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Conference 7.286::fddi

Title:FDDI - The Next Generation
Created:Thu Apr 27 1989
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2259
Total number of notes:8590

143.0. "ELMS IVP fails, registering bridge fails" by CSC32::D_SHAVEY () Wed Sep 26 1990 16:41

    Another ELMS problem:
    When installing elms, the IVP fails with:
    1. start command failed
       process already stopped
       failed vax decelms v1.0 installation verification
    Also, when registering a name it fails with:
    elms>register name xxxxxx address xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
           implementation specific error code
    I know that the elms software is good, because I installed it on
    another vax that the customer has and it is running fine.
    Vax it fails on is:
    mvax II 
    vms 5.2
    vax it works on is:
    vms 5.2
    	Any suggestions???
    					Darrell Shavey
143.1a pointer to another conferenceLEVERS::GULICKFri Sep 28 1990 16:063
	see 140.1 

143.2Already tried thereCSC32::WOESTEMEYERWhy??...Why not!!!Tue Oct 02 1990 19:567
    This was entered in the RBMS_LANbridge notes file, but no answers were
    forth coming there so we thought we would try here.  By the way we just
    has another call with the same problem!!  Still looking for a solution.
    Steve Woestemeyer