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Conference turris::womannotes-v1

Title:ARCHIVE-- Topics of Interest to Women, Volume 1 --ARCHIVE
Notice:V1 is closed. TURRIS::WOMANNOTES-V5 is open.
Created:Thu Jan 30 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 30 1995
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:873
Total number of notes:22329

584.0. "help requested for a different kind of pain..." by 38636::AUGUSTINE (What do humanitarians eat?) Thu Dec 10 1987 14:36

    I used to admire women who could actually *feel themselves ovulating*.
    (wow, i thought, they were in touch with their bodies) Well, for the
    last two months, I've been able to feel it too, and it would be hard to
    miss. It's excruciatingly painful. It makes me feel like I've been
    kicked in the side -- it takes my breath away. Last month (the first
    time it happened), before I figured out what was going on, I thought my
    appendix was starting to go. At least the pain has alternated sides (I
    actually know which ovary is kicking -er- acting up!). 
    So, is this normal? Has anyone else gone through it? is it going to be
    like this for the rest of my life? do i need to rush off to my gyn
    immediately or just mention it next time i see her? (please send me
    mail if you don't want to answer here) 
    Trying to breathe deeply
584.1FAUXPA::ENOHomesteaderThu Dec 10 1987 14:405
    Liz, call your doctor today.  It may be nothing, but it could be
    serious.  *Anything* that is excruciatingly painful is not normal
    (except maybe childbirth!).  Don't wait -- we care about your health.
584.2get a check upYAZOO::B_REINKEwhere the sidewalk endsThu Dec 10 1987 14:457
    Liz, I suffered from this for a number of years in my late
    teens. The doctor called it middlesmertz or toxic reaction
    to ovulation. I was eventually put on birth control pills
    which (of course) stopped the problem. Since I was pregnant
    at the age of 25 it has not returned. I would definitely see
    your gynocologist about it.
584.3Go to the GynANGORA::WOLOCHNancy WThu Dec 10 1987 16:365
    Hi Liz, Yes, you should definitely see your gyn.  Normal ovulation
    should not be painful.  You should feel nothing more than a slight
    twinge of pain at that time.
584.4It never hurts to ask...LEZAH::QUIRIYChristineThu Dec 10 1987 16:4415
    I can sometimes feel myself ovulating, but it's not incredibly painful.
    It's usually just a dull twinge (or twinges) throughout the course
    of a day or so.  
    You probably should call your doctor.  I don't how difficult it is for 
    you to get through to your doctor, but getting through to mine isn't 
    always easy -- sometimes if I'm not certain whether or not I should
    see my doctor about something, I go down to health services in my 
    building and ask the opinion of the nurse on duty.  I don't know
    if this is what employee health services is for, but no one's ever
    refused to discuss a health question with me.
584.538636::AUGUSTINEWhat do humanitarians eat?Thu Dec 10 1987 16:554
    thanks, all. sounds like a pretty consistent message.
    now to put fingers to button pad...
584.6Painful, short termSSDEVO::YOUNGERThere are no misteakesThu Dec 10 1987 17:197
    I can feel ovulation.  It is very painful, but usually only lasts
    a couple of minutes each month.
    It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to talk to your GYN about it.
    If you are in a lot of pain, something should be done about it.
584.7Are you prone to cysts?BIGMAC::JAROSSThu Dec 10 1987 17:5115
    Now that you know that you're going to have call your gyn, make
    sure you tell the nurse that you are suffering excruciating pain
    and that you want to know how soon the doctor can see you.  They
    always have time set aside for emergencies. 
    When I had a similar problem 6 years ago, it turned out to be an
    ovarian cyst that had to be removed. Between the time of initial
    diagnosis and when they could schedule me for the surgery, it
    quadrupled in size (about 4 weeks).
    Lots of luck -- hope it's nothing serious, but you'll feel better
    once you've had it checked out.
584.838636::AUGUSTINEWhat do humanitarians eat?Thu Dec 10 1987 19:019
    Are you suggesting that I might have a cyst on both sides? eek.
    The pain doesn't last that long, but i will let the nurse know
    that it's not just a regular checkup.
584.9GLINKA::GREENEFri Dec 11 1987 21:0516
    I agree that you should first get it checked out...rule out
    cysts, infection, etc.
    Now for the short [and true] story.  At age 17, while away at
    college, I had these *awful* pains.  Lower right abdomen.  I didn't
    have enough experience/knowledge to understand what it might be.
    After 3 days in the hospital, "they" finally operated and removed
    a "slightly irritated" appendix.  You bet it was irritated after
    3 days worth of everyone poking me in the belly!
    Next month...same pain.  Aha!  I figured it out then.  I still
    have painful ovulation sometimes, but only rarely is it THAT
    painful.  Nothing to worry about, but not pleasant.
    Hope yours isn't anything serious!
584.10I'm not the doctor, just the victimBIGMAC::JAROSSTue Dec 15 1987 16:187
    Hopefully it's nothing at all but you need to check it out. Let
    us know what happens . . . we care and we all might learn something
    for ourselves.
    Best of luck
584.11BIG ouch!!!FSLENG::HEFFERNMon Dec 21 1987 03:3913
    I do have painful ovulation just about every month.  The pain can
    be incredible some months and only really bad others.  Mine, too,
    does only last a few minutes.  There are times when you can place
    your fingers on my lower abdomen and feel the knot. 
    I have been to the doctor quite a few times about it (I have a
    *very* good doctor) and have finally come up with this is one
    of my crosses in life to carry.  I just thank God I don't have
    cramps that are as bad.  A week of that pain would put me in
    the nuthouse!
584.12Maybe a bit late .. RSTS32::VERGEMon Dec 28 1987 23:2510
    This may be a bit late. however:  try taking calcium lactate tablets
    (AFTER you call the doctor)!  My chiropractor, who believes in holistic
    health to some extent, suggested this when I had pain even though the
    Doctor, (gyn) said there was nothing wrong.  The calcium lactate helped
    seems there have been some studies done since I began this, and I have
    seen several articles published on the subject, all saying the same
    thing.  Try calcium lactate tablets, or even eat TUMS for the calcium.
    Let us know how you make out!