearing all of the songs from..
    ABBA.... Twise a great night for songs...
12.462DCL::NANCYBDuke Basketball FanaticMon Nov 26 1990 05:3510
    	A wonderful relaxing vacation that leaves me looking
    	forward to the challenges of work this week!
    	My friend Ray who visited from Pennsylvania this weekend,
    	because when we were playing catch with a football he said 
    	I still had a great spiral ;-).
    						nancy b.
12.463as he sais "It's never ending".AYOV18::TWASONMon Nov 26 1990 09:2311
    ...last week being on holiday with my SO and he decides to do the
    housework for me.
    And after the housework says "Phew, I never knew housework was so
    tiring - I'm absolutely exhausted".
    From now on the appreciation of a clean home, clothes etc will be
    even greater. :-)
12.464SCARGO::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Mon Nov 26 1990 13:574
    Hitting the N.H. Pick 4 for $416.00 Friday night. Now I can do
    Christmas without to much worry. PPPPHHHEEEWWWW.
12.465I'm so excitedCGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Mon Nov 26 1990 18:0811
    Taking next Wednesday off and going to ZKO to hear Justine sing in the
    Holiday concert there. I just hope nothing happens to keep me from
    going. I am excited. She will be the first regular in this file that I
    get to meet. Plus, I get totake the whole day off. Actually, I'm taking
    the rest of that week off. It was jsut going to be Friday, but this
    gives me a neat reason to take 3 days off. Afterall, if I'm taking
    Weds. and Fri., then I might as well take Thurs. too. Anyone else going
    to be there. Maybe we can all sit together. 
12.466LEZAH::BOBBITTthe odd get evenTue Nov 27 1990 10:393
    Having access to the piano I grew up with.  Even for a few nights....
12.467CGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Tue Nov 27 1990 18:526
    Finally finding a copy of Drawing Down the Moon. Booksmith at the
    Pheasant Lane Mall in Nashua. Last copy. After having had it
    recommended to me by several people in thhis file, I've been anxious to
    read it.
12.468TransworldREGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Tue Nov 27 1990 19:576
    The people who get to negotiate with KaiSen are Ashleigh, Jake,
    Marsina, and Glorian.
    Hee, hee, all the newbies and ...?
    						Ann B.
12.469<-------what my p.n. saysGWYNED::YUKONSECBLUSHFri Nov 30 1990 14:383
    E Grace
12.470CSC32::M_VALENZANote with toes curled.Fri Nov 30 1990 14:413
    Romance is fun, isn't it?  :-)
    -- Mike
12.471WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesFri Nov 30 1990 14:463
    you two!
12.472flutter..yes, Bonnie?..flutterGWYNED::YUKONSECBLUSHFri Nov 30 1990 15:325
    E Grace
12.474an opportunityWMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesFri Nov 30 1990 17:593
    well we are going to have a party -d
12.475LEZAH::QUIRIYHug and be huggedFri Nov 30 1990 18:526
    re: .473 
    Well, there's no law against hanging around airports now is there?
12.476SX4GTO::OLSONThe Revenge of the BatSat Dec 01 1990 22:416
    ...discovering more and more about the very special people who share
    their experiences and their lives with us here.  Thank you, Charles,
    and thank you, Suzanne.  Melissa Etheridge has a song she calls,
    Testify.  I value it when I see it.
12.477WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesSun Dec 02 1990 01:526
    hearing Suzanne talk about her life
    maybe this should be in the hugs note, but Suzanne your note 
    about the doctors impressed the feathers off of me
12.4788^)RAVEN1::JERRYWHITEJoke 'em if they can't take a ...Mon Dec 03 1990 02:473
    .... lusting after my wife !   ;^}
    Scary (still crazy after all these years ...)
12.479CAESAR::GASSAWAYInsert clever personal name hereWed Dec 05 1990 15:1611
    Ordering software through a mail order house and then receiving the
    software in a package filled with popcorn....not the styrofoam stuff,
    but real popcorn!
    Explanation....this popcorn is more biodegradable than the cardboard
    box in which it came, and although it's not fit for human consumption
    (I guess it tastes terrible) it's fine for birds...
    That's fine by me......
12.480Thank YouICS::MCDONOUGHSWed Dec 05 1990 16:094
    Having a constant need for hugs, and having E Grace always
    distributing extras, and in such a humorous manner!
12.482Good showBLUMON::WAYLAY::GORDONThe gifted and the damned...Wed Dec 05 1990 18:556

	I was the balding bearded guy in the back row of the audience.  Which
one were you?

12.484VMSSPT::NICHOLSIt ain't easy being greenWed Dec 05 1990 19:146
    Sounds like I was standing right next to you, at the top of the left
    But enuf of this, which one were YOU Justine. (if there was an intro at
    beginning, I missed it)
12.485RE: .480GWYNED::YUKONSECCuddles DelightWed Dec 05 1990 19:165
    Thank _you_!
    E Grace
12.487VMSSPT::NICHOLSIt ain't easy being greenWed Dec 05 1990 19:374
    dammit, I missed Danny Boy! (got there late) 
12.488Two seats down from "Grins" Davis-HallyburtonMRKTNG::GODINNaturally I'm unbiased!Wed Dec 05 1990 20:029
    All of us at the concert shoulda worn big name tags!  I picked out
    Justine and Paul, and must have walked right in front of you fellows on
    the steps as I left right at 12:57 to run back down the hill and back
    to work.  Hope I didn't miss any encores, though the show was
    definitely worth several.
    I was the knockout beautiful female that left you all wondering... ;-)
12.486Which one Justine wasSTAR::BECKPaul BeckWed Dec 05 1990 20:0313
Justine sang "Danny Boy" and played guitar for the women's group on "Bread and 

(Speaking of bearded ones, I was the bearded one with the mandolin and the
12-string guitar.)
12.489wonder how justine likes being talked about in 3rd personTLE::D_CARROLLHakuna MatataThu Dec 06 1990 01:0215
    I was the one sitting about halfway down, a third of the way from
    the right (facing the stage) wall.  You noticed me, right?  :-) :-)
    Justine was the only female guitar player, you can't have missed her. 
    She also stood up and took a bow at the end...she was sitting at the
    very front all the way to the left (facing the stage.)
    Karen, the knock-out beauty was you!?!  The one I was watching the 
    whole show?  Wow, will you marry me?
    [PS: Are you sure? :-)]
12.4908-)MRKTNG::GODINNaturally I'm unbiased!Thu Dec 06 1990 12:226
    Sorry, D!, I'm already "taken."  8-)
    (Or do we liberated women say that any more?)
    Thanks anyway.
12.491oh bummerTLE::D_CARROLLHakuna MatataThu Dec 06 1990 12:268
    >Sorry, D!, I'm already "taken."  8-)
    >(Or do we liberated women say that any more?)
    Hmmm...how about "I've already taken someone"...makes it more "active",
    ya know...more "liberated".  :-)
12.492good show!VIA::HEFFERNANJuggling FoolThu Dec 06 1990 12:326
Yes, good show!  Thanks and congrats to Justine and Paul and all the
other Minbrook Spitstrals.

PS:  I was the one in the way back with all his hair eating lunch.

12.493Have we ratholed this topic enough yet?BLUMON::WAYLAY::GORDONThe gifted and the damned...Thu Dec 06 1990 12:4413
	Gee, and I even know what John looks like, and I didn't notice him,
hair, lunch and all. Maybe 'cuz he wasn't juggling.

	Paul.  As someone who has dabbled on the guitar for years, I must say,
I was very impressed.

	Justine.  While I've never been particularly fond of that song about
plumbers (Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling...) I can see now why
the folks who've seen your performances elsewhere rave about your voice.

12.494Never enough ratholes!!!!!GWYNED::YUKONSECCuddles DelightThu Dec 06 1990 12:509
    RE: .492
      >>  PS: I was the one in the way back with all his hair eating lunch.
                                                 ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^
    How does it do that?!
    E Grace     (*8
12.495CGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Thu Dec 06 1990 12:5221
    Yes,we all should have worn nametags. I had mine on. Actually my badge. 
    I was the one sitting in the last row of theater chairs. 3rd from the
    left. I did get to meet Justine and D_CARROLL. I went down and
    introduced myself to Justine and D came down afterwards, so I got to
    meet her. I wish we could have had more time to get aquainted, but I
    understand that work calls. BTW, I ended up walking down to the
    Pheasant Lane Mall from ZKO. It wasn't that far and I need to walk some
    Justine, thank you for letting me know of the concert and inviting me
    to it. Your rendition of Danny Boy brought tears to my eyes, literally.
    Hurry up and get something out on tape so I can buy it and be able to
    listen any time I want. 
    D, it was nice to meet you, however briefly. I hope your new car works
    out well for you. 
    Thank you again for an enjoyable hour or so of thought provoking,
    funny, moving music. It has made my month.
12.496BLUMON::GUGELAdrenaline: my drug of choiceThu Dec 06 1990 13:2912
    re last few:
    It really was a great show!  Thanks, Justine and Paul.
    I was sitting at the very back, toward the right, feeding my face,
    as usual.
    I didn't even recognize Holly until she was mentioned by name.
    Last time I saw her, she had long hair, no eyeglasses, and was wearing
    a skirt.  And I wish she still participated here.
12.497Ken Olsen met the general at the bellTLE::D_CARROLLHakuna MatataThu Dec 06 1990 13:503
    The bit about Ken Olsen and "the general" had me almost in tears!! :-)
12.498WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesThu Dec 06 1990 23:3613
    What  a great series of replies..
    all those =wn= types there and no one knew who teh others were...
    and E Grace I was wondering how Jon's hair ate his lunch also!
    p.s. any typos I appolgise for, I've been in class all week and I'm
    hosted over
    on a slow link with a sticky key board
12.499GLDOA::PAGELPeekin' under the rocks ... Sun Dec 09 1990 23:477
    I really love ... when after spanking my tasmainian_devil_cat
    for being in the Christmas tree ... he come up and rubs his
    head against my shoulder.  Sigh ... if we could only all forgive
    so easily.
12.500SighYUPPY::DAVIESAShe is the Alpha...Mon Dec 10 1990 06:517
    ...the most beautifully scented dark red roses
    ...losing track of time with good company
    ...having my back soaped in the bath
12.501I've moved! hurray!BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfreedom: not a gift, but a choiceWed Dec 12 1990 02:1711
    that I've finally gotten somewhat settled in my new house -- enough to
    get the terminal and modem dug out, hooked up, and working!
    the view out back.  WOW.  'specially on clear full moon nights, and at
    sunset when the sun shines on the mtn from behind me.
    that my kids were actively welcomed by their new schoolmates.  I've
    never seen such friendly kids!
    Now, I hope that life starts to settle down soon, like by Valentines
    Day would be nice.  (I don't hope for sooner)
12.502GWYNED::YUKONSECMENTORWed Dec 12 1990 12:038
    ...spending a wonderful evening with good friends!  
    Thanks, Bonnie and Don (and the rest of the family)!
    However, following Leadfoot out of the Sticks was the *real* highlight
    of the evening!
    E Grace
12.503NOATAK::BLAZEKcross my heart with silverWed Dec 12 1990 14:096
    Bright, blazing, blinding orange and pink sunrises above the Cascade
    Mountains.  Wow.
12.504sunsets over the olympics for me ;^)DECWET::JWHITEpeace and loveWed Dec 12 1990 15:003
    what the heck are you doing up at that hour?
12.505Happy HolidaysMCIS1::DHURLEYWed Dec 12 1990 15:333
    my grandson.... his love is what I think Christmas is about.....
12.506NOATAK::BLAZEKcross my heart with silverWed Dec 12 1990 15:417
    re: .504
    Driving to work at 7:45.  You were probably still snoozin'.  =8-)
12.507Sunrises in Colorado too!29633::VANFLEETlove needs no excuseWed Dec 12 1990 16:4411
    Carla - 
    I'll go along with that.  The sunrise over Kansas was SPECTACULAR!!
    this morning!  One of those pink and golden ones that can't even be
    adequately described!
    As I pulled into the parking lot at 6:55 I heard someone else get out
    of her car and say a loud, "WOW!"
12.508Mornings are the only time for someCSC32::M_EVANSWed Dec 12 1990 19:099
    This morning's sunrise in Colorado was also spectacular. 
    Unfortunately, it also means an end to the 65 degree days.  There is a
    storm front coming in.  Does this make you homesick for us in CXO?
    Hugs, and giggles, and loud teasing belly laughs,
12.509NOATAK::BLAZEKcross my heart with silverWed Dec 12 1990 19:2711
    Yes, Meg, it does!  I haven't seen a single snowflake since last 
    winter and until I do, I am paralyzed in this holiday season and 
    completely unable to believe Christmas is less than 2 weeks away.
    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
    And the same to you.  =8-)
12.510ESIS::GALLUPWhat did I do to deserve this?Wed Dec 12 1990 19:4112
    >Does this make you homesick for us in CXO?
    Sure makes me homesick. 8-(  There hasn't even been a real snow out
    here in New England since I moved here!  
    I have to call my mother in Castle Rock to get my snow fix.
12.511A summer Christmas = an oxymoron..AUSSIE::WHORLOWVenturer Scouts: feral Cub ScoutsWed Dec 12 1990 20:1510
    telling folk in the middle of winter that here downunder, today is
    bright blue skies with an expected high of 80 to 86 degs F.
    Christmas in the cold.....
12.512SANDS::MAXHAMSnort when you laugh!Wed Dec 12 1990 20:2212
>    Sure makes me homesick. 8-(  There hasn't even been a real snow out
>    here in New England since I moved here!  
 Kath, grab your skiis and head up to the REAL New England: Vermont!
 I hear they got a good snowfall a week or so ago.

 I heard on the t.v. news that Boston hasn't had snow for Xmas in
 ten years!!!! It really is hard to believe there's such a difference
 in climate from Boston to Montpelier.


12.513* * * DECWET::JWHITEpeace and loveWed Dec 12 1990 21:185
    i'm teribly sorry, my dear carla, but we over on the civilised
    side of the lake are exerting all of our far more attuned kharmic
    forces to forstall any snow. 
12.514NOATAK::BLAZEKcross my heart with silverWed Dec 12 1990 21:4011
    You're a bunch of degenerates too immersed in depravity to recognize
    a karmic force even if it alit upon the edge of your beer mug, donned
    a top hat, and started crooning "To Dream The Impossible Dream".
    (When can I move over?  =8-))
12.515GUESS::DERAMOSometimes they leave skid marks.Wed Dec 12 1990 21:503
        Oh my.  Was that an insult or teasing? :-)
12.516my karma ran over your dogmaDECWET::JWHITEpeace and loveWed Dec 12 1990 23:233
    obviously pure envy ;^)
12.51880 more pages to go!VINO::LANGELOWhen a Kite Catches the Wind - ACT IIThu Dec 13 1990 03:057
    ...it when I survive my scriptwriting class without totally losing my
    mind. My story was very controversial since it dealt with a woman
    coming out as a lesbian. Ah, homophobia is so subtle sometimes but I
    did feel some of it in this class. I'm  gonna finish this story now if
    it's the last thing I do!
12.519The shower finishes December 14th!AYOV18::TWASONThu Dec 13 1990 06:358
    .... the first and probably the only part of a meteor shower (Geminids
    Meteor Shower) that John and I saw on Monday night.  It was so
    beautiful and really made us feel good inside.
    Makes ya' feel nice..
    Tracy W.
12.520But what would I know?YUPPY::DAVIESAShe is the Alpha...Thu Dec 13 1990 06:459
    Re .514
    Oooooh Carla - I loved that one! :-)
    In fine form, my dear....
12.521LYRIC::BOBBITTtrial by stoneThu Dec 13 1990 11:276
    when I'm a total stress bunny and friends whisk me away for a night of
    humble college the-AY-ter and a trip to Toscanini's for ice cream
12.522CatsSTAR::BARTHDream until your dream comes trueThu Dec 13 1990 15:203
    Getting a new cat.  Now if I can just come up with an appropriate name!
12.523SCARGO::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Thu Dec 13 1990 15:298
    Karen, the cat will name itself. They always do. In fact cats have 3
    names. The one that mother gives them, the one you give them, and their
    secret name.  Somebody should start a cat string in here. I love them
    and wish I could have one. Not my house and no pets allowed, except
    when I babysit my sister's dog. Congrats on your new family member,
12.524SCARGO::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Thu Dec 13 1990 15:314
    E Grace's electronic hug stories. I always new hugs tended to breed and
    procreate. I've finally met someone who has proven it to me. Thanks E.
12.525JJLIET::JUDYNow why are they blinking!?Thu Dec 13 1990 17:5410
    	re: quite a few back...Carla
    	I agree.  As much as I abhor winter and snow, I *have* to have
    	snow for Christmas.  We've had lots of unseasonably warm 
    	weather here in MA/NH  and I've found it difficult to do
    	Christmas shopping when it's 60 degrees out.
12.527SA1794::CHARBONNDFred was right - YABBADABBADOOO!Fri Dec 14 1990 18:587
    ...Watching a good actor do their job in different ways for
    different roles. Last Sunday I was flipping channels back and forth
    between an episode of 'Miami Vice' and a showing of the movie,
    "Stand and Deliver". It was amazing watching Edward James Olmos
    play, alternately, the mysterious Lt. Castillo and Jaime
    Escalante, the inspirational teacher. The contrast made me realize
    what ability and effort a good actor puts into his work. 
12.528Fine workNETMAN::BASTIONFix the mistake, not the blameFri Dec 14 1990 19:259
    re .527
    Yes! E.J. Olmos is one terrific actor!  
    If you have the chance, check out "The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez"
12.529and no, the rest of you don't! (*8GWYNED::YUKONSECMSPWed Dec 19 1990 19:023
    ...having made a new, wonderful, friend!
    You know who you are!
12.530not always on my best behaviorLEZAH::QUIRIYChristineWed Dec 19 1990 23:154
    Slurping my soup...
12.531SNOW - Colorado Springs style! ;^)CSC32::CONLONWoman of NoteThu Dec 20 1990 12:3410
    	We got our intense couple of inches of snow (so a zillion snow
    	plows are out to search for the snow to scrape it away, of course.)
    	We may not get a big volume of snow here (Denver gets 22 inches
    	at the drop of a hat, almost, in contrast) - but we take our snow
12.532NOATAK::BLAZEKhold up silently my handsThu Dec 20 1990 19:109
    Ice cream pie!
    With a graham cracker, chocolate chip, and pecan mixture crust.
12.533let it snowBUSCH::M_EVANSThu Dec 20 1990 19:188
    I just got the phone call,  the woodstove is in!  Okay, Suzzanne
    Now it can snow as many feet as it wantsc as long as I can get home
    who is facing the first warm winter in this house in 8 years
12.534AKOCOA::LAMOTTEdays of whisper and pretendThu Dec 20 1990 19:497
    My grandchildren...being a grandparent is one of the greatest joys of
    my life. 
    I have probably said this before but at my age I am allowed to be
    repetitive and I might say it again....
    J & J's Memere
12.535silly oneBTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfreedom: not a gift, but a choiceFri Dec 21 1990 11:597
    the man from Sears is coming back today to
    	F I X   T H E   D I S H W A S H E R ! ! !
    trivial, I know, but hey!  I want it back!
12.536most certainly _not_ trivialSA1794::CHARBONNDFred was right - YABBADABBADOOO!Fri Dec 21 1990 12:202
    re .535 I really love dishwashers, too. 'Course, I used to 
    _be_ one ;-)
12.537DECXPS::HENDERSONWhen will they ever learn?Fri Dec 21 1990 12:2712
A good friend who came over last night and shared some neat stuff and
*listened* while I talked about a bunch of stuff.  She didn't try to tell
me what to do, but gave me some great insights and I feel a lot better than
I did yesterday.

...mail this week from a friend in this conference that also made me feel
a lot better.

12.538whadda guyDECWET::JWHITEpeace and loveFri Dec 21 1990 17:504
    my boss, who did not make me come in to work in the storm.
    bless him
12.540Belt it, Miss Piggy!LYRIC::QUIRIYChristineMon Dec 24 1990 02:177
    Well, I don't really love it but I do really *like* finding a copy
    of John Denver and the Muppets "A Christmas Together" on CD.
    Happy Christmas, All!
12.541JammingSTAR::BECKPaul BeckMon Dec 24 1990 02:323
    66 degrees two days before Christmas, and two hot picking parties
    in three days (folk music ... well, we did throw some Del Shannon
    in as well ...).
12.542WMOIS::B_REINKEPlus 3 days and waitingMon Dec 24 1990 03:151
    communicating with a good friend
12.543When's the next flight for OZ?OXNARD::HAYNESCharles HaynesMon Dec 24 1990 05:1614
I don't know if I love it or hate it when my neighbors' pipes
freeze... and I know what to do about it. When the pvc to our
automatic watering system breaks. When it's 29 degrees F in
Menlo Park California for god's sake... and that's not even the

At least since we do a lot of winter sports we have the clothes for it.

	"I'm dreeeming of a whiiite Christmas..."

	harumph. I live in California to *avoid* this nonsense.

	-- Charles (still smiling - but this better not last!)
12.544WMOIS::B_REINKEPlus 4 days and waitingMon Dec 24 1990 13:4513
    I walked out to my car this am in Massachusetts, with my robe
    and slippers on and it wasn't cold! 
    if it makes you feel better we have snow and freezing rain coming
    up tonite.
12.545BALMER::MUDGETTHe's reading notes again, Mom!Mon Dec 24 1990 14:297
Saturday I went on a bike ride for a couple of hours when it 
wasn't raining. It was delightful! Yep now its windy and cold. 
OOOOOOOOOh one of these days I'm going to get offered the package
and I'm going to take the enourmous bag of money and move to 
somewhere where its warm in the winter.

Fred Mudgett
12.546skiing starts asap!BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfreedom: not a gift, but a choiceMon Dec 24 1990 15:177
    It's snowing!  We're gonna have a white christmas after all!
    Thanks to all in the Pacific Northwest (USA) who sent this on to us
    here in Vermont!
12.547Mmmmmmmmm Mmm Mmm MmmmmmmWMOIS::M_KOWALEWICZY'never know where y'goin til y'get thereWed Dec 26 1990 13:4811
		Being done with worrying about my job,

	AND     Getting ready to go to college full time.  (YAAAY)

			What a nice Xmas giftie


				(walking on air today)
12.548yeah Mike!WMOIS::B_REINKEPlus 6 days and waitingWed Dec 26 1990 13:513
    More hugs Kbear (you already got some in person!)
12.549DECXPS::HENDERSONBeneath the stars all aloneWed Dec 26 1990 13:5710
Christmas Eve, having 2 of my kids spending the night in my apartment.  My
8 year old couldn't go to sleep and was so upset because he was afraid Santa
wouldn't come because he couldn't sleep...I took him on my lap and held him
and hugged him and *that* made my Christmas..I have tears in my eyes as I 
write about it..

12.551<<LOTS TO LOVE TODAY>>ASIC::WELCHMother Goose......I love geese!Wed Dec 26 1990 21:1910
    Finding someone I thought was lost, and finding the friendship just as
    good as it ever was.......
    Finding a brand new friend across the ocean and giving him a wonderful
    game to boggle his mind for Christmas......
    Being happyy and having my thumb heal extraordinarily quickly for an
    old diabetic......Hooray!!!!
12.552FASTA::M_DAVISGood service -- worth waiting for!Thu Dec 27 1990 14:339
    Good news from the family at the holidays:
    My sister El and her SO are buying a house together;
    My brother Phil has started experiemental drug treatment ddI;
    my nephew Garth and his wife, Ann, are expecting a baby in August;
    my niece Meg and her SO got engaged at Christmas.
    Auntie Marge
12.553DDIF::RUSTThu Dec 27 1990 16:308
    Standing outside holding my year-old nephew as we watched chickadees
    at a bird feeder, while a light snow drifted down around us.
    Having the whole family together at my place for Christmas.
    And - seeing them all off, and getting my house back! ;-)
12.554LEZAH::BOBBITTtrial by stoneThu Dec 27 1990 16:406
    having the mechanical gremlins who've been invading my life chased out
    (well...for the most part).  Broken things are $lowly getting fixed...
12.556huh? did you say something?VAOU02::HALLIDAYI've got bad intentions...Sun Dec 30 1990 18:386
    ...seeing my sister's kids over the holidays.
    ...getting a cd player in one of the after-christmas sales and hearing
    some of my favorite music with a breathtaking new clarity!
    ...laura who succeeded in giving herself a headache in the process
12.557hard to believe I was watching pelicans yesterday!LYRIC::QUIRIYChristineMon Dec 31 1990 11:285
    Spending several days at a nice little B&B in a quiet little town on
    the Gulf of Mexico.
12.558WMOIS::B_REINKEa baby girl!Tue Jan 01 1991 13:016
    Getting a phone call at 4am to announce the birth of Canan Folk-Reinke
    9 lbs 3 oz, 21 inches long.
    grandma Bonnie
12.559(-: CONGRATULATIONS, BONNIE!! :-) x10+6!!!NEMAIL::KALIKOWDThe Maunder MinimumTue Jan 01 1991 13:1012
    only the first of many, I'm sure
    (both grandkids and congrats)
    Hope more congrats than grandkids !!  :-)
    envy envy envy envy ENVY!!!!!
    Dan (grandpa wannabee :-)
12.560BIGRED::GALESkiing time!Tue Jan 01 1991 15:143
    Re: .558
    Congrats to you and son and daughter-in-law
12.561ESIS::GALLUPSwish, swish.....splat!Tue Jan 01 1991 15:389
    Hey, Bonnie....what time was it born?  A lot of communities have "first
    baby born in the new year" contests and usually offer lots o' valuable
    baby prizes!
12.562SNOC02::CASEYS N O V 2 0 :: C A S E YTue Jan 01 1991 15:416
    Hearty congratulations, Bonnie, so too the rest of the family. That's
    one phone call you surely will never forget!
12.563exitASIC::WELCHMother Goose......I love geese!Tue Jan 01 1991 16:0212
    I was just pondering about your Grandbaby last night at around the 
    "witching" hour......So glad she is here, and well and healthy, and
    now it's on to much fun and happiness......Being a Grandparent is much 
    better than being a Parent........You, and/or they, go home sometimes..
    Mostly when they or us need a rest......
    No little dividend for 1990 though .......  Too bad, but next year the
    IRS will have to give back "theirs"......
    Congrats, Bonnie, and love to the little family.......
12.564AKOCOA::LAMOTTEdays of whisper and pretendTue Jan 01 1991 17:037
    Congratulating a new grandma...
    Enjoy Bonnie, being a grandparent is wonderful!
    J & J's Memere
12.565GWYNED::YUKONSECMacho Hug SlutTue Jan 01 1991 17:056
12.566AKOCOA::LAMOTTEPeaceTue Jan 01 1991 17:081
    The First Night celebration was great!
12.568GUESS::DERAMODan D'EramoTue Jan 01 1991 17:164
	Bonnie, congratulations to you and your now larger
12.569wonderfulSUBURB::THOMASHThe Devon DumplingWed Jan 02 1991 08:1018
	Having 11 days off, and only coming back to 20 unread mails.

	Getting invited to Canada this year, to see my brother (who emigrated a
        whole 5 months ago).

	Eating Thorntons continental chocolates till the "full" sign comes up.

	Drinking loads of cider and champagne.

	Eating a 16lb turkey between 3 of us (and 2 cats).

	Having a local pub that's always adults-only and opens Christmas night
	for the regulars (and father-in-law).

	Getting on the scales to find I haven't put on an ounce!

12.570DPDMAI::DAWSONTHAT MAKES SENSE.....NONSENSE!Wed Jan 02 1991 11:297
    RE: Grandma Bonnie...
                          My congratulations to both Bonnie and Don for
    their "new" status.  And of course to the new "mom" and "dad".
    Good luck,
12.572SUBURB::THOMASHThe Devon DumplingWed Jan 02 1991 11:516
	Well, if you know anyone who is travelling to and fro, drop me a mail,
	and I'll get you some....................

	Heather (Is there such a thing as chocoholics annonymous???????)
12.573Oh yeah, Don and mom and dad adn ..WMOIS::M_KOWALEWICZY'never know where y'goin til y'get thereWed Jan 02 1991 12:155
Congrats  grandma Bonnie,

Canan Folk-Reinke welcome to the world.
					Hugs,  Kbear
12.574welcome to Canan :-)BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfreedom: not a gift, but a choiceWed Jan 02 1991 12:219
    Bonnie!  at last !!  hurray!  congratulations to your whole family, not
    least to the newest member!  (tho she'll be in no mood to appreciate it
    for a while!)
    (p.s. I've been wondering when she was gonna show up.  My first was 3
    weeks late; the waiting is awful.)
12.575LEZAH::BOBBITTtrial by stoneWed Jan 02 1991 12:287
    I really love....the Arlington Auto Clinic.  They believed in me even
    when my dealer told me I was "imagining things".  Persistent,
    tenacious, and downright reasonably priced.......makes me believe 
    there is a santa claus out there....cause after a month of stalling my
    car is finally well again!
12.576SighDECXPS::HENDERSONBeneath the stars all aloneWed Jan 02 1991 13:557
The fact that we made it through last week with some fun lite topics, some
serious discussion without controversy, accusations and bad feelings towards

12.577thankyou all of you!WMOIS::B_REINKEa baby girl!Wed Jan 02 1991 14:274
    .... all the nice greetings and wishes for the birth of my
    Bonnie ;-)
12.578RAVEN1::AAGESENENTITLEMENT'S the diff, eh??Wed Jan 02 1991 15:009
    wallering in bed on the first day of the year, the windows wide open
    even if it's 30 degrees outside, the waterbed heater cranked up HIGH,
    snuggled up with my best [canine] buddy in the world and a good book.
    i could have stayed a couple o' more days...  
12.579CGVAX2::CONNELLIt's reigning cats.Wed Jan 02 1991 15:416
    CONGRATS Bonnie. I love the baby's name. It's beautiful. What does it
    Long life, much health and happiness to the new joy in your life.
12.580I wasn't too coherant at 4 am yesterday!)WMOIS::B_REINKEa baby girl!Wed Jan 02 1991 15:424
    I don't know Phil, it is from the 'land of Canaan or Cannan, in the 
    Bible. The middle name is Savoy or Saboy...
12.581CSSE32::M_DAVISGood service -- worth waiting for!Wed Jan 02 1991 16:074
    congrats, grandma Bonnie!!! :^)
    grandma Marge :^)
12.583It's a baby woman!!!!CSC32::M_EVANSWed Jan 02 1991 17:173
    also my congrat's Bonnie J.  Another woman to grace the planet.
12.584LJOHUB::MAXHAMSnort when you laugh!Wed Jan 02 1991 17:195
>    and getting to sit next to Keifer Sutherland and Julia Roberts!!

Oooh! Where did you get to see them?

12.586;-)LJOHUB::MAXHAMSnort when you laugh!Wed Jan 02 1991 18:373
No doubt about it, Cheyenne, I'm jealous.

12.587tdf, for shuwah!!TLE::D_CARROLLget used to it!Wed Jan 02 1991 21:185
    Oh my GAWD!! Really??  Keifer Sutherland?????
12.588Calm BlueYUPPY::DAVIESAShe is the Alpha...Thu Jan 03 1991 06:5011
    My "Stress Indicator" went blue! :-)
    To explain - I have a Stress Indicator, credit-card thing on my desk.
    You place your thumb on the black square for ten seconds, and it'll
    go blue (relaxed), green (calm), red (tense) or stay black (stressed).
    Before Christmas, I hadn't been able to get it to change colour for
    over a month....
12.589SNOC02::CASEYS N O V 2 0 :: C A S E YThu Jan 03 1991 11:1411
    Re .587
    Believe me, D! Cheyenne's beau goes to ONLY the best and most exquisite
    places ...and when he goes there... he goes with a REAL lady. I know.
    Believe me!
12.590do I really want to know...WRKSYS::STHILAIREFood, Shelter &amp; DiamondsThu Jan 03 1991 12:035
    So, Cheyenne, is Julia Roberts as beautiful in real life as she is in
    the movies?  :-)
12.591JJLIET::JUDYLove at first sinThu Jan 03 1991 12:5211
    	Cheyenne!  I too am jealous!
    	BTW- any new on which Twin Peaks episode you're gonna
    	be in?
    	I think if I had met Julia Roberts I would have asked her what
    	she did with all that beautiful hair she cut off.....I'd like
    	to make a wig out of it!  =)
12.592GO Cheyenne!!!!!!!!GWYNED::YUKONSECand I yours!Thu Jan 03 1991 14:3812
    >>	BTW- any new on which Twin Peaks episode you're gonna
    >>	be in?
    Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh.....color me *green*!!!!!!!
    big time (*8
    E Grace
12.595instant agingPARITY::ELWELLDirty old men need love, too.Thu Jan 03 1991 15:169
    re .558
    Congrats, Bonnie
    Being a grandmother make ya kinda old, doesn't it?.........
12.596Only as old as you feelCSC32::M_EVANSThu Jan 03 1991 15:358
    Being a Grandmother doesn't make you old.  It just means the kids are
    growing up.  Two of the youngest at heart people I know have become
    grandmothers in the last year and a half.  I've know the kids involved
    since they were comparative babies, and I'm not any older either.  The
    kid's just got taller than me, curvier, and decided to have children of
    their own so those kids can grow up too.
12.597yankPARITY::ELWELLDirty old men need love, too.Thu Jan 03 1991 15:507
    re .596
    Just pulling Bonnie's chain...............
12.598 :-) WMOIS::B_REINKEa baby girl!Fri Jan 04 1991 00:4610
    Bob is a 'mail buddy' he used to work in my building as a secretary!
    and he's older than I am..
    as he said, a 'chain pull'
12.600sorry dan d'eramo... :)AV8OR::TATISTCHEFFGlass chewing feminaziFri Jan 04 1991 01:152
    ps. getting 12.600
12.601GUESS::DERAMODan D'EramoFri Jan 04 1991 01:285
        re .-1,
        Hi Lee!
12.602Alright alright!CSC32::M_EVANSFri Jan 04 1991 13:495
    Bonnie J.
    Can't the rest of us have a sense of humor as well?  
    Meg (who's oldest is rapidly approaching 17)
12.603WMOIS::B_REINKEa baby girl!Fri Jan 04 1991 13:553
    of course, I must have left off the smiley!
12.604i'm old too.....8-) PARITY::ELWELLDirty old men need love, too.Fri Jan 04 1991 16:225
    re .602
    8-)     Meg, the jokes on me. My oldest is 27............
12.605Not that I ever doubted it for a minute... (Hi, R!!)CSC32::CONLONWoman of NoteFri Jan 04 1991 18:376
    		...the managers in my group!!
    		(My unit manager is a recent Womannoter
    		 - read-only so far - and he likes it!!)
12.606little triumphs....LEZAH::BOBBITTtrial by stoneSat Jan 05 1991 00:015
    Making Bearnaise Sauce for the first time and 
    *getting it right*!
12.607... Being an honorary member(-:??:-) of the Old Girl NetworkNEMAIL::KALIKOWDNutcracker Protocol Honeymoon SuiteSat Jan 05 1991 14:1821
12.608I just love it. :-)CUPMK::CASSINMon Jan 07 1991 01:473
    Growing as a person.  It feels *wonderful*!
12.610IE0010::MALINGWorking in a window wonderlandMon Jan 07 1991 21:344
    Getting a letter from an old friend that I haven't heard from in 7
12.611ESIS::GALLUPSwish, swish.....splat!Tue Jan 08 1991 01:517
    At the moment?
12.612re -.1 -- sounds like you might could use...NEMAIL::KALIKOWDNutcracker Protocol Honeymoon SuiteTue Jan 08 1991 02:453
    ... a trip to the HUG note...?  I'm sure some could be arranged...
    ... no sarcasm intended, just friendly vibes ... give it a try, p'raps?
12.613Music - your soul dies without it!YUPPY::DAVIESAPassion and DirectionTue Jan 08 1991 07:136
    - my new music system.........lying on the floor half the night listening 
    to every piece of music I own to hear how GOOD it sounds is beginning
    to impact my social life %-}
12.614SNOC02::CASEYS N O V 2 0 :: C A S E YTue Jan 08 1991 10:486
    Peace.. let's hope that it doesn't get loused up over the Gulf Crisis
    next week, accepting that if it is it'll be the result of there being
    no real alternative.
12.615ESIS::GALLUPSwish, swish.....splat!Tue Jan 08 1991 11:5210
    > ... a trip to the HUG note...?  I'm sure some could be arranged...
    No thanks......I never did get into that sort of thing.  It all seems
    so plastic to me.  I'd rather people give me hugs for the hell of it
    instead of my having to ask for them.
12.616hughughughughugGWYNED::YUKONSECThe perfect level of hugosityTue Jan 08 1991 12:524
    Well, Kath, I took off all the plastic tips, so I hope you don't mind
    an unsolicited hug.
    E Grace
12.617Not necessarily in that order!KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KLittle things DO matter!Wed Jan 09 1991 19:195
    My new black leather boots!
    and....Aretha Franklin singin the blues!
12.619Alexander BeetleYUPPY::DAVIESAPassion and DirectionThu Jan 10 1991 07:094
    ....having a friend read my favourite poem from Milne's "Now We Are
    Six" to me, over the phone....
12.620Okay, so it's my favorite thing to do.CUPMK::CASSINThu Jan 10 1991 11:412
    Spending my time with the man I love.
12.621things looking up for the new yearTLE::RANDALLWhere's the snow?Thu Jan 10 1991 17:487
    My new job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (Yes, Marge, now I'll get back to work...)
    --bonnie, still catching up. . .
12.622KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KLittle things DO matter!Thu Jan 10 1991 18:201
    An impromptu evening snowmobile ride !! Exhilarating! 
12.623NOATAK::BLAZEKvision thingThu Jan 10 1991 20:275
    ... that Bonnie Randall has returned!
12.625sighGWYNED::YUKONSECThe perfect level of hugosityFri Jan 11 1991 11:293
    ...that I get to see my heart mate again this weekend!
    E Grace
12.626CSC32::M_VALENZAEnvelop five times a night.Fri Jan 11 1991 13:173
    What a coincidence.  So do I!
    -- Mike
12.627WMOIS::B_REINKEconstantly making exciting discoveriesFri Jan 11 1991 13:253
    you two!
12.628bliss X 2 and hugs all roundBTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfreedom: not a gift, but a choiceFri Jan 11 1991 15:189
    those two!  aren't they cute!  if planes are involved, they'd better
    get done with them quick, cause
     it's gonna SNOW IN VERMONT and elsewhere AT LAST!!!!!!!!
    		(be it so...)
    yes I'm goin skiin all the time, momma's goin skiin too
12.629Hugs and bliss and joy to the soulmatesCGVAX2::CONNELLIt's reigning cats.Fri Jan 11 1991 15:565
    E and Mike, just as cute as teddy bears. Hurry, hurry, you two. I've
    heard a foot or more and I'm in Nashua. I can't wait. Snowball fights
    with my son.  WWWAAHHHOOOOOO. 
12.631CGVAX2::CONNELLIt's reigning cats.Fri Jan 11 1991 18:126
    cheyenne, I hope to get really snowed in. I love the snow, even though
    I don't go sledding anymore. Tobogganing, yes. Flexible Flyer, no.
    Also, nude snow angels are fun.
12.633WMOIS::B_REINKEconstantly making exciting discoveriesFri Jan 11 1991 18:238
    in re .631
    Phil - you have *very* strange ideas of fun!
    who doesn't want to get snowed in 'cause she wants to meet her
    granddaughter this weekend!
12.634requires a Finnish sweat lodgeMEIS::TILLSONSugar MagnoliaFri Jan 11 1991 18:4411
    Phil, nude snow angels are only fun if you've also got a *sauna* to run
    back into!  (I purchased a house in a lovely community of mostly
    Finnish background - where a majority of houses do in fact have saunas. 
    I'll be snowed in watching the storm from the nice window in the little
    hot room :-) :-) :-))
12.635very humorous!GUESS::DERAMODan D'EramoFri Jan 11 1991 19:553
        ... Nancy B's personal name in 9.113!
12.636Mud, Beer, and Verbal AbuseBOLT::MINOWCheap, fast, good; choose twoFri Jan 11 1991 21:319
Snow tonight; freezing, driving rain tomorrow.  And I'm setting a
hash house harriers run in Concord tomorrow.  I don't know if it's
going to be on skis, running, short or long.

The good news is that they won't ask me to set another run for a long,
long, time.  I've set 4 runs; three have been in incredibly disgusting

12.638BSS::VANFLEETclosely resembling lightSat Jan 12 1991 15:2111
    all of the hugs you all send to me and the safety I find within the
    -WN- community.
    Reminds me of part of a monologue I did from _Uncommon Women_ by Wendy 
    Wasserstein, "And I like my friends.  I like them a lot.  They're
    really exceptional.  Uncommon Women and all that drivel.....  I guess 
    they always make me feel....worthwhile."
    Thank you.
12.639All my own work, I'm proud to say..SNOC02::CASEYMan with PICK-ON-ME tone, eh??Sun Jan 13 1991 10:5320
    I really love the new water bore which I've just finished installing in
    our backyard. Using a 0.5 HP electric motor, the pump is extracting
    some hundreds of gallons of cool, fresh water from under our land. It
    was dead easy to install and the water quality is far, far superior to
    anything that comes to us via the local water supply, which in itself
    is said to be amongst the top of such supplies in the world. The water
    I'm pumping up is excellent with a good scotch and makes a great cup of
    tea. I've connected up sprinkler systems front and rear of the house,
    so all I have to acquire now is one of those computer-controlled flow
    type taps and I can set the whole lot and sit back and watch the grass
    grow. And the grass and plants prefer our underground water, as we
    proved when we set up our previous bore. We had fuscia blloms the size
    of a huge fist and in the most vibrant colouyrs imaginable.
    As I said, I really love it.
12.640Free water - that's what I need!LRCSNL::WALESDavid from Down-underSun Jan 13 1991 19:0510
    	Don, where do you live??  That's just what we need.  With this
    constant hot, dry weather it's costing me a fortune to water my grass. 
    Wonder what the chances of finding water in Mount Colah is???  Hey
    maybe if you go a bit deeper you'll strike oil!  That may be more
    important than the water in the next couple of days.
12.641Perfect weather yesterdayBOLT::MINOWCheap, fast, good; choose twoSun Jan 13 1991 19:2411
12.642SNOC02::CASEYMan with PICK-ON-ME tone, eh??Sun Jan 13 1991 22:506
    Re .640
    Melbourne, Australia.
12.643Do you sell ice to Eskimoes too???LRCSNL::WALESDavid from Down-underMon Jan 14 1991 00:0313
    	Re .642
    	Melbourne??  I'd of thought that you wouldn't need a water bore
    down there with the amount of rain you get :-).
    	For those interested, this is just a little bit of Melbourne/Sydney
    rivalry.  We always reckon it rains down there and they think it always
    rains up here.
12.644;-) blissed out!WMOIS::B_REINKEA red haired baby womanMon Jan 14 1991 02:505
    Spending 6 1/2 hours with my granddaughter, (and her parents!). The
    way my son looks at his daughter! Holding Canaan and watching her
12.645:-)BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfreedom: not a gift, but a choiceMon Jan 14 1991 11:462
    ... Bonnie's new personal name!
12.646:-) X 100WMOIS::B_REINKEA red haired baby womanMon Jan 14 1991 11:485
    I loved holding the little one even more!
12.647BLUMON::GUGELAdrenaline: my drug of choiceMon Jan 14 1991 12:5012
    Our new woodstove!  It's pretty with a glass door, and
    quite efficient.  Fires every night I'm at home from now on.
    Oh yeah, XC skiing in Vermont in 12" of fresh powder.
    Mad River downhill ski area - what all downhill ski areas used
    to be like - and NO CONDOS!
    Ginny and Eric's cooking - fresh breads and hot soups, yum.
    (available exclusively at the Rochester, Vt. AYH hostel on Rte. 100)
12.648LJOHUB::CRITZJohn Ellis to ride RAAM '91Mon Jan 14 1991 14:367
    	RE: Red haired baby woman
    	...being a baby man. Any baby I see becomes mine. I pinch
    	their little fat cheeks and tossle their hair and tickle
    	their piggies.
12.649WMOIS::B_REINKEA red haired baby womanMon Jan 14 1991 15:106
    well I have brown hair :-), it is my granddaughter a 'baby woman' ;-)
    who has red hair..
    but I sure had fun holding her yesterday ;-)
12.650LJOHUB::CRITZJohn Ellis to ride RAAM '91Mon Jan 14 1991 15:507
    	RE: .649
    	Oh, I get it. Well, silly me.
    	Anyway, I, an adult man, still consider myself a baby man 8-)>.
12.651ESIS::GALLUPSwish, swish.....splat!Mon Jan 14 1991 17:269
    Picking up two bags of flour at the grocery store yesterday and
    smiling when I realize their combined weight is equal to what I've lost
    in the past couple months.
    Only about double that left to go.
12.652GWYNED::YUKONSECGarden of earthly delightsMon Jan 14 1991 17:363
12.6547461::MALINGWorking in a window wonderlandMon Jan 14 1991 22:543
    Way to go, Kath!
12.656CALS::MALINGWorking in a window wonderlandTue Jan 15 1991 22:513
    ... the potato note.  My sides are splitting.
12.657No, I'll be the client and YOU be the server.DCL::NANCYBYou be the client and I'll be the server.Tue Jan 15 1991 22:528
    	> ... Nancy B's personal name in 9.113!
    	;-)  Thanks, Dan,  that was from trying to explain an aspect
    	of PATHWORKS to someone who barely computes.  It was fun ;-).
    						nancy b.
12.658Take note!DPDMAI::DAWSONTHAT MAKES SENSE.....NONSENSE!Tue Jan 15 1991 23:5717
                   I'm not sure if this fits here but since I agree with
    the precautions.....I'll put it here.
                  If any who read this note plan on any kind of public
    travel during these next two months or so, be prepaired for long lines
    and intensive searches.  I flew to Dallas today and then back this
    afternoon.  I was shocked at how serious the airline people are
    reguarding their security.  As intensive as the airlines were, Digital,
    took the precautions even further.  Just a badge is *NOT* enough
    anymore.....having a valid reason for being there and having someone
    there to vouch for you is also required....at least it was for me.
                  I am *D*MN* glad that we (DEC), are taking the serious
    precautions we are. 
12.659;-) the humor in this place ;-)DCL::NANCYBYou be the client and I'll be the server.Wed Jan 16 1991 04:261
12.660new placeSTAR::BARTHDream until your dream comes trueWed Jan 16 1991 15:415
    Finding a wonderful, affordable apartment that allows cats, after
    living for 4 months in an apartment I "affectionatly" refer to as
    my campground.
12.661This spuds for youRANGER::PEASLEEWed Jan 16 1991 17:132
    Another vote for the potato note....absolutely hilarious!!!!
12.662JJLIET::JUDYThe sinners are much more funWed Jan 16 1991 17:378
    	My birthday/Christmas/New Year's present to myself...
    	A full length black leather coat...had it on layaway till
    	yesterday.  Waited two years for this!  =)
12.663ack! pphhhtttt!!!VAOU02::HALLIDAYthis lovely messFri Jan 18 1991 01:567
    when the acronym ftdp comes up in a meeting (it stands for field
    training development position or something like that), i casually
    comment that prounouncing it sounds like something bill the cat would
    say, and an exceptionally nice woman catches my eye and gives me a
    wicked smile...
12.664re 12.635, 12.657, and 9.113NEMAIL::KALIKOWDIraqi Horror Picture Show :-(Fri Jan 18 1991 02:0718
    ... Reminds me of a wonderful funky Oracle Corp. sticker I just brought
    back from a visit to my daughter out in Redwood Shores, CA...  Picture
    a circular sticker, all bright funky colors, with a guy "shooting the
    curl" on a board...  but wait, it's not a normal board, it's... yes...
    a computer keyboard...  and there's a spiral cord mixed in with the
    waves behind it...  and the big letters on the periphery read...
    (wanna guess?  got enough context cues yet?)
                                 CLIENT SURFER
    Now remember!!  I got dibs on that phrase as my next Personal_Name in
    Notes, after it becomes less appropriate to use my current one, and the
    sooner the better!!!
    ... and having just got back into =wn= from a too-long absence and
    getting put into this string first, I can't *wait* till I hit this
    Potato Note.  Wonder what's in store...?
12.665NOATAK::BLAZEKi confess to scarvesFri Jan 18 1991 19:146
    a bright brilliant sunny day
    after weeks of drizzle and grey
    simply stunning
12.666thank the goddessDECWET::JWHITEbring them homeFri Jan 18 1991 21:023
    yes, aren't the mountains beautiful?
12.667NOATAK::BLAZEKi confess to scarvesFri Jan 18 1991 21:098
    Upon first glance I thought they were clouds!
    I want to fly to their peaks and lick the snow off and slide down
    their backs like a faery.
12.668CSC32::M_VALENZAMake love, not war.Fri Jan 18 1991 21:103
    How poetic, Carla.  I love it. :-)
    -- Mike
12.669CALS::MALINGMirthquake!Fri Jan 18 1991 22:035
    .... being silly.  I'm at work and I just got a phone call (wrong
    number).  The person said "Is this the Green residence?"  I looked
    around my cube and said "No its gray."
12.670FDCV06::KINGHUH?Sat Jan 19 1991 02:143
    Re:666... You missed a good chance on a good number to reply on...
12.671And it isn't even my birthday!CUPMK::CASSINSat Jan 19 1991 16:073
    Getting flowers from my main squeeze!  *Mmm*!!
12.672FDCV06::KINGWhen all else fails,HIT the teddybearSun Jan 20 1991 00:491
    My new personal name!
12.673SNOC02::CASEYAussie Down Under Son.Sun Jan 20 1991 19:097
    The Queen Victoria Market here in Melbourne..for example..how does
    $A3.99 per kilogram sound for top quality T-bone and Rump steaks?
    ($A1.00 is approx. $US 0.75). That's about 50% of the price we pay at
    butchers' shops here.
12.674Wanna put some in the mail???LRCSNL::WALESDavid from Down-underSun Jan 20 1991 20:567
    G'Day Don,
    	50%, I wish!  It's more like 33% based on Sydney prices.  We quite
    often have to pay $12 a kilo for T-Bone and rump.
12.675SNOC02::CASEYAussie Down Under Son.Tue Jan 22 1991 10:589
    Re .674
    	I'm amazed!! $12!! Sounds like I should bring up a car fridge full
    of rump steak and T-bone steak when next I visit Sydney. 
12.676Unexpected picturesSPIDER::GOLDMANEvery choice is worth your whileWed Jan 23 1991 16:165
    	...when someone finds out I love Renoirs and pops a Renoir .GIF 
    up as the background on my workstation!  Now if only I didn't have
    to have these windows up covering it! :^)

12.677Helping someone to a smileCGVAX2::CONNELLIt's reigning cats.Thu Jan 24 1991 19:336
    Sending my best terminal friend (we've never met. She's in PA and I'm
    in N.H) roses for her birthday. She got them today and even though they
    were a day early, she was having such a bad day, that they absolutely
    turned athe whole day around for her.
12.678Helping out our nifty kidsNEMAIL::KALIKOWDNOTEorious!!! :-)Fri Jan 25 1991 13:4853
    Not sure whether this is "really love" or "really hate" but on balance
    I'm sure it's in the right place.  My younger kid (college soph) is on
    her semester break and my older kid (graduated last year, works in CA)
    gave her the birthday present of paying her airfare out to visit her. 
    Great, we thought, finally Jodie's a big kid and can pay not only HER
    way but Mandy's as well.
    Not so fast...  Got a panic call from Logan Airport yesterday morning
    from Mandy...  Seems the clever(??) plan was for Jodie to buy a
    round-trip fare to SFO from American Express on a special $118 rate for
    first-time AMEX card holders, and to give the ticket to little sis. 
    The ticket was accompanied by Jodie's superannuated college ID card,
    upon which which Mandy apparently omitted to attempt to forge her own
    name...  Normally this wouldn't have produced any problems, but in
    these days of mega-tight airport security, when (>1?) valid photo-ID is
    required and is scrutinized with an intense scrute, Mandy didn't pass
    So there she was at the airport with a bum ticket...  What to do?  Oh
    well, we gave her our VISA and MC card #s and told her to hurry shop
    around for another ticket and go anyway, and we'd straighten out the $$
    later.  Intersessions are only so long, and they *are* so close and
    they miss one another a lot...
    End of story:  An EMail arrived last evening to the effect that she got
    there OK, and for only $295 (from American Airlines)!  Other carriers
    offered her tix at up to $1400, so she made out REAL good...  And
    later, we spoke to them and of course the big issue was what to do
    about the $$...  Debby & I looked at each other and instantly said
    "Happy Birthday again, Mandy!!" which felt *real* good to be able to
    do...  It's nice to be able to help out BOTH kids in one swell foop,
    and to vicariously enjoy their visit...
    We're thinking of it as a sort of intra-family "war tax" ...  sick
    humor, of course...
    Thanks, Ken Olsen and Michael Goldman (the President of Debby's new
    hi-tech startup)!
    ...and as long as I'm talking tangentially about Debby's new job, I
    gotta share this -- another thing to LOVE was that today, she decided
    she wanted to wear her new Burberry "tie" (really an extra-long bow) in
    a standard Windsor knot.  Being of the female persuasion, she hadn't
    had much previous call to learn how to tie one, and I (from empirical
    experience being of the daughter-producing sort) had never had much
    call to teach it.  The result was some pretty hilarious fumbling around
    this morning!!  Have you ever tried to tie a tie around someone ELSE's
    neck?  Or failing that, to tie one NOT in front of a mirror so that
    someone ELSE can copy you?  
    Wow, if ever there was a demonstration that ties cut off blood
    circulation to the brain, this was it, twice!!!  :-)
12.679GWYNED::YUKONSECa Friend in mourning.Fri Jan 25 1991 14:003
    ...not having a headache for the first time in 4 weeks!!!!!
    E Grace
12.680mirrors maybe?WMOIS::B_REINKEshe is a 'red haired baby-woman'Fri Jan 25 1991 14:129
    I've found I can tie someone else's tie but not my own, and my
    husband can tie his own but not someone else's. He solved the
    problem of tying someone else's tie by standing behind the
    person with the tie and tying it that way. I haven't figured
    how I'd do the same sort of thing to tie a tie for myself.
12.681CGVAX2::CONNELLIt's reigning cats.Fri Jan 25 1991 17:283
    E Grace's news. Both here and in the Rathole.
12.682ESIS::GALLUPSwish, swish.....splat!Sat Jan 26 1991 12:588
    I really love reading a mail message that says my GPX is transforming
    into a 3100 on Monday.
12.683English -- my weapon of choiceSNOBRD::CONLIFFECthulhu Barata NiktoMon Jan 28 1991 02:519
    I'm not sure whether I love this, or hate it, but the last note which I
    read from Saddam Philpott reminded me of it (-:
     Have you noticed how the news broadcasts are "Cleared" by the American
    military forces, "Passed" by the Israelis, "Approved" by the Saudis but
    "Censored" by the Iraqis?
     There's a certain subtle message there.  
12.684hugorgy!!!!!GWYNED::YUKONSECsated hugsMon Jan 28 1991 11:237
    ...=wn= parties!
    E Grace
12.685shameless self-promotion! (*8GWYNED::YUKONSECsated hugsMon Jan 28 1991 12:285
    ...getting my picture in New England Entertainment Digest
    even if they *did* spell E wrong!
    E Grace
12.686CGVAX2::CONNELLIt's reigning cats.Mon Jan 28 1991 14:545
    E, where can we get copies? Is this available in stores, bookstores or
    is it available to members of the profession? I wanna see what E looks
    like. She knows what I look like.
12.688 (*8 GWYNED::YUKONSECa woman of honor, dignity &amp; hogosityTue Jan 29 1991 19:004
    ...having lunch at MRO1-3/LM23, and hearing Martha's cost cutting
    E Grace
12.6900 unseen!!CSC32::DUBOISThe early bird gets wormsTue Jan 29 1991 22:275
I love it when I have FINALLY caught up on Womannotes!!!!!


12.691...the way my new USA Flag looks...NEMAIL::KALIKOWDLibR8 Q8Tue Jan 29 1991 23:1616
12.692Waste my time. Please.SA1794::CHARBONNDYeh, mon, no problemWed Jan 30 1991 10:004
    ...being sent on a five-hour round trip to get information that
    I could have gotten in five minutes (or less) on the phone. 
    Thanks, DEC, the scenery on rte. 202 & 2 was gorgeous yesterday
12.693Justine and Dale and revsiting where I used to liveWMOIS::B_REINKEshe is a 'red haired baby-woman'Thu Jan 31 1991 02:233
    good music, good freinds, good times.......
12.694like little starsLEZAH::QUIRIYEspresso mornings, lasagna nightsFri Feb 01 1991 11:226
    Stroking my cat in the dark and watching the static sparks.
    (I think this is a repeat, but it's not often I give in to her
    nuzzlings in the early morning hours...)
12.695Good food, pleasant company...BLUMON::WAYLAY::GORDONLike the shadows on the snow...Fri Feb 01 1991 13:524
	Having a pleasant dinner in Atlanta with =wn=er Rich Fink on Wed.
evening.  Thank's Rich!

12.696My sister said is was an easy birth.ESIS::GALLUPsined, seeled, deliveredMon Feb 04 1991 12:2411
    Colin Charles George Smith
    9 pounds, 1 ounce
    2.Feb.1991, 6:25pm
    Tucson, AZ
    Hi little guy!!!!!!!!  Welcome to the family!  ;-)
12.697Off in the woods at sunsetLDYBUG::GOLDMANEvery choice is worth your whileMon Feb 04 1991 14:295
    	...finding a place where I can take myself when I feel the 
    need to be far away from everyone and everything.  It's not far
    from home, but it *feels* far away.

12.698Pay scale is weird, though... ESIS::GALLUPsined, seeled, deliveredMon Feb 04 1991 14:3110
    Ohhhh....I really love that my father found a job after almost 7 months
    without one!!!!
    Dad's now VP of Engineering for Television Communications Network in
    Denver (don't let the title mislead you!  It's a very small company!)
12.699GUESS::DERAMODan D'EramoTue Feb 12 1991 18:013
        ... that this conference is back.
12.700Oh yeah, and getting .700 too! (And Dan set me up)WAYLAY::GORDONLike the shadows on the snow...Tue Feb 12 1991 18:054
	Tha America West offered half-price airfare, so I'll be visiting
Seattle & Ashland Oregon in late March/early April!

12.701BTOVT::THIGPEN_SI'm the journeyTue Feb 12 1991 22:397
    a sigh, contented.  a feeling of homecoming.  hello, all, I have missed
    your voices and am _so_glad_ we are back!  Mods, and hostnode,
    Now, where _was_ that floatation tank --- ?
12.702(-: I Like IKE, 22 times' worth!!! :-)NEMAIL::KALIKOWDLibR8 Q8Tue Feb 12 1991 22:4216
    Whadda I *REALLY LOVE* today?  Like, you gotta ASK??!!!
    Like Dan D'Eramo said in .699, having =wn= back 'mongst the living!!
    THAT's what!!!  :-)
                            (-:  Mega-WHEW!!  :-)
    ... I mean, SoapBox goes only so far for MY minimum daily adult
    requirement of touchy-feelies, ya know????
    Tell us, somewhere, O Mods, whence came our new home?  In as much
    detail, blow-by-blow-type, as you feel you can share, about how we came
    to be here?
    ... and incidentally, where IS "here?"  And who do we thank for IKE22?
12.703GUESS::DERAMODan D'EramoTue Feb 12 1991 23:1912
	EASYNOTES.LIS shows that these conferences are also on
        IKE22 ...
Fencing                         IKE22::FENCING                              1990
Frisbee, Boomerangs, etc.       IKE22::FRISBEE                              2490
Franklin DayPlanner System      IKE22::TIME_MANAGEMENT                      2959
	... and FINDNODE puts IKE22 in
ZKO Nashua, NH  - Spit Brook - Corporate Software Engineering
12.704I'm green!BSS::VANFLEETThe end of a frayed ropeWed Feb 13 1991 12:3212
    Doug - 
    You're going to Ashland?!?!?!  Drop by the admin. offices and say hello
    to Beth Bardossi (in P.R.) for me.  And make sure to see something that
    my cousin, James (Jamey) Newcomb is in.  Last I hear he was also fight
    coordinator this season.
    I'm so jealous!
    Have a great time!  :-)
12.705my friendIOSG::HUNTDI'll be good one dayWed Feb 13 1991 12:346
    I really love my friend Charlene who always understands me and helps me
    through the tough parts...  Then she makes me laugh at myself!
12.706My daughter: the activistCGVAX2::CONNELLIt's reigning cats.Wed Feb 13 1991 13:4520
    that Womannotes is back.
    Seeing my daughter on the front page of the Nashua Telegraph last
    night. It shows her and other kids picketing city hall. They marched
    the length of Main Street. It seems that the kids are being forced to
    take 2 study halls next year. Limit 4.5 credits per year. the minimum
    needed for graduation. These kids are tryiong to get into good schools. 
    My daughter wants an education degree so she can teach. She wants
    Syacuse or Ohio State. I want Keene. It's cheaper as she is a resident
    and it's a good teacher's college. That's besides the point. The
    argument is that the kids who are just getting by and in danger of not
    graduating, are being permitted to take extra classes and these kids
    who want to make the most of their education are being limited. 
    They got in to see the mayor and will go over the budget and present
    their arguments top him on the 19th.
    I'm so proud of her!!!!!!!!
12.707give that man a kiss!!!!BTOVT::THIGPEN_SI'm the journeyThu Feb 14 1991 17:2113
    whosez romance is dead????
    I was on my way to get a coffee before the caf closes.  Had to pass the
    lobby.  In a corridor off the lobby are four women, wearing red silk
    shirts, one carrying a teddy bear bearing hearts.  This woman, call her
    Irene, comes to the lobby to "get a message" or "pick up a package". 
    The four women come up, hand her the teddy bear, and begin to sing a
    love song:  "one heeaart, silently sinnngiinngg" as a barbershop
    quartet!  They sing the love song, Irene hugs the bear and looks
    embarrassed but happy, and a sidekick is taping it all so the husband
    can watch it on video!
12.708GUESS::DERAMODan D'EramoThu Feb 14 1991 18:017
        The CFAC (Cluster Four Activities Committe -- they do
        nice things for NRO2&3&4&5, LMO2, DLB5&12, BYO1&2) gave
        us each a carnation.
        Happy Valentine's Day!
12.709After all, these things can be carried too farSTAR::RDAVISUntimely ripp'dThu Feb 14 1991 18:557
    .... Charles's cocoa-coquette Valentine's Processing Note....
    It's good to hear someone say "Life is good" once in a while.  
    NOT ALL THE TIME, mind you; just once in a while. (: >,)
12.710VMSSG::NICHOLSIt ain't easy being greenThu Feb 14 1991 19:181
    knowing what a person means when they say something
12.712CSSE32::M_DAVISMarge Davis HallyburtonFri Feb 15 1991 01:404
    tell us more.... she said cupping her ear...
12.713Some things to smile aboutVINO::LANGELOFighting for Our LivesFri Feb 15 1991 03:1221
    ...I get a friend-valentine from a good friend. And here I'd thought
    I'd come home to a mailbox full of junk mail and bills :-)
    ...my good friends have their first baby, a boy, after having many
    pregancy complications. Yahoo for STeve and Amy and Ben!
    ...a cute woman asks me to go out on Friday night. 
    ...I'm going to see Lucie Blue Tremblay on Sat. night with 7 neat
    Be there or miss out!
    ...I finally send one of my ex's a letter straightening out something
    In a world of utter craziness there are some things to be happy
12.714..... (-: Getting 13 Valentine roses from my Sweetie! :-)NEMAIL::KALIKOWDNOTEorious!! :-)Fri Feb 15 1991 11:1915
    It worked out great this year -- normally I (being the swain-type
    person in this relationship) give roses to Debby...  but not this
    year...  So when she came home from work yesterday evening, SHE brought
    along a Baker's Dozen red roses!  For li'l ol' MOI!!  <<BLUSH>>  ...
    and with a mushy card, too ...
    Not too bad for a 26-year marriage, (-: said he while injuring his arm
    from patting hisself on the back :-) (when normally he prefers to pat
    hers :-)
    For ===ALL=== =wn='ers, long may your SO's and you love one another!!!
    Let's hear it for ROMANCE!!!!!  
    Cheers, and soppy sniffs, Dan
12.715Happy New YearHPSRAD::LAMFri Feb 15 1991 13:1818
    Today is Chinese New Year, the beginning of Year of Ram. I received
    "lucky money" from my parents in Hong Kong (Traditionally, married
    people give cash to single folks cash during Chinese new year as lucky
    money. It pays to stay single back home). It tooked me 1 and 1/2 hour
    to get thru to home on the phone, as the satellite was overloaded with
    all the new year greetings calls to Asian countries, but hearing my
    parents voices, helped my homesickness. It is been 3 1/2 years since I
    last saw them, and 9 years since I last celebrated Chinese new year at
    A bunch of people in MRO are going out for new year luncheon today.
    Happy new year to all.
    and peace to the world.
12.716GWYNED::YUKONSECFreeway Condition: HUG ME!Fri Feb 15 1991 13:513
    Happy New Year, caroline.
    E Grace
12.717NOATAK::BLAZEKnever saw a woman so aloneFri Feb 15 1991 14:249
    ... spending the evening on the phone with my favorite fiance.
    ... that today begins Seattle's gay/lesbian film festival.
    ... soulmate signs.
12.718REFINE::BARTOOSelf-proclaimed BADBOY of notesFri Feb 15 1991 14:338
>    ... spending the evening on the phone with my favorite fiance.
How many fiances do you have?   
12.719NOATAK::BLAZEKnever saw a woman so aloneFri Feb 15 1991 14:475
    One.  (She'd flame me if I admitted to more.  =8-))
12.720GUESS::DERAMODan D'EramoFri Feb 15 1991 16:428
        re 12.719
>>						   =8-))
        So Carla, what's this extra addition to your smiley face?
12.721REFINE::BARTOOSelf-proclaimed BADBOY of notesFri Feb 15 1991 16:489
    It could be a double chin?
12.722NOATAK::BLAZEKnever saw a woman so aloneFri Feb 15 1991 17:3011
    Just merely closing the parentheses ...
    I really love ... my new glow in the dark intricately colored map 
    of the universe!
    And life, I love life too.  And bacon, lettuce, tomato, and cream
    cheese sandwiches on sourdough bread, yep, them too.
12.723GUESS::DERAMODan D'EramoFri Feb 15 1991 19:415
        re: my new glow in the dark intricately colored map of the universe!
        Does it have a "You are here" arrow? :-)
12.724LEZAH::BOBBITTa pickax a compass &amp; night gogglesSat Feb 16 1991 10:308
    having friends - new and old - who are somehow coincidentally *there*
    when I need them.
    The weaving of the grand design of the great web was so well
    constructed there is enough in it to support each of us....
12.725WMOIS::B_REINKEhanging in thereSat Feb 16 1991 22:365
    HOlding my granddaughter while she sleeps (even as I type!)
    maga :-)s
12.726BlissWMOIS::B_REINKEhanging in thereSun Feb 17 1991 18:137
    Waking up at 2.30 am and watching Michael make Canaan laugh by
    balancing her on his out stretched legs, resting his guitar
    lightly on her tummy, and playing and singing ballads to her!


12.727... Vicariously shared GrandBabies!!NEMAIL::KALIKOWDNOTEorious!! :-)Sun Feb 17 1991 21:4314
                           (-: Thanks, Bonnie! :-)
    HUGS to Canaan and to all other =wn= grandkids (ok, to all =wn= KIDS
        I leave the HUGS for =wn=ers in the capable arms of E Grace
    OK, (HUGS) to all that offer and accept 'em, & I hope the Goderators
    (:-) x 10^+6) will see fit to pardon the misHUGana-placement here
    rather than in 10.*  
    Dan (The Envious)
12.728guestsBTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssun flurriesMon Feb 18 1991 11:389
    having as houseguests this past weekend, the relatives whose company I
    miss the most since moving and with whom I am soooo relaxed.  Showing
    them the ski trails in the woods near our house.  What started out as
    sun flurries yesterday turned into all-day dusting so the skiing was,
    like, totally awesome.
    and my sister is coming today!
12.729Come Back Again, Irene!HOTWTR::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedMon Feb 18 1991 16:066
    ...meeting a mostly read-only noter, Irene Hensley.  We enjoyed a great
    Valentine's dinner, a walk, and some good conversation.
    I *love* meeting =wnoters=!:)
12.730Another Sunday NIghtVINO::LANGELOFighting for Our LivesTue Feb 19 1991 02:4820
    ...experiencing another great Sunday night at Campus/Man Rey:
     	* there's a cute new bartender in Man Rey. Love that tight black
          outfit she was wearing.Musta borrowed it from Madonna :-)
        * two friends I haven't seen for a few months have gotten engaged.
          How nice, some lesbians actually stay together for longer than
          6 months.
        * All the trendy dykes are out in full force. I luv trendy dykes!
        * D! Geez woman you were hotttttttttt in that leather outfit!
          How high were those heels? You were definately a D!! (D double
          bang)! Did you touch her head in those batman-like leather 
          gloves ;-)
        * People were friendly all night and a couple of people asked me
          to dance.
        * Man Rey plays "Fury Eyes" by Susie and the Banshes and I didn't
          even have to request it. Campus plays "Erotic City" by Prince,
          and "Jusity My Love"...and the list goes on. What a great night!
    Cruisin' into Tuesday,
12.731Grampa turned 90 years old!!CUPMK::CASSINTue Feb 19 1991 14:448
    Giving my grandfather a huge birthday party this past Saturday
    afternoon, and having him come up to me after the party, and with tears
    in his eyes he said to me, "I can never, ever repay you for the memory
    of today.".  I smiled, hugged him, and said, "You just did.".  
    Mmm.  Giving feels *so* good sometimes!  :-)
12.732CampusDBANG::carrollget used to it!Tue Feb 19 1991 15:0717
Yeah, Campus was pretty amazing on Sunday!  Wowza!

But...sure Laurie, go ahead, tell everyone about my little, ah, exhibition, 
fine!  :-)

>        * D! Geez woman you were hotttttttttt in that leather outfit!
>          How high were those heels? You were definately a D!! (D double
>          bang)! Did you touch her head in those batman-like leather 
>          gloves ;-)

Actually the heels were small, I just look very tall in that outfit.  (I 
can't walk in heels over about an inch and a half.)  I didn't get to touch
her head (Molly!  She finally introduced herself to me!) - in fact, she
made funny faces when she saw me. Don't think she's into femmes. :-)

12.733My mother pumps iron!NETMAN::BASTIONIn between chapters...Wed Feb 20 1991 12:419
    ...watching my mother come into her own!  AFter raising a family she
    decided that it was *her* turn.
    Her new interest, that she started on her 68th birthday, is working out
    on the Nautilus machines, followed by a swim!
12.734.... that SPCTRM::RUSSELL is back in =wn=!!! *YAAY*!! :-)NEMAIL::KALIKOWDParody Error -- Please retryWed Feb 20 1991 23:118
    HUGS to you, Margaret, and a great big =WN= Welcome BACK!!!!
    Hope you're shut of them crutches you had at Carla's party!
    Does this belong in the HUG note?  Sure...  But this feels MUCH
    :-)  Dan
12.735yesyesyes spring!!!SA1794::CHARBONNDNo,I don't want to fall in...Thu Feb 21 1991 09:581
    ...seeing geese winging north this morning
12.736PattyBTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssun flurriesThu Feb 21 1991 11:525
    can't I ski for just a _little_ while longer? she wheedles plaintively
    we have a visitor, a newly-nine-year-old is visiting from our old town. 
    We have known her since she was 3, in preschool with Tracy.  Patty is
    just a whole lot of fun.
12.737WLDKAT::GALLUPa much better dancer than standerThu Feb 21 1991 13:4812
    Billy Idol's performance last night on the Grammy Awards.
    What a riot...obvious lip-syching, dancers that were OBVIOUSLY naked
    dancing behind a screen, and subtle changes to the lyrics of his song
    "Cradle of Love."
    A CLASSIC.....I hope the Academy got the message....hee hee hee..
12.738REFINE::BARTOOUSAF--Global Reach, Global PowerThu Feb 21 1991 13:509
    RE:  Come on now Kath.  Couldn't you see the knee-high boots the screen
    dancers were wearing?  Technically not naked   :-)
    I love Cradle of Love........The radio version.
12.739NOATAK::BLAZEKshake dreams from your hairThu Feb 21 1991 14:377
    re: Kathy .737
    Drats, I missed it.  You didn't happen to record it, did you?
12.740JJLIET::JUDYI want Twin Peaks back!Thu Feb 21 1991 15:244
    	I taped it cuz I wasn't home last night.  I'll have to
    	make sure to watch that part.....
12.741NOATAK::BLAZEKshake dreams from your hairThu Feb 21 1991 16:083
    ... Phil Connell's VCR.
12.742WLDKAT::GALLUPa much better dancer than standerThu Feb 21 1991 17:187
    REE: .738
    Yea, that's true...they DID have on knee-high boots.  But nothing else.
12.743WLDKAT::GALLUPa much better dancer than standerThu Feb 21 1991 17:209
    I didn't tape it, Carla, but I hope you can find a copy.  Anyone that
    didn't know Billy would think that he was just showing a "lack of
    talent" but it was pretty hilarious once you started really watching...
    It looked like at times he was almost laughing!
12.744SCARGO::CONNELLIt's reigning cats.Thu Feb 21 1991 18:279
    Thank you Carla. I love it too. I wouldn't have bought 240 moveies
    already if I didn't. I refuse to rent. Anyway, I'm going home now to 
    watch the grammies and get the tape out to Carla tomorrow. Should be
    there by Monday, Carla.
    Love your P_N. I like "Shake hair from your dreams." too. I'm weird
    like that. :-)
12.745WowTHEBAY::COLBIN::EVANSOne-wheel drivin'Thu Feb 21 1991 19:0413
12.746Werider than weridVINO::LANGELOFighting for Our LivesFri Feb 22 1991 04:069
    ...heeheehee...when I call someone with a werider message on their
    answering machine than I have on mine.
    ...someone I'm interested in is gonna be at Man Rey/Campus and if
    I can still move on Sunday night after skiing all weekend I'll be
    there. Actually I'll probably still be there I just might not be able
    to move.
12.747People who spell "weird" weirdly. ;-)REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Fri Feb 22 1991 12:340
12.748On to my goals.WLDKAT::GALLUPa much better dancer than standerFri Feb 22 1991 12:409
    ....hearing good things from my supervisor.  
    Psyche!  ;-)
12.749IE0010::MALINGMirthquake!Fri Feb 22 1991 20:055
    ... the things people say in womannotes
    like, Annie's
    > I feel like I slept too near a pod
12.750question?WRKSYS::STHILAIREwhen I get you on my wavelengthFri Feb 22 1991 21:076
    re .749, what does that mean?  "I feel like I slept too near a pod" 
    What is a "pod" and why would somebody sleep next to one?  I'm sorry
    but I just didn't understand it.
12.751IE0010::MALINGMirthquake!Fri Feb 22 1991 22:377
    It's a reference to the sci-fi movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers".
    The movie was made in the 50's and then remade in the 70's.
    If you fell asleep near a pod your body got snatched by an alien.
    I have a friend who sometimes refers to emotionally restricted people
    as pod people meaning there's no one home inside.
12.752back rubsVAOU02::HALLIDAYthis lovely messSun Feb 24 1991 14:295
    re: a few back - if you want a back rub, i give good ones, and have a
    most pleasant selection of oils available. you'll have to come to the
    pacific northwest to collect, though... ;-)
12.753Yeah...I LOVE them!DPDMAI::DAWSONTHAT MAKES SENSE.....NONSENSE!Sun Feb 24 1991 20:037
    RE: .752   (laura)
                       Haven't had a "good" backrub since......well I can't
    remember when.  Someday maybe I'll meet someone who....
12.754Went to see "Pop Smear" last nightTLE::DBANG::carrollget used to it!Mon Feb 25 1991 13:579
I really love...
        slam dancing.

        falling in love.

        slam dancing with someone I am falling in love with.

12.756NOATAK::BLAZEKshake dreams from your hairMon Feb 25 1991 19:345
    ... note .755!
12.757re .755CSSE32::M_DAVISMarge Davis HallyburtonMon Feb 25 1991 19:564
    Perhaps you could share your less-than-favorite fiances with those
    still waiting?  ;^)
12.759occasionally,WFOV11::BRENNAN_NDykes 'R UsTue Feb 26 1991 11:184
    .....having someone to look forward to!
12.760SPIDER::GOLDMANThe simplest things...Tue Feb 26 1991 11:415
    	...getting in touch and catching up with a sorta long-lost

12.761Ironing skiis?VINO::LANGELOFighting for Our LivesTue Feb 26 1991 14:144
    ...people who iron their x-country skiis %-) I guess they won't use
    starch on them ;-)
12.762klister -- bleecchh!BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssun flurriesTue Feb 26 1991 14:207
    ...my new waxless x-c skis.
    Laurie, when both conditions and wax are right, waxable skis far
    out-perform waxless skis.  I will keep and keep using my waxable skis;
    but I've been seduced by the ease of using the waxless skis, and in icy
    or wetsnow conditions, or when it's warm, I like waxless skis much
12.763NOATAK::BLAZEKshake dreams from your hairTue Feb 26 1991 14:206
    ... feeling my ears pop after days of cotton stuffed head 
12.764sick as a dog, healthy as a playful pupSPCTRM::RUSSELLTue Feb 26 1991 14:3710
    .... my puppy feeling all better!  The vet managed to remove the
    plastic (shall we say) non-surgically.  Parker-the-puppy is now
    on antibiotics just in case, and he is beginning to wolf down his
    rice and yogurt temporary diet.
    Last night Parker and Jim got into a massive tug o war and from
    the level of their play, I'd say that both my favorite companion
    mammals are doing fine.  :^)
12.765NOATAK::BLAZEKshake dreams from your hairTue Feb 26 1991 14:4913
    YAY, Margaret!  YAY, Parker!
    My puppy has eaten plastic (milk tops, VCR tapes, hairbrushes)
    when I'm not watching, but he's never had a bad reaction.  He
    even ate a small cactus once which *really* worried me, but no
    harmful ramifications.
    However, I have empathized with your concern over Parker and
    am vastly relieved everything is OK.
12.766rock concerts!WRKSYS::STHILAIREwhen I get you on my wavelengthTue Feb 26 1991 15:179
    I really loved going to the INXS concert with my daughter last night. 
    It was fantastic, and Michael Hutchence is so cute.  He has a great
    voice and a *nice* body!  
    I think it's wonderful that some things bridge the generation gap
    between mother and daughter, like good music and gorgeous men! :-)
12.767Pop Smear & Spring LoveVINO::LANGELOFighting for Our LivesTue Feb 26 1991 18:1311
    RE: .754 (Pop Smear)
    They were great! I love groups with bongos!!!! ANd I was tingly the
    whole time they were playing because I was standing next to this neat
    Sigh :-) I've got her phone number...just gotta work up the nerve to
    call her :-)
12.771MYCRFT::PARODIJohn H. ParodiWed Feb 27 1991 18:2015
  ....the discussion going on in 702.  It is wonderful to have folks like
  Justine Sullivan, Carol DuBois, and <gasp> Sandy Ciccolini laying it on 
  the line in the same topic in their respective inimitable styles.  

  But it makes me miss Catherine Ianuzzo all the more. I hope she is doing
  well -- has anyone heard for sure?  (I guess that sentence belonged in
  the "I really hate..." note, so let me return to this topic).

  What is even more wonderful is that more strong, articulate women keep 
  showing up to pick up the slack left by those who depart for one reason
  or another...


12.772still refreshing after all these tears...SPCTRM::RUSSELLWed Feb 27 1991 20:506
    Being back in =womannotes= after a long absence from work and notes.
    I'm glad you are still here, still a good place for a woman to go to
    think, get support, get fresh ideas, take a break.
12.773REFINE::BARTOODown the stretchThu Feb 28 1991 00:1514
    ....seeing President Bush fight back smiles during his address
    Wednesday night.
    No matter what you think of this war, and no matter what you think of
    the President, you have to agree that he is earning his paycheck.  I
    wonder how many years the tension of this war has taken off his life. 
    I wonder how many new gray hairs or wrinkles he has.  He was faced with
    a gutwrentching decision with terrible consequences, and it is my
    opinion that he came through for the world.
12.774A bennie of working at homePROSE::BLACHEKThu Feb 28 1991 11:2411
    when my 9-month old daughter can sleep in, wake up happy, and I go into
    her room and she jumps with excitement when she sees me.
    Of course she did interrupt =wn=, but I'll forgive her for that.  :-)
    And now she is clammoring to get into my lap and play with the
    keyboard, so I'll sign off for now...
12.775the ceasefireBLUMON::GUGELAdrenaline: my drug of choiceThu Feb 28 1991 12:120
12.776JJLIET::JUDYWhere eagles &amp; angels dare to flyThu Feb 28 1991 12:395
    	re: .775
12.777GAZERS::NOONANl950's style hug-kitten. mewThu Feb 28 1991 12:551
    ...you, my friends.
12.778GAZERS::NOONANl950's style hug-kitten. mewThu Feb 28 1991 12:573
    note 13.941.
    That's wonderful, Scott!
12.779Good soundsYUPPY::DAVIESAAuditory JunkieThu Feb 28 1991 14:3212
    ...my new personal stereo! :-)
    ...when a couple of guys in the office are looking admiringly at a
       picture of a (fairly) naked woman that has been produced as a "demo"
       on one of our printers (blech).....and a younger sales guy walks up and
       takes a look....and just says simply "That's not professional -
       it's unnecessary and sexist".
    I applaud you!                                               
12.781FDCV07::KINGJesse's Jets!Thu Feb 28 1991 15:467
    Re: 780... Pywackette..... Nice kitty.....  I lke watching that
    movie... Was it Kim Knovack and Jimmy Stewart  Or was it Janet
    I can't remember.....
12.782REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Thu Feb 28 1991 15:507
    Kim Novak, and Jimmy Stewart.  And I thought it was Pywacket without
    the diminutive "te" ending.
    Oooh!  That movie goes on the (SF - SPFX) list.  I love it when I
    can add a new one.
    						Ann B.
12.783Felt GoodHOTWTR::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedThu Feb 28 1991 15:527
    it when my nineteen year old daughter, Jennifer, said, "Ya know, Mom, of 
    all the people in the world, you're the only one I've ever told 
    *everything* too."
    It sure made me feel like I'm accessible to my kids.
12.785RUTLND::RMAXFIELDThu Feb 28 1991 17:105
    Pywacket (sp?) was witch Kim Novak's cat/familiar in
    the movie "Bell, Book and Candle" which co-starred Jimmy Stewart.
    Fun movie!
12.787the Susan B. Anthony celebrationPROSE::BLACHEKSun Mar 03 1991 16:409
    Last night I attended the Susan B. Anthony birthday celebration in
    Manchester, NH.  It was wonderful--probably 1200 feminists in one room. 
    The energy and emotion flowed all night.
    This is the feminist event of the year in NH.  What a boost!
    Watch out Gordon Humphrey, here we come!
12.788GAZERS::NOONANDid someone say CPR?! Where?!Tue Mar 05 1991 20:146
    ...my brother.
    Even though it infuriates me that he still insists on calling me
    "kiddo", it is nice to be pampered a little when I am feeling sick!
    E Grace
12.789.... using a kid's gag to DEC's advantage! :-)NEMAIL::KALIKOWDParody Error -- Please retryWed Mar 06 1991 01:2954
    ... So last weekend I get two sets of slides sent to me...   
    My elder daughter had recently visited the La Brea Tarpits in LA, and
    just as a "gag" she sent me a 35mm slide thereof, a shapeless green
    mass of gunk and fossil bones.  In fact she didn't identify it, and it
    took us 2 or 3 days to finally turn it over and see "La Brea Tarpit"
    stamped on it.  Which didn't _quite_ explain WHY she sent the foolish
    thing along.  Then in an EMail message she explained that she just
    liked the messiness of it, and that it was a souvenir of a rather
    disappointing trip that she wanted us to see.
    ... The _second_ set of 35mm slides was sent to me yesterday, to
    present this morning(!!) at the Grand Hyatt on Park Ave., NYC.  Seems I
    was to be the Guest Guru at a DIGITAL Discovery Seminar, and was to
    present the "PATHWORKS for Macintosh" product to about 50 assorted VP's
    and CIO's of various Manhattan and Fortune 100 Banks and such.  Well,
    to my surprise, Product Marketing (bless 'em) produced *73* slides and
    expected me to learn 'em and then run thru 'em in less than 2 hours. 
    (I'd seen a draft last week, fortunately... :-) 
    So I'm sitting there, hopelessly leafing through all that complexity,
    wondering HOW I can get it across without the audience glazing over
    completely.  Then my wife Debby catches me in mid-gripe and sez
    kiddingly "well wouldn't it be funny if you were to stick that Tar Pit
    slide in there somewhere!?"  and I said "Ha ha forGET it! ...  but
    wait, that's juuust wild enough...  hey, it might just WORK!!!"
    So this morning after about 57 excruciatingly well-formatted and
    DEC-Standard no-nonsense well-tailored Helvetica-Formatted slides, and
    some really hairy technical going, we're about to have our 10:30
    bio-break and I've paced things out such that the MOST COMPLEX of the
    slides is on the screen, and I say stuff to it, like: 
    "So as you see, PATHWORKS for Macintosh -- using the Mac Comms Toolbox
    -- allows you to develop and EVOLVE your organization's custom desktop
    applications in a way that insulates you from changes in the various
    communications protocols on which they can be based."  
    <assorted snoozes and scrapings of eyelids across glazed corneas can be
    <click> The ShapElEss grEEn BloBby yuCKOla La Brea Tarpit slide appears
    -- Audience GASPS and wakes up!
    "and THIS is a picture of the La Brea Tarpits in LA, which just goes to
    show what happens to you if you STOP evolving in this business!!"
    < (-: general laughter, I am showered with purchase orders :-) >
    So, thanks to wife and daughter, the presentation was a rollicking
    success, the audience was revitalized, and went on to order
    $56,237,049.13 in SW and HW CERTs, a new record for a single day.
    Well I can dream, can't I?  :-)
12.790...stories where dreams and reality fade together!TOOK::LEIGHBear with me.Wed Mar 06 1991 02:433
    I assume that the slides and the presentation were real, although the
    shower of purchase orders and the CERTS were dreaming?
12.791re -.1, yep, the slides & presentation were real...NEMAIL::KALIKOWDParody Error -- Please retryWed Mar 06 1991 10:585
    ... but the dreams start after the phrase "the audience was revitalized
    and" and consist of "went on to order $56,237,049.13 in SW and HW
    CERTs, a new record for a single day."
                        (-: Only in my dreams!! :-)
12.792What a GREAT day!YUPPY::DAVIESAAuditory JunkieWed Mar 06 1991 14:0710
    I am having such a run of great luck, confidence, coincidence, buzz,
    highs, good feelings, joy, everything is going right for me.....
    I'm going to try and figure out what I did right to be so blessed!
    But meanwhile - I'm just enjoying.......
12.793you can take her out of the country, but . . .CSSE32::RANDALLwaiting for springWed Mar 06 1991 15:444
    ...my new Montana cowboy hat, blac felt with a braided leather
    band and a spiffy swooping brim . . .
12.795WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesWed Mar 06 1991 18:354
    Hearing some really fantasitic women sing and read poetry over
    at MRO3!
12.796GAZERS::NOONANpardon me, I really must frivol nowWed Mar 06 1991 22:127
    ...all of you!  Thank you so much for all your hugs and support lately!
    hgu   <-----confused hug!  (*8
    E Grace
12.797BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssun flurriesWed Mar 06 1991 22:343
    hope you're feeling better, E Grace --need more hugs?
12.798GAZERS::NOONANpardon me, I really must frivol nowWed Mar 06 1991 22:461
    naaaaahhh....oh, well, what the heck!  sure!  (*8
12.799Thanks for the invite...YUPPY::DAVIESAAuditory JunkieThu Mar 07 1991 07:434
    ...a birthday drink that turned into an unexpectedly long evening that 
    turned into a night full of suprises....
12.800hugsnhugs for E, and any/everyone else in need today!BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssun flurriesThu Mar 07 1991 11:2711
    oops!  those last ones snuck out when I wasn't looking.
12.801GAZERS::NOONANpardon me, I really must frivol nowThu Mar 07 1991 11:351
    aawwwwww Sara!  You just wanted reply .800!   (*8
12.802BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssun flurriesThu Mar 07 1991 12:007
    hee hee hee.  sneaky, ain't I?
    but the hugs are heartfelt.
12.803Sneakier than that...BUBBLY::LEIGHBear with me.Thu Mar 07 1991 16:151
    the hugs have escaped from the Hug topic!
12.804GAZERS::NOONANBigamy: A victimless crime?Thu Mar 07 1991 16:2913
    E Grace
12.805Newspaper Article with Photo(s)CSC32::DUBOISThe early bird gets wormsThu Mar 07 1991 16:557
I really love it when...

The Colorado Springs Gazette-Telegraph is doing a profile on some gay and
lesbian families in the Springs and are going to be interviewing us tonight.

12.806SCARGO::CONNELLCaressing the TigerThu Mar 07 1991 20:3015
    Taking Friday off and spending it with my son. Wish my daughter could
    come over too.
    BTW, my daughter and her friends won their point with the school and
    are not limited to 5 classes a term. They can take 7 now. The mayor
    said so and they got a memo from the principal's office saying so.
    It pays to protest. Many thanks to Digital's Atlant Schmidt, who stood
    by the kids and supported them in their efforts. He's also on the
    Nashua School Board.
    Phil, whose outta here. See ya Monday. Hugs to all who need or want
12.807CSSE32::M_DAVISMarge Davis HallyburtonFri Mar 08 1991 00:5510
    Last night, in Western Civ class, a male student from Chad asked the
    professor, quizzically, why it is that in English all the words tend to
    sound masculine.  He stopped the professor after he had said "human". 
    All the women in the class were delighted at his question.  He went on
    to say that in his native language, there is no such tendency toward
    the male terms.
    p.s. the prof recovered nicely
12.808LEZAH::BOBBITTI -- burn to see the dawn arrivingMon Mar 11 1991 12:449
    SF conventions, and all the really wonderful people there.
    Burgmuller, who makes piano fingering exercises that sound like music
    and are fun to play (which I cannot say for Czerny and Hanon,
    Getting more fairy-tale-type books by James Thurber
12.809Free!SPCTRM::RUSSELLMon Mar 11 1991 13:138
    My old friend being freed unharmed from Iraq.
    I was so relieved when I heard his voice on the radio telling the
    story.  He was obviously shaken but it was the same old (once
    well-beloved) voice.  First time I ever heard him speak in incomplete
12.811Save the Skeets!VIA::HEFFERNANJuggling FoolMon Mar 11 1991 15:127
Hearing a "fellow?" *wm* noter's name on WBUR fund drive on Car Talk.

PS:  I'm looking forward to getting my autographed copy of "Car Talk:
The Book".


12.812LEZAH::QUIRIYLove is a verbMon Mar 11 1991 16:134
    The Tappet brothers.
12.813DDIF::JUDYWhere eagles &amp; angels dare to flyTue Mar 12 1991 13:457
    	being an 'auntie'.  One of my best friends gave birth to an
    	8lb 12 1/2oz baby girl yesterday....Cassidy Taylor.....she's
    	sooooo cute!  =)
12.814Kittens!SADVS1::HIDALGOTue Mar 12 1991 20:244
    Having three 3 week old kittens in my closet who are starting to look
    like real cats.  Their ears are standing up and their eyes are open!
12.815WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesWed Mar 13 1991 01:107
    Seeing my oldest son for about 45 minutes today!
    Having some very special people to dinner.
12.816NITTY::DIERCKSThe gay 90's are back!!Wed Mar 13 1991 11:268
    ...spending time with a GOOD friend last night who just held me and let
    me cry.
    	GJD  (who feels better today!)
12.817GAZERS::NOONANIrish Erotic ArtWed Mar 13 1991 11:3810
    Re:  .816
    >    	GJD  (who feels better today!)
    I really love *that*!
    E Grace
12.818Everything's Comin' Up Roses...HOTWTR::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedWed Mar 13 1991 14:285
    ...actually having a piano around the house again!:)  I even blew $54
    bucks on music!  It reallys helps to round out my living room...
    Rusty, but not for long;)
12.819REM, Sweet Babboo and kitties (not neccesarily in that order:-)IPBVAX::RYANMake sure your calling is trueWed Mar 13 1991 15:5413
I really love REM, REM's new CD, and most of all, my sweet baboo for going
out last night and getting the new REM CD for me while I was at school.

RE. 814 You have new kittens? I could use some advice. The stray we just took
in is pregnant and I don't know nothin 'bout birthin' no kitties. Any advice
(besides of course, "go read feline") is welcome,

Oh yeah, I love new new stray we took in, even though Omie and Sinaed aren't
used to the idea yet.We named her Rebel Rebel cause we 
weren't "sure if she's a boy or a girl"...until, of course we took her to the
vet and found out she is pregnant:-)

12.820GAZERS::NOONANIrish Erotic ArtWed Mar 13 1991 17:038
    dee, she will probably be able to figure it out for herself.  (*8
    Seriously, momcats don't usually appreciate the tender concerns of
    doting humans very much when they are trying to give birth.  She will
    probably make a nest in *the* most inconvenient place possible, then
    hide out there for a while.
    E Grace
12.821mmmmmmmmmmmmmmLEZAH::BOBBITTI -- burn to see the dawn arrivingWed Mar 13 1991 17:108
    Samoa Girl Scout Cookies.  I also hate that I love Samoa Girl Scout
    Cookies because then I eat them all.  But it's cool, like Santa they
    only come once a year, so at least they're inaccessible most of the
    time.  I love to thicken my thighs for a good cause.....
12.822Poof! Suddenly we were all "Aunts"SADVS1::HIDALGOWed Mar 13 1991 17:1376
    Hi Dee,
    	Re: new kitties -  This was MY first time with kittens, 
    Fluffy/Maggie is about 10-11 years old and has had 2-3 litters a year
    in the 2-1/5 years that I've known her (this will be her 5th or 6th litter
    I've fed), so she knew what she was doing.
    All I can think to suggest is to make her a birthing box - big
    plain cardboard, slit the top all the way around, so you an just pick
    up the lid to get inside if you need to, keep it soft, warm & dark, I
    used left over carpet padding, a leftover piece of carpet and two towels
    on top.
    Oh yeah, make sure the entrance is big enough for her to get inside- I had
    to enlarge the entrance the week before because she couldn't get inside.  
    I woke at 5:40am Saturday morning (sat straight up, instantly awake) and 
    couldn't figure out why..... no noise, no lights, nothing strange.  Usually 
    when I wake up, she's lying on the floor by my bed and I've learned to 
    look before I step down to avoid stepping on her, but she wasn't there.  
    So I checked in the closet & she was inside her box.  She wasn't making 
    any noise and I didn't want to disturb her.  
    I decided I'd get her food ready and if she didn't run out to the 
    kitchen when she heard me opening her can of food, I'd open the lid and 
    check that she was o.k. and move the food & water to the closet.  She 
    didn't come into the kitchen, and when I opened the lid to the box she 
    seemed fine. 
    I was scratching the top of her head and noticed what seemed to be an 
    extra front paw and thought, no.. there's one paw, there's the other paw, 
    what is that?  Oh my stars!!! It's a kitten!!!   
    So I called all my neighbors about 6:30am (they told me to call them
    WHENEVER IT HAPPENED) and told them we had 1 kitten.  By the time Debbie 
    & Pricilla (8 cats of their own, including 3 from Fluffy/Maggie's last 
    litter, who have now won 8 ribbons in local cat shows) and Mary & Maria 
    (they have Alexis - one of Fluffy/Maggie's kittens from 3 years ago who 
    got caught in a trap as a kitten and only has 3 paws and 1/2 a tail)
    had gotten up, dressed and came over (about 7:30am), there was a second 
    kitten in the box with her.  She still hadn't made any noise with the 
    second one.
    So we had a kitty maternity waiting room going on in my little house
    (actually I live in a converted car garage - it's separate from the
    three story house in front and it's a studio apartment), with coffee & 
    o.j. & bagels, jazz on the radio, incense and 5 women from 78 years old 
    (Mary) to 29 years (her grandaughter Maria).  I called my parents in P.R. 
    (my parents had met Fluffy 2 years ago while visiting & at the time,
    she had just had a litter, under my little house & every morning my dad 
    would talk to her from the front step "come on Fluffy, I'm only visiting, 
    please bring the babies outside so I can see them before I leave"  but 
    they were too young to come out, so he never met the kittens) to let them 
    know that there were 2 kittens so far and more expected.
    By noon, there still weren't any more kittens so we checked with the
    vet and he said if she hadn't had any more by 10am Sunday morning, to 
    bring her in and he'd to a C-section & tie her tubes at the same time.
    All the rest of saturday, nothing happened, you could see the sides of
    her belly moving, but no kittens.   Sunday morning, still nothing.  So
    we covered up the entrance, threw a blanket around the entire box (it
    was freezing outside) and off to the vet & surgery.  She had two more
    kittens inside, one they couldn't save, but the second one was fine.
    The vet kept Fluffy/Maggie for two days and Sunday night I took care
    of the kittens - tiny baby bottles, kitten formula all over the place,
    formula up their noses, in their ears, in my hair....  Monday morning
    Debbie took the kittens to work with her (very casual office), monday
    night Debbie & Pricilla kept the kittens and Tuesday morning they ran
    to the vet before work & got Fluffy/Maggie and dropped her off back at
    my place with the kittens and that's where they've been ever since. 
    The whole thing has been pretty amazing!
12.825FMNIST::olsonDoug Olson, ISVG West, UCS1-4Wed Mar 13 1991 20:158
...I finally got a decnet address for my workstation, so I get
to install Xnotes and note directly, instead of with remote xterm

...my new nodename...(does ike22 know it yet?  or will it just be
a number in this note header...?)

12.826RAVEN1::AAGESENto each their royal surfaceWed Mar 13 1991 21:381
    ...dougOs new nodename.
12.827NOATAK::BLAZEKdance on fire as it intendsWed Mar 13 1991 21:515
	DougO, U R 2 cool (as Jody would say).


12.829My Little Hunny BunnyUSCTR2::DONOVANThu Mar 14 1991 09:036
    I just love when my little almost 3 year old tells me I'm her favorite 
    friend. But I have one question...Why, when I tell her she can be any-
    thing in the world when she grows up, does she prefer to tell me she
    wants to be a daddy? Go figure!
12.830Bring 'em home, big birdSA1794::CHARBONNDYou're hoping the sun won't riseThu Mar 14 1991 09:382
    ...watching a C5 Galaxy come in to Westover AFB first thing in the
    morning and imagining it's full of returning troops.
12.831FAVAX::CRITZJohn Ellis to ride RAAM '91Thu Mar 14 1991 11:1512
    	I wouldn't worry.
    	At that age, my cousin's son wanted to be:
    	A coffee pot!
    	Of course, he couldn't say coffee pot. It came out
    	"caulkie pot."
12.832Crocus!SPCTRM::GONZALEZThu Mar 14 1991 12:537
    The first of the many many crocus I planted last fall coming up,
    a bright yellow one by the garage
    a brave sight on a sleety morning
12.833our support for each other!DSSDEV::LEMENThu Mar 14 1991 14:249
    Having a terrible day yesterday, and getting hugs, mail,
    and support across the net.
    p.s. Dick, next time I am definitely taking you up on your offer! ;-)
12.834must be that Montana airCSSE32::RANDALLBonnie Randall Schutzman, CSSE/DSSThu Mar 14 1991 15:023
    Finding out somebody else appreciates Marcus Aurelius!  
12.835CGVAX2::CONNELLCaressing the TigerThu Mar 14 1991 15:4213
    That our Valuing Differences committee (NQO/DDD) showed the film, A
    Woman's Olace at lunchtime today. It's a wonderful celebration of
    women's acheivements. Now, if I can include an I really hate in here:
    That I was the only one to show up for it. Hopefully more will show up
    tomorrow during the 2 showings.
    I really love that our Valuing Differences committee has contacted the
    proper person to try and get the Spitbrook and others singers/poets up
    here to do their celebration of women concert. Hopefully before the end
    of March, but maybe in April, if the schedule is tight.
12.837Black is Beautiful!!!! A powerful financial statement!ASDG::FOSTERThu Mar 14 1991 17:394
    Maybe this should go under milestones....
    My car is paid off as of next week. One small step in getting out from
    under the red lines.
12.838NOATAK::BLAZEKdance on fire as it intendsThu Mar 14 1991 20:1311
	... when the esteemed conductor of the Rainier Symphony 
	    delivers Saturday's performance tickets to me, with
	    the usual kneel, hand-kiss and slipper recitation,
	    right here in the lobby.  (Can't wait until you do 
	    it in a tux, m'luv.)

	Thank you!


12.839Clubs and skiingVINO::LANGELOFighting for Our LivesThu Mar 14 1991 21:3915
    ...getting psyched to check out a new club on Sunday (Venus De Milo)
    with some good friends.
    ...going skiing with 6 other lesbians. Hee,hee,I'd thought we'd never
    get to Wildcat. We almost made a stop at the leather store in North
    Conway on the way up. Sure the leather store there is nothing like the
    one in P-town ;-) Then we checked into a motel for the night. 7 women
    in two different rooms. Hee,hee, the manager gave us some strange
    looks. We should have just told him that we were Girl Scout Leaders on
    a trip without the girl scouts (and without the cookies unfortunately.
    But someone along did have chocolate troufles).
12.840DDIF::JUDYkneedeep in the hooplaFri Mar 15 1991 13:506
    	....our new hot pink and black comforter.... it's
    	so *bright* when on the pink side!  =)
12.841its done.....ah.....DPDMAI::DAWSONTHAT MAKES SENSE.....NONSENSE!Fri Mar 15 1991 18:358
          1. 80 degree temp forcing the use of the air conditioner.
          2. 7-11 coke slurpee's    aaaahhhhhhhhhh
          3. Finally reaching Friday after "hell week"!
12.843SCARGO::CONNELLPeople can live on moments of magic.Fri Mar 15 1991 20:036
    Cheyenne, letting people know the new Calvin & Hobbes book was out. 
    Love the title. Revenge of the Babysat. About halfway through it.
    I'll be home alone this weekend and can howl with laughter with no fear
    of being committed. :-) Thank you, Cheyenne.
12.844BUBBLY::LEIGHBear with me.Sat Mar 16 1991 01:013
    the wonderful people in this conference.  I could just hug you all!
    but that belongs in another topic, doesn't it.  Too bad!
12.845WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesSat Mar 16 1991 17:243
    Bob I'm glad you had a good time at the party!
12.846Visited Venus lately?VINO::LANGELOFighting for Our LivesMon Mar 18 1991 14:0210
    ...my first entrance into Venus de Milo. I'm walking down Landsdowne
    St. not really sure exactly where it is. Mind you I was decked out in
    dykewear (leather jacket etc.) I walk by Citi and then come upon this
    garage entrance way with a woman sitting on a bar stool. There was
    no sign outside. I was just about to ask her where Venus de Milo was
    but when she took one look at me and said "This is where you want to
    be". Oh thanks, I wish someone had told me that about 10 years ago :-)
12.847BTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark SeasonMon Mar 18 1991 14:1711
    gosh it was beautiful in the woods
12.848it was pretty nice in the Irish club, too ;-)SA1794::CHARBONNDYou're hoping the sun won't riseMon Mar 18 1991 15:151
    Sara's smiley-face in .847
12.850No, I'm not 21SPCTRM::GONZALEZMon Mar 18 1991 16:144
    Going out to eat last night, ordering a drink before dinner and
    being carded!!!!!
      Margaret  (who will turn 40 this summer)
12.851NOATAK::BLAZEKthe last temptation of elvisMon Mar 18 1991 17:1119
	... this weather!  Oh, but it's splendid outside.  Bright
	spring sunshine, temps in the low 60's, buds beginning to
	appear on trees, flowers beginning to appear in gardens,
	robins bopping through my yard.

	... Joe White's conductor capabilities.  You are talented
	and honorable, my friend.  Thanks for kneeling before me
	in your tux, as well.  =8-)

	... positive career possibilities.  Just when I had given
	up on this site, something good is blossoming.  (Fingers
	crossed that it continues to bloom!)

	... having tickets to see the Lakers and Supersonics this
	Wednesday night.


12.852GAZERS::NOONANhugger of the eveningMon Mar 18 1991 17:137
    ....reading Carla show-off!
    E Grace
12.853DPDMAI::DAWSONTHAT MAKES SENSE.....NONSENSE!Mon Mar 18 1991 17:166
    RE: .850
                I *LOVE* being carded!.....of course it happens less and
    less these days.
12.854NOATAK::BLAZEKthe last temptation of elvisMon Mar 18 1991 17:2013
	re: .852 (E)

	Might I also add that I really love the tape I received in
	today's mail, carefully wrapped and taped in approximately 
	one Kleenex box's contents.

	Thank you, E!  I can't wait to listen to all you wonderful
	women who demonstrated your talents, creativities, hearts,
	and souls.


12.855CGVAX2::CONNELLPeople can live on moments of magic.Mon Mar 18 1991 20:064
    Keep Mr. Elliot in bondage while the tape remains in your posession,
    Carla. :-)
12.856GAZERS::NOONANhugger of the eveningMon Mar 18 1991 20:084
    Nahhh, it's okay PJ, it's only an *audio* tape.  Mr. Elliot is very
    purrrrrsnickety, and only likes *video* tape!
    E Grace
12.858I really do love Mr. Elliot.CGVAX2::CONNELLPeople can live on moments of magic.Mon Mar 18 1991 20:168
    We don't really KNOW about Mr. Elliot, do we E? However, he is very
    large and an audio tape being small in size, might be beneath his
    notice. He is a tape nesting fool from what I've heard. He also likes
    to go out on the town. Hmmm, if he is purrrrrsnickety, then he is a
    houndcat. He does live with Carla and that automatically makes him
12.859NOATAK::BLAZEKthe last temptation of elvisMon Mar 18 1991 20:5212
	Elliott only ate your tape, Phil, because it was seductively
	wrapped in bubblewrap.  Had I left E's cassette in its multi-
	layered Kleenex wrapping, Elliott would've pounced on it, as
	well.  It's not the gift inside, but the wrapping outside.

	Typical male behavior, eh?  =8-)  =8-)  =8-)  =8-)


	P.S.  He didn't eat the Grammy's tape!  (So far.)

12.860I'll treat...SPCTRM::GONZALEZMon Mar 18 1991 20:567
    RE: .857
    Keifer Sutherland!!!!   Yiy!  Be still my beating heart.
    Cheyenne, you can tell us, just where do you eat breakfast?
12.861SCARGO::CONNELLPeople can live on moments of magic.Mon Mar 18 1991 21:087
    Carla, yes it is typical male behavior. I do all kinds of crazy things
    with bubblewrap. hehehe. I remember that I wrapped the Grammies in
    wadding from the machine at work. I won't tell you my name for it as
    I would probably be beaten soundly around the head and shoulders if I
12.863JJLIET::JUDYkneedeep in the hooplaTue Mar 19 1991 12:474
    	Oooh! I'm so jealous cheyenne!  =)  to live in the land of 
    	the stars.....
12.864Gack.REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Tue Mar 19 1991 13:216
    Good grief!  I've eaten there!
    One nice thing about Beverly Hills and environs:  So many people
    have excellent posture.
    						Ann B.
12.865FAVAX::MAXHAMSnort when you note!Tue Mar 19 1991 13:228
But Cheyenne,

What I want to know is:

Was Julia Roberts with him?

12.866really, I just want a good cuppa javaSPCTRM::GONZALEZTue Mar 19 1991 14:0611
    RE: 862
    It's a date.  All I have to do is dig up plane fare.  Actually,
    I just want Keifer as a way to get to Donald.  AND Hamburger Hamlet
    was Spenser's favorite restaurant in "A Savage Place."
    Kathy, if Julia is there too, I'll get her private phone number.  :^)
       Margaret (who could sweet talk the tail off the devil)
12.868GAZERS::NOONANhugger of the eveningTue Mar 19 1991 14:4210
    But then, isn't everyone? 
    E Grace
12.869feminism and peaceGEMVAX::KOTTLERTue Mar 19 1991 15:057
    An article I received yesterday in the group that Mike V. has been
    forwarding, called 'Feminist Peace Researchers, Culture and
    Communication.' Too bad it isn't posted in womannotes, since it would
    seem to be a topic of interest to women.
12.870VMSSG::NICHOLSIt ain't easy being greenTue Mar 19 1991 15:121
12.871VMSSG::NICHOLSIt ain't easy being greenTue Mar 19 1991 15:345
    it that ...
    so many who are NOT identified as incest survivors have the same gut
    responses as those who ARE identified as survivors of sexual child
12.872NOATAK::BLAZEKthe last temptation of elvisWed Mar 20 1991 15:133
	... Irish names.

12.873yet another book to look for...NAC::BENCEIt was the best of times...Wed Mar 20 1991 15:315
    	Lorna's taste in poetry.
12.875WRKSYS::STHILAIREWhen I think about you...Wed Mar 20 1991 16:244
    re .873, thanks!  I'm glad you enjoyed it.  :-)
12.876thank you, my friendGAZERS::NOONANyou turn on your ceiling fan *HOW*?Wed Mar 20 1991 16:455
    ...banana slug hugs crawling all over my office when I come in in the
    E Grace
12.877IE0010::MALINGMirthquake!Wed Mar 20 1991 17:473
    . . . my ceiling fan

12.878thanks! I needed that!GAZERS::NOONANyou turn on your ceiling fan *HOW*?Wed Mar 20 1991 19:457
    ...the way Justine Sullivan "animates" her notes!
    makes me smile
    E Grace
12.879VIA::HEFFERNANJuggling FoolThu Mar 21 1991 13:039
Being told I'm the best medicine a special friend in the hospital has
had all day when she sits up and laughs and smiles and sings after not
responding to anything all day.

Seeing children laugh and smile when I dust them off with my feather duster in

12.880Hearing a friend on the radioCFSCTC::KHERThu Mar 21 1991 13:097
    ... when NPR does a report on a dam being built on the Narmada river in
    India and a dear old friend is in it (the report, not the river). I
    haven't heard from this guy in over 5 years. If I'd been a little more
    level-headed I would've taped the thing, instead of dancing in my room
    and getting all teary-eyed. 
12.881NOATAK::BLAZEKthe last temptation of elvisThu Mar 21 1991 15:277
	re: .879 (John)

	What a wonderful note!


12.882FAVAX::CRITZJohn Ellis to ride RAAM '91Thu Mar 21 1991 16:0016
    	...hearing my daughter(s) sing.
    	Last night, Heidi sang the song the lead was supposed
    	to sing, but couldn't, because she was ill. Anyway,
    	Heidi didn't even look at the music until yesterday
    	afternoon. She stood before a packed audience at Elm
    	Street in Nashua and really hammed it up.
    	I can remember her being very timid about doing anything
    	in front of a crowd.
    	Both daughters had solos just before Christmas. I heard
    	Heidi live, but I heard/saw Heather's on videotape because
    	of an emergency trip to Ohio.
    	Scott (Yeah, I'm a proud dad)
12.883I can almost picture it!KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KLittle things DO matter!Thu Mar 21 1991 16:3110
    how whenever there's a crisis, someone always steps in with 
    plenty of moral support.  
    dropping my 5 year old Shane off this am, and reading his creative
    story about a dinosaur who lives in the white house with the president,
    sleeps in the president's bed, and, among other wonderful things, when
    he gets hungry at night, he goes up on the roof of the white house and
    eats stars from the sky!  
12.884Life be good today!!VINO::LANGELOHooray for the Gay,Lesbian &amp; Bisexual 90's!!!Thu Mar 21 1991 21:035
    ...when I get a call from her, the mystery woman, and she's coming over
    to my house in a few weeks for  a small gathering of friends. 
12.885Baby Red instead of blue?VINO::LANGELOHooray for the Gay,Lesbian &amp; Bisexual 90's!!!Fri Mar 22 1991 03:3111
    ...my new office plant which is a baby blue iris (actually it's
    purple). And because it's so colorful and brightens up my office,  I've
    decided to name this plant "E Grace" in honor of the "hug goddess" :-)
    "So have you watered E Grace today, Laurie? She's drooping a little bit."
    "No, but she could use a little plant food. Hey I've got some plant
    food in my frig"
    E Grace is located comfortably next to Alfie, my Christmas cactus.
12.886Such a small world.REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Fri Mar 22 1991 11:297
    ... hearing a promotion for The Fresh Ground Coffeehouse on the
    radio this morning, with its mention of Justine Sullivan.
    ... meeting so many friends out of context at The Gondoliers last
    						Ann B.
12.887Ummm, Laurie.....BATRI::MARCUSThis space left intentionally blank...Fri Mar 22 1991 12:224
Does this mean that you are E Grace's Plant Manager?

12.889and I promise to keep the dinosours happy! (*8 GAZERS::NOONANNo, you may not!Fri Mar 22 1991 12:297
    Laurie Langelo, you are a very special lady!  
    E Grace
12.890Bragging Time!CSC32::DUBOISThe early bird gets wormsFri Mar 22 1991 16:0029
...when our daycare providers express amazement at our son, who just turned
3 years old.  According to Cheryl, who is one of Evan's current "teachers" and
also the assistent mngr of the center, Evan is constantly amazing her at the
things he says.  She was hard pressed to come up with specific examples, but
finally talked about his (appropriate and regular) use of the word "actually",
and the way that when she talks about shapes and colors the other children's
faces are blank, all except for Evan's. 

They have also told us about how he (is? was?) a leader of his peers, well-
liked, and we have noticed (and been told) how, in the room he used to be in,
sometimes the kids would just stand there at the door for a while, *waiting*
for *Evan* to arrive. 

Ms. Sharon, a former "teacher", told us several months ago that Evan was the
first child that she ever considered marking a "mastered skill" for his age
group in the area of abstract thinking.  She said that most children at age 2
could look at a detailed picture of a clown and know it was a clown, but if you
took away many of the details (she pointed to an adult drawing of a clown on
the wall) such as the circles on the clothes, the frill around the neck, etc,
then those children would not recognize it as a clown.  However, Evan was
playing with a can of beads and pulled out a couple of blue beads and put them
next to each other like   o   o, then pulled out a big red bead and put it 
below like                  O    then pulled out a string of beads and arranged
it below them, like a kind of smile, and then he called out, "Ms. Sharon! 

What a kid!

      Carol  :-)
12.891small world indeedTLE::DBANG::carrollFri Mar 22 1991 16:567
>    ... meeting so many friends out of context at The Gondoliers last
>    night.

Oh did you see that show?  Cool!  How was it?  A co-worker buddy of mine
is in it.

12.894Which one is he?REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Fri Mar 22 1991 19:1111
    Lots of good solo singing, although the Duchess is a bit weak.
    Frequently the words are indistinguishable, which I'll blame on
    the acoustics, and point out that the libretto is available in
    the lobby for only $5.
    Oh.  I'm ushering at all performances.  Performances are Friday,
    8:15 and Saturday, 2:30 and 8:15, at Lincoln-Sudbury Regional
    High School.  Nights are $10, the matinee is $7, and all proceeds
    go to fight world hunger.
    						Ann B.
12.895DECSIM::HALLDaleFri Mar 22 1991 19:363
    Ann forgot to mention that the orchestra is *fabulous*!!
12.896I may have to see this show after all!GAZERS::NOONANhuggestive solicitation mandatoryFri Mar 22 1991 19:387
    Gee, I wonder if anyone I know is playing in said orchestra?  
    E Grace
12.897Ties her own bow tie, tooCOGITO::SULLIVANSinging for our livesFri Mar 22 1991 19:455
    Well, I know that the Principal viola is outstanding and very dashing
    in her tux!
12.898it's a small world after...oh, forget itTLE::DBANG::carroll...get used to it!Fri Mar 22 1991 21:047
> Which one is he?

I think he's in the chorus, not a "role".  

Wow, didn't know I knew so many people associated with this thing!! :-)

12.899Gosh I'm tired!GAZERS::NOONANhuggestive solicitation mandatoryMon Mar 25 1991 12:3510
    ...going to hear Dale play on Friday, Justine (sing and) play on
    Saturday, and *me* playing on Sunday!  *whew*!  What a weekend!
    Dale blended in perfectly with the orchestra.
    Justine soared!  I am now a certified groupie.  Oh, and the guy who
    shared the bill with her was not bad either.
    E Grace
12.900FAVAX::MAXHAMSnort when you note!Mon Mar 25 1991 13:149
...it when 50+ people show up to hear Justine Sullivan and Harvey
Reid IN SPITE OF freezing rain and slop!!!

...it when at least three of those people are Womannoters who drove
more than an hour through that mess!

...it when Harvey does ragtime on the guitar! Wow.

12.901GAZERS::NOONANhuggestive solicitation mandatoryMon Mar 25 1991 14:014
    ...*and* you get a .x00, Kathy!
    E Grace
12.902JJLIET::JUDYkneedeep in the hooplaMon Mar 25 1991 15:304
    	winning $40 on tri-state megabucks.  First time I ever
    	won on either of the megabucks games!
12.903hosting noter friendsFMNIST::olsonDoug Olson, ISVG West, UCS1-4Mon Mar 25 1991 16:068
...special dinner guests last Friday night, and...

...my sweetie having the guts to fix a dinner from the cover of Bon Appetit...

...and pulling it off! (I made the sauce, and did dishes.)  She also made 
cream puffs!  We had a very, very nice time.

12.904*sigh*KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KMember K.C.C.Mon Mar 25 1991 16:074
    Unexpected late-night hour and a half long phone calls from someone
12.905NOATAK::BLAZEKcosmic spinal bebop in blueMon Mar 25 1991 16:3811
	... making reservations for a week's training in LA!  I'm
	psyched for the training, but most of all, for the chance
	to see my fiancee of the universe!

	Only a few more days!

	SMOOCH, Cheyenne!  =8-)


12.906YummSPCTRM::GONZALEZLark of the morningMon Mar 25 1991 16:418
    Yo, Carla,
    Make sure Cheyenne takes you to Hamburger Hamlet for breakfast.
        :^)   :^)    :^)    :^)
12.909NOATAK::BLAZEKcosmic spinal bebop in blueMon Mar 25 1991 17:286
	Margaret, I wouldn't miss the chance to see my favorite Lost
	Boy.  =8-)


12.910lost boy alertSPCTRM::GONZALEZLark of the morningMon Mar 25 1991 18:2210
    Check your neck afterward.  Warning signs: puncture wounds
                                               eyes sensitive to light
                                               fear of garlic
                                               severe coffin and sneezin
    Ohhhh, I wish I could be there.
12.911Where am I, anyways?VINO::LANGELOHooray for the Gay,Lesbian &amp; Bisexual 90's!!!Mon Mar 25 1991 20:2421
    ...people who don't wear underwear when they go out dancing because
    they don't want their pantyline to show. Maybe this should be in the
    ass topic.  Oh no, I wonder if I remembered to put my own underwear on
    this morning. 
    ...seeing a sticker on the Cambridge exit 18 toll booth this morning
    that says "A lesbian was here". That really woke me up. The cab driver
    that cut in front of me on Prospect didn't even wake me up fully. I
    think Boston cabbies drive like they're at an amusement park on
    the bumper cars ride. 
    ...Boston/Cambridge cab drivers that go straight on red. I'm not
    straight so I wonder if that means I can't go straight on red. Just
    remember to go left at HErring Cove Beach down in P-town. Straight goes
    right,g/l/b go left and all others go straight which goes nowhere except
    into the ocean.
    Stop making sense please. It's just another red-eyed-mondy.
    p.s. And my two big toes *really* do hurt E!
12.912NOATAK::BLAZEKcosmic spinal bebop in blueMon Mar 25 1991 21:0412
	... seeing two ducks paddling around the swimming pool at 
	the apartment complex I live at.

	... feeding more ducks paddling around the pond outside of
	my sliding glass doors.

	... rising before dawn, running with my dog, fresh morning
	air, and burning thigh muscles.


12.913I wanna go too!KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KMember K.C.C.Tue Mar 26 1991 11:524
    Hey Cheyenne!  I was in KLUNK CITY last night watching the 
    Academy Awards!  clunk clunk and double clunk!  
12.914YUPPY::DAVIESAI'm moving into HeffersTue Mar 26 1991 15:066
    ....my new combined phone and answer machine :-)
    I've wanted one for *ages*! 
    And it's LAVENDER!
12.915PROSE::BLACHEKWed Mar 27 1991 16:326
    the Spit Brook Women's Folk Group and the Poets from =wn=.
    It was such an up!  Thanks for giving me a great feeling.  Plus, it was
    nice ta meet cha in person so I have faces, as well as NODE::NAMES.
12.916worth the trip...TRACKS::PARENTHuman in process, please waitWed Mar 27 1991 17:2611

    To the Spit Brook Women's Folk Group and the Poets from =wn=.
    On a gray day that left me tingling.

    I can't wait for the tape, to be able to replay the moment wow!
12.917bravoVIA::HEFFERNANJuggling FoolWed Mar 27 1991 18:156
Yes, great show.  I was wondering what Dorian and E Grace looked like
so know I know...  Anyways, thanks to all the performer.  Also it was
great to see Peggy Leedberg again!  Someone must have snuck her in

12.918Spit Brook Minstrels are truly a treat!MLTVAX::DUNNEWed Mar 27 1991 18:177
    I second (third?) the compliments to the Spit Brook Minstrels for such
    wonderful music and poetry. Many of our own =wn=ers were part of it.
    I hesitate to mention names only because I might leave one out by
    accident. It was so uplifting. You all deserve lots of credit for 
    such a professional performance.
12.919VIA::HEFFERNANJuggling FoolWed Mar 27 1991 18:255
Also, though I liked ererything, I especially liked the poem Rosy the
Riveteer Talks to the Patriarchy by Dorian and the song Erica Levine.


12.920CFSCTC::KHERWed Mar 27 1991 18:264
    tape? did i hear someone say tape? I wanna copy. The music and poetry
    was wonderful!
12.921SCARGO::CONNELLAfterlife! I don't think there's a shelflife.Thu Mar 28 1991 09:1723
    I didn't know there was a tape. PLEASE, PLEASE I GOTTA HAVE A COPY.
    Ok, now thank you very much. I finally got to meet E and I got great
    hugs from Justine, E, and Jody. The music and poetry were wonderful.
    Thank you all for letting me know about this. It was pure pleasure to
    attend. Thanks also to the very considerate woman who offered me a
    ride. I took it as far as the Royal Ridge Mall and caught a bus from
    there. She knew who I was, but I didn't know her. She has an accent and
    I couldn't understand her name. My fault. Old age and hearing ya know.
    Anyway, I would like to thank her again for the ride. It was much
    I loved the companionship afterwards. I got to meet some very special
    people. I don't talk much, but I really enjoyed being among you all.
    You are all wonderful folks with so much talent and joy in them.
    I hate to keep gushing. (No I don't) but it was a special experience
    for me and will keep me going for a long time to come.
    Thank you all again.
    Love and hugs,
12.922tapes - yesSUPER::HENDRICKSThe only way out is throughThu Mar 28 1991 10:5120
    I'm glad to hear so many of you enjoyed the concert - it was a pleasure
    to plan and practice for!  It was great to see so many friends in the
    audience.  It's kind of a let down having it over...
    I was not too happy about slicing up my hand and having to get stitches
    the day before the concert, but I worked out some innovative keyboard
    arrangements where you play with two fingers of the left hand and put
    the creative stuff in the right hand.  It was different, but it seemed
    to work.
    Dan Murphy recorded the concert.  If you send him $5 he will put you on
    the list for a tape.  He is at ZKO3-4, and his node is FOGGYR::Murphy.
    I don't know the full mail stop, and I'm writing from home at the
    moment without a directory.  He has to have the money in hand to
    consider it an order!  I would suggest getting your order in by April
12.923MCIS1::DHURLEYThu Mar 28 1991 12:187
    I want to thank Holly and the Spitbrook Minstrels for inviting the 
    =wm=poets to ZKO.  It was a wonderful day for me and a great
    opportunity to spend time with some truly great friends. 
    Everyone did a terrific job and I want to thank all of you....
12.924...the Leedberg LabrysTLE::DBANG::carrollget used to it!Thu Mar 28 1991 13:4010
I was very honored yesterday!!

The late (of this conference) great Peggy Leedberg gave me her Labrys!!

D!  (hoping she can live up to it's reputation)


               (just practicing)
12.925GAZERS::NOONANUh OhThu Mar 28 1991 14:394
    ...wowwwwwwwwwwwww......I always *knew* you were a woman of power, D!
    E Grace
12.926SPARKL::KOTTLERThu Mar 28 1991 14:497
    Thanks very much!    :-)
    (rivet rivet)
12.928And meep says so, too...BUBBLY::LEIGHBear with me.Thu Mar 28 1991 15:444
    I, too, got a glow of happiness for the afternoon from the Spit
    Brook concert.  Thank you all so much!
    And I love poems and songs with (rivet!) surprise puns!
12.929LEZAH::QUIRIYLove is a verb.Thu Mar 28 1991 18:075
    Hey, -d, do you have a pop-rivet gun?  I've heard they're dangerously
12.931spring is sprung. When do the clocks change?BTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark Boots!Fri Mar 29 1991 13:296
30 or 35 robins covering the yard this morning!  with sundry redwing blackbirds
mixed in.  Robins are cute, hopping around with their heads tilted, listening
for worms.

The bush at the end of my driveway turns out to be pussy willow!  Discovering a
new (to you) yard can be fun!
12.932RAVEN1::AAGESENto each their royal surfaceFri Mar 29 1991 14:0711
12.933WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesFri Mar 29 1991 14:155
    *why* did I see that coming?!? ;-)
12.934only redbreasted during the summer festivals though!(-;RAVEN1::AAGESENto each their royal surfaceFri Mar 29 1991 14:4510
    dunno'... maybe you know me too well?? {-:
    p.s.  i kind of like the double-b, bonnie.(-;  my grandmother could never
    get over my mother not spelling my name with a "y", so she just refused
    to acknowledge the "i" and addressed me as robyn anytime she had written
    correspondence. (-:
12.935WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesFri Mar 29 1991 14:5310
    I think I've misspelled your name that way more than once ;-}
    and isn't being 'redbreasted' a bit, um, painful?
12.936;-) its Friday!MEIS::TILLSONSugar MagnoliaFri Mar 29 1991 15:4312
    E Grace's use of "vertically challenged"!!!!!!!
    E, just for that, here are some...
    hughughugteenytinyittybittydifferentlyheightedhughughugs for you...
12.937ooooooohhhhh, there all over me!!!!!!!!!GAZERS::NOONANUh OhFri Mar 29 1991 16:189
    	                   ymmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyy, you Sugar Magnolia, you!
    Thanks, /Rita!
    E Grace
12.938Singing!BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanFri Mar 29 1991 16:488
...the song that the quartet I'm in is doing for Easter Sunday.
We're using piano and synthesizer and the group has sung together
enough that dynamics are just naturally coming together.  We're 
gonna knock 'em alive!


12.940my new blue jeans... BTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark Boots!Mon Apr 01 1991 11:4915
  I hereby apologize most humbly for any and all disparaging comments I made
  last week about lycra/spandex.

  I was wrong!  wrong!  wrong!

  Saturday I went shopping for (among other things) a new pair of jeans.  After
  trying on several pair of std jeans that either didn't fit or were too long
  (a common occurrance for us short people) I found a pair of stretch jeans.  I
  almost didn't try them 'cuz in the past stretch jeans have not impressed me.


  and they are 98% cotton, 2% SPANDEX!

  I don't ever want to take them off.
12.941thanks -bonnieGAZERS::NOONANUh OhMon Apr 01 1991 12:494
    ...today's banner!!!!!!!!!
    E Grace
12.943GAZERS::NOONANYup. Temporary Human. That's me!Mon Apr 01 1991 20:106
    Oh *sure*!   Rub it in!!!!!   humph!
12.944NOATAK::BLAZEKcalling up thunderMon Apr 01 1991 20:2711
	... late night Baskin Robbins excursions and featherbeds
	and big Harley men saying helllooooooooooo (eek!) and my
	fave fiancee sending mail from 5 feet away.

	Oh!  And going to Disneyland tonight!  Yippeeee!

	Happy in Hollywood,


12.946NOATAK::BLAZEKcalling up thunderMon Apr 01 1991 21:299
	Are you eating your candy necklace already???!

	My braids keep getting caught in mine.  This could be
	more fun than my way of doing tequila shots.  =8-D

	C. (who volunteers to supply candy necklaces to all
	    attendees at the =wn= party ... nibble nibble)

12.947GAZERS::NOONANYup. Temporary Human. That's me!Mon Apr 01 1991 21:485
    Oh, GREAT!  Now you're going to nibble everyone *else's* neck?!
12.948NOATAK::BLAZEKcalling up thunderMon Apr 01 1991 21:557
	I would never be so presumptuous.

	Except with you.  =;-)


12.949WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesTue Apr 02 1991 01:257
    in re .943
    E, just one week  now
12.950Elated.RYKO::NANCYBTue Apr 02 1991 07:3512
    	That Duke won the men's NCAA basketball championship 
    	for the first time ever !!!  I would give anything to be
        on campus tonight (though the party here was fun too ;-).
    	I also love the several good shots of Christian Laettner's 
    	sweaty chest ;-].
    						nancy b.
    	(My feelings run deep for the team because I used to 
    	 tutor them in math and engineering.  This made me a very
    	 popular person at dinner time because I would know the 
    	 scoop on the upcoming stretagies for the next game).
12.951ah just do not understandGAZERS::NOONANYup. Temporary Human. That's me!Tue Apr 02 1991 11:539
    why, bonnie........what*ever* could you *flutterflutterflutter* mean?
12.952BTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark Boots!Tue Apr 02 1991 12:305
whaddya mean, E, do ya think we've forgotten you?

yiiiippppeeeeeee for Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

	<wink>  <smile>  <grin>
12.953GAZERS::NOONANYup. Temporary Human. That's me!Tue Apr 02 1991 12:4810
    			oh.   *that*
12.954the coincidence machinery comes to life againLEZAH::BOBBITTwaves become wingsTue Apr 02 1991 13:1919
    I guess I love it.  sometimes its scary.  The coincidence machinery has
    started up again (you may recall my p_name a while ago was
    "COUS's - coincidences of unusual size" (takeoff on The Princess
    Bride's ROUS's)).  
    When this machinery is whirring I run into people totally out of
    context in unplanned situations, or find connections in people I see to
    other people I know that kind of blow me away.  The past few days
    included a ride down to a SF convention where I found out the driver's
    sister is a womannoter.  And running into an old college friend (also a
    DECcie) at the gas pumps this morning.
    p.s.  D! gave me the sage advice last time this happened not to get too
    bugged out about it even if it *feels* very weird (note the scary
    whoo-whoo twilight-zone noises in the background) - she suggested I
    look at it as if I were surrounded by one big happy family of humanity.
12.955SPFXREGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Tue Apr 02 1991 13:248
12.956Or as I told Jody a year ago...CADSE::FOXNo crime. And lots of fat, happy womenTue Apr 02 1991 15:3938

	There are only 2000 people in the world...

... and 1000 of them work for DEC!

12.957AKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Tue Apr 02 1991 15:533
    Knowing at this time tomorrow I will be in Florida....
12.958Me, too!PARITY::DDAVISLong-cool woman in a black dressTue Apr 02 1991 16:014
    Yippeeee, Joyce!!  I'll be in Florida on Monday, the 8th.
    I just love not being at work for 2 Mondays in a row!  
12.959COUS indeed! :-)TLE::DBANG::carroll...get used to it!Tue Apr 02 1991 17:0814
>    When this machinery is whirring I run into people totally out of
>    context in unplanned situations, or find connections in people I see to
>    other people I know that kind of blow me away. 

Why JODY!  What EVER could you mean???  :-) :-)

Hope Balticon was a blast.

Last week my girlfriend was talking to her ex (to whom she hasn't spoken in
3 months and who lives out in California.)  She said "I went out to dinner
last night with my girlfriend, Diana."  And the ex says "You mean Diana
CARROLL?!?!?"  *sigh*  it goes on.

12.960wierdTRACKS::PARENTThe Unfinished woman...Tue Apr 02 1991 17:2618
                             -< COUS indeed! :-) >-

   Jody, D!,
    You too!  I have always encountered what I've called small world
    syndrome.  Seems the further I go the more likely I am to meet
    someone from school, local town, or whatever.

    My bizzare one is Dajavu Again.  The best I can explain it is things
    that are familar when they clearly can't be.  In DCL it would be:
    	Set scene/new/known/nosync/outta_time/recursive
    I love it when that happens... 8-)
12.961GAZERS::NOONANYup. Temporary Human. That's me!Tue Apr 02 1991 17:284
    ...Allison's new P_N!
    E Grace
12.962Yippy-ti-i-ay [sic]NAC::BENCEIt was the best of times...Tue Apr 02 1991 17:435
    	Cantering for the first time on a horse...yeehah!
12.963GAZERS::NOONANCabbage Patch NoterTue Apr 02 1991 18:099
    I have *got* to get bifocals!  I thought you said "CATERING" for the
    first time on a horse.  All I could think was, "well, it takes all
    E Grace
12.964NAC::BENCEIt was the best of times...Tue Apr 02 1991 18:336
    	RE .963
    	Gives a whole new meaning to the term "Galloping Gourmet".
    						clb 8-}
12.966GAZERS::NOONANCabbage Patch NoterTue Apr 02 1991 21:011
    cheer up a little, will ya cheyenne?!
12.967NOATAK::BLAZEKcalling up thunderTue Apr 02 1991 21:0916
	... screaming when I see Goofy!

	... Star Tours -- *wow*!  I could have experienced that
	another 10 times!  What a ride!

	... feeling younger and more thrilled than any other kid
	at Disneyland.  Except for cheyenne.  =%-)  All the real
	kids thought we were completely nuts and didn't stop
	staring, especially at Tramp.  No I don't mean cheyenne!

	I wanna weld your haaaaaaand!  And move into the Haunted


12.969NOATAK::BLAZEKcalling up thunderTue Apr 02 1991 21:396
	That's because we stay under the covers until the last
	possible moment and then race around like twin cyclones.


12.970WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesWed Apr 03 1991 00:227
    all of you gyns
    esp that brat E Grace!  *love* you
12.971LEZAH::BOBBITTwaves become wingsWed Apr 03 1991 01:0311
    got a call earlier today from an OLD college friend I hadn't really
    been in touch with since ye olde schoole dayse.  Out of the blue.
    Then ran into another college friend at Dunkin Donuts who I hadn't seen
    in years.
    sheesh!  what is it - a flurry of coincidences?  a cache of
    coincidences?  a rash?  a clowder of coincidences?
12.972Hugs to you allYUPPY::DAVIESAfirst to praise the MoonWed Apr 03 1991 11:4816
    .....my friends.
    The people, especially from this conference, who send me thoughtful
    mail from time to time with caring that brightens my day.
    The friends who send me hugs when I'm blue, cheers when I succeed,
    and who share a small and valuable part of themselves with me
    over a beer, over a terminal line, over a phone line....friends
    who offer practical help, emotional support, a joke, a comment,
    an insight, a shared concern....
    I value your friendship.
    My life is brighter for knowing you.
12.973building on coincidencesLDYBUG::GOLDMANEach moment is a new realityWed Apr 03 1991 11:576
>    got a call earlier today from an OLD college friend I hadn't really
>    been in touch with since ye olde schoole dayse.  Out of the blue.
    	Eek!  Me too, Jody!  Must be something in the air!!

12.974VIA::HEFFERNANJuggling FoolWed Apr 03 1991 12:587
Getting into Graduate School at Harvard...


And turning them down! ;-)

12.975Toys and more toysVINO::LANGELOHooray for the Gay,Lesbian &amp; Bisexual 90's!!!Wed Apr 03 1991 13:3910
    ...going on a toy-shopping spree!!! The store was barren and it was
    great. No crowds and no little kids to deal with. I got another pack of
    marbles because the last pack I had got raided by my cats and they
    batted those marbles all over my house. Every time I vacumm I hear one
    get sucked into the vacumm cleaner. I've lost my marbles but I've found
    some new ones!
    thank heavens for credit cards.
12.976ASDG::GASSAWAYInsert clever personal name hereWed Apr 03 1991 15:567
    re: .975
    You did make sure to get some LEGO, didn't you?
    Lisa/who wants the black castle next.
12.977oopsTRACKS::PARENTThe Unfinished woman...Wed Apr 03 1991 16:278
   Some of my better spelling fluffs, like:
    Personal name before correction...
    	"the unfurnished woman"
12.978REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Wed Apr 03 1991 16:373
    Gee, that's the opposite of "well-upholstered", right?
    					Ann B.
12.979GAKTRACKS::PARENTThe Unfinished woman...Wed Apr 03 1991 17:195
   Ann, I'm that too.
12.980but that doesn't mean I like societal pressure to conformTLE::DBANG::carroll...get used to it!Wed Apr 03 1991 19:573
...being a woman.

12.981a few thingsVIA::HEFFERNANJuggling FoolThu Apr 04 1991 12:4819
Seeing a special friend in remission with no IV tubes in her body and
leaving the hospital soon.  ;-)  (Thanks to all those who sent mail)


Being a human being making connections with other human beings.  Doing
what needs to be done.  Being of service...


Teaching kids clown handshakes.  Here's one for all of you even though
you're too old!  ;-)

Take a kids hand.  Now jump up and down like the kid is so strong that
when he or she shakes your hand, they sent you up in the air.

12.982All of YOU!!!SADVS1::HIDALGOFri Apr 05 1991 13:5920
    this notesfile. The fact that it exists has been a wonder to me. 
    that I could log in and communicate with people who think the way that I 
    do, or don't.  
    Sometimes it's lonely living in new jersey among people who don't think 
    it's strange that females are the ones who are asked to make the coffee for 
    a meeting.  But then i'd log in and read from this notesfile and realize, 
    "No, i'm not imagining things", nor am I alone in thinking, "No, I don't
    have an 'automatic coffee-making gene' built into my DNA, so why should
    I always make the coffee?".
    that there is support here on a basic human level when noters have
    problems or are worried or overwhelmed with things regardless of
    gender, or previous disagreements.
    that we could argue and then send hugs and apologize for hurt feelings.
12.984BTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark Boots!Fri Apr 05 1991 17:0715
I'm going to see my parents tonight!  They've been in Vegas and other points
south and west since the end of September.  I'm driving down after supper, and
can only stay a day, but it's worth the 3.5 hrs each way just to hear their
voices and hug them in the flesh.  Gosh I miss them when they're away.

makes me feel like a little kid again to feel so strongly about it.  but I
don't care.

8-- )

(that's a B I G smile, folks!)
12.985GAZERS::NOONANShe's your pet *what*?!Fri Apr 05 1991 17:367
    ....that Massachussetts' population increases by one tomorrow.
    E Grace
12.986M+E=yippeeBTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark Boots!Fri Apr 05 1991 17:403

btw I love your personal name today, E.  Where *do* you come up with them?
12.987Champagne time...SPCTRM::GONZALEZDessert GuruFri Apr 05 1991 17:437
    RE:  .985
    Gee, I wonder who???   Yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!
    What wonderful news!!!!!
12.988this one, at leastTLE::DBANG::carrollget used to it!Fri Apr 05 1991 17:589
>btw I love your personal name today, E.  Where *do* you come up with them?

...me, courtesy of The Ubiquitous Regis, courtesy of the Tragically Hip Waif.

Sort of.


12.989make mine sparkling apple cider, please!GAZERS::NOONANShe's your pet *what*?!Fri Apr 05 1991 18:081
    I don't know, some guy..........
12.990happy birthday!GAZERS::NOONANShe's your pet *what*?!Fri Apr 05 1991 20:116
    ...Martha Walker's pet stories!   (*8
    You're dog is tooooo funny, lady!
    E Grace
12.991synchronicity IILEZAH::BOBBITTwaves become wingsSat Apr 06 1991 16:2211
    MORE coincidences.
    Finding out a friend from King Richard's Renaissance faire last year
    knows the people I have midnight pasta with once a week.  And we went
    out in Harvard square, and he ran into a woman he hadn't seen in a few
    years, and I ran into someone from my noon aerobics class, and saw a
    person from MIT I hadn't seen in at least 4 years, and what more IS
12.992SNOC02::CASEYLookForMeOn SNOV20 *AND* MEO78BSat Apr 06 1991 17:227
    I really love this notesfile.. it has about the right blend of
    controversy and quality and the contributors seem to respect the rights
    of others. My great regret is that lack of available time denies me 
    the opportunity to note in here more often.
12.993WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesSat Apr 06 1991 20:219
    thanks Don,
    you do a good service in keeping Friends open as a place 
    for people to chat and talk and flirt at all hours of the day or
12.995listen to my bluebird laugh...BTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark Boots!Mon Apr 08 1991 12:2114

we have bluebirds!  well I can't take any credit, the previous owners put up
bluebird houses several years ago, and bluebirds have nested in the yard for
a couple of years.  It's a first for me, though.  Thirty-nine years old, and
I'd never seen a bluebird before this morning!

They are beautiful!  This is even neater than the flock of 30-35 robins last

The cat's gonna have to stay in a lot for the next couple of months... sorry
Breda cat, no blue feathers for you!

12.996Spent my last dime on birthcontrol and beer.WLDKAT::GALLUPliving in the gap btwn past &amp; futureMon Apr 08 1991 13:0219
    ....the 2 Nice Girls concert I was at last night at Nightstage in
    The show was fantastic, the music was humourous (folksy type music, and
    I would recommend them to EVERYONE that gets the chance to see these
    woman!  Carla, you would LOVE these women!) and I loved every second of
    ....I was also very pleased to see the crowd be accepting of my male
    friend that I was with.  He's said that he's been to Indigo Productions
    before where he was treated as an "outsider" (and even harrassed a
    little).  I know he felt like he was sort of an intruder in "women's
    space", but he loves 2 Nice Girls' music.  Even though most of the
    women there will never see this, I just want to say "thanks."
12.994edited for early morning amnesia!GAZERS::NOONANThe Giggling GothMon Apr 08 1991 14:1219
    ...starting a *gorgeous* New Englad Spring Sunday morning with my
    sweetie and my water-brother at Quaker Meeting.
    ...playing pinball with said sweetie and water-brother.  Or rather,
    watching, most of the time!
    ...going dancing all night long with that very same water-brother and
    two other *fabulous* women from this file!
    Okay, well, it *felt* like all night long, anyway!  Oi! my back.
    E Grace
12.998NAVIER::SAISIMon Apr 08 1991 14:126
    	I thought I saw you there.  I second the recommendation, they
    were so powerful.  Did you really think it was folksy though?  Maybe
    because I usually listen to folk music I thought it was hard rock.
12.999JJLIET::JUDYIs New Hampshire a state?Mon Apr 08 1991 15:457
    	...my husband and I spending the weekend in Jersey with my best
    	friend and her husband....and finding great bargains at a mall
    	she took me to! =)
    	...knowing they're coming up next month to stay with us....
12.1000NAVIER::SAISIMon Apr 08 1991 16:551
    watching all the 9s on the odometer turn over to 0s.
12.1001GAZERS::NOONANThe Giggling GothMon Apr 08 1991 17:034
    ...and what a serendipitous reply number you got!
    E Grace
12.1002WLDKAT::GALLUPliving in the gap btwn past &amp; futureMon Apr 08 1991 17:2615
    Linda (.998)
    Yep, that was me standing in the back (I WISH we had gotten seats, that
    was a long show to stand at!)  
    I don't think I could classify it as hard rock, but then again, folksy
    isn't right either.....maybe a cross between the two, because they
    covered just about the entire spectrum (including southern rock!)
    Excellent, excellent, excellent.
12.1003Seeing flowers....DSSDEV::LEMENTue Apr 09 1991 12:1110
    That my former desert of a yard has *gasp* FLOWERS.
    Actual crocii, daffodilli, and it looks like there 
    will be tulips soon!
    It seems so magical---you stick this little round thing in the
    ground in the fall, and suddenly, flowers. 
    I could hardly tear myself away to go to work.
12.1004LJOHUB::MAXHAMSnort when you note!Tue Apr 09 1991 12:217
>    It seems so magical---you stick this little round thing in the
>   ground in the fall, and suddenly, flowers. 
I planted crocus bulbs last fall, and not a one of them came up! Bummer.
Whatcha wanna bet I planted them all upside down?

12.1005critters may be to blame...BTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark Boots!Tue Apr 09 1991 12:312
squirrels, chipmunks, and moles all eat crocus bulbs.  They leave daffodils
alone though.
12.1006BlissKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KVenus kissed the moon tonightTue Apr 09 1991 12:4825
    I once planted a bunch of bulbs, upside down!!! But one did come up, 
    a beautiful flaming orange-red tulip.  It alone was worth all of the 
    I really love...this past weekend!
    Friday night, Dances With Wolves, seen in the company of one of my
    favorite guy-friends!  (it only took us a month to finally get
    together)  Saturday night---Seeing Dave Mallet perform with his
    excellent pianist Chris Neville, with my BEST girlfriend!!! It
    was fabulous.  Sunday at the park, pitching to my son Rob in practice
    for his little league.  Putting my hand up just in time to stop a 
    line drive from hitting me square in the face!  Imagine the shiner
    I would have had today!  Whew!   All my pitches went wild after that;
    it's hard to pitch straight when you are ducking at the same time ;-)
    Sunday night barbeque on my best girlfriend's deck, sipping Pimms
    afterward, under the stars, chattering away with her and her husband
    about anything and everything, while the kids watch tv inside.  
    The PERFECT weekend.
12.1007JJLIET::JUDYSpring has sprungTue Apr 09 1991 13:0310
    	....the rainbow I saw yesterday on my way home....they always
    	amaze me.
    	....seeing a good friend and my "niece" tonite and
    	giving her the cutest little jean jacket.  She's only three weeks
    	old but I couldn't resist.  It should fit her soon.  
12.1008Springtime and babyWORDY::STEINHARTPixillatedTue Apr 09 1991 14:115
    Sitting my six-month daughter on the ground outside for the first time,
    and showing her the new daffodils.  She ran the leaves through her
    fingers and the bright yellow was reflected in her face.
12.1009IE0010::MALINGMirthquake!Tue Apr 09 1991 14:266
    > watching all the 9s on the odometer turn over to 0s.
    Me too, my car turned 70000 yesterday afternoon while driving to a
    meeting in Littleton.
12.1010WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesTue Apr 09 1991 17:061
    nice mornings ;-)
12.1011GEMVAX::ADAMSTue Apr 09 1991 17:281
12.1012Believe it or not, *I* am a little apprehensive!WLDKAT::GALLUPliving in the gap btwn past &amp; futureTue Apr 09 1991 17:297
    Making an appt for a new hairdo......
    (Randy's going to REALLY enjoy doing this one!!!)  ;-)
12.1013Friends visiting from afar...BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanTue Apr 09 1991 18:2611
    ...having Emily's fairy-God-friend, Leah come in for a day to visit. 
    She's sort of flaky and kinda weird but we love her.  She sort of
    adopted Emily as a niece when we lived in Oregon when Emily was a baby.
    Since we moved she's kept in touch with us and is constantly sending
    Emily books and tapes that she makes herself.  What a wonderful friend!
    I think Emily's the child/grandchild Leah never had.
12.1014... and this weather.REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Tue Apr 09 1991 20:255
    ... learning that I once was on the same airplane as Eleanor Roosevelt.
    ... a canter under *my* control.
    						Ann B.
12.1015It may a couple of years though!LRCSNL::WALESDavid from Down-underTue Apr 09 1991 21:177
    	Keep planting your bulbs upside down.  They might pop up in my
    garden in our spring.  I live in Sydney, Australia.
12.1016STAR::BECKPaul BeckTue Apr 09 1991 21:304
I don't have a globe in front of me, but if memory serves, bulbs planted
upside-down in New England would pop up somewhere off-shore from Perth.

Unless you plant them upside down and slightly *crooked*...
12.1017but someone beat me to it, (almost)AUSSIE::WHORLOWI brew the best koala_tea productsTue Apr 09 1991 22:3615
    I was gonna say...
    I really love the crocii in my garden, and at _this_ time of year
    (in Sydney Oz, too )
12.1018WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesTue Apr 09 1991 23:0414
    hi derek ;-)
    I love having met someone from OZ  who writes in =wn=
    and I *especially* love
    that I'm going to be babysitting my grandbaby this weekend
    yeah hoo!
    I also loved having two women friends (one an ex mod) bounce into
    my office this after noon and give me hugs.
12.1019To LizaYUPPY::DAVIESAPhoenixWed Apr 10 1991 06:5716
    ..going flat-hunting on a cold rainy day and having my day brightened
    by friendly bus-driver, people who see me looking at my A-Z street-map
    who ask me if they can help me at all, friendly construction workers
    (I didn't think they existed!) who told me all about their 
    girlfriend's careers whilst walking me to the bus stop I needed...
    And ESPECIALLY....
    Liza. The 80-year old grandma who has lived in the same square
    mile all her life and who was bright at a button and walked two
    miles with me and hugged me when we parted.
    I wish she could read this.
    Who says London is unfriendy? :-)
12.1021CALIPH::binderSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisWed Apr 10 1991 14:184
...spending an hour and a half cutting out 20 decorative roof brackets
in my very own woodshop.  Oh, the *smell* of freshly sawn wood!

12.1022:-)LEZAH::QUIRIYLove is a verb.Wed Apr 10 1991 16:004
    E Grace's new personal_name.
12.1024me too!GAZERS::NOONANI'm here, I'm me, and I'm enoughWed Apr 10 1991 16:407
    ...*cheyenne's* new P_N!
    E Grace
12.1026SALISH::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedWed Apr 10 1991 18:274
    :) "Scotty"
12.1027Moving to MRO3SONATA::ERVINRoots &amp; Wings...Thu Apr 11 1991 12:398
    When I get the job offer (I had interviewed for three different jobs)
    for the job that was *my* first choice!
    I'm leaving management and heading back to techno-weenie land.  The
    start date has been set, my new manager seems wonderful, and this job
    provides me the opportunity to learn and work with C.
12.1028RAVEN1::AAGESENme with my jaw hangin',taking it inThu Apr 11 1991 12:452
    ...mike's milestone. (-;
12.1029GAZERS::NOONANI'm here, I'm me, and I'm enoughThu Apr 11 1991 12:518
    You and me both, ~robin.  You and me both!
    E Grace
12.1030VIA::HEFFERNANJuggling FoolThu Apr 11 1991 13:296
... finally learning to unicycle after practicing dilegently (;-)for a
about a half hour a week since January.  Now if I could only learn how
to steer!

...  being asked by some kids if I was an ACTRESS because I know so
many funny things!
12.1032GUESS::DERAMODan D'EramoThu Apr 11 1991 15:315
        When you say "learning to unicycle" does that
        automatically include "while juggling", or does that come
12.1033VIA::HEFFERNANJuggling FoolThu Apr 11 1991 19:0311
RE:    <<< Note 12.1031 by CALIPH::binder "Simplicitas gratia simplicitatis" >>>
                            -< Steering a unicycle >-

Thanks for the advice but it was joke; I wasn't looking for

RE:  Juggling and unicycling - nope - that's next though!

"There must be a harder way"  - Juggler's Creed

12.1034fla....AUSSIE::WHORLOWI brew the best koala_tea productsThu Apr 11 1991 23:4311
    ... The effectiveness of the word of mouth advertising network....
12.1036LEZAH::BOBBITTdance, the storm is overFri Apr 12 1991 12:3010
    getting NEW SNEAKS!  Expen$ive sneaks that are delicious on my feet! 
    Sneaks for running!  Sneaks for aerobics!  Sneaks for walking!
    (said in my best Steve Martin voice...)
    "OHHHH NO!  I've Got HAPPY FEET!"
12.1037Good books!DENVER::DOROFri Apr 12 1991 21:578
    ....when i find an excellent book that wonderfully fits and describes
    things I've been feeling for years, but couldn't pull together.
    The Chalice and the Blade is SO readable.... Thanks to someone in this
    conference for recommending it!
12.1039ThirdedYUPPY::DAVIESAPhoenixMon Apr 15 1991 07:008
    Yes - great book! Thanks to Joe White who recommended it to me.
    I'm in withdrawal from it - I want to read it again, but I've lent
    it to a friend who keeps re-reading it! (Time to get assertive
    here, methinks!)
12.1041OXNARD::HAYNESCharles HaynesMon Apr 15 1991 17:0714
    ...being made to feel old. Got this catalog in the mail from
    'International Male' - full of young, tanned, perfect-conditioned
    models in assorted swim and casual wear. Realized I was in no
    shape to wear a single %%#* thing they sell. fooey.
Heh heh heh. I order a lot of my clothes from IM - especially underwear! I'm not
that young Dana...

	-- Charles

P.S. The models are to die for... if you're into the conventional "Greek god"
type, pure eye-candy.

12.1042WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesMon Apr 15 1991 22:1511
    Charles, the models are *boys*, um, excuse me, they
    are young persons of the male gender, eye candy yes, 
    people to imagine about, no.
    and my thing to love today....
    Having Canaan to take care of for the last two days!
12.1043LEDS::BERMANGive blood, Play rugby!Tue Apr 16 1991 11:037
    Thanks -d
    I really love it when the United States (with six of my teammates on
    the National side) wins the first ever Women's World Cup in rugby, in
    Cardiff, Wales, last Sunday!
12.1044WLDKAT::GALLUPliving in the gap btwn past &amp; futureTue Apr 16 1991 13:2019
    I really love....
    	D!  This woman saved me on a street corner in Cambridge on Sunday
    night.  Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (after
    the fourth comment from a man about my anatomy, I was ready to cry and
    go home!!!)  
    	That I look like Billy Idol's sister now. All I need is a little
    different haircut, and maybe we could pass for twins (give me a few
    more wrinkles, though...).  My hair is definitely near-white! ;-)
    	Rollerblading!  Has GOT to be one of the best investments I've made
    in a LONG time!
12.1045yes!SA1794::CHARBONNDYou're hoping the sun won't riseTue Apr 16 1991 17:163
    ...getting the official word that I _will_ be getting my 
    Associates Degree this June. Yes! All those nights of classes
    add up! Yes! 
12.1046HoorayCSC32::M_EVANSTue Apr 16 1991 18:015
    Congrat's Dana,
    So when you getting out to Colorado for RK green chili.
12.1047I'm writing againKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KAttainable LoveTue Apr 16 1991 18:116
    Like rays of sun through the clouds, an idea becomes crystal
    clear and materializes on paper!!!
12.1048CSSEDB::M_DAVISMarge Davis HallyburtonTue Apr 16 1991 19:414
    Getting wonderful news that will affect my future plans....
    big grins,
12.1049BTOVT::THIGPEN_SBe The FalconWed Apr 17 1991 01:115
    the bluebirds, chasing off some starlings!
    yay for Dana
    good news for grins
    the sun came out a bit today
12.1050Hi Guy!YUPPY::DAVIESAPhoenixWed Apr 17 1991 11:028
    ....getting a phone call from a dear friend that I haven't spoken
    to for AGES!
    :-) :-)
    AND we're going to do lunch!
    :-) :-) :-)
12.1051acid wit and substance too!RUTLND::JOHNSTONGazpacho...my drug of choiceWed Apr 17 1991 11:407
     ... picking up the paper last evening and seeing a phenomenal letter
    to the editor written by a former =wn=er! on the subject of superficial
    patriotism.  I could just _hear_ her voice as I read through it.
    Haven't talked to her in a long time.  I'll have to send mail ...
12.1052MRKTNG::GOLDMANstrange, new worldThu Apr 18 1991 00:594
    	...finding silk blouses on sale!  Mmmmmm....I *love* the feel
    of silk against my skin!

12.1053Silver liningTOOK::LEIGHBear with me.Thu Apr 18 1991 11:072
    ...hearing that, out of 4 people laid off out of my former group,
    2 were planning to go find greener pastures (and new careers!) anyway!
12.1054LEZAH::BOBBITTdance, the storm is overThu Apr 18 1991 11:428
    Going outside, grumbling at the chill (nip....no today it's more like a
    SNAP) in the air.  Then breathing in through my nose, and realizing it
    smells like the coast of Maine out there.  
    Well heck, if it's gonna be cold it might as well SMELL RIGHT!
12.1055JJLIET::JUDYOooh! A gladiator!Thu Apr 18 1991 14:5413
    	....calling a retail catalog company with a question and getting
    		a very nice and helpful customer service rep.  A breath
    		of fresh air after dealing with the twits at a certain
    		finance company for a certain health spa who don't know
    		the meaning of customer service.  Thank you Todd!
12.1056CGVAX2::CONNELLWe are gay and straight, together.Fri Apr 19 1991 10:229
    that my friend Kellee up and left her SO (now former SO), he got
    physically abusive and she just said screw you and left him stranded in
    Nags Head, NC. She went home to Harrisburg, PA. She's smart, tough, and
    won't let anyone do that to her. I'm just happy that she called me and
    thinks and cares enough for me to allow me to be the supportive one
    when she needs a cry and I hope I helped just by being there for her
    and being supportive.
12.1057I love today!TLE::DBANG::carroll...get used to it!Fri Apr 19 1991 13:3612
I really love...


   warm spring weather

   all the wonderful friends I've made in womannotes and in DEC

   being able to *connect* with a few people this week that I've been
      wanting to for quite some time

12.1058CALS::MACKINRebel without a homeFri Apr 19 1991 14:555
    Working (temporarily) in a building where there is a really high
    concentration of wonderful people.  My ribs are still recovering from
    an EHug...
12.1059FinallySTAR::BARTHRide the whims of your mindFri Apr 19 1991 18:438
Finding a new CD full of powerful music that not only sounds good, but has
lyrics pertinent to my life.  (Queensryche's "Empire", for anyone who's 

Finally getting up the nerve to get some more ear piercing done.  This puts
me up to five earrings, three in one ear and 2 in the other.

12.1060A Room of One's OwnYUPPY::DAVIESAPhoenixMon Apr 22 1991 07:4310
    ...getting my offer accepted on a gorgeous flat in North London!
    ...doing some numbers and working out that *maybe* I can afford
    to get to the =wn= party...8-)
    ...having a friend bring me back two Indigo Girls CDs from the
12.1061april in the emerald cityVAOU02::HALLIDAYlashings of a recipeTue Apr 23 1991 02:024
    going out on a warm summery saturday night and dancing my socks off
    with two women - though not both at the same time... ;-)
12.1062;-)VIA::HEFFERNANJuggling FoolTue Apr 23 1991 13:494
Being on the local TV news (channel 5) on saturday (Earth Day at
UMASS/Boston) juggling and playing with kids...

12.1063YUPPY::DAVIESABe bold and fear notTue Apr 23 1991 13:586
    ....when a customer spends two hours teaching me some system
        management skills, just for the fun of it!
    ....learning to soul-wrestle with a worthy opponent :-)
12.1064pancakes with strawberries...mmmm!TLE::DBANG::carrollget used to it!Tue Apr 23 1991 14:145
...when my roommate makes me breakfast in bed for my birthday! :-)

Now how can I convince her to do this every morning?

12.1065NITTY::DIERCKSbeyond repairWed Apr 24 1991 19:4323
<<Heh heh heh. I order a lot of my clothes from IM - especially underwear! I'm not
<<that young Dana...

<<	-- Charles

<<P.S. The models are to die for... if you're into the conventional "Greek god"
<<type, pure eye-candy.

    	Amen, amen, amen, amen.
    Actually, if I continue on the weight program, I'll be able to wear
    anything in the catalog.  I've found the quality of their stuff, except
    for the fun undies, to be questionable and, I think, overpriced.
    Personally, you can buy the same type of swim wear  (we're talking
    BRIEF here) at any of several places here in Chicago at better prices
    and without the shipping charges.
    I DO like those "Undergear" catalogs -- almost like soft (pun intended)
12.1066flowers for secretariesSPCTRM::GONZALEZlimitless possibilitiesWed Apr 24 1991 19:478
    Secretaries Day.  The building is filled with flowers and smells
    fantastic, for once.
    Gak.  Back when I was a secretary, pay day was considered secretaries
    day.  I'm glad there is now more recognition for a necessary (and often
    thankless job) well done.
12.1067Being heardKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KAttainable LoveThu Apr 25 1991 13:214
    Getting a call from the editorial page editor of the Telegraph.
    They are running my letter about delinquent fathers tomorrow!!!
12.1068LEZAH::BOBBITTso wired I could broadcast...Thu Apr 25 1991 13:577
    being trusted with new responsibilities at work!
    you know, that growth stuff!
    * 8-) *
12.1069Good dog!BTOVT::THIGPEN_SBe The FalconThu Apr 25 1991 14:0911
my dog Lady, who woke the household at 2:30 barking her fool head off.  I went
downstairs and scolded her.  On my way back to bed, my mother-in-law told me 
that she had heard exclamations of chagrin and surprise on the back porch (at
the door the dog was barking at) just as Lady got noisy.  She was scaring off
somebody; by def a Bad Person, since no one has any business being on my back
porch at 2:30 a.m. (it's a dead-end dirt road way out in the sticks).

went back downstairs & apologized to the dog, petted her and said "good girl"
about fifty times.  Looked around in the moonlight but didn't see anybody.

(Good thing burgler didn't come in; would've discovered that Lady is all bark.)
12.1070good friendsMKODEV::PETROPHBelieve it !!Thu Apr 25 1991 14:4516
An evening of exceptional women !

  Dinner with my friend Susan.

  Phone chat with friend Suzanne.

  Phone chat with sister Carol.

  Phone chat with best friend Jody.

  Topped off by watching Jody Watley sing and dance up a storm.

Feeling very fortunate,
12.1071DSSDEV::LEMENFri Apr 26 1991 11:538
    I really love finding out that I made the finals of
    the Pen Syndicated Fiction Contest.
    Pardon me --- I just can't stand it! 
    I am so happy.
12.1072LEZAH::BOBBITTLift me up and turn me over...Fri Apr 26 1991 12:1812
    being able to wear my paternal grandmother's engagement ring for a day
    or two as I ferry it back from my sister (who, as my grandmother's
    namesake, owns the ring) to my parents for safekeeping (return to the
    deposit box at the bank, where it will gleam quietly and gently until
    she wishes it).
    It makes me feel very connected, very family.  I didn't know my
    paternal grandmother at all (she died when I was 4 or 5 I think), but I
    feel a strong connection with her right now, wearing it.
12.1073if you strive for it, you don't have it. She has it.BTOVT::THIGPEN_SBe The FalconFri Apr 26 1991 12:3112
my mother-in-law.  It wasn't always that way; in the beginning she told Bob that
he should marry a "nice Catholic girl", and I thought of her as not too smart
and closed-minded.  Now we both know better.  She thinks I am the first Jewish
saint since the originals, and I know that she has Zen.  I admire her ability
to live in the moment, her cheerful and positive approach to whatever is going
on right_now, her competance in her areas of interest.  It's true that she is
not brilliant, and that her horizons are not wide, but she knows her own
sphere of interest and is content in it (no Peter principle here!).  I am 
ashamed of what I used to think and feel about her.  I was wrong.

Now if I could just keep my laundry away from her, she'd work less and enjoy her
grandchildren more!
12.1074Funky new hair cut & Kate ClintonVINO::LANGELOYahoo for L.A. Law - CJ &amp; Abby Date!!Mon Apr 29 1991 22:0425
    ...my new hair style! I've never had my hair this short before so I had
       no idea how it would look. I think I have *less* hair than my father.
       I bet I really set off peoples gaydar now :-)
    ...going to see Kate Clinton on Saturday night (Kate is a lesbian
       comedian) in Davis Sq. in Somerville with a bunch of great women
       friends and:
    	...women taking over Davis Sqaure!! It was great seeing all those 
           women there!! It was like being down in P-town on Wimmin's
    	...asking her during the performance if "she had ever dated
     	Madonna". I was going to ask her if she was single but earlier
        in her performance she mentioned her partner of 10 years :-(
    	...shaking her hand after the performance. I wanted to kiss her but
        wasn't quite brave enough for that. Maybe next time!
    ...the super cute bartender at Man Rey (she's there on Sunday
       nights) who's real friendly!
12.1075SA1794::CHARBONNDin some 40-mile townTue Apr 30 1991 09:571
    tanning weather in April
12.1076JJLIET::JUDYOooh! A gladiator!Tue Apr 30 1991 13:0010
    re: -1
    	I love springtime!  I always feel refreshed or reborn after
    	a long cold depressing winter.  Bring on the sunshine!
12.1077Gimme sunshine & blue skiesPARITY::DDAVISLong-cool woman in a black dressTue Apr 30 1991 13:4610
    re: .1075 & .1076
    Another ditto...
    	Oh yeah, bring on the sunshine.  I love it!!  I have a tan already! 
    	I just got back from Florida!!  Now I just gotta keep it, but not
    	with today's weather...yucky rain!
    	Think sun.
12.1078CFSCTC::KHERI'm not Mrs. KherTue Apr 30 1991 16:303
    seeing Lorna back in the file.
12.1079Lorna lorn requitedSPCTRM::GONZALEZlimitless possibilitiesTue Apr 30 1991 16:443
    Yeah,  I missed Lorna too.  Good to have you back.
12.1080:^)DECWET::JWHITEfrom the flotation tank...Tue Apr 30 1991 17:153
12.1081GLITER::STHILAIREFood, Shelter &amp; DiamondsTue Apr 30 1991 17:472
    Thanks! :-)
12.1082what they saidGUESS::DERAMOBe excellent to each other.Tue Apr 30 1991 18:203
        Yes, welcome back, Lorna!
12.1084WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesWed May 01 1991 11:276
    Getting a phone call from E Grace last night..
    I miss her so much! (She is hopeful of getting a new assignment
    in the end of May).
12.1085BOMBE::HEATHERWed May 01 1991 12:387
      Was the new assignment perhaps in the Marlboro Law Dept?  If so, then
    the person I sent her resume to and called me seeming very interested
    did call her - Playing a small part in getting E Grace back....Now
    that's what I'd really love!!!!  Keeping my fingers crossed.....
12.1086the woman needs _space_RUTLND::JOHNSTONmyriad reflections of my selfThu May 02 1991 19:1010
    ... that my seemingly endless quest for tapes of the BBC Series "the
    Six Wives of Henry the VII" is finally at an end [we're talking over a
    decade here].  All six tapes arrived last evening ... the UPS person
    still doesn't know why I jumped up and hugged him.
    Now if I could just convince Rick that he _needs_ to go visit Russ in
    Vermont, I could break out the salsa and avocados and be in heaven for
    the week-end ... _nine hours!_ of me, the VCR, and happy cats ...
12.1087YUPPY::DAVIESAJust the London skyline, sweetheartFri May 03 1991 07:193
    ...an evening in on my own....
12.1088BTOVT::THIGPEN_STrout Lillies in AbundanceFri May 03 1991 11:412
lucky Annie.  I loved that series, and also Elizabeth R.  (Glenda Jackson
is fantastic)
12.1089WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesFri May 03 1991 12:025
    Does anyone have the tapes to 'a town like alice'
    I *loved* that story
12.1090BOOKS::BUEHLERFri May 03 1991 16:394
    I've got the book---and I've got a friend who lived there.
    Whenever we get together, I'm asking her about Alice Springs.
12.1091GEMVAX::KOTTLERFri May 03 1991 18:427
    Me too, it was one of the most romantic things PBS ever showed I think.
    I didn't know it was on tape!
12.1092I'll take on in every colour ...RUTLND::JOHNSTONmyriad reflections of my selfFri May 03 1991 18:5013
    I'll give it a look in my super wizard fantastic source of videos
    listing ... but I'll be unable to post until 13-May at the earliest as
    I shall be beyond the reach of technology, let alone =wn=, for the next
    10 days.
    If you simply cannot wait, call 1-800 Directory Assistance and ask for
    a listing for SIGNALS [it's in the mid-west US if that helps]. They
    sell other PBS stuff too, like the 'carpe diem' tie-tack that I've been
    wearing as an earring ... but I digress.
12.1093GEMVAX::ADAMSMon May 06 1991 11:108
    To order the video of "A Town Like Alice" (301 minutes), call
    the WGBH Public Video service on 1-800-248-8311 between 8:30 AM
    and 8:30 PM, Monday through Friday (assume that's Eastern time).  
    It's #NEW 87101.  Price is $99.95 ($89.96 for members of WGBH).
    MC, VISA, and Amex accepted.
12.1094SA1794::CHARBONNDin some 40-mile townMon May 06 1991 12:048
...coincidences! Saturday morning I was reading a magazine article
about the re-release of the movie 'Spartacus'. The movie was
important in that the writer was one of the first to be hired
after being on the infamous 'blacklist' of the 50's. One of the
stars was Jean Simmons. Saturday night I turned on Star Trek:
The Next Generation. Ms. Simmons was the guest star, as an 
Admiral conducting a witch-hunt for conspiracies on the Enterprise.
(Deja vu all over again.)
12.1095stalking wild foods...BTOVT::THIGPEN_STrout Lillies in AbundanceMon May 06 1991 14:318
finding fiddleheads of Ostrich fern.  Yummy, boiled up & served with butter (ok,
it was margarine!)  This was an experiment, next time I'll gather enough for a
real meal, and steam them...

the trout lily leaves were bland, even with cider vinegar, but ok.
the trout weren't biting... :-{  but we all had fun :-)

12.1096thumpa-thumpa-thumpaTLE::DBANG::carrollassume nothingMon May 06 1991 17:0513
>    ...the super cute bartender at Man Rey (she's there on Sunday
>       nights) who's real friendly!

Which one, Laurie? The one who was there last night?  That's Tracy.  She's
been my long-distance heart-throb for about 6 months now.  Zowie!  The other
cute blond who isn't Tracy (she usually has almost white hair, as opposed to
Tracy's "true blonde" - she's got shorter hair and is thinner, too) is 
Terry, who is my hairdresser.  They are both great and funny people in
addition to being very cute.  :-)

I really love...being back in Boston!!

12.1098LEZAH::QUIRIYLove is a verb.Tue May 07 1991 07:124
    that Lorna's back!
12.1099tweet tweetLEZAH::QUIRIYLove is a verb.Tue May 07 1991 07:144
    Hearing the birds wake up...it's still really dark out!
12.1100My terminalYUPPY::DAVIESAJust the London skyline, sweetheartTue May 07 1991 08:555
    ...FINALLY getting a terminal back after the office move.
    Six floors were simultaneously moved and landscaped over the
    weekend - it's CHAOS around here...
12.1101NOATAK::BLAZEKall summer singleTue May 07 1991 17:248
	... the little baby duckies swimming around my pond.
	I've had to protect their parents from rock-throwing
	boys, even to the point of calling the police.  It's
	been well worth it.  Quack, quack, quack.


12.1102make way for carla's ducklings!SPCTRM::GONZALEZlimitless possibilitiesTue May 07 1991 17:5610
    Ohhh! That's SO neat!

    Carla has quack, thwack, oack, and I simply cannot remember the
    names of the ducklings.  recently it was the 50th anniversary of
    the publication of that book.
    Liz and I while walking in the Boston Garden recently paid a short
    visit to the duckies (in bronze).
12.1103A future "I really love"?CUPMK::SLOANEIs communcation the key?Tue May 07 1991 18:0312
The swans at the pond at MK01 have a nest and the report is that there 
are some eggs in it.

Maybe soon we'll see some little swanies. ("How I love ya!")
                                     -- (actually they will be cygnets)


12.1104:^)SPCTRM::GONZALEZlimitless possibilitiesTue May 07 1991 18:116
    Wow, if the eggs hatch you can give people a guided walk about the
    pond and call it cygnet-tours.
    Margaret  in a terminally silly mood today
12.1105maybe i just do a great job?!?MCIS2::HUSSIANBut my cats *ARE* my kids!!Tue May 07 1991 18:296
    Receiving a BEAUTIFUL single white rose w/ no card. White roses are
    my FAVORITE, but not many people know that!! I called my boyfriend &
    it's not from him. I called my Mommie, & it's not from her either!
    They both wish it was tho! (and I love that too!) :*)
12.1106NITTY::DIERCKSbeyond repairTue May 07 1991 22:555
    ...8 baby geese hatching this a.m.  They're soooooooooooo cute!!!!
12.1107:-)WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesTue May 07 1991 23:083
    I know what you mean, having had ducks and geese, and chickens...
12.1109thanks.....I think! ;*)MCIS2::HUSSIANBut my cats *ARE* my kids!!Wed May 08 1991 00:523
    Right!! I am *NOW*...I didn't know that!!! uh, oh!  :^o
12.1110I've never been very good at "natural languages" ha haTLE::TLE::D_CARROLLassume nothingWed May 08 1991 03:193
    The language of flowers?  Do they speak to one another or just to us?
12.1111RAVEN1::AAGESENtwo spirited/thunder peopleWed May 08 1991 09:063
    ... shooting stars
12.1112Couldn't resist...YUPPY::DAVIESAJust the London skyline, sweetheartWed May 08 1991 10:474
    So which celebrity did you take a pot-shot at, ~robin?
12.1113howza'bout this? (-;RAVEN1::AAGESENtwo spirited/thunder peopleWed May 08 1991 11:343
    ... er, little falling heavenly bodies?
12.1114walk in beautyRAB::HEFFERNANJuggling FoolWed May 08 1991 12:1410
All the beautiful trees in New England coming back to glorious life
after a long cold season.  I can't recall in past years things being
so colorful in the Spring season.  It almost looks like fall with all
the reds and browns mixed with greens.  Pink, purple, and white
flowers round out the blessing.

Walk in Beauty,

12.1115GLITER::STHILAIREFood, Shelter &amp; DiamondsWed May 08 1991 20:285
    re .114, I've noticed the same thing about the spring colors this year. 
    This past week they've been especially beautiful.  I love it.
12.1116babies ;-)WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesThu May 09 1991 11:1410
    Yesterday I got to have my granddaughter in at work for about
    an hour and a half. I had a wonderful time showing her off to
    everyone! She's 4 months old now, and has a charming smile! (I
    *swear* she recognized me ;-} ). Everyone commented on her
    full head of red hair! 
    Even tho she pulled my hair, tried to eat my dress and spat up
    on my shoulder, I was in heaven.
12.1117Ain't love grand...ASDG::FOSTERMontreal-bound calico catThu May 09 1991 11:513
    You must have been in heaven if you didn't bother to take the dress off
    until after 9pm that evening!
12.1118Skip accountabilityNECSC::BARBER_MINGOThu May 09 1991 12:1410
    I can not wait to be a grandma... I love babies too.
    If I could just get around that being a parent thing first, I would
    be fully ok.  
    Or if I had siblings, I could be an aunt.
    Darn... I guess I will have to wait and to it the hard way.
12.1119;-}WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesThu May 09 1991 12:286
    I think I must have gotten used to the smell, until I got on the
    phone with you.
12.1120M.VIA::HEFFERNANJuggling FoolThu May 09 1991 16:4534
I heard a funny statement last night from a girl M. in fourth grade.

She was telling me this story about how her five year old brother had
a *WICKED* crush on a 21 year old friend of the family and how he was
*REAL* upset that she was getting married and was planning to do
something to the groom.  [It was a long story - she can *TALK*.]

She then told me that "He is going to the ring barrier at the
wedding."  ;-)

We had a good time singing some songs, reading "Where The Sidewalk
Ends", juggling, and playing cards. She whipped my butt at UNO but I
beat her at rummy 500.  When I had one card left in my rummy hand, I
yelled out *UNO* which she and her father got a big kick out of.  ;-) 
Another favorite bad joke of mine is to yell out two-o, three-o and
ten-o during UNO.

She is real sharp and picked up some magic tricks I showed her in no
time flat.  I was pleased to here she is getting out of the hospital
real soon after being there a month and a half and was actually
looking forward to getting back to school much to her surprize.  Not a
shy girl, she started telling me all about her operation not soon
after I started talking with her.  YUCK!

I find it so refreshing just to be with someone for a while and not
have to intellectualize, to have and defend opinions all the time, to
be always in my head.  I need to work on this with my adult friends
more.  It's interesting to me to watch and observe how easily I put my
own anger, my own opinions, my own feelings and views above my
relationships and friendships sometimes.  So I have been reflecting
lately on how to put relationship and friendship above other
self-centered things.

UNO anyone?  ;-)
12.112124-22=2NECSC::BARBER_MINGOThu May 09 1991 19:1811
    MY SO's Birthday! Which is today-
    He turns 22!
    Which means that three year difference that plagues me for 2 1/2 months 
    every year is gone.
    24-22= 2- I only robbed 2 years worth of cradle!
    24-21=3 :-< Cradle thief , cradle thief cradle thief.
12.1122SCARGO::CONNELLWe are gay and straight, together.Thu May 09 1991 19:235
    getting my Women of Spitbrook Concert tape today. Thank you D. It came
    when I was all stressed out and I needed something good to help me.
    I haven't listened yet, but can't wait to get home to do so.
12.1123tweet tweetBTOVT::THIGPEN_STrout Lillies in AbundanceFri May 10 1991 11:418
the birds in my yard!  We lost the tufted titmouse when we moved north, but 
that's ok.  We gained tree swallows, bluebirds, huge flocks of robins and
redwing blackbirds and evening grossbeaks, purple finches, yellow warblers,
and goldfinches.  Not to mention the sparrows, starlings, grackles, blue jays,
crows, sparrow hawks, red tailed hawks, juncos, chickadees, pine siskins,
morning doves,...

12.1124It MUST be just beautiful!MCIS2::HUSSIANBut my cats *ARE* my kids!!Fri May 10 1991 11:513
    hearing about all of the birds in Sara's yard!! :*)
12.1125GWYNED::WALKERTwinkle ToesFri May 10 1991 11:553
watching the brown bunnies in my yard while I am having my first cup of coffee
in the morning and realizing that they are eating DANDELIONS!  They are helping
me with my yard work.
12.1126BOMBE::HEATHERFri May 10 1991 12:307
    My bleeding hearts are out!  I've loved bleeding hearts ever since I
    was a little girl and my (only) grandmother used to have them in her
    garden - She'd let me pick them (much to my mother's annoyance!).
    My grandmother died when I was very young, but every time my bleeding
    hearts open up, I am reminded of what a kind, gentle person she was!
12.1127SA1794::CHARBONNDGun control = citizen controlFri May 10 1991 12:316
    rain! with Quabbin allready going over the spillway and a trip to
    see it planned for Sunday.
    (For non - Mass. people, Quabbin is the big reservoir in central
    Mass. and hasn't spilled over since '84. Hey, it ain't Niagara, but...)
12.1128rampant blossoming4GL::BROWNupcountry frolicsFri May 10 1991 14:1313
    ...lilacs just coming into bloom, lilies of the valley that are
    	spreading fast, the giant thyme plant that threatens to eat the
    	entryway, violets covering the lawn (so that I *can't mow),
    	apple and pear trees in blossom...
    re. 1123
    	Sara, too bad the titmouse didn't follow -- they're cute
    	little birds.  We were surprised to find a nesting pair
    	in Wilton (southern NH) since we never saw any at all when
    	we lived in Mass.  Must be because of more trees/water/shelter...
12.1129BTOVT::THIGPEN_STrout Lillies in AbundanceFri May 10 1991 14:1911
well our bird guide says the tufted titmouse is "southern N.E." which I 
definitely ain't, anymore, so I guess it's no surprise.  I gladly trade them,
cute as they are, for the bluebirds and tree swallows.

Now, if I can just convince my cat Breda that birdies are good for looking at,
not stalking...!

I ALSO love discovering the varieties of perennials planted by the previous 
owners.  I only wish they had kept the flower beds weeded last summer and fall!

12.1130SA1794::CHARBONNDGun control = citizen controlFri May 10 1991 14:205
    re.1128 The tufted titmice (is that a correct plural?) are always
    in our feeders here in Western Mass. - they love Sunflower seeds.
    Last year we had a rose-breasted grosbeak right in the window 
    feeder for three whole days. Guess he moved north after that.
12.1132JJLIET::JUDYOooh! A gladiator!Fri May 10 1991 15:308
    	...hearing that the lilacs are in bloom because I'll be
    	heading to my folks house this weekend and they have 
    	LOTS of lilac bushes.....I can take some home with me!
12.1133SCARGO::CONNELLWe are gay and straight, together.Fri May 10 1991 17:5110
    meeting Kelly Irelan and Carla Blazek who stopped by my facility to
    pick up a tape I promised to Carla. You both give great hug dear
    sisters. The double hug from both of you at the same time when I had to
    go back to work was wonderful and sad at the same time. I wished we had
    more time to talk and get to know each other and was so glad that we at
    least had the few minutes together.
    Love ya both, dear sisters.
12.1134EVETPU::RUSTIf I should die before I wake, feed Jake.Fri May 10 1991 19:0217
    ...spotting a Baltimore oriole in a tree outside the ZK catwalk, barely
    ten feet from the window! Closest I've seen one before was a flash of
    orange and black darting over the brook behind my house.
    ...watching all the ZK wildlife, for that matter - the macho chipmunk,
    stretching himself to his full 2-and-a-half-inch height as he proclaims
    that he's monarch of all he surveys (before catching sight of me and
    darting into his tunnel with a shriek); the mockingbird gang, who
    engage in aerial combat a few inches above the ground all up and down
    the pathways to the main entrance; even the squirrels, who, when not
    finding mates or chasing rivals or stealing birdseed from the feeders,
    stretch out at length on a tree branch a few inches from the catwalk
    ...installing TPU on my RISC/ULTRIX workstation. ;-)
12.1135blissWMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesSun May 12 1991 20:404
    Having both my older sons, and my daughter, call and wish me
    happy mother's day.
12.1136Yahoo! It's that time of year again!! :-)CUPMK::CASSINSun May 12 1991 23:171
    Planting flowers all over my yard!  MMM!!
12.1137HOYDEN::BURKHOLDER1 in 10Mon May 13 1991 10:2411
    Finishing the reroofing job on our camp.
    Seeing Mom and Dad goose swimming on the lake with four gooselings
    Watching a robin sitting on her nest in a hanging basket, and seeing
    two babies when mother flies away.
    Seeing my first Baltimore Oreo this weekend...oops!  that's Baltimore
    The wonderfully warm weather this weekend in VT
12.1139SA1794::CHARBONNDGun control = citizen controlMon May 13 1991 12:233
    ...hearing a tom turkey gobbling in the woods. I never believed 
    they really did that - thought it was just them good ol' boys down
    south pullin' my Yankee leg ;-)
12.1140but don't try to unscrew them...IPBVAX::RYANMake sure your calling is trueMon May 13 1991 14:487
re .1137

I really love knowing I'm not the only one with cookies on the brain! I always
thought they were called Baltimore Oreos too. I always wondered why they aren't
black and white :-)

12.1141heheheheheheSA1794::CHARBONNDGun control = citizen controlMon May 13 1991 15:303
    re.1140 >I always wondered why they aren't black and white :-)
    Last time I watched a game they were ;-)
12.1142purple feet!15539::JOHNSTONmyriad reflections of my selfMon May 13 1991 16:507
    ... my beautiful new purple suede sort-of high-top Reeboks [well, the
    box says 'grape']
    ... that said new shoes only cost me $9.99, apparently they were last
    season's shoes marked down for quick sale.
12.1143KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KAttainable LoveMon May 13 1991 18:271
    My mom and dad.
12.1144New England spring!!!TLE::DBANG::carrollassume nothingMon May 13 1991 18:4111
 - lilacs, in bright and blazing glory, and the sweet smell the bring to my
   dining room...

 - the warm spring sun...

 - the sound of kids playing outside when I wake up in the morning...

 - the budding trees and bushes, a pale green everywhere - the most
   colorful spring I can remember

D! who has trouble staying angry when the robins are outside...
12.1145BTOVT::THIGPEN_STrout Lillies in AbundanceMon May 13 1991 18:492
    this blue sky filled day, not a cloud, and the fact that I'm going out
    in it RIGHT NOW!  bye-ye till the morrow....
12.1146JJLIET::JUDYOooh! A gladiator!Mon May 13 1991 18:5315
    	...ditto D!'s first thing to love!  I have some in my living
    	room and the bedroom.....they smell so wonderful!
    	...my spring and summer hobby....window antique shopping. =)
    	...finding a great colored rhinestone pin at a flea market
    	this weekend.  
    	...knowing I'll be leaving here in about 15 minutes, getting
    	into my truck, rolling the windows down and turning the radio
    	up really loud!  (now all I need is the sunroof)
12.1147LEZAH::BOBBITTLift me up and turn me over...Mon May 13 1991 19:3210
    FINALLY after a year or two of searching I find much of the soundtrack
    I loved from The Dead Poets Society.  And the person who wrote the
    music (Maurice Jarre - unsure if there's any relationship between he
    and Jean Michele Jarre) also has music from Witness, Mosquito Coast,
    and another movie on the disc.
12.1148...bringing my CD player into workTLE::DBANG::carrollassume nothingMon May 13 1991 19:373
Listing to Ferron in my office!!!

12.1149bliss is a new pair of earrings ;-)RYKO::NANCYBwindow shoppingMon May 13 1991 20:175
    	Buying a pair of earrings from a catalog and  *for once*
    	having them look as pretty in person as in picture !!
12.1150YUPPY::DAVIESAJust the London skyline, sweetheartTue May 14 1991 10:057
    ....finding Melissa Etheridge CDs in stock just round the corner!
    ....my other new CDs
    ....making a new notes-friend
12.1151Just a few..PARITY::DDAVISLong-cool woman in a black dressTue May 14 1991 11:4411
    .....my 2 daughters!
    .....today's first cup of coffee!
    .....and Chris Isaacs' song "Wicked Game"!
12.1152This and that, from here and there.REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Tue May 14 1991 12:3742
    ... this floral spring in New England.  The displays have been
    ... this past weekend.  I got up in the *morning*, we got the lawn
    mowed, and weeded, and the edges trimmed, and started on the spring
    raking.  (Okay, so it's late getting started.)  My tax refund check
    came, so we bought a router (and an orbital sander), and now we can
    start work on The Projects.  I strung over four inches of beads, and
    most of the designs looked good.
    ... hearing a radio announcer (on WADN) describing the scene outside
    the studio window.  "... our station squirrel, Split-Ear, is doing
    chin-ups on the birdfeeder.  He's being dive-bombed by two birds..."
    ... being only three pounds from my target weight.  (I also love
    having a target weight of 143 pounds.  People glaze over even after
    being told that it's 65 kilos.)
    ... my friends' reasons for loving each other.
    	We were demolishing an old rotten wall before it collapsed
    	into an unattractive pile on top of several parked cars:
    	Priscilla:  Tony, will you pull this nail out of my shoe?
    	Tony:  If I do, will you be my friend forever?
    	Priscilla:  Oh, God!  I love literate people!
    	Andi was helping Freddie pack his two-room closet near Harvard
    	Square, since he was moving to the suburbs:
    	Freddie:  Ah, ha!
    	Andi:  What have you found?
    	Freddie:  Wonderful things.
    		(The odds are that, by simple bad luck, some of
    		you will be unfamiliar with this quote.  When
    		Howard Carter first opened the tomb of the Pharaoh
    		Tutankhamen, he battered a small hole in the
    		door, and shone a light in.  Someone asked, "What
    		do you see?"  He replied, "Wonderful things.")
    	What tickled Andi was not that Freddie was well enough educated
    	to know the quote, or that he was quick enough to use it, but
    	that he knew that she would know it too.
    						Ann B.
12.1153SCARGO::CONNELLWe are gay and straight, together.Tue May 14 1991 12:4915
    what the entertainment reporter on channel 5 said this morning. She was
    reviewing the new Ellen Barkin movie. Can't think of the name, but
    Ellen Barkin is a man who died and was reincarnated as a woman, but
    remembers hir previous life. She has to learn eveything from a woman's
    point of view and sort of behaves as a jerk-type male would. Not having
    seen it, I asume the point is that she learns just what it means to be
    a woman in the 90's and what CRAP they have to put up with. I wonder
    how they resolve it.
    Anyway, all that said, the reporter didn't recommend it except for
    Barkin's performance and then she said "See it and take along a real
    Male Chauvinist who really needs it." I thought it was a cute cutting
    comment. I also saw firm her jaw and clench her teeth as she said it. 
12.1154Switch is the Name of the MovieNECSC::BARBER_MINGOTue May 14 1991 15:306
    I love seeing the first blue jays of the season.
    In Riverdale, I had begun to take them for granted, it was
    a relief to know they were also haning around in Cambridge.
12.1155HANNAH::MODICAJourneyman NoterTue May 14 1991 16:266
    Saw my first hummingbird of the season two night ago, feeding
    on the lilacs which also seem spectacular this year.
    Also saw a couple of what look like hummingbird-type insects.
12.1156LEZAH::BOBBITTLift me up and turn me over...Tue May 14 1991 18:4713
    Getting together with a friend I've known since I was 10 and making
    chocolate chip cookies and watching "Better Off Dead" (an obscure,
    humorous John Cusack movie) and just hanging out.  He's the ONLY person
    who knows EXACTLY where every quip/reference I come up with came from. 
    Even way out stuff like "ALBATROSS!" and "Ftumch" and "demented and sad,
    but social".
    Stumbling coincidentally into a friend I hadn't seen in a bit at
    another site, and wandering around outside, walking around a pond, not
    disturbing the Canadian Geese, and getting gently rained on as we
12.1157I WANT MY TWO DOLLARS!!TLE::DBANG::carrollassume nothingTue May 14 1991 19:186
>watching "Better Off Dead" (an obscure,
>    humorous John Cusack movie)

Obscure?  I loved that movie!!

12.1158still glad I brought my CD player in!TLE::DBANG::carrollassume nothingTue May 14 1991 19:2213
Today's music...

- YAZ !!!

- Beethoven's Piano Conc. #5

- Corelli's Concerto Grossi

- Indigo Girls!! 

Wheeee!  Work just got a bunch easier!

12.1159GLITER::STHILAIREFood, Shelter &amp; DiamondsTue May 14 1991 20:044
    re .1157, I like John Cusack.  Is his face adorable or what!? :-)
12.1160USWS::HOLTquiche and fernsTue May 14 1991 20:312
    its "or what"...
12.1161BTOVT::THIGPEN_STrout Lillies in AbundanceTue May 14 1991 23:034
    the latest introductee -- is that a word?  -- 
12.1162music and words all at onceBROKE::RUSTIE::NALESo be it.Tue May 14 1991 23:352
    Sitting at home listening to great music by women (Indigio Girls) and
    reading great notes by women. %^)  Aaaaahhhh......
12.1163Spring, What a glorious thingUSCTR2::DONOVANWed May 15 1991 05:429
    This weather. The lilacs are out along with apple blossoms. It's
    time to get out the camera and go for a walk.
    sxuz me,
    (@@@@@@@@@@#$$$$$$$ pollen.)
12.1164AKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Wed May 15 1991 08:301
    Nasalcrom ... a preventative prescription for hayfever!
12.1165GLITER::STHILAIREFood, Shelter &amp; DiamondsWed May 15 1991 11:5520
    I really loved finding a box of snapshots taken by my uncle in 1941,
    when he was in the Army, and in training at various places around the
    U.S.  My uncle [a different uncle] recently passed away, and I found 
    them in an old shed that I was helping to clean out at his house.  (He 
    had inherited the place from my grandfather in 1954.)  
    The uncle in the photos was killed on Dec. 25, 1944, during the Battle
    of the Bulge, so I never got to meet him.  But, my mother had talked
    about him so much while I was growing up that I've always felt like I
    had known him.  My mother really loved him.  They had been very close
    and she was heartbroken when he was killed.
    It was nice to see pictures of him clowning around in El Paso, Texas,
    and other places, and know that even though he died young, he at least
    had some fun first.
    I've always loved looking at old photographs.
12.1166WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesWed May 15 1991 12:186
    Peter came home last night, and  Michael and Holly and Canaan will
    be up this weekend. 
    If I don't got nuts with the confusion I'm going to enjoy this time.
12.1167Spring (not hay) fever galor!NAC::BENCEThe Galloping GourmetWed May 15 1991 12:2713
    After twenty years of allergies and hayfever, not a sniffle this
    Cutting down seven years worth of brambles and brush to clear a corner
    of my yard to plant lilacs.
    The azaleas on the hill outside the security entrance to LKG1.  Somehow
    a single salmon-colored bush snuck in among the cascades of fuschia...
    such a glorious clash of color.
12.1168And it brought flowers!YUPPY::DAVIESAJust the London skyline, sweetheartWed May 15 1991 14:424
    ...reciprocated lust
12.1169Finches!!!!LJOHUB::GONZALEZlimitless possibilitiesWed May 15 1991 16:267
    The purple finches are nesting in my kitchen vent again this year.
    They hatched, on Mother's Day!
    Looking forward to flying lessons.
12.1170WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesWed May 15 1991 21:195
    In re my note in 13....
    my kids and grandbaby...
12.1171AKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Thu May 16 1991 08:213
    Good company, fun conversation and reunions!
12.1172:-)GUESS::DERAMOBe excellent to each other.Thu May 16 1991 08:393
        re .-1  Yes, even if we did scare some people away! :-)
12.1173"There is little lingering in a tulip."NAC::BENCEThe Galloping GourmetThu May 16 1991 13:0777
    Stumbling across a glorious bit of writing describing spring.  (I read
    the entire piece aloud to myself last night.)  The piece is "Flowering 
    Tuscany" by D.H. Lawrence.  I found it in "The Norton Book of Nature 
    Try reading it aloud and taste the language of spring.
    An excerpt follows after the form-feed. 

    "...This is  the  time, in March, when the sloe is white and misty in
    the hedge-tangle by  the  stream,  and on the slope of land the peach
    tree stands pink and  alone.    The  almond blosson, silvery pink, is
    passing, but the peach, deep-toned,  bluey, not at all ethereal, this
    reaveal  itself  like  flesh,  and  the    trees  are  like  isolated
    individuals, the peach and the apricot.
    A man said this  spring:  "Oh, I don't care for peach blossom!  It is
    such a vulgar pink!" One wonders what anybody means by "vulgar" pink.
    I think pink flannelette is rather  vulgar.    But  probably it's the
    flannelette's fault, not the pink.  And peach blossom has a beautiful
    sensual pink, far from vulgar, most rare and private.  And pink is so
    beautiful  in a landscape, pink houses, pink almond, pink  peach  and
    purply apricot, pink asphodels.
    It  is so conspicuous and so individual, that pink among  the  coming
    green  of  spring,  becuase the first flowers that emerge from winter
    seem  always white or yellow or purple.  Now the celandines are  out,
    and along  the  edges  of  the  podere, the big, sturdy, black-purple
    anemones, with black hearts.
    They are curious,  these  great,  dark-violet anemones.  You may pass
    them on a grey  day,  or  at  evening or early morning, and never see
    them.  But as you  come  along  in the full sunshine, they seem to be
    baying at you with all their  throats,  baying  deep  purple into the
    air.  It is because they are  hot and wide open now, gulping the sun.
    Whereas when they are shut, they have a  silkiness and a curved head,
    like  the  curve  of  an  umbrella  handle,  and a  peculiar  outward
    colourlessness, that makes them quite invisibile.  They may be  under
    your feet, and you will not see them.
    Altogether anemones are odd  flowers.   On these last hills above the
    plain, we have only the  big  black-purple  ones,  in  tufts here and
    there, not many.  But two  hills  away,  the young green corn is blue
    with  the  lilac-blue kind, still the broad-petalled  sort  with  the
    darker heart.  But these flowers are smaller  than  our  dark-purple,
    and  frailer,  more  silky.  Ours are substantial, thickly  vegetable
    flowers, and not abundant.  The others are lovely and silky-delicate,
    and the whole corn is blue with them.  And they  have  a sweet, sweet
    scent, when they are warm.
    Then on  the  priest's  podere  there  are  the scarlet, Adonis-blood
    anemones:  only in one place, in one long fringe under a terrace, and
    there by a path  below.   These flowers above all you will never find
    unless you look for them in the sun.  Their silver silk outside makes
    them quite invisible, when they are shut up.
    Yet, if you are passing in the sun, a sudden scarlet  faces on to the
    air,  one  of  the  loveliest  scarlet apparitions in the world.  The
    inner surface  of  the Adonis-blood anemone is as fine as velvet, and
    yet there is  no suggestion of pile, not as much as on a velvet rose.
    And from this inner  smoothness issues the red colour, perfectly pure
    and unknown of earth, no  earthiness, and yet solid, not transparent.
    How a colour manages to be  perfectly strong and impervious, yet of a
    purity that suggest condensed light, yet not  luminous, at least, not
    transparent, is a problem.  The poppy in her radiance is translucent,
    and the tulip in  her utter redness has a touch of opaque earth.  But
    the Adonis-blood anemone is neither  translucent  nor  opaque.  It is
    just  pure condensed red, of a  velvetiness  without  velvet,  and  a
    scarlet without glow.
    This red seems to me the perfect premonition of summer--like the read
    on the outside of apple blossom--and later, the  read  of  the apple.
    It is the premonition in redness of summer and of autumn..."
12.1174Womannotes; and ...BTOVT::THIGPEN_STrout Lillies in AbundanceThu May 16 1991 18:457
...finding a really nice mail message first thing this morning.

Thank you, friends, whoever you are, you know who you are.

That was a real pick-me-up.  I wish I could oblige.

12.1175AKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Thu May 16 1991 19:303
    We do to, Sara....maybe someday!
12.1176test negativeTLE::DBANG::carrollassume nothingThu May 16 1991 19:465
...that I don't have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!!

Of course, that does leave me still wondering what I *do* have...

12.1177WLDKAT::GALLUPWhat's your damage, Heather?Thu May 16 1991 19:5521
12.1178Wild-eyed guessREGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Thu May 16 1991 19:554
    You have a variation on tennis elbow.  Stop resting your forearms
    on the arms of your chair.
    					Ann B.
12.1179NOATAK::BLAZEKa gypsy under the beckoning moonThu May 16 1991 20:0910
    re: .1176 (D!)

    > Of course, that does leave me still wondering what I *do* have...

	Oh puhhhhleeeze, it's so obvious I can't even believe you're 
	mulling it over!


12.1180so tell me!TLE::DBANG::carrollassume nothingThu May 16 1991 20:4036

>    Do you have sharp, annoying pain on either side of the base of your
>    palm (where it joins the wrist)?  Is it like an aching pain?
No, I have a shooting pain that extends up and down the outside of my
right wrist and numb fingers.

On the other wrist (left) I have an ache at the joint, and I was told it was
a benign (ha!) cyst, that I could have surgery to remove if I wanted to,
but the risk involved is probably not worth it.

The left wrist is annoying; the right wrist actually interferes with my


>You have a variation on tennis elbow.  Stop resting your forearms
>    on the arms of your chair.

I don't have arms on my chair, and ever since the problem started (in
January) I have been very careful to maintain proper posture at the
keyboard. It doesn't help.


>	Oh puhhhhleeeze, it's so obvious I can't even believe you're 
>	mulling it over!

Oh?  What, Lesbian Wrist? :-)  Cant imagine how I'd get that.


12.1181NOATAK::BLAZEKa gypsy under the beckoning moonThu May 16 1991 20:543
	08-) <--halo intact

12.1183It's all in the angleLRCSNL::WALESDavid from Down-underThu May 16 1991 21:2722
    G'Day Diana,
    		I know you said that you were watching your posture at the
    keyboard but you really need to watch carefully how you position your
    hands.  A couple of years ago we had a doctor come out to the office
    with some electronic gizmo that measured muscle tension.  Electrodes
    were placed on a couple of points on the wrists and you would get a
    reading on a meter.  A difference of only a few degrees in the angle of
    the wrist wrt the rest of your forearm makes a LOT of difference in the
    amount of work the muscles have to do.  I seemed that having the
    keyboard nice a low was the best place for it.  That way the muscles
    aren't continually trying to hold your hand up.  The measurement he
    made were quite startling.  I think a safe reading was 50 (in whatever
    units they were) and with correct wrist position you could get a
    reading of around 30.  As soon as you moved through 15-20 degrees so
    that you had to hold your hands up the reading went up to > 200!
    	Maybe you knew all this already but I hope it can help you and any
    others out there with aching hands.
12.1184granddaughters!WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesSun May 19 1991 17:395
    having Canaan here to visit, and her gorgeous smile!
    Bonnie ;-)
    (and of course, having her parents here too!
12.1185Maybe when I am 99 ;-)AKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Mon May 20 1991 09:381
    Wildflowers!  Will I ever know them well?  
12.1186I am boldly scented :^)LJOHUB::GONZALEZlimitless possibilitiesMon May 20 1991 17:0913
    Getting a huge supply of my favorite perfume.

    A friend went to France and brought me back three bottles of the stuff.
    It is not available outside of France and I am an addict of this
    particular scent.

    What is it?  I'm not saying, but it smells wonderful!  Floral with
    woody and musky undertones, a very complex bouffe.

    I love it.  I've now got enough that (stored right) will last for
    about two years of daily use.

      Margaret (is that perhaps a trace of hyacinth?)
12.1187SA1794::CHARBONNDTue May 21 1991 09:394
    driving down a back road in Vermont and seeing two geese with
    six goslings cross the road and jump into the pond.
    (I still really hate the SOB who stole my camera ;-)/2 )
12.1188Mark DotyGEMVAX::KOTTLERTue May 21 1991 11:3512
Hearing Mark Doty read his poems at the Blacksmith House in Cambridge last 
nnight. Doty's written two books - Turtle, Swan (1987) and Bethlehem in 
Broad Daylight (1991), both published by David Godine in Boston. (His poem
"Hair" is in 41.11). He lives in Provincetown, and he writes like the
wind...and is also a very kind and funny person! He writes about the old, 
great subjects - love, longing, loss, fear of loss, death, memory - with 
great subtlety and beauty. From few other poets do I get such a sense that
the spiritual and the worldly are one and the same... 

12.1189But then again, some other days....YUPPY::DAVIESAJust the London skyline, sweetheartTue May 21 1991 12:2511
    Beeeeeaaaaaaauuuuuuutiful weather!
    It's warm (about 20 degrees) and sunny but with a light breeze.
    The first hot day in the City - it hasn't got dusty and oppressive
    yet, and the blossom is out on the trees in the squares and in
    Covent Garden.
    Some days I love this city.
12.1190JJLIET::JUDYOooh! A gladiator!Tue May 21 1991 16:5712
    	...taking a walk outside of ZKO yesterday at lunch and
    	watching the little chipmunks scurrying about.  They're
    	so cute!
    	re: 'gail
    	I had to see who the author was cuz for a minute there I
    	thought I was reading the temperature wrong...then I realized
    	it was Celsius you were talking about....  =)
12.1191Outside fingers are ofter TOSCSC32::M_EVANSTue May 21 1991 19:5418
    Sounds like you may have what I do.  Thoracic outlet syndrome, but it
    takes a few xray's of the neck and a trip to the orthopedic and some
    semi-uncomfortable tests to confirm the diag.  This is treatable with
    physical therapy, and I use a Chiropractor to do some work on it as
    well.  If you want more information on what not to do, I will be happy
    to discuss it with you.  I'm not sure, but it sounds like we may well
    have similar physical builds, so the excercises and some other tricks I
    use may be of use.
    The surgery to correct TOS is not something I consider an option, so I
    have made adjustments to my work environment (need to make more, but I
    Good luck!
12.1192mornings in the mountainsMELKOR::HENSLEYratbag in trainingTue May 21 1991 20:2512
    Foggy layers which lie over the valley's below, stretching to 
    the ocean.  They gently puff up as the light of morning comes, but
    start as thick cotton roving. 
    Woodies (red headed yellow belly sapsuckers actually) complaining with
    dawn that the feeder needs refills...
    Killer kitties lie innocently snoozing on the coverlet.
    welcome to spring, 
12.1193NOATAK::BLAZEKwhite wing mercyTue May 21 1991 20:588
	... loving phone messages from one of my favorite women in 
	all the universe, Nanci Van Fleet!

	I miss you *so* much.


12.1194Macing from homeVIA::HEFFERNANJuggling FoolWed May 22 1991 01:164
Reading notes from my Mac at home.  The colors are real nice;
everything in reverse video is a nice red color.  Well, maybe love is
too strong!

12.1195More, more, more.REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Wed May 22 1991 13:1515
    ... getting the July issue of "Analog", with part 1 (of 4!) of
    I already knew that Bujold's next book was going to be about
    Cordelia, Aral, and the Vordarian Pretendership.  (The one after
    that will be about Miles back at Jackson's Whole, with Mark *and*
    Cavilo.  Quinn vs. Cavilo, hmmm.  Imagine Cavilo meeting Taura.)
    Spoiler alert:  _Barrayar_ has some spoilers about _Shards_of_Honor_.
    So, you should read _Shards_of_Honor_ (ISBN 0-671-65574-4, $2.95 from
    Baen Books) first.  (Or read _The_Warrior's_Apprentice_ first, and
    try to figure out what happened in _Shards_ from that.  Then read
    						Ann B.
12.1197LEZAH::QUIRIYLove is a verb.Thu May 23 1991 02:592
    Cheyenne's personal_name.
12.1198:-)YUPPY::DAVIESADon't trample my meadowThu May 23 1991 12:269
    ....mail from a Friend that *really* makes my day
    ....loving support from someone real special
    ....soul-stretching and giggling and growing.....
12.1199daughter = friendCASCRT::LUSTHugs - food for the soulThu May 23 1991 13:055
    ....sitting playing cards and giggling with my 21 yr old daughter and
        her friends 'til 2 am - knowing I'm accepted as a "member of the
        gang".  It even made getting up for work the next morning worth it.
12.1201good tunes with good friendsLEZAH::BOBBITTpools of quiet fireFri May 24 1991 14:139
    Listening to "Cordelia's Dad" (Irish/folk group) and thrashing to
    "Boiled in Lead" at Johnny D's.  
    p.s.  for the myriad people who haven't been exposed to this obscure
    group, "Boiled In Lead" plays something like, for lack of any better
    terminology, Irish/Celtic/Heavy-metal/Thrash/Speed-Guitar music.
12.1202eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!TLE::TLE::D_CARROLLdyke about townFri May 24 1991 17:585
    ...that E is back!!!!
12.1203ooh! ooh!RUTLND::JOHNSTONmyriad reflections of my selfFri May 24 1991 18:025
    is this for real???
    if it's not, I'm going to stomp over and **** in the 'I hate' note ...
12.1204could be, could beTLE::TLE::D_CARROLLdyke about townFri May 24 1991 18:066
    It appears to be!  One can never be sure...someone could be
    *impersonating* her...
12.1205BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssmile anyway.Fri May 24 1991 19:0612
a long weekend, starting NOW!

with nice weather!  great for planting the garden, and playing outside.

My parents coming to visit on Sunday, to stay over!  They are bringing my
brother and his wife (none of them have seen my new house), and my sister Elaine
and maybe one of her children.

That my parents are bringing their R.V., otherwise there wouldn't be enough
sleeping places!

Happy weekending everybody -- Sara
12.1206BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssmile anyway.Sat May 25 1991 13:082
    a goldfinch on the birdfeeder, on a cloudy dull day
12.1207AV8OR::TATISTCHEFFSun May 26 1991 01:561
    post-coital noting...
12.1208TLE::TLE::D_CARROLLdyke about townSun May 26 1991 12:426
    I gotta start dating more DECcies - my lovers never let me out of bed to
    log in afterwards.
12.1209brighten a gloomy day with . . .BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssmile anyway.Mon May 27 1991 19:026
    spots of color on a cloudy day all in flight
    bluebird, swallowtail (are they the yellow and black ones?), goldfinch
12.1210BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scolors all in flight!Tue May 28 1991 12:2710
I'm *soooo* proud of how well my daughter worked on a long project this 
weekend.  No nagging involved, a minimum of grumpiness, she does all her own 
work and can focus well enough to work at length, with industry.  I am aware
that many kids have a very hard time with homework and with longer reports and
stuff, and I am very lucky to not have this problem with Tracy.  God I love that

Oh, and a yummy grilled trout on the menu for dinner tonight!

12.1211WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesTue May 28 1991 12:324
    Getting part of my garden in, being all muddy and bug bitten, but
    feeling that I've done a decent piece of work!
12.1212And you know who you are..YUPPY::DAVIESADon't trample my meadowTue May 28 1991 13:342
    ....a certain Southern accent....
12.1213AKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Tue May 28 1991 15:552
    tending to the elderly and feeling that my care made them more
12.1214AKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Tue May 28 1991 15:562
    having it rain after I finished my garden...everything was perky this
12.1215WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesTue May 28 1991 16:323
    Me too! Joyce, we picked a great time to plant!
12.1216Simply beautiful!PARITY::DDAVISLong-cool woman in a black dressTue May 28 1991 18:351
    The flowers that bloom in the spring... tra la
12.1217CARTUN::HAZARIKAE Grace NoonanWed May 29 1991 18:118
    E Grace
12.1218VMPIRE::WASKOMWed May 29 1991 18:234
    That my son was unhurt in his auto accident this past weekend, along
    with his girlfriend and the other driver :-)
12.1219CARTUN::HAZARIKAE Grace NoonanWed May 29 1991 18:497
    ....being back.
12.1220LEZAH::BOBBITTpools of quiet fireWed May 29 1991 18:506
    E's being back.  And her being front too!
    All sides
12.1222it made me think of you...BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scolors all in flight!Wed May 29 1991 22:3217
    E, this is for you.  It's from Shel Silverstein's book 
    HUG O' WAR
    I will not play at tug o' war.
    I'd rather play at hug o'war,
    Where everyone hugs
    Instead of tugs,
    Where everyone giggles
    And rolls on the rug,
    Where everyone kisses,
    And everyone grins,
    And everyone cuddles,
    And everyone wins.
12.1223BravoYUPPY::DAVIESADon't trample my meadowThu May 30 1991 07:197
    ...hearing about the successes of my friends...
    (Hey - have you told everyone about this yet?)

12.1224shucksCARTUN::HAZARIKAE Grace NoonanThu May 30 1991 11:408
    Sara, have I told you yet today how special you are?
    *blush* *scuff* *scuff*
    E Grace
12.1225Of course, I'm still waiting for my MA refund....WAYLAY::GORDONHunting mastodons for the afternoon...Thu May 30 1991 12:1215
	... my new guitar.

	I'd been without one for a year-and-a-half or so when two-houses-ago
was broken into.  Moving, buying a house, and the necessity of spending money
on more mundane things like food & shelter kept me from replacing it.  I got
a substantial chunk-o-money back from the Feds this year and I used 
approximately 1/3 of it to buy a *good* guitar. (I think I got a *really* good
deal, too)

	[It's a Guild D-25-NT for those of you who care.]

	Now it's just a matter of getting my fingers back in shape.  I'm
surprised at how much comes back to me after not playing in so long...

12.1226I told you there were eggs!CUPMK::SLOANEIs communcation the key?Thu May 30 1991 14:124
Seeing momma and poppa swan take their 3 or 4 babies (who can't be more than a
day or two old) out for a swim at the MK01 pond.  

12.1227NOATAK::BLAZEKwhite wing mercyThu May 30 1991 14:219
	... the deep, transformational, energizing, glowing ache 
	that permeates my body after an early morning run.

	... learning how to nurture myself, and the lovely results
	that come from doing so!


12.1228USWS::HOLTceviche and fernsThu May 30 1991 19:072
    my pet scorpion ..
12.1229Seeing a =wn='ers picture in the paperDRIFT::WOODLaughter is the best medicineThu May 30 1991 22:208
    Thursday's Nashua Telegraph features an article on the front page about
    a rally that was held in front of City Hall on Wednesday.  Barbara
    Bazemore's picture appears prominently.
    Along with Barbara, other =wn='ers who are quoted in the article
    include Judy Blachek and Atlant Schmidt.
12.1230WLDKAT::GALLUPWhat's your damage, Heather?Fri May 31 1991 12:549
    My new (extremely) low maintenance haircut......  ;-)
    I feel like the lead singer to the band, Roxette.  ;-)
12.1231LEZAH::BOBBITTpools of quiet fireFri May 31 1991 17:449
    Surprisingly STERLING people.
    Who answer my dreams, prayers, needs, wishes, when I least expect
12.1232Carla Blazek!BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanFri May 31 1991 18:015
    ...looking forward to being with Carla at the 5th Anniversary Bash!
    Hugs, Sweetie!
12.1233Smile, Smile, SmileAKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Fri May 31 1991 18:384
    the fact that I might be the oldest wnoter and I have the nicest young
    man staying at my house for the Fifth Anniversary Weekend.  Now I have
    to figure out what to do with him!  ;-)
12.1234friends!WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesFri May 31 1991 23:4312
    my dear friend, if you haven't figured it out by now, I ain't
    agonna tell you...
    write me off line if you need instructions..
    major hugs and thanks for the smile....
12.1235ISSHIN::MATTHEWSLet's stand him on his head!Mon Jun 03 1991 14:331
    Being able to help...
12.1236WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesMon Jun 03 1991 15:007
    SEeing my oldest son walk down the isle on graduation day yesterday!
    and he was carrrying his daughter.
12.1237da-da-da-CRUNCH!TLE::DBANG::carrolldyke about townFri Jun 07 1991 12:175
...Beethoven's 5th!  A truly maligned piece of music.  If it weren't for that
damn cliche' da-da-da-dum (which of course wasn't cliche when it was written)
perhaps more people would listen to it for the beautiful symphony that it is!

12.1238da-da-da-WOW!SMURF::CALIPH::binderSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisFri Jun 07 1991 15:0716
Re: .1237

For those of us too young to remember WWII, here's a piece of trivia.

Since it was not permitted openly to announce major victories in the
field, the way the Allies let the folks at home know was to schedule
the playing of Beethoven's 5th symphony on the radio when there was a
big win.

The reason for that choice was that the da-da-da-dummmm opening of
the work strongly resembles the dot-dot-dot-dash of the Morse code
for the letter V.  For Victory.

And it's a wonderful symphony, too.

12.1239FMNIST::olsonDoug Olson, ISVG West, UCS1-4Fri Jun 07 1991 15:354
...returning from four days at Xhibition '91, which was a intensely
informative and refreshing conference for me.

12.1240name that tune!KVETCH::paradisMusic, Sex, and CookiesFri Jun 07 1991 18:4012
> ...Beethoven's 5th!  A truly maligned piece of music.  If it weren't for that
> damn cliche' da-da-da-dum (which of course wasn't cliche when it was written)
> perhaps more people would listen to it for the beautiful symphony that it is!

At least it's only the first movement that's so maligned...

Try this one on for size: play only the SECOND (or maybe the fourth) movement
of the symphony for a bunch of people, and see how many can "name that tune" 8-)
(Me?  I can name just about any Beethoven symphony by hearing a few bars
of any movement...)

12.1241OK, so I was (am???) a disco fanLRCSNL::WALESDavid from Down-underSun Jun 09 1991 09:137
    	Does listening to the rendition on the 'Saturday Night Fever Album'
12.1242WFOVX8::BAIRDsoftball senior circuit playerMon Jun 10 1991 04:298
    ...laying on a warm dock, listening to the water lapping against the
    piles and soaking up the sun.  AAAhhhhh!!!
12.1243Yippeeee!MRKTNG::GODINShades of gray matterMon Jun 10 1991 11:355
    ...receiving a job offer from a Digital organization that will ensure I
    can stay here -- at least until the next round of layoffs!
12.1244It wasn't the Avon Lady!MRKTNG::SZKLARZCan't you hear? My silence screams!Mon Jun 10 1991 12:279
    ... hearing the door bell ring late in the evening and openning the
        door to find a friend standing there looking sheepish.  He arrived
        unexpected, bearing a present and hugs... 
    ... just cause I had a bad day!!
12.1245WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesMon Jun 10 1991 16:004
    support from good friends, and the good samaritan that drove us
    home Sunday to get the other set of car keys.
12.1246JJLIET::JUDYMy body says yes but my mind says noMon Jun 10 1991 17:378
    	...walking down to the pond near the Sheraton Tara to
    	see the ducks and watching and listening to the really
    	tiny baby ducks......squeak!
    	...hot summer days.
12.1248LEZAH::BOBBITTpools of quiet fireTue Jun 11 1991 19:478
    Oh, cheyenne.  U R 2 cool.
    WHY am I not surprised you're modeling!  
12.1249hugs to you, my beautiful friendCARTUN::NOONANAnother het for lesbigay rights!Tue Jun 11 1991 19:553
    'tis the truth, 'tis the truth!
    E Grace
12.1251SMURF::CALIPH::binderSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisWed Jun 12 1991 11:572
...my daily bowl of picked-by-hand-last-Saturday-morning New Hampshire
12.1252LEZAH::BOBBITTpools of quiet fireWed Jun 12 1991 12:005
    hearing "Rock On" by David Essex on the *radio*.  takes me right back!
12.1253nature's glories....WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesWed Jun 12 1991 12:175
    watching a glorious thunderstorm.... and the fire fly show afterwards
    (even tho we lost power, had to haul water from the well, and I
    showered at work.... actually it was sort of an adventure!)
12.1254Happy Birthday Mr WindsorYUPPY::DAVIESAHerd it thru the bovineWed Jun 12 1991 12:5117
    RE .1252
    Oh yes Jody - "Lamplight" does it for me every time....
    And....I loved switching on the radio yesterday and hearing the
    newsreader solemly saying...
    "Today is the birthday of HRH the Duke of Edinburgh. We all wish
     you a very happy birthday, your Royal Highness."
    Then they played the national anthem (at snails pace, as usual).
    And all this at 7.00am. Guess le Duke is an early riser...
    Creased me up :-)
12.1255out for a couple hours last nightTLE::DBANG::carrolldyke about townWed Jun 12 1991 13:083
...loosing power.

12.1256WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesWed Jun 12 1991 13:116
    D! it's okay if it is only for a few hours, it is when you can't
    shower or flush the toilets that it gets to be a drag...
    but everything is so nice and *quiet* ;-).
12.1257walking on the streets with no lights is fun but scaryTLE::DBANG::carrolldyke about townWed Jun 12 1991 13:154
Well our toilets aren't electric, and our water heater is gas, so we didn't
have to worry about that. Lighting was our big problem.

12.1258WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesWed Jun 12 1991 13:2015
    Our toilets aren't electric but our water pump is :-).... we had plenty
    of water, but we had no pump to get it upstairs.
    We got out the old milk buckets we used years ago before we had a
    drilled well and hauled buckets of water up out of our old surface
    well. It wasn't drinkable but we had enough stored clean water to
    make coffee and brush teeth.
    it is a bit of an adventure...
    We just went to bed when it got dark, instead of worrying about lights.
12.1259SMURF::CALIPH::binderSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisWed Jun 12 1991 13:244
Candles, D!, lots of candles.

It's *neat* when the poewr goes off and it's crashing lightning and
thunder.  The power of nature, even in such a small display, is awesome.
12.1260Sorry guys, out of bird seedKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KFollowing my heartWed Jun 12 1991 13:294
    discovering that the rapping on my bedroom window (I live on the second
    floor--eeek!) was only two little sparrows visiting!  
12.1261just curiousGLITER::STHILAIREjust for one dayWed Jun 12 1991 14:316
    re .1254, who *is* the Duke of Edinburgh? (Sorry.)  Is it Prince
    Philip, the Queen's husband?  Is it Prince Charles?  Is it somebody
    else? :-)
12.1262YUPPY::DAVIESAHerd it thru the bovineWed Jun 12 1991 15:239
    Don't apologise Lorna :-)
    Yes, it's Liz's hubby - Phillip the Greek (she said, irreverantly;-)
    I don't know much about their various titles myself - Charles is
    the Prince of Wales though (and there endeth my expertise).
12.1263HYEND::SCHILTONWhen they said sit down,I stood upWed Jun 12 1991 16:143
    Prince Charles is also the Duke of Cornwall (along with about
    27 other titles).
12.1264More net friends become 'real'LRCSNL::WALESDavid from Down-underThu Jun 13 1991 02:319
    Meeting another Aussie =wn= (part time) last night.  I'm sure a few of
    you know Don Casey.  He is visiting Sydney for a day or two so we went
    out for a dinner.  He had a number of photographs from his recent US
    trip so I also now know what a few more of the regulars in here look
    like too.
12.1265rrRRRRIIiip!YUPPY::DAVIESAHerd it thru the bovineThu Jun 13 1991 08:078
    .....having FINALLY found a sewing pattern for those hyper-cool
    velcro-fastened trousers (which you can't buy anywhere in the UK).
    (It's Butterick #5515, I think, if you get these patterns over there).
    Just wish I had time to make some before I fly...
12.1266WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesThu Jun 13 1991 12:201
    seeing Sara in notes :-)
12.1267BUBBLY::LEIGHcan't change the wind, just the sailsThu Jun 13 1991 16:141
    the contrast between the personal_name and the text of E's 833.12.
12.1268CARTUN::NOONANa woman of dignity and honorThu Jun 13 1991 16:553
    ahem.  Those were very dignified chortles.
    E Grace
12.1270that's very nice, cheyenneCARTUN::NOONANa woman of dignity and honorThu Jun 13 1991 19:4714
    E Grace
12.1271LEZAH::BOBBITTpools of quiet fireThu Jun 13 1991 19:516
    That's WONDERFUL, cheyenne....
    relief takes on a whole new meaning!
12.1272SMURF::SMURF::BINDERSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisFri Jun 14 1991 02:245
    Best news I've had this evening, Cheyenne!  Great!
12.1273JJLIET::JUDYMy body says yes but my mind says noFri Jun 14 1991 12:136
12.1274purple & gold ;^)DECWET::JWHITEfrom the flotation tank...Fri Jun 14 1991 14:103
    my gown
12.1275if you need matching shoes ...RUTLND::JOHNSTONbean sidhe ... with an attitudeFri Jun 14 1991 14:189
    if your feet are sufficiently small, I've got a pair of purple suede
    hi-tops you might borrow ... they're v-e-r-y classy and soft,
    weird nit alert ...
      I'm assuming that the purple part is for Music? or is it _Fine_ Arts?
        ... 'cause gold is for Science and white is for Arts ...
12.1276todayRUTLND::JOHNSTONbean sidhe ... with an attitudeFri Jun 14 1991 14:2111
     ... ripe avocados
     ... lots of cabinet space
     ... Cardigan & Milo [the Grey Babies]
     ... high winds and white caps on a sunny day
     ... Newberry Street
12.1277at least at uwDECWET::JWHITEfrom the flotation tank...Fri Jun 14 1991 15:204
    actually, pink is for music, but the doctoral gown is the school
12.1278SCREAM!!!TLE::DBANG::carrolldyke about townFri Jun 14 1991 15:335
>    actually, pink is for music,

I love it!!!!

12.1279RUTLND::JOHNSTONbean sidhe ... with an attitudeFri Jun 14 1991 15:556
    Sooo ... this means you'll have a purple and orange hood with pink
    Talk about Fauve--conscious ....
12.1280;^)DECWET::JWHITEfrom the flotation tank...Fri Jun 14 1991 16:145
    no, my hood is gold with purple trim and my cap (not mortarboard)
    is purple with a gold tassle. i did, however, wear a pink tassle 
    for my bachelor's lo these many years ago.
12.1283GUESS::DERAMOduly notedSat Jun 15 1991 01:253
        ... surprises in the mail!
12.1284Glorious MorningUSCTR2::DONOVANMon Jun 17 1991 06:004
    Picking strawberries on a warm spring morning in a huge field in the
    middle of God's country with a good friend.
12.1285Learning to FlyYUPPY::DAVIESAHerd it thru the bovineMon Jun 17 1991 07:1111
    ....just under two working days to go before my holiday
    ....just three days to go before I fly
    ....just three-and-a-bit days (time-zone flexibility!) before
        I get to see you people!
12.1286You make my day! YUPPY::DAVIESAHerd it thru the bovineMon Jun 17 1991 07:124
    .... loads of mail from my beloved correspondent :-*
12.1287Feeling good!KNGBUD::B_SIARTManhastherighttolivebyhisownlaw.Mon Jun 17 1991 12:015
    .... my wife and I become DEBT FREE overnight!
12.1288AKOCOA::LAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Mon Jun 17 1991 12:473
    Tell us how....I want to be DEBT FREE also!
12.1289...women's folk musicTLE::DBANG::carrolldyke about townMon Jun 17 1991 14:0611
...going to great concert with a bunch of great musicians....

...dancing in the rain with a beautiful woman (and getting totally drenched)...

...getting a semi-private concert (just us and, oh, 50 other people) after
   the "main" concert was cancelled because of rain...

..."clicking" with a woman I met for all of 5 minutes at the concert (but
    IHIW I find out she lives in San Francisco.)

12.1290RAVEN1::AAGESENwhat a short, strange trip...Mon Jun 17 1991 14:366
12.1291Folk Things....MRKTNG::SZKLARZCan't you hear? My silence screams!Mon Jun 17 1991 14:3617
    ... a relaxing weekend of great music and great company
    ... A standing ovation for FOUR BITCHEN BABES
    ... a new song by Megon McDonnough about what women give to the world
        (that it's not recorded and I don't know the title should probably
         go in the I really hate note...)
    ... "I Surely Do Love Little Kids" by Cherly Wheeler
    ... discovering more folk artist that I really enjoy
    ... John Gorka, performing live
12.1292Ah, yes! "Nobody knows how it works"!BUBBLY::LEIGHcan't change the wind, just the sailsMon Jun 17 1991 14:452
>>    ... "I Surely Do Love Little Kids" by Cherly Wheeler
    	Me, too!  (The _song_, not the presence of kids!)
12.1293WAHOO::LEVESQUEElectric EcstasyTue Jun 18 1991 13:207
 This morning I woke up my daughter and said "Good Morning, buttercup." She
stretched, yawned, looked at me and said, "I'm not a buttercup, I'm a girl."
Then she thought about it more and said, "I'm not a flower, I'm a girl."
I think some of you have been sending her e-mail; she no longer accepts my
diminutives- at 2 years old! :-)

 The Doctah
12.1294Cheryl Wheeler is greatDSSDEV::LEMENTue Jun 18 1991 13:226
    I love Cheryl Wheeler, period. I saw her at the Folkway a couple
    of weeks ago, and she was great. She sang "I Surely Do Love Little
    Kids" as the last song of the set, I think. She also sang "Arrow"
    which can make me cry in public.
    I also love Tony Bird. Does anyone else know his music?
12.1295my friend CindyGLITER::STHILAIREjust for one dayTue Jun 18 1991 13:539
    Talking on the phone last night to a close friend that I hadn't seen or
    talked to for about 8 yrs., and finding out that she'll be driving
    through Mass. in July and stopping by to visit.  We first met in the
    WACS, in basic training, 23 yrs. ago as Private Burns & Private
    Uttecht.  I could never have survived the 3 months of hell in the army
    without her friendship.  
12.1296LJOHUB::MAXHAMOne big fappy hamily....Tue Jun 18 1991 13:5511
Cheryl Wheeler and Tony Bird are two of my favorite musicians these

We've booked Tony for October 26th at The Fresh Ground Coffeehouse
(in Gardner). It's a ways off, but I'm already looking forward to his

I'd love to book Cheryl Wheeler too! I have no idea if we could afford
her though.... I'll have to check that out.

12.1297NOATAK::BLAZEKfire, my heart, burn bright!Tue Jun 18 1991 15:3122
    ... a connection with someone s*p*e*c*i*a*l that has slowly
    	blossomed into the most loving, spectacular, spiritfelt
    	bond I've ever known.
    ... watching "Postcards from the Edge" twice in a row, but 
    	not actually watching it the second time, because we're
    	so deeply immersed in conversation at 3am.
    ... going through my biggest and once most looming barriers
    	of all with someone I trust, and love, and not being at
    	all scared.  =8-)  =8-)  =8-)
    ... swapping poetry, letters, drawings, books, incense, and
    	gifts of the heart.
    ... having cleared out all the rubbish in order to make room 
    	for something spectacular and glorious and serene and,
    	above all, blissfully peaceful.  >*<
12.1298I love my kid :-)CSC32::DUBOISSister of SapphoTue Jun 18 1991 16:316
< "I'm not a buttercup, I'm a girl."

Evan does this all the time.  I'll say, "Well, hey there, Handsome!"
and he'll say, "I'm not handsome, I'm *Evan*!"

12.1299R2ME2::BENNISONVictor L. Bennison DTN 381-2156 ZK2-3/R56Tue Jun 18 1991 16:546
    This reminds me of my grandmother's (she's 96) favorite story about me.
    She was riding in a car with me when I was four, and I was singing up
    a storm.  She said "It's nice to have you singing for us."  I stopped
    singing, looked at her askance and said  "I'm not singing for YOU, 
    I'm singing for ME!"
    					- Vick
12.1301More hair stuffVINO::LANGELOGet me a *funny* fool!!!Wed Jun 19 1991 01:5513
    ...my mother's reaction to my new hairstyle which is the really short
    rad-fem-dyke look. She said "It will take some getting used to". Her
    way of politely saying she doesn't like it. Of course, she saw me when
    I didn't have it moussed up. When I first told her over the phone I had
    a new haircut which was really,really short there was this 10 second
    silence. I wasn't sure if she had fainted :-) 
    ...my 3-year variable interest rate mortgage hits its 3 year mark and
    the interest rate stays *the same*. Phew! Can't imagine it going up in
    times like these but yah never know. Stable for another 3 years.
12.1302spork thisXCUSME::QUAYLEi.e. AnnThu Jun 20 1991 11:4013
    finding "runcible spoon" in the dictionary.  Credit is given to Eward
    Lear, 1871.  Wasn't it first used in _The Owl and the Pussycat_
    	They dined on mince, and slices of quince,
    	Which they ate with a runcible spoon
    What a language!  Thanks, -d (13.1336).
12.1303BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa natural womanThu Jun 20 1991 11:461
what *is* a runcible spoon, anyway????
12.1304Runcible spoons, indeed!SMURF::SMURF::BINDERSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisThu Jun 20 1991 12:0733
    aq, you've got it.
    Which reminds me, this sort of thing is just one of the myriad reasons
    I really love the English language.
    By the way, Lear also wrote some interesting recipes.  For instance:
    	Take 4 pounds (say 4 1/2 pounds) of fresh Amblongusses, and put
    them in a small pipkin.
    	Cover them with water and boil them for 8 hours incessantly, after
    which add 2 pints of new milk, and proceed to boil for 4 hours more.	
    When you have ascertained that the Amblongusses are quite soft, take
    them out and place them in a wide pan, taking care to shake them well
    	Grate some nutmeg over the surface, and cover them with powdered
    gingerbread, curry-powder, and a sufficient quantity of Cayenne pepper.
    	Remove the pan into the next room, and place it on the floor. 
    Bring it back again, and let it simmer for three-quarters of an hour. 
    Shake the pan violently till all the Amblongusses have become a pale
    purple colour.
    	Then, having prepared the paste, insert the whole carefully, adding
    at the same time a small pigeon, 2 slices of beef, 4 cauliflowers, and
    any number of oysters.
    	Watch patiently till the crust begins to rise, and add a pinch of
    salt from time to time.
    	Serve up in a clean dish, and throw the whole out of window [sic]
    as fast as possible.
    		(Originally published in the Nonsense Gazette, August 1870)
12.1305ExplanationSMURF::SMURF::BINDERSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisThu Jun 20 1991 12:118
    A runcible spoon is a large spoon with three broad modified fork tines
    at its end, with a cutting edge on one side.  Take a line through
    "spork," only in silver, and you've about got it.  Runcible spoons are
    dandy for eating ice cream and cake together.
12.1306GUESS::DERAMOduly notedThu Jun 20 1991 14:213
	... Margaret's p.n. "Ambisinestrous" from 880.9. :-)
12.1307NOATAK::BLAZEKfire, my heart, burn bright!Thu Jun 20 1991 15:366
    ... ribald conversations with Nancy Bittle.  I'll bring the 
    	tartar sauce.  =8-)
12.1309remember, Nancy? :-)WAHOO::LEVESQUEAnimal MagnetismThu Jun 20 1991 18:323
> ... ribald conversations with Nancy Bittle.

 Hmmm. I wonder if it had anything to do with xxx.xxx? ;^)
12.1310LEZAH::QUIRIYIt's the Decade of the BobFri Jun 21 1991 00:3026
    And, speaking of kids, I logged in to say that I just love the 
    little kids in my neighboorhood.

    There are so many that I can't keep track of them; I know only 
    three by name.  I was sitting out on a neighbor's stoop tonight 
    and when I told my neighbor that I couldn't keep track of them,
    she told me there were 17 on just our little corner!  Her daughter 
    is one of the kids I know by name.  (Named Whitney, after Whitney 
    Houston. :-)

    When I got home tonight, a bunch of them were playing in the street
    and in the yards, and while I was getting my stuff out of the car,
    one of the little girls opened the door for me.  When I stood up to
    shut the car door, I saw her standing there.  I said "Golly, such
    service!  Thank you very much!  I feel like a queen!" and as an aside
    as I walked in I said "...but I don't have a crown," and she smiled. 

    I had more to get out of the car so I went back down and started 
    taking things out of the back, and putting the back seats up.
    When I was almost done with that, I stood up and looked, and there 
    were THREE little girls standing in a row, all holding the door open 
    for me.  One asked me "Are you a girl or a boy?"  I thought about it
    for a second and told her I was a girl.  :-) 

12.1311Unexpected mail messagesLRCSNL::WALESDavid from Down-underSun Jun 23 1991 10:2512
    	I really loved getting a mail message from Jody Bobbitt wishing me
    a Happy 5th Anniversary Party even though I am over 10,000 km away! 
    You're lucky you are not having the party in Australia because the
    weekend is amost over (it's Sunday night here) but then I suppose it
    would have started almost a day earlier :-).
    Thanks Jody!
12.1312DCL::NANCYBthe earth, the air, the fire, the water ...Mon Jun 24 1991 02:3923
          re: .1307 (Carla Blazek)

          >    ... ribald conversations with Nancy Bittle.  I'll bring the
          >    tartar sauce.  =8-)

          Carla you enrich my vocabularly !!

          ribald (adj) - 1: crude, offensive <~language>  2: characterized
          by or using coarse indecent humor

          What a cool word !!  I get small thrills out of discovering a new
          word that so precisely fits what is being described.  I'll have
          to find another excuse to use that word again sometime this

          I believe 2: is the best descriptor of our conversation ;-).
          And we needed tartar sauce for the lips after all !!!! ;-]

          And Doctah, the answer to your question is no, we were way beyond
          xxx.xxx which was not very ribald at all ;-] ;-].  [as the
          audience hurls eggs on the stage, she types EXIT quickly ;-]

                                                       nancy b.
12.1313breaking a stereotype into little bitsBUBBLY::LEIGHcan't change the wind, just the sailsMon Jun 24 1991 02:5914
    I met another womannoter for the first time at the Grand Party.
    We happened to start talking about hairstyles, and I mentioned that I'd
    worn my hair in a ponytail for years, but was thinking of trying a
    braid instead.  I heard, "Hold still," and my new friend created the
    braid on the spot!
    There's just something deliciously right about two men discussing (and
    demonstrating) hairstyles at a =womannotes= party!
    (And yes, -d, you do a fine job of braiding others' hair;-))

12.1314I always miss the good stuff... :-)WAHOO::LEVESQUEAnimal MagnetismMon Jun 24 1991 11:515
>          And Doctah, the answer to your question is no, we were way beyond
>          xxx.xxx which was not very ribald at all ;-] ;-].  [as the
>          audience hurls eggs on the stage, she types EXIT quickly ;-]

 No, it was rather clinical, wasn't it? :-)
12.1315successBENONI::JIMCillegitimi non insectusMon Jun 24 1991 14:246
    The taste of a fresh batch of jam, the sound of the lids sealing and
    the color.  I really love when it gels (so I know I succeeded).  In
    case you were wondering, I spent most of Saturday making strawberry jam
    (the label name is ... drumroll please  Jim Jam ;-) of course).
12.1316SMURF::CALIPH::binderSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisMon Jun 24 1991 14:294
...walking into ZK3 this morning to find a chipmunk jauntily bouncing
across the stones of the entrance walk.  Cute little buggers, chipmunks.

12.1317MLTVAX::DUNNEMon Jun 24 1991 16:475
    ...the friendliness and warmth of many =wn=ers I met at the party
    for the first time. I won't name people, because I might leave someone
12.1318SMURF::CALIPH::binderSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisMon Jun 24 1991 16:512
...that, at the Grand Party, I met so many of the people I really wanted
to meet.  See also 13.1356.
12.1319CALS::MALINGMirthquake!Mon Jun 24 1991 17:265
    ... the support that Jody is getting in the Goddess note for her dance
    on Friday.  It's a great example of allowing people to make their own
    choices, be they "politically correct" or not.
12.1320LEZAH::BOBBITTpools of quiet fireMon Jun 24 1991 17:486
    Yes.  I entered that opportunity with fear.  And exited with
    exhilaration.  Thank you for your support....!
12.1321FSOA::DARCHSee things from a different angleMon Jun 24 1991 18:5321
    ...when several people reply to the idiocy of the article in 733.43
    and can discern the few specks of truth buried in gallons of garbage.

	re last couple (which also relate to a discussion elsewhere),

    I'm confused...Jody was concerned about her performance; E Grace in
    her intro advised everyone to remember that feminism was about 
    *choices*.  Jody did a great job, and everyone (straight or gay, male
    or female) loved it, right?  Okay, my question is this: How does this 
    differ from strippers, mud- or jello-wrestlers or other forms of 
    entertainment which some people think is demeaning/objectifying/

    I've seen both male and female strippers in gay clubs, and female
    mud- and jello-westlers in gay clubs.  What's the big deal?  The 
    performers are there  because they *want* to do it, the audience is 
    there because they *want* to see it.  No  one is doing anything to 
    hurt anyone or against anyone's will.  So why all the fuss?

    deb (who still has several hundred unseens) 8-\
12.1322re.1321 (apologies for ratholing this topic)SA1794::CHARBONNDBarbarians have more funMon Jun 24 1991 20:195
    Wasn't happy with my previous reply. In some instances, sexuality
    is used as a medium to express much more. In too many instances, 
    (and mud-wrestling etc. are a good example,) sexuality is just a product
    being packaged and sold (and cheapened thereby, IMHO.) Your mileage
    may vary.
12.1323LEZAH::BOBBITTpools of quiet fireMon Jun 24 1991 21:1131
re: .1321

>    or female) loved it, right?  Okay, my question is this: How does this 
>    differ from strippers, mud- or jello-wrestlers or other forms of 
>    entertainment which some people think is demeaning/objectifying/
>    horrible/etc.?
    I never said it differed at all.  The way I look at dance is clearly
    delineated in 117.110.  If a person reads that and *still* chooses to
    look at it as demeaning and objectifying and pejoratively titillating
    or whatever, that, I suppose, is their prerogative.  I feel the
    difference in my case is intent.  What people bring to these activities
    are THEIR preconceptions and intents.  I can no more make them think or
    feel or perceive me a certain way than I can breathe underwater.
    However, if you, Deb, told me that jello-wrestling helped you feel
    empowered, brought out new growth and facets of yourself, and made you
    feel more completely yourself and led to new spiritual insights, I'd
    certainly think twice before "objectifying" and putting down
    jello-wrestling when I saw *you* do it in particular, and then think to
    extrapolate that to others who jello-wrestle, maybe even the the point
    of asking them why they are doing it and how they feel about it so I
    can come away from the jello-wrestling watching experience more whole
    than I entered it.
    Can further responses move to the jello-wrestling topic if I have
    brought up more questions for you?
12.1324USWRSL::SHORTT_LATouch Too MuchMon Jun 24 1991 21:409
       The pn.  Reminded of a really good book with a similar title
    by Lynn Abbey that I adore!  Made me think good thoughts for
    just a second...even at work!
12.1325CSC32::DUBOISSister of SapphoTue Jun 25 1991 17:277
I really love...


What a *great* weekend!!!!

12.1326It was fantasticKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KFollowing my heartTue Jun 25 1991 18:003
12.1327SMURF::CALIPH::binderSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisTue Jun 25 1991 18:284
...getting mail from someone I didn't meet at the party, who saw my
"I really hate" entry and sent hugs.

12.1328NODEX::GREENLong Live the Duck!!!Tue Jun 25 1991 19:345
    Single long stem red rose!  :-)
12.1330WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesTue Jun 25 1991 23:277
    Well Cheyenne,
    We'll just hope you come east and we can have a party for you.
12.1331Walking, chewing gum and reading notes, etc., etc.GWYNED::WALKERWed Jun 26 1991 13:575
Working with a techie who, after I tell him my w/s crashed yet again, wrote a
program for me so that I can now see the percentage of pagefile usage!

Alias "Twinkle Toes"
12.1332Hearing about the partyCUPMK::SLOANEIs communcation the key?Wed Jun 26 1991 15:372
12.1334on the other hand...BUSY::KATZMy Goddess Can beat Up Your GodThu Jun 27 1991 11:0714
    on the irony scale: while arguing against the Family Protection Bill,
    City Councilman John Kelly saying that he didn't mind what happened
    behind closed doors but "don't ask me to say that this is moral or
    should be publically condoned..."
   ...while he had an *enormous* cold sore on his upper lip!
    wonder what happens behind *his* closed doors...
    \ D /
     \ /
12.1335SA1794::CHARBONNDBarbarians have more funThu Jun 27 1991 12:082
    re.1334 WADR, your comment re. the cold sore could easily be 
    misinterpreted as a slur against herpes sufferers.
12.1336Second the motion.SMURF::CALIPH::binderSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisThu Jun 27 1991 12:206
.1334, are you aware (serious query) that herpes simplex type 1 is the
cause of most cold sores on the lips and is not considered an STD.  It
is common to approximately 70% of the population of the U.S.A., and can
be triggered into exacerbation by a day in the sun.

12.1337VIA::HEFFERNANJuggling FoolThu Jun 27 1991 12:213
falling in love...

12.1338oi.BUSY::KATZMy Goddess Can beat Up Your GodThu Jun 27 1991 13:364
    re .1335-1336
    Fully aware, honestly...I just found the irony amusing -- call it
    English major's syndrome
12.1339flavor of the day!KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KFollowing my heartThu Jun 27 1991 15:236
    TCBY White Chocolate Mousse frozen yogurt
12.1340flavor of the decade!BUSY::KATZMy Goddess Can beat Up Your GodThu Jun 27 1991 15:448
    on the chocolate subject...
    The White Choclate Mousse with Hazelnut Praline at D'Artagnan in Lyme
    and yes, it DOES deserve to be capitalized!
12.1341good news today!GUCCI::SANTSCHIviolence cannot solve problemsThu Jun 27 1991 16:136
    ....getting a call from the hiring manager to say the job req is posted
    and so on.
    ...things are looking up!
12.1342NOATAK::BLAZEKdreams made fleshThu Jun 27 1991 16:145
    Hey Sue, that's great!  My fingers are crossed for you.
12.1343BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa natural womanThu Jun 27 1991 16:254
    having dinner with friends I'd never met
    d'y'know, I was as nervous as a cat before they arrived!  that'll teach
    me to get to a date early
12.1344WITH HAZELNUT PRALINE?? WHERE'S LYME, NH??KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KLove is a wonderful thingThu Jun 27 1991 16:416
    re: .1340
12.1345you asked!BUSY::KATZMy Goddess Can beat Up Your GodThu Jun 27 1991 16:4716
    Take Rout 93 N. to route 89 N.
    Route 89 N. to exit 18
    Turn right and drive until you reach a Mobil station on the right.
    Veer right and go straight until 2nd set of lights.
    Turn right onto Lyme Road and drive for about 3 miles.  D'Artagnan is
    on the left and is easy to miss...be careful...
    Dinner is by reservation only, so if you are *really* interested, I'll
    post the phone number tomorrow!  The place is rate at 4 stars in most
    restaurant guidebooks.
12.1346CARTUN::NOONANexcavator of a beautiful butterflyThu Jun 27 1991 16:486
    ...listening to cheyenne try to pronounce Worcester!
    E Grace
12.1347KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KLove is a wonderful thingThu Jun 27 1991 17:555
    12.1345-- Thanks!  I just may pursue it!
    12.1346-- Hah!  Wait til she comes East.. I've GOT to hear it!
12.1349R & R....BOOVX1::MANDILEHer Royal HighnessThu Jun 27 1991 18:084
    ..Knowing I can spend Saturday catching some rays and
    reading a romance novel....
12.1350Still floating...BSS::VANFLEETRing around the moon...Thu Jun 27 1991 18:285
...getting to spend time with all of you.  You are all truly Uncommon Women.


12.1351SMURF::CALIPH::binderSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisThu Jun 27 1991 18:295
Re: .1350

Not all of us, Nanci...  :-)

12.1352BSS::VANFLEETRing around the moon...Thu Jun 27 1991 18:559

I just KNEW somebody would catch me on that! 

You're uncommon too.  :-)

12.1353thanks, allBUSY::KATZI am a shameless agitatorThu Jun 27 1991 19:349
    ...the strength and courage of the survivors in =wn= for sharing and
    the uncommon warmth, love and support given freely from everyone.  I
    was fearful that this summer was going to be spent isolated from
    support just as I'm needing it the most.
    thank you, all...I haven't felt this much stength since the Take Back
    the Night march and vigil at Dartmouth.
12.1355CALS::MALINGMirthquake!Thu Jun 27 1991 21:372
    ... getting a voicemail message today.  It was my parents singing
    Happy Birthday to me.
12.1356better, I hopeBTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa natural womanThu Jun 27 1991 22:174
    was it as good as our rendition last night?
12.1357CALS::MALINGMirthquake!Fri Jun 28 1991 01:521
    Your rendition last nite was wonderful!
12.1358A GiftDSSDEV::LEMENFri Jun 28 1991 12:556
    The chicken wire kd lang that my brother-in-law made for me.
    She's so cool.
    Now, if only she could sing!
12.1359WAHOO::LEVESQUEPersonnel: the first refuge of a scoundrelFri Jun 28 1991 16:504
 A wonderful but tantalizingly short visit by Sara. Thanks. And thanks for the
soul hug. :-)

 The Doctah
12.1360BOOVX1::MANDILEHer Royal HighnessFri Jun 28 1991 18:365
    .....my husband, who does so much for me, and I don't think
    he's aware of just how much he does do, and just how much I
    appreciate it....
12.136110994::BLAZEKdreams made fleshMon Jul 01 1991 15:1414
    ... being surrounded by 90,000 gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and
    g/l/b supporters on a flawless Pride day.
    ... the musical group Two Nice Girls.  Wheee, what *fun* they
    ... walking hand in hand, or arm in arm, with my girlfriend in 
    public, and being smiled at and accepted.
    It was a perfect weekend!
12.13627461::HEALEYDTN 297-2426 (was Karen Luby)Mon Jul 01 1991 15:2515
	..... my husband, Steven!  We are two weeks married and having
	a wonderful time!  I love being with him, coming home to him,
	playing and loving.  I even love fighting with him if it is a
	case of me being a jerk... he makes me realize when I'm being
	foolish and causes me to laugh at myself.

	..... my cats, T.K. and Bandit.  Some people will never understand
	the love a person can have for their pets but those two are my
	special buddies, especially T.K. (the Teakster).  Luckily, my
	husband loves them too (if he didn't I would have never made it
	past the first date with him!).

12.1363BUSY::KATZLambkins...we will live!Mon Jul 01 1991 15:516
    ...finally having enough money saved to buy myself a complete copy of
    Wagner's "Ring Die Nibelung"
    18 hours of Wagnerian opera on CD!!! am I in heaven or what?
12.1364Chocolate HeavenLJOHUB::GONZALEZAmbisinestrousMon Jul 01 1991 20:0623
    A dear friend comes over for dinner and brings a present.  Not just an
    ordinary run-of-the-mill present but an amazing astounding voluptuous
    present.  And it's for me!
    It is a dark chocolate heart, decorated with chocolate roses, and it is 
    a box.  Inside, there are about a dozen dark-chocolate truffles, some
    with a dusting of Dutch cocoa.  We ate a few of the truffles after
    dinner and they are exquisite.
    And the best thing of all --  and the most amazing --  is that she made
    the box and the truffles inside!  Yikes! I am in awe of the work
    it took and the total beautiful success.  I thought she'd gone to a
    gourmet chocolatier in Boston for it.
    Only one problem, and I'm not complaining, the box is too beautiful
    to eat.  When all the truffles are gone, what shall I do?  The obvious
    answer seems, well, heartless.
    Completely in heaven,
       Margaret  the chocoholic -- gee do you think word of my condition is
                 getting around?  I've been plied with some wonderful
                 chocolate of late.   Yuuuuuuummmmmmm!
12.1365I've got the tape in my car.WLDKAT::GALLUPWhat's your damage, Heather?Mon Jul 01 1991 20:079
    >  ... the musical group Two Nice Girls.  Wheee, what *fun* they
    >    are!
    Oooohhhh!!!!  Told ya so!!!!!!!!!  "I spent my last $10 on birthcontrol
    and beer...."   ;-)
12.1366NOATAK::BLAZEKclosets are for clothesMon Jul 01 1991 20:179
    You were right, Kath!  They were at the women's bar Thursday
    night, dancing with all the rest of us, and one of them even
    went shirtless!
    "Life was so much simpler when I was sober and queer."
12.1367Smartass nitpicking our specialtySMURF::CALIPH::binderSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisTue Jul 02 1991 11:506
Daniel, it's not "Ring die Nibelung," it's "Der Ring des Nibelungen."

This reply, of course, is made spitefully, because I too would dearly
love to have a copy of the whole Ring cycle!  Enjoy!

12.1368I miss you...YUPPY::DAVIESAIn withdrawal:handle gentlyTue Jul 02 1991 12:466
    ...getting transatlantic phone calls :-)
    ....especially from San Francisco over Pride Weekend! :-) :-)
12.1369GIAMEM::JLAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Tue Jul 02 1991 13:451
    Finding my watch that I thought I had lost at the winery!
12.1370...a new job!GUCCI::SANTSCHIviolence cannot solve problemsTue Jul 02 1991 19:007
    ....getting the official offer of the job and accepting it!
    Next monday i will be the DoD Account Group Proposal Manager!
    i am so excited!
12.1371The Ring!BUSY::KATZLambkins...we will live!Tue Jul 02 1991 19:14164
    For those wondering *why* a complete "Ring" makes me so happy, here's
    Anna Russell's synopsis of the cycle in all of its glory...as only she
    can tell it.
It seems at this time of year, you always hear someone or another giving a 
talk on Wagner's "Der Ring des Nibelungen."  This is usually a discourse 
by some *great* expert for the edification of other great experts.  But it 
tends to leave the average opera goer as befogged as before, and, I might  
think discourages participation altogether.

So I'm going to summarize Wagner's "Ring" as one average opera goer to 
another.  Now the first thing you have to know is that every character or 
event in the "Ring" is given what is grandly known as a "leitmotiff."  But 
don't panic.  That simply means a signature tune.

The scene opens in the River Rhein.  *IN IT*  If it were New York, it would be 
like the Hudson.  And swimming about the Rhein are the three Rheinmaidens... a 
sort of aquatic Andrews Sisters.  Or sometimes they're called Nixies...mare 
eat nix and does eat nix and little lambs nix ivy...and here's their signature 
tune: "Wallelejaha, wallelejaha, heiajaha, heija, heijah..."

I won't translate that because it doesn't mean anything.

They are guarding a lump of magic gold, the power of which is that if someone 
were to renounce love and forge a ring of it, he could become master of the 

This is the gimmick.

And here from underneath the Rhein, as it were the Holland Tunnel, comes a 
little dwarf named Alberich. Here he is: "Hie die glimmer de gamust aust. Die 
flapper die glimmel die snackuch"  Well, as you can see, he is excessively 
unattractive.  And the Rheinmaidens think he's perfectly dreadful so they're 
not very nice to him.  So Alberich says, "Well, I'm not going to get any love, 
I can see that. I might as well renounce it, steal the gold and become master 
of the universe." So he takes back the Holland Tunnel with him.

Here he is forging the ring.  Sound steel strikes here.

Well, all the way up here, as it were the Empire State Building, we find 
Wotan, the head god.  And he's a crashing bore also.  He's just had a castle 
called Valhalla built by a couple of giants named Fasolt and Fafner.  And 
apparently the giant's union wage scale is this magic ring.  So Wotan goes all 
the way from where he was down to Alberich and takes the ring.

Well, Alberich is simply *furious*  He puts a terrible curse on the ring.  
Wotan doesn't care, he gives the ring to Fasolt and Fafner immediately kills 
him.  So Wotan knows that the curse is *working* and he's terribly upset until 
a green faced torso named "My Friend Erda" appears...at least, we assume she's 
a torso...that's all anyone's ever seen of her.  And she says, "Wieke, Wotan, 
Wieke."  Which means "Be careful, Wotan, be careful."  

She then bears him eight daughters, the Valkyries lead by Brunnhilde, and 
they are the NOISIEST women.  Here's their signature tune: "Heiah! Heiah! 
Hiejatoho! Hiejatoho! Hiejahoooo---WOOO!"

And that's the end of part one.

In part two, we find that Wotan has fathered a couple of illegitimate children 
by a mortal whilst disguised under the singularly appropriate name of "Wolf."  
These two are called Siegmund and Sieglinde, and they're separated at birth 
and Sieglinde is married off to a funny sort of man named Hunding.  He plays 
the Wagner tuba.  He plays it rather well.  He also has an ash tree with a 
sword stuck in it growing out of his living room floor.

And one day, who do you suppose show's up?  Siegmund enters and the two fall 
madly in love despite the fact that she's married to Hunding which is immoral 
and she's his own sister which is illegal.  But that's the wonderful thing 
about graqnd opera.  You can do anything you like as long as you sing it.  And 
after slipping Hunding a mickey fin so's not to wake him, they certainly do 
*SING IT*  Oh, it's just wonderful.

Well, after they've gotten that -- off their chests -- Siegmund pulls out the 
sword that's stuck in the tree in the floor of the house that Jack buil -- er, 
that Hunding built and they run away together.

Now when Hunding wakes up, he's frightfully annoyed, and chases after them, 
and there's a tremendous battle that everyone gets mixed up in.  Boom!  
There's Siegmund dead.  Boom!  There's Hunding dead.  Mr. and Mrs. Wotan have 
an argument.  And Wotan is furious with Brunnhilde.  He's angry with her 
because he told her she was not to side with Siegmund.  And she did.

So he puts her to sleep and places her on a rock surrounded by impenetrable 
fire which sound like this.

And that's the end of part two.

Part three is devoted to the growing up of Siegfried, the child of Siegmund 
and Sieglinde. And he's very young, and very brave, and very handsome and very 
*stupid*  He's a regular Little Abner type.

Actually, there's not much you need to know about this opera except that Wotan 
comes down and plays twenty questions and Siegfried gets the Ring.

Do you remember the Ring??

He gets it by slaying the giant Fafner who's turned himself into a dragon 
somehow.  Don't ask me why.  Well, then a little bird tells him and he 
discovers Brunnhilde on her rock.  Now he's never seen a woman before.  So he 
doesn't know what she is.  But he soon finds out.  They fall madly in love and 
get into this very competative singing.  A sort of "Anything you can sing, I 
can sing louder."  I rather think that she wins.  And Siegfried gives her 
the Ring.

She's his aunt by the way.

Well, now you'd think that would be it, wouldn't you?  Have no fear -- 
Gotterdamerung.  That's part four.

In part four, we find the three Norns who are also the children of Wotan and 
"My Friend Erda" the green faced torso, and so they are also presumably 
Siegfried's aunts.  But this bunch of aunts is just as droopy as the first lot 
were noisy.  

And darn these aunts if they don't tell the whole story right 
from the beginning!  So actually, you can come in at the beginning of 
Gotterdammerung and be just as ahead.

As things would have it, Siegfried is getting tired of love on the rocks with 
Brunnhilde.  And Brunnhilde has gone completely to pieces!  Remember her 
signature tune used to be: Heiatoho! Heiatoho!  Heijaho! Hiejahooooh!  Well, 
now it's La lala la la laaaa...

So love, it seems, has certainly taken the ginger out of her.

Now Siegfried leaves her with the ring and goes out into the world where he 
meets Gunther and Getrune Gibitch and their half-brother Hagan, whose mother 
was a Gibitch, but whose father was Alberich the dwarf...

Do you remember Alberich???

And he greets Siegfried; Heiah, Siegfried, dehalieh...Now do you remember that 
tune?  That's the same music as Alberich's curse.  And sure enough, there's 
dirty work afoot!  Because Hagan gives Siegfried a potion that makes him 
forget all about Brunnhilde and fall in love with Getrune Gibitch, who is the 
only woman Siegfried has ever met who hasn't been one of his aunts.

I'm not making this up, you know.

Well, when Brunnhilde finds out about this, naturally, she's very annoyed and 
arranges with Hagan to have Siegfried killed. So Hagan kills him.  Well, as 
soon as he's dead she's sorry, so she builds this tremendous funeral pyre, 
lights it and then rides with her horse into the fire and burns up.

Then the hall catches fire, and it burns up.

Then Wotan and all the gods catch fire and they burn up.

Then everything catches fire and it *ALL* burns up.

There. Everything's burnt.

And then the River Rhein overflows its banks...


The water washes over all of the ashes, and who do you think shows up next?  
The Rheinmaidens.  They take their lump of gold which is the ring and put it 
back under the Rhein, and after sitting through this entire operation, what do 
you here?  Walleighwalla  Heiahheiah Wallaleiheijah....

12.1372LEZAH::BOBBITTthe colors and shapes of kindnessTue Jul 02 1991 19:266
    And people snicker at ME for liking fantasy books!
    tee hee!
12.1373>phew<GNUVAX::QUIRIYIt's the Decade of the BobTue Jul 02 1991 20:037
    Going to the doctor and finding out that that little lump thing in my
    nose is only a thing called a polyp and not cancer and I won't have to
    have my nose cut off.  (But it's kind of yukky that I have to use a 
    nasal spray of some sort.)
12.1374USWRSL::SHORTT_LATouch Too MuchTue Jul 02 1991 23:425
    Finding out someone I care for feels the same.
12.1375in the notes-sense...DCL::NANCYBclient surferWed Jul 03 1991 03:475
    		Jody Bobbitt's voice.
12.1376NOATAK::BLAZEKashes on gashesWed Jul 03 1991 18:5010
    ... Nanci VanFleet and my new Haindl Tarot deck.  This is,
    without a doubt, the most spectacular, magical deck I have
    ever seen.  The artwork is stunning ... I'm so tempted to 
    strew the cards across my cubicle right now!
    Thank you for introducing me to this deck, Nanci!  xoxo!
12.1377strewn Tarot!BSS::VANFLEETRing around the moon...Wed Jul 03 1991 20:135


12.1378TINCUP::XAIPE::KOLBEThe Debutante DerangedWed Jul 03 1991 20:591
I'll second that John. :*) But, boy, is it scary. liesl
12.1379Never know what's in the mail!LRCSNL::WALESDavid from Down-underThu Jul 04 1991 03:1416
    	Earlier I wrote a note of thanks saying how nice it was to receive
    e-mail wishing me a Happy 5th Anniversary on the weekend of the party
    even though I wasn't there.  That was good but today that was bettered. 
    In today's mail I received a photo of Meigs Glidewell doing some
    stand-up comedy, a keychain and some balloons!  Thank you Ann B for
    sending these to me.  Now all I have to do is blow up the balloons and
    then explain to the rest of the gang around here what the he*l
    'Womannotes' is!
    	Just another thoughtful idea that makes more anxious to meet you
    all in five weeks time.
12.1380CALS::MALINGMirthquake!Fri Jul 05 1991 05:304
    that I'm leaving tomorrow for a week in Hawaii to see the total eclipse
    of the sun.
    Mary - following a moonshadow
12.1381you're where you should be all the timeGUESS::DERAMOduly notedFri Jul 05 1991 11:133
        Hawaii?  Not Nova Scotia?  :-)
12.1382GNUVAX::BOBBITTthe colors and shapes of kindnessSat Jul 06 1991 16:247
    are you going with some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend?
12.1384WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesMon Jul 08 1991 14:336
    taking care of Canaan while her mom and dad are out mountain
    (even if she cries!)
12.1385SA1794::CHARBONNDbarbarian by choiceMon Jul 08 1991 15:091
    re.1382 Carly Simon is scarcely 'meta-x-obscure', kiddo ;-)
12.1386SA1794::CHARBONNDbarbarian by choiceMon Jul 08 1991 15:164
    ...getting re-acquainted with a great book, even if I have to get
    rained in on a 4-day weekend. 
    ("A Sand County Almanac" by Aldo Leopold, if you're curious)
12.1387enjoyed the excerpts4629::LEVESQUESurfcasting with the alienMon Jul 08 1991 16:565
 Hey Dana-

 Can I borrow it when you're done?

 The Doctah
12.1388Aldo LeopoldSMURF::CALIPH::binderSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisMon Jul 08 1991 17:016
re: .1386

Me too, after the Doctah is done with it.  Wonderful book, eminently
qualified to be the subject of an "I really love" note!

12.1389If I were the wind19358::CHARBONNDbarbarian by choiceMon Jul 08 1991 17:072
    Sure, but it's currently in print (and the new version includes
    essays from Round River)
12.1390WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesMon Jul 08 1991 18:113
    I have my old copy somewhere around the house, definitely rereadable!
12.1391RAVEN1::AAGESENwatchthewizardbehindthecurtainTue Jul 09 1991 11:202
12.1392AKOV05::JLAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Tue Jul 09 1991 11:292
    Being able to grab a patch of crabgrass and pull it up with the roots
12.1393can you tell I'm in a good mood?TLE::DBANG::carrollHakuna MatataTue Jul 09 1991 13:027
- Bright cool sunny summer days.

- Today!

- beauty, love, trust

12.1394HOW many pages??!YUPPY::DAVIESAJust workin' my PathTue Jul 09 1991 13:045
    Re .1391
12.1395ignorance is blissMR4DEC::HETRICKTue Jul 09 1991 13:105
    ...the sound of D!'s latest personal name...it sounds almost like
    a mantra that you'd like to repeat over and over again to yourself.
    I feel kind of ignorant, though, since I have no clue at all what it
12.1396from my friend who lived in Kenya...TLE::DBANG::carrollHakuna MatataTue Jul 09 1991 14:437
It is sort of a mantra

It is Swahili for "no problem!"

I like the sound of it, as well as the meaning.

12.1397Doing It Myself---with HelpDSSDEV::LEMENTue Jul 09 1991 17:548
    ...rebuilding the retaining wall behind my house with
    my sister and her husband and my husband, Bill. It only
    took us four hours! ANd it's beautiful---dusty rose Allen
    block that looks like pink granite.
    We keep looking at in awe, saying "*we* did this?"
12.1398xnotesZFC::deramoUNIX...just say yes!Wed Jul 10 1991 10:593
	Having xnotes up and running on my workstation!

12.1399wearing new clothes all week!BTOVT::THIGPEN_Syou meant ME???Wed Jul 10 1991 11:557
I went clothes shopping for myself last weekend, first time in like 2 years (I
hate to shop) and spent $110 and came home with 2 pairs of pants, 6 shirts (of
various kinds), and sundry lingerie.  Now THAT'S the kind of shopping I like!


12.1400Old loves.HOO78C::VISSERSDutch ComfortWed Jul 10 1991 12:174
    Beating Dan to a .x00 even though it happens only sporadically these
12.1401FDCV06::KINGIf the shoe fits... BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!Wed Jul 10 1991 12:373
    Sara, what is sundry lingerie?
12.1402EVETPU::RUSTWed Jul 10 1991 12:464
    Re .1401: It's when you hang it on the line instead of putting it in
    the dryer.
12.1403Tomorrow will be muggy, followed by toogy, weggy...SOLVIT::FRASERBut I don't have an accent; you do!Wed Jul 10 1991 14:034
>    Sara, what is sundry lingerie?
        The underwear you go to church in....as opposed to mondry etc.
12.1404BTOVT::THIGPEN_Syou meant ME???Wed Jul 10 1991 14:064
I like those answers about sundry lingerie so much, that I won't tell you what
I actually bought!

Sara :-)
12.1405FDCV06::KINGIf the shoe fits... BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!Wed Jul 10 1991 14:119
    -B Ohhhh..... Like stuff you have to take to the drycleaners instead
    of throwing it into the washer like everything else....
    Like underwire bras... :-} My wife makes sure I understand that
    those have to be washed by hand....
    Sue, we would *never* ask you what you bought...
12.1407XXIASIC::BARTOONetwork Partner ExcitedThu Jul 11 1991 02:3310
    ...that I will become a legal member of society in 30 minutes.
    (by age, not by naturalization or prison release)
12.1408Congrats - and many, many more.LJOHUB::GODINThu Jul 11 1991 11:213
    Happy birthday, Nick!
12.1409wowGNUVAX::BOBBITTthe yayness principleThu Jul 11 1991 11:4710
    when I make a difference and touch someone with my words.
    and they come visit me with a gift.
    and I get all misty-eyed and amazed and it restores my faith in human
    sanctuary much!.....
12.1410SMURF::SMURF::BINDERSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisThu Jul 11 1991 12:035
    ...the new stylistically-correct latticework gratings under my front
    vestibule.  Got 'em built over the weekend, painted 'em Tuesday, and
    installed 'em yesterday.  Yee hah!
12.1411JJLIET::JUDYMy body says yes but my mind says noThu Jul 11 1991 12:267
    	*finally* finding a new bikini...actually two!  thought
    	I'd never find anything I liked.....
12.1412BTOVT::THIGPEN_Syou meant ME???Thu Jul 11 1991 12:393
"stylistically correct"?  whazzat?

I love wearing new clothes _all_week_.  Today it's even a *dress*!
12.1413"sweet as the punch"SA1794::CHARBONNDbarbarian by choiceThu Jul 11 1991 13:592
    driving to work listening to a brand 'new' tape - The 
    Association ;-)
12.1414BSS::VANFLEETRing around the moon...Thu Jul 11 1991 14:105
...early morning wake-up kisses.

Sigh!  *Glow!*

12.1415GUESS::DERAMOduly notedThu Jul 11 1991 14:253
        Joining the AMC folks on a three day hiking trip tomorrow! :-)
12.1416AKOV05::JLAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Thu Jul 11 1991 15:057
    Leading what is becoming my annual AMC excursion to Monhegan
    Island...we even have some native islanders joining our picnic at
    Lobster Cove.  
    And maybe Tuesday I will add a reply saying...
       I really love...having a new AMC member that also notes!
12.1417SA1794::CHARBONNDbarbarian by choiceThu Jul 11 1991 15:221
    twist hir arm, Joyce ;-)
12.1418Sighhhhh.....WLDKAT::GALLUPWhat's your damage, Heather?Thu Jul 11 1991 15:3610
    .........phone calls that start off "I miss you.  I just wanted you to
    know that."
    .........and when I'm feeling majorly rushed/stressed at work, plus I'm
    sick on top of all of it, and he worries about me.
12.1419THANK YOU, anonymous t-benefactor!!!!TLE::DBANG::carrollHakuna MatataThu Jul 11 1991 16:3115
I *really* love...

getting a t-shirt through inter-office mail that says

           D Y K E



     who sent it?????

12.1420CARTUN::NOONANSlow down. Live to enjoy ME.Thu Jul 11 1991 16:328
    ...reading statements like these from a woman!
	>> I was born in a body which is physically attractive, and with 
    	>> a brain which was exceptionally intelligent, 
12.1421so toughTLE::DBANG::carrollHakuna MatataThu Jul 11 1991 16:566
E, you have any idea how hard it was for me to write those two lines???

Workin' on it, every day...

12.1422A great way to end a hectic day!MCIS2::HUSSIANBut my cats *ARE* my kids!!Thu Jul 11 1991 18:307
    Children! Two of the worlds cutest kids just came into my lobby. They
    were waiting for their mom. She works in the credit union. It was
    GREAT! We played "office" and drew some neat pictures! Olivia is about
    8 years old, and her brother, David is about 6. WOW! The last 1/2 hour
    FLEW by! I'll have to ask them back to "help me out" again!! :*)
12.1423NOATAK::BLAZEKto the willow fringeThu Jul 11 1991 21:0420
    Nanci, I agree!  Waking up still wrapped in someone's arms
    and snuggling through a couple snooze alarms is just such a
    comforting way to start the day.
    I really love ... being in the healthiest, most equal, most
    joyous, most spiritually connecting relationship I've ever
    experienced, and knowing that good things *do* last, and I
    *do* deserve this, and this whole synchronicity is just too
    marvelous for words!  =8-)
    I also love ... that my little flower garden I planted from
    seed is beginning to blossom!  This is so exciting!  I have
    never planted flowers from seeds before, I'd just buy them
    already blooming and then transplant them, and I'm feeling
    very goddesslike and mother earthy to have done this.  =8-)
    They're so tiny and beautiful!
12.1424Catie Curtis!COGITO::SULLIVANThe revolution won't be televisedFri Jul 12 1991 13:2412
    Seeing Catie Curtis (last night) in her first solo gig at Passim -- a
    huge deal in the folk world.  I have a feeling that she's going to make
    it big on the national circuit.  The concert was wonderful (D!, can you
    forgive me for not telling you about it - I assumed you were on her
    mailing list..)  
    I could hardly sleep last night because I kept remembering all the
    wonderful songs she played.....
12.1425CGVAX2::CONNELLCHAOS IS GREAT.Fri Jul 12 1991 18:426
    reading that my dear sister-friend Carla is unbelievably ecstatically
    Love ya,
12.1426WAHOO::LEVESQUESurfcasting with the alienFri Jul 12 1991 19:021
 Being done packing before 5 pm.
12.1427SMURF::SMURF::BINDERSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisFri Jul 12 1991 19:314
    ...seeing NancyB's article on page 20 of the August Guns&Ammo.  I don't
    normallyr ead that mag, but anyway.  Well done, =wn= sister!
12.1429 I'm _so_ domestic :*] N2ITIV::LEEcool bananas!Fri Jul 12 1991 20:236
	Getting a washer & dryer so I don't have to go to a 
	laundromat any more.  Yippee!!

12.1430SMURF::SMURF::BINDERSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisFri Jul 12 1991 21:562
    ...the season's first dinner of New England's very own Butter 'n' Sugar
    corn on the cob.  *Bliss*
12.1431TINCUP::XAIPE::KOLBEThe Debutante DerangedFri Jul 12 1991 22:483
Carla, that's why gardeners love to "do it in the dirt"! And to both you and
Nanci, I totally agree, "rolling in my sweet baby's arms" is a great way to
wake up. ;*) (sometimes those C/W songs really do say it all) liesl
12.1432Why am I noting? I should be reading!LJOHUB::GONZALEZBooks, books, and more books!Sat Jul 13 1991 17:1313
    Going bookshopping after a long time of only getting the occasional
    paperback.  And finding most everything in the notebook I keep of books
    that interest me.  And buying 14! books. Even with deciding that some
    books which were well reviewed or sounded interesting in book
    discussions did not do it for me when I read the obligatory paragraph
    or so.

    And finding totally accidentally and buying a book by on old friend of
    mine.  Eve Korsovsky Sedgewick, the "Epistemology of the Closet" an
    attempt to define the closet that defines gender, sexuality and

    So, anybody want to buy me lunch for the next few weeks or so? 
12.1433SA1794::CHARBONNDbarbarian by choiceMon Jul 15 1991 09:473
    cool, crisp mornings
    in July!
    is it autumn yet?
12.1434BTOVT::THIGPEN_Syou meant ME???Mon Jul 15 1991 11:102
back at work today, Tracy's eye (bug bite + poison sumac, she led with her
face!) is MUCH improved, thank god for modern medicine.
12.1435WLDKAT::GALLUPWhat's your damage, Heather?Mon Jul 15 1991 11:5812
    ...............getting all the big things moved into the new apartment
    and seeing it start to take shape quite nicely (can you believe we
    combined THREE people's stuff and it all MATCHES!)
    ...............now if I had just remembered the screws to my waterbed
    instead of leaving them at the old place, I would have actually gotten
    to sleep in my bed last night. ;-(
12.1436SMURF::SMURF::BINDERSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisMon Jul 15 1991 12:022
    ...standing under an umbrella in the rain and then going back inside to
    hear Chris O'Riley play the Liszt-Busoni Spanish Rhapsody.
12.1437*Bliss!*BSS::VANFLEETRing around the moon...Mon Jul 15 1991 12:216
...sitting in the living room reading on Sunday night while my
sweetie cooks a gourmet meal for us

...*dessert*!  (especially when it's me!)

12.1439I kinda liked it...17736::THIGPEN_Syou meant ME???Mon Jul 15 1991 13:476
well it's really a quote, but I don't remember where the Quotable Men note is,
and I didn't catch his name (this is from the tube).  The man was an artist,
and he said (referring to his wife of many years and sometime-subject)

"Living with one woman is like living with two or three tigers."

12.14407701::BOBBITTdivided sky...the wind blows highMon Jul 15 1991 14:065
    going to my first phish concert!
12.1441CARTUN::NOONANSpeak softly to Trolls...Mon Jul 15 1991 14:564
    ...getting the book "Hug Therapy" from a special friend!
    E Grace, HT
12.1442BUSY::KATZReunite Gondwannaland!Mon Jul 15 1991 15:176
    ...the kind of support given so freely on this file.
    ...my best friend calls from Vermont the minute she heard what's been
    going on to make sure that I get help.
12.1443I'm going to hug the stuffin' outa him tonite!BOOVX1::MANDILELynne - a.k.a. Her Royal HighnessMon Jul 15 1991 15:496
    .....last nights talk with my husband.  He even said
    "we never talk", to me on the telephone today, after I let 
    him know how much last nights talk meant to me!  Yes! a major
    breakthrough..... :-)
12.1444She's Baack!CSC32::M_EVANSMon Jul 15 1991 15:574
    Seeing Suzzane Conlon back replying to notes.  Welcome back!!!!
12.1445WFOV11::BAIRDsoftball senior circuit playerWed Jul 17 1991 06:2011
    ...getting a letter from an old friend who is coming home *this*
    Friday from Texas!  Looking forward to seeing her!
    ...our very own Hug Therapist!!!  :-)  E Grace, you can come and
    visit and practice your "profession" on me, anytime!!
    	p.s.  I hug back good, and I've also been told I have "magic
    hands" when it comes to rubbing backs.  :-}
12.1446REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Wed Jul 17 1991 13:045
    ... being able to give the perfect gift.
    Bonnie, have you started re-reading it yet?
    						Ann B.
12.1447WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesWed Jul 17 1991 13:155
    Oh yes! Thanks so much Ann, I hope to finish it tonite ;-)
12.1448WLDKAT::GALLUPWhat's your damage, Heather?Wed Jul 17 1991 17:1020
    .....when he drives up from Newport to my office bearing a HUGE box
    with bright colored bows on it.
    .....and he gives me the CD I've been wanting and the black lace body
    stocking I secretly craved in the lingerie store a week ago.
    .....and he drives me to a park and lays out a HUGE picnic for me: 
    seafood salad, cheese/crackers, fruit, lemonaide and a birthday cake
    lovingly decorated by him.  
    I love it when I'm so overwhelmed that I'm speechless.....and brimming
    over at the seams.
12.1449Happy BD to you, Kath!LJOHUB::GODINWed Jul 17 1991 17:124
    Happy birthday, Kath.  Is it today?  Or was it yesterday?  Oh well --
    I'm only being nosey.  The wishes are sincere, nevertheless.
12.1450BUSY::KATZGeorgie Porgie is a BullyWed Jul 17 1991 17:1311
    ...meeting lots of =wn= folks last night...
    ...receiving my first in-person E hugs...
    ...getting something knit and neat from Jody...
    'twas fun folks!
    smiles 'n hugs,
    daniel (who wants to think of things he likes right now)
12.1451ooooooooohhhhhhhhh, *kath*! (*8CARTUN::NOONANCollarless pets UNITE!Wed Jul 17 1991 17:181
12.1452NOATAK::BLAZEKnon sono una signoraWed Jul 17 1991 17:435
    ... seeing Kathy Gallup happy.  =8-)
12.1453VIA::HEFFERNANJuggling FoolThu Jul 18 1991 11:463
...  getting two letters and two phone calls from my sweetie yesterday

12.1454WLDKAT::GALLUPWhat's your damage, Heather?Thu Jul 18 1991 12:2314
    RE: back a few
    Yes, my birthday was yesterday... ;-)
    RE: Carla
    I'm pretty much always happy, yet even MORE so for the last two
    months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;-)  
12.1455must be our collective karmaTINCUP::XAIPE::KOLBEThe Debutante DerangedThu Jul 18 1991 22:123
Well, kath, that looks like you, me and Nanci all 3! Actually, If I remember a
few notes ago didn't Carla mention a sweetie too? maybe things are looking up
for the Colorado Gals past and present. :*) liesl
12.1456NOATAK::BLAZEKvenus envyThu Jul 18 1991 22:317
    RE: Liesl
    Yes.  =8-)  =8-)  =8-)
12.1457BLUMON::GUGELAdrenaline: my drug of choiceFri Jul 19 1991 15:226
    ...seeing Suzanne back in the file!
    ...the charming way Dana takes every opportunity to make
       a plug for Western Mass!
12.1458WAHOO::LEVESQUEa cunning stuntFri Jul 19 1991 15:292
 Having a friend do something special for me without making me explain why.
Thanks, Sara.
12.1459moi, an ulterior motive?SA1794::CHARBONNDin disgrace with fortuneFri Jul 19 1991 15:301
    re.1457 if I don't I gotta travel east to see so many friends
12.1460BUSY::KATZGeorgie Porgie is a BullyFri Jul 19 1991 16:187
    ...going to TANGLEWOOD on Sunday for the first time in six years!
    well, I've been busy, ya know? :-)
    \ D /
     \ /
12.1461BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sthey say there's peace in sleepFri Jul 19 1991 16:222
Northampton is cool.  My neice just finished her first year at Smith, and she
likes it too.
12.1462Cheryl who?TLE::DBANG::carrollA woman full of fireFri Jul 19 1991 16:2511
...Getting a late night phone call from a wonderful woman on the west coast 
I've only met once...

...talking for 45 minutes (no lack of subjects to talk about, very odd, for
me and the phone)...

...finding out that I will probably be seeing her in August...

...finding out that she is single.

12.1463GLITER::STHILAIREIt's the summah, after allFri Jul 19 1991 16:2911
    Having tickets to see Stevie Nicks at Great Woods tonite.  (My favorite
    female singer)
    The prospect of seeing Van Morrison in concert, in Scotland, next
    month!  (one of my all-time favorite singers)
    The prospect of seeing Scotland and London next month!  (first time in
12.1464AmazingGIAMEM::JLAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Fri Jul 19 1991 16:4410
    If I had to spend the morning at the doctors I spent it at the right
    facility yesterday.
    All our questions were answered, the examinations and tests were
    handled compasionately, and the health care workers *apologized* for
    the time we had to spend to get a diagnosis.
    If I recall correctly all the health care workers were women.  ;-)
    What a coincidence!
12.1465NITTY::DIERCKSbeyond repairFri Jul 19 1991 17:0611
    ... knowing that I'll be seeing David in about 4 hours.
    ... knowing we'll be eating good (GOOD!!!) Thai food in about 5 hours.
    ... knowing we'll be going to a "fabulous" piano bar in about 7 hours.
    ... knowing we'll be, well, you know, in about 12 hours........
12.1467TORRID::leecool bananas!Fri Jul 19 1991 17:487
	Getting XNotes up and running on my DECstation.  :*]

12.1468BSS::VANFLEETTime for a cool change...Fri Jul 19 1991 20:145
...getting unexpected compliments over the net from my sweetie!


12.1469NOATAK::BLAZEKvenus envyFri Jul 19 1991 21:185
    ... Greg Diercks' contributions to =wn=.
12.1470A Few of My Favorite ThingsUSCTR2::DONOVANSun Jul 21 1991 05:3313
    Having a pool to float in the when it's too hot to do anything else.
    Finding out my not-yet-1st grader really can read!
    Hampton Beach, kids, sand castles, great big waves and sunscreen.
         (Never forget the sunscreen!)
    Vollyball games.
12.1471BUSY::KATZGeorgie Porgie is a BullyMon Jul 22 1991 11:146
    having a torrential downpour soak me and my friends to the bones at
    tanglewood and not giving a wet slap because the food we made was
    wonderful, the music was wonderful and the company, you know,
12.1472TLE::DBANG::carrollA woman full of fireMon Jul 22 1991 12:514
...hearing that my ex-lover, a wonderful man whom I love dearly, and who I
at one time hoped to marry, just got engaged.

12.1474FMNIST::olsonDoug Olson, ISVG West, UCS1-4Mon Jul 22 1991 16:333
...welcoming Jody to "The LIST" on her first day as a non-mod...;-)

12.1475USWRSL::SHORTT_LATouch Too MuchWed Jul 24 1991 21:298
    Not having to be the one to deliver the bad news to my Grandma
    about her mother dying.  That and the fact that she seems to be
    handling it well and I might get to keep her around for another
    year or so.
12.1476welcome Michael!LJOHUB::LBELLIVEAUThu Jul 25 1991 10:5711
    That I'm an aunt again!!!!!!
    That my sister Lisa's labor was 3 hours instead of 32 hours;
    and she doesn't look like someone ran over her with a truck
    this time!
    That my mom got to help during the delivery!
    That my new nephew came with lots of great punked out hair!
12.1477BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sthey say there's peace in sleepThu Jul 25 1991 13:208
    the baby bluebirds have fledged out and at breakfast every morning I
    get to watch them foraging in the back yard.  Today there were baby
    robins too.
    wild raspberries and blackberries
12.1478nesting instincts...BSS::VANFLEETTime for a cool change...Thu Jul 25 1991 14:105
That a bird chose the fern hanging on my porch as a safe place to build
it's nest.  I haven't seen any birds or eggs yet but it looks so neat
to have a nest in the fern!  :-)

12.1479CGVAX2::CONNELLCHAOS IS GREAT.Thu Jul 25 1991 14:505
    That my daughter called me at work this morning, to tell me her
    hampster had 10 babies last night. That makes 10 new hampsters in the
    state of New Hampster. (GROAN)
12.1480NOATAK::BLAZEKof eros and of dustThu Jul 25 1991 15:068
    ... sitting on the floor amongst a dozen boxes of steaming 
    Chinese takeout food, a bottle of French wine, a big mauve 
    candle, "Another Woman" on the VCR, and my love next to me.
    What a perfect evening last night was.
12.1481not a bird watcher, but...TRACKS::PARENTAnother tomorrow, another choiceThu Jul 25 1991 17:566
    Seeing a hummingbird for the first time in my life, and getting
    to watch for almost 5 minutes while it worked the flowers along the
    front walk.  
12.1482USWRSL::SHORTT_LATouch Too MuchThu Jul 25 1991 19:376
    Disneyland!  Will be there soon...leaving in 5 hours!  ;^)
12.1484hey, that's a long haul for a slugCARTUN::NOONANI've *had* better lives!Fri Jul 26 1991 14:027
    ...it when the banana slug hugs finally complete the trek from MRO1 to
    MRO3.  Only took 2 months!   
    Thanks Mary.
    E Grace
12.1485GWYNED::WALKERFri Jul 26 1991 15:3314
...spending my vacation with my sister, her husband, their daughter and her 
friend and my parents who ALL came to stay with me for a week.  My sister came
from the left coast and my folks from Maryland.  So, my two bedroom house was
packed with people although we did get out to do lots of swimming and sailing,
sailing, sailing and more swimming.  I felt good that my dad went out sailing
with me once even though he is disabled (lung problems) and he enjoyed it.
I sure hope it will be less than five years before I see them again.

a good time was had by all,

p.s.  My neice, E.A.(Emily Ann) and friend Azure told us over and over that
      they really liked the warm water here as they live north of S.F.  It was
      delightful to have two ten year olds giggling and dancing.
12.1486BUSY::KATZStarving Hysterical NakedMon Jul 29 1991 10:574
    ...going up to Hanover for a great weekend with my college friends who
    fed me and gave me places to crash without my even asking!
12.1487GLITER::STHILAIREIt's the summah, after allMon Jul 29 1991 11:347
    Seeing my girlfriend, Cindy, yesterday, for the first time in 9 years,
    and immediately feeling as comfortable as if it had only been last
    month since I had seen her last.  (except for relatives, she's the
    friend I've known the longest, 23 yrs.)
12.1488rediscoveryBTOVT::THIGPEN_Sthey say there's peace in sleepMon Jul 29 1991 12:5112
    well it's been nearly a week sans kids, and though I miss *them* very
    much, I do *NOT* miss the bickering in the back seat, the hustling
    through the daily routine, and the laundry.
    I'm so so glad to have had this time -- I feel very refreshed with my
    husband.  We had dinner out, ate at home late, went to the movies,
    climbed to Butler Lodge (on the Long Trail), gone swimming at Rock
    River twice, listened to Mozart in the Meadow (gosh NOW I know why
    people like Stowe so much!).
12.1489returning to childhood...TLE::DBANG::carrollA woman full of fireMon Jul 29 1991 14:139
Renting (and watching) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory *and*
Winnie-the-Pooh and Tigger, Too!  


"Oompa-loompa doompa-dee-doo,
I've got another puzzle for you,
oopa-loompa doompa-dee-dee,
If you are wise you will listen to me..."
12.1490can I be a noter for just a little while?WLDKAT::GALLUPWhat's your damage, Heather?Mon Jul 29 1991 14:2912
    saying DELETE MEMBER.........................
    It's felt SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good.....(I'm sure Jody feels the
    same way!)
12.1491JJLIET::JUDYBorn to be wild...Mon Jul 29 1991 14:375
    	that this is my last week before my two week vacation
    	on Prince Edward Island.....
12.1492GNUVAX::BOBBITTE Tenebris LuxMon Jul 29 1991 15:0313
re: .1490
>    It's felt SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good.....(I'm sure Jody feels the
>    same way!)
    It's freeing, but the old habits die hard.  I see things that need
    doing and I have to force myself not only not to do them, but not to
    tell the mods to do them.  
    control freaks "r" us!
12.1493GNUVAX::BOBBITTout of darkness, lightTue Jul 30 1991 17:1718
    finally achieving the audacity to stand in the front row of aerobics
    wearing my new T-shirt I got from the Museum of Science (they have a
    GEMS exhibit - (*attention Lorna!  GEMS!  You're gonna love it!*) which
    says on the back
    onwards and upwards!
12.1494Power Moves/Weights/Towels/Rubberbands/Theresa!MYGUY::LANDINGHAMMrs. KipTue Jul 30 1991 18:546
    I miss that spot!  I miss you, too!  Still doing 'robees, huh?  Some
    day I might be back...
12.1495BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfeet of clayWed Jul 31 1991 15:515
    I'm going to get my kids today!  I've loved having this week with just
    my husband and me.  But I miss the kids bigtime!
    now, to stay awake and alert all the way down to Springfield...
12.1496NOATAK::BLAZEKnature is a languageWed Jul 31 1991 16:037
    ... snugglesome bedtime stories.  =8-)
    ... feeling excitement for my new career path!
12.1497SMURF::CALIPH::binderSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisWed Jul 31 1991 16:566
...sittingin a car with a good friend, arguing about something that
seemed vitally important, and then breaking down into laughter when
we looked up at our reflections in the convex rearview mirror I've
installed, and read what was printed on the mirror frame:

	Objects in mirrir are closer than they appear
12.1498CALS::HEALEYDTN 297-2426 (was Karen Luby)Wed Jul 31 1991 17:147
... spoiling my husband rotten on his birthday.  We had a romantic picnic
at home (thought it might rain); shrimp cocktail, cheese and crackers,
strawberries, wine.  No birthday cake since we don't usually eat dessert
and I couldn't find fresh cupcakes.

12.1499WAHOO::LEVESQUEThey all lieThu Aug 01 1991 12:246
 Reading another conference that is often described as being inhabited by
bloodthirsty savages, there was a note regarding a horrible crime. Apparently
some sicko raped a deer, then killed it (it was in a zoo I guess.) And the
guys were reacting with horror to the crime. And one of them said "you know
what's really sick? This happens to women all the time." Amen! the beginning
of enlightenment.
12.1500GUESS::DERAMOYou can't teach an old dog new math.Thu Aug 01 1991 15:123
        ... giving in to temptation!
12.1501USWRSL::SHORTT_LATouch Too MuchThu Aug 01 1991 16:139
    This is actually a I really *loved*...Disneyland.  Stayed til
    1 in the morning on one of the two days I was in the park and
    rode all the nifty long line rides one after another.
    Neener, neener, neener!  ;^)
12.1502LRCSNL::WALESDavid from Down-underThu Aug 01 1991 21:319
    	You stayed until 1 in the morning???  We were planning on long days
    when visited Disneyland but that is unbelievable.  What time do they
    David.  (who also loves all the 'scary' rides and will stay until dawn
             if I can!)
12.1503USWRSL::SHORTT_LATouch Too MuchThu Aug 01 1991 21:4831
    They open at 0800 officially.  Unofficially they will open the front
    gates and let you into the Main Street area up to a half hour earlier.
    Get there early and eat breakfast at the Carnation House...great 
    waffles with marvelous atmosphere.
    More unasked for advice.
    Don't miss the Electrical light parade...it shows twice nightly.
    Catch the late (2300) show.  Go to dinner during the early (2100)
    show at the Blue Bayou Restaurant in New Orleans Square.
    Don't go on Splash Mountain until after dark when no one wants to
    get wet.  Lines can be up to 3 hours for this ride during daylight
    Hit the submarine ride after dark as well...better for the special
    Do your shopping and lunching at the Disneyland Motel...less crowds
    and the same merchandise.  Take the monorail over.
    Get a locker right when you enter the park...they are across the 
    street from the Carnation House near the ice cream shop.
    Have a great time!  If there is a Disney store near you, buy your 
    tickets there early so you only have to wait to get in, not wait to
    buy and then get in.
12.1504FDCV06::KINGIf the shoe fits... BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!Fri Aug 02 1991 12:075
    Re:1503 Just remember, where ever you buy the WDW tickets you will
    have to pay the FLa. tax on them. And you will not have to pay a state
    tax them.
12.1505GNUVAX::BOBBITTyes, yes, yes!Fri Aug 02 1991 12:1512
    jicama.  It's this white, crunchy, sweet potato from the Southwest.  My
    mom discovered them while out visiting friends in Arizona this spring.
    Does anyone know where to buy good jicama (she says it "hicummmuh") in
    the Worcester area?  I bought 2 at Super Stop & Shop in Westboro, one
    was fresh, but the other had brown spots.  I haven't been able to find
    them anywhere else, so I'm glad I found *some*....but any suggestions
    where else to look?
12.1506CARTUN::NOONANNo! No! No!Fri Aug 02 1991 15:129
    I just thought of something, Jody.
    Did you try Simple Enough?  Or how about The Living Earth?  They might
    have it.
    Also, the Star Market in Natick (next to the Natick Mall) has a large
    selection of "ethnic" vegetables.
    E Grace
12.1507GNUVAX::BOBBITTYes! Yes! Yes!Fri Aug 02 1991 16:187
    simple enough doesn't do live produce.  living earth might.
    I'll try Natick if I get in the area.  I was surprised the big
    supermarket near Lincoln Plaza didn't have any!
12.1508CARTUN::NOONANNo! No! No!Fri Aug 02 1991 16:293
    Oh, sorry.  Simple Enough used to do produce.  
    E Grace
12.1509GNUVAX::QUIRIYchristineFri Aug 02 1991 16:318
    I can't suggest anywhere in your area, Jody.  I've always wondered
    what you _do_ with jicama's, though.  Tell us how to eat them.
    Go to a market in an area with a significant latino population.
12.1510GNUVAX::BOBBITTYes! Yes! Yes!Fri Aug 02 1991 16:467
    I slice them up and eat them raw.  They're good sliced on the barbecue,
    and cut into shoestrings you can stir fry 'em or put 'em in a chicken
    or tuna salad.  They're probably also good baked like regular potatoes,
    or chunked on skewers in kebab fashion.
12.1511CFSCTC::MACKINJim Mackin, OO-R-USFri Aug 02 1991 17:054
    Haymarket in Boston might have them, too.  There's a significant section of
    Latino vegetables which names that I don't recognize.
12.1513buzzzzzzROYALT::SULLIVANStill singing for our livesFri Aug 02 1991 17:226
    My short haircut.  
    But I wish my tail would grow to be as long as Carla's.
12.1514JicamaOXNARD::HAYNESCharles HaynesFri Aug 02 1991 17:5811
Jicama is somewhat like a slightly sweet potato, with just a hint of the texture
of a parsnip or radish thrown in. It's good raw, like Jody said, or coarsely
grated into a salad.

One thing I use it for is as a replacement for water chestnuts in chinese
cooking. I find that it's better and much cheaper than canned water chestnuts.

Can't help you with where to find them out your way though. Here they're in
most every grocery store (ahhh... California!)

	-- Charles
12.1515success and reliefTLE::DBANG::carrollA woman full of fireFri Aug 02 1991 18:0713
...FINALLY tracking down a bug I have been beating my head against for over
a WEEK!!!

I was a little less than pleased that I found it purely by accident, while
trying random other things, but it works. Besides, I am told that tracking
down bugs "by accident" is a sign of experience, because those things that
seem random are really your "hunches" panning out...

Anyway, it's damn hard to track down a bug that you can't reproduce in
the debugger, and I'm glad THAT's done with! Whew! Now I can get on with

12.1516yum ^3CSC32::M_EVANSFri Aug 02 1991 18:279
    Try it peeled, drenched in lime juice and the outside edge rolled in
    chili powder.  Yum e3. 
    I can't help you out for the east coast, but if you ever get out to
    Colorado, I promise to have a good selection.
12.1517OXNARD::HAYNESCharles HaynesFri Aug 02 1991 18:275
> Whew! Now I can get on with life!

Better - get a real debugger. :-)

	-- Charles (who writes debuggers for a living.)
12.1518RAVEN1::AAGESENwatchthewizardbehindthecurtainTue Aug 06 1991 14:526
    ******************GREAT**************** news!!, on an otherwise mundain
    tuesday afternoon.
12.1519SA1794::CHARBONNDrevenge of the jalapenosWed Aug 07 1991 09:494
    ...sweatshirt mornings
    ...hearing an obscure-but-excellent song from the '60s and 
    feeling the years drop off 
12.1520NOATAK::BLAZEKhexenkultWed Aug 07 1991 14:286
    Dana, I love sweatshirt mornings too.  Like today.  We're
    even supposed to have thundershowers this afternoon.  Joy!
12.1521no more unseens :-)ZFC::deramoduly xnotedThu Aug 08 1991 01:243
...catching up in =wn= after falling four hundred some notes behind.

12.1522Moving right along...YUPPY::DAVIESASpirit in the NightThu Aug 08 1991 08:3312
    ....moving flat!
    I am ecstatically happy about it.
    Words fail me to describe the difference this is making to my life.
    Thing is, I gave my address to so many people (at the Party and such)
    that I can't remember all of you 8-}, so if anyone in here wants
    my new co-ordinates please drop me a line.
12.1523EVETPU::RUSTThu Aug 08 1991 17:146
    ...remembering to bring something to read while donating blood. (I
    recommend the vampire anthology, "Blood is Not Enough.") 
    Heh, heh, heh!
12.1525I want my old tub backCGVAX2::CONNELLCHAOS IS GREAT.Thu Aug 08 1991 19:0411
    Cheyenne, I'm jealous. A claw-footed bathtub. I mis the soaks. Showers
    are nice. But a deep long soak in water so hot, that you turn red and
    come out steaming. I used to read for hours in that tub. The water
    would get cold. I'd actually start shivering and then I would empty the
    tub and fill it again with hot hot HOT water and stay another hour. 
    The tub was ruined and tossed out during our fire back in '79. We now
    have a cheap shallow tub and shower.
    PH(who wants a HOT soak so deep that he can go completely under water
    and so badly that he can feel the heat and steam)
12.1527CGVAX2::CONNELLCHAOS IS GREAT.Thu Aug 08 1991 19:145
    Thank you Cheyenne. 3000 miles for a hot soak. hhhmmmmm. It might be
    worth it, if I could afford the plane fare. :-)
    PJ(Who signed the last note PH for some unconcious silly reason that
    even he can't figure out)
12.1528PH (Please help!)MISERY::WARD_FRGoing HOME---as an Adventurer!Thu Aug 08 1991 20:029
    re: .1527  (PhilJC)
        Maybe because you were thinking about pH balancing of your
    skin in Cheyenne's bathtub?  (I mean, you have to account for the
    goosebumps somehow, don't you?)
12.1529ZFC::deramoduly xnotedThu Aug 08 1991 21:264
A long phone call from a friend.

12.1530CARTUN::NOONANDing Dong...Avon callingFri Aug 09 1991 14:091
    ...starting my day with my two favorite people!
12.1531BUSY::KATZStarving Hysterical NakedFri Aug 09 1991 17:176
    when I get a memo saying my group has a meeting in the "Cheyenne
    Conference Room"
    ;-) ;-) ;-)
12.153332FAR::LERVINRoots &amp; WingsFri Aug 09 1991 18:126
    ....when my vacation starts in less than 2 hours.
    I look at my noting in 957 and I say to myself..."Ervin, you *need* a
12.1534NiceREGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Fri Aug 09 1991 18:127
    Note 13.1496 -- Good for you, Mary.
    Hearing that Edgar Winters will be in concert somewhere.  I knew
    in 1989 that he was trying a comeback; it's nice to know he is
    						Ann B.
12.1535Even betterREGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Fri Aug 09 1991 18:2332
    ... having a surprise party come off as planned.
    Yesterday was Tim's 30th birthday.  Last year we'd taken part in a
    friend's surprise party, and Tim remarked that he thought it was
    a great idea, and that *he* had never had a surprise party thrown
    for him.
    So.  I consulted with Suford, who had done an Incredible job for
    Tony's surprise 50th birthday party.  (Chinese restaurant, sixty
    people, a dragon dance, speeches and reminiscences going back to
    college days....)  We agreed on the nature of the surprise.
    So, after we had mowed the lawn (his idea), and eaten the lobster
    (ditto), we settled down to an evening of couch potatohood.  The
    phone rang.  It was my parents, wishing him a happy birthday.  (This
    made sure that he was downstairs, away from the computers.)  Then
    Rick came to the door with a problem for both of us,
    and then the house was filled with people shooting him with squirt
    guns!  I handed him one and stood back.  (There weren't enough to
    go around, and I couldn't decide which side I should be on anyhow.)
    When that stopped, I got the cake and soda out of the back of my
    car, lit the candles, and we sang Happy Birthday until he made a
    wish and blew them all out!  The smoke alarm didn't even go off.
    People gave him presents (books), and I gave him cards, one from me
    and one with greetings from people at the meeting the previous evening,
    which I had collected behind his back.
    He has vowed revenge.
    						Ann B.
12.1536ELMAGO::SMAYNARDTaraeFri Aug 09 1991 19:153
    ... my new house!!!!!!!!
12.1537GNUVAX::BOBBITTan insurmountable opportunityFri Aug 09 1991 20:057
    having a book I've been training to rewrite and then updating since
    last fall go into Final Production.
12.1538Melon for breakfast todayYUPPY::DAVIESASpirit in the NightMon Aug 12 1991 10:2310
    ....totally unexpected housewarming deliveries.
    Especially when drinkable (either because it came in a bottle
    or because I've got a juicer....)
    THANKYOU!!!!  mystery heartwarmer...
12.1539GNUVAX::BOBBITTYup! Yup! Yup!Mon Aug 12 1991 11:218
    finding new friends.
    getting a call from my sister.
    surviving personal upheavals, and realizing "this too shall pass"
12.1540BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfeet of clayMon Aug 12 1991 11:507
    Adam being well enough to go to visit his grandmother this week.  at
    seeing a rainbow -- both ends of it -- as I drove to work this morning.
    flocks of baby robins all over the lawn, under the protective eyes of
    their parents.
12.1541whew!MR4DEC::HETRICKMon Aug 12 1991 12:4212
    The Pan Mass Challenge...
    This weekend, I rode in a 192 mile bike marathon from Sturbridge to
    Provincetown to benefit the Jimmy Fund.  It was my first time 
    participating, the event was terrific, the staff was wonderful,
    I raised $1600 for a great cause...and I feel really good about it.
    Unfortunately, every muscle in my body hurts today...but I'll be 
    riding again next year!
    Ellen Gugel:  didn't I see you on the list of DEC riders?  How'd you
     like it?
12.1542BLUMON::GUGELAdrenaline: my drug of choiceMon Aug 12 1991 13:1315
    Let's just say I was overwhelmed (in a good way).  This event is
    a "must-see-to-believe" event.  I've been bicycling for 7 years
    and have done over a dozen organized century rides and weekend
    things, but never in my "bicycling" life could I have conceived of
    anything like this, of this magnitude.
    Ptown was stretched to the breaking point with over 1100 riders and
    500 volunteers crashing at the Ptown Inn.
    I'll be sending a more detailed trip report out by mail to all
    my donors as well.
    I was sorry to have missed you, Cheryl.
12.1543WLDKAT::GALLUPWhat's your damage, Heather?Mon Aug 12 1991 13:1533
    ....my weekend at the Ben & Jerry's Folk Festival.
    It was buckets of rain all the way to the RI border, then, miraculously
    the sun came out and it was blue skies the rest of the day.
    Despite the fact that I'd badly sprained my ankle and was hobbling
    around, I enjoyed the show!  Suzanne Vega was excellent, the
    MacGarrigle's were excellent and the Indigo Girls were phenominal.
    Everyone there was wonderful, we brought a huge tarp and spread it out
    for everyone to join us on it (the ground was really wet).  Then we
    blew up a huge Flipper and used him as our backrest (all the kids
    around us loved us!).
    I think the best part of the day was when the show was over and I was
    about the die because of my ankle.  The line for the Water Taxi out of
    the park was about 750 people long......so we radioed our "taxi
    service" (my boyfriend works for the Harbormaster's office).  I got to
    hobble to the front of the line and get door to door service without
    It felt so good to get home and off my foot, but at the same time the
    traffic was STILL leaving the park at about 8-9 pm (2-3 hours AFTER the
    show was over).  I felt SOOOO sorry for those people!  (Newport is not
    made for traffic).
    What was even better was the evening sail around the harbor and out
    into the ocean later that night.  It was a BEAUTIFUL evening!
12.1544CARTUN::NOONANNope! Nope! Nope!Mon Aug 12 1991 13:156
    Cheryl and Ellen,
    As someone who has lost a number of relatives to cancer, I thank you
    from the bottom of my heart for this.
    E Grace
12.1545GNUVAX::BOBBITTYup! Yup! Yup!Mon Aug 12 1991 13:2421
re: .1543
>    It felt so good to get home and off my foot, but at the same time the
>    traffic was STILL leaving the park at about 8-9 pm (2-3 hours AFTER the
>    show was over).  I felt SOOOO sorry for those people!  (Newport is not
>    made for traffic).
    Well, we walked out while the Indigo Girls were singing "Uncle John's
    Band".  I assume they followed with "closer to fine" which seems to be
    a tune they always (thank the goddess) sing once per show. We had
    parked about a mile or two away and walked out, then cut away from the
    main traffic and took local streets with the help of my Rand McNally
    and avoided most of the traffic.  Yeah, we got out of Newport by around
    8:15 or so.  
    I spent a lot of the day just laying down and listening.  I'm on a
    dastardly schedule on my current project (no that was the LAST project
    that went to production last Friday), and it felt great to unwind and
12.1548perfect timingRAVEN1::AAGESENit'snotwhatido-it'swhoiamMon Aug 12 1991 14:138
    ...getting this handy dandy rand mcnally roadmap from DEC (for
    gadzillion site safety hours) right before i expect to do some road
    now i don't have to guess about how far it might be from louisiana to
    florida! {-:
12.1549it wasn't and exaltation of larks but...BENONI::JIMCillegitimi non insectusMon Aug 12 1991 14:1616
    Hiking in the mountains.  Adding two more to my 4000 ft club goal
    (Jackson & Pierce).
    The smell of the air, the sounds of only natural things and the
    pleasant people one meets upont the trail.
    But most of all, I LOVE it when I am alone (it never seems to work for
    an audience 8-{    ) and I call a flock of Boreal Chickadees Ruby
    Crowned Kinglets to me.  They flit so close that I can hear the thrum
    of their wings beating.  It really makes me feel special to be able to
    look at a little bird sitting less than two feet away and know it is
    not afraid of me.  I keep hoping that they will actually land on my
    shoulders or head someday.
12.1550LJOHUB::CRITZMon Aug 12 1991 14:328
    	...seeing Cathy Ellis ride during RAAM '91. As things
    	turned out, she won. She looked motivated every time
    	we passed her.
    	I wish we coulda been in Savannah to see her cross
    	the line.
12.1551I think it's fun...EDWIN::WAYLAY::GORDONOf course we have secrets...Mon Aug 12 1991 14:397
	... that after feeling lousy for four days, I felt well enough to go to
the ASF strike/hang (lighting for you non-theater techies) last night and
worked for almost five solid hours (got home about 2:45 a.m.) and felt great.

	I'm actually pretty alert today considering...

12.1552WLDKAT::GALLUPWhat's your damage, Heather?Mon Aug 12 1991 15:2115
    RE: .1545
    >Well, we walked out while the Indigo Girls were singing "Uncle John's
    >    Band".  I assume they followed with "closer to fine" which seems
    >    to be a tune they always (thank the goddess) sing once per show.
    Unfortunately, no....  Uncle John's Band was the closing song.  They
    never sang Closer to Fine.
12.1553BUSY::KATZStarving Hysterical NakedMon Aug 12 1991 15:324
    ...spending Saturday night dancing util my legs didn't want to move
    anymore!  whee -- what a night!
12.1554NOATAK::BLAZEKa new moon, a warm sunMon Aug 12 1991 15:4613
    Daniel, that was me last night!
    One of those magical segments of life.
    Fluidity between musical expressions, dizzy freedom, slow dance
    crawls, sweaty kisses, and today, the penance of burning thighs
    and crimson eyes.
    Well worth it, I daresay.
12.1555WAHOO::LEVESQUEA question of balance...Mon Aug 12 1991 15:571
 Gobs of lobstah...
12.1556Even read a little, too! B-)BOOVX2::MANDILEBut ma, it followed me home....honest!Mon Aug 12 1991 19:176
    A feeling of accomplishment.....vacation gave me the time
    to do some things I wanted to do, and also some things I
    had to do....plus I had an excellent time with my sister
    on her visit "home" from TX.
12.1558GNUVAX::BOBBITTYup! Yup! Yup!Mon Aug 12 1991 20:4912
    when I spend several hours tagging multiple chapters in VAX Document
    and it runs FLAWLESSLY the first time.
    It will *N*E*V*E*R* happen again, I'm sure, but still.
    Like the time my grandfather, a lifelong bridgeplayer (and still is)
    was dealt a hand that was nothing but spades.  ALL the spades.  Never
    happens twice.
12.1559NOATAK::BLAZEKa new moon, a warm sunMon Aug 12 1991 20:5610
    Jody, how impressive!
    I've been battling a zillion mile long table in VAX Document all 
    afternoon and am about ready to burst into tears.
    With an aching back and a crabby mood,
12.1560GNUVAX::BOBBITTYup! Yup! Yup!Mon Aug 12 1991 21:356
    send me the file, and the .log file, and the doctype and I'll give it a
    run thru in the a.m. if you like!
12.1561NOATAK::BLAZEKa new moon, a warm sunMon Aug 12 1991 21:378
    If I don't get a successful pass this afternoon, I'll take you
    up on that, sweet sister.
    Thanks for your support.
    Carla with DOC$*.LOG's in her eyes
12.1562Wish you were still on the Net, man...YUPPY::DAVIESASpirit in the NightTue Aug 13 1991 06:403
    ...a wonderful Friday night with a dear friend.
12.1563WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesTue Aug 13 1991 11:479
    Seeing my parents and my two sisters and three nieces and one nephew
    this weekend in Virginia. Swiming with, talking with and hugging
    my sisters.
    Seeing my granddaugther Canaan, and her parents on the trip back.
    Getting baby chewed, kissed, etc. Playing with Canaan (peek a boo,
    drop the toy, blow the belly button.)
12.1564BTOVT::THIGPEN_SungleTue Aug 13 1991 14:545
    wild blackberries, for snack last night, on cereal this morning, for
    dessert at lunch...  then I'll have to pick some more tonight!
12.1565NOATAK::BLAZEKhandprints and knees in the dewTue Aug 13 1991 15:039
    Sara, they're ripening on the bushes in my area too.  Even saw
    a couple squished ones on the ground last night.  I can't wait
    until more have ripened and I can go berry pickin'.
12.1566we don' need no steenkin' compassSA1794::CHARBONNDrevenge of the jalapenosTue Aug 13 1991 15:533
    reminds me, Sunday I took a wrong turn hiking and found myself
    in an enormous patch of blueberries and huckleberries. Didn't
    even pull out the map for thirty minutes ;-)
12.1567mmmmm for blueberries too!BTOVT::THIGPEN_SungleTue Aug 13 1991 16:106
    yah, there're wild  blueberries in among the blackberries.  only
    trouble is, the blackberry thorns are vicious! and the blueberry bushes
    are the little kind, and you have to reach down through the thorns to
    get at them!
12.1568even when they switch defenders...WAHOO::LEVESQUEA question of balance...Tue Aug 13 1991 17:201
 Scoring at will.
12.1569GNUVAX::BOBBITTYup! Yup! Yup!Tue Aug 13 1991 17:367
    er, "scoring at will"?
    sounds like a REAL useful skill ;)
12.1570Where there's a Will ...CUPMK::SLOANEIs communcation the key?Tue Aug 13 1991 17:421
Yeah? And how does Will feel about it?
12.1571A new home!MRKTNG::GOLDMANThrough a window...Wed Aug 14 1991 00:5512
    	...finding *THE* house to rent!!!  Wheeeeeeee!!!  

    	And it's on Wychwood Heights - we knew it'd be perfect just
    hearing the name of the street!! ;^)


    (Funny how you can get a feeling about a place before visiting it....
    then see it and just instinctively *know* it's right!)

12.1572TAY hoops; tuesdays and thursdays...WAHOO::LEVESQUEA question of balance...Wed Aug 14 1991 01:165
    re: Jody
     I knew it was going to be my day when the first three pointer hit
    nothing but net. My defender got a very unhappy look on his face. I
    tried not to gloat. Sorta. 8^)
12.1573GNUVAX::BOBBITTYup! Yup! Yup!Wed Aug 14 1991 11:319
    *oh!  THAT kind of scoring!*
    p.s.  HOUSE!  PSYCH!  
12.1574BTOVT::THIGPEN_SungleWed Aug 14 1991 12:0311
    actually I have sort of mixed feelings about this, kind of amused mixed
    with exasperated mixed with 'oh no not yet' mixed with laughter.
    The kids are in s.e.Mass w/Nana, who took them shopping yesterday. 
    Nana let Tracy, who just turned 9, talk her into getting not one but
    two bras.
    What AM I going to do with that child???!?!!?!??
12.1575Well, there you are!REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Wed Aug 14 1991 12:046
    Being greeted at the door by the cat I'm babysitting.  She didn't
    show at all yesterday, despite being perennially starved for affection,
    so I spent about half an hour, prowling the house, checking the
    windows, and calling her, both inside and out.
    						Ann B.
12.1576Sigh!BSS::VANFLEETTime for a cool change...Wed Aug 14 1991 15:262
...welcome home evenings with my sweetie!  It's not so great having him gone
so long but the homecomings are incredible!  :-)  
12.1577GNUVAX::BOBBITTso wired I could broadcast...Wed Aug 14 1991 18:598
    that I'm going away on vacation next week.
    to Maine.
    there's no lullaby like the sea.
12.1578NOATAK::BLAZEKhandprints and knees in the dewWed Aug 14 1991 20:1710
    . . . the strength of women's voices today.
    To me, it hasn't felt so pro-woman and powerful and cohesive in 
    here since National Coming Out Day, last October.
    I like it a lot.  =8-)
12.1579N2ITIV::LEErunnin' down a dreamWed Aug 14 1991 21:0617
>    that I'm going away on vacation next week.
>    to Maine.
>    yay.

	Me Too! 

>    there's no lullaby like the sea.

	and nothing quite like watching the stars while floating
	on your back in a glass-still lake.  :*]


12.1580ASIC::BARTOOBirds of Prey know they're coolWed Aug 14 1991 22:0611
    Seeing a Digital Equipment Corporation 18-wheeler pulled over by
    Massachusetts' finest on 495.
    Which moves data faster?  Easynet bit-by-bit, or a truck loaded with mag
    tapes, barrelling down the highway at 70 mphs.
12.1581OXNARD::HAYNESCharles HaynesWed Aug 14 1991 22:2210
> Which moves data faster?  Easynet bit-by-bit, or a truck loaded with mag
> tapes, barrelling down the highway at 70 mphs.

Are we talking latency or bandwidth? For bandwidth it used to be a freight
train full of tapes. Nowadays it might be full of CD-ROMs.

But the latency is pretty bad. :-)

	-- Charles

12.1582being back!HARDY::BUNNELLThu Aug 15 1991 11:319
    Being back in wmnotes after 3+ years. The women here are strong and
    intelligent and caring. And they don't put up with CRAP!
    And people here have read 'Womens Reality'; its so hard to find women
    I'm so glad I came back!
12.1583WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesThu Aug 15 1991 11:513
    welcome back Hannah  ;-)
12.1584Yippeeee!!!!!!!!!RDGENG::LIBRARYunconventional conventionalistThu Aug 15 1991 12:304
    I'm now stunningly, amazingly happy, because I passed an
    Alice T. 
12.1585I'm happy todayKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideThu Aug 15 1991 13:4112
    I am ecstatic today!  I've got a very special new someone in my life!
    I have new work responsibilities that are scaring/exciting the h*ll
    out of me!
    I've got tomorrow off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
12.1586NOATAK::BLAZEKhandprints and knees in the dewThu Aug 15 1991 14:1113
    . . . preparing for my class reunion this weekend.  This will
    be _quite_ interesting!
    My girlfriend jokingly offered to wear a black leather mini-
    skirt, pink-white lipstick, and chew a big wad of bubble gum,
    but I think we're now going for a more subtle, chic, natural
    approach.  =8-)
    Coming out to the past in a big way!
12.1587reowRAB::KARDONFine wine and chloroformThu Aug 15 1991 14:129
    Starting this Saturday night, I'm watching a pair of cats for my friend
    Cori for a week.
    One of these days, I'm going to move in to an apartment where I can
    have cats myself.
12.1588GNUVAX::BOBBITTso wired I could broadcast...Thu Aug 15 1991 14:276
    I really love....kicking serious documentational butt.
12.1589BOOVX1::MANDILEBut ma, it followed me home,honest!Thu Aug 15 1991 14:328
    Re .1587
    You can come over and visit my 5 cats anytime...
    they love company! ;-)
12.1590So there.REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Thu Aug 15 1991 15:3112
    ... getting the October "Analog", and getting it earlier than I
    expected.  Finding out that _Barrayar_ ends with an epilogue
    containing (a five-year old, appallingly mobile) Miles!
    ... hearing on the radio that there has been a reconciliation between
    Texas and Massachusetts.  Texans had been claiming that the
    Conquistadors had held the first Thanksgiving in April, 1592.  To
    celebrate the raprochement, a group of conquistadors will come to
    Massachusetts, be met by a group of Pilgrims, served lunch, given
    presents, and then be arrested and tried for blasphemy.
    						Ann B.
12.1591RAB::KARDONFine wine and chloroformThu Aug 15 1991 17:164
    Well, HRH, I just might do that...providing you live in the
    Nashua/Boston area.
12.1592Scotland--land of my ancestorsKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideThu Aug 15 1991 17:286
    Receiving the most charming letter from a servicemember from Scotland!
    He replied to my sons and I (who wrote a letter back in April to
    foreign servicemembers in the Gulf War) He was very witty, literate,
    and just plain *nice*.  What a treat!
12.1593StarborneYUPPY::DAVIESASpirit in the NightFri Aug 16 1991 10:508
    ..my plane tickets arrived!!
    Only ten days to go till I fly...
    Just can't stay away from the USA 8-}
12.1594BTOVT::THIGPEN_SungleFri Aug 16 1991 12:229
    ...that my kids are coming home today.  I've had almost a month (in
    total) away from them this summer. I'm not gonna let them go away from
    me again for a very very long time.  Guess I'm a Real Mom now.
    I also love finding out that there are two!! =wn=ers from my home
    territory -- Dana, I knew about, but Debbie, apologies for not noticing
    before!  I used to love Eastern States Exp.  Went to the horse show
    every year when I was a kid.
12.1595SA1794::CHARBONNDrevenge of the jalapenosFri Aug 16 1991 16:022
    Prob'ly more, but most 'Free State of Berkshire'-ites keep
    a low profile ;-)
12.1596CUPMK::SLOANECommunication is the keyFri Aug 16 1991 17:083
    Raging hormones - mine and other people's.
12.1597BTOVT::THIGPEN_SungleFri Aug 16 1991 18:227
    did I say that I'm off for a week's vacation??  Lakeview Cottage, good
    beach, county fair, mountains to climb, no terminal for a week -- eek!
    have fun, folks, see you soon!
12.1598Now on to Branching instructionsCSCMA::BARBER_MINGOExclusivityFri Aug 16 1991 21:226
    That Macro programs make sense when compiled, and broken down in
    the debugger.  Some of the higher languages make much more sense
    It is mind expanding.
12.1599ZFC::deramoI'll be back!Fri Aug 16 1991 23:104
That feeling of anticipation you get when a long sought after
goal is just sooooo close....

12.1600did I?TLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireFri Aug 16 1991 23:443
    ...doing it...
12.1601EDPDMAI::DAWSONA Different LightSat Aug 17 1991 15:518
               *FINALLY* getting a real-life, in-person hug from
    E....Though I was a "bit" intimadated at her physical strength. ;^)
    Dave.....who still has sore ribs.
         *OOPS*.....back out!
12.1602CALS::MALINGMirthquake!Sat Aug 17 1991 18:3211
    > Which moves data faster?  Easynet bit-by-bit, or a truck loaded with mag
    > tapes, barrelling down the highway at 70 mphs.
    Yesterday I was in Chelmsford trying to copy a file from Marlboro. 
    I issued the copy command waited about half an hour and saw that
    it wasn't too swift.  I left the net copy going, drove to Marlboro,
    scrounged up a TK50 drive, mounted it on the machine, copyed the
    file to a tape, drove back to Chelmsford, loaded the file there and
    the net copy was only 40% done.
12.1603Autumn..My Favorite Season\USCTR2::DONOVANSun Aug 18 1991 03:4512
       -country fairs
       -fresh apples
       -sweater weather
       -Labor Day parades
       -new notebooks and pencils for school
    I really love the fall.
12.1604can you tell I drove down the coast from Maine today?CARTUN::NOONANincipient hysteriaMon Aug 19 1991 02:098
    ...the New England coast.
    mmmmmmmmm.....beautifully harsh, gloriously strong!
    E Grace
12.1605still pinned backSA1794::CHARBONNDrevenge of the jalapenosMon Aug 19 1991 09:544
    *finally* getting to see "Terminator 2" 
    Awesome. Unless the people who vote the Oscar are totally out
    of it, Linda Hamilton will get Best Actress hands down.
12.1606Welcome backCSC32::M_EVANSTue Aug 20 1991 11:398
    Having womannotes back on line.  You never know what you have until you
    don't have it for a while.  Did everyone ride the storm out there ok?
    (Colorado Springs doesn't have hurricanes, just an average of 43 
    lightning ground strikes a day and lately it has been 86)
12.160743406::LIBRARYunconventional conventionalistTue Aug 20 1991 11:524
    UK doesn't have hurricaines either - why can't the USA be more
    Alice T.
12.1608:-)NOVA::FISHERRdb/VMS DinosaurTue Aug 20 1991 12:315
    It's [almost] only the East Coast US that has hurricanes.  I guess
    New England just had its first himicane.  :-)
12.1609Chimes at TenYUPPY::DAVIESASouthern comfort - Tennessee platesTue Aug 20 1991 13:046
    phone calls! 
12.1610a day late, due to the hurricaneWMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesTue Aug 20 1991 13:295
    Being treated to a wonderful weekend by a really wonderful woman.
    thankyou again!
12.1611get a job!!MR4DEC::HETRICKPMC '91!!!!!Tue Aug 20 1991 14:028
    Getting a new job!!!!
    what a relief...now, i only hope nothing happens to the organization
    between  now and when the paperwork goes through!!!
12.1613USWRSL::SHORTT_LATouch Too MuchTue Aug 20 1991 16:437
    Finding the house we want (4 bedroom spanish villa on 2 acres) and
    putting the money down!  Moving date in Spetember.
12.1614congrats!WAHOO::LEVESQUEA question of balance...Tue Aug 20 1991 17:033
> wahhhhooooooooo!!!!!

12.1615NOATAK::BLAZEKbells ring, maypoles spinTue Aug 20 1991 22:0112
    . . . bacon, lettuce, tomato, and cream cheese sandwiches on fresh 
    sourdough bread.  My mouth is already watering.
    . . . swapping all sorts of healing things with my not-so-new-but-
    deepening-by-the-day special mailfriend.  Hi Werdna!  =8-)
    . . . my bright new flannel sheets and new flannel duvet cover.  I
    can't wait for those cold, wet wintery nights!
12.1616No more new notes ?!?STAR::GOLDENBERGRuth GoldenbergWed Aug 21 1991 21:445
    finally caught up after months of being thousands of notes behind...
    just in time to go off on 3 weeks of vacation.
12.1617New shirtVINO::LANGELOFluffy Flirting OutlawThu Aug 22 1991 01:465
    ...a tee-shirt my friend gave me which says "Fresh Baked Buns".
    ...wearing this shirt to Indigo last saturday night ;-)
12.1618CSC32::CONLONShe sells C shells by the C store.Thu Aug 22 1991 02:1721
    	... Ryan ...
    	We're going through this horrendous move right now, so he is
    	staying at the home of a friend of his (who is also in college
    	and who lives with his parents, too.)
    	Every time I call over there in the late afternoon or early
    	evening, the friend's Mom answers and tells me "Ryan is right
    	here."  (Ryan has spent a lot of time talking to her - and
    	when I called last night, they were playing Monopoly.  Ryan's
    	friend was at his evening job.)
    	Kudos to my 20 year old youngster who can see someone else's
    	Mother as a person worth knowing in her own right (and not just
    	some Mom-type person to be ignored.)  Ditto for the friend's Dad.
    	She's told me that Ryan can stay there as long as he likes -
    	but I'm going to get him back to live with me even if I have to
    	wrestle Richard's parents to the ground for him.  :-)  (And I
    	won't take a trade...) :)
12.1619WFOV11::BAIRDIwonderifIcouldbeyourmiracle?Thu Aug 22 1991 07:329
    ...yea, Laurie, I liked your shirt too!  It went well with my
    "Button Your Fly!" T-shirt!!!  ;-)
    ...ILIW I have a great time with friends at the beach and at Indigo's,
    thanks all!!
12.1620JJLIET::JUDYBorn to be wild...Thu Aug 22 1991 11:3210
    	....having my picture taken with an 11 week old siberian
    		tiger on my last day of vacation.  (They were at
    		a mall on Prince Edward Island raising money
    		for the Int'l Wildlife Foundation (or a name
    		similar to that))
12.1621you *imp*, you! (*8 CARTUN::NOONANNot your typical Avon LadyThu Aug 22 1991 11:523
    ...Laurie's new p_name!
    E Grace
12.1622...and Boggle is even better!CARTUN::NOONANNot your typical Avon LadyThu Aug 22 1991 12:385
    ...playing Trivial Pursuit with my sweetie!
    E Grace
12.1623DEMING::VALENZAToo thick to staple.Thu Aug 22 1991 13:183
    That's only because you usually win.  :-)
    -- Mike
12.1624*flutter*CARTUN::NOONANNot your typical Avon LadyThu Aug 22 1991 13:561
12.1625NOATAK::BLAZEKbells ring, maypoles spinThu Aug 22 1991 14:338
    . . . that Diana Carroll and I are going to be in Amsterdam at
    the same time next month!
    Yes!  PSYCH!  Yowza!
12.1626it just doesn't get any better than this!TLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireThu Aug 22 1991 14:549
    That Carla and I are going to be in Amsterdam at the same time!!!
    It WILL happen.  The Universe is on our side.  (However, all positive
    energy anyone wants to send our way to compensate for the 10% chance or
    so that this *won't* happen would be greatly appreciated.)
    WWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!  Yippppeeeeeee!!!!!!!
12.1627ABSISG::THIBAULTLand of ConfusionThu Aug 22 1991 16:273
...that Bonnie Raitt is coming to town (Nahsua) next week!

12.1628BIG Mommy smiles!!!BSS::VANFLEETTime for a cool change...Thu Aug 22 1991 19:251
...that Emily is coming home tonight!  :-)  :-)
12.1629Rug rats...but I love 'umVINO::LANGELOFluffy Flirting OutlawFri Aug 23 1991 01:5025
    ...having my three nephews and sister over tonight. They range in age
    from 3-6. What a bunch of terrors they are (problem child X 3). Now I
    know why my sister is so tired all the time! One will be throwing
    something, another one will be disconnecting my phone and then the
    other one will be splitting coke all over the floor %-/ You need about
    six arms,legs and heads to keep them all under control.
    Hee,hee...and my poor cats %-) My nephews ran into the house screaming
    at the top of their lungs wanting to see my cats. Of course, the cats,
    smart beings that they are ;-), ran upstairs and hid. My nephews run up
    after them and one poor cat came barrelling down the stairs, all her
    fur on end, her ears back, a look of total terror in her eyes and
    crouching close to the ground. I've never seen her move so fast!!
    I'm starting to figure out a few ways to keep them under control
    though. Like telling them we're going to go on a treasure hunt in my
    basement. Or showing them the scars on my body and telling them I got
    them when I worked on a pirate ship hunting down treasures and fighting
    ...my nephews and sister come into my bathroom and discover some tub
    blocks next to my tub. All four of them couldn't believe that they were
    really *mine*. They have the exact same toy ;-)
    the Outlaw
12.1630Just trivial stuffVINO::LANGELOFluffy Flirting OutlawFri Aug 23 1991 04:0116
.1623 (Mike)
>>>    That's only because you usually win.  :-)
    Hey, Mike, if you ever get tired of losing to E at the game just let me
    know. I'm always available to play with E...
    at trivial pursuit of course ;-)
    Uh oh...better go back into hiding. Someone bring me some more
    ammunition will yah'.
    the Outlaw
12.1631WFOV11::BAIRDIwonderifIcouldbeyourmiracle?Fri Aug 23 1991 04:0513
    ...hearing from an old friend that I haven't seen for *years*!!
    ...meeting her for dinner and catching up on each other's lives.
    ...that getting in touch with old friends (the second in less than
    a month!), means getting back in touch with myself after the break
    ...also, I *really* LIW I make some *new* friends along the way!!! :-)
12.1632JURAN::VALENZAToo stapled to note.Fri Aug 23 1991 11:333
    Re: .1630 (the Outlaw)
12.1633CARTUN::NOONANNot your typical Avon LadyFri Aug 23 1991 18:1010
    ...goin' to spend the weekend with Jody, far away from the madding (and
    bickering) crowd!!!!!!!
    E Grace
12.1634JJLIET::JUDYBorn to be wild...Fri Aug 23 1991 20:019
    	...taking a walk down to the duck pond after a 3 week 
    	hiatus and finding at least twice as many mallard ducks
    	and having found Canadian Geese, seagulls, and two white geese
    	joined them!
12.1635TALK::THIGPENI'm the journeyMon Aug 26 1991 13:443
    I'm back!
    hi folks. nice vacation.  but too short.
12.1636note .1635!CARTUN::NOONANHot CoffeeMon Aug 26 1991 13:541
12.1637NOATAK::BLAZEKbells ring, maypoles spinMon Aug 26 1991 14:085
    . . . flowing with the full sturgeon moon.
12.1638touch-oriented to the end ...MEMIT::JOHNSTONbean sidheMon Aug 26 1991 14:437
     ... soft yarn, unique and interesting threads, jewel-toned fabrics and
         time to interact with them
     ... [always] Milo & Cardigan; a.k.a. 'The Boy' and 'The Cosmic
    	 Dust-Kitten'; to wit, my lying fur-bags
12.1639I should probably get my Discperson fixed...EDWIN::WAYLAY::GORDONOf course we have secrets...Mon Aug 26 1991 15:086
	...nabbing a 'spare' (at least this week) RRD42 and having WAYLAY
	   play CDs for me through headphones I won at a radio station
	   give-away at Lechmere a few weeks back.

12.1640WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesMon Aug 26 1991 15:584
    Having lunch with my 19 year old son on his birthday today and
    with his younger brother.
12.1641these are a few of my favorite things...BSS::VANFLEETTime for a cool change...Mon Aug 26 1991 17:139
...having a birthday party for Emily with family and my S.O.

...realizing that my being in a relationship isn't going to bother Emily!  I
was *so* worried that she'd be jealous or feel I was deserting her for some-
one else. She was playing footsies with Randy at the dinner table yesterday 
(she is very touchy-feely when she really likes somebody) and he totally
won her over when he got out his "Super Mario Brothers" for her last night! 

...being (gasp!) in love!
12.1642thought you were lost in the woodsSA1794::CHARBONNDrevenge of the jalapenosTue Aug 27 1991 11:361
    Joyce is back!
12.1643Leavin' on a jet plane...PAILUM::STODDARDJust toolin' around...Tue Aug 27 1991 12:599
    My vacation starts a 5:00 pm today.  My wife and kids and I leave
    tomorrow for Florida for three days on a friends boat and a week at
    Disney World.  Yea!!!!!!!
    Have a GREAT day!
    Pete (who's gonna' have a lot of catchup reading to do when he gets
12.1644Yay!KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideTue Aug 27 1991 13:207
    Becoming an Aunt for the first time!!!!  It's gonna happen today!
    Finally , someone else in the family is having the baby, not ME!
    Can't wait!!
12.1645vroom, vroom! (Oh, yeah, and I need to tune it up, also)CARTUN::NOONANHot coffee....Tue Aug 27 1991 13:4713
    ...my car!  This past weekend, it got *37* miles/gallon!!!!!
    	Now, before anyone decides to one-up me with tales of cars that get
    120 mpg, which I really don't want to read, let me explain that my car
    is 10 years old and has 83,000 miles on its engine, and I was just 
    thrilled to pieces with its performance!
    E Grace
12.1646SMURF::CALIPH::binderSine tituloTue Aug 27 1991 14:117
Well done, E's car, whatever your name is!  But I imagine some of the
credit for your frugality should be laid to E's credit, for it is she
who cares for you and (maybe) gives you Ehugs of encouragement.

Hugs, E - pass them on.

12.1647Ha ha! now I miss him again - don't worry, I'm smilingRDGENG::LIBRARYunconventional conventionalistTue Aug 27 1991 14:415
    I saw Garrick (my fiance) this weekend!!!! He was just wonderful. And
    he's got a new haircut (but that's irrelevant, I know) - it's _really_
    short and it suits him beautifully.
    Alice T.
12.1648BTOVT::THIGPEN_Stangled upTue Aug 27 1991 14:443
    I really love jimc's pname -- the Knight of the Woeful Countenance!
    I *love* Man of La Mancha!
12.1650CARTUN::NOONANHot coffee....Tue Aug 27 1991 17:027
    ...my new glasses!  purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
12.1651TERZA::ZANEfor who you areTue Aug 27 1991 17:113
    sunny Colorado afternoons.

12.1652After beingout for 2 weeks..DENVER::DOROTue Aug 27 1991 20:374
    Catching up on =wn= !!
12.1653GNUVAX::BOBBITTand cool conversationWed Aug 28 1991 03:396
    re: 13.1603
    being rescued by a tall man with long black hair and blue eyes.
12.1654GNUVAX::BOBBITTand cool conversationWed Aug 28 1991 13:0516
    Moo ha ha!  The unstoppable escort RETURNS! (with a new battery).
    p.s.  first rescue attempt to my battery last night failed because
    neither of us knew to leave the batteries connected for a few minutes
    to allow the battery in my car to charge before trying to start the
    car.  Second rescue attempt from a mechanic-type friend began with me
    trying to start the car with my headlights on (this shouldn't be done
    normally, but in this case as I turned the key and the starter tried to
    crank and the headlights went OUT as this was happening, it was a
    giveaway that the problem was no power!), and ended with me happily
    driving off.  New clues for the clueless!  I never stop learning....
12.1655I'm an Aunt!KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideWed Aug 28 1991 13:077
    Having a new, pink, beautiful NIECE!!!!!:-)  :-)  :-)  :-)
    I sneaked a peak at her this morning!!!! I am SO excited!!!!
    Her name is Brittany Ann and she's just gorgeous and I can't
    wait to hold her.
    Kim 8-)
12.1656BTOVT::THIGPEN_Stangled upWed Aug 28 1991 13:159
    I really love new babies.  They are cuddly and cute, they smell nice
    (kinda like puppies have a puppy smell, y'know?  but lose it as they
    grow up) and it's all new potential and hope.
    But at this point in my life, then I like to give them back! :-)
    Congratulations to you and to Brittany Ann and her family, Aunty Kim!
12.1657oh yes they do smell so nice!KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideWed Aug 28 1991 14:234
12.1658BOOVX2::MANDILEHer Royal HighnessWed Aug 28 1991 14:375
    Turning a friend on to romance novels......and having
    her thank me for it....(-;
12.1659LJOHUB::CRITZWed Aug 28 1991 14:3710
    	...going to get my new auto registration in Nashua
    	and having a young woman and her 4-month old baby
    	come up behind me in line. Baby's name was Danielle.
    	She had all her parts (no hair yet) and got a kick
    	outa me tickling her piggies and caressing her fat
    	I really love chubby babies.
    	Scott (My first baby left for college Sunday)
12.1660Imagine! women-only space for 5 WHOLE DAYS!!!CADSE::FOXNo crime. And lots of fat, happy womenWed Aug 28 1991 14:3910
  I really love it when I'm leaving in less than 15 minutes for home, to 
finish packing.  This afternoon, I head out to the North East Women's 
Musical Retreat (NEWMR) with my daughter and her godmother (she's a festival
worker, so we can go out early).

No, womenspace isn't always peaceful and calming.  It's frequently fractious
and noisy.  But it's OURS!!

Bobbi "deadlines? what are those?" Fox
12.1661BOMBE::HEATHERI collect heartsWed Aug 28 1991 15:0110
    I really love it when a friend of mine (I may call you my friend might
    I not?) not only has heard of the Warner Bros. "gopher twins" but is as
    good at remembering/using the dialog as I am!  Someone who understands
    what I'm saying!  I realize this is a bit late, we discovered this
    afinity several weeks ago, but it still makes me smile!
    No, no, after you....I insist! ;-)
    bright blessings,
12.1662vacation, nanci griffith and karen, not nessicarilly in that order:-)MARLIN::IPBVAX::RYANMake sure your calling is trueWed Aug 28 1991 15:0210
I really love the fact that I am OUTTA HERE for vacation in 5 short hours...
I love that I am going to Denver to visit my buddy who moved out there 4 years
ago and has wanted me to visit since. I have known her since 6th grade. It
was weird when we both got married, but now she is pregnant... My god! I 
think this means we are growing up! No, not that! :-) :-) 

I love the Nanci Griffith song "There's a Light beyond theses woods" cause it
always makes me think of Karen.

12.16635 days with a buncha half-nekkid wimmin!! :-)HANCOK::HANCOK::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireWed Aug 28 1991 16:387
    That I, too, will be leaving for 5 days of woman-space in just a few
    short hours.
    Enjoy your long weekend (for our US readers)!
    D!, soon to be either a warm tan or a hot red...hopefully the former
12.1664Carla with The Brood on stage :-)HOO78C::VISSERSDutch ComfortWed Aug 28 1991 17:224
    The piccies I'm going to make on Sep 21st... :-) My money is on
    Carla for this one!! :-)
12.1665Getting the Xwindow interface to notes BENONI::JIMCKnight of the Woeful CountenanceWed Aug 28 1991 17:286
It does so many nice things.  I can skip ping pongers.  
I can scroll back & forth through a note.
Gosh what'll they think of next 8-)

12.1666...and gobs and gobs...BSS::VANFLEETTime for a cool change...Wed Aug 28 1991 18:277
...getting support from a fellow noter (you know who you are) via phone today.  

Thanks bunches and bunches!


12.1667WAHOO::LEVESQUEHungry mouths are waiting...Thu Aug 29 1991 18:525
 The heat...

  Being naughty

   Sinking threes
12.1668Somebody is finally listeningKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideFri Aug 30 1991 18:018
    Getting a call from the Child Support Enforcement Agency, and the
    gentleman took the time to explain to me procedures, verify information
    and sympathize.  Then he told me we could be in court within 2 weeks
    of opening the case, and that there is NO FEE. Whatever they collect
    is given to me IN FULL.  There is hope for my children.  It has taken
    nearly 6 months to get this far.  And now there is HOPE. 
12.1669SMURF::SMURF::BINDERSine tituloFri Aug 30 1991 19:015
    ...watching the students in my "Intro to ULTRIX for Writers" course
    light up when they see that all those abstruse things I showed them
    over the past three days really *work*!
12.1670USWRSL::SHORTT_LAEverything I do...Fri Aug 30 1991 20:085
    SO is now out of surgery and doing fine.
12.1671CARTUN::NOONANDay 2 of the hug hostage crisisSat Aug 31 1991 02:153
    I'm really happy about that for you, L.J.
    E Grace
12.1672Soul and EducationCSCMA::BARBER_MINGOExclusivitySat Aug 31 1991 13:4513
    When it all comes together:
    In 2 days, I ran into 7 acquaintances/friends individuals from my
    alma mater.
    They were all preparing to begin or continue graduate courses at
    Harvard, MIT, and BU.
    If you add Eric and I, that makes nine of us.
    They are all African Americans.
    We are working on it.
    I love it.
12.1673How does a procrastinator learn their lessons?GIAMEM::JLAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Sat Aug 31 1991 16:4413
    Getting my safety sticker...I waited till the last minute to make an
    appointment to have my muffler fixed.  My mechanic could not fit me in,
    so I went to Spag's this morning, bought a headlight, installed it
    and went to the inspection station with my fingers crossed...
    And it worked!
    Procrastinators live on the edge...
    Of course the fact that I met a special wnoter and got a few
    no I can't tell I promised.
12.1674GUESS::DERAMODan D'Eramo, mail to zfc::deramoSun Sep 01 1991 01:023
        ... catching up here!
12.1675Women hold the MajorityCSCMA::BARBER_MINGOExclusivitySun Sep 01 1991 12:193
    .....Oh ... and six of the nine are WOMEN!
    ....I love it.
12.1676SMURF::SMURF::BINDERSine tituloSun Sep 01 1991 21:293
    ...having what is actually (if invisibly) a mind-expanding discussion
    with someone I respect.
12.1677BUBBLY::LEIGHcan't change the wind, just the sailsMon Sep 02 1991 00:061
    ...catching up, after 2 MONTHS of too-much-work-to-do.
12.1678CSC32::CONLONShe wants to live in the Rockies...Mon Sep 02 1991 14:483
    	...my new house.
12.1680BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsMon Sep 02 1991 22:321
    northern lights, and shooting stars
12.1681(*8CARTUN::NOONANDay 5 - the tragedy continuesTue Sep 03 1991 01:374
    Um, Joyce?  What did the headlight have to do with your muffler?
    E Grace
12.1682Alaskan wannabeSA1794::CHARBONNDNorthern Exposure?Tue Sep 03 1991 10:236
    ... the new TV show I caught last night - hilarious!!! 
    (For non-US readers, 'Northern Exposure' is about the folks in
    a small town in Alaska.)
    'Running of the Bulls,' anyone? ;-) ;-)
12.1683WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesTue Sep 03 1991 11:163
    A wonderful weekend..
12.1684Even tho I'm spending it moving into the new house.CSC32::CONLONShe wants to live in the Rockies...Tue Sep 03 1991 11:363
    			...being on vacation this week.
12.1685I think I'm in loveKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideTue Sep 03 1991 12:595
    Sunsets in the mountains, picnics in the park, holding hands
    with the sweetest, nicest, warmest and most sincere man I
    have ever met!
12.1686WHEW! Rake, rake, rake....BOOVX1::MANDILEHer Royal HighnessTue Sep 03 1991 13:005
    Finally getting the majority of the yard cleanup
    done from Hurricane Bob.....
12.1687WAHOO::LEVESQUEHungry mouths are waiting...Tue Sep 03 1991 13:451
 the way my daughter says "lippizan stallions"
12.1688I miss Dunkin DonutsRDGENG::LIBRARYunconventional conventionalistTue Sep 03 1991 14:183
    The smell of freshly-baked doughnuts and freshly-made coffee!!!!!!
    Alice T.
12.1689SMURF::CALIPH::binderSine tituloTue Sep 03 1991 14:246
...getting called on some unintentionally biased language.  I hate it,
ya know, but I love the results.

Thank you, person-who-called-me-in-mail, you know who you are.

12.1691SMURF::CALIPH::binderSine tituloTue Sep 03 1991 14:522
...popping the lid on my leftover lunch and suddenly remembering why I
spent over two hours Saturday making that chicken curry.
12.1692NOATAK::BLAZEKcool and smooth and curiousTue Sep 03 1991 15:5013
    . . . swimming in a mountain lake with Kelly and my pooch.
    . . . three day weekends!
    . . . the lingering after-effects of dreams that seem real.
    . . . serenity.
    . . . Sylvia Plath's poetry.
12.1693WAHOO::LEVESQUEHungry mouths are waiting...Wed Sep 04 1991 12:461
 Finding an earthy side to an ethereal member of this conference... ;^)
12.1694*blush*CARTUN::NOONANDay 7/Hug Crisis/The drama continuesWed Sep 04 1991 12:583
    ...the juxtoposition of The Doctah's P_name and last note!
    E Grace
12.1695... those quirky little surprises.REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Wed Sep 04 1991 14:5413
    ... learning that NESFA sold all five boxes of _The_Best_of_James_H._
    _Schmitz_ at Chicon V.  This means that we can continue with our
    `Forgotten Authors' series.
    ... Janet Kagan's Introduction to the Schmitz book:  "Look out for
    the Schmitz hero -- she's not who you expect."
    ... learning that a friend (with shoulder length brown hair and neat
    little brown moustache and beard), finding himself in temporary
    possession of a full-length white robe, wanted to stand in front of
    a Unitarian church, and shout at people, "Will you make up your minds!"
    						Ann B.
12.1696Is this when you do ballet at night?VINO::LANGELOFluffy Flirting OutlawWed Sep 04 1991 15:113
    ..."tight" nights :-)
    the Outlaw
12.1697WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesWed Sep 04 1991 16:015
    Running out at lunch time to drop money off with my daughter
    who is less than a half an hour away from my office at Fitchberg
    State, and getting a kiss from her when I drive her down town.
12.1699wheeeee!!!!!BSS::VANFLEETTime for a cool change...Wed Sep 04 1991 17:214
...buying my first 10-speed for myself last night.  Now Emily and I can
ride together!

12.1700WAHOO::LEVESQUEHungry mouths are waiting...Wed Sep 04 1991 17:251
 Scoffing a .x00 out from under Dan's very nose...
12.1701*sigh* :-}CSC32::CONLONShe wants to live in the Rockies...Wed Sep 04 1991 19:173
12.1702vacations!TLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireWed Sep 04 1991 19:4216
    ...spending 5 wonderful mostly sun-filled days on a mountain in
    ...learning to let down my barriers and meet people and really get to
    *know* them...
    ...exploring, both inner and outer worlds...
    ...meeting a wonderful woman (even if she does live in California [hey,
    Charles, we have a new friend in common! :-) ]
    ...coming back to all my wnderful friends here in =wn= and Boston...
    Hugs, everyone!  Missed ya, really!
12.1703CSC32::CONLONShe wants to live in the Rockies...Wed Sep 04 1991 22:3013
    	...Pinon Valley, Colorado!
    		After 10 years total in Colorado (4 in Denver Metro and
    		6 years in the Springs,) I'm on a new Rocky Mountain High.
    		When I looked at this neighborhood before buying (closing)
    		last week, I didn't notice how visible the mountains and
    		foothills were from here.  Every window in my house has a
    		view of at least *some* mountains, bluffs (or Pikes Peak.)
    		The view from my street shows mountains, etc. looming over
    		it more than any place I've ever lived in Colorado.  Wow!
12.1704LJOHUB::CRITZThu Sep 05 1991 13:3510
    	RE: 12.1703
    	I really love Colorado. I had never been there until
    	this summer. I was a crew member for a DECcie competing
    	in the Race Across AMerica, and we spent some considerable
    	time there. It was very beautiful. Part of RAAM '91 included
    	climbs up Wolf Creek Pass, Cuchara Pass, and La Veta Pass.
    	One of the prettiest states I've seen.
12.1705NOATAK::BLAZEKcool and smooth and curiousThu Sep 05 1991 13:3610
    . . . when Twin Peaks is filming a movie in Snoqualmie and the
    cast and crew will be here through the beginning of October --
    and I catch David Lynch, Kyle McLachlan, and Keifer Sutherland 
    (he must be playing a new character) in downtown Snoqualmie!
12.1706JJLIET::JUDYBorn to be wild...Thu Sep 05 1991 14:277
    	re: -1
    	ack!  I am *so* envious!  Major TP addict here...
12.1707Must be a bankerSTAR::BECKPaul BeckThu Sep 05 1991 14:393
    RE .1706

    I didn't realize people got so excited about transaction processing...
12.1708'matersWAHOO::LEVESQUEHungry mouths are waiting...Thu Sep 05 1991 15:321
12.1709FDCV06::KINGRED SOX, lies, and videotapes!!!!Thu Sep 05 1991 15:374
    The new carpet commerical for Stain-guard? With the baby in the
    walker zooming around the house!!!!!!
12.1710but I'm *really* tired of change!CARTUN::NOONANDay 8 - How much longer can this go on?Thu Sep 05 1991 15:3910
    ...and all of you, for caring.
    Thank you,
    E Grace
12.1711CARTUN::NOONANDay 8 - How much longer can this go on?Thu Sep 05 1991 15:403
    ...seeing Dorian in the file again!
    E Grace
12.1712WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesThu Sep 05 1991 15:451
    Where? I missed her!
12.1713me tooLJOHUB::GODINThu Sep 05 1991 15:454
    ...seeing Dorian in the file again (too) and that E will still be with
    us for a while at least.
12.1714Yes!BOMBE::HEATHERI collect heartsThu Sep 05 1991 15:514
    That E is still here and has a new assignment!  Yipee!  Hooray!!
12.1715BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsThu Sep 05 1991 16:218

that's wonderful, what a relief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know if I could have stood the FURTHER deprivation -- being without her
hugs is horrible enough!

12.1716CARTUN::NOONANDay 8 - How much longer can this go on?Thu Sep 05 1991 18:337
    ...making a new friend.
    In the *most* unexpected way!     {:8
12.1717hook, line and sinkerWAHOO::LEVESQUEHungry mouths are waiting...Thu Sep 05 1991 18:464
 Hah. It was all a hoax, designed to get us to part with our hugs so she can
simply hold them hostage with the rest of them... Bah humbug. :^>

12.1718at nine poundsZFC::deramo...til they come back aroundThu Sep 05 1991 18:513
...hearing my first "have you lost weight?" :-)

12.1719MEWVAX::AUGUSTINEPurple power!Thu Sep 05 1991 19:197
Making Dan's day.


(He does look thinner, folks. Check for yourself tonight!)
12.1720The goddess is laughing (a lot)...RANGER::BENCELet them howl.Thu Sep 05 1991 19:228
    Having my car's rear axle self-destruct in the parking lot at LJO and
    NOT on the highway at 60 mph.
    Having a friend with a broken arm who will lend me her car for a
    few days.
12.1721counter moveLJOHUB::GONZALEZIn a Sirius moodThu Sep 05 1991 20:5110
    This has gone on long enough.  I think it is time to point out that E
    has given away a lot of hugs and that most of us who received her hugs
    still have piles and piles of them all over our cubes.
    I had about a dozen or so and then they (ahem) multiplied and now I
    have gogols and gogols of them.
    So, E, let out the hugs you hold captive or I will find a venus fly
    trap that the hugs have not yet converted to pacifism and 10-5-5 plant
    food...   heh, heh, heh!
12.1722tough!CARTUN::NOONANDay 8 - How much longer can this go on?Thu Sep 05 1991 23:441
12.1723Not that tough...BUBBLY::LEIGHstill got the radioFri Sep 06 1991 00:323
    ... collecting the E-hugs still scattered around my cubicle,
        taking them to the dinner at the Yangtze tonight,
        and giving some of them away!
12.1724WFOV11::BAIRDIwonderifIcouldbeyourmiracle?Fri Sep 06 1991 06:4111
    ...that E is still here!
    I really must learn to read the whole file before I react!! :-)
    well, that's what comes from working a different shift. :-}
    Psssttt!!!  I have some extra E hugs out here, too.  I gave some away
    this past weekend, but they just keep multiplying!!  :-)
12.1725Death by SpellingNECSC::BARBER_MINGOExclusivityFri Sep 06 1991 09:264
    That my Mother finally gave me the "Death by Spelling" book she had.
    I may make ???One or two less errors?
12.1726and healthy too.GEMVAX::BROOKSFri Sep 06 1991 10:586
    .1711, .1713 -
    Thanks - it's good to *be* back!
12.1727SMURF::CALIPH::binderSine tituloFri Sep 06 1991 11:532
...the warm feeling I'm feeling because I stood up on my hind legs for
a change.
12.1728And realizing how wonderful they are!CSC32::CONLONShe wants to live in the Rockies...Fri Sep 06 1991 14:013
    	...Wonderful people!
12.1729the goddess is laughing - part 2RANGER::BENCELet them howl.Fri Sep 06 1991 14:037
    Getting a call this morning from the mechanic who was going to replace
    my 1985 Subaru's rusted-out rear axle.  He did some checking and it 
    turns out that the repairs are COVERED UNDER WARRANTY!!!  Seems that
    there is a recall on some 1980-1986 Subarus for just this problem.
12.1731BOOVX2::MANDILELynne Mandile a.k.a. HRHFri Sep 06 1991 16:493
    Finally getting some good news around here for a change....Yippee!
12.1732SMURF::CALIPH::binderSine tituloFri Sep 06 1991 17:083
...getting TPU installed on my ULTRIX workstation.

12.1733NOATAK::BLAZEKthunder sweeping undergroundFri Sep 06 1991 17:3412
    . . . burying ashes long since burned, and after years spent
    ignoring my inner voice on something, *finally* understanding 
    why it was screaming as loud as it was.
    What a massive, soul cleansing, heart polishing, life shining
    Dancing and singing in the September sun,
12.1734You all ought to know who you are...WAHOO::LEVESQUEHell Bent for LeatherSat Sep 07 1991 03:162
     I really love all my net friends. Pretty diverse group of people.
    Pretty special group of people too. Thanks.
12.1735SMURF::SMURF::BINDERSine tituloMon Sep 09 1991 00:3012
    ...hearing my tapes of the Met's Ring cycle on my new VCR, in STEREO,
    for the first time since I borrowed my brother's VCR to record them
    sometime in the distant past.
    ...visiting the Hillsborough County, NH, County Fair and watching the
    3400-pound horse pull competition and petting a rabbit and eating fried
    dough and smelling the aroma of the harvest that signals the end of
    ...watching Bull Durham again.
    ...being able to share joys like these with my friends in =wn=.
12.1736WOW!GIAMEM::JLAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Mon Sep 09 1991 11:5313
    Seeing him and getting 'that feeling'....I thought I would never get
    weak in the knees and have my heart do flip flops again.  
    It has been twenty years since I fell in love with him and eight years
    since I saw him last.
    He was making Indian tacos at the Sterling Fair yesterday...thinner,
    the same handlebar mustache, and that wonderful mischievous grin.
    It would never work, but the feelings that love generates makes an old
    heart young again.  ;-)
12.1739this placeTYGON::WILDEwhy am I not yet a dragon?Mon Sep 09 1991 20:515
working for a company...where so many smart, funny, intense, THINKING humans
work and exchange ideas....where I can get a well-deserved raise even NOW...
where I can learn a new programming language, and a new complex product on
the company's time....where I can continue to grow in a personal and a business
12.1740GUESS::DERAMOI'd call that a big &quot;yes&quot;!Tue Sep 10 1991 01:023
999 topics in ontime::DECterm.  What to do, what to do? :-)
12.1741time and miles just fade awaySA1794::CHARBONNDNorthern Exposure?Tue Sep 10 1991 15:452
    seeing an old friend after several months and having a long
12.1743WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesTue Sep 10 1991 18:345
    having lunch with a charming woman..
12.1744BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsTue Sep 10 1991 20:222
    cheyenne's personal name.  I love that movie!
12.1745USWRSL::SHORTT_LAEverything I do...Tue Sep 10 1991 20:558
    Putting in my two week notice today to do something I *really* loved
    doing in the past and should never have left for something trivial
    like money.  :-)   :-)   :-)
12.1746KVETCH::paradisMusic, Sex, and CookiesTue Sep 10 1991 21:0415
Re: .1742

Tamara had a rat like that too.  Sweet little thing... named "Rat-asha" 8-)
A few years back when we had a halloween party, Tam would greet the guests
at the door with the rat perched on her shoulder 8-) Ratasha died a few
years ago, though 8-(

We have another rat now, though... named Rusty.  He's a little feister than 
Ratasha was... he'll sit on your shoulder for a short time, but then it's
off to explore something else.  Can't go do the housework with him on
your shoulder...

So... should we take this to the Rathole topic? 8-) 8-) 8-)

12.1747best wishesDENVER::DOROTue Sep 10 1991 21:0510
    L.J. - 
    what are you going to do?!!
    Good luck!
12.1748USWRSL::SHORTT_LAEverything I do...Tue Sep 10 1991 21:076
    I'm going to manage a bookstore.  YIPPEE!
12.1749BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsWed Sep 11 1991 02:454
    oooooooohhh!  now I'm JEALOUS too!  what kind of books?
12.1750WaldenbooksWAHOO::LEVESQUEHell Bent for LeatherWed Sep 11 1991 11:043
 After reading her banter for the last few months, you need to ask?

 Obviously it's an adult bookstore. :^o ;^)
12.1751WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesWed Sep 11 1991 11:145
    In re rats and ratholes...
    you could take it to meis::small_animals
12.1752:-)WAHOO::LEVESQUEHell Bent for LeatherWed Sep 11 1991 11:191
12.1753MR4DEC::EGNOONANLady of the RainbowWed Sep 11 1991 11:223
    E Grace
12.1754GNUVAX::BOBBITTlady of the darknessWed Sep 11 1991 11:385
    what she said.
12.1755USWRSL::SHORTT_LAEverything I do...Wed Sep 11 1991 14:269
    It's a Waldenbooks---major chain.  However, my particular store
    is goin to specialize in "speculative fiction" (everyone happy?)
    and bodice ripping romances.  The first because I love them and
    would know how to stock it properly.  The latter, because sadly
    enough, they sell really well.
12.1756HAMPS::MANSFIELD_SAn English SarahWed Sep 11 1991 14:516
     Having given my course & it all went well !
    (see 13.1648)
    Wheeeeeeeeeeee !
12.1757JURAN::VALENZAGlasnote.Wed Sep 11 1991 15:4410
    Speaking of bookstores, one really good piece of news is that Borders
    will be opening a store in Framingham, Massachusetts.  Back in 1985,
    when I discovered what I presume to be the original Borders Bookstore
    on State Street in Ann Arbor, Michigan, it was love at first sight, and
    I used to drive the 45 miles from Toledo just to visit it.  And then,
    when I later moved back to Indianapolis, I was really thrilled when
    Borders opened a store there.  I am beginning to wonder if Borders is
    following me around.  :-)
    -- Mike
12.1758(*8MR4DEC::EGNOONANLady of the RainbowWed Sep 11 1991 15:482
    who wouldn't?
12.1759JURAN::VALENZAGlasnote.Wed Sep 11 1991 15:481
12.1760BUBBLY::LEIGHeight poundsWed Sep 11 1991 16:311
    ... hearing that the DCU has rescinded the new checking account fees!
12.1761and this one's a humdinger!SA1794::CHARBONNDNorthern Exposure?Wed Sep 11 1991 16:441
    (some) rumors ;-)
12.1762It feels good to help someone else....BOOVX2::MANDILEI love readin' &amp; ridin'Wed Sep 11 1991 17:226
    The excitement my neighbor showed when I let her borrow
    my english saddle & bridle, saddled up her horse for her, 
    and let her try it out.  She was having a great time, and
    even had to go show her husband.  
12.1763The ISB!LJOHUB::GONZALEZsets the stars on fireWed Sep 11 1991 19:054
    That Cheyenne wrote that she heard the Incredible String Band has
    gotten back together.  You mean Robin and Michael and Rose and Likky?
    Oh!  How wonderful.  I named my cats, now long ago dead, Robin and
    Heron (They were both male, otherwise they'd ha been Rose and Likky.)
12.1765R2ME2::BENNISONVictor L. Bennison DTN 381-2156 ZK2-3/R56Wed Sep 11 1991 19:464
    I loved Wee Tam so much in college that I completely wore the disc down
    to raw scratchy vinyl.  How many other albums did they record?
    						- Vick
12.1766...and I vaguely remember a thirdVMSMKT::KENAHThe man with a child in his eyes...Wed Sep 11 1991 19:483
    At least one other -- "The Big Huge."
12.1767Yes, I do do windows!NITTY::DIERCKSNone of your business!!!!Wed Sep 11 1991 21:496
    ...that I feel like I had an intellectual breakthrough with regards to
    one of the products which I teach.  It feels good!
12.1768right place at the right timeZFC::deramoI'd call that a big &quot;yes&quot;!Wed Sep 11 1991 22:073
Knowing just the right rule, at just the right moment.

12.1769Not quite rescinded...MRKTNG::GOLDMANSometimes the Dragon winsThu Sep 12 1991 10:5111
>    ... hearing that the DCU has rescinded the new checking account fees!

    	Delayed them a few months, is how I heard it.  But there are
    petitions being circulated now to call a special meeting of
    members, from which people hope they get can the DCU to rescind
    the fees permanently.

    	Personally, I think DCU is just putting it off to let some of
    the strong reactions die down....

12.1770Gee, I love puns!SMURF::CALIPH::binderAs magnificent as thatThu Sep 12 1991 12:557
Re: .1767

You "do do" windows?  Do you clean them afterward?


12.1771WAHOO::LEVESQUEHell Bent for LeatherThu Sep 12 1991 13:561
 hearing my daughter whisper "I love you too, daddy."
12.1772WLDKAT::GALLUPWhat's your damage, Heather?Thu Sep 12 1991 14:1411
    ....Meeting the very professional, very supportive Medford Police.
    Unfortunately, I couldn't positively identify the guy.
12.1773CGVAX2::CONNELLCHAOS IS GREAT.Thu Sep 12 1991 15:076
    That my daughter is learning some real history in US History. The
    teacher told how insurance companies got their starts. I never even new
    that they were coffee/gambling houses where caffein spaced merchants
    would wager on the outcome of ships arriving.
12.1774BSS::VANFLEETTime for a cool change...Thu Sep 12 1991 15:508
...winning tickets to the Air Force Academy/Notre Dame game Oct 19!  :-)

...hearing Carla ran into a friend of mine.  Say hi to Kyle if you see
him again.  He makes a killer marinara sauce!  :-)

...riding my bike last night and not falling off once!  :-)

12.1775WAHOO::LEVESQUEHell Bent for LeatherThu Sep 12 1991 16:275
 Hearing them say "don't give him the three!"

 The snap of the net when it falls.

 Assorted swear words. :-)
12.1776CUPMK::SLOANECommunication is the keyThu Sep 12 1991 16:345
      Human nature being what it is, there will always be
      kindness, friendship, compassion, tenderness,
      consideration, and love.

12.1777learning something new every day...ZFC::deramoI'd call that a big &quot;yes&quot;!Thu Sep 12 1991 18:329
Some of the people in neighboring cubicles have these Mickey Mouse
style caps with the two large ears on top.  One of them said today
that he was once in a group where before meeting to make certain
decisions they had to put their special hats on.  And suddenly I
realized...*that*'s what they mean when they write "...with moderator
hat on..."!

12.1778WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesThu Sep 12 1991 18:335
    ooohh, Dan
    just wait till the mods see you again! :-) 
12.1779ZFC::deramoI'd call that a big &quot;yes&quot;!Thu Sep 12 1991 19:013
............waiting. :-)

12.1780"shhh ... the mod is not looking, Annie"MEMIT::JOHNSTONbean sidheThu Sep 12 1991 19:5512
    <Oh-fishul COMOD snorfle>
    I can't speak for my gifted colleagues, however ...
    _MY_ moderator hat doesn't have mouse-ears.  It's one of those dorky
    double-brimmed green confections ... with silver wings and a giant
    cabbage rose.
    Lord love a duck!
      Ann Johnston
      =wn= comod
12.1781ZFC::deramoI'd call that a big &quot;yes&quot;!Thu Sep 12 1991 20:484
Maybe all of the moderators can have photos of themselves
with their moderator hats on added to the photo album. :-)

12.1782Will you provide the hat, or just splice it into the photos?BUBBLY::LEIGHeight poundsThu Sep 12 1991 23:201
    Now THAT ought to raise some "blackmail" money!
12.1783WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesFri Sep 13 1991 13:343
    Dinner with friends...
12.1784WAHOO::LEVESQUEHell Bent for LeatherFri Sep 13 1991 14:041
12.1785holidaysTLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireFri Sep 13 1991 14:063
    FRIDAY the 13TH!!!
12.1786Don't you just love it!TINCUP::XAIPE::KOLBEThe Debutante DerangedFri Sep 13 1991 14:353

Um, Mark ,just had an exam? :*) liesl
12.1787SMURF::CALIPH::binderAs magnificent as thatFri Sep 13 1991 14:3529

...pation, of cooking and serving dinner for a =wn= friend and hir SO.
12.1788NOATAK::BLAZEKtransluscent black capesFri Sep 13 1991 15:248
    ... that tomorrow morning, bright and early, I'm leaving for
    Europe for 5 weeks!  *YAY*!
    Tschau everyone!
12.1789GNUVAX::QUIRIYPresto! Wrong hat.Fri Sep 13 1991 16:045
    ILIW I lick my lunch plate and no one walks by my cube to surprise me
    while I'm doing it.
12.1790CSC32::CONLONShe wants to live in the Rockies...Sun Sep 15 1991 00:317
    ...DECwrite !!!

    I never thought I'd get the hang of it, but now I'm into very subtle
    aligning maneuvers that make my "draw"ings look spectacular - and 
    I love it!

12.1791hate it...TLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireSun Sep 15 1991 16:134
    Suzanne, you are the ONLY person I have ever heard say they *like*
12.1792I wish I could frame all my DECwrite "draw"ings...CSC32::CONLONShe wants to live in the Rockies...Sun Sep 15 1991 18:114
    	What's not to like about DECwrite?
12.1793Neat Kid ThingsFRAMBO::HARRAHNota Bene Mon Sep 16 1991 08:3211
    	. . . . when my daughter won her school prize for reading and
    writing.  Not only is she the only girl in the class, but she's also
    the only foreigner (and, IMHO, far and away the neatest).  Seeing the
    faces of the other parents as a little "auslaender" copped the scholastic
    honors brought a very special, wry sort of pleasure. . . . . .  :-) 
    	Way to go Mary ! ! ! ! ! ! 
12.1794RAVEN1::AAGESENif you don't leave me alone...Mon Sep 16 1991 11:583
    dewberry and fat hair.
12.1795WAHOO::LEVESQUEGuess I'll set a course and go...Mon Sep 16 1991 12:4315
>    	What's not to like about DECwrite?
 Do you want a list? Off the top of my head:

 Drawing stuff is a drag, particularly if you have something very specific
and well know to draw like a logic symbol. You can't rotate stuff. Lines that
appear to be connected on the screen are not when you print your drawing out.
You can't rubberband stuff. You can't zoom. When you are in a large document, 
the simple act of scrolling can screw up drawings.

 Things don't always work. Some things are unpredictable. If you want to do 
something very basic, it can often be a pain.

 I detest the fact that DECWrite is the tool of choice for the specs for
our program.
12.1796:-)NOVA::FISHERRdb/VMS DinosaurMon Sep 16 1991 12:571
    Gee, Mark, spit it out, tell us how you really feel...
12.1797ICS::MCDONOUGHSMon Sep 16 1991 13:393
    I love it that after killing myself dieting for a while, my 9 year old
    daughter walked in Saturday morning, gave me a hug, drew back and said,
    "You're thinner Mommy"!
12.1798garnered from the DECwrite notesfile:BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsMon Sep 16 1991 13:5036
	DECwrite: the Product with a Personality

pretty much says it all.  I find it to be overly-feature-rich, with a poor user
interface -- it's a richer product than is needed for simple documents, and has
an overly-complex presentation for more complicated ones.  The features often 
seem to me to be implemented in the way that the developers think is logical, 
which may or may not be what I wanted.  And I dislike the documentation, it is
aimed at simple uses and has little help for more arcane uses.

A minor example -- If I have a .txt file, with spacing carefully wrought, I 
ought to be able to import it into a DECwrite doc.  I can INCLUDE a txt file
as a Program -- if you leave the default setting and include it as a Document,
it re-spaces it for you according to poorly documented defaults;  what you 
REALLY want to do is include the txt file as a Program, to preserve its 
pretty-printing.  (I'm not speaking here of Pascal source code.)  Even then, it
may well change the typeface family and size.

Also, DECwrite has NO callable or programmable interface at all.  It does have
a macro recording facility of limited usefulness and features.  I
can't record a macro and then invoke it with a list of arguments to work on.  I
can't even tell a macro to perform an operation n times.  There's no conditional
testing in the macros.  And there's no way to  edit a DECwrite macro
file, to tailor it to a particular instance of invocation.

You can put "live links" (aka pointers) into a DECwrite doc, which cause the
docs or progs-that-run-when-invoked-to-create-docs to be automatically brought
into the end doc.  Those live links can be to canned progs, like DECchart and
DECcalc, programs in the Builder's Toolbox, or to programs YOU write and put in
to the Builders Toolbox, which are called "non-integrated tools", distinguishing
them from the "integrated tools".  Non-integrated means user-written.  Why can't
they say so?

well, it's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.  Hopefully our
customers like it better than I do.

12.1799CSC32::CONLONShe wants to live in the Rockies...Mon Sep 16 1991 14:2213
    RE: .1795  The Doctah
    > Lines that appear to be connected on the screen are not when you print 
    > your drawing out.
    If you use a grid and "snap to ruler," the connected lines should be
    connected 100% of the time (when straight entities are involved.)  The
    only trouble I have is that I can't make lines connect perfectly to
    circles, but I can get close enough to make me happy with it.
    I guess DECwrite is the perfect tool for what I'm doing - I couldn't
    be happier with it.  My drawings are coming out better than I ever
12.1800SCARGO::CONNELLHOMon Sep 16 1991 14:569
    Hearing Justine and Holly Hendricks on the radio last night. Refer to
    Justine's note in the milestones string.
    What a good interview and as usual, Justine's voice will bring shiver's
    and tears. Why oh why doesn't she have a recording contract yet?
    And i got it on tape.
12.1801RDGENG::LIBRARYoook!Mon Sep 16 1991 15:086
    ...Surprising Garrick with a quick visit!
    ...Pizza! (especially at the new shop just opened round the corner from
    Alice T.
12.1802WAHOO::LEVESQUEGuess I'll set a course and go...Mon Sep 16 1991 15:095
 Taking KC fishin', and having her grab my leg and say "Daddy, I'm so glad you
took me fishin'. Thank you sooo much."

 Also watching her play with the fish she caught. And taking all the worms
out of the container after I told her not to. "I'm just lookin' at them!"
12.1803oh, god! I miss DECwrite!!!!! )*8MR4DEC::EGNOONANLady of the RainbowMon Sep 16 1991 15:131
12.1804head 'em up, move 'em out!BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsMon Sep 16 1991 15:383
my kids used to do "worm farms"  -- they'd dig worms in the garden and put them 
into containers full of dirt.  After a day or two, I'd empty them back in the
12.1805Besides, I need someplace to put all the manure..BOOVX2::MANDILEI love readin' &amp; ridin'Mon Sep 16 1991 15:434
    Working on starting the garden w/ my SO....I miss growing stuff...
and my green thumb sure is itchy! (-;
12.1806MANIC::THIBAULTLand of ConfusionMon Sep 16 1991 16:0314
re:   <<< Note 12.1802 by WAHOO::LEVESQUE "Guess I'll set a course and go..." >>>

>> Taking KC fishin', and having her grab my leg and say "Daddy, I'm so glad you
>>took me fishin'. Thank you sooo much."

>> Also watching her play with the fish she caught. And taking all the worms
>>out of the container after I told her not to. "I'm just lookin' at them!"

Reminds me of when I was little and my Dad took me fishing. He'd bait the hook
for me, I'd catch a fish and swing it around so he could take it off for me
and bait the hook again. I wasn't going to touch any of that yucky stuff :-).
I use to love fishing.

12.1807I'm proudKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideMon Sep 16 1991 16:3220
    having a real, rational, intelligent discussion with my children about
    the difference between right and wrong...inspired by the tragic death
    of John Lennon, and what a loss it was.  I was listening to the "Lost
    Lennon tapes" on the radio, and commented on how sad it was that he
    died.  The kids wanted to know all about it.  This turned into a half
    hour long conversation.  I was so impressed by their ability to
    participate and draw conclusions, and their eagerness to grasp the
    On that same note, I really love learning how to communicate with my
    eight year old, instead of yelling at him.  I really love the way we
    interacted this weekend, and how I handled him when I discovered he
    poked holes in the drop ceiling in his room.  He is working it off,
    and I mean really working hard.  I really love the way he has accepted
    it, and is facing up to the responsibility for his actions.  And we
    didn't have a raging argument over it.  
    *sigh* I really love my kids.
12.1808there's hope!LEZAH::SCANLONI was so much older then...Mon Sep 16 1991 19:0418
	That there might be a cure for my disease!

	About 15 years ago, I was diagnosed as having myasthenia gravis--
	a neuromuscular disease that causes extreme and ofter crippling
	weakness.  I have been in remission for the past 10 or so years.

	I went to the doctors Friday, because I thought I might be
	coming out of remission, and expected them to write me a 
	prescription.  Instead, they told me about a surgery that has
	an 85% cure rate!  That could mean no more weakness, no more
	medication, and a huge weight lifted from my shoulders!

	I still have to decide if this is the right thing for me to do,
	but I'm thrilled--frightened, but thrilled--that there's a cure!

	Take care,
12.1809LEZAH::QUIRIYPresto! Wrong hat.Mon Sep 16 1991 20:135
    I'm so glad to hear that!  And pop in here again to let us know how
    you're doing!
12.1810Flowers in my office!LJOHUB::GONZALEZsets the stars on fireMon Sep 16 1991 20:407
    Receiving flowers and a note to wish me success in my new job.
    It is so nice to get encouragement specailly since I am feeling
    snowed under with all the new tasks that had to have been done
12.1811Meeting so many nice peopleLRCSNL::WALESDavid from Down-underMon Sep 16 1991 20:599
    America and it's friendly people (at least the ones I met whilst
    there).  We had a great time and were shown some great hospitality by
    many of the =wn= crowd for which we are very grateful.
    Thank you America.
12.1812fun with ULTRIXZFC::D'EramoI'd call that a big &quot;yes&quot;!Tue Sep 17 1991 00:343
...seeing my username spelled the same as my name. :-)

12.1813More fun with ULTRIXSMURF::CALIPH::binderAs magnificent as thatTue Sep 17 1991 11:3412
Re: .1812

Of course, fun with ULTRIX usernames makes it a pain in the a$$ for VMS
types who might like to send you mail.

For the uninitiated, you have to quote his address now, thus:

$ mail file zfc::"D'Eramo" /sub="Dan, you idiot!"


12.1814I'm going away, tra-la-laTLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireTue Sep 17 1991 13:187
    ...taking a *second* vacation in one month!
    ...that I'm leaving for Amsterdam bright and early tomorrow morning.
    See you all in a week and a half!
12.1815Bad AttitudeTLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireTue Sep 17 1991 13:195
    ...getting *published*!!!  
    Wheeee!  Too bad I don't actually get *paid*, but still...
12.1816Horse gets a bath and a spit shine Sat!BOOVX2::MANDILEI love readin' &amp; ridin'Tue Sep 17 1991 14:225
    Looking forward to Sunday's horseshow.....
    Hey, anyone want to come along as my groom?
12.1817BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsTue Sep 17 1991 15:307
me!!  I do!!!  

oh.  well.  I can't, but I'd LIKE to!!!!


p.s. good luck!!  what are you entering?
12.1818and Jim might object...LJOHUB::GONZALEZsets the stars on fireTue Sep 17 1991 15:535
    RE: .1816
    Love to be your groom, but I don't have a tux.   :^)
12.1819BOOVX2::MANDILEI love readin' &amp; ridin'Tue Sep 17 1991 16:199
    Re .1817 
    5 classes, all western style.....my fav is the trail class!
    Re .1818 
    It would have to be a Western style tux! (-;
12.1820Western tuxSMURF::CALIPH::binderAs magnificent as thatTue Sep 17 1991 17:129
Tails and string tie, Lynne?


One of these years I'm gonna have to learn to ride English style.
Spent mucho time in a Western saddle, nary a moment in that little slip
o' leather thay Brits call a saddle.  :-)

12.1821two stepping down the aisleTINCUP::XAIPE::KOLBEThe Debutante DerangedTue Sep 17 1991 18:187
And I was just recently at a western wedding where the best man was a woman in
a western tux and black cowboy hat. She looked great. The bride wore white
cowboy boots under her long dress. 

And as for that little slip of leather. It's soooo much more comfortable than a
hugh bulky western saddle. I love my synthetic Wintec. The only one wearing
leather when I ride is me! liesl
12.1822humor :-)BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsTue Sep 17 1991 18:373
    well, I'm told that Western is more comfortable, but having learned to
    ride hunt seat in the first place, it's nearly instinctive at this
    point.  You should see me post in a Western saddle!
12.1823"Stay still, will ya?"BOOVX2::MANDILEI love readin' &amp; ridin'Tue Sep 17 1991 19:276
    And you should see the look on my western trained horse
    when someone starts to post when he jogs (trots)....
    "What the heck are you doing back there?"  (giggle)
12.1824Sorry, left that part out...BOOVX2::MANDILEI love readin' &amp; ridin'Tue Sep 17 1991 19:283
    The look on his face...
12.1826private jokesZFC::D'EramoI'd call that a big &quot;yes&quot;!Tue Sep 17 1991 21:293
What Snoopy said!

12.1827Rebel, Willow, and Tim...LJOHUB::GONZALEZsets the stars on fireTue Sep 17 1991 21:509
    Cheyenne, I am with you.  It's not *really* riding unless it's bareback
    with only a loop around the horse's nose and a single rein.  But, for
    cross country, I'm chicken (an honest way to say prudent) and use a
    saddle and bridle.  I like English best, I can duck just a little bit
    lower  :^)
    I love bareback in the winter, the horse is soooo warm and fat. 
       Margaret (who, sigh, hasn't been riding in years)
12.1828FMNIST::olsonDoug Olson, ISVG West, UCS1-4Tue Sep 17 1991 22:005
Dan, that's M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I.


12.1829ZFC::D'Eramokick off your shoesTue Sep 17 1991 22:243

12.1830SMURF::SMURF::BINDERAs magnificent as thatTue Sep 17 1991 23:494
    Thanks, Cheyenne, for reminding me about bareback riding.  Wonderful
    way to get truly *close* to a horse.  I used to love it.
12.1831now I wanna go riding!!!WFOV11::BAIRDIwonderifIcouldbeyourmiracle?Wed Sep 18 1991 07:199
    re. riding
    	I like both, western came instinctivly--english I learned a mile
    from home, at Mount Holyoke college.  I *know* I used to ride horses
    a lot in one of my past lives.  :-)
12.1832BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsWed Sep 18 1991 11:4519
.1823, Lynne, I know that reaction.  Once in a lesson I was supposed to take a
horse over 4 jumps in a chute.  Common enough schooling event.  I was more than a
good enough rider (at the time; horribly outta shape now) to do this.  Well, 
somehow, the horse and I got disunited as we went over the first jump.  When he
landed, I was hanging on by my left leg over his back and my left arm over his neck
and my right hand clutching whatever it could.  You know, that trick you always
see the Plains Indians doing in the movies!  Laughing my fool head off.

Well.  I didn't want to let go and drop off, because we were in a small and
enclosed space and I was afraid the horse might trample me.  I couldn't get back
up either.  I could feel the horse hesitate; HE knew what he was supposed to do,
but, "you're supposed to be up THERE!"  The horse decided that no matter how I
blew my part, he was gonna do his job.  So he went over the remaining three jumps
with me hanging on his off side, laughing hysterically and feeling like a dope.
As he galloped away from the last jump, in the open now, I dropped off and lay 
there laughing helplessly.

Scared the bejeepers out of the folks who had watched this performance!  They 
thought I'd been hurt and were most annoyed at me when they ran up.  .:-)
12.1833MPO::ROBINSONnow, what was I doing...?Wed Sep 18 1991 12:236
    	Lynne - you need to try an Aussie saddle on a Tennesse Walking
    	Horse, MUCH different from english or western!!
12.1834JJLIET::JUDYPunch a higher floor!Wed Sep 18 1991 14:004
    	...starting my new workout this morning....but boy are
    	my arms peeved at me!  =)
12.1835On a Tennessee Walker, hmmm?BOOVX2::MANDILEI love readin' &amp; ridin'Wed Sep 18 1991 14:073
    I've been dying to try out an Aussie saddle!
12.1836GNUVAX::BOBBITTin the year 2525...Wed Sep 18 1991 15:096
    running into unexpected people in the lunchline!
    (taking a course in our building)
12.1837fast help!LJOHUB::GONZALEZsets the stars on fireWed Sep 18 1991 15:434
    Posting a nerd call and having someone walk into my cube with the
    necessary book!  Thank you, Cathy!  Wow!  What service!
12.1838GNUVAX::BOBBITTin the year 2525...Wed Sep 18 1991 15:487
    boy, fast help is right!
    let yer fingers do the talkin'!
12.1839One more thing in the bag .....LRCSNL::WALESDavid from Down-underWed Sep 18 1991 20:5611
    Re: .1835
    >I've been dying to try out an Aussie saddle!
    You should have spoken up earlier and I may have been able to bring you
    your very own!
12.1840BOOVX2::MANDILELynne a.k.a. HRHThu Sep 19 1991 14:335
    Re .1839 David-
12.1841SMURF::CALIPH::binderAs magnificent as thatThu Sep 19 1991 14:461
...getting a smile from a friend I thought I'd lost.
12.1842SMURF::CALIPH::binderAs magnificent as thatThu Sep 19 1991 14:493
...leftover Indian food for lunch, yum!

My kitchen smelled *wonderful* this morning!
12.1843WAHOO::LEVESQUEGuess I'll set a course and go...Thu Sep 19 1991 16:035
 Having Kung Pao chicken last night- extra spicy! Yum.

 getting caught in the rain today

 anticipating spending the weekend in NYC
12.1844Keeping my fingers crossed !JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Mon Sep 23 1991 08:244
    Spotting some "signals"  (ref. note 1038, "Recognising a womans
    attraction").  I'm seeing her again tonight.
12.1845WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesMon Sep 23 1991 12:143
    Left over pumpkin pie and vanila frozen yoghurt for breakfast!
12.1846Folk music and sunshine.ABSISG::WAYLAY::GORDONOf course we have secrets...Mon Sep 23 1991 12:356
	...catching the Walden Radio Riverfest yesterday, and having great
weather, and great music.  Finally getting to see Bill Morrisey live (though
I think I caught him years ago before I knew who he was.)

12.1847GNUVAX::BOBBITTinvictus maneoMon Sep 23 1991 12:405
    cold pizza for breakfast.
12.1848It really works!MRKTNG::GOLDMANSometimes the Dragon winsMon Sep 23 1991 14:294
    	...the way Tang made the cruddy dishwasher sparkle!  Wow, I
    was simply amazed!!

12.1849Its an appropriate one tooo !!!JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Mon Sep 23 1991 15:044
    Getting a get well card !  :-)
12.1850Way to go, Grace!SA1794::CHARBONNDNorthern Exposure?Mon Sep 23 1991 19:271
    that a good friend here has taken an offer/promotion at Shrewsbury
12.1854no coughing pleaseBENONI::JIMCKnight of the Woeful CountenanceMon Sep 23 1991 21:362
    eating bon bons and chocolate kisses ;->
12.1851MR4DEC::EGNOONANButterfly nets? VW's? Patchouli?!Tue Sep 24 1991 01:5412
    >     <<< Note 12.1850 by SA1794::CHARBONND "Northern Exposure?" >>>
    >                         -< Way to go, Grace! >-
    >    that a good friend here has taken an offer/promotion at Shrewsbury
    *shoot*!  For a second there I thought I got a job!
    E Grace
12.1852SA1794::CHARBONNDNorthern Exposure?Tue Sep 24 1991 10:231
    Sorry, better luck next time ;-)
12.1853growing...MSBCS::HETRICKPMC '91!!!!!Tue Sep 24 1991 13:048
    my new job!
    it's interesting, and challenging, and *difficult*.  and the people are
    and to think i had almost forgotten how to use my brain!
12.1855DTIF::RUSTWed Sep 25 1991 01:518
    ...riding a sturdy, eager Icelandic horse through sunlit autumn woods.

    ...finding a fabulous dinner waiting at the inn at the end of the ride.

    ...and posting this note two days after the fact, when my muscles are 
    finally beginning to unstiffen from the unaccustomed exercise!
12.1856Sometimes it ain't so bad . . .FRAMBO::HARRAHNota Bene Wed Sep 25 1991 08:1310
    ....Awakening with a song on my lips and a smile on my face, and the
    feeling that maybe, just maybe, everthing is going to be all right.
    ....walking with my daughter through and incredible forest here;
    mist-shrouded, mystical, magical.  Definite storybook material here.
    ....just being alive !
    ....driving to France for dinner.       ;-)       
12.1857WAHOO::LEVESQUEGuess I'll set a course and go...Wed Sep 25 1991 11:011
 Solving one of the problems. We now have a new daycare provider.
12.1858BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsWed Sep 25 1991 11:197
this weather...cool, driving rain, dark.  It would be a perfect day if I was
able to stay home with a good book, a comfortable chair in front of a fireplace
with a blaze, and (important ->) a window to look out of.

what's that you say?  I'd doze off?  that'd be ok, too!  :-)

12.185932FAR::LERVINRoots &amp; WingsWed Sep 25 1991 11:291
    Watching the rain fall on the lake.
12.1860WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesWed Sep 25 1991 11:376
    I used to love watching the rain on Lake Boone too! You bring back
12.1861the mountains -- sighTERZA::ZANEfor who you areWed Sep 25 1991 12:5612
   Colorado in the Fall...  The aspens are glowing golden against the deep
   green background of the evergreens, all beaming against a bright blue sky. 
   There's the barest nip of cold in the breeze and wisps of snow trace
   themselves delicately on the craggy tops of the mountains.

   There is a peace in the hills that is hard to find in the day to day
   bustle of life.


12.1862RAVEN1::AAGESENfigmented realityWed Sep 25 1991 13:002
    cheddar cheese goldfish
12.1863MR4DEC::EGNOONANButterfly nets? VW's? Patchouli?!Wed Sep 25 1991 13:334
    ...singin' the Blues
    E Grace
12.1864VIDSYS::PARENTKit of parts, no glueWed Sep 25 1991 13:465
   E, ok where are you singing the blues?

   Blues lover,
12.1865Rarity ValueYUPPY::DAVIESAHerd it through the bovineWed Sep 25 1991 14:152
12.186632FAR::LERVINRoots &amp; WingsWed Sep 25 1991 14:367
 <<< Note 12.1863 by MR4DEC::EGNOONAN "Butterfly nets? VW's? Patchouli?!" >>>
    I really love...
    E's personal name!  You crack me up!  Now, the real test is...how many
    women know what this means?
12.1867TALLIS::PARADISMusic, Sex, and CookiesWed Sep 25 1991 18:416
    .....receiving a =wn= hug in person! [you know who you are!]
    really made my day!
12.1868WFOV11::BAIRDIwonderifIcouldbeyourmiracle?Thu Sep 26 1991 04:2613
    re: E's pn
    Laura-- that's *easy*!!
    It means she's crazy over a small car doused with perfume!!
    Why???  I have *no* idea, but that's E for you!!   :-)
12.1869BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsThu Sep 26 1991 12:036
I REALLY love Dr. Suess' last book, _Oh_The_Places_You'll_Go_, and I can't
recommend it too highly.  Like so many of his books, this one has messages
for children of all ages (that means us, friends) as well as being

12.1870MR4DEC::EGNOONANButterfly nets? VW's? Patchouli?!Thu Sep 26 1991 12:3311
    ...meeting yet another =wn=er!
    With all the moving I have done, I forgot that I was in Bonnie
    Hussian's (oh, gosh.  Did I spell that correctly?)  building.  (Yes
    folks.  *Her* building.  She is the receptionist here, and everyone
    knows the receptionist controls the building!)
    So I just had a really nice talk with her, and she now has hugs
    playing with all the security devices on her desk.
    E Grace
12.1871WAHOO::LEVESQUECan I have a lick next time?Thu Sep 26 1991 12:473
>    eating bon bons and chocolate kisses ;->

 Are we talkin' about confections or affections? ;^>
12.1872THANK YOU Guardian AngelCASCRT::LUSTHugs - food for the soulThu Sep 26 1991 16:457
    - that my daughter has only a couple minor bruises and some cuts and
      scrapes on her head from glass - after rolling her car, *without a
      seatbelt on her*.  The car is totaled, and they had to pry her out!  
      BUT SHE IS FINE!!!!
12.1873BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsThu Sep 26 1991 16:481
Linda, please accept these HUGS when your heart slows down...
12.1874re: .1871 <cough>BENONI::JIMCKnight of the Woeful CountenanceThu Sep 26 1991 17:161
12.1875Although I should probably go to StarCon, too, for some fun!CSC32::CONLONDreams happen!!Thu Sep 26 1991 17:3515
    	...term break from school after a particularly rough term.
    	...Digital training for several weeks (in an excellent class!)
    	...the weekend off this week.
    	...the weekend TO MYSELF (with Ryan at StarCon, or whatever the
    	hell this one is called, while I get to do some long-awaited
    	settling and unpacking at our new house!)
    	...Ryan being here (except for the weekend)...He is still my
12.1876that's _my_ line, Jim!WAHOO::LEVESQUECan I have a lick next time?Thu Sep 26 1991 17:381
12.1877I thought your's was <thud>MR4DEC::EGNOONANButterfly nets? VW's? Patchouli?!Thu Sep 26 1991 18:231
12.1878WAHOO::LEVESQUECan I have a lick next time?Thu Sep 26 1991 19:301
 Am I allowed only one? :^> <snort!>
12.1879CGVAX2::CONNELLShivers and TearsThu Sep 26 1991 19:4513
    The wonderful people in this file. I'll be out tomorrow. My mom's
    mastectomy is at noon. I want to thank all of you who have written both
    here and off line with support and stories and information and just a
    prayer or kind thought for her and for me. I'll, of course be out
    tomorrow. I'll be inn on Saturday, but I understand that the file will
    be down. I'll be back on Monday and let you all know how things are.
    As our beloved Maggie once said, "You Gyns are the greatest." I love
    you all.
12.1880MR4DEC::EGNOONANButterfly nets? VW's? Patchouli?!Thu Sep 26 1991 19:483
    warm love and hot cocoahugs, PJ
    E Grace
12.1881make that, 'most VIVID'BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfeet of clay, all the wayFri Sep 27 1991 00:224
    what a storm this evening, before sundown - wind and downpour.
    what a set of rainbows, afterward!  one, the biggest and most I've ever
    seen  :-)
12.1882La la la laaaa......FRAMBO::HARRAHNota Bene Fri Sep 27 1991 09:258
     . . . getting asked to play a concert at the end of this month *and*
    selling two of my MIDI pieces.  
    Not being able to decide if I like music or computers more, therefore 
    doing both. . . . . .
    						-rob in fkt 
12.1883Yum YumJUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Fri Sep 27 1991 10:174
    ....the first kiss from my new girlfriend....mmmmm......
    Jeromeo,  where fart though Jeromeo.
12.1884My bulbs have arrived!DSSDEV::LEMENFri Sep 27 1991 11:047
    ...that my bulb order has arrived! 
    Tulips, narcissi, alliums, carmassia, daffodils, crocii---they'll
    be gorgeous in the spring!
12.1885TERZA::ZANEfor who you areFri Sep 27 1991 12:503
    I pick up my kids today for the weekend!

12.1886FDCV07::KINGCan't think of anything clever.......Fri Sep 27 1991 13:136
    Talking with a fellow Wn about avacado and which ones are better
    than others..... And which size is better....
12.1887i'm so excited :-)WRKSYS::STHILAIREjust play the recordFri Sep 27 1991 13:575
    that I have tickets for both tonight and tomorrow night, for Tom Petty,
    at Great Woods!  These will be my 9th and 10th Petty concerts.  
12.1888BOMBE::HEATHERHeartbeats on the windFri Sep 27 1991 14:005
    I really love that I am going to lunch with Sandy C today and she's
    going to help me (or try, the poor thing's not been tuned in 10 years!)
    tune my 12-string!
12.1889WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesFri Sep 27 1991 14:018
    I'm awfully glad I didn't run into you around a different selection
    of vegetables!
12.1890vegetable dreams...BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfeet of clay, all the wayFri Sep 27 1991 14:0612
call any vegetable, pick up the phone
think of a vegetable, lonely at home
call any vegetable and the chances are good
that the vegetable will respond to you.

	- Zappa

(maybe this should go in 'recognizing attraction' ?  ;-)

and Heather -- did you get new strings for your guitar?  Mine needed them to
be tunable, after all those years; and the neck had shifted, making even new
strings not enough.
12.1891REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Fri Sep 27 1991 14:3514
    ... hearing that Roger Allen MacBride has settled on a policy of
    "scorched earth whimsey" for the Boskone banquet.
    ... getting my "Ms.".
    ... getting a catalog entitled "The Great Goddess Collection (TM)"
    with reproductions of many famous works such as the Willendorf Venus.
    I told Tim I was going to get that and this really cute Sheela Na Gig.
    ... the look on Tim's face (After he had told me (as I knew already)
    that members of his family wouldn't, ah, um, understand it.) when
    I told him where one found sheilas-na-gig, and how they were treated.
    							Ann B.
12.1892DELNI::FORTENAnd the memory is all that's left for you now...Fri Sep 27 1991 14:4115
>>         <<< Note 12.1891 by REGENT::BROOMHEAD "Don't panic -- yet." >>>

>>    ... the look on Tim's face (After he had told me (as I knew already)
>>    that members of his family wouldn't, ah, um, understand it.) when
>>    I told him where one found sheilas-na-gig, and how they were treated.
>>    							Ann B.

Ah.... At the risk of looking incredible stupid and naieve, what's

Sign me curious.

12.1893questions from another planet :-)WRKSYS::STHILAIREthe sky was blueFri Sep 27 1991 14:585
    re .1891, .1892, me, too.  I'm curious, too.  Also, what is scorched
    earth whimsey and a boskone banquet?  
12.1894Scottish names, anyone?LJOHUB::GODINFri Sep 27 1991 15:208
    ...bringing home two while balls of fluff that are scientifically
    identified as West Highland White Terriers but are lovingly identified
    as the latest additions to my family.  Now we get to name them -- a she
    and a he.
    Any suggestions?
12.1895LEZAH::BOBBITTtwo strange peas from...Fri Sep 27 1991 16:045
    that two songwriters have asked me to work with them on lyrics!
12.1896Sheilas and whimseyREGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Fri Sep 27 1991 16:0437
    "incredible stupid and naieve" is wrong.  The sheila-na-gig is
    really very obscure on two accounts.  One, it is not part of any
    modern culture.  Two, it's about sex.  Hence the form feed:
    "Sheila" means woman, and "gig" or "giggie" means the female
    genitals.  Sheila-na-gig is thus something like vulva-woman.
    It's a carving of a naked woman squatting with her knees apart
    and displaying her vulva.  The one in the catalogue has a most
    engaging smile.
    The theme of this year's Boskone (from Boston Convention to BosCon,
    except that the [evil] Council of Boskone from the classic `Lensmen'
    sf series was too much of a temptation...) is "whimsey".  Fine.
    At the banquet at last year's Boskone Roger Allan MacBride produced
    entertaining tricks and practical jokes for his table and other
    nearby tables.  Our table got those incredibly-hard-to-blow-up
    long, thin balloons used for making balloon animals, so we obligingly
    blew blood vessels and balloons and made an animal.
    This year he has been officially blessed with permission to do this
    sort of thing again, and with -- heaven help us all -- a budget.
    For the convenience and safety of all, the banquet sign-up forms
    this year will have a box indicating whether the signee wishes/does
    not wish to, ah, interact with Roger.
    So, although I don't know yet just what scorched earth whimsey is,
    I am looking forward to finding out "up close and personal".
    						Ann B.
    P.S.  Boskone will be at the Tara in Framingham in 1993.
12.1897WRKSYS::STHILAIREthe sky was blueFri Sep 27 1991 16:3110
    re .1894, Karen, how about Duncan and Heather?  (I didn't see any white
    terriers in the Western Highlands...lots of sheep, tho!)  (I can't
    think of any Scottish girls names except Heather, Bonnie, and my own
    name.  Angus for a boy, too.)
    re Ann, thanks for the explanations.  Engaging smiles are always so
12.1898BOMBE::HEATHERHeartbeats on the windFri Sep 27 1991 16:4114
    Hi Sara,
      Alas, no, I hadn't gotten new strings yet I'd really only brought
    it in today to let Sandy know how very bad it was so she could
    "gracefully" back out of her offer if she wanted! ;-)  But she offered
    to try anyway - It tuned ok, but wouldn't hold for very long! ;-)
    I'm off to buy it new strings this weekend, and then when Sandy can
    she's going to do it again for me.  The neck isn't bad at all, and I
    may be able to get by just restringing and cleaning it up....We'll
    see....Course, I've never been able to play anything at all, it's
    just even just randomly playing whatever popped into my head used to
    sound good on *this* guitar!  Ah well....It was a fun lunchtime!
    bright blessings,
12.1899BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfeet of clay, all the wayFri Sep 27 1991 18:423
new Macs.  I wait all year for them, and consume vast quantities!

(the edibles, not the type-ons! :-)
12.1900Same reference point tooBENONI::JIMCKnight of the Woeful CountenanceFri Sep 27 1991 18:511
    re: .1876   Yep, it sure was ;->
12.1901The Young Pretender?AYOV27::GHERMANAre you ready for patchanka?Fri Sep 27 1991 19:165
    re .1894
    What about Flora MacDonald and Bonnie Prince Charlie?
12.1902Flora & Charlie? humph :-)WRKSYS::STHILAIREthe sky was blueFri Sep 27 1991 20:0113
    re .1894, .1901, fine, Karen, take *his* suggestion! :-)
    When I get *my* dogs I'll name *them* Duncan & Heather! :-)
    (Just kidding.  Actually, when I was a little kid my parents had a
    friend, a large, elderly woman, who was named Flora MacDonald, and
    because of that I just couldn't see naming a cute little dog after her.
    (Not that there's anything wrong with large, elderly women, god
    forbid....but I was little and young and she was big and old, at the
12.190317736::THIGPEN_Sfeet of clay, all the waySun Sep 29 1991 16:501
    it is snowing RIGHT NOW!  big fat white flakes.
12.1904Life on the upswing.CSC32::CONLONDreams happen!!Sun Sep 29 1991 22:447
    	...a productive weekend!
    	...the way the new house is shaping up.
    	...good friends!
12.1905oh, and a good friend is engaged!GNUVAX::QUIRIYtick, tick, bang!Mon Sep 30 1991 01:1410
    Making my own furniture.  It's not perfect, I'd say it's good, 
    beginner-without-the-proper-tools quality, but it's mine, I made it,
    it's exactly what I want, and it's a lot cheaper!  And it's all wood, 
    no particle board!  
    Shutters next.  Big possible project for the winter if I'm not sick of
    sawdust in the rug: tiled-top kitchen sink base/cabinet.  
12.1906AYOV27::TWASONMon Sep 30 1991 04:486
    RE: 1894
    How about Isla (girl) and Kyle (boy) or Kyla (girl) and Scottie (boy).
    Tracy W
12.1907sorry if I'm being policitally incorrect 8-)RDGENG::LIBRARYSSSsssshhhhhh!!!!!!Mon Sep 30 1991 07:045
    ...having Garrick's parents and sister come to visit us on Saturday and
    take us out for dinner. It felt like we were married and they were my
    in-laws visiting, and it gave us both such a great feeling.
    Alice T.
12.1908With a singing heartYUPPY::DAVIESACrystal TipsMon Sep 30 1991 08:4310
    .... a dozen roses
    .... a long phone call
    .... being applauded for a contribution I made to a group discussion
    .... being invited to formally learn co-counselling skills
    A great weekend!
12.1909Loving Notes and Mail . . .FRAMBO::HARRAHNota Bene Mon Sep 30 1991 11:378
    Being able to communicate to actual, living, breathing folks in the
    good ol' US of A via notes and mail.   It is a long way from home here;
    the electro-communications 'twixt here and there help to make it all
    bearable.  It's not the same as being there, but at least it helps. . .
    				     -	rob in fkt
12.1910TERZA::ZANEfor who you areMon Sep 30 1991 13:413
   doing something new and different in my job...

12.1911REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Mon Sep 30 1991 14:023
    seeing Ad back, and doing what he loves.
    						Ann B.
12.1912LEZAH::BOBBITTtwo strange peas from...Mon Sep 30 1991 14:1410
    Having Reviewers for my books that are
    1. prompt
    2.  thorough
    3.   invested in the results
    I am grateful beyond belief!
12.1913RE: .1893BOOTKY::MARCUSGood Planets Are Hard To FindMon Sep 30 1991 14:246

If you're into poetry, you could try Henry and Emily...

12.1914CGVAX2::CONNELLShivers and TearsMon Sep 30 1991 14:2815
    that mom is coming home from the hospital today. (Actually to my
    sister's in Merrimack, NH.) The operation went very well andthe initial
    recovery has been going well, also. She doesn't seem to be in much pain
    or as usual is hiding it real well. 
    The nurses are going to have some Reach For Life folks talk to her
    about exercises for her arm and such things. She seems positive, but
    can't sleep well in the hospital. Should do better at home.
    Again, thank you all for the support, both here and in mail and on the
    phone. IT's meant a lot and is really appreciated.
    Love ya all,
12.1915RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingMon Sep 30 1991 14:556
    ...buying things I can't afford.
    This lunchtime I bought a pair of narrow, black, lace-up boots that go
    half-way up the calf.
    Alice T.
12.1916WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Mon Sep 30 1991 15:085
    Sunset on Mt Wachusett,
    A phone call when I don't make it to work on time..
12.1917WAHOO::LEVESQUECan I have a lick next time?Mon Sep 30 1991 17:101
12.1918WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Mon Sep 30 1991 17:151
    what took you so long Mark? :-)
12.1919WAHOO::LEVESQUECan I have a lick next time?Mon Sep 30 1991 17:391
 Class and a meeting. I had only just read your mail. :-P
12.1920SMURF::CALIPH::binderAs magnificent as thatTue Oct 01 1991 13:222
..my new 1902 parlor organ.  I think I'll have all the reeds speaking
in a couple of days...
12.1921friends, lovers and a bouquet of irises!TLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireTue Oct 01 1991 16:0220
    ...when someone I thought hardly noticed me not only noticed me but
    noticed my absence (to Amsterdam) and called because she was worried
    about me and wanted to make sure I was okay!
    ...finally making a decision about something that I've been waffling
    about for 2 years.
    ...when my roommate is going to England and I get the house to myself
    for two full weeks.
    ...when I get *flowers* from a wonderful west-coast woman, with a note
    saying she is coming east in a couple weeks and wants to see me. 
    (Actually, I rather suspect she maneuvered her trip east so that she
    *could* see me!)
    ...crisp fall air, the colors just about to change.
    ...being home, reconnecting, relaxing.
12.1922WAHOO::LEVESQUEA glint of steel &amp; a flash of lightTue Oct 01 1991 16:421
 Bolting from class early for a good reason. :-)
12.1923TERZA::ZANEfor who you areTue Oct 01 1991 16:563
    when my fiancee cooks a good roast beef dinner!  Yummm...

12.1924being a g. r.MR4DEC::EGNOONANthe same odd podTue Oct 01 1991 17:035
    ...having lunch with a good new good friend!
    E Grace
12.1925Aren't teenage women a wonder ;-)BENONI::JIMCKnight of the Woeful CountenanceTue Oct 01 1991 18:095
    That my daughter Jenni is fixing me dinner tonight (for the first
    Ya know, it's funny, it almost seems like my getting a divorce is
    helping reassure her that I really am here for her.  
12.1926MR4DEC::EGNOONANthe same odd podTue Oct 01 1991 18:375
    ...being upgraded!
    E Grace
12.1927EGNOONAN V2.0TLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireTue Oct 01 1991 18:483
    But E...what were you upgraded to?
12.1928(*8MR4DEC::EGNOONANthe same odd podTue Oct 01 1991 18:481
12.1929 h/w or s/w ?? N2ITIV::LEEit feels good to be aliveTue Oct 01 1991 19:1810
>    But E...what were you upgraded to?

	The mind boggles...


12.1930"And shall again, please God!" said Dame Musset.ESGWST::RDAVISAvailable FergusonWed Oct 02 1991 01:3212
    ... finally completing my Djuna Barnes collection.
    I found her extremely obscure semi-juvenalia "The Book of Repulsive
    Women" in an obscure NYC store two years ago; her stories and long out
    of print last work (the play "Antiphon") in a used bookstore here in
    S.F. a few months ago; and just within the last week or so the sainted
    Dalkey Archive has finally brought "Ladies Almanack" ("which all
    Ladies should carry about with them, as the Priest his Breviary, as the
    Cook his Recipes, as the Doctor his Physic, as the Bride her Fears, and
    as the Lion his Roar") back into print.
12.1931RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingWed Oct 02 1991 08:467
    ... meeting another UK womannoter.
    ... making a new friend.
    ... finally getting rid of one of my backlogs!
    Alice T.
12.1932just remembered another one.RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingWed Oct 02 1991 08:475
    ... seeing a teenager called a woman! (here in this string)
    Alice T.
    (who, being only 10 months out of the teenage state, often responds
    like a teenager)
12.1933My friend CharlotteGIAMEM::JLAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Wed Oct 02 1991 10:325
    I am really enjoying watching a spider go about it's business here on
    the 3rd floor of AKO2.  It has been in the window for over a week, and
    yesterday it rebuilt it's web.
12.1934...it's peaceful, with a good dog and some trees...BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfeet of clay, all the wayWed Oct 02 1991 10:5212
Walking in the woods, alone.  (No one to whine and bicker.  No one to tell me
I shouldn't have built that fire.)  Built a fire on a wide flat boulder in the
little gorge below the waterfall, kept warm by toasting alternate sides of me.
Ate my lunch. Stared at the flames.  Didn't think much.  The dog went wading,
and shook wet drops all over me several times, but didn't try to play fetch
with any of the firewood :-) and didn't talk.

Peace, silence in the sound of the water.

I gotta do this more often.

12.1935TERZA::ZANEfor who you areWed Oct 02 1991 11:434
   Watching the sun rise over the plains until its rosy colors warm the Peak
   into a vibrant glow.  

12.1936I'm dead jealousRDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingWed Oct 02 1991 11:546
    ...this feeling as I send off Garrick's recently-written short story to
    a magazine. _This_ one _has_ to be published. It's the best short story
    of a publishable length that he's written (and I'm usually his harshest
    Alice T.
12.1937MR4DEC::EGNOONANLife's a hand-me-down broom...Wed Oct 02 1991 12:113
    ...warm, sexy, long-distance voices!
    E Grace
12.1938R2ME2::BENNISONVictor L. Bennison DTN 381-2156 ZK2-3/R56Wed Oct 02 1991 13:3021
    ... Sara's poem :^) in 12.1934
	>Walking in the woods, alone.  
    	>    (No one to whine and bicker.  
    	>No one to tell me
	>    I shouldn't have built that fire.)  
    	>Built a fire on a wide flat boulder 
    	>    in the little gorge below the waterfall, 
    	>kept warm by toasting alternate sides of me.
	>    Ate my lunch. 
    	>    Stared at the flames.  
    	>    Didn't think much.  
    	>The dog went wading,
	>    and shook wet drops all over me several times, 
    	>but didn't try to play fetch
	>    with any of the firewood :-) 
    	>    and didn't talk.
	>Peace, silence in the sound of the water.
	>I gotta do this more often.
12.1939(*8MR4DEC::EGNOONANLife's a hand-me-down broom...Wed Oct 02 1991 13:323
    ...being entrusted with a precious gift, to be delivered this weekend!
    E Grace
12.1940delivered in best Three Stooges voice:BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa good dog and some treesWed Oct 02 1991 13:401
hey!  I'm a poet an' I don't know it!
12.1941what a wonderful courier service!RAVEN1::AAGESENthe passion of purposeWed Oct 02 1991 14:134
    re: 1939
     up close and personal? {-%
12.1942some days ...NODEMO::DITOMMASOI cant get use to this lifestyleWed Oct 02 1991 17:5912
    ... being told I have to give an update at a meeting, that I'm 
  unprepared for, getting to the meeting .. and before my unprepared
  update, being told that it was just a ploy to get me to the meeting,
  and that I have received a recognition award for individual achievement.
  (product marketing and engineering)

    ... I'm sure I'll really love the dinner I'm going to buy myself
  with the bonus! 8^) ...

12.1943NITTY::DIERCKSJust being is not flaunting! (stolen!)Wed Oct 02 1991 19:056
    ...my new $6 recording of Bach's Christmas Oratoria.  There's something
       to be said for the cutout bins.
12.1944okay, so I'm a *small* crowdMR4DEC::EGNOONANLife's a hand-me-down broom...Wed Oct 02 1991 20:216
    YYYyyyaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Paullllllllllllll
    rahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhand the crowd goes wild!
    E Grace
12.1945MR4DEC::EGNOONANLife's a hand-me-down broom...Wed Oct 02 1991 20:217
    ...Greg's new p_name!
    Isn't truth wonderful?
    hugs, Greg
    E Grace
12.1946NITTY::DIERCKSJust being is not flaunting! (stolen!)Wed Oct 02 1991 20:247
    Garsh!!!  I stole the phrase from a contributor in DIGITAL notes, topic
    	Greg  (I'm on the 6th of the cantatas right now, then I'll go
12.1947TLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireThu Oct 03 1991 00:484
    I stole a p_name from that string, too: "my badge: different and
    proud!"  Odd that it was used insultingly in the string.... :-)
12.1948the Outlaw is still aliveVINO::LANGELOFluffy Flirting OutlawThu Oct 03 1991 01:247
    ...Ms. Baird's new Pname "Holster,hat, tux...all set!" :-)  Is it
    woman's weekend yet? 16 more days and counting. Somebody wake me up
    when we're in the Gabriel's hottub ;-) Hopefully I will make it in one
    piece to wake up to Oct. 12 %-} My guns are pretty tired right about
    now and my friggin' holster's all full of dirt.
12.1949Outlaws live on in "infamy"!WFOV11::BAIRDholster, hat, tux...all set!Thu Oct 03 1991 02:0512
    	Why, thank you, Laurie!!  (blush!)  I knew that *you* would 
    understand!!  :-)
    	Oh no, Laurie, you mustn't get your _holster_ dirty!  Shine it
    up for the dance!
    	The countdown has commenced!
12.1950I was so happy I had a cry with my MumAYOV27::TWASONThu Oct 03 1991 04:4610
    My Mother, two aunties and I went to visit my Gran in Hospital
    yesterday - it was her 77th birthday and the nurses made her a cake
    some sandwiches and we had a party.  (the nurses even let them all have
    a glass of sherry - Gran had two :-))
    She looked so happy and *was* the life and soul of the party visitors
    coming into see other patients brought her cards and gifts later on
    last night. (aren't some people sooo thoughtful).
    Tracy W
12.1951WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Thu Oct 03 1991 09:541
    talking with someone special
12.1952Ah, fall in New England...MRKTNG::GOLDMANCarnivore? Herbivore? Omnivore?Thu Oct 03 1991 11:254
    	...finding several alternate ways to get to work, mostly backroads,
    and all of which are a blaze of autumnal colors!

12.1953TERZA::ZANEfor who you areThu Oct 03 1991 11:333
    a lover's touch.

12.1954RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingThu Oct 03 1991 11:386
    re .1953
    Ah! don't we all!
    Alice T.
12.1955MR4DEC::EGNOONANLife's a hand-me-down broom...Thu Oct 03 1991 11:417
    Yes, Amy!  Autumn in New England!   
    E Grace
12.1956in re autmn in new englandWMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Thu Oct 03 1991 12:141
    Dragons are kissing the trees... :-)
12.1957NITTY::DIERCKSJust being is not flaunting! (stolen!)Thu Oct 03 1991 12:217
    The forest preserve across the street from the ACI here in Elk Grove
    Village is ablaze with colors, too.  It's great to see this splash of
    nature in the midst of the suburban sprawl.
    	GJD -- love those orange/red maple trees
12.1958gorgeous!TLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireThu Oct 03 1991 12:493
    ...route 3 in the fall, when all the colors are changing!!
12.1959some people ignore librariansRDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingThu Oct 03 1991 13:283
    having someone appreciate my work.
    Alice T.
12.1960I really love...librarians! :-)TLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireThu Oct 03 1991 14:3922
    Alice T, if you think librarians are under appreciated then I should
    tell you about me and librarians - I love 'em!  In my childhood I had
    few friends and hated school - books were my life. I used to
    practically *live* in the library!  I was a librarian's dream, because
    not only did I actually use the library, but I also used their
    services, frequently asking for book recommendations, books off the
    stacks, research questions, etc.  
    The librarians in the public library didn't like me because I kept them
    too busy ;-) but the school librarian in junior high loved me!  Her
    name was Katherine Lopez and she still remembers me (my father now
    teaches at that school.)  I used to go to the library every day at
    lunch - every other kid needed a pass from the principal, but I didn't.
    I would talk to her, help her clean up, and READ READ READ!  She was
    often bored, because the only times kids in this school used to the
    library was to do papers because they *had* to, so she was happy to
    have a student who shared her passion!!
    And I really appreciated her, she made a very rough time in my life
    much easier.
12.1961OOk!RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingThu Oct 03 1991 14:446
    Thank you, D, I loved that - you cheered me up! (didn't make going
    home any easier, but that's a different matter 8-))
    Alice T.
    (whose favourite librarian has to be a toss up between the Nude
    Motorcycle Girl and an orang-utan.)
12.1962They're the tops!ESGWST::RDAVISAvailable FergusonThu Oct 03 1991 14:4411
    My favorite person in high school was the librarian (though I did take
    terrible advantage of her good feelings to get my friends off the hook
    in study hall!); as a poor teenager, I got most of my records and
    magazines given to me by the friendly librarians in the nearest "big
    town" (from their own collections, I hasten to add, not the county's);
    my first long-term steady worked parttime as a librarian; my most
    desired job straight out of college was one at the Bryn Mawr Library (I
    didn't get it (,< :), so I guess you could say I appreciate
12.1963hey, you people are making the hugs work quicker!RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingThu Oct 03 1991 14:483
    Alice T.
12.1964I'm in the money!EN::DROWNSthis has been a recordingThu Oct 03 1991 15:085
    Go shopping at lunch and buying EVERYthing and anything I wanted!
12.1965I'd like to be in the moneyRDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingThu Oct 03 1991 15:113
    gonna get paid on Monday!
    Alice T.
12.1966BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa good dog and some treesThu Oct 03 1991 15:324
daughter telling me at 10 am that she feels great now and DEMANDS to go to

Sara the yo yo mom
12.1967WAHOO::LEVESQUEA glint of steel &amp; a flash of lightThu Oct 03 1991 17:041
 Keeping up with the peas. :-)
12.1968SMURF::SMURF::BINDERAs magnificent as thatThu Oct 03 1991 18:212
    ...that of all the reeds in my parlor organ, I found only one broken
    one.  I had visions of zillions...
12.1969...tell me a story...MR4DEC::EGNOONANLife's a hand-me-down broom...Thu Oct 03 1991 18:337
    RE: .1967
    They just weren't rolling around very much!
    E Grace
12.1970It wasn't my TIME eitherMYGUY::LANDINGHAMMrs. KipThu Oct 03 1991 19:2725
    RE:  12.1872
    At approx. 9:30 PM on November 10, 1975, I managed to flip my car,
    bounce off a brick wall, roll it over twice, flatten most of the roof,
    push in the front (Renault w/engine in the rear), push in the tires,
    puncture the fuel tank, and shatter all the glass.  I didn't wear a
    seat belt, either.  I was 17 at the time.  I crawled out of the broken
    window on the driver's side of my upside down, bent, mutilated and
    crinkled car, with merely a few scratches and bruises.                
    Your daughter is probably going to experience some real strong emotions
    in the near future.  It's pretty amazing to go back a few days later to
    look at the wreck where they towed it, and hear someone say, "Wow!  Did
    anybody die in that accident?"  
    Best wishes to both of you. I'm SO glad that your daughter's guardian
    angel was with her, too.  Hang in there, your daughter may experience
    some misgivings about driving in a car, being the driver of a car, or
    may just take a deep breath and look at life with a new outlook.  In
    any case, she'll need your support and love.
12.1971RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingFri Oct 04 1991 10:567
    ...talking until almost 5 in the morning with a brand new friend. I
    feel we know each other very well, already, and it feels good. It feels
    great to be in the sort of friendship where I feel I can talk about
    anything, even though we only met on Tuesday!
    Alice T.
    (a happy hedonist)
12.1972GNUVAX::BOBBITTso wired I could broadcast....Fri Oct 04 1991 13:1221
    feeling *less* sick...
    seeing a friend last night...
    getting 103 million points on Terminator II (new pinball game!)...
    having the cable folks show up *early*...
    feeling support form far away....
    hearing "our song" on *3* different radio stations on the way in
    	to work this morning!......
    having a C.O.U.S. (running into my aerobics teacher at the sneaker
    	store I usually shop at).
12.1973Fall FoliageDSSDEV::LEMENFri Oct 04 1991 13:185
    the leaves changing color!
    They look so beautiful reflected in the
    river behind my house that I feel joy 
    whenever I look at them.
12.1974ARRODS::WHITEHEADJEx-DGUFri Oct 04 1991 13:257
   ...listening to a newly released song by one of my favourite singers,
   produced by one of my favourite producers.  The song is a beautiful
   ballard that just seems so right for what I'm going through at the
   moment and throws so many memories and thoughts at me.  A song for
   every occasion, I guess.

   Goldy (in mellow mode)
12.1975Driving in a fauve landscapeRANGER::GONZALEZsets the stars on fireFri Oct 04 1991 13:318
    Driving to work on a beautiful fall morning, looking at the bright
    foliage and trying to decide if the sky IS just simply that amazing
    clear thick saturated blue or it if only LOOKS especially blue in 
    contrast to the orange and firey trees.  
    I love my polarizing lenses on my sunglasses!
12.1976WAHOO::LEVESQUELet us prey...Fri Oct 04 1991 13:352
 Being allowed to see women behaving in a manner not usually seen by men.
I feel privileged. :-)
12.1977Sorry, I think I meant .1971RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingFri Oct 04 1991 13:436
    ...that the friend I mentioned in .1972 read it and regarded it as a
    big compliment!
    Alice T.
    (who's hoping he'll start noting here. HINT HINT, if you see this,
12.1978WAHOO::LEVESQUELet us prey...Fri Oct 04 1991 13:449
 Something else to be happy about-

 I just got a call from someone who liked my note about a certain controversial
subject so much that she called to thank me. (She is apparently one of the
organizers of that which is so controversial.) Neat! And it's the only
entry I've ever put in that file, too. <sinister_chuckle> So she had no way
of knowing about me. :-) :-)

 Mirthful Mark
12.1979NITTY::DIERCKSJust being is not flaunting! (stolen!)Fri Oct 04 1991 14:025
    It WAS a good note, Herr Doctah!
12.1980AHH! That's better..DENVER::DOROFri Oct 04 1991 15:0610
    Coming back to =wn= after wading through the vitriol and unecessary
    and unbelievable!) anger, fear, and hatred in 1616 (::Digital) 
    Feels like a breath of clean fresh air!
    Maybe I'll go dip a toe in the flotation note.. are non-swimmers
12.1981WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Fri Oct 04 1991 15:286
    Not only are non swimmers welcome, the water is very bouyant and
    you can breathe while submersed!
12.1982ZFC::deramoinsufferably cuteFri Oct 04 1991 15:389
re .1981

> (personal name) all I need is the air....

> you can breathe while submersed!

Contradiction alert! :-)

12.1983Judy Collins has nothing to do with floation tanks..WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Fri Oct 04 1991 15:5212
    Dan, dear!
    :-P! .......
    giggle :-)
12.1984SMURF::SMURF::BINDERAs magnificent as thatFri Oct 04 1991 16:085
    Re: .1982
    Is contradiction a rebellious speech in Nicaragua?  :-)
12.1985Time spent with my NOTESfriends...MEIS::TILLSONSugar MagnoliaFri Oct 04 1991 16:366
    and a wonderful "chinese-colonial" dinner.  Thanks, y'all ;-)
12.1986BUBBLY::LEIGHGone flatFri Oct 04 1991 17:082
    ...the way many voices of tolerance, hope, and clarity have redirected
    the discussion in DIGITAL note 1616.  (And you know who you are...)
12.1987lots of things like ...NODEMO::DITOMMASOI cant get use to this lifestyleFri Oct 04 1991 17:1018

   ... This weather (Indian Summer!) ...

   ... Hedonism! 8^)  (re. 1971) ... 

   ... A week away from work! (travel) ...

   ... going away presents, when you're only going away for 4 days! ...

   life in general ...

12.1988VMSMKT::KENAHThe man with a child in his eyes...Fri Oct 04 1991 17:2011
    >                -< Time spent with my NOTESfriends... >-
    >and a wonderful "chinese-colonial" dinner.  Thanks, y'all ;-)
    >						/Rita
    You're welcome.  Y'all come back, hear?
12.1989WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Fri Oct 04 1991 17:283
    That I'm going to see Sandy Ciccolini tonite!
12.1990envyTALLIS::PARADISMusic, Sex, and CookiesFri Oct 04 1991 18:185
    > That I'm going to see Sandy Ciccolini tonite!
    Ooo!  Ooo!!!  Say hi for me, pleez!
12.1991CGVAX2::CONNELLShivers and TearsFri Oct 04 1991 18:545
    that I'll be in WMO Westminster for Monday and Tuesday for DEC Standard
    017 training. My first "real" trip for the company after 7 years in
12.1992JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Sat Oct 05 1991 06:501
12.1993JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Sat Oct 05 1991 06:501
12.1994JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Sat Oct 05 1991 06:501
12.1995JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Sat Oct 05 1991 06:511
12.1996JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Sat Oct 05 1991 06:511
12.1997JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Sat Oct 05 1991 06:511
12.1998JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Sat Oct 05 1991 06:511
12.1999JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Sat Oct 05 1991 06:521
12.2000A first for JeromekindJUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Sat Oct 05 1991 06:538
    How childish eh ?
    And no I didn't come in on Saturday just to get it.
12.2001only three zeroes, Jerome? :-)ZFC::deramoinsufferably cuteSat Oct 05 1991 20:227
                <<< VISA::USER:[NOTES$LIBRARY]JOYOFLEX.NOTE;1 >>>
                              -< The Joy of Lex >-
Note 396.10000              Word association-football             10000 of 13245
AITG::DERAMO "Daniel V. {AITG,ZFC}:: D'Eramo"         0 lines  21-SEP-1989 19:05
                            -< sardines --> packed >-
12.2002Calvin Klein, no less...GNUVAX::QUIRIYtick, tick, bang!Sat Oct 05 1991 21:546
    Friendly one-up-manship.
    My new tails. :-)
12.2003.1971RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingSun Oct 06 1991 11:315
    ...being able to say things through notes that I find less easy to say
    in person.
    Alice T.
12.2004I'm getting better!RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingSun Oct 06 1991 11:404
    Garrick's going to come and visit me for the weekend next Friday!
    Alice T.
    (who's missing him, but not as badly as last time!)
12.2005Even better than "slurker"REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Sun Oct 06 1991 23:525
    ... walking into the Boskone meeting as the chairman describes one
    person's role (that little inner voice) and then coins a term to
    describe her official position: Omsbuddy.
    						Ann B.
12.2006A candy-coloured clown they call the sandman...RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingMon Oct 07 1991 09:446
    ...seeing "Blue Velvet" last night after all!
    ...and Kyle MacLachlan being even better-looking than I remembered at
    that age.
    Alice T.
12.2007re : Cor !JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Mon Oct 07 1991 09:454
    *4* zeroes! How can I compete with that ? What a professional. 
12.2008MR4DEC::EGNOONANThe world is my oyster....Mon Oct 07 1991 10:219
    ...the colors nearing their peak: the sassy yellows, flirty oranges,
    and those come-hither reds.......
    ....friends I never even *dreamed* I could have.
    E Grace
12.2009SMURF::CALIPH::binderAs magnificent as thatMon Oct 07 1991 10:241
...growing as a person.
12.2010maybe next time the fish will bite...WAHOO::LEVESQUELet us prey...Mon Oct 07 1991 10:312
     Flyfishing in the rain. No problem with other fishermen. Perfect
    solitude. Sharing my spot with a cormorant.
12.2011GNUVAX::BOBBITTI shall not want...Mon Oct 07 1991 11:505
    learning to do random things and *enjoy it!*
12.2012I want to go again, dressed up this time....BOOVX2::MANDILELynne a.k.a. HRHMon Oct 07 1991 12:175
    Getting a braid attached to my hair that goes all the
    way down to my hip.  I had it done at King Richard's
    Faire this Saturday....I feel so "Decadent!"
12.2013MSBCS::HETRICKyou be me for awhileMon Oct 07 1991 12:193
    E's description of the foliage!
    very vivid!  thankyou, E!
12.2014You wouldn't *believe* how great this weekend went.RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingMon Oct 07 1991 13:406
    ...having my confusion *totally* sorted out. I feel so much happier
    now, more easy in my mind.
    Alice T.
    (is there a Miss Right out there somewhere for a new male friend of
12.2015here in =wn=, I meanBTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa good dog and some treesMon Oct 07 1991 13:521
    ...hearing Estelle's happy voice!
12.2016Thanks a million, Paul.RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingMon Oct 07 1991 14:464
    ...a friendship that just gets better!
    Alice T.
    (a tired, happy hedonist!)
12.2017 gosh y'all are wonderfulBENONI::JIMCKnight of the Woeful CountenanceMon Oct 07 1991 18:463
    The warm, teary feeling I get when I see all the support, concern and
    love expressed in this file.  At all levels from my kitty is missing to
    someone I love is sick or worse.
12.2018BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa good dog and some treesTue Oct 08 1991 11:516
I'm volunteering to be a Girl Scout troop leader (there'd be no troop, 
otherwise!).  6 girls and me.  I'm glad to do it, but nervous about it
somewhat.  Stage fright, plus worry about the time committment -- there's 
a lot going on right now...

12.2019Yippedy doodah yippedy day my oh my what a....JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Tue Oct 08 1991 14:036
    ....solving a problem that's been a thorn in my side for weeks....
    Jerome - the most relieved programmer in the world right now !
12.2020Enquiring minds want to know.RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingTue Oct 08 1991 14:054
    Does that mean you've got a new contract?
    Alice T.
12.2021GissajobJUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Tue Oct 08 1991 14:1110
    Unfortunately not Alice, but I have solved an annoying problem that
    has been dogging this contract for literally 6 or 7 weeks. Even the
    relevant technical notes conference wasn't any help. I sort of tripped
    over the solution whilst trying a last resort option.  I can't express
    how great it is to have this cloud blown totally away. Yeeeeeehaaaaaah! 
    PS - Anyone need a contract C programmer ?
12.2022About friggin' time.WAHOO::LEVESQUELet us prey...Tue Oct 08 1991 17:491
 Dad 1 Sweepstakes Commission 0
12.2023SA1794::CHARBONNDNorthern Exposure?Tue Oct 08 1991 18:059
    ...spending a three-day weekend in Vermont at the peak of 
    the foliage turning.
    ...seeing two deer under my stand. Pity they got there ten minutes 
    before I did. ;-) (Ringer's Law: The timing is _always_ wrong.) 
    I really love when the weather turns crisp and clear and dry. 
    And I really really really love Fridays. 
12.2024appeal to the construction godsBTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa good dog and some treesTue Oct 08 1991 23:184
    there's a working water line to my house again.  phew!
    now, if the guy with the concrete will only show up before it starts to
12.2025BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa good dog and some treesTue Oct 08 1991 23:191
    also like reading I Like notes by friends!
12.2026wwhhheeeewwwwwAYOV27::TWASONWed Oct 09 1991 06:0320
    ...that I followed the MAN that drove into the back of me got out the
    car and confronted him.
    As he was about to walk past both he and his wife put their heads down
    trying to ignore me until I politely shouted across the row of cars...
    "Excuse me but you just drove into the back of my car"  on approaching
    he stated "Oh was it you, I'm really sorry I wasn't looking - I was too
    busy watching the cars coming round from the right-hand side".
    Anyway - there wasn't much damage and John's relative will be able to
    repair it for pennies.
    Tracy W
12.2027Lots to loveDSSDEV::LEMENWed Oct 09 1991 10:3113
    ...that my husband surprised me with a composter! (Not everyone's
    idea of a great gift, but definitely mine.
    ...that my NH writing group is really starting to come together---
    you know how you go from being a bunch of individuals to "us"?
    We are finally getting to us!
    ...that the Thomas vote is delayed.
    ...that I have cable finally, so I can see Judy B on TV!
12.2028Reported to police?FRAGLE::PAYETTEWed Oct 09 1991 11:0011
    Reply to note 2026.
    Did you know that you could of reported him to the police for hit and
    run? He hit you and took off, that is a hit and run.
    Hope you were all right and didn't get whip-lashed.
12.2029making the connection...LEZAH::SCANLONI was so much older then...Wed Oct 09 1991 12:598
	...I _finally_ figure out that people I know in my "real life"
	are people I know from notes as well.  Sometimes it takes me a
	while, but I do eventually catch on! :`)

	Hi D!

	Take care,
12.2030yeah, I'm *that* D! ;-)TLE::DBANG::carrollA woman full of fireWed Oct 09 1991 13:295
Hi Wind Dancer...


12.2031Oooh er !JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Wed Oct 09 1991 15:217
    .....being told about something that someone else said about me 
    that has made my day.  Mmmm, how do I get my head through the door 
    now though ?
    :-) :-) :-) :-)
12.2032E's personal name...BSS::VANFLEETWake up and Dream!Wed Oct 09 1991 17:243
...and you are a pearl!

12.2033Hmmm.....BOOVX1::MANDILELynne a.k.a. HRHWed Oct 09 1991 17:474
    Being noticed.....and all it took was a piece of 
    braided hair!  Gee, what change should I do next?
12.2034SCARGO::CONNELLShivers and TearsWed Oct 09 1991 18:296
    Spending 2 days off site and meeting with one of the mods and getting
    and giving real live hugs. I wish we could have talked longer, but I
    know we both had "real" work to do. (Like NOTING isn't our real job in
    life. :-)  )
12.2035(*8MR4DEC::EGNOONANThe world is my oyster....Wed Oct 09 1991 18:446
    Check out Jody's personal name.
    E Grace
12.2036GNUVAX::BOBBITTI shall not want...Wed Oct 09 1991 19:326
    doing what I do.
    and continuing to do it.
12.2037cous's....?|GNUVAX::BOBBITTI shall not want...Wed Oct 09 1991 19:397
    running into two WPI-folk (the only two other people in the restaurant)
    while randomly lunching in Westford!
    go figure...
12.2038Life in general is pretty fantastic...RIPPLE::BARTHOLOM_SHThe bristles are the secretWed Oct 09 1991 22:5413
    ....this fantastic Indian Summer we are experiencing...72 F and it is
    ....a caring friend who has this incredible ability to make me laugh
    when I need to most...and he can put things into such a clear light
    when I feel like it's really foggy...
    ....counting down the days until I am back East again...
    ....being asked how much I had to pay the model in my pictures...I love
    compliments like that! :-)) 
12.2039BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa good dog and some treesThu Oct 10 1991 00:062
    concrete footings in the cellar hole.  But the contractor had to be
    threatened with loss of the job to get it done!
12.2040.....Dodging a downsizing bulletRT95::KALIKOWThen: Ruble; Now: Rubble!Thu Oct 10 1991 00:1527
    About 6 months ago I realized that there was a dangerously growing
    chasm between what I was good at and what my group (part of US Field
    Sales Support) was changing into.  I gradually got REALLY depressed &
    crawled into my shell, even gave up noting & missed the =wn= anniv
    party, as "the walls closed in."  Bleah. 
    About a month back, as I had begun to expect, my sensitized-from-a-
    previous-layoff tea-leaf reading indicated that the crosshairs had
    locked onto me...
    Were it not for the TriStoogeoid Corporate Layoff Team we seem to be
    blessed with, I'm certain that Friday would have been my last day... 
    So I began looking around...  Got several offers this week...  Yippee!
    Next week I join a GREAT group in MLO.  I'm truly sorry for so many of
    our colleagues who are leaving unwillingly...  but glad I won't be
    joining them.  It's good to feel a part of the company again -- to the
    extent that I can spend an entire evening catching up on recent =wn=
    I hope =wn= doesn't lose any friends in the current round.  Enough
    Cheers & hugs to all, I hope to be around =wn= for yet awhile...  and
    even write occasionally...  as soon as I catch up on the past few days!  
12.2041weather tale...WFOV12::BAIRDholster, hat, tux...all set!Thu Oct 10 1991 03:3310
    ...having my own weather barometer.  I usually have two of my five 
    cats sleep with me when the weather is mild (my babies-see cat note!).
    I can tell that the weather is changing, cause now it is a 3-4 cat
    night! (day, actually!) Eskimos had there dogs, I have my little fur-
    faces..taking up more room on the waterbed--hey! maybe I should have 
    put this in the I *hate* it note!  :-)
12.2042will I tell them, Jerome, or should I keep it quiet?RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingThu Oct 10 1991 09:236
    ...what happens to Jerome when he gets embarrassed!
    ...that Garrick's going to come to visit for the weekend, starting this
    Alice T.
12.2043Hi, Dan!!!!! nice to see you! wave waveMR4DEC::EGNOONANThe world is my oyster....Thu Oct 10 1991 10:229
    ...sleeping in my waterbed again......*FINALLY*!!!!
    		(Yes, Jody, it really is full)
    ...that we have some active British noters.  'gail, you can finally
    take a rest!
    E Grace
12.2044welcome backWMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Thu Oct 10 1991 12:143
    That Dan is back in womannotes.
12.2045ContrastsTRUCKS::WINWOODPick up the phone - Press executeThu Oct 10 1991 12:225
    ...getting two projects, one where we stand no chance and the
    other where our customer is so positive about Digital Services
    above his own organisation it blows your socks off!!
    Calvin (Yet another UK'er)
12.2046WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Thu Oct 10 1991 13:421
    Having strawberry shortcake for lunch!
12.2047MR4DEC::EGRACEThe world is my oyster....Thu Oct 10 1991 14:174
    ...my new USERNAME!
    E Grace
12.2048tired of being truncated, I am an 11-letter person, dammit!SA1794::CHARBONNDNorthern Exposure?Thu Oct 10 1991 14:201
    she cheats! I wanna be DANAC. no fair, waauuuggghhh! 
12.2049ballet seasonFSOA::DJANCAITISQue sera, seraThu Oct 10 1991 15:158
the fact that we're going to the ballet next weekend.....first one of the new season and
looking forward to a "night out" with good friends....
now if I can just get through the week between now and then !!!!!!!!!!!!!

12.2050for today....WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Fri Oct 11 1991 14:515
    1. That =wn= is up again!
    2. WVBF request lines....
    3. Visitors to WMO
12.2051BOOVX1::MANDILELynne a.k.a. HRHFri Oct 11 1991 15:353
    Taking Monday off to have a three day weekend with
    my hubby!  And, being able to get some things done
    with the extra time, including getting in some riding!
12.2052Yet Another Lunch with E :-)WAHOO::LEVESQUELet us prey...Fri Oct 11 1991 16:421
12.2053MEIS::TILLSONSappho's Lone Star SisterFri Oct 11 1991 17:507
    My last day with this group...YEEEEEHA!
12.2054GUESS::DERAMODan D'Eramo, zfc::deramoFri Oct 11 1991 20:195
        Wow, my favorite radio station!
12.2055BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa good dog and some treesSat Oct 12 1991 01:263
    snow forecast for Sunday!
    hey, it may as well snow, the foliage is past peak...
12.2056MR4DEC::EGRACEFriend of SapphoSat Oct 12 1991 02:075
    ...being a friend of the Family.
    E Grace
12.2057GNUVAX::QUIRIYwe are all one peopleSat Oct 12 1991 23:106
    spending the day with my sister, bro-in-law, & neice, having them as my
    guests, and it turned out to be a fun day, like maybe close to whatever
    normal is supposed to be!
12.2058GNUVAX::QUIRIYwe are all one peopleSat Oct 12 1991 23:176
    oh, and I really love finding the legs to an old treadle sewing machine
    (which I'd been looking for) and as soon as I find a nice piece of wood
    or marble, I can make a little table with them...
12.2059SLOANE::DAVIESAPassion and DirectionMon Oct 14 1991 06:0112
    ...getting =wn= back!
    I *really* missed it :-)
    ...a very lovely young man offering to cook me a Chinese feast
       (roll on Tuesday!)
    ...my cold is getting better
    ...strokes for strength
12.2060WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Mon Oct 14 1991 10:553
    King Richard's Faire...
12.2061JJLIET::JUDYIt's leather weather!Mon Oct 14 1991 11:206
    	...finding a great costume for a Halloween party in a couple
    	of weeks....hope it's a good party, the costume was expensive!
12.2062MR4DEC::EGRACEFriend of SapphoMon Oct 14 1991 11:563
    ...my shiny new fairy tail!
    E Grace
12.2063SCARGO::CONNELLShivers and TearsMon Oct 14 1991 16:087
    seeing Cheyenne enter a note in here again. Even if it's from her
    sickbed, it means SHE IS ON THE MEND. 
    Hurry back to us, dear friend.
12.2064MSBCS::HETRICKyou be me for awhileTue Oct 15 1991 14:191
    When the "I really hate" note transforms itself into the hug note!
12.2065And it's not even my birthday!KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideTue Oct 15 1991 15:124
    Being swept away in a limo, with champagne, to the Royal Sonesta Hotel,
    and walking for hours around Cambridge!
12.2066DSSDEV::LEMENTue Oct 15 1991 15:577
    Was that trip with who I think it was? 
    I hope so---I'm really happy for you!!!
12.2067MR4DEC::EGRACEValidation out the wazoo!Tue Oct 15 1991 16:014
    ...having lunch with someone with sparkling eyes!
    E Grace
12.2068Can't stop smiling!KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideTue Oct 15 1991 16:115
    re 2066  June,
    Yes, it was!  Can you believe it?  I had a *great* time!
12.2069WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Tue Oct 15 1991 16:215
    taking my 17 year old 'special needs' son out to lunch for his
    birthday and being proud of how he has grown and matured in the 10
    years he has been my son!
12.2070WFOV11::BAIRDAnticipation is half the funWed Oct 16 1991 04:478
    ...spending the evening just talking with a new, special friend.  :-)
    ...and that the weekend is only 53 hours away!!  :-)  (for me, that is)
12.2071perfect.GEMVAX::BROOKSWed Oct 16 1991 10:149
A report that a French newspaper has characterized the Thomas hearings as a 
"return to prudery".

Gee, our own worthy leaders have been so creative in finding ways to 
totally misunderstand the issue of sexual harassment...guess it takes the 
Gallic genius to come up with this one. 

12.2072halfway there!GNUVAX::BOBBITTValidation out the wazoo!Wed Oct 16 1991 10:587
    31 days down
    31 to go.
    LDR's are a *challenge*.
12.2073PROSE::BLACHEKWed Oct 16 1991 11:576
    That when I was on WEVO (NH Public Radio) this morning I did a good
    I even got a message from my manager complimenting me.
12.2074I'd like one of those, please.RANGER::BENCEA life of shape...Wed Oct 16 1991 12:038
    A description I heard this morning on NPR (describing the life of
    A. Bart Giamatti).
    	"...a life of shape, shot through with delight."
12.2075CGVAX2::CONNELLShivers and TearsWed Oct 16 1991 12:1012
    my new Sandman t-shirt. Not only does it feature Dream(DC Comics), but
    it highlights his sister, Death. She is the absolutest, mostest,
    coolest character in comics today. The t is white, she and her brother
    are in their usual black garb. The caption is in lavender(Well purple
    really) It says "How would you feel about life, if Deathe were your
    older sister?" Art by Mike Dringenberg. 
    I think that if I were to fall in love with a fictional character, it
    would be Neil Gaiman's version of Death. She's just to cool.
12.2076Barb says hiKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideWed Oct 16 1991 12:275
    Receiving a letter from Barbara Haslam!  And I almost didn't stop
    this am at the post office, because of the yucky rain.  I'll post
    excerpts soon...she says hi to everyone!
12.2077BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa good dog and some treesWed Oct 16 1991 14:372
    the sun came out!  well some of the time, anyway.  what a relief after
    the wind and rain last night...
12.2078Know any good campfire songs?SKIVT::L_BURKECherokee Princess, DTN 266-4584Wed Oct 16 1991 14:536
    that I'm taking my cubscouts to Montreal this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I really need to get away and noone cheers me like a bunch of silly
    Linda B
12.2079MR4DEC::EGRACELesbigay Rights = Human RightsThu Oct 17 1991 12:526
    ....that THEATRE is back up!!!!!
    E Grace
    THEATRE co-mod
12.2080gratitudeTLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireThu Oct 17 1991 14:069
    ...good friends who take care of me when I am not taking proper care of
    [PS: Hugs and apologies to each and every one of you that I have
    snapped at or been negative with during the past few days while I have
    been dealing with inordinate amounts of stress and emotional upheaval. 
    I love you all!]
12.2081Friends like youCSC32::DUBOISLoveThu Oct 17 1991 16:329

Because of the wonderful warmth and support that you folks and others have
given me recently, I worked late last night *voluntarily* and felt better
about Digital and life in general than I have in too long.

Thank you.

12.2082BOMBE::HEATHERHearts on FireThu Oct 17 1991 19:0611
    I really love that my ranting about pagan/witch stereotyping that
    happens this time of year in the "I hate" note has turned into a
    wonderful discussion!  And seems to have spawned another in the
    I really love the fact that I now have to seriously start thinking
    of myself as a *green* witch!  I was falling on my floor with
    hysterics over that! ;-) ;-) ;-)!!!  Blessed Be!
    bright blessings,
12.2083MR4DEC::EGRACELesbigay Rights = Human RightsThu Oct 17 1991 19:0810
    ...that I have absolutely nothing to do tonight but pamper myself, and
    get ready for woman's weekend!
    E Grace
12.2084This conferenceCHGV04::MAYMake it *snow*, Number 1Thu Oct 17 1991 19:4815
    That even though I've been off at the client site for the last 6
    months that I can come back & see that most things in the =wn=
    community haven't changed....
    --- that E Grace hugs still abound
    --- that quips, love & support are swapped around like a good joke
    --- that a mostly RO like me, can not feel funny about putting in
    my 2 cents every now & again.
    -Andrea   (formerly POBOX::Abraham)
    PS. I haven't locked my keys in my car yet, John.
12.2085I really have, ask D!MR4DEC::EGRACELesbigay Rights = Human RightsThu Oct 17 1991 21:4211
    ANDREA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'VE BEEN WONDERING ABOUT YOU!!!!!!!
    I was starting to think you didn't like our parties!
    Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    E Grace
12.2086...his wonderful laugh, too.CSC32::CONLONDreams happen!!Fri Oct 18 1991 00:047
    	...my son's sense of humor.
    	...my son's hugs.
    	...my son.
12.2087Spooks and Goblins LiveUSCTR2::DONOVANFri Oct 18 1991 06:416
    ...Painting psychodelic pumpkins with my kids. It was so much fun I
    wasn't even mad that the paint stained their clothes.
12.2088Wheeee!!!RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingFri Oct 18 1991 07:028
    ...being in a totally, outrageously happy and silly and stupid mood for
    no particular reason.
    (But IRHIW I'm in that mood *on my own*!)
    Alice T.
    (who's having company this evening, and, if I'm lucky, who'll be
    somebody else's company tomorrow evening.)
12.2089Charlotte's WebFRAMBO::HARRAHNota Bene Fri Oct 18 1991 07:479
    ...finishing "Charlotte's Web" last night with my daughter.  By the
    time we made to the last chapters, she was crying and I was more than
    slightly misty-eyed.
    	Sigh.  Such a lovely spider . . . . . .
12.2090A break from the stresses and pressuresMRKTNG::GOLDMANCreate changeFri Oct 18 1991 10:5310
    	...that my mid-term case paper is done and handed in

    	...that our presentation went over very well

    	...that I'm going to P-town this weekend and I'm just going to 
    relax and enjoy myself!

    	I need this - I deserve this!!

12.2091MR4DEC::EGRACELesbigay Rights = Human RightsFri Oct 18 1991 10:578
    ...the smell of henna.
    ...riding to work through the Autumn-scented woods (and being on a main
    E Grace
12.2092It's that time againCSC32::M_EVANSFri Oct 18 1991 11:079
    The fact that as of 3:00pm MDT I'll be on vacation.  12 days with
    nothing to do but wander around in the woods introducing my partner to
    one of the best things about fall.  (oh, and rebuilding the compost
    heap and finishing the backyard landscaping and cold frames, but it is
    physical, rather than mental work.)
    Heather's "green witch" rathole
12.2093SA1794::CHARBONNDDances With SquirrelsFri Oct 18 1991 11:163
    that I'll be on vacation an hour before Meg ;-)
    how does one rebuild a heap?
12.2094WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Fri Oct 18 1991 12:053
    that I'll be in Ipswich tomorrow
12.2095a plan featuring Harrison Ford, amongst others!RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingFri Oct 18 1991 12:104
    I felt miserable a minute ago, because I had no plans for the weekend,
    but now, I've just made one!
    Alice T.
12.2096MR4DEC::EGRACEAutumn EroticismFri Oct 18 1991 12:413
    ...that I only have 6 1/2 hours to go!!!!
    E Grace
12.2097Noting = Friendship across the milesCHGV04::MAYMake it *snow*, Number 1Fri Oct 18 1991 13:2217
    Thanks E GRACE - I've missed you.
    BTW,  I'm always amazed at the creative personal names, (read jealous)
    :-)  like D! and Heather's and Dan's and ............ (yes, I know
    there's a note somewhere out there for this)
    And Heather - Bright Blessing's gives such a warm image. It's special.
    Smiles all,
    I am in such a good mood - I wanted to share it - BIG  <<< :-) >>>>
    and lots of kitty hugs and snuggles.
12.2098MassageYUPPY::DAVIESAPassion and DirectionFri Oct 18 1991 13:248
    ...booking in for a massage next Friday!
    I love looking forward to it :-)
    (deferred satisfaction disciple)
12.2099and the whole Saturday to myself !!!39527::DJANCAITISQue sera, seraFri Oct 18 1991 13:389
..........getting back in to and caught up in =wn= after too many days of

   ....... that I treated myself to a hair trim and manicure last night
	AND booked another one for a couple weeks before Christmas

	.........that I'm going to the Ballet on Saturday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Debbi J
12.2100where the cats meoow...RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingFri Oct 18 1991 13:443
    ..."This is Spinal Tap"!
    Alice T.
12.2101it's a beautiful day in the neighborhoodTLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireFri Oct 18 1991 13:545
    ...beautiful fall colors on a crisp, shiny day...
    ...being able to connect with my mother...
12.2102WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Fri Oct 18 1991 14:103
    Seeing Sandy C again last night!
12.2103hugs *do* work!RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingFri Oct 18 1991 14:163
    Alice T. (who's cheered up lots now!)
12.210439527::DJANCAITISQue sera, seraFri Oct 18 1991 14:1813
       <<< Note 12.2101 by TLE::TLE::D_CARROLL "A woman full of fire" >>>
                 -< it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood >-

>>    ...being able to connect with my mother...
>>    D!

	Oh, wow, D! I envy you........mine's been gone for almost 18 years
	now and we didn't get along real well when she was alive.......

	cherish the moment !

	Debbi J
12.2105LEZAH::BOBBITTon the wings of maybeFri Oct 18 1991 15:279
    meeting a friend's goats in the parking lot!  Spice was the large goat,
    and the baby's name was Cricket (!).... (well, they were in the back of
    a truck in the parking lot)
    VERY sweet critters, and apparently people-friendly.  shrub hungry,
    too, I'm sure, so they had to stay in the truck....
12.2106BOMBE::HEATHERHearts on FireFri Oct 18 1991 15:376
    I love nice comments on my signature name!  Thanks Andrea!  And
    I'm *very* happy my Bright Blessings gives you warm feelings!  It's
    nice to hear!  Bright Blessings coming your way! ;-)
    bright blessings (to all)
12.2107award winning lover! ? MR4DEC::EGRACEAutumn EroticismFri Oct 18 1991 17:344
    ...it when my sweetie wins an award for outstanding contributions to
    his group!
    E Grace
12.2108old friendsCADSE::KHERLive simply, so others may simply liveFri Oct 18 1991 18:033
    ..that I'm going to meet old friends tomorrow!
12.2109LEZAH::BOBBITTon the wings of maybeFri Oct 18 1991 18:3011
    Kicking serious documentational butt.....
    From hopping on the project to final draft review of a new book in 3
    Not something I'd like to do every year, but amazing what I'm capable
    of when I have to do it!
12.2110doesn't surprise *me* a bit! MR4DEC::EGRACEAutumn EroticismFri Oct 18 1991 18:361
12.2111The Grateful DeadYOSMTE::VASQUEZ_JEripple in still waters...Fri Oct 18 1991 20:327
    my first set of DEChead tapes obtained from a Grateful noter....
    I fell asleep with Jerry and woke up with Bobby and Phil.  My idea of a
    perfect way to spend the night!
12.2112MEMIT::JOHNSTONbean sidheFri Oct 18 1991 21:386
    ... that within 20 seconds of posting 13.1997, _some_one put the lights
    back on in my section.
    Whoever you are, bless you.
12.2113ZFC::deramolurking quietly...waiting...Fri Oct 18 1991 22:343
Lurking quietly in a quiet notes conference...waiting...

12.2114Cor Blimey Guvner!JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Sun Oct 20 1991 11:0210
    Being reminded that the actual flower seller that was the 
    inspiration for "My Fair Lady" was my Great Grandmother. She
    went on to have her own flower shop. My Grandmother followed
    her into the flower business and had her own flower shop in
    Hammersmith in London.
    Does this qualify as a weird sort of claim to fame?
12.2115(-: AAAAAAhhuuuuuuuuuwwwww yes, that's luvverly!! :-)CRA::KALIKOWNota Gratia ArguendoSun Oct 20 1991 11:121
12.2116...Quakers :-)YUPPY::DAVIESAPassion and DirectionMon Oct 21 1991 06:231
12.2117my weekend in ThuringenFRAMBO::HARRAHNota Bene Mon Oct 21 1991 08:5313
    ....spending the weekend in the (former) East Germany, being absolutely
    blown away by the courtesy, hospitality and sheer friendliness of a
    whole lot of new friends there.
    ....visiting Eisenach and getting to play the church organ there, the
    same keyboard once played by Johann Sebastian Bach (!).  The keys were
    worn like spoons from centuries of use, it still sounded great.
    ....feeling a definite emotional high from spending time in a place
    where everybody actually *liked* Americans, were intensely curious
    about everything.  There government over there was amazingly bad for
    the last 45 years; I found the people *great*.
12.2118ARRODS::WHITEHEADJThomas The Cross Eyed Pussy CatMon Oct 21 1991 10:154
   ...that a friend has given up smoking...now perhaps I can follow her

12.2119WAHOO::LEVESQUEA spider's kissMon Oct 21 1991 11:001
 A laid-back roast turkey, a lazy sunday afternoon, and the family...
12.2120EVETPU::RUSTMon Oct 21 1991 11:036
    ...getting "Great!"s all over my cholesterol-count report, with a big
    "Keep on doing what you're doing!" handwritten at the bottom. [Should I
    tell them that I live on caffeine, sugar, and bacon/avocado sandwiches?
12.2121WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Mon Oct 21 1991 12:011
    Sun rise over Plum Island - tho it is *cold*!
12.2122MR4DEC::EGRACEAutumn EroticismMon Oct 21 1991 12:225
    ...my new ring.
    ...incredible friends that I never thought I would have.
    E Grace
12.2123opening upTLE::DBANG::carrollA woman full of fireMon Oct 21 1991 13:474
...being able to express my [negative] emotions to someone, and have them 
*not* get cold-faced and close up and change the topic.

12.2124:-)TLE::DBANG::carrollA woman full of fireMon Oct 21 1991 15:535
That Carla is back from Europe...

How was it?

12.2125CGVAX2::CONNELLShivers and TearsMon Oct 21 1991 15:5810
    D, you beat me to it. Welcome back dear Sister-friend Carla. Well, how
    she's back and
    you miss it already. Jet lag all better yet?
    Hugs(I've missed sending them)
12.2126CGVAX2::CONNELLShivers and TearsMon Oct 21 1991 17:386
    that at 8 tonight, I'll be meeting some "real Ghostbusters". A wife and
    husband team are speaking at Daniel Webster College in Nashua and I've
    decided to go. Gee only $2.00 to get in too. (No this isn't a pitch,
    but if any -wn- 'ers wanta go....
12.2127It works!CSC32::CONLONDreams happen!!Tue Oct 22 1991 00:516
    ...being part of a hardware engineer mentoring network...
    (When my mentor was busy today, I spoke to my mentor's mentor instead
    to get valuable information that I can pass down to the folks I am
12.2128MR4DEC::EGRACEAutumn EroticismTue Oct 22 1991 02:094
    ...scoring a 142.07% mission rating in Starfleet!
    E Grace
12.2129WFOV11::BAIRDI'm 18 w/21+ years of experienceTue Oct 22 1991 04:4220
    re. -1
    And *what*, pray tell, were you doing to get *that*, E dear!?!?  You
    *would* look _cute_ in one of their uniforms, though!!  :-o
    ILIW...I meditate at dawn, on the beach at P-town.  It felt
    *wonderful*, even if I *did* only have 2 1/2  hours of sleep!
    ...feeling the love, energy and support from all of the women at
    ...dancing, with lots of incredible women!
    ...(dare I say it?!?) falling in love.  (See, E, I *told* you she was
    wonderful--and not bad looking, either.)
    Debbi  :-)  :-}
12.2130thanks a lot, peeps!RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingTue Oct 22 1991 09:368
    ...the support I've had since my "I really hate..." notes yesterday.
    ...my new agony aunt!
    ...all my friends, trapped in this here VT330!
    Alice T.
    (whose problems are not solved, but getting there!)
12.2131See?! I *told* you to believe your heart!MR4DEC::EGRACENever Another Coat Hanger!!Tue Oct 22 1991 10:485
    I was destroying alien starships, Debbi.  What *could* you have been
    thinking?!  (*8
    E Grace
12.2132ARRODS::WHITEHEADJEscort meTue Oct 22 1991 10:513
   ...being told, repeatedly by different people, that I'm wonderful!

12.2133You can call me "Your worshipful majesty", serfJUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Tue Oct 22 1991 10:5918
    That I am a direct descendant of :-

    Edward of Woodstock, Prince of Wales (The Black Prince) (1330-1376)
    He was married to Joan of Kent (1328-1385)

    He was the son of Edward III who died in 1377. Because he, Edward of
    Woodstock, died before his father, his younger brother, Richard, came 
    to the throne in 1377 as Richard II. Richard was deposed in 1399 and 
    died a year later. He was succeeded to the throne by his nephew Henry 
    of Bollingbroke, Earl of Derby who became Henry IV. The present Queen 
    of England is a direct descendant of him.

    I shall be claiming my birthright to the throne. What do you think of 
    my chances ?  :-)
    Jerome Rex.
12.2134OK Jerome, I'll be the Serfer; makes you a mere Client! :-)RDVAX::KALIKOWNota Gratia ArguendoTue Oct 22 1991 11:031
12.2135SCARGO::CONNELLShivers and TearsTue Oct 22 1991 12:326
    AAAHHHHH Big deal. My kids got claims to both the British and French
    crowns. This is on their mother's side. I hope they let me in the
    PJ(Who hasn't seen King Ralph yet, but is anxiously awaiting for it to
    appear for sale in K-Mart)
12.2136You forget to called me worshipful majesty....JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Tue Oct 22 1991 12:566
    I better get my claim to the throne in quick then!
    I think "King Jerome the 1st" has a good ring to it. :-)
    Jerome, Prince of Whales.
12.2137ahem, ...MEMIT::JOHNSTONbean sidheTue Oct 22 1991 12:5611
    I don't wish to be picky [it's just how I am], but ...
    Richard II was the Black Prince's _son_, not his brother.  The lad
    succeeded his grandfather, Edward III [who had more sons than is healthy
    in a competitive family like the Plantagenets].
    Henry of Bolingbroke, did usurp the throne from his cousin Richard to
    become Henry IV.  Bolingbroke's father was John of Gaunt, Duke of
    Lancaster, the 3rd son of Edward III.
12.2138... postdating Jerome.REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Tue Oct 22 1991 13:046
    Lucky you, PJ.  *My* family renounced its claims to the French throne
    in the fifteenth century, which is why our coat-of-arms has the
    central fleur-de-lis replaced with a castle.
    						Ann B., a humble,
    						York Plantagenet
12.2139Jerome, King of IlliteratesJUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Tue Oct 22 1991 13:066
    Oops, can't read my own handwriting. Sounds like you know more
    about my ancestors than I do. You must be a royalty weenie, or
    is that a royal weenie?  :-)
    Jerome, The Black Prints.
12.2140pointerGNUVAX::BOBBITTpersistence of visionTue Oct 22 1991 13:187
    re: last few
    see also:
    -Jody ;)
12.2141[a]vocationMEMIT::JOHNSTONbean sidheTue Oct 22 1991 13:249
    no, Jerome.  not a royalty weenie
    a Medieval & Rennaissance history weenie ...
    The pragmatist in me said "get the Civ Engr degree." the seeker in me
    said "study history and cultural anthropology"  So I took a double
12.2142MR4DEC::EGRACENever Another Coat Hanger!!Tue Oct 22 1991 13:245
    Not *really*, Jody?! 
    E Grace
12.2143CGVAX2::CONNELLShivers and TearsTue Oct 22 1991 14:1617
    No No Anne. It's my kids who are lucky. I wouldn't know my coat of arms
    if it came up and slapped me in the face. :-)
    hhhhmmmm. Maybe I am lucky. I have Hardy blood in me. A
    greatgrandmother. In the Hardy family book it says that origin of the
    name is either from William Tell who changed his name when after he
    shot the apple off his kids head, heard the governor say "What a
    Hearty shot." Yeah I know, but the other origin is even sillier. It
    said that the first Hardy was the historical basis for the mythological
    person who slayed the historical basis for the Norse god Thor. In other
    words, the Midgard serpent. Like they trace back that far. 
    Hhhmm. I think I'll take the serpent. Never cared much for the Tell
    legend and I do like the Norse myths.
    PJ(Who has never had it said of him that he was a snake in the
    grass. :-)  )
12.2144NOATAK::BLAZEKi will be your stolen seaTue Oct 22 1991 14:2711
    re: .2124 & .2125
    Thanx!  It was a marvelous experience -- though I'm desperately 
    homesick for Switzerland and am angling to return ASAP.
    If anyone knows of any technical editing jobs in Switzi, please 
    contact me!
12.2145BOOVX1::MANDILELynne a.k.a. HRHTue Oct 22 1991 15:025
    Re. whoever.....
    Don't waste yer money on buying "King Ralph".....
    It isn't very good....rent it instead!
12.2146yeah....GNUVAX::BOBBITTpersistence of visionTue Oct 22 1991 15:157
    re: .2142
    YES really.  it's in easynotes.lis
12.2147giggleMR4DEC::EGRACENever Another Coat Hanger!!Tue Oct 22 1991 15:171
12.2148...mornings after :-)BSS::VANFLEETWake up and Dream!Tue Oct 22 1991 15:276
...that my backing off and being myself seems to have created
a space where my sweetie and I can be even closer!


12.2149CGVAX2::CONNELLShivers and TearsTue Oct 22 1991 15:377
    To Her Royal Highness, Lynne. (Our only true royalty here :-)  ) I have
    to let you know that i do not now, nor will I ever rent tapes. I gotta
     own 'em. I f only so that I can watch 'em 20 years from now. just a
    little problem I have. one of those fanatical obsessions. No big deal.
    probably curable. Don't worry. BBBBBWWWWWAAAHHHHHH-HHHAAAA-HHHAAAA
    PJ(the mad vidiot)
12.2150putting in my 2 centsCHGV04::MAYMake it *snow*, Number 1Tue Oct 22 1991 17:1112
    Re. .2134  (just to butt in edgewise...)
    		There is nothing mere about this here client!!!!
    E Grace - destroying alien starships indeed.  What would Jean-Luc say?!
12.2151CSC32::CONLONDreams happen!!Tue Oct 22 1991 18:198
    	The coat of arms for my family shows royalty (a lion.)  We are
    	descendants of an Irish King who was deposed, evidently.

    	Most of the names that sound like Conlon, Connelly, etc., are 
    	also descendants of this Irish King.

    	Yo, PJ??  :-)
12.2152I'm a direct descendant of LucyTINCUP::XAIPE::KOLBEThe Debutante DeliriousTue Oct 22 1991 18:283
Never having sent away to find my family history. Why bother? We *know* we are
hardy English peasant stock. I do keep getting adverts in the mail trying to
get my money for this search. liesl
12.2153CGVAX2::CONNELLShivers and TearsTue Oct 22 1991 19:316
    .1251 Yeah maybe we are related. I always liked to think that it was
    some evolved version of Conan. :-) No not Arnie. (Preferred Grace Jones
    in that movie) THe original Howard version. Yeah right, like I could
    match up to him. (Fun thoughts on rainy days)
12.2154LAGUNA::THOMAS_TAkiss me, right out of this worldTue Oct 22 1991 20:356
    ... that Doc says I can come back to work on Thursday!
    8-).  oh goodie!
    with love,
12.2155Shine on, shine on, Harvest Moon!RDVAX::KALIKOWNota Gratia ArguendoWed Oct 23 1991 08:456
    ... watching the silvery full horizon-engorged moon set in the
    red-gray-blue brightening predawn sky, between maples rioting in their
    own fall colors ...
    and dreaming that someday I'll be able to afford a house in an area
    where there are NO telephone poles!!
12.2156Good morning, people!RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingWed Oct 23 1991 09:1223
I'm in a *good* mood.
                 ___     ___ 
		/   \   /   \  
               /     \ /     \ 
               |      V      | 
               \             / 
                \           /  
                 \         /   
                  \       /    
                   \     /     
                    \   / 
                     \ /  

    Alice T.
12.2157... good Morning People!!RDVAX::KALIKOWNota Gratia ArguendoWed Oct 23 1991 09:183
    Speaking as a Morning Person, it's GREAT to see another, and in such a
    *good* mood too...  Especially, and by definition, to see one so early
    in the day...  Hi Alice T!  (-: Dan :-)
12.2158RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingWed Oct 23 1991 09:315
    Well that's what it's like when you're a Brit! What I don't understand
    is all these Americans noting at 12 midnight, 1am, 2am, etc.!
    Alice T.
    PS Good morning, Dan!
12.2159RAVEN1::AAGESENpointed in a crooked lineWed Oct 23 1991 09:446
    a beautifully FULL moon directly adjacent to an orange/lavender not yet
    completed sunrise...
12.2160Did I make a smelling pistake?JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Wed Oct 23 1991 10:404
    ....that I provoked a discussion of ancestors and royalty etc.
    King Hironimous.
12.2161JBHugs to both of you!JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Wed Oct 23 1991 10:425
    ....that at least two people appreciate my noting...and care that I
    could be leaving soon.....thanks to both of you.
12.2162ARRODS::WHITEHEADJBasil the ButlerWed Oct 23 1991 10:488
   ....that there are other people in this world who like discussing, or
   have an interest in, ancestors and royalty, although my speciality is
   of a different period of history.

   ....that my local library is overflowing with the most amazing books
   about my favourite subject and I'm allowed 12 books on the one ticket!

12.2163a month late for the harvest moon...WAHOO::LEVESQUEA spider's kissWed Oct 23 1991 11:123
>Shine on, shine on, Harvest Moon!

 You mean, Hunter's moon. :-)
12.2164IAMOK::WASKOMWed Oct 23 1991 11:4315
    ...that Saturday I met a delightful gentleman.
    ...that said gentleman was clearly interested in me, in a flattering,
    non-threatening, "everybody else in this room back off - I saw her
    first" sort of way (while making sure that I met everybody else in the
    ...that yesterday I received the newsletter that was his excuse for
    getting my address, complete with a personal note and both his home and
    work phone numbers.
    I'm calling tonight.  Last night, I was way too high to be coherent on
    the phone.  :-)  :-)  :-)
12.2165;-)GIAMEM::JLAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Wed Oct 23 1991 11:482
    'geographically separated friendships'
12.2166SCARGO::CONNELLShivers and TearsWed Oct 23 1991 11:596
    sitting at a work bench and playing Justine Sullivan's demo and radio
    interview tape and having people ask, "Who is that?" And then
    explaining about her and all of the other magnificently talented people
    we have here at DEC. :-)
12.2167hope it helpedRDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingWed Oct 23 1991 11:593
    ...being "there" for a friend.
    Alice T.
12.2168SCARGO::CONNELLShivers and TearsWed Oct 23 1991 12:0614
    going to the "Ghosthunters" lecture on Monday evening and while I was
    there having 2 women sitting in front of me being openly affectionate
    with each other. I'm not a voyeuristic sleaze folks. Honest. They were
    so close to me that we kept bumping each other as we adjusted ourselves
    in the bleachers. Couldn't miss 'em. They weren't being promiscous in
    public. Just holdiong hands, arms around each other, one stole a quick
    kiss. The thing that I love, is that with all the people around them,
    there were no problems for them. It was just no big deal. No
    harrassment. No insulting. No nothing. It is so reassuring to see
    people can just be people ibn a crowded setting with out fear. That's
    the big thing, here WITHOUT FEAR. 
    PJ(Who's hope in humanity keeps getting restored no matter what
12.2169squishugsquishugsquishugsquishugJUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Wed Oct 23 1991 12:145
    That a friend (guess who!) was there when I needed her. Thanks and
    lots of big warm squishy hugs back.
12.2170can I have your phone number?TLE::DBANG::carrollA woman full of fireWed Oct 23 1991 12:284
I love...making new friends, reaching out to help someone and being
helped at the same time...

12.2171ZFC::deramothe radio reminds meWed Oct 23 1991 13:444
...the Understanding the Dynamics of Difference two day course.
I highly recommend it!

12.2172WAHOO::LEVESQUEA spider's kissWed Oct 23 1991 13:443

 you mean those NH rednecks were actually _tolerant_? Who woulda thunk it?
12.2173protesters against Camille PagliaGEMVAX::BROOKSWed Oct 23 1991 15:1927
That, at a talk I went to last night in Cambridge by Camille Paglia (author 
of Sexual Personae), two men were handing out leaflets with some of 
Paglia's choice quotes about rape and kiddie porn and snuff films...

Some samples: on the leaflet handed out before the talk by a "another man
against violence against women," one of Ms. Paglia'a quotes was: "Rape does
not destroy you forever. It's like getting beat up. Men get beat up all the
time..." (from Spin Magazine). 

On the leaflet handed out after the talk by a man from a group called 
"Survive!" (for survivors of sexual abuse), one quote (while disclaiming 
critics' attack on her for being a "new conservative") was: "I am pro-kiddie 
porn, okay? I am pro-snuff films, okay? Does this sound neo-conservative?" 
(from a talk she gave about a month ago at MIT).

-- Has anyone else encountered Ms. Paglia? Or her book, wherein she states 
(this is a *slight* paraphrase), "If civilization had been left up to 
females, we'd still be living in grass huts"? I gather she's been making 
quite a splash in academia and in the media during the past year or so
since the book was published... She calls herself a feminist, but her views
are pretty much anathema to all the feminists I know. I was glad to see
these two men there with their leaflets, questioning her thinking; however,
on the whole the (very large) crowd (very disposed to buy her book) seemed
very receptive. It was all I could do to stay in the room.

12.2174RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingWed Oct 23 1991 15:343
    Alice T.
12.2175ghost riders in the skyTINCUP::XAIPE::KOLBEThe Debutante DeliriousWed Oct 23 1991 16:214
Going for a moonlight ride with my friends last night. Irish positively
"glowed" in the moonlight. She looked like a ghost horse. At one point some
coyotes sounded off and  all 5 of us started howling in return. Then the local
antelope herd saw us and took off. What a great ride! liesl
12.2176Similar Manes flowing in the MoonlightGIAMEM::JLAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Wed Oct 23 1991 16:484
    I can envision Irish and liesl....it must have been a real nice
12.2177NOATAK::BLAZEKsilliest splendorWed Oct 23 1991 17:0117
    ... lakeside walks in the wee hours of the morning.
    ... the delightful challenge of communicating in a language not my
        own.  And being marginally successful at it!
    ... meeting the Lesbians of Prague!  Wonderful women, all of them.
    ... my new stuffed gorilla, named Ap.
    ... freshly scribbled foreign addresses in a funky new addressbook.
    ... meeting people from around the world, fellow travelers, and the
        special connections that are possible.
12.2178Sigh...MRKTNG::GOLDMANCreate changeWed Oct 23 1991 18:136
>    'geographically separated friendships'
	Really, Joyce?  This is a thing to love?  For me right now, 
    it's pretty high on my "I really hate" list!

12.2179GIAMEM::JLAMOTTEJoin the AMC and 'Take a Hike'Wed Oct 23 1991 18:384
    One never knows what tomorrow brings....it may be an I hate someday.
    and amy you may find a way to be closer to that special person in
    your life!
12.2180RANIER::BLAZEKthree of us push them awayWed Oct 23 1991 20:213
    ... full mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooons!
12.2181WFOV11::BAIRDI'm 18 w/21+ years of experienceThu Oct 24 1991 03:2718
    ...all the people in the files who I communicate with.
    ...realizing just how special it is to ba able to do this sort of
    ...having a friend show me just what a privelige it is to have this
    (Alice T., you'll see early morning times on *my* notes cause that's
    when I'm working!!  I come in at 11 p.m. and work til 7 a.m., it's
    called 3rd shift  :-)  )
    Hugs to all,
12.2182ARRODS::WHITEHEADJMax the Bunny cooks lunchThu Oct 24 1991 05:513
   ...listening to really old (well to me anyway) songs by ELO and Don
   McLean on the train into work - really sets you in a good mood for
   the day.
12.2183Autos, Netzwerken, Musik . . .FRAMBO::HARRAHReach&gt;Grasp,else Heaven=No_FunctionThu Oct 24 1991 10:598
    ...support (through diverse networked forms) of others; feeling that
    even if this isn't "real" somehow, it is at least a way to communicate
    with others who *are* real.
    ...my new car.
    ...driving to work and singing away, oblivious to the stares of others.
12.2184vroom!TLE::DBANG::carrollA woman full of fireThu Oct 24 1991 12:394
That this weekend is supposed to be stunning!!!  My last ride of the
season...yay!  (not that it's the last but that I *get* a last!)

12.2185take *that* you bastard!TLE::DBANG::carrollA woman full of fireThu Oct 24 1991 12:4311
Oh yeah, I forgot, another thing to love...

*trouncing* one mean and vicious troll-mage (sadistic too!  he was trying
to torture to death one winged member of our party) with a LAST DITCH
stab with a spike...and RAKING in tons o' gold and prizes for doing
it.  Not to mention nabbing an experience level.

(It wasn't as hard as getting away from 6 large ogres with gang-rape on
the mind, though....)

12.2186:-)REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Thu Oct 24 1991 13:1112
12.2187WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Thu Oct 24 1991 13:454
    Having dinner with the 'divine Sara' last night! Helps me get over
    missing her in the file while she's at class.
12.2188Operation Abe!LAGUNA::THOMAS_TAKube KountdownThu Oct 24 1991 14:147
    ... being back at work 8-).
    ... being invited to the filming of Parker Lewis Can't Lose
    by Clyde Phillips himself!  *COOLNESS*!!
    with love,
12.2189The intelligence of womannotes!TDV001::TDV013::RYANThu Oct 24 1991 14:396
I really love people that take time out of their busy day to help me make a 
trademark symbol in DECwrite :-) :-)


12.2190THAT CHEYENNE IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MR4DEC::EGRACENever Another Coat Hanger!!Thu Oct 24 1991 15:371
12.2191Phasers from 10,000 years in the future woulda worked too!LEZAH::SCANLONI was so much older then...Thu Oct 24 1991 16:3716
RE: 12.2185

>*trouncing* one mean and vicious troll-mage (sadistic too!  he was trying
>to torture to death one winged member of our party) with a LAST DITCH
>stab with a spike...and RAKING in tons o' gold and prizes for doing
>it.  Not to mention nabbing an experience level.

And believe me, D!, the winged member of your party _definately_ appreciates 
it.  Wind Dancer is in your debt!

... What do I love?  Getting less shy in =wn= 'cuz I have met some of you
folks in person!  (Maybe I should even introduce myself.  Now if I can 
just find that introduction note...)

Take care,
12.2192LEZAH::BOBBITTpersistence of visionThu Oct 24 1991 17:138
    intros go in 2.*, 3.* and 4.*.......
    I love really being able to focus on editing my book....with the help
    of Jean Michele Jarre's "Zoolook"
    bizarre?  sure!  but it works....
12.2193CUPMK::CASSINIt's a quote from Mark Twain.Thu Oct 24 1991 18:314
    ...being back in =wn=.  Hi everyone!   :-) x 100
12.2194RANIER::BLAZEKcold breath by breathThu Oct 24 1991 18:478
    ... Halloween!  It's one of the few holidays that is actually 
    	*fun* -- my Inner Child still longs to go T&T'ing!
    ... that Janice is back in =wn=!  =8-)
12.2195CADSE::KHERLive simply, so others may simply liveThu Oct 24 1991 18:576
    ...Halloween! It's my excuse to buy large amounts of Hershey's kisses
    and then eat most of them because hardly any kids come to apartment
    ...Hershey's kisses
12.2196BLUMON::GUGELkoatamundi whiteoutThu Oct 24 1991 19:2518
    re .2042 in the "I hate"

    Oh, my God, D!, the *only* reason I like Halloween at all
    is to see the little kids dressed up and give out candy!
    (BTW, if you don't approve of candy, you can always give out
    little bags of peanuts.)

    On the other hand, I *don't* like costume parties, I hate
    getting dressed up in stupid costumes and looking like a bozo.
    Actually, I don't mind other people doing it if they want
    to, but I think it's kind of silly.

    But I do love seeing the kids come to my house for candy
    (or peanuts).

    And I like to craft a jack-o-lantern special for the occasion.

12.2197CSC32::DUBOISLoveThu Oct 24 1991 20:4111
I really love...

all of you, for being here.  I'm so busy that it's hard to do more than
drop by, but I appreciate you greatly.

my gamemaster, Alan Rollow.  He is allowing me to play our fantasy role playing
game (watch your minds!) even when he and I are the only ones there.  I *love*
having some fantasy that is explicit enough to get me away from my work
reality!  :-)

12.2198I love giving out candy, but I hate being forced into itTLE::DBANG::carrollA woman full of fireThu Oct 24 1991 21:0326
To those who love Halloween - I have no objection to people giving out
candy if they want to.

In fact, I *love* giving out candy and find it great fun. The only
reason I am not doing it this year is that having junk food in the house
is just real bad for me, on a number of fronts.  Every year I look
forward to doing it.  

What I object to is being *forced* to do it. Just like why I hate
Christmas - it isn't because I don't like giving gifts - I LOVE giving
gifts. But I want to be able to give them when I want to, and not
have it be "expected" [ie: required] that I do so.

Even while I generally enjoy having the kids come to my door [and in fact
am quite sad that I won't be doing it this year] I can't stand a
societal ritual that *threatens* ("TRICK or treat") me into participating.


I really love...the new Barnes and Noble bookstore in DWHwy in Nashua.
It rivals Cambridge bookstores, has a gay and lesbian section, huge
[compared to other bookstores] women's studies, self-help, recovery and
science fiction sections [my main reading staples] and more cookbooks 
than I can comprehent.  [oh good...]

12.2199You think having a G/L/B section is PC? **I'll** give you PC!!!RDVAX::KALIKOWI Survived ::DIGITAL Note 1616.*!!Thu Oct 24 1991 21:478
    What D! said -- it's a truly AWESOME store -- but *I* was gobsmacked by
    the presence of a baby-changing station in the MEN'S ROOM!!
    (-: OK OK, I suppose that is less rare than a G/L/B section, outside of
    the PRC :-)
    (-: OK OK OK, had I still a baby, I might have had a chance to have
    been LITERALLY gobsmacked, too!!  :-)
12.2200ZFC::deramoDan D'Eramo, zfc::deramoThu Oct 24 1991 23:143
...when I open a conference and find an .x99. :-)

12.2201BUBBLY::LEIGHGone flatThu Oct 24 1991 23:301
    ... the variety of voices in =wn=.  You're all amazing, every one of you!
12.2202WAHOO::LEVESQUEA spider's kissFri Oct 25 1991 01:3914
    re: Barnes and Noble
    It's like "wicked awesome" if you want to cook something or are into
    something obscure, but if you want a <gasp!> hunting magazine or
    <horrors!> erotic magazine (aside from _Playgirl_) you are shit outta
     Back to "I really love..."
     PG'ing my chip.
     Getting more realistic power numbers after hammering on the designer.
     Being almost swept away with the momentum of my project.
12.2203OOBTLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireFri Oct 25 1991 02:3314
>but if you want a <gasp!> hunting magazine or
>    <horrors!> erotic magazine (aside from _Playgirl_) you are shit outta
>    luck.
    Or On_Our_Backs!  Hey, I was SO EXCITED!  B&N is the only "straight"
    bookstore I have every seen carry it.  This is no small feat! :-)  
    Now if only they carried Bay Windows....[at least they have GCN.]
    I didn't look for hunting magazines, but they seemed to have a whole
    lot of other sporting type mags...a whole shelf full of car and
    motorcycle rags!
12.2204...sigh...WFOV11::BAIRDI'm 18 w/21+ years of experienceFri Oct 25 1991 04:579
    ...sitting in the moonlight, talking philosophy and general life topics
    with a new and growing closer friend!  :-)
    ...sharing chinese food with same friend and finding more and more
    things in common.  :-)
12.2205Berlin ? - Just like in "Cabaret"FRAIS1::HARRAHFri Oct 25 1991 07:4411
    ...figuring out some life-things. 
    ...coping with the language thing here; finally feeling as if I can
    deal with DEC Deutschland on their own terms and in their own tongue.
    ...contemplating a post-payday weekend with new wheels. . . ;-)  Berlin
    is calling . . . .
12.2206RAVEN1::AAGESENpointed in a crooked lineFri Oct 25 1991 09:506
    ... successful transatlantic smuggling (of sorts).
    ... watching the BRAVES commandingly go up by 1! (-:
12.2207MR4DEC::EGRACENever Another Coat Hanger!!Fri Oct 25 1991 10:499
    Debbi, tell us more! tell us MORE!!!!!!!
    ~robin, wasn't that succesfull transatlantice s*n*ugglling?
    E Grace
12.2208MRKTNG::GOLDMANCreate changeFri Oct 25 1991 11:126
    	IRL...doctors who treat you like a human being, take the time
    to talk and explain things to you, listen to you, even tell you
    when you've asked a good question.  I wish this doctor was my
    regular physician, not just a specialist I see once a year!

12.2209DadTLE::DBANG::carrollA woman full of fireFri Oct 25 1991 11:336
IRL...late night philosophical discussions with my father...and learning
   about more of the ways we are alike.  (Not that I like all the things
   about me that I got from him - but at least I know where they come
   from and so can take clues from him on how to deal with them.)

12.2210im - a - gi - na - tion, im - a - gi - na - tionRAVEN1::AAGESENfigmented realityFri Oct 25 1991 11:355
re: E
    how the *&^@ do ya' do that?? {-:
12.2211We should definitely get T-shirts for it! :-)CSC32::CONLONDreams happen!!Fri Oct 25 1991 17:333
    	...that I seem to have survived DIGITAL 1616.*, too, Dan Kalikow! :-)
12.2212CSC32::CONLONDreams happen!!Fri Oct 25 1991 17:345
    	(By the way, DIGITAL 1616.* has been writelocked - permanently,
    	by the looks of it, since they are suggesting the topic be
    	reopened in Soapbox <guffaw!> - so it really is time to start
    	counting the survivors!)  :)
12.221332FAR::LERVINRoots &amp; WingsFri Oct 25 1991 17:375
    Gee, I was wondering why there is note in the box discussing DEC note
    1616...that explains it! ;-)
    Suzanne...did you mean counting the survivors or counting the bodies?
12.2214SCARGO::CONNELLShivers and TearsFri Oct 25 1991 18:355
    that the styuff about CPR prompted a -wn'er- to send me mail asking
    about CPR info and where she could get training. One more life saver in
12.2215*ALL* people are equal!HLFS00::CHARLESSunny side upFri Oct 25 1991 19:426
    re. 2212
    So I'm too late to ask if the discussion was taking place in the US in
    the 90's or Germany in the 30's?
    This may sound harsh, but it sure felt like it.
12.2216just following my horoscope prediction...WFOV11::BAIRDI'm 18 w/21+ years of experienceSat Oct 26 1991 03:0313
    re .2207
    E  dear--
    	What more do you want to know??  It's just another episode in my
    life, otherwise know around here as the soap opera: "As The Stomach
    Turns".  :-)
    	Trust me, *nothing* intimate has happened...yet.  :-)  *sigh*
    (-:    <--  (ambi-noter-ous)
12.2217Wunderland bei NachtFRAMBO::HARRAHReach&gt;Grasp,else Heaven=No_FunctionMon Oct 28 1991 08:414
    ... Berlin !
    				-bleary-eyed rob, back in Frankfurt
12.2218Ulrike BeckerFRAMBO::HARRAHReach&gt;Grasp,else Heaven=No_FunctionMon Oct 28 1991 09:4534
    My neighbor, Frau Ulrike Becker.  
    She is :
    - the owner of *the* all-time garden; 
    - widowed 4 times now; she outlived them all; 
    - still mean, feisty and spirited.
    - while folks here were off killing each other in wars,
      she raised 5 children, assisted in raising 14 grandkids, and 11
      great-grandkids; in addition, she provided care for countless refugee
      kids during and after both wars.
    - supported the above by working as a teacher, a nurse, owning 3
      different businesses. 
    - She built the house that she is living in now.
    - Today is her 100th birthday !
    ....and so this morning, in addition to being serenaded by the local
    church choir outside her home, TV cameras, telegrams from politicos,
    her *entire* family comes here, something like 150 people. 
    My personal Super-Oma  !
12.2219Press KP7 or Select to addREGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Mon Oct 28 1991 12:443
    That V4 of Womannotes is open for business.
    						Ann B.