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Conference vicki::boats

Notice:Introductions 2 /Classifieds 3 / '97 Ski Season 1267
Created:Thu May 12 1988
Last Modified:Wed Jun 04 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1275
Total number of notes:18109

563.0. "Help with Mercruiser power trim leak" by SAHQ::QUALE (DOLPHINS::QUALE) Fri Dec 08 1989 14:32

    I have a '73 SeaRay with a 188 merc and have run into a 
    leak in one of my trim lines on the outdrive. The leak is 
    in the small silver-like flexible hose/tube leading to the cylinders.
    Is this an easy fix or am I better off having a pro do it? It appears
    that all I need to do is replace the hose/tube but what about the
    hydraulic pressure and how would I refill?
563.1SimpleGLDOA::BARTONThink_Snow....Lots_of_it!!Fri Dec 08 1989 15:327
    If that is all that is leaking is the silver hose simply replace
    it. After doing so raise and lower outdrive a few times, and check
    level of hydraulic oil in your resivour (sp?). If the level has
    dropped top of to proper level. Simple right ???? 8^)
    				jeff b. 
563.2SAHQ::QUALEDOLPHINS::QUALEMon Dec 11 1989 13:263
    Thanks. I was able to get hold of a shop manual
    this weekend and saw how easy it is.