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Conference vmsnet::hunting$note:hunting

Title:The Hunting Notesfile
Notice:Registry #7, For Sale #15, Success #270
Created:Wed Sep 02 1987
Last Modified:Tue Jun 03 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1561
Total number of notes:17784

310.0. "Dream Hunt" by BPOV06::J_AMBERSON () Mon Dec 12 1988 13:08

    O.K. you just won Megabucks!  Where are you going to go hunting?
    Money is no object cause your now retired and have nothing better
    to do with your time but buy guns and go hunting.  Think about it,
    what would be the ideal hunt?
310.1AlaskaBPOV06::J_AMBERSONMon Dec 12 1988 13:1210
    Since I started this fiasco, I'll post a reply.
    I want to hunt Alaska!  I'd love to start out on Kodiak island 
    hunting bears.  Ever since I was a little kid I've dreamed of 
    spending a month in the wilds of Alaska.  Bears, moose, caribou,
    and sheep, not to mention the birds and waterfowl.  Just think of
    all the new toys I would have to buy just so I was properly prepared.
    You could even spend your evenings fishing.
310.2AlaskaTSE::LEFEBVRELook at Mother Nature on the runMon Dec 12 1988 13:2721
    Jeff, you must be psychic.
    Kodiak Island would be my first choice for the same reasons.  One
    question, though...Does hunting season occur during the months where
    the days last 18+ hours?  Imagine salmon and trout fishing in
    sandwiched between caribou, deer and moose hunting?  I'm going to
    be ill....
    Anticosti Island (Quebec) would be my second choice.  I believe
    you're allowed 2 deer, and something like 75% of all hunters score
    on 2 nice bucks during a given season.
    Elk hunting in Colorado (could happen if my boss approves a road
    trip during Elk season :^)).
    Trout fishing in British Columbia in the Canadian Rockies. (to enjoy
    the scenery as much as anything).
310.3The Pure HunterNEBVAX::PAPPALARDOI'm the NRAMon Dec 12 1988 14:1530
    Jeff, When I think about it, I get sick. Can you imagine having
    the Time and Money to do it. WOW!!
    1st I would like to set a goal for trophy Whitetails. One from each
    of the folowing. British-Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba.
    When that was done I would concentrate on the Grand Slam of Rams.
    Then I'd head out for ELK in Montana. When that was complete its
    to the Northwest for Moose and Caribou, as a kicker Ive always wanted
    to try for a wolverine.
    Then I go after each of the bears, Griz, Kodiak, Brown, Polar, Black.
    When the above was completed and I,m sure I'd find something else
    to hunt, I'd build myself a real comfortable log cabin in Central
    Saskatchewan to write a book of my adventures then I'd semi-retire
    to Hunt-Fish-Trap and Guide Hunters from the lower 48 with Working-Man
    Prices as I don't really need the money so the regular Joe could
    plan a once in a life time hunt and be rest assured he gets a quality
    hunt for a reasonable price... 
    Ive heard people say, If you were rich and did'nt work-- You would
    be bored.  I don't know about them, But I certainly would not have
    time to be bored. 
    Rick...(Who keeps dreaming, but I will make at least one of them
            True before the Boss man calls me to the Happy-Hunting grounds)
310.4no rest for the lucky birdhunterMILRAT::JUCHMon Dec 12 1988 20:5616
    One thing I have always wanted to do is follow the woodcock on its
    migration from PEI down to Lousiana.  I'd also like to hunt them
    in the central flyway, along with their ruff cousins.  This would
    take up roughly September to January.  I'd then hunt the South with
    some of the great friends I've made down there.  I'd be the Ultimate
    When the season was over in April, I'd fly to London and be fitted
    for a pair of Boss SXS 12 bores.  Since these take 3-5 years delivery,
    I'd see what I could obtain on the used market at Christies or Sotheby's
    or Holland and Holland, and either have them fitted by Wilkes or
    somesuch.  I'd then fly down to Kenya to shoot sandgrouse with a
    friend from NY, and go on a general photographic safari.  
    I'd be back in Scotland in time for the opening of the grouse season
    on 12 August, spend several weeks doing that, and then fly to New
    Brunswick to start the process all over again.  I'd probably add
    a winter trip to South America after I did the US and the UK.
310.5Kenny Chinook's set up.DECWET::HELSELI'm the NRATue Dec 13 1988 14:4423
    Okay, I gave this a lot of thought.  The Northwest is a good choice.
    I have never been to Alaska, but plan to go there someday.  The
    thing is, I have so much to hunt in my driving range from Seattle,
    that I would just like 3-4 months off in the fall.  This would almost
    be my dream hunt.  I have everything I want in right here but not
    enough time (money) to hunt it all. 
    I imagine the folks in Colorado feel the same way.
    However, I think the guy who has it made the most is Kenny Chinook.
    He has a cabin in Eastern Oregon.  From his cabin he has scored
    a Mulie in each of the last 5 years, 2 Elk, countless grouse etc.
    Also, there is good access to antelope in Eastern Oregon.  I imagine
    there are quite a few bears running around also.
    Now, combine this with Salmon and Steelhead.  Oregon has great fishing
    rivers.  So if you get tired of hunting for a day, toss a hook.
    You could have a good deal in Eastern Washington too, but the thing
    is he already has the cabin and knows the area.  I think he has
    a dream hunt at his disposal every year.
310.6Bow & Arrow RamCLUSTA::STORMTue Dec 13 1988 19:4011
    God, what a great topic.  As if I don't daydream enough at work
    Anyway.  If money and time were no object, the ultimate for me would
    probably be a trophy ram in the Canadian rockies with a bow.
    A second choice, which I hope to realizes eventually, would be an
    Elk hunt in the rockies.
310.7One more time with DadMPGS::GRANTI'm the NRATue Dec 13 1988 20:217
    	I guess most of all, I'd like to "turn back" the
    	clock about 30 years and hunt ANYTHING with my Dad again.
    	Merry Christmas all..
310.8 Return to the Promise LandDNEAST::LABBE_RICKI'm the NRAWed Dec 14 1988 04:3012
       The first thing I'd do is go back to Alaska and fish for King
    salmon and Dolly Varden again. That was a trip of a life time. Then
    I'd stay there and hunt brown bear and rams preferably by bow. After
    that I'd go to Manitoba for a monster buck with my bow again.
        Then I'd buy a couple peices of land in the mountains of Alaska
    and in Canada and build two dream lodges to RELAX in while I'm slowly
    hunting every stretch of woods from the east coast to the west coast
    with my brother and Dad and do what we enjoy most together.
          Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
310.9Birds, Birds, Birds...TARKIN::AHOUncle MikeWed Dec 14 1988 11:4014
    	Re .1,.2
    		Take a look at the December issue of Sports Afield
    	Good article on Brown bear hunting in Alaska!!!
    		Now my reply... I guess I'd like to hunt ANY type
    	of upland bird ANYWHERE !!!
    		~Mike~	(The Bird Hunter)
310.10and the list goes on...SALEM::MACGREGORSat Dec 17 1988 15:337
    1. Alaska for Grizzly, Moose, Caribou, Deer, Etc...,
    2. Wyoming for Elk, Muleys, Coyote, Black Bear.
    3. Quebec for Caribou, Moose and Whitetails.
    4. Good ole New Hampshire for what I have been doing my whole life
        now and still enjoy a whole hell of a lot.
    5. Maine for Whitetails and Black Bear.
310.11I forgotSALEM::MACGREGORSat Dec 17 1988 15:342
    .10 I forgot to add Mountain Goats and Sheep in Alaska and Wyoming
310.12my dreamSCOMAN::ETHOMPSONI`m the NRAWed Dec 28 1988 22:5512
  My dream hunt would be for Elk in Montana with my son,wife and myself.Using
my sharps model 1863.I'd video tape it, and beside putting meat in the freezer, 
come home with a couple of heads for mounting.
Then I'd build a half scale ironclad of the CSN Virginia to sail around Newport
harbor Ca. a couple times a year, with some friends from the 34 north Carolina
CO H as gun crew,and go goat hunting with cannons at San Clemente inland.
That has to be at the top of things I love to do most.Play with steam,
blackpowder and civil war reeinacting,all at the same time.


310.13drivers license, hell!SA1794::CHARBONNDI'm the NRAThu Jan 12 1989 17:523
    I'd have a nice little 28 room hunting camp in Alaska with
    a trout stream by the front porch and hunting off the back.
    And I'd *never* leave home :-)
310.141000 Pds or BetterLUDWIG::STEVENSChampagne On The RocksWed Sep 06 1989 05:5518
          My Dream Hunt???
      It would have to be....  mmmmmmmm...    To bow Kill a Grizzly
    in Alaska......  I would love to be that close to such a powerful
    animal and have only a bow in hand..
        I know it's crazy, But i never said i wasn't........
310.15Yup, I can see now....WALLAC::M_MOOREMoose in the desertWed Sep 06 1989 13:1310
          My Dream Hunt ???
          A hunt that I have dreamed about for years is a combination
         Moose, Caribou, Brown Bear hunt in Alaska. It would have to be
         a unguided drop camp type setup. AAAHHHHHHHH I can see myself
310.16If only my wife would let me...DNEAST::STEVENS_JIMThu Sep 07 1989 19:5011
    Jeff, you are DEFINATELY crazy...
    I should know..Right Little Brother ??
    51 days until opening season..
    My ideal hunt is one Muley's, Moose, Grizzley's, and Big Whitetails
    during the same year...Oh, yea, I forgot about the Caribou and Elk...