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Conference vmsnet::hunting$note:hunting

Title:The Hunting Notesfile
Notice:Registry #7, For Sale #15, Success #270
Created:Wed Sep 02 1987
Last Modified:Tue Jun 03 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1561
Total number of notes:17784

1322.0. "How much meat -- B&C scoring" by 20024::HUSTON () Wed Nov 17 1993 13:09

    I have two questions:
    1) How much meat should you get from a deer? I recall seeing a 
       discussion on this someplace, but can't find it.
    2) Does anyoen have the form form scoring a deer. I took the quickie
       measurements on my rack last night, it has a 19 inch spread, with
       the longest of the tines be 6+inches. I know it is not a record, 
       I am just curious.
1322.133972::SHADDIXWed Nov 17 1993 15:5829
    If this is incorrect someone please advise.
    Measure with a piece of string.
    Make a pencil mark on the beam as if the tines were not there.  That is
    where the tines will be measured to.  (tip to the line.)
    1. inside spread
    2. beam length
    3. eye guards (browe tines)
    4. g1 tines
    5. g2 tines 
    6. etc (if you have that many)
    7. diameter of beams :
       at the base
       between the browe tines and g1
       between the g1 and g2
    note: on a typical 8pt, you do not measure the diameter between the g2
    and the tip of the main beam.
    add them all up and you have a green score.
    Good hunting.
1322.233972::RHARRISGun Control is a steady hand!Wed Nov 17 1993 18:3313
    I have the new B&C book, and will check for charts, and copy and fax
    if possible.
    I'll do this after the 29th, as I'm getting ready for a weekend in
    Vegas, and then the big South Georgia hunt.
    Earl has already committed to having the monster buck in the deer
    cooler when I get there Monday morning.  I sincerely hope so.  Because
    my head would explode if I shot the big one before Earl did.
1322.350%-ish8817::HELMREICHSteveThu Nov 18 1993 16:3413
>    1) How much meat should you get from a deer? I recall seeing a 
>       discussion on this someplace, but can't find it.

I had heard ~60+% of the downed weight (with entrails, I assume), but later
read 50%, which matches my experience more.   It depends a bit on the size
of the deer, as on some smaller deer, it may not be worth trying to cut out
neck meat, etc.  

What has anyone else experienced?

1322.4TAKE HOME PAY57298::LAFOSSETHE FRA, 226-5328Thu Nov 18 1993 18:008
I've been getting anywhere between 55-65% of the dressed weight, depending on 
amount of loss due to bullet damage, or blood soaked from an arrow hit.

As a rule I've had much more loss from blood soaking with arrow hit deer, even 
when the arrow entered and exited the chest, in other words a perfect broadside
lung shot than I have from bullet damage.

1322.5Technical process33803::NEWSHAMJames Newsham @ALFThu Nov 18 1993 18:4828

		White-Tailed Deer Weight Formula

	Take measurement of chest around heart, just below foreleg.

	Chest measurement x 5.6037 - 94.0982 = Live Weight

	Live Weight x .78 - Field Weight

	Field Weight divided by 2 = Edible Meat


		----	----------	------------	----
		48	175		136		68

		50	186		145		73

		52	197		154		77

	etc., etc., etc.

1322.6Speaking of weight40107::TOWLECorkyWed Nov 24 1993 11:3215
Not sure if this is the proper note so moderator move if necessary.

 I located a butcher that will come to your house to cut up a deer.

 He charges $25.00 and does the whole thing while you watch. In other words, 
you don't lose any meat. :-) He's not a venison eater.

 Took him less than 2 hours to cut up mine.

 For you Southern New Hampshire, Eastern Mass folks that would like to give 
this a try either this year or next, call;

 Peter Kapsimalis
 Home # 603-664-9230
 Work # 603-895-0010
1322.733972::SHADDIXTue Nov 30 1993 18:266
    Where did you get that formula from. I know you didnt pull that out of
    your head.
1322.8Keeps you thinking don't it.33803::NEWSHAMJames Newsham @ALFTue Nov 30 1993 20:5921
                      <<< Note 1322.7 by 33972::SHADDIX >>>

 >   Red,
 >   Where did you get that formula from. I know you didnt pull that out of
 >   your head.
 >   Earl


		I thought everyone carried a tape measure and calculator
	in their fanny/day pack :-) Hell, were high-tech people, I think
	I'll pack my LapTop for the next visit to camp..........

		Anyhow, it was a formula that is published in one of
	the books I have in my library.

1322.9which way is north?33972::RHARRISGun Control is a steady hand!Wed Dec 01 1993 11:454
1322.10minimum score?20024::HUSTONWed Dec 01 1993 13:0215
    re high tech stuff?
    I go hunting to get away from computers :-)
    Anyone know what the minimum scoring is to make B&C for whitetails?
    My 9-point won't make it, but my cousin just got an 11-point with 
    very large mass to the antlers (big circumference) that may squeak
    in. (My family is having a good year, for the last 8 years, we have
    been pretty much dry, 2 deer, lots seen though. This year, out of
    6 people, we have 3-- 11 point 199lb, 9 point 171 lb (my first) and
    4 point, 125 lb, guess what we are having for Christmas dinner?)
1322.11170 typical/195 non-typical33972::RHARRISGun Control is a steady hand!Wed Dec 01 1993 13:5839
    I just got off the phone with B&C (406-542-1888) and spoke with a nice
    lady that said, "170 points typical, and 195 non-typical".
    I have the 10th edition at home, and recall that those were the
    numbers, however I wanted to confirm valid points for you.
    If anyone needs any other B&C info, leave it here and I will check the
    book (which is on my nightstand.)  
    "Sorry honey, not tonight!  I am reading my B&C book!
1322.1233972::SHADDIXWed Dec 01 1993 14:008
    Minimum score.
    170 typical
    195 non-typical
1322.13What? What?27748::BUTCHNo Shortcut Too ShortWed Dec 01 1993 14:365
    170 typical,  195 non-typical.
    	Sorry, couldn't resist...
1322.14What about bow kills?35186::VANDENBARKMakes me happy!Wed Dec 01 1993 15:058
    Hey Harris,
    Don't forget to put the score in for Bow kills too.  I think it is
    around 125.  Of course I may be wrong.
    By the way Bob, congrats on the rifle kill.
1322.1533972::RHARRISGun Control is a steady hand!Wed Dec 01 1993 15:536
    Now those scores are to make the all time record book.  In order to 
    make the awards banquet, it has to be 160 typical, and 185 non-typical.
    The awards banquet will be held December 1994.
1322.1633972::RHARRISGun Control is a steady hand!Wed Dec 01 1993 15:567
    I just saw the bowkill score, Wess.  That would be under a different
    topic, Pope and Young.  Silly wascally wabbit!
    Thanks for the congrats.
1322.17EXITCSOA1::VANDENBARKMakes me happy!Thu Dec 02 1993 13:516
1322.18Not a trophy, but it is to me!CHRLIE::HUSTONFri Dec 03 1993 12:4657
    Well, I got the scoring sheet as well as basic instructions (thanks
    Jerry) and did a trial score on my 9 pointer, no place near a record, 
    but who cares, it is a nice rack. I have a question though:
    On the form, you measure certain things that are on both left and 
    right antlers, then you subtract to get a difference. What about
    an odd numbered point? For instance, my rack has 9 points, he is a 
    5x4. Do I basically ignore that 9th point? Or do I add it in fully?
    Just as an example for people (like me) to go by to see what a 
    record whitetail would look like (mine is no where close), here is
    what mine came out to:
    			  Data 	      Column 1   Column 2  Column 3 Column4
    A. Number of points  R-5 L-4      Spread cr  Right     Left     Diff
    B. Tip-tip spread      9
    C. Greatest spread    19
    D. Inside spread
       of main beam       17 Spread Cr  17
    E. Ttl len abnormal pts					      0
    F. Length of main beams                        20       20 6/8    6/8
    G1 Length of first point                       4 6/8     3 4/8    1 2/8
    G2 length of 2nd point  			   6 3/8     5 7/8    4/8
    G3 length of 3rd point			   4 6/8     5 6/8    1
    G4 length of 4th point                         1 2/8     0        1 2/8
    H1 Circum burr-1st point                       4 4/8     4 4/8    0
    H2 Circum 1st-2nd point                        3 6/8     3 6/8    0
    H3 Circum 2nd-3rd point 			   3 5/8     3 6/8    1/8
    H4 Circum 3rd-4th point 			   3 4/8     0        3 4/8
    Totals 			        17	   52 4/8    44 7/8   6 5/8
    Add Column 1, 2 and 3 == 114 3/8
    Subtract column 4  == 107 6/8
    Since it takes 170 to make B&C, he is no place close, but I still
    consider him big!
    Things that hurt his score, seemed to be the length of tines and mass
    of the beams. Also the odd numbered tine seems to be basically ignored
    in the scoring. If this is not so, then he comes out to 112 2/8.
    So I guess to make B&C, it pays to have LONG tines, lots of them, and
    massive beams in terms of circumference. My cousin got an 11-ptr that
    is bigger antlered than alot of people that saw it have seen. A B&C
    scorer who happened by said he should get it scored, my guess is that
    it will go around 140-150. The tines are long and the circum is big.
    The 11th point is an abnormal that is about 2 inches long, shooting off
    the brow tine (sort of, hard to describe), so it is really a symetrical
    10 ptr, with a blemish :-). They need to figure a way to put weight in
    here, that would equal us northerners out with the huge racks of the
    south :-)
1322.19don't count the non-matching tinesCSC32::G_ROBERTSwhen the bullet hits the boneFri Dec 03 1993 15:546
RE:                     <<< Note 1322.18 by CHRLIE::HUSTON >>>
>    an odd numbered point? For instance, my rack has 9 points, he is a 
>    5x4. Do I basically ignore that 9th point? Or do I add it in fully?
	Best to ignore it.  I don't seem to have my copy handy, but I think
	the form lets you add it and then has you subtract it back out.
1322.20over the 100 mark!CSOA1::VANDENBARKMakes me happy!Sun Dec 05 1993 13:477
    I know yours didn't make the book, but it sounds like a nice one none-
1322.21Unoffical ODIXIE::SHADDIXTue Dec 07 1993 13:246
    When scoring a rack add all measurements then deduct points that dont
    have a match on the other side.  Also deduct the difference between
    matching points: ex: 10 in tine on right, 9 1/2 in tine on left, deduct
    1/2 in.
1322.22ODIXIE::RHARRISProud to be in the NRATue Dec 07 1993 16:066
    Or you can deduct the 10", 9 1/2", and 1/2".  I am up to page 86 in the
    book, and it is just now getting to scores.  The history of B&C is very
    interesting.  If no one bought the book, I suggest getting it.