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Conference vmsdev::vmstuning

Notice:Welcome to VMSTUNING
Created:Sat Feb 15 1986
Last Modified:Thu May 15 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1539
Total number of notes:7984

1537.0. "Distributed lock management's statistics" by HANDVC::STEVELIU () Tue Apr 29 1997 09:42

                                     on node HANDW1
                                29-APR-1997 17:40:18.09
                                           CUR        AVE        MIN       
        New ENQ Rate       (Local)        0.00       0.00       0.00      
                        (Incoming)        0.00       0.00       0.00      
                        (Outgoing)        0.00       0.00       0.00      
        Converted ENQ Rate (Local)        0.00       0.00       0.00      
                        (Incoming)        0.00       0.00       0.00      
                        (Outgoing)        0.00       0.00       0.00      
        DEQ Rate           (Local)        0.00       0.00       0.00      
                        (Incoming)        0.00       0.00       0.00      
                        (Outgoing)        0.00       0.00       0.00      
        Blocking AST Rate  (Local)        0.00       0.00       0.00      
                        (Incoming)        0.00       0.00       0.00      
                        (Outgoing)        0.00       0.00       0.00      
        Dir Functn Rate (Incoming)        0.00       0.00       0.00      
                        (Outgoing)        0.00       0.00       0.00      
        Deadlock Message Rate             0.00       0.00       0.00      
    what's the implication of "high" rates in the above monitor dlock
    table entries ?                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    In particular, for example, 
            Converted ENQ Rate (Outgoing) is shooting up when a application
    is executing. what's should be the interpretation ? and what advice you
    will give to lower this rate ?
    I would also like to get overall rundown of the interpretation of the
    rates displayed in monitor dlock ? 
1537.1EPS::VANDENHEUVELHeinTue Apr 29 1997 19:5534
  >  what's the implication of "high" rates in the above monitor dlock
  >  table entries ?                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    Nothing. It just suggests that the application is doing a lot of work.
    >        Converted ENQ Rate (Outgoing) is shooting up when a application
    >is executing. 
    Over in the BASIC conference you just posted a query about an 
    application using an RMS indexed file having a heavy system 
    impact. I guess it is save to assume that this question is in
    relation to the same problem? Why not tell folks a little more
    about what you already know about the problem? What is the point
    of letting voluntueering helpers go speculate about scenarios 
    where you can just provide the detail with the problem?!
    > what's should be the interpretation ? 
    That it is doing a lot of work but not enough to move the lock tree over.
   > and what advice you will give to lower this rate ?
    Do less work. Ahhh, but you _want_ the system to do more work quicker
    right? Well in that case you _want_ the system to get higher lock rates.
    You may want to read up on lock-tree mastering and figure whether you 
    can concentrate access to a particular file to be from one node only.
1537.3time to shuffle some hardware?EPS::VANDENHEUVELHeinWed Apr 30 1997 05:2356
 >   One question is there are anything difference between monitor lock
 >   and monitor dlock ?
    One activity is local to one node, the other (dlock) is distributed
    and thus involved cluster communincations (CI traffic)
 >   nodes (3 nodes of VAX 7610 to be exact.)
    Are they really 3 nodes with each 1 CPU? 
    They should perhaps consider getting rid of at least 1 box and
    throw all memory and CPUs together in one node. Perhaps get one 
    more CPU to turn it into 2 times 7620. Some SMP power is so much 
    more pleasant for end user responsivness.
    On a sinlge-cpu box, if a process goes hog a cpu as in your example,
    then everyone else suffers immediatly as you noticed.
 >   suddenly jump, this application is only reading this file for 
 >   locating list of records which satisfy the search criteria. The
    [same anwer as from BASIC conference:]
    That appears correct. As you read through the file RMS will repeat
    the following approximate sequence for each record: 
    	- [unlock previous if needed]
    	- lock bucket
    	- lock record
    	- [unlock current if ROP=NLK or FAC=GET]
    	- unlock bucket
    There is NOTHING you can do about this. This WILL happen for each record.
    The total number of lock transition is pre-defined by the number of
    records in the file. The lock rate is simply a matter of how fast you
    read through the file. Faster = better = more lock/second
    They only way to have a real effect is to figure out a way not to read
    the whole file. Use the key, add an extra key on a sub-field if needed.
 >   in the 3 nodes cluster. I try to investigate why this application
 >   is causing high lock rate. please advise.    
    As per above... the locking rate is not important it is just a 
    reflection off the work being done.
1537.4lock rate investigationHANDVC::STEVELIUWed Apr 30 1997 05:3531
    Hi, Hein,
    yes, it is related to the same problem posted in VAX BASIC conf
    note 1795. A new reply has been posted there.
    One question is there are anything difference between monitor lock
    and monitor dlock ?

    Also I would like to understand this statement further :

    "You may want to read up on lock-tree mastering and figure whether you
    can concentrate access to a particular file to be from one node only."

    why applications that access the same file should be localized to
    one node ? what benefits can be obtained here ?

    Rightnow the file is being placed on a shared disk which can be
    accessed by different applications concurrently running on different 
    nodes (3 nodes of VAX 7610 to be exact.)

    when this particular application is run, the lock rate in the system
    suddenly jump, this application is only reading the file for 
    locating list of records which satisfy the search criteria. The
    same file will be shared read/update by other applications running
    in the 3 nodes cluster. I try to investigate why this application
    is causing high lock rate in the system it runs.     

    will it be buffering problem ? can you tell from the output of
    analyze/rms_file ?

1537.4lock rate investigationHANDVC::STEVELIUWed Apr 30 1997 07:0537
    Hi, Hein,
    yes, it is related to the same problem posted in VAX BASIC conf
    note 1795. A new reply has been posted there.
    One question is there are anything difference between monitor lock
    and monitor dlock ?

    A high lock rate indicates that a certain resource is being hold up
    for long. now does this resource refer to I/O resource only and is
    this related to memory resource ? it is noted that when the lock
    rate come up, disk I/O is seen to be jumping high too, and so
    I am asking.
    Also I would like to understand this statement further :

    "You may want to read up on lock-tree mastering and figure whether you
    can concentrate access to a particular file to be from one node only."

    why applications that access the same file should be localized to
    one node ? what benefits can be obtained here ?

    Rightnow the file is being placed on a shared disk which can be
    accessed by different applications concurrently running on different 
    nodes (3 nodes of VAX 7610 to be exact.)

    when this particular application is run, the lock rate in the system
    suddenly jump, this application is only reading the file for 
    locating list of records which satisfy the search criteria. The
    same file will be shared read/update by other applications running
    in the 3 nodes cluster. I try to investigate why this application
    is causing high lock rate in the system it runs.     

    will it be buffering problem ? can you tell from the output of
    analyze/rms_file ?

1537.5EPS::VANDENHEUVELHeinWed Apr 30 1997 13:2915
> it is noted that when the lock
>    rate come up, disk I/O is seen to be jumping high too, and so
>    I am asking.
    Please put your thinking cap up for a moment... ready?...
    As you read through a file, RMS will perform IOs to read buckets.
    Each bucket will have a number of records. Let's say 50 on average.
    So for every IO there will be 200 lock changes. If they read at
    50 IO/sec, then there will be 10,000 Locks/sec. The more the better!
    To read your whole 100K file with 5 block buckets you will need 
    approx 20,000 IOs and 4,000,000 lock. If you change the bucket 
    size to 25 there will be 4,000 IOs and still be 4,000,000 locks.