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Conference 7.286::fddi

Title:FDDI - The Next Generation
Created:Thu Apr 27 1989
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2259
Total number of notes:8590

336.0. "DEFEB V3.0 and the NTP table" by CSC32::WOESTEMEYER (Why??...Why not!!!) Fri Aug 30 1991 20:00

    Customer received V3.0 for his DECbridge 500s, seven of them. He used
    NDU to load them, once loaded he did a 'show NTP' to verify that the
    Appletalk protocol was there.  Then he rebooted one bridge, did another
    'show ntp' and there was no entry for 80-F3.
    At this point he called the Support Center.  We tried various
    combinations starting with what the release notes call for.
    The release notes say to do an 'add ntp 80-F3' so we did then again
    initialized the bridge.  Still the NTP table was empty when the bridge
    came back up.  
    The release notes also said to initialize the bridge with defaults, we
    did this and then did a straight initialize.  Now the NTP table has the
    expected results.  We went through theis process on tthe other brdiges
    we could reboot, 3.  It seems the only way the NTP table remains intact
    is to reboot it to defaults.
    Customer is concerned that at some point in time the NTP table could be
    empty after a power hit.  He has waited several months with his FDDI
    bridges in a box because Appletalk was not handled correctly.
    Has anyone else seen this??
    Steve Woestemeyer
    CSC/CS - NSU
336.1Refer to note 312LEVERS::KRISHNAFri Aug 30 1991 20:257
      This problem has already been found and discussed. Please refer to
    note 312.  Please also advise the customer not be concerned because
    if the bridges have been initialized with defaults, the Appletalk protocol
    is stored in the NVRAM and will not be lost on power hits.