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Conference vmszoo::rc

Title:Welcome To The Radio Control Conference
Notice:dir's in 11, who's who in 4, sales in 6, auctions 19
Created:Tue Jan 13 1987
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1706
Total number of notes:27193

1315.0. "Cut-Off timer" by LLULL::EDO (Carpe Diem ...) Fri May 03 1991 05:37

    I am interested in a 20 seconds cut-off timer for engines but in Spain
    is not possible to buy one.
    I would appreciate very much the address of a mail order shop when I
    can buy this kind of timer.
    Thanks in advance.
1315.1el cheapo camera timer?BBOVAX::DONAGHYFri May 03 1991 13:3518
    I don't know if this will help you. But have you ever seen the small
    cheap self timers for a 35 mm camera. It screws normally into the 
    shutter button of the camera. It has a little dial for the amount 
    of time (delay activation of the shutter)  and a button to push to
    start the timer. They are fairly cheap $15.00 or less here. It is
    quite small and weighs only an ounce or so. You could , I would 
    think adapt it for your use. I will take a look at some mail-order
    places to see if they have something along this line. I'm sure 
    there are some old timer modelers out there who did this alot in 
    their younger years. If you are intrested in the camera time , let me 
    know. I'm sure I could find one, and get it out to you. Just send me 
    Bob D.    37080::donaghy
    good luck, regards
1315.2ZENDIA::REITHJim Reith DTN 226-6102 - LTN2-1/F02Fri May 03 1991 13:517
    I think what he might be looking for is one of the free-flight fuel
    cutoff timers. That would be harder to do with the camera timers. The
    camera timers would make a good dethermalizer timer but when he asked
    for 20 seconds, I thought it was an engine cutoff timer.
    Personally, I haven't seen the FF cutoff timers in a long time (but I
    mostly read R/C magazines)
1315.3Cutoff timerLLULL::EDOCarpe Diem ...Fri May 03 1991 14:3815
    You are rigth, I am looking for a free-flight fuel cutoff timer because
    I want to build an old timer plane with RC on rudder an elevator.
    I read every month a lot of RC magazines (RCM, Radio Modeller,
    RCM&E,...) but Ihaven't seen in the advertisements the FF cutoff. Also
    this kind of timer is not in my copy of 1991 Tower Hobbyes catalog.
    Here in Spain we can buy only dethermalizer timers in some model shop.
1315.4I'll check the few I read but I haven't noticed them.ZENDIA::REITHJim Reith DTN 226-6102 - LTN2-1/F02Fri May 03 1991 16:246
    I thought so. A substitute might be to use a normal throttle setup and
    kill the engine on idle. I can think of several cases (such as a bad
    launch) where killing it early or not at all would be wanted. A micro
    servo wouldn't weigh as much as one of the timers and wouldn't be a
    problem with bind-free linkage (no pressure on the servo like a control
1315.5Imagine free-flight in SiberiaKAY::FISHERStop and smell the balsa.Wed May 08 1991 15:3736
>               <<< Note 1315.3 by LLULL::EDO "Carpe Diem ..." >>>
>                               -< Cutoff timer >-
>    You are rigth, I am looking for a free-flight fuel cutoff timer because
>    I want to build an old timer plane with RC on rudder an elevator.

Jordi, I thought I saw some of these recently so I went for a search
in my catalogues and you won't like the results.

There used to be a K&B unit advertised in the rubber catalogues but it
is now discontinued.  I did find some however.  It turns out that there
were several available from the Russian delegation at the WRAM show
last February.  I think they were going for less than $10.00 but
am not at all sure of the price.  Anyway I got a Russian catalogue
which lists some.  But it turns out Russians don't know how to make 
catalogues (as we know them) so it has no prices or exact info on how to order.

But if your persistent you should be able to get one because I have the
name and phone number(s) of the Russian director of "INTERROKS" a

Alexandr V. Andreev
USSR, Moscow

              Tel. (095) 190-52-33
Fax (095) 200-22-16 INTERROKS 2222
    (095) 200-22-17 INTERROKS 2222
      Telex: 411700 INTERROKS 2222

The numbers mean nothing to me - let us know how you make out.

Bye          --+--
Kay R. Fisher  |
1315.6If memory servesSNAX::SMITHI FEEL THE NEEDWed May 08 1991 15:515
    In one of the last two issues of either RCM or MAN, there is an 
    add for an auto cutoff timer. Lookes like it went up to 30 minutes.
    Price was under $20.00.
1315.7Jim Crockett ReplicasCLOSUS::TAVARESStay low, keep movingWed May 08 1991 15:585
Fer sure.  Free flight is alive and well in the world -- try Jim
Crocket Replicas for example -- they should be advertised in REAL
model airplane magazines like Model Builder :-) (and  I just let
my subscription run out!).  I can get the address if you send me
mail offline.
1315.8Fuel Shutoff Timer AvailableKAY::FISHERStop and smell the balsa.Fri May 10 1991 10:5537
>               <<< Note 1315.3 by LLULL::EDO "Carpe Diem ..." >>>
>                               -< Cutoff timer >-
>    You are rigth, I am looking for a free-flight fuel cutoff timer because
>    I want to build an old timer plane with RC on rudder an elevator.

Jordi, Maybe I found the advertisement that Steve was referring to.
I'll quote the add as best I can:

KSB Fuel Shutoff Timers
Again now available
Shipping #2.50 for up to 6 units.
Over 6 add 35 cents each.
Exclusive Importer

F.A.I. Model Supply
P.O. Box 3957
Torrance, CA 90510

I had checked their catalogue and this is the K&B that
I said is no longer available.  As it turns out it is KSB
(not K&B) my mistake and even tho my F.A.I. Catalogue
shows it no longer available - apparently it is now back
in circulation.  F.A.I. Model Supply is a long time
supplies of Free Flight and Rubber powered aircraft
hobby supplies.

Bye          --+--
Kay R. Fisher  |

1315.9Thank youGAUDI::EDOCarpe Diem ...Fri May 17 1991 09:1817
    Hi all,
    After a period of strong work in a presales project I can read now this
    I would like to thanks each and every one of you for your help and for the
    references about cutoff timer. As I said before, here in Spain there
    are not many RC shops and could be very dificult to purchase some
    "special" items.
    Next week I will try to contact with the suppliers. I will post the
    Best regards.
1315.10I have it !!DRAC::EDOCarpe Diem ...Wed Oct 16 1991 13:2612
    Finally I obtained a cutoff timer from K&B, through a DEC colleage in
    Maynard. She bougth it and sent to me via surface mail. The cost was
    $20 and it work very fine.
    Thank you all.
    Best regards.