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Conference turris::womannotes-v1

Title:ARCHIVE-- Topics of Interest to Women, Volume 1 --ARCHIVE
Notice:V1 is closed. TURRIS::WOMANNOTES-V5 is open.
Created:Thu Jan 30 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 30 1995
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:873
Total number of notes:22329

2.0. "Introductions: what do women do at DEC?" by VIKING::TARBET (Margaret Mairhi) Fri Apr 18 1986 18:29

    I'll start off:  
    I'm an engineer in the PC Systems (formerly Rainbow) Group.  I've been
    at DEC about 18 months.  
2.3<sigh>already?!MAGIC::JANICKIMon Apr 21 1986 17:3245
	Hi. I am a software engineer in Spitbrook (Nashua, NH). I've
    been with Digital and WPS-PLUS applications for 10 months now. This
    is my first job out of college and it has been quite an experience.
    I was suprised and pleased to find the group I was/am in (we've
    been reorganizing) had/has more women than men. It does worry me
    that there are no women higher up making the decisions as of yet.
    One of the best reasons for working for DEC is not having to get
    "dressed" for work. But that is another potential topic.
    [FLAME on mild]
        Re: -1 and -2.
    It made me angry to think someone would behave as "Davina" did. I
    wouldn't mind people who are male participating but not to be up
    front about it makes me angry. Such a response belittles and
    trivializes what this note file is trying to do. And the worst part is
    that the notes file hasn't even begun! 
    I used to subscribe to net.women but I soon lost interest because it
    was so large and was composed mainly of male netters
    discussing/complaining about women and protesting their own
    "liberatedness".I would not want this to happen to this notes file. So
    please no fooling around. 
    My hope for this note file is that women (many who are working in
    "nontraditional" fields at Digital) can converse and discuss important
    and not so important issues. I hope that men do not take over this note
    file. This place should be a place for women to talk to women. I just
    do not believe a man can understand or sympathize a woman. They can
    empathize. (note the difference and I would claim the same for women
    towards men-another topic). I would welcome the occasional male opinion
    or comment if it is relevant to the topic, constructive and serious. If
    people want to complain/discuss about men/women and their interactions,
    please start another notes file. Actually I believe SEXETERA covers
    that territory. 
    So what can this file cover? Lots-- jobs, education, sex, birth
    control, children, finances, exercise, philosophy, experiences...
    By the way, when I mentioned being "serious", I really meant sincere.
    Humor is never out of place.
2.6Getting Us Back on TrackPNEUMA::MASONTue Apr 22 1986 19:2316
    What a pleasant surprise to find this notesfile...what an unpleasant
    one to find it's already been invaded by someone who thinks they're
    being clever....
    To get back on track:
    I'm a hardware tech writer.  I write end-user documentation for
    printers, pc's...low end stuff.  I've been at DEC about 18 months
    and am surprised at how much I like it.  
    I'll write more again...
    Thanks for the notesfile Maggie!
2.7Sisterhood is PowerfulMOSAIC::TARBETMargaret MairhiWed Apr 23 1986 13:212
    (The replies referred to by Vicky and Andrea have been moved to
    note 4.0)
2.11Glad to join the conferenceMYVAX::STARKSTONSharon StarkstonFri Apr 25 1986 00:1512
    I am a Senior Systems Analyst in the Design Methods Group in Andover. 
    I have been with the group since I started at Digital in July, 1983,
    though the nature of my work has changed quite a bit over the (almost)
    three years.
    I lead and supervise software development and process modeling projects
    for our group.  We are involved in decreasing time-to-market by
    improving the interface between engineering and manufacturing. 
2.12HelloMOSAIC::HARDYFri Apr 25 1986 16:557
    I am a software engineer in the Personal Computer Systems Group
    in Littleton.  I've worked there for just over a year; prior to
    that I worked in the Large Systems Group (also occasionally known
    as Large Computer Group) for ten years.
2.13RAJA::GLEESONSue GleesonSat Apr 26 1986 22:456
    I'm a secretary for Hardcopy Product Management in Maynard...I've
    been with DEC for almost 2 years, most of that spent as a TAG (yes,
    it IS possible to beat the hiring freeze!)
2.14Sisterhood IS PowerfulACADYA::PITERAKTue Apr 29 1986 00:486
    I'm a Manufacturing Engineer for MEIS in Salem, N.H....I have been
    at DEC for about 3 years.  I have a long and varied work history,
    and at 41 I feel I've found a home at DEC.  I like the idea of 
    being in an environment where it is "part of my job" to be concerned
    about minority issues and valuing differences.
2.15Gailann KimbroughPAUPER::KIMBROUGHgailann, maynard, ma...Wed Apr 30 1986 19:0315
    I'm an Admin. Secretary in Maynard, MA (the mill)... I work for
    an engineering group and I work for a woman.  
    I have been with DEC for 3 years now.. am a single working mom with
    two daughters, eight and ten years old.  We have our struggles but
    are finally learning to cope after four years of being on our own.
    I will be 30 soon and hoping to invest in some education that can
    get me on the other side of the typewriter!!
    Looking forward to this note growing and hope we all get a chance
    to learn more about one another and ourselves.
    later, gailann
2.16Ellen GermannNAAD::GERMANNWed Apr 30 1986 19:4312
    Hi -- I'm a Software Presales Specialist supporting a sales team
    in the NAAD district which sells to Sanders Associates and Norden
    Systems, both in NH.  I'v been at DEC for 2 years, with 16 years
    of experience in the computer field before coming here.
    I like my job, DEC and most of the people I meet here.
    This conference looks like a great chance to share, learn, and
    Looking forward -- Ellen
2.17Addie EscarcidaWFOVX3::ESCARCIDAWed Apr 30 1986 20:0416
    I am a Quality Engineer and have been with DEC for the last six
    years after spending what seemed a lifetime with Rockwell Int'l
    in Calif. 
    I am forty one, a single parent -one son who is now
    seventeen- and interested areas such as softball,creative writing,
    wilderness activities,psychic phenomena,spiritual growth and so
    on.  But most of all I am deeply interested in the advances Women
    are making into otherwise males dominated roles and positons.
    We have come a long way yet have so far to go. It's support networks
    such as this notesfile that making the journey into the unknown,
    untried and the forbidden a lot easier.
    Good luck and Best wishes,
2.18Hi!!WFRPRT::OPERATORFri May 02 1986 01:1622
                            -< Melanie Adem >-
    I'm a Senior Secretary in Bedford.  I work in Digital Management
    Education.  I've worked for DEC for almost four weeks and my supervisor
    has already left.  She is now the South Central Area Manager in
    In my first few weeks here at DEC I've learned quite a bit about
    the company and about how things work here.  Mostly though I've
    been rather overwhelmed.  Preparing my manager to leave was pretty
    In any case, I'm very optimistic about my position here.  I plan
    on "climbing the laddar of success" at DEC.  Hopefully there won't
    be too many obstacles to overcome.  Any hints for success are very
    much appreciated.
    Bye for now!
2.19hiOZONE::KESSLERFri May 02 1986 17:5217

	I'm a software engineer in the Medical Systems Group in
Marlboro. I'm part of the Vax DSM ( Digital Standard Mumps
( the language not the disease)) group.

	I've been at DEC for about 18 months and I'm 
glad to see so many women in technical and managerial

	This conference seems a good place for openness.
I like the tone of the discussions so far.
Thanks Maggie for starting it up.

Amy Kessler

2.20I am Glad to be Here!VORTEX::JOVANthe Music kiss....Fri May 02 1986 18:0720
    Hi Sisters,
    I am an exe. sec for the Software Systems Group in ZKO.  I have
    been in New England since March 1 of this year, so I am fairly new
    to this community.
    Before here, I worked in Bellevue WA for an engineering group called
    DECwest.  I was there for 3 years before being asked to relocate
    I also thank Maggie for starting this file.  I think I will be able
    to feel at home here and learn and be supported by all of you.
    BTW - I am also a single mother, but my son is currently with his
    father in CA.  This is the first time we have been separated in
    12 years, so I am still struggling with my feelings on this.
    Let us join our voices in support of each other,
2.21LATOUR::SMURPHYSara MurphySun May 04 1986 01:0814
Hi -

I'm a Consulting Software Engineer in the HPS/C Software Engineering
group in Marlboro.  I've worked for DEC for 16 years as an
individual contributer, project leader, and engineering supervisor.
I've worked on various compilers and development tools, primarily
for the DECsystem-10 and DECSYSTEM-20.  

I have a 12 yr old son, and a husband who also works for DEC.
I worked parttime (30 hrs/wk) for a number of years after my son
was born. 

Sara Murphy
2.22introductionWFRPRT::OPERATORMon May 05 1986 16:2413
                   -< Hello >-
    I'm a Computer Operator for USIPS at WFR in Westboro. I've
    been a Dec empoloyee for four years. I started with DEC
    as a Secuity guard. I have many interests in hearing about
    what women at DEc do, how they feel, and what they want from
    DEC-life...One of my hot interests at the moment is understanding
    women and the Americam Medical system...Specifically, are women
    made junkies by Doctor's who can't,don't or will not deal with
    women as people...patients.How many of us have become victims of
    doctors giving us drugs not treatment for our ills..well enough
    of that...signing off.
2.23Another Sister joins the foldACOMA::JBADERJanet Bader @ABOThu May 08 1986 17:5113
    Hello Everybody!!
    My name is Janet Bader, but almost everyone knows me as Sunny. I
    am a Security Officer II in Albuquerque, NM. I have been with DEC
    since January 1981.
    I've been attempting to access this file for some time now and am
    delighted to have finally "made it"! It will be interesting discussing
    various topics of concern to women with all of you here at Digital.
    Have a super day!!
2.24Loretta WilliamsWHOARU::WILLIAMSThu May 08 1986 20:097
    Hi I am a Software Engineer in Andover in the CAD Systems Engineering
    group.  I have also been with DEC for about 10 months coming to
    this area as a recent grad.  I was very happy to read Sara Murphy's
    note stating that she is a Consultant Engineer.  It is nice to know
    that women in DEC get up that ladder of success.  But how???
2.25At last, count me in...CAD::LTSMITHLeslieFri May 09 1986 00:2542
    Well, I guess I better not ignore it any longer.  I've participated
    in this file, but haven't introduced myself.  Chalk it up to being
    insecure about talking about myself, or my worry about the latest
    labeling of people that has gone on in more widely accessed notes
    files.... :-(
    So anyway, I'm a Principle Software Engineer with the Semiconductor
    Engineering CAD Group, specifically the DECSIM simulator.  I've worked
    my way up from a Software Engineer II, so yes, career advancement
    for women at Digital is possible (but I for one believe an individual
    gets lots further when they chart their own career with buy-in from
    their management rather than leaving it to chance -- woman or man).
    I initially worked on one of the DECSIM compiler teams, but then
    I moved on to lead and write the DECSIM/Zycad Interface.  The Zycad
    Logic Evaluators are special purpose hardware accelerators for
    simulation.   And I've just finished the Beta Test implementation
    of DECSIM-RealChip.  This provides support for the Valid RealChip
    hardware which allows an actual chip to become a part of the
    simulation, rather than having to resort to a time consuming software
    model.  Word is still out on all its usefulness, but it looks pretty
    good so far....

    I've really enjoyed all the work I've done with the DECSIM team.
    Its one of those special engineering teams which values everyone's
    contributions and works hard at not stepping on others toes and
    assuring everyone can excell.  (Special thanks to our supervisor
    here, who I believe contributes greatly to this environment.)
    I'm about ready to go do what's called a CAD Internship.  This will
    be a six month (+/-) term with a hardware design team.  I'll experience
    CAD tools from the users side, assist with their CAD tool process,
    and begin to understand more of what goes into chip design.  As you
    can guess its pretty scarey now because of all the unknowns, but
    I'm sure I'll learn a lot.  After this term, I'll return to DECSIM
    and continue improving simulation for our corporate wide hardware

    So, that's me.  I'd really enjoy meeting the people who participate
    in this file.  If any of you are down in HL02, look me up.

2.26Finally got hereCFIG1::DENHAMSpringtime in the RockiesSun May 11 1986 03:329
    Hello.  My name is Kathleen Denham.  I'm a Software Engineer II
    with the subsystems QA group in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  I've
    been with DEC for almost two years, the first 1 1/2 years being
    as a contract employee.
    I'm glad to see this notesfile started.  I've been involved in women's
    issues for quite some time, though I just got into this file.
2.27Jo-Ann GerdeMAXWEL::GERDEswing 4 with a jazz beatTue May 13 1986 17:043
    I'm an Engineering Tech, working for Product Engineering at HL01.
    I transferred here from TPL/Nashua, where I was a VAX Systems tech
    for 2 1/2 years.
2.28introducing myself...GENRAL::CRANEBarbara Crane --- dtn 522-2299Tue May 13 1986 18:2030
    	I'm a principal manufacturing engineer, working on heads 
    and disks for disk drives.  
    	I joined DEC 9 years ago, out of school, as a metallurgical
    engineer doing advanced development on disks, in Maynard.  I moved
    to Colorado Springs 6 yrs. ago, in part to get the project going
    here.  The "learning" part was that when we moved, my manager 
    hired all senior, male engineers to fill out the group (only 2-3
    people moved).  Suddenly, with 3 yrs. on the project, I became
    the "junior" engineer in the group.  
    	It took 2 yrs. for most of the men to accept me--after all--
    I was about their daughters' age.  Some NEVER would...
    	After 6 1/2 yrs. at DEC, I decided it was time to move on to
    some other aspects.  I went to manufacturing to help put the disks
    I had worked on into a real product. 
    	It is sad to note how many people felt that it was a "step down"
    to go manufacturing.  It is vitally important to do the manufacturing
    part of a product well, and in conjunction with its design.  I am
    really enjoying it.
    	Along the way, I got promoted to Sr. engineer by adv. development,
    and then Pr. Engineer by manufacturing.  Right now I am enjoying
    myself--I believe there are good, bad, and mediocre times in any
    job; right now is one of the mostly good times.  I'm way
    over-committed, but am enjoying the responsibility and the team.
2.29introducing myselfAYOU02::ASMATWed May 14 1986 12:5718
    			-< introducing myself >-
    	My name is Asmat Monaghan.I started with DEC,Scotland in January
    as a "Developement Specialist" which I believe is DEC's equivalent
    of an Analyst/Programmer.I have enjoyed working for DEC so far !
        I think this notes file is a fantastic idea!
    	By the way if you can't tell from the name I am a woman.
    I am 26 years old,married and I have two daughters who are 7 and
    8 years old.
2.30Kristy Gleason - just call me "Woobie"EUREKA::KRISTYYou've been woobiedFri May 23 1986 16:3420
    Guess it's my turn.  I'm a Sr. Secretary as well as a System Manager
    (although a lot of people can't believe that 'just a secretary'
    can successfully manage an 11/780.  I know at least 5 other 'just
    a secretaries' in this company that do just that!!!  I'm also the
    moderator of a few VAXnotes conferences.  I've been at DEC since
    October of 84, starting as a DEC Tag and my boss and I finally beat
    the system in November of 85... I'm looking for a System Management
    job (since I don't get paid for doing it now, being 'just a secretary')
    ;-) and it's really where I'd like to be.  Computers like me, and
    I, in turn, like them.  I work in CSSE (Customer Services Systems
    Engineering) Advanced VAX Maintainability Engineering (can you say
    all that in *one* breath? (-:) in Littleton, MA (LTN1).  I have
    a husband (who is also a Digit) and a 3 year old daughter who already
    likes computers... (they make pretty colours...)
    I'm quite sure I'll enjoy this file.
    						*** Kristy ***
    Thanks Maggie!!!
2.31Another in Colorado!COOKIE::ZANEWarehouse DesignerThu May 29 1986 14:3123
    I had some trouble getting into this file, but now I'm in--
    I work in the Storage Architecture Group in Colorado Springs.  I
    have been with this group for over 2 years.  Before that, I was
    a co-op with the Customer Support Center.  I like being in Engineering.
    I am also a single parent of two young children, Mark and Julia.
    I am recovering from my recent divorce and the custody problems
    that go with it.
    I'm also a volunteer at the Domestic Violence Prevention Center
    in town which provides counseling and shelter for battered women,
    so I see a lot of women's issues.  One of the biggest is just learning
    to rely on each other.  I'm really glad to see a notes conference
    like this.

    							Terza Zane
2.32IntroductionVENTUR::GIUNTAThu May 29 1986 17:5916
    I've just started to read this file, and would like to introduce
    myself.  I am a Program Manager in Field Service Logistics for High
    End Products.  That means that I am responsible for managing the
    development and/or transfer of repair processes into the repair
    centers.  I have been at DEC for 4 1/2 years, and in this position
    for 1 1/2 years.  I started as a Packaging Engineer (Engineer II),
    then moved up to Senior Packaging Engineer, and then up again to
    Group Leader before I transferred to this position.  So, yes, you
    can move up through the ranks and do things you haven't tried before.
    I am looking forward to reading this file, and contributing when
    I can.
2.33Another software engineerULTRA::GUGELEllen GFri May 30 1986 15:5312
    Gosh, it was great to find this file!
    I am a senior software engineer in the Secure Systems group in
    Littleton.  I have been here since February.  I work on operating
    systems (I/O drivers).  By the way, our engineering manager (of a
    department of 30 people) is a woman.
    I think that the promotion of women depends not so much on the 
    company that you work for as it does on the department you work
    for.  Thankfully, I work for a good department.
2.34NFL::CANNOYI am only an egg.Wed Jun 04 1986 13:2111
    I thought I had already registered here, but I hadn't, so here goes.
    I am an internal DEC Temp, working as an Admin. Sec. in Computer
    Systems Manf. working for a new products purchasing group. I have
    been a Temp for 16 months and am currently interviewing like crazy
    to get a "real, full time" job. I should have something by the end
    of the month (I hope). I am definitely looking to get out of
    secretarial work and move into something more technical, as I go
    back to school for a 2nd degree.
2.35Hi from KarenGARNET::SULLIVANThu Jun 05 1986 17:4330
	I'm a senior software engineer in the vlsi cad group in Hudson Mass.
	I've been with DEC (and the same cost center) for six years now.
	I've grown a lot while at DEC.  The most important thing that I've
	learned is that I'm ultimately responsible for how my career goes.
	You don't get mentoring unless you ask for it by going to someone and
	asking them questions.  If you're not careful, you stay at the same
	position until you start asking *why* you aren't getting promoted,
	and then working hard on those nebulous criteria that are required.

	I got interested in "women's rights" when I started interviewing for 
	jobs upon completing my college degree.  One interviewer told me
	that all the young (male implied) engineers would appreciate him
	hiring a young single woman into the group!  Until then I had been
	naive enough to think that my sex didn't make any difference in this
	modern world.  I got offended by the sexist adds that were used by
	a vendor that I had to deal with as part of my job.  As a consumer,
	I wanted to boycott using the vendor's products, but as a DEC employee
	I felt obligated to buy the "best" product.  When I complained to
	the vendor, I was told that they use that technique because it gets
	attention (they obviously didn't care what type of attention).  Also,
	"things are much better than they used to be for women".  So now I
	speak up and bug people when I think they're being sexist (whether
	they did it unconsciously or not), and I'm probably considered a 
	pain by a lot of them.  But life goes on, and overall I think I
	have it pretty good at home and at work.

	...Karen Sullivan (yeah, I changed my name when I married because
			   I'm basically lazy and it wasn't worth arguing
			   about because it seemed to matter to him and I
			   don't want to feel guilty because I did change it)

My name is Nancy Wolochowicz, I'm a Component Engineer in the Custom
Linear Group.  I started out at DEC approximately six years ago with
a B.S. in Accounting, an M.B.A., and work experience at a couple of other
companies.  Happy at DEC as a Senior Financial Analyst with an excellent
mentor,  but unsure of my destiny,  I realized I was ready for a significant 
career change.  I was always interested in the technical side of things and 
also came to realize that in order to get ahead in a high-tech company a 
technical background was necessary...(for ME anyway).  I was able to get a
company-sponsored educational leave of absence, (before money was 
real tight at DEC), and went back to school (WPI) for a B.S.E.E.

I have been a C.E. for approximately four months and I'm just now 
recouperating from all the cultural shock I've been through.
(Going back to school full-time was a real eye-opener).

I work at LMO4 (Marlboro), a real small site where women are few
and far between.

One of the things that bothered me about school was that there were
NO female Electrical Engineering Professors.  I feel that early-on,
we need role models and people that can understand how our backgrounds
make us uniquely different.  The same is true at DEC (sigh...).

I think this notesfile is a godsend and I look forward to the 
opportunity to share a part of myself with you.  Many of the notes
have already provided me ALOT of inspiration and strength.

Thank you, sisters!!!!

2.38Introduction - Anne B.KAOS02::BMS_BROUGHALThu Jun 19 1986 14:5117
    My name is Anne Broughall.  I've been with Digital almost four years
    now.  I joined Software Services in Toronto as a Spec. II, doing real 
    time consulting on RSX.  After a year I moved to the presales group and
    supported RSX, VMS, Rainbow and PRO for 2 years.  I was promoted to
    Spec. III just before I took a four month maternity leave.  I was only
    back at work five months when I applied for my current position - 
    Advisory Support Manager.  
    It's been quite a year - coping with a new daughter (my first) and
    coping with my first management job - but I'd have to say it's been
    very rewarding on both fronts.  In response to the question, "How
    does a woman get ahead at DEC?" - the same way a man does - hard
    work, common sense, fair play and a certain amount of good luck.
    I just discovered this notes file and am looking forward participating.
    Anne B.                                                                
2.39another introductionBARTOK::MEEHANFri Jun 20 1986 18:5720
I am a product manager in the Artificial Intelligence Technology Group.  I
have worked at Digital for over 7 years.  I started as a Librarian and,
after two years, changed to one of the AI applications groups doing product
management-like work.  After a couple of years at that, I became a
full-fledged product manager.

I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to change careers.  It was not
an easy thing to do, but at least I had the chance to do it.  That is one of
the good things about Digital.  I am currently experiencing on of the bad
things about Digital, which is a nasty group reorganization, and I have
mixed feelings.

About women at DEC:  I am not sure that women get a fair shake here in terms
of salary.  In my own particular case, they got me for cheap and I am still
not caught up with what some of my peers are making, even after 7 years of
raises.  In terms of advancement, I have been able to advance nicely (but I
have never been in direct competition with anyone for a job so I cannot
speak about discrimination by sex on that score).

Margaret M. Meehan, alias m3 (pronounced em-cubed)
2.40LITMUS::HAKKARAINENTue Jul 08 1986 13:3726
    Good conference.  Thanks.
    I began at DEC nine years ago as a secretary and have twice
    changed careers to software tech writer and then to system
    manager ... and they let me supervise too.  
    Each has been a job of service, so traditionally female.  But
    the system management job had me wrestling more with my sex
    to show that I'm strong or tough or smart enough ... and most
    folks seem as glad for kindness and detail rendered.  
    Most of the folks I now eat lunch with are male.  The secretaries
    seem unwilling to join us except for more formal occasions like
    going-away luncheons.
    My husband is also at DEC, so we have yet another thing of
    mutual interest to discuss during our evening walks together.
    We have one 17-year old boy at home and look forward to his
    independence.  I was a single parent when I started at DEC.
    Up with generics!  Male (or female) -only pronouns or jobs or thinking
    hurt everyone.  
    Cheers! Sandra.
2.41PIPER::WILLIAMSTue Jul 08 1986 17:3538
    I have just read womannotes for the first time, think it's great,
    and would like to introduce myself.  
    My name is Lorraine.  I work in Littleton as a coordinator.  I started
    at DEC as a TAG in January of '84 and was hired permanently at the
    end of April of '84.  I started as an admin secretary, learned to
    use MAPPS and became a scheduler for our engineering group.  Last
    fall I took over the "Module Process" which was challenging and
    exciting.  I had to deal with service groups, manufacturing, outside
    vendors etc... and loved it.  I am now doing an Operations Analyst's
    job but without the title. (The promotion was to come at my next
    Unfortunately, our project was cancelled and I am now in the process
    of looking for another job.  This is emotionally a lot more difficult
    than I thought it would be.....  On one hand I see a chance to do
    new things, meet new people etc;  on the other hand it's like being
    on a roller coaster - you feel great one day because you have
    interviews lined up and you crash the next because you have not
    heard from the people you interviewed with.....  
    I would love to hear from anyone who has gone through this before
    (it's my first time), and find out how you manage to keep afloat.
    One good thing did come out of this though, I have so much time
    on my hands that I was able to learn how to use NOTES amond other
    I am filled with hopes for a successful future.  It will be a year
    tomorrow that I have gotten divorce.  I am now on my own with a
    14 year old son to support.  I have gone back to college to get
    a degree in computer science. 
    I look at WOMANNOTES as a support group.  So many thanks to all
    of you.
2.42Liz AugustineMEWVAX::AUGUSTINEWed Jul 09 1986 17:099
    My name is Liz Augustine. I am a Software Engineer in Hudson, and
    have been at DEC for 5 years. Three years ago, I returned to school,
    and I've just gotten my bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I'm
    now spending free time on myself, but I'm hoping to do something
    more socially useful in the future.  
2.43HelloSTUBBI::REINKEThu Jul 10 1986 20:5421
    Hi, I just added this file, tho I've been using notes file for several
    months. I am looking forward to reading my way through this one.
    I am a planner II in the materials group. I am currently responsible
    for pulling together material to enable other planners to forcast
    products. It is a new job and has been really exciting. I have had
    to learn how to access all kinds of different systems to get my
    info. I started at Digital in Feb of '84 after working two months
    as a temporary. Before that I taught Biology at the community college
    level. It was very enjoyable, but the pay was very low and I was
    unable to find a permanent job after we bought a old house in NW Worchester
    county. I was very frustrated when I first started at Dec that my
    education and experience in teaching was regarded as essentially
    irrelevant to my job and any chances of promotion. Thankfully that
    is not the case in my present job.
    On the personal side, I am married to a Decite, who works in the
    same plant as I do. We have 5 kids - 4 adopted special needs kids
    - and live on a small farm.     
2.44CECILE::SCHNEIDERAudreyFri Jul 11 1986 16:4623
    Since I've been "eaves(eye)dropping" in this conference for quite
    a while I had best introduce myself...
    I'm a programmer/analyst in Bedford, MA supporting an old TOPS-10
    purchasing application, working on migration project plans for that
    application and an A/P application as well as doing some support
    work on a VAX manufacturing application (jack of all trades, master
    of none).
    I've found this conference wonderfully thought provoking.  Since
    I tend to see my world in shades of gray (instead of black and white)
    and can (almost) always 'agree to disagree' I have very much enjoyed
    the back and forth between all the participants.  I do tend to be
    put off, however, by blatant attacks on a person versus a person's
    idea/belief/theory or statements that say "anyone who believes 
    thinks... is ____________".  Those kind of interchanges make it
    hard for me to understand the thinking or logic behind the idea
    that the person is trying to convey.
    Enough.  I am very much looking forward to continuing to have my
    thoughts provoked, being amused, at times dismayed, and occasionally
    contributing to this conference,
2.45BillieNCCSB::ACKERMANEnd-of-the-Rainbow_SeekerSat Jul 12 1986 20:2827
    Since I've added y $.02-worth a couple of times I thought it fitting
    to "officially" register...
    I'm Billie Ackerman and I work in the Lynchburg, Virginia, Office.
    I've been with DEC 4 1/2 years.  Was hired as a Senior Software
    Secretary and remained so "classified" even though my job duties
    changed drastically during that time.  As a result, I sympathize
    with the other secretaries who feel they're getting a bumb deal;
    it's not just at DEC, though, but everywhere...  
    Effective July 1, I am now a BAS (Business Account Specialist).
    I'm terribly excited and happy about this promotion.  The fact that
    I stuck it out doing a wide range of things that a secretary isn't
    paid to do has finally paid off for me due to hard work on my part
    and a tremendous amount of support from my manager.  It also gave
    me a good foundation on which to build as I begin this new chapter
    in my career with Digital.
    On the personal side...  I'm 30 years old, have been married (happily,
    most of the time  :-)) for 9 years this coming August 27 to Art. 
    I guess that's about it except that I'm glad I found this file and
    am glad for the contributions made by the men -- even /dave  (just
    razzin' you, /dave :^))...
    Cheers, Y'all!
2.46good evening!MERIDN::GILLMANThe only sure thing is DEC and taxesWed Jul 16 1986 02:0226
    My name is Jonni Gillman - 
    I am a software specialist, Projects Unit, in Meriden, Ct. (MDO)
    Not only am I new to DEC (3 months) but also new to Notes file 
    and Corporate attitudes, and DEC career paths -> how to define them,
    locate them, and maybe even successfully find my niche - (I've always 
    been in small organizations where boundaries/rules, decision-making
    etc. were not really an issue if or even in existence).  Admittedly I
    feel a bit overwhelmed and unsure!
    I hope that topics introduced in this file may touch on how to become
    successful in a "corporate" environment, not only as a DECCIE but
    as a woman.  It is easy to fall into "black and white" roles - i.e.
    feminist/assertive or traditionally "feminine"/submissive .. and
    I need to find middle gray!       
    P.S. I confess that curiosity prompted me to check this note 
    out since I originally thought that this was a discussion about 
    women by MEN!  :')  (I had hoped to gain insight about men 
    (and men at DEC) via their impressions and/or attitudes 
    concerning women).  I'm pleasantly surprised and plan to catch 
    up on all the "unseen".                              
2.47Introduction to aud...HOLST::AHARTMon Jul 21 1986 13:3210
    Hi!  I'm another Audrey. I'm a "young college graduate" (this is
    the term people use when they speak of me).  I've now been at DEC
    for 1 month.  I look forward to joining this conference because
    my class was male dominant and I'd like to share some thoughts with
    you.  I'm now working on the Argonaut Project as one of the console
    developers.  The other three are men.  I really enjoy working with
2.48I read a lot ...HEADS::OSBORNSally's VAXNotes Vanity PlateTue Jul 22 1986 02:1727
Sally Osborn
Senior Engineer
Heads Design Engineering
Storage Systems Components
SHRewsbury, MA (near Spag's)
Seniority May 1983

... and I mean A LOT.  My current job responsibilities include (1)
Datagrief database design and maintenance, (2) documentation control for
mechanical pieces and assemblies of heads for rigid disk drives, and (3) an
intensive job search.  So I read hard tech journals. 

My other DEC activities include tutorials for EDT and Runoff, HEADS::
pseudo system management, VAXNotes review, VNS distribution, Society of
Women Engineers former Vice President and current Director for Yankee (New
England plus a little bit of New York) Region, etc.  So I read soft tech,
preferably in soft copy. 

And in my spare time, I READ, at least an average paperback a night,
preferably historical novels and mysteries.  But there's a garden and
furniture refinishing projects and custom sewing and the some-day-my-kitchen-
will-come house addition project.  And David Larrick and Betsy Osborn, my
husband and my 14-yr-old daughter.  I'm also the Chairman of the Board of
the Sudbury Savoyards, an all-volunteer organization of 130+ which annually
produces a Gilbert and Sullivan opera, on time, in budget ($5K excess in
1986), with quality.  So sometimes I read for escapism: slush; twinkies
(without nutritional value); bodice rippers (for their covers, of course)! 
2.49*RSTS32::TABERThu Jul 24 1986 19:0678
    Hi.  I'm Bugsy Taber, a software engineer in a PDP-11 group in MKO.
    I've been with DEC for nearly 6 years now and lately, more and more,
    I'm feeling beaten on, oppressed, and just plain tired of the bullshit.
    But that is really material for another NOTE I guess... maybe someday
    when I can get my words on paper.
    I started at DEC as a secretary, a career into which I was propelled
    without my realizing it.  Not here, tho'.  At Massport in Boston.
    Would you believe that I got hired as a publicity assistant and
    ended up working as a secretary?  I was functioning as a manager
    of one of the facilities but had a secretary's title...
    Oh, the stuff my nightmares are made of...
    Anyway, after a really awful first year at DEC with a manager who
    was hell bent on keeping me a secretary, I got into the company
    training program for programmers.  From there I worked my way into
    the reputation of a very responsible software engineer.  I love
    my job, but events have coloured my feelings about DEC...
    Oh, not the people tho'... Not the people!  I have such good feelings
    about DECies... they are the nicest group of people ever to be found
    My problems are with higher ups....
    And I don't think women engineers are paid equally to male engineers.
    Not even close.... and in my career at DEC I've only worked once
    for a woman, and she didn't have much power against a petulant
    I work in an all male engineer group and run into the problems therein.
    But, as a whole, no problems worthy of mentioning.... no sexism
    allowed and none put up with....
    To Karen Sullivan:  Hee hee... I, too, took a broadside from some
    feminist friends when I changed my name after I got married.  But,
    as I tried to point out, typing Karen Taber is *MUCH* easier than
    typing KarenAnn Dahlberg and no one thinks I'm Jewish anymore! 
    Besides which, putting aside the loss of identity issues which I
    simply don't feel (I have 5 brothers to carry on the Dahlberg name),
    I became a Taber so that I could have myself joined at the hip with
    my mother-in-law, a woman who flew bombers in WWII and who takes
    no prisoners!!!!!!  She did -- she flew fully loaded bombers from
    the U.S. to England so they could be refuelled for the bombing trips
    to Germany and Italy... which only the *male* pilots could do, of
    To the woman who felt slighted because the product manager didn't
    want to be associated with secretaries (sorry, I didn't remember
    your name), she is right in her fear but she is wrong in how she
    is dealing with it.  Believe it or not, she is actually penalized
    in the eyes of her peers for her associations with you... but YOU
    should not be bearing the brunt of that.  Instead of her lunching
    with you, you should be lunching with her.... she should draw you
    into her world, not vice versa.
    I cannot go into a meeting and use my shorthand skills because the
    boneheads who surround me start to see me in a less effective light
    and make me their personal note-taker.... and I do not sit with
    our secretaries at our group meetings anymore.  Instead, I bring
    our secretary to the table where I sit with the other engineers...
    It's all perception, kiddo.  And if that product manager felt confident
    enough about you to tell you the truth about how she felt, you two
    should really discuss it.  And propose a solution....
    'Nuff said about me.... I only get interesting when I get hot-headed.
    I envy you newcomers, those of you with ambitions about getting
    ahead in DEC.  It can be done, of course, but the road is long and
    hard and fraught with men who are threatened and who, in turn, threaten
    you.  My advice is don't trust everyone -- and don't trust until
    it's been earned.
    Sorry if I seem bitter or hard.... My road was a very difficult
2.50MezULTRA::ZURKOMezMon Jul 28 1986 20:596
    'allo, 'allo!
    I'm a software engineer in the Secure Systems Group (along with
    Ellen G).  I've just come back to DEC after being in a Prime CAD/CAM
    group for 1 1/2 years (talk about culture shock!).  Before that,
    I was with DEC for 2 1/2 years.  
2.51Greetings!BPOV09::WALSHWed Aug 06 1986 17:3912
    hello -
    I'm a principal manufacturing engineer in the GIA Technology group
    in BPO3. I've been with DEC 5+ years, and before GIA I was with
    the Heads Manufacturing group in SHR. I've enjoyed reading this
    file, and decided it was only proper to do the intro.
    You'll hear from me soon!
2.52BEORN::BENCEWed Aug 06 1986 18:5615
    I've been at DEC for 8 years, first doing Corporate support for
    DECnet and IBM communications products (Can you say Bisync?).  I
    curently work for the DECnet-DOS development group doing Network
    Major preoccupations include designing and producing needlework
    projects (sweaters to samplers and back), working on my house,
    and listening for other woman's voices in a largely male work
2.53Beth "Gory Details" RavanVIRTUE::RAVANThu Aug 07 1986 18:5025
    Figured it was about time to say hello. I'm a Senior S/E with the
    Software Quality Management group in ZK. I've worked for DEC for over
    six years now, and in general I've loved it; until I came here, I
    didn't know there were other people in the world with the same
    interests as mine. I'm 34 years old, am married to a fellow DEC S/E,
    and we both spend most of our spare time playing fantasy role-playing
    games, reading, and daydreaming about the house we'll build if we ever
    get our act together. (Yeah, not exactly active in social issues!) 

    My interest in women's issues has nearly all been academic. For good or
    ill, I've never had a serious confrontation in my own life; nobody told
    me I couldn't go to college, nobody told me what courses I should or
    shouldn't take "because it will make you a better wife", nobody denied
    me a job because I was female (well, except for when I wanted to be a
    fighter pilot - but my eyes aren't good enough anyway); and nobody (who
    mattered) kept asking me when I was getting married. So when I talk
    about women's rights, to me it usually means keeping the right to do
    what I've been doing all along, rather than gaining anything new. 

    What I'm interested in most is fairness, I think. There will always be
    circumstances when some people will have to take the short end of the
    stick, but I'd want the selection of those people to be logical - and

2.54Another female DECyICARUS::LEEDBERGTue Aug 12 1986 19:4812
My name is Peggy Leedberg, I have been working for DEC for 5 years in
PKO2.  At present I am a Software Specialist / Cluster manager in 
SWS, COG (what ever that means).

I am very interested in keeping this space for the comfortable discussion
of women and work issues.

I am also involved in the Central Mass District UUA Women and Religion


2.55Another VoiceCOIN::HAKIMTue Aug 12 1986 20:1311
    Hi, I'm  Ann Hakim. I've been working at DEC for slightly over 2
    years now. In my current position I'm a Financial Consultant for
    the F.S. Strategic Business Analysis Group in Stow. It's a great
    job that pays me for thinking and stretching my mind, therefore
    I feel pretty fortunate. Most of the territory I cover is truly
    "new ground" so I get the chance to make the rules....by which you
    can live hard or die hard. It's just that element of risk which
    keeps my work exciting.
    I've already enjoyed participating in this conference, and suspect
    that it will continue.    
2.56a new notes devoteeCOGVAX::DENSMOREWed Aug 13 1986 15:1016
    my name is Denyse Densmore and i've been at DEC for 10 years.
    i'm presently a systems consultant working in corporate 
    software services. i work part time (24 hours/week) and i love
    it. before having my son (now 4 1/2) i was an application 
    systems manager in financial systems.
    my husband of 12 years is also a "DEC 'y" of over 10 years and
    there's lot's of "DEC talk" at home. (one of the first words my
    son learned to read was "Digital")
    this is the first non-technical NOTES file i've participated in,
    but it sounds so interesting i couldn't pass up.
    hope i get to add my 2 cents worth every now and then
    D2  (pronounced "D squared")
2.57Hello! SARAH::BUSDIECKERThu Aug 14 1986 14:1019
I sort  of  didn't  want to do this because it shows I am female. Oh well, I
keep  seeing "Have you introduced yourself yet??" at the bottom of my screen
and feel guilty (what pressure!)

I consider  myself  a humanist more than a feminist because I don't like the
implications  feminist  has  taken  on.  I  also  have  never  had  to fight
prejudices, coming from a home where it really didn't matter except that Mom
wanted me to be more lady-like, which I could deal with. I've had good jobs,
and  got  a  good  education  .... I'm from the new pampered generation that
hasn't had to deal with as many male-chauvanists (sp?).

I do  get  teed  off  though  when I see chauvanism either way. That's why I
didn't  really wanted to say what I am. I am a person first, woman second. I
greatly  enjoy  a  lot  of  the _people_ I know ... but I have to admit that
sometimes I get along much better with men.  

So this has been more of an "introduction" than "what do women do at DEC?".
I am a Software Engineer with LEST Applications, working on HCUIS (esp color
graphics  right  now), fresh out of Carnegie-Mellon University.
2.58May I join you?CLT::RODGERSNothing is written.Thu Aug 14 1986 22:3524
    I am a Principal Software Technical Writer in the Layered Products
    Documentation Group at Spit Brook (Nashua, NH -- also known as ZK).
    I worked for DEC before in manufacturing, and after floundering
    around for about eight years, have finally made my way back to what
    I think is the greatest company in the world.  And what's even better,
    I consider my job fun.  (Although, I must admit, sometimes I think
    it would be fun to get back into manufacturing again, as long as
    it was with DEC.  Manufacturing is *extremely* challenging, for
    those of you who consider manufacturing a "step down".)
    I have three kids (a boy 5, a girl 3, and a boy 10 months); I found out
    about this conference from participating in the PARENTING conference (a
    good one for those of you with kids; it's on EXIT26::). And, Maggie,
    thanks for the compliment on the HELP for VAX Notes; I was the writer
    on the VAX Notes V1.0 project team.  (Think your encapsulation of the
    basics in the Welcome note is excellent, by the way.) 

    Looking forward to some good conversation.
2.59time to registerCORAL::SAMBERGFri Aug 15 1986 16:0018
	My name is Eileen Samberg, and I'm a principal hardware
	engineer in High Performance Systems (e.g. VAX 8650).
	The title is somewhat misleading, as I am really a
	firmware engineer working on the instruction set microcode.

	I've been with Digital for 11-1/2 years, first as a
	software specialist in Washington, D.C., then as a
	corporate software specialist in VAXWORKS, and
	now in HPS.

	I have 2 kids (leah 5-1/2 and matthew 2) and work for
	Digital 20 hours a week.  I'm glad to see there are other
	permanent part-time employees in this company, and perhaps
	sometime I will start a note on the advantages and disadvantages
	of working part-time.

	I've enjoyed listening in....
2.60Sara ThigpenULTRA::THIGPENMon Aug 18 1986 13:3319
    Hi all - I am a sr. software engineer in the Secure Systems group,
    the same group as Ellen (.33) and Mez (.50), and as one of the original
    four members of the group who has watched it grow, I have to agree
    that we three are in just about the BEST group in all of DEC.  (That's
    not meant to start an argument!)  I have worked for DEC since April
    of 1977, this is my third job here; I worked for the Foxboro Co.
    before that.  I have been working since I was 15 at a wide variety
    of jobs: waitress, health store clerk, retail/office work, dry cleaner
    desk person, gas station attendant, apprentice electrician (now,
    that's a story...), seamstress/kitchen worker/orange picker on an
    Israeli kibbutz, newspaper advertising dept,... I must be getting
    old, I can't remember them all.  Of all those places, DEC (its faults
    notwithstanding) is the best place I have worked; this job, which
    I have been in since Nov. '82 is the first of all my jobs where
    there is/has been neither sexual discrimination nor sexual harrassment.
    Like .59, I am a permanent part-time employee now, working 20 hours
    a week; the reasons are my two children, Tracy (4) and Adam (2).
    I haven't yet plowed through all the notes in this conference, but
    I will eventually, in my copious free time...and now back to work.
2.61Yay, Colorado!CSC32::JOHNSMon Aug 18 1986 14:4917
    Time to introduce myself (if briefly):
    My name is Carol Johns and I work as a Software Support Specialist
    at the Customer Support Center in Colorado Springs.  I currently
    work mostly with FORTRAN, GKS graphics, C and the System Services
    and Run-Time Libraries that go with them.
    I started at DEC as a temporary, answering the customer phone calls
    and routing them to the proper team, then got hired on permanent
    and worked my way into this promotion about a year ago.  
    I have a B.A. from San Diego State University, majored in Psychology,
    minored in Business Administration, Management.  I have four cats,
    no children (yet), and love to sing, horseback ride, and play guitar.
    I am also very fond of foreign languages.
2.62Another intro.....INK::SHAWStuck on Notes...Wed Aug 20 1986 13:2311
    Hi Everyone!
    My name is Dawn and I work for Corporate Marketing and Communications
    in West Concord.  I am a computer operator and have been for three
    years.  I started working for Digital part time when I was 17 and
    a junior in High School.  I worked for the Information Processing
    Group in Parker Street doing word processing.  I've been with Digital
    5 years and am looking forward to another 5.
2.64better late than never7195::GORSKIFri Aug 22 1986 19:3643

     Hi!  I'm a 'permanent' summer hire in the Analytical  Chemistry  Group

     of  the  Materials  and  Technology Analysis Lab in Northboro.  I have

     worked here for three summers as  a  process  engineering  technician.

     Most of my work has been programming for the lab.

     I have really enjoyed working here (I'm going  back  to  school  again

     next  week)  and  I have learned a tremendous amount since I came here

     after my freshman year.  I have taught myself and worked with FORTRAN,

     Rdb,  and  Datatrieve  (they  don't  send  summer  hires  to  training

     courses!); none of which I had had any previous experience  using.   I

     think  that  it was quite unusual for a computer company to take an 18

     year old, from a liberal arts college to boot, and  give  me  so  much

     freedom  to  do  so  much  that  I  was  unfamiliar  with.(I  think my

     scholarship to study computers at the Massachusetts  Advanced  Studies

     Program  may  have  helped!) I'm not so sure that my first summer here

     was of that much use to the company, but I certainly  feel  that  I've

     contributed some useful work during the last two summers.

     On the whole I feel that Digital is on the right track in the  way  it

     treats women but there is still some work that needs to be done.  I am

     the only woman in my group(of 10 people),  and  youngest  employee  by

     far,  and  I can definitely spot quite a bit of sexism.  However, I do

     feel that most people are trying.  One of the main problems I  see  is

     that  the  people  don't really notice that they're being sexist, if I

     point something out tactfully they'll usually take note.   More  women

     should  really  just  speak  out.  I must admit however that I haven't

     always been so tactful and that I am  rather  notorious  around  here.

     Last  summer  one  of  the  managers in the lab (not mine) told me <in

     jest> that I should clean up a pile of coffee grounds that one of  the

     engineers  had  spilled  because  it  was  WOMAN'S  WORK.  I <in jest>

     through a handful of coffee grounds at him.  I wouldn't recommend this

     rather  unorthodox method for anyone else, but it was rather effective

     under the circumstances!

     I've rambled on long enough.  It's back to school  for  me!   I'll  be

     getting  a B.A.  from Williams College this spring, double majoring in

     Biology and Studio Art, and minoring in Mathematics.  I'll probably be

     writing to you all again next year!


2.66NEW KID ON THE BLOCKDAMSEL::LEZASWed Aug 27 1986 20:3534
    My name is Leza and I am a Technical Support Rep. III for IEG. 
    Recently moved here from DEC Oregon where I was a sales rep for
    the now defunct business center.  I have been with Digital over
    2 years.
    My husband Ed and I have been married for over 7 years and who wouldn't
    love a guy who would give up his construction business to follow
    his wife to New England.  (Want to know the specs on the perfect
    husband -or near perfect anyway- can talk to me!!!)  We have no
    children (YET) but we consider our pitbull close enough (don't believe
    what you hear about pitbulls, they are what you make them!).
    My unorthodox rise in computerdom could create a book.  We are talking
    about a girl (woman - whatever) who had no college, no computer
    background but got a job as a computer salesrep right out of high
    school.  Who ended up teaching computer science in the local community
    college (at the same pay that degreed college professors were making!).
    Climbing the corporate ladder -- I will be glad to help in that.
    Not that I have the final say on it, but I did figure it out and
    plan to become a telecommunications and database expert for Digital
    within the next 4 years.  I would be glad to offer a note on the
    I feel that this conference is a wonderful way for anyone to
    communicate and share their thoughts, ideas and experiences.
    I have only read the intros and am so excited about learning
    from everyone that I know what I will be spending many lunch hours doing!!
    Thanks for letting me take the time to introduce myself.  Look forward
    to getting involved!!
    Leza Schimelpfenig
2.67Sisterhood is PowerfulDAMSEL::GROUTWed Aug 27 1986 21:1729
    My name is Paulette Grout. I work as a senior cas representative
    for Internal Equipment.  I've been with DEC for 11 years.  I spent
    most of my career here in Corp. Field Service Logistics.  I was
    the Supervisor of the Priority Communications Group in Woburn prior
    to my individual contributor's job in Concord.  I left the Supervisory
    world so that I could enjoy a life of my own.  FSL is an area i
    would equate to the stock market!!!!  Burn out can and does set
    in!  I was on call 24 hours a day and the operation was all 365
    days a year.  The pressure was at times overwhelming.  And so i
    now pursue music more ardently than ever.  My most ceative and
    passionate interest is MUSIC.  I play the guitar. My main area
    of interest is "folk music" and "women's music".  I like to pursue
    consciousness raising and a respect for valuing differences through
    music.  I love music and I have a healthy respect for social fair
    play whether it's in South Africa or at Seabrook. I like a clean
    envirnment, and a safe world to live in.  I abhor oppression and
    discrimination of any kind.  I am passionate about my music and
    my social values, so putting the two together is really exciting
    for me.  I am single, not too young and not too old. I like my
    work to bring value to my life and my life to bring value to my
    work.  It's more than comming to work everyday, more than a profession,
    it's a chance to reach, to grow, to laugh, to sing, It's a chance
    to make a difference.  This is a great notesfile and I am thrilled
    to be here and part of it all!!!!  I also play softball and I'm
    a catcher.  I practice Tai Chi and do Nautilus for exercise,
    concentration and self defense.  
2.68CLT::GRABAZSMon Sep 01 1986 03:334
    My name is Debess Grabazs.  I have been working for DEC "on and
    off" since 1978.  Currently I work as a senior software engineer
    for Commercial Languages and Tools on the VAX COBOL compiler.
2.69Estelle JamesTOPDOC::JAMESTue Sep 02 1986 17:1813
    Hi, I'm Estelle James, working in ASD in Merrimack, N.H. Have been
    in my current job for >3 mos, and with Digital for almost 3 years.
    My previous 2 years and change have been spent being a secretary;
    I'm now a technical software editor. I'm still in shock and can't
    believe I made the big leap to WC 4. I like working for DEC - since
    it's run by fallable people, it's not paradise, but I really believe
    woman have more opportunities to advance at DEC than in a lot of
    other work environments.
    Usually sign myself,
2.70Lisa RoderickFREMEN::RODERICKDo clams bite?Wed Sep 10 1986 17:4715
    I'm Lisa Roderick. I'm a software technical writer with the Business
    Computer Software Enginering (BCSE) group in Merrimack, NH. I've
    been with DEC for just over two years now, after graduating from Saint
    Anslem College in Manchester, NH with a B.A. in English (and they say 
    liberal arts majors are going nowhere!). Now I'm working on my MBA
    from NH College towards a future marketing communications career.
    With any luck.

    I consider myself fortunate that I work for DEC. As Estelle said,
    it's not paradise, but then again, it's not like the real world
    I'm glad I found this notes file.
2.71Jill CorwinARGUS::CORWINJill CorwinWed Sep 10 1986 18:3815
My name is Jill Corwin.

I am currently a Software Specialist working for IN-DEC Area Software Product
Services, but I hope to find a job in Engineering.  I graduated from
Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 1980, and have done both applications
and systems programming and support on various DEC computers since then.  I
have been with DEC a total of 4 1/2 years, and worked for another company
somewhere in the middle.

I don't consider myself an ardent feminist; I'm not very outspoken at all.
But I am dismayed when I see sexism in this world.  I have already learned
a great deal from this file; I've been following it since its beginning.  I
hope to be able to share my own thoughts in the future.

2.72DYO780::AXTELLDragon LadyFri Sep 12 1986 20:0021
    I've been with DEC about a month now - just long enough to feel
    out of place in Dayton's somewhat respectable sales support group.
    Corporately, I'm a "Spec 4". Professionally I'm a manufacturing
    and control systems engineer (with robotics and factory automation
    as specialities). (The comment about out of place is related to
    realizing I'm about the only woman here that's not interested in
    climbing the corporate ladder).
    My home life revolves around an almost self-sufficient farm with
    a decidedly feminist bent.  Extracurricular activities include combined
    training with one of the various equines and Wicca. It's a full
    and somewhat bizarre existance, but basically peaceful and satisfying.
    Thanks for this conference. I look forward to participating.
2.74Another one from ColoradoCSC32::KOLBEFri Sep 19 1986 20:4311
    I'm yet another new noter that is finding interesting files faster
    than I can join them. I'm a Data Base Administrator in the Colorado
    Springs Customer Support Center. My real job is "other duties as
    assigned" and I love it. I've been with DEC over 3 years, most of
    it as a technical support specialist for the VMS group. 
    I love working with both men and women as I found working with all
    women a real drag (I used to be an X-ray tech). I think we were
    made to integrate and work groups of all men or all women are not
    nearly as interesting as a mixed group. (should I have said FLAME
    ON?) I'll be noting you. Liesl
2.75New noterKIRK::ALGERThu Sep 25 1986 20:056
    Hi There!  I'm Selena Alger.  I've been with DEC for 5+ years.
    I'm a Computer Operator/Order Administrater.  I'm 22 years old.
    I work in the Mill. (MLO5-2)  I used to work in HL0 as an Aligner.
    I'm new to notes, but I'm getting as hooked as everyone else.
    I think this topic is great and definatly called for.
2.76HelloRAINBO::WALKERMon Sep 29 1986 17:457
    Hi!  I'm a software engineer in the PC systems group.  I've worked
    at DEC for 15 months, and so far it's been great.  I'm a mother
    of two, so I like the support of other working moms (I know it's
    hard to be a working father, mine used to hate to leave when 
    my son would be having such fun playing with him in the morning).
2.77Jane RyerWATNEY::RYERJane Ryer, Colorado Springs TBUMon Sep 29 1986 21:0329
I work in the network group of the Technical Backup Unit at the Customer
Support Center in Colorado Springs.  What that means is that I take phone
calls from Digital software specialists and field service engineers
nationwide who have questions/problems with networking products (DECnet,
PSI, servers of all sorts).  I have worked for Digital for just over three
years.  I used to do the same thing at Southern Area Headquarters in Atlanta,
but only for Southern and Mid-Atlantic areas.  About a year ago, phone
support for Digital employees was centralized in Colorado, instead of being
done in each area's headquarters.  I loved my job enough to relocate halfway
across the country to continue doing it.

I have been married for ten years; my husband, Pat, has been working for
Digital since we moved to Colorado.  He works in the same building I do;
he does phone support for Digital salespeople.  We have one daughter, Katy,
who is four.

My family is definitely my first priority, but my career is a very strong
second!  The great thing about my job is that while it is technically
challenging and pays well, it doesn't eat into my family time.  I work
my eight hours, then go home and forget about work.  There is never any
overtime involved, very little travel (only for training which I choose to
attend), and either of us can work from home if Katy is sick.  I can't
imagine a job better suited to my current lifestyle - that's why I moved
out here to keep doing it!

I enjoy following this conference, even if I haven't replied very much -
someone always says it better first!

2.78IntroductionEUCLID::FERNETTEWed Oct 01 1986 18:2122
    I am a Senior Secretary for the Thermal Engineering group.  I have
    been with DEC just over two years.  I have just recently started
    reading the notes file.  I find womannotes to be very interesting.
     However, I would like to see a notes file set up for woman who
    are not looking for just a career.  I felt that most of the
    introductions focused around career.  Sorry girls, but I have other
    things that come first in my life.  I have been married for almost
    two years, married at the young age of 19.  I am very much looking
    forward to having a family and devoting my time to them.  I have
    not read through the entire womannotes file, so I may be jumping
    early in saying things seem to be going towards careers.  I hope
    to find some useful information on the development of a family as
    well as information about the working world.  I am happy that I
    have found this notes file and I think I will find it very interesting.
    I think it is wonderful that women are getting ahead in the business
    world, however, that is not what we all want.  I hope I have not
    offended anyone.  Sorry to say that there are no women in my group.
    I support 13 men.  I enjoy it though.  I have made some really close
    friends with the men here and I wouldn't give it up in a minute.
     MY DTN IS 351-7135 OUTSIDE IS 404-843-7135 CALL ANY TIME.
2.80ORION::BLACHEKChocolate is my destinyThu Oct 02 1986 20:3320
                       -< Judy Blachek >-
    Hi.  I'm an editor in WPS-PLUS documentation, part of Office
    Systems Documentation.  I'm at Spitbrook and have worked for
    DEC for 3 years.  This is the longest that I have worked 
    at any one place.
    I love this notes file!  It has started some interesting 
    conversations between my SO and me.  
    I'm a member of NOW and volunteer my time to some scoliosis
    (curvature of the spine) organizations.  It keeps me busy
    and I feel like I'm expanding my horizons.
    I have been reading this file for awhile and finally 
    decided to get active!  I'm not a techy and was a little
    intimidated by notes files.  I hope I don't get too good
    at this...I need to get some work done.
    I look forward to some lively discussions. 
2.81Hello friends!GAYNES::TWEXLERFri Oct 03 1986 12:0813
    I was just graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and
    started work at DEC at the end of June.   I'm a software engineer,
    and I work in CAD/Diagnostics.   I think this notes file is a 
    fantastic idea.   It's good to know there are other women around
    even if I don't see to many of them (I just went to a Technical
    Exchange Day at which out of the changing 130 odd people in the
    room only 5 or 6 of them were women!).
    		Tamar R. Wexler 
    			(= Tamar)
2.82PISCES::TOLLESFri Oct 03 1986 14:477
    I have been with DEC about eight years.  I work as a secretary in
    an Engineering group here in Shrewsbury.  
    I was so glad that we have this file to be able to communicate and
2.83< What do woman do at DEC? >JAWS::AMADOFri Oct 03 1986 14:5237
    < HELLO >
    I finally decided to join in and introduce myself, so that I may
    join in on any of the other conversations (via tube).  I have been
    reading the notes files for the past couple of weeks and I really
    didn't know what to say about myself, but here it is.
    I am a secretary for a marketing group in Marlboro.  I have been
    with DEC since '82.  I worked for a 1 1/2 as a DEC tag in security,
    then I was finally accepted as a DECIE..  From security I went to
    a secretary position in NRO (but I should have been called a clerk
    typist, because I really didn't do any secretarial work).  I am
    now in Marlboro and I feel like a real sec'y.  I will continue to
    go to school so that I may work my way out of the secretarial position
    in at least 18 months.
    As far as Digital is concerned I think that it is a great company
    to work for, what is holding a lot of people back is themselves,
    and "some" managers.  I know a few people that think because you
    are a female that you have to clean up after the people, etc...I
    left a group that was that way (it wasn't the whole group just certain
    individuals).  In one of the notes where the female that threw coffee
    grounds at someone for makeing a sexist comment I was in that same
    Later for that I will save it for another file....
    Now on the personnel side.
    I am married to a DECIE, have 2 children, and I went "back" to my
    maiden name and I try to live my life day by day... And happier
    that way.....  
    I would like to thank Maggie for starting this file I think that
    it was a great idea..  THANKS MAGGIE!!!!!!!!!!
2.84Europe? What state is that?SHIRE::MAURERFri Oct 03 1986 15:5142
    Helen Maurer
    Geneva, Switzerland
    Senior secretary
    With DEC since 1985
    H'lo all --
    I'm a Swiss-American (dual national), born and raised in the state
    of New York.
    I am another who has never felt personally oppressed, perhaps because
    the Women's Movement came of age the same time I did.
    My family was *traditional*, but neither of my parents indicated
    we (4 kids) had to opt for the same thing.  My sister and I were
    not allowed to fail at anything just because we were *just* girls.
    The summer before I started algebra, my father gave me a book on
    women & math anxiety, 'lest I be getting any ideas from US Public
    Schools that girls were any less capable than boys.
    Three years ago I moved here.  At the time it seemed the easiest
    way to leave my live-in, though in retrospect it seems a bit extreme.
    ("This here continent ain't big enough for the both o' us".)
    I got here via Paris.  In that lovely city I woke up alone for the
    first time in my life.  No family, no friends, no one.  My French
    was entirely theoretical ( oh, I'd studied & studied--linguistics
    major--but how often do you *need* to speak French in Wappingers
    Falls? ) My mental image of myself included painfully shy.
    I should have been terrified, but I was ... gleeful.
    Assertiveness Training is having to conduct the business of your
    life in a foreign language.  Before coming here, I was always too
    shy to ask for what I wanted.  Now I can get Swiss bureaucrats to
    do what I want (well, almost, I don't think anyone has ever really
    tamed a bureaucrat).
    Thanks for this file.  I've got to run now (it's Friday closing
    time).  I'll be reading you.
2.85Terry HandelNETCOM::HANDELWed Oct 08 1986 15:2849
    Hello, all!
    I have been trying to access this notes file for months and have
    finally succeeded!
    My name is Terry Handel and I am an admin secretary in Networks
    and Communications Product Marketing.  I started here as a temp
    when my son was about 6 months old and we needed the extra money,
    and I only had to work 2 weeks a month to make ends meet (boy, how things
    can change!) and then when things changed, took a long term assignment
    for a woman and finally, through a lot of hard work on her part,
    got hired in June as a full time dec employee. 
    All together I have been at DEC for about 1-1/2 years.  I really
    like it even though it is a large company.  I have always worked
    at small ones and have been leery of large ones after working summers
    at the First National Bank of Boston (talk about big!). 
    My boss is really great.  She has done the same thing I am trying
    to do...worked up from a clerical job to manager.  I look forward
    to her continuing support, and I must admit that I like that support!
    It's not often that one gets that support.  
    I have a B.A. in English from Purdue University and taught school
    for 5 years in Italy while my husband was in Veterinary school,
    No, he's not Italian.  I loved living abroad and would dearly love
    to do it again.  
    I would like to get involved with a group here that would take
    advantage of my language abilities and use more of my intelligence 
    than this job does.  Don't flame, it is just that I consider this
    job somewhat boring.  My problem is that I don't know what a lot
    of groups do here, or what I could do to help them.  I know I need
    to get further education, but what?  Ideas are more than welcome!
    As I said before, I am married (10 YEARS!!) to a veterinarian and
    have one son, Ian, age 2, and have 2 dogs.  (at this time, we plan
    to give one away this weekend, as she needs more room than we have
    in our condo.) 
    I look forward to contributing to this notesfile, although I have
    been relunctant in the past to do so in other notes files as I feel
    "scared" (actually terrified is more the word) that I will fall
    flat on my face or make a fool of myself ... has that happened to
    anyone else?
    Best regards,
2.86This is who I amWILVAX::WHITMANThu Oct 30 1986 17:538
    I'm a computer operator in Wilmington on the first shift after
    eight long months on the third shift.  Been with DEC 3 years in
2.87What women do in DEC UKRDGENG::MCCARTNEYFri Oct 31 1986 11:4614
    I am an Analyst/Programmer in an Applications Development Group (in
    Engineering UK).   I have been with DEC 5 years, 4 in Personnel,
    and 1 year in Engineering.  I've been reading these notes for some
    time and cannot agree that it is easy to move between functions
    in DEC although I made eventually.   
    There don't seem to be many contributions from UK people
    here, which is sad, as it's a great idea and we could do with some
    support groups in the UK.
2.88REGISTER ME TOOOURVAX::JEFFRIESFri Oct 31 1986 18:1612
    Hi| I feel like the first day of school.  My name is Pat Jeffries,
    I'm coming up on the big 10 with DEC.  Currently I am working in
    the US AREA PLANNING GROUP (USAMP), which has just relocated to
    Two years ago my family relocated from NH to MA, Sturbridge to be
    more specific.  I live with my adult daughter, who has a small farm,
    Horses, sheep,a cow, and misc other warm blooded creatures.
    I am very interested in community activities, but have had a real
    slow start in Sturbridge. I brought a handyman special house, only
    to find out that I'm not as handy as I would like to be.
    Looking forward to communicating with all of you out there in
2.89Jump...2 feet first!!!DONJON::SCHREINERdanger zoneFri Oct 31 1986 18:2620
    I guess it's time I introduce myself too...
    I'm Cindy Schreiner, better known as cin.  I work in Digital
    Telecommunciations as a telecom analyst in Virginia Road, Concord.
    I live in Fitchburg with my boyfriend and anywhere from 5 to 10
    persian cats.  I breed and show my cats as a hobby.  
    I am new to this conference, but not new to notes in general.  I
    participated in Flirts, until it's demise, I am also active in Feline
    and Fish.  
    I have been reading here for awhile now, and figure it might be
    time to start participating.
    until later...
2.90Another Enthusiastic Note ReaderCIPHER::VERGEThu Nov 06 1986 01:2810
    Hello, - Another party heard from.  I just started readin, and
    am fascinated by the ideas and comments.  There really is hope 
    if you want to move ahead - just keep pushing.  I started 10+
    years ago as a secretary - and am now an Engineering Operations
    Analyst for SBE in Merrimack, NH.  Keep plugging and trying,
    it works. 
    Looking forward to hearing from more of you,
2.91JEREMY::RIVKAMon Nov 10 1986 11:4816
    Well,anoter DECee,this time (for the first time) ISRAEL is on the
    I'm Rivka (no nicknames...) and I'm trying my best to become a real
    good Layout designer.Been here for 6 months now,and boy do I love
    It seems that I've always been with men.Ever since kindergarden
    ('59 was a boys' year..),but I never felt any less then them only
    'cause I "didn't have it..".
    I'm single (but not lonely),so I do almost everything around the
    house.That's the way I was brought up,and for me there is nothing
    like "man's work" or "woman's work".
    Don't know how it's with you,but here at the VLSI there is no such
    thing as a male/female emploee,only a good/nogood.We are getting
    promoted by our skills.
    Yet I'm real happy with this note.So keep on with it!
2.92hello!MARY::TRAPASSOMon Nov 10 1986 18:279
    I've been reading this conference for some time, but have not
    participated until today.
    I think this is a great forum for women's issues.   Keep it up!
    Currently working as a software technical writer in Marlboro, with
    a temporary assignment in Salem, NH.  
    <<Linda Sue Trapasso
2.93Christine, aka CQCELICA::QUIRIYChristineTue Nov 11 1986 21:2411

I've been reading and participating...

My name is Christine, and I'm a temporary employee (on the lookout for a 
permanent position) working as a telecommunications coordinator.  I've been 
in and out of DEC since 1980 -- permanent till 1983 when I quit to become a 
full-time student.  It's a good thing I don't have a terminal at home because 
I can become addicted to this... 

2.94ORANGES IN VIRGINIA???NEWVAX::PARKERTue Nov 11 1986 21:567
    I just learned how to access NOTES today.  I think it's great!.
     My name is Pat Orange and I am a hardware sales representative
    in the maa--Virginia Beach office.  (the only female in my unit).
     After the initial "DECShock" was over, I adapted quite well to
    such a large organization.  Before joining Digital 14 months ago,
    I was a commissioned rep selling office automation systems for NBI.
     Sure do miss those training sessions in Boulder, CO, though!!!
2.95Thanks for the welcomeADVAX::ENOThu Nov 20 1986 13:4716
    Since I just sent a reply to Topic 8, it's time for the introduction.
    I'm an Admin Secretary at the Mill, in Worksystems Technical Marketing.
     I just started working for DEC in September.  I have ten years
    of experience as a Secretary - Administrator - Office Manager in
    other types of companies (I just came from a buttoned-down executive
    recruiting firm), so the DEC culture is new to me.  I have a B.S.
    in Management, and continue working as a secretary for mostly personal
    reasons (I've moved around a lot, giving my husband's career priority,
    and expect to "career interrupt" to have a child in a few years).
    I find this conference fascinating and helpful.  I am particularly
    concerned about the secretarial "subculture" at DEC and hope to
    find some topics that relate to it here.
2.98New Meaning To The Word "NETWORK"NY1MM::RIZZOCarol RizzoWed Dec 03 1986 16:5232
    I'm Carol Rizzo. I joined Digital about 8 months ago as a Business
    Consultant in the New York Financial District.  Prior to DEC, I
    worked for McDonnell Douglas Info Sys Division as a Consultant to
    major Banks.             
    Originally I didn't want to work for DEC as I felt corporations
    with over 30,000 people could not provide the entrepreneurial
    environment that I enjoyed working in financial institutions.  So
    far however, I must say that I have been given a great deal of room
    to do what I felt had to be done.
    I moved to New York from Montreal, Canada when I was offered a position
    with a very reputable international banking software house that decided
    to get out of the business after my first 2 months.  I have over
    8 years experience in building banking systems (primarily on IBM)
    and 14 years banking experience in all.
    In Canada, I was a member of National Association of Women and the
    Law (NAWL) and spent a good deal of time working on briefs and
    position papers for submission to federal and provincial legislatures.
    I was a political science major with aspirations of becoming a lawyer
    but working with women who had gone through it all turned me off.
    I am married to a sweet and gentle man (14 years) and have a 16
    month old daughter. I look forward to being a regular contributer
    to this file. 
    bye for now.... Carol
2.99Hello all....TLE::BENOITBeth Benoit DTN 381-2074Thu Dec 11 1986 20:1135

Now that I've replied to a note, I'd better hurry up
and introduce myself.

My name is Beth Benoit. I'm a software engineer at ZK0 in
Nashua and have been with Digital for 9 months now.  Before that
I was with Data General for almost four years.  The differences
between the two companies continue to astonish and delight me. 
For one thing, there are many more women engineers here, proportionally.
It is so nice to work in a group that has enough women that 
I don't feel like a token!  

For another thing, I feel that the general corporate attitude
here is, as these things go, very welcoming to women.  I'm not
saying it's perfect!  There are still things I'd like to see --
like day care, a corporate policy of allowing women to work
part time for an indefinite period after returning from maternity 
leave, and so on.  But still...to be handed a handbook on my first
day on the job telling me that "harassment will not be tolerated
under any circumstances" demonstrates an awareness that I
greatly appreciate.  And my experiences so far have been
very positive here. 

Well!  Enough of that!  When I'm not working I'm often 
reading, or hiking/camping, or cooking, or visiting friends
and their children (my "adopted" nieces and nephews), or working
on classwork toward my Master's degree (in CS at BU), or playing
with my cats, or spending time with my SO.  I currently live
in an apartment in Billerica, though I plan to buy a house with
my roommate in the near future.  I am a sporadic attender at
a Quaker meeting in Framingham -- I hope to be a little less
sporadic when I find a meeting a little closer to home!

2.100I've been waiting for a perfect squareBACH::NELSONTue Dec 16 1986 02:1546
    I am Beryl Nelson. 
    I've been at DEC since April of 1984, and have worked on VAX LISP
    in the AI Technology group since that time.  I started as a Senior
    Software Engineer, and am now a Supervisor.  Over the course of
    those 3+ years I've had the opportunity to "grow" (as they say in
    resumes) both technically and as a person.  I like the project that
    I work on, and I've also been able to work with people that I like, 
    like Margaret and (indirectly) Hal.  Work isn't always all that
    fun, as when the group re-organizes, but if I look at my position
    over the course of years rather than weeks or months, I am pleased
    with the chances I've had here.
    For my first two years, I was the only woman engineer in the AI
    group, and while there are several now, there are still no other women
    engineers working on VAX LISP.  (Not because we haven't offered
    jobs to women!  Maybe that will change soon.)  However, there have
    always been plenty of women in the group in other roles, like
    management, product management and technical writing.  
    I do think that I am treated differently than other people are treated,
    but prefer to think that it is in response to who I am rather than
    in response to my being a woman.  Being a woman is a part of who
    I am, so those two statements are hard to distinguish.  What is
    important to me is that I am valued for my contribution to the project
    I work on, and I think that I am.  
    One of the most amusing phpone calls that I have had at DEC was probably
    a phone call I received from someone that I had been corresponding
    with via email.  I picked up the phone, and answered:
    <me>     Hello?
    <voice>  Hello; could I speak with Beryl Nelson?
    <me>     This is Beryl.
    <voice>  Are you sure?
    <me>     Yes, I am.
    <voice>  Oh, sorry.  It's just that your voice sounds kind of high
             for a guy.
    (I probably don't need to point out that the assumption was that a
    software engineer is a man.)
    Since then I put my middle name (Elaine) into my mail personal name.
    The second most amusing phone call was probably the one in which
    a woman asked my name, then said, "Beryl - is that B E R Y L?"
    I assented, and she asked, "Now, how do you spell your last name?"
    Beryl Elaine Nelson
2.101A voice from the south . . .PEACHS::WOODTue Dec 16 1986 13:0313
    Myra Wood
    RDC Engineer - Customer Support Center, Atlanta, Ga. 
    I've been with DEC for almost 10 years and have found it 
    a great company to work for.  I work in a group of 15 
    who provide technical support to our Field Service Engineers 
    on Terminals, Word Processors, PC's and Modems.  Out of 
    the 15 people in our group 5 of us are female.  
    I am a single parent (have been for 12 years) and have 2 
    teenage daughters (15.5 and 13.5).  
2.102Valerie Miller - software engineerMANTIS::MILLERVValerie MillerTue Dec 23 1986 14:3825

Hello, my name is Valerie Miller.

I have been with DEC for almost 6 months now.  I work at the Mill as a Software
Engineer with Internal Special Systems (part of Advanced Systems Development
and Process and Design Support).  I just graduated from Cornell in June
1986 with my BA in computer science.

Throughout my schooling, I have always been better at and more interested
in math and science than english or social sciences.  I have never had a
problem with taking any technical courses than I want, or being discouraged
from math or science in high school.  Particularly my parents were very
supportive, and my father encouraged me to apply to technical colleges such
as MIT and Cornell.

At Cornell, it is true that the majority of the computer science majors
and members of my technical courses were male, but I never felt any
discrimination or harassment.  A sizable minority of the technical and
engineering professors and students at Cornell is female, so I never felt
strange in my classes.

This conference is great.  I will be mostly read-only.

- Valerie
2.103Yet Another Software EngineerCLT::DADDAMIOEquine Stable EngineerWed Dec 31 1986 16:1616
    Guess I should introduce myself since I've replied to some notes...
    I'm Jan D'Addamio (of course computers don't like apostrophes so
    my user name doesn't have one), a principal software engineer in
    the Commercial Languages and Tools group.  I've been at DEC for
    almost three months now and really enjoy working here.
    I worked at Sanders Associates for nine years before coming here
    and am pleased at the company attitude towards its employees.  Also
    at Sanders there were no woman in management.  The highest women
    were at a level somewhere in between a supervisor and development
    manager here.  There was also one case of an incompetent woman who
    was tolerated at that level which really hurt the image of the women
    in the company rather than helping.  It's nice to see competent
    women at all levels in DEC.
2.104Barbara BazemorePASCAL::BAZEMOREBarbara b.Wed Dec 31 1986 19:2019
    Whew!  A hundred notes down, twenty-nine hundred to go...
    I'm a software engineer in the Technical Languages and Environments
    (TLE) group in ZK.  I've worked on the VAX PASCAL and VAXELN PASCAL 
    compilers (two jobs for the price of one :-) for about 2 years.
    I've been with DEC in varying capacities since 1980 when I was a
    summer Co-op with Mid-Range Diagnostics in Tewksbury.  I've also
    worked for Computer Special Systems/Network Systems Group writing
    I'm a second generation programmer, both Mom and Dad were programmers
    before I was born.  Dad was the first in the family to become a
    DECcie and I think he made a terrific decision.  This is a great
    job and a great company (rah, rah, motherhood and apple pie :-)
    			Barbara b. (I kept my last name so you'll have
    			   to figure who my "noted" husband is :-)
2.105WFOVX3::KLEINBERGERand the eagle flies with a dove...Fri Jan 16 1987 00:0116
    Well, I guess I should introduce myself...
    Name:  Gale Kleinberger
    Work:  Westfield, Mass     ! However currently trying to relocate
    			       ! back to the Marlboro/Hudson/Maynard area
    I am a Senior Systems Analyst, and have been with DEC for 2.7 years.
    Currently am the single mother of three, and struggling with the
    daily challenge of being mom, dad, nurse, friend, tear-dryer, career
    person, SO, counselor, taxi driver, and trying to find a new place
    to work...  
    I have been following this file since it began, and I guess it is
    time to say I'm here...
2.106Hello, this is Jane speakingHGOV06::JANEHOFri Jan 16 1987 03:396
    Hello Meggie:
    I'm a Data Administrator in the Far East M I S of Digital Hong Kong.
    I've been working here for 4 months now but my knowledge of computers
    is minimal (this is my first job in the computer industry).  Hope
    you can help me out.  
2.107Well I'm not a Software Specialist, but...VAXWRK::LESHINTue Jan 20 1987 13:4318
    My name is Sandi - I'm a project specialist in the Software Services
    Corporate Engineering/Technical Services Group in Maynard.  I started
    this job only 2 months ago after supporting the sales organization
    in one way or another for the past 5 1/2 years.  
    I have just found this notesfile and think its a great idea.  I've
    only read some of the notes and can identify with a lot of you who
    are single parents (I have 2 children), who go to school part time
    and who try to handle everything while working at least 40 hours
    per week at DEC.  
    I look forward to reading the rest of these notes and hopefully
    to contributing once in awhile.  Thanks for creating this file 
2.108"I am who I am and know who I am"DONJON::STRONACHTue Jan 20 1987 16:2116

  I am Marian Stronach-Cardillo and I have worked at Digital for 15 years.
  My position is with the Corporate Videotex Program and I am a VTX

  After reading this file for awhile and I also felt it was time 
  that an introduction was forthcoming.  
  I can also relate to many of the subjects and from time to time I will
  correspond in this file.

  Glad this conference exists.


2.110helloBRANCH::SPAULDINGBonnie SpauldingThu Jan 22 1987 15:0018
    I'm Bonnie Spaulding and I work as an artist in a Software
    Documentation Group at ZK. I have been working for Digital for
    5 years. Just recently I completed a 7-year goal...my degree and
    am happy to get that sheepskin so that I can enjoy the rest of my
    Although my formal education has come to an end...my informal education
    never ceases.
    I find this notesfile both interesting and challenging. It provides
    an opportunity for me to read what other people think about issues
    which may not be the same way that I look at them. Which is GREAT!
    It' challenges me to look at what my views are and what I base them
    on, be able to explain that other people and gain new insight from
    their views. 
    Bonnie Sp.
2.111Here I am...NRLABS::TATISTCHEFFSat Jan 24 1987 23:188
    Oh Boy, here goes.
    I'm Lee Tatistcheff, a materials engineer (actually acoustic
    microscopist) in Northboro.  I've been with DEC for 8 months, and
    so far, I LOVE MY JOB!!!
    Vitals:  24, single, live wth my cat near Boston, somewhat
    computerphobic, and very opinionated.
2.112A converted vtx readerEAYV01::LMACDONALDTue Jan 27 1987 08:428
    	i'm a new notes reader.  I work in the 32 bit workstation group
    	at Ayr (Scotland).  I'm the vaxstar test/product engineer and
    	i've been in dec for about 7 years.
2.113MASTER::EPETERSONTue Jan 27 1987 19:258
    My name is Marion Daly.  I am an independent contractor who has
    been working at various DEC sites for three years.  I have been
    in data processing for 20 years (yes I said 20) and I have been
    contracting for 10 of those years.  I became a contractor after
    I figured out how many petty little political games were required
    in order to climb the corporate ladder.  I am now so fiercely independent
    that I don't know if I could ever be an employee.
2.114same person, different jobCHEV02::STARKSTONSharon StarkstonTue Jan 27 1987 21:2218
    RE: .11
    Thought I'd reintroduce myself, since my circumstances have changed
    so radically...
    I am now a Software Specialist in the Chicago District.  We'll have
    to see how it works out, but I think my job is to be a strategic
    consultant for engineering customers - prior to the purchase.
    The job change was motivated by personal circumstances -- my SO and I
    negotiating what city we would live in after three years of being
    physically apart.  I took a leave of absence from my position in New
    England, moved myself to Chicago and looked for a job here.  I was not
    working for four wonderful months. 
    Glad to be back!

2.115Geri RovelliVIKING::TARBETMargaret MairhiMon Feb 02 1987 16:3222
Note 114.3                           Resume                               3 of 3
MAUDIB::ROVELLI                                      16 lines   2-FEB-1987 13:29
                         -< voice from the Southwest >-

    I am Geri Rovelli, a Technical Writer with the Phoenix Plant (PNO).
    Have been with DEC for 11 yrs. and have had a multitude of jobs
    - maybe it just feels that way.  I have enjoyed all of them and
    an now working in the Phoenix Documentation & Design Center (PDDC)
    group as an official Tech. writer.  I came to Phoenix 24 yrs. ago
    via Albany, NY and Jericho, VT.  
    Enjoying this note section - good information, sharing of knowledge
    and information.  I finally decided that I should enter my name
    since I have enjoyed it so much.  Will continue to read-mostly and
    join in once in awhile.
2.116GLAD TO KNOW YOU'RE HERE.....AKOV02::GRENACHEWed Feb 04 1987 19:0745







                       BUT, PLEASE.........NOT SUSAN



2.117Lorain GerawayCYGNUS::GERAWAYThu Feb 05 1987 13:4312
My name is Lorain Geraway.

I am a Project Specialist working for IN-DEC HPS, and I am in charge of the
Area Resource Center.  The ARC is used by ISWS Software Specialists and
IN-DEC Area Engineers for the support of our internal customers.  I've been
with DEC for 10 years.

I have just started using NOTES and reading this file, and I am interested
in other people's perspectives on Love, Life, and the Pursuit of Happiness.


2.118Barbara HopperstadNANUCK::HOPPERSTADWhy not...?Fri Feb 13 1987 19:0917
    Hello,  I'm a software specialist in the North Central District
    working out of the Minneapolis office.  I've been with Digital for
    almost 2 years now (easy to remember my start date: April 15!) and
    have spent all of that time working for a single customer:  3M.
    I was out on a residency at 3M for the first year helping on 
    migration issues from Decsystem-20 to VAX.  This past year
    I have been a project leader developing some custom software
    for a Group at 3M.  
    Now that we're in our warranty period on the project and things have 
    calmed down for me (anybody's who been on a project knows what I
    mean!) I've finally had a chance to browse through this conference.
    How exciting to find that there is such a lively and THINKING
    group of people in this company!  I mean this conference talks
    about REAL LIFE.
2.119Kathie MitchellPRESTO::MITCHELLMon Feb 16 1987 14:5415
    My name is Kathie Mitchell. I've been with DEC for 6 1/2 years.
    Presently working as Financial Analyst for DIS HQ, at Virginia
    Road in Concord MA (VRO3-2/B7).
    Prior to DEC I worked as an office manager for a ranch. We raised
    Chianina cattle and chinchilla, of which herds were sold to 
    investors for tax shelters.
    Took me a while to get used to DEC culture, but now feel like I'm
    a real part of the family. Looking forward to participating in this
2.120hello to everyone!NEWVAX::BOBBI brake for Wombats!Tue Apr 07 1987 20:1043
    I just realized that I should probably introduce myself, since I've
    been putting my $.05 (I always ramble on for more than just two cents
    worth!) into some of the topics. 
    My name is Janet Bobb and I work in the Landover Maryland office
    as a Senior Software specialist, doing Sales Support. I primarily
    cover the VIA products (databases, 4GL's, forms, Datatrieve, etc.)
    but also do general VMS work when needed. What this means is that
    I do demos and slide presentations, some consulting, some projects,
    lots of customer visits to analyze needs/problems and suggest/implement
    the answer to those needs/problems and anything else that might
    be involved when working directly with the customers.
    I've been with DEC for just over 5 years and have been in the
    Washington DC area for just over 4 years. I started out as a computer
    operator with very little computer knowledge (thought I had broke the
    computer when all I had done was hit the NOSCROLL key....oh well!) and
    was lucky enough to be hired by a woman who thought that I could
    probably learn what I needed to know. Well.... I guess she was right,
    since 3 years after being hired, I was a senior software specialist
    (level 3 - for those of you that might not know the old names). 

    I came from a teaching position in a small public school (taught high
    school social studies) and am still quite impressed with the difference
    in attitudes between private industry and public industry. I don't
    know if DEC is different then the rest of corporate America, but
    so far, I haven't seen any limitations placed on people because
    of ________ (fill in the blank: sex,race, dress, etc.). Maybe it's
    just that way in the computer industry, since it is still in its
    infancy. I heard Grace Hopper speak recently and one of the comments
    she made about the computer field is that there are very few (if
    any) gender specific titles because both genders have filled all
    positions since the beginning of computers.....

    Oh well, enough about me. Thanks for the notesfile! I enjoy reading
    what others have to say on the various topics. And whereas I might
    not agree with everyone, I love debating! 
    Good cheers to all of you out there!

    janet b.
2.121Susan (not Sue) LeavittPROSE::LEAVITTWed Apr 08 1987 16:1911
    I'm a software tech writer, currently working on VTX/VALU.
    I have a 16-year-old son who's been the best thing that ever
    happened to me.  Sure, he's shaved half his head and he writes
    Sex Pistol lyrics on his clothes, but hey, he's on the Honor
    Roll, doesn't do drugs or alcohol, and has a good job :-).
    I also have an SO; he's a good guy, too, AND he doesn't shave
    his head or write on his clothes.
    I recently turned 40 and am waiting for the overwhelming
    feelings of serenity and self-confidence to arrive.
2.122moved on request of the authorSTUBBI::B_REINKEthe fire and the rose are oneThu Apr 09 1987 00:4513
                        -< Topics Of Interest To Women >-
Note 277.0                       update to 2.93                        2 replies
CELICA::QUIRIY "Christine"                            6 lines   8-APR-1987 13:03

I'm almost permanent!  I've been offered, and have accepted a position
as a software writer.  It's what I want and have been looking for since
last June.  I'm tickled!

2.124Hello!VINO::EVANSThu Apr 09 1987 15:4210
    Dawn Evans
    I'm a software engineer in the TOPS-20 group. Worked as a schoolteacher
    (junior high) for 14 years and got fed up. Entered the computer
    world via Nixdorf Corp. and moved to DEC after 1.5 years, where
    I've now been for just over 3 years. Have been treated better as
    a rookie engineer in DEC than I was for the last 10 years as an
    experienced teacher in the public schools. I've been a feminist
    forever, but didn't know it until "the movement" came along in the
    early 70's. Hi y'all!
2.126And me...OASS::VKILETue Apr 21 1987 16:2416
    I'm a Senior Software Specialist at the CSC in Atlanta.  Been here
    for 14 months now.  Am basicially a system manager for a cluster,
    2 system V's and 2 microVaxes.  Also do some VMS telephone support
    for customers.
    I'm married (almost a year now) with no children yet.  
    I have a degree in Computer Science from The University of Tennessee
    and I came here from Texas Instruments in Dallas.
    Plan to enjoy this notes file.
2.127Pleased to meet'chaLEZAH::BOBBITTFestina Lente - Hasten SlowlyWed Apr 22 1987 14:3816
    I was a co-op at another Digital plant in 1983, and have since
    graduated from WPI, and am happily ensconced in Marlboro, working
    as a "software writer" (documentation - it's not just a job - it's
    an adventure).  I appreciate this file, as I have found that ever
    since attending a technical high school (and being the only female
    in an all-male shop) that support groups for non-traditional workers
    (that's women in cabinet making, as well as men in cosmetology)
    work wonders.  I have had other co-ops, and part time jobs, most
    of which were in predominantly male areas.  This is not bad, just
    different (and very educational).  Write on.....
    I look forward to being enriched here, and hope to read and learn 
    much more - about me, you, everyone....
2.128Hello worldNSG008::MILLBRANDTOut of bounds AgainThu May 07 1987 22:2019
    ...since I've entered a couple of replies lately.  Meet Dotsie
    Millbrandt, a long-frizzy-redhaired-no-makeup-always-jeans-or-cords
    type person left over from a previous era.  Still trying to prove
    that you can be the person you want to, and the world will eventually
    get used to you...
    I'm a Senior Software Engineer in the CSS Network Systems Group. We
    design low-volume/small-niche communications hardware and write the
    software/microcode to make it work.  Currently I'm software tech lead
    for the DSB32, a communications board for BI systems. 
    I've been at Digital 2.5 years this time, 1 year in '78-79, and was
    at the Foxboro company for several years before that.  The missing
    years?  '80-84 but who's counting?  I was staying home with my babies!
    	 > You *can* take time off and still be a serious engineer! <
    						- Dotsie
2.129CSC32::VICKREYIF(i_think) THEN(i_am) ELSE(stop)Sat May 09 1987 03:5110
     Susan Vickrey
     Software Support Specialist
     Technical Backup Unit
     Internal Integrated Support Group
     Colorado Springs, CO

     With DEC CSC doing customer and now internal phone support
     since May, 1980 - it's a good way to flatten the ears!

     Mostly readonly.
2.130Just visiting, but it's greatCADSE::GLIDEWELLTue May 12 1987 00:4618
Marie (Meigs) Glidewell

I'm contracting at Andover with the VLS design group (great group).
Got into tech pub's after my student teaching in '78.  Why no teaching? 
Only job I've ever had where I *had* to take a nap after work. Thought I 
was weak until the discovery that every teacher in the school went home to 
nap or downtown to drink.

My old hobby:  I write and sell jokes.  My new hobby is reading NOTES and 
laughing/smiling/appreciating what an astounding bunch of terrific peeps 
live here in DEC land.

If any of you are interested in entering the tech editing/writing field, 
feel welcome to contact me.  I'll be happy to tell you about the field.
(Contractors are not listed in ELF, so I'm at 289-1643.)

Best to all.
2.131Jazz lover!USAT02::CARLSONdeath to BIMS!!Tue May 12 1987 15:036
    Hiya.   I'm Theresa Carlson, Lead Computer Operator at DIS Data
    Center (F & A), in Atlanta GA.  I work predominently with men,
    which is no problem.  (sometimes I have to be our 'champion')
2.132Almighty SETTSG::TAUBENFELDTue May 19 1987 20:4930
    I've been at DEC for 2 days (yes, days) so I really can't tell you
    what I do here except that I'm in TSG in Marlboro LM04-1, soon to
    be working on the TRADERS project.  I'm fresh out of WPI, where
    I graduated (or will be this Saturday) with a BS in CS.  I thought
    I would tell you who I am before I start reading the other notes
    in WOMANNOTES as I'm sure I'll have plenty to say.
    I heard about this file when I interviewed here (see, it's famous
    already) and must admit that I swore I would never read or write
    to it.  But since I'm starting with a fresh slate (you could say)
    I thought I should change the part of me that does not get along
    with women.  Maybe this file will help me be a little more sensitive
    to women's issues.  Yes, I am female, but in all honesty I have
    never had much respect for other females.  As I meet more and more
    intelligent women though, I learn that there are women out there
    who deserve respect.
    At WPI there is a 5-1 ratio of men to women, so I hardly notice
    I am one of the few (the proud, the ...).  I have been the object
    of discrimination and reverse descrimination, and through it all
    I have learned to LAUGH, not whine.  I am not a feminist, I dislike
    all reactionary extremes.  For every disadvantage being a woman
    has, there is also an advantage.  It all evens out, so I concentrate
    more on myself as a person than as a woman.
    I'll be flaming on a note file near you...   
    				Sharon E Taubenfeld
2.133HelloGNUVAX::TUCKERPeace of mind...Thu May 28 1987 15:488
    Brenda Tucker
    Corporate User Publications
    High Performance Systems and Clusters; TOPS-20
    Marlboro, MA  (MRO1)
    With DEC since September, 1976.  Spent 18 months in Syracuse, NY
    in software (mostly sales) support.
2.134Hey there, Y'all!WARLRD::CFLETCHERShort StuffFri Jun 05 1987 02:0228
    Corinne Fletcher
    Sr. Secretary
    Office Automation - CSC Atlanta
    DECCIE - 1 yr, 5 mo., or so.
    24 yrs old.
    Short and love it!
    My darlin' SO is a DECCIE also (Rich QBUS:: Fink).  I've been reading
    notes for quite a while, but been to lazy to write.  Tonight we
    decided to teach me how to reply, so now y'all will probably get
    tired of my big mouth!  
    I think NOTES is lots more fun with your SO helping!
    Gotta go.
    You know who is nagging me about being past my beddie-bye time.
    Night, Y'all!
2.135Yes Virginia, women ARE real peopleOWL::DYER_GUNNSat Jun 06 1987 12:5513
    I've been reading this conference for a while when I've had the
    chance... It's really neat to see women and men discussing the real
    issues (and some of the unreal ones too)... I'm old enough to remember
    when we wouldn't be caught dead mentioning or imagining lots of
    them... you just thought you were weird for thinking them!!  
    I have been with DEC almost 3 years (a virtual youngster) and work
    as a systems analyst in the Central Spec Control group in Northboro.
    I really enjoy what I am doing... growing, changing, becoming...
    Thanks for being here...
2.136Introducing ...PNEUMA::SULLIVANWed Jun 17 1987 20:2918
    I've been reading this conference for a while and just recently
    started writing in it, and I thought I should introduce myself.
    My name is Justine Sullivan, and I'm a Technical Writer in Maynard.
    I've been with DEC for about 3 years.  I started out as a Registrar
    in Bedford, so I have some idea about the differences between wage
    class 2 and wage class 4 jobs here.  I like working at DEC, and
    although I think there's lots of room for improvement in the areas
    of racism, sexism, and homophobia, to name a few, the DEC environment
    is fairly comfortable for me.  I mostly feel like I'm struggling
    to keep a balance between being true to myself and "getting along"
    in a middle-class, heterosexual male world.  So far, I'm doing ok
    with that.  Having a network like this one helps as a sort of sanity 
    check, and it's a good place to let off steam.  I'm glad you're all here!
2.137No, but hum a few bars, and I'll fake it...CADSE::FOXThu Jun 18 1987 15:2190
     My name is Bobbi Fox (aka Roberta Fox at work).  I've been a
     read-only member of this conference since its inception, for a
     variety of reasons, some of them relating to the nature of this
     forum, some of them due to personal and/or career related

        I am the mother of a wonderful, girl-identified seven
     year old named Rosa, whose custody I share with my ex-husband.

        Professionally, I am a Senior Software Engineer in CAD Systems
     Engineering in Andover.

        I am also a feminist.  I suspect I've been one since birth
     (maybe even before :-), but my first act in support of women's
     (actually, girl's) rights was my attempt to organize a sit-down
     strike in fifth grade to protest the fact that none of the class
     officers were girls.

        I have spent most of the years since, both on and off the job,
     trying to work for ALL people's rights,
     but have chosen one of my major focuses to be work in support of
     women's lives and experiences.  Specifically, I have spent a
     number of years working on issues of reproductive rights, which
     includes much more than issues of contraception, abortion, and
     sterilization abuse.

        A wonderful definition of feminism (maybe this
     should be the introductory passage for Feminism 101) was given by
     Margaret Atwood, a Canadian author best known nowadays for her
     latest novel _A_Handmaid's_Tale_ .  It was transcribed by Judy
     McMullen, the original moderator of femail, a moderated women's
     mailing list, from a talk Ms. Atwood gave:

           I felt and still do feel that Feminist issues are not just
        for women.  They are human rights issues just as war should
        not concern men alone though it's mostly men in the front
        lines.  I find men who react to women's issues or women's
        studies with the standard paranoia, "Why do you hate men?" and
        so forth, understandable but ignorant.  A university is not a
        place where ignorance should be encouraged.  I look forward,
        however, to the time when both feminist groups and wars will
        no longer be with us, having become obsolete.

           Here's another answer.

           Any woman who can read and write is a feminist.  People
        chained themselves to fences and starved and were beaten up
        and killed to get you that right.

           Any woman who has legal rights over her own children is a
        feminist.  Remember the origin of the word "family".  It comes
        from Roman "familia" which meant the total group of people
        controlled by a male householder including women, children and

           Any woman who is allowed to vote is a feminist.  We've only
        had that right here for 52 years [I believe this speech was
        given in Canada -- Bobbi].

           Any woman or man who believes in equal pay for equal work
        is a feminist.

           Any man who doesn't believe it's his God-given privilege to
        beat up or kill his wife or sexually molest his children is a

           Any woman or man who is against rape and violent
        pornography, who isn't turned on by movies of women being
        strangled, disemboweled and hung up with meat hooks, is a

           Any one, woman or man, who thinks a man should be judged as
        to his worthiness by qualities such as a sense of humour,
        admirableness of character, helpfulness in a tight spot, moral
        integrity, inventiveness, creativity of any kind,
        courteousness and courage, and not just as a money-making
        robot, is a feminist.  Because if women are forced to depend
        on men for food, that is how they will tend to evaluate men
        and no man I've ever met really likes to be loved just for his
        bank account.

           Hands up for the feminists in this room.

Since another "Bobbi" beat me to it in this conference, I'll sign 
my stuff with

 /bobbi fox
2.138....here at last!!!!SQM::BURKHOLDERTue Jun 30 1987 11:3917
               -< Nancy Jean Burkholder >-
    I am a Sr Software Engineer with TSD at Spit Brook and have been with
     Digital for one month.  I previously worked at G.E. in Burlington, VT for
    6 years.  It feels great to be here, this is my fourth job, and
    the one I plan to stay with.  Right now I'm adjusting to the DEC
    culture and trying to figure out what I'm suppose to do.
    I'm in the process of moving, so I work in NH during the
    week and return to VT on weekends.
    I'm 34, and single.  My hobbies are country living, carpentry, flying,
    backpacking, sailing, cycling, skiing...etc. 
    This notefile is a great idea and I look forward to being a
2.139An American from INDIAFRAGLE::ANANDRAJWed Jul 01 1987 12:5211
    Hi I am Geetha Anandraj. The first one to enter from far east end
    of the world (INDIA) even though I work in Northboro, MA.
    I am a Programmer/Analyst.  I just found this file yesterday.  
    Good job Maggie. 
    I have 2 girls (Sonia 4.5 & Praveena 3) and my husband works for
    DEC in Westminster.  We live in Worcester, MA.
2.140Sweden callingSTKEIS::LJUNGBERGTue Jul 07 1987 16:4031
    My name is Ann Westin (which is my maiden name and doesn't fit in
    the computer systems...) Ljungberg. I'm a support specialist working
    with ALL-IN-1 and related office products at Digital in Stockholm,
    Sweden. I've been with DEC since January and really like it. I was
    introduced to Notes a while ago and have read most of the basenotes
    and many of the replies in Womannotes - what a great conference!
    So far I have not contributed, but I'm sure I will occasionally.
    I'm 25, married to Mats and "stepmother" to a teenage girl. No children
    of my own (yet). We live about 75 kilometers north of Stockholm
    in the beautiful archipelago (40 000 islands, but we've managed
    to stay on the mainland just close to the water). It's a long ride
    to work every day, but well worth it.  I love skiing, sailing, river 
    rafting and a lot of other outdoor activities. 
    I used to travel a lot and have lived in the states for almost 3 
    years altogether (exchangestudent in Indiana 1979-80 and "tourist"/
    aupair/student in San Francisco 82-84) Still hoping for a chance to 
    return there some day, and I would love to visit N.E where most 
    womannoters seem to be located. 
    How about Sweden for the next party? I'll host, once I get the lawn
    mower fixed... 
    * *
     V     Ann
2.141GreetingsDECSIM::HALLWed Jul 08 1987 18:1223
    I'm Dale Hall, a software engineer in the Circuit Simulation group
    (part of Semiconductor Engineering Group/Computer-Aided Design) in
    Hudson, Ma.  I work mostly on the DEC internal version of SPICE, 
    *the* original circuit simulation program.  I've been at Digital
    for 1 year and like it a lot.

    In a "previous lifetime," I was a research lab technician at 
    Masssachusetts General Hospital and worked my way into a position
    of respect and responsibility.  However, the job gradually lost
    its charm, and I went back to school to earn a master's degree
    in electrical engineering (at Boston University, which has a 2-year
    master's program called LEAP, designed for people who have a 
    non-engineering undergraduate degree).

    During non-working hours, I like  a) spending time with my SO,
    b) playing the viola in various musical groups, and c) following
    current events (the news from Washington, DC is *so* entertaining
    these days!).

    See you on the Net -

2.142Saying hello at lastTSG::GOLDSTEINLooking for that open doorFri Jul 10 1987 22:559
    After reading this conference for what seems forever, I've decided
    to finally introduce myself. I'm Joan Goldstein, Sr. Software Writer
    for the Technical Systems Group in Marlboro.  It's been great to
    read so many notes from others that seem to describe things that
    I feel or have experienced. 
    Joan (often just 'jg')
2.143MONSTR::PHILPOTTThe Colonel's LadyThu Jul 23 1987 20:2822
	[I'm ghost writing this for Ann, who isn't used to notes yet - /.Ian.\]
        Ian has been showing me this file - isn't it wonderful how we can
        talk about the things that are so important to us in this way. It
        is nice to have such a lot of people that one can turn to for advice
        about all the things that are of interest and concern to us. It
        is also nice to see how people from different countries and cultures
        think about issues, and even see different things as being of concern.
        I just want to introduce myself: I am Ann Som-Ngam Philpott, and
        Ian and I were married on Sunday last. I will be reading this from
        time to time and will contribute when I learn how to use it (or
        when Ian can ghost write for me). I am from Thailand, and have been
        in America for 6 months now, sometimes I have trouble understanding
        things that you write - my English is not very good.                  
        /. Ann .\

2.144Catherine IannuzzoMOSAIC::IANNUZZOCatherine T.Wed Aug 12 1987 20:0224
Well, I've been noting fairly actively in Wnotes for a while now, but 
have never done an introduction.  The trashnotes vote has prompted this, 
so here goes:

Professionally, I'm a principle software engineer with PCSG in Littleton,
currently working on DECwindows.  I've been with the company for 10
years in a variety of organizations: operations and diagnostics in the
Mill, Technical Languages in Tewksbury and Spitbrook, IVIS in Bedford
and Burlington, and now here. 

I've worked my way up the hard way, after dropping out of college to 
live in a yoga ashram and get married. After two kids and all the bean
sprouts I could stand, I went back into the real world. I took naturally
to software, got a divorce, retrieved my maiden name, and never looked

As you've no doubt noticed by now, I'm of the radical lesbian feminist 
persuasion in my social and political views, although not a separatist.
I enjoyed endlessly theorizing about human behavior in my spare time.

Avocationally, I draw and paint, crochet, read (especially science 
fiction), do AIDS volunteer work, used to fence fanatically and work as 
a race car flagger until I ruined my back (still have hopes of getting 
healthy), enjoy progressive theatre, samurai films, and the blues.
2.145KLAATU::THIBAULTbe-bop-a-lulu, babyThu Aug 13 1987 14:029
Software Engineer
Salem (NIO) NH
Been with DEC 4+ years
Alias': Bahama Mama, DooDah, Jenna Pooh
Goal in Life: To become independantly wealthy so that I may retire to a	
	      log cabin next to a mountain lake, and spend the rest of my
	      daze travelling the world.
2.146Didn't do this earlier, did I?REX::BROOMHEADDon't panic -- yet.Thu Aug 13 1987 17:0012
    Ann A. Broomhead
    Senior Software Engineer
    MLO 1-3/E12  Pole22c  223-2547
    I'm half the Fonts Engineering group; we try to insure that the
    little marks on your screens and pieces of paper make sense and
    look good.
    I'm actively involved in the science fiction community -- It's
    not just a &*&@^* hobby, it's a way of life.
    							Ann B.
2.147Stacie WatkinsCSMADM::WATKINSFri Aug 14 1987 17:2310
    Stacie Watkins
    After reading many of these replies, I feel intimidated by the title
    of it.  I am a secretary (the proverbial "woman's place in business")
    To be more specific, I'm a temp Admin. Secretary for the CSM Matl's
    group over in beautiful Westford.
    Don't plan on being here long, though.  I'm off to sunny Cal. in
    a few months.  On to school and in search of *big* success!
2.148Sue Hilligrass :*)SSDEVO::HILLIGRASSFri Aug 14 1987 22:264
    Been with DEC for 4 years as a Field Service Engineer working
    in Colorado Springs INDEC.  I'll fix anything DEC makes from
    a VT100 to an 11785, except 18 bit machines and 8800's!
2.149Suzanne ConlonNEXUS::CONLONSat Aug 15 1987 22:218
    	Suzanne Conlon
    	VAX Engineer
    	Big, big fan of this file (the people who contribute with honest
    	and sincere notes are some of the greatest folks in DEC.)
2.150Rita TillsonPARITY::TILLSONIf it don't tilt, fergit it!Mon Aug 17 1987 15:1011
    Rita Tillson
    Tewksbury, MA
    Software Engineer, prototyping ME Workstations.  Been DEC for 9
    years, DEC-10/20 hacker until last year.
    Like: NOTEs files (moderate ACOA), hacking, tropical/marine fish
    keeping, cats/birds/reptiles (have too many of each!), cheap beer
    and pinball, Grateful Dead concerts.
2.152HiVIDEO::TEBAYNatural phenomena invented to orderTue Aug 18 1987 16:1414
    Now that I jumped and wrote vs reading guess intros are in order.
    Suzie Tebay, Quality manager with the Product Assurance group of
    At DEC for 8 years.
    Career wise have have changed careers from traditonal women type
    things (medical,teaching) to engineering.
    Have lots of storng opinions and far "too logical". My good
    friends call me MS.SPOCK.
2.153SPMFG1::BROWNKWed Aug 19 1987 10:055
    Kathy Brown 
      Springfield Mass. 
      Scheduler for the plant, raw materials.
2.154PLAY IT AGAIN - SAM!DISHQ::FULLERWed Aug 19 1987 14:154
    As a DEC Adm. Secretary for telecom I have enjoyed reading this
    file - I have been with DEC for 3 yrs.  Prior business experience
    has ranged from positions in advertising, publishing, banking, schools,
    etc. "An old timer!"     
2.155VIKING::CHANDLERThu Aug 20 1987 18:0833
    Well, I guess I'll play by the rules.  Actually I thought I had
    registered a long time ago, but I guess I didn't.
    My name is Pat.  I'm a software engineer in LJO1, doing windowing
    systems work right now.  Very interesting work. 
    I've been at Digital a few months over a year now.  Adjusting to
    the Digital culture has been very difficult.  I see why people never
    leave;  they can't stand the thought of relearning another corporate
    culture.  I've reached the point where I get at least some of
    the inside jokes now, but I still don't know who my vice-president
    is.  Doesn't seem to be a handicap.
    I don't reply much in this conference; I prefer my controversial 
    conversations face-to-face.  (Electronic age or not, I still
    like direct human interaction more than indirect).  But I have found
    many fascinating ideas here.
    The reason I read this notes file is my never-ending search to know:  
    Why do people do the things they do?  Why are we what we are?  How 
    did we get this way?
    A few personal notes:  I'm divorced (I doubt I will ever remarry),
    and mid-30s in age.  I climb mountains, garden, snow ski (both
    kinds), and paint, for a few examples.  (I also have a sadistic
    streak - I am amused by my friends trying to find supportive things
    to say about my very bad paintings).  
    I once took a test in a class that split us up into "male" people,
    "female" people and androgynous people.  We were physically
    separated into the three groups;  I was the only androgynous person.
    I felt very funny about it at the time, because I didn't know what 
    that meant.  I've been trying ever since not to lose it.  
2.156Hi thereNEWVAX::SHAFERMon Aug 24 1987 22:1115
    	My name is Paula Shafer, and I work in Landover, MD.  I am a
    unit software manager with Software Services.  I have been with
    DEC for about 4 years and I am nearly 37 years old.  I have been
    performing this job since Christmas; and I was named permanently
    to the job in June.  I am divorced with no children.
    	I have recently started reading this notes file because I am
    curious about how other women view DEC as an employer.  I have worked
    within two different Areas of Software Services (Northeast and
    Mid-atlantic) and find the two very different.  Attitudes toward
    minorities and women are very different here (where the site-specific
    holiday is Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday) than in my previous
    location.  Now I am curious about the rest of DEC.
2.157Time to RegisterUSWAV3::LGOLDBERGLinda GoldbergTue Aug 25 1987 13:4111
    I work for the Northeast Area as a Business Account Specialist.
    What that really means is that I provide sales support for Sales 
    Reps selling Software Product Services.  
    90+ percent of the BAS's in the US are woman.  A large number of
    the management (Field Service) are men.  
    I have been reading Womannotes for about 6 months.
2.158Vicky TrioloTARKIN::TRIOLOVictoria TrioloFri Aug 28 1987 16:438
  I am a Senior Hardware Engineer for MSB (mid-range Systems).  I 
  have designed some memories (when I worked for ESD) and I am
  now designing I/O adapters.
   I am also captain of the GRAPENUTS, the purple team in the 
   DEC women's basketball league.   GO NUTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
2.159Joana Bize - EHQSHIRE::BIZEMon Aug 31 1987 14:2225
    I have been reading this note for some time, and also once in a
    while participating, so it's only fair that I should enroll.
    One of the reasons I have not enrolled earlier, is that this file
    is so active that I am afraid I will have to drop it one day because
    there is no way I will be able to read everything, and reading only
    part of something is so frustrating !
    I am 31 years old, 10 years in DEC. I am an Information Specialist
    II, which probably doesn't mean much to you, unless a similar job
    exists in the US. Explaining it would be a bit long, so if anybody
    is interested I could send them the job description by internal
    I am also married, I have one elder daughter from my husband's former
    marriage (not leaving with us, which we find heart-breaking) and
    one smaller daughter, our own. Also 2 cats and a rabbit.
    We live in Geneva, Switzerland and I work at Digital's European
    My mother tongue is French, so bear with me!
2.160another engineer from AITGAITG::LINGWed Sep 02 1987 15:2621
    Hi everybody,  I am Lin Ling.  As you may notice thru my name, I
    am a Chinese.
    I came to the States for about 7 years now.   I got my M.S. in Computer
    Science from Purdue University and joined DEC force right after
    the graduation (which was 3 years ago).
    I am now a Senior Software Engineer woking in the AI Technology
    group, the 2nd woman engineer after Beryl Nelson (see .100).
    Just like Beryl, I also like the project that I am working on and
    the people in this group.   I sense the opportunity to grow in the
    group and that makes me feel very positive of doing my job.            
    I am very interesting in reading more about personal experience
    at DEC (such as note 28),  how do we (women) survive in the 70's,
    80's, or even predict 90's, and lots lots...
    I am glad I found this notes file, and we shall keep in touch.
    /Lin Ling
2.161One from the very northHSTSSC::WIKWed Sep 02 1987 16:1722
2.162That's Lawrence, Massachusetts!WAGON::RITTNERWed Sep 02 1987 17:1416
    Hi!! I'm Elisabeth Rittner. I work in the Lawrence facility (yes,
    there is a Lawrence facility!) as a Principal Writer/Course Developer.
    I began working at Digital last February. Prior to Digital I worked
    at a couple of start-ups, Atex, and Data General. I've worked at
    product support, documentation, sales support, and marketing. Eleven
    years in the business, although I majored in Anthropology (back
    when students weren't as worried about being practical in getting
    a degree!).
    I'm thoroughly enjoying Womannotes. I'm happy to see notes from
    all over the world! I'm enjoying Digital. I'm glad to be back in
    a large company!!
2.163witticismMINDER::WILLIAMSTue Sep 08 1987 16:044
    Hello! I'm Helen Williams, graduate trainee at Manchester as of
    1st September. I've just begun reading Womannotes and look forward
    to meeting the authors of such wit during my training visits.
    See you soon!
2.164new from down southSYSENG::BITTLEMon Sep 14 1987 21:218
    Greetings!  I am Nancy Bittle, a systems engineer for Low-End Systems
    Evaluation Engineering in the Mill.  Last May I graduated from Duke
    University in Raleigh-Durham, NC, with a BSEE, and started working
    at Digital last month.  I am new to the area (born and raised in
    Orlando, FL), new to Digital, and new to an atmosphere outside of 
    academics in general.
    I look forward to talking with you!  
2.165Marcia ButchartNATASH::BUTCHARTFri Sep 18 1987 18:3028
    I've been REPLYing for a while, and have neglected to introduce
    myself.  My name is Marcia Butchart.  I work in the Management Sciences
    group in DEC's Stow facility.  I've been with DEC 12 years now,
    started as a secretary, rose through the ranks and am now a Principal
    Systems Analyst.  I'm also one-half of a DEC couple: husband works
    for DEC too.
    I began reading the file at the suggestion of a friend who is a
    contributor.  I felt awkward at first, not being at my best in 
    group situations with women.  Well, hopefully, I'm now learning 
    how to cope better with both!  I was distant from my mother, and 
    pretty much ostracized by my sister, the girls and young women I 
    grew up with, went to school with, worked with in my 20's.  They 
    as much as told me that I was not "really" a woman because I didn't 
    look like, talk like, think like or work like most of them.  So 
    for years I felt the whole, intriguing realm of female solidarity 
    and support was closed off to me.  I also felt adrift in my own 
    definition of my womanhood; I could feel my femaleness in my very
    bones, but never got much acknowledgement of its truth from other
    women.  It's odd, but the judgement of men on that matter didn't
    seem as important as the judgement of the members of my own gender.
    So in participating in this file I am trying to assist the healing
    of a wound that is at least 35 years old (I am 36).  It has been 
    gratifying to listen to the vigorous discussions and a joy to find 
    that I have common experiences with other women.
2.166Donna Rosenthal GibeauMARX::ROSENTHALDonna Rosenthal GibeauMon Sep 21 1987 14:2221
    I'm Donna Rosenthal Gibeau, age 30, married 22 days ago to Les 
    Gibeau, another "digit" (Senior Engineer in Littleton).  
    I am a Senior Software Writer for ESDP (Ed. Services), assigned to 
    a group in Stow, MA (Field Service Engineering).  I was originally 
    part of that group, but due to a re-org in January, I was absorbed
    into Ed. Services along with another writer.
    Will celebrate my 8th anniversary with DEC in November.  Hubby's
    been here for almost 6 years; we've known each other since he first
    started.  Began as a Senior Secretary; moved through Programmer's Aid, 
    Programmer's Trainee, SW Specialist I and II, and Tech. Writer posi-
    tions (all in one organization - SW Svcs) before landing here.
    Wouldn't leave DEC if I had anything to say about it!
    Avid follower of WOMMANOTES, although I can't remember having con-
    tributing/participating yet...

2.167Amendment to my Intro (2.149) NEXUS::CONLONFri Sep 25 1987 18:1319
    	Suzanne Conlon
    	VAX Cluster Support Engineer
    	Recently passed the Technical Proficiency Review Board in
    	VAX Clusters and VAX 8800 processors.  (For those familiar
    	with Field Service, that is the T7 Board.  For those unfami-
    	liar, a T7 is involved in Product Support for Field Service
    	engineers when the severity of the call involves a formal
    	escalation to board-certified Support Engineers who go out
    	to the site as a technical resource to assist in finding
    	a resolution to the difficulties.)
    	At this time, there are less than 10 Support Engineers in
    	the whole Field Service Organization who have been board-
    	certified in *Clusters* as a specialty.  I'm proud to be
    	included in this relatively small group.
2.168Greetings from Finance?SONATA::ROBERTSONThu Oct 01 1987 18:2341
    I have been reading this note for the last two days on and off 
    and feel compelled to introduce myself.  I'm Liz Robertson and I
    work in Stow as a "Manager - Financial Reporting" (the only thing
    I "manage" is a huge project which has me a bit down right now).  
    I have only been in this position for a month and am still adjusting 
    to the environment here and figuring out what I'm supposed to be 
    doing.  I think that's SOP at this Company!  I've been with Digital 
    for a little under three years and this is my first move to another 
    group.  I was shocked at how lost I felt (feel) changing jobs.  
    It's almost as shocking as coming in from the "outside."   I do like 
    this Company though.  I've worked in public accounting, retail, 
    healthcare, etc.,and found I am the most at home here.
    Like some other women in this notesfile, I have never felt particularly
    close to women, and I would like to change my attitude in this area.  
    Reading the introductions here has given me a new perspective on women
    in this company and in general. I look forward to reading more/all
    of this file.
    On the personal side:  I'm in my thirties and married (1 year 4 
    months, first time for me second for husband) to a very kind man.  
    We live in Holliston with our beloved "son", Garp the cat.  No other 
    children to date.  I'm quiet and love to read, cook (when it's for 
    fun, not because it's my "job"), and love music (wish I could play
    an instrument) and watching documentaries on TV.  I ended up in 
    finance by default.  I majored in Nutrition and Foods in college 
    and couldn't deal with the prospects of being a dietician.  Picked 
    up a second major in my junior year and with a little help from 
    reverse discrimination (I had taken three accounting courses) I 
    landed a job with a "big eight" acccounting firm.  
    Working for the last 10 years has been terrific, terrible, boring
    and exciting....not necessarily all at the same time.  Although
    I think there might be alot more exciting fields than finance, I've
    had alot of fun.
    I will probably be more of a reader than a participant in this file,
    but will jump in if I think I can contribute positively.  Sorry
    for the length here.
2.169Pat ResendeDPDMAI::RESENDEPTopeka is in TexasTue Oct 13 1987 19:5026
    Hi!  I'm Pat Resende, a 10-year digit currently residing in Dallas,
    Texas.  Last May I started a job as SW Corporate Account Manager
    for Texas Instruments.  Before that I lived in Birmingham, Alabama
    and was a SW Unit Manager, and before that in Charlotte, N.C. (my
    I've just recently married -- another digit -- who's a Senior
    Consultant in the ACT here in Dallas.  I understand Digital couples
    are pretty common in New England, but when we let our plans be known
    here in the field we were treated by some management like we had
    the plague!  One very high manager made the comment that we couldn't
    work in the same building because we "might go out to lunch together
    and everyone would think we were out shopping on company time."
    Well, at any rate, we were determined to find someone in Digital
    who would allow two long-time loyal good performers to be married
    without one or the other having to change careers.  And we found
    that kind of management here in the South Central Area, where we
    are both quite happy with our new lives and our new jobs.
    I've been a voyeur in this conference for quite some time.  I have
    been hesitant to participate without introducing myself, and finally
    decided to do so.  Now I'll feel free to express opinions on the
    many, many notes I've found so interesting here.  This conference
    is great -- keep it up!
2.170Click click click...I wanna be hired...I wanna...LANDO::TAGBecky R. - Whirlwind Nightmare LifeThu Oct 15 1987 18:3937
    I'm Becky Rogers!  Since I put a few tidbits in here and I am going
    to the party, I thought it only fair that I put in something about
    who I am.  I am a secretarial temp, as the account can tell you.
    I have been working on and off for DEC since 1984 and now I want
    to join the company full time as a DEC Sec.  It isn't easy, I have
    discovered.  Since I'm an "external" [say like dirty word] I feel
    a little like Lazarus must have felt in Biblical times.  Oh what
    I wouldn't give for a wonderful high level manager to take a likeing
    to me and push to get me hired.  My little nudges don't seem to
    be enough for Personnel.  I am 21, alert, smart and quick....if
    only.....*sigh*  If only someone would give me a chance...
    But enough with the depressing stuff.  I am/was? an English major
    at Regis College in Weston MA.  I left because  I couldn't afford
    to continue school full time.  I really prefer night school anyway.
    And as soon as I can afford THAT I will return.  I love to read...
    fantasy, SF, Horror, Romance....even english text books and the
    stuff most kids HATED to read in High School.  I love it all!
    I am also a "creative writer".  I like to write stories and I'm
    in the middle of two novels with ideas for dozens of others.  I
    wish I had my degree so that I could do what I REALLY want to do..
    Get into DEC as a writer...Technical or otherwise.  I also like
    to scetch/draw, swim and people watch.  :-) 
    I love animals...some people say that there isn't an animal alive
    that I can't charm into liking me.  :->  I don't know about THAT
    but I do have a habit of stopping for every dog, cat and other to
    "make friends".
    I love to chat...if you drop me a line I'll write you back.
    Hoorah for Womannotes!
2.171DECXPS::JACQUESMARCIE::UPRMon Oct 19 1987 03:4227
    Hi! I'm cj and I work in Woburn,Ma.  It takes me at least ten
    minutes to type one line because I'm drastically unfamiliar 
    with the shift key!:-(
    My job? Well, when I had one, I was called Shipper/Receiver (some
    number following).  What I acutally did was produce the shipping
    documents to export to just above every country.  I happen to 
    love working with shipping internationally. I hope to maybe get
    in a plant that processes letters of credit.  Something I always
    wanted to learn.
    However, they moved my job back onto first shift (I've worked 
    third for almost two years).  I wasn't too interest in going back
    to a "normal" life.  They've let me stay on third for the time
    being, but finding responsibilites suitable to me is more than
    a little difficult.  Mostly just tie up work for the other two
    shifts, and I have unload trucks as they come in during the 
    night.  I've actually learned how to operate fork-lifts! 
    Needless to say my work wardrobe has undergone a drastic change.
    I'm doing all my fall shopping at the GAP.
    I have been much happier at work at other times.  Right now? phooey!
    Well, enough complaint.  I do have NOTES to keep me busy.
2.173Still yet another introductionMPGS::BLANCHARDDFri Oct 30 1987 09:3616
    I've responded to a few notes, so I decided it's time to introduce
    myself (finally!). My name is Denise Blanchard and I work 3rd
    shift (AUGH!) at Shrewsbury as a technician. I support heads man-
    ufacturing. I've been with DEC for about 3  years.
    My outside interests include music (I play sax and piano) and I
    embriodery and needlepoint totally useless but quite pretty objects
    d'art which I design myself.
    I'm not an over-opinionated person, so I won't speak up too often
    here, but when I do start talking (writing ?), there will be no 
    shutting me up :-)
2.174Reintroduction!CSTVAX::MPOWELLTue Nov 10 1987 18:3216
    Hello.  I'm Tanya.  I have just been hired as an Admin Sec, after
    temping as a Senior Secretary for 7 months.  I'm so excited, I just
    got hired Friday, just before this major freeze started.  I have
    a 10 month old son who keeps me busy when I am not working.  I
    originally planned to continue a college education majoring in Business
    Administration.  But that was last month.  This month I want to
    get a degree in Computer Science.  Who knows what it will be next
    month.  Maybe I will do both!
    I enjoy this file, and believe me when I say, "I won't be reading
2.175APEHUB::STHILAIREyou may say I'm a dreamerTue Nov 24 1987 17:4210
    Since I deleted my first introduction (2.36) awhile ago I'll
    reintroduce myself so I can vote.
    Lorna St.Hilaire
    Admin. Secretary
    Worked at DEC for 12 years
    38 years old
    One Child - Melissa - age 13 1/2
2.176Who me??HPSMEG::POPIENIUCKTue Nov 24 1987 18:2020
    My name is Chris I've been at DEC for a little while, going on my 8th year.
    My present job is Project Specialist in the HPS/C CSSE Group.  I've enjoyed
    working at this company and feel that it has offered me many
    opportunites and experiences. 
    My other job is single Mom.  I try to keep Mom and work apart but 
    sometimes I give more to one and at other times I give more to the other.
    Sometimes things work out, other times there crazy.  I guess I just
    try to play the game as best I can!
    Well, I registered can I vote now?
2.177Pam RickardTALLIS::RICKARDTue Nov 24 1987 20:3210
    I am Pam Rickard and have been at Digital for 9.5 years.  I am
    currently working in Advanced VAX Engineering in Littleton writing
    firmware for large mid-range systems (an interesting picture, isn't
    it?).  I've been working in the computer field since 1970 and have
    seen a lot of changes for women.   I've only recently found out
    about this notes file and have a lot of catching up to do and so
    little time to do it.  
    Read you all around,
2.178 New Noter, New Immigrant!PPASRV::ONEILLWed Nov 25 1987 15:3723
2.179Mary PareMOSAIC::TARBETMargaret MairhiSun Nov 29 1987 11:098
    SPIDER::PARE "What a long, strange trip its been"     4 lines  25-NOV-1987 15:17

    I can't remember if I've signed in or not so:
    	Mary Pare
    	Software Technical Writer
    	The Mill
2.180Jenny16089::TURAJMon Dec 07 1987 13:397
    well, i went to the party so i oughtta introduce myself. 
    jenny turaj
    writer, recently moved to chelmsford and merrimack
    feminist and humanist
    mostly read-only
2.182jennyCADSE::TURAJMon Dec 07 1987 14:458
    well, since i attended the party, i guess i oughtta introduce myself:
    jenny turaj
    writer, recently moved to chelmsford and merrimack 
    feminist and humanist
    mostly read-only
2.184Tracy WarrenEDUHCI::WARRENTue Dec 08 1987 13:5416
    I have been a participant in Womannotes for over a year, but I never
    registered (which I realized when I went to vote on 560).
    My name is Tracy Warren and I work in the Education Industry Marketing
    Group at MRO as a sr. marketing specialist 30 hours/week.  I've
    been with DEC for 3 1/2 years.  
    In my real life, I have a wonderful husband, Paul, and a beautiful
    daugther, Caileigh, who will be a year old tomorrow.  My current
    "project" is trying to become a published writer.
    I've been a feminist for as long as I can remember.  Womannotes,
    for all its faults, has been enlightening and enjoyable and helpful
    for me.
2.185Now here I am...STOKES::WHARTONTue Dec 08 1987 16:267
    Hello.  I'm Karen Wharton and I am a mechanical engineer over here
    in Andover, APO1.
    I'm 22 and single.  I've been with DEC for about a year and a half.
    I'm originally from Guyana but my family lives in NYC. I moved to
    Boston in 1982.         
2.186AnnBARAKA::POGARAnn PogarMon Dec 14 1987 15:495
    Ann Pogar
    Systems Analyst
    Customer Support Center/Colo Spgs
2.187Another ColoradoanBARAKA::BLAZEKA new moon, a warm sun...Mon Dec 14 1987 23:375
    	Carla Blazek
    	Sr. Secretary
    	Technical Support Services (including -.1 Ann!)
    	CSC Colorado Springs
2.188TOLKIN::JOYCEMaryellen JoyceWed Dec 16 1987 17:287
Since I've entered my second reply, I guess it's time to
introduce myself.

Maryellen Joyce
Financial Consultant
Semiconductor Manufacturing Finance (Hudson)

2.189<Glad to meet you>SPUD::BILLINGSDWed Dec 16 1987 18:3216
    After reading this notes file, I was really great to see what women
    do in DEC.  Now, to introduce myself, my name is Deborah and I am
    presently an ECO Administrator, I have only had this position since
    May of this year.  I was an Eco Coordinator III for six years. 
    I am now responsible for the workflow of the ECo Coordinators that
    work under me and one documentation clerk.  
    I am a single parent raising 3 (three) children.
    I have been with DEC for 11 years now and looking to what is it
    I what to do now? 
    Thanks for this notes file I hope to use it to my benifit on what
    is it I would like to do, Where is it I like to go.
                                       <Nice to Meet you>
2.190Susan WheelerSKYLRK::WHEELERSusan WheelerFri Dec 18 1987 14:0415


I thought since I just replied in 602 that I should introduce myself.
I'm Susan Wheeler and I'm a Senior Software Specialist in the Santa
Clara Government District, Santa Clara, CA.  I'm a full-time consultant
at one of our customer sites, providing VMS support in the area of
device drivers.

I've been at DEC for about 3 1/2 years and am married to a fellow
DECcie.  I've been following this notes file for about a year so
I feel like I know most of you already!

2.191Suzanne PoirierNSG022::POIRIERSuzanneMon Dec 21 1987 16:1613
    I'm a software engineer at UHO, in Hudson, NH.  I just started working
    at DEC 4 weeks ago;  and I just started wading through this notes
    file today.  Previously I worked at Northern Telecom in Concord,
    NH for 1 1/2 years....there are many reasons why I left, one of
    them being it was a very frustrating environment for a woman to
    work in.
    I am recently married, living in Merrimack with my husband and my
    cat.  I look forward to reading and contributing to this notes file.
    Suzanne Poirier
2.192new subcriberNECVAX::VEILLEUXThu Dec 24 1987 18:0011
    Since I requested a help message (618) I thought I should introduce
    myself. I'm a Corp. Conference Visit Specialist, in Merrimack, NH.
    I have been at DEC since 12/17/79. Raised in Blacksburg, VA. but
    have lost almost all of my southern drawal but it has a tendency
    to show up in casual conversation. I am very pro-DEC, and have just
    discovered this wonderful forum for sharing ideas, concerns, look
    forward to many conversations!!
2.193Read-only memberGOFFY::TUORTue Dec 29 1987 12:335
    Doris Tuor
    Marketing Specialist for Office Automation Products
    DEC Switzerland (since 1983)
2.194OLD MOTHERNECVAX::DESHARNAISWed Dec 30 1987 17:2914
    Hi, I am a Corporate Conference Coordinator for US Area Customer
    Visit Group in Merrimack.   I will meet my 10 years come July '88.
    Yeah, another weeks vacation!!!
    I have been married 25 years and have 3 children and would especially
    like info on teenage boys!
    This is new to me and I know I will enjoy reading notes!!
    Barbara V. Desharnais (alias BVD)
2.195A Friend is a Friend til the end!NECVAX::SMITHThu Jan 07 1988 18:019
    Hi all.... My name is Carole Smith and I have been with DEC for
    8+ years.  I am a Senior Conference Specialist working in MKO2 for
    the past 2 years and truly enjoying my job (most of the time). 
    The notes file and especially Womannotes was introduced to me by
    a terrific friend and I believe I will surely enjoy conversing with
    you all.
    That's all for now....
2.196Hi!GENRAL::KILGOREUtah Desert Rat misplaced in COThu Jan 14 1988 03:348
    Since I've replied to a few notes (some that probably were dead
    and I replied anyway), it's only common courtesy to tell you who
    I am.  I'm Judy Kilgore, I work at the Colorado Springs Facility
    in the Eng Doc Services Dept.  I've been with DEC 6-1/2 years. 
    I have been reading this notesfile for only a few weeks and it is
    taking forever to get thru all the topics.  What exciting reading!
    It is amazing how many of the subjects 'hit home'.  Looking forward
    to conversing with you.
2.197Holly Hendricks (updated)SUPER::HENDRICKSThe only way out is throughSun Jan 24 1988 18:3619
    I just noticed my introduction was 2 years old and way out of date,
    so I'll put in a new one!
    I'm Holly Hendricks and I work for Ed Services in Nashua, NH at the
    Spitbrook facility.  I'm a writer/course developer, and I've been
    working on technical ALL-IN-1 courses for most of the past year. 
    I love my job, and really enjoy the people and resurces in this facility.
    I think some day I'd like to get into software engineering.     
    Before I came to DEC, I taught classroom music.  I also worked in
    human services for a while.  
    I'm currently sharing a big old house in the country (Ashby, Mass.)
    with 4 other people, a dog and 2 cats.  I love country living, and
    I love cats!         
    I also enjoy folk music and moderate the folk music notes conference.
2.198no longer read_only...PARITY::SMITHPenny Smith, TWO/B5, 247-2203Tue Jan 26 1988 03:3515
I'm a trainer in the M.E. Training department at Tewksbury, MA. I currently
deliver "Investment In Excellence" and "Becoming an Everyday Genius"
workshops - two neat 'thinking skills' courses!

I've been with DEC nearly 5 years.. (June 1988 coming soon).  Prior to DEC
I taught public school music education and private piano and voice instruction.

I've recently completed my Master of Science in Management with Human Resource
Development focus.  I'm contemplating my next course of study... most likely
in the field of Psychology....we'll see!?

Thanks, moderators, for the 'encouraging reminder' re "have you introduced
yourself yet?".

2.199signing in - justme....jacquiISTG::GARDNERTue Jan 26 1988 19:4736

	Have switched over from "read only" to also "writing some".

	I am a Contract Worker employed by Network Personnel in
	Marlboro, MA (great agency run by women).  I am on assignment
	here in the AI building on the corner of Rtes 495 & 190 since
	Sept '87.  Started the contract in the Hudson facility, then
	the whole of AI moved to DLB5 in the middle of Nov increasing
	my work mileage from one mile to five miles distance!  Must get
	up earlier in the AM these days to get to work....

	Have survived, so far, the Terrible Two's, Teen's, and some of
	the Twenty's of my two offspring (one of each sex).  Daughter
	graduated as BWOC (big woman on campus) from Framingham State in
	'86; son is starting Senior semesters at UMASS (Amherst).   Proud
	and still shakey from all the different trips a mother gets to 
	take in raising a new generation.  They claim I made them too

	For myself, I am a Psychology Major at Framingham State in the
	Continuing Education side of the school - have been at it since
	1980'ish, having given up after one year of UMASS in the early
	60's as an Education Major.  Must say that college is much easier
	as an "over-the-hiller"!  I find Framingham State to be very
	much in the dark ages when it comes to what the "profs" pass on
	to women in their attitudes and expectations.  My mouth has not
	remained shut in silent respect of what they are "teaching"!  I 
	guess that's what makes the difference for me in my two widely
	separated college experiences - the ability to "see" more and
	"reply" without fear of my elders!

	This intro was only going to be a few lines....so, see you in the
	file as 

2.200mostly read onlyFOCUS2::BACOTWed Jan 27 1988 02:218
    Angela Bacot
    Schaumburg, Il
    Computer Operator
2.201Hi, gang, I'm back!VIA::RANDALLWed Jan 27 1988 13:3717
    Bonnie Randall Schutzman, principal software technical writer in
    the Commercial User Publications group, presently working on the
    call interface manual for the data dictionary project, back at DEC
    permanently and full time after a brief hiatus to learn to be a
    (Novel status, for those of you who are interested:  first novel
    has been rejected twice.  Second is finished, waiting for me to
    buy a ribbon for my printer so I can print out a good copy to submit
    to the publisher.)
    Don't look for too many notes from me for a while, as I'm pretty
    busy getting back into the swing of things.  But when I do . . .
    It's good to be back!
2.202Joyce FortinADVAX::FORTINThu Jan 28 1988 18:468
    Hi my name is Joyce Fortin and this is my first time on the Vax
    note program.  I have been with the company for 15 years this coming
    March.  I am a secretary in the Workstation Engineering group in
    the Mill.  I am Married and have 1 little girl and my hobbies are
    cooking, sewing, and when my daughter get a little older, we will
    go square dancing (what a way to lose weight).  Talk with you later.
2.203should have done this earlier :)EASYNT::ABBOTTThu Jan 28 1988 23:0321
    I am a telecomm analyst working with the EASYnet management group
    in Corcord, MA. I started out two years ago as an outside "temp"
    working for an agency, and was hired in August '86. Since then,
    I've progressed from department  coordinator to my current position,
    and have also been accepted to the DIS Development Program (a two
    year program)...
    There weren't many women in telecomm positions two years ago,
    but that has really changed ;) My group now has 5 women and two
    men, and lots of the DT management and engineering positions have also
    been filled by women. I have been extremely lucky to find a LOT
    of support and encouragement from both men and women here, and find
    that the "Digital Way" can be extremely stimulating and rewarding!
    So much for that.. this conference is GREAT, and slipping in to
    read for a while at the end of the day is the best way I know to
    wipe all talk of circuits and routers from my head and return to
2.204Another engineerTALLIS::BYRNEFri Jan 29 1988 12:355
    I'm an engineer in high-end, Mid-Range, VAX cpu design. (whew!).
    I've read this file for a few months and hope to keep enjoying it.
2.205>BUSY GIRL<SCOMAN::AUDITMon Feb 01 1988 17:313
2.206KRYPTN::GERTZBuTRflysRFreeWed Feb 03 1988 15:593
    My name is Charlene, and I'm an Administrative Secretary
    with the PDP-11 Business Management Group at the Mill.
2.207L S C3D::CHABOTRooms 253, '5, '7, and '9Sat Feb 06 1988 15:458
    Lisa S Chabot; senior software engineer; most recently the designated
    sacrificial victim for a vt100 emulator for to run on the VS8000;
    formerly 2.151.
    I'm an incessant reader who needs cats, who's impossible to dislodge from
    parties, who's a sometime (*very*) amateur naturalist, who's arrested
    by Puccini, falls down in a dead faint at Brahms, and sobs unbecomingly
    at the end of "Goetterdaemmerung".
2.208CHEFS::MANSFIELDWed Feb 10 1988 16:0512
    Having replied to a couple of notes now & being asked to identify
    myself, I thought I'd better do just that !
    Sarah Mansfield,
    Software Specialist working in DECpark in the UK, for a team that
    does alot of work for exhibitions & demos.
    Been in DEC just over a year and enjoying it totally. ( My first
     job was pretty boring, I suspect anything after that would seem
    a lot better ! )
2.209MiraclesPLANET::OCONNORWed Feb 17 1988 16:258
    Hi!  I've just discovered VAXNOTES and am thrilled to find a conference
    on women!   My name is Sharon O'Connor and I am an OD consultant
    for CSM.   I have a strong women's studies background and am interested
    in women's spirituality.
                              Onward and Upward!
2.210Hello from LondonTOWER::JOSIEThu Feb 18 1988 14:487
Hello, my name is Josie Hunt and I work at Enterprise House, London
    for Computer Services.  I have been with Digital for almost 9 months
    and I am currently an Administrator soon to be moving into All-in-1
    User support(hopefully).
    We have only just got notes on our machine so I am fairly new and
    this is my first note so fingers crossed!
2.211Hi, finally...WAGON::ANASTASIAIt's in every one of usThu Feb 18 1988 16:026
I've been reading for awhile, figured I should finally introducing myself...

I'm a technical writer in ESDP's High-Performance and Mid-Range Systems
Business Group. I've been at DEC for about 1 1/2 years.

Patti Anastasia
2.212Top of the Bottom of the LadderHENRYY::HASLAM_BAMon Feb 22 1988 16:396
    I've been the Systems Manager in the Salt Lake office for 3 1/2
    years.  We are considered a remote office and service Utah, Idaho,
    Montana, parts of Wyoming, and parts of North and South Dakota.
    I am attached to Software Services.
2.213Noter from ReadingIPG::HUNTDianaFri Feb 26 1988 10:0312
    I work in Reading Engineering where I have been for nearly eight
    years in various jobs.  I am currently in the International Product
    Group as a Project Administrator.  Have just moved to work on Arabic
    I am 45 and have two children - a daughter of 22 and a son of 14.
    My daughter works for Digital as well.
    I have contributed to notes several times, but never actually
    introduced myself.
2.214Yup, it was about time...SCOMAN::FOSTERTue Mar 01 1988 00:5918
    I probably should read a few of these before replying, but I've
    been nudged about noting without introducing myself...
    My name is Lauren Foster; I'm called Ren half of the time. I'm a
    reliability engineer in Hudson, and have been here nearly a year.
    I'm living in Worcester, MA and trying really hard to learn to love
    it before I go off and find a house elsewhere and two other women 
    willing to put up with a black Buddhist who adores her cats to the point
    of insanity. I find this conference ABSOLUTELY ADDICTIVE. Note time
    of this entry. And I can only hope to grow from some of its influence.
    You see, I am learning that people who believe that women should
    be property can be ignored instead of hated. Eventually, I will
    learn to redirect my energies as well. But teach me quickly my fellow
    womannoters. The word "chattel" strikes strong chords in this black
    woman's soul.
2.215JENEVR::CHELSEAMostly harmless.Wed Mar 02 1988 16:076
    About 1.5 years in Software Services Engineering, supporting the
    relational database product set.
    Just a Soapboxer on a little visit.
                       - chelsea
2.216VAXRIO::CLAIRETue Mar 08 1988 16:577
    Hello, my name is Louise, I'm English, living in Rio de Janeiro
    for just over ten years now. I've been with Digital for nearly six
    months, working in the Personnel Department. I'm finding these notes
    great fun.
2.217Hello from the Great PlainsLOWLIF::HUXTABLELinda HuxtableTue Mar 08 1988 20:4115
    My name is Linda Huxtable; I started working in Software
    Services in Kansas City just a few months ago.  In my
    previous life I worked in an electrical engineering and
    software environment; of about 80+ professionals in the
    engineering department, I was the only woman.  Bleah!

    Anyway, I'm really enjoying DEC and the people I'm working
    with.  I can see the "actively valuing differences"
    philosophy at work day-to-day just in the way people interact
    with more tolerance and open-mindedness than I have seen in
    other companies.  I discovered this notes conference
    yesterday, and it looks terrifically busy; I hope I can keep
    up with it! 

    -- Linda Huxtable
2.218Dedicated MILL-Rat!MILVAX::J_HANSENJulaineFri Mar 11 1988 17:5113
    I'm Julaine Hansen, Admininstrative Secretary, Strategic Relations
    Group, MLO-Maynard.  I've been with Digital for 4+ years -- same
    boss, same site (minus 6.5 months at PKO), same type work -- and
    loving every minute.  I'm mostly a read-only noter, but once in
    a while something tweeks me and I trip across the keys.  Love NOTES
    and appreciate its many vociferous noters.
    See you around the files,
    Julaine (jh)
2.219shirleyDIXIE1::781UNITRSat Mar 12 1988 01:0713
    I've been with DEC 3+ years.  First year at US Area Support for
    Rainbows and PRO's.  I was then hired as a "token" in the large
    systems group to do installations.  I've been doing installs now
    for over two years.  You name it, I install it ... from MicroPDP's
    to 8700 as well as VMS to All-in-one.  I'm no longer a token, and
    I wouldn't trade my job right now for any other.
    I feel absolutely terrific tonite.  Not only have I screwed up the
    guts to try my hand at noting, but I'm also learning a new editor.
    I've even learned how to forward notes to my A1 account.  
    Its also great to find a forum for wymon within the company.  Thanks
    for being here!  
2.220Another UK memberCHEFS::GOUGHWed Mar 16 1988 11:118
    Hello.  I am Helen Gough, based in Queen's House, Reading, and I
    run the UK Consultant Programme (liaision with external consultants).
    I have been married for almost eight years, and have no children
    - just three cats and a Highland pony.
    I have recently discovered this Notes File, and am very much enjoying
    reading it.  Who knows, I may even write something soon!
2.221GreetingsCAD::RETINAMon Mar 28 1988 18:5728
 	Hi. I am Nusrat Retina. I am a software engineer with
 	the DECSIM group at Hudson. I have been with DEC for
 	about 6 months . I am constantly amazed at the diverse
 	group of engineers on board and I am very excited to be 

 	I have been a read-only member in womannotes for a 
 	long time, but haven't gotten around to writing a
 	formal introduction. Since, my cluster is down 
  	today ...

 	I came from Bangladesh ( Southeast Asia ) to this
 	country about 6 years ago. When I arrived in the
 	U.S., I was only 16. Needless to say, that I grew
 	up very fast and learned the american way of being.

 	It seems that I am always struggling to preserve my
 	cultural, ethnic and gender identity. Although, this
 	is painful at times - I am a stronger person as a
 	The recent improvements in womannotes has inspired
 	me a lot. I think this conference has potential to
 	address all women. And so, I think I'll stick around
 	and watch this space for futher action!

2.222I thunk, therefore I areWATNEY::SPARROWCAUTION!! recovering smoker!Mon Mar 28 1988 19:2917
    I just realized that I have never actually introduced myself before!
    I am Vivian Sparrow, I reside in Colorado Springs, and work at the
    customer support center as a specialist on the Networks support
    I am a recovering smoker, and am learning how to be stress free
    without my passifier.  
    There is one person in my family, my nine year old prepubescent
    daughter.  My parents and their family is quite another story...
    I love notes, I am co-moderator of the Colorado notes file and am
    working on my system manger about getting another file started(but
    thats another story)
    I am glad to be here, there isn't another place I can go to feel
2.223another read only joins the ranksFSTVAX::STRATTONRoberta Davidson-StrattonWed Apr 06 1988 02:5714
    Hi all!  I'm Roberta Stratton and work for DIS Training in Bedford,
    MA as an Admin. Secretary.  I've been working for DEC for 5 months,
    I used to work for DCU.  
    I work with a great group of people who consider me part of the
    team. (we all take turns at making coffee in the morning!!)
    I've been married for 4 1/2 years and have a son who is 3 1/2. 
    My hobbies/interests are sewing, 10-pin bowling, reading, spending
    time with my family and friends, and notes.  My husband works for
    DEC as well, and sometimes we argue over who gets access to the
    terminal after our son goes to bed for the night.
2.224Fresh BloodOKYAH::SCOTTBeware the fury of a patient noterFri Apr 08 1988 09:0612

	Monica Scott checking in ... I work at Enterprise House in London,
	as part of the West End District group of software support. I am
	currently getting involved with DEC's family of VAXStations plus
	its associative software. Ultrix and the 'C' programming language
	inevitably falls into my list of tasks.

	I started at DEC in September last year, and I have often wandered
	through =wn= as a "viewer" ... I hope to become an active member
	in the future.
2.225Up here in good ole' VermontAUTUMN::FULLERWed Apr 13 1988 12:2929
    				<Deborah Fuller>
    My name is Debbie Fuller and I am a Production Supervisor in BTO.
    That's in Burlington Vermont.  Well after 3 years of trying to get
    into the Womannotes file, I finally made it.  I started here at
    DEC in 1979 as a Test Tech and finally worked may way up the ladder.
    I am the supervisor for Venus Field Service Repair, Assembly and
    I have enjoyed working with most of the people here but I am having
    a hard time adjusting to management style.  There's too much politics
    for me. My goal here at BTO is to improve relations between the
    direct labor and management.
    I am currently on the Valuing Differences Task Force.  This will
    be interesting as I have not seen much of valuing differences here
    at BTO. It's extemely difficult for women to move into good career
    positions here.
    If any of you are ever up here in Vermont, Please feel free to contact
    me for directions or nice places to go.  Vermont is a very beautiful
    state and there are allot of great areas to see.
    						A native Vermonter and
    						DEC woman
    							Deb Fuller
2.226Elizabeth RustVALKYR::RUSTwas ::RAVANWed Apr 13 1988 17:2912
    (Oops - my personal name string seems to be a bit unclear. I probably
    should have been more explicit...)
    Update to .53: I'm divorcing Jim (he's a good friend and a truly
    wonderful person, but it didn't work out), and am reclaiming my birth
    name. (After perusing the "names" note I considered using my mother's
    family name instead (Durham), or my father's mother's name (Cushman),
    either of which is more euphonious than "Rust". However, I was a Rust
    for thirty years, so I guess I'll be one again. Besides, I can keep the
    same initials!)
2.227LIONEL::SAISIWed Apr 13 1988 21:135
    	I am a software engineer with Manufacturing Process Systems
    	in Andover, MA.  Have been with DEC for 2 years and think
    	that this company is the greatest.  My undergraduate degree
    	is in Chemistry, and Master's degree in Computer Science.
2.228I'm moving!WARLRD::P_MIDDLETONShort StuffSat Apr 23 1988 16:0510
    Happy Saturday, Y'all!
    	As of Monday, April 25, I will be at a different facility,
    still in Atlanta, Ga, area.  I may be reached at ODIXIE::CFLETCHER.
2.229New BloodTWEED::S_LECLAIRMon Apr 25 1988 19:5611
    Hi everyone.  I've been reading this conference for quite awhile
    and recently have decided to participate with replies.  My name
    is Sue LeClair and I work in Westminster in the Materials
    organization as a New Product Scheduler.  I have been with DEC
    for 8 years.  I was a "liberated woman" long before it was 
    fashionable and am interested in a variety of issues.  Hope to
    be able to contribute something of interest in the future.
2.230Just found this notesfile!LAGUNA::RACINE_CHFri Apr 29 1988 22:1521
    My name is Cheryl Racine and I'm the Senior Sales Secretary for
    the Sales Unit in Santa Barbara, CA.  I've been with DEC for almost
    five years, the first 2-1/2 were spent as a Secretary in MRO2
    (Marlboro, MA).
    I've recently gotten engaged to a wonderful guy I met out here who
    is from my hometown of Leominster, MA!  Makes you really wonder
    about "destiny" since I didn't know him when we both lived back
    east.  Anyway, the wedding will be back east and I'm counting the
    I just discovered this notesfile through a reference from the
    dec_secretary notesfile.  Looking forward to some interesting reading
    as well as (hopefully) becoming an active participant!
2.231MY TURNVLNVAX::OSTIGUYTue May 03 1988 16:2916
    Hi, I've just found this notesfile and skimmed through it.  I want
    to make some responses so I thought I'd better sign in first.
    My name is Anna Ostiguy Bogart and my title is Systems Analyst.
    My real job is a Program Hardware Planner in Marlboro, (MR01).
    I've worked at DEC now for 13 years (straight out of high school)
    I'm currently looking for a new job now because my present group
    cannot accommidate my need for a flexible schedule due to my brand
    new baby son's needs.  My son is now 5+ months and I LOVE!! being
    a mother.  I always felt that my job was the most important thing
    in my life (my poor husband!! he'll live) but BOY was I wrong.
    I look forward to lunchtime now due to this notesfile....  
2.232Just discovered you!HYEND::JRHODESTue May 03 1988 17:1714
    Hi, I too have discovered this notes file through a reference in
    DEC_SECRETARY notes file.  
    My name is Julie Rhodes and I'm currently an Administrative Secretary
    in the High Performance Systems group.  I've been with Digital for
    3 1/2 years (straight out of high school) and have spent all of
    it in this same group.  For me, Digital was an opportunity for going
    to college without taking out loans.  I've been going for 3 years
    now and am half way to an Associates degree in Electrical engineering.
    I'm hoping that womannotes will provide me with some insight and
    encouragement as to how to "make the break" from secretarial.
2.233not around for a whileVIA::RANDALLI feel a novel coming onTue May 10 1988 20:0517
    Just wanted to say that I'm going to be read-only-and-not-very-often
    for the next few months.  

    I'm going to be starting work on a new novel, which will take up
    all the time I give it.  I tried to persuade the Hours to add a
    few more sisters to the 24 we have, but they felt their family was
    large enough already.  So I have to make cuts from my normal
    activities, and as much as I enjoy noting in general and this
    conference in particular, it's one of the things that will
    have to go.
    I'll still be on the net and all that so you can send me mail or
    whatever.  And if there's a really juicy discussion, I'm sure I
    won't be able to keep out of it.  Otherwise, I'll see you in a few
2.234Hi there!GRANPA::JHOWELLShe's the short oneFri May 13 1988 22:3829
    I am totally fascinated and intrigued by this notes file and its
    members;  this was such a great idea!! 
    My name is Joanne Howell.  I'm an overworked Associate (ha!!make me
    laugh) Programmer Analyst for the MAA Information Systems Group,
    Landover, MD.  I've been "noting" in other files and happened to find a
    reference to this one, telling the correct node; prior to that, no one
    I knew here was interested enough to tell me where to find you all! 
    I have been working in DEC for the past 16 months; 13 of them as a
    contractor in an outside company.  From what I have seen, I pretty much
    need to get out of this area, let alone this group, for advancement in
    DEC;  perhaps this will change in time.  (Time to stop fuming now,
    Joanne...) :^) 
    I love cats, exercise (especially aerobics), Andreas Vollenweider and
    all those New Age guys, being single (most of the time, anyway!), being
    out of college (finally!!), reading (now that I don't have to do it for
    school), and studying human nature.  I DESPISE small-mindedness,
    hurtful and obvious prejudice, and being underestimated; these things
    are becoming harder to avoid in the "big, bad" world since I'm young,
    black, and a woman. 
    I would like to know, does it get better than this?  And if not,
    how do I cope?  I'd love to hear some success stories...
2.235Time to join the conversationSMEGIT::WHITEPat WhiteTue May 17 1988 22:3525
Hello to all my friends whose notes I have been reading!  I have been
read-only on and off in Womannotes for many months.  I can't resist
joining in, even though I don't have time to access notes regularly.
Please have patience if you don't see a reply that you expect from

Career:  I joined Digital in 1968 to develop an automated test system 
for our first COBOL compiler (PDP-6/PDP-10).  Most of my time at DEC 
has been in management: Software Quality, Industry Standards, 
Applications, Storage Systems Quality.  I am now Product Strategy 
manager for Service Industry Marketing.  Service Industries are the 
corporations whose product is a service: Financial, Telecommunications, 
Utilities, Transportation, Computer Software and Services, and 
Wholesale/Retail. (Digital does not classify Government as a service!!)

Non-work interests: I am involved in feminist thealogy: reading, 
participating in groups to revision theology/philosophy/psychology 
from women's experience, and leading the UUA curriculum "Cakes for the 
Queen of Heaven", with Peggy Leedberg.  I am interested in integrating
feminist values into society, writing women back into history, and 
living in harmony with the earth.  Unfortunately, I also have some 
expertise in violence against women and sexual harassment.

Glad to be with you all!
2.236Vote: a good incentive to finally sign inCYRUS::DRISKELLTue May 17 1988 23:5424
    I've been planning to write a concise & accurate description in
    here for some time now,, but have had trouble figuring out exactly
    what I do!  As is common in DEC,  my job is not well defined.  I
    currently work with engineers that are either designing new
    manufacturing processes, or redesigning old ones.  I supply a process
    analysis viewpoint, by way of modeling & simulation & cost accounting
    & quality & error budgets and so on..; basically letting them know
    the impact of their proposed change on the mfg. process as a whole.
    By education I'm an Industrial Engineer, by way of Umass & Stanford.
    I love working at DEC,  and talking with people.  If anyone out
    there could use the services my group provides,  give a call.
    I'm usually a read-only noter, since my work-load prevents me from
    getting involved with most of the discussions till after they've
    finished....or at least till what i want to say has been said. 
    I think this file is great, could stand some improvement,  but I
    would hate to see it change too drastically.  It's been very helpfull
    to me in the past,  and I expect it will in the future.
    Mary  Driskell
    dtn 289-1524
2.237Hi Honey, I'm homeMOSAIC::LARUEtheory vs reality syndromeWed May 18 1988 12:0819
    I'm Dondi LaRue-Tomkinson.  Been with DEC for three weeks and I'm
    loving it!  I work in Platform Engineering managing the lab.  It's
    a new group and we're building as we go so it's a lot of fun.  My
    last company had four employees, one pc and a ladies room (that
    closed after I left) so this is a big change with lots to learn
    I have a lot of experience in the printed circuit circuit.  My
    interests are blacksmithing, quiltmaking, and ice
    This is a great notesfile.  I'm glad to have a chance to be part
    of it.
2.238Finally "Legal"PILAR::CARRASCOVAX LISP DocumentationWed May 18 1988 15:3618
    	My name is Pilar Amalia Carrasco.  I'm a software writer working
    on user documentation for VAX LISP in the AITG in Marlboro, MA (DLB5).
    I've been at DEC for 16 months but I still feel like a new kid on
    the block -- things at DEC are _much_ more complicated than anywhere
    else I've worked.
    	I've been reading this conference for a few months.  I was very
    discouraged when I started by all the harrassment being entered
    by a few males.  Glad to see the conference has recovered,
    congratulations to participants and moderators for this!
    	I'm still not caught up, but since I read Notes while waiting
    for my DOCUMENT jobs to run, I should be up to date soon.
2.239Another secret notes readerLARVAE::CARRThu May 19 1988 08:3412
    Hi - I've been reading this notes file for a few months, and have
    decided to register before the FWO vote!
    My name's Pamela Carr, and I manage a group of Government Applications
    Consultants in the UK. It's certainly interesting seeing the different
    perspectives of some of the replies, and wondering how much they
    are do to different cultures and countries.
    Outside of work, I'm a dedicated Dressage rider, an avid cook, and
    spend most of my time looking after a menagerie of horse, dog, cat,
    chickens and husband!
2.240yet another read-only personTALLIS::ROBBINSThu May 19 1988 13:0113
    Add another one to the list of (usually) read-only noters who'd
    like to vote!
    My name is Debbie Robbins. I'm an engineer in the Adv. Vax Systems
    Dev group. I've been with DEC for about 9 months. Before that, I
    was still in college. I think that's why I like womannotes so much--
    It's my only contact with the feminist ideals that were such a part
    of my life back in school, but are so hard to find in "the real
    My non-work interests include animals (all kinds), and also
    women's rights and reproductive rights.
2.241new intro...job changeAITG::LTSMITHLeslieThu May 19 1988 13:1516
    Time to introduce myself again since I've changed jobs.  
    (Old intro is .25)

    I've moved over to the AITG group, the AI engineering organization in
    DLB5.  I'm project leading a team of seven people on a product which
    will be sold to customers.  A large difference in technology and user
    base from by CAD (computer aided design) days in HL02.  New challenges
    and new things to learn....
    I'm mostly a reader of this conference, but do like to discuss topics
    with people face to face.  This conference helps me stretch and
    challenge my values and beliefs, so is helpful at defending against
    the status-quo.
    If you get to DLB, drop in ....
2.242Update to 2.89DISSRV::GERRYGo Ahead, make me PURRRR...Thu May 19 1988 15:0317
    This is an update to 2.89 since I'm no longer at the same node or
    have the same last name.....but....believe it or not, I'm the same
    Anyway, I'm Cindy Gerry, and usually sign my notes cin.  I'm still
    working at Virginia Road in Concord MA.  I'm a telecom analyst working
    with MTS Topology, Metrics, and New Products.  That's short for
    I do a little of everything!!!
    I'm mostly read-only, but do occasionally write a note.  Just wanted
    to make sure that I could vote.
2.243I have my own VAXstar!!!!RUAUU::GARDNERThu May 19 1988 16:0420


	Seems like everyone is re-registering because of thus and so....

	My thus has changed, so I need to register again I think!

	I am no longer to be found under the nodename of ISTG::GARDNER.
	That has gone away forever, so I was told when I got my new
	VAXstar.....   I am now on RUAUU::GARDNER or AIADM::GARDNER.
	This system is located in DLB5 on the third floor.  

	See you back in the topics....


2.244Read OnlyAQUA::WALKERThu May 19 1988 16:0712
    I am a contract secretary in engineering.  I have been a virtual
    DECie for six years.
    I have been a single parent/widow for 14 years.
    I designed my own house and have been successfully handling a mortgage
    for 7 years.
    Womannotes has been a consistent contribution to my present pursuit
    of enlightenment/education in the areas of feminism and women's
2.245Nancy Jean BurkholderHOYDEN::BURKHOLDERBack in the saddle againThu May 19 1988 16:2513
    This note is to re-register myself since the old note, 2.138 is
    sorta out of date.
    I am still a senior software engineer with the vms test systems
    development group in zko.  I am also better acclimated to digital
    that I was then.  Still glad to be here!
    I moved to Weare, New Hampster last year and am gradually loosing
    my homesickness for Vermont.
    I am write occasionally, read mostly (worm) participant in =wn=
    My new VAXmail address is HOYDEN.
2.246A Birth!!DANUBE::CICCOLINIWhite water ahead!!!!!Thu May 19 1988 17:3019
    An introduction:
    Edna Ciccolini New Product Planner with the MBU in Westminster.
    I have been (in this order) "child of", wife of", "mother of".
    Amazingingly about ten years ago I became a person. My birth into
    this phase was as painful and beautiful as is any birth. I am
    delighted to be alive and growing into maturity, again.
    There is a Ciccolini that deserves credit for creating this person,
    assisting at the birth (forceps *had* to be used) and nurturing
    me through the subsequent trauma evolution creates.
    Sandy, take a bow. I owe my *life* to you.
2.247ULTRA::G_REILLYThu May 19 1988 22:1413
    I'm Alison Gabriel-Reilly (G_REILLY for VMS.)
    I've been reading and writing a bit for several years now and
    I've finally gotten around to entering this note.  I'm a Sr. Software
    Engineer currently working in the Secure Systems group.  I've been with
    DEC for going on 10 years now.
    I've gotten a lot out of reading this file (and occassionally writing)
    and I look forward to interaction in the future.
2.248MegCOMET::EVANSMFri May 20 1988 20:102
    I'm Meg Evans, a calibration tech at Colorado Springs.  I've been
    at DEC for 6 years.
2.249A woman-identified womanSALEM::LUPACCHINOWalking with us on 6-5-88??Tue May 31 1988 20:588
    Sorry, I didn't check in a long time ago.   I'm an electronic
    technician working NPSU (New Product Start Up) up here in Salem,
    NH.  I'm also a member of NIO's Valuing Differences Steering Committee 
    whose mandate is to create an oppression-free work environment.
    Ann Marie
    (Originally entered prior to the latest round of voting.)
2.250pointerNOVA::M_DAVISHonk if you love geeses...Tue Jun 07 1988 12:054
    <WRU_376>   kp7, etc.
2.251He who can destry a thing: He controls that thingSCDGAT::REGNELLSmile!--Payback is a MOTHER!Wed Jun 08 1988 17:3850
         I feel a necessity to register in this conference.
         Bear with me, I am rather a random personality...Like
         a lumberyard--things wanted never at hand...
         My name is Mel; I am 38 (and doesn't that tell you
         reams about me??); I have worked in or with computers
         for about 20 years; I am a senior partner in a
         consulting firm that offeres help to women
         entraprenaurs; I am very active in the NH chapter
         of a National Buisness Women's organization; I travel
         all over the state speaking to women's groups about
         business and technology; and now I am full time (for
         the first time in MANY MANY years) at DEC to do Systems
         Course Development -- ahhh -- day 7 I believe ( talk
         about culture shock!!)
         Yes -- you may breath here --
         I am married to the same liberated male for 17 years
         now; I am (and he is) financially independant --
         we live *with* not *off* each other; I am mother
         to a 7 year old male ( read that 7 going on 93..);
         I am daughter of a once-very-drunk, now-very-dead
         alcoholic Father and a still-denying-it Mother; I
         am friend to all who have managed to actually change
         my life in some way.
         I am the *sum* of all this and more I cannot think
         to mention or would not.  I am capable of extreem
         empathy and support; but equally capable of cutting
         you dead where you stand -- I will probably regret
         neither.  I know *so much* ... and have forgotten
         *so much more* that I once thought I knew.
         Bittersweet?  You bet ya!  Triumphant? Yep!
         	"We burned our bras,
         	 And we burned our dinners,
         	 And we burned our candles at both ends;
         	 And we've got some children who look
         	 just like the way we did back then..."
         				K.T. Oslin
2.252Sign Me In!JENEVR::LEETue Jun 14 1988 20:3425
    Hi Everyone,
    	I just started reading this notes file not long ago and have
    gone through most of the notes.  I'm tempted to make replies to
    some of the old notes, but I think I'll hold off.  I'm sure there'll
    be other opportunities to put in my two cents.
    	Anyways, I'm labeled a Software Specialist here in Merrimack,
    NH.  I've been with my group (SWSE/ACES) since I joined DEC some
    4 1/2 years ago.  I support Ultrix and anything that will run on
    it including the worksystems software.
    	Before DEC, I worked for a consulting firm in California.  And
    before that I was in school at Berkeley where I received my bachelors
    degree in CS.  Originally from California, people in the Northeast
    can't figure out why I moved to Boston.  Let's just say that I needed
    a change and I got it!  Now that I'm engaged to be married, it looks
    like I'm going to be out here a lot longer than I had intended.
    (Got, I'm not looking forward to more cold New England winters.)
     Actually, I'm glad I came out here.  I've met some great people
    here and have made some very close and lasting friendships not to
    mention my fiancee.
    	This notes file is great.  I wish I started on this a lot sooner.
    Better late than never, right?  I look forward to seeing more
    controversial issues brought up.  In fact, I may put in one or two
    myself.  Before signing off, I do want to mention that I'm a feminist
    and proud of it.
    				Ms. Brenda
2.253HowdyEXIT26::LEMIREWed Jun 15 1988 21:4012
    Hi everyone...  My name is Kathryn and I work for the Computer Images
    Group in Bedford, MA.  I'm a senior computer-graphic illustrator.
    I began working for DEC back in 1978 or 79 (I forget sometimes)
    and left in 1981 to go live in San Francisco.  I came back in 1984
    and I got my old job back.  It's nice to know some things never
    change...  Anyway, I've just begun to read this notesfile and I
    find it interesting, informative and quite a lot of fun.  Hope
    to participate in some discussions when I'm not too busy here.
    Nice to meet you all...
    - Kathryn