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Conference wahoo::fishing

Title:Fishing Notes- Archived
Notice:See note 555.1 for a keyword directory of this conference
Created:Fri Feb 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Sep 20 1991
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1660
Total number of notes:20970

1309.0. "TV Fishing Shows" by SHAPES::BROWNM () Thu Jan 18 1990 07:13

    Let's discuss fishing on TV!
1309.1Jimmy HoustonWILLEE::MANLEYThu Jan 18 1990 12:1610
    I was watching Jimmy Houston on TNN(?) a few months back and he
    does a pretty good job. He has various celebrities on with him 
    and they kind of chew tobacco, talk country ("good ole boy") and
    cast alot. In this particular show they were in some swamp in Florida
    and Jimmy started getting on the other guys case about catching
    small fish...next thing you know the guy starts chasing Jimmy right
    out of the boat and into the swamp.....must of been some form of
    southern chumming for the big ones or something like that ;-}.
1309.211SRUS::LUCIAIce fishing convertThu Jan 18 1990 15:3333
I enjoy watching Jimmy Houston for entertainment value.  The fishin' hole with
Jerry McKinnis is also entertaining, but not in a humorous way.  I don't think
he'll make it through the season without saying "Nice Fish" as he promised at
the beginning of the new season.  If he blows it, he'll give you a piece of pie.
I'll be watching carefully and if he says "Nice Fish" I'm going to demand my
piece of pie at the fishing expo!

Tom Mann's show is not terribly entertaining, but is much more informative and
less commercial.  Jimmy is always pushing his spinnerbaits (which work fine) and
his travel company.

Mark Sousa's salt water journal is nice, but it's too much "Look what I can
do" and not "Here's how you can do it".

Jimmy and Jerry are not hung up about their bass boats.  Rick Clunn is always

If I could fish with any one of them, it'd have to be Jerry McKinnis.  I'm not
sure why.

Anybody know those two guys that were fishing Winni (with Tom Mann, I think)
this past weekend?

I've just learned about the In Fisherman and Bassmasters shows on Sunday, TNN.
My TV schedule (the Boston Globe's) doesn't list TNN so I wasn't aware of them.
I think they start at noon, but I don't know how long they run.

Someone ought to post a complete list of all the fishing shows, times and 
channels for the whole weekend.  DonMac has his already programmed into the VCR
so maybe he'll list them for us.

1309.3Fishing Show TimesWJOUSM::BOURGAULTThu Jan 18 1990 16:0211
    Fishing shows on tv
    Saturday 8:00 a.m. till 11:00 a.m. ESPN Sportsman Challenge/Jimmy Houston
                                       Tom Mann/Fishin Hole/ Salt Water
             2:00 p.m. till 3:00 p.m.  In-Fisherman TNN
             5:00 p.m. till 6:00 p.m   WTBS Roland Martin/Orlando Wilson
    Sunday   12:00 p.m.till 2:30 p.m.  TNN In-Fisherman (same as Sat.)
                                       Bassmasters/Hank Parker/Bill Dance
1309.4Orlando Wilson?WILLEE::MANLEYThu Jan 18 1990 17:203
    Is Orlando Wilson the guy who does the down-rigger fishing in Lake
    Erie(?) ? 
1309.5Orlando WilsonWJOUSM::BOURGAULTThu Jan 18 1990 17:494
    It's possible that he has done a show or two with downriggers in Lake
    Michigan. He mainly does shows with bass and at times salt water and
    other fresh water species. I believe he used to play for the California
1309.6ABACUS::TOMASJoeThu Jan 18 1990 20:0012
Jimmy Houston is ok but I hate that damn laugh of his!  Sounds like he's 
cackling.  Roland Martin...well, DonMAC can tell you about Roland's team of 
fisherman and underwater divers.

Orlando Wilson and Hank Parker seem to offer the most information and solid 

BTW...what happened to the Sunday 9:30AM Bassmasters show on TNN?


1309.7CXO SHOWSGENRAL::HUNTERfrom SUNNY Colorado, WayneThu Jan 18 1990 20:1815
    	AND, for those out CXO way, there is Rod and Reel Streamside on
    Saturdays at 12:00-12:30 on channel 8 (PBS).

    	Also, check the schedule because Fishing the West is sometimes on
    Channel 11 at 11:30-12:00 on Saturdays (barring football and
    basketball) Lots of Steelhead, salmon, and trout for the type fisherman
    that goes after these.  Mostly show and no instruction.

    	Then, on Sports Channel America there are shows from 8:00-10:00 on
    Sunday morning.  Fishing Texas (A guided tour of the out-of-the-way
    Texas fishing spots but a little glitzy for my tastes), New England
    Rod and Reel (?????  only seen 2 shows so can't rate it), and a couple
    of others I can't think of off the top of my head.

    BTW:  All times listed in this reply are MST!!!!
1309.8Ahhhh, my favoriteDECWET::HELSELLegitimate sporting purposeThu Jan 18 1990 21:4717
    I was a big "Fishing the West" fan.  It taught me a lot about fishing
    for Salmon and Steelhead (or at least it pointed me to a lot of places
    that I'd like to fish).  Then one day I was watching and they were
    fishing for trout in Colorado.  Okay, I guess that's the west.
    Then next week he's fishing the coast (east) of Florida.  Hmmmmm.
    Western Hemisphere I guess.
    Then next week he's in Cabo San Lucas.  I guess that's the west too.
    But I think Larry should call it "Fishing Wherever I'm Invited".
    I did meet Larry Schoenborne at the local Sportsmen's show last year.
    He seems like a pretty good egg...... a little nerdy, maybe.....but
    a nice guy.
                             NOW THERE WAS A FISHERMAN!!
    No sonar, no PH meter, no color chart, no bassboat with a zillion
    HP goin' over 99% of the fish, no reels with magnetic clutches and
    indicators to show how much is out there, the only graphite he had
    was in his pencil, yet he managed to put on one helluva show.
    With his ole langley filled with black braided 12 lb line mounted
    on a 5' heddon bamboo casting rod with chrome eyes and a 4" long
    orange and black spotted flatfish, he managed to haul out lunkers
    that'd make Dance and the rest of them look twice.
    Hope he's still flingin' line on that great impoundment in the sky!!
1309.10LOOK FOR THE "little" THINGSSHRFAC::MASSICOTTEThu Jan 18 1990 22:2911
    Check the shadows cast by the sun. There'll be none or some when
    a good one is on and some or none when it's landed. Stuff in the
    pockets or hanging on belts.  Animals in fields then seconds later
    - none.  We try to figure out if the same fish landed is the same
    one shown hooked, and time of day plus how many days it takes to
    make a segment.
    Try it, it's fun.
1309.11WAHOO::LEVESQUEFall to your knees and repent if you pleaseFri Jan 19 1990 13:537
 One of my favorites is the Scientific Angler's fly fishing instructional
show on Saturday mornings on ESPN. They catch some awesome fish.

 "Why this here steelhead is about 40 inches long and about 20 pounds. Splash!
And away she goes!" Yikes! A 20 pound trout?!!!!

 The Doctah
1309.12Michigan OutdoorsWILLEE::MANLEYFri Jan 19 1990 14:0718
    When I was a kid growing up in Michigan there was a show called
    Michigan Outdoors, and the host was Mort Neff(?). Any of you
    Michigan noters remember this? Ole Mort would sit in front of
    his fireplace in his cardigan sweater, string tie, smoke his
    pipe and talk about fishing and hunting in the great lakes area.
    He was a Gaddabout type with the old bambo and Pfluger(sp) Suprem rig
    with T4/U20 orange/black spotted Flatfish (I inherited about a dozen
    of those from my Grandfather who did Lake Erie Muskie and Northerns).
    I think that I would trade all of my modern tackle for one day of
    fish'n with Granp (the old way) and then watching Michigan Outdoors
    with him that night.
    Fred Bear would do shows when he had his operation in Michigan
    (Grayling). I remember one show with Fred bow fishing, he was wearing
    his plaid shirt, TIE and floppy hat. I figured the tie was for wipeing
    the carp slim off of his hands 8^}.
1309.13Deja Vu???EUCLID::PETERSONPanama has no Second AmendmentFri Jan 19 1990 14:508
    	"O.K.kids, you've watched enough T.V.!  It's a beautiful 
    	Saturday and you should be outside, so turn off the T.V."
1309.14Let's hear about Roland (DonMac)MPGS::CHIASSONFri Jan 19 1990 15:014
    OK I'll bite to re 1309.6
    DonMac lets hear about Rolands team of fisherman and underwater divers
1309.15what a surprizeRAINBO::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerFri Jan 19 1990 15:2725
    Yeap, ol' Roland and I go way back...  8^)
    While fishing with pro/guide Steve Daniel (multiple classic qualifier) 
    down at Roland's Marina on Okeechobee, I enjoyed talking with Steve
    about life as a pro and about all the other pros whom he was
    friends with.  Steve is a good friend of Rolands (one thing I found
    humerous was that he uses Roland's double-decker Ranger Trail to haul 
    his and Roland's boats to many of the tournaments, while Roland flies!) 
    Anyway, one of the things we talked about was Roland's show.  Steve did
    one of Roland's show with him - spoon fishing.  It's all setup - as you
    may expect.  In this case they went in first and found big bass on
    the beds.  Then they went back and got the production crew, while the
    crew setup, staging the cameras in all the right locations, Roland and
    Steve caught all of the small bass that were around, releasing the
    big ones, putting the small ones in the livewell.  Then they move a 
    away from the spot with a camera. They then come back toward the spot
    casually, talking about the lures etc..  When they arive where the fish
    are the cameras are rolling from differene locations and they act
    totally surprized while they're catching all these HAWGS...
    ps: if anyone is up at decus canada next week look me up at speakers
1309.16come down to *my* levelFSHQA2::EPETERSENFri Jan 19 1990 17:3221
    I've never seen any of the "older" shows (relaxed with Gramps, flannel
    shirt, etc.) but I think I would enjoy them more than the "hi tech"
    ones that are out these days.
    Maybe it's because I don't have the $10,000 bass boat, $500 fish
    finder, $400 electric motor (both front and rear), etc etc.
    I may have overloaded my canoe with nice seats and rod holders but
    sometimes I just can't relate to those overpriced fisherpeople.
    I'd like to see less ads, more *real* fishing with toys the
    majority of the audience can afford.     
    Don't get me wrong, I can still sit and watch these shows for hours,
    even the repeats! ;-)
    PS. Anyone catch the show on TNN catching the peacock bass, and
    how about that sabre toothed monster!!!!!!
1309.17You talk too much...WEDOIT::ORLOWSKIMon Jan 22 1990 10:263
    I watch em all,,,,,,,,,,but I still think they talk tooo much
1309.18The Flying FishermanGIAMEM::J_AMBERSONMon Jan 22 1990 11:475
      Yep Gadabout Gaddis was the nuts!  I remember seeing him in person
    at the local high school showing a bunch of his films while narrating
    them.  I was in awe.  I still hav ethe autograghed copy of his book.
1309.19My 2 centsCPDW::OTAMon Jan 22 1990 13:5518
    I like Houston but find this season has gone overboard with plugging
    his sponsors.  In the older shows he did plug his travel agency and a
    few things, but every five minutes this year he is pointing out some
    hint with a brand name showing.  Last week his tip was on using a line
    that does not stretch because if it stretches during hook set you will
    loose a bit of setting power.  Suddenly at the end of the tip they
    showed a slightly out of focus box of trilene lying on the seat, no
    words just the box and suprise suprise trilene is a sponsor.  Anyway I
    am begining to wonder how many of his tips are real bass catchers
    verses just a plug for a sponsor.
    The In-Fisherman show is very nice for tips, I think of the shows this
    year this one has the most info for me.  This old fishing hole is nice
    a lot less commercial than the others.  BassMasters is great if you
    want to see pro's catching fish, but I don't see any tips anywhere in
    that show.
    the Bassassin 
1309.20Go for the Dancin' LessonsPACKER::BACZKOSee you on the ICE'Mon Jan 22 1990 15:1120
    My $.02
        I pretty much like all of the fishing shows, especially when the
    weather is bad and I dont go out or I am watching the kids.  The 
    BASSMASTERS ( The Ray Scott Show) is alright, but like any other pro
    sport on T.V. you dont learn much ( usually nothing) except how the 
    Pro's did.  The In Fisherman does show alot of techniques and methods
    but best of all they cover all kinds of fishing from Pan fish to 
    shark fishing.  I like Jimmy Houston  cause he cracks alot of sick 
    jokes, but he does get carried away with the promotions.  Jerry 
    Mckinnis is one of my favorites cause he is always traveling around
    the U.S.  fishing for different fish with the locals and he passes
    out a fair amount of information.  
        BUT in my opinion the guy that gives you a 1/2 hour lesson 95%
    of the time is The good ole by with the "T" on his hat, Bill Dance!
    Even yesterday My wife and I sat down and watched about 2.5 hours
    of fishing on TNN and she even commented on the fact that he really
    teaches you alot of tricks on Bass fishing, while the other shows
    show the guys just catching fish.  Did you see the 13 pounder he 
    caught on the crank bait. WOW what a hawg 
1309.21tossin back hawgsMTADMS::GEIBELNOTHIN LIKE FISH ON !Mon Jan 22 1990 16:199
    RE .20
           Yeah I saw the 13 lb. HAWG and that fellow just tosses him
    back in the water if he was fishin with me he would be able to tell
    everyone first hand what a crankbait looks like to a bass...
1309.22I missed Bill Dance11SRUS::LUCIAIce fishing convertMon Jan 22 1990 17:1411
I got voted out 2:1 on the TV Sunday.  I did catch the In-Fisherman for the 
first time.  I liked it.  Al Linder is a friendly guy, and he imparts lots of
wisdom in a one hour show.  "The Fishin' Hole" is still my favorite.  I like
Jerry's laid-back style.  In particular, he is the "student" with a local who
is the teacher.  I'm not quite sure why most of the other guys have guests.  I
think it is to make themselves look better!


P.S. I laughed out loud over the rattle-trap commercial where the bass on the
wall burps.  Anyone else think this was funny?
1309.23Hank and BabeNCBDVX::HOUSERMon Jan 22 1990 17:4216
    Don't know about where everyone else is, but we get most of the shows
    mentioned, In-Fisherman, Bill Dance, BassMasters, but we get a couple
    of others here in Iowa that I haven't seen mentioned... Hank Parker &
    Babe Winkleman.  If I was limited to just a few shows, which I am some-
    times due to the wife and kids, I would have to pick Hanks, Babes, and
    the In-Fisherman.  Hank is real laid back with a slow North Carolina
    accent.  He has quite a few tips and doesn't talk constantly, except
    to himself which we all do from time to time.  If you have a chance to
    see his show tune in. 
       Babe's show is also pretty  good, though it might be  a little more
    commercial.  His wife also gives out a recipe every show.
1309.24Which cones first-the cast of hookupDIXIE1::MEEKSMon Jan 22 1990 17:4311
    Re. .15, etc. There is even more to the set-up than you would believe.
    I have first hand knowledge that most of the Bass filming sessions
    have backup support in the way of "live bass in the live wells", 
    just in case....
    Guess it doesn't make a lot of difference. We watch these shows
    to learn something. But, if we didn't see any fish being caught, doubt
    they would make repeat watchers out of us.
1309.25LONG MOUTH BASSSHRFAC::MASSICOTTETue Jan 23 1990 10:3910
    A couple years ago there was a show from Minnesota with an
    organization geared for either muskie or pike tournaments.
    Anyone seen it lately?  MAN - , now there's something I'd
    like to get on my med bait casting rig!!  About 30 lbs
    of P___ed off muskie 'cause a little 7" bait is kicking 
    the living hell out of him.
1309.26night fishing!CGVAX2::VACHONTue Jan 23 1990 11:4914
     Well for you late night fishermans there are a couple of fishing shows
    on the Discovery Channel. One is called Challenge and the other is
    Outdoor Life, they come on at midnight on monday nights. The times
    that I have seen them it seems that the Challenge is mostly deep sea
    fishing in Australia for barracuda, sea bass, and blue marlin and
    Outdoor Life seems like it's mostly fishing in the Florida Keys flats
    for tarpon (sp?).
    So if you are have a hard time falling asleep, check it out!
1309.27Hank gets my VoteDEMING::MATTSONWed Jan 24 1990 12:0018
    	I agree with Les if you really want to learn something Bill Dance
    is the way to go. But my favorite is Hank Parker even before he won last
    year's Classic.
    	Hank is laid back and his style an delivery really makes you
    believe in him. Plus every now and then he has one or all of his kids
    on the show. To me thats a great touch. Here's a man that can go head
    to head as a pro and win major tournaments,but then show you that
    fishing is really about going out and having a good time and something
    you can do with your kids. I've never seen this on any other show. Plus
    I love it when he talks to himself while fishing,something we can all
    relate to.
    	The Bassmasters show isn't to bad but it is mostly pro coverage
    with a pro's pointer at some part in the show. Every now and again they
    do have a show just on a certain technique. When one of these is on I
    try to tape it.
    			Gary (who's been spending alot at BPS lately,the
   			      ice beter melt soon or I'll go broke.) 
1309.28EUCLID::PETERSONGOVERNMENT is a VERB!Wed Jan 24 1990 15:149
    	Is Rod and Real Streamside still on the air in the east/Cent Mass
    area?  I used to like it last year (on Sunday morning), but haven't
    been able to find it since.
1309.29Any Pike Anglers?CIMNET::KANDERSONWed Jan 24 1990 15:440
1309.30Discovery Channel "Challenge"DELREY::WEYER_JIDress, not DuressWed Jan 24 1990 18:5112
    I'd like to add my positive vote for the Discovery Channel "Challenge"
    fishing show!  I've been watching that every time it comes on when I'm
    at home - it is not on too late at night here in California.  The last
    show had an angler catching an 800 lb. marlin on rod & reel that was
    designed for much smaller fish (like the nice 40" barracuda and
    dog-tooth tuna that would have been a prize for anyone - in fact he
    kept the tuna because it is such good eating).  This show always has
    exciting fishing, and I wonder how they get such good camera angles on
    the fishermen, the boat, and the fish.  Definately salt water fishing
    at its best!
1309.31Just My 2 CentsAISVAX::VALOISThu Jan 25 1990 11:1522
     I agree with 1309.29..I looked forward to Rod and Reel and Rod
    and Rell Streamside. Being a Steelhead Fisherman I could really
    relate to the great trout and salmon fishing on the programs. Also
    Rod and Reel streamside had pike,muskie,bass,and all sorts of fishing
    in the Lake Ontario region.
    As mentioned earlier...I also have not seen either program on the
    air this season.Last year they use to be on channels 2 and 11 in
    the Leominster,Ma.area.If anyone has seen these shows this year
    pleasr let me know.
    Also I've always been a big fan of the Fishing Hole. I like Jerry's
    stye and attitute. He tells you that he's not a pro, he just likes
    to fish. Also he's great with the kids,and is interested in helping
    out with the drug and alcohol problems they face.I also like him
    cause he loves Steelhead fishing.There are 2 other shows that I
    try not to miss. The In-Fisherman Angling Adventures, and 3M Scientific
    Anglers  Fishing show....
                                      Just my 2 cents.....
1309.32Going StrongKAOO01::LAPLANTEFri Jan 26 1990 14:4811
    _Rod and Reel_ and _Rod and Reel Streamside_ are both still on the
    They are produced by the Norwood/Watertown PBS station which serves
    Northern New York and Eastern Ontario.
    I have seen Bill Saif this summer at a local tournament and he had
    his crew with him.
1309.33SA1794::PARKERJThu Feb 01 1990 15:342
    Rod  & Reel Streamside is on Sats. around 2 p.m. on 24 PBS out of
1309.34Where was Bill Dance and where was his waders?GRAMPS::LASKYMon Feb 05 1990 16:0214
    Did anybody out there catch the Bill Dance show this last Sunday
    (2/3/90) at 9:30 pm on TNN.  It was a (at least for me) a bass fishing
    dream come true.  The only thing missing was instead of using his
    casting rod it could have been a flyfishing rod but lets not get into
    Does someone know where he was??  He was fishing with surface lures the
    whole show and walking around in about 3-4 ft of water in his jeans!!
    He was throwing surface lures everywhere and catching 3-7 lb bass. 
    They would just hit the lure like there was no tommorrow, really good show.
    				Bart Lasky
1309.35BAGELS::DILSWORTHI'm the NRAMon Feb 05 1990 17:5110

    He was fishing Okachobe (sp) in Fla.  I'm not sure I would care to
    wade with the aligators around there.  He also was in jeans and
    sneakers.  Not much protection against snakes and blood suckers.

    After seeking him wade, I still plan to rent a boat when I go to Fla
    in 2 weeks.

1309.36I enjoyed itDECWET::HELSELLegitimate sporting purposeMon Feb 05 1990 19:3016
    I was watching that and I was thinking the same thing as -.1.
    There he was, waste deep with nothing to keep the snakes away
    and nothing to stop the gators.  I'm not paranoid or anything, but
    I'm not stupid either.  
    I figured from the angles they were shooting film from, they must have 
    gotten there by swamp boat with high rise seats and in addition to a
    camera, they probably had some anti-gator material up there 
    (ie .44 mag).
    I thought this was a very enjoyable show.  Just couldn't change the
    channel and i don't even fish for bass!!!
1309.37two moreCECV03::NILSSONTue Feb 06 1990 17:1318
    Two shows I used to catch on NESN (not sure on the names) were "Fishing
    New England" and "Canadian Sportfishing".  Fishing New England touched
    on all the different types of fishing we have available.  One memorable
    show had them fishing on Lake Memphramagog (sp?) where on the same
    lake on three seperate days they took largemouth, smallmouth, lakers
    and landlocks.  I think this show may have moved over to Sportschannel.
    The Canadian Show was also good and featured tips and baits used
    throughout.  One of the all time classics on this show was when
    one of the hosts bent over to lip his bass and went head over heels
    into the drink.  So typically, his partner was laughing so hard
    and long, the guy had to pull himself back into the boat on his
    All in all, two good shows.  (without the hype)
1309.38Watch out for the BIG MOVING LOG with TEETH!GRAMPS::LASKYWed Feb 07 1990 15:456
    rep: 35 and 36
    I never thought about the gators or SNAKESSSS!!! The man must be crazy
    but then agian it sure looked like fun.
    			Bart Lasky
1309.39Same fish different angle.....SALEM::ALLOREAll I want is ONE shot!Thu Feb 08 1990 12:273
           Geez, didn't anyone else notice how many times they
    showed ole Mr. Dance catch the same fish.....?  Other then
    that it wasn't too bad.
1309.40CRAZY??? WHO, ME?????GENRAL::HUNTERfrom SUNNY Colorado, WayneThu Feb 08 1990 13:503
    	So, what's so crazy about wading with the gators????  Not much
    worse than belly-boating with 30# pike, is it?????  Just make sure you
    FEED them little dudes BEFORE you get in the water.  :-)  :-)
1309.41In Fisherman is greatCPDW::OTAMon Feb 12 1990 13:3315
    Anyone catch this weeks edition of In-Fisherman.  I am really impressed
    this this show.  It was very informational and they had a really good
    dissertation on Spinnerbaits.  I found it very helpful when they would
    show what the spinners looked like underwater.  For example they would 
    explain the differnce between single blades, double blades and tandem
    blades the show an underwater view that illustrates the differences and
    how retrieve and technique affect the action of the blade.  I always
    wondered what this stuff looks like to a bass and this type of view
    really makes it easier to understand spinnerbait strategy and how to
    employ it.
    Of all the fishing shows I watch, this one ranks number 1 to me.
    The Bassassin
1309.42I agree on the showHPSTEK::RHUFFTue Feb 13 1990 10:277
    I agree on the In Fisherman show.  I find myself glued to the tv set
    from 12:00 noon until 3:00 pm watching all the shows on TNN.  I find
    a lot of them very interesting.  Something to keep me enthused until I
    can hit the open water.
1309.43Indian rights/ or wrongsROULET::BINGThe midnight train is whinin' lowWed Feb 14 1990 07:0310
    Was it the In-Fisherman that also did a spot on the Indians
    spearfishing walleye's? it seems that the Indians can spearfish
    but no one else can. The Indians also dont pay for tghe stocking
    of these fish. I guess the non-indian sportsman are pretty pissed.
    They showed a couple seconds of people being arrested and of
    demonstrations. The Indians are also allowed to use gill nets to
    take fish.
1309.44What a showJUPITR::NEALWed Feb 14 1990 14:599
    Walt, I saw the show last night (Taped), You talk about pissed of
    people. Rightly so in my opinion. They the Indians are using
    modern tools to take fish with out compromise. I might feel different
    if they were using the tools Indians used way back when, and the fish
    they killed where used for their own consumption. 

    The feds are protecting them though. I can see it getting very ugly soon.

1309.458 hours of shows this weekend - whew !MSDOA::CUZZONEWed Feb 14 1990 17:2328
    I saw Billy Westmoreland's Fishing Diary for the first time sunday.
    Where was he?  Lake Dunmore in Vermont pulling big (relatively) rock
    bass off their beds.  Oh well, he's gotta get around to fishing at home
    sooner or later.
    Just picked up my Tenn license at lunchtime.  The season is from March
    1 to Feb 28 so most stores had been waiting for the new ones to arrive
    which is why I didn't have one my first week here.  
    What I learned:
    I am not a resident until I've been here 90 days.
    Costs another 20-25 dollars to catch trout.  Have to travel to the
    mountains to catch 'em.  
    Dale Hollow doesn't open until April 1.  Closes Oct 31.
    I will fish tonight, boys.  The high today might reach 75.  the low
    last night was 58.  If this doesn't stop (it will), the smallies will
    be spawning by March 1.
    At the Worcester show, I picked up a black t-shirt with a skull and
    crossed coho's that reads ... "SPAWN 'TIL YOU DIE".   It's been a big
    hit in every tackle shop I've been in.  They've never seen a salmon but
    they like the sentiment.
1309.46Great Show AgainWJOUSM::BOURGAULTThu Feb 15 1990 18:526
    Another nice informative show by the In-Fisherman. That was the best
    fishing show ever done on spinnerbaits that I ever seen. They gave 
    you the basics and told you that you did'nt need that many. I don't 
    think that it will stop me from ordering Tornadoes,Cajun rattlers,
    and some of Hank Parkers new ones.
1309.47BASSMASTERS in NH11SRUS::LUCIAGoin' HAWGing in Florida during March!Mon Mar 12 1990 14:314
This coming Saturday, the BASSMASTERS show will have a segment on Winni.  
I'll have to have someone tape it as I'll be in FLORIDA catching HAWGS!

1309.48got it coveredRANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerMon Mar 12 1990 15:124
    Tim, I'll have it taped.... i just have to make sure I tell Cathy to
    change the tape on sunday to make sure i have enough room for the 
    next weekend's to record as well - in case we're not back in time..
1309.49BIG SMALLIESPACKER::BACZKOIt's Spring!!!! Lets go fishin'Mon Mar 12 1990 15:309
    Re. the last two.
         Yeah its that guy from Marlboro Ma., Correia (sp.) that is
    featured on the BASSMASTERS.  They have him catching a 6lb + small
    mouth.  Cant wait to see it.
1309.50Sportsman Challenge (9/10/90)JUPITR::DIPINTOTue Mar 13 1990 12:1614
    This past weekend there was someone on The Sportsman's Challenge
    that did some impressive fishing.  To bad they didn't show him 
    while he was fishing or give some of his hints.  Instead they
    advertised his set of two 45 minute audio cassettes for $40.  The
    guy was good, but that seemed steep for two cassettes.  The challenge
    was to go to 4 different places and fish for 4 different types of
    fish (I think it was Northern's, Walleye, Large mouth and one other).
    He never fished these lakes and ended up with some pretty impressive
    fish.  His methods are mostly concerned with finding the right place
    to fish, not with the right bait, boat, or equipment.  It sounds like
    it would be an interesting tape but I didn't write the phone number 
1309.51audio?RANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerTue Mar 13 1990 12:246
    I can't recall any audio tape adds.  I taped over Sat's with Sunday's 
    so I can't look back for ya.  Many of the video tapes that are advertised
    from Babe Winkleman, Jimmy Houston, etc, are available at video rental
1309.52JUPITR::DIPINTOTue Mar 13 1990 12:467
    I think that the guys name was Don Dickson, but it was early and
    I was still half asleep.  Sportsman Challenge, thats the show with
    Curt Gowdy(sp?) as the announcer.  They showed the results and people
    that have gone to this guys seminairs, they did not show anything 
    about his fishing techniques or methods.
1309.53GET RICH QUICKGENRAL::HUNTERfrom SUNNY Colorado, WayneTue Mar 13 1990 13:344
    	Sounds to me like IN FISHERMAN's F+L+P=SUCCESS.  If I could get that
    much for talking for an hour, I'd take it too.  Probably learn as much
    by reading the magazines as he will tell you.  Just MHO.
    BTW:  The announcer is Ron Franklin.
1309.54Don Dixon VideoTOMCAT::PRESTONKnow-whut-I-mean Vern?Tue Mar 13 1990 15:1218
    Twisting the dial in the car radio the other day I heard this:

	Fishing Video:

	$12.95 plus shipping

	"You will catch 3X more fish than before
	or your money back, guaranteed!"

	(800) 872-2600

    Same guy selling those other videos maybe?
    (say, I didn't already mention this, did I?)


1309.55Did anyone catch the Bill Dance show last night?DELNI::OTAMon Aug 27 1990 18:2527
    I was watching Bill Dance Outdoors last night and I can't believe what
    that stupid Sob did.  The show was a collection of unforgetable quips
    from previous shows.  Most of them were funny except the last sequence. 
    It seems he was fishing with his buddy Jerry Reed when Reed laid into
    one hell of a 9'8 oz largemouth.  The battle was furious and when Reed
    boated the bass he was breathless and shaking and really in euphoria. 
    Well it seems that Dance has a rule on his boat all fish under 10lbs
    get released.  He tried to talk Reed into doing it but Reed gave him a
    "you been smoking poppy seeds again boy" line and proceeded to live
    well the bass.  Dance kept after him to release the bass, but Reed said
    no way he goes on my wall so I can brag and impress folk with him.  
    They cut to a later scene when Reed is hung up on some
    weeds and calls Dance over to help.  Meanwhile Dance opens the livewell
    and slips the bass back in without Reed seeing him.  Later on Reed says
    say Bill should I aerate this fish.  Dance replys naw he's got plenty
    of water.  Reed says really I think I should give him some more water
    and air, Dance says naw he's got plenty.  Reed says well I am just
    going to check out this baby.  Opens and finds and empty well, yells a
    few obscenities and literally leaps at Dance who jumps off the boat
    with two rods flying into the water.
    I tell you what any son of gun ever does that to me would have his
    show taped in his memorial.   I really felt sorry for Reed.
1309.56tv magicRANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerMon Aug 27 1990 18:566
    Brian, I'd bet my boat that that was 'in the script'.  Bill Dance's
    show is informative, entertaining, and very rehearsed I assure you.
    For example, do you recall the camera angle when Reed opened the
    livewell, it was straight up, as from the livewell.  
1309.57Cut and Paste?CGVAX2::HAGERTYJack Hagerty KI1XTue Aug 28 1990 14:124
    Ill double that bet. My impression exactly. Big ACT. I even wondered
    if the first sequence of Jerry fighting the fish was staged. Whole
    thing look phoney to me.
1309.58IE0005::PUISHYSBob PuishysTue Aug 28 1990 14:2510
This happended to me once.  All summer I never keep a bass.  Once in a while
I will keep one ice fishing.  We there was about 5 or 6 of us fishing on this
lake.  Big fish wins the pool.  We I had a 4 + smallmouth in the fish pool.

It was the obvious winner of the pool, while we were skating around, two
buddies of mine chopped the bottom out of the fish pond...  

That was the last time I went Ice fishing with them!!

Bassin Bob
1309.5911SRUS::LUCIAAnxiously awaiting the choppers...Tue Sep 11 1990 19:462
Has the 1990 BASSMASTERS CLASSIC been on TV yet??  If not, anyone know when?
If so, did anyone tape it?  The tournament ended 8/25/90...  Who won?
1309.60JUPITR::PARTAINIt's a LUNKA!!Tue Sep 11 1990 20:055
    sat or sunday I think on tnn...12:30 pm. I saw the ad's last night
    watchin "A few uh the good ole boys"...
1309.61Sep 16, 1990 12:13-13:30 and 22:30 to 23:30 (TNN)11SRUS::LUCIAWorm fisherman have stiffer rodsWed Sep 12 1990 13:392
I just answered my own question.  Found the Classic advertised in the Sep/Oct
BASSMASTER issue, pg. 52.
1309.62Rick ClunnPACKER::BACZKONow, for some fishin'Thu Sep 13 1990 00:161
    Rick Clunn won,  It is his fourth win
1309.63WMOIS::RIEU_DRead his Lips...Know New Taxes!!Wed Sep 19 1990 14:433
       Hank Parker announced his retirement.
    Unbelievable eh? Retiring FROM fishing! Must be nice
1309.64hopefully just from 'tournament' fishingRANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerWed Sep 19 1990 14:517
    Although he said he was retiring from tournament fishing, I seriously
    doubt he's going to retire from fishing altogether.  I'd guess he's
    doing this to spend more time with the family, and hopefully in order 
    to spend more time on his tv show.  It'd be great to see more episodes.  
    I think his show is one of the best.
1309.6511SRUS::LUCIAJust one more cast!Wed Sep 19 1990 16:365
I'll second what DocMac said.  One of my favorite shows.  Now, I'd like to
see Rick Clunn do a half hour show (other than his valuable, but brief
appearances on Sportsman's Challenge).

1309.66DELNI::OTAWed Sep 19 1990 20:535
    I wish the heck Roland Martin would retire, that guy gives me gas.
    Hank Parker is definitely one of my favorites the guy is believable
    even though his Hank Parker Spinnerbait has never caught a one for me.
1309.6711SRUS::LUCIAJust one more cast!Thu Sep 20 1990 12:3612
Speaking of Hank's spinnerbait, I did get a nice egg-laden female on the 1/4
oz, gold twin colorado (or indiana, whatever... I lost it so I can't check)
with the white skirt and the split trailer.  A good 3.5-4 lbs.  I'm not a huge
fan of gold/copper blades and a white skirt, but that spinnerbait had a great
skirt.  What will prevent me from buying any more:  I don't like the loop style
(twisted) but rather the bent wire (you know, where you tie to).  The loop style
seems to always get the line wrapped, but the bent wire is self correcting most
of the time.  I also had to bend the upper arm of the 1/4 oz model up as the
blades were hitting the hook and not really spinning.  I think the two blades
as big as they were were too much for a 1/4 oz spinnerbait...

1309.68NOT my FISHING SHOWS!RANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerFri Jan 25 1991 15:3927
    For those of you who record some of the fishing shows on tv and live in 
    the merrimack/milford area.  Be aware that americable is considering
    going to an all scrambled signal.  This means that your vcr's timer
    programming is limited to the station that your box is switched to.
    Plus you would need a box for every tv/vcr in your house!
    Geez, last year I lobbyed heavily for boat reciprocity and it looks
    like it may have helped... time to start writing more letters!
                             -< The Granite State >-
Note 1397.13                      Stereo Cable?                         13 of 13
RANGER::MACINTYRE "Terminal Angler"                  11 lines  25-JAN-1991 12:30
                    -< I'd loose all my FISHING shows!8^) >-
    Hopefully consumers will respond enough to make them change their
    mind.  I'd be one unhappy camper if they did this.  It would make 
    timer programming useless.  I current record 7 programs per week on
    one vcy and my wife records daily soaps on another.  I called the
    Americable, the general manager was not in.  I'll write a letter.
    Unfortunately, from what I have seen, a great many people will not
    have a clue how this could affect them, since many people still do
    not know how to use their VCRs.
    donmac - who'll be looking at a sat. dish if this comes about
1309.69The sports writers showDELNI::OTAFri Feb 01 1991 14:2324
    Last saturday the show called Sports Writers did an interesting
    discussion on Fishing shows.  They talked about all the tricks the
    pro's used to pump up their shows.  They said how the same big Bass or
    Pike get caught several times by differnt folks in different places,
    they also say that often times a big bass caught on a lure will
    get shown as being caught on the sponsors lures.  They talked about the
    trick of using a diver under water with a green glove on.  They then
    show a spinner bait going by (hook removed)  The hang leaps up ang
    grabs the lure or they run the lure over a big rat trap.  The most
    foul talk was how a pro takes a large size bass slits the gills,
    and then pours battery acid in the gills the Bass then takes one huge
    leap before it dies.  It really disheartened me to hear of so many
    tricks they use.  The only show they mentioned by name was Jerry's
    Fishing hole.  That show is very honest.  I can understand culling the
    shots till you only show big bass, but to stoop to the other tricks is
    really terrible.
    Oh by the way, the writers show is really an odd one.  They have 4
    field sports writers get together and debate various topics.  last week
    it was on scents and do they work.  It is not your Jimmy Houston or
    such just a bunch guys debating various topics.  (something like this
1309.70Outdoor WritersRANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerFri Feb 01 1991 15:0324
    I enjoyed all the outdoor writers shows last year, and was disappointed
    to see this season be nothing but repeats.
    I found the shows more entertaining than educational.  The panel
    consists of Spence Petros of Fishing Facts, one of the guys from
    In-Fisherman and a couple of outdoor editors from the Chicago.
    I get a kick out of Al, the real old timer, he's often not up on the last
    decades worth of info on what the other guys are talking about, but I
    always enjoy his comments.
    As far as the 'special effects', my guess is that most of todays shows
    are not as bad as they may have lead us to believe.  I'd seriously
    doubt the use of harming a bass to get it to jump, that came across as
    a vicious rumor to me, but I guess ya never know. 
    But most shows obviuosly stage shots.  There is a note in here
    somewhere that I put about Roland's shows after I fished with one
    of the guys who did one of Roland's shows with him.
    Bill Dance appears to be the worst offender of staging shots to me,
    a green glove wouldn't surprize me on his show.
1309.71Bills' BloopersMAIL::HOUSERMon Feb 04 1991 14:4612
       Anyone catch Bill Dances' show this weekend on TNN?  The show was
    titled "The Worst of Bill Dance!"  The whole half hour was nothing
    but outtakes of major goofups.  Falling out of boats, slipping on
    banks, blown lines, etc.  Best Bill Dance show I ever saw!!!
1309.72funny stuffMR4DEC::LASKYMon Feb 04 1991 15:505
    I watched it last night on TNN, very funny stuff.  It was nice to see a
    professional not take himself too seriously.  I loved the part when the
    swan was giving him a bad time!!!

    				Bart Lasky
1309.73the bird-man!CGVAX2::VACHONTue Feb 05 1991 14:346
     I didn't get to see that show but did manage to catch Hank Parker's
    show. He had Larry Bird on as a guest and Larry did catch some decent
    size bass!
1309.74ASABET::VARLEYTue Feb 05 1991 17:184
     Martial, I missed the Parker show. How 'bout some details. Was Bird a
    decent guy to fish with ? Did he seem to know what he was doing ?
    --The Skoal Bandit
1309.75have vhs, will travelRANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerTue Feb 05 1991 17:548
    skoal, are you going to be at the centrum on friday?  if you'd like
    I'll bring a tape for you to borrow of the whole sunday lineup
    (~5 hours in total if i recall correctly, i plan on finishing watching 
    the tape tonight)
1309.76WAHOO::LEVESQUEPhase II: Operation Desert StormTue Feb 05 1991 18:055
 Supposedly Bird's a decent fisherman. He describes it as one of his favorite
things to do. McHale is another one that loves fishing, but then, he grew up in

 the Doctah
1309.77He catches more fish than the Legend!!CGVAX2::VACHONTue Feb 05 1991 18:4510
    Well he was ok I guess...I mean Larry Bird isn't a barrel of laughs but
    it looked like he knew what he was doing. He mention that he does alot
    of fishing during the summer.
    What a life, playing B-ball during the winter and fishing in the
    summer. (not to mention the money!!)
    Basket Ball-O-Matic
1309.78Thanks in Advance. Pudgie's, Trust Me...ASABET::VARLEYTue Feb 05 1991 19:2615
     Looks like I'm gonna miss the Fri. get together (good for my liver,
    bad for me...). I committed to watch a pal's daughter play hoop in
    Natick. The gal is a great player, but I dure will miss the
     Donmac, thanks for the offer. I'll have to take a raincheck, but I
    WILL make the show a couple of times. There are a couple of new Shimano
    spinning reels I have to see, some Daiwa's that I have to compare to
    last year's (which I really like), and some spools to fill with "Cold
    Weather Trilene" and Trilene "Solar XT." Plus, a bunch of plugs and
    spinnerbaits I don't need and some black/grape Producto lizards (and
    anything black/grape that Producto makes). Some more "Owner" hooks, if
    they're on sale, some...... Help ! I'm melting !!!
    --The Skoal Bandit
1309.79good stuffRANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerWed Feb 06 1991 12:0411
    I finiished watching sunday's lineup last night.  The "worst" of 
    Bill Dance was a riot!  I give him credit for airing that stuff!  
    He must have fallen in the water 10 different times, fell out of
    his truck once, just plain fell down a few times, and once got 
    out of his truck and his truck took off without him!  
    I also was impressed with the birdman's fishing skills, his obiviously
    takes his bass fishing seriously.  (btw he may be back on the court
    tonight, they need it!)
    donmac - joe t will be borrowing sunday's tape
1309.80DELNI::OTAMon Mar 11 1991 15:5810
    Anyone watch any of the fishing shows this weekend.
    On Houston he caught two bass at the same time on a Minnow Rat L Spot. 
    Anyone ever hear of anything like that before or do you think that was
    a complete puton?
    Also does anyone know what that ugly fish was Hank Parker caught on his
    show sunday?  Was that a 25lb Drum?
1309.81two, two, two bass on oneRANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerMon Mar 11 1991 16:1511
    Brian, after I got the notesfile photo album from you I added in a
    couple of pictures of Carol Thompson and I fishing Lake Lanier in
    Georgia.  One of the pictures show Carol holding up TWO HAWGS (4-5lbers)
    BOTH caught on ONE lure - it was amazing.  We thought she had a huge
    striper the way her rod was bent in half!  
    I haven't watched the Saturday line-up yet, but I watched Sunday's,
    yes it was a drum, if I recall at the end they said it was no world
    record, but it topped the scales at 32lbs.  
1309.82Me Too...ASABET::VARLEYMon Mar 11 1991 18:594
     I had TWO doubles on 1 lure within 15 minutes one time last year. Real
    small ones, though...
1309.83IE0005::PUISHYSBob PuishysTue Mar 12 1991 11:499
Don two bass on one lure happens a lot in the fall.  @ falls ago I was out
with Jerry Wiesbach on Webster.  We were fishing deep crankbaits.  I got a hit
set the hook then BAM what a pull.  Thought I had a moster on. Finaly  it 
got to the surface and all you could see was brown small mouth.  Looked like a 
five pounder.  Turned out to be a Largemouth 3lbs on the back hook and
about a 2lbs small mouth on the bottom hook.  It did no fight too much
just lots of dead weight!

Bassin Bob is it spring yet?