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Conference 7.286::fddi

Title:FDDI - The Next Generation
Created:Thu Apr 27 1989
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2259
Total number of notes:8590

172.0. "ELMS QAR database unavailable" by CSC32::WOESTEMEYER (Why??...Why not!!!) Tue Nov 13 1990 16:56

I had wanted to QAR the following ELMS problems, but the QAR database
    for ELMS is unavailable, any idea why?
Using Elms V1.1 or 1.0 it has been noticed that on page 2-26 of 
the DECelms use manual the keyword for the fragmentation switch
are ENABLED or DISABLED.  If these are entered with the "D", ie 
disable(d) or enable(d), you get a parse error.  Leaving the "D" 
off solves the problem, however we have some very literial minded 
Using either ELMS V1.1 or 1.0 it has been noticed that the bridge 
description field is truncated at 32 characters, not the 80 characters
in the documentation.
172.1AnswersLEVERS::SWEETThu Nov 15 1990 16:3712
      The QAR system is closed because ELMS V1.1 is out of field test and
    in the SSB. As for your two questions: We likely left the "d"
    off our command parser and the doc's are correct. And for number
    2 the doc is incorrect the supported length is 32 by design.
    Since ELMS V1.1 is the last planned release of ELMS we will have to
    live with these ( I don't suspect we will lose any customers over