T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
1393.1 | Rocket launched Glider | BBOVAX::DONAGHY | | Fri Dec 13 1991 14:22 | 10 |
| Has anybody seen the advertisement in Jan .91 Rcm.
They have a company marketing a rocket launched glider.
I think this is borderline insanity and looks pretty neat.
The idea of loading a glider with model rockets propelents,
after putting the expense out for the model and a radio and
having it javelin into the ground a mach 2.0 appeals to the
child in me , but the adult side , could not bare to watch
his effort destroyed .
Bob in PHO
1393.2 | | SA1794::TENEROWICZT | | Fri Dec 13 1991 14:41 | 5 |
By the AMA safety code I think this airplane would void any
insurance coverage you are afforded.
1393.3 | ad income | GRANMA::WFIGANIAK | YEAH..GET THE RED ONE | Fri Dec 13 1991 14:50 | 5 |
| IMHO the plane would be a gas to "play" with but there is the insurance
question. My biggest gripe here is why would the mag even run an ad for
a model that breaks all saftey issues and is suppose to be dedicated to
radio control modelers.
It all comes down to "money talks".
1393.4 | | VLS3TW::SNOW | | Fri Dec 13 1991 15:07 | 5 |
Calm down folks. Rocket boost R/C Gliders have been around for years.
And AMA does allow JATO and permanately affixed rocket motors. Read AMA
Safety Code.
1393.5 | Sanctioned Rocket event...Boost gliders | CSC32::S_CRONK | | Fri Dec 13 1991 15:35 | 5 |
| Boost rockets & rocket gliders is an actual compitition in the model
rocket hobby. These are both free flight and remote. Look into the
rocketry notes file for more detailed explanation.
1393.6 | Kinda sorta but not quite the same | STARGL::CAVANAGH | Jim Cavanagh SHR1-3/R20 Dtn:237-2252 | Fri Dec 13 1991 15:44 | 3 |
What you DON'T want to do is launch rockets *from* your plane. That is
against the AMA codes.
1393.7 | Reverse | WMOIS::WEIER | Wings are just a place to hang Ailerons | Fri Dec 13 1991 15:46 | 2 |
Yea, but is it OK to launch your plane from a rocket? :)
1393.8 | | VLS3TW::SNOW | | Fri Dec 13 1991 16:12 | 7 |
>>Yea, but is it ok to launch your plane from a rocket? ;)
Depends upon which part of "permanently affixed" you don't understand!
1393.9 | | GRANMA::WFIGANIAK | YEAH..GET THE RED ONE | Fri Dec 13 1991 17:29 | 7 |
| OK. So if someone went off an built a,say F-100, and set up an affixed
rocket boster the AMA wouldn't have a problem with insurance. It would
be wild to build on the launchers they had tried back in the fifties. I
had seen it on WINGS and they were shooting F-100's and think F-86"s.
They had launched them to over 160 knots which was above stall speed.
1393.10 | If they can do it here......... | SNAX::SMITH | I FEEL THE NEED | Fri Dec 13 1991 18:24 | 5 |
| JATO assisted (model rocket engines) C130's have been at the Scale Masters
before. Kinda gotta figure that make's it ok with the AMA, not to mention
the fact that it specifically say's it's ok in the safety rules.
1393.11 | Rubber powered full scale? | KAY::FISHER | If better is possible, good is not enough. | Mon Dec 16 1991 18:02 | 17 |
| In the latest issue of Model Builder (Jan 92) there is a brief section covering
the full scale Oshkosh event. See Hanna's Hanger page 42-43.
Anyway there is one plane that is man carrying but rubber powered.
It has 35 pounds of latex cord rubber in its boom.
Range = 1000 feet.
Another is what they called a piper (but it looks like a Maule or Husky
to me) that is painted up to look like a rubber powered plane. That is
the side clearly shows the wound up rubber band.
Great stuff.
Bye --+--
Kay R. Fisher |
1393.12 | But they didn't mention that A.S.A. won. | ELMAGO::TTOMBAUGH | Dangerously close to mawkishness | Tue Jan 07 1992 12:36 | 9 |
| In the Jan. RCSD, page 46, a picture of Bill Wilsons' Ford Explorer!
Don't recognize any of the gliders in the picture, must all belong
to C.A.S.L. members.
See 399.894 for the report on this contest.
1393.13 | Batter Up | KAY::FISHER | If better is possible, good is not enough. | Wed Jan 08 1992 13:05 | 23 |
| Feb-1992 Model Aviation - I know you all get it but I suspect several
don't read the Free Flight section.
Anyway under Free Flight Sport & Scale by Bill Warner he has
several short stories under the topic of "TALL BUT TRUE stories".
My favorite follows:
"One of the funniest I've heard was related to me at the San Diego
Scale Staffel Annual. About four years ago, at one of the club's
meets, they were flying at a field that was across the street from
a baseball field. It seems that Don Munn's Bostonian rudder ship
meandered across the road, glided into the diamond, over the
pitcher's head, and right across the plate at belt height. If
you had been the batter, what would you have done? Yup,
he did it... into a thousand pieces! Witnesses say it was a
memorable moment for Don.
Bye --+--
Kay R. Fisher |
1393.14 | New Hobby Lobby catalog . | ELMAGO::TTOMBAUGH | Naked in a cave in the Jemez | Thu Feb 13 1992 17:35 | 10 |
| On the cover of the latest Hobby Lobby catalog is a blurb about a team
of 10 guys that flew a Senior Telemaster around Manhatten Island.
Took them 1:43, 2 boats , 2 pilots, flew under 19 bridges.
Inside the catalog is some new Graupner gizmos that enable you to
mount servos with conventional mounting lugs on their sides, as in
glider wings, but still be able to insert the hold-down screws
perpendicular to the wing surface, a la the Airtronics 94141.
1393.15 | RC movie? | NICCTR::MILLS | | Thu Feb 13 1992 18:18 | 7 |
Did anyone see the ad for the new movie
Radio Flyer, Powered by Imagination PG-13
(I think that's what it was called). Is a strange Ad but I think
I want to see it.
1393.16 | re -.2, why did they have to fly under bridges? | HPSRAD::AJAI | | Wed Feb 19 1992 16:40 | 1 |
1393.17 | I've been there !....and survived 1 | ELMAGO::TTOMBAUGH | Naked in a cave in the Jemez | Wed Feb 19 1992 17:36 | 9 |
| They didn't really say. I assume that since they were doing the
piloting from boats, it was easier to keep the plane in sight/under
control if they went under the bridges rather than over.
There are apparently 19 bridges connecting Manhatten with the mainland.
You are now equipped to win many bar bets.
1393.18 | Radio Control Report | QUARRY::lindner | Dave Lindner | Mon Dec 20 1993 15:27 | 10 |
Does anyone receive this periodical? I am looking to get a copy of
an article from the December 1993 issue.
Any suggestions as to where I might pick up this issue?
1393.19 | I've got a spare | GAUSS::REITH | Jim 3D::Reith MLO1-2/c37 223-2021 | Mon Dec 20 1993 15:31 | 9 |
| Dave,
I get a subscription copy and an advertiser's copy each month. Send me a
mailing address and I'll send it to you (or stop by the Mill and I'll bring
it in)
Contact me offline.
Jim 3d::Reith
1393.20 | Having trouble with mail... | QUARRY::lindner | Dave Lindner | Mon Jan 03 1994 14:30 | 14 |
Hi Jim,
Well, living here in the UNIX world, I sometimes have a little trouble
with those decnet mail addresses, and yours appears to be one of them.
My mailstop is:
ZK03 3/Y25
Thanks again.
1393.21 | | GAUSS::REITH | Jim 3D::Reith MLO1-2/c37 223-2021 | Mon Jan 03 1994 14:59 | 6 |
| Hi Dave.
Got your email but forgot to bring in the magazine (and I took last week off).
I'll get it into the mail this week.