| Kay, sorry to be late in responsing to your questions, but here are the
answers with some more questions.
No, I am not Canadian, sorry I can't help you with the LSF cross
country information you are interested in for Canada.
Will you give a good summary of your Paragon? Fuse material, airfoil,
span, tubulators used or not, etc.?
The "getten place" (where to purchase it) and price range would be
| > <<< Note 1501.3 by NEMAIL::YATES >>>
> Will you give a good summary of your Paragon? Fuse material, airfoil,
> span, tubulators used or not, etc.?
> The "getten place" (where to purchase it) and price range would be
> helpful.
It is a old classic in both design and material.
118" span - 45 ounces (mine weights 55).
Poly, Wood fuselage, built up wings with turbulator spars.
3 piece wing with fixed center section with modest dihedral
and the poly tips plug in.
Airfoil is flat bottom.
I got it with a coupon for 1/2 off so I think that put my price
at around $40.
Don't have the phone handy but if you write you can get a price list
Pierce Aero Co.
9626 Jellico Ave.
Northridge, CA 91325
Had it up again today - fly's great.
Bye --+--
Kay R. Fisher |
| Hi Kay,
Here is some of the soaring events that I have taken from our
association magazine MAAC, edition april 93
May 23, 1993: Precision duration contest hosted by the Greater Niagara
Area Thermal Soarers starting at 9am at Hwy 3 and Wills Rd. the village
of Winger. entry $5.00. Seven minute duration, no power planes,
sialplanes only. Rain date May 24. Ed plowes (416)934-5693
June 5,1993: Open precision duration contest hosted by the Central
Ontario Glider Group at the new Cookstown field at 10am. Fee $7.00. CD
John Mcmillan (416)284-5466
June 5,6 1993: Toronto FAI Group's Spring Cup at Base Borden. Open
events Sat., open power, glider and rubber. FAI events Sat. evening.
Sunday morning, FAI, F1B, and F1C. CD Tony Mathews (416)322-9943
June 6,1993: Man-on man precision duration contest hosted by the
Central Glider Group at the new Cookstown field at 10am Fee $7. Neil
Tinker (416)491-5823
June 12,13 1993: Two one-day R/C sailplane thermal duration contest at
the Peterson sod farm, Ottawa, Ont., hosted by the ORCC. John Elliott
June 12,13,1993: Soaring contest hosted by the Oakalla Hawks at
Anderson's Turf farm, Mission,B.C. at 9am Fee$10 first plane and $5
second plane per day Open 2 meter classes. CD Bob Hamilton
June 13,1993: Novathon contest hosted by the Southern Ontario Glider
Group at the club field, Hwy 8, Rockton, Ont. starting at 9:30am with
pilots meeting. Fee$7. CD Bill Moar (416)659-1053
June 19,1993: Scale glider contest hosted by the Southern Ontario
Glider Group at the club field, Hwy 8, Rockton, Ont. starting at
12noon. Rain date june 20. Fee$7. CD Bill Woodward (519)653-4251
June 27, 1993: The annual electric sailplane duration hosted by the
Central Ontario GLIDER GROUP at the new Cookstown field at 10am Fee$5
CD Mike Thomas (416)748-2833
June 27, 1993: 2 meter Man-on-man by the Central Ontario GLIDER GROUP
at the new Cookstown field at 10am Fee$5. High starts permitted. CD Reg
Bowyer (416)889-2298
July17,18,1993: The 12th annual Dash For Cash hosted by theCentral
Ontario GLIDER GROUP at the new Cookstown field at 10am Fee$20 per
Team. Two days of cross country flying, fun, sun and good competition.
Advance registration preferred. CD Jack Nunn (705)728-4467, Neil tinker
Aug 1,1993: Precision duration contest hosted by the Greater Niagara
Area Thermal Soarers starting at 9am at Hwy 3 and Wills Rd., the
village of Winger. Entry $5. Seven minute duration, no power planes,
sialplane only. Rain date Aug2 ,Ed Plowes (416)934-5693
Aug 14, 1993:R/C sailplane cross-country contest at the Peterson sod
farm, Ottawa, Ont., hosted by the ORCC. Gerry Bower (613)592-1432
Aug 22,1993: The 5th annual F3B contest hosted by the Central Ontario
Glider Group, at the new Cookstown field at 10am Fee$7. Come and
challenge your skills. CD Helmet Berger (416)493-4237