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Conference vmszoo::rc

Title:Welcome To The Radio Control Conference
Notice:dir's in 11, who's who in 4, sales in 6, auctions 19
Created:Tue Jan 13 1987
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1706
Total number of notes:27193

1497.0. "Small hobby table saws (Dremel, Jarmac)" by GAUSS::REITH (Jim 3D::Reith MLO1-2/c37 223-2021) Mon Mar 08 1993 10:47

Since there wasn't a saw topic and none of the "product reviews" seemed
appropriate so here we go.

In the manufacturers thread I asked about a Dremel 4" table saw after 
using Eric's. Seems they discontinued the saw last summer. I looked 
around and Kay Fisher mentioned that he had seen a Jarmac saw at a 
local hobby store. While at the tool booth at the WRAMS show I spotted 
the Jarmac on the shelf. Unfortunately I had spent all my money by then 
but put a deposit on it and second day posted a check on monday. Friday, 
in the snow, the UPS truck got stuck at the top of my driveway 
delivering it. Looking through the paperwork it appears I got the 
"deluxe" model. They have two table sizes and I got the larger one. The 
accessories that come with the saw are a fence and a miter gauge. Both 
are made out of 3/8"x1/2" bar stock. No cheap stamped parts here. The
arbor fo the saw tilts up to 45 degrees and the saw has plenty of power
for hobbyist types of things (I was ripping 1/4" ply into motor mount

There is no dust collection system for it and the bottom of the saw is 
open so I expect to make a small box for it to sit on with a vacuum hose 
connection to attach to my central vac system. I paid $195 for it which 
was more than I planned to spend on the Dremel but after using it for 
the weekend, I'm very pleased.
1497.1WAYOUT::TALBOTTrevor TalbotTue Mar 16 1993 09:3913

	I am interested in the Black and Dekker range of
hobby tools, these are called the Mini-craft range, I 
have at present not bought or really seen them in the
flesh, but would like to hear comments on this range
from anyone who has used them.

	In particular, the grinder and the bench saw.


1497.2Black and Decker - Mini-Craft lineKAY::FISHERThe higher, the fewerTue Mar 16 1993 11:1913
>                                        <<< Note 1497.1 by WAYOUT::TALBOT "Trevor Talbot" >>>
>	I am interested in the Black and Dekker range of
>hobby tools, these are called the Mini-craft range, I 

Anybody have a phone number and/or address for Black an Decker?
I've never heard of their Mini-Craft line.

Bye          --+--
Kay R. Fisher  |

1497.3Don't have the address, do have a drill!BAHTAT::EATON_NNigel EatonWed Mar 17 1993 09:5912
I'm away from home at the moment, back next week. I have the address for Black & 
Decker (UK) there, and I'll post it if no-one beats me to it.

I have a Mini craft drill, and I can't figure out how I ever did anything 
without it! The things I have seen seem well up to snuff on quality, and 
reasonably priced.



1497.4Well, I tried!!BAHTAT::EATON_NNigel EatonMon Mar 22 1993 13:4413
My Black&Decker drill doesn't have a contact address amongst it's literature! 
(Great marketing guys!).

If you need to contact them in the UK, then most large towns have a B&D shop, 
elsewhere, I'm afraid you're on your own.

Some companies are hard to do business with. (Now where have I heard that before 



1497.5Time to check out the service end of things3D::REITHJim 3D::Reith MLO1-2/c37 223-2021Tue Mar 30 1993 14:4711
I ran my Jarmac saw quite a bit over the weekend. I'm not sure what the 
problem is but I overheated the saw and not it refuses to run at speed. 
I only ran it continuously for 6-8 hours 8^). The service number is in 
Illinois and they suggested sending either just the motor or the entire 
saw back for quick service. I'll be sending the entire saw since I had 
trouble realigning the motor/saw blade after breaking down the motor (a 
small sewing machine motor) and cleaning out all the dust. They don't 
offer a dust collection system but I'll be building a  box for around the 
base of mine with a vacuum connector for future use.

More as it develops
1497.6Minicraft in the UKBAHTAT::EATON_NNigel EatonWed Mar 31 1993 08:4618
Whilst rummaging through a LARGE, very disorganised pile of magazines in search 
if more details on the "Backfire" (I'll get to it!), I came across the address 
for the UK distributor of Minicraft tools:

	Holdcroft Works

	Tel: 0793 - 721303
	Fax: 0793 - 721841

No email! 8^)

Hope this helps.....


1497.7Good service3D::REITHJim 3D::Reith MLO1-2/c37 223-2021Fri Apr 09 1993 14:156
I got my Jarmac saw back from service last night. One week from the day 
I sent it out. No charge for the repair/realignment. I was honest about 
having disassembled the motor for cleaning/inspection and told them I had 
run it for about 8 hours continuous. I'm going to build a base to mount 
it on with a vacuum cleaner connection to be run while in use. That should 
keep the dust out of the motor.