T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
1129.1 | | JUNCO::BING | Take a kid fishing | Mon Jan 20 1992 16:02 | 21 |
I saw on CNN the other day where a group of anti's were demonstrating
at Sea World. It seems they didn't like the idea of the killer whales
being trained to do tricks and they thought the tank was too small for
the whales. I thought geesh now these clowns are against this too, then
I thought that maybe this just might help us out a bit. MAybe with them
doing things like this the American public will realize that the anti's
are just plain nuts and are going way too far. Hopefully they will soon
hang themselves given enough rope.
As for getting involved, these jokers go out into the woods "Hoping"
that someone takes a poke at them or better yet shoot one of them. It
would give the the mayter (sp?) they want and more ammo to use on us.
My best advice is dont confront them in the woods, walk the other way,
if they want to follow you just call it a day and have some fun. Like
head for the nearest swamp andlet them follow you, stop for lunch eat
it in front of them, then don't tell them the way out of the woods.
Stay till dark, you can always lose them then and find your way out
with a flashlight later.
1129.2 | know the law, and load your gun! | ODIXIE::RHARRIS | Ultralight forever | Tue Jan 21 1992 11:35 | 21 |
| My response is as follows. I hunt private land. You can bet your
last dollar that if an anti hunter trespasses on our property, there
will be serious vandalism to there vehicle prior to me getting the
local sheriff to press full charges against them. I believe in freedom
of speech, as long as it does not interfere with the freedom of others.
Once you have violated my space, look out! If you thought Mt. St.
Helens was an explosion, that is nothing compared to the fury that
I possess. It goes beyond just anti hunters, it's anyone invading my
space. With all the kooks out there now a days, I cherish my rights,
freedoms, and privacy, and I WILL DEFEND THEM AGAINST ANYONE OR
ANYTHING! And by any means possible, first legal, and if need be,
illegal. I fight fire with fire.
I will first try being a gentleman and be legal about matters, and if
that doesn't work, the hell with them, you can't reason with them, so
do what need be.
off of my soapbox for now.
1129.3 | | LOOKUP::MARINO | | Tue Jan 21 1992 12:43 | 3 |
| RE:2
Coming from another hunter, the fury that you possess appears on the
extreme side to me.
1129.4 | | XCUSME::NEWSHAM | I'm the NRA | Tue Jan 21 1992 12:58 | 8 |
| Re: 2
Please do not resort to vandalism, it only lowers you to their
level. If they tresspass, use the law to the fullest extent. I know
anti's can be a royal pain in the butt, but try to use the legal
1129.5 | A More Pro-active Approach, Please | CSC32::P_HIROSS | | Tue Jan 21 1992 14:41 | 27 |
Not to get on anyone's case but the statement "I hunt on private land
thus If I have problems I'll get the law ect" is not pro-active. You
may find out that YOU can't hunt PERIOD (NOT on PUBLIC, NOT on PRIVATE
nor any other form of hunting). If we as hunter remain maintain this
mental attitude our rights or our children's rights (priviliges to hunt)
maybe one-day be denyed.
A more pro-active approach that might prove usefull is as follows:
-) Learn from your adversary! These groups have been very sucessful
in obtaining support from elected official simply by writting
letters (often and many). These groups have "Letter writting
seminars and often at animal rights conventions require people
who attend to write letters (on the spot).
I'm not advising that everytime you got to your gun shop that
you must write a letter to your state legistator, but what I
am suggesting is when hunters go to NRA hunting safety course that
we include (require) that the canidates to write two letters; One
supporting hunting, and the other supporting the right
to bear arms. The instructor can have sample forms letter and
can assign this as homework. If every NRA instructor did this
nation wide more elected officals should take notice.
1129.6 | PANDORA'S BOX IS NOW OPEN | ODIXIE::RHARRIS | Ultralight forever | Tue Jan 21 1992 15:34 | 34 |
1129.7 | | BTOVT::REMILLARD_K | | Tue Jan 21 1992 15:56 | 8 |
re .6
Who/What defines your "right" to hunt?
Just curious.
1129.8 | Forcing to write is wrong... | CHRLIE::HUSTON | | Tue Jan 21 1992 18:01 | 29 |
some points I would like to try and make about the last few:
1) No human has the right to hunt. It is a priviledge. You use to have
the right to hunt to survive, this is no longer a right (to hunt)
2) Even if it is just you and him, he wants the confrontation so he
can press charges against you and show the world that hunters are
hot heads
3) Mandatory letter writing is a bad idea. For better or worse there
are people who are not totally pro-gun and I believe it is wrong to
force someone to write a letter. They have every right to remain
silent. You also are assuming that every person in a hunter
safety class is a hunter and is pro-gun. This may not be true, they
may be in there to learn about hunting. I would suggest that part
of the class be dedicated to informing the people of the danger
the anti's posses and then informing them how to handle a
confrontaton and also options for stopping them, these options
definetly include writing letters, you can even give them
examples or fill in the blank type letters, but forcing them
to send in the letter is wrong.
It would be a better world if all hunters were in the pro-gun side.
Fact is many are against the dreaded "assault weapon", even if it
is a media myth.
1129.9 | | CARROL::LEFEBVRE | Watcher of the skies | Tue Jan 21 1992 18:12 | 5 |
| .2 and .6 is very scary stuff and would do more harm to hunters than
any anti could. You may want to reconsider the comment about "homos"
as well.
1129.10 | Politics is a four letter word | CSC32::P_HIROSS | | Tue Jan 21 1992 20:08 | 20 |
| Kevin (and Bob),
I hope I didn't sound like Chicken Little. I'm just attempting to get
people's awarness levels up and attempt to get more people involved.
Our rights to hunt is really defined by the general public (majority).
Not today, nor tomorrow but sometime down the road if enough people
cry out (unchecked) aganist hunting the laws could change to reflect
public opinion. I personnel don't see this happening but I believe as
time goes on we will see it harder to hunt on public/private lands for
one reason or another. Case in point, The stopping of an Arizona Elk
Hunt, Stopping of a Grizzly Bear hunt in Montana are two good examples
that something like this could happen.
Bob your point is well taken regarding that some hunters are not always
Pro-gun. As you suggested perhaps we could use letter writting as a tool
(we can give them the forms, names ect) but it would be up to the
1129.11 | hows this sound??? | KNGBUD::LAFOSSE | | Tue Jan 21 1992 20:19 | 22 |
| FWIW, I really like the idea of "forcing" (for lack of a better word)
all hunters to write a couple of letters during a hunter safety course.
This is the way I see it, Hunter safety should be mandatory to getting
a license, for a couple of reasons. First and foremost it would
educate the unknowing thereby making the woods a safer place, (at least
thats it's goal). The second reason is that it would force any Anti who
decides to buy a license for the sole purpose of harassing other
hunters, to take the course...
If while they take the course it becomes necessary to write a couple of
letters to congress critters to pass the course, the Anti's would be
biting the hand that feeds them. If they refuse to write the
letter they don't pass the course and would be unable to buy a license!
Thats how you fight fire with fire... Sounds kinda far-fetched, but it
may be a way to put a stop to some of the BS...
ditto what a few others said... Bob, tone it down several decibels,
gotta maintain a calm rational when you deal with these people.
1129.12 | addendum to .11 | KNGBUD::LAFOSSE | | Tue Jan 21 1992 20:28 | 14 |
| Excuse my ignorance, but why would a person want to take a mandatory
"hunter" (implies that a firearm will be used) safety course if they were
not pro-gun???
To get a bow license you need to take a Bowhunter safety course in some
states... i can see where being pro-gun might make a difference here.
am i missing the bus here???
Hey I don't like to write term papers, but if I want the college
credits for the course, I do em... why is it any different for hunter
1129.13 | some other views. | USRCV2::GEIBELL | KING FISHING ON LAKE ONTARIO | Wed Jan 22 1992 10:43 | 36 |
during my years of hunter ed instructor class's, I cant tell you the
number of PEOPLE (not only women) that took the class just to learn how
to safely handle a Firearm. so not all people in a hunter ed class are
there to get a hunting license. some will never hunt or shoot a gun.
We did discuss the issues around being harrassed in the woods by
anti hunters. this comes to be a very touchy subject, each situation
will be diferent so there is really no blanket way to handle each
situation, although just ignoreing the person and walking away is
probably the best thing to do., after all they try to get a person so
mad that they get punched then the anti will run to the police and cry
assault, and guess who gets arrested? the hunter! dont give them what
they want, you can always hunt someplace else or there another day.
I know the last paragraph sounds chicken sh@t, but you have to
remember these people can really get to you and you are carrying a
weapon, and all they want to do is have you point the gun at them then
it become agravated assault with a weapon, and none of us wants that to
As far as makeing it manditory to write a letter, I dont think you
would ever see it, but that would have its benifits I guess. The people
in this country have it easy to get a hunting license, there is a
country over seas that the hunter ed class involves writing a lengthy
term paper as to what the impact of their hunting will serve to the
environment. it kinda makes the person realize whether or not they want
to hunt.
I dont mean to flame ya fra, we all need to stick together.
1129.14 | and yet another viewpoint... | SKIVT::WENER | | Wed Jan 22 1992 11:25 | 26 |
I'd bet everyone in here would be surprised to find out how many
hunters really "feel" the way Bob does. I'm not sure if someone has
already suggested this, but there are ways to make yourself heard
without writing a bunch of letters etc... (not that writing won't help
- It's probably the best way) Just join pro-hunter groups such as
the NRA, Vermont's SAVE, etc... Part of the reason the NRA is
effective is because there are so many people involved (numbers count).
As per the "Right" to hunt argument. My brain tells me I have a
"right" to hunt. I have a "right" to go buy a license (having been
through the safety courses) and not being a convicted felon can own
a firearm. I can drive down the road and hunt state or federal land
without permission or ask some landowner if I can hunt his/her
property, Walk through the woods during x season and attempt to bag x.
I got this thing about "privilege" that tells me I'm a little kid
and if I beg long enough I'll get a piece of candy. If the anti's
can prove their case over time (which I seriously doubt with the type
of tactics they use), and they outlaw hunting.... I'll probably still
go out every October and try to find a deer with my bow. A bow shoots
quietly, you're camouflaged, and nobody will probably ever find you in
the woods. Unless of course common sense tells me the reason hunting
was stopped was because the species was endangered.
Ok, I've got my armour on, let em fly..... Rob
1129.16 | anti fishing !! | FSTVAX::OTOOLE | soprano's do it HIGHER | Wed Jan 22 1992 13:16 | 16 |
whats the difference between hunting and fishing?
most of us hunters equally enjoy fishing,
so it must be time for the anti's to start an anti fishing
maybe there is such an organization, i never heard of one.
it would'nt suprize me with that up tight busy body mentality..
the anti hunter/anti gun posess.....
1129.17 | | LUDWIG::BING | Take a kid fishing | Wed Jan 22 1992 13:24 | 11 |
Unless the ole brain is going, I seem to remember a time when some
nice anti types here in MA tried to make it illegal to use live bait
to catch fish. Also all the talk about not putting lead in the
enviornment could have some impact on fishing. There was also a judge
in Italy(?) who ruled on fishing and it was unfavorable. Anyone else
remember what he said? They are out there.
1129.18 | Deer explosion - details at 11 | CSC32::J_HENSON | TP, or not TP? | Wed Jan 22 1992 13:47 | 24 |
| I hope no one minds if I make a slight detour here, but there was a
news story yesterday (Dan Blather, non the less) that is sort of
relevant to this topic.
In New Jersey, Trenton, I believe, the town has outlawed hunting.
Apparently, they did this some time ago. Now, they are up to their
you_know_what in deer. There are about 3 deer/car collisions per
week, and some of the residents have come to think of them as nothing
more that "big rats" (this was a quote). The population has grown
so much there is a real problem.
There has been some hunting re-introduced into the area, but there
are still areas where hunting is not allowed. There are also people
who oppose hunting and consider it an issue of convenience more than
anything else. Also (my opinion), it seems that some of the deer
live in such highly populated areas that it just wouldn't be safe
to use firearms. Perhaps archery hunts would make sense.
Anyway, the story seemed relatively sane. It actually came
across as an objective, well balanced report. It also provides a
pretty good example of what happens when you quit managing an urban
game population. I wonder if the antis consider this a victory?
1129.19 | hunting is a right! | ODIXIE::RHARRIS | Ultralight forever | Wed Jan 22 1992 14:06 | 15 |
| how about starting A.A. (anti anti)? Mr. moderator had to hide my note
.15 due to its explicit remarks, sorry mr moderator. I will be calm
and rational now. Reference .14 THANKS! I disagree with some notes
saying hunting is a privilage. I believe it is a right. I pay my
license fees, I pay my taxes, I pay my way, that is a right. A
privilage is if I am a good boy, maybe i will have the privilage to
hunt. As far as anti's go, they are not really a problem down here in
the south, yet. I have had no confrontations with them. To many
people down here hunt. I am a member of national organizations, where
my annual dues HOPEFULLY take care of the polticians in d.c. You know,
money under the table. Who knows how one will handle a confrontation
with an anti, hopefully it will be short and sweet.
1129.20 | NRA Wallet cards for Hunters | CSC32::P_HIROSS | | Wed Jan 22 1992 14:53 | 24 |
| A friend of mine (non DEC) offered the following suggestion:
o The NRA has a wallet size fact card that from time to time
he has pulled out in-order to set some people straight with regard
to some crime statistics (Pro-gun) choice.
He is suggesting that as hunters we should put one together. The
wallet card could contain a number of fact regarding what hunters
do, ie licences, tax on ammo buys wetlands. Hunting regulates game
populations, ect.
Many hunter may know this already. However the people you are
addressing may not. Give them the card. The more educated a person
is the better they will be at making decisions.
o As for Anit/hunter confrontaions (this one is for Bob) my friend
has indicated that he plans on taking his kid's squirt gun. You
know the kind that shoot 50' and hold about a gallon and a half. It
would be hard for someone to remain in the Late Oct. Mountains
soaking wet. Besides can you image an Anti going to the authorities
and attempting to press charges.
1129.21 | | SA1794::CHARBONND | got friends in low places | Wed Jan 22 1992 14:55 | 10 |
| re. fishing - the antis are against it, but it's pretty hard to
get a lot of people emotional about a worm or a fish. By concentrating
on cute little bunnies and bambis, they get maximum emotional
effectiveness from their campaigns.
re. the New Jersey item on TV, remember that the antis are
fundamentally *anti-human* and feel that people have no right
to take land from the poor bambis, so, if bambi eats their
shrubs, tough. Believe me, they will oppose hunting even when
the deer are horribly overcrowded. (Witness the Quabbin hunt.)
1129.22 | right = fact | BTOVT::REMILLARD_K | | Wed Jan 22 1992 16:19 | 21 |
Your opinion is fine. But that's all it is. Show me where, in
writing, this right is? I don't care what you call it, priveledge,
etc., but it certainly isn't any right guaranteed by the Constitution
of this country. From a pure legal standpoint its just us against
them, there isn't any higher order guranteeing us a 'right' to hunt.
Execpet in VT, where our state constitution does gurantee the right to
"hunt, fish, and fowl." But I don't see that protecting us either,
(US Constitution probably takes precedence) there are towns in VT that are
anti-hunting, and have banned the practice altogether. Can you see the
ACLU backing us up in a fight? They won't do it with 2nd ammendment
rights...we're on our own.
Hey I'm on your side, just playing the devil's advocate to your
1129.23 | More food for thought concerning "Your Rights" | CSC32::P_HIROSS | | Wed Jan 22 1992 17:57 | 15 |
We don't even have to take away your "rights" in-order to stop you
from hunting. Out West hunting mainly takes place on public lands,
ie National Forest, BLM lands, ect. Where would you hunt if these
public lands were closed for hunting? The State may have some area
but we would be left to hunt on private lands. The quality of hunting
would go down (Too many hunters/area).
Notice here that I didn't touch your rights. I just said that hunting
in the National Forest/Park has been temp. closed.
1129.24 | trying to make it hard to hunt | CHRLIE::HUSTON | | Wed Jan 22 1992 18:34 | 46 |
re .12
Fra, when I say some hunters are not pro-gun I mean that they are not
pro-"all guns". I know of several hunters who use either bolts or
standard semi's (like Remington 7400 class) and feel that the dreaded
assault weapons should be banned for all the reasons HCI et al
stress. In fact I have an uncle who was violently against the NRA,
told me I should take the NRA sticker off my truck. Seems all he
knew was what the media told him. After explaining the truth, with
some backup from his brother (another of my uncles) he changed his
mind on the NRA but still wanted assault weapons banned. I showed him
the stats from the FBI about very few being confiscated. THis coupled
with the wording in the law about "similar functioning" convinced him
that my gun, as well as his sons could easily be banned under the law.
I then tried to get him to extrapolate out to bolt actions being next
since they are the deadly sniper rifles, he didn't go for it, but I
guess 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
it is the old divide and conquer method.
re .whatever about squirt gun.
I seem to recall this being suggested before in either here or the
firearms conference. If I remember right it was decided this is a
bad idea since the anti may think its a gun and can still press
gun charges (is this true??)
re .23
Another way they can stop hunting is to change rules, one of which
is as you say, close national forest land etc.
In NH some rep wants to raise the minimum distance from an occupied
dwelling to 1000 feet. This mean something like 6 houses permile makes
it to crowded to hunt.
They don't have to stop hunting, just make it very hard to find a
place. Soon over crowding starts and then people will stop hunting
(I probably would).
PS Just for the record, I am in no way anti-gun, you want to own it,
go for it.
1129.25 | My preaching for the year | EMDS::PETERSON | | Wed Jan 22 1992 18:56 | 18 |
I am not one to preach, but you might paraphrase for your
When they came for the pistols I said nothing, because I didn't own
a pistol.
When they came for the semi-autos, I said nothing, because I didn't
own a semi auto.
When they came for the Shotguns, I said nothing because I didn't
own a shotgun.
And when they came for my hunting rifle, I looked around, and there
was no one to help me.
1129.26 | | ZEKE::HOLLEN | | Wed Jan 22 1992 19:38 | 15 |
| Just a note...
Rights are "not granted" by the Constitution. The "Bill of Rights" is
the government "recognizing" those rights in writing...
This is something that is confused very often...
I too feel that I have a "right" to hunt, but, as with everything if
the right is abused, or considered to NOT be a right, then the "recog-
nition" of that right by those in charge will cease to exist. That is
the problem....
1129.27 | Hunting, like driving, is a *privilege* | CARROL::LEFEBVRE | Watcher of the skies | Thu Jan 23 1992 15:49 | 16 |
| Regarding the squirt gun ambush....not a smart idea. This past year a
youth was shot and killed by the proprietor of the store in Concord NH
during a holdup. He was pointing a squirt gun at the owner.
The owner was exonerated from all charges and if memory serves, he was
justifed in attempting to defend himself.
I believe you can be legally charged with assault whether or not the gun
is real.
Besides, if the anti was packing a weapon legally, who knows how he'd
react if you pointed a squirt gun at him.
Very stupid idea.
1129.28 | anti's = emotional = DUMB | SFC01::HAYTER | | Thu Jan 23 1992 17:19 | 38 |
>>> What do you think? What are your idea's to get involved?
After reading this note and similiar ones, the various magazine and news
articles of late I know what I can do... get off my duff and wallet and
contribute to some of the various organizations that are working for
hunters (and/or wildlife in general). Can't say I've been very good
about it in the past. Tonight I write out a couple of checks. I haven't
been very good about writing either. I hate to write, but I enjoy hunting
so I'd better learn to write.
-.20 mentioned a facts card. Thats a good idea if an anti or the other
person is willing to think. Problem I've found with most anti-anything
types is they are 99% emotional. I have never been able to have any kind
of rational discussion with an emotional person. On top of that, their
emotional state makes them down right stupid.
One recent example of the stupidity I find slightly humorous. Was
reading the "letters from our readers" section of the latest Colorado
Outdoors magazine (put out by Colo. Div. of Wildlife). Some old bitty
wrote saying to cancel her subscription because of the "support" the mag
was putting out for hunting. Guess the title of the mag was misleading to
the poor thing. Otherwise, why would anyone who doesn't like hunting
subscribe to a magazine put out by the DOW? BTW - something similiar
occurs at least in every other issue and I see it all the time in other
similiar magazines.
Another sad fact about the anti's stupidity is this magazine is full of
the stuff that should make a reasonable person understand hunting and
wildlife management go hand in hand. And, that hunters are the primary
reason there is wildlife to be seen today. Guess the old gal didn't read
enough issues or
Emotional people just can't read, see, hear, think......
1129.29 | Antis not necessarily "stupid" | CSCOA1::HUFFSTETLER | | Thu Jan 23 1992 21:27 | 24 |
| > <<< Note 1129.28 by SFC01::HAYTER >>>
> -< anti's = emotional = DUMB >-
> On top of that, their emotional state makes them down right stupid.
While I certainly agree that their emotional state doesn't exactly
allow them to logically examine all the benefits of hunting, I
hesitate to categorize anti's as stupid. It's the old "never
underestimate your enemy" maxim that I'm thinking of here. I hope
you weren't trying to say that they are stupid in the purely
intellectual sense because that could be dangerous.
RE: 22
State constitutions can grant/create rights in addition to those
granted or recognized by the US Constitution. They just can't take
any away. That's a shame - I'd love to suspend the one about cruel
and unusual punishment for a while. We could solve the drug problem,
child molesters and sex offenders, murderers... Unfortunately there
are others who'd like to abolish #2, so I guess I have to take the
whole package.
1129.30 | i think stupid is a good word | ODIXIE::RHARRIS | Ultralight forever | Fri Jan 24 1992 12:23 | 16 |
| Webster's definition of stupid: slow to apprehend; showing a lack of
intelligence; uninteresting; dull;
sounds like a anti to me! only because of the lack of intelligence.
The reason i say that is because they are closed minded in the point
of view of wildlife management as it pertains to hunting.
narrowminded; lacking breadth of view or tolerance; bigoted.
Anti, if you ask me.
P.S. i was a doe on the way to work this morning. she was beautiful,
yet she was scared, almost got hit by a truck. 246 days until bow
season. hah!
1129.31 | | ODIXIE::RHARRIS | Ultralight forever | Fri Jan 24 1992 12:25 | 3 |
| the last one should have read, "I saw a doe", not i was a doe.
1129.32 | granted, anti's are not dirt dumb | SFC01::HAYTER | | Fri Jan 24 1992 21:56 | 17 |
re: .29
I definitely do not regard anti's as intellectually stupid. Unfortunately,
in this case, many of the people(?) carrying the anti-hunting banner are
educated. Too well educated at times.
I once knew a girl who was pretty bright but emotionally had no sense. Told
her about all the deer starving in the Kaibab forest, asked who was going to
finance the birth control pills when there were no more hunters supporting the
G&F depts., and a few other pointed facts. Her response (if you can't guess)
was "well I don't care, I just don't like the thought of those deer being
shot". I view people like that as a waste of good oxygen.
Anyway, glad you pointed out the potentially dangerous opinion I was
expressing. As you point out, we can't afford to underestimate these people.
1129.33 | antis-more than anti hunting | ICS::GOODWIN_C | | Fri Jan 31 1992 22:27 | 40 |
| This is a very interesting topic. For the record, the antis are not
just anti hunting, they are anti animal use. This means hunting, food,
medical testing, pets, clothing, etc. They are concentrating on
hunters because they are a minority of the total population (trappers
and medical research places are also getting hit heavily!). The fellow
from down south that has not yet felt their wrath should still be
concerned, every time they win any sort of a battle it gives them
renewed enthusiasm.
I really liked the squirt gun idea but understand the implications of
using a gun shaped object. A small squirt bottle would not be confused
with a weapon, and if loaded with the right "ammo" could be effective
and lighter to carry. Say skunk scent or buck lure for instance.
A real good organization to support in the battle against the antis
(other wise known as the lunatic fringe) is Putting People First,4401
Connecticut Ave.NW, Suite 310-A, Washington, DC 20008. This is a
non-profit organization organized to fight the animal rights extremists
at all fronts. By not being specifically "hunting" oriented they have
a much broader support base. All outdoorsmen/outdoorsladies are
represented in their interests, however they also are supported by
industries (and interest groups) dealing with medical research,
farming, ranching, fur trade, cosmetics, animal training, and the food
industry. That covers a lot of ground. Membership is only $15.00 per
year (including monthly newsletters, action reports, and special
notices. They have done some great things for all animal use groups
already and have begun to generate some real respect with the antis
(not fondness mind you- just respect!). With more support they will do
even more. Anyone out there who has any interest in this topic will
thoroughly enjoy the PPF newsletters. If you hunt (or just like to eat
meat!) you should join the battle. These fanatics want to make us all
vegetarians and force us to wear plastic clothing. They believe we
shouldn't have pets and have no concern about the adverse effects to
the environment from the petro-chemical industry that creates the
plastic clothing. They just believe that animals have equal rights with
humans and want everything re-evaluated based on that belief.
Thanks for listening.
1129.34 | do you have any "animal companions"? | CSC32::J_HENSON | Blessed are the cheese makers | Mon Feb 03 1992 13:57 | 32 |
| >> <<< Note 1129.33 by ICS::GOODWIN_C >>>
>> -< antis-more than anti hunting >-
>> vegetarians and force us to wear plastic clothing. They believe we
>> shouldn't have pets and have no concern about the adverse effects to
It's worse than that. They don't even want us to call them "pets".
There was an article in the paper this weekend about some of the
animal rights groups (PETA, American Humane Society, and some others)
in which they are now advocating that we don't call our pets "pets".
Instead, we should call them "animal companions". Not only that,
but we should no longer refer to ourselves as our "animal companion's"
owner or master, but rather as their "caretaker" or some equally
non-offensive word. One guy even suggested that we think of ourselves
as "human companion to a non-human companion".
When I read the article, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. On
first blush, it seems awfully silly. And, with them going to this
sort of extreme, it may make it harder for them to be taken seriously.
On the other hand, they take themselves extremely seriously, and this
is a crusade for them. One of my hopes is that they will go overboard
to such an extreme that they completely and irreversibly discredit
P.S. I also read that the Japanese are very interested in importing
prairie dogs. Can you just imagine what will happen if some of them
get loose over there and are successful. They may sink the whole,
danged country! All kidding aside, there are some important enviromental
issues that the Japanese will have to consider.
1129.35 | | CARROL::LEFEBVRE | Watcher of the skies | Mon Feb 03 1992 15:18 | 11 |
| <<< Note 1129.33 by ICS::GOODWIN_C >>>
> I really liked the squirt gun idea but understand the implications of
> using a gun shaped object. A small squirt bottle would not be confused
> with a weapon, and if loaded with the right "ammo" could be effective
> and lighter to carry. Say skunk scent or buck lure for instance.
This is no different than PETA throwing paint on people wearing fur
1129.36 | | LUDWIG::BING | Working like a dog for the Boss Man | Mon Feb 03 1992 16:56 | 10 |
Mark that reminds of the time one of the Anti groups said that
with fake fur available people should wear that. I often wondered
how they (the anti's) could tell the difference right before the paint
was thrown or they spit on someone.
Also saw Bob Barker on Sally J Rapheal, said he wouldn't spit on anyone
but if someone else wanted to it was o.k. with him...GGRrrrrr....
1129.37 | | WAHOO::LEVESQUE | Ride the Tiger | Mon Feb 03 1992 19:14 | 12 |
| > This is no different than PETA throwing paint on people wearing fur
> coats.
It is different. A person wearing a fur coat is doing nothing to someone who
hates fur except existing. A person interfering with a hunt is doing something
active against someone who is engaged in a lawful activity. That's one
difference. Another difference is that they may be breaking the law (depending
on whether the action is occurring in a real state or not.)
I don't support the action in either case, but there is definitely a
difference. One can be construed as a defensive action, at least. The other
is uncompromisingly offensive.
1129.38 | | ICS::GOODWIN_C | | Sat Feb 15 1992 12:02 | 7 |
| Another difference is that the fur coat (potentially expensive)
would most likely be ruined, the skunk scent would create an annoyance
to the recipient but no damage. It really shouldn't be done in any
case, we should remain totally passive in these situations, however it
is only normal to have temptations. I was just acknowledging one of mine.
1129.39 | NRA Hunter Fact Card | CSC32::P_HIROSS | | Wed Feb 19 1992 20:03 | 22 |
| In one of my replies I suggested the use of a Hunter's Fact Card
as one possible way to combat Anti. Looks like the NRA has one.
It can be ordered as follows:
800-535-9982 (NRA sales dept)
NRA Hunter's Fact Card order # H13N0151
Other relavant info
Animal Rights Terrorists and Their # NI3N0160
War against Mainstream America
Hunting's Furture? ...Its up to you # HE3N0104
Put a hunter's fact card in your wallet. The next time you find
yourself in a conversation with an Anti, remove the card and
enlighten them, afterwards ask them what their solution is (and
ask for a real anwser).
Happy Hunting,
1129.40 | hunting in the local news | 19715::STORM | | Fri Oct 21 1994 16:50 | 21 |
| This is a little old, but I haven't had time to get in here all week.
Last Friday (the day before the Mass Pheasant season opened) the 11:00
channel 7 news had a brief story about the humane society objecting
to stocking pheasants on the Cape Cod seashore (I think that was the
location). I gritted my teeth, but I thought the coverage was pretty
They had an interview with the Humane Society guy, he said it was time
for society to stop enjoying blood sports, etc; that the introduction
of an exotic species was going to destory the environment there, and
they they were stocking tame birds.
They then had a brief interview with someone from the Fish & Game, who
casually stated that they had been stocking pheasants there for 30
years and would probably have noticed any damage to the environment
by now. They then ended by walking through the cover with the cameras
and admiting that they couldn't find any of the pheasants.