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Conference turris::womannotes-v2

Title:ARCHIVE-- Topics of Interest to Women, Volume 2 --ARCHIVE
Notice:V2 is closed. TURRIS::WOMANNOTES-V5 is open.
Created:Thu Jan 30 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 30 1995
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1105
Total number of notes:36379

837.0. "Goodbye again" by CARTUN::WALKER () Thu Oct 19 1989 18:36

    Dear friends:
    A little over a year ago, I said goodbye, and left for a job in North
    Dakota.  This time I've been a TAG here for 3-4 months, and I have a
    new job that I'm truly excited about:  Dietitian Manager at Newport
    Hospital, in Newport, New Hampshire, which is commuting distance from
    my apartment in White River Junction, VT.  I've been commuting weekends
    to that apartment, and renting a room in Worcester, MA, for the week. 
    My "junk" that I packed in North Dakota in late March still rests in a
    friend's basement in MA.  What in the world is in those 16 boxes,
    This time it is harder to say goodbye to Womannotes, [as a side, I'd
    like to put a plug in for rainbo::dec_secretary, which I think *all*
    Digital secretaries and their friends should be using], For me =wn= has
    been the highlight of my two stints at Digital.
    One of the most important things to me, and something that I could give
    my life to, is the desire that all women, everywhere, be safe.  As a
    goodbye present to you, I leave you with a quote which has special
    meaning to me.  For me, it shows what the Baha'i concept "The Most
    Great Peace," would be like.  The quote probably dates from the period
    "The following is a report of statements of Baha'u'llah to several
    Persian princes visiting Him regarding the future state of humanity:
    "'...Baha'u'llah...said, "My purpose in coming to this corrupt world
    where tyrants and traitors, by their acts of cruelty and oppression,
    have closed the doors of peace and tranquillity to all mankind, is to
    establish, through the power of God and His might, the forces of
    justice, trust, security and faith.  For instance [in the future]
    should a woman..., who is unsurpassed in her beauty and adorned with
    the most exquisite and priceless jewels, travel unveiled and alone,
    from the east of the world to the west thereof, passing through every
    land and journeying in all countries, there would be such a standard of
    justice, trustworthiness and faith on the one hand, and lack of
    treachery and degradation on the other, that no one would be found who
    would wish to rob her of her possessions or to cast a treacherous and
    lustful eye upon her beauteous chasity!...'
    "'Then Baha'u'llah affirmed, "Through the power of God I shall
    transform the peoples of the world into this exalted state..."'
    				in Taherzadeh, The Revelation of
    				Baha'u'llah, Vol. IV, pp. 142-43, 1987.
837.1MOSAIC::TARBETSama budu polevat'Thu Oct 19 1989 18:515
    Jeez, it sounds like a swell job...but that'll probably mean you won't
    be back, which ain't so bloody swell.  Take care, and Goddess bless
    you, Briana.
837.2ULTRA::ZURKOThe quality of mercy is not strainedFri Oct 20 1989 11:482
Thanx for sharing.
837.3Fare thee well.JAIMES::GODINThis is the only world we haveFri Oct 20 1989 14:584
    Briana, I'll miss you insights, both here and in DEC_SECRETARY.
    Good luck to you in your new adventure.