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Conference vmsnet::hunting$note:hunting

Title:The Hunting Notesfile
Notice:Registry #7, For Sale #15, Success #270
Created:Wed Sep 02 1987
Last Modified:Tue Jun 03 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1561
Total number of notes:17784

844.0. "Sighting in a 30-06" by CSMET2::WOOD () Tue Nov 06 1990 14:50

    I have a remington model 742 30-06 semi auto carbine. I'm
    going to put a scope on it and was hopeing someone could give
    me some trajectory info for it. This gun will be used mainly
    for hunting deer when being on the shooting end of a drive
    that pushes out to a powerline. You can see many hundreds of
    yards, but as I'm sure your all aware you can never tell how
    close they'll come out to where your sitting. What would be
    the longest distance you'd expect to sight this gun in for
    and still expect the average marksman to make a clean kill ?
    At that distance how high would the bullet be at various distances
    in between ? Thanks for any info,
844.1wee bit of helpOASS::SOBCZYNSKI_LTue Nov 06 1990 15:5310
    to sight in a 30-06 using 180 grain boat tail, winchester cxp3, for 
    zero at 200 yards it should be set -2/10 tenths at 25 yards. this is 
    for the 7400 remington 30-06.  
    Hope this helps
844.2try thisKNGBUD::LAFOSSETue Nov 06 1990 16:0315
    I would suggest somewhere in the lines of 3+ at 100 yds, this would
    put it at +4" at 200 yds, back to 0 at 275, -4 at 325 yds.
    Nice thing about this is your never above or below the line of sigt by
    more than 4" all the way out to 325 yds... at 400 your somewhere like
    14" low.  This really wrings out the best trajectory for this caliber.
    These figures are all approximations based on a 165 gr spbt. 
    Velocities will obviously affect this.  You would do well to try it out
    Good luck,  Fra
844.3carbine velocity ?STAFF::WOODTue Nov 06 1990 16:3512
    re .2
    That sounds ideal. To get in the ball park for 0 at 275 would you
    go for about dead on at 25yds ? It's nice to get it close
    without walking 275 yds. every couple of shots ! When shooting
    250+ yd. shots, what's a reasonable group look like ? 3 or
    4 inches ??? 
    I was also wondering if the carbine (short barrel) will substantially
    affect the muzzle velocity. Is accuracy more a function of barrel
    length and velcoity a function of the round ?
844.4KNGBUD::LAFOSSETue Nov 06 1990 17:3310
    i'll check my figures tonight... I just finished reading an article by
    Craig Boddington, where he say something to the effect that the
    .270/.280/.308/.30-06 are all within inches of each other when sighting
    in using this method..i'll dig that out also.
    I sight my .270 in using the +3" at 100 method and i've had terrific
    results all the way out to 350 yds on chucks... the gun is more
    accurate than i'm capable.
    later... Fra
844.5STAFF::WOODTue Nov 06 1990 17:444
    Thanks Fra, It would be interesting to see what the velocity is
    out at 350 yds. too...