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Conference wahoo::fishing

Title:Fishing Notes- Archived
Notice:See note 555.1 for a keyword directory of this conference
Created:Fri Feb 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Sep 20 1991
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1660
Total number of notes:20970

1539.0. "1991 Spring Classic" by DEMING::TADRY () Wed Feb 13 1991 16:08

    I was going to put this in last week when it was nice and warm but 
    never got to it. I think its time to start the chatter about the 
    Annual Spring DEC Classic. Now that there is reciprocal boating laws
    between Mass and N.H. this could be one for the record books......
    I know its early but we know how we make decisions in this file. 
    So lets start discussing locations, dates, times etc. Maybe one of
    our fine moderators would have this as the offical spring tourney
    note and maybe they'll have another for the large volume of B.S.
    that goes along so well with our tournements. 
    So lets get the ice melting....
1539.1A WINNY WEEKEND WITH THE LEGENDXCUSME::WATERSThe Legend of the LakesWed Feb 13 1991 16:1416
    I want to have a camping trip on Winny.  It doesn't have to be a 
    Anyone out there know anyone who owns a piece of property on Winny we
    could use for a weekend?
    Just a thought.
    I'd really like to see a bunch of us get up there on the MAY/JUNE time
    The LEGEND is awsome at catching smallmouth.
    Let's get things rolling.
1539.2WAHOO::LEVESQUENo easy way to be free...Wed Feb 13 1991 16:163
 Spring Classic Bustin' Note is note 1518.

 The Doctah
1539.3will travelJURAN::HAUERWed Feb 13 1991 16:299
    	I would be willing to travel out of state to catch my ONE
    	tournament fish.  Would be nice though if the travel time
    	could be kept to a minimum......maybe keep that in mind
    	on selecting a location.
1539.4ZDNEAST::VORHIS_ALWed Feb 13 1991 16:512
    WHy don't you all come to Maine, and enjoy catching some fish?
1539.6== we interrupt you for this important message ==WAHOO::LEVESQUENo easy way to be free...Wed Feb 13 1991 19:0910
 This note is for information and discussion of the Spring Classic Tournament.
Please restrict entries in this string to notes that are on the topic, such
as a debate about the location, time, rules, etc. The back and forth jabbing
belongs in note 1518, the Spring Classic Bustin' Note. (I, of course, will not
complain if certain noters move their off-topic notes to the appropriate topic,
nudge, nudge).  NOTES> set note/note_id=1518

 We now return to your regularly scheduled program.

 The Doctah (as moderator)
1539.8Food for thought!MCIS2::MCCARTHYThu Feb 14 1991 10:457
    don mac, lizzard? Just something to think about some of Us will
    be fishing the Winni Derby, whats wrong with tying it in with
    that? There's other Fish besides Bass,(Salmon-Lake Trout) We
    can take things seriously, but it should be fun too. Just food
    for thought, what do Yooz think?
    I only have every other weekend off.
    The Warden
1539.9WAHOO::LEVESQUENo easy way to be free...Thu Feb 14 1991 11:5810
 Another possibility for a tournament is fishing Lake Winnisquam. It's easier to
get to than Winni, and has a fabulous smallie population in the southern end 
of the lake. In fact, on one of them thar fishin' shows, the host (who was
fishing on the lake at the time) said that it was one of the best kept fishing
secrets in NH! He was regularly pulling in 3 and 4 lb smallies from the 
shallows. I have personally caught several smallies (though in the north side of
the lake) at better than 3 lbs each.(One was caught as I was casting a 4"
worm for my little brother, when I was but a lad. A Zebco 202 special!)

 The Doctah
1539.11Squam, si !ASABET::VARLEYThu Feb 14 1991 13:389
     Winnisquam sounds good to me, and probably has less pressure. I like
    the idea of team competition (In case I get skunked), it seems looser
    and more friendly. 
     I'd hate to miss out on some of the noters because of NH bass
    commitments, but I'd kinda like to keep it a DEC tourney and not have
    to tag it on to somebody else's tourney and abide by their rules.
    --The Skoal (RM) Bandit
1539.13THANKS, BUT NO THANKS!XCUSME::WATERSThe Legend of the LakesThu Feb 14 1991 16:2431
    Hey, Don...let's not pursue this any further.  I for one do not want
    to fish with this guys.  As I mentioned offline to you, I don't want
    the NHB holding my hand and telling me what they expect from me to
    PLAY in there tourney.  
    I, like a lot of others  still fish for the fun and thrill of catching
    the big one.  No offense, but I get the impression some of the NHB 
    members think they are a CUT-ABOVE the rest of us. 
    And we all know that I am the only one who is a cut above the rest
    of you ;-)!
    I certainly wouldn't be interested in fishing with the NHB or any other
    I originally intended for us to get together as a bunch of Good Ole
    Boys for a weekend of fishing ...FOR FUN and friendship...with lots
    of laughs.
    I am going to put something together on my own for a weekend at Winny
    with some friends, both Dec and non-Dec people.  
    I will post it here when I decide on a date and campsite.  If you are
    free and want to have a few laughs and lots of FUN fishing, come on up!
    I hope the winning member of your NHB club wins lots of money!
    						John Waters
    						The Legend 
1539.12never mindRANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerThu Feb 14 1991 16:437
    There was a note in here previously that mentioned the possibilty of a
    combined NHB/Notesfile tournament.  Some issues were brought up today
    by NHB members that had not been discussed when this was originally 
    proposed.  After a brief discussion we decided that it was probably 
    not such a good idea.  In other words, never mind... 8^) 
1539.15How About EX DECies??PACKER::BASSCO::BACZKONow, for some fishin'Fri Feb 15 1991 19:1524
    WAIT WAIT !!!,,  Lets loosen up here just a little, let me know if you
    agree with this,  with all the transition and layoffs some people in
    this file who have fished the tournies may not be DECies come tourny
    time, I would like to allow them to participate.  Dont you agree??
      I vote for 
        Sometime in the end of May, the weekend of the 18th is NO GOOD FOR ME 
        and Gary and the Kiv'
    Sign up Le$ BA$$-Co. and Paul Dailida
1539.17same people just new jobsHPSTEK::MMURPHYMon Feb 18 1991 14:317
      I don't know ray. That seems a "little" hardballish. I feel if
      thay fished with us once thay can fish with us anytime. 
                                                         my feelings
1539.18They are still Terminal Anglers.LEVERS::NPAREMon Feb 18 1991 15:237
    	I agree with the Kiv,they should be allowed to fish with us.If it
    	was'nt for this lousy economy,they would still (most likely)be DEC
    		my .02 worth
        Ray my main man !!!
              No problem, first of all no one for the outside (DEC)
        has anyway of knowing about these tourneys. So unle$ someone from
        the conference tells them, theres no way of knowing.  Heres a
        thought....  How about if one of the team members has to had been
        in at lest 1 previous tourney ??? That way good'ole uncle Guss
        and his left nutted buddy who doesn't work for DEC show up.
                                                         take care
                                                          your favorite kiv 
1539.21HPSTEK::RHUFFTue Feb 19 1991 11:234
    	I agree with the Kiv!
1539.22I'm easy,I'll go along with any rule.PULLY::NPARETue Feb 19 1991 15:277
    	I agree with you Ray,I didn't mean to allow uncle Guss to come,but
    as Kiv said as long as they fished one or more Dec tourney then it
    should be OK for them to fish with us. 
1539.23misc RANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerSat Feb 23 1991 15:2710
    I would invite exnoters as well.  If you guys are still considering
    Winnisquam, I'd like to remind whoever is going to run it that they
    should do their homework early, tournament parking can be a problem,
    there is not any public launch.  Deals can be made with marinas for
    certain amounts of boats and vehicles.  Also, remeber that if your 
    considering May 15-Jun 15 permits are required and should be applied
    for early.
1539.24IE0005::PUISHYSBob PuishysMon Feb 25 1991 14:225
R/O Palmer and myself want to fish, but the weekend of the 18th is out.
Wife goes into spawn!!  then gets her masters then I have a tournament!

What a weekend!
1539.25Line them Up...FSLENG::SCHOLZRon....and thanks for all the fishFri Mar 01 1991 18:099
    Pick a spot and make it happen Ray.......I agree that we should have it
    sooner than later.........maybe even May 6th or 13th. Whatever sign
    up Ranger Ron and TBDW
    And "for what its worth" why isn't Manchug still a good bet. We have to
    go to Stumpfield to fish with our NH friends, why not them coming down
    to us.??? And there are no permits needed ..;^) Well there are 25
    replies in this note and so far 6 or so signed up....come on the waters
1539.26worth the tripRANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerFri Mar 01 1991 18:3216
    There were a few of us NHerites at the last Manchaug tournament, so I'd
    be willing to bet a few might try and make another one. 
    I know I would, Harbormaster and I (both out-of-staters) found Manchaug
    quite profitable, thank you.  8^)
    Speaking of that last Manchaug tournament, I bumped into one of the
    non-decies who fished that tournament, at the NH expo.  The guy with
    the team Johnson billboard on his Ranger.  He was working Owen's Marine
    booth and showed me his new boat that was at the show, drool, drool...  
    A new 400 series 20' Ranger, tandem wheel trailer, etc..  The list on 
    it was way over 20 grand.  He said we'd be seeing the boat at more of 
    our tournies this year.  I know he belongs to the same Worcester club 
    as some of our noters, but I forget his name.
     Just to throw my 2 cents in.
    I liked Manchaug last year and vote for Manchaug this year. Its kind of
    tough for me to go to far because of my 7 month old but to get away for
    a fun day of fishing is worth a little bull from the wife. Kidding
    about my wife. She tries to get me out of house to fish. 
      Getting back to the tourney. Pick a date Ray, but my vote is for
    Manchaug.  We had no problems parking last year's spring tourney but
    it was windy and cold.
       Just my opinion....
1539.28I'll fish anywhere,HPSTEK::MMURPHYMon Mar 04 1991 08:226
      I like the sound of manchaug!! theres never been any problems
    with that lake. All though remember last fall...2 other clubs/tourneys
    went off before us...(no real biggie). 
1539.30HPSTEK::RHUFFMon Mar 04 1991 11:543
    	Manchaug is fine.  I'm not into purchasing permits!
    	Swivel who loves fishing in MA.
1539.3111SRUS::LUCIAHere, fishy, fishy...Mon Mar 04 1991 13:484
I'll add my vote for Manchaug.  It seems to be a popular place, so let's do it.
Who's going to run this thing?

1539.32DELNI::OTAMon Mar 04 1991 16:594
    I opt for Manchaug, also I vote weekend of May 25-26 I can't do the
    first weekend of June 8 or 9 anytime after thats good.
1539.33Singletary?JURAN::HAUERMon Mar 04 1991 17:0411
    	If the push is to keep it in Ma.....let's try a different lake than
    	Manchaug.....I don't know if that ONE fish will continue to
    	cooperate.  Now Bassin' Bob.....I am NOT thinking of Webster...:-)
    	How about Singletary?....we have talked about that lake a couple of
1539.34I'm in ...Let's goMOOV02::MROWKAMon Mar 04 1991 17:0411

	I'm in for Manchug or anywhere, let's pick a date. If we set a date 

early then maybe there won't be a couple other clubs launching at the same 

as mentioned in a previous note. 

Johnny Roach

PS Caught 4 bass in the nice weather this Sunday, March 3rd/ In the rim no less
1539.35Parking Limited at SingletaryDEMING::MATTSONMon Mar 04 1991 17:3814
    	Just a word of caution about Singletary.  Last year there was a
    confrontation early one morning between two bass clubs.  Now to make a
    long story short, the locals nor the Police department where to
    pleased.  Since then there's only so many official parking spots, once
    there full that's it.  You can't park along the road nor down by the
    firehouse anymore.
    	So technically they have limited how many boats can get on the
    water via the state ramp.  I suppose if you can find a way to launch 
    your boat and not have to park your vehicle or trailer it doesn't
    matter.  Let me in on this trick of someone knows how.
    							Madd Matt 
1539.37we can pick lakes all day...whos running it??HPSTEK::MMURPHYMon Mar 04 1991 18:467
          I thought you said south got "to much pressure". Whats why
      we didn't say anything about that lake. :^}
    	OK...you talked us into it....Kiv and I will run the spring
    	Here is how we are going to proceed.   We are looking at a late
    	April to mid May tournament.   Those noters who are in clubs or
    	on the money trail send your AVAILABLE dates [ie. the dates you
    	don't have tournies] to DEMING::HAUER.  I will tabulate and then
    	propose to the rest the potential dates.  At that time, we will
    	allow a little discussion, then set the date.
    	We will want to hear more input to potential locations.  Given this
    	input, if one site becomes the apparent choice, so be it.  If there
    	is a varied opinion, then we may use the democratic method or we
    	may take the dicatorial position.  We will let the discussion
    	Entry points, point distribution will be established later.  We have
    	time for that.   The important issue at hand is date and location.
    	At this time I would state that the rules will be the same.  
    	So:    Available dates to DEMING::HAUER by March 11
    	       Potential dates identified by March 12.
    	       Discussion and decision by March 15.   [Site and date]
    	We will need help with a scale and determining if other clubs are 
    	fishing the lake we identify on the decided date.
    	Entries and pertainent discussion in this note.  Bustin'...in the
    	appropriate ones.
    	this tourny will be brought to you by  KIVIT' PRODUCTIONS.
1539.39Power Limits Anyone?MTADMS::DUPREbust a move for the fish'n holeTue Mar 05 1991 15:519
    	 I am new to this notes file and fishing in Mass, I was wondering
    if there are any horsepower limits on the lakes mentioned (Manchug and
    Singletary) as I believe there is on the Quabbin?  Also where are both
    lakes located in Mass?  If the date for the spring classic works out
    with my schedule, you can count on two new comers to join in.
1539.40no restrictionsJURAN::HAUERTue Mar 05 1991 16:0915
    	There are no restrictions on Manchaug....Singletary, I don't
    	believe there any.   
    	In general the locations of the lake are near Sutton Ma.  The
    	specific directions are in note 1487.20.   
    	Happy to have you in this tourney.
    	NOW FOR THE REST OF 'YA....please send available dates to me.
1539.41This'll be a Good One!MCIS2::MCCARTHYWed Mar 06 1991 11:526
    Kiv-it-Productions, shouldn't that read, because of Kiv's partner(BC)
    Kiv-It-Crap Productions, after all Kiv named BC (Big Crappie). I'm
    working everyother weekend starting this weekend. My votes is for 
    the Mighty Quinsig, not that it matters. If I'm off, I'm in.
    The Warden
1539.42we'll be there, anytime, anyplaceJUPITR::PARTAINWed Mar 06 1991 14:098
    Count Ken and LT in. any date is fine..
    (I'm Back......)!
1539.43we are inDELNI::OTAWed Mar 06 1991 15:025
    The Ota team is back and we can make any weekend between April 27 and
    May 26.  We opt for Manchaug for the first choice, singletary is ok for
1539.44exWMOIS::WATERS_JFri Mar 08 1991 13:4314
      Now that I see so many people I WANT TO BE THERE are going.  I will
    be talking with Rich Neal to set up the FISHING AWARDS II CEREMONY.
      GOD knows we have enough people to give awards to...
    						The Legend
      I'll be there!  I will be fishing with Ray Tadry.
      Martial...I'll still pack you a lunch.
1539.45SEND IN THOSE DATESJURAN::HAUERFri Mar 08 1991 15:0316
    	Thanks to all of you that have sent in available dates.  To the
    	rest of you.....GET THEM IN [DEMING::HAUER].  Monday is the target
    	day for input.  
    	We haven't heard from such piscatorial illuminati such as dr. dick,
    	bassin' Manny, Buschmaster, Big Bird.......and so on.  
    	With a potential FAII Ceremony....that alone will be worth the
    	price of admission.   
1539.46I'm there ...SYSTMX::SURRETTEMon Mar 11 1991 16:3510
    Hi All,
    You can count me in provided the dates don't conflict with
    a previously scheduled tourney. 
    	Our intent with this tournament was to ensure that all of those
    	who got the notesfile started and those who have contributed so much 
    	over time had the opportunity to fish.  Looking over the inputs my
    	intial reaction was....when AREN'T you guys fishing in a
    	tournament?  None the less, we have chosen a date and location for
    			   THE 1991 SPRING CLASSIC
    			     brought to you by
    			        APRIL 20TH
    			      MANCHAUG POND
    	This is the ONLY date when ALL noters are available [from the
    	responses].   Please respond in this note violent agreement or
    	disagreement.   We will be finalizing the date/location this week.
    	Tournament rules and times will be the next item for discussion
    	next week.
1539.50Just Do It!HPSTEK::BCRONINTue Mar 12 1991 17:527
    	   Keep the date and location!  The organizers already have more
    	than a week into juggling dates, they've asked for input on both
    	dates and location and have made a decision.  They've agreed to
    	run this tournament.  If someone else wants another one later in
    	the spring and at a different lake then they should run one of
    	their own!
1539.5120th is good for meHPSTEK::RHUFFTue Mar 12 1991 19:0212
    	Please sign up the Swivel for the 20th at Manchaug.
    	If someone else wnats to have one at Quabaug at a later date, then
    I'll go to that one too!
    	Please keep the 20th as I have to plan ahead and hate to keep
    changing all my dates around.
    	Good choice KIVIT managers!
    	Swivel (the one to watch)
1539.52Want some cheese to go with that whine !CECV03::SURRETTETue Mar 12 1991 19:2415
    You guys sure know how to pick a tournament Site/Date.  The fact that
    this tournament is earlier than previous events is perfect.  The only
    reason those guys are whining so much is that they might actually have
    to THINK about how/where to catch fish (no small feat to be sure!).
    The patterns will probably be different from all previous events, so
    it'll be just like fishing a new body of water.
    Sign me up for sure.
    Gus and partner TBA.
1539.54Lets get goingDELNI::OTATue Mar 12 1991 19:568
    Gitzit and Kiver
    Count in the Ota team for the 20th at Manchaug.  I agree with the
    others you fixed a date and time and now I can lock it in my calander.
    You can't have a moving target with this many folks so lets get on with
    the rules next
1539.55Have auger, will travelRANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerTue Mar 12 1991 20:2210
    Whats the matter boys, `fraid of a little cold water, are ya?
    If ya can't seem `em, ya can't catch `em?
    Assuming I can bring the Harbormaster out of 'trout mode' for the 
    weekend, the defending Fall Classic team champions will be there, 
    to once again teach the local boys how to fish in their own 
    backyard (hear that BB! 8^) 
    donmac - who would also normally be focusing on salmonoids during that 
             time of year
1539.58Bassin Bob and R/O Palmer will be there!IE0005::PUISHYSBob PuishysWed Mar 13 1991 11:2911
    	KIVIT you two pick a nice date!  Bassin Bob and R/O Palmer will
    be there unless of course my offspring comes early :^(.  I though my
    first tournament for the year was going to be April 21..  Well
    What the heck back to back is great way to start the year!
    See you all on the 20th.
    Bassin Bob  Hay Don I returned a 6 year old Berkly Lightin rod to
    berkly and got a new one last week!!  How is Shimano going :^)
1539.60rich..send me a name or numberJURAN::HAUERWed Mar 13 1991 12:0210
    	Rich....I do have information that there is no other tournies
    	at the Manchaug that day.  If you know who to call for the permit
    	let me know and I will take care of that aspect.
    	Thanks......and settle down....:-)
1539.61Aren't you being a little defensive?HPSTEK::BCRONINWed Mar 13 1991 12:2615
    	Take a pill or something, calm yourself down!  I don't have a
    problem reading.  I even read the paragraph that said:
    	"This is the ONLY date when ALL noters are available [from the
    	responses].  Please respond in this violent (Read this next word
    	Rich) agreement or disagreement.  We will be finalizing the date/
    	location this week."
    	I agree with the date and the location so I said so.  One weeks
    input is enough.  Don't get upset just because I don't agree with
    you.....  You just may earn an award yourself!  You give us plenty
    of material to work with too.
1539.62What about name tags this tournie?DELNI::OTAWed Mar 13 1991 13:065
    Hey how about having name tags this time.  I found that at the last
    tournie it would have been nice to have name tags at some point to make
    it easier to meet folks.  What do you think?
1539.63Color me thereSEMIU5::MATTSONWed Mar 13 1991 13:2115
    	This is my official reply, the 20th is fine, Manchaug is fine,
    count Madd Matt and T.B.A. in.  It's great to see that Don Mac is 
    going to be there (Don just remember never give a sucker and even
    break).  And Bassin Bob will also be in attendance, sounds like the 
    makings of a great tourny with lots of competition.  The Greek has told 
    me that even though Bob won't get an award for Mr. Personality, he's 
    going to be tough to beat at Manchaug.  We'll have to see if married
    life and soon becoming a Daddy has slowed him up any. 
    							Madd Matt
1539.65Quabog or bust?XLIB::ALLINSONWed Mar 13 1991 14:1317
              The date is fine by me and put another vote in for
              Quabog.Lots better fishing there.
            Hey Rich,
              We should give all these people the "Concillation prize"
            we discussed earlier.Just picture everone walking around
            with the latest in designer sunglasses.
                                        The Keg
1539.68BIGBIRD Is ALIVE BIGBIRD HereCSSE::JUDSONWhat do you mean it isn't supportedWed Mar 13 1991 21:388
Hey Gang,

How is everybody doing, I like the 20th, some of you guys will be LOST on a
cold spring day.....Sign me up with a T.B.A.

Did you all have a nice winter....What winter..

1539.708am sounds goodSEMIU5::MATTSONThu Mar 14 1991 11:3812
    	I'sn't 8:00am usally the standard start we've been using.  As Rich
    mentioned some folks have to travel a bit to get there.  Also it's
    usally not full light untill around 7 am that time of year.  After
    first light starts happening around 5:30 to 6:00am we set the clocks 
    ahead to daylights saving time.  I don't think everyone is equipped
    with lights on their boats to start safely any earlier.
    	My vote is the usual 8am - 2pm time.  Hell the fish aren't awake
    untill afternoon this time of year.  There still hung over from too much
    winter time partying.
    						Madd Matt
1539.71IE0005::PUISHYSBob PuishysThu Mar 14 1991 12:327
I put a vote it for 8am also.  My club does not start there first one in april 
until 8 also.  But 2 finish is too shrot.  7-3 is a normal tournament.
How about 8-4  or atleat 8-3.  That time of year the fishing is good in
the late afternoon!

Bassin Bob
hay Kivit 7-3 is fine! too
1539.73DELNI::OTAThu Mar 14 1991 15:053
    8 sounds good and so doesn't ending at 3
1539.77One more team CSSE::WHITESThu Mar 14 1991 16:067
    Put one more team on the list - Jack Whites and mystery guest.
    I think that 8 - 2 sounds terrific! Six hours is more than enough
    time to...
1539.78add another team to the listROULET::ZILINSKYThu Mar 14 1991 16:3310
      Put the names of Bartender and Mechanic to the list. I vote for the
    8 to 2 time frame.  
      Madd Matt, thanks for all the info, Ya, right. Hope you do better
    fishing then getting info to people...... Don't smoke your engine this
                      Tom Zilinsky
1539.79entries.....NOW!JURAN::HAUERThu Mar 14 1991 16:5319
    	THIS is GOOD STUFF!!!  Keep the entries coming in.   But!...need
    	some confirmations for the 20th from Ranger Ron, Johnny Roach,
    	Ken and LT and Russ Dupre....you all expressed interest but this
    	was before the 20th was established.   Let us know.
    	Now the rest of you who remain in hibernation....come on...we've
    	got the best [and worst] that this file can offer to fish with
    	in a tournament...
    	BTW:   RR if you and TBDW can come....make sure the Wizzer isn't
    	wearing those dang Gucci loafers and leather jacket that he had
    	on last year.....make sure you can fish the WHOLE tourney before
    	TBDW gets cold....:-)
1539.80the later the betterRANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerThu Mar 14 1991 18:195
    8am is MUCH better for me since I'll be coming from NH - besides 
    as a few folks have mentioned, that early in the year the fishing 
    if often better later in the day.  How about 9am? (only half kidding!)
1539.81WMOIS::WATERS_JThu Mar 14 1991 18:331
    9:00 TO 4:00!!
1539.83be there or be fat with bracesTFH::PARTAINSet/mode=BASS_FISHINFri Mar 15 1991 10:346
    We wouldn't miss ol' big mouth for anything..We'll be there.
    "LT" and Ken
1539.84Prior commitment!MTADMS::DUPREbust a move for the fish'n holeFri Mar 15 1991 10:588
    Well sorry to say my friend and I will not be able to make the 20th due
    to a prior commitment.  However, I will be keeping one of my lines in
    this file for future tournaments.  Good luck to all you underdogs (ie
    new comers to the tourny, if there were any other besides me and my
    partner - sorry I can't resist the underdog in any competition) take
    their money and if you can't do that, take pictures
1539.85New PartnerRANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerFri Mar 15 1991 12:2313
    Unfortunately the Harbormaster will not be able to make this
    tournament.  He found out that he had a wedding commitment for 
    that weekend.  The wedding is later in the day, so he could probably
    have managed to fish the tourny and then zip right over to the wedding,
    but being the gentleman and true sportsman that he is, he knows it is
    unpolite to "take the money and run", so he has politely backed out.
    Don Bourgault, a fellow NHBer and noter, will be my partner.
    (He'll have no problem hanging around the winner's cricle for awhile
1539.86Another team for the tourney.LEVERS::NPAREFri Mar 15 1991 15:0611
    	Sign up the team of Mick Rogers and the Frenchman to the list.The 8
    to 2,or 3pm time sounds good.Now let's hope that the fish cooperate and
    come out hibernation.
    		See you there on the 20th
1539.88ENTRIES UP TO THIS POINTJURAN::HAUERFri Mar 15 1991 16:0929


			   a KIVIT' Production

			      APRIL 20TH

	CONFIRMED:				      AKA

   1	Kiv and BC			Mike Murphy and Brian Cronin
   2	Swivel and Gitzit'		Rodney Huff and Keith Hauer
   3	Buschmaster and TBA		Gus Surrette
   4	Bassassin and Mark Ota		Brian Ota
   5	donmac and Don Bourgault	Don MacIntyre
   6	Bassin' Bob and R/O Palmer	Bob Puishys and "Marcel" Palmer
   7	Legend and RT			John Waters and Ray Tadry
   8	Madd Matt and TBA		Gary Mattson
   9	Team Keg			Keg and Rich Neal
  10 	Big Bird and TBA		Bruce Judson
  11	Ba$$co and TBA			Les Baczko
  12	Jack Whites and Mystery Guest	
  13	The Bartender and Mechanic	Tom Zilinsky
  14  	LT and Ken Patrikis		Chuck Partain
  15	Mick Rogers and Frenchman		       and Normand Pare

1539.90DATE/LOCATION SET...the other rulesJURAN::HAUERFri Mar 15 1991 16:31123




			      Sutton Ma.

    	FIRST RULE:  Keep all the other rules simple.  This is for fun not
    	SECOND RULE: Remember First Rule at all times.


		This event is NOT sponsored by DEC or any other agency.
    		We are on our own.

		20 points per team for tourney.  
		 5 points [optional] per team for lunker.
    	    **	Please check in and enter with Kiv or myself prior to 
		launching your boat.
            **	Please try to be registered by 7:30 so we can proceed with the
		starting position draw and final information.  

    	    **	If needed you should be able to identify that at least one 
		person on your team is a DEC employee or DEC contractor.


		Based on total weight of up to 10 legal length bass.

			1st place	50% of points
			2nd place	30% of points
			3rd place	20% of points

		Lunker will be split between the heaviest smallmouth and
		largemouth.  If a species is not caught, a split of 60%/40%
		will be made between the heaviest and second heaviest of the 
		species caught.


		It will be an 7 hr. tournament.  Starting time 8:00 (am) and 
	       	check in at 3:00 (pm).  There will be no early weigh-ins!


		We WILL penalize for dead fish, 1 lb and short fish, 1 lb. 
	       	For those without a "ruler" for measurement, we will provide 
	       	one for a courtesy check prior to your weigh-in.


		Landing nets are allowed and you can use any bait on a rod 
		EXCEPT live bait.  No hand lines and such.  Rod and Reel only. 
		Only one rod and reel combination can be used and in the water 
		at any time by any fisherperson.

    		Starting position will be determined by draw and the last drawn 
		position is the "official" starter.  The intent here is give 
		all the boats enough time to clear the area before the next 
		one goes off.  Any boat under 10 hp does not draw for a 
		starting position.  All boats in this class leave after the 
		starter's boat leaves.  All boats under 10 hp will also be 
		granted up to a maximum of 10 additional minutes to get back 
		to the ramp.

		At 3:00 pm ALL FISHING IS OFF.  The additional ten minutes is 
		for travel NOT fishing.


		Any kind of boat is allowed.  YOU are responsible for your own 
		safety and your boats ability to pass an inspection by a law 
		enforcement agency if they are present.  We won't check for 
		required safety equipment.  Insurance and liability is the 
		entrants responsibility.    


    		First boat on a position has the right of way.  If the boat is 
		moving in a direction you can't jump in front of it, but may 
		go in behind it.  Distance of control is an "estimated" 100 yds
		in front and 50 yds behind.  The idea is to not crowd other 
		boats, like we all do the time when we fish regularly.  
		Remember that there will be other non-tourney fisherman out 
		there, so watch who you yell at.  If you want to come in and 
		talk to your friends in other boats, stand off and ask first.  
				   BE POLITE.

    	Please give us a call at DTN 225-5331 or 297-2751 or send mail to 
	DEMING::hauer or HPSTEK::mmurphy if you need further information.    

1539.91KIV BLEW IT!!JURAN::HAUERFri Mar 15 1991 16:339
    	In case you believe you are seeing double....I had incorrectly
    	listed the entry point requirements in the first "rules" entry.
    	.90 is the correct version.
    	Gitzit'    who_blames_Kiv_because_he_was_to_proof_read_it.
1539.92Awright...ASABET::VARLEYFri Mar 15 1991 17:206
    Hagerty's daughter is gettin' hitched on the 27th, so I'm not sure
    about him yet. Hell, he might as well practice gettin' loaded a week
    early... Tentatively enter the M.O.S. ("Men of Steel") team of
    "Lavender Jack" (A.K.A. Jack Hagerty) and "The Skoal Bandit" (A.K.A.
    "The Skoal Bandit, Butthead or The Defendant."). No wise cracks, "Fence
1539.93looks good boys!! :^)IE0005::PUISHYSBob PuishysFri Mar 15 1991 20:545
    Nice rules Kivit  you alomaot look like you know what you are doing!!
    By the way did you do anything about a permit?  and what about a scale?
1539.9433 more days to go..!!HPSTEK::MMURPHYMon Mar 18 1991 08:3517
     Morning Bob !!
        About the permit...? It has been filled out, and sent into
     the Public Access Board in Boston.
        About the scale...? Funny you ask, The Gitzit and I were talking
     about that Sunday morning over coffee. We figured that were the 
     tourney is "so early" in the year, that not too may fish will be
     cought. So we'll just hold them up in the air and kinda look at
     them and make a guess. ha ha  Just kiddin ! The Gitzit says he has a
     good friend with one. Right Gitzit..???
1539.95Entry.. see you at the rampBPOV02::MROWKAMon Mar 18 1991 11:3716

	Kivit productions...I like it

	Please enter the 

			Johnny Roach & DC

	PS  caught a nice 19 1/2" Bass Saturday mornining. Anyone who want to 

		try a new place in central Mass send some email I fish 

		every weekend.     

1539.96forgot address on previous replyBPOV02::MROWKAMon Mar 18 1991 11:387
	The email adress is giamem::Mrowka

	Johnny Roach

1539.97New TeamSOFBAS::SULLIVANWed Mar 20 1991 14:579
     PLEASE !! 
     Sign up the team of Mr. Dave "SlamMaster" Sullivan    &
                         Mrs. Susan "Tell him to shut up!!" Sullivan
     - Slammer
1539.98The real Susan Sullivan please stand upWHYVAX::LUCIAHere, fishy, fishy...Wed Mar 20 1991 22:316
    Since Susan Sullivan will be appearing as herself,  I'm looking for a
1539.99inputs....and sign upJURAN::HAUERFri Mar 22 1991 11:2514
    	I know that you all have been very busy ensuring the integrity of
    	this notesfile and debating freedom of speech.....BUT....have any
    	of you read the rules?
    	They are not much different than those in the past but there are
    	some changes.
    	Inputs welcome.....we want to get them finalized, however.
    	Gitzit'  Still looking for those hold outs to sign up for this
1539.100Sorry for the confusingHPSTEK::MMURPHYFri Mar 22 1991 13:047
             Sorry gang in the rules we forgot to mention that Manchaug
        will be off limits 48 hours prior to tournie time. 
1539.101Why a 48 hour embargo?DELNI::OTAFri Mar 22 1991 13:448
    Why would the lake be off limits 48 hours before the tournie?  I
    disagree with this rule, but do agree with the others.
    Whats the reasoning?  
1539.102IE0005::PUISHYSBob PuishysFri Mar 22 1991 14:0917
Well in most Tournaments there is an off limits for a few reason. 

1st  is to stop cheating, not that a fellow noter would.  This prevents people
from tieing down bass, or looking for bass at the last minute.

2nd it gives the fish a break.  People would pound the shit out of them 
just before a tournament, then they are all sore mouth (like a few people
in this file :^)) and will not hit.
Some people will fish a lake all week, then let all the fish they
catch go on once spot or pound spots they willnot fish.

So having a lake off limits is suppose to help with the bag limits.
The dec tournies have always had atleast a  24-48 hour off limits.  This also
gives the guy who can't get to the lake a better chance then the guy who 
pounds them all week.

Bassin Bob
1539.103PACKER::BASSCO::BACZKONow, for some fishin'Fri Mar 22 1991 15:188
    I agree with Bob 100%.  Stinging the fish the day before a tournament 
    will affect the creel when you have up to 40 people fishing.  An off
    limit will for 48 hrs really will improve the results for saturday 
    and make the event a bit more even for those who live a distance away.
    I agree with KIVIT' Productions 48 hrs Off limit
1539.104how you going to go about that?HPSTEK::RHUFFFri Mar 22 1991 16:2910
    	How do you make sure none of us go 48 hours before?  Are you
    pitchin a tent there Kiv?  Two days away from the family should do
    you good.  Also, then we'll have to have someone watch you!  You can't
    be trusted!  You'll definitely give in and flip a lure around the dock
    area.  So we'll put Gitzit with you.  Who watches him?  Before you
    know it the tourney will be on Thursday morning!
    	Just wondering how you're going to enforce the rule?
1539.105Holy Cow you guys agreed!!HPSTEK::MMURPHYFri Mar 22 1991 16:326
      Thanks Guys..I owe you both a hug. ha ha
1539.106up to date roster...need moreJURAN::HAUERFri Mar 22 1991 16:3235


			   a KIVIT' Production

			      APRIL 20TH

	CONFIRMED:				      AKA

   1	Kiv and BC			Mike Murphy and Brian Cronin
   2	Swivel and Gitzit'		Rodney Huff and Keith Hauer
   3	Buschmaster and TBA		Gus Surrette
   4	Bassassin and Mark Ota		Brian Ota
   5	donmac and Don Bourgault	Don MacIntyre
   6	Bassin' Bob and R/O Palmer	Bob Puishys and "Marcel" Palmer
   7	Legend and RT			John Waters and Ray Tadry
   8	Madd Matt and TBA		Gary Mattson
   9	Team Keg			Keg and Rich Neal
  10 	Big Bird and TBA		Bruce Judson
  11	Ba$$co and TBA			Les Baczko
  12	Jack Whites and Mystery Guest	
  13	The Bartender and Mechanic	Tom Zilinsky
  14  	LT and Ken Patrikis		Chuck Partain
  15	Mick Rogers and Frenchman		       and Normand Pare
  16    Lavender Jack and Skoal Bandit	Jack Hagerty and Jack Varley
  17	Johnny Roach and DC		Jim Mrowka
  18	Don A Pardo and Bass Killer  	John Spadafore
  19	Slam-Master and Susan Sullivan	Dave Sullivan 
  20 	Ronni Kerswell and Ken Kulp

1539.107spring classicFREEBE::M_RIVERAMon Mar 25 1991 16:162
    add the team of ken sposato and manny rivera to the spring classic.
1539.108Of Course...ConfirmMENSCH::SCHOLZRon....and thanks for all the fishMon Mar 25 1991 19:5626
    Gitzit etc,
    Of course we are in !!!! As to the other things.....fine fine fine. If
    any of you wish to look back to the ORIGINAL Dec Bass Masters Classic
    you will see that my friend (Bassin Bob) and I started this mess a mear
    FIVE (would you believe it?) years ago. The rules are the same as we
    wrote them then and will probably be for some time.....Good things tend
    to last ;^)
    As for 48 hours............make it 96 and then the six or so of us that
    do live in the area won't even have any advantage. The way the weather
    changes around this time of the year any pattern that we could find the
    weekend before would be out of date by the tournement. And the PATTERN
    is the real reason that there are off limits before a tournement. (plus
    not hammering the fish) And believe me there are patterns this time of
    the year, just like any other time.
    Gee, go on vacation and now We're entry number 20 or so.....come'on
    Gitz, you couldn't really think that we wouldn't sign up??? Now, if
    we show up is another matter...the Wizzard is known for the fact that he
    can't stand cold....that's why he is moving off to sunny southern
    Calif. this June or so. That means this will be his last time out with
    us poor cold and frozen yankees.........!!!!
    Tight lines, Ranger Ron
1539.109ROSTER AS OF 3-28JURAN::HAUERSun Mar 31 1991 21:4534


			   a KIVIT' Production

			      APRIL 20TH

	CONFIRMED:[as of 3-28]		          AKA

   1	Kiv and BC			Mike Murphy and Brian Cronin
   2	Swivel and Gitzit'		Rodney Huff and Keith Hauer
   3	Buschmaster and TBA		Gus Surrette
   4	Bassassin and Mark Ota		Brian Ota
   5	donmac and Don Bourgault	Don MacIntyre
   6	Bassin' Bob and R/O Palmer	Bob Puishys and "Marcel" Palmer
   7	Legend and RT			John Waters and Ray Tadry
   8	Madd Matt and TBA		Gary Mattson
   9	Team Keg			Keg and Rich Neal
  10 	Big Bird and TBA		Bruce Judson
  11	Ba$$co and TBA			Les Baczko
  12	Jack Whites and Mystery Guest	
  13	The Bartender and Mechanic	Tom Zilinsky
  14  	LT and Ken Patrikis		Chuck Partain
  15	Mick Rogers and Frenchman		       and Normand Pare
  16    Lavender Jack and Skoal Bandit	Jack Hagerty and Jack Varley
  17	Johnny Roach and DC		Jim Mrowka
  18	Don A Pardo and Bass Killer  	John Spadafore
  19	Slam-Master and Susan Sullivan	Dave Sullivan 
  20 	Ronni Kerswell and Ken Kulp
  21	Bassin Manny and Ken Sposato	Manny Rivera
  22	Ranger Ron and TBDW		Ron Scholz and Garry Wiersum
1539.110tourney informationJURAN::HAUERSun Mar 31 1991 21:4922
    	YO! Gang.....even though you can't get that up to the minute
    	information....through the file....KIVIT' Productions is still
    	hard at work...
    	A couple of notes:
    	1.  We have been granted the permit for Manchaug.  
    	2.  I have a distribution list created to send pertainent
            information to the entrants.   Any one that enters.....
    	    from now on....also send a note to DEMING::hauer.  I will
    	    include you on the list.
        3.  We could use some more teams....so "flush" out those that
    	    haven't signed up yet.
            Questions or concerns....send them my way.
1539.111tourney...don't fporgetDEMING::HAUERThu Apr 04 1991 09:5813
    Yes you early risers or late workers...or donmac who is probably eating
    his lunch while he reads this...:-)...there is a tournament the 20th.
    Still need help with a scale...anyone that could provide that for the
    tourney...It would be much appreciated....or else it's the Kiv
    eyeballing 'em.
    Still need more to sign up....I will put the updated roster in
1539.112Want to catch the big ones!!!LUDWIG::HIVELYThu Apr 04 1991 10:531
    Hello please add the team of Hively and Houghton. Thank you!
1539.113have scaleRANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerThu Apr 04 1991 12:014
    I can bring the NHB's equalizer scale w/ basket, let me know if I
1539.114latest rosterJURAN::HAUERMon Apr 08 1991 11:3636


			   a KIVIT' Production

			      APRIL 20TH

	CONFIRMED:				      AKA

   1	Kiv and BC			Mike Murphy and Brian Cronin
   2	Swivel and Gitzit'		Rodney Huff and Keith Hauer
   3	Buschmaster and TBA		Gus Surrette
   4	Bassassin and Mark Ota		Brian Ota
   5	donmac and Don Bourgault	Don MacIntyre
   6	Bassin' Bob and R/O Palmer	Bob Puishys and "Marcel" Palmer
   7	Legend and RT			John Waters and Ray Tadry
   8	Madd Matt and TBA		Gary Mattson
   9	Team Keg			Keg and Rich Neal
  10 	Big Bird and Todd Bolton	Bruce Judson
  11	Ba$$co and TBA			Les Baczko
  12	Jack Whites and Mystery Guest	
  13	The Bartender and Mechanic	Tom Zilinsky
  14  	LT and Ken Patrikis		Chuck Partain
  15	Mick Rogers and Frenchman		       and Normand Pare
  16    Lavender Jack and Skoal Bandit	Jack Hagerty and Jack Varley
  17	Johnny Roach and DC		Jim Mrowka
  18	Don A Pardo and Bass Killer  	John Spadafore
  19	Slam-Master and Susan Sullivan	Dave Sullivan 
  20 	(gillraker) and Ken Kulp	Ronni Kerswell
  21	Bassin Manny and Ken Sposato	Manny Rivera
  22	Ranger Ron and TBDW		Ron Scholz and Garry Wiersum
  23	Jim Rebman and Heather Rebman                                    
        Hively and Houghton
1539.115yes...thanksJURAN::HAUERMon Apr 08 1991 11:375
    	Yes donmac....please bring the scale w/ basket. 
    	Thanks from Kivit' Productions.
1539.116Do Kivers Count?LUDWIG::KHOUGHTONThu Apr 11 1991 07:3312
    Howdy folks,
    Just noticed that I was entered in the "classic" as Doug Hively's 
    partner. Does anyone know where I can find a good 15 cent bobber.
    I broke my last one in '69. Also, I heard we have to use PLASTIC 
    worms. Is this true? How do I make it wiggle? One more thing-
    Who's collecting the lunker pool, and are private wagers allowed?
                                               Ken Houghton
1539.117will the reel kiv please stand upHPSTEK::MMURPHYThu Apr 11 1991 08:3311
        DO KIVERS COUNT ????
          Only when your fishing with the Cub Scouts. Ken I don't now
        if your pulling my middle leg or not, but if your not PLEASE
        give me a call  DTN 297-2751 and i'll answer any question
        you have about the tourney. Oh one more thing... there only
        one KIV the rest are just bluegills,pumpkinseeds,sunfish,ect
1539.118YAT (Yet Another Team)RUSSEL::DOTYRuss Doty, CTCThu Apr 11 1991 21:124
    Enter another team: Russ Doty and George "Clueless" Shaw.
    Could we get an advance ruling on the legality of dynamite?  How about
    if it is rigged with treble hooks and a bill?
1539.119Yet AnotherAIMHI::LECLAIRMon Apr 15 1991 12:056
    Enter the team of Al Atkocius and Dick LeClair
1539.120We Just Gotta Be ThereCSSE::SANDERWed Apr 17 1991 00:003
    Add the team of Ed Sander and Lou Hohos to the list. We see you'all on 
    Saturday. We think our two year layoff from this crowd will bring us
    the $$$$$$$. 
1539.121never to late to enter....HPSTEK::MMURPHYWed Apr 17 1991 08:358
          Welcome back Ed !! looks like theres 24 teams so far. Now if
       theres a few fokes who are not signed up yet, and deside after a few
       beers friday night that thay would like to fish COM'ON DOWN!! 
                                                            lots of love
1539.122finally found a sitter!MILKWY::MLOEWEThu Apr 18 1991 20:046
	Add the team of Mike Loewe and Doug Divoll.

	See you on Saturday.

1539.123UN-OFISHAL RESULTSDEMING::HAUERMon Apr 22 1991 15:1320
    	To All:
    	The weather somewhat cooperated, the fish well that is another
    	story.   I will give you the un-O'fishal results....Kiv has
    	got the clipboard.  As soon as I can get my hands in it I will
    	put in the entire list.
    	Total entrants........24 teams
    	total fish caught.....11
    	1ST PLACE......Dick Tucker and Dave Coulson      wt 3.92
    	2ND PLACE......KEG and Rich Neal	            3.62
    	3RD PLACE......Bob Puishys and Rick Palmer          2.80
    	LUNKER LG......Rich Neal			    3.62
    	LUNKER SM......Don MacIntyre			     ?   [help]
1539.124OFFICIAL RESULTSHPSTEK::MMURPHYTue Apr 23 1991 08:4732
           First I'd like to thank all you for being there on
         saturday. At first when Gitzit and I decided to hold a 
         tourney (mid april) we were not sure how many teams would  
         show up. Enough said!!!  24 teams!!!!  Thanks Guys !
                      KIVIT' PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS
             *            OFFICIAL RESULTS              *
                           **BIG FISH**
        LUNKER " SMALLIE"     DON MACINTYRE  1.38 LSB          
                      ****OVER ALL RESULTS****
                                                 THANKS AGAIN GUYS !! 
                                                        KIVIT' PRODUCTIONS
1539.125AMATEURS, AMATEURS, straighten him out Gitzit!!!SEMIU5::MATTSONTue Apr 23 1991 11:077
    Yo Kiver,
    		It's customary to post all the results, not just the folks
    whom finished in the top 3.
    					Madd Matt
1539.126SOFBAS::SULLIVANTue Apr 23 1991 16:1915
     Ya Stupid!
     I'm sorry, sometimes I forget what note I'm in let me re-phrase that
     so it won't get moved,delted,ratholed etc...
     re: .124
     Mr. Stupid
     You should at least post to 5th place so we can all see where you 
     would have finished and won $$$ if your other half wasn't so gready!
     - Slam
1539.127Hot off the press from Kivit ProductionsDEMING::MATTSONTue Apr 23 1991 17:5161
                         -< Manchaug Final Results >-
                        1991 Kivit Productions Classic
                           April 20th Lake Manchaug

                                FINAL RESULTS
				   TOTAL    TOTAL     LUNKER
                TEAMS             KEEPERS   WEIGHT   LG    SM   POSITION
    Dick Tucker & Dave Coulson	     2	      3.90                 1
    Rich Neal & Keg		     1        3.62   3.62   	   2
    Bob Puishys & Rick Palmer        1        2.80                 3
    Jim Mrowka & DC                  1 	      2.77		   4
    Kieth Hauer & Rodney Huff	     1	      2.67		   5
    Les Baczko & Gary Mattson        1	      2.37		   6
    Bruce Judson & Todd Bolton	     1	      1.93		   7
    Donmac & Tim Lucia  	     1	      1.38       1.38      8
    Andries & Andries		     1	      1.23		   9
    Jack Whites			     1        1.15		   10
    Mike Murphy & Brian Cronin
    Gus Surrette
    Russ Doty & George Shaw
    John Waters & Ray Tadry
    Doug Hively & Houghton
    Tom Zilinsky
    Chuck Partain & Ken Patrikis
    Mike Rogers & Normand Pare
    Jack Hagerty & Jack Varley
    Dave Sullivan & John Spadafore
    Ronni Kerswell & Ken Kulp
    Manny Rivera & Ken Sposato
    Al Atkocius & Dick Leclair
    Ed Sanders & Lou Hohos
    Mike Loewe & Doug Divoll
1539.128thanksJURAN::HAUERTue Apr 23 1991 19:2917
    	whew....a free moment....doesn't it drive you nuts when work gets
    	in the way of some good noting....
    	Thanks Madd Matt for putting the results in....I don't think that
    	the Kiv wanted his location in the ranks known.....
    	But I would like to express KIVIT's thanks to all that attended the
    	tourney.  As usual this is a great bunch of folks to be around.
    	Now that I am all charged up with that "impressive" fifth place
    	finish.....I will be bothering Ray to start planning the Quinsig
    	night tourney....
1539.129sorry I could not make it.ROULET::ZILINSKYWed Apr 24 1991 16:568
    Well it looks like you guys had fun. I was unable to attend because my
    partner called me at 6 a.m. and said he was sick.. I did go stream
    fishing and caught a couple of brook trout. This wasn't as fun as the
    tourney would have been. congrads to the winners and hopefully I will
    make the next one.
               Tom Z.