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Conference 7.286::fddi

Title:FDDI - The Next Generation
Created:Thu Apr 27 1989
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2259
Total number of notes:8590

552.0. "MAP message with CISCO" by GWTEAL::WOESTEMEYER (Why??...Why not!!!) Thu Apr 30 1992 12:45

Customer attached a CISCO DAS to a DECconectrator 500, as SAS, expecting 
to get a wrap.  HE then used ELMS 'show map' and 'sh sif', the results are 
attached.  He is concerned about the message returned.

In an attempt to duplicate his condition I used a DECbridge 620 and attached
it to a DECconcentrator 500 in the same manner.  Although my may was not the
same, it did not return the errors, and returned the wrap as expected.  

Any ideas??
Steve Woestemeyer
CSC/CS - Network Support Team

FDDI Ring Map   	as of   27-APR-1992 15:21:23
Name DRC_DC500                                      Address 08-00-2B-24-FE-62

              .___.                  .___.         P - Primary Ring
Concentrator: |___|         Station: |___|         S - Secondary Ring

Attachments:  trunk   .___.     b __.___.      a  .___.      s   .___.
                    ==|___|         |___|       __|___|        --|___|
Ring             Station            Station Name    Station ID
:S ^ P            Icon              Station Type    MAC Address (MAC#)
v  |                                Active (concentrator) ports

:  |  .___.
:  +==|___|                         DRC_DC500    ID=00-00-08-00-2B-24-FE-62
:  |   /|\                           4-port 1-mac DAC     08-00-2B-24-FE-62
:  |                                Active: 3, 4
Possible tree map inconsistency - too few slaves
  |   |___| wrap-b                               ID=00-00-AA-00-04-00-E8-33
  |                                 1-mac DAS             AA-00-04-00-E8-33
Possible map inconsistency - slave is upstream of trunk das
        | .___. U1 
        +-|___|                     DRC_DB500    ID=00-00-08-00-2B-1D-7A-DA
                                    SAS                   08-00-2B-1D-7A-DA
:  |  .___.
:  +==|___|                         JHW_DC500    ID=00-00-08-00-2B-1E-47-C9
:  |   /|\                           4-port 1-mac DAC     08-00-2B-1E-47-C9
:  |                                Active: 
:  |  .___.
:  +==|___|                         SHB_DC500_1  ID=00-00-08-00-2B-24-FE-5C
:  |   /|\                           4-port 1-mac DAC     08-00-2B-24-FE-5C
:  |                                Active: 4
        |_.___. 1  
          |___|                     WPC_DC500    ID=00-00-08-00-2B-23-3B-8E
           /|\                       4-port 1-mac DAC     08-00-2B-23-3B-8E
                                    Active: 3
            | .___. 2  
            +-|___|                 WPC_DB500    ID=00-00-08-00-2B-1D-7A-88
                                    SAS                   08-00-2B-1D-7A-88
  |   .___.
  |---|___|                         CSB_DB500    ID=00-00-08-00-2B-16-FE-71
  |                                 SAS                   08-00-2B-16-FE-71
  |   .___.
  |___|___| wrap-a                  LBJ_DC500    ID=00-00-08-00-2B-23-3B-8B
  |    /|\                           4-port 1-mac DAC     08-00-2B-23-3B-8B
  |                                 Active: 
:  |  .___.
:  +==|___|                         WBT_DC500    ID=00-00-08-00-2B-1D-6D-47
:  |   /|\                           4-port 1-mac DAC     08-00-2B-1D-6D-47
:  |                                Active: 
:  |  .___.
:  +==|___|                         SHB_DC500_2  ID=00-00-08-00-2B-1E-1E-5A
:  |                                1-mac DAS             08-00-2B-1E-1E-5A
----  End Of Map  ----

SIF Configuration Information 	as of   27-APR-1992 15:22:18
Name                                                Address AA-00-04-00-E8-33
Gateway Name DRC_DC500                      Gateway Address 08-00-2B-24-FE-62

Station ID:                        00-00-AA-00-04-00-E8-33
SMT Version ID:                    1
Station Timestamp:                 158.60896 ms
Station Type:                      DAS (Dual Attachment Station)
Number of Macs:                    1
Station State:                     Status Reports Unsupported

Station Configuration:                               token flow: ->
 Ports:                 Type      Remote      Port           Remote
                                  type        state           MAC

 Port1  -> Port1         A        Unknown    Connecting       N
 Port2  -> Port2         B        S          Active           N

 MACs:              Address            Upstream Addr.     Downstream Addr.

 MAC1   -> MAC1     AA-00-04-00-E8-33  08-00-2B-1D-7A-DA  08-00-2B-24-FE-62
                                       DRC_DB500           DRC_DC500       

Station Configuration Policies:    Hold Capability Unavailable
Station Connection Policies:       Accepts All
SMT Supported Versions:            1

Info from Cisco

User Access Verification

kingkong>sh int f 0

Fddi 0 is up, line protocol is up 
  Hardware type is cBus Fddi, hardware address is aa00.0400.e833
  Internet address is, subnet mask is
  MTU 4470 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit, DLY 100 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255
  Encapsulation SNAP, loopback not set, keepalive not set
  ARP type: SNAP, ARP Timeout 4:00:00
  Phy-A state is connect, neighbor is unk, cmt signal bits 08/00, status QLS
    Brk 1, Con 1, Tra 0, Nxt 0, Sig 0, Join 0, Vfy 0, Act 0
  Phy-B state is active, neighbor is M, cmt signal bits 20C/2E, status ILS
    Brk 1, Con 1, Tra 0, Nxt 11, Sig 10, Join 1, Vfy 1, Act 1
  CFM is wrap B, token rotation 7987 usec, ring operational 0:11:38
  Upstream neighbor 0800.2b1d.7ada, downstream neighbor 0800.2b24.fe62
  Last input 0:00:00, output 0:00:00, output hang never
  Output queue 0/40, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops
  Five minute input rate 3000 bits/sec, 4 packets/sec
  Five minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 1 packets/sec
     2386 packets input, 259953 bytes, 0 no buffer
     Received 2311 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants
     0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
     275 packets output, 96468 bytes
     0 output errors, 0 collisions, 2 interface resets, 0 restarts
     1 transitions
552.1SIF Config Index PathSOS6::GROSSETETEMon May 11 1992 10:1528
    	I already have some problems with CISCO implementation
    of Index Path in SMT SIF Config frames. As our ELMS Ring MAP
    is based on the content of SIF Config frames, this could be
    your problem.
    Could your customer try a :
    elms> sho CISCO_AGS sif conf via DC500
    You'll also get an error message from ELMS
    check the index path info on the Cisco when attached as a DAS, 
    I think it'll be 
    	PHY 1 connected on PHY 1
    	PHY 2 connected on PHY 2
    	MAC connected on MAC
    It must be (ie: check on our DECbridge 620)
    	PHY 1 connected to MAC
    	PHY 2 connected on PHY 1
    	MAC connected on PHY 2
    Note also that CISCO performance with v.8.x are poor when
    connected as a SAS. It seems Cisco box is permanently pooling
    the status of the PHY port. Must be corrected in a next version.
552.2Sho Sif in .0GWTEAL::WOESTEMEYERWhy??...Why not!!!Mon May 11 1992 18:428
    .0 included the 'sho cisco sif config via dc500, it had no errors. The
    customer has not tried to hook the Cisco as a DAS, but is going to
    discuss this with Cisco at Interop.  Based on the Show Sif from .0, any
    further ideas/suggestions?
552.3KONING::KONINGPaul Koning, A-13683Tue May 12 1992 13:4311
The SIF info you showed in .0 indicates several errors in the Cisco station.

First of all (the cause of these problems) it says that PHY 2 is connected
to itself, and MAC 1 is connected to itself.  What it should be showing is
that PHY 2 is connected to MAC 1 and vice versa.

Second, the Station ID of the Cisco station is illegal, since it isn't a
Universally administered value.  That doesn't affect anything directly, but
it does violate the standard.

552.4Index Path is the problem.SOS6::GROSSETETEFri May 15 1992 15:257
    	As Paul said, you are seeing the same as I had. So, I definitivly
    think that Index Path is your customer's problem.
552.5Thanks to allGWTEAL::WOESTEMEYERWhy??...Why not!!!Fri May 15 1992 16:066
    Thanks to all,
    I have passed the information on to the customer, he will pursue the
    problem with Cisco.