T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
282.1 | Apple | WIND::DNCDEV | | Thu Nov 17 1988 12:24 | 6 |
| I use apple scent. Yesturday I had a doe come out of the brush onto
a logging road, walk by the place that i had dropped some then
stand braodside to me at 20 yrds. I don't know If the scent attracted
the doe but it did'nt scent me so I'd say it worked.
Rick Egan
282.2 | ? | BPOV02::J_AMBERSON | | Thu Nov 17 1988 12:25 | 3 |
| Were you hunting around apple trees?
282.3 | | WIND::DNCDEV | | Thu Nov 17 1988 12:51 | 3 |
| No, lots of oaks.
282.4 | The nose knows! | IOENG::TESTAGROSSA | | Thu Nov 17 1988 13:42 | 46 |
282.5 | Firm believer in scents | TSE::LEFEBVRE | Relax! Don't do it....! | Thu Nov 17 1988 14:27 | 17 |
| Before I use any scents, I collect a couple of bags full of leaves
from the area I hunt.
I use an earth scent very heavily applied to my hat and pants, and
also to strips of cloth that I drag from my the bottom of my pants
to cover my trail (doe-in-heat if later in the season)
I also use Tinks doe-in-heat scent, but I do something different.
If I'm hunting from a stand, I'll stick strips of gauze doused with
doe-in-heat in the crotch of low branches or bushes in various points
on my perimeter. I've had deer approach from down wind, so I guess
it works.
Every deer I have ever shot at was within 30 yards, without any
hint of my presence, so I'm a firm believer in scents.
282.6 | Pine Needles | DIXIE1::RIDGWAY | For one brief shining moment | Thu Nov 17 1988 14:44 | 5 |
| Another idea is to use pine needles (or any evergreen I guess),
crush them and rub them on your clothes. This works well if you
are hunting where there are evergreens in abundance.
Good luck, Keith R>
282.7 | for bear maybe? | CLUSTA::STORM | | Thu Nov 17 1988 16:07 | 11 |
| Well, this isn't my story, but will pass it along anyway.
Opening day of NH deer season (gun) I went to Antrim NH with a hunting
buddy. He put doe-in-heat scent on 3 cotton balls and distributed
them in front of his tree stand. About 3:00 in the afternoon he
saw a huge "deer" moving deep in the woods. It turned out to be
a big black bear. It sniffed and pawed at each of the sent bombs.
He spent about 20 minutes not more than 25 yards from his stand.
282.8 | cents, sense or scents | SALEM::MACGREGOR | | Thu Nov 17 1988 16:12 | 11 |
| When I used scents I found it real hard to see deer. Abotu 5 years
ago I stopped using scents and have been seeing deer ever since.
I myself don't like them just for the success that I have had with
out them. I have never shot a deer using them. I tried fox, skunk,
doe in heat and other assorted scents. I personally don't think
they work very well. I have taken five deer without scents and zero
with. Have you ever gotten a good whiff of the stuff? Very strong.
I would think that a deer with it's excellent sniffer might detect
this but the way they act during the rut may not matter either way.
Just my personal opinion.
282.9 | | DELNI::G_FISHER | | Thu Nov 17 1988 16:56 | 18 |
| Cover scents
The first year I bow hunted in Vermont, I used apple scent on my
boots, even though my afternoon stand was in a pine forest. I did
have a doe follow the foot trail and spend a long time directly
under me, even smelling my tree steps. Unfortunately I wanted the
doe she was with. My brother in law got her. I think they help
Body/clothes stink
I think you can do more to help yourself if you are careful with
your hunting clothes. I run an empty load of laundry with baking
soda, then wash my clothes with baking soda, then hang them out to
dry. Of course, avoid smoke, bacon etc. Alot of guys also carry
their clothes for a hunting trip in a trash bag with either some
cover scent or pine boughs.
282.10 | phew!! | BPOV02::J_AMBERSON | | Thu Nov 17 1988 16:57 | 7 |
| To reiterate what Bret said. I always wondered that if a deers
sniffer is as good as it is reported to be, why he would be attracted
to something that stinks to high heaven. My wife won't even let
me store my best hunting hat in the closet, it goes into a ziplock
bag and down into the cellar!
282.11 | Uhem, excuse me deer - need a urine sample! | MEIS::GARCEAU | I'm the NRA | Thu Nov 17 1988 16:58 | 24 |
282.12 | inquiring minds want to know! | BPOV02::J_AMBERSON | | Thu Nov 17 1988 17:22 | 4 |
| Yea Brian, my wife laughs whenever she thinks of me squirting doe
pee on my clothes. How do they teach them to pee into a bottle?
282.13 | the nose definetly knows! | IOENG::TESTAGROSSA | | Thu Nov 17 1988 18:02 | 10 |
| re.11 I'd tend to agree with you more during gun hunting than bow
hunting. Gun season tends to create more of a situation which is
unnatural in the woods. More hunters for deer to see smell and hear
and bump into into and run away from! Kinda like the lottery sometimes,
right plac right time.
Yet while bowhunting it often takes quite a long time for deer to
get to a spot where a shot is feasible. More help fooling them the
better! Are you 3-4 with gun or bow? I'd like more support for my
282.14 | ex | VELVET::GATH | | Thu Nov 17 1988 18:20 | 61 |
| I do not use these scents but I am not against them. I think there
are at least two things that we talked about that have no value.
One is that if this stuff stinks so bad that why would a deer
with its powerful noise be attracted to it.
What I want to address is what we find repulsive is not repulsive
to animals. As a matter of fact I don't think they define
it the same way we do. I think they reconize it and that is all.
For instance come home from a long day and take your
sneakers off and put them next to the cat or dog that is taking
a nap. It will not move because of the repulsive smell.
As an experiment I have laid my socks right next to these
with out any expression or acckoldegment of it even happening.
I asked my self why?
When was the last time you observed an animal throw up or even gag
because it smelled something repulsive.
just watch your dog, They seem to like "STINK"
And the second thing is that an animal with a any kind of noise
can smell two oders at the sametime.
If you are wearing a cover type scent like fox or skunk
it is still concievable that the deer will smell both
you and the cover up oder. They can decifer both smells
You walk into your house and your wife has a turkey cooking
and your uncle is over visiting for the holidays.
You can smell both the food and the cigarettes that were smoked
the minute you step in the room. One smell is pleasant and the other
you find repulsive or at least uncomfortable.
Or purhaps it is your aunts sweet smelling perfume that you
find repulsive.
My point is that I beleive it is posible to smell both you and the
mask oder you are wearing.
I use to do a lot of trapping as a kid and some as a adult. Trappers
have been using scents for many years longer than deer hunters and
the first deer scents came from the trappers .
They do work but you will have to remove or at least lessen your
own smell. Put your self in a place where an animal can't get down
wind of you.
One method might be to leave the Doe Pee in heat up from your stand
and circle around an take a position down wind from the drag or
scrape. Deer do not always travel into the wind but as soon as they
want to find out more about a noise or movement will often circle
around down wind.
Try and position yourself so that you will not be detected while
the animal is investigating the smell.
282.15 | Not ethical :-) | DECWET::HELSEL | I'm the NRA | Thu Nov 17 1988 19:19 | 17 |
| Hey Jeff,
Do you think using scents is ethical?
Heck, next you'll be using electronic ears or rifle scopes or
I used to use fox pee. To tell you the truth I hated the smell
of it and I wasn't convinced it made a difference. I still carry
a bottle on hunting trips, but I don't use it too often.
I think that somebody back there had the right idea, try not to
pollute your clothes with alien smells. The thing is, when you
hang your clothes to dry near the woodstove.........
282.16 | | MTADMS::PAUL | | Fri Nov 18 1988 06:56 | 16 |
| I like to use scents because I have seen them work. I used to use
fox pee and have had deer nearly walk over me, I have since change
to a fresh earth cover scent only because of the repugnant smell
and the fresh earth seems to be working just as well.
Last year, two of my uncles took bucks off a scrape I was working
with Tinks doe in heat. A freind also watched a buck come in and
roll around in Tinks doe in heat that he had put on cotton balls
in a plastic film canister.
I also like to use deer formula and have seen deer lick it off the
tree limbs that it was placed on.
This is a great topic.
282.17 | This is lots of fun! | MEIS::GARCEAU | I'm the NRA | Fri Nov 18 1988 10:41 | 29 |
282.18 | If that doesn't work I use the .35 REM! | BPOV02::J_AMBERSON | | Fri Nov 18 1988 11:15 | 10 |
| Brett,
When hunting deer I try to be as ethical as possible. For two
weeks before the season I wear nothing but buffalo robes and eat
only raw meat. This helps to get me in the correct frame of mind,
Once Im out hunting I find the biggest set of tracks I can and start
running. Usualy after two or three days I'll catch up to whatever
made the track. I then jump on his back and bite his neck. This
method assures me of a qulity hunt.
282.19 | Tampons work great!!! | HPSTEK::EMERRILL | EAT PRUNES WHEN FAMISHED | Fri Nov 18 1988 12:36 | 21 |
| I use Tinks #69 (doe in heat) and am convinced it works.
The method I use is to take a tampon and apply the buck lure
to it. O.B.'s fit into a 35mm film container perfectly.
When capped, you have a waterproof container that prevents
the buck lure from drying out. The string works great for
hanging it on a branch. When I'm through hunting, I collect
the tampons and save them for the next day. If you leave
the string outside when in the container, it's not messy
and you don't have to wear smelly clothes.
When walking into my stand, I wear sent pads on my boots.
After reaching the stand, I place several tampons in the area
I want the deer to come to. (buck scrap, game trail or etc.) I
then stand 30 or 40 yards away where I can see the tampons. (Not
up wind)
On many occasions I have left tampons out over night.
Several times I have had deer come to them, close enough to
touch. There is no question in my mind that deer are attracted
to the sent.
Ellis (The Rim Man)
282.20 | | TWOBOS::LAFOSSE | | Fri Nov 18 1988 13:54 | 19 |
| i have used the 35mm canisters now for a while and they work well.
but what i think is the biggest factor is the human scent factor.
A deer can make out your scent no matter what you wear for coverups.
I had 5 deer come into me just the other night, they came directly
into the wind which was blowing from me to the deer, I was
in a tree and they never detected me. I had forgotten my canisters
with the tinks 69 in my other coat pocket, and had to use fox urine
on my boots and pant legs. When I got up the tree I squirted a little
on the ground below me. The deer came in and played around for 2-3
minutes not 5 yards from my stand. The fox urine didn't seem to
bother them at all. Normally i would have placed the canisters
around my stand in shooting lanes.
I firmly believe that the treestand is the best advantage you have.
scents are just frosting on the cake.
282.21 | Works for dogs | DECWET::HELSEL | I'm the NRA | Fri Nov 18 1988 15:14 | 17 |
| Jeff,
I'll try that next year. Carrying a gun around is a pain.
I'm sure you have plenty of scent by now and you won't need anything
in a bottle after wearing those buffalo skins.
On the subject of using scents, this reminded me of something my
dog did once (this is serious). We were out grouse hunting in Maine
when we came upon someone's attempt at bear bait. In this pile
was a smashed dead turtle among other incredibly rancid things.
My dog decided to turn into Rambo and rolled in the whole pile.
I suppose that was instinct to cover up his scent with something
else. Needless to say it worked, but I found it interesting that
a natural hunter resorted to scents.
282.22 | Deer calls--Do the work?? | HPSTEK::EMERRILL | Nature is a Mother | Tue Nov 22 1988 13:41 | 3 |
| Has anyone out there had any experience using deer calls in
conjunction with buck lure. Does it work??? Let's hear it from
those of you who have tried to call in deer.
282.23 | more on scents | TWOBOS::LAFOSSE | | Tue Nov 29 1988 15:34 | 18 |
| re:270.34 thanks brett, I did use scents and thought this was the
more appropriate place for a reply.
I was in some real thick stuff along a small stream, i had squirted
some fox urine on my boots and pant legs before walking in. When
I got there I placed the 35mm canisters filled with cotton balls
and tinks #69 around me (approx 20 yds away) in my shooting lanes,
and placed a few filled with fox in my blind (laurel bushes).
The wind was definately in my favor, and the buck came in directly
for me (rattling) but hit a current of one of the tinks bombs and
verred off, I took the shot (quartering away) as he headed for the
tinks (about a 20 yd shot). Never knew I was there, barely had
time to drop the antlers.... needless to say i'm hooked on them,
and plan on watching a few more videos to pick up some more pointers.
Havn't tried calling yet, but after this episode i'm pretty much
game for anything. good luck to all.... Fra
282.24 | Tinks 69 eh? | DECWET::HELSEL | I'm the NRA | Tue Nov 29 1988 19:18 | 18 |
| re: -.1
I deleted my note in 270.
I was really psyched for you. We've been following your determined
bow hunting notes for a couple years now ( even before the hunting
file) and it is sure great to see the determination pay off.
Especially since the sport can be so frustrating. I guess that
makes the rewards so much better.
Glad to see the scents worked. Think I'll try it next year a little
bit more dilligently.
I'm waiting to see if Jeff has any claim to success due to scents.
I saw a deer posted but no verbage about his tactics; just something
about the size of onions in Massachusetts :-)
282.25 | | BPOV04::J_AMBERSON | | Wed Nov 30 1988 11:49 | 19 |
| O.K. here goes. I used Tinks also. The stuff smelled AWFUL!
Don't really know if it worked. I saw deer 4 out of 5 days.
Unfortunately, what I saw was either flags or deer that were barely
visible through the underbrush. The weather where we were hunting
was cold most of the time. The leaves were like cornflakes to
walk on. Made still hunting next to impossible. Had to take a
stand till the day warmed up enough to soften up the leaves. Could
realistically start still hunting around 11:00. Finally got my
doe on Friday, the last day I could hunt. Shot her around 2:45.
I was still hunting along side a hemlock swamp when I heard them
coming. They stopped and I stayed still. I couldn't see them but
I figured that the first one to move would loose. Finally they
had enough and broke. There were four of them about 65-70 yds away.
The one I shot was lagging behind the other three. She was also
the biggest. I was hoping she would be a buck. Anyway I was happy.
Don't know how much the Stinks, I mean Tinks, helped. Only the
deer knows and she ain't doin much talkin from the freezer.
282.26 | THE REAL THING WORKS | DNEAST::LABBE_RICK | I'm the NRA | Fri Dec 16 1988 05:05 | 30 |
| Ok you guys are going to like this one, here goes: I have used almost
every scent known to the deer hunter growing up, smelled like an
apple tree to a dead skunk and shot plenty of deer while wearing
them. but was too young and inexperienced to realize I smelled so
strong that I probably spooked half the big bucks in the state.
over the years I've learned alot of tactics and put the best ones
together to become very sucessful in hunting big bucks.
What I do is I carry 4-5 empty buck lure bottles with me in
the woods, there very light and I never know their there till I
need them. and when any given hunter in our group kills a deer
buck or doe (preferably a doe in heat) we take the urine sack
out immediately without breaking it, to do this you have to lift
the deers ass end off the ground to cut the sack loose or it'll
all drain out on you. Then hang it on a limb stub till you finish
dreesing your deer, after that I very carefully drain the sack which
holds about 10-14 ozs of urine into each bottle until their filled.
Now I figure the average hunter goes through about two bottles
of deer lure a year, let's say Tink's 69 at $8.00 a bottle and it
is exactly what you just accumulated out of the wild on your own,
and best of all yours is fresh not a year old. I freeze the excess
bottles for the following bow season for the early rut. Now I'll
guarantee you that you'll never get a better deer lure than what
I have just described, what attracts a Buck better than a doe in
heat. I use it for rattling,still hunting,and stands and have killed
and seen some big deer, I can't remember where I got the idea, must
have been another one of those bone chilling mornings when my body
froze up and I started thinking like a deer.
good luck
282.27 | The AMOUNT counts.... | TARKIN::AHO | Uncle Mike | Mon Dec 19 1988 14:58 | 13 |
I've also used scents (fox urine) mostly and I didn't have
any luck for a Looong time, then I talked with a "Trapper" friend
of mine and we discussed scents. I told him that I used a generous
squirt on each boot and some on my hat. THAT was the problem!!
TO MUCH scent!!! Since then I use ONE drop on the bottom of each
boot and ONE drop on my hat and I've had deer walk right up to
me on a stand.... Valuable lesson learned..
282.28 | non-scents | SALEM::MACGREGOR | I'm the NRA/GONH/NAHC | Sat May 06 1989 15:57 | 10 |
| A couple of friends of mine after taking a deer usually cut the
deer scent glands on the back legs, the dark patch of fur next to
the knee. This gland will stink up a storm. I take it that it is
their scent glands that will lead them to one another. My buddies
say this really works, especially more than the store bought stuff.
The only calls I have ever really seen work are elk calls, on elk
naturally. I do know of a couple of hunters that rattle but have
never come across anyone that uses one of those calls. I still do
not prefer to use scents. Good luck to all and happy hunting.
282.29 | | DECWET::HELSEL | Legitimate sporting purpose | Fri Sep 15 1989 22:03 | 9 |
| Well, I broke down and went for a bottle of Tink's 69 based
on lafosse's testamonial along with others. I got it from
Cabela's the other day when I ordered a prop.
When I took the bottle out and opened it, both dogs came running
in the room wagging their tails. They had to get right in there and
smell that bottle. Gee, I hope it works like that on Mulies.
282.30 | | SA1794::CHARBONND | It's a hardship post | Tue Sep 19 1989 11:07 | 7 |
| I missed the biggest buck of my bow-hunting career using
Tinks #69 - I hadn't been in my stand for 5 minutes when
he came plowing in, I wasn't mentally ready, shot low,
aaauuuuggghhhh !
Following year shot a spikehorn on opening day as he made
a bee-line for the same lure. It works.
282.31 | Ma. Bow is getting closer!!!!!!!!!! | ROULET::BING | | Tue Sep 19 1989 11:28 | 8 |
I had a hard time finding some Tinks #69. None of the stores close
by me had any, however I went to K-Mart in Milford and they had
tons of it. It goes for $10.98 a bottle. So if you can't find it
try there. I had heard that Tinks went out of business and that
someone else bought into the company and got the stuff going again...
282.32 | An old Timer told Me...... | LUDWIG::STEVENS | Here Kitty, Kitty, | Wed Sep 20 1989 04:29 | 16 |
I have a old trick with acorn juice... Yeah acorn juice..
I am not hunting Mass archery but can try to help ya out
when the rut hits in full force... I have a set of antlers that
i have rattled in a few bucks with...They are from the first
decent buck i took... A 7 pointer..
Drop me a note..
Jeff,,,,, Maine in a month or so..... Vermont in a cOuple of
282.33 | Acorn Juice ??? | HPSTEK::EMERRILL | Nature is a Mother | Mon Oct 02 1989 15:52 | 1 |
| So what's the story with acorn juice ???
282.34 | K-Mart for Tinks - | AKOV88::ANDERSSON | | Fri Oct 06 1989 15:26 | 8 |
| RE .31
<...had a hard time finding some Tinks #69.>
I got some at K-Mart in Leominster. I would guess most decent
sized stores in that chain would carry it.
282.35 | ever hear of "no scent"??? | CSCOA3::HUFFSTETLER | | Fri Oct 13 1989 15:38 | 22 |
| Speaking of K-Mart, I saw some stuff in there last nite that looked
interesting. There was a product from a company called Gametracker
that was listed as "No Scent" or something like that. The label said
it would remove all scent from an object, so that you could spray it
on yourself or on your clothes.
The only thing I've seen that was anything similar was a guy who said
he used hydrogen peroxide on the exposed areas of skin to kill the
bacteria that cause odor. He also said that he always hunted in a rainsuit
with elastic wrist and ankle bands to keep in the odor that developed
later. Judging from the bucks he had mounted around him in the
picture in the article, it seemed to be successful.
I haven't seen it an any of the hunting mags around here, so I'm
inclined to think it's BS. Has anyone else heard of it? It just
seems that if it worked like the label said it would that it'd be the
neatest thing since beer in a can and there would be a wild stampede
for it.
Any thoughts?
282.36 | "No Scent" is good Scent | BLKWDO::M_MOORE | Moose in the desert | Mon Oct 16 1989 20:02 | 6 |
| re. -1
I used some this year during the archery deer season, and belive it or
not it seemed to work. It's not fool proof but it does make a BIG
282.37 | straightarrows and sharp broadheads | ROULET::BING | | Mon Oct 23 1989 08:04 | 12 |
| I saw about the last two minutes of a show that was talking about
scents. He was talking specifically about the claim that the company's
make saying that the deer urine contains Phermones(sp?). He said
the only way bottled deer urine could have phermones is if they
freeze dried it ASAP after collecting it. It would then have to
be kept in a vacuum bottle until used. Then if there were any phermones
they would evaporate as soon as you opened the bottle.
I don't know what the phermones are or if they are important...but
I do think that using the urine as some sort of cover scent can't
282.38 | To Wet for my blood | LUDWIG::STEVENS | Knocking on Heavens Door | Mon Oct 23 1989 08:17 | 8 |
Good Urine is expensive..... I heard it can go for up to 100.00
for a pint of it.... I'll do without for that kinda money...
Jeff_heading for Maine in 2 weeks..
282.39 | Just can't resist them | CHRLIE::HUSTON | | Mon Oct 23 1989 12:49 | 7 |
re .37,
Phermones are a scent that is given that is a sexual attractor given
off by all animals. Theory is when you smell it, you can't resist.
282.40 | A lucrative business | DNEAST::STEVENS_JIM | | Mon Oct 23 1989 15:30 | 9 |
| Re .38.
Jeff, this year we save all bladders....At $100 a pint, we can get
rich !!!!
282.41 | Tinks#69 and rubbed trees | SKIVT::WENER | | Fri Dec 28 1990 10:31 | 18 |
On the subject of Deer scents.... I had an interesting experience
last night I would like to mention. There has been some snow on the
ground for a few days now so I decided to do some post-season scouting
in an area where I usually bowhunt. I also wanted to remove two scent
cannisters that I had forgotton during a rifle hunt towards the tail
end of the season. During the afternoon of the rifle hunt I had
placed two scent cannisters below me in a ravine I had been watching.
They contained a cotton ball and some Tinks #69. It became dark
and I didn't have a flashlight so I opted to leave them and return
to pick them up later. They also had a clothespin affixed to them
with Duct tape so they could be clipped to a tree.
I was pleasantly surprised to find the tree rubbed that I had
clipped one of the cannisters to!! And in the vicinity of the
cannister there were two other trees rubbed; none of them had rubs
when I set out the cannisters in November. Also made me feel good
in that there may be a buck left from rifle season up there...
That is, if he didn't get shot in the last weekend.
282.42 | I forgot one scent! | DELNI::SOUTHWORTH | | Fri Jan 11 1991 12:37 | 7 |
| I blame my failure in not bagging a deer this year to the fact that I
did not use breath camo. I guess they could smell the garlic and
pepperoni on my breath.
Who will be gargling with breath camo next year!
282.43 | Solution | DECWET::HELSEL | Legitimate sporting purpose | Fri Jan 11 1991 18:45 | 6 |
| Try gargling with Tink's #69.
It works for me.
282.44 | | DATABS::STORM | | Fri Jan 11 1991 19:47 | 4 |
| I thought that was Fra's technique from the photo album :-)
282.45 | I'd opt for the handy professional size... | KNGBUD::LAFOSSE | | Mon Jan 14 1991 12:45 | 3 |
| works everytime!!!
282.46 | Salute!!!!! | FLYSQD::NIEMI | I'm the NRA | Mon Jan 14 1991 15:08 | 13 |
Talk about gargling with Tinks, I remember one time when these two
old timers were out deer hunting. Being a frugal person hunter number
1 puts some Tinks in a quater-pint liqour bottle, just about a half
inch worth and hangs it in a tree near his stand. When exiting with
his partner just before nightfall hunter number one starts reaching
for the bottle when hunter number two grabs it and states "You left
a good swallow in this one. Before number one can say anything number
two as put the bottle to his lips and dumped it down his throat.
You can imagine what followed. Ole hunter number two claims that
his neck swelled and sniffed out a doe the next day............