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Conference vmszoo::rc

Title:Welcome To The Radio Control Conference
Notice:dir's in 11, who's who in 4, sales in 6, auctions 19
Created:Tue Jan 13 1987
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1706
Total number of notes:27193

1059.0. "AMA Nationals" by --UnknownUser-- () Thu Jul 27 1989 13:33

1059.2NATurallyK::FISHERStop and Smell the Balsa!Mon Aug 21 1989 17:5918
>    	I assume that Kay will fly gliders and scale and that Kevin
>    will fly scale. Is this a correct assumption? Who else will be there?

Sure - if I have anything that flys - I'll be there.
Wonder where they will have the sail plane competition - usually it is
at a separate field than the other stuff at NATS (based on reading only).

Hope there isn't much schedule conflict cause I would like to do both
gliders and scale and sure would like to watch control line combat
and free flight and indoor free flight and ...

Plus I'll probably be busy hosting the new RCM cub reporter and our
Scale (tor)mentor - Mr. Casey :-)

Bye          --+--
Kay R. Fisher  |
1059.3HEFTY::TENEROWICZTTue Aug 22 1989 12:2410
    If past Westover Nat's are any example the sailplane events will
    be held on the ground of Smith & Wesson in Springfield and during
    the week. Scale is usually held of Friday -sunday. Indoor freeflight
    is usually held on the first saturday/sunday.
    Kay, Will you be building something new or using the BJ's?
1059.4NATurallyK::FISHERStop and Smell the Balsa!Tue Aug 22 1989 15:2711
>    Kay, Will you be building something new or using the BJ's?

BJs.  Kevin and I have both learned that any serious scale plane requires
greater than one year.  But the NATs are not serious.  If I run out
of BJs I'll take anything that flies and is scale.  I have nothing
scale under construction at the present time however.

Bye          --+--
Kay R. Fisher  |
1059.8Maybe one more for ChicopeeMDSUPT::EATONDan EatonWed Aug 30 1989 21:0314
    I've heard some good advise that says to try flying Novice first
    before jumping in to Intermediate. It's not as easy as it looks
    and if you go Intermediate first I don't believe the rules allow
    you to go back and compete at the Novice level.
    I've got a while to think about it but I might talk myself into
    coming to the Nats. If I can convince myself that a 21 hour drive
    each way is worth it I'll take a crack at Scale Helicopter.
    Dan Eaton
1059.13No decision on 1990 Nats yet.MDSUPT::EATONDan EatonWed Oct 04 1989 21:4028
RE: last several                                           
    I went thru the Model Aviation mag last night looking for clues
    as to where the 1990 Nats would be held. What I found is that the
    site of the Nats won't be decided untill a meeting on the 22nd of
    As to possibilities, the AMA has decided to buy 499 acres of land
    near Muncie. Indiana. If that deal goes thru soon enough I'd suspect
    they'd like to hold the Nats there to generate some revenue for
    Muncie as a pay back for them inviting the AMA in. I think its kind
    of encouraging that Muncie really pursued this deal with the AMA.
    Its nice to be considered an asset for a change.
    If the land deal isn't squared away by the meeting on the 21st then
    its anybodys guess as to where it will be held. On the one hand,
    its been to the East coast and the West coast so it should come
    to the Midwest and I saw that one of the District VP's is pushing
    for Houston, Texas. On the other hand, if they can't hold the Nats
    at Muncie in 1990 I think that makes it a certanty for 1991. With
    that in mind, the fair thing might be to have it on the East coast
    in 1990 with it back in the Mid-West at Muncie in 1991.
    Stuff like this gets posted in Compuserve's MODELNET SIG so I'll
    take a peek after the 21st and see if I can find out what the decision
    is a little earlier than most. If I do I'll post the result here.
    Dan Eaton
1059.14SA1794::TENEROWICZTThu Oct 05 1989 11:1823
    Dan, From what I heard the Mid west site is going to become perminent.
    Kind of like the Oskoush(sp) of modeling.
    Funny this is that, that would mean on avarage 80% of the AMA members
    would have to travel to make a Nats.
    Access to a major modeling activity seems to be limited to where
    the original source comes from. Like the Nats you see that most
    competetors come from the area the nats are held in. All other flyers
    across the country don't get the opertunity to partake in this sized
    event except for one every 4-6 years.
    To be continued...
1059.15SA1794::TENEROWICZTThu Oct 05 1989 12:0834
    To continue...
    I was trying to make a point in the last reply... Badly.....
    Let me start again.
    It seems that the major contests/events are limited to those flyers
    who live adjacent to the events. Travel is somewhat limited. Many
    flyers like the formats of major competitions but cannot do the
    traveling all across the US to attend. 
    When I shot target archery the national organisation sponsored the
    national championships. This traveled the US similar to the nats.
    But they also help put together what were "Sectional" championships.
    Thses were identical to the nationals in format but limited to a
    three day event as apposed to a week of the nationals. I think it's
    time for a similar format in RC. It's clear that once the land is
    purchased in the Midwest that the AMA plans to sell the Reston facility
    and relocate to the midwest. This facility is to become the perminant
    home of the Nats. I think it would be a good idea for each district
    to host a "District Championship" whene by like events are grouped
    together and competition is run on a three day weekend. This would
    be once a year.
    Ie,    Pattern, Pylon, Sailplanes and Choppers would run together
    	I could see using Smith & Wesson for choppers and sailplanes
    and Westover for pattern and Pylon. One event would be run in the
    morning and the other event run in the afternoon.
1059.16I sort of support TomGIDDAY::CHADDPylon; the ultimate High.Thu Oct 05 1989 22:4562
We in Australia have similar difficulties to the US. Our Nats are offered to
the State Associations in turn to be the "host". We have 8 State Associations
but 5 have the resources to run a Nats, Tasmania, The Australian Capital;
Territory and the Northern Territory are small and believe unable to "do the
job properly". 

This year our Nats will be in Western Australia. For me living in Sydney it
would be a 4+ days drive or a $700 air fare. It is equivalent to driving from
Boston to LA with roads well below the standard of yours. The drive across the
Nulabor Desert while the road is straight (100's of miles without a curve or
bend) it is a long haul. 

I ran the Radio events at the last NSW Nats. We had over 400 competitors who
entered a total of over 1000 events. The WA Nats this year will be lucky to hit
130 entrants and 300 entered events. 

To me and many modellers the WA Nats is an enforced break in the Nats circuit.
I would definitely not like to see the WA Nats stopped in favour of the 3
eastern states only, they are full members of the MAAA (our AMA) and entitled
to full facilities. Regional championships would overcome some of the problem. 

I offer the following as reasons for and against the concept. 


	1 Every association member has access to the "Regional Championships"

	2 The Nats end up as the "Top" modellers only competing

	3 All entrants at the Nats would be experienced competitors. (not first
	  time entrants)

	4 In the more popular events (ie F3A, F3D, F4C, Old Timer) more rounds 
	  could be flown due to reduced number of competitors.


	1 The Nats atmosphere and "reunion concept" would be lost.

	2 Attending another major competition in the one year would impose 
	  additional family pressures.

	3 Attending another major competition in the one year would impose 
	  additional financial burden.

	4 Some events would not have sufficient competitors at a regional level
	  to hold the event (ie Microfilm, F1A, Jet Speed etc.) and would 
	  disappear from the contest calendar.

	5 For the organisers a major competition every year would be an 
	  additional probably unacceptable load and volunteers may soon "give 

My initial reaction to Tom's idea was full support, however the more I think 
about it the greater the risk and un-desirability of the concept. Some very 
careful consideration is required before a Regional Championships/Nats 
championship calendar was adopted.

We in Oz are reviewing the whole of the Nats concept. I look forward to more 
useful dialogue.

1059.20NATS PYLON REPORTDPDMAI::GREERThu Jul 26 1990 13:4415
    NATS ( July 14 to 19 ) Lawrenceville Ill. Pylon report. 
    Pylon had the best turnouts in years:
    96 for Q500
    43 for QM
    23 for FAI
    48 for F1
    What sticks in my mind the most were the fast times. 1:15 for Q500 for
    a new record. 1:11 in QM by Paul Benerza  for a new record. He also
    won. Two low 1:11's by Richard Varono in FAI for a new record. He also
    won. Understand Richard will be trying out for the FAI team in Telodo
    in Sept. Shadel had fast time in F1 with a 1:09. F1 was won by Clark
    Wade of Chicago.
1059.231992 AMA NATS - Date/PlaceN25480::FRIEDRICHSKeep'm straight 'n levelTue Aug 20 1991 11:1827
               <<< N25480$DKA100:[JEFF.NOTES$LIBRARY]RC.NOTE;1 >>>
                  -< Welcome To The Radio Control Conference >-
Note 399.975               So you wanna fly gliders...                975 of 976
SA1794::TENEROWICZT                                   9 lines  20-AUG-1991 06:49
    I'd suggest all you hot shot glider guiders make winter plans to fill
    your stables with exciting sailplanes.  Then call up your favorite
    hotels and motels in the Western Ma. area and schedule a room for
    June 20-28 1992.
    For those of you that haven't heard, those are the dates for the 1992
    AMA Nationals to be held at Westover AFB in Chicopee, MA...
    (A friend of mine called last night to get me to get going on the
    Nieuport-11 so it will be ready for them...)
1059.24SA1794::TENEROWICZTTue Aug 20 1991 11:3614
    THat's right Jeff,  I recieved a letter from AMA of sat. requesting
    that our club again be the "host club" for the Nats out of Westover.
    The dates of June 20-28 are necessary because of other activities
    happening at Westover in the month of July.  As I hear new news
    I'll include it in this file.
    PS: I ordered the wood for my scale project yesterday.
1059.25I hear there are *trees* around there.ELMAGO::TTOMBAUGHA Fistful of EpoxyTue Aug 20 1991 12:378
    Hmmmmm, h*lll of a long way to drive, but I could stop and see my
    sister in Vt. I'll keep it in mind, thanks for the info.
    Looks like the rumors of a N.W. venue in '92 are wrong, and this
    probably means that Muncie is a likely spot for '93, thereby resuming
    the east to west site rotation.
1059.26Nats schedule ?TARKIN::MCALLENThu May 14 1992 15:405
    Would someone please post here the exact date and/or
    event schedule for the 1992 Nationals in Chicopee Mass. ?
1059.27Schedule just a call awayKAY::FISHERThe higher, the fewerThu May 14 1992 17:0824
>                                               <<< Note 1059.26 by TARKIN::MCALLEN >>>
>                                                        -< Nats schedule ? >-
>    Would someone please post here the exact date and/or
>    event schedule for the 1992 Nationals in Chicopee Mass. ?
>    thanks

Not me - way too much to type and I think I'm a pretty fast typist.
If you call the AMA they will slip you one in the mail right away.
If someone knows how to scan one in and convert it to ASCII that might work
but it's not just standard text - some blocks etc.

If you send me mail or are near BXB you can have a copy of mine.  But it
is multiple colors and just as free if you call the AMA.

Bye          --+--
Kay R. Fisher  |