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Conference vmszoo::rc

Title:Welcome To The Radio Control Conference
Notice:dir's in 11, who's who in 4, sales in 6, auctions 19
Created:Tue Jan 13 1987
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1706
Total number of notes:27193

1346.0. "RC Video Club - needs manager" by KAY::FISHER (Stop and smell the balsa.) Tue Aug 13 1991 14:12

OK guys - I need a volunteer.

I just seem to be having less and less time available for the
DECRCM video business everyday.  When the DEC mail system was
working it took a good share of my time (maybe a 1/2 hour every
Monday) and a couple of minutes maybe 20 times thru the week.

But now that (in my opinion) the Digital Mail system has become
unreliable I believe that I have to somehow reorganize the
video portion of the club along non DEC mail lines.

Unfortunately I've been meaning to do this for some time and can
never seem to find the time to actually get it done.


I would like someone to volunteer to take over the video club.

I have 35 video tapes and up to date distribution lists for each tape.

I'm feeling real guilty lately sitting on these tapes and not making any
progress.  I still care about them and would like to continue to manage
the tapes but I can't in good faith carry on when I am myself becoming
a bottleneck.

So if you have interest in this job please either send me mail
or reply in the notes file.

It would be your job to know the status of all the tapes at all times
and collect donations and make new purchases and purchasing decisions.
Sounds like fun!  It is (was), but it has grown too big for me to handle
at this time.


Bye          --+--
Kay R. Fisher  |
1346.1Video help needed - still!KAY::FISHERStop and smell the balsa.Tue Aug 20 1991 17:2214
So far I only have one slightly reluctant volunteer.

He doesn't have two VCRs and isn't in the Mass/NH area
where most of the DEC employees are.

Please anybody in this area willing to take this?


Bye          --+--
Kay R. Fisher  |

1346.2<<<< New Video Guy >>>>BBOVAX::DONAGHYFri Sep 27 1991 16:4926
    Just to let people know whats going on-
    Kay passed the baton to me regarding distributin of the video's.
    So possibly as soon as next week I will start the cycle again.
    Some changes are going to take place , and I am going to use 
    this time to allow the users to give me some input on what you 
    think should or can be done regarding distribution , purchasing of
    new videos ( we only have $20 in the books today) and other
    suggestions. Please use this note to reply or send me vax mail---
    bbovax::donaghy . Also I have not made any hardfast decisions regarding
    the means at which a list is going to be used for who gets it first. 
    The main reason for this is because there is around 200 people on the 
    distribution lists and some people have waited over a year and have not
    even seen the first video. One of the reasons that was apparent to 
    Kay was , some people are bottle necks ( they say :=" yeh , send the 
    video , I will watch it right away " and sit on it for weeks. This can
    not happen. People who bottle neck will be placed at the bottom of the 
    distribution lists if they continue to offend. These sound like harsh 
    words , but I have to be fair to everyone. So send your mail to me ,
    say anything you care , I will place the new scheme in when I replace 
    all of note 1204 , after lots of careful thought. 
    As Bartel and James says " Thankyou for your support"
    Regards ,
    Bob Donaghy in Pho