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Conference turris::womannotes-v3

Title:Topics of Interest to Women
Notice:V3 is closed. TURRIS::WOMANNOTES-V5 is open.
Created:Thu Jan 30 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 30 1995
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1078
Total number of notes:52352

10.0. "The HUG note" by WMOIS::B_REINKE (mother, mother ocean) Wed Apr 18 1990 02:05

    Originally entered as note 429 in =wn= v-2 by Barb Haslam
    This note is dedicated to those who need an electronic HUG or other
    support.  It is requested that anyone who reads this note send a
    little TLC (Tender Loving Care) to the entrant ASAP.  Although I
    believe each of us has the power within us to resolve our own problems,
    having our batteries recharged can really help us to get the problems
    resolved a LOT faster.
    Happy Hugging!
10.1All Hugs AcceptedHENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedTue Apr 24 1990 23:2323
    Looking for hugs in all the wrong places...so I came here for a
    moment for some TLC.  
    It's been a challenging year with mother dying, my ex calling me
    after 12 years, a friend with major personal problems, and, as of
    last week, an 11 year old son who was hit by a motorist who ran
    a red light.  Tommy had brain surgery to remove a very large blood
    clot and seal a bleeding artery last Friday.  The thing that blew
    me away was the fact that if I hadn't followed the old motherly
    instincts and called at the first sign that things were not normal,
    he could have died.  I've made it through all the challenges, but
    I have to admit (please, no ridicule about feeling dependent on
    men) that when I watched all the other parents leaning on each other
    for support, I kept wishing that I had a husband who would offer
    me that kind of "we'll get through this thing together" support.
    I am VERY lucky to have very close women friends and daughters,
    and they all helped see me through so I really have nothing to complain
    about---I guess I just need a hug about now because I keep hoping
    things will start being more normal for a change. 
    Thanks for listening!  You've always been such a help!
10.2CSSE32::M_DAVISMarge Davis HallyburtonWed Apr 25 1990 01:384
    I hope Tommy recovers quickly, Barb... It's so much easier to deal with
    what happens to you than to a child.  Strength and a *big* hug,
10.3LEZAH::BOBBITTpools of quiet fire...Wed Apr 25 1990 11:5710
  (   )
    !    Net hug !
  _/ \_
    Strength, warmth, and courage,
10.4More hugs and best wishesCLOVE::GODINYou an' me, we sweat an' strain.Wed Apr 25 1990 12:425
    Barb, positive thoughts flowing your way as you and Tommy face
    recuperation.  Hope everything goes well for both of you.
    All the best,
10.5COGITO::SULLIVANSinging for our livesWed Apr 25 1990 13:358
    I agree that it's nice to have a partner to share the hard times with.
    I hope your friends and family will be able to give you the support
    you need.  In the meantime... here's a hug.
10.6PARITY::DDAVISLong-cool woman in a black dressWed Apr 25 1990 15:249
    Here's mega HUG for you and Tommy...hope everything turns out wonderful
    for you all.
    Who feels the same way that SOMETIMES a partner to lean on would be
    nice.  But after the crisis is over, it's also nice to know that you
    can and did get through it on your own!!  Hugs.
10.7FSHQA2::AWASKOMWed Apr 25 1990 15:275
    Barb -
    Huge hugs.  Along with prayers, best wishes, etc., etc.
10.8More HugsOTOU01::BUCKLANDand things were going so well...Wed Apr 25 1990 16:4811
    H    H    U    U     GGG      SSS
    H    H    U    U    G        S
    HHHHHH    U    U    G GGG     SSS
    H    H     U  U     G  G         S
    H    H      UU       GGG      SSS
    Here's to a speedy recovery.
    Best Wishes,
10.9CADSE::KHERWed Apr 25 1990 18:564
    Can I copy your electronic hug? Or is that copyrighted stuff? ;-)
10.10CSC32::SPARROWstanding in the mythThu Apr 26 1990 04:244
    Hugs, caring and positive energy to the both of you
10.11MEGAHUGS!USCTR2::DONOVANcutsie phrase or words of wisdomThu Apr 26 1990 05:438
    Prayers for you and Tommy. Also, in a note back on recipies for my
    dinner party, yours won out! Best chicken I've ever eaten! Thanks.
    Kate (Oh, I forgot the hug, didn't I.)  HHHUUUGGGSSS!!!
10.12Hugs! and cards?CASPRO::LUSTPLEASE empty the bit bucketThu Apr 26 1990 14:326
    Big hugs to both you and Tommy (*) (*)  I hope all stays calm while you
    both recover.  Would Tommy like some cards while he recovers?  If so, 
    address please - maybe we can brighten his day a bit, even if we can't
    give those hugs in person...
10.13cosmic hugsULTRA::ZURKOThere's a million ways to get things done.Thu Apr 26 1990 15:172
Wow. White light, gold stars, energy.
10.14HugsCSC32::DUBOISThe early bird gets wormsThu Apr 26 1990 21:2128
Blessings and love to you and your family.  


        hug                        hug     hug                        hug
         hug                    hug           hug                    hug
           hug              hug         *         hug              hug
              hug      hug            *   *            hug      hug
                  hug                * HUG *                hug
             hug       hug            *   *            hug       hug
        hug                 hug         *         hug                 hug
    hug                         hug           hug                         hug
 hug                               hug     hug                               hug
hug                                  hug hug                                  hu
ug                                     hug                                     h
                                     hug hug
                                   hug     hug 
                                  hug       hug
            hug                  hug         hug                  hug
       hug       hug            hug    HUG    hug            hug       hug
   hug               hug       hug             hug       hug               hug
 hug                    hug     hug           hug     hug                    hug
hug                       hug    hug         hug    hug                       hu
ug                          hug   hug  hug  hug   hug                          h
                             hug     hug hug     hug
                              hug   hug   hug   hug
                                 hug         hug
10.15TINCUP::KOLBEThe dilettante debutanteFri Apr 27 1990 01:261
        Barb, your strength astounds me. Hugs and more. liesl
10.16RANGER::TARBETHaud awa fae me, WullySat Apr 28 1990 11:227
    Barb, life has sure been awful for you.  
    Major huge warm all-enfolding hugs.
    And prayers.
10.17If I were a horse they would put me to sleepTLE::D_CARROLLSisters are doin' it for themselvesWed May 02 1990 15:2217
Today I need hugs.

I broke my foot last night (the fifth mursupial...er, metatarsel, if anyone
cares) and I'm very depressed about it.  I haven't seen the orthpedist yet
(this afternoon) but I suspect I won't be able to drive for at least a
few weeks.  Or ride my new motorcycle!  :-(  (Which means I won't get
my liscense when I planned to.)  It hurts a lot, so I take Codine, which
means I am too spaced out to get *anything* useful done at work today.
I probably shouldn't have come in, but I didn't relish the thought of
sitting at home feeling sorry for myself, better to at least *act* like
a normal human.

I've never been injured before, and I don't like it, and it's making me
depressed.  Need to get over that.  :-(  Anyway, don't mind me, I'm just
griping.  :-)

10.18OTOU01::BUCKLANDand things were going so well...Wed May 02 1990 15:5115
    H    H    U    U     GGGG      SSSS
    H    H    U    U    G         S
    HHHHHH    U    U    G  GGG     SSSS
    H    H     U  U     G   G          S
    H    H      UU       GGGG      SSSS
    Ouch!  I'm not sure which must hurt most, the foot or not being able to
    ride your *new* bike.  Here's to a speedy recovery and good luck
    getting your licence when you're fit again.
    Best Wishes,
10.19hug 2CADSYS::PSMITHfoop-shootin', flip city!Wed May 02 1990 16:127
    Oh, D!, ouch, ouch, ouch!!!
    HUGS and every wish for a recovery that is at least tolerable and that
    is as quick as possible!
10.20ULTRA::ZURKOMy life is in transitionWed May 02 1990 16:423
Many hugs. How bout borrowing lots of videos for rainy days, and sitting out in
the sun doing something with your hands on sunny days?
10.21'Nother HugHENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedWed May 02 1990 17:143
    Mega HHHUUUGGGSSS to you, D!  I hope you're on the mend soon!
10.22ASHBY::GASSAWAYInsert clever personal name hereWed May 02 1990 18:3424
Hugs from one who has cracked a wrist, had my collarbone snapped in two, and
impacted four bones in my foot.

I had a choice whether to have a cast on my foot or not.  I was going to have 
the cast put on to be safe, but they would have had to cut the new pants I had
just bought.  I said "No!"  I ended up being able to hobble around without
crutches after only three weeks, as opposed to six with the cast.  Maybe the
orthopedist will be able to come up with something similar for you.

After the first couple days the hurt went away with all my broken bones, and the
collarbone has healed to be stronger than it was originally.  You may itch 
a bit, but after the first week the worst is over.

And you learn to deal with crutches.  I got really good at the mile or so I'd
have to walk to class (the foot happened in college), and especially good at
stairs since there were NO ramps I could use to get into the main buildings. 

It is a drag, but agree with Mez to go outside and do stuff with your hands.
Find a nice grassy area, read a book, write, paint, enjoy the sunshine....
when it rains, develop your vegetative skills in front of a TV (I know many
people who do this without injuries).  But remember, there's still four months 
of summer, you will be up and around before they are over.

10.23MANIC::THIBAULTCrisis? What Crisis?Wed May 02 1990 20:387
Hugs from me too, I can certainly relate..next week I'm having knee surgery. 
And I hate being on crutches mostly because I can't carry things like a cup
of coffee (try putting that in a backpack). But I had a cast on my foot once
and I managed to drive with not too much difficulty (much to my doctor's
chagrin :-) ). 

10.24CGVAX2::CONNELLTrepanation, I need it like a hole in the headWed May 02 1990 21:1915
    Big hugs, D. My daughter has broken her baby toe, twice. It is painful
    and the Doctor couldn't do anything about it. Beyond a pain killer that
    is. Don't worry about the Motorcycle. I hear the weather is going to be
    cruddy this weekend. That's if your in New England.
    Meanwhile, I could use some electronic hugs myself. Tomorrow I get to
    visit the dietician at my HMO. Maybe I'll finally be able to work up
    the will power to lose this stomach. THat's the upside. The downside is
    that on Friday, I have to go back and visit the cardiologist and have
    the old ticker and blood pressure problems check out and begin a
    program to get them back to some semblance of normalcy. I nervous as to
    what he might find. I do have a semi-continous heart flutter and am
    hoping it is nothing serious. We'll see on Friday.
10.25Looks like take away Dim Sum (Yum Cha) for Diana!GIDDAY::WALESDavid from Down-underWed May 02 1990 22:1911
    G'Day Diana,
    	Hugs from down-under!  I fractured (well a car did actually) my
    ankle when I was 12 and I can still remember what it was like.
    	You software types should be able to stay at home and work via
    modem anyway.  Hassle the boss to get you one.  Tell her/him that
    getting some work done is better than none.
10.26Cruisin'TLE::D_CARROLLSisters are doin' it for themselvesThu May 03 1990 13:5417
Boy, I've gotten a lot of advice about "doing things in the sun" and such.  
Sheesh!  You don't think a little broken marsupial is going to keep me home
from work, do you?  I think the only lost work this little accident will 
cost was the time I spent at the orthopedists yesterday.  No way I'm staying

Anyway, feeling much more positive today.  The doc told me I didn't have to
wear a cast, I could wear a "post-op" shoe, and that I can put a little bit
of weight on it without a problem.  I can walk without the crutches as soon
as it isn't painful to do so, which should take a week or two.  I can drive
as soon as it isn't painful too, which is great.  I think the bike will still
have to wait a while, though.

Anyway, thanks for all the hugs and thoughts...I am feeling 100% better 

10.27Think Positive!HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedThu May 03 1990 17:317
    * H U G S * H U G S * H U G S * H U G S * H U G S * H U G S * 
    Here are the hugs you requested, Phil.  I sure hope they help! 
    Keep us posted on what your doctor says, okay?
    Mucho support,
10.28RANGER::TARBETHaud awa fae me, WullieThu May 03 1990 18:237
    Indeed, Phil...lotsa hugs, crossed fingers, and best wishes.  (Yer
    gonna let us know, right?)
    Heartbone problems are no fun...but remember that most murmurs (hope
    that's what you mean by "flutter") while serious aren't Serious.

10.29CGVAX2::CONNELLTrepanation, I need it like a hole in the headMon May 07 1990 21:4910
    Thanks Barb and Maggie. The news is not too bad. I'm what the doctor
    called borderline moderate on blood pressure. I got to get the bottom
    number on 90 and keep it there. Only got diet and exercise lectures.
    No medication yet. I'll get blood work done on THursday and we'll know
    more then but it looks like it's time to heed the first warning and get
    away from junk food. Well, it's off to home now. I think I'll eat a
    salad and some asparagas. Got the first cut this weekend from the
    garden. Ride the exercycle and listen to Sinead O'Connor on the stereo.
    Phil (who had 395 unseen notes in this file alone since I left on Weds)
10.30(I can relate!)FSHQA1::REARLSThu May 24 1990 20:4415
    HUGS TO ALL you injured!
    I know what it means when you say you need a hug.
    I have been throught hell and back and have needed plenty of hugs
    in my time.  I went through a major car accident 3 years ago, I
    ripped my knee open 80 stiches, coma, lost my front theet.  A year
    or two before this I ran into a truck that cost me a huge hole in
    my leg 40 stiches.  I had a ruptured appendix, broke my finger,
    had 7 stiches to the face.
    Wow looking back now I realize what a mess I was.
    Oh well hugs to all that need them.
10.31COMET::POSHUSTASolar CatFri May 25 1990 07:304
    		A big HUG!  
10.32WMOIS::B_REINKEtreasures....most of them dreamsSat May 26 1990 02:1014
10.33RANGER::TARBETHaud awa fae me, WullieSat May 26 1990 10:084
    He'll sho up, Bonnie...they always do :-)
10.34WMOIS::B_REINKEtreasures....most of them dreamsSat May 26 1990 10:3313
    he's asleep on the sofa right now...
    but his Dad had to go out at midnight to collect him.
    and thanks to you and the others who sent hugs
10.35The Big EmptyHENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedFri Jun 08 1990 15:1319
    *sigh* I guess this must just be "the year of the hug" for me, or
    maybe a "catching up on karma" opportunity, but I could really use
    a few more hugs--in fact, a bunch today.  Maybe I'm just a bit tired
    from my 4 hour finance lecture last night, or maybe it's because
    my landlords have sold their condo, so we have move move again,
    or perhaps it was having a classmate call and ask me to break the
    news that their one week old daughter died of a heart defect, or
    even spending the bulk of last weekend in an emergency room waiting
    to find out if my 10 year old daughter had an appendicitis (it turned
    out to be an abdominal infection that "acts" like an appendicitis),
    but every time I "roll with the punches" or "go with the flow," another
    wave rolls in and it's here we go again time.  I must be getting
    stronger than ever.  It just doesn't feel like it.  Anyhow, any
    electronic infusions you can share really would help about now.
    Thanks for always being here, friends!  I really appreciate it.
    In need,
10.36LYRIC::BOBBITTfantasiaFri Jun 08 1990 15:366
    Wow.  It's been a banner year for badness!  
    Mondeau Hugues....
10.37ULTRA::ZURKOBurning with optimism's flamesFri Jun 08 1990 15:425
Gosh Barb; maybe you were Attila the Hun in a previous life? Or maybe this is
your big chance to leap several levels in the cycle of life!

Anyway; mucho hugs!
10.38AIADM::MALLORYI am what I amFri Jun 08 1990 16:0711
    Here's a double hug...
    H U G
10.39SCARGO::CONNELLTrepanation, I need it like a hole in the headFri Jun 08 1990 16:205
    Barb, remember good times that have happened in the past and look for
    good things in the future.
10.40Best wishesTLE::D_CARROLLThe more you know the better it getsFri Jun 08 1990 18:087
Oh, heck, go for the quadruple hug...

                  H U G
		  U   U
		  G U H

10.41FSHQA1::AWASKOMFri Jun 08 1990 21:267
    From one who has been the beneficiary of your support and huge heart
    (though you may not have known it), may you find the support and
    huge heart to benefit you.
    Many, many hugs -- I only wish I could deliver them in person.
10.42RANGER::TARBETWho's that galloping on the King's High WayFri Jun 08 1990 23:128
    Barb, you have really been getting a pummeling and that's twice and
    more than twice sad considering all the kind words and good support
    you've given the rest of us when we're in need.  
    Hang in there, babe, it's gotta get better.
10.43I'm Beginning to Glow...HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedTue Jun 12 1990 15:0111
    Thank you all so much!  It really means a lot to know people care.
    Someone, in their support, made a comment about enlightenment, and,
    having thought about it, I've decided to focus on these events as
    the culmination of past "karma" -- a sort of cleaning of the slate
    toward future good (and maybe a time warp into enlightenment too).
    I'm taking my own advice that as long as I focus on the light, there
    will be no room for darkness.  Now if anyone has a lightbulb I can
    Hugs back to each of you,
10.44GWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Fri Aug 31 1990 19:074
    I could use a little hug.  Too many reasons, that are all to fresh, to
    be able to explain why. 
    E Grace
10.45This Too Shall PassHENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedFri Aug 31 1990 19:176
    May I be the first, E Grace?
    A VERY BIG {{{{{HUG}}}}} to comfort you.
10.46Double hugCSC32::M_EVANSFri Aug 31 1990 19:279
    AH HA!!! now I found it again.  Hugs to you E Grace
    Also, this is late, but Lorna, you obviously needed a hug the other
    day, I just couldn't find the note.  So belated electronic hug there
    (Aren't teenagers a pain at times?
10.47WRKSYS::STHILAIREI don't see how I could refuseFri Aug 31 1990 19:325
    re .46, oh, thank you! (because actually I could use a hug today, too,
    so it works out well that it's late. :-)
10.48POETIC::LEEDBERGJustice and LicenseFri Aug 31 1990 20:0713
	Sending out a hug to Lorna and E Grace and anyone else
	who needs one today.  I hope that you receive a physical
	hug sometime today, cause electronic are nice and safe
	but physical are nice and warm.


		 ( )
		 / \
			Hugs are very important for everyone.

10.49MOMCAT::TARBETI believe I might go away with youFri Aug 31 1990 20:333
    Long-but-gentle huuuugggggs to you both, plus good wishes for the
10.50SCARGO::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Tue Sep 04 1990 16:434
    Hugs to you both. and send some to my mother who is laid up in bed for
    the 1st time since I was born.
10.51back at yaGWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Tue Sep 04 1990 16:497
    Thank you, Phil.
    Here's a hug for your Mom:  **hug**
    Here's a hug for your Mom's son_who_is_taking_care_of_Mom!: ***HUG***
    E Grace
10.52WMOIS::B_REINKEWe won't play your silly gameTue Sep 04 1990 17:118
    in re splash note
10.53HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedTue Sep 04 1990 20:573
    Hugs to everyone who needs them!
10.54GOLF::KINGRSave the EARTH, we may need it later!!!Wed Sep 05 1990 11:508
    Hey Phil... You mom being laid up in bed... isn't that how you came
    A very big :-}
    Ps I hope she gets better....
10.55SCARGO::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Wed Sep 05 1990 14:057
    Thanks for the hugs, people. Yeah, that's how I came about. She's
    getting better, slowly. She's going to a chiropractor on Thurs. and
    maybe he'll help. I hope so. 
    Again, thanks all.
10.56LEZAH::BOBBITTwater, wind, and stoneWed Sep 05 1990 15:194
    Just getting my wind back after being extremely busy.  Hugs to
    those who help me stay sane, and those who feel they need one today!
10.57I'm tired of needing hugs!GWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Wed Sep 05 1990 19:2314
    Jiminy Crickets!  I need another hug!
    My dad just got hospitalized again.  He has cirrhosis......and he is
    all bloated up again.  It's really hard to "write" fear.  I've 
    known since I was a little girl that I would not have parents when
    I was old.  I was an "afterthought" that they had in their forties,
    plus the life expectancy in my family averages <40.  Having dealt
    with it all my life is not making this any easier.
    Maybe I'll take a break in the flotation tank.  Is there a theatre
    E Grace
10.58SCARGO::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Wed Sep 05 1990 20:366
    E Grace, turnabout is fairplay. I return the hug you sent my mother and
    I tenfold. That's 10-fold for mine and 10-fold that for hers. Oh the
    heck with it. Consider it an infinite hug available whenever you need
10.59FSHQA2::AWASKOMWed Sep 05 1990 20:489
    E Grace -
    Another hug from here, and an offer of off-line support should you feel
    the need.  My mom died three years ago (at age about 58) after a 
    year-long illness, so I can empathize with where you are now.
    May you and yours find courage and calm.
10.60BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sridin' the Antelope FreewayThu Sep 06 1990 16:588
    hugs from a stranger
    hang in there
    p.s. I like your notes E Grace
10.61Thank youGWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Thu Sep 06 1990 18:1119
    Why, thank you Sara!
    And thank you to all for your hugs, both "note" and "e-mail".
    My Dad is doing okay today.  They've done a couple of tests - an
    ultrasound and an E.K.G. - and when they get the results they will start
    draining him again.
    My family has a long, drawn-out history of illness and early death.
    I had 4 siblings, 3 of whom died relatively young (21, 32 and 40.  Ya
    gotta admit, there's a bizarre sort of symmetry there.), and the last
    of which is not doing any too well.  My mother had two heart attacks
    last year, and my dad got cancer two years ago, then last year the
    cirrhosis.  So you see, though I try to remember that *I* am not the
    one(s) who is(are) sick, I tend to fret a tad.
    Anyway, I didn't mean to tell you all this, but I needed you all to
    know just how *much* your hugs are appreciated!
    E Grace
10.62e-hugsCSC32::M_EVANSFri Sep 07 1990 13:5313
    More hugs to you E Grace.  After two weeks of trips to hospitals and
    what have you (different family members and friends), you begin to feel
    like you might as well be sick, because all you time is spent in sick
    rooms anyway.
    Just remember that you are fine, and doing all you can.  Take time out
    for yourself.  My dad has offered me a sign that says in effect, " cancel
    all my appointments for next week, I am scheduling a nervous breakdown
    (barring any unforseen emergencies)."
    Can I get a hug too?
10.63liitttlle tight squeezy oneGWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Fri Sep 07 1990 14:3014
    Any time you need one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
    h  h  u    u  gggg
    h  h  u    u  g
    hhhh  u    u  g ggg  
    h  h   u  u   g   g
    h  h    uu    ggggg
    E Grace
10.64Here's another: HUGGWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Mon Sep 10 1990 20:5810
    RE: 13.290
    I got a surfeit of hugs this past week - well, maybe not a surfeit, but
    bunches! - and if you would like one, you can have one.
    E Grace
10.65GWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Tue Sep 11 1990 18:473
    errrr.....it's me again.
    E Grace
10.66when it rains....TLE::D_CARROLLAssume nothingTue Sep 11 1990 19:489
>    E Grace

Things have been pretty tough for you lately, haven't they?  Yuck!

Hugs!  And a couple to spare:

Hug hug hug hug

10.67MOMCAT::TARBETA-singing and a-foolingTue Sep 11 1990 22:281
10.68FSHQA2::AWASKOMWed Sep 12 1990 13:376
    E Grace -
    I only wish there was a way that I could give you an arms-around-me
    type hug.  In the meantime, lots of electronic ones.
10.69hugs, hugs, more hugsBTOVT::THIGPEN_Sridin' the Antelope FreewayWed Sep 12 1990 13:405
    more hugs for you, E Grace.  I know I sure needed 'em when my dad was
10.71DSSDEV::KRISTYTake off your kid glovesThu Sep 13 1990 01:581
    I really need some hugs.  Anyone have any they can spare?  
10.72RAMOTH::DRISKELLI want you to be independant and available...Thu Sep 13 1990 04:1214

	anyone who's still here deserves a special BIG hug..

	hh	hh	uu	uu	 gggggggg
	hh	hh	uu	uu	gg	gg
	hh	hh	uu	uu	gg
	hhhhhhhhhh	uu	uu	gg    gggggg
	hh	hh	uuu    uuu	gg	gg
	hh	hh	 uuu  uuu	gg	gg
	hh	hh	   uuuu		 gggggggg
10.73DCL::NANCYBbut if she cried I would have stoppedThu Sep 13 1990 04:268
    	Hey there Kristy,
    	Here's a couple warm, soft  [hug]  [hug]  s.
    								nancy b.
10.74MOMCAT::TARBETA-singing and a-foolingThu Sep 13 1990 09:141
    ...*h u u u u g g g g  g   g   g     g*
10.75WMOIS::B_REINKEWe won't play your silly gameThu Sep 13 1990 12:033
10.76LEZAH::BOBBITTwater, wind, and stoneThu Sep 13 1990 12:329
  (   )
    !    Net hug !
  _/ \_
10.77Aawww, here's one more: ()GWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Thu Sep 13 1990 12:479
         <<< Note 10.71 by DSSDEV::KRISTY "Take off your kid gloves" >>>
    Cheyenne sent me a whole bunch, to use as needed.  I bet she wouldn't
    mind if I gave a couple to you.
    () ()
    E Grace
10.78REGENT::WOODWARDYet Another Writing Newbie (YAWN)Thu Sep 13 1990 13:459
    I really need some hugs.  Anyone have any they can spare?
    I have some spare hugs in the car....next to the spare tire!
    You're more than welcome to them....
    many hugs, woody
10.79SCARGO::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Thu Sep 13 1990 14:274
    Hugs are always available. You want them, you got them. 
10.81A Big Hug for both of youCSG001::PWHITEI've moved to PDMThu Sep 13 1990 17:3817
    	H        H     U      U       GGGGG
    	H        H     U      U      G     G
    	H        H     U      U      G
    	HHHHHHHHHH     U      U      G
    	H        H     U      U      G    GG
    	H        H      U    U       G     G
    	H        H       UUUU  	      GGGGGG
    	Maybe the best thing you can do for your friend is
    	send HUGS and be there when she needs to talk.  Since
    	this situation is so unfamiliar to you both, she may
    	desparately someone with whom to talk through her
10.82FSHQA2::AWASKOMThu Sep 13 1990 19:156
    Lots and lots of hugs for both of you.  I know I would have no idea
    what to say or how to cope, as this is far from my normal milieu as
    well.  Possibly just being there to listen without judging is the best
    you can accomplish.
10.84Warm and Fuzzy HugsHENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedThu Sep 13 1990 23:0512
    Here ya go, E Grace!

10.85MOMCAT::TARBETthe whole day alongThu Sep 13 1990 23:244
    Many many warm hugs, Anon.  You are really in a worse pickle than your
    friend, in some ways.  Serious, major, soft, warm hugs to you both.
10.86CGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Fri Sep 14 1990 12:288
    Warm hugs and my deepest wishes that you and she come out of it all
    right. Counseling, when she's calmed a little, might be gently
    suggested. It's out of my realm also. Please let her know that I'm
    sending all the positive warm caring thoughts that I can muster up.
    You and she have my love, if that helps a little.
10.80deletedCOGITO::SULLIVANAlms for the War?Fri Sep 14 1990 17:094
    I deleted 10.80 at the author's request.  
10.87Hugs NeededICS::MCDONOUGHSMon Sep 17 1990 13:3912
    I'm a read-only member of this conference, but I need hugs today.
    I had planned a vacation down the Cape this week, ALL BY MYSELF.
    Family demands have become too much, and I had to get away.
    I was on the beach for 20 minutes when the police delivered a message
    to call my husband.  My father had fallen and broken his wrist and
    hip.  I drove home yesterday.  My father is doing OK, but my mother
    is a wreck.  
    I hope I can return to the beach tomorrow...
10.88SANDS::MAXHAMSnort when you laugh!Mon Sep 17 1990 13:453
Hugs, Susan! Hope you're able get back to the Cape for some R & R.

10.89and one for luck: HUGGWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Mon Sep 17 1990 14:083
    E Grace
10.90i also long for a sabbatical somedayBTOVT::THIGPEN_Sridin' the Antelope FreewayMon Sep 17 1990 14:134
    recursive hugs!
10.91BIGRED::GALESomeday never comesThu Sep 20 1990 17:5824
    I think I need some hugs, or some positive strokes or something...

    I have to take the SSST test on Monday - for those of you who haven't
    heard about it, Its a test covering 6 books - Systems, Software,
    Communications, the Networks and Communications buyers guide (yes, the
    WHOLE thing almost), Desktops, and Services.

    Its a 160 question test, of which you HAVE to get a score of 115+ to
    pass.  If you don't pass, they send you on a plane BACK home. With all
    that has been going on with Becky in the hospital, studying for me has
    not been easy. Nothing is seeming to sink in right now. They have
    about 400 questions at the back of the books, of which I memorized each
    and every one of them.. then I was told yesterday by someone who JUST
    took the course, that that will do me absolutely NO good, as they don't
    ask any one those questions...

    I am SO scared that I will not pass the test, and will have to go back
    to my boss as a failure!.... I have never "failed" at any test before,
    but right now, I've never felt like this before either..  Like I don't
    know the material, and am not ready to take the test.

    I really think I need a Hug...

10.92LEZAH::BOBBITTwater, wind, and stoneThu Sep 20 1990 18:074
    Manyhugs, Gale.  I'm rootin' for you!
10.93no doubt about it, TexHEFTY::CHARBONNDFree Berkshire!Thu Sep 20 1990 18:085
    re .91 I get to hug her first :-) ***hhhuuuggg***
    Gale, you'll do fine. 
10.94CGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Thu Sep 20 1990 18:505
    Gale, if you weren't worried you'd be a machine. Knock em dead. Lots of 
10.95as many hugs as you needTLE::RANDALLliving on another planetThu Sep 20 1990 18:545
    Hang in there, Gale.  We're all pulling for you.
    Breathe in success and peace, breathe out fear . . .
10.96and maybe read me a story?SPCTRM::RUSSELLThu Sep 20 1990 18:5614
    Don't know if I want hugs or just to get it off my chest...
    I was sick with an ear and sinus infection for 11 days.  I'm still
    on antibiotics and feeling better but not well.  I'm back at work
    finally.  My ears still hurt like crazy and I can't hear much with
    my right ear.  (Doctor is aware and says swelling must go down 
    and draining must take place.)
    My mate had to leave on a business trip and I feel lonely and still
    not quite up to taking care of myself.  I want chicken soup.  I
    want comfort.  I want to be healthy again. I think I want a hug
    now please.
10.97WMOIS::B_REINKEWe won't play your silly gameThu Sep 20 1990 18:588
    Margaret and Gale both
    p.s. Margaret I have the makings of chicken soup in my frig,
    how far do you feel like driving? ;-)
10.98HUG hug HUG hug HUG hug HUG hug HUG hug.......GWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Thu Sep 20 1990 20:0334
    Gale -
    	If you are anything like me, I pity y...  no, no! I mean, you have
    probably assimilated more than you know.  With everything that has been
    going on in my life lately (oh! and my father is back home and doing
    relatively well.  thanks for all the hugs!), I have not been able to
    sit down and really concentrate on memorizing my lines.  I was sure I
    had not learned them.  Yet, during my recent rehearsals, I have had to
    call for a line fairly infrequently.  Osmosis, I guess! [-:
    But all the hugs I had been getting probably helped A LOT!!! So, here
    are 4 hugs >< >< >< ><  (those are real tight bear hugs)
    Margaret -
    That's about as well as I can do for the soup.
    Really soon, in lands aaalllll over the infinity, everyone and
    everything will wake up, stretch, yawn, open their eyes and say "Now
    WHY was I mad at anybody/everybody?  I forget.  Must not have been 
    important.  I will go back to loving everyone."
    That's about as well as I can do for a bedtime story/fairy tale.
    Now, here are some tissues and a warm cuddly blanket.  What's this
    in the blanket?!  Why, it's a bunch of little *hugs*!!!  and they are
    all for you!
    E Grace
10.99MOMCAT::TARBETOh she sped away 'bout an hour agoFri Sep 21 1990 00:266
    Several of my special "non-chiropractic" hugs for all three of you, 
    Gale, Margaret, and E
    Gale, you'll win.  You're just too good not to.
10.100"*hebe und streichle...*"OLYMP::BENZService(d) with a smileFri Sep 21 1990 08:005
10.101Mega sigh of relief!!!BIGRED::GALESomeday never comesTue Sep 25 1990 17:1010
    HI Guys..
    Well, If it sounds like a HI of relief, you are right...
    I passed the test, with okay flying colors...  Out of 160 questions,
    I got 150 of them correct, for a total overall score of 94%.  For those
    that will come after me to take this exam, Send me mail, and I'll save
    you a LOT of "what NOT to study and memorize :-)"...
    Now, only three more (open book) tests to go, and one major
    presentation, and I'll be back to Texas to be REALLY productive :-)
10.102Take a bow, 2nd curtain callGWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Tue Sep 25 1990 17:476
    RE: .101
    ************GOOD FOR YOU and I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!**************
10.103CGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Tue Sep 25 1990 21:418
    Good for you. Knock em dead on the rest of it. We have the utmost
    confidence in you.
10.104MOMCAT::TARBETin the arms of the Gypsy MaryWed Sep 26 1990 01:315
    tole ya so
10.105GNUVAX::QUIRIYChristineWed Sep 26 1990 03:377
10.106GO WOOMON!WFOV12::BRENNAN_NWed Sep 26 1990 13:094
    all that worry, and, *we* knew you could do it....
    congratulations and good luck!
10.108LYRIC::BOBBITTwater, wind, and stoneWed Oct 03 1990 14:236
    Life is fraught.  Angst arises.
    Please send hugs.
10.109special deliveryGWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Wed Oct 03 1990 14:253
    HUG --------------> Jody
    E Grace
10.110BTOVT::THIGPEN_SI donwanna wearatieWed Oct 03 1990 14:334
    like you said, so it is.  Hugs to you!
10.111EDIT::SMITHPassionate committment/reasoned faithWed Oct 03 1990 16:353
    Hug -- hug --HUGGGGGGG!
10.112LEZAH::BOBBITTwater, wind, and stoneWed Oct 03 1990 16:414
    I feel better already!
10.113or would it be disfraught, infraught?BSS::VANFLEETTreat yourself to happinessWed Oct 03 1990 16:419
    Jody -
    Hope these hugs help to unfraught your life....
10.114Hang In There!HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedWed Oct 03 1990 16:487
    Here's a {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{SOOPER HUG!!!!!!}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} for ya,
    Jody!  Hope things get better.
    'Nother HUG,
10.115CGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Thu Oct 04 1990 10:328
10.116Fed Ex Those Supportive Thoughts Tomorrow!HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedFri Oct 05 1990 14:0812
    Okay, friends, tomorrow both Marge Davis and I will be taking a
    big step into the future.  At different times and in different places,
    we will both be taking a 5 - 7 hour test to qualify for law school.
    If you happen to think of either of us tomorrow, please send some
    good thoughts and lots of strength our way.  I don't know about
    Marge, but I could desperately use some about now.
    Knew I could count on you!
10.117You *can* do it.REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Fri Oct 05 1990 14:168
    Barb and Marge,
    Big hugs.
    Remember, each time during the test that you feel you can't breathe:
    It isn't panic; it's someone giving you a hug.
    							Ann B.
10.118Hugs and more hugs! Yahoo!SPCTRM::RUSSELLFri Oct 05 1990 14:218
    Big hugs to both Marge and Barb.
    I'll be sending energy to you both. So exciting that you're actually
    following this dream.
    Get a good night's sleep.  It will help as much as the hugs.
        Way to go!    Margaret
10.119huggle huggle (snuggly hugs!)GWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Fri Oct 05 1990 14:2211
    Oooooohhhh, how I envy you both!  I am starting to get into the law
    field also, but I'm nowhere near big-kids school yet!
    >Remember, each time during the test that you feel you can't breathe:
    >It isn't panic; it's someone giving you a hug.
    Oh, Ann, I **like** that!
    E Grace
10.120hugssss!LYRIC::BOBBITTwater, wind, and stoneFri Oct 05 1990 14:286
    Strength and faith to both of you!
    hopes and dreams, here you come!
10.121Go get what you want!BLUMON::GUGELAdrenaline: my drug of choiceFri Oct 05 1990 14:470
10.123huge hugCSC32::M_EVANSFri Oct 05 1990 18:163
    Hugs to both of you and good luck.
10.124SANDS::MAXHAMSnort when you laugh!Fri Oct 05 1990 19:403
Go for it!

10.125WMOIS::B_REINKEWe won't play your silly gameFri Oct 05 1990 19:413
    Good luck to both of you!
10.126MOMCAT::TARBETand don't fool time a-dawdlingSat Oct 06 1990 02:251
    i could use a couple my own self the now :-(
10.128From the Conlons in Colorado...CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, indeed...Sat Oct 06 1990 06:088
    	RE: .126  Maggie
    	My longest and best hugs to you !!!
    	My cats (Woofer and Tweeter) send kitty hugs and purrs, and my
    	son sends his warm but scruffy hugs your way, too!
10.129re: .126LEZAH::BOBBITTwater, wind, and stoneSat Oct 06 1990 11:276
    Oh, manymanyhugs, and strength......
    hang in there - we're with you 1000%
10.130DSSDEV::KRISTYMaximum Shock Value!Sat Oct 06 1990 12:395
    Many, many warm hugs to Jody, Maggie, Barb & Marge!  
10.132urmphTLE::D_CARROLLAssume nothingSat Oct 06 1990 20:107
    *** MEGA-HUG ***
    And, while we're at it, many thanks for being a fantastic mod...:-)
10.133WMOIS::B_REINKEWe won't play your silly gameSun Oct 07 1990 10:181
    Major Hugs Maggie!
10.134Another squeeze:CUPCSG::SMITHPassionate committment/reasoned faithMon Oct 08 1990 00:573
    Hugs from me, too, Maggie!
10.135MOMCAT::TARBETI'll have her headMon Oct 08 1990 10:013
    *Many* thanks, friends.  Your hugs restored me when i most needed it.
10.136hugs and requested hugCSC32::M_EVANSMon Oct 08 1990 13:575
    Hugs maggie from another Meg.  By the way after last week, I need a big
    hug too.  (My father was told his cancer is now terminal, but no real
    time-frame)  Augh! After 15 years of fighting this stuff.
10.137okay, so it's not really that broad!GWYNED::YUKONSECLeave the poor nits in peace!Mon Oct 08 1990 15:3118
    Barb and Marge -- post-examinal hugs!  (*8
    Maggie -- sorry I'm late, but here's another one, just in case you're 
    starting to dip again.
    Meg -- hug. hug.  There really is no way to give a big enough hug for
    this, I know.  My mom told me Saturday that the doctors won't tell
    her anything, but she thinks they found it in my dad again too.
    |   _           <-------- that's a shoulder
    |  | |
    E Grace
10.138Wow! Did I Need That!HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedMon Oct 08 1990 16:3310
    Thanks everyone for the strength and support!  It was long, it was
    mind numbing--literally, but at certain moments, when the going
    was stalled, I thought of all of you and how much support you had
    sent and it gave me the courage to keep plugging away.
    You are wonderful!
    Hugs back to all who lent encouragement and support,
10.139more hugsCSC32::M_EVANSMon Oct 08 1990 16:494
    Thank E Grace, I needed that Hugs to you too.  Sniffle, thanks for the
    shoulder, and if you need one feel free.
10.140Hope You Bounce Back SoonHENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedMon Oct 08 1990 18:368
    Aw, Meg, here's another one for you...

    Thinking of you,
10.141Going out to the garden to eat wormsMCIS2::WALTONMon Oct 08 1990 23:1216
    After blasting away at times at this file, I find myself hat in hand
    requesting a hug.
    Ken (my husband) left last Friday for West Germany.  We probably won't
    be together again until July/August of 91, except for a Xmas visit and
    a few weeks here and there when I can scrape up the bucks to send him a
    ticket.  I am single parenting our 4 year old, managing the apartment
    house, and dealing with a fiesty 1 year old hound named Ears.
    It's after 8:00 and there are 9 loads of laundry downstairs to put
    away, lunches to be made, and tomorrows clothes to be laid out.
    I want to run away  :-}  I am lonesome, horny, and frazzled.  I need a
10.142SKYLRK::OLSONPartner in the Almaden Train Wreck!Mon Oct 08 1990 23:275
    nobody needs forgiveness for speaking her mind.
    *hugs*, Sue, and come ask for more anytime.
10.143REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Mon Oct 08 1990 23:353
    There, there, Sue.  All that doesn't matter.  Have a big, soft hug.
    						Ann B.
10.144Comin' at ya.MCIS2::NOVELLOI've fallen, and I can't get upTue Oct 09 1990 01:076
    A hug from me Sue.......................
10.145There's no place like MarlboroVINO::LANGELOCaught up in the Rapture of YouTue Oct 09 1990 02:4116
    I need a few grand-canyon-size hugs. I'm taking a week-long class in
    the building where my ex-lover works. "Oh, we'll never bump into each
    other" I think to myself this morning driving there. Well, guess what?
    Yah, you got it. I wasn't even in the building 1 hour and we cross
    paths. At least we were civil. I was  thinking this  morning that maybe
    we'd get back together but then I had to keep telling myself...
    "It would never work,it would never work,it would never work...
    there's no place like home, there's no place like home"
    Someone wake me up when I'm safely back at my work home of Marlboro.
10.146I've been thereTLE::D_CARROLLAssume nothingTue Oct 09 1990 03:399
    HUG from someone who knows the sort of awkwardness you describe.
    It'll be over soon.
10.147MOMCAT::TARBETon the end o'my swordTue Oct 09 1990 04:128
    For Meg:    a warm, chiropractic *HHHUUUUUUGGG*
    For Sue:    say what you will, you're our sister too.  *HHHUUUUUUGGG*
    For Laurie:  it's awful to feel torn like that.   *HHHUUUUUUGGG*
10.148PENUTS::JLAMOTTETake a Hike...join the AMCTue Oct 09 1990 09:211
    For Lee...hugs and sympathy
10.151BTOVT::THIGPEN_SI donwanna wearatieTue Oct 09 1990 12:082
    Lee didn't ask for hugs, but here's a big one.  Let your memories of
    your special grandfather ease your grief.
10.152TINCUP::KOLBEThe dilettante debutanteTue Oct 09 1990 16:503
    I've been very remiss in my electronic hugs lately, this is a note I
    skip when I'm behind in the file. So, to everyone who has had the need ,
    hugs,hugs,hugs,hugs, I care about all of you. liesl
10.154WMOIS::B_REINKEWe won't play your silly gameTue Oct 09 1990 22:433
    hugs to all those needing hugs tonite, and espcially to those
    women of this file that I've come to know and love.
10.155GWYNED::YUKONSECcouldn't think of anything pithy todayMon Oct 15 1990 12:003
Hugs, Herb.

E Grace
10.157Me Too!HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedMon Oct 15 1990 21:046
    An extra warm {{{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}}}} to you too, Herb.  The
    nice thing about have not-so-hot times is that they really help
    you appreciate the better times.
    Hang in there,
10.158me tooTLE::RANDALLliving on another planetTue Oct 16 1990 14:247
    Have a hug from me, too.  
    I haven't been in notes for the past few days so I'm not sure
    exactly what went on, but I hope things are better now and we can
    all go on being friends.
10.159lots of hugsGODIVA::benceThe hum of bees...Fri Oct 19 1990 14:297

	I know you haven't asked for one today, Lorna...but a big
	hug from me.  Your unique voice and exquisite taste in poetry
	have opened a lot of windows for me.

10.160Hug to LornaPOETIC::LEEDBERGJustice and LicenseFri Oct 19 1990 15:1914

	I want to send a really warm hug to Lorna, she of all women
	in this conference who are active writers "don't need to get
	sh*t" from anti-feminist individuals.  I do read all your
	notes Lorna and you keep me honest.


			Cats do things with bad timeing
			and they don't even try.

10.161GLITER::STHILAIREFood, Shelter &amp; DiamondsFri Oct 19 1990 15:515
    re .159, and .160, thanks so much.  It's nice to have people think of
    me without even asking first. :-)
10.162I'm even staying late to write itBOOKIE::RANDALLBonnie Randall SchutzmanFri Oct 19 1990 16:196
    A hug from me, too, Lorna . . . you're the single person I would
    most hate to lose from this conference, and that's saying a lot
    because there are many very wonderful people who note here, and
    who read here without writing.
10.163CGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Fri Oct 19 1990 16:4748
    A hug fromm me too. I scroll quickly through a lot of the replies in
    here and missed yours on the party note. Also I'm still undecided about
    if I'm going or not. Too shy. Anyway that's my problem not anyone
    Phil (whose off to the dietician's now. Have a good weekend all. Lorna,
    do something nice for yourself this weekend)
10.164GLITER::STHILAIREFood, Shelter &amp; DiamondsFri Oct 19 1990 17:056
    Thanks Bonnie and Phil.  (Do something nice for myself this weekend? 
    But, I can't afford any more jewelry! :-)  I'll have to think of
    something cheaper!)
10.165more hugsTINCUP::KOLBEThe dilettante debutanteFri Oct 19 1990 19:394
Lorna, I have several big hugs saved up for you on my next trip out. I read all 
your notes and care about what you think. Don'y let one person's hate and insecurity
ruin your day. I hope personell has the decency to read more than one reply before
they make any judgements. liesl
10.166busy worker beeVINO::LANGELOUp at the crack of high noonFri Oct 19 1990 21:414
    Thanks to all those wonderful women who gave me electronic hugs!!!
10.167Getting an early start on Monday hugs from across the network!CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, you bet.Mon Oct 29 1990 02:137
    	Special Monday morning hugs to Margaret Russell!!  (See 13.484)
    	Let's all send our best thoughts and hugs together!
    			{{{{{{   HUG!!!   }}}}}}
10.168SANDS::MAXHAMSnort when you laugh!Mon Oct 29 1990 11:453
Yes, lots of hugs to Margaret. Take care, kiddo.

10.170OACK::SMITHPassionate committment/reasoned faithMon Oct 29 1990 12:384
    (Hope that hug didn't hurt -- I squeeze hard!)
10.171huggle huggle huggleGWYNED::YUKONSECbeing gentle is *not* being wimpy!!!!!!!!!Mon Oct 29 1990 13:287
    big, big, pillow-hug!!!
    I hope everything is okay.
    E Grace
10.172hugs from yet another friendPENMAN::BROWNupcountry frolicsMon Oct 29 1990 17:337
		Lotsa, lotsa hugs...

		...and we'll all be thinking of you.

10.173crossed fingers, tooTLE::RANDALLself-defined personMon Oct 29 1990 17:493
    Hugs, prayers, and whatever other positive thoughts you need. . .
10.174GLITER::STHILAIREFood, Shelter &amp; DiamondsMon Oct 29 1990 20:156
    Hugs from me, too, Margaret.  How yucky!
    Can't wait to see your new ring, though!
10.175EDIT::CRITZLeMond Wins '86,'89,'90 TdFTue Oct 30 1990 14:407
    	One of the fellas here talked to Margaret this morning.
    	He said she sounded fine.
    	She'll probably be back soon with an update.
10.176IE0010::MALINGLife is a balancing actTue Oct 30 1990 20:005
    HUGS to you Tracey
10.179SELECT::GALLUPCombat erotic illiteracyThu Nov 01 1990 17:2512

	Awwwww!  Why, thank you!  I didn't expect a hug for it, but then
	again, those kinds of hugs are the best to get!

	Yea, it puts me on edge...I hope he's okay. 8-(


	PS:  My housemates think I'm stupid.......
10.180TCC::HEFFELVini, vidi, visaThu Nov 01 1990 17:3713
	I say PPPPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLL! to your housemates.

	I have 7 kitty/children and the most depressed I've been in my adult 
life was when Merry died on Aug 7, 1987.  My husband and I cried for days.

	A co-worker's dog was recently run over and came to talk to me 'cause 
she knew I'd understand.  I ended up crying *with* her.

	I hope Banzai shows up soon.  Please let us know.

	More HUGS,

10.181many hugsTLE::RANDALLself-defined personThu Nov 01 1990 17:4111
    Boy, some people can be heartless.  One of the worst feelings in
    the world -- well, in everyday life -- is the numbness of waiting
    for a cat to come home. 
    Our littlest cat, Tiger, who belonged to my son, disappeared a
    couple of months ago.  No idea what happened to her, never turned
    up at the animal shelter, nobody in the neighborhood has seen her. 
    It's a lonely unfinished feeling . . . you have my sympathy and my
    hopes Banzai comes home soon.
10.182GWYNED::YUKONSECaaaaaahhhh, the gentle touchThu Nov 01 1990 17:485


E Grace
10.183LEZAH::BOBBITTCOUS: Coincidences of Unusual SizeThu Nov 01 1990 17:505
    unsolicited hugs to Nancy Brennan, be it blessing in disguise or no, it
    couldn't have been easy to lose him.....
10.184GWYNED::YUKONSECaaaaaahhhh, the gentle touchThu Nov 01 1990 17:505
RE: 385.35

Hugs, Nancy.

E Grace
10.185I'm so sorryTLE::RANDALLself-defined personThu Nov 01 1990 17:545
    Hugs, Nancy -- I remember when my grandfather died after a long
    bout of cancer and a stroke that left him incapacitated . . . the
    relief itself was a grief of guilt and loss . . . 
10.186Cat vacation--Feline HiatusKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KLooks like someday is here!Thu Nov 01 1990 18:0512
    I hope Banzai turns up soon!  My housemate and I have 3 kitties between
    the two of us (not to mention 2 dogs, 3 horses, and 3 kids!) And it
    seems the kitties take turns disappearing for a couple of days at a
    time.  It's always nerve-wracking, and especially when I am driving
    to work, when I spot something in the road, I am afraid to look. but
    they always come home!  
10.187HANNAH::MODICAThu Nov 01 1990 18:079
    On Banzai and cats disapearing...
    Think it has anything to do with the full moon?
    And Kath, being a married man, I'll have to offer a shake of the hand.
    A hug might not be appropriate :-)
10.189BANZAI come home, little guy!SELECT::GALLUPCombat erotic illiteracyThu Nov 01 1990 19:0715

	Hahaha.....you guys/gals are great!  I'm sure he'll be crying
	at the door when I get home from work today (at least I HOPE!).

	Since I live in Rt 140 (VERY busy)......I always cringe when I
	know he's out and I see a dead animal on the road........ 8-(

	Hank, I'll take a hug from you any day..and anyone else as well! 8-)
	Believe me, it WON'T be misinterpreted!

10.190and D!, and...SKYLRK::OLSONPartner in the Almaden Train Wreck!Thu Nov 01 1990 19:4613
    Hugs for Bonnie R.
    Hugs for Carla.
    Hugs for Lorna, and Tracey, and Joe, and Suzanne, and Kathy, and
    Justine, and anyone else who thinks they haven't been heard, or
    haven't been listened to, or, like me, is in despair at how the
    cholesterol topic went wrong.  I hug all of you who had no intent
    to wound.  I hug all of you who just want to be understood.  I sit
    here and listen, and listen, and listen.  And I think I need a hug
10.191FORBDN::BLAZEKnever saw a woman so aloneThu Nov 01 1990 19:505
    DougO, and a bottle of 1988 Fendant to go with that hug, my friend.
10.192Thanks for yours!CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, you bet.Thu Nov 01 1990 19:503
    	Hugs back to you, DougO!
10.193This Hug's For YOU!HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedThu Nov 01 1990 21:166
    Here is an unrequested {{{{HUG}}}} for Bonnie Randall.  Never let
    anyone tell you you're less than wonderful, and don't believe it
    if they do!
    Thinking of you,
10.194WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesFri Nov 02 1990 13:084
    Big Hugs for Bonnie Randall also, and Kath (any word on your cat?)
    and DougO and all those others out there needing hugs..
    Bonnie JR
10.195SELECT::GALLUPCombat erotic illiteracyFri Nov 02 1990 14:3524

	Banzai was quite contrite as he jumped into my lap before I
	even got out of the car last night......purring like a madman
	and whining from hunger.

	As I crawled into bed last night, he crawled under the covers
	with me, plastered his belly against my chest and put his
	paws around my neck.....and purred.....

	What a guy......why can't I find him in human form???? 8-]

	Of course, the second I opened the door this morning, he bolted
	out again.....sigh......here we go, all over again!

	Will I ever get used to it?   (Is this the same as parents letting
	their children go?)

10.196WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesFri Nov 02 1990 14:537
    Get him a collar with your street adress on it kath, or learn
    to be quicker with your foot to block him when you leave each
10.197WRKSYS::STHILAIREFood, Shelter &amp; DiamondsFri Nov 02 1990 15:009
    re .195, Kath, I'm glad Banzai came home safe and sound.
    (I was a little worried because of Halloween.  I never let my pets out
    around Halloween.  Too many sickos out there to chance it.)
    As for finding Banzai in human form, I know what you mean!  I've been
    looking for Raven (my current favorite cat) in human form myself! :-)
10.198CGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Fri Nov 02 1990 15:2311
    Kathy, it's worse with cats then with kids. With kids, you continue to
    worry but you hope that they have learned something that you and school
    and general common sense have been trying to shove into them has taken.
    With cats, all you can do is worry, because you can't teach them. In
    fact they teach you more then thay learn from you and that. IMHO is as
    it should be. Afterall they own you not vice-versa.
    I hope Banzai continues to be safe and will send positive energy to you
    and him. Hugs for both.
10.199but joe, i thought you *hated* cats?!?!DECWET::JWHITEsappho groupieFri Nov 02 1990 15:413
    glad to hear about your cat!
10.200OXNARD::HAYNESCharles HaynesFri Nov 02 1990 16:239

Finding your cat in human form reminded me of that old joke about the genie and
the woman who wished her cat was a man...

	"Now don't you wish you hadn't had me 'fixed'?"

	-- Charles
10.201inre .200 me too! ;-)WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesFri Nov 02 1990 16:241
10.202I've got a bad case of the poor me's...BSS::VANFLEETPlunging into lightnessFri Nov 02 1990 19:439
    Can I have some hugs too???  It's been a really strange week waiting
    to see if I was going to be TSFO'd (I wasn't although I wanted it),
    trying to find a new job in New England for the past five months and
    having req after req be pulled at the last minute, having an up in the
    air long distance relationship and coming down with the flu of the
    century but feeling too guilty about leaving my team in the lurch to
    stay home.  :-(
10.203Poor You!HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedFri Nov 02 1990 19:4712
    Here are a bunch of "poor you" hugs, Nanci.  {{{poor you HUG}}}
{{{poor you HUG}}}
{{{poor you HUG}}}
{{{poor you HUG}}}
{{{poor you HUG}}}
{{{poor you HUG}}}

    Remember, what' meant to be is meant to be.  You don't want "just"
    any job, you want the right job.  These things take more time ya
10.204Poor babyREGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Fri Nov 02 1990 20:033
    Here's another hug.
    					Ann B.
10.205You guys are so special...BSS::VANFLEETPlunging into lightnessFri Nov 02 1990 20:127
    Bonnie, Barb, Ann and Joe...
    Thanks so much.  :-)  What would I do without my friends?
10.206Happy? Thrilled?HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedFri Nov 02 1990 20:293
    Be lonely?  Miserable?
10.207WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesFri Nov 02 1990 23:257
    did I send you a hug and forgot or did Bonnie RS
    anyway...here's a hug from me!
10.208XCUSME::QUAYLEi.e. AnnSat Nov 03 1990 21:394
    Nanci, hugs, and keep us posted (sounds sort of like a swiftie)
10.209Back for a special hug request.CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, you bet.Mon Nov 05 1990 06:4812
    	My wonderful son Ryan could use some hugs today...

    	A small object lodged in his eye on Saturday (tearing his cornea)
    	- after the treatment at the hospital, he can't see much out of
    	the damaged eye (when the patch is off) and his other eye seems 
    	to have gone fuzzy in sympathy with it.  So he's pretty much 
    	temporarily blinded.

    	He's such a sweet kid - I'm sure he'll be ok, but I'd appreciate
    	some warm thoughts his way.

10.210For RyanMOMCAT::TARBETNo I'll not returnMon Nov 05 1990 08:576
    Ouch!!!!  What a rotten thing to have happen.
10.211WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesMon Nov 05 1990 09:065
    Send him a hug from me too!
10.212BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfreedom: not a gift, but a choiceMon Nov 05 1990 11:174
    and me.  Glad to hear it's not too serious, but I know these things
    hurt for a while.
10.213huuuugCSC32::M_EVANSMon Nov 05 1990 12:2014
    Hugs for Ryan and Nanci,
    I went through the door slamming on every open rec two years ago and I
    know it can be frustrating to say the least.  The right job is out
    there though.
    Eyes heal remarkably, but maybe this is the time to cut back on
    reading, I know ugh!, and just listen for a few days.
10.214thanks to all and passing some along to RyanBSS::VANFLEETPlunging into lightnessMon Nov 05 1990 13:487
    Everybody - thanks for all the hugs.  They helped me get through the
    weekend.  :-)
    Suzanne - give Ryan hugs from me too.  I've had eye injuries and while
    they're extremely painful they also heal really fast!  :-)
10.215Hugs work wonders, thank you allSPCTRM::RUSSELLMon Nov 05 1990 19:1519
    Thank you all for the hugs and the mail.  
    The operation went well, the lump was benign (yayyayayayayay!!!)
    I stayed awake through the operation (local anesthetic) and when it
    got tough I just though of all you gyns and guys and started reading
    notes in my head.  Thought of Inner Visions.  Thought of lunches at the
    Scupper. And somehow got through.  Hugs work. 
    I'm not okay yet, though.  I'll be out for a few weeks still. I
    promise to read lots of feminist literature and come back more
    glass chewing and onery and humorous than ever.
    Hugs to all of you.  Here's a secret:  There is only ONE hug
    in the world.  Every time it's used it gets bigger and warmer and
    stronger.  Yeah, I know it sounds like feel-good psychobabble, but
    it's true.
10.216WRKSYS::STHILAIREFood, Shelter &amp; DiamondsMon Nov 05 1990 19:305
    re .215, that's great, Margaret!  I'm still waiting to see that ring!
    :-)  Next lunch at the scupper?
10.217XCUSME::QUAYLEi.e. AnnMon Nov 05 1990 19:505
    Good news, Margaret!  Thanks for the update; wishing you a good
10.218A youngster on the mend...CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, you bet.Mon Nov 05 1990 21:159
    	Thanks for all the hugs for Ryan today, too!
    	His damaged eye is still dilated, but he's putting the antibiotic
    	drops (to prevent infection) in and he seems a lot better now than
    	he was this morning.
    	The good thoughts and hugs helped, I'm sure!
10.219Best wishes from the Tuesday crewREGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Tue Nov 06 1990 12:194
    Tell Ryan "Good luck on your saving throw".
    						Pfusand, Harry,
    						Liara, `Jake', etc.
10.220A hug always helps me when I feel like thatWMOIS::M_KOWALEWICZBo don't know Peep! Tue Nov 06 1990 13:564
	Re: 501.6  

	D!    Have a *HUG*   -       Kbear
10.221grinTLE::D_CARROLLHakuna MatataTue Nov 06 1990 16:593
    Thanks...I'm feeling a lot better this week! :-)
10.222ANKH::DUNNETue Nov 06 1990 19:555
    Hugs to Ryan, Suzanne, Margaret, Nanci, D! and anyone else in
    the last few replies that I may have missed.
    (Who lately doesn't get in here as regularly as she would wish) 
10.223It's getting better all the time...BSS::VANFLEETPlunging into lightnessWed Nov 07 1990 18:235
    Things are much better today!  The hugs were just what I needed!
10.224FORBDN::BLAZEKour absolute distinctionThu Nov 08 1990 15:299
    I never thought I'd ask, but I'm in dire need of a long hug, one
    that will encompass me and hold me and stop me from making a rash 
    decision, like walking out on this (*&#$(*&^#)( job.
    thank you.
10.225*hug*STAR::BARTHDream until your dream comes trueThu Nov 08 1990 15:446
    Looooooooooong Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuug!
    Take care,
10.226And many more...!!CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, you bet.Thu Nov 08 1990 15:488
    	Carla - 
    	    {{{{{{{{{{ Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuug!!!!! }}}}}}}}}}
10.227COGITO::SULLIVANSinging for our livesThu Nov 08 1990 15:496
    A Huge Hug to you, Carla!!!!
10.229No Way!HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedThu Nov 08 1990 16:328
    Here's a {{{{{{{{Think What You'll Miss If You Leave, HUG!!!}}}}}}}}
    What *would* we do without you, Carla?
    Just keep thinking "This, too, will pass," and keep on going.
    A Final HUG,
10.230I should get rid of my p-n sometimes ;-)HOO78C::VISSERSDutch ComfortThu Nov 08 1990 16:397
    Here's one as best as I can do from 8000 miles, Carla!!
    Hang in there!!
10.231WRKSYS::STHILAIREFood, Shelter &amp; DiamondsThu Nov 08 1990 16:396
    Here's another hug, Carla
    (wish you weren't too far away to go out for a drink)
10.232LYRIC::BOBBITTthe odd get evenThu Nov 08 1990 16:416
    Hugs to you, Carla.
    Wish I could be there and administer it in person!
10.233re 22.688VMSSPT::NICHOLSIt ain't easy being greenThu Nov 08 1990 16:442
    and here's an unsolicited hug for big bird. 
10.234BSS::VANFLEETPlunging into lightnessThu Nov 08 1990 16:489
    Carla - 
    Wish I was there to bring you a fruit plate.  ;-)
    Hang in there, Sweetie.
10.235FORBDN::BLAZEKour absolute distinctionThu Nov 08 1990 16:485
    thanks everyone.
10.236GWYNED::YUKONSECaaaaaahhhh, the gentle touchThu Nov 08 1990 17:1215
    You are welcome to as many of my store of hugs as you need or want.
    I have determined that every time I give one away, two more are born,
    so it is a limitless supply.
    I have a selection:
    afghan hugs
    kittie-purrr hugs
    huggles (snuggle hugs)
    huddles (cuddle hugs)
    E Grace
10.237the $%!#@*'s will self-destructMFGMEM::ROSEFri Nov 09 1990 08:5624
    Carla,                                         *                    *  
                     *                              *   *       *
                     *                                 *   *                *
                     *                               *  -    *  -    *
    Encompass * * * YOU * * * ?!   Encompass YOU ?
                     *                             *   | *      *|   *  *
                     *                                 |   *  *  |    *
                     *                              *   -  *    -   *
                                                      *          *        
    ...:-) :-) :-):
    ... not on this terminal, kid, but what a thought!
    p.s. - now, about that offer from Rolling Stone.... :-)
10.238carla, just shift into auto-pilot until next friday(-;RAVEN1::AAGESENis it nov *15th* yet??!Fri Nov 09 1990 10:5237
      this may be a day late, but just think - it's one day closer to
    "cruisetime"!  you can hang in there for another 5 working days, 
    no? (-:  i'll BET you feel a bit better after a vacation!
      many hugs (courtesy of another friend) follow...
        hug                        hug     hug                        hug
         hug                    hug           hug                    hug
           hug              hug         *         hug              hug
              hug      hug            *   *            hug      hug
                  hug                * HUG *                hug
             hug       hug            *   *            hug       hug
        hug                 hug         *         hug                 hug
    hug                         hug           hug                         hug
 hug                               hug     hug                               hug
hug                                  hug hug                                  hu
ug                                     hug                                     h
                                     hug hug
                                   hug     hug 
                                  hug       hug
            hug                  hug         hug                  hug
       hug       hug            hug    HUG    hug            hug       hug
   hug               hug       hug             hug       hug               hug
 hug                    hug     hug           hug     hug                    hug
hug                       hug    hug         hug    hug                       hu
ug                          hug   hug  hug  hug   hug                          h
                             hug     hug hug     hug
                              hug   hug   hug   hug
                                 hug         hug
10.239Next time I am in Seattle...POETIC::LEEDBERGJustice and LicenseFri Nov 09 1990 11:5612

	Many hugs from this strange place called the Mill.


			My the goddess enfold you in her mists.

10.240TINCUP::KOLBEThe dilettante debutanteFri Nov 09 1990 21:382
Carla, hang in there!! never make a decision when the emotions are high!!! Big
hugs and go get on that cruise. liesl
10.242HugsRANGER::PEASLEETue Nov 13 1990 11:492
    Hugs for Lorna.  Please smile!!!!!
10.243Multi-hugsKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KA break in the battle was your partTue Nov 13 1990 12:083
    More hugs for Lorna, and for the women who were hurt unintentionally.
10.244KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KA break in the battle was your partWed Nov 14 1990 12:541
    Hugs for NancyB and Miriam Hidalgo
10.245Thanks!SADVS1::HIDALGOWed Nov 14 1990 13:105
    Thank You!  That hug felt GOOOOOD!
10.246NEED HUGS TERRIBLY.......ASIC::WELCHWed Nov 14 1990 20:496
    I don't if anyone is out there now at this hour, but if you are.....
    I need a hug REALLY bad.....The black hole is getting blacker and
    blacker and I just want to crawl into it and not come out....
10.247WRKSYS::STHILAIREFood, Shelter &amp; DiamondsWed Nov 14 1990 20:516
    re .246, Oh, I'm sorry.  I'm leaving but I'm here at the moment.
    Here's a hug!  Hope things get better!
10.248to Barb in .246MOMCAT::TARBETthat we stored awayWed Nov 14 1990 21:091
10.249Hugs for Barb! (.246)SADVS1::HIDALGOWed Nov 14 1990 21:1614
    	hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug!
	hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug!
	hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug!
	hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug!
	hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug!
	hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug! hug!
    	hope it helps!
10.250Lord, grant me the serenity.....NOW!!!!!GWYNED::YUKONSECaaaaaahhhh, the gentle touchWed Nov 14 1990 21:217
    I have a limitless supply of hugs, Barb, and you can have as many as
    you need.  The only thing is, though, that they are somewhat shy and
    get *really* embarrased when I spread them all over the screen.
    E Grace
    Sometimes the Serenity Prayer helps, too.
10.251Focus on the LightHENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedWed Nov 14 1990 21:398
    From one Barb to another__
    Hang in there!
10.252It will be okay...RIPPLE::BARTHOLOM_SHIt was just a mirage...Wed Nov 14 1990 21:5818
    Here's a really big 
    HHH   HHH   UUU   UUU   GGG   GGG
    HHH   HHH   UUU   UUU   GGG   GGG
    and it lasts indefinitely...
10.253WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesWed Nov 14 1990 22:321
    and another hug from me Barb .....
10.254NOATAK::BLAZEKhey sister midnightWed Nov 14 1990 22:345
    Barb, many hugs and hopes for betterment ...
10.256NEMAIL::KALIKOWDa.k.a. 'Golden Spike' LANcasterThu Nov 15 1990 02:2310
    Hugs from MetroWest Boston, Barb.  I've been there too and it's no fun
    that's for sure.  Please remember that
                      This Too Shall Pass
                       HUGS are eternal
                         (-: HUG :-)
10.257SCARGO::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Thu Nov 15 1990 10:107
    It's not last night and I didn't see it until this morning, but GIANT,
    for you from my part of Nashua, and I'll send some from Hudson when I'm
10.258IE0010::MALINGWorking in a window wonderlandFri Nov 16 1990 00:084
    I need hugs bad.  All kinds of feelings bottled up inside and no
    shoulder to cry on.
10.259CSC32::CONLONCosmic laughter, you bet.Fri Nov 16 1990 00:388
    	Here's some -
    		{{{{{{{{{{{{{{   HUG!  }}}}}}}}}}}}}}
    	Let's share these awhile - I got them from some good friends
    	recently - the magic still works!
10.260PAYING BACK FROM MY GIFT OF HUGS!!!!ASIC::WELCHFri Nov 16 1990 08:1616
    Huge hugs from the large supply I've received in the past couple of
    days, Mary!!!!!!!!!  They really do help......
    HUG......                                         HUG......
            HUG......                        HUG......
                    HUG......        HUG......
    AND                      MORE              AND                MORE    
          WHERE THOSE CAME FROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hang in there.........You will get through this and your emotional sun
    will shine again........Mine is!!!!!!!!!!!!
10.261WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesFri Nov 16 1990 12:033
    More hugs Mary
10.262GWYNED::YUKONSECaaaaaahhhh, the gentle touchFri Nov 16 1990 12:3111
    here are some good hugs for you.  I am told I give fairly good hug, so
    I hope they help!
    E Grace
    p.s., the rest were too shy to sit on the screen, so I'll hand carry 
    them down to you.
10.263CSDPIE::MALINGWorking in a window wonderlandFri Nov 16 1990 14:386
    Thanks everyone for the hugs.  Much appreciated.  It may take a while
    for me to work through this one, but the hugs help.
    BTW, E Grace gives good shy hugs in person ;-)
10.264BSS::VANFLEETPlunging into lightnessFri Nov 16 1990 14:387
    Mary and Barb....
    Hope it gets better soon!
10.265For Your Collection:)HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedFri Nov 16 1990 14:513
    'Nother {{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}}
10.266((( big hug )))COAL11::EVANSOne-wheel drivin'Fri Nov 16 1990 14:593
    Net-hugs are wonderful, no argument. But I sure hope you folks are
    searching out *real* hugs too. There is good, solid, scientific
    evidence that you need the human contact.
10.267*blush*GWYNED::YUKONSECaaaaaahhhh, the gentle touchFri Nov 16 1990 15:011
10.268WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesFri Nov 16 1990 15:204
    E Grace - you keep blushing and you *might* get what you are searching
    for! ;-) X 10
10.269CGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Fri Nov 16 1990 16:448
    I'm leaving early today for my latest cholesterol test. I find out in 3
    weeks whether or not I have to take drugs for the rest of my life.
    (yuchh) I could use a hug or 2. And hugs to everyone who needs them,
    wants them, likes them, and just on general principals. I'm in an
    extremely Huggy mood today. Note you all on Monday. Have a nice weekend
    everyone. I'm outta here.
10.270**flutter** (:8GWYNED::YUKONSECaaaaaahhhh, the gentle touchFri Nov 16 1990 17:131
10.271HANNAH::MODICAFri Nov 16 1990 19:067
    Phil, here's a handshake for ya.
    I also take some stuff regularly, though I'd rather not go into
    the details publicly, so I understand a bit how you feel.
    Good luck.
10.272There, there, now.REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Fri Nov 16 1990 20:3314
    Ah, the weekend is here.  So many people have needed hugs.
    Here's a big one for each of you.  Oh, c'mon, just sit in my lap
    and have a nice long cuddle.
                         ---    ---
                        /          \
                       /            \
                      /              \
                     (                )
    							Ann B.
10.273BSS::VANFLEETPlunging into lightnessFri Nov 16 1990 21:047
    Hugs to Phil...
    I hope the Dr's appointment goes well.
10.274Another big hug (( ))COLBIN::EVANSOne-wheel drivin'Fri Nov 16 1990 21:5113
    Er...not to throw cold water ..uh..so to speak ...on perfectly
    acceptable high-jinks, but:
    *I* was talking about hugs. Not sex. We live in a society in which
    a h*ll of a lot of people are having sex in circumstances in which
    they really want a hug.
    Human touch and contact are not only sexual. Find a hug when you need
    support. Have sex when you feel sexy. Do both if you feel that way,
    but please don't confuse the two.
10.275WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesSat Nov 17 1990 02:367
    I was 'busting' E Grace if that was aimed at me..
    and having met her, I can testify that she gives excellant hugs.
    Bonnie ;-) X 100
10.276MFGMEM::ROSESat Nov 17 1990 09:2018
    Hi Phil,
    Here it is Friday night, and my hug tank is running on empty. 
    So, here's a book recommendation instead which, regardless of
    your cholesterol count, may help to free you from a lifelong
    sentence.  It's Dr. Dean Ornish's "Program for Reversing Heart
    Disease" -  check it out in the new non-fiction (hardcover)
    section of your local bookstore.  The book's subtitle reads,
    "The Only System Scientifically Proven to Reverse Heart Disease
    Without Drugs or Surgery."  Chapter 3 in particular has a very
    interesting discussion of cholesterol lowering drugs.
    My word - what's that?  Aha!  A Monday Morning Hug has just ap-
    peared in my tank.  Here it is....{{{{{ hUg }}}}} !
10.277MOMCAT::TARBETFor I know this life's unstableSat Nov 17 1990 12:341
    Crossed fingers and ((HUGS)), Phil.
10.278SCARGO::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Mon Nov 19 1990 10:4813
    Thank you all for the hugs. (Not sex, just needed hugs.) Virginia,
    thank you for the book suggestion. I'll look for it in the Pheasant
    Lane Mall bookstores in Nashua, next time I'm in there. I still don't
    have an answer to my cholesterol question. They took the test, but I
    won't get the results until later today and won't really know the
    medication answer until I see the doctor on the 7th. Setting on laps
    for hugs, hmmm. Maybe if you wear a long white beard, red suit with
    pillow underneath it, and go hohoho. :-). I have lost another 1.25 lbs.
    but can't seem to break the 230 barrier. Keep fluctuating between 232
    and 236. Thanksgiving is coming this week too. AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH
    there goes the diet. Well, no pumpkin pie for me.
10.279GWYNED::YUKONSECthe jumping off place for the electricity!Mon Nov 19 1990 11:386
    Hugs, Phil.
    Gangs of 'em!
    E Grace
10.281Perhaps I misunderstood...COLBIN::EVANSOne-wheel drivin'Mon Nov 19 1990 15:463
    [[No, not "aiming" at anyone in particular. Maybe I misunderstood
    some of the notes. Not trying to dampen high spirits...]]]
10.282Thanks.ARCHER::CAMPBELL_KA break in the battle was your partMon Nov 19 1990 17:265
    I can't have one from whom I need/want it most.
    But I need one badly today.
10.283excuse me, I always talk to my hugs!GWYNED::YUKONSECjumping off spot for electricity!Mon Nov 19 1990 17:358
    Here's one....(come on, get up there!  Don't be shy...really, you're
    needed...*there* you go!)
    (good hug!  See, that's not so bad, is it?)
    E Grace
10.284XCUSME::QUAYLEi.e. AnnMon Nov 19 1990 17:3511
    Ask and ye shall receive:
    HUG, HUG, HUG, HUG, HUG, HUG, as many as you need.
    (Those aren't shouted hugs, they're capital hugs.)
    Hope you soon get the hugs you want and need from the source you want,
    and hope those help in the meantime.
10.285more where they came from...WFOVX8::BRENNAN_NDykes'r UsTue Nov 20 1990 09:546
    will I do???
    loud and clear!!!!!
10.286it's a little better todayTOMCAT::CAMPBELL_KLetting go, with loveTue Nov 20 1990 11:142
    Thanks!  I knew I could count on you all!  I feel better.  
10.287CGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Tue Nov 20 1990 11:467
    Thank you to all who have sent hugs both here and in mail. Thank you
    for all the offers of information on diet and healthcare. It is truly
    appreciated. I LLLLLLOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEE this conference. 
    Hugs to all who need them today and every day.
10.288Hugs to Pat White!SANDS::MAXHAMSnort when you laugh!Tue Nov 20 1990 13:041
10.290WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesTue Nov 20 1990 13:103
    Hugs Pat
    and much love
10.291Thank you - HUG HUG HUGCSG002::PWHITEJust lookin' for a homeTue Nov 20 1990 17:5411
    Thank you for those unsolicited, but much needed, hugs.
    Thanks also to those who have sent supportive mail about
    my mother.
    hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, hug
    	HUG    HUG    HUG    HUG    HUG    HUG    HUG
    	       to all of you
10.292D!LEZAH::BOBBITTthe odd get evenMon Nov 26 1990 15:094
    BIG-Hugs to Diana.....
10.293USCTR1::JNOVITCHMon Nov 26 1990 15:134
    Help!  I need a friend.  I'm at a very low point in my life right now
    and really need someone to talk to. Please contact me via mail.
10.294dankeTLE::D_CARROLLHakuna MatataMon Nov 26 1990 15:424
    Thanks, Jody!  :-)
10.295CSSE32::M_DAVISMarge Davis HallyburtonTue Nov 27 1990 10:025
    May I ask the =wn= community to give some moment's thought and support
    for Barb Haslam as she prepares for an important exam this Saturday? 
    I'm confident Barb will do well.
10.296LEZAH::BOBBITTthe odd get evenTue Nov 27 1990 10:384
    oooh....hugs and mondo intellectual vibes Barb!
10.297ThanksUSCTR1::JNOVITCHTue Nov 27 1990 11:446
    Thanks to all who replied, it really helped me a lot to know so many 
    people cared.
10.298GWYNED::YUKONSECanother friend of Dr. Bob'sTue Nov 27 1990 12:006
    Hugggggggggggggggggggggggggggsssssss,(that was a reeeeeaalllly tight
    hug!) Barb.  Do well!
    And Janet, here's another one for luck...hug...
    E Grace
10.299CGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Tue Nov 27 1990 12:0440
    I saw this on a book mark last night and had to buy it and enter it
    here. The author is unknown and it's reprinted without permission.
    H U G S
    It's wondrous what a hug can do
    A hug can cheer you when you're blue
    A hug can say "I love you so"
    Or "Gee, I hate to see you go"
    A hug is "welcome back again"
    And "great to see you" or
    "Where've you been"
    A hug can sooth a small child's pain
    And bring a rainbow after rain
    The hug! There's just no doubt about it
    We scarcely could survive without it
    A hug delights and warms and charms
    It must be why God gave us arms
    Hugs are great for fathers and mothers
    Sweet for sisters, swell for brothers
    And chances are some favorite aunts
    Love them more then potted plants
    Kittens crave them, puppies love them
    Heads of state are not above them
    A hug can break the language barrier
    And make the dullest day seem merrier
    No need to fret about the store of 'em
    The more you give
    The more there are of 'em
    So stretch those arms without delay
    And give someone a hug today
    Phil, who'se sending out hugs to all who need them and all whoo just
    want them.
10.301I am not too huggy, but for Barb...SHIRE::BIZELa femme est l'avenir de l'hommeTue Nov 27 1990 13:283
    Many hugs, Barb, my Mom and my brother are also rooting for you!
10.303Oh, For a Hug!HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedFri Nov 30 1990 14:019
    Hugs and good thoughts are in order (again *sigh*).  It's back to
    the testing room for yet another try at the law school extrance
    exam (LSAT).  My last score was supposedly good enough for Harvard, but not
    for the University of Utah (where competition is very tough).  Anyhow,
    tomorrow is yet another 6 hours of mind numbing problem solving,
    so any support is welcome.
    Thanks, friends!
10.304WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesFri Nov 30 1990 14:113
    Lots of hugs Barb!
10.305SA1794::CHARBONNDWhat _was_ Plan B?Fri Nov 30 1990 14:113
    re .303 Hugs, lots of 'em, and cheering in the background. 

    Knock' em flat, Barb!
10.306a-hugging we will go, a-hugging we will go....GWYNED::YUKONSECBLUSHFri Nov 30 1990 14:355
    Many, many demure
    BEAR HUGS!!!!!!!      squeeeeeeeeeeze
    E Grace
10.307Life is such a rollercoaster.DCL::NANCYBeverything merges with the nightSat Dec 01 1990 04:225
    		I need hugs.
10.308Nancy Bittle...!CSC32::CONLONWomen for All SeasonsSat Dec 01 1990 05:046
    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Hug! }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
    			    And many more, Nancy!!
10.309MOMCAT::TARBETO what did I seeSat Dec 01 1990 05:351
10.310Pancho: ''But wait, CISCo!!!'' ...NEMAIL::KALIKOWDAy CISCo, Let's went! Too RISCo!!Sat Dec 01 1990 10:1021
    C:  "... But why, Pancho...?"
    P:  "NancyB said she needs a hug!"
    C:  "But Pancho, she said she needed hug*Z*!"
    P:  "So...?  But that's GREAT, CISCo -- there's TWO of us!!"
    (gun holstered :-), N approaches P shyly...  moments later, 
                        C approaches N shyly...)
    C: "Ohhh, Pancho!"
    P: "Ohhhhh, CISCo!"
    (...sound of spurs jingling and hoofbeats fading southwestward...)
10.313Try some of these, -d!CSC32::CONLONWomen for All SeasonsSat Dec 01 1990 16:4110
    	Here's some recycled hugs for you, -d.  (By the way, they NEVER lose
    	their warmth...temperature is constant.)  ;^)
    		{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{ Hug! }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
    	Hugs to everyone out there - especially those who are in a slight
    	hug deficit today!
10.314(she knows its for her)SX4GTO::OLSONThe Revenge of the BatSat Dec 01 1990 22:353
10.315Much better nowREGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Sun Dec 02 1990 00:549
    My shoulders hurt.
    Here.  Here's a good, big hug for you, and for you, and for you,
    and -- you haven't asked but you look like you need one so here's
    a special one for you.
    Ah! That's the stretching my shoulders needed.
    							Ann B.
10.316more!WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesSun Dec 02 1990 01:487
    HUGS  Nancy
    and also
10.317MOMCAT::TARBETO what did I seeSun Dec 02 1990 10:581
    major ((((*HUG*)))), Rat.
10.318DCL::NANCYBeverything merges with the nightMon Dec 03 1990 05:4310
    	Thanks so much for the hugs, gyns & guys ;-)!
    	I felt much better.   Reading how other women have gone through
    	the same dreadful experience as I, possibly (remotely possibly) 
    	inflicted by the same person, was too much to bear
    						nancy b.
10.319hughughughughugGWYNED::YUKONSECBLUSHMon Dec 03 1990 12:4310
    I don't know if anyone still needs these, but here goes, anyway.
    I got my hug supply replenished over the weekend, and now there are all
    these little hugs running aroung my cubicle.  Would NancyB and -d mind
    taking a few off my hands?  I'm afraid I'm going to start bumping into
    You will?  Thanks!
    E Grace
10.320HENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedMon Dec 03 1990 15:073
    {{{{{{{more HUGS}}}}}}}}
10.321(*8GWYNED::YUKONSECCuddles DelightWed Dec 05 1990 12:3313
    I'm am feeling fairly fabulous, and in the need to hug.  As I don't
    have anyone present to whom I can give these hugs, I thought I would
    leave some here.  That way, weary travelers will find some here just
    waiting to be needed.
    (Okay...in you go...that's right, right through the screen.  Alright? 
    Are you all comfy in there?...good.)
    Okay, they are all set.
    E Grace
10.322Thanks E Grace.CSC32::M_EVANSThu Dec 06 1990 14:4010
    E Grace, what a wondeful thing to do.  I think I will borrow one, to be
    returned to the pool, as soon as can can give one back.  
    Today I need a hug.  My father had his talk with the oncologist, and
    has decided on no more radical treatments, he is going to stay very
    conservative.  (In a way hooray!)  This does decrease his long term
    chances, but he will be happier.  He also asked me for the number of a
    freind who belongs to the Hemlock Society.  (Why I need the hug).
10.323If you need more, just send mailGWYNED::YUKONSECCuddles DelightThu Dec 06 1990 14:556
    Here are some extras, just in case my tribble hugs haven't reproduced 
    enough yet.  hughughughughughughughug
    E Grace
10.324WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesThu Dec 06 1990 23:395
    hugs to you E Grace 
    and I hope you get your supply filled to over abundance next week.
    Bonnie (aka sis)
10.326NOATAK::BLAZEKcross my heart with silverFri Dec 07 1990 14:518
    Hugs, Meg.  And a tickle on the side, so that maybe I can hear your
    wonderful laughter resonating all the way to Seattle.
    Why are all the great laughers at CXO3?!
10.327Thanks Bonnie, I believe they just might be! {:8GWYNED::YUKONSECCuddles DelightFri Dec 07 1990 14:5612
    RE: .325
     >>Maybe E Grace will share some of hers, too.
    My hugs are always to be shared.
    E Grace
10.328Thanks gangCSC32::M_EVANSFri Dec 07 1990 16:505
    Hugs and good laughs Carla.  It's the altitude that creates the
    attitude.  If you ever need laughter just give us a call at the center. 
    I'll get Eva over here too.
10.329NOATAK::BLAZEKcross my heart with silverFri Dec 07 1990 17:026
    And Liesl, too!  I always knew when either Liesl and Meg was in the
    vicinity.  Great, really great!
10.330sureCSC32::M_EVANSFri Dec 07 1990 19:274
    Of course Liesl too.  How about it Leisl?  Shall we get a conference
    laugh going?
10.331TINCUP::KOLBEThe dilettante divorceeFri Dec 07 1990 22:365
hey why not, I even have teleconference laughs with my co-workers in Valbonne.
I'm practiced at it! We laugh in 3 languages. :*) Helen do you read here???

Ya know Carla, I kind of miss having you around. Here's holiday hugs for 
everyone - HO HO HUG. liesl
10.332Here I go again.AQUA::WALKERtwinkle_toesMon Dec 10 1990 11:484
    Oops, I fell into a holiday blues hole this morning.  I am so glad to
    come to work and tune in to this note.
10.333Thank you all so muchCGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Mon Dec 10 1990 15:3218
    I want to say thank you and send hugs to all who supported me in
    worries about my cholesterol. Especially those who have taken the time
    to send me personal mail and information around diets and medication.
    As usual, (with me anyway), I worry to much for nothing. I went to the
    doctor's on Friday, and my naughty cholesterol was down 40 points, my
    nice cholesterol was up 5 points, and the ratio got 2.5 points closer
    to 1 : 1. No medicine for me, yet. 
    Although my reading is still obscene, IMO, it is getting better.
    Again, thank you all for caring and taking the time to show it. I love
    you all and never hesitate to ask me for support. It will always be
    You're all the best.
10.334GWYNED::YUKONSECMENTORMon Dec 10 1990 16:519
    and here's another hug, Phil.  Just because I feel like giving hugs
    away today!
    E Grace
10.336(:8GWYNED::YUKONSECMENTORMon Dec 10 1990 19:323
    Yes, but they seem to be multiplying extra fast today!
    E Grace
10.337WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesMon Dec 10 1990 19:337
    E Grace, 
    is that because it is 5 hours +/- 30 minutes and counting?
10.338CGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Tue Dec 11 1990 14:5811
    Thank you -d. And yes, I'm a generalized hugger. I don't understand the
    term MOTOS though. Just my sheltered existence showing through again.
    E always seem to have billions and billions of hugs to share. They are
    probably falling off of her and piling up just waiting to be used by
    now. Yesterday, when I talked to her, she was full of the giggles and
    that will cause the hugs to pile up into a waiting mode.
    Don't worry E, my daughter, Amy, has a case or terminal giggles, too.
10.339Couldn't resist. Must be the stresMRKTNG::GODINNaturally I'm unbiased!Tue Dec 11 1990 15:095
    Phil, Amy's terminal giggles?  Maybe it's ticklish?  (Sometimes I get
    tickeled when I'm hugged, too.)
10.341BLUMON::WAYLAY::GORDONThe gifted and the damned...Tue Dec 11 1990 15:273
	I believe the PC acronym is MOTAS - Member Of The Appropriate Sex.

10.342CGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Tue Dec 11 1990 15:285
    Karen, I understand perfectly. Amy's giggles are not VDT terminal, but
    near infinitely lasting giggles. E's were approaching that stage
10.343CGVAX2::CONNELLReality, an overrated concept.Tue Dec 11 1990 15:329
    -d, thank you for translating that for me. Yes, I was aware of the term
    sagan to denote multple billions. I have rarely heard it employed and
    forgot about it. 
    The assumption was correct. I, will hug members of the same sex, if I
    know them well enough. Of course, I have to know a women fairly well
    before she gets a hug too. Electronic hugs don't count.
10.344*****BLUSH*****GWYNED::YUKONSECMENTORTue Dec 11 1990 16:231
10.345Hugs to All!CSC32::DUBOISThe early bird gets wormsWed Dec 12 1990 17:5425
     hug                              hug                               hug
        hug                         hug hug                          hug
           hug                     hug   hug                      hug
              hug                 hug     hug                  hug
                 hug             hug       hug              hug
                    hug         hug   hug   hug          hug
                      hug      hug  hug hug  hug      hug
 hug                    hug   hug  hug   hug  hug   hug                    hug
      hug                hug hug    hug hug    hug hug                hug
          hug              hug        hug        hug              hug
              hug        hug hug    hug hug    hug hug        hug
                 hug   hug     hug hug   hug hug     hug   hug
                    hug          hug       hug          hug
                       hug        hug     hug        hug
                          hug      hug   hug      hug
                            hug     hug hug     hug
                              hug     hug     hug
                                hug hug hug hug
                                  hug     hug
                                   hug   hug
                                    hug hug
                                  hug hug hug
                                hug hug hug hug

10.346WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesWed Dec 12 1990 18:305
    hugs liesl!
    hope you heal quickly
10.347whisper hugsGWYNED::YUKONSECMENTORWed Dec 12 1990 19:176
    very gentle, soft, cushy hugs...little quiet ones that won't disturb
    your rest.
    E Grace
10.348XCUSME::QUAYLEi.e. AnnWed Dec 12 1990 21:288
    Re .345
    Beautiful hugs!  Here are some admiring ones in turn:
     hug  hug  (oooooo)  hug  hug  (ahhhhhhhh)  hug  hug
10.349NOATAK::BLAZEKcross my heart with silverWed Dec 12 1990 21:425
    Hugs, Liesl!  To you and your horse.
    Carla (who reads "giddyap" every time an Aussie writes "g'day")
10.350BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfreedom: not a gift, but a choiceThu Dec 13 1990 01:113
    I could use a hug, if there are spares out there.  I blew it at home
    tonight, on several fronts at once, and there's nothing like deserving
    to be yelled at to make you feel low.
10.351Hugs for THIGPEN_S -- Tell 'em the Pseudo-Hanukkah story of ...NEMAIL::KALIKOWDThat's not PROBLEMs, that's LIFE!Thu Dec 13 1990 01:4918
    ...The "miraculous Cruise of Oil" :-) a ride that kept the Idiot Lights
    lit for EIGHT WHOLE NIGHTS, even though the Engine had been Defiled by
    having its crankcase-filler cap removed...
    Oh well, it was a poor parody of the Hanukkah story, my only excuse
    being it's 34 years since I last set foot in Hebrew School and it's
    late...  But anyhow you got home safe and there's 6 more nights of
    Hanukkah to share...
    HUG        HUG
    HUG        HUG
    Connect alternate hugs, you have the Hug of David... :-)
10.352WMOIS::B_REINKEbread&amp;rosesThu Dec 13 1990 01:514
10.353BLUMON::GUGELAdrenaline: my drug of choiceThu Dec 13 1990 11:417
    For all you do, this Hug's for you.
    Happy Hanukah, everyone.
10.354BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfreedom: not a gift, but a choiceThu Dec 13 1990 12:297
    thanks for the hugs, and Dan, thanks for the "miraculous Cruise of Oil,
    I finally laughed about this one!
    I feel a bit better now.
10.355...she said plaintively...GWYNED::YUKONSECMENTORThu Dec 13 1990 13:089
    >>I feel a bit better now.
    Does this *pout* mean {)*: that it's too *pout* late for me to *snif*
    give you a hug?
    E Grace
10.356pressure drop (ala Jimmy Cliff)BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfreedom: not a gift, but a choiceThu Dec 13 1990 13:599
    E Grace, you and your hugs are always welcome, even if I feel tip-top
    unfortunately, "a bit better" still ain't "good", so hug away
10.357GWYNED::YUKONSECMENTORThu Dec 13 1990 14:4618
    That's good!  'Cuz they were _all_ upset at me for getting in too 
    late . . . running around my cube, jumping up and down.  And worst of
    all, refusing to talk to me!  Have you ever been given the cold
    shoulder by hugs?!  shudder!
    Anyway, I sent them in mail, cuz there were so many of them that (what? 
    oh, okay, just give me a second.) ...excuse me.  Now, where was I?  Oh
    yeah, there were so many of them I was afraid they might take up too
    much space on MammaKitty.
    (ok, I'm sorry I missed you, but that's what you get for leaving the
    cube and running around the building like that!  You want to go visit
    Sara?  Okay...in you go...popHUG!  feel better?  good.  I'm going to
    leave now, will you be okay?  ok)
    Well, there's another one, Sara!
    E Grace
10.358mooooaaaannnnn.....BATRI::MARCUSFri Dec 14 1990 12:125

I can't even talk about it...

10.359feel better soon!BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfreedom: not a gift, but a choiceFri Dec 14 1990 12:195
    hugs Barb, Hugs and more Hugs.  They helped me yesterday, and they're
    recyclable, and they keep fresh forever.
10.360It Really Does HelpBATRI::MARCUSFri Dec 14 1990 12:388
-.1 (Is it Sue?)

Amazing how reading your note made me smile instantly - I printed it out and
put it in my breast pocket.


10.361BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfreedom: not a gift, but a choiceFri Dec 14 1990 12:566
    It's Sara, actually, I keep forgetting to sign.
    Hugs to all who helped with thoughts and hugs yesterday.  The world
    looks MUCH smilier today.  The antibiotics help...
    but the HUGS are the best medicine!
10.362hughughughughughughughughughughughughughughughugGWYNED::YUKONSECMENTORMon Dec 17 1990 15:207
    If you still need some hugs, I could probably spare one or two
    E Grace
10.363BOSOX::HENDERSONOr it could have been the windMon Dec 17 1990 15:336
I could use a couple.

10.364GWYNED::YUKONSECMentorMon Dec 17 1990 15:5611
    Only a couple?  Okay, I'll try and restrain them!
    (You can go...you too.  No.  I'm sorry, the rest of you have to stay
    E Grace
10.365They Always HelpSUNKEY::MARCUSMon Dec 17 1990 16:0810
E Grace,

Thanks for the hugs!  I am considerably improved - folks have really "touched"
me - but can always use the new infusion.


HUGHUG for you.  Sure that's enough?

10.366hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hughug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hughug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hughug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hug-hugBTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfreedom: not a gift, but a choiceMon Dec 17 1990 16:189
    I'm feeling MUCH better than last week, and E Grace sent me sooooooo
    many hugs that I can't hold on to all of 'em!  So, I'm turning some
    loose here so they can hug someone else -- grab 'em quick, before they
    Thanks to all of you who send hugs and support, here and in MAIL.  You
    know who you are -- it helped!
10.367BOSOX::HENDERSONOr it could have been the windMon Dec 17 1990 16:2414
RE:                      <<< Note 10.365 by SUNKEY::MARCUS >>>
                             -< They Always Help >-

>HUGHUG for you.  Sure that's enough?

Barb and E Grace...thanks...those felt so good I'll take all I can get!

10.369(-: Ladies & Gents, we've just witnessed true innovation! :-)NEMAIL::KALIKOWDDept. of Naval ContemplationMon Dec 17 1990 16:4913
              ... in 10.368 -- BOUSTROPHEDONIC hugs!!  
                       Not merely palindromic, that'd be
                              Gotta Love It!!
                   And as long as this is the HUG note, 
                      to all them that need 'em today...
10.370Electronic is good, in person is betterBLUMON::WAYLAY::GORDONWell, he has to sleep somewhere...Mon Dec 17 1990 16:533
	If you get a chance, look up E Grace in person.  She gives great hugs!

10.371***blush***GWYNED::YUKONSECMentorMon Dec 17 1990 16:591
10.373feel better? (*8GWYNED::YUKONSECMacho Hug SlutFri Dec 28 1990 14:5910
    RE: 58.1361
    (come on, kids, -d needs you...I *know* he's just being a bab...er, sad
    person, but he feels the need for some hugs...You've been complaining
    for days that no one seems to need or want you anymore, so now's your
    chance!...I *thought* that would do it!)
    hughughughughughughughughughughughug(whoa!...one at a time!)hug hug hug
    hug hug hughughughughughug(I give up!)hughughughughug
    E Grace
10.374AV8OR::TATISTCHEFFcrazy on youFri Dec 28 1990 17:401
    i need hugs.  need 'em bad.
10.375{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}BLUMON::WAYLAY::GORDONWell, he has to sleep somewhere...Fri Dec 28 1990 17:446
	Hugs Lee.  And if you happen to be in the ZK area, you're more than 
welcome to drop by for 100% natural, organic hugs instead of these somewhat
artificial (but still sincere) electronic ones.

10.376SA1794::CHARBONNDFred was right - YABBADABBADOOO!Fri Dec 28 1990 17:481
    RE .374 HUGS, extra-large size
10.377BOSOX::HENDERSONBeneath the stars all aloneFri Dec 28 1990 18:018
Here's some extra-extra large size hugs.

10.378MOMCAT::TARBETma bold Fisher Lass!Fri Dec 28 1990 18:201
    {{{{{{HHHHUUUUUUUUGGGG}}}}}}..... .  .   .     .
10.379SCARGO::CONNELLIt's reigning cats.Fri Dec 28 1990 18:214
    hugshugshugshugs  and as many more as you think you need plus.
10.380Hugs for LeeCSC32::M_EVANSFri Dec 28 1990 18:474
    After that scream, I can see you need lots of hugs.  Hugs, and a lite
    kiss and best wishes from Colorado.
10.381ESIS::GALLUPSwish, swish.....splat!Fri Dec 28 1990 18:5311
    Lee.....everything will work out, hon....
    BIG hugs to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Keep the faith.
10.382IE0010::MALINGWorking in a window wonderlandFri Dec 28 1990 19:316
    I was just up visiting E Grace and the hugs around that place you
    wouldn't believe!  Here's a big one.  HUG!
10.383LEZAH::BOBBITTtrial by stoneFri Dec 28 1990 19:3913
  (   )
    !    Net hug !
  _/ \_
    No one who needs hugs should go wanting...especially during the
10.384more for LeeGWYNED::YUKONSECMacho Hug SlutFri Dec 28 1990 19:398
    ...and here are some more of them.
    (do you all feel better now?...you were so worried that nobody needed
    E Grace
10.385CSCMA::PEREIRAPam-a-lam-a-ding-dongFri Dec 28 1990 21:144
    Hope you feel happier soon,
10.386re 58.1395 I need a hugletNEMAIL::KALIKOWDThe Maunder MinimumMon Dec 31 1990 19:363
          Not a big one, just enuf to help me push my lower lip in...
                               (-:  *nyuk*  :-)
10.387GWYNED::YUKONSECMacho Hug SlutMon Dec 31 1990 20:107
    I'm sorry, Dan.  I can't find any huglets.  I hope this one will do
    		(Now, be gentle, okay?...Dan needs his lower lip pushed
    		 back in...no, you cannot play slingshot with his lip...
    		 that's better!  good hug!)
10.388( h u g s )BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfreedom: not a gift, but a choiceWed Jan 02 1991 16:4412
    E needs headache-chasing hugs (see 13.current_last).  E, when I had
    such a persistent headache it was a sinus infection (3 times since
    Sept; hurray for antibiotics).  Anyhow, this calls for _gentle_ hugs:
    ( h u g ) ( h u g ) ( h u g ) ( h u g ) ( h u g ) ( h u g ) ( h u g )
        ( h u g ) ( h u g ) ( h u g ) ( h u g ) ( h u g ) ( h u g )
    ( h u g ) ( h u g ) ( h u g ) ( h u g ) ( h u g ) ( h u g ) ( h u g )
    notice I didn't squeeze too hard.  Hope it feels better soon!
10.389GWYNED::YUKONSECYou HUGOPHILE, you!!!!!!Wed Jan 02 1991 18:5710
    RE: 13.714
    hugs Cheyenne.  This is a *****reeeeeallly***** gentle hug, since it
    *is* a bladder infection!
    	(What?...I'm sorry, did you want to go too?...okay, in you go)
    E Grace
10.390Soft hugs, a back/neck/shoulder rub to ease painCGVAX2::CONNELLIt's reigning cats.Wed Jan 02 1991 19:238
    Sara, I just saw about E's headache. I'm sending little soft gentle
    hugs to her. I hope you feel better E, and please if they have
    persisted that long seek medical help. I don't want anyone to be sick.
    Not I used a comma in the sentence with "E" in it. I'm not getting
    stuck in that conversation again. :-)
10.392aaaaaaaahhhhhh, the healing power of hugs!GWYNED::YUKONSECand I yours!Thu Jan 03 1991 12:393
    thank you all.  I feel *much* better today!
    E Grace
10.393These are to coddle your boo-boo back!GWYNED::YUKONSECand I yours!Thu Jan 03 1991 14:5211
    RE:  13.717
    cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug
    cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug
    cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug
    cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug cushyhug 
    E Grace
10.394GWYNED::YUKONSECand I yours!Thu Jan 03 1991 15:0110
    RE: 13.724
    I send many, *many* hugs to sit with you and hold your hand...and to
    sit on your dad's bed and send love thoughts.  
    You will be in my prayers,
    E Grace
10.395BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfreedom: not a gift, but a choiceThu Jan 03 1991 15:045
    Scott, me too.  Here are lots of supportive warm thoughts and hugs, and
    a well of well-wishes for your family.
10.396I'm in a hugging mood, I'm in a hugg...POBOX::ABRAHAMThu Jan 03 1991 18:5418
To Whomsoever has a need (in other words all & sundry) ....

	HH      HH      UU      UU       GGGGGG         SSSSS
	HH	HH      UU      UU      GGG   GGG     SSS   SSS
	HH	HH      UU      UU     GG     GGG    SS       SS
	HH      HH      UU      UU     GG            SS       SS
	HH      HH      UU      UU     GG            SS
	HHHHHHHHHH      UU      UU     GG     GGG     SSSSSSSSS
	HHHHHHHHHH      UU      UU     GG       GG            SS
	HH      HH      UU      UU     GG       GG             SS
	HH      HH      UU      UU     GG       GG             SS
	HH      HH       UU    UU       GG      GG             SS
	HH      HH        UU  UU         GGG  GGG     SSS    SSS
	HH      HH         UUUU            GGGG         SSSSSS

10.397LJOHUB::MAXHAMSnort when you laugh!Thu Jan 03 1991 20:373
Hugs, Scott!

10.398GWYNED::YUKONSECand I yours!Fri Jan 04 1991 14:2414
    RE: 13/726
    Gee, Dave.  You are *not* having a very good week, are you?
    	(come on...yes, I know, it *is* nice of people to be having a bad
    	 week, isn't it?...yes, I know, you were all very lonely...I'm not
    	 sure the people having the bad week think you kids are worth it...
    		oooohhh...okay,okay!!!I'm *sorry*! Gotcha!...Now, I need
    	 some warm, fireside hugs for Dave...okay...in you go...popHug
         popHUG...there...say hi to Dave for me!  Bye bye!)
    Want a hug, Dave?
    E Grace
10.399LYRIC::BOBBITTtrial by stoneFri Jan 04 1991 14:436
    yes, Dave.
    BIG, soothing hugs.
10.400WMOIS::B_REINKEa baby girl!Fri Jan 04 1991 15:023
    Major hugs from here too, Dave
10.401GWYNED::YUKONSECand I yours!Fri Jan 04 1991 18:134
    Restorative hugs for Bonnie!!!!!!!!!!!
    E Grace
10.402MOMCAT::TARBETHow comes ye fishin' here?Sat Jan 05 1991 11:121
    Major (((HUG))) and good wishes, Scott, how awful.
10.403GWYNED::YUKONSECThe perfect level of hugosityThu Jan 10 1991 13:577
    If anyone's got a hug to spare, I could use it.  Dad's in the hospital
    being drained again.  sigh.  
    I probably wouldn't need one, but all mine are busy getting prep'ed for
    -d's blood ordeal tomorrow.
    E Grace
10.405HANNAH::MODICAJourneyman NoterThu Jan 10 1991 14:015
    E. I hope everything works out ok for your dad and family.
    						best wishes
10.406With warmest regards...CSC32::CONLONWoman of NoteThu Jan 10 1991 14:036
    	E Grace, I've been savng some you sent to me - they've multiplied
    	many times since then, but they're as warm as ever!!
    			Back at ya, E!  {{{{{{{{{{{{{{ H }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
10.407BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfreedom: not a gift, but a choiceThu Jan 10 1991 15:1818
    E, here are a few for you:
    why, they're so enthusiastic, they got right away from me.  Guess they
    are just irrepresible!  You'll have to pass them back and forth between
    you and your dad.
    keep the faith
10.408A 5X5 matrix? Ugh.REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Thu Jan 10 1991 19:1917
    Oh, dear, dear, dear.
    Most of those hugs have escaped by now.  It's late afternoon and
    you need some more.  Here they are.
     h  u  g   h u g  h ug  hug hug Hug HuG HUG HUGHUG HUGHUGHUG
    Ah, and I see a person over there, not quite crying, who needs a
    hug too:
              H   H  U   U   GGG
              H   H  U   U  G   G
              HHHHH  U   U  G
              H   H  U   U  G  GG
              H   H   UUU    GGGG
    							Ann B.
10.409LEZAH::BOBBITTeach according to their gifts...Thu Jan 10 1991 20:165
    thanks, Ann...howdja guess?
    hugs to E Grace...and a spare for anyone who needs it...
10.410BSS::VANFLEETclosely resembling lightThu Jan 10 1991 20:1911
    E Grace - 
    Hugs to you.  Hope your Dad is o.k.
    Jody - 
    Hugs to one of my favorite poets.  :-)
10.411WMOIS::B_REINKEconstantly making exciting discoveriesThu Jan 10 1991 23:345
    Hugs to Jody and E Grace
    and I'll take some of the left overs for my cold..
10.413GWYNED::YUKONSECThe perfect level of hugosityFri Jan 11 1991 13:1725
    I hope these aren't too late!  They are very anxious to get to you. 
    (They like blood donors.  Oh, alright!  So they like *everybody*!  I
    was just trying to make you feel better!  (*8    )

	(now, here's the scoop...you have to be very gentle -- yes, I 
	 know, you are *always* gentle...I meant you have to be extra
	 gentle...because -d is giving blood....yes, he *is* very
	 brave...now, some of you need to sit in his hand and pat his
	 fingers...the rest of you just help him to relax...No, you 
	 may *not* jump up and down on his arm!...I know it will make
	 it go faster, you still mayn't do it...in fact, I think you
	 had better stay here, you're not ready yet...Why yes, I think
	 it would be very nice if some of you wandered over to other
	 donors...can you jump off that big table alright?...ohhh,
	 good hugs!  Okay, here you go...*popHug*...*poHugp*...help
	 your brother in, there...*pHugop*.....)

    Do well!
    E Grace
10.416For BonnieHENRYY::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedFri Jan 11 1991 18:566
    Major {{{{{{{HHHHUUUUGGGGSSSS}}}}}}}, Bonnie!  It's so hard to think
    of you as ever being ill!
    Get Well NOW!!!
10.417(*8GWYNED::YUKONSECThe perfect level of hugosityFri Jan 11 1991 18:587
    You *know* I always have gangs of hugs set aside for _you_!
    love ya,
    E Grace
10.418WMOIS::B_REINKEconstantly making exciting discoveriesFri Jan 11 1991 19:445
10.419Please???BSS::VANFLEETclosely resembling lightFri Jan 11 1991 20:287
    Need hugs ....  
      .... can't talk about it.
10.420Hope it easesGWYNED::YUKONSECThe perfect level of hugosityFri Jan 11 1991 20:359
    Here are some *very* discrete purrrhugs.  They will snuggle up to you,
    really close, and you can tell them _anything_.  They will snuggle up
    under your ear and jaw, and purrrrrrr you calm.
    E Grace
10.421NOATAK::BLAZEKthe faceless breathless callsFri Jan 11 1991 21:309
    Hugs, Nanci, to my favorite hugger in all the world.
    I hope you're OK ... I'm here if you need me.
    bonnie, Nanci -- here are hugs galore.  I know how it feels, to not
    even be able to talk about it.  Hope it feels better soon --
10.424LEZAH::BOBBITTeach according to their gifts...Sat Jan 12 1991 00:594
    manymorehugs, Nanci
10.425MOMCAT::TARBETfor yer ain sweet sakeSat Jan 12 1991 10:253
    hope i'm not too late with
10.426BSS::VANFLEETclosely resembling lightSat Jan 12 1991 15:1510
    It's never too late!  :-)
    Thanks all...I'm going through a really rough time in all aspects of my
    life and knowing that you're all pulling for me really helps!
    basking in your hugs...
10.428BSS::VANFLEETclosely resembling lightSat Jan 12 1991 15:227
    Caught it!  Whew, fair takes my breath away!
    Thanks -d!
10.430hugGWYNED::YUKONSEChappy birthday, Dr. King. sighTue Jan 15 1991 17:386
    There are not enough hugs in the world, so I will just send you one,
    small, quiet hug.
    E Grace
10.431Another soft oneBATRI::MARCUSI am not an actor...this is my true storyTue Jan 15 1991 18:125

That's long on support....

10.432More hugsCSC32::M_EVANSTue Jan 15 1991 18:254
    Hugs from Colorado, and a broad shoulder if you need it, send me some
10.433TINCUP::KOLBEThe dilettante divorceeTue Jan 15 1991 21:531
I wish we could do more than just tell you we are thinking of you. liesl
10.434CSSE32::M_DAVISGod bless Captain Vere.Wed Jan 16 1991 15:143
    Barb, know that many hearts are with you....mine's one.
10.435hugsCSC32::M_EVANSWed Jan 16 1991 16:428
    Nancy B,
    RE Jury duty today, this is a big hug.  I know how tough it can be when
    one has been the victim (in more ways than one), to serve on a jury,
    particularly if there is a chance you might wind up in a court room
    involving the same crime.
    Hugs to all others who need or want them today.
10.436E Grace, How About....BATRI::MARCUSA waist is a terrible thing to mindMon Jan 21 1991 22:557


	They are infinitely more versatile than spreadsheets!

10.437Thank you, BarbGWYNED::YUKONSECa Friend in mourning.Tue Jan 22 1991 12:085
    Now *that* helped!
    E Grace
10.438Ouch! please send hugs!LEZAH::BOBBITTtrial by fireSun Jan 27 1991 12:325
    Life is very crunchy and weird right now, in all the wrong places. 
10.439Not to worry, Jody... When Winter comes...NEMAIL::KALIKOWDNOTEorious!!! :-)Sun Jan 27 1991 12:4410
               ... can Spring be far behind?  *H*U*G*S!!!
            Hope those melt some of the crunchiness even before 
                        the weather turns warm...
          (-: Or -- you _could_ stop eating saltines in bed...  :-)
    (I can't believe I had the good luck to beat Her E-ness to the hug!! :-)
10.440H U GREGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Sun Jan 27 1991 14:284
    Just remember -- there are many more fannish hugs in your immediate
    					Ann B.
10.441BTOVT::THIGPEN_Shello darknessSun Jan 27 1991 16:583
    < < < < H U G S > > > >
    from me to you, good for the blues
10.443HA! but I get to give them in person!!!GWYNED::YUKONSECsated hugsMon Jan 28 1991 11:363
    I'll be down in a minute, Jody!
    E Grace
10.444WMOIS::B_REINKEshe is a 'red haired baby-woman'Mon Jan 28 1991 13:335
    HUGS Jody
    (and thanks for 'fixing' my terminal!)
10.445LYRIC::BOBBITTtrial by fireMon Jan 28 1991 13:455
    thanks.  everyone.  I feel better.
    Still a bit crunchy, but softer inside.
10.447Me tooSTAR::BARTHDream until your dream comes trueMon Jan 28 1991 17:233
    Divorce is tougher than I thought.  I could use a few.
10.448WMOIS::B_REINKEshe is a 'red haired baby-woman'Mon Jan 28 1991 17:303
    Major HUgs Karen!
10.449hugsnhugsnhugsnhugsnhugsBTOVT::THIGPEN_Shello darknessMon Jan 28 1991 18:311
10.450CGVAX2::CONNELLIt's reigning cats.Mon Jan 28 1991 18:365
    Giganto, soft, caring, sympaathetic, hugs. I've been there too, as I
    know many others in this file have been. It's not easy on either party
    most of the time.
10.452*waitforme,waitforme!* hugGWYNED::YUKONSECsated hugsMon Jan 28 1991 18:5819
    copycat, -d!  (*8
    Yes, Karen, it is.  My hugs were pretty well sated over the weekend,
    let me just see if I can rouse them.
    	(would you kids stop that?!...I can't type you in if you're all
    	 jumping on my fingers at once....I'm sorry, I didn't know you were
    	 awake....well come on, in you go....yes, Karen needs you because
    	 divorce suc....you're too young for that language...purrers first, 
    	 I think...puuurrhugrrrrr*pop*, puuuhuguuurrrr*pop*, now the rest
    	 of you....by 100's, I think...hug*POP*hug*POP*hug*POP*hug*POP*
    	 bye-bye...be soft!)
    Well, Karen, I guess they recovered!  Hope they help.
    E Grace 
10.453DSSDEV::KRISTYcute and cuddly woobieMon Jan 28 1991 23:111
    Many hugs, Karen.  I know that feeling quite well.
10.454All you have to do ... is ask!STRATA::WHITEHAIRDon't just sit there.......Do it now!Tue Jan 29 1991 10:597
    		I know where your comming from!
10.455Thanks, I needed that.STAR::BARTHDream until your dream comes trueTue Jan 29 1991 19:305
    Thanks all.  Amazing how they help!  :-)
    And to keep that hug karma flowing, HUGS back atcha!
10.456BTOVT::THIGPEN_Shello darknessWed Jan 30 1991 12:131
    hugs for Annie.  Yes, I know you didn't ask.  Sara
10.457RUTLND::JOHNSTONbean sidheWed Jan 30 1991 12:3510
    I rarely ask, even in person.  Although sometimes I just walk up and
    take ...
    I always accept ... 
    Thank you.
10.458for a friendWMOIS::B_REINKEshe is a 'red haired baby-woman'Wed Jan 30 1991 16:596
    Barb (Mother Goose) Welch went home quite sick today. She could
    use all the hugs and warm thoughts people can send her. She can
    log on to get email, so hugs here or direct to asic::welch would
    cheer her.
10.459std to ltdCSC32::SPARROWMYTHing personFri Feb 01 1991 20:3026
    Hi all,
    I had been out for 4 months on std, and after trying to work again 
    for the last three weeks, my doctor is putting me back out.  the CSC
    policy is to take away all system accounts while out, so as of monday
    I won't have access to the system anymore.  so once again, I'll have to
    go through vax-withdrawal.  
    what I really missed most of all was womannotes and so I thought if any
    one would care to, I wouldn't mind getting some mail once in awhile
    with stuff about DEC, and whats goin on around the place. (I watch
    enough cnn!)
    If anyone would like to write to me, please do... It gets lonely out
    here :-)
    my address is 
    1704 west bijou street
    colorado springs co  80904
    I know this sounds whinney, but I'm pretty down about having to go back
    out.  I miss working, and being around people and DEC.  
    so anyway, hugs to everyone, and I'll log in again, when I am allowed
    back to work.
10.461BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssnow skyMon Feb 04 1991 11:201
    < < < < ( ( ( ( Bonnie ) ) ) ) > > > >
10.462TUNDRA::THIGPEN_SI'm the journeyThu Feb 14 1991 12:054
    Hugs for Annie from RUTLND!  major hugs!  maxi hugs!  mega-hugs!
    the mini-hugs will have to sneak in around the edges, since the big
    ones are hogging all the attention.
10.463For AnnieCSC32::M_EVANSThu Feb 14 1991 12:304
    Annie gets hugs from Colorado and , like mega congrat's on your
    graduation.  *Only* Magna cum laude.
10.464Go Annie Go!SADVS1::HIDALGOThu Feb 14 1991 13:535
    Major Hugs Annie!!!   What an accomplishment!  
    p.s.  Hugs for your parents as well, they seem confused.
10.465stoic?, who, _me_? ...RUTLND::JOHNSTONtherrrrrre's a bathroom on the rightThu Feb 14 1991 15:3111
    the out-pouring of support and affection, here and in 'the not war
    note,' has been a bit overwhelming!
    I generally pride myself of being self-validating; but I may have to
    come to the trough more often... <sniff>.
    Hugs to you all.
10.466Done very carefully (;-)?)RANGER::R_BROWNWe're from Brone III... Thu Feb 14 1991 20:3429

1: I take a long, hot shower.

2: I choose my deoderant very carefully.

3: I brush my teeth twice. Well, maybe 3 times.

4: I shave my stubble thoroughly.

5: I put out public assurances of my sincerity, assuring everyone that, at
   least here, I come in peace.

   Then I offer a HUG to all in this Conference because, despite our... er...
"differences" I am fully aware of the difficulties involved in being female
in this company (and this society), and feel as deeply as you the loss of
Maggie (it also doesn't help that I know what she's going through right now.
You see, I've been layed off before and can tell you more than you may ever
want to know about what it is like).

   So, here is my 


for all of you.

   At least, all who will accept it.

                                                  -Robert Brown III
10.469GWYNED::YUKONSECFreeway Condition: HUG ME!Fri Feb 15 1991 12:008
    Hugs to my Valenfriends! 
    The day may be over, but you are still my Valenfriends!
    E Grace
10.470Booonnnniiiieeeee -- here they come!BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssun flurriesWed Feb 20 1991 14:1912

E, I know you sent yours to the Floatation Tank.  Are their fingertips wrinkled
yet?  (do hugs have fingertips????)

I came here to send mega-hugs to Bonnie.  Being sick is no fun, having sickness
in the family is no fun.  Bonnie, here's hoping it's not too serious and that it
all gets better soonest.

hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs

10.471BOMBE::HEATHERWed Feb 20 1991 15:193
    Me Too!  Hugs Bonnie!
10.473GWYNED::YUKONSECQuaker hussyWed Feb 20 1991 17:378
    my hugs have been travelling with Bonnie for about a week now.  Knowing
    them, they have probably tripled in number by now.  Promiscuous little
    things! (*8
    E Grace
10.474(-: BonnniiiieeeeiiInnncomiinnnngggg!! :-)NEMAIL::KALIKOWDParody Error -- Please retryWed Feb 20 1991 18:1914
                  MesHUGana HUGs from this quadrant, too...
    Thanks for the precipitant, Sara...  By this time it's no wonder the
    =wn= atmosphere was supersaturated with the little buggers.
    Hope we're down the the proper level of relative huGmidity by now... 
    Any more hugs out there for our Fearless Co-Leader?  Goddess (or might
    I say in this case MODess?  No, sounds too sanitary to me :-) knows she
    can make good use of them...  Canaan can provide only so many new
    HUGs!!!  Great gallopin' gobs of 'em!!  For Bonnie and whoever else
    needs em!!
10.475NOATAK::BLAZEKQuaking hussyWed Feb 20 1991 19:095
    Misty, blossoming, almost-spring hugs for Bonnie.
    Veiled, incensed, hyacinth hugs for my Sister of the Soul, Jody.
10.477COGITO::SULLIVANSinging for our LivesWed Feb 20 1991 19:239
    I don't feel so bashed, -d.  Sometimes a little weary, angry,
    frustrated, sad... but in 702, not bashed.
    Thanks for the hugs, though.
    ps  now back to our regularly scheduled hugs-note.
10.478you're *so* cute!GWYNED::YUKONSECQuaker hussyWed Feb 20 1991 19:423
    Hugs, Carla......*fresh*!  (*8
10.479unabashedlyDBANG::carrollget used to it!Wed Feb 20 1991 20:093
I don't feel bashed. But I do feel hugged - thanks.  :-)

10.480NOATAK::BLAZEKQuaking hussyWed Feb 20 1991 20:345
    I knew that'd get a hug out of you, E Grace.
    RRRRRrrrrrmppph!  (Hug noise.)
10.481WMOIS::B_REINKEMy gr'baby=*better* than notes!Thu Feb 21 1991 00:0712
    thanks all of you for the hugs,
    I'm off to D.C. to see my dad, and won't be on the net till Sunday.
    but mail phone calls and hugs are greatfully recieved
    in fact it has been some rather special people so far that are
    still keeping me floating..
    Thank you, all of you
10.482I could use one or a hundred.GAZERS::NOONANQuaker hussyFri Feb 22 1991 17:003
    anyone got an extra hanging around?
    E Grace
10.483Buy one, get one free......ISLNDS::BARR_LSupport Our Troops!Fri Feb 22 1991 17:077
    I guess I could spare a hug or two.
    Here ya go E Grace......    HUG HUG HUG
    ooops, that was three, oh well I feel frivolous today.
    Lori B.
10.484BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssun flurriesFri Feb 22 1991 17:1119
    you have to ask!  let me tickle them out of my pockets, from behind my
    ears, hold on a minute, let me check the drawers of my desk...... yep,
    there are a few in there who say they know you!  In you go, you little
    huggers, E needs you and you know how much she loves you all!  Wait a
    minute, are you sure you know how to find her?  She has a new
    address...  oh.  yes.  that's right, second star on the right, and
    straight on till morning!
    HUGShugsHUGShugsHUGShugsHUGShugs EGrace HUGShugsHUGShugsHUGShugsHUGShugs
    They say they have you surrounded!
    I send my warm thoughts also.
10.485Thank youGAZERS::NOONANQuaker hussyFri Feb 22 1991 17:5710
    	You people are *unbelievable*!!!!!
    I love this community a lot.
    E Grace
10.486HUGS!BOMBE::HEATHERFri Feb 22 1991 18:378
    And a *Big* one from me!
    There are more where that came from!
10.487loads and loadsCSSE32::RANDALLPray for peaceFri Feb 22 1991 19:2517
    Here ya go:
    OOOPS, got a little carried away . . . hope you don't mind the
10.488NOATAK::BLAZEKshake dreams from your hairFri Feb 22 1991 19:305
    Hugs, E.
    You are loved.
10.489LEZAH::BOBBITTa pickax a compass &amp; night gogglesSat Feb 23 1991 11:594
    Saturhugs to the E Bunny
10.490A {{{HUG}}}HOTWTR::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedMon Feb 25 1991 13:584
    Here's another {{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}} for you, E Grace.  I
    hope you're feeling more cheerful today!
10.491why is this road so dam' steep?SA1794::CHARBONNDYou're hoping the sun won't riseMon Feb 25 1991 15:133
    General (generic?) hug to anyone who's recovering from anything.
10.492Keep on keepin onSPCTRM::RUSSELLMon Feb 25 1991 17:3515
    To all and everyone:
        BBBBB      BBBBB     IIIII      IIIII          GGGGGG
        BBBBB      BBBBB     IIIII      IIIII       GGGGGGGGGGG
        BBBBB      BBBBB     IIIII      IIIII      GGGG       GGGG
        BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB     IIIII      IIIII     GGGGG       
        BBBBB      BBBBB     IIIII      IIIII     GGGGG      GGGGGGGGGG
        BBBBB      BBBBB      IIII      IIII       GGGG        GGGG
        BBBBB      BBBBB      IIII      IIII       GGGGG       GGG
        BBBBB      BBBBB        IIIIIIIIII           GGGGGGGGGGGG     s
10.495BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssun flurriesTue Feb 26 1991 17:088
    aye, cool soothing gentle hugs for Kath, WHY ARE YOU AT WORK KATH,
    you should go home and sleep.  Pick up your car, tell the service
    manager you will argue with him when you feel better, drink lots of
    <cool beverage of your choice>, and hope you feel better soon!
    *hugs*  *hugs*  *hugs*
10.496Poor babyREGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Tue Feb 26 1991 21:024
    There, there, E Grace.  Have a hug from me -- and remember the
    real ones.  (No, not just mine!)
    						Ann B.
10.497NOATAK::BLAZEKshake dreams from your hairTue Feb 26 1991 21:535
    <<<HUG>>>    <<<HUG>>>    <<<HUG>>>    <<<HUG>>>    <<<HUG>>>
    For Carol duBois, who is a marvel.
10.498and still sick, but getting betterWLDKAT::GALLUPa much better dancer than standerWed Feb 27 1991 12:0012
    thanks for the hugs....
    I was at work (and still am) because I'm taking a course that I've been
    trying to take for 3 months now....and I HATE sitting at home when I'm 
    And the car is now safe and secure back in my clutches (hahaha).  And
    I'm only a total of about $550 in the hole....<sigh>
10.499and a crocheted lap robe...SPCTRM::RUSSELLWed Feb 27 1991 14:1011
    Hugs, hot lemonade, warm bunny slippers, and a nice backrub to 
    E Grace, Carol, Kathy and anyone else I missed.
    I guess it's kinda the equivalent of sending someone the comfort
    of the floatation tank, complete with heated towels...
10.500....I feel *much* better now!GAZERS::NOONANhug-kittenWed Feb 27 1991 14:265
    *bunny slippers*?!?!?
    ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh, Margaret......
10.501IE0010::MALINGMirthquake!Wed Feb 27 1991 14:461
    E Grace got Hug Note 500, how wonderful ;-)
10.502GAZERS::NOONANhug-kittenWed Feb 27 1991 15:076
    eeeeeek!  I didn't even notice that.  
    E Grace
10.503I did it, Carol! I did it I did it!GAZERS::NOONANl950's style hug-kitten. mewWed Feb 27 1991 21:414
    hugs to Carol duBois!
    E Grace
10.504Whoopee, 686.83 !! Yaay, Margaret!! Mazel Tov!! :-)NEMAIL::KALIKOWDParody Error -- Please retryThu Feb 28 1991 23:2916
    Now *that's* what I call returning with a FLOURISH to =wn= after a long
    		E  E U  U EUEUE   E
    		E  E U  U E       U
    		EEEE U  U U  UE   E
    		E  E U  U U   U   U
    (The preceding has been a customized HUG that has the feature of having
    been designed with Ease of Use in mind!! :-) (-: E's of U's :-)
    Much love, happiness and fulfillment of all your (& your new family's)
    dreams, Margaret!  He's a lucky guy!!
10.505BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssun flurriesTue Mar 05 1991 20:376
    E, you're not feeling well????
    M O R E   H U G S ! ! ! ! !
10.506GAZERS::NOONANDid someone say CPR?! Where?!Wed Mar 06 1991 13:201
    hugs, Margaret Russell
10.507WAYLAY::GORDONLand of the Bottom LineWed Mar 06 1991 14:033
	Serious hugs Margaret.

10.508*HUG*HUG*HUG*HUG*HUG*SPCTRM::RUSSELLMon Mar 11 1991 13:529
    Huge big warm gigundo enormo fuzzy bodacious encompassing
    supportive fond hugs.  Sorry to hear things have been tough for
    you of late.  Glad to hear that you have good friends.
10.509GAZERS::NOONANFRIVOL ATTACK!!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeMon Mar 11 1991 14:0913
    	(hugs?  oh, hu-ugs....Oh. *there* you are!  hi kids.  I've got a
    	 job for youuuu....giggle...gjilaj;siiejfj.....calm down.  If 
    	 you keep jumping on the keyboard, I won't be able to send you, 
    	 sillies!....Brian Hetrick is hard pressed, and I think he might 
    	 need your help....you don't mind, do you? dkfjagharaugaejfgs...
         no, I didn't think so....okay, go ahead....pophugpop..pohugp...
    	 pohughughughughughughugp....Oh, say hi for me, okay?  bye bye)
10.510LEZAH::BOBBITTI -- burn to see the dawn arrivingMon Mar 11 1991 14:273
    manymore poetic hugs for Brian.....
10.511I'm very sadCSC32::DUBOISThe early bird gets wormsMon Mar 11 1991 14:515
I need hugs badly today.

See note 13.971.  :-(

10.512RAVEN1::AAGESENto each their royal surfaceMon Mar 11 1991 15:0710
       manymanymany hugs sent your way. what a terrible weekend for you!
    i hope that your interview with the GT went much better. you, shellie,
    and evan are in my thoughts.  take good care....
    more hugs,
10.513Here it comes, Carol....BATRI::MARCUSThe Daze of Our LivesMon Mar 11 1991 15:0823

Eeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!  Better let loose with a posse of them -



Oh My!  One big one jumped out instead of the posse - hope you feel well 

Happiness to your family,

10.514REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Mon Mar 11 1991 15:115
    Poor babies!
    I ache for you and your'n.  Here, have two or three hugs each.
    						Ann B.
10.515Hugs = a great belief in you!ASDG::FOSTERMon Mar 11 1991 15:2618
    Verbal hugs...
    Carol, for as long as I can remember being in the file, I've felt
    connected to you, and have appreciated your ability to share the
    development of your life with all of us.  I remember when you had Evan,
    and I remember when you asked us all for ideas for a new name for you
    and Shellie. I have always hoped that life would be good to you,
    because you have met it with courage, conviction and determination to
    get the best from it. 
    This weekend is a small hiccup in the list of positive developments
    you've had in your life. Please accept my hugs as you regroup; I feel
    certain that you'll be able to turn all of these setbacks into
    challenges that foster growth and togetherness for you and your family.
    Hugs plus...
10.516For CarolYUPPY::DAVIESAI could...I really could...Mon Mar 11 1991 15:3314
    I'm not very good at drawing big fancy "graphic" hugs, so here's
    a plain and simple one from my heart.
    Words seem superfluous - I know that you and Shellie are strong enough
    together to stand through the storms - do give her a hug from me too.
    (who will never forget photographing the pink triangle in your garden -
     the first one I'd ever seen!)
10.517BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssun flurriesMon Mar 11 1991 15:347
    hugs for Carol, hugs for Shellie, hugs for Evan, more hugs for Evan --
    it is so rude to be so thoughtless of a three year old!!!! -- hugs for
    all that hurts, hugs for hope-you-feel-better-soon, hugs for love.
    more hugs for all of you
10.518WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesMon Mar 11 1991 15:448
    hugs for Carol, and for Evan especially (I *know* how rotten a kid
    feels when party guests don't show up!) and for Shellie..
    Carol, what 'ren said is close to how I feel about you myself.
    and Brian hugs for you too.
10.519GAZERS::NOONANFRIVOL ATTACK!!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeMon Mar 11 1991 16:2912
    		(Carol duBois needs some hugs....kldfjasiretja;jfagadnv
    		 sigh....are you all settled down now?...now I need some
     		 big hugs to go, and some little boy sized hugs and 
    		 some purrrrrrhugs too.....in you go....HUGpop...hughug
    many loving hugs, Carol, for en*courage*ment
    E Grace
10.520LEZAH::BOBBITTI -- burn to see the dawn arrivingMon Mar 11 1991 16:338
  (   )
    !    Net hugs for Carol.....!
  _/ \_
10.521more hugs...WRKSYS::STHILAIRElike you but with a human headMon Mar 11 1991 16:374
    Carol, hugs to you, Shellie and Evan.  Hope things are better soon!  
10.522CSSE32::M_DAVISMarge Davis HallyburtonMon Mar 11 1991 18:064
    Carol, how grim.  Hopefully, it's all behind you now.  
    Great big warm and supportive hugs for you and your family.  It
    sounds like it was a miserable weekend.  Belated birthday wishes
    for Evan, three is so wonderful.
    Much love and care,
10.524here're some for you, PJGAZERS::NOONANFRIVOL ATTACK!!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeMon Mar 11 1991 18:5611
    	(yes, I know, you *are* getting to have lots of fun today, aren't
    	 you?...well, anyway, Phil Connell needs hugs now....why?  well,
    	 because his weekend didn't go as planned...yes, it *is* sad. 
    	 Will you go cheer him up?  dkfajgibnbairghaofdobhaorgha...ahem,
    	 thank you.  hupopg...*hug*...hughughughguhhguhhguh...slow down, 
    	 you're getting all tangled...hug hug hug .......)
    E Grace
10.525CGVAX2::CONNELLCaressing the TigerMon Mar 11 1991 19:1924
    Thank you, E! I love hugs. Ahem. to Elaborate, I was going to spend all
    kinds of time with my son this weekend and have him come over and visit
    Grammy (my mother) but, we were quarantined with him having Strep
    It gets worse. My daughter is starting to develop a real "attitude".
    Everything has to be her way, she can't do anything she's asked without
    a whiny smartass reply, worst of all, she conveniently "lost" her
    report card and all her grades have dropped to D. I think it's time to
    stop being a friend or a daddy so much and become the dreaded "FATHER".
    AAAARRRGGGGHHH!!! I hate doing that but sometimes ya gotta.
    E, I loved that big word. Could you please define it and also spell it
    phonetically? You know, dkfajgibnbairghaofdobhaorgha...ahem. :-)
    Now enough about me. I've already talked to Carol DuBois on the phone.
    Major hugs, prayers, warmest thoughts, and all good wishes directed to
    you, Shellie, and Evan. Happiest Birthday wishes to him and warmest
    hugs for him. Little ones, to me, are the most precious of all and
    should never be disappointed. i wish I could be there for his birthday.
    I better end this before the tears come.
10.526wise-acre!GAZERS::NOONANFRIVOL ATTACK!!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeMon Mar 11 1991 19:239
    >E, I loved that big word. Could you please define it and also spell it
    >phonetically? You know, dkfajgibnbairghaofdobhaorgha...ahem. :-)
    Sometimes the hugs get exuberant and jump all over the keyboard;
    unfortunately, they can't spell very well!
    E Grace
10.527WFOVX8::BAIRDMon Mar 11 1991 20:098
    Here's a late *HUG*, I'm just catching up as I started training for
    a new job today.  *HUG* There's another one just to say thanks for 
    your support.
10.528BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanMon Mar 11 1991 20:525
    Belated hugs for Carol, Shellie, Evan and Brian...
10.530WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesMon Mar 11 1991 23:338
10.531BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssun flurriesTue Mar 12 1991 01:489
    cheyenne, hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot 
hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot 
hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot hugsalot 
    the hugs are hungry for human contact!  look out!
    glad you asked!
10.532DCL::NANCYBTue Mar 12 1991 04:009
    	Hugs to Cheyenne "with love" , and to Carol duBois. Carol, 
    	I thought of you while reading the story of "the Lesbian family"
    	in the MS magazine that arrived in my mailbox today.  
    	Would it be too late for me to send Evan a birthday card?
    						nancy b.
10.533GAZERS::NOONANFRIVOL ATTACK!!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeTue Mar 12 1991 12:155
    cheyenne, off-line hugs coming your way.
    I love you, sweetie.
    E Grace
10.534flying hugsSPCTRM::RUSSELLTue Mar 12 1991 12:407
    Look out, there are about a zillion big warm fuzzy hugs flying your
    way.  I about 2.7 seconds they will land all over you and cover
    you with big warm hugs.  Ah, THERE they are!
10.535LEZAH::BOBBITTI -- burn to see the dawn arrivingTue Mar 12 1991 12:459
    hugs for cheyenne!  
10.536EQUITY::GREENLong Live the Duck!!!Tue Mar 12 1991 13:287
    Hi everyone... I have never done this before, but... I need some
    hugs.  How can everything be going so well one minute and then be
    so screwed up the next?
10.537WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesTue Mar 12 1991 13:363
    Many many hugs Amy!
10.538IE0010::MALINGMirthquake!Tue Mar 12 1991 13:475
    Well, Amy, it happens.  But hugs do help.  Here's one for you
10.539LEZAH::BOBBITTI -- burn to see the dawn arrivingTue Mar 12 1991 13:554
    Hugs for Amy, and for the gacking E
10.540flying hugsSPCTRM::RUSSELLTue Mar 12 1991 13:5610
    Lots of hugs are necessary today, don't know why.
    Anyway, I just sent out a gazillion of my biggest warmest ones.
    They are flying all over the place and will find you, Amy, as well
    as other folk.
    PS:  Some folks think that my hugs resemble dust bunnies, well,
    it's true they do.  My hugs tend to find a nice warm corner to snooze
    in while building up the energy to fly around and snuggle again.
    In flight and in action they do NOT resemble dust bunnies.
10.541Hugs for Amy!SADVS1::HIDALGOTue Mar 12 1991 13:5626
    	That just so we don't get complacent and boring, 
        but Mary's right, hugs do help, so here's a couple:  
    	Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
        Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
        Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
        Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
        Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
        Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
        Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
        Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
        Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
        Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
        Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
        Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
        Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
        Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
    love & good thoughts!
    p.s.  they get better & better when you share them!
10.542HUGSABUNCHBTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssun flurriesTue Mar 12 1991 13:586
    Amy, it's in the rules, I think.  Many, many hugs, they help and they
    soften the edges.
10.543BTW, they prefer to snuggle in your hairGAZERS::NOONANFRIVOL ATTACK!!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeTue Mar 12 1991 14:105
    Well, Amy, I think I may be able to find a hug around here somewhere
    for you......dhadfbionar'gnar nfbhthgrnyvtyjvsrdvhger[... oh, yes,
    there they are!  and here they come.
    E Grace
10.544CGVAX2::CONNELLCaressing the TigerTue Mar 12 1991 15:086
    Amy lots of hugs from the Energizer Hug Bunny. It keeps hugging and
    hugging and........ 
    To you too E!  Gack? what is gack?
10.545BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanTue Mar 12 1991 15:427
    Amy and Cheyenne......
10.546Poor Dears!SALISH::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedTue Mar 12 1991 15:4711
    Cheyenne and Amy,
    Here are a few more to add to your collection...
    Better now?
10.547Hugs to all of you!!!CSC32::DUBOISThe early bird gets wormsTue Mar 12 1991 16:4016
<    	Would it be too late for me to send Evan a birthday card?
Not at all, Nancy, and he would love it!  He really only looks at the picture,
and really liked a robot card he liked, so keep in mind that words don't 
matter.  For all he knows, it could be a "congratulations on your new job"
card!  Thank you.

Hugs to you, Cheyenne, and hugs to *everyone* who has sent/posted support
for me and my family.  I am feeling much better today, although still a
little angry/hurt/disappointed for Evan.  You are such special people.
I printed out all of the hugs and took them home to Shellie last night,
so she could share in your love, too.

I appreciate you all more and more each day.

10.548CSC32::DUBOISThe early bird gets wormsTue Mar 12 1991 16:4231
Hey, AMY!  I didn't mean to miss you!  Here's a little hug for you, too!


 @@@@@@@@       @@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@         @@@@@@@       @@@@@@@@@@
  @@@@@@         @@@@@@    @@@@@@         @@@@@@      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
   @@@@@         @@@@@      @@@@@         @@@@@      @@@@@       @@@@@
   @@@@@         @@@@@      @@@@@         @@@@@     @@@@@         @@@@@
   @@@@@         @@@@@      @@@@@         @@@@@     @@@@@         @@@@@
   @@@@@         @@@@@      @@@@@         @@@@@     @@@@@         @@@@@@
   @@@@@         @@@@@      @@@@@         @@@@@     @@@@@          
   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@      @@@@@         @@@@@     @@@@@         
   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@      @@@@@         @@@@@     @@@@@         
   @@@@@         @@@@@      @@@@@         @@@@@     @@@@@    @@@@@@@@@@@
   @@@@@         @@@@@      @@@@@         @@@@@     @@@@@         @@@@@
   @@@@@         @@@@@      @@@@@         @@@@@     @@@@@         @@@@@
   @@@@@         @@@@@      @@@@@         @@@@@     @@@@@         @@@@@
   @@@@@         @@@@@       @@@@@       @@@@@       @@@@@       @@@@@
  @@@@@@         @@@@@@       @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@         @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
 @@@@@@@@       @@@@@@@@        @@@@@@@@@@@             @@@@@@@@@@@   !!!!!!!!
10.549I miss him!NITTY::DIERCKSThe gay 90's are back!!Tue Mar 12 1991 16:446
    I lost my grandfather last week -- he was 93, and I'm having a rough
    day today -- I could use a hug or twelve.
10.550NOATAK::BLAZEKdance on fire as it intendsTue Mar 12 1991 16:4515
    Carol, Amy, Cheyenne, and anyone else who feels the need:
    With love,
10.551HugsesREGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Tue Mar 12 1991 16:475
    There, just put your head down and snoogle in.
    							Ann B.
10.552HUGS from meKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KLittle things DO matter!Tue Mar 12 1991 16:505
    Hugs for Amy and Carol!
    And Greg, a special hug for you.  I still miss my grandma, I lost her
    in 1979.  What I wouldn't give to talk to her just once!  I hope
    you feel better soon...Kim
10.553KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KLittle things DO matter!Tue Mar 12 1991 16:503
    And, not to forget Cheyenne!  A hug from me to you, my friend.
10.554more hugsCSSE32::RANDALLwaiting for springTue Mar 12 1991 16:567
    many hugs, Greg.  
    And belated hugs to everyone else . . . 
    And hugs to everyone who needs one but won't ask.
10.555please don't take this wrong, but...BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssun flurriesTue Mar 12 1991 16:566
    Greg, you are fortunate; I never knew either of my grandfathers enough
    to miss them.  May your grief be lightened by loving memories.
    	gentle, gentle hugs
10.556Sweet DreamsSADVS1::HIDALGOTue Mar 12 1991 17:0610
    	Lots of Big hugs! 
    	p.s.  just cause they're not physically here doesn't mean their
    	      spirit is out of touch.  Don't be surprised if you can talk
    	      to him in your dreams.
10.557Strength all...WAYLAY::GORDONLand of the Bottom LineTue Mar 12 1991 17:109
	Electronic hugs around as needed.

	In person hugs can be obtained by dropping by my cube at ZK01-3, Pole
H/H.3.  No appointment necessay.  

	References on request ;-)

10.558GAZERS::NOONANFRIVOL ATTACK!!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeTue Mar 12 1991 17:366
    hugs to ease the lonliness and grief and anger and regret and to swell
    the love.
    E Grace
10.559WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesTue Mar 12 1991 17:407
    Major Hugs Greg,
    I lost my grandmother 2 years ago, and it still aches...
    major hugs
10.560Hugs all aroundSPIDER::GOLDMANThe simplest things...Tue Mar 12 1991 18:2910
    	Having been the recipient of in-person hugs today from some of 
    the best here :^), I feel inspired to share....  big hugs to all who 
    need them!

    	Amy - hang in there!  I know things are rough right now, but 
    they WILL work out!


10.562Sometimes you don't even have to ask.SADVS1::HIDALGOTue Mar 12 1991 19:366
    	Hugs for DPDMAI::Dawson and Hugs for those who don't even have
    	the energy to ask for hugs today, but really need them!  
10.563{huga-huga-huga}BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanTue Mar 12 1991 21:106
    Greg - 
    Hugs for you.  I know how you feel.  I lost my grandfather last week
10.566WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesTue Mar 12 1991 23:163
    Hugs to Dave Dawson also!
10.567EQUITY::GREENLong Live the Duck!!!Tue Mar 12 1991 23:176
    Thanks for all the hugs guys...  Like cheyenne said, it made
    me smile.  Every little smile helps!
10.568Naw....couldn't be!DPDMAI::DAWSONTHAT MAKES SENSE.....NONSENSE!Wed Mar 13 1991 01:267
    RE: .562 (miriam) & .566 (Bonnie)
                       Thank you both.  Day's are getting longer and
    solutions harder and harder to find....Its either that or I'm getting
    older....I refuse to believe the latter. ;^)
10.569WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesWed Mar 13 1991 11:515
    You'll always be young! ;-)
10.570BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssun flurriesWed Mar 13 1991 11:577
    Hey, everybody:
    here's a hug.
    pass it on!
10.571KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KLittle things DO matter!Wed Mar 13 1991 14:074
    A big hug for June Lemen, I hope you have some quality time with your
    dear friend soon...
10.573GAZERS::NOONANIrish Erotic ArtThu Mar 14 1991 16:283
    cushy hugs for =jamd!
    E Grace
10.574pleaseCASCRT::LUSTBless the beasts and childrenThu Mar 14 1991 16:295
    I need hugs.  I'm sitting here crying on and off, as the vet had to put 
    my beloved cat, Gypsy, to sleep this morning.  It was the right thing
    for her, but, oh how it hurts.  She was 13.  Rest in peace, love.
10.575heal soonCSSE32::RANDALLBonnie Randall Schutzman, CSSE/DSSThu Mar 14 1991 16:363
    Hugs, Linda.  Hugs, =jamd.
10.576sympathy and hugsTLE::DBANG::carrollget used to it!Thu Mar 14 1991 16:495
Oh, *hugs* Linda.

Losing a cat-friend is so painful, I know.

10.577WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesThu Mar 14 1991 16:517
    Hugs Linda, 
    I was very fond of Gypsy, may she jump and chase mice in cat heaven.
    much love
10.578CGVAX2::CONNELLPeople can live on moments of magic.Thu Mar 14 1991 17:193
    Hugs Linda. Cats are special. May she know good dancing for eternity.
10.579It's been almost 13 years....MCIS2::WALTONThu Mar 14 1991 17:3410
    Oh, Linda.
    I am so sorry. Gypsy has been a part of your family since I *first*
    knew ya'll.  (I'll remember Patrick Henry Village to my *grave*).  I am
    so sorry she has gone.  Poor Midnight, it must be terribly lonely.
    Many heartfelt hugs to you, Jen, Chrissy, and whomever else might be
    living in your house ......
10.580I'm sorry LindaGAZERS::NOONANIrish Erotic ArtThu Mar 14 1991 18:0010
    	(oh, hugs...this is sad....I am going to send one of you purrers 
    	 to Linda...she may send you back, cuz you might hurt too much, 
    	 though...puuuuuhu*pop*gurrrrrr...now, I need many many huddles.
    	 ...pophuddlepop...pophuddlehuddlehuddlepop.....kiss Linda's 
    	 tears and help her feel better, now, ok?.....)
    E Grace
10.581Hugs (& kisses too!)SADVS1::HIDALGOThu Mar 14 1991 18:023
    Big hugs for Linda & =jamd
10.583thanksCASCRT::LUSTBless the beasts and childrenThu Mar 14 1991 19:555
    Thank you all so much - I know she's better off, and that it'll stop 
    hurting so much in a while, but...   That good cry sounds like what's
    on the schedule for tonite...
10.584Hugs!BOMBE::HEATHERThu Mar 14 1991 20:344
    Major Hugs Linda & =jamd!  Linda, it's so difficult to lose a friend of
    such longevity....Take care!
10.585More hugsVINO::LANGELOFighting for Our LivesThu Mar 14 1991 21:048
    RE: .574
    <<<<<Kaleidoscope hugs Linda>>>>>>
    My two cats, Cocoa and Zhivago, are like two little people to me. I'd
    be very upset if they were't around anymore. 
10.586I want a bunch of (tear-proof) hugs...BUBBLY::LEIGHBear with me.Fri Mar 15 1991 13:013
    My father died last June.  I've spent lots of time and energy helping
    my mother (and my wife Mabel) deal with it, and it's only recently that
    I've begun to say, what about me?
10.587RUTLND::JOHNSTONtherrrrrre's a bathroom on the rightFri Mar 15 1991 13:1816
    [_thus_ far no one's complained that my hugs fall off when wet ...]
     oh, yes, and
10.588CSSE32::RANDALLBonnie Randall Schutzman, CSSE/DSSFri Mar 15 1991 13:245
    re: .586
    Many hugs for you.
10.589BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssun flurriesFri Mar 15 1991 13:2512
    hugs have an infinite capacity to absorb and wick away tears.  I know
    this from experience.
    many many hugs, the gentle kind are best I think:
    hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug 
    hug hug hug hug hug HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG hug hug hug hug hug hug hug 
    hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug
    a couple of big ones snuck in there -- 'scuse, please!
10.590<<<<HUG>>>>CASCRT::LUSTBless the beasts and childrenFri Mar 15 1991 14:486
    re .586
    Many, many hugs.  Be generous with yourself, and your own needs.  I'm
    sorry about your loss.
10.591hugsCSSE32::RANDALLBonnie Randall Schutzman, CSSE/DSSFri Mar 15 1991 17:573
    Hugs, Nanci -- for you and your child within.
10.593NOATAK::BLAZEKdance on fire as it intendsFri Mar 15 1991 18:507
	Hugs, Nanci, and tender love to your Little One.



10.594GAZERS::NOONANIrish Erotic ArtFri Mar 15 1991 19:394
    Nanci, can my hugs come and play with your Inner Child?
    E Grace
10.595I'm so grateful for you people...BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanFri Mar 15 1991 20:0413
    E -
    Your hugs can come and play with us anytime.  
    Thanks to all of you for your concern and support.  We've (nanci and
    Nanci) been feeling pretty isolated and alone and have been scared of
    reaching out to anyone for fear of rejection and abandonment.  It feel
    really good to let you sort of electronically cradle us.
    Much much love and many thanks to the wonderful, supportive people in
    WN - 
    Nanci and nanci
10.596GAZERS::NOONANIrish Erotic ArtFri Mar 15 1991 20:077
    HERE THEY COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    E Grace
10.597LEZAH::BOBBITTI -- burn to see the dawn arrivingMon Mar 18 1991 18:324
    manybighugs for Amy!
10.598GAZERS::NOONANhugger of the eveningMon Mar 18 1991 18:544
    hugs, Amy
    E Grace
10.599BTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark SeasonMon Mar 18 1991 20:162
    hugs for you, Amy
10.600mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark SeasonMon Mar 18 1991 20:175
    careful hugs for cheyenne.  How could you do all those m&ms?  my tummy
    hurts just thinking about it!
10.601LEZAH::BOBBITTI -- burn to see the dawn arrivingMon Mar 18 1991 20:226
    hugs for the queasy cheyenne!  
    I bin there.
10.603NOATAK::BLAZEKthe last temptation of elvisMon Mar 18 1991 22:1610
	MAJOR fiancee, congratulatory hugs for Cheyenne.  Closets 
	are for hangers and ne'er-worn shoes.  I'm so glad to see 
	you stepping out of yours.  You are courageous and brave!



10.605GAZERS::NOONANhugger of the eveningTue Mar 19 1991 11:315
    tummy-stroking hugs, cheyenne.
    love you hun,
10.606SPIDER::GOLDMANThe simplest things...Tue Mar 19 1991 12:033
    	Thanks for the hugs all...most certainly appreciated!

10.607DPDMAI::DAWSONTHAT MAKES SENSE.....NONSENSE!Tue Mar 19 1991 14:259
    RE: .605
    >tummy-stroking hugs,
                That sounds soooooooooo  *good*!
10.608So she gets hugged all over.REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Tue Mar 19 1991 20:253
    Many, badly-behaved hugs for E Grace.
    						Ann B.
10.609sending you lots of positive thoughts, too...BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanTue Mar 19 1991 20:397
    Many, many hugs for E Grace.
    What a day!  Well, it's got to get better, right?
    take care...
10.610hugawayhugawayhugawayBTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark SeasonTue Mar 19 1991 20:4210
    ...so she gets hugged aaalllll over
    ...many many hugs for you
    whaddyameanwhining! cutthatoutRIGHTNOW!!!
    they're coming to hug you away, haha!
10.611NOATAK::BLAZEKthe last temptation of elvisTue Mar 19 1991 21:189
	Hugs, E.

	And nibbles, too.

	They can't let you go.


10.612Here's a warm squerzy hug, EBUBBLY::LEIGHBear with me.Tue Mar 19 1991 22:312
    ...if it spends any time among your collection of hugs, it's sure to
10.613LDYBUG::GOLDMANThe simplest things...Wed Mar 20 1991 11:263
    	Lots of big hugs coming to ya, E...

10.614I Have Them Surrounded E....BATRI::MARCUSThis space left intentionally blank...Wed Mar 20 1991 12:2522
{{{{{{{{{{{hughughug                                   hughughug}}}}}}}}}}}}}   
{{{{{{{{{{{hughughug		******GACK******       hughughug}}}}}}}}}}}}}
{{{{{{{{{{{hughughug				       hughughug}}}}}}}}}}}}}
{{{{                                                                       }}   
{{{{                                                                       }}


10.615Permission to Land?SPCTRM::GONZALEZWed Mar 20 1991 13:1418
    E Grace,    
    Well, I've juiced up all the dust bunny hugs and given them their
    instructions and sent them off.  The sky is swarming with big fuzzy
    hugs heading your way.  It looks like the sky over a wild bird preserve
    there are so many of them winging their way to you.
    Ahhhhhh.  The first one has landed.  It's snuggling around your
    waist and kinda squeezing to achieve maximum hugosity. 
    Now dozens and dozens more settle around you.
    When they finally get tired from all that hugging, they turn back
    into dust bunnies.  Call me if you need help sweeping!  Or keep
    them around to remind you how much you are cared for.  When they
    have gotten enough rest, they'll turn back into hugs.
10.617whine awayTLE::DBANG::carrollget used to it!Wed Mar 20 1991 17:058

Don't be ridiculous!  E, you aren't whining! We care about what happens to
you and we want to *know*!!!


10.618KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KLittle things DO matter!Wed Mar 20 1991 17:245
    E Grace:
    Big hugs from me
10.619How 'Bout Another One?HOTWTR::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedThu Mar 21 1991 16:375
    >>>>>>>>>>HUGS<<<<<<<<<<< from me too, E.  
    Thinking Good Thoughts for ya,
10.620GAZERS::NOONANsuggestive solicitation is mandatoryFri Mar 22 1991 18:114
    Thank you all for everything!
    E Grace
10.621GAZERS::NOONANhuggestive solicitation is mandatoryFri Mar 22 1991 18:465
    Sorry, folks, no I am not leaving right away.  I just wanted to say
    thank you for all the love and support I have received this past week
    or so.  You have saved me more than you know!
    E Grace
10.623BTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark SeasonSat Mar 23 1991 00:155
    hugs for you, kim, whichever way you turn.  Hang in there!
10.624Please?YUPPY::DAVIESAPhoenixMon Mar 25 1991 07:067
    Could I request a hug or two?
    My main hug source here has gone away, and I'm feeling very glum....
10.625SCARGO::CONNELLAfterlife! I don't think there's a shelflife.Mon Mar 25 1991 10:023
    HUGSHUGSHUGSHUGSHUGSHUGS and as many as you might need.
10.627BTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark SeasonMon Mar 25 1991 12:0013

these are Phoenix hugs, even as they are consumed they arise anew:

	      S	      S	      S
	    G       G	    G
	  U	  U	  U
	H	H	H


10.628GAZERS::NOONANhuggestive solicitation mandatoryMon Mar 25 1991 12:0813
    hugs, 'gail.  
    Sorry, but my hugs are a little put out, and don't want me describing
    them.  It seems *everybody* has anthropomorphic hugs now. 
    E Grace
10.630with proper white glovesSPCTRM::GONZALEZWheedle a little lowerMon Mar 25 1991 14:024
    Very sedate and non-anthropomorphic, non-gigling, quite very proper
    New England hugs.
      M.  :^)
10.631Hug BreederyYUPPY::DAVIESAI'm moving into HeffersMon Mar 25 1991 14:208
    Heartfelt thanks to those who have sent me those much-needed hugs...
    Rest assured that they have come to a loving home where they
    will be well cared for - their offspring will be released into
    this topic when they reach maturity....
10.632they grow up sooooo fast....sigh.........(*8 GAZERS::NOONANGet thee down, be thou funky!Mon Mar 25 1991 14:3116
    >Heartfelt thanks to those who have sent me those much-needed hugs...
    >Rest assured that they have come to a loving home where they
    >will be well cared for - their offspring will be released into
    >this topic when they reach maturity....
    so, that should be in about 5 minutes, 'gail.  (*8
    E Grace
10.633NOATAK::BLAZEKcosmic spinal bebop in blueMon Mar 25 1991 14:407
	HUGS and bright moonlight, Abbycat!

	With love,


10.634They're hibernatingYUPPY::DAVIESAI'm moving into HeffersMon Mar 25 1991 14:4715
    RE .632
    Gee E Grace....
    How long do your hugs take to incubate?
    Mine grow pretty quickly in warm surroundings, but as I'm still a 
    little :-( I think that they're going to take a couple of days...
    I shall imagine my ears dancing for you, and see if that speeds
    the little critters along ;-}
10.635GAZERS::NOONANGet thee down, be thou funky!Mon Mar 25 1991 14:5011
    dancing ears definately helps 'em grow....dancing mice are even better.
    On the average, I would say my hugs take about 5 minutes to reach
    maturity.  Except the specialized ones (purrhugs, huggles, etc.) which
    take longer due to training requirements.
    here are some huzzles for you, 'gail.  They're all done and toasty,
    and would like to live right behind your (dancing) ears!
    E Grace
10.637thank you KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KMember K.C.C.Mon Mar 25 1991 16:055
    Thanks for my hugs!
    And hugs to Gail
10.638YUPPY::DAVIESAI'm moving into HeffersTue Mar 26 1991 08:1414
    Your hugs have been so effective - I'm feeling HEAPS better today!
    I love you people! :-)
    Here are a few that were early maturers, up for adoption by
    whoever needs them......
    hug hug hug hug hug hug
10.639'aw, c'mon upSPCTRM::GONZALEZLark of the morningTue Mar 26 1991 13:188
    I'm not sure about mature, one of those little suckers is licking
    my face and wiggling like a 3 weeks pup.  Cute little fella, actually.
        Margaret   :^)
10.640Sexing the hugglettesYUPPY::DAVIESAI'm moving into HeffersTue Mar 26 1991 13:419
    Hey Margaret....I think it loves ya!
    That one was obviously meant to come live with you :-)
    "It" loves ya?
    Do these hugglettes have a gender?
    Can you see, or is it still too young? ;-)
10.642 (*8 GAZERS::NOONANGet thee down, be thou funkyTue Mar 26 1991 14:564
    *my* hugs are above all that.  They have no sex.
    E Grace
10.643SA1794::CHARBONNDYou're hoping the sun won't riseTue Mar 26 1991 14:581
    more's the pity
10.644(*8 (*8 GAZERS::NOONANGet thee down, be thou funkyTue Mar 26 1991 15:001
10.645GUESS::DERAMODan D'EramoTue Mar 26 1991 16:083
        E, then how do they multiply?  They must be like tribbles.
10.646GAZERS::NOONANGet thee down, be thou funkyTue Mar 26 1991 16:525
    I don't know, but I could sure use some.  She has been offered the job,
    and accepted it.
    E Grace
10.647BTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark Boots!Tue Mar 26 1991 17:086
Oh, E, hugs for you.  That makes me sad. 

   :-[  :-[   :-[

now I need a hug too.

10.648LEZAH::BOBBITTcorner of 18th and FairfaxTue Mar 26 1991 17:126
    hugs from me too...
10.649:-)IE0010::MALINGMirthquake!Tue Mar 26 1991 17:165
    > how do they multiply?
    The stork brings 'em, Dan, I thought you knew that! 
10.650IE0010::MALINGMirthquake!Tue Mar 26 1991 17:175
    E, The stork will be right over with some hugs.
10.651GAZERS::NOONANGet thee down, be thou funkyTue Mar 26 1991 17:235
    ...and the stork is even in pink!   (*8
    E Grace
10.652GAZERS::NOONANGet thee down, be thou funkyTue Mar 26 1991 18:013
    see 10.323
10.653I'm a rainbow todayIE0010::MALINGMirthquake!Tue Mar 26 1991 18:154
    > ...and the stork is even in pink!
    and blue and yellow and green and white
10.654A hug listVINO::LANGELOHooray for the Gay,Lesbian &amp; Bisexual 90's!!!Tue Mar 26 1991 18:4823
    To E:
    ...macho slut hugs
    ...banana slug hugs
    ...big toe hugs (minus the athlete's feet)
    ...studded belt hugs
    ...kaleidoscope hugs
    ...romper room hugs
    ...tidal wave hugs (be careful, they might knock you over)
    ...sandwich hugs (with you in the middle)
    You can't leave. We can't solve the mystery of Mary's ceiling fan
    without you!!!!
10.655CSC32::DUBOISThe early bird gets wormsTue Mar 26 1991 20:0037
For all of you who need this:

     hug           hug
   hug hug        hug
   hug  hug      hug
    hug hug      hug
        hug      hug
        hug      hug
        hug      hug
        hug      hug
        hug      hug
        hug      hug     hug   hug        hughug.
        hug      hug     hug   hug      hug    hug
        hug      hug     hug   hug     hug     hug
        hug      hug     hug   hug     hug     hug
        hug      hug     hug   hug    hug     hug
        hug      hug     hug   hug    hug     hug
       hug        hug    hug   hug   .hug     hug  hug
      hug          hughug   hug   hug  hughughughug
                                       hug hug
                                      hug  hug
                                     hug   hug
                                     hug  hug
10.656CGVAX2::CONNELLAfterlife! I don't think there's a shelflife.Tue Mar 26 1991 21:179
    Carol, that is the most beautiful hug I ever saw. 
    E, major giant huge monster quantum hugs. And maybe real ones tomorrow
    at ZKO. Now I'm really sad and may not even be able to keep tears back
    tomorrow. Someone, please offer her a job somewhere in DEC. I would,
    but am not in a position to do so. I have no direct reports.
10.657Gee, I never tried this before...ASDG::FOSTERThink: LAWN CHAIRS!Tue Mar 26 1991 22:0017
    I probably shouldn't need hugs.
    I just got a great review, there's a man in my life who adores me, life
    should be coming up roses.
    But I need hugs. I need hugs because I lost a former office mate to
    transition, along with a "little brother" whom I was trying to help
    along. I need hugs because my best friend has whiplash and is worried
    about transition, and is jealous of the new man in my life. I need
    hugs because school is about to start up again, and I don't know where
    I'm supposed to find the energy to be everything to everyone while
    still pursuing my own goals and meeting my own needs. I need hugs
    because I feel like I'm being forced to choose between the old and the
    new, between love and loyalty. And I need hugs because being broke is
    starting to become an overwhelming embarrassment.
    Hugs by mail are just as nice as hugs in the file...
10.658WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesTue Mar 26 1991 23:085
    LOTS of hugs....
10.659Thats more like it!DPDMAI::DAWSONTHAT MAKES SENSE.....NONSENSE!Wed Mar 27 1991 01:2723
          hug     hughug      h      h   hughughug       hughug
          hug     u            u    u    u       h      u  
          hug     g             g  g     g       u       g
          hug     hughug          h      hughughug        hug
          hug     u             u  u     u       h           h   
          hug     g            g    g    g       u             u
          hug     hughug      h      s   s       g       hughug  
             Sorry....But I'm tired of "Yankee" hugs! ;^)
10.660WMOIS::B_REINKEbread and rosesWed Mar 27 1991 09:065
    oooh, Dave, that was a nice hug!
10.661You can miss someone you never "met"YUPPY::DAVIESAI'm moving into HeffersWed Mar 27 1991 10:3211
    E Grace,
    I don't know what to say.
    HUG hardly seems adequate.....
    I second Carol's beautiful hug...maybe I could be the third in a
    sandwich hug?
    How long will you be with us for?
10.663RE: 744.40GAZERS::NOONANGet thee down, be thou funkyWed Mar 27 1991 17:594
    hugs, Christine
    E Grace
10.664strong women are never lonelyTLE::DBANG::carrollFri Mar 29 1991 20:0511
D! needs a hug...

...as she heads home (sometime Real Soon Now) to spend yet another Friday
evening alone.

I thought having a girlfriend was supposed to fix thse things.  But it
gets worse now.


10.665GAZERS::NOONANUh OhFri Mar 29 1991 20:175
    D!, you always have many many many hugs from me.  In fact, I keep a
    special selection of elven-mailed hugs just for you.
    E Grace
10.666CGVAX2::CONNELLWe are gay and straight, together.Sat Mar 30 1991 15:1016
    D, I know it's already past Friday, but here are super huge sympathetic
    hugs from me. I've spent many lonely Friday and Saturday nights home
    alone. I still spend them home alone, but am no longer lonely. So don't
    get any fix-em-up ideas E! :-)
    Don't let it get you down, D. You will have plenty of nights not spent
    alone in your life. Make the most of those alone times and do something
    that makes you happy. Read that book you've been meaning to, but
    haven't had the chance. Go out and do something you want to do. Whether
    it's dancing, shopping, just for a drive or to see an old friend. None
    of the above may apply to you. THe point is you don't have to be lonely
    even if you're alone.
    Super hugs and love to you D.
10.667a bright but snowy saturday monringTLE::TLE::D_CARROLLget used to it!Sat Mar 30 1991 15:4412
    Thanks all for the wonderful hugs.
    I feel much better this morning.  Actually, I even felt much better
    last night - I took Phil's advice (even though I hadn't read it at the
    time) and caught up on some things I haven't had time to do.  Twas not
    so bad...
    I don't mind being alone.  I just don't like being alone when I want to
    be with someone else and I think I ought to be with hir/them but I'm
10.668GAZERS::NOONANYup. Temporary Human. That's me!Tue Apr 02 1991 12:483
    Hugs, Amy Green!  Did you get burned?  
    E Grace
10.669EQUITY::GREENLong Live the Duck!!!Tue Apr 02 1991 13:247
    Thanks... sorry to make people nervous.  I guess I did not
    word my note very well.  I did not get burned, thank G-d, but the
    kitchen was certainly a pain to clean!
10.670Restful hugs for Bonnie_the_tired_comodTOOK::LEIGHBear with me.Thu Apr 04 1991 02:272
    I think you *all* do a terrific job of moderating what the bunch of us
10.671KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KVenus kissed the moon tonightThu Apr 04 1991 11:597
    a big hug for Bonnie!
    And for my friend Cheyenne---that was SOME scream
10.672Oh, NO! RAMPANT HUGGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GAZERS::NOONANLand of the Glass PineconesThu Apr 04 1991 12:05115
10.673EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!LEZAH::BOBBITTwaves become wingsThu Apr 04 1991 12:265
    Oh thankqueue, E     .....I needed that.
    Can I cherish it always?
10.674...and may your mice dance always!GAZERS::NOONANLand of the Glass PineconesThu Apr 04 1991 13:036
    "Of course you may, dear child," she said benificently and solemly.
10.675Hugs for Hofstee's - Wherever they are!!SADVS1::HIDALGOThu Apr 04 1991 13:199
    	I can't offer you any information about children and pacemakers,
    	but I can tell you there are MAJOR HUGS on their way to you,
    	Vanessa and the rest of your family from New Jersey.
10.676BOMBE::HEATHERThu Apr 04 1991 14:515
    I've never done this before, and I'm new to the file, *but* I really
    could use a hug or two today......
10.677BTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark Boots!Thu Apr 04 1991 14:565
Heather, here are a few hugs to keep you going:


hope it helps!
10.678GAZERS::NOONANLand of the Glass PineconesThu Apr 04 1991 15:0321
    	(well, I don't know....she said she only wanted 1 or 2....wellllll..
    	 .....okay, she probably won't mind.....in you go......
    	 hughughughughughughughughug.....do you have enough room in there?
    	 Okay....you've got the address?....okay, love you, now off you
    E Grace
10.679Two of them to start you off...BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanThu Apr 04 1991 15:123
HA -

Huuuuuuugggggggg!!!  Huuuuuuuuugggggggggg!!
10.680You're sitting there, sortof working,REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Thu Apr 04 1991 17:384
    ...and here's another hug, which has crept up behind you, softly,
    but not silently, so it doesn't really take you by surprise.
    						Ann B.
10.681GAZERS::NOONANLand of the Glass PineconesThu Apr 04 1991 17:434
    You're good, Ann.  You're *really* good.   hugs for you, too.
    E Grace
10.682Hope this isn't too late...Missed the aarrgghhhs yesterdayBATRI::MARCUSThink! Let your mind go, let yourself be free...Thu Apr 04 1991 18:3320

Thought you might be able to use a little cough syrup...

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh        hughughughughughughughughug     ssss
                        uuuu     hughughughughughughughughug     sss
                         uuu       hughughughughughughug        sss
                          uuu        hughughughughug           sss
                           uuu         hughughug              sss

10.684Arms around the Planet!SADVS1::HIDALGOFri Apr 05 1991 14:046
    Hugs for Estelle, her son and the rest of her family.  You're all in my
    Hugs to all wn's, whoever you are and wherever you are!
10.685bye-byeGAZERS::NOONANShe's your pet *what*?!Fri Apr 05 1991 14:424
    E Grace
10.686LEZAH::BOBBITTwaves become wingsFri Apr 05 1991 14:447
    manyhugs miriam.
    Stay in touch if you're ever on the internet again and have computer
10.687adiosSPCTRM::GONZALEZDessert GuruFri Apr 05 1991 16:4310
    Abrazos y besos, mi hermana
    viya con feminists :^)
    PS:  Si uno hombre demande que tu prepare cafe para el, diga, "No
         way, Jose."  
10.688LEZAH::BOBBITTwaves become wingsMon Apr 08 1991 19:177
    hugs for Manisha!
    I hate having toothwork done, and knowing it'll have to be done is
    ALMOST worse!
10.689some days you just can't get past the cloudy skyBTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark Boots!Wed Apr 10 1991 12:0814
well it's not like the last time I put in a request, but I could use a couple of
hugs today.  Bad news for BTO yesterday.  I'm likely to have a DECpaycheck for
the forseeable short-term (1-2 yrs) future, but that's not true for lots of the
folk who work on the lines here.  And the mgt only owned up to it 'cuz of a
leaked memo that spilled the beans.  So not only did I ditch high-fallootin'
career aims to come here, but boarded a sinking ship to work for information
hiders, or so it seems to me.

Some days it just gets to ya, y'know?

It'll work out, the mood'll pass.  But right now even the bluebirds' colors are

10.690Prioritise beautyYUPPY::DAVIESAPhoenixWed Apr 10 1991 12:1313
    Warm hugs for you.
    These are troubled times - for ourselves, and for our colleagues.
    Don't let the bluebirds lose their vividness for you.
    When all's said and done, their beauty and the moments of peace
    you can find in loving them are worth far, far more than this
    crazy dance we are all caught in at the moment....
10.691I love you, Sara!GAZERS::NOONANI'm here, I'm me, and I'm enoughWed Apr 10 1991 12:2327
    			(come on sleepyheads!...you've got a long way
    			 to go...yesss, all the way up to Vermont!...
    			 I know, it *is* very very beautiful up there!
    		 	 Did you all know that they don't allow
    			 billboards up there?  Well, it's true!...anyway,
    			 your friend Sara needs you....djf;aidfgjh;fod ghj
    			 [silly! stop jumping on the keyboard]  yes, 
    			 some of you are direct decendents of Sara-hugs.
    			 Would you like to go visit her?.....one at a time!
    			 One at a [gigglegigglegiggle...you're tickling 
    			 me!] time.....in you go....purrr*pop*rrrrrhug...
    		         hughug*pop*hughug....are you all comfortable in 
    			 there? Do you have the map? Have you all got on
    			 your raincoats? galoshes? do you have .....well,
    			 I'm sorry; I worry about you.  bye, sweeties]
    E Grace
10.692BLUMON::GUGELAdrenaline: my drug of choiceWed Apr 10 1991 12:5113
    I've been hearing rumors about BTO these days too, from mutual
    former colleagues.  Same folks tell me you're glad you're up
    there anyway (I understand!)  I'm glad *you'll* have your job
    for a while longer though.
    You're not alone.
    Hugs and peace,
10.693Some more!BOMBE::HEATHERWed Apr 10 1991 14:248
    Hi Sara,
      Please take care - Here are a few hugs for you!
10.694It's a Bummer..SALISH::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedWed Apr 10 1991 14:253
    {{{{{{Hugs}}}}}} Sara!
10.696BTOVT::THIGPEN_SMudshark Boots!Wed Apr 10 1991 16:243
to all who responded here and in mail, many thanks.  Hugs always help!

10.697Sympathies and many hugs...BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanWed Apr 10 1991 20:137
Sara - 

Many, many hugs are coming to you and your co-workers from the Rockies.
I read the news in Old_Vermont earlier today.  It's so hard knowing that
so many familiar faces (and nodenames) won't be showing up for long.

10.698Hugs to SaraBUBBLY::LEIGHBear with me.Thu Apr 11 1991 02:253
    ... and a bunch of extras to fend off the sinking-ship-and-untrustworthy-
    management blues.  Fortunately, you can always trust the bluebirds to
    bring joy!
10.699And hugs to the anonymous author of 765BUBBLY::LEIGHBear with me.Thu Apr 11 1991 02:301
    ... who sounds badly in need of them.
10.700WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesThu Apr 11 1991 11:383
    Hugs to 765 from me also!
10.701BTOVT::THIGPEN_SBe The FalconThu Apr 11 1991 12:138
thank you all --

I'm back on my feet, and can look at the sky again.

some of you hugs, fan out and cover some of the other folks who need hugging,
both those who ask for hugs and those who haven't thought to ask.

10.702???BATRI::MARCUSGood planets are hard to findThu Apr 11 1991 12:595

Is there some kind of ultimate decision on BTO?  You say 1-2 years...

Barb_who_moved_here_from_WFO (also not in great shape)
10.703RYKO::NANCYBhymn to herFri Apr 12 1991 01:369
    	I need one or two hugs.
    	OK, maybe 3.
    	An E Grace<==>D!  sandwich hug (C) April 8, 1991  would be great
    	too ;-).
    						nancy b.
10.704BTOVT::THIGPEN_SBe The FalconFri Apr 12 1991 01:398
    nancy b., didn't any of those hugs I sent out at large yesterday make
    it to you?  the little dears, they get sidetracked so easily.  Here are
    some more:
10.705GAZERS::NOONANI'm here, I'm me, and I'm enoughFri Apr 12 1991 11:4630
    Oh, D!     where arrrrrrrrreeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?
    here are a couple of solos to tide you over, you cutie you.
    		sorry.  they get silly when they are out on their own.
    love you, NancyB
    E Grace
10.706it's _always_ suddenRUTLND::JOHNSTONGazpacho...my drug of choiceFri Apr 12 1991 15:4713
    At 9:30 I heard that the husband of a woman I deeply admire and love
    died in his sleep this morning after a long illness.
    Although he was young, I should rejoice that his suffering is over and
    the long death-watch that she has endured has now come to a close. But
    instead I feel empty and impotent. 
    I am deeply grateful that he died at home and quietly as he always
    wished to do.  Now the grieving process can start.
    Reaction has set in and I need to feel a connection.
10.708GAZERS::NOONANI'm here, I'm me, and I'm enoughFri Apr 12 1991 16:3110
    			hugs, Annie.
            The quiet kind that just sit with you.
    E Grace
10.709huggsTRACKS::PARENTThe Unfinished woman...Fri Apr 12 1991 16:4210
    I allways feel a loss when I hear of a death.  I counter that loss
    by looking around me for news of a new birth.  That babys first smile
    is your friends.  To me it's life renewed.
    Til then a hug.
10.710half hugs and full hugsTLE::DBANG::carrollget used to it!Fri Apr 12 1991 17:4126

<--- HUG
<--- HUG
<--- HUG
<--- HUG
<--- HUG
<--- HUG
<--- HUG
<--- HUG

(this is the left side of the E Grace <==> D! hug you requested.  :-)


--> hug <--
--> hug <--
--> hug <--
--> hug <--
--> hug <--
--> hug <--
--> hug <--

(This is both sides of a regular one person hug.  :-)

10.712HANNAH::MODICAJourneyman NoterFri Apr 12 1991 19:3411
    Never done this before...
    A couple of days ago my good friend of many years found
    out, on his birthday no less, that he has MS.
    All I could think of to say was that I'd stick with him no
    matter how bad things get.
    I feel quite helpless with it all.
    Thanks for listening.
10.714LEZAH::BOBBITTdance, the storm is overFri Apr 12 1991 19:469
    Manyhugs for Hank, 
    I know how quiet you've been, and I've read why, and I'm grateful you
    have spoken up when you have a need that is so strong.
10.715to be sharedGAZERS::NOONANI'm here, I'm me, and I'm enoughFri Apr 12 1991 19:5089
    E Grace
10.716SMURF::BINDERSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisFri Apr 12 1991 21:276
    Many hugs, Hank.
    Get your friend to read a copy of _Plain_Talk_ by Nancy Mairs; it's an
    incredible book by an MS victim about her battle.
10.717WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesSat Apr 13 1991 13:163
    Many hugs hank
10.718CGVAX2::CONNELLWe are gay and straight, together.Mon Apr 15 1991 13:407
    I know I haven't NOTED in here for awhile. Just no time lately. I was
    on Friday and just want to say, I'm still here. I still care very
    deeply and am still concerned with all that is discussed in here and
    hugs to all who need them and it appears that some need them very much.
    My thoughts, hugs, prayers and concerns are with you all.
10.719life goes on...TLE::DBANG::carrollget used to it!Mon Apr 15 1991 14:2410
Hugs solicited!

My girlfriend just told me she's in love with her boyfriend and not
with me...


Another day, another scar.

10.720COBWEB::swalkerGravity: it's the lawMon Apr 15 1991 15:243
Hugs, D!.  That sounds positively ouchful.

10.721LEZAH::BOBBITTdance, the storm is overMon Apr 15 1991 15:4010
    oh, D!
    Please remember you are wonderful.  Scars, warts, and all.
10.723BTOVT::THIGPEN_SBe The FalconMon Apr 15 1991 15:529
	hugs to all who hurt
	that is, all of us, one time or another.

	it helps to hug, it helps to be hugged.


10.724BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanMon Apr 15 1991 18:445
Hugs to Hank and Annie and D!

Hoping all your wounds are soothed...

10.726so long and thanks for all the hugsTLE::DBANG::carrollget used to it!Mon Apr 15 1991 18:565
Thanks everyone for all the hugs.  I'm feeling *much* better this afternoon.
Ya win some, ya lose some - and all I can say is that in this instance, she
lost.  :-)

10.727WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesMon Apr 15 1991 22:263
    hugs D! very many hugs and more hugs to Annie and Hank
10.728Hugs for Annie and Hank and D!TOOK::LEIGHBear with me.Tue Apr 16 1991 02:202
    ...and all who've had life's changes fall on top of them.
10.729HANNAH::MODICAJourneyman NoterTue Apr 16 1991 11:286
    Thanks very much to all.
    You're very special people and I appreciate it.
10.730manyhugsmanyhugsmanyhugsmanyhugsmanyhugsmanyhugsmanyhugsmanyhugsmanyhugsmanyhugs BTOVT::THIGPEN_SBe The FalconWed Apr 17 1991 12:0313

	to E Grace.  Many hugs to accompany you.  I will miss your voice.

10.731GAZERS::NOONANThe Goodbye WomanWed Apr 17 1991 19:017
    E Grace
10.732bye byeTLE::TLE::D_CARROLLget used to it!Thu Apr 18 1991 13:397
10.733here's a needOSL09::PERSPer SpangebuFri Apr 19 1991 13:1618
    ....and there was a person in *mennotes* who said:
    	"boy do I need I hug right now!"  (584.8)
    ....and then there was me....
    	giving hir a *hug*, by starting "The HUG note" in *mennotes*.
    ....and then there was the moderator who said:
    	"..do not belong in the conference.."
    	Now..I need a *HUG*
10.734CSCMA::PEREIRAFri Apr 19 1991 13:174
    Hugs  PerS!
10.735BTOVT::THIGPEN_SBe The FalconFri Apr 19 1991 13:255
PerS, it's a drag that you can't even be nice to some people when you try.


10.736YUPPY::DAVIESAPhoenixFri Apr 19 1991 13:273
    Hugs PerS....your huggings are welcome here...
10.737sounds horrid!TLE::DBANG::carroll...get used to it!Fri Apr 19 1991 13:315
There is a place where hugs are inappropriate???

Oh ISH!!

10.738WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesFri Apr 19 1991 13:511
    Hugs! Pers
10.739JJLIET::JUDYOooh! A gladiator!Fri Apr 19 1991 14:029
    	Ditto D!
    	Hugs PerS....
10.741BLUMON::GUGELAdrenaline: my drug of choiceFri Apr 19 1991 14:124
    Per, how terrible to be alienated in such a way when asking
    for comfort.
10.742comod nudgeCOGITO::SULLIVANSinging for our livesFri Apr 19 1991 14:337
    Let's not use this nice note (or any other, for that matter) as a place
    to complain about another file.  
    All hugs welcome here.
10.743CGVAX2::CONNELLWe are gay and straight, together.Fri Apr 19 1991 14:447
    Hugs Per. I'll take Justine's co-mod nudge and not complain about such
    things. I will say that the big reason I note here nearly exclusively
    is because nearly nowhere else have I found such caring and sharing
    going on. This is THE FILE for such things. Too bad it is a nearly
    isolated island. 
10.744BROKE::RUSTIE::NALEExpert Only: I'll do it anywayFri Apr 19 1991 15:192
	Oh well, they don't know what they're missing...
10.745Have a Good WeekendHOTWTR::HASLAM_BACreativity UnlimitedFri Apr 19 1991 21:284
    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, PerS
10.746WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesWed May 01 1991 11:3022
    I have a whole lot of hugs from E Grace to leave here for those who
    need them...
10.747Ohhh, that was niceSPCTRM::GONZALEZlimitless possibilitiesWed May 01 1991 17:337
    I needed that.  Lots more left.  One thing about E Grae hugs, you
    don't have to be greedy, even a little one goes a loooooooong way.
10.748LEZAH::BOBBITTLift me up and turn me over...Thu May 02 1991 18:444
    *hugs* to the anonymous author of 55.73
10.749also to the author of 55.73RYKO::NANCYBPreparation; not paranoiaThu May 02 1991 22:203
    	Another warm hug.
10.751..empathy between sexes..OSL09::PERSPer SpangebuTue May 07 1991 08:139
    Bruce, I'm not sure if you achieved what you hoped for 
    (ref. 785.0:...hopes this will improve empathy between the sexes.)
    **HUGS** to you, and keep smiling!
10.752SCARGO::CONNELLWe are gay and straight, together.Tue May 07 1991 10:058
    Hugs D. It hurts to have the choice taken away and it's really nobodies
    fault. That hurts worse because there is no one to vent your
    frustration on. Although as a male, I can never become pregnant, I feel
    because it would be the same as if I had a disease that left me
    sterile. You have my thoughts, prayers, love, and hugs both before and
    after you sort out your feelings.
10.753STAR::BARTHRide the whims of your mindTue May 07 1991 15:253
    Many hugs D!
10.754smiles-n-hugsTLE::DBANG::carrollassume nothingTue May 07 1991 17:207



10.755And now, off to the flotation tankCUPMK::SLOANEIs communcation the key?Tue May 07 1991 17:275
Thanks PerS!

I needed that.

10.756re:13.1242MCIS2::HUSSIANBut my cats *ARE* my kids!!Thu May 16 1991 12:206
    HUGS & HUGS & HUGS To Bonnie, and her friends who are going thru some
    sad, sad times right now. My prayers & warm thoughts are with you &
    yours. I'm SO sorry.
    Bonnie Lou
10.757I'll pass them onWMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesThu May 16 1991 12:269
    Thanks Bonnie Lou,
    My friends need the hugs, far more than I do, but our church has
    been holding them in so much love it is just wonderful (he's
    our pastor).
    and thanks to all the rest of you who wrote here or in mail.
    Bonnie Jeanne
10.758BTOVT::THIGPEN_STrout Lillies in AbundanceThu May 16 1991 12:514
more hugs, bj, for you and your friends. I don't know how I would want to go on
eating, if I lost a child.  It's just unthinkable.

10.759CGVAX2::CONNELLWe are gay and straight, together.Fri May 17 1991 15:209
    Major HUGS to all who need them. I left early on Wednesday. (For me
    that's 3:30 which is my correct time to leave) and had yesterday off.
    (Can't NOTE from home) I see a lot of people need a lot of hugs. For
    all the pain, both physical and emotional everyone is going through
    right now, my hugs, my love, and my prayers to you all.
    Love and Light,
10.760Hugs all around.REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Wed May 22 1991 14:125
    Hugs for the bad things you've had to face.
    Hugs to help you celebrate the good things you've found.
    						Ann B.
10.761By the way.....CARTUN::HAZARIKADon't have my own account yet, BUT...Fri May 24 1991 17:4316
    	Ahhhhhhhhhhh.....*That's* more like it!
    E Grace
10.762nah, can't be...TLE::TLE::D_CARROLLdyke about townFri May 24 1991 17:523
    Is it true???
10.763WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesFri May 24 1991 18:083
    Looks like it :-)!!!!!!!
10.764BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssmile anyway.Fri May 24 1991 18:151
Hi love!  Hugs back!  Visiting, or what?
10.765OXNARD::HAYNESCharles HaynesFri May 24 1991 18:293
Welcome back.

	-- Charles
10.766BTOVT::THIGPEN_Ssmile anyway.Fri May 24 1991 18:301
back, heck.  Welcome HOME!  is it really you?
10.767hugs to the hug-queen!BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanFri May 24 1991 18:403
    Hurrah!  E Grace is back!!!  :-)  :-)
10.768CARTUN::HAZARIKADon't have my own account yet, BUT...Fri May 24 1991 19:2311
    I'm back for an indefinate assignment.
    Thank you all!  Yes, Sara, I *am* home!  It's *NASTY* out there!  )*8
    Gosh, I missed you all so much!
    E Grace
10.769EEEEEEEEEEEEEEyeow!!!!!!!!BOOTKY::MARCUSFri May 24 1991 19:329
E -

I was just thinking about you.  Welcome back!!!!!!!!

HugEEE    HugEEE   HugEEE


10.770NOATAK::BLAZEKwhite wing mercyFri May 24 1991 20:037
	E, I was just counting if it had been 30 days yet!

	Welcome back!


10.771CARTUN::HAZARIKADon't have my own account yet, BUT...Fri May 24 1991 20:054
    Well, Carla, I'm not sure if it has been 30 of *your* days yet!
    E Grace_who_should_be_used_to_waiting_for_her_own_account_by_now!
10.772WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesFri May 24 1991 21:228
    Oh, E, it is *so* good to have you back, something went out of
    the file when you left
    multiple marshmellow hugs...
    and lots of love..
10.773E's back...TRACKS::PARENTThe Unfinished woman...Fri May 24 1991 22:087

  E, big time welcome back, have I a hug for you!!!!
10.775CGVAX2::CONNELLWe are gay and straight, together.Tue May 28 1991 10:109
    To come back to work after an injury and to find such good news.
10.776JJLIET::JUDYOooh! A gladiator!Tue May 28 1991 13:165
    	Hugs to E Grace!  glad to 'see' you!
10.777BOMBE::HEATHERTue May 28 1991 15:364
    YIPEE!!!!!  Welcome Home E Grace!!!  It's Great to have you back!
    We've missed you!!!!
10.778BUBBLY::LEIGHcan't change the wind, just the sailsTue May 28 1991 21:4611
    Welcome back, E Grace!
    I think I may have stumbled on what _really_ happened ;-)
    "On May 24th, the Great Hug-Queen rises up out of an innocent-looking
    username, and flies through Womannotes, bringing hugs to all who need
    with apologies to Charles M. Schulz
    Except it's not just for one night, is it.  Hmph...:-)
10.779SCARGO::CONNELLWe are gay and straight, together.Fri May 31 1991 16:028
    Special cariong, understanding hugs to Meg Evans, (see 13.1295) My
    father lingered for 17 years slowly deteriorating. When the end came at
    last it was quick. I wish strength and love to deal with this. It is
    hard and I still miss him.
    Love and Prayers and Light and Hugs
10.780NOATAK::BLAZEKfire, my heart, burn bright!Fri May 31 1991 16:115
    *HUGS* to you, Meg.


10.781BTOVT::THIGPEN_SMama goin' fishin' tooFri May 31 1991 16:392
love and hugs, Meg.   I dread this coming to my life.
10.782and a huggle for gigglesCARTUN::NOONANDid someone here call a huggoddess?Fri May 31 1991 16:553
    I understand, Meg.  Loving, encompassing, never-ending hugs.
    E Grace
10.783BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanFri May 31 1991 18:253
    Many hugs to you Meg.
10.784CARTUN::NOONANDid someone here call a huggoddess?Mon Jun 03 1991 23:585
    I'm sorry Bonnie.
    E Grace
10.785GUESS::DERAMOBe excellent to each other.Tue Jun 04 1991 00:243
        Hugs Bonnie.
10.786LEZAH::BOBBITTpools of quiet fireTue Jun 04 1991 10:484
    fuzzy huglets for Bonnie....
10.787CGVAX2::CONNELLWe are gay and straight, together.Tue Jun 04 1991 10:513
    Warmest hugs for you Bonnie. As a confirmed cat lover I comiserate.
10.788sniffWMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesTue Jun 04 1991 11:316
    Thanks gang, this has been such a rough spring for animals, and I have
    one other one that is getting on in years...
    We are looking for a kitten...
10.789commiseration...KVETCH::paradisMusic, Sex, and CookiesTue Jun 04 1991 13:406
Huggs, Bonnie!

I know how you feel... we lost one of our rabbits just a few weeks
ago... sigh.

10.790BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanTue Jun 04 1991 13:403
    Hugs, Bonnie.  I hope your new kitten finds you soon.  :-)
10.792CARTUN::NOONANDid someone here call a huggoddess?Tue Jun 04 1991 19:301
    ...and great big sm00chy ones for cheyenne!
10.794LEZAH::BOBBITTpools of quiet fireThu Jun 06 1991 11:524
    many many warm, bodacious, summerswimming hugs for cheyenne.
10.795DPDMAI::DAWSONA Different LightThu Jun 06 1991 17:108
    In for a moment...
                        Hugs for a member here...unnamed.
            Back out :-)
10.796who was that masked man ...GUESS::DERAMOBe excellent to each other.Thu Jun 06 1991 20:285
        re .-1,
        Hit and run!!
10.797CARTUN::NOONANone of the adoring multitudeSun Jun 09 1991 18:519
    I know a lot of you have problems with this note, but please send me
    good thoughts anyway.  
    I need hugs.  My brother (the last of the 4 siblings I started out
    with), died this morning.
    He's better off, I know.  But I'm not.
    E Grace
10.798special Hug for E.TRACKS::PARENTFuture in the makingSun Jun 09 1991 19:389
    Having lost a brother I understand.
    Gentle hug,

10.799Build a memorial ground in your heart.ASDG::FOSTERCalico CatSun Jun 09 1991 20:287
    Many hugs and warm thoughts, E. Hold him tight in your memories,
    remember all those crazy sibling moments. Make a determination to keep
    a special part of him with you as the body moves on. And then, when you
    need a wondeful memory, it will be there for you.
10.800BUBBLY::LEIGHcan't change the wind, just the sailsSun Jun 09 1991 21:094
    I'm sorry to hear that, E.  Many gentle hugs to you... and please
    remember to ask for more hugs when you need them!
10.801SMURF::SMURF::BINDERSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisSun Jun 09 1991 21:334
    Hugs, E, many hugs.  Hold him in your heart, and he'll never *really*
    be completely gone.
10.802GUESS::DERAMOThe first 3 notes just happen to be...Mon Jun 10 1991 00:431
        {{{hug}}} {{{hug}}} {{{hug}}}
10.803CGVAX2::CONNELLWe are gay and straight, together.Mon Jun 10 1991 09:567
    Oh E, you have my deepest sympathies and warmest caring hugs. I have
    only one sibling and she is still with us, so I can't know what you 
    are going through, but if you need anything, I'm here. 
    Love and Light and Hugs,
10.804oh, E....*snif*LEZAH::BOBBITTpools of quiet fireMon Jun 10 1991 11:315
    me and my "guardian angel" (and Carlotta, from the Rock Garden)
    all send you big squishousness tippy-paws hugs.
10.805Hugs for E GraceMRKTNG::GODINShades of gray matterMon Jun 10 1991 11:474
    Oh, E Grace, how sad for you!  Healing and soothing thoughts from me to
    you, and a tender hug to help you bear this burden.
10.806BOMBE::HEATHERMon Jun 10 1991 12:386
    E Grace, I'm sad for you, I know your brother was very ill, but that
    can't make this any easier for you.  We're all here for you, please
    let me know if there is anything special I can do for you.  Warmest
    thoughts, and heartfelt hugs are going out to you.....Take care.
10.807ISSHIN::MATTHEWSLet's stand him on his head!Mon Jun 10 1991 13:027
    E Grace, 
    	I know there's nothing anyone can say that will ease your pain. 
    I'm sorry for your loss.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and your
10.808JJLIET::JUDYMy body says yes but my mind says noMon Jun 10 1991 13:028
    	Big soft gentle hugs coming your way.  Take care of yourself.
10.809VINO::LANGELOBoston Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay Pride Day--&gt;June 8Mon Jun 10 1991 13:573
    Mega hugs E.
10.810Hold tight to the memories you made togetherDENVER::DOROMon Jun 10 1991 14:037
    oooh.  I AM so sorry!  Many gentle hugs.
10.812BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanMon Jun 10 1991 17:076
E -

Gentle hugs and healing affirmations for your heart.  It's so
hard to lose the ones we love.

10.813<<<< hugs >>>>CASDEV::LUSTHugs - food for the soulMon Jun 10 1991 19:004
    E - Many warm hugs, I'm so sorry.  Hold tight to the good memories, and
        take care of yourself.
10.814LCALOR::PETRIEto each his own, after taxesMon Jun 10 1991 20:314
   E Grace, I'm so sorry for your loss.  Lots of warm Miami [hugs]

10.816WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesTue Jun 11 1991 14:543
    thankyou cheyenne
10.817CGVAX2::CONNELLWe are gay and straight, together.Tue Jun 11 1991 15:026
    Biggest squeezey hugs to you Bonnie. You have sent me support so often.
    The very tiniest least I can do is send hugs to you. 
    Love and Hugs,
10.818BOMBE::HEATHERTue Jun 11 1991 15:467
    Hugs Bonnie, you reached out to me in a time when it was truely needed.
    I hope some day I can return the favor - For now - Have a few hugs on
    {{{{{{HUG}}}}}}    {{{{{{HUG}}}}}}    {{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}
10.819BUBBLY::LEIGHcan't change the wind, just the sailsTue Jun 11 1991 16:441
    Hugs, Bonnie.
10.820Rocky Mtn. Hugs... BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanTue Jun 11 1991 16:536
Hugs, Bonnie.  Before too long I'll be able to give them to both
you and E Grace in person.


10.821SMURF::CALIPH::binderSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisTue Jun 11 1991 17:471
More hugs, Bonnie.
10.822CARTUN::NOONANAnother het for lesbigay rights!Tue Jun 11 1991 18:553
    ...even more hugs, Bonnie.
    E Grace
10.823MLTVAX::DUNNETue Jun 11 1991 19:444
    Many, many hugs to Meg, Bonnie, and E Grace. 
10.825hugs, warm and tenderLJOHUB::GONZALEZlimitless possibilitiesWed Jun 12 1991 13:509
    Special hugs to E Grace 
    and to Bonnie
    and to 868.13
    No loss is easy to bear.  You are cared about.
10.827<<<< hug >>>>CASCRT::LUSTHugs - food for the soulThu Jun 13 1991 21:276
    Special hugs to Bonnie - a very special lady!
    hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug
10.828WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesThu Jun 13 1991 21:507
    thankyou Linda
    hugs back to you...
    and see you soon!
10.829Whatever the trial...BOOTKY::MARCUSMon Jun 17 1991 13:0017

	H	H	U	U	GG    G

A Big One because it sounds serious......

10.830BOMBE::HEATHERMon Jun 17 1991 13:038
    HI E
      Many hugs from me as well.  Please take care of yourself, we all
    love you so much here!
    {{{{{HUGS}}}}}  {{{{{HUGS}}}}}  {{{{{HUGS}}}}}  {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!!!
10.831I think I knowCSC32::M_EVANSMon Jun 17 1991 14:269
    Hi E.  Having just gotten back from my father's death, June 10, I
    have an inkling of how you feel.  There was also nothing like calling
    the house and getting dad's voice on the machine to give me the
    Live with the memories of what was good, and may that lighten your
10.833LEZAH::BOBBITTpools of quiet fireTue Jun 18 1991 18:004
    hugs to jimc, and strength to he and his daughter.
10.834REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Tue Jun 18 1991 18:093
    More hugs for jimc and his daughter.
    						Ann B.
10.835CARTUN::NOONANpeppy and cheapTue Jun 18 1991 18:0912
    many soft hugs for Jimc and his daughter.
    Remember, jim, sex has nothing to do with rape, therefore sexual
    orientation has nothing to do with rape.
    If you are not a person that would use violence and violation to assert
    your authority over another person, then you will not be able to
    understand why some males rape.
    At least I don't think you could.
    E Grace
10.836BOMBE::HEATHERTue Jun 18 1991 18:324
    More hugs for jimc - I hate that you (or anyone) has to go through
    this.  Take care.
10.838BOMBE::HEATHERWed Jun 19 1991 01:334
    MAJOR Hugs Bonnie......Thing *will* get better, even though it doesn't
    seem that way right now.  Take care.
10.839DPDMAI::DAWSONA Different LightWed Jun 19 1991 02:155
                  Major hugs Bonnie.  Give it time.  It'll come around.
10.840BUBBLY::LEIGHcan't change the wind, just the sailsWed Jun 19 1991 03:371
    Many hugs to Bonnie, and to Jimc.
10.841SMURF::SMURF::BINDERSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisWed Jun 19 1991 11:271
    Bigtime hugs for Bonnie.  We love you, Bon.
10.842CARTUN::NOONANpeppy and cheapWed Jun 19 1991 11:353
    hugs, Bonnie.
    E Grace
10.843WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesWed Jun 19 1991 11:503
    thankyou all of you
10.844BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa natural womanWed Jun 19 1991 12:3412
hugs for jimc, and his daughter.  Jim, note the hopeful things that have
happened -- your daughter is with you, and she trusts you enough to have told
you of these hard things that have happened to her, and that was the first step
in her taking control, and taking action to help herself.  Just keep on telling
her how valuable _she_ is.  The things that have happened, can not be made to
go away, and the feelings of anger and fear and the damage to self-esteem are 
real now.  But these do not have to last forever, and with care and luck and
love and time you and she can go on to get past these to a better feeling.

Take care of her, and don't forget to take care of yourself too

10.845ThanksBENONI::JIMCillegitimi non insectusWed Jun 19 1991 15:274
    Thanks for the hugs, advice and concern.  It does help.
    Hugs back to all of you (and this is my favorite note topic)
10.847LEZAH::BOBBITTpools of quiet fireSat Jun 22 1991 16:406
    re: 503.3
    safe *hugs*, Daniel.....
10.848MLTVAX::DUNNEWed Jun 26 1991 21:006
    Hugs to Cheyenne re: 888.20. You deserve a lot of credit for
    for surviving such a horrendous experience and knowing how to
    get the support you need to deal with it.
10.849WAHOO::LEVESQUEAnimal MagnetismThu Jun 27 1991 11:381
 Ditto. Even though hugs don't seem to be enough, it's the least I can do.
10.850WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesThu Jun 27 1991 11:543
    Hugs to Cheyenne also, tho they do seem such an inadequate response.
10.851hugs.MR4DEC::HETRICKThu Jun 27 1991 11:596
    many hugs for cheyenne...
    i cried when i read your note in 888.
    you must be an incredibly strong woman to still show the love and
    trust you do here.  
10.852for you, and you tooCARTUN::NOONANexcavator of a beautiful butterflyThu Jun 27 1991 12:0919
    		(I have a very special assignment for you, and only
    		 the softest and gentlest of you may go...yes, I know,
    		 you're *all* soft and gentle....I want the babies, I 
    		 think....cheyenne's heart has a terrible boo-boo and
    		 it needs to be cuddled and kissed.....yes, I know
    		 how much you love cheyenne and her little friend...
    		 here's the map...oh, you already *know* how to get
    		 to cheyenne's?  Okay, in you go....hu*pop*g....
    		 huggle*pop*huggle....now remember, if she just wants
    		 to hold you in her hand, that's okay....tell cheyenne
    		 *she* is wonderful, and has no thing to be shamed about.)
    E Grace
10.853SA1794::CHARBONNDBarbarians have more funThu Jun 27 1991 12:091
    and a few more from a friendly gorilla, Cheyenne. 
10.854to everyone who needs oneVIA::HEFFERNANJuggling FoolThu Jun 27 1991 12:195


10.855NOVA::FISHERRdb/VMS DinosaurThu Jun 27 1991 12:345
    For Cheyenne,
10.856BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa natural womanThu Jun 27 1991 13:556
    oh cheyenne
    no words, just a hug
    your signatures here are more of a gift than I could know
    to you, and to us all
10.857YUPPY::DAVIESAIn withdrawal:handle gentlyThu Jun 27 1991 15:197
    I just read your note.
    I'm stunned.
    There are no words.
    Loving hugs....
10.859SMURF::CALIPH::binderSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisThu Jun 27 1991 16:045

You just did.  We love you.

10.860a time will comeSA1794::CHARBONNDbarbarian by choiceThu Jun 27 1991 16:391
    umm, Cheyenne, we gladly accept rain checks ;-)
10.861hug hugBSS::VANFLEETRing around the moon...Thu Jun 27 1991 18:383
very safe, very gentle hugs, Daniel

Nanci, another survivor who recently remembered
10.862LEZAH::BOBBITTsailing around my soulFri Jun 28 1991 13:496
    MANY soft hugs for CQ. 
    Grow in peace.
10.863Why do such bad things happen to good people?BENONI::JIMCillegitimi non insectusMon Jul 01 1991 18:097
    Gentle safe hugs for Cheyenne and Daniel.  For all the victims and
    survivors.  My heart hurts.  Is it possible to live in this world
    without suffering damage?
10.864CGVAX2::CONNELLCHAOS IS GREAT.Wed Jul 03 1991 14:5617
    Hugs and strength to Kim Campbell. Anyone who will not pay their child
    support and then use it to place a wedge between the children and the
    custodial parent,  is the worse sort of slime on the planet. I've been
    paying since 1984 and have 4 more years to go. I haven't missed a
    payment and never plan to. I may not like it. I would rather put it
    into a trust for the kids and keep her hands off it, but that isn't
    what the courts said and I would never use it to divide the kids love
    for each of us. I just can't understand this type of thinking.
    Kim, take him down. No, not homicide. :-) Get him into court and try to
    get his pay attached. I hope you succeed and will pray for you to do
    Good Luck,
    Love and Light,
10.865BUSY::KATZLambkins...we will live!Wed Jul 03 1991 15:071
    second the hugs...
10.867{hugs}LJOHUB::GODINWed Jul 03 1991 16:148
    Hugs to you, Kim.  I know what you're feeling all too well.  Gain
    strength from the knowledge that you're doing what's right for your
    children and for yourself.  And you're _all_ important.  As for him,
    may he and all others like him (male or female) reap the rewards of
    their actions as they lose the respect and companionship of their
    children, perhaps forever.
10.868BTOVT::THIGPEN_Spayback's a ...Wed Jul 03 1991 16:2116
doublehugsdoublehugs to Kim and Cheyenne

but hold on a minute, Cheyenne, if I tried to scream underwater I'd probably

When I read Kim's posting, I thought of voodoo dolls.  (I don't believe in it,
and see it as harmless venting to stick pins in voodoo dolls.)

or paint (his) face on a pillowcase, and use it as a punch pillow.  After the
kids are in bed, of course.  Then there are darts, another good way to let off
steam without hurting anybody.

Good luck Kim; try to let go of your anger, justified though it is, and present
your case in a cool way.  Let *him* be hysterical.  The judge'll love it.

10.869ONLY the best hugs hereBENONI::JIMCillegitimi non insectusWed Jul 03 1991 16:3812
    xtra big gentle hugs  (the kind that always make my daughter Jen or my
    sister Barbara cry 'cause it feels so nice) for Kim who is my sister in
    name if not in reality.
    As I told Kim in private, I believe there is a special place in hades
    for people who use the kids for revbenge on the ex or do not pay
    support, and I firmly believe that my ex will meet her ex there for
    eternity.  And personally, that isn't long enough or bad enough but it
    will have to do.
10.870*sigh* hug heavenKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideWed Jul 03 1991 17:5413
    Thanks all SO much for the hugs, here and e-mail!!! They make 
    the biggest difference to me!  I feel much better too, thanks
    to my imaginary sawed off shotgun, and cheyenne's  now deceased
    punching bag!!!!! He's got an imaginary hole in him the size of
    a baseball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    THAT's for hurting  my kids!
    I haven't received this amount of hugs ever and it feels great!
    Love you all,
10.871Major CREEP3744::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideMon Jul 08 1991 13:243
    MAJOR *hug* to Liesl...I can relate to that kind of frustration!!!
10.872you know who you are ! ;-)WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesMon Jul 08 1991 14:074
    Major HUGS to a sweet lady who had been talking to me on the phone
    cause she was feelin blue!
10.873BTOVT::THIGPEN_Syou meant ME???Wed Jul 10 1991 13:108
it's truE, it's truE, hEr hugs rEally ARE spEcial.  It's bEEn two wEEks and I
still fEEl thEm!

'coursE, shE ovEr-indulgEd mE.  Ah, bliss!


10.874BUSY::KATZReunite Gondwannaland!Fri Jul 12 1991 13:267
    re: 1.41
    *appreciative hugs* Jody
\ D /
 \ /
10.875For a retiring mod...SMURF::SMURF::BINDERSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisFri Jul 12 1991 13:285
    More hugs, Jody.  You done good, we've been the richer for having your
    voice as a moderative influence.  I welcome you with open arms to the
    ranks of "mere" noters.
10.876SA1794::CHARBONNDbarbarian by choiceFri Jul 12 1991 17:074
    And a few more hugs for the soon-to-be ex-co-mod ;-)
10.878LEZAH::BOBBITTthe yayness principleFri Jul 12 1991 18:148
    thank you all.
    I feel *much* better.
    it's hard letting go....but it's getting easier
10.879CGVAX2::CONNELLCHAOS IS GREAT.Fri Jul 12 1991 18:5511
    Jody, hugs for a dear friend and for a wonderful job done. I think
    being a mod in this file is probably one of the hardest jobs in the
    Universe. Being God is probably only a little harder and She might not
    want to live on the difference. All the mods, past and present have
    done a marvelous job and you are no exception. Thank you for taking the
    time to do the job, do it well, and for committing to us members. Hope
    to continue to see you here and elsewhere as a contributor.
    Love and Major Hugs,
10.880SMURF::SMURF::BINDERSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisFri Jul 12 1991 19:304
    Major supportive hugs for \D/ -- the emotional pain must be so
10.881CARTUN::NOONANSlow down. Live to enjoy ME.Fri Jul 12 1991 19:4718
    For whatever little good they may do, Daniel.
    		(little ones?....I need you for a special
    		 job....*another* one of our friends has 
    		 been harmed...I don't understand it either.
    		 I would like some of you purrrrhugs to go
    		 sit on Daniel's keyboard...maybe you could 
    		 very gently stroke his hands and arms, okay?
    		 Be gentle...in you go.....*pop*purrrrhugrr*pop*
    		 is there any more room?...there is?...okay..
    E Grace	 
10.88229633::VANFLEETRing around the moon...Mon Jul 15 1991 14:046
I'd like to add more supportive hugs for Jody.  Thank you for being here
for the rest of us for so long.


10.883CGVAX2::CONNELLCHAOS IS GREAT.Mon Jul 15 1991 18:294
    Hugs to Carla and to Mr. Elliot. Anyone who would hit a dog deserves a
    special spot in Hell.
10.884FDCV07::KINGIf the shoe fits... BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!Mon Jul 15 1991 18:356
    PJ, I hit dogs that come onto my property... Of course I first tell the
    owner that I don't want their dog on my land...
    I hate dogs...
10.885NOATAK::BLAZEKto the willow fringeMon Jul 15 1991 19:078
    Take it elsewhere.  I find your attitude despicable, and as far
    as I'm concerned, you're WAY the hell out of line.
10.886*** co-moderator response ***GNUVAX::BOBBITTdivided sky...the wind blows highMon Jul 15 1991 19:126
    This is the *hug* note.
    please take disgruntlements elsewhere.
10.887FDCV06::KINGIf the shoe fits... BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!Tue Jul 16 1991 01:358
    Re:885 BULLSH*T! I was just responding to the person who wrote bthat I
    should go to hell.
    Was wasn't your dog on a lease?
    Re:886, I thought you resign as a moderator?
10.888GUESS::DERAMOduly notedTue Jul 16 1991 01:538
        re .887
>> Re:886, I thought you resigned as a moderator?
        Jody's announcement gave July 19 as her last day as a
10.889CARTUN::NOONANSpeak softly to Trolls...Tue Jul 16 1991 02:5017
    *What* are you people doing to this note?  God!  Now I've got to give
    the *Hug Note* HUGS!!!!!
    jiminy crickets.
    hughughughughughughughughug(yes, this is for your house...I know, 
    				you wouldn't do that in *their house..
    				it's okay, we'll fix it...pop*hug*...
    E Grace, L.C.H.T.
10.890WFOV11::BAIRDsoftball senior circuit playerTue Jul 16 1991 06:389
    Boy!!!!  some people have no respect!!!
    Thanks E for fixing the hug note!  :-)
    *hugs* back to you!
10.891sheezBUSY::KATZReunite Gondwannaland!Tue Jul 16 1991 11:045
    Hey you kids....
10.892hey you kidsBUSY::KATZReunite Gondwannaland!Tue Jul 16 1991 13:4111
    Okay...E Grace set back the tone...here's a little hospitiality:
    Welcome to the hug note...
    Here's a pot of hazelnut coffee...
    and a slice of my famous dark chocolate, white chocolate mousse pie...
    relax, enjoy, that's all.
10.893CARTUN::NOONANCourage, my friend. It is right.Thu Jul 18 1991 17:0719
    hugs to us all in these terrifying times.
    	...sheet therapy hugs to Justine (sometimes it's the only thing
    		that works)
    	...gentle, non-threatening, non-invasive heart-centered hugs to 
    		our many survivors, who were victims of someone else's
    			derangement, but got the *best* revenge; they
    				didn't fold.
    	...hugs to all of us who feel a bone-aching lonliness that no 
    		amount of love from others will ever heal.
    	...hugs to all of us who have to do something frightening, but
    		do it anyway.
    E Grace
10.894BTOVT::THIGPEN_Syou meant ME???Thu Jul 18 1991 17:0715
I need some hugs.
and I want to give some hugs, all around.

I've had a very up-and-down day.


hugs to us all.  yes, there's horror in the world, but there's wonder and love
and support too -- not to mention 


Take some and pass them on

10.895...and yes, I meant *ME*!CARTUN::NOONANCourage, my friend. It is right.Thu Jul 18 1991 17:1012
    	(It's Saraaaaaa...dfdigghirhgerghfnvnvughrohfnvcnv;ur ghhfnvnbh...
    	 sigh...I *wish* you wouldn't do that....now I need some *pop*hug.
    	 Hey, wait a min*pop*hughughughughughughughughughughug....Never
    	 mind, just go right on up.......{whheeeeeeeeee}          )
    Sara, you make my hugs uncontrollable!
    E Grace
10.896Hugs AllBOMBE::HEATHERI collect heartsThu Jul 18 1991 17:139
    Hugs Sara, some of these current topics are starting to get to me as
    Hugs E, even if you didn't specifically ask for them (no no, I insist!)
    Hugs to all who need them.  
10.897WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesThu Jul 18 1991 17:181
    and Hugs to you too Heather :-)
10.898BOMBE::HEATHERI collect heartsThu Jul 18 1991 17:295
    Thank you Bonnie!
    Hugs back at you!
10.899WFOV11::BAIRDsoftball senior circuit playerSat Jul 20 1991 06:348
    	Multiple *hugs* back to E Grace, even the hug goddess needs
    some once in a while.
    Hugs and kisses
10.900BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sthey say there's peace in sleepSun Jul 21 1991 13:081
    900 hugs from the .900 reply to E and Everyone
10.901Its that sick feeling you get when you've f'ed up.ASDG::FOSTERCalico CatMon Jul 22 1991 11:174
    I've just done something VERY stupid. I'm hoping it won't cost me my
    I don't feel very well...
10.902Can we help?SMURF::SMURF::BINDERSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisMon Jul 22 1991 11:214
    Oh, 'ren, megamegamegahugs.  If there's anything I, or anyone else, can
    do, tell us.
10.903Things look a little brighter...ASDG::FOSTERCalico CatMon Jul 22 1991 12:256
    Thanks -d. I've talked to my boss and some others who think that things
    might work out, and I won't have ruined $6000 worth of equipment
    through gross negligence...
    But its a hard lesson to learn. I hope I NEVER, EVER forget my
    responsibilities again.
10.904CARTUN::NOONANyou *cut* your fettucine??!!!Mon Jul 22 1991 12:448
    			big HUGS for that knot, 'ren
    E Grace
10.905SCARGO::CONNELLCHAOS IS GREAT.Mon Jul 22 1991 13:0814
    Hugs to 'Ren. Don't worry. I've done major screw ups. Destroyed
    equipment accidently and all was forgiven. I remember the 1st time I
    did system backups on my own and put the disks into the wrong drives or
    the wrongs disks in or something. I and everyone thought we'd lost
    years of data. Luckily it was only a week's worth. The system manager
    wanted to run me over with his car. Eventually all was forgiven. I even
    got to keep doing backups for a year or 2 until we changed systems. 
    I always suscibe to the attitude, that if you chastise yourself enough,
    the bosses will forgive you. :-)
10.906GNUVAX::BOBBITTdivided sky...the wind blows highMon Jul 22 1991 13:373
    mondohugs for 'ren.
10.907BOMBE::HEATHERI collect heartsMon Jul 22 1991 13:373
    Major hugs 'ren!
10.908BUSY::KATZGeorgie Porgie is a BullyMon Jul 22 1991 13:573
    big hugs for all the fi-uh's!
10.910BOMBE::HEATHERI collect heartsMon Jul 22 1991 14:366
    Great news 'ren!  Glad to hear you seem to be out of the woods on this!
    Have a couple more hugs on me!
    {{{{{HUG}}}}}  {{{{{HUG}}}}  {{{{{HUG}}}}
10.909I'm feeling better bit by bit...ASDG::FOSTERCalico CatMon Jul 22 1991 14:388
    Thank you:
    	-d, Bonnie, Hamp, E Grace, Phil, Jody, Heather, \D/, Eileen.
    My boss just came by and said she'd done it herself years ago.
    I feel redeemed.
10.911WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesMon Jul 22 1991 14:523
    Huge sigh of relief....
10.912I need a hug, bad!BOOVX1::MANDILELynne - a.k.a. Her Royal HighnessMon Jul 22 1991 16:515
    Things were just looking up and settling down...when we
    got the phonecall informing us of my F-I-L need for
    immediate heart surgery.  Doesn't it EVER end? (Sigh)
10.913CARTUN::NOONANLife happens. sigh.Mon Jul 22 1991 17:069
    HRH Lynne,
    waiting-room hugs from someone who understands.  really really
    E Grace
10.916BOMBE::HEATHERI collect heartsMon Jul 22 1991 17:453
    Many hugs Lynne, and as many furry ones as you can stand!  Take care.
10.917SMURF::CALIPH::binderSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisMon Jul 22 1991 17:463
Hugs, Lynne.  Another set of waiting-room hugs.

10.918SMURF::CALIPH::binderSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisMon Jul 22 1991 17:509

In 1976 I melted down three Ampex 3336 disk drives.  All 20 heads on
each one, at $250 a head, plus cleaning out the aluminum powder from all
over the insides of the things, plus new disk packs, plus a 2-week
schedule hit.  You're not alone.  I'm glad it appears to be working out
all right.

10.919BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sthey say there's peace in sleepTue Jul 23 1991 00:456
    late hugs for 'ren.
    and gentle, hand-holding-type hugs for the waiting room, Lynne.
10.920WFOVX8::BAIRDsoftball senior circuit playerTue Jul 23 1991 09:4915
    	*hugs*  to ren and Lynne, hope you both feel better.
    I don't like to ask, but....
    	We lost a friend of the family over the weekend.  Went to the wake
    and service last night.  Maxie was like another uncle to me and my
    brother and sister, you know the kind--families *always* did things 
    together.  I know he's passed through the door into the next realm and
    is in a happy place, but it still leaves behind the rest of us to do
    our grieving.  :-(
10.921SMURF::SMURF::BINDERSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisTue Jul 23 1991 11:434
    Hugs, Debbi.  Knowing he's in a better place doesn't mean you miss him
    any the less.
10.922Final UpdateASDG::FOSTERCalico CatTue Jul 23 1991 11:572
    The x-ray detector is FINE. But I've learned my lesson...
10.923CARTUN::NOONANLife happens. sigh.Tue Jul 23 1991 12:449
    E Grace
10.924BOMBE::HEATHERI collect heartsTue Jul 23 1991 12:485
    Major Hugs Debbi - Never be afraid to ask - They feel great!
    {{{{{HUGS}}}}}  {{{{{HUGS}}}}}  {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
10.925Hugs hugs and more hugs...BSS::VANFLEETTime for a cool change...Tue Jul 23 1991 13:487
Hugs to Debbi and to Lynn.  I know how you're feeling, Lynn.  My Dad is
slated for a heart transplant as soon as they can find one big enough 
for him.  Meanwhile, he may die waiting.  We just don't know.  And we 
won't know when until it happens.  He carries a pager 24 hours a day. 

10.926<<<<< warm hugs >>>>>CASCRT::LUSTHugs - food for the soulTue Jul 23 1991 15:204
    Hugs to all who need them - especially 'Ren, Lynn, Debbi, and Nanci.
10.929SMURF::SMURF::BINDERSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisWed Jul 24 1991 12:004
    Hugs, 'ren, for your feeling oppressed enough to have to leave
10.930BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sthey say there's peace in sleepWed Jul 24 1991 14:357
    'ren, my sympathies.  it's awful to be hounded out of a place you want
    to be, to be rejected there.  I can only think it sad, for it sounds
    like they are rejecting your self, that they see you as opposed to what
    they want, what they believe.
    take a breather, and have some hugs -- Sara
10.931THANK YOU! - The hug therapy must have worked!:-)BOOVX1::MANDILELynne - a.k.a. Her Royal HighnessWed Jul 24 1991 16:288
    Heart surgery on my F-I-L has been postponed until
    further testing is done.( Docs are leaning towards
    a blockage, rather than disease, now!)
    Hugs to you all!
10.932BOMBE::HEATHERI collect heartsWed Jul 24 1991 16:347
    Great Lynne - Here's a few more hugs to keep things moving in the right
    {{{HUGS}}}  {{{HUGS}}}  {{{HUGS}}}  {{{HUGS}}}  {{{HUGS}}}!!
10.934CARTUN::NOONANI've *had* better lives!Thu Jul 25 1991 02:2618
10.935CSC32::M_EVANSThu Jul 25 1991 11:256
    Please take this hug, and use it for yourself before you pass it on. 
    This hug really does understand as it has been there.
10.936Hugs EBOMBE::HEATHERI collect heartsThu Jul 25 1991 11:356
    Major Hugs E......Wish I could do more.  Take care.
    {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}}
    {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}}
10.937BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sthey say there's peace in sleepThu Jul 25 1991 11:386
    wish I could deliver the hugs in person
10.938GNUVAX::BOBBITTdivided sky...the wind blows highThu Jul 25 1991 11:518
    and more to come, always
    for E
10.939CGVAX2::CONNELLCHAOS IS GREAT.Thu Jul 25 1991 12:107
    It's time to send some special hugs to the one who gives so much of
    herself to others. One who is free with her hugs, her caring, a kind
    word, and whatever help she is capable of offering. 
    E, special hugs to you. We all LOVE you.
10.940BUSY::KATZComing From a Different PlaceThu Jul 25 1991 12:159
    E needs hugs?  Well, let's see...got some here somewhere...
    Ah! here we go!
    love n' stuff,
10.941SMURF::SMURF::BINDERSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisThu Jul 25 1991 12:203
    Hugs, E.
10.942When in RomeNECSC::BARBER_MINGOExclusivityThu Jul 25 1991 13:065
    TLC-and support when you need it.
    A potpourri scented all encompasing, non-judgemental, broad shouldered, 
    substantaial hug to all of you.
10.943KVETCH::paradisMusic, Sex, and CookiesThu Jul 25 1991 13:349
*lotsa* big {{huggs}} for E!!

Anyone else who needs one?  I've got a 2-for-1 special today... seems
I've gotten so many lately I don't know where to put them all... gotta
give 'em away somehow 8-)

[and another extra-special {hug} for E ]

10.944NOATAK::BLAZEKof eros and of dustThu Jul 25 1991 14:587
    Gentle, sincere hugs, E.
10.945WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesThu Jul 25 1991 15:246
    Warm hugs to E
    and lots of them
10.947GUESS::DERAMOduly notedThu Jul 25 1991 15:493
        Warmest hugs to you, E.
10.948Trying this out...TLE::SOULEThe elephant is wearing quiet clothes.Thu Jul 25 1991 15:5912

When my 10-year old daughter was  much younger and she learned about
"blowing kisses", she invented "blowing hugs".  So, not having been
introduced and not wishing to be too forward, I will (whhhhhh) blow 
you my hug.

I know something about the kind of situation you are in.  Make use of
whatever "ear" you find willing and sympathetic for venting, complaining,
or whatever.  It helps.

10.949BSS::VANFLEETTime for a cool change...Thu Jul 25 1991 16:575
E - 

Soft, comforting hugs

10.950CSC32::DUBOISSister of SapphoThu Jul 25 1991 17:0738
To E Grace, and all those who need them:

         Love, Carol

        hug                        hug     hug                        hug
         hug                    hug           hug                    hug
           hug              hug         *         hug              hug
              hug      hug            *   *            hug      hug
                  hug                * HUG *                hug
             hug       hug            *   *            hug       hug
        hug                 hug         *         hug                 hug
    hug                         hug           hug                         hug
 hug                               hug     hug                               hug
hug                                  hug hug                                  hu
ug                                     hug                                     h
                                     hug hug
                                   hug     hug 
                                  hug       hug
            hug                  hug         hug                  hug
       hug       hug            hug    HUG    hug            hug       hug
   hug               hug       hug             hug       hug               hug
 hug                    hug     hug           hug     hug                    hug
hug                       hug    hug         hug    hug                       hu
ug                          hug   hug  hug  hug   hug                          h
                             hug     hug hug     hug
                              hug   hug   hug   hug
                                 hug         hug
10.951Major hugs, ESMURF::CALIPH::binderSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisThu Jul 25 1991 17:565
I remember when my mother died.  It was awful.  You havn't got anything
to apologize for; it's about time you accepted some of the support you
give so freely to us who love you.  Hugs.

10.952BUSY::KATZComing From a Different PlaceFri Jul 26 1991 11:057
    *hugs*  Cheyenne...
    safe, friendly, fuzzy ones...
10.953BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sthey say there's peace in sleepFri Jul 26 1991 12:303
    I send love to cheyenne, who always sends it to us.
10.954hugs are so importantKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideFri Jul 26 1991 12:4618
    A Minneapolis hug to E.
    Healing love to Cheyenne....
    Could I have some hugs?  I am suffering from severe human touch and hug
    withdrawal.  I have been in Minneapolis since Sunday, and really miss
    hugs.  I usually get hugs and kisses and cuddles every day from my
    I can understand why babies who don't receive love and affection don't
10.955KVETCH::paradisMusic, Sex, and CookiesFri Jul 26 1991 12:517

Always willing to oblige 8-)  Lotsa bigg {huggs} for you!

Plenty more where that came from, for anyone else who needs them!

10.956CARTUN::NOONANI've *had* better lives!Fri Jul 26 1991 13:1820
    		(oh, you kids are going to LOVE this one!.....I need 
    		 approximately 1 Sagen of you to.dfdf jfirehvhifdidhfa;
    		 sigh......may I continue....(*8.....I need ~1 Sagen of
    		 you to wing out to Minneapolis....Yes, I know...Be A Hug,
    		 See The World.....anyway, I want you all over Kim, 'cuz
    		 she's got no one to hug her out there.....don't cry...
    		 you're going to help her...*POPPPPPP*1/4 Sagen*.......
    		 *****PPPPOPPPPPPP*******1/2 Sagen*********pop*hug*pop*
    		 Okay, are you all comfortable?....Here's the node....off
    		 you go.............)
    aaaahhhhh......*finally*!  Some ROOM in my cube!  Thank you, Kim!
    E Grace 
10.957I'll take a kilosagen to go, pleaseTLE::DBANG::carrollA woman full of fireFri Jul 26 1991 13:233
So, E, exactly how many hugs in a Sagen?

10.958*B*illions and *B*illions, of course! (*8 CARTUN::NOONANI've *had* better lives!Fri Jul 26 1991 13:291
10.959CGVAX2::CONNELLCHAOS IS GREAT.Fri Jul 26 1991 13:376
    E, in your cube isn't it *E*illions and *E*illions. :-) More hugs to
    you to help fill it up again and because you belong to hugs. 
    And as always lots of hugs to anyone who needs them.
10.960muchas graciasKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideFri Jul 26 1991 13:554
    Thanks everyone who sent the hugs!  They are lifting me up and giving
    me what I need to make it to Sunday!
10.961HUGS package...BSS::VANFLEETTime for a cool change...Fri Jul 26 1991 16:0325
Kim - 

Here are some delayed hugs that you can pull out and use over the weekend!

       |                                                |
       |                                                |
       |                                                |
       |               HUGS                             |
       |                       HUGS                     |
       |                                                |
       |           HUGS                                 |
       |                             HUGS               |
       |                                                |
       |                                                |
       |                 HUGS                           |
       |                                                |
       |                                                |

I put 'em in a baggie for you in case you want to take them on the plane.

10.962fingers crossedLJOHUB::GONZALEZBooks, books, and more books!Mon Jul 29 1991 14:159
    Since this note suggests "an electronic HUG or other support" I am
    going to ask that you cross your fingers for me.
    I KNOW it will make it difficult to type. Sorry.
    Please, cross your fingers and send lucky successful vibes my way.
    More info later. Don't want to jinx anything.  :^)
10.963SMURF::CALIPH::binderSimplicitas gratia simplicitatisMon Jul 29 1991 15:4917

              .--.   .--.
              \   \ /   /
               \   \   /
                \   \ /
      .-. .-.   /\   \       .--
     |   |   |/   \   \    /   /|
      `-' `-'          |  /   |/
     |                 | /   /
     |                 |/   /
     |                     /
      \                   /
       |                _/
       |               |

10.964NOATAK::BLAZEKdeep in the wide, wide nightMon Jul 29 1991 16:093
    Hey, that's cool!
10.965i like it so much i'm stealin' it >;-)SA1794::CHARBONNDforget the miles, take stepsMon Jul 29 1991 16:302
    and it's not copyrighted so NOTES> extract cross.  ;-)
10.967WFOVX8::BAIRDsoftball senior circuit playerTue Jul 30 1991 08:1617
    	The >Hug Goddess< needs *hugs*???
    Sorry this is late (it's so hard to catch up!!)
    	Sending you the *sweetest, most sensetive **hugs** I can!!!
    Only wish I were there to give 'em in person.
    p.s.  Sagen Hugs---hahaha, great one!!!
    	anyway, 1 Sagen Hug to you and for all else who need it.
10.968Hugs EBOMBE::HEATHERI collect heartsTue Jul 30 1991 18:418
    Hugs going out to E.....Along with many warm thoughts and an ear if
    you need it.  I'm here.
    {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}}
    {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}}
    bright blessings,
10.969BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfeet of clayTue Jul 30 1991 18:415
    hugs for E, it makes me sad she needs them so these are gentle soft
    loving hugs
10.971GUESS::DERAMOduly notedTue Jul 30 1991 21:234
        more hugs for you E
10.972GNUVAX::QUIRIYLive from Hades!Wed Jul 31 1991 02:237
    do what you need to do, E
    I'd hold your hand if I could
    big hug,
10.973hugsOXNARD::HAYNESCharles HaynesWed Jul 31 1991 04:098
E - I don't normally do electronic hugs, but I'm 3000 miles
away, so this will have to do.

You have my sincere sympathy. I hope you're getting lots of
emotional support from those close to you.

	Take care of yourself,
	-- Charles
10.975Hugs BrianBOMBE::HEATHERI collect heartsWed Jul 31 1991 12:307
    Many hugs Brian.  Gentle soothing hugs.
    {{{HUGS}}} (Oops a rowdy one slipped in!)  Take care.
    bright blessings,
10.976hope it's legible...BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfeet of clayWed Jul 31 1991 12:395
    hughugg           hug
    hug  hug  hug            hug     hug
    hughug    hughug  hug  hug hug   hughugg
    hug  hug  hug     hug  hug hug   hug  hug
    hughugg   hug     hug    hug  g  hug  hug
10.977CARTUN::NOONANI'm *on it*?!?!?!Wed Jul 31 1991 13:443
    many healing hugs, Brian.
    E Grace
10.978BSS::VANFLEETTime for a cool change...Wed Jul 31 1991 14:103
Hugs to you, Brian.

10.979To all who need them....BOOVX2::MANDILELynne - a.k.a. Her Royal HighnessWed Jul 31 1991 14:5011
10.980CALS::MALINGMirthquake!Wed Jul 31 1991 14:536
    I can't resist the chance of giving you a hug, Brian.
    I hope it helps.
10.981LJOHUB::GONZALEZBooks, books, and more books!Wed Jul 31 1991 22:353
    Hugs, warm and fuzzy and soothing.
10.984Hugs SaraBOMBE::HEATHERI collect heartsFri Aug 09 1991 13:528
    Hugs, Sara.....Sick kids are no fun at all, and you feel so bad for
    them!  Here's wishing this will break soon for you.  Many hugs!
    Hugs also for anyone else who needs or would like them.
    bright blessings,
10.985CARTUN::NOONANDing Dong...Avon callingFri Aug 09 1991 13:554
    Excuse me Sara, but may I send some hugs over to play with your little
    boys bedsheets?
    E Grace
10.986My 8yr old was sick last week on brothers b-dayKAHALA::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideFri Aug 09 1991 13:5511
    Mega mega hugs, Sara....About a year ago, there's an entry
    in my journal, a single word:
    My two boys were sick!  I look back at that and nod my head once in 
    a while....your note reminded me.
10.988sick kids make your heart hurtBENONI::JIMCillegitimi non insectusFri Aug 09 1991 16:0619
    Hugs, Sara.  MegaHugs.  I've graduated to a different set of "problems
    with children" but I remember what you are going through.  Tepid baths
    to reduce fever are heartbreaking to give.  I felt so useless and it
    hurt me to feel as if I was making my kid feel worse, not better.  
    Another time, Jen had to get stitches in her forehead.  She called me
    some things I didn't even know a person could be called (she was ~5).
    She still remembers and appreciates my being there and holding her down
    instead of a stranger.
    More hugs, it  WILL get better.  
    Do you need a break?  If we are not too far apart, I would be glad to
    help you this weekend.  Sometimes it just helps to be able to get away
    for a few minutes.  (I live in Ipswich, MA)  Ignore this if you are not
    comfortable with the idea.
10.989BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfeet of clayFri Aug 09 1991 20:149
    thanks all for all the hugs.
    I *think* he's getting better.  His temp is below 100, for the first
    time in a week (including all the time he's been on tylenol).  And he
    feels well enough to be pesty.  Sure sign.  :-)
    jimc, you think Ipswich Ma is *close* to Burlington Vt???  :-)  I
    appreciate the offer, truely, but I think it's something over 3 hours!
    (even for me, & I fly low.)
10.990RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingMon Aug 12 1991 09:226
    Here's a hug for Cheyenne's roommate!!
    (sorry, had to say it.)
    Alice T.
10.992ZFC::deramoI'll be back.Tue Aug 13 1991 02:045
E, here are more hugs for you.


10.993GNUVAX::BOBBITTYup! Yup! Yup!Tue Aug 13 1991 03:408
    a flock o hugs for E
    may they console her, and hide in her hair, and whisper comfort when
    she needs it most.
10.994SA1794::CHARBONNDrevenge of the jalapenosTue Aug 13 1991 09:204
    and here's a few more, E. 
10.996BUSY::KATZOut is InTue Aug 13 1991 11:163
10.997megahugs EBENONI::JIMCillegitimi non insectusTue Aug 13 1991 12:166
    warm fuzzy hugs E
    whenever you need 'em
    whenever you want 'em
10.999BTOVT::THIGPEN_SungleTue Aug 13 1991 14:524
    hugs and handholding and love for you, E
10.1000GNUVAX::BOBBITTYup! Yup! Yup!Tue Aug 13 1991 15:005
    more hugs for E
10.1001CGVAX2::CONNELLCHAOS IS GREAT.Tue Aug 13 1991 15:083
    Hugs and Love and as much support as you need E Grace. 
10.1002Never can get enoughMRED::SMALLERDress in blackTue Aug 13 1991 15:204
    A long, caring hug for you E Grace.
10.1003GWYNED::WALKERDancing on JelloTue Aug 13 1991 16:327
Ohhhh.....  Here are some gentle hugs for E.

...and a few to tuck in your pocket,


10.1004ATSE::FLAHERTYEnlighten up!!Tue Aug 13 1991 17:067
    E, was glad I had a chance to give you hugs in person last night,
    but here are many more electronic hugs sent with love.
    Take care,
10.1005mmmmmmmppppfffffMR4DEC::HETRICKTue Aug 13 1991 17:482
    hugs, E...as many as you can take..
10.1006BUSY::KATZOut is InWed Aug 14 1991 15:553
    many safe hugs for the anonymous people in note 971.
10.1007through blurry eyesMR4DEC::HETRICKWed Aug 14 1991 16:495
    Yes, Daniel, many more hugs for the anonymous people, and many more for
    you, and Justine, and everyone else who talked about their experiences
    there.   And if you have any left, could I have some too?
10.1008in all seriousnessJURAN::TEASDALEWed Aug 14 1991 16:513
    one giant hug for mankind..womankind...animalkind...bivalvekind...
10.1009BTOVT::THIGPEN_SungleWed Aug 14 1991 17:235
    well I just can't find it in me to hug a bivalve.  I'd put it back in
    the water, mind you, if I found it high and dry but hugs is asking too
    hugs to all of us, for all that hurts, for all the hurting.
10.1010BUSY::KATZOut is InWed Aug 14 1991 17:233
    *hugs* cheryl...
    did you have to ask? :-)
10.1011GNUVAX::BOBBITTso wired I could broadcast...Wed Aug 14 1991 17:324
10.1012H*U*G****MR4DEC::HETRICKPMC '91!!!!!Wed Aug 14 1991 17:413
    ooooh jody...you're so generous!
10.1013BUSY::KATZOut is InWed Aug 14 1991 18:265
    re: .1011
    :-)  and capable of doing it too!
10.1014"only connect" ... yes, but to what?RUTLND::JOHNSTONruby slippers, emerald eyesWed Aug 14 1991 18:323
    feeling fragile, and very alone
10.1015here, AnnieGNUVAX::BOBBITTso wired I could broadcast...Wed Aug 14 1991 18:4215
    oooh, gossamer hugwebs tendril softly out 
    across miles
    climbing clouds
    to reach you
    nestle in your hair
    dance amongst your fingers
    anchoring you gently
    yet firmly
    to someone who cares....
10.1016BUSY::KATZOut is InWed Aug 14 1991 19:201
    *hugs*  Annie
10.1017KVETCH::paradisMusic, Sex, and CookiesWed Aug 14 1991 20:216
Gentle {{huggs}} for Annie...

I'm feeling generous today... there's plenty left over for anyone else who
needs 'em 8-)  If you can't use it now, take one for the road...

10.1018BSS::VANFLEETTime for a cool change...Wed Aug 14 1991 20:253
Hugs to Annie because she's blue and to Jody because you're you!

10.1019WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesThu Aug 15 1991 11:423
    Many more hugs Annie
10.1020BTOVT::THIGPEN_SungleThu Aug 15 1991 12:337
    late hugs for Annie -- or did you feel them winging through the air to
    you anyway?  :-)
    and many gentle hugs for jc.  Hope you find what you need quick.
10.1022I wish I had a teleporterRDGENG::LIBRARYunconventional conventionalistFri Aug 16 1991 14:215
    RE. 969.22
    And here's a hug for you, too, E! I'd like to know you.
    Alice T.
10.1023BOMBE::HEATHERI collect heartsTue Aug 20 1991 12:557
    Hugs to E, Annie, Carol, and anyone else I may have missed while I was
    out last week....Many loving, supportive hugs.
    Hugs to Cheyenne even though she hasn't asked here....
    bright blessings,
10.1024a long hard road..KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideThu Aug 22 1991 14:535
    BIG BIG BIG HUGS to Jimc...
    hang in there
10.1025VIDSYS::PARENTPanic on your time, not mineThu Aug 22 1991 15:446


   Be good to you to,
10.1026WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesThu Aug 22 1991 15:513
    Hugs to JimC and also to Allison
10.1027BUSY::KATZRenaissance DudeFri Aug 23 1991 11:3911
    lots of ))))HUGS(((( of every shape, color, size, intensity and
    duration for the wommannoters...it's been a wonderful and fun summer. 
    Thanks for listening and for all the support.  I'll miss you.
    peace, love and chocolate chip cookies,
    p.s. )))) W O R L D H U G S ((((
10.1028I love this note topicBENONI::JIMCillegitimi non insectusFri Aug 23 1991 12:577
    Thanks y'all, I needed those.  Hugs back.
    Ain't it wonderful, a hug is one of those gifts you can give and
    receive at the same instant (at least in person 8-)  .
    More hugs and thanks ever so much.
10.1029BUBBLY::LEIGHcan't change the wind, just the sailsSat Aug 24 1991 04:053
    At last I'm doing a job I really like.
    But it's lonely.
    Can I have a hug to keep me company?
10.1030doncha just hate working weekends?SA1794::CHARBONNDrevenge of the jalapenosSat Aug 24 1991 11:335
    rrrrrRRRRRRrrrrr (siren wail)
    Sorry we're late just got the call.
10.1031CARTUN::NOONANHot CoffeeSun Aug 25 1991 21:437
    Hi, Bob.
    Here is a Sagen of hugs.  OOOOOPPPSSSSSS!   (*8   Now they are all over
    your office, and there is no room for *you*!  Better go home.
    E Grace
10.1032I hope this helpsBENONI::JIMCKnight of the Woeful CountenanceTue Aug 27 1991 17:309
    OOOOOh Terza, ouch, itch,.
    I'm sending you a bottle full of gentle calamine hugs.  Smear 'em on.
    I hope you feel better soon.
    And, for HRH, some more gentle hugs.
    8-)  ((((hug))))
10.1033BTOVT::THIGPEN_Stangled upWed Aug 28 1991 13:171
    gentle loving big-sister hugs for E.
10.1034BSS::VANFLEETTime for a cool change...Wed Aug 28 1991 18:445
Bob - 

Big bear-hugs from Emily and me!

10.1035BOOVX1::MANDILEHer Royal HighnessWed Aug 28 1991 18:553
    Hugs to all who need them....
10.1036hugMR4DEC::HETRICKPMC '91!!!!!Fri Aug 30 1991 17:211
    hugs, PJ   I hope your mother is ok.
10.1038CARTUN::NOONANDay 2 of the hug hostage crisisFri Aug 30 1991 17:453
    I hope everything works out well for everyone who is in crisis.
    E Grace
10.1039Don't squeeze the ribs! (-;BOOVX1::MANDILEHer Royal HighnessTue Sep 03 1991 12:526
    A gentle hug to my friend who fell off while out 
    horsebackriding with me Sunday.....the ribs were 
    badly bruised, but thankfully, not cracked/broken
    as we first feared.  
10.1041Hug neededICS::MCDONOUGHSThu Sep 05 1991 12:184
    I suffer from depression, and the last few days have been feeling lower
    than a worm's belly.  Could I please have a hug?
10.1042You're a good person; you've earned it.REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Thu Sep 05 1991 12:527
    Of course.  Here's one.  Notice how it starts out very gentle, and
    works itself smoothly up to quite firm?  And then stays there as long
    as you need it?
    						Ann B.
10.1043WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesThu Sep 05 1991 12:595
    Hugs to Susan
    and also to E Grace
10.1044WAHOO::LEVESQUEHungry mouths are waiting...Thu Sep 05 1991 13:131
 E hugs to E. %^(
10.1045BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsThu Sep 05 1991 13:184
oh Susan, I've been there. I *know*.  Many warm and soothing hugs.  Take heart,
it can get better, it will get better.

10.1046BOMBE::HEATHERI collect heartsThu Sep 05 1991 14:257
    Hugs Susan!  Many warm, gentle hugs.
    Hugs E.....Sister, Friend....Many, many hugs.
    bright blessings,
10.1048BUBBLY::LEIGHstill got the radioThu Sep 05 1991 15:071
    Squishy bearhugs to Susan and E!
10.1049ZFC::deramo...til they come back aroundThu Sep 05 1991 15:513
Warm, gentle hugs to Susan.

10.1050CALS::MALINGWhere there's a will there's a wallThu Sep 05 1991 17:084
    Hugs Susan, you only asked for one and look how many you got.  They
    just multiply so fast!
10.1051BOOVX1::MANDILELynne Mandile a.k.a. HRHThu Sep 05 1991 18:596
        H    U    G   S   !!!!!!!
10.1052WFOV11::BAIRDIwonderifIcouldbeyourmiracle?Fri Sep 06 1991 06:229
    Hug therapy coming your way, Susan.  **HUG**
    I've been there too.
    And E---multiple hugs,  I'm saving some special ones for October. :-}
10.1053SCARGO::CONNELLCHAOS IS GREAT.Fri Sep 06 1991 12:464
    Major hugs Susan. Suffering depression myself, I know and comiserate
    and care.
10.1055KVETCH::paradisMusic, Sex, and CookiesFri Sep 06 1991 14:029
Big hugs for Susan and PJ... I've been there too...

And I'll even send a hug to E, even though it'll probably be taken hostage 8-)
I know it'll be well cared-for, and one of these days I *WILL* see it
again! 8-) 8-) 8-)

Hugs for anyone else who needs/wants one too!  (Feeling generous today)

10.1056Wanted: Someone to CareCSC32::DUBOISSister of SapphoFri Sep 06 1991 17:068
Okay.  Since so many of you people are admitting that you have piles of hugs
sitting around, I am breaking down and asking for some.  It's been a rough
time for me these last several months, and I could use lots of hugs, spread
over time, if you have the hugs and the time to spare. 


10.1057SCARGO::CONNELLCHAOS IS GREAT.Fri Sep 06 1991 17:1713
    E, hugs to you. Don't save them and take care of them. USE THEM!!!
    Sorry, carried away.
    Carol, special hugs to you. I only got one real one from you at the 5th
    party, but it was real nice. I don't have piles of hugs sitting around.
    Mine are created spontaneously as the need arises. It's an automatic
    process that works on the same principles as the flotation tank. It
    never breaks down and will always be there and no matter how many are
    used, there will always be more. So, I'll put the hug machine on cruise
    control and attach your name to it for the duration of your current
    need and then 10 more when the need is filled, just because.
10.1058WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesFri Sep 06 1991 17:244
    special, special hugs to you Carol, you are a dear and precious
10.1059BUBBLY::LEIGHstill got the radioFri Sep 06 1991 17:371
    Hugs to you, PJ and Carol.
10.1060BLUMON::GUGELmarriage:nothing down,lifetime to payFri Sep 06 1991 17:415
    Carol, I want to hug you in person.
    In notes, you seem a very huggable type.
    I want to hug little Evan too (again, in person).
10.1061hugs, carolLJOHUB::GONZALEZIn a Sirius moodFri Sep 06 1991 17:553
    Big warm hugs, Carol.  With lots and lots of energy in them.
10.1062WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesFri Sep 06 1991 17:595
    Carol gives *excellant* hugs in person!
10.1063BOMBE::HEATHERMy heart's in tattersFri Sep 06 1991 18:024
    Many hugs Carol, hang in there!
    bright blessings,
10.1064a hug to a wonderful huggerTLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireFri Sep 06 1991 18:504
    Oh, Carol, major hugs!
    D! who recieved one of the most amazing wet-slippery-hugs she's every
       recieved from Carol!!
10.1065BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsFri Sep 06 1991 19:275
D!, oh is THAT where they came from!  :-)

Carol, hope it gets better soon.  (((hugs)))

10.1066BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsFri Sep 06 1991 19:327
and oh yes

Kath, hordes of hugs, I hope it all goes well for you.

And hugs to L.J.

10.1067WFOV11::BAIRDIwonderifIcouldbeyourmiracle?Sat Sep 07 1991 03:5010
    	Lots and lots of warm, caring **hugs**!!
    What goes around, comes around. (maybe that should go in the rules
10.1068Me too?RIPPLE::KENNEDY_KAEasy Does ItSat Sep 07 1991 04:554
    If there are any spare hugs laying around, I sure could use some. 
    Going through some very painful things right now.  Thanks!
10.1069At least when they're not hugging:-)BUBBLY::LEIGHstill got the radioSat Sep 07 1991 12:473
    Karen, here's a bunch of warm, caring hugs.
    (They whispered to me:  "Tell her hugs don't lie around, they scurry!")
10.1070:-)RIPPLE::KENNEDY_KAEasy Does ItSat Sep 07 1991 23:045
    re -1
    :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
    I hope these help, Karen.  You may have a little trouble untangling
    them, though!
    		(okay, now, first things first....I need some
    		 nice clean hugs for Karen.....djkafj;fdif...no, I 
    		 think sober, dignified ones are in order......hmmmmm...
    		 I don't seem to see any dignified hugs!  {heeheehhee}
    		 stop giggling, cutie!....okay, then how 'bout we just
    		 send a *whole**bunch* of hullies...djfo;dfjja;hj;aev
    		 okay, is everyone in?  Off you go, one at a time!)
    *hullies :== silly hugs
10.1072WFOV11::BAIRDIwonderifIcouldbeyourmiracle?Mon Sep 09 1991 02:0814
    	Sure Karen, you can have *lots* of hugs--now that E has released
    *hughughughughughughug* X 10\10  (that's ten to the tenth!)
    That should be enough to get you through, for now.
10.1073WFOV11::BAIRDIwonderifIcouldbeyourmiracle?Mon Sep 09 1991 02:1314
    	Speaking of hugs, I could use *one or two* for being really
    idiotic and spraining my left ankle today!!!
    	I wouldn't mind if I had done it at my softball picnic yesterday,
    playing volleyball!!  But  nnoooo!  I had to do it going down a flight
    of stairs!  Missed the last step!  Klutzo strikes again!
    (Maybe I should have put this in the IHIW note??)
10.1074HUGS!RIPPLE::KENNEDY_KAEasy Does ItMon Sep 09 1991 02:186
    Here's some hugs for you.  I'll share all of the wonderful ones I've
    received!!  And give lots of my own!   
10.1075BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsMon Sep 09 1991 11:288
huggs, Debbi.  From one who knows.  I did the same thing but I was carrying an
infant at the time -- one *always* saves the baby (he didn't even cry) -- and
so I not only sprained my ankle, I also injured myself such that I now know the
TRUE origin of the expression "pain in the a$$".

Sorry to hear you missed the volleyball game!

10.1076BUBBLY::LEIGHstill got the radioMon Sep 09 1991 11:385
    Here're some hugs for Debbi.
    (And remember, we're _all_ klutzos at times!)
10.1077BOMBE::HEATHERMy heart's in tattersMon Sep 09 1991 12:294
    Many hugs Debbi!!!!  Take care of yourself.
    bright blessings,
10.1078They need a place to stay1KAHALA::CAMPBELL_KShe's laughing insideMon Sep 09 1991 12:365
    Debbie, Karen and Carol
    The hug posse is coming your way, all the way from Hug City!
10.1079NOATAK::BLAZEKbanishing the wolfwitchMon Sep 09 1991 14:298
    Karen -- if you crawl into my shoulder bag, I'll hug you all
    the way to Europe!  =8-)
    And special sisterhood hugs to Carol and Debbi . . .
10.1081Yipppeee!!!RDGENG::LIBRARYProsp Long and LiverMon Sep 09 1991 15:574
    Thanks cheyenne, you'd missed me! (not that I'd asked for one, of
    course, but I've got one now!)
    Alice T.
10.1083Dream big dreams. Then achieve them.RDGENG::LIBRARYProsp Long and LiverMon Sep 09 1991 17:116
    Thanks, cheyenne, I'd just finished typing 1005.18 when I read that,
    and they felt _so_ apt!!
    Alice T.
    PS. I wish I knew you and everybody.
10.1084me too?HARDY::BUNNELLMon Sep 09 1991 17:456
    can...um..please could I have some hugs? I had PMS so bad yesterday
    that I am surprized the house is still standing! 8-{ 
    I pushed everyone away yesterday when what I really needed was everyone
    to be near me :(.
10.1086BUBBLY::LEIGHstill got the radioMon Sep 09 1991 18:125
    Hannah, yes, you too.
    (isn't it hard to push away a hug when it sneaks up on you like that?)
10.1087MR4DEC::HETRICKPMC '91!!!!!Mon Sep 09 1991 18:336
    oh, sure, of *course* you can have hugs! (i'm suffering from pms,
    too... my poor SO must still be suffering from one of yesterday's
    attacks....NOONE offers me helpful advice when i have pms, and I mean
10.1088RIPPLE::KENNEDY_KAEasy Does ItMon Sep 09 1991 19:4610
    Here are some extra special hugs for you!  I know what you mean! :-}
    Really?   Really?  You mean you really forgive me for that crack in the
    other conference and I can still stow away????????????? ;^)   Thanks
    for the hugs!
10.1089BOMBE::HEATHERMy heart's in tattersMon Sep 09 1991 20:004
    Hugs Hannah....Hope they help!
    bright blessings,
10.1090MR4DEC::EGNOONANmarshmallows and black leatherTue Sep 10 1991 00:5111
    		wwwhhhheeeeeeeeeeee.......(oh oh, they got away from me!)
    E Grace
10.1091MR4DEC::EGNOONANmarshmallows and black leatherTue Sep 10 1991 00:536
    booboo hugs for Debbi!
    E Grace (not EG!)
10.1092Thanks 8*))))))HARDY::BUNNELLTue Sep 10 1991 14:012
    thank you all for the hugs! they really help!
10.1093GNUVAX::BOBBITTon the wings of maybe...Tue Sep 10 1991 14:195
    excess hugs to B
    hang tough!  you can make it!
10.1094sucker for punishment...WFOV12::BAIRDIwonderifIcouldbeyourmiracle?Wed Sep 11 1991 04:517
    Thanks to all who sent hugs!  My ankle is *much* better!  Must have
    been all that *hug energy*!
    Now, I need to get in shape to play v-ball for our DEC league! :-)
10.1095Thanks all, well done!LJOHUB::GONZALEZsets the stars on fireWed Sep 11 1991 18:4713
    Way back in .962 I asked you all to cross your fingers and send me
    lucky successful vibes.
    Well, you all musta done a great job, cause I start my new job Monday.
    I am ceasing to be a software technical writer and moving on to
    development project leader for PATHWORKS for Macintosh client and
    server.  I am now an engineer!  Bye bye CUIP.  The official word went
    out in both groups today.
10.1096WAHOO::LEVESQUEHell Bent for LeatherWed Sep 11 1991 19:201
 Hugs for Sara.
10.1097PARTY TIMELJOHUB::LBELLIVEAUThu Sep 12 1991 12:494
    re: .1095 Margaret
10.1098ESBTRX::DUNNEFri Sep 13 1991 17:467
    Yeah, Margaret! I wanted to send you mail to ask you what was
    happening, but since you hadn't put anything in here I thought
    that maybe you knew and the answer was not positive. I am *so*
    happy for you. I have really prayed for this outcome.
10.1099WFOV11::BAIRDIwonderifIcouldbeyourmiracle?Sat Sep 14 1991 07:497
    Hugs to Kathy, hope things work out for you.
    *HuG*  *HuG*
10.1100This .x00's for you! :)CSC32::CONLONShe wants to live in the Rockies...Sat Sep 14 1991 23:363
    	Many hugs to Dan D'Eramo!!  :-)
10.1101re .x00, :-)ZFC::deramoI'd call that a big &quot;yes&quot;!Sun Sep 15 1991 00:213
Gee, I guess I'm famous.

10.1102SCARGO::CONNELLHOMon Sep 16 1991 14:587
    Need some hugs. Last Friday it was confirmed that my mother has breast
    cancer. We still don't know what the doctor's are going to do. She has
    an appointment for surgery next Monday, but she sees a specialist on
    Wednesday and he may decide to go another route. It's the waiting that
10.1103LEZAH::BOBBITTwalking towards paradiseMon Sep 16 1991 15:016
    ooooh, PJ, support hugs for you and mom.
    Patience, faith, and a stalwart belief that miracles *do* happen.
10.1104MR4DEC::EGNOONANLady of the RainbowMon Sep 16 1991 15:089
    E Grace
10.1105This hits closeBOMBE::HEATHERHeartbeats on the windMon Sep 16 1991 15:099
    Major Hugs PJ.  My favorite Aunt just went through this and is now on
    her last few months of chemo.  She is doing really well for what that
    is worth.  My mother also had breast cancer when she was younger, so I
    know what you are going through.  I'm here if you'd like to talk.  Take
    care....And Jody is right, *miracles*  do happen.
    bright blessings,
10.1106suddenly I've lost the words I need.RDGENG::LIBRARYoook!Mon Sep 16 1991 15:139
    HugHugHugHugHugHugHug, PJ.
    best wishes to you and your Mum.
    I wonder how I would feel in that situation. Hearing your plight makes
    me feel so guilty at the bad feelings I have towards my Mum. (If anyone
    can tell me offline how to stop hating her I'd appreciate it.)
    Alice T.
10.1107BOOVX2::MANDILEI love readin' &amp; ridin'Mon Sep 16 1991 15:483
    Hugs, PJ!
10.1108SMURF::CALIPH::binderAs magnificent as thatMon Sep 16 1991 15:555
Big hugs, PJ.

Concentrate on believing it's beatable.

10.1109WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesMon Sep 16 1991 15:563
    Hugs from me also PJ
10.1111CGVAX2::CONNELLHOMon Sep 16 1991 18:3817
    Thank you all for the hugs, both here and off line. I know she'll beat
    this with the love of tthe family and friends she has. I am, however,
    still scared and as childish as this might sound, this my Mommy I'm
    talking about and the little boy in me is very much afraid, but ever
    hopeful. I can see that she's scared too and this amazes and frightens
    me some, because I never saw her scared. It's the little things she
    does now. Like talking about church and God. She was never a real
    religious person although she always had faith. While listening to
    Justine on the radio yesterday, she said how Justine's voice was a real
    gift from God. This isn't her. 
    I'll stop rambling now.
    Again thank you and I love you all,
10.1112I'm not sure if this is a hug request or a hug response...BUBBLY::LEIGHeight poundsTue Sep 17 1991 00:1119
    This is _TOO_ close to home for me.
    After my mother got her first mammogram for ~15 years, the results were
    suspected DCIS.  This was around the end of August.  Since then, she's
    gotten a second and a third opinion so far.  A biopsy is scheduled for
    Monday 9/23.
    And if she's scared, she's not admitting it, at least not to me.
    I agree with you:  the waiting is the hardest part.  And I'm not
    _ready_ to even think about losing her!
    Many, many hugs, PJ.  Keep me posted on how your mother's doing.
    (DCIS = ductal carcinoma in situ)
10.1113RIPPLE::KENNEDY_KAThis does pass....doesn't it?Tue Sep 17 1991 02:066
    PJ,  Many warm, big hugs to you!!!
    Bob, here's a few more for you!!!!
10.1114BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsTue Sep 17 1991 12:181
hugs of sympathy and support, PJ.
10.1115GNUVAX::BOBBITTwalking towards paradiseTue Sep 17 1991 12:395
    hugs of joy and hope for Tara!
10.1116I don't know what to do.RDGENG::LIBRARYoook!Tue Sep 17 1991 16:125
    I need a hug.
    For the first time ever, Garrick just hung up on me.
    Alice T.
10.1117comin' up!KVETCH::paradisMusic, Sex, and CookiesTue Sep 17 1991 16:1610

heeeere ya go!  {hugg!!!!}

{hug} {hug} {hug}

Ooops... a few more slipped out while I wasn't looking.  Well, keep them...
sounds like you need them ALL!

10.1118Yippppeee!!!!RDGENG::LIBRARYoook!Tue Sep 17 1991 16:238
    I just phoned him back, and, without saying, "Hello, it's Alice", I
    just said, "I'm sorry, please forgive me" and he said "Yes of course, I
    was just about to call to say that to you. But I'm glad you called
    because I couldn't find the number." So I gave him the number.
    Alice T.
10.1119WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesTue Sep 17 1991 17:345
    Hugs to you Alice..
    and I could use a few myself today, it has been a weird day..
10.1121WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesTue Sep 17 1991 18:153
    Hugs back to you Janice..
    and many of time....
10.1122BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsTue Sep 17 1991 18:4316
    Alice, Bonnie, Janice -- I have just discovered a covey of hugs left
    over from E's delivery last .... waitaminit .... they are all indignant
    now, they say they are NOT leftovers, thankyouverymuch, but are the
    "dignified descendants of the original delectable delivery" -- yes,
    that's a direct quote; you may judge it for yourselves!  But they say
    they wish to be economical with disk space, so they are piggybacking
    HH  HH  UU  UU  GG
    HHHHHH  UU  UU  GG  GGG     
    HH  HH  UU  UU  GG   GG
10.1123CGVAX2::CONNELLShivers and TearsTue Sep 17 1991 19:379
    Alice T., Bonnie, Janice major hugs to you and to all that have helped
    me through a rough spot that's not over yet. 
    This morning I sat through a 4 hour AIDS education seminar. Very
    graphic in some respects, no punches pulled whatsoever. The lst hour or
    so of it was spent in a talk show style dialog with 2 HIV+ people.
    Kinda puts things in perspective.
    PJ(Who's still scared, but realizes that we all have our troubles)
10.1124Feeling like Santa today!KVETCH::paradisMusic, Sex, and CookiesTue Sep 17 1991 20:3523
Hey, I've got hugs stashed everywhere!  Never know when you might need to
find one on short notice!

Bonnie, here ya go! {hug} {hug} {hug}!  I know's the feeling... it's been
weird day... no week... er year... oh hell, it's been a weird LIFE for me!

Who's next?  Janice!  It's been an awful week?  B-b-but it's only
TUESDAY!  Oh, I see..........  well, plenty for you, too! {hug} {hug} {hug}!!

PJ - I get the feeling you could use a couple too... {hug} {hug} {hug}
I know's what you mean about AIDS... it's one of those things that we
tend to shy away from, 'cause if we face it square-on it'll damn near
drive us insane thinking about it!  Congrats for having done just

Did I miss anyone?  Oh well, I'll just throw the rest out into the crowd
and see who catches one!  Cheers!

hug                 hug      hug            hug                       hug
           hug                     hug        hug      hug        hug        hug
     hug          hug         hug         hug      hug          hug      hug
hug           hug         hug         hug                  hug             hug

10.1125SMURF::SMURF::BINDERAs magnificent as thatTue Sep 17 1991 23:4623
    Hugs to them that needs 'em.  I'm feeling pretty blessed so far this
    week, and I can spare some of the multitude I've been stashing around
    this place...okay, out of that drawer you go, be gentle, all of you,
    these people are fragile.
    Goodness, one very large one got out...
    HUG     GHUG     GHU     UGHU     UGHUGH       GHUGHUGHU      GHUGH
    HUG     GHUG     GHUGHUG      HUGHUGHUGH          GHUGH       GHUGH
10.1126BUBBLY::LEIGHeight poundsWed Sep 18 1991 00:291
    Here are hugs for Bonnie and PJ and Janice and Alice!
10.1127Who ya gonna call.......Sadbusters !!!JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Wed Sep 18 1991 06:319
    Alice, 24 hours late but here's a few huggeroonies for achieving
    another unwanted first !  Hugs to everyone else who nedds 'em as well.
    Jerome who just given his first hugs.
10.1128CUPMK::CASSINIs being normal normal?Wed Sep 18 1991 12:323
    *Mmm*!  Thanks for the hugs, everyone!!  Things are going better today.
10.1129Hugs!BOMBE::HEATHERHeartbeats on the windWed Sep 18 1991 12:588
    Hugs Bonnie, Janice and Alice....Better late than never!
    How about a few nice furry kitten hugs to get up your noses?
    bright blessings,
10.1130WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesWed Sep 18 1991 13:1410
    Thanks Heather ;-)
    today is *much* better..
    :-) beam
10.1132I feel sickRDGENG::LIBRARYoook!Thu Sep 19 1991 10:297
    Thanks a lot everyone, but now I need another one, as I've just lost my
    first ever S2020 file.
    Alice T. (BOO HOO !!!)
10.1133derJUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Thu Sep 19 1991 10:488
    Alice,  'scuse my ignorance, but what's an S2020 file ? Hugs anyway.
    PS - All these unwanted firsts, have you upset the Gods or something ?
10.1134RDGENG::LIBRARYoook!Thu Sep 19 1991 11:124
    S2020 is a spreadsheet application. The file I had was the Library's
    budget tracking file.
    Alice T.
10.1135SMURF::CALIPH::binderAs magnificent as thatThu Sep 19 1991 11:307
Hugs, Alice!

If this isn't too inappropriate, could you start using DECalc instead
of S2020?  From my experience, DECalc is a little harder to use but
offers much better protection against zorching a file.

10.1136ESBTRX::DUNNEThu Sep 19 1991 19:094
    Hugs to Rob on the loss of your cat. I have a cat, too, so I can
    imagine how you feel. Hope she will come back.
10.1137for all who need themMR4DEC::EGNOONANif woman still survives....Thu Sep 19 1991 20:4829
    Hi everyone.  I haven't been able to get in here much lately, and my
    hugs are irritable about it.  Of course, they may also be irritable
    because they have to wear suits to work now   (*8   but I'm not sure. 
    Anyway, they are all standing here, QuakerStaring at me, and tapping
    their little.....whatevers, insisting that some people need them, and
    that I had just better get with the program, (does that about cover
    it?...yes?...okay), so here are a bunch of hugs:
    			(okay, in you gosdnadfhahfnafhfhughughughughughug
                        g......alright?  am I forgiven now?....thank you)
    E Grace
10.1138WFOV11::BAIRDIwonderifIcouldbeyourmiracle?Fri Sep 20 1991 04:0310
    Thank you, E!!  You always know when to give me a smile!  :-)
    Hugs to all that need them...
    HUGS x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10....
    There, is that enough??
10.1139This HUG'S for You...BOOTKY::MARCUSGood Planets Are Hard To FindFri Sep 20 1991 13:0616

What a supreme drag!  No one should have to endure two in a row...especially having
anticipation knocked out...SOooooooo, this one's for you....


10.1140Wayward Feline ReturnsFRAMBO::HARRAHNota Bene Mon Sep 23 1991 08:1111
        Mucho thanx, Eileen.  Mac (the Malevolent Mouser of Muehlhausen)
    returned late last night, after a total absence of 5 days .  He was
    bedraggled, half-starved, seems to have been in a couple of fights. . . 
    	But, at least he came home.  Is he exhibiting typical tom-cat
    behavior here, or what ? ? ? ? ?
    					-rob in frankfurt
10.1141SET MODE=HUMORESBTRX::DUNNEMon Sep 23 1991 15:513
    Glad to hear it, Rob. Maybe it's testosterone poisoning?
10.1142hugs & a questionFSOA::DJANCAITISQue sera, seraMon Sep 23 1991 20:2817
moderators, can you help me out here ??  I read something wonderful, relating
a catalogue (something you can actually buy), so I can't tell if there's a
copyright name or trademark on it !!!!!!!    I'd love to enter the words in
here, if it's "ok" with all of you, so can you let me know ?!?!?

In the meantime,  MEGA_HUGS to all, especially PJ [notes .1102, .1111)- I lost 
my mom 18 years ago to a different type of cancer and still feel it AND fear it
for myself - hang in there and think good thoughts the best you can.

And, if anyone's got the time, I could use a few hugs myself !!   !

Debbi J

10.1143sigh, I missed y'allBENONI::JIMCKnight of the Woeful CountenanceMon Sep 23 1991 20:5414
    I've missed this note the most in the last 3 weeks.  Both the giving
    and the receiving.  When I started catching up I noticed that Alice T.
    and Janice both gave very subtle hints that a hug would be awful nice
    but they weren't ready to flat out say it.  Then they did (Oh happy
    day 8-) and got them.  I'm going to try to remember to watch for notes
    of the type "here's a hug for you, I really know the feeling right now"
    which is a pretty subtle, plea for hugs but sure looks like one to me.
    Anyway, from me to all those who needed them, requested or just wished,
    I send my biggest, gentlest, safest, warmest hugs (you know, the kind
    that make my sister and my daughter cry from feeling so good).  
    As for me, if life gets to be much more of a mess, they're gonna put
    me in a jacket that makes me hug myself 8-{  .   
10.1145RIPPLE::KENNEDY_KARocketed to a 4th DimensionTue Sep 24 1991 00:533
    here are some more hugs jimc......
10.1146MR4DEC::EGNOONANButterfly nets? VW's? Patchouli?!Tue Sep 24 1991 01:248
    oh, jimc?
    E Grace
10.1147re 13.1768RDGENG::LIBRARYSSSsssshhhhhh!!!!!!Tue Sep 24 1991 10:5510
    Hugs to you, Jimc.
    I feel sorry that this is all I can give you.
    Even though I've never been in your situation, I really feel for you
    all the same.
    Alice T.
    PS thanks for the hugs you sent me.
10.1148BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsTue Sep 24 1991 11:242
hugs for jimc.  even if this is the right thing to do for you now, I'm sure
it's no fun.  helping hugs ...
10.1149WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesTue Sep 24 1991 11:598
    Hugs Debbi J
    and don't forget to stop off at my office the next time you are in
    Hugs JimC also!
10.1150HUG HUG HUGJUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Tue Sep 24 1991 12:529
    I felt pretty rotten spliting up with my girlfriend, so splitting up 
    with your wife must be pretty bad, let alone the loss of your father-
    in-law who's so special to you. I hope you manage to work something out 
    wrt to still seeing him as usual.
    All my best wishes and hugs.
10.1151hugs, too.TERZA::ZANEfor who you areTue Sep 24 1991 12:566
   Hang in there, jimc.  Take care of yourself.


10.1152VIDSYS::PARENTKit of parts, no glueTue Sep 24 1991 13:006
    Jimc, stay with it. It can get better.

10.1153BSS::VANFLEETUncommon WomanTue Sep 24 1991 13:425
Jim -

Hugs from Em and me!

10.1154"It's wondrous what a hug can do....."FSOA::DJANCAITISQue sera, seraTue Sep 24 1991 15:3059
for all you "huggers" out here......in the 1991 Holiday Catalog from Current,
there's a 4"x9" laminated "Toppers"(tm) called "Hugs"....it goes like this :

[ writer's note : the following is on the left side of card] 

"	It's wondrous what a hug can do.
	A hug can cheer you when you're blue.
	A hug can say "I love you so."
	or "Gee, I hate to see you go."

	A hug is "Welcome back again!"
	and "Great to see you!" or
	"Where've you been?"
	A hug can soothe a small child's pain
	and bring a rainbow after rain.

	The hug! There's just no doubt about it,
	we scarcely could survive with it,
	A hug delights and warms and charms,
	it must be why God gave us arms.		"

[writer's note : In the center of the card is a bear with arms open wide, 
overhead says "hugs * hugs * hugs in a halfcircle and hearts]

[on the right side of card]

"	Hugs are great for fathers and mothers,
	sweet for sisters, swell for brothers.
	And chances are some favorite aunts
	love them more than potted plants.

	Kittens crave them, puppies love them.
	Heads of state are not above them.
	A hug can break the language barrier
	and make the dullest day seem merrier.

	No need to fret about the store of 'em,
	the more you give, the more
	there are of 'em.

	So stretch those arms without delay
	and give someone a hug today				"
So for all you huggers out there, the above is my 


to you today ! :-)

[For those of you who don't know what Current is, it's a mail service to get
all kinds of wrapping paper, cards, stationery, as well as unique types of 
cards, plaques, keychains, magnets, etc, including stuff for kids or to be
used by kids (like cards).  The prices are really reasonable, I find the stuff
to be good_to_great quality and they give "price breaks" - if you buy X number
of items, they cost price #1; if you buy Y number of items, use price 2; if
you buy Z number of items, use lowest price # 3. - Price 3 for the above
item is $1.95 !!!!]

Debbi J  
10.1155BOMBE::HEATHERHeartbeats on the windTue Sep 24 1991 15:495
    Hugs jimc....I know things look pretty bleak right now, they will get
    better.  Take care of yourself.
    bright blessings,
10.1156BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsWed Sep 25 1991 00:258
    don't be silly.
    cheyenne, gentle hugs and I hope your foot doesn't hurt too much.
10.1157Maybe Tom Cruise is visiting her for the weekend???LRCSNL::WALESDavid from Down-underWed Sep 25 1991 02:359
    Major hugs to Cheyenne!  I can't image what it would have been to have
    my trip cancelled at the last minute.
    Take it easy hop-a-long (sorry, couldn't resist)
10.1158CGVAX2::CONNELLShivers and TearsWed Sep 25 1991 09:555
    Major HHHHHHUUUUUUUGGGGGGGSSSSSSSSSS to Cheyenne. Heal fast, gentle
    spirit. Listen to the Women of Note/Justine Sullivan tape that I sent.
    That'll help the healing in a major way. Healing Light, my friend.
10.1159WMOIS::REINKE_Bbread and rosesWed Sep 25 1991 11:361
    Hugs and more hugs cheyenne...
10.1160Hugs Chey!BOMBE::HEATHERHeartbeats on the windWed Sep 25 1991 12:236
    Major hugs and kisses Chey.....I know it hurts.  Mad at you, *how*
    could we be mad at *you*!  Take care of yourself my friend, you're
    pretty special you know.  Hugs...Hugs...Hugs!
    bright blessings,
10.1161TALLIS::PARADISMusic, Sex, and CookiesWed Sep 25 1991 13:158
    Big {{huggz}} for Cheyenne!
    Meanwhile, I could use some hugz myself... it's been a bad week for us,
    and on top of that Cheyenne is the SECOND person I've REALLY wanted to
    meet who had to cancel a trip to the GMA on short notice 8-(
10.1162Hugs JimBOMBE::HEATHERHeartbeats on the windWed Sep 25 1991 15:337
    Big Hugs Jim....Sorry you're down.  Take care of yourself.
    {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}}
    {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}}!!!!!!
    bright blessings,
10.1163Mommy, I have a temp....BOOVX2::MANDILELynne a.k.a. HRHThu Sep 26 1991 14:227
    I need gentle hugs.....(I'll cough if they are too hard! )-8)
    Three days out of work with Asthmatic Bronchitis, (cough, cough,
    wheeze, wheeze, sputter, squeek, cough...) and the work is piling
    up, and I'm still not well...
10.1164REGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Thu Sep 26 1991 14:586
    Here's some gentle little hugs, that will keep the coughs from getting
    too big and painful.
    						Ann B.
10.1165BTOVT::THIGPEN_Scold nights, northern lightsThu Sep 26 1991 15:264
oh Lynne, I *always* want my Mommy when I'm sick!  Here are gentle Mommy hugs
now (I'm qualified to give'em and receive'em nowadays).

10.1166TALLIS::PARADISMusic, Sex, and CookiesThu Sep 26 1991 15:285
    I'm hardly the Queen Mother, but I think I can spare a gentle hug
    or two for Her Majesty 8-)
10.1167LEZAH::BOBBITTtwo strange peas from...Fri Sep 27 1991 16:087
    gentle hugs, an elevated pillow, and a soft, gentle back rub to loosen
    up the muscles that clench when you inhale all you canand *still* don't
    get enough air.
10.1168DENVER::DOROFri Sep 27 1991 17:525
    Hugs for Jimc and Lynne... gentle ones, supportive ones, and strong
10.1169losing a pet is losing a family memberBENONI::JIMCKnight of the Woeful CountenanceWed Oct 02 1991 11:301
    I'm sorry to hear about your pet Lynne.  Special hugs by the bushel.
10.1170BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sfeet of clay, all the wayWed Oct 02 1991 11:423
ditto-hugs, Lynne.  I hate losing a family pet.

10.1171TERZA::ZANEfor who you areWed Oct 02 1991 12:016
    Hugs to Lynn.  It's awful to lose a friend...


10.1172MR4DEC::EGNOONANLife's a hand-me-down broom...Wed Oct 02 1991 12:1014
    Did you know that one of the special properties of hugs is that they
    make a grave a nice place for a pet to be?  Ahh...you *didn't* know
    that, did you?  You thought hugs only went to the nicer places!  Well,
    I have a ton o' hugs that want to stand honor guard for your pet, so
    will you please show them the way? 
    Sometimes they get a little confused about their config.exe
    E Grace
10.1173BOMBE::HEATHERHeartbeats on the windWed Oct 02 1991 13:517
    Hugs Lynne, it's horrible to lose a loved one....I know how very
    wonderful you are with your pets, so I know you did everything you
    could for your pet, and I know your pet lived a full and happy life.
    Take care.  Special, soft hugs to you.
    bright blessings,
10.1174It's helped so much...BOOVX1::MANDILELynne a.k.a. HRHWed Oct 02 1991 15:172
    Thanks for all the hugs & sympathy notes both here and
    offline.....It's helping me smile through my tears...(-8
10.1175TERZA::ZANEfor who you areWed Oct 02 1991 16:232
    Hugs to E!  A broken molar is no fun...  :^(
10.1176and I hate dentistsBENONI::JIMCKnight of the Woeful CountenanceWed Oct 02 1991 16:573
    yeowch!  E  hugs
    jimc  (the hugamaniac ;-)
10.1177BOOVX2::MANDILELynne a.k.a. HRHWed Oct 02 1991 18:123
    Hugs, E!  
    I'm a dentist coward....
10.1178CGVAX2::CONNELLShivers and TearsWed Oct 02 1991 18:373
    Special pain eliminating hugs to E! I'm a dental coward also.
10.1179MR4DEC::EGNOONANLife's a hand-me-down broom...Wed Oct 02 1991 20:1811
    Thank you all.  However, I found the most wonderful dentist, and at one
    of those store-front type offices, too!  
    He didn't insist on giving me a crown, for $580.00.  He said that a
    patch would probably work fine, since I have good teeth and there was
    no more decay.
    So I now have a new dentist!  I didn't even need to get a local
    anesthetic, he only drilled in the old filling.
    E Grace
10.1180WFOV11::BAIRDholster, hat, tux...all set!Thu Oct 03 1991 03:0814
    	Lucky you!!  Hugs anyway, E Grace!  I know how it feels, I have two
    more appoinments for my on going _root canal_, the 2nd in less than a 
    	Lynne, hugs to you too.  My five furry ones send their condolences
    too, even if they don't know what it means.
    Hugs all,
10.1181The Nurse's place is closed, too! AAAAAAAhhhhhhh!RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingThu Oct 03 1991 12:3910
    I need a hug and I need it fast.
    In my rush to work this morning I forgot that today was _the_ day of
    the month to bring my painkillers with me to work.
    Right now, I feel I'm going to explode.
    Alice T.
    (who, despite discomfort, loves periods - I think I'll put that in
    "True Confessions")
10.1182GNUVAX::BOBBITTso wired I could broadcast....Thu Oct 03 1991 12:448
    HUGS!  and more hugs!
    is there anyone in your site who you could ask for some ibuprofen or
10.1183And then the bloody Vaxmate screamed at me.RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingThu Oct 03 1991 12:505
    There is Ibuprofen available, yes, but I've been told by a doctor that
    it counteracts the contraceptive I'm on. The painkillers I was
    prescribed are Ponstan.
    Alice T.
10.1184CGVAX2::CONNELLShivers and TearsThu Oct 03 1991 14:155
    Hugs Alice T. The only good thing about pain is that it stops. Hope
    yours does real soon and will think of you to get it to stop. So look
    for some trans-Atlantic energy coming over. :-)
10.1185if the pain goes soon, I won't take a tablet and I can drinktonightRDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingThu Oct 03 1991 14:2412
    Thanks for the hugs, peeps.
    Yes the discomfort generally goes after a few hours.
    Someone give me some chocolate!!!!!
    someone give me some coffee!!!!!!!!
    I don't know how I'm going to get home on the bike - I can hardly
    stand, I'm so faint.
    Alice T.
    (who's just put the kettle on)
10.1186BOOVX1::MANDILELynne a.k.a. HRHThu Oct 03 1991 14:441
    Hugs, Alice T.!
10.1187I'd have gone home to get the tablet by now if I couldRDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingThu Oct 03 1991 14:496
    the pain/discomfort's mostly gone, but I still feel feverish and weak -
    standing up is going to be a problem.
    Alice T.
10.1188Hugs Alice T.BOMBE::HEATHERHeartbeats on the windThu Oct 03 1991 14:569
    More Hugs Alice T!  Sorry you're still not up to par.  Is there someone
    who can get you home so you don't have to risk it on your own?  Or that
    can at least follow you to be sure you get there safely?  I get that
    way when I have migraines, and the offers of rides home when the
    headache is blinding or a tail to make sure I at least get there has
    been very comforting.  Take care of yourself!  Hugs...Hugs...Hugs!
    bright blessings,
10.1189if anyone out there is in REO, I need company!RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingThu Oct 03 1991 15:005
    I just mailed someone and asked for some company. I hate being on my
    own when I'm like this. I miss Garrick. He's so understanding at times
    like these.
    Alice T.
10.1190WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Thu Oct 03 1991 15:221
    More Hugs Alice...
10.1191Jerome's gone home, too. hmph!RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingThu Oct 03 1991 15:256
    Thanks a million.
    I think the person I mailed must have gone home. It's that time now.
    I'll try phoning him, but I doubt he's in.
    Alice T.
10.1192FSOA::DJANCAITISQue sera, seraFri Oct 04 1991 15:3810
	hugs needed please....really feeling low......should be happy
	that the house is *almost* finally mine but hating the fact
	that the only way I got it was by Dad dying....I still miss him
	so much..............

Debbi J
10.1193BOOVX1::MANDILELynne a.k.a. HRHFri Oct 04 1991 15:411
    Hugs, Debbi!
10.1194MR4DEC::EGNOONANMy life is one of those daysFri Oct 04 1991 15:423
    many many many hugs, Debbi.  I know *exactly* how you feel.
    E Grace
10.1195WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Fri Oct 04 1991 15:471
    Hugs Debbi, many hugs, 
10.1196RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingFri Oct 04 1991 15:494
    Hugs, Debbi.
    Alice T.
10.1197HugsBOMBE::HEATHERHeartbeats on the windFri Oct 04 1991 15:554
    Many, many hugs Debbi....
    bright blessings,
10.1198TALLIS::PARADISMusic, Sex, and CookiesFri Oct 04 1991 16:447
    Big hugs, Debbi....
    I haven't lost anyone *really* close to me yet... and I'm not quite
    sure what I'll do when that happens......
10.1199hugsCSC32::M_EVANSFri Oct 04 1991 16:486
    Hugs Debbi,
    From another who has been there.  
    Honest you will always miss him, but the major hurt calms to a throb
    after a while.
10.1200FDCV06::KINGCan't think of anything clever.......Fri Oct 04 1991 16:584
    Some one has to get it....
10.1201BUBBLY::LEIGHGone flatFri Oct 04 1991 17:042
    Many warm hugs, Debbi.  I know the kind of pain you're talking about.
    Nothing but time makes it easier.
10.1202TERZA::ZANEfor who you areFri Oct 04 1991 17:331
     Many warm hugs.  Take care, Debbi.  -- Terza
10.1203BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa good dog and some treesFri Oct 04 1991 17:352
hugs from me too Debbi.  I've only had the Dad-scare, not the reality.  That
was bad enough.  Bring up the happy memories, in them will he always be there.
10.1204SMURF::SMURF::BINDERAs magnificent as thatFri Oct 04 1991 17:557
    Hugs, DEbbi.
    When my dad died, I was in the hospital myself, recovering from
    surgery.  The impact was lost on me.  When my friend Nestor died, I
    just about lostit for a while.
10.1205CGVAX2::CONNELLShivers and TearsFri Oct 04 1991 18:4723
    Hugs Debbi, more now then ever. You sent me mail today on my mom and
    here you are hurting more then I can possibly. You are a very special
    person. Special caring warm consoling and grateful hugs for you.
    I know that I've used more then my share of hugs here this week, but I
    have to ask again. Mom's pathologist report came back and they didn't
    get all the cancer. She had that scared voice agian when she told me.
    Doctor said that on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being worst case, she had a
    1.75. They'll discuss treatment next week. I hate this.
10.1206yLITE::M_EVANSFri Oct 04 1991 18:515
    Oh PJ, Ick! and lots of hugs for you and your mother.
    Hang in there.
10.1207FSOA::DJANCAITISQue sera, seraFri Oct 04 1991 18:568

	hugs to you and your mom......I know how much you and she both
	must hate this, but be grateful that you ARE doing something
	about it.....

	hoping for the best, lots of hugs,
	Debbi J
10.1208Oh PJ!BOMBE::HEATHERHeartbeats on the windFri Oct 04 1991 19:2810
    Hugs PJ - You still have my number - Call if you need to - I'll be
    at the Hollis number tonight and tomorrow until around 11, after
    that I'll be at the Hillsborough number if the sun is out.  Please
    take care of yourself, and give your Mother some hugs from me as
    well.....Let her know of my Aunt, who has had Chemo and is doing
    just fine if that might help.  She could call me as well if she
    wanted and it would help.  Many, many hugs PJ.
    bright blessings,
10.1209BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa good dog and some treesFri Oct 04 1991 20:471
10.1210WFOV11::BAIRDholster, hat, tux...all set!Sat Oct 05 1991 06:2111
    Hugs to PJ.   HugHUGhug
    And from DebbiB to DebbiJ...
    Lots of ((hugs))!!
    Debbi B!  (Too many Debs in the world!!)
10.1211WFOV11::BAIRDholster, hat, tux...all set!Sat Oct 05 1991 06:259
    Ok, I know I'm tired...
    even *I* didn't like the way I ended the note! (but had already hit the
    key!)  I *really* meant that the _name_ Deb (whatever version) was 
    *entirely* too popular around the time I was born!!  We all have to
    resort to nicknames or such!
    There, I feel better!
10.1212MR4DEC::EGNOONANimaginative prudeSat Oct 05 1991 15:2611
    Debbi, sweetie!   That's what it sounded like!  Not to worry!
    PJ, there is no finite number of hugs that a person is allowed to
    request - they are not rationed.  Please askaskaskaskask!
    E Grace
10.1213Hugs all aroundREGENT::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Mon Oct 07 1991 00:186
    Oh dear, oh dear.
    Hugs for you, and for you, and for you, and (even though you haven't
    asked for them, but I can tell) for you.
    						Ann B.
10.1214WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Mon Oct 07 1991 10:503
    I need a hug this morning...
10.1215Hugs BonnieBOMBE::HEATHERHeartbeats on the windMon Oct 07 1991 10:545
    Major, Major Hugs Bonnie! 
    bright blessings,
10.1216BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa good dog and some treesMon Oct 07 1991 10:574
Bonnie, three chillion hugs are zinging their way 'cross the wires-n-fibres
toward you -- brace yourself!

and here are a few more hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug
10.1217FSOA::DJANCAITISQue sera, seraMon Oct 07 1991 11:438
	lots of hugs, Bonnie......if you need someone to call, you know
	how to reach me !

	Debbi J

    P.S. to Debbi "B" - I knew what you meant !!!!!    

10.1218SMURF::CALIPH::binderAs magnificent as thatMon Oct 07 1991 11:584
Multitudinous hugs, Bonnie, each one fully aware of precisely how hard
to apply itself

10.1219SUPER HAMP-HUGS for an admired lady!NUPE::HAMPTONZipperphobia? *Button* Your Fly!Mon Oct 07 1991 12:3087
HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG                             HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG
    HUG HUG HUG HUG                                     HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG                                     HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG               HAMP                  HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG 				        HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG 				        HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG                                     HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG                                     HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG                                     HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG               HAMP                  HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG                                     HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG                                     HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG                                     HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG                                     HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG               HAMP                  HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG                                     HUG HUG HUG HUG 
HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG                             HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG
HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG                             HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG 

HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG                             HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG 
HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG                             HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG               HAMP                  HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG                                     HUG HUG HUG HUG 
        HUG HUG HUG                                     HUG HUG HUG 
            HUG HUG HUG                             HUG HUG HUG
                    HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG 

                    HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG 
            HUG HUG HUG                             HUG HUG HUG 
        HUG HUG HUG                                     HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG               HAMP                  HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG               HAMP
    HUG HUG HUG HUG               HAMP
    HUG HUG HUG HUG                                 HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG    
    HUG HUG HUG HUG                                 HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG               HAMP                  HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG                                     HUG HUG HUG HUG 
    HUG HUG HUG HUG                                     HUG HUG HUG HUG    
        HUG HUG HUG               HAMP                  HUG HUG HUG      
            HUG HUG HUG                             HUG HUG HUG  
                    HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG

                                HUG HUG 
                            HUG HUG HUG HUG 
                            HUG HUG HUG HUG 
                            HUG HUG HUG HUG      
                            HUG HUG HUG HUG 
                            HUG HUG HUG HUG 
                            HUG HUG HUG HUG 
                            HUG HUG HUG HUG
                            HUG HUG HUG HUG 
                            HUG HUG HUG HUG 
                            HUG HUG HUG HUG 
                            HUG HUG HUG HUG 
                                HUG HUG 

                                HUG HUG 
                            HUG HUG HUG HUG 
                            HUG HUG HUG HUG 
                            HUG HUG HUG HUG 
                            HUG HUG HUG HUG 
                                HUG HUG
10.1220TALLIS::PARADISMusic, Sex, and CookiesMon Oct 07 1991 12:3013
    Big {huggz} for bonnie!
    [I don't care WHAT they say in "the other notesfile" about HUG notes;
    *I* still think they're the greatest!]
    		..hug  (oops... an extra one slipped out!  No prob; you can
    			keep it!  Need any more?  plenty where that came
10.1221I wish I could do more to ease your painBENONI::JIMCKnight of the Woeful CountenanceMon Oct 07 1991 18:061
    Special hugs for Debbi and PJ and Bonnie.  
10.1222publihugsTLE::DBANG::carrollA woman full of fireMon Oct 07 1991 18:293
Hugs to E, who doesn't always ask for what she needs.

10.1223WFOV11::BAIRDholster, hat, tux...all set!Tue Oct 08 1991 03:1011
    	Yes!  Hugs to E for comforting a distressed friend, what you do 
    for one, you do for -and from- all of us.
    Hugs for Bonnie and all else who need them, too!
    Debbi B
10.1224Hugs E!BOMBE::HEATHERHearts on FireTue Oct 08 1991 11:165
    More hugs E!  {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}}!
    And a few of those kitten hugs you are so fond of! Purrhug..purriphug!
    bright blessings,
10.1225MSBCS::HETRICKyou be me for awhileWed Oct 09 1991 14:163
    I could really use a hug today.  Someone who I thought was a friend let
    it be known that they have no interest in my friendship, and it hurts.
10.1226Does the ex-friend read here ?JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Wed Oct 09 1991 14:219
    Have a few band aid hugs from me. Seems a pretty nasty thing to have
10.1228WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Wed Oct 09 1991 14:293
    Hugs Cheryl!
10.1229MR4DEC::EGNOONANThe world is my oyster....Wed Oct 09 1991 14:5434
    E Grace
10.1230BOMBE::HEATHERHearts on FireWed Oct 09 1991 15:016
    Many hugs Cheryl,
      Are you in BXB?  I'm in LTN....If you want, I could stop over and
    give you one in person! ;-)  Hang in there, take care of yourself.
    bright blessings,
10.1231More hugs needed !JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Wed Oct 09 1991 15:136
    Can someone give some hugs to Alice T.  She needs a couple
    right now (just to make you 100% better Alice). I'm exempt 
    'cos I gave her a real hug. 
10.1232BOOVX2::MANDILELynne a.k.a. HRHWed Oct 09 1991 15:263
    Hugs to Cheryl & Alice T.!
    Her Royalness
10.1233BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa good dog and some treesWed Oct 09 1991 15:336
ouch, Cheryl, I know how that hurts.  soothing, gentle hugs.

Alice, hugs travel soooo fast that the extra distance over water is not
noticable - hugs!

10.1234TERZA::ZANEfor who you areWed Oct 09 1991 16:178
   Lots of hugs to SKIVT::L_BURKE for having the courage to tell her story.

   You deserve more, much more love than you're getting in your life.


10.1235WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Wed Oct 09 1991 16:423
    More hugs from me to L_Burke
10.1236{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}} BSS::VANFLEETWake up and Dream!Wed Oct 09 1991 17:183
Hugs to Cheryl and Alice T.

10.1237I need a hugBUBBLY::LEIGHGone flatWed Oct 09 1991 17:234
    My mother's surgery is scheduled for next Wednesday.  I'm trying to
    get ready to go be with her, but I'm still full of fear.
    And I'm realizing all over again that I can't hide from it.
10.1238BSS::VANFLEETWake up and Dream!Wed Oct 09 1991 17:307
Bob - 

Big Bear Hugs from me, Emily and Papa Teddy, Emily's biggest bear.  She
used to sleep in his fuzzy bear arms when she was a little younger so
I know he gives great hugs!  

10.1239WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Wed Oct 09 1991 17:315
    Hugs from me and from my little tiny teddy bear..
10.1240BOMBE::HEATHERHearts on FireWed Oct 09 1991 18:055
    Hugs Bob, and Alice T, and a few more for you Cheryl.  Hugs...Hugs..
    bright blessings,
10.1241SCARGO::CONNELLShivers and TearsWed Oct 09 1991 18:276
    Hugs to all who need them. Just some that have cloned off of all the
    wonderful hugs i have received over the last few weeks. Cheryl, to have
    that happen to you stinks on ice. Bob, Alice T, and all others you are
    special and you are loved. 
10.1242MSBCS::HETRICKyou be me for awhileWed Oct 09 1991 19:063
    thanks, everyone!  what a wonderful bunch of people you are!
    and more hugs back to you all....
10.1243SMURF::CALIPH::binderAs magnificent as thatThu Oct 10 1991 14:383
Bob, Oliver sends hugs.  Short arms, big heart.

10.1245WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Mon Oct 14 1991 16:163
    Hugs back Cheyenne, we *missed* you..
10.1246BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa good dog and some treesTue Oct 15 1991 10:256
Hugs to Cheyenne, I'm so glad you're better!

and many hugs to Tracy; thought you might like to see a few in the "right"
place -- before they escape!

10.1247MR4DEC::EGRACEFriend of SapphoTue Oct 15 1991 11:228
    Tracy, hughughughughughughug would you please hughughughughughughug
    take some of hughughughughughughughughughughughughughughughughug these
    off my hughughughughughugug hands for hughughughughughug me?!?!?!?!
    I'm drownin' in 'em!
    E Grace
10.1248not yelling, these are the extra-large variety!BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa good dog and some treesTue Oct 15 1991 22:571
10.1249and thanks for the mail, too, Carol.RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingWed Oct 16 1991 09:413
    Hugs from me too.
    Alice T.
10.1250Hugs, CarolLJOHUB::GODINWed Oct 16 1991 10:274
    Hugs to Carol Dubois.  Take strength in the knowledge that there are
    those who support you and your cause.
10.1251TERZA::ZANEfor who you areWed Oct 16 1991 11:563
     Hugs to Carol from me, too.  -- Terza

10.1252so many people to lean on AYOV27::TWASONWed Oct 16 1991 12:0918
    And also from me Carol - It really lifted me this morning to come in
    and read your note, well, it gave me a tear in my eye but also put a
    smile on my face.
    Thanks to everyone for the hugs etc.  I spet all day yesterday talking
    with Gran, smiling, laughing and reminiscing. Late evening she passed
    on - I wont say died or passed away cos' that makes it so final, but it
    isn't is it - well to some of us it isn't.  We can now take time to
    rest and be thankful that she is out of pain and although it seemed it,
    did not suffer for too long.
    I gave her a hug and a kiss and said goodnight (not goodbye) before I
    left - and I feel good for it.
    Anyway sorry for rambling, but THANKS I needed it.
    Tracy W
10.1253GNUVAX::BOBBITTValidation out the wazoo!Wed Oct 16 1991 12:1210
    ramble anytime Tracy....particularly when the rambling is so gentle and
    MORE hugs for Carol, the kind the fortify.
    We are all pioneers, and we are all taming wildernesses within and
10.1254WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Wed Oct 16 1991 13:013
    More hugs from me, CArol....
10.1255Hugs to spare on a rainy day in MA (())(())(())RDVAX::KALIKOWThen: Ruble; Now: Rubble!Wed Oct 16 1991 14:123
Hugs to my friend EGrace, and to Tracy, and to Carol, whose Gran just passed 
on...  I remember when both my beloved Grans passed away...  
Hugs to them too...
10.1256BOMBE::HEATHERHearts on FireWed Oct 16 1991 16:3515
    Many, Many Hugs Carol.  SOrry you feel so drained, though I *certainly*
    understand it!  Sending as many warm thoughts your way as I can
    possibly get on the net! ;-)
    Hugs Tracy - What a lovely note you put in - Your Grandmother must have
    been a *very* special person indeed to inspire such love.  You are
    lucky to have had the time with her you have.
    And.....Major Hugs to E......Sorry you're hurting....I *hate* when
    that happens to you - You are too special to have to go through what
    you do....Tell them all to *cut it out!*  Soft little kitten hugs to
    bright blessings,
10.1257BSS::VANFLEETWake up and Dream!Thu Oct 17 1991 16:104
Many supportive hugs to you, Carol.  Come by if you want the real 
thing.  :-)

10.125839527::DJANCAITISQue sera, seraFri Oct 18 1991 12:5910
	Oh, Tracy, my heart goes out to you.....I know how you must feel
	but I am SO glad for you that you got to spend the time with Gran,
	and got to talk, laugh, remember and give hugs/kisses before you
	left !!!

	As you said, it's good to know she's out of pain, and it's not
	the end but (to some of us) a new beginning in a new place.
	Lots of strong, sympathic hugs from someone who's been there,
	Debbi J
10.1259are there any more librarians out there?RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingFri Oct 18 1991 13:006
    Hug me, someone! I'm lonely.
    I was in a terrific mood this morning, but it seems to have worn off a
    bit because I'm on my own here and the place is dead!
    Alice T.
10.1260MR4DEC::EGRACEAutumn EroticismFri Oct 18 1991 13:0512
    Oh, alright, if you *insist*!   grump grump grump     (*8
    	Oh, I forgot, these are 'cuz you're lonely and it's too quiet.
    E Grace
10.1261we're here !!!!!!!1139527::DJANCAITISQue sera, seraFri Oct 18 1991 13:3413
      <<< Note 10.1259 by RDGENG::LIBRARY "A wild and an untamed thing" >>>
                 -< are there any more librarians out there? >-

>>    Hug me, someone! I'm lonely.
    Alice T., you're NEVER alone...you've got all your friends here in =wn=
    even tho' you can't see us !!!!!!!!

	Lots of hugs !!!

	Debbi J

10.1262there you are!RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingFri Oct 18 1991 13:435
    Thanks a million, peeps!
    I've got hundreds of friends trapped in this here computer!
    Alice the goon!
10.1263not looking forward to MondayCSCOAC::LANGDON_DEducation Cuts Never HealFri Oct 18 1991 16:5310
    I could use some hugs about now,,I'm taking Monday off to be with
    my wife while she has a biopsy done on her berasts. I've read
    (and shared with Barbara) the notes on breast cancer and they've
    helped,, but we're both still scared about what they may find  :-(
     gonna take a lot of the pleasure out of the coming weekend..
10.1264to those who need itCSC32::DUBOISLoveFri Oct 18 1991 16:5737

     hug           hug
   hug hug        hug
   hug  hug      hug
    hug hug      hug
        hug      hug
        hug      hug
        hug      hug
        hug      hug
        hug      hug
        hug      hug     hug   hug        hughug.
        hug      hug     hug   hug      hug    hug
        hug      hug     hug   hug     hug     hug
        hug      hug     hug   hug     hug     hug
        hug      hug     hug   hug    hug     hug
        hug      hug     hug   hug    hug     hug
       hug        hug    hug   hug   .hug     hug  hug
      hug          hughug   hug   hug  hughughughug
                                       hug hug
                                      hug  hug
                                     hug   hug
                                     hug  hug
10.1265BTOVT::THIGPEN_Sa good dog and some treesFri Oct 18 1991 17:151
    many hugs to you both -- and these last a week yknow
10.1266SCARGO::CONNELLShivers and TearsFri Oct 18 1991 17:2015
    Special hugs to Doug and his wife right now. Having just gone through
    this with my mother, I know some of what you are feeling. Love,
    blessings, healing thoughts to you now. The fear I've found is mostly
    of the unknown. Although my mother did have a breast removed, I found
    her most afraid when she didn't get a clear understanding of various
    Tkae care of Barbara and take care of yourself. If you'd like to talk,
    I can be reached here at 264-4697 or at home after 7:00 PM at
    (603)882-3266. NH. # I'll also be home most all weekend except for
    walks to the 7-11 to keep myself in soda and Hagen-Daaz. :-)
10.1267to those of you with DECWindows notes: oh well.MR4DEC::EGRACEAutumn EroticismFri Oct 18 1991 17:3194
10.1268Week long hugs....(-8BOOVX1::MANDILELynne a.k.a. HRHFri Oct 18 1991 17:535
     S       M       T        W         T       F        S
    hugs     hugs    hugs     hugs      hugs    hugs     hugs
10.126939527::DJANCAITISQue sera, seraFri Oct 18 1991 18:1913
    Lots of hugs to you, Doug - I sure can understand why you wouldn't
    be looking forward to Monday - most of us don't look forward to it
    anyway, but under these conditions >>>>>>>>> ugh !!

    My best wishes to you and your wife.  You'll both be in my prayers
    and thoughts between now and Monday.

	Warm, supportive hugs,
	Debbi J

10.1270We've been there too...RDVAX::KALIKOWNota Gratia ArguendoFri Oct 18 1991 18:434
Doug -- lotsa hugs for a bearable weekend and good news on Monday.  My wife & I
have suffered thru similar ordeals...

Warm Fuzzies (my personal reinterpretation of "Bright Blessings"), Dan
10.1271RDVAX::KALIKOWNota Gratia ArguendoMon Oct 21 1991 20:145
    Hugs to Doug and his wife Barbara...  Hang in, get the most expert
    opinions, hold onto each other...  
    Keep us posted so that the hugs delivered match the hugs needed!!
                                 HUGGA HUGGA!!
10.1272CGVAX2::CONNELLShivers and TearsTue Oct 22 1991 07:365
    Courage and faith Doug. They and the love you hold for each other are
    your most important weapons right now. You're both in my thoughts and
10.1273HYDRA::HEATHERHearts on FireTue Oct 22 1991 11:557
    Hugs Doug.  It's all very scary, I know, I've had scares myself and
    both my mother and a very close aunt have had masectomys....Call me if
    you need to talk - I'm at 226-6550.  Take care.  I'm sending all the
    hugs and best wishes I can muster!
    bright blessings,
10.1274MR4DEC::EGRACENever Another Coat Hanger!!Tue Oct 22 1991 16:266
    I prescribe hugs for The Doctah!
    E Grace
10.1275can I move to Alaska NOW?LAGUNA::THOMAS_TAkiss me, right out of this worldTue Oct 22 1991 17:319
    I have been trying not to ask but... I *really* *really* need hugs.
    I'm afraid to start crying because I will never stop.. the same
    goes for screaming.
    with love,
    cheyenne whose_really_really_really_*SCARED*
10.1276enlarges and multiplies on contactMR4DEC::EGRACENever Another Coat Hanger!!Tue Oct 22 1991 17:3219
    E Grace
10.1278VIDSYS::PARENTmy other life was differentTue Oct 22 1991 17:4310
                               -< For Cheyenne >-

   Sounds like you need a hug real soon.  Here's some until then.

10.1279WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Tue Oct 22 1991 17:583
    Major hugs Cheyenne....
10.1280MoreHYDRA::HEATHERHearts on FireTue Oct 22 1991 18:045
    Many many warm, soft friendly wolf hugs for you Cheyenne.....I know
    it's scary....I love you, you know.  Hugs...Hugs...Hugs...Hugs!!!!
    bright blessings,
10.1281Southern hugs to CheyenneCSCOAC::LANGDON_DEducation Cuts Never HealTue Oct 22 1991 18:236
       Warm southern hugs enroute via DECHUG network,,
       these HUGs have priority over ALL net traffic,
10.1282TALLIS::PARADISMusic, Sex, and CookiesTue Oct 22 1991 18:3512
    BIG, bigg {{{{{{{HUGGS}}}}}}} for Cheyenne!
    And if you DO move to Alaska, I'll give you the name and address of
    a friend of mine who lives in Anchorage who gives the **BEST**
    hugs I've ever had (she even give E a run for her money 8-) )
    [and for those of you who are about to ask what I think of my
    wife's hugs... well, this woman is my wife's best friend; the two of
    them are neck-and-neck... er, so to speak 8-) ]
10.1283more for cheyenneGNUVAX::BOBBITTpersistence of visionTue Oct 22 1991 18:549
    hugs and squeezles.
    and BEST wishes
    WHATC.....and what more is there?
10.1284I really do need a hugCAPITN::CORDES_JASet Apt./Cat_Max=3..uh,I mean 4Tue Oct 22 1991 19:008
    Can I have a hug?  I know I only pop in here occasionally and 
    usually only in the lighter topics but...
    I have to go to a rosary and funeral for my uncle tonight and 
    tomorrow morning and I could use a hug or two to brace myself
    for the next 24 hours so I can be there for my mom.
10.1285Double huggies!BOOVX1::MANDILELynne a.k.a. HRHTue Oct 22 1991 19:123
    Hugs to Cheyenne & Jan!
10.1286Hugs Jan!HYDRA::HEATHERHearts on FireTue Oct 22 1991 19:184
    Hugs Jan!  Ask anytime!
    bright blessings,
10.1287CGVAX2::CONNELLShivers and TearsTue Oct 22 1991 19:264
    gigantic monster triple squeezy super eternally lasting bestest of all
    hugs to Cheyenne and Jan.
10.1288WMOIS::REINKE_Ball I need is the air....Tue Oct 22 1991 19:343
    Hugs Jan!
10.1289MR4DEC::EGRACENever Another Coat Hanger!!Tue Oct 22 1991 19:5116
    Of course you may, Jan!
    oh, heck, here's another one!
    Someone gives *me* a run for the money, hunh Jim!  humph!
    E Grace
10.1290CAPITN::CORDES_JASet Apt./Cat_Max=3..uh,I mean 4Tue Oct 22 1991 20:173
    Thanks everso much, I really needed those.
10.1291LAGUNA::THOMAS_TAkiss me, right out of this worldTue Oct 22 1991 20:298
    thank you.  thank you X 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 ...
    It's not so scary now.  
    with love,
10.1292LAGUNA::THOMAS_TAkiss me, right out of this worldTue Oct 22 1991 20:304
    hugs for Jan.
    with love,
10.1293CAPITN::CORDES_JASet Apt./Cat_Max=3..uh,I mean 4Tue Oct 22 1991 21:093
    Hugs to you too, Cheyenne
10.1294HIGHD::ROGERSWed Oct 23 1991 01:185
    Mojave Desert hugs (warm and dry, even in the middle of winter) 
    to Cheyenne and Jan.
10.1295Tamara doesn't suffer from "straight woman hug" syndromeTLE::TLE::D_CARROLLA woman full of fireWed Oct 23 1991 01:408
    >[and for those of you who are about to ask what I think of my
    >wife's hugs... well, this woman is my wife's best friend; the two of
    >them are neck-and-neck... er, so to speak 8-) ]
    Well my my my!  I must say, your wife gives excellent hugs, so that's
    speaks well of her friend! :-)
10.1296TALLIS::PARADISMusic, Sex, and CookiesWed Oct 23 1991 02:257
    {{{hugs}}}, Jan!
    (here's some pets for the cats, too... stroke, stroke, purrrrrr...)
10.1297and to you, Jan!RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingWed Oct 23 1991 06:278
    Hugs to you, cheyenne! I'm on your side. I'm glad you're feeling a bit
    better now.
    Alice T.
    It never ceases to amaze me just how much good this conference can do.
    (I think I'll repeat that in the Thank you note!)
10.1298best of luck, kiddoRDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingWed Oct 23 1991 12:029
    Jerome needs a hug, everybody!
    Here's a load from me:
    	hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug
    Come round for a real one sometime, if you want.
    Alice T.
10.1299.. Wait!! Is this ::SOAPBOX?? Noo???? Sorry!!! :-)"RDVAX::KALIKOWNota Gratia ArguendoWed Oct 23 1991 12:144
Get a room

(But seriously Jerome, any friend of Alice's is a friend of mine...  Hope we
don't haveta miss you...  :-)
10.1300JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Wed Oct 23 1991 12:224
10.1301All hugs gratefully received.....JUMBLY::BATTERBEEJKinda lingers.....Wed Oct 23 1991 12:256
    >Get a room
10.1302LAGUNA::THOMAS_TAkiss me, right out of this worldWed Oct 23 1991 14:226
    Thank you again
    with love,
10.1303LEZAH::BOBBITTpersistence of visionWed Oct 23 1991 14:587
    everlasting neverending gobstopper hugs for Jerome....
    and hugs for Jan
10.1304LAGUNA::THOMAS_TAkiss me, right out of this worldWed Oct 23 1991 15:254
    Hugs for Jerome.  Big Ones.
    with love,
10.1305BSS::VANFLEETWake up and Dream!Wed Oct 23 1991 15:413
Big Hugs to Cheyenne, Jan and Jerome. 

10.1306RDGENG::LIBRARYA wild and an untamed thingWed Oct 23 1991 15:426
    Thanks for the hugs everyone.  I've received them through Alice's
    account which confused them for a second but they got here in the
    end.  Pretty clever those hugs.  (like my waterfall - Alice T.)
    Jerome the Hugged.
10.1307re .1301, 'Get a room' (idiom.), def:RDVAX::KALIKOWNota Gratia ArguendoWed Oct 23 1991 17:1621
    An expression popular in PEAR::SOAPBOX, home of the Feared & Hated
    subspecies of Notus Digitalis, the "'Boxer," meaning roughly "Hey you
    two, you seem to be engaged in a dyadic interaction involving strong
    TAKE IT OFFLINE??"  Usually (and in the aforeused instance certainly)
    said in a jocular spirit, but occasionally used to intimate the
    satisfaction of one's coarser proclivities.  It is said that one
    'Boxer, having claimed to have originated this term of hearty badinage,
    even makes claim to have Trademarked notes consisting only of those
    three words!  Supposedly, those favored with having this epithet draped
    across their budding relationship immediately *blush* and repent of
    their ostensibly antisocial tendencies, and resume the GENERAL exchange
    of abuse that so characterizes the 'Box.
    Do I gots that right, any other BiDirectional 'Box/=wn= swingers??
                         And anyway Jerome, HUG!!!!!
10.1308(-8BOOVX2::MANDILELynne a.k.a. HRHWed Oct 23 1991 18:204
    I even have the pleasure of having been honored with
    it in "SOAPBOX"!!! 
10.1309pass 'em around39527::DJANCAITISQue sera, seraThu Oct 24 1991 19:269
hugs to Jan, Cheyenne, Jerome even tho some time has passed....it's been tough 
getting time to get into =wn= lately !!

and hugs to PJ (hope you've been sleeping !), and E Grace for your kind notes


Debbi J
10.1310MR4DEC::EGRACEgive me patience......YESTERDAY!!!!Fri Oct 25 1991 14:324
    Hugs to Jody!
    E Grace
10.1311Hugs Jody!HYDRA::HEATHERHearts on FireFri Oct 25 1991 14:404
    Hugs Jody, and warm wishes and tender thoughts....Take care, my friend.
    bright blessings,
10.1312Re 58.3261 Howcum you didn't use THIS string, E?RDVAX::KALIKOWPartially Sage, and Rarely On TimeSun Nov 03 1991 22:118
    ComeONN back here, where ya belong, and leave 58 for that new fave
                        "Two Dans and a Mad Mod"
    Hugs and Cheery-Bye,
10.1313BUBBLY::LEIGHThere's a vague shadow...Mon Nov 04 1991 00:481
    Hugs to two Dans and an E!