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Conference vmszoo::rc

Title:Welcome To The Radio Control Conference
Notice:dir's in 11, who's who in 4, sales in 6, auctions 19
Created:Tue Jan 13 1987
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1706
Total number of notes:27193

1156.0. "foam available for cores" by WRASSE::FRIEDRICHS (Go Bruins!!) Mon Dec 04 1989 19:16

    ATTENTION all ye foam core wing cutters!!!!
    By using the DECRCM name and charter, I have been able to secure
    a virtually never ending source of foam.  I have an agreement with
    a manufacturing group that was throwing out all of this foam to 
    ship it to me for distribution to DECRCM members!!  Each block is
    35" long x 15" wide x 3" thick.  The initial shipment of 40 blocks
    should be arriving any day...
    Here are the ground rules:
    2 - This foam is for DECRCM members only.  Please do not sell this foam
        or wings cut from it.  
    3 - Foam will generally be shipped via interoffice shipping.  Therefore
    	you have to get it past your security department.  It should not be
    	a problem, but some facilities are very strict about what leaves.
    	(Large deliveries may also be made at DECRCM meetings).  You are
    	also welcome to pick it up in Hudson, NH or Merrimack, NH.
    4 - To order foam please send me mail on {SSPENG,WRASSE}::FRIEDRICHS.
    	Please include:
    			Your Name
    			Your Badge Number
    			Your Mailstop
    			Your ENET address
    			How many blocks you want
    			Are you going to be at the next DECRCM meeting.
    5 - Depending on the quantity of foam I get, I may not be able to fill 
    	your entire order right away.  Depending on the response I get, I
    	will try to evenly distribute the foam.
    6 - If you like being able to get free foam, then I suggest that you
    	send $2.00 per block to Kay Fisher for the DECRCM video library.
    	His address is LTN1-2/B17.  
    Thanks to the people in WFO for their help!!
1156.1Video Library and DECRCMK::FISHERStop and Smell the Balsa!Tue Dec 05 1989 12:0630
>    6 - If you like being able to get free foam, then I suggest that you
>    	send $2.00 per block to Kay Fisher for the DECRCM video library.
>    	His address is LTN1-2/B17.  

What a guy - and I didn't even ask.

OK - I will ear mark the first income from this source to purchase
video(s) about cutting foam.  I know there are a few out there.
If any body has seen any of them and would like to recommend for 
(or better yet against since ALL magazine reviews are favorable) one
please let me know before I spend any of the Video money.

Also if you were previously unaware of the video stuff please read some
of note 685.*.  

Since I manage this separate from the DECRCM treasury please make
checks payable to me NOT DECRCM and that will save me a trip to the 
treasurer and back.  Your feedback from these donations will be via
mail and the posting of your donation in the books in note 685.*.

So far we have 13 tapes in circulation.  

If your are not already a member of DECRCM just set host K::
and login with the username DECRCM (there is no password).  Answer
the questions and you will be a member.  There is no membership charge.

Bye          --+--
Kay R. Fisher  |
1156.5Channel 1 productionsCSC32::M_ANTRYWed Dec 06 1989 19:325
    For the foam cutter tape, get the one by Channel 1 productions out of
    Texas, they give a discount to NSS members.  This is the design that
    the Colo Springs F3b team is using and if you need some wings cut we do
    this as a fund raiser for the F3b team and you can contact team member
    Bob Page for more details.   CSC32::PAGE
1156.6Who's on first?K::FISHERStop and Smell the Balsa!Thu Dec 07 1989 18:4327
>    One small point of clarification on the donation to Kay's video
>    fund. This is a neat idea that Jeff threw in to help our now
>    "Subscription Free" organization. We use about 40-50 blank video
>    tapes a year to produce club news to send around the world, so every
>    little helps. I want everyone to understand that DECRCM did not
>    create the foam plan. _This is not a plan by DECRCM to raise funds_. 

One small point of clarification on the clarification.

The DECRCM videos taken during meetings and sent around are not related
to the DECRCM videos that I manage.  If you want your $2.00 donation
for foam blocks to be used to purchase blank tapes for Eric you will have 
to route your funds to the treasure "Kevin Ladd".  Donations received 
by me are only used to purchase professional video tapes.

Not that I have received any foam donations yet - but I have noticed an
increase in membership which I assume means some are coming.

Kevin Ladd can be reached at HLO2-3/C11.

Confused?  The video club that Jeff was referring to in the one
in note 685.*.

Bye          --+--
Kay R. Fisher  |
1156.11nevermoreN25480::FRIEDRICHSTake the money and run!Mon Feb 04 1991 12:137
    It appears that we will never see any more of this foam anyways...  
    If I happen to get another shipment, I will let you know, but it
    appears that the volume has dropped to 0.
1156.12Foam varies in density KAY::FISHERStop and smell the balsa.Fri Mar 08 1991 17:0438
I was pondering the weight of our white DEC foam the other day so
I weighted all my blocks.

At first I thought I was seeing irregularities because of irregular sizes.
Although that was also true they couldn't account for the changes in weight.

Anyway the blocks were 35 3/8" x 3" x 15".  Actually the 35 3/8" dimension
varied about 1/8" each side of 3/8" and the width of 15" varied down to 14 7/8.

Anyway this comes out to a block that is 1519.1904 cu inches or .8791611 cu 

Weights I got were (in grams).

So from a low of 428 grams to a high of 530.8 grams we get
a foam density varying form 1.314 lb/cu ft. to .9255 lb/cu ft.


Save the light stuff for wings and use the heavy stuff for making

Bye          --+--
Kay R. Fisher  |