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Conference 7.286::dcu

Notice:1996 BoD Election results in 1004
Created:Sat Feb 07 1987
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1041
Total number of notes:18759

874.0. ""My parting shot"" by --UnknownUser-- () Fri Sep 02 1994 15:55

874.1Base note deleted at author's requestROWLET::AINSLEYLess than 150 kts. is TOO slow!Tue Sep 06 1994 17:153
The base note has been deleted at the request of the author.

Bob - Co-moderator DCU
874.2BSS::RONEYCharles RoneyTue Sep 06 1994 18:159
>     <<< Note 874.1 by ROWLET::AINSLEY "Less than 150 kts. is TOO slow!" >>>
>                   -< Base note deleted at author's request >-
>The base note has been deleted at the request of the author.
>Bob - Co-moderator DCU
	Since this is the last note in the conference, why not just delete
	the whole thing and be done with it?
874.3may be read in alt.digital.dcuLGP30::FLEISCHERwithout vision the people perish (DTN 297-5780, MRO3-3/L16)Tue Sep 06 1994 18:2215
re Note 874.1 by ROWLET::AINSLEY:

>                   -< Base note deleted at author's request >-
>The base note has been deleted at the request of the author.
>Bob - Co-moderator DCU

        The author posted Note 874.0 -- including the Notes header --
        to alt.digital.dcu
        (news:9409021654.AA23581@us4rmc.pko.dec.com for those using a
        web reader).

874.4Sometimes you just can't win:-)ROWLET::AINSLEYLess than 150 kts. is TOO slow!Wed Sep 07 1994 12:0911
    re: .2, Why not just delete the whole thing?
    Because if I did, one of three things would happen:
    1)  Someone would ask what happened to the note.
    2)  Someone would accuse the moderators of being 'Goderators'.
    3)  Both of the above.
    Bob - Co-moderator DCU
874.5Interesting...BSS::RONEYCharles RoneyThu Sep 08 1994 13:4110
>                      -< may be read in alt.digital.dcu >-

>        The author posted Note 874.0 -- including the Notes header --
>        to alt.digital.dcu
>        (news:9409021654.AA23581@us4rmc.pko.dec.com for those using a
>        web reader).

Thu Sep  8 07:40:19 1994: Bogus newsgroup `alt.digital.dcu',removing from the ne
wsrc file

874.6NETRIX::thomasThe Code WarriorThu Sep 08 1994 13:582
Some idjit sent out an rmgroup for it.  Those that honor them will have had
blown away...  (I don't honor newgroups for alt.* on nntpd.{bb,lkg}.dec.com)
874.7RLTIME::COOKThu Sep 08 1994 14:589
>Some idjit sent out ...

or deliberately sent out...

874.8NETRIX::thomasThe Code WarriorThu Sep 08 1994 15:161
Nope, it was an idjit.
874.9I really don't know news admin...LGP30::FLEISCHERwithout vision the people perish (DTN 297-5780, MRO3-3/L16)Thu Sep 08 1994 15:4213
re Note 874.6 by NETRIX::thomas:

> Some idjit sent out an rmgroup for it.  Those that honor them will have had
> blown away...  (I don't honor newgroups for alt.* on nntpd.{bb,lkg}.dec.com)
        Is this something done to a particular news server, or is it
        something that propagates and may execute on all servers? 
        Does it require special privilege?

        By the way, mrnews.mro.dec.com still appears to have the

874.10BICYCL::RYERDon't give away the home world....Thu Sep 08 1994 16:113
Ok, so what do we do about it if it's been blown away on our server?

874.11ELWOOD::KAPLANLarry Kaplan, DTN: 237-6872Thu Sep 08 1994 16:266
    Yep, it was blown away from my at-home server, too.  Can someone send
    out a "create" message ?
    This kinda stuff must happen all the time in the I-Way.
874.12NETRIX::thomasThe Code WarriorThu Sep 08 1994 16:265
Ask your news server admin to recreate it.

Someone posts a rmgroup control message, it propogates to all news servers.
Each news server has control over what they do with it.  Some believe them,
some don't.  
874.13Can we find out whodunnit?ROWLET::AINSLEYLess than 150 kts. is TOO slow!Fri Sep 09 1994 13:283
Is it possible to find out what node/user issued the rmgroup?

874.14Things are a lot more chaotic out there...WAYLAY::GORDONin a leaky boat off the coast of CubaFri Sep 09 1994 14:0011
874.15RUSURE::EDPAlways mount a scratch monkey.Fri Sep 09 1994 17:1313
    Re .14:
    > (In fact there's a newsgroup where the only way to post  is to forge
    > a message)
    Which one?
    				-- edp
Public key fingerprint:  8e ad 63 61 ba 0c 26 86  32 0a 7d 28 db e7 6f 75
To find PGP, read note 2688.4 in Humane::IBMPC_Shareware.
874.16TUXEDO::WRAYJohn Wray, Distributed Processing EngineeringFri Sep 09 1994 19:188
        >    Which one?

    Isn't that alt.hackers?

    It's a moderated newsgroup with a non-existent moderator, so in order
    to post to it you have to forge a moderator approval for your post.
