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Conference vmsnet::hunting$note:hunting

Title:The Hunting Notesfile
Notice:Registry #7, For Sale #15, Success #270
Created:Wed Sep 02 1987
Last Modified:Tue Jun 03 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1561
Total number of notes:17784

487.0. "It's Swelling!!!!" by LUDWIG::STEVENS (Designated Drinker) Wed Sep 27 1989 01:35

       Do any of you hunter feel the Rut coming on??  I think my
    neck is swelling... I been getting this urge to go out and
    check out the scenary...  What do all of your wifes and
    girlfriends, Or both think of this time of year???
487.1see ya next yearROULET::BINGGray ghosts of November...Wed Sep 27 1989 02:516
    Jeff, this is the time of year that instead of saying "good night",
    my girlfriend says, "see you in December". (of course she does'nt
    know I'll be hunting coyote until Feb.)..............
487.2tree scrapesSALEM::MACGREGORI'm the NRA/GONH/NAHCWed Sep 27 1989 11:355
    Some friends and I have noticed some of the pre-rut scrapes going
    on. Such as rubs on trees, probably from scraping the velvet from
    their antlers. I have seen one scrape on the ground. Could have
    been for some other reason.
487.3MANIC::THIBAULTWhile I breathe, I hopeWed Sep 27 1989 16:137
Speaking as a wife, I find the whole thing rather amusing. Especially when
my husband starts yelling things in his sleep like "There he is, shoot him
shoot him!!"  

Men are very bizzare :-).

487.4cost too much!YUCATN::BILLINGSLEALove Crucified AroseWed Sep 27 1989 16:2410
    re:  <<< Note 487.0 by LUDWIG::STEVENS "Designated Drinker" >>>
    What does my wife think of *this* time of year?
    As a  matter  of  fact,  this  morning she told me that "hunting is too
    expensive".  Heck,  I  haven't  even bought my license yet!  Maybe it's
    all the stuff I've  bought  each  year  and  said  "I won't need to buy
    anything next year." :-)
    +- Mark (wishing he had enough money for Winchester Model 70)!
487.5CSC32::WATERSThe Agony of DeleteWed Sep 27 1989 16:331
    re: .3  Man, that sounds awfull familiar. :-)
487.6PHSSALEM::MACGREGORI'm the NRA/GONH/NAHCWed Sep 27 1989 16:363
    Yes the lady in my life goes through PHS rather than PMS. (pre-hunting
    syndrome) I keep hoping sometime she might get over it but............
487.7Only 4 weekends honey!NEBVAX::PAPPALARDOI'm the NRAWed Sep 27 1989 16:3924
    When I proposed to my wife I said: 
    Will you marry me and the deer season; She said YES!!
    Later she asked, How long is the deer season ? I said oh, 4 weeks
    or 4 weekends a YEAR... 
    6 years later she says, I thought you said deer season is only 4
    weeks a year, Now it Bow, Muzzle-Loader, Rifle which puts you at
    3 months or 12 weekends and not only deer but ducks, rabbits and
    such go out to March, now were talking 7 months or so.
    I just stated hey, Ive matured with age what can I say, ha,ha,he,he!!
    Question, Should I tell her the turkey season in May?? I say YES!!!
    P.S. In all fairness shes great, never complains, in fact shes passed
    the NRA safty course. But it was funny when the season went from
    30 days to 90 for deer.
487.890 days - great idea!CARTUN::TREMELLINGMaking tomorrow yesterday, today!Wed Sep 27 1989 17:002
    90 day deer season - Where's That?!?
487.9NEBVAX::PAPPALARDOI'm the NRAWed Sep 27 1989 17:2710
    New Hampshire !!
    Bow season starts mid-Sept thru Mid-December.
    In between OCT/NOV you have the muzzle-loader and Rifle seasons.
487.10My wife is "OUTSTANDING" !!!!!!SALEM::PAPPALARDOWed Sep 27 1989 19:2122
    I'm Ricks brother and have only been married 3 1/2 months, while
    on my Honeymoon I chartered a boat and went Blue Marlin fishing,
    and in the last month i've gone Bear hunting in Maine for opening
    week and then for a weekend. I'm planning on going next weekend
    again. Also my plans are to hunt Maine (Bear & Deer),New Hampshire
    (Deer & possibly Bear if none taken in Maine) both Muzzleloader and
    Rifle,New Brunswick Canada for the "Big Bucks" 1 week,and believe
    this CRAZY stunt Massachussetts (Deer) both Shotgun and Muzzleloader
    with the exception of i'm staying on the east side of the state
    away from the Berkshires. So it looks like my wife will be spending
    a lot of time with my brothers, also our younger borthers wife goes
    through the same thing.
                                                      How's that one,
    P.S. She never complains when I buy a
         "NEW" gun.........
487.11ME MYSELF AND ILUDWIG::STEVENSDesignated DrinkerThu Sep 28 1989 06:2016
      I know how ya'all feel...   I was Married 5 years ago. 
      It was November 24th... The season started the 26th... I took
    her on the Honey-Moon... And when i said it's time to leave, (that
    was on Sunday night) She almost killed me... But i do have my
          Not no more though....  We is getting Divorced/... More time
    to hunt and less time of hearing, (You bought a gun last year, Why
        ya need another one)   (-;
487.12CHANGE for a BUCKXCUSME::BERNIERI AMThu Sep 28 1989 06:5211
    RE; .3
   >> "..my husband starts yelling things in his sleep like " there
   >>   he is, shoot him!! shoot him!!"

    	I dont think he was talking about deer. He says that almost
    every day, but he's wide awake and pointing at ME when he says it.

487.13I think I made the right choiceSTRATA::WIINIKKAThu Sep 28 1989 08:4918
         During college I started seeing a girl until hunting season
    came along.  After about 4 weekends of me disappearing to go hunting
    she declared, "You have a choice to make!  You can either give up
    hunting or you can give up me!"  It was an easy choice.  My reply
    was "Have a nice life."
         Now there's a new person in my life.  She has a much better
    attitude.  In fact she even bought me a shotgun for my birthday,
    and get this, for our first Wedding Anniversary she says I may get
    the SAKO Finnbear I've always wanted.  I think I made the right
    p.s.  I have noticed that she seems to have a lot more new clothes
          when I get back from Maine each year.
487.14Love this weatherXCUSME::NEWSHAMI'm the NRAThu Sep 28 1989 09:396
    	It's weather like were currently having in New England that
    swells my 'ol neck. I can smell Deer Season coming.....Only
    45 more days until Vermont starts..........................
487.15I spilled buck lure on the living room floor.DNEAST::STEVENS_JIMThu Sep 28 1989 11:2634
    Jeff, I don't have to tell you what Anita says...But, her birthday is
    November 7. That's the only day I have to be home on..She complains
    that when she was a kid she hated November because her father was
    always gone on her birthday. Before we got married I said I would be
    home on November 7...But, the other days, don't count on it. The good
    thing is she likes venison and especially the liver, which I can't
    What really bugs her is the bird hunting/scouting in October. That
    takes a little work..I really think she just likes to have something
    to bitch about...The bad thing is it usually costs me a clothes
    shopping trip while I'm gone. Last year it was a new ruby ring. I 
    said, "That's not clothes", to which she responded "I liked it"..I
    know when to stop a discussion.
    As for my neck swelling, she say's I'm always in the rut...Well, being
    the buck I am, I agree...
    I bought a new gun Tuesday night..She said "Why do you need a new gun?"
    I quickly responded with, "Well, it only cost me $45 out of my pocket."
    She says, "Oh...Ok.."  Success..... Let's see now, sling - $20, xtra
    clip - $12, new shells - $10, case - $25...But that's not part of
    buying the gun...."Oh..Ok.." Success #2...
    I think she wants to buy a new fur coat this November....Sh*t, has that
    new gun cost me....
    "It's the second week of deer camp....."
487.16November weddings should be illegal..DNEAST::STEVENS_JIMThu Sep 28 1989 11:297
    Oh yes, as for your November wedding...
    Don't forget, cousin Robert got married that November as did some
    relative of Anita's...I think I only hunted 3 days that season....
487.17TWOBOS::LAFOSSEThu Sep 28 1989 11:496
    Gotta go out and get yourself setup with a bow... then you'd be
    out there in 9 days!!!
487.18TWOBOS::LAFOSSEThu Sep 28 1989 12:0118
    Jim, speaking of weddings....  one of our best friends is getting
    married on opening day of the VT rifle season, not really bothered
    by it though ;^), its probably the 4th or 5th time i've had a wedding
    to attend on an opener in VT.... Can you believe this Dave!
    This year thats only the half of it, my wife has an appointment
    to have her wisdom teeth pulled the 6th of october, day before archery
    opens in VT.... i'm gonna snap!  she already knows she'll be paying
    dearly.... very much so!!!!
    Other than the poor timing on my wifes (and friends 8^)...) scheduling
    she's great about my hunting time.... even more so now that were
    in our own house... besides, now she has the dog to protect her
    while i'm gone 8^)
487.19I hunted 45 days last year (still married)SALEM::AYOTTEThu Sep 28 1989 14:0012
    Your the one thats gonna pay dearly...... cause I get to use THE
    favorite stand on opening weekend!  Thats OK though; I'll take a
    census and give it to you so you'll know which deer to hold out
    for when you come up for the 2nd weekend! ;^)
    My wifes attitude has been very good over the years.  Before the
    kids came she loved the idea of me hunting...... now its tit-for-tat
    on the 'ol wallet.  No complaints from me though.  I think we'll
    both keep each other around.
487.20There are still a few good ones out there!IOENG::TESTAGROSSAdtn 297-7581Thu Sep 28 1989 14:1038
    My wife is one of the all time good sports! This year she is pregnant,
    due Oct. 10th,so I gotta stay close to home til it happens. Every
    evening for the past couple weeks I've either been shooting, or
    scouting. I've been wearing a beeper so I can get home if I have
    to. That doesn't even phase her!
    Her birthday is Nov.9th. During that week I'll be in Maine all week.
    I don't think I've been home on her bithday for a while! We always
    celebrate it either before or after. After Thanksgiving dinner,
    I plan to jump in the truck, and head back up to Maine for the last
    weekend of the rifle season. 
    I already spent about eight bills in the last 3 months on gear,
    and a new/used Charles Daly trap over under. I ve been hunting since
    I was a kid, so I should have all I need to do so by now ...right?
    The only problems I tend to have is when she gets wind that the
    other guys wives aren't gonna be as liberal with allowing their
    husbands time. I think the peer pressure gets to her sometimes,
    yet its only temporary.
    We usually end the discussion with something like
    "Well thats why I married you, and not somebody else, cause you
    know me well enough to understand how much I love this."
    I've also experienced the shopping syndrome, that some of you mentioned
    earlier. But if thats as bad as it gets, I can live with it. I've
    even returned to find walls painted, funiture rearranged, or wallpaper
    hung. If she wants it done between Oct.-Dec, she usually ends up
    doing it herself, rather than wait for me.
    I couldn't take having to argue and fight to do what I love to do!
    She's kinda old fashioned, and I'm glad that she is the way she
    is. I wouldn't trade her for anyone, cause many women couldn't take
    me being the way I am. But I'm never gonna change!

    Thank god I ended up with her!
487.21make 'em mad so they don't miss youCSCOA3::HUFFSTETLERThu Sep 28 1989 15:0113
My wife and I have a pretty good understanding - when I'm gone hunting, 
she buys herself something.  When she goes off on a business trip, she 
buys herself something.  Either way, it keeps her quiet (for the most 

The only other thing that I have to hear now is "you NEVER hunted this 
much when we were dating...."  All the good replies that I think of 
are mostly unprintable here and get me in the doghouse, too.

Hey, maybe that's the solution - make 'em mad enough at you thru 
hunting season so they don't miss you!  ;^)

487.22Saints...DELNI::G_FISHERThu Sep 28 1989 15:1612
    you guys should all get your wives one of those tee shirts...
    We interrupt this marriage to bring you the hunting season!
    I got my wife one for fishing and one for hunting...
    She'll definitely be a saint some day!
    [17 more days til New York Bow...]
487.23shoppin' season!DNEAST::MICHAUD_DANThu Sep 28 1989 17:4212
    Before gettin' married my wife said that there will be no guns in the
    house and no hunting season.... I gave her an uncompromising choice
    which there was no negotiation.  I have guns in the house and I go
    fishin' and huntin'.  She had to make a choice.  We pulled in the
    weddin' date to Sept 18 as to not get in the way of bird season, deer
    season, rabbit season, ice fishin' season and fishin' season.  
    I do notice a new batch of clothes in the closet bout' dat time as it's
    her shoppin' season!
487.24the guilt tripSALEM::MACGREGORI'm the NRA/GONH/NAHCThu Sep 28 1989 18:016
    .21 That is exactly what I end up doing. Get her so mad at me that
    I don't hear anything until the season is over. Just kidding a little.
    There are some times that she gets mad and some she does not. But
    I like the guilt trip line. I will definately be using that one.
    Good luck to all this year............................................
487.25Clear Out The Night BeforeWILLEE::MANLEYThu Sep 28 1989 20:118
    I found that if I clear out of the house the night before and stay
    at my brother's (Jon), I don't get into the 5:00 AM wake the family
    up hassle. That way they all sleep in a few more hours and have
    better attitudes by the time I get home. Now if ducks flew all day
    like they do for that "magic" half hour, then I'd be in a heap of
487.26Are we there yet?SMOKIE::WITCHEYI'm the NRAThu Sep 28 1989 22:547
    Gettin' close in Colorado, duck opens next weekend (don't bother
    callin') and then three weeks to the final deer/elk season for 
    rifle. I've already washed everything I refer to as "hunting 
    clothes". Twice. 
    Workin' up loads for my new rifle (hadda have it Honey, the Remington's
    gettin' a little worn) and counting the hours.
487.27Yo Fra...XCUSME::NEWSHAMI'm the NRAFri Sep 29 1989 02:1012
    Re. 17
    		If I bought a bow and made the time to practice, and
    took the time to bow hunt also, my poor wife wouldn't see me
    until Xmas time. I wouldn't mind, but me thinks I'd be a divorced
    man REAL quick if see didn't see me for 3 months. But, only 20 more
    years until retirement, and then............I can shoot and hunt
    365 days a year.......
487.28Mine is very good about thisCHRLIE::HUSTONFri Sep 29 1989 12:2512
    My wife knew all about it before we were married, she doesn't really
    understand it but she is beginning to show signs of interest.
    She even gets up at 3:00 to make coffee for my father/uncles when they
    show up.  She just goes back to bed when we leave.  Come end of Nov
    and Dec if I am around on weekends, she will toss me out so she can
    study in peace. She tells me to go hunting.
    Of course all this may changed in a year or two when kids come along.
487.29Honey,,can I come in now???GENRAL::BOURBEAUFri Sep 29 1989 12:359
    re: .27 
    		Once you retire, she'll probably get so tired of having you
    hang around, she'll probably kick you out of the house often, and tell
    you to "go hunting or something". You may even have to beg to be let
    back in at night.  :^)
487.30What happened to prizes contributionsDECWET::HELSELLegitimate sporting purposeFri Sep 29 1989 18:438
    Didn't we all talk about having a pool last year where we all
    contributed this year?  There would be prizes for biggest deer
    Did we drop that idea?
487.31Thars dar in them thar hillsLUDWIG::STEVENSDesignated DrinkerWed Oct 04 1989 05:1810
    I was in Vermont this past weekend visiting my kids. I saw a total
    of 6 deer.. Only one had horns but they were worth seeing... 
            I hope he's still around come opening day.... My neck
    can't get much bigger than this... *Or is that, It DON'T GET NO
    BETTER THAN THIS*   Right Jim....    agagagaga
487.32How come?BTOVT::LANE_NOh, no! Not another shortcutWed Oct 11 1989 14:193
    What?  No female hunters?  
487.33XCUSME::NEWSHAMI'm the NRAMon Oct 16 1989 08:193
    Welcome to the conference.