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Conference vmsnet::hunting$note:hunting

Title:The Hunting Notesfile
Notice:Registry #7, For Sale #15, Success #270
Created:Wed Sep 02 1987
Last Modified:Tue Jun 03 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1561
Total number of notes:17784

306.0. "Christmas Wish List" by SALEM::PAPPALARDO (I'm the NRA/GONH) Fri Dec 09 1988 19:09

    Now that the season is upon us, Christmas that is. How about starting
    a note for either a "Wish List" or maybe to help out another shooter
    or hunter in asking for something under the tree on the 25th.
306.1Here's mine....SALEM::PAPPALARDOI'm the NRA/GONHFri Dec 09 1988 19:1311
    Dear Santa or even Mrs. Santa,
           I have been good all year, well really getting down to it
    pretty good I guess. For Christmas I would like a Winchester/Olin
    model 101 Over & Under Shotgun in the 2 barrel set 12&20 guage with
    screw-in chokes.
306.2A few...TSE::LEFEBVRELook at Mother Nature on the runSun Dec 11 1988 14:4826
    Deer Santa,
    I've been especially good this season.  I passed up on several running
    shots at deer and I hunted long and hard every free moment I could
    realistically find.
    I would like the following for Christmas...
    A pair of snowshoes
    A new pair of wool pants
    A half-dozen magnum goose decoys
    A Swiss Army knife
    Speedy recovery for Dad so he can hunt next year (just wasn't the
    same without him)
    To have all hunters show the utmost respect for the environment,
    game, game laws, and landowners.
    A safe and happy holiday for all DEC hunters and their families.
306.3One Present??BTO::STEVENS_JStill Making Table CandlesTue Dec 13 1988 01:1710
    Dear Santa, buddy, pal,
           All i want is a 1 hour shopping spree at L.L.BEANS...
                 A kiss from the misses wouldn't be bad either????
          jeff     No_Coal_Please.................
306.4'nother ideaBTO::RIVERS_DWed Dec 14 1988 11:026
    maybe you should ask for a flashlight so you wouldn't have to keep
    making those dang-blasted table candles!!!!