| | Assuming that ELMS is obsolete, is there a way to display a ring map
| under DECmcc ELM? If so, what is the command? Is it as complete as the
| ELMS map?
Yes, the DECmcc ELM FM V1.2 package includes the FDDI Ring Map FM.
This application requires a Digital SMT gateway (DECbridge 5xx,
DECbridge 6xx, or DECconcentrator 500) to the ring, but it will map all
FDDI stations on the ring. Check the NOTED::MCC conference, in note 3
for the location of kits, for more details. [Press KP7 or the Select
key to add it to your notebook.]
This software is available from the SSB for customers.
| The ring map in ELMS should work, though. There are a number of FDDI vendors
that send invalid response messages to map requests. The mapper will try
to do the best it can, but often it cannot produce a good map if it gets
garbage responses. I don't remember problems with cisco, but it certainly
is possible that they would be a source of trouble. A look at the message
would be very helpful.