T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
1307.1 | Panic for Al? | N25480::FRIEDRICHS | Take the money and run! | Tue Apr 02 1991 15:38 | 11 |
| Dan Eaton came up with a winner of an idea...
If we could find a flying condition Panic (afterall, we all know how
long it takes him to build anything! :-) and send it to him it would
REALLY embarass him, but I bet he would have fun with it!
So, does anyone know of a Panic for sale for a good price??
1307.2 | I like it | ZENDIA::REITH | Jim Reith DTN 226-6102 - LTN2-1/F02 | Tue Apr 02 1991 16:08 | 2 |
| Maybe we could scratch build one as a demo at the CMRCM Mall Show and
send it. I think it has some merit. This could be a great gift idea P^)
1307.3 | What would the Duke say | KAY::FISHER | Stop and smell the balsa. | Tue Apr 02 1991 17:25 | 9 |
| How about a Panic with a FOX engine?
But seriously - while this idea has merit - I would still like
to see your original gift idea happen also.
Bye --+--
Kay R. Fisher |
1307.4 | | ZENDIA::REITH | Jim Reith DTN 226-6102 - LTN2-1/F02 | Tue Apr 02 1991 17:33 | 2 |
| I didn't read it as" instead of" but more as "in addition to". My
understanding was that additional funds have recently been pledged.
1307.5 | Will the UPS truck pass thru here? Gaaakk | ELMAGO::TTOMBAUGH | A Fistful of Epoxy | Tue Apr 02 1991 17:36 | 5 |
| Any airplane that can embarass its' recipient, merely by receiving
it, has got to be the perfect gift for Al. The statues are still
the primary gift, I assume.
1307.6 | | N25480::FRIEDRICHS | Take the money and run! | Tue Apr 02 1991 20:14 | 6 |
| Yes, the statue will still be the primary gift...
I'll let you know friday how much extra money we have to spend..
1307.7 | closing the barn door after the horse has left ??? | POBOX::KAPLOW | Set the WAYBACK machine for 1982 | Wed Apr 03 1991 15:28 | 1 |
| Should someone write lock note 239?
1307.8 | signed sculpture | N25480::FRIEDRICHS | Take the money and run! | Wed Apr 03 1991 20:35 | 18 |
| OK all of you creative types....
Mark Antry is going to buy the statue from Micheal Garman's studio
(we have decided to go with bronze to match the one he already has).
So, he is also going to get is signed and possibly have a note written
by Mr. Garman to Al...
It would probably work well if we gave him the text of the letter....
So, please post what you think the letter should say... Remember it
is from Garman to Al...
(Friday will be the deadline again... So get to it!)
1307.9 | | ELMAGO::TTOMBAUGH | A Fistful of Epoxy | Wed Apr 03 1991 20:47 | 6 |
| How about something like:
On behalf of the DEC R/C Noters, in appreciation of the wit , wisdom,
advice, and just plain B.S. that you have brought to them over the
past several years , I would like to present this statue, etc.....
1307.10 | can't get there from here!!! | VERSA::TULANKO | | Thu Apr 04 1991 11:54 | 9 |
Mr. Friedrichs, would like to make a pledge but can't get to
your node from here in Cincinnati. I'm willing to bet your a hidden
node. How bout' some tips for us 'remote' types.
1307.11 | Private Pilots/Owners pick wierd node names! | ZENDIA::REITH | Jim Reith DTN 226-6102 - LTN2-1/F02 | Thu Apr 04 1991 12:00 | 3 |
| I can get to APACHE ok from here so you might be able to route through
here by specifying ZENDIA::APACHE::FRIEDRICHS as the mail address. If
the problem is with N25480::FRIEDRICHS, try APACHE::FRIEDRICHS first.
1307.12 | | N25480::FRIEDRICHS | Take the money and run! | Thu Apr 04 1991 13:58 | 5 |
| Yes, APACHE::FRIEDRICHS is unhidden and should work...
1307.13 | 8^) 8^) | ZENDIA::REITH | Jim Reith DTN 226-6102 - LTN2-1/F02 | Thu Apr 04 1991 14:04 | 1 |
| Boy, that personal namme really instills confidence Jeff!
1307.14 | Let me know Jeff..... | NEURON::ANTRY | | Thu Apr 11 1991 13:46 | 11 |
| Gee, I forgot all about this. Are we ready to Order? If so, I may be able to
stop down there tomorrow or if not Sat morning for sure.
We didn't have much for words if we get Michael to right a short note. But if
we take Terry's idea and make it go like.
To Al, the Desert Rat, On behalf of all the DEC R/C Noters, in appreciation of
the wit, wisdom, advice, and just plain B.S that you have brought to them over
the past several years. Good luck, Michael Garman
any changes, additions, etc?
1307.15 | Something about rambling? | KAY::FISHER | Stop and smell the balsa. | Thu Apr 11 1991 14:41 | 2 |
| From the guys at Digital Equipment Corporation who
learned by computer network "Rambling with the Desert Rat".
1307.16 | | N25480::FRIEDRICHS | Take the money and run! | Tue Apr 16 1991 17:02 | 11 |
| Yes Mark, please go ahead and order it.. Let me know what the price is
and I will send you out a check...
I have collected $130 and have pledges for $50 more...
I am still getting prices for the stand... But it looks like we may
have about $100 extra... Can we buy Panic for that??
1307.17 | Bought the Statue today... | NEURON::ANTRY | | Thu Apr 18 1991 21:31 | 19 |
| OK I went to the Michael Garman Gallery today and purchased the statue.
Again, it was the "And There I Was..." in Bronzetone. I attached a note to it
saying please sign and if possible include a short note from Michael to Al.
Again, I will cover shipping from here to AL as my contribution and
Will probably throw in some Glider pictures he can add to his scrap book.
What is the Stand discussion (I havent looked at the other conf). They had
some simple wood pices there for stands but didnt look that hot.
I need Al's Address too, or let me know what/when/where to ship.
They said it should be signed within a week.
Total Damages:
$42 PLus tax........$44.73.
1307.18 | the stand... | N25480::FRIEDRICHS | Take the money and run! | Fri Apr 19 1991 11:34 | 17 |
| Great!!
Although I will be out of town next week, Al Ryder is going to get the
stand made up... I figured on a 5" diameter base... Does that sound
big enough??
We were thinking that it would be engraved...
"To Al Casey, for all of your Notes>worthy contributions from your
friends at Digital Equipment Corp., 1987-1991, and beyond."
Does anyone have any leads on a Panic for about $100??
1307.19 | Scratch build one? | ZENDIA::REITH | Jim Reith DTN 226-6102 - LTN2-1/F02 | Fri Apr 19 1991 12:04 | 3 |
| The kit runs $90+ once you get it into the states. I'm sure we could
put one together for $100 if we scratch built. Just so happens I'll be
cutting some Panic cores for my replacement ship...
1307.20 | Get your photos into the mail ASAP | ZENDIA::REITH | Jim Reith DTN 226-6102 - LTN2-1/F02 | Fri Apr 19 1991 12:09 | 11 |
| Oh yeah... The pictures are still dribbling in. I'm hoping that I can
get some from Ken from the recent Mall show (You DID take some of the
planes too, didn't you P^). Even from the local guys, I've only gotten
a couple of people. Come on, dig out a couple a pics and stick them in
the interoffice to:
Jim Reith (imokay::reith)
Please send me email when they're sent and I'll reply when I recieve
1307.21 | Not sure about the Panic | SNAX::SMITH | I FEEL THE NEED | Fri Apr 19 1991 12:09 | 11 |
| Al already has a Panic short kit that he appears not to have
too much interest in building. If he received one already built,
I don't think he'd fly it that much. Panic style flying is not
Al's style.
If you have $100 dollars to spend, I would think something like a gift
certificate would be something he'd make use of for the flying he
does do. Maybe some free subscriptions to magazines he gets. Maybe
some video's. Maybe.........
1307.22 | Panic is out | N25480::FRIEDRICHS | Take the money and run! | Fri Apr 19 1991 13:16 | 14 |
| I agree about Steve's and Dan S' (offline) comments about the Panic.
It would be fun, but I don't think it would get used much.
Well, we will have about $100 to spend after the statue and stand.
I will be away next week... When I get back, if there is not
any concensus as to what to get him, I will get a gift certificate
from Towers.
jeff (who has let a good idea turn into a major headache)
BTW - Isn't it amazing that out of all of the people that read and
write to this file, less than 20 people have contributed?
1307.23 | 'tis a shame | ZENDIA::REITH | Jim Reith DTN 226-6102 - LTN2-1/F02 | Fri Apr 19 1991 13:29 | 1 |
| and I've gotten photos from 6...
1307.24 | Not done yet | SNAX::SMITH | I FEEL THE NEED | Fri Apr 19 1991 13:36 | 5 |
| Just to confuse the issue even more, I received mail off line from
someone who knows the RAT quite well. In his opinion, the Panic
would be timely and would get used.
1307.25 | Panic was always ify with me
| STOHUB::JETRGR::EATON | Dan Eaton St.Louis,MO,USA, 445-6522 | Fri Apr 19 1991 14:57 | 16 |
| Just a couple of thoughts...
I had proposed the idea of a Panic to Jeff in some offline talk as a joke. Never
really intending that it should really be a gift for Al since from comments he's
made in the past it would be more of a gag gift than anything else. Once the
idea appeared here it seemed to gain momentem so I figured I was wrong about it.
It won't bother me a bit if we decide to drop the Panic idea.
I like the idea expressed in one of the last notes about a magazine
subscription. My in-laws give me a subscription to one of my favorite magazines
every year for Christmas. Each month, as I happily devour the contents of the
magazine, I think of them and am extremely gratiful for their gift. Maybe we
should give some more thought towards this for Al.
Maybe we could even get Norm Goyer to personally sign each copy for Al. 8^) That
part's a joke folks, just so there's no misunderstanding... 8^)
1307.26 | OK I picked it up... | NEURON::ANTRY | | Tue Apr 23 1991 18:22 | 10 |
| Well we tried.....
I picked up the Statue yesterday from Garman's and all we managed out of the
deal was Michael Garman's signature on the bottom of the base of the statue.
Oh well, we knew that anything extra would be a bonus..
I still need to know what to do with it and Jeff, MY IFR flying fund (now have
20 hours with 20 to go) could use that 1 hours worth of flying fund. Just let
me know when you send it and Please dont use SNAIL mail....
1307.27 | agenda advice, please | TONAGE::HUFF | | Mon May 13 1991 23:19 | 7 |
| When is the projected presentation date and how will it be
accomplished? Are we looking at personal delivery or items put into
mailings, etc.? When can we expect to be able to communicate, off-line,
directly to Al and communicate our feelings, without spilling any
Don Huff
1307.28 | Photo Album update | ZENDIA::REITH | Jim Reith DTN 226-6102 - LTN2-1/F02 | Tue May 14 1991 18:00 | 6 |
| Hi Don,
Al was told about the photo album before he left. I've gone through the
pictures I have but I haven't gotten the album yet. Little league seems
to be eating up most of my nights lately. My hope is to have it ready
to go in a couple of weeks. I'm still accepting pictures...
1307.29 | Soon.. | N25480::FRIEDRICHS | Keep'm straight n level | Tue May 14 1991 18:09 | 18 |
| The pen-and-ink is being worked on and should be done in a couple of
The Micheal Garman statue is signed and in Mark Antry's hands, ready to
be sent.
The plaque/clock should be ready this week.
Once the pen-and-ink and plaque are ready, we will ship them to arrive
at approximately the same time as the statue.... Perhaps we will get
the photo album there at the same time...
Unless someone says they are going to be there in person, I suspect
that the UPS man will be the presentor!
1307.30 | Update | N25480::FRIEDRICHS | Keep'm straight n level | Mon Jun 03 1991 12:45 | 29 |
| My wife picked up the plaque/clock on Friday for me...
They screwed it up...
Part of the inscription was
"Notes>worthy" they made it "Notes ) worthy"
Looks like &*$#.
I will be going back tomorrow to see what the next step is... At
this rate, it is going to be an early christmas present... Grumble
BTW - The finances turned out to be:
Income: $195.00
Expenses: $44.73 Statue
$100.00 Clock/Plaque (plus postage)
$50.00 Gift Certificate to Towers
1307.31 | Done! | N25480::FRIEDRICHS | Keep'm straight n level | Thu Jul 11 1991 11:32 | 15 |
| Well, I finally got all of the pieces together...
The box is going out this morning and contains:
$50 gift certificate & catalog from Towers
India Ink drawing of Mig 3 done by Al Ryder's son-in-law
I have sent mail to Mark to send the statue in the next couple of days.
Mission (finally!) completed.
1307.32 | Down and locked... | NEURON::ANTRY | | Thu Aug 01 1991 19:50 | 91 |
| I actually goofed and was about a week late getting the statue to Al. He sent
me a nice letter back, that I will post. I also through in picture of one of
my F3b Gliders and suggest for Al to give gliders a try. Here is his letter.
Al Casey
13148 N. 21st Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85029
24 July, 1991
Que Paso, Mark,
Your package arrived yesterday afternoon. As if the items received
last week from Jeff weren't enough, my grateful eyes fell upon the
terrific Michael Garman Pilot statue and, once again, all I could
think of was, "Gee whiz, guys, you REALLY shouldn't have!. I
noticed also that the bronze pilot figure was signed by the artist
which is an additional very nice touch. Please convey, via the
notesfile, my heartfelt thanks for the too, too kind gesture,. It's
extremely gratifying to realize I was so well thought of by members
of the RC.notesfile and I'll never forget this generous expression
of thoughtfulness on their part. The bitter side of the pill is
that I've lost the notesfile and will never be able to participate
in it again but I guess I should be grateful that I was able to
participate for the past 4-years; better to have participated in the
notesfile and lost it than never to have known it at all I guess.
:B^( sniff!
As I'm sure you gleaned form the notesfile, this figure, with the
WW-II pilot "flying his hands" describing a kill was the one that
most impressed me when I saw the trophies at the Phoenix Masters
Qualifier last January. I truly loved the one I won, with the head
tilted skyward and thumbs hooked in the chute straps, but I was
really taken by the "hand flying" figure.
Oddly enough, had I taken the MiG to the California Qualifier in
June and placed second again, I'd have one the "hand flyer" as
they'd reversed the two figures on their 1st and 2nd place trophies.
However, as you may have already know from the notesfile, I left the
MiG at home due to the noise restriction the Scale Squadron had been
forced to levy and which I couldn't pass without butchering the nose
of my faithful steed, something I was (and am) unwilling to do.
Fortunately, no such restriction will be in force at the Las Vegas
Master Championships this fall. I'd sure like to bring home a
top-10 finish this year as I'd kind'a feel like "this one's for the
guys in the notesfile!"
It's a ways off yet, but I hope the SW Regional doesn't take place
on the same weekend as the Phoenix Master Qualifier next year like
it did this year. That way, I'd have a chance of seeing you and
other Colo Spgs and Albq DEC glider guiders 'cause I'll be there for
certain in there's no conflict of dates.
The pic of yer' new(?) glider looks great; hope it flies as good as
it looks. Don't hold'jer breath 'til I start flying gliders,
though. As I know you know, I'm a died-in-the-wool power-planer and
expect I always will be. Until or unless the hands, eyes or
reflexes give out, scale WW-II fighters will always be my bag! I
just can't get interested in much of anything else with the
exception of a (powered) sport plane and I have little desire to do
many more of those when the same amount of toil could be applied to
a scale ship. We all fall into our T/C niches after a time and,
like yours is gliders, mines is, and probably always will be, scale.
BTW, I'm still looking for good documentation (or source[s]) of
same) for the Yak-9d and -9T37. What I need the most is detail of
the landing gear and gear doors and the color documentation. For
color I need a minimum of one view of either side and the top view.
Additional views are gravy but those 2 are the minimum requirements.
Mebbe' you could post a request for me in the notesfile. Someone
out there may have something or be able to recommend a source.
Well, as I sit here looking at and admiring my fancy RC NOTES
clock/plaque, I notice it's approaching suppertime and I've about
run down anyway so I'll start signing off. Say a special hello to
John Tavares and the rest of the area modelers for me and please
post a reply for me in the notesfile acknowledging the receipt of
the pilot figure and thanking all who had a part in it(and al the
other goodies) from the bottom of my very grateful heart! I wish I
could do it myself but....... I miss the notesfile and the
participants of same more than my meager ability allows me to
express and I wish all noters everywhere green lights and blue
Adios, amigo,
(Place Desert Rat logo here.)