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Conference vmsnet::hunting$note:hunting

Title:The Hunting Notesfile
Notice:Registry #7, For Sale #15, Success #270
Created:Wed Sep 02 1987
Last Modified:Tue Jun 03 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1561
Total number of notes:17784

716.0. "Hunting with a camera" by CSC32::J_HENSON () Fri Aug 03 1990 16:59

Yesterday afternoon my wife and I drove out to the Air Force Academy.
It's one of our favorite things to do.  Yesterday was a little different,
though.  Before, I have always admired the deer that are out there.
Yesterday, I shot several of them.

My "weapon" was a Pentax 35 mm. with a 80-205 mm. zoom lens.  My harvest
is in the form of some pictures which I hope to enjoy many times over
the years.  I got one huge buck and several smaller ones, and my wife
shot a couple of does.  It was great.

Anyone else hunt with a camera?  If you do, how about sharing it with
the rest of us.  I can personally attest that the above mentioned Air Force
Academy (you know, the one right outside of Colorado Springs) is a
great place to hunt.  There are some truly huge bucks out there and
they are very accomodating to the photographer.  And not even Robin
Druxbury cares.

So, how about a note on hunting with a camera.  I've read at least
one other mention of photography in this conference, and it's a
nice way to wile away the off season.

716.1in northern VT...clickBTOVT::REMILLARD_KFri Aug 03 1990 17:3310
    I'm going out early tomorrow a.m. in my hometown in Vermont.  I've
    been seeing several deer each morning and evening.  This will be the
    first time I've actually gotten out to specifically photograph
    wildlife.  I hope I'm successful.
    My weapon is a Canon T70 with 70-210 mm lens, I'll be trying a new
    film for me, 1600 ASA...anyone ever use this stuff?
716.2Faster than a speeding bulletBTOVT::WENER_RFri Aug 03 1990 17:4112
    	WOW!!!!!!!!!!!  1600, THAT'S some fast Sh*%, I'll bet you paid big
    bucks for that.  400 or 1000 would work all right wouldn't it??  Also,
    the pictures tend to get grainy over 400.  You might want to try 
    experimenting with the manual on it Kevin.  I'm not any expert on
    cameras, but I understand that it's better than auto for pictures of
    this sort (can tweek things around to allow for lower-speed film, read
    better quality pictures).  The proof is in the pudding though, good
    luck!  I want to see them when you get them in!!
    see ya around, Rob
716.3Who.NRADM::GERMANOFri Aug 03 1990 17:433
    Who is Robin Druxbury?
716.4HEFTY::CHARBONNDin the dark the innocent can't seeFri Aug 03 1990 18:013
    The 1600 ought to be excellent for low-light pictures. Can
    you override the flash and use natural light only ?
716.5Duxbury who ?CSC32::WATERSThe Agony of DeleteFri Aug 03 1990 18:0114
    Robin Duxbury is with the Rocky Mountain Humane Socitey. She wants to ban
    hunting in the world if she can. She has stated that she wants everyone
    to be a vegetarian.  I think of her as the city slicker from hell,
    he is even against Beef.
    She also lead a group of protesters when the AFA opened up to hunting
    to thin out the deer population. There are between 100 to 150 accidents
    near the AFA every year, due to people hitting deer in cars.
    If you want more information on what she is up to, read the Colorado
    notes file and the Wildlife commision. 
    She's one to watch.
716.6HEFTY::CHARBONNDin the dark the innocent can't seeFri Aug 03 1990 18:043
    The August '90 issue of Backpacker magazine has a couple good
    articles on outdoor photography, one on professional Art Wolfe
    and one review of several compact cameras.
716.7Robin DuxburyCSC32::J_HENSONFri Aug 03 1990 18:0516
>                      <<< Note 716.3 by NRADM::GERMANO >>>
>                                  -< Who. >-
>    Who is Robin Druxbury?
>    Pg

Sorry about that.  Guess that I should have left local stuff out.  But
to answer your question, Robin Duxbury is the president (or something
similar) of the Rocky Mountain Humane Society.  It is her group that
has protested the control deer hunt which the Air Force Academy has
held the last several years.  Suffice it to say that she is not well
thought of among Colorado hunters.


716.8PraiseXCUSME::NEWSHAMI'm the NRAFri Aug 03 1990 18:3411
    Re. Last few replies
    	It's a real good feeling to know that even though we hunt with
    Bows, Rifles and Handguns, that we also take the time to hunt with
    the ultimate memory...Camera's
    	Too bad the anti's don't get to see this side or truely understand
    our appreciation for the animals of the wild.
716.9watch for them as you drive into the parking lotCSC32::G_ROBERTSSun Aug 05 1990 15:2712

	Another good spot to camera hunt is the valley just south of
	of the CSC parking lot.  Last couple of years theres been 5
	nice bucks hanging out in there.  Early morning and late evening
	are a good time to spot them.  I've only seen one this year so
	far, a big 4x4.  A friend that works on the other side of the
	valley has seen 4 bucks together, one a 6x6.  I too have lots of
	pictures of live wildlife, just wish I had better gear to "hunt"

716.1030-OM1COMET::HODGESMon Aug 06 1990 16:4118
    I've camera hunted for several years with an Olympus OM-1 with a
    100-300 Rokinon zoom.
    The dim light in the mornings and evenings is always a challenge.
    Hope that 1600 film works out. I tried the 400 when it was pretty
    new, but for those trophy enlargements, it was much to grainy. I
    heard recently that Fuji has some new 400 film that looks like 
    100 after developing...
    I have a little shoulder stock gizmo that looks impressive and feels
    somewhat like a rifle but prefer a tripod when possible.
    The very best wildlife pictures I have are of Canadian Geese. A 
    taxidermist friend wanted pictures before he shipped them to his
    customer, we suspended one (in landing flare) with fishing line,
    these pics fool everyone!
716.11CSC32::G_ROBERTSWed Aug 29 1990 13:214
There could have been some good photo shots this morning at the entrance
to CXO.  There were 8 bucks, some very nice 4x4's, and two does.  They
were in that same spot a few days ago and have been hanging out by the 
CSC parking lot too.
716.12BTOVT::RIVERS_DWed Aug 29 1990 15:023
    Is there any place to set up a tree stand?
716.13missed some great shotsCSC32::G_ROBERTSTue Sep 04 1990 16:0221
	Never fails, the times I get closest to game I don't have my
	camera with me.  This last weekend, my hunting partners and I
	were scouting a new elk area.  I was walking along a game trail
	above some blowdowns and heard an elk whistle below me.  I stopped,
	whistled back, and dropped to one knee.  I was in a wide open spot
	without any cover.  About 30 seconds later a two point bull walks
	out of the timber about 20 yards below.  He walked up to about 10
	yards of me before he saw me.  I had pink neon shirt, blaze orange
	backpack, and flowered cap on.  Anyway he stops, and looks at me,
	turns to his right broadside to me.  Stood there for about 30 seconds
	staring at me, then turned broadside the other way for about the
	time.  Next he circled off to my right and stepped behind a large pine.
	I whistled again, and he stepped out clear of the tree broadside and
	stared at me again for awhile.  He then went up a bit futher behind
	a tree and we repeated the last steps, still within 10 yards.  He then
	stepped up behind another tree and stayed there until I got tired of
	playing with him.  I stood and waved my cap at him and he slowly troted
	off.  Next day coming down an old logging road my friends and I got
	up to about 30 yards of a couple of elk calfs playing.  Got to watch
	them for about 10 minutes before the old cow whistled them off.  Got
	to remember to carry that camera all the time.
716.14CSC32::WATERSThe Agony of DeleteTue Sep 04 1990 16:518
      Glad to hear the scouting trip paid off. You can't help but see
    ELK up there. --- 10 more days ---.
    PS. Neon shirt, flowered hat ... New fad ?
716.15no Minnie Pearl hats hereCSC32::G_ROBERTSTue Sep 04 1990 17:177
	>PS.  Neon shirt, flowered hat ... New fad ?

	I have to clearify that, after re-reading sounds queer.  My 
	ball cap is one of those bright multi-colored flower pattern
	caps from Bass Pro.  The point was, I was a bright as a glow
	plug.  Yea, thats the ticket, new camo fad blinds 'em.