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Conference vmszoo::rc

Title:Welcome To The Radio Control Conference
Notice:dir's in 11, who's who in 4, sales in 6, auctions 19
Created:Tue Jan 13 1987
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1706
Total number of notes:27193

1458.0. "In the Big Leagues" by SOLVIT::SOARNG::TIMMONS () Fri Oct 02 1992 10:31

    Let me be the first to say how much I enjoyed the spread on page 51 of
    the November issue of Model Aviation featuring our own "James" Jeff
    Friedrichs, Jim Reith, Kay Fisher, and Anker Berg-Sonne, the DEC Acton
    Soaring Society, pictured at the '92 Nats. Also pictured elsewhere is
    Al Ryder.
1458.1UNYEM::BLUMJFri Oct 02 1992 13:4211
    I concur, it was great to see 4 Deccies in a national model pub-
    lication!  It was also nice to put faces to names I have come to
    know through this notes conference.
1458.2John was there alsoKAY::FISHERThe higher, the fewerFri Oct 02 1992 17:0314
Unfortunately John Nilsson (a read only noter) was just 50 feet away from
us when they took the picture and we should have also had him join in.
I feel bad about that.

Sorry John.

Bye          --+--
Kay R. Fisher  |


1458.3Hartmut, the Mag please !KBOMFG::KNOERLEMon Oct 05 1992 06:506
    	If Hartmut is listening, could you please bring that Mag with you 
    	when coming back ? I have to see this (seeing is believing).
1458.4Does anyone else get 2 family copies?HANNAH::REITHJim HANNAH:: Reith DSG1/2E6 235-8039Mon Oct 05 1992 11:185

Jimmy's "spare" copy has already been sent to the relatives in Florida and 
then New Mexico so they could also see it. Hopefully one of the other HTA 
members might be able to part with it?
1458.5Or buy one...RGB::MINERDan Miner, DTN:225-4015, HLO2-1/J12 (@ H11)Mon Oct 05 1992 16:131
    Or copies may be purchased at some hobby stores.  (Tom's?)