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Conference unifix::sailing

Notice:Please read Note 2.* before participating in this conference
Created:Wed Jul 01 1992
Last Modified:Mon Jun 02 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2299
Total number of notes:20724

2017.0. "Southern Cross is coming north" by NECSC::EINES (CSC/MA SNA product support) Fri Apr 09 1993 14:00

This trip is going ahead full steam (so to speak)!  I have the honor
of posting the base note for this journey.

We are still looking for some additional crew members.  Please note that the 
dates have changed.  We are now leaving Miami, FL, on Monday, May 3. 
>Note 6401.0  CREW NEEDED for a fun/wrok/sailing party up the East Coa  3 replies
>BTOVT::HILTON_G "SYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corru" 30 lines  12-MAR-1993 09:37
>I am looking for crew to help me bring my boat up from
>Miami to Burlington Vt. The trip is planned for
>April 18th departure in Miami and an arrival date of
>MAy 9th in Burlington Vt. I will be paying all
>expenses occured by the boat.
>All you have to do is get to the boat and get home,
>and help pay for the beer!
>The boat is a 65' ketch. Named the Southern Cross.
>We will be doing 3 legs, each being 1 week in lenght.
>Leg 1  4/18/93 -  4/24/93    Miami FL to Norfolk VA
>Leg 2  4/24/93 -  5/ 1/93    Norfolk VA to NYC/Ablany area
>Leg 3  5/ 1/93 -  5/ 9/93    Albany/NYC area to Burlington VT
>NO EXPERIENCE necessary... just willing to work hard
>and have a good time.
>If interested please send mail to
>			Georgia Hilton
>				or
Again, the above dates have all be pushed out 2 weeks.  Leg 1 now begins on
Monday, 5/3.  The other Captain of this trip is Christian DELNI::BRADY.  If you
are interested in signing up, send mail to Georgia or Chris.  I am but a mere
crew member, but am looking forward to this adventure.

Actually, we just had our first crew meeting last night.  Can anyone tell
me if being "keelhauled" is a good thing?

2017.1May not be so great for you....AKO539::KALINOWSKIFri Apr 09 1993 14:166
    re -.1
    >Actually, we just had our first crew meeting last night.  Can anyone
    >tell me if being "keelhauled" is a good thing?
    	Yes, It helps keep the bottom paint free of barnicles  ;>) ;>)
2017.2EMDS::MCBRIDEFlick of my BIC Scarecrow?Fri Apr 09 1993 16:363
    It is also great for the complexion, much better than a lufa.
2017.3SMIRK..BTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QSun Apr 11 1993 17:2415
   " oh come on you guys... a little keeling hauling never hurt anyone... "
    				Captain Quig...
2017.4latest infoBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QSun Apr 11 1993 17:2824
    As it stands right now we need the following positions filled:
    	LEG 1	:  2 crew people
    	LEG 2	:  1 mate and 1 crew person
    	LEG 3   :  1 mate and 2 crew people
    (ie: i define mate as someone with good sailing experience and crew as
    	 anybody who would like to help out, experinced or not)
    I expect to fill at least one spot per leg within the next two days.
    	We will be having a local TV station meeting us in Albany to film
    the trip up the canal and into lake champlain. 
    ALSO:  it appears a Hartford CT nes station may send a camera/reporter 
        person along for part or all of the trip.
2017.5STUFF TO BRINGBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QSun Apr 11 1993 17:3019
    Please bring the following items if you crew on the S.C.
    	1. Sailing Gloves
    	2. Police whistle and small waterproof flash light 
    	3. passport or other proff if US citizenship
    PS: put the whistle and flashlight on a small lanyard around your
        nexk or in a fanny pack or in your pocket attached to a belt or
    	belt loop.... IF you go over the side at night this will increase
    	your chances of rescue many orders or magnitude.....
    		see you guys soon!!
    LEG 1			LEG 2			LEG 3
    georgia hilton		georgia hilton		georgia hilton
    kathy hunt			kathy hunt		kathy hunt
    brian mcbride		ron eagan		ron eagan
    maria kozo
    tom proulx                  tom proulx
    chris chandler              chris chandler
    fred eines                  fred eines
    1 slot open                 2 slots open            5 slots open
    we have 5 other people confirmed for the trip but not as yet placed
    formally. I will include their names on the roster when they commit
    formally to the trip. (first come first serve)
    I have booked a rental car one way from burlington to Miami for april
    27 departure at 5pm. so if anyone needs a ride call me or send mail
    We are still planning on having some media guests during part or all of
    the trip. 
    You need to be at the boat in miami on or before Sat 5/1/93 1200.
    You need to be in litte creek on or before       Sat 5/7/93 1200.
    other drop off pick up sites need to be arranged between NYC and
    BURLINGTON VT.  Possible drop/pickup sites are:
    Tarrytown NY
    Pokeepsie (sp) NY   (sorry for the bad spelling)
    Kingston NY
    Albany NY
    Trop NY
    Burlington VT
    Shelburne VT
    We can arrange to drop or pick up crew in any of these locations during
    the final leg.
2017.7CURRENT DATES:BTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Mon Apr 12 1993 13:4044
 I will be departing for Miami Beach FL on April 27. The
boat is available for people to sleep on board/ move in
for the trip on April 26. 
Directions and phone numbers will be posted.

LEG 1     Miami to Little Creek VA (norfolk va)

Be at the boat no later than        1200 Sat May 1st
We will be leaving sometime between 0600 Sun May 2nd 
				and 0600 Mon May 3rd

We will be arriving in VA between   1200 Fri May 7th
				and 1200 Sun May 9th

LEG 2   Little Creek VA to NYC/Albany NY

Be in little creek on or before     1200 Sat May 8th
We will depart Little Creek between 0600 Sun May 9th
				and 0600 Mon May 10th

We will arrive in the NYC between   1200 Wed May 12th
				and 1200 Thu May 13th

We will arrive in Tarrytown around  thur/fri may 13/14
We will arrive in Albany    around  sun/mon  may 16/17

LEG 3  Albany to Burlington VT

This one is a little tricky.... plan on calling our
hot line number for boat location and planned arrival 
to the various cities on the hudson between NYC and
Albany. We will pickup/drop off crew in various locations
as required.

We will drop the mast in TROY NY and start the run up to
Burlington on MONDAY MAY 17th (ish)

We will be arriving in Burlington on the following
weekend MAy 22/23. 

	"jim... your mission if you decide to... "
2017.8CREW MEMBERSBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Mon Apr 12 1993 14:0120
Georgia Hilton         802-657-4077
Brian McBride	       508-493-3833
Ron Egan	       603-884-2727
Tom Proulx             603-881-1039
Chris Chandler         508-840-3614
Fred Eines             508-841-7356
Kathy Hunt	       802-879-0987
Roger McCormick	       802-985-8983
Christian Brady	       508-486-5822
Maria Kozo

Possible crew

Mark Parenti
Ken Bates
Drew Gillett
Tony Stevens
Gerry Kittle
2017.9JUST WHERE IS THIS BOAT ANYWAY?? (DIRECTIONS)BTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Mon Apr 12 1993 16:4024
The Southern Cross is located in Miami Beach.


	*** Before going to the boat call this   ***
	    number to let them know you are coming.
	    The house owner gets rather upset at
	    tresspassers...  SO CALL FIRST!

		305 - 532 - 5693

ok, back to directions:

Address: 2142 North Bay Road   Miami Beach FL
(its just off Alton Road across the casueway)
(right off casueway, right again onto North Bay rd)

I will send detail instructions later as to how to get
there from the Airport and I95

2017.10CREW UPDATEBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Mon Apr 12 1993 17:2855
             <<< UNIFIX::$1$DUA14:[NOTES$LIBRARY]SAILING.NOTE;1 >>>
                                  -< SAILING >-
Note 2017.6             Southern Cross is coming North!!!                 6 of 9
BTOVT::HILTON_G "SYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Q"  47 lines  11-APR-1993 22:22
    LEG 1			LEG 2			LEG 3
    georgia hilton		georgia hilton		georgia hilton
    kathy hunt			kathy hunt		kathy hunt
    brian mcbride		ron eagan		ron eagan
    maria kozo
    tom proulx                  tom proulx
    chris chandler              chris chandler
    fred eines                  fred eines
    gil Stearns                 gil stearns
     (closed)			 (closed)              5 slots open
    we have 5 other people confirmed for the trip but not as yet placed
    formally. I will include their names on the roster when they commit
    formally to the trip. (first come first serve)
    I have booked a rental car one way from burlington to Miami for april
    27 departure at 5pm. so if anyone needs a ride call me or send mail
    We are still planning on having some media guests during part or all of
    the trip. 
    You need to be at the boat in miami on or before Sat 5/1/93 1200.
    You need to be in litte creek on or before       Sat 5/7/93 1200.
    other drop off pick up sites need to be arranged between NYC and
    BURLINGTON VT.  Possible drop/pickup sites are:
    Tarrytown NY
    Pokeepsie (sp) NY   (sorry for the bad spelling)
    Kingston NY
    Albany NY
    Trop NY
    Burlington VT
    Shelburne VT
    We can arrange to drop or pick up crew in any of these locations during
    the final leg.
2017.11HELP.. we need SHORE BASED support!BTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Mon Apr 12 1993 18:0328
THe Southern Cross trip requires a clearing house for
the following information:

	Weather Info
		Short range forcasts and info
		Long Range Forcasts

		Ships position relative to plan

		Call in location for updates for
		crew during the trip
		Planned stops for drop off/pickup etc.

	Notes file
		updates to this topic every day or so.

If anyone has access to NOAA weather info or the 
Weather channel, can do navigation and is will to
be pestered and annoyed on a daily basis please
let me know if you'd like to provide shore support
for our trip!

				georgia hilton
2017.12Additional overview on what to bringBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Mon Apr 12 1993 19:0425
Bring the following:

Sleeping bag and/or bedding
Heavy coat
light jacket
foul weather gear
short pants
swim suit
sailing gloves
sun glasses
sun screen
sneakers / deckshoes (two pair)
personal articles / bathroom stuff
reading material
small portable flash light (pocket light)
regular flash light
Harness (if you can borrow or buy one)
2017.13Ten Reasons to go on this tripBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Mon Apr 12 1993 19:1414

1.	Beats sitting at a desk at Digital.

2.	To test your sense of humor.
3.	Weight loss...
	  (a yak for breakfast, a yak for lunch, and a sensible dinner)	
4.	It's cheap.
5.	You are doing it on a dare.
6.	You never heard of the Bermuda Triangle.
7. 	Banging your head against the wall is a way of life for you.
8.	You'd rather watch someone else throw money down a black hole in the water for 3 weeks. 
9.	You get way too much sleep nowadays.
10.	You thought this was a Princess cruise ship...
2017.14TV coverageBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QMon Apr 12 1993 20:577
    Robin Sale will be joining us for the duration. She is a friend of mine
    who works for a harford CT TV station. She will be documenting the trip
    for her news station and for a possible cable show. 
2017.15more news coverageBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Tue Apr 13 1993 12:557
Channel 3 in Burlington will be sending kathy huges
to meet us in either albany or whitehall to shoot some
video for a news blurb and press release about the SC
coming to Lake champlain.

2017.16I have a VAN lined up ...BTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Tue Apr 13 1993 12:5614
... but I need to know who (of those going on leg 1)
whould like to drive down to save a buck. 

so far the list is
	kathy hunt
	robin sales
	roger mccormick

we can take 1 or 2 more folk.

2017.17Flyin'NECSC::EINESCSC/MA SNA product supportTue Apr 13 1993 13:3113
    Well, I'm not driving but...
    I'm looking for the cheapest one-way airfare down to Miami for the
    trip.  Given our market driven economy, it's more expensive to buy a 
    one-way fare than a round trip!
    I've heard of some new cheapie airlines that do just the Florida
    route. Does anyone have any info on these?  I may be leaving from the
    NYC area, if anyone knows of shuttle from there.  Newark would be
    my first choice.
2017.18got a week to kill in Lauderdale?STAR::TPROULXTue Apr 13 1993 14:5116
    This probably doesn't meet your requirements, but might help
    someone else making the trip:
    TransWorld Air (I think) and Shaw's Supermarkets are running
    a some promotions on 1-way and roundtrip tickets. By presenting
    a grocery reciept in excess of $50, I got a 1-way ticket from
    Logan to Ft. Lauderdale for $99. They only fly on Monday and
    Friday, and (here's the catch for us) travel must be completed
    by April 25. The ph. for info. is 1-800-883-8157.
    I have no connection with either Shaw's or TransWorld. My interest
    is in helping people get down to the boat.
2017.19Train is an alternativeSTAR::KENNEYTue Apr 13 1993 15:4210
    Another alternative is the train from N.Y. to Miami.  I needed a to go
    one way from Boston to Orlando and ran into the same thing.  The train
    was the cheapest by far.  It is about 26 hours from N.Y. to Miami on
    Amtrack and no need to change trains.  The other alternative is one of
    the package deals and you just never show up for the return flight.  I
    was surprised the train was not as awful as I had expected it to be.
2017.20AMTRACK pricesBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Tue Apr 13 1993 16:139
basic Amtrack prices (from Essex Jct VT to Miami)

coach seat  $169.00   one way

compartment for two people $ 577.00  one way.

2017.21Car rental pricesBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Tue Apr 13 1993 16:1520

Hertz (with AAA discount)

$125 / day   unlimited milage for midsize oneway rental
from Burlington VT to Miami beach Fl.

So I figure about $ 300 total one way with gas
(split 2 or 3 ways would be a fairly easy ride 
 and cheap)

A van from Ryder is $650 for 9 days unlimited milage
one way from Burlington VT to Miami Beach FL.
(this is how 4 of us are going)
(we are taking 2 spinnakers, extra gear and tackle)
(food, lines, RADAR gear etc)

2017.22things we need to do before we leave the dock in MiamiBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Tue Apr 13 1993 16:2423
hey guys!  if you are good at any of these let me know.

1. Fix a couple leaks in the teak deck.
2. Install a  RADAR mast aft.
3. Install a RADAR unit.
4. Mount a spare haylard on both masts.
5. Install jack lines , port and starboard.
6. Inflate and test zodiac and motor
7. Some basic wiring repair (minimal)
8. possibly install a whisker pole mount on the main mast.
9. general cleanup of the boat
10. general checkup of engine and generator

		so as you can see we will be busy
		for a couple days prior to departure.

				captain georgia

2017.23Thanks...NECSC::EINESCSC/MA SNA product supportTue Apr 13 1993 21:2311
        Thanks for the input, folks.  I'm probably not up for the train/car
    rides.  The Shaw's deal sounds good.  Big D has a similar deal, but you
    need something like hundreds of dollars worth of receipts to get the
    cheap airfare.   I'm going to dig through some newspapers, and try and
    find rates from those renegade airlines.
        Georgia, do you have those postscript files for the trip info?  If
    so, please post a pointer here.
2017.24trip infoBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Wed Apr 14 1993 11:5219
Actually, the powers that be didn't bother to do a backup on 
the system that I kept the S.C. Stuff on and they trashed
it yesterday (shutdown and boxed up for shipment.... somewhere)

But I think everything we need is in this note file now.
I haven't put home numbers or addresses in. if you wish
to put contact numbers and stuff feel free. 

I WILL be posting a note with a main shore support number
and a backup where people can call in to check progress
and get planned arrival date/times...

I will also be working the menu over the next couple days
so if you have any dietary issues please send me mail so
I can take them into account.

				cap't georgia
2017.25CURRENT CREW ROSTER - APRIL 14,1993BTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Wed Apr 14 1993 12:1940
    CURRENT CREW ROSTER          (4 slots open on leg 3)
______________________________________ LEG 1 __________________________________
Miami Beach FL to Little Creek VA		

	Captain   :  Georgia Hilton
	First Mate:  Roger McCormick
	      Mate:  Steve Bevan

	crew 1   	crew 2		crew 3
	Brian McBride	tom proulx	chis chandler
	Marie Kozo	fred eines	gil stearns
	Robin Sale
______________________________________ LEG 2 __________________________________
Little Creek VA to Hudson River		

	Captain   :  Georgia Hilton
	First Mate:  Roger McCormick
	      Mate:  Steve Bevan

	crew 1		crew 2		crew 3
	ron eagan	tom Proulx	chris chandler
	robin sale	fred eines	gil stearns

_____________________________________ LEG 3 ___________________________________
Hudson river (NYC/Albany) to Burlington VT

	Captain   :  Georgia Hilton
	First Mate:  Roger McCormick

	crew 1		crew 2		crew 3
	ron eagan	__open__	__open__
	robin sale	__open__	__open__
	Kathy Hughes (media/news person)

2017.26Watch bill for leg 1BTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Wed Apr 14 1993 12:3872
We are planning on leaving sometime between sun   0900 & mon   0900
					    may 5        may 6 
We are planning on arriving in Little creek between
					    fri   0900 & Sat   1200
					    may 7        may 8 
LEG 1 Duty roster

Sun	 5/5/93 0000 - 0300	crew 1		brian (crew 1)
		0300 - 0600     crew 2		fred  (crew 2)
		0600 - 0900     crew 3		chris (crew 3)
		0900 - 1200     crew 1		
		1200 - 1500     crew 2
		1500 - 1800     crew 3
		1800 - 2100     crew 1
		2100 - 2400     crew 2

Mon	 5/5/93 0000 - 0300	crew 3
		0300 - 0600     crew 1
		0600 - 0900     crew 2
		0900 - 1200     crew 3
		1200 - 1500     crew 1
		1500 - 1800     crew 2
		1800 - 2100     crew 3
		2100 - 2400     crew 1

Tue      5/4/93	0000 - 0300	crew 2
		0300 - 0600	crew 3
		0600 - 0900	crew 1
		0900 - 1200	crew 2
		1200 - 1500	crew 3
		1500 - 1800	crew 1
		1800 - 2100	crew 2
		2100 - 2400	crew 3

Wed	 5/5/93 0000 - 0300	crew 1
		0300 - 0600     crew 2
		0600 - 0900     crew 3
		0900 - 1200     crew 1
		1200 - 1500     crew 2
		1500 - 1800     crew 3
		1800 - 2100     crew 1
		2100 - 2400     crew 2

Thu	 5/6/93 0000 - 0300	crew 3
		0300 - 0600     crew 1
		0600 - 0900     crew 2
		0900 - 1200     crew 3
		1200 - 1500     crew 1
		1500 - 1800     crew 2
		1800 - 2100     crew 3
		2100 - 2400     crew 1

Fri	 5/7/93 0000 - 0300	crew 2
		0300 - 0600     crew 3
		0600 - 0900     crew 1
		0900 - 1200     crew 2
		1200 - 1500     crew 3
		1500 - 1800     crew 1
		1800 - 2100     crew 2
		2100 - 2400     crew 3

Sat	 5/8/93 0000 - 0300	crew 1
		0300 - 0600     crew 2
		0600 - 0900     crew 3
		0900 - 1200     crew 1

Roger McCormick and Steve Beven will spell on duty personnel and provide
additional assistance during sail changes/ weather etc. 

off duty crew members/mates/captain will provide cooking/cleaning details

2017.27SkybusNECSC::EINESCSC/MA SNA product supportWed Apr 14 1993 13:0620
What a country.

They say that competition is what made America great.  These days though, it
seems to be killing us.  OK, enough proselytizing, here are the facts:

Skybus is one of the new fly-by-night airlines offering discount fares to major
cities.  They originally just offered flights from Newark to Ft.  Lauderdale,
but are now they are expanding to Boston, LA, Chicago, etc.  Their number is
(800)775-9287.  Their Newark<->Ft. Lauderdale one-way fares range from
$99-$119, but this is without a reservation.  They actually have a $15
surcharge to make a reservation.  On top of that, if you need to change or
cancel your reservation, that costs $25.  Still, it's a good deal, even though
you might have to buy your own peanuts.

Can anyone give me a guesstimate what cab fare would be from Ft. Lauderdale
to the boat in Miami?  Or, would anyone be in that area Saturday morning to
give me a lift? 

2017.28Berth assigments (more or less)BTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Wed Apr 14 1993 13:1327
offical berth positions
( but we'll be hot bunking a bit so it's not an absolute)


	leg 1		leg 2		leg 3

forward cabin___________________________________
	tom		tom		-open-
	chris		chris		-open-
	fred		fred		-open-
	gil		gil

port cabin______________________________________
 	roger		ron		ron
 	steve		steve		-open-

starboard cabin_________________________________
 	brian 		roger		roger

aft cabin________________________________________
 	georgia 	georgia		georgia 
 	robin 		robin		robin
2017.29LEG 3 crew updateBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Wed Apr 14 1993 15:0911
I have had new and continued responses to the trip posting
so I should have leg 3 crew booked and confirmed by friday
of this week. 

**  LAST CALL **

				capt' georgia
2017.30Re .27 Let the train take the strainRDGENG::BEVANWed Apr 14 1993 15:1615

If no one gives you a lift take the Tri-Rail. Its is cheaper than a cab and 
quicker to. I don't have the exact route, maybe I have it somewhere at home 
or perhaps someone else can post it. Basically it runs north from Miami airport
through Ft Lauderdale and beyond. Use the cab to fill in the local gaps, you
can pick one up outside the station.


>>>Can anyone give me a guesstimate what cab fare would be from Ft. Lauderdale
>>>to the boat in Miami?  Or, would anyone be in that area Saturday morning to
>>>give me a lift? 

2017.31Southern Cross Radio-telephone license and other less interesting informationBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Wed Apr 14 1993 15:2521
For your records  (close enough for government work)...

	Ships Name 	: Southern Cross  
	Type		: Aux. Sail  (wood w/ fiberglass coated hull)
	Home Port	: Phili PA
	Ships Owner  	: Lyle Hall      
	Ships Master   	: Georgia Hilton
	Radio-tele lic  : WUU5726
	Documentation # : 931510
	Gross Tonnage	: 40 Tons
	Rig		: Cutter rigged ketch
	Main Mast height: 65'
	Mizzen Mast heig: 45'
	LOA		: 65'	
	cabins		:  8

just is case you are into officaldom...   (yuck)

(don't look at me.. I HATE paperwork... but someone asked.)	
2017.32CONTACT - shore support informationBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Thu Apr 15 1993 18:5128
For trip updates and information contact:

Kathy Hunt

(802) 879 - 0987  (general contact number  0900 - 2100 daily)
(802) 343 - 7276  (emergency only)

Kathy will be in touch with the Southern Cross
(via radio-telephone, vhf or celluar phone, 
depending on location)on a daily or 
every  two-days basis.

She will have current position, planned arrival/departure 
dates, planned drop/pickup sites and other general info 
available concerning the Southern Cross.

If you have an S.O. or friend you wish to keep updated
please have them contact Kathy for information. 

Also to keep costs down the crew can relay messages 
thru her during the trip.


This service will start May 2nd and end May 23rd.
2017.33if anyone has a marine operators guide I'd love to know some operator numbersBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Thu Apr 15 1993 19:046
I am looking for numbers along the east coast between 
Jacksonville FL and Albany NY

2017.34Thanks!NECSC::EINESCSC/MA SNA product supportThu Apr 15 1993 19:428
    re: .30
    Thanks, Steve.  Tom may be giving me a lift, but that's a good option
    to keep in mind.
2017.35leg 3 crew updateBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QFri Apr 16 1993 05:5311
    Christian Brady will be joining us on leg 3. This leaves 3 open slots
    for leg three, and I have at least 6 request for those berths so it
    looks pretty good that we will have a full crew all the way.
    I will try to nail down the rest of leg 3 crew over this weekend. I'm 
    sorry for the delay, but i'm up to my ears in things to do.
2017.36RADAR MAST HELP.BTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QSat Apr 17 1993 00:4521
    	I need to make / purchase / build / or otherwise find and install
    a RADAR mast on the afterdeck of the Southern Cross. I want the mast to 
    be free standing or mounted against the railing. It needs to be about
    10' high and needs to have a single axis gimble to set the RADAR level
    to the horizon while the boat is heeled.
    I am planning on buying a 10 ' aluminum pole (1/4") about 3" diameter 
    hollow tube. mounting a base (separate from the pole) on the deck and
    getting some brackets for the lifelines. My problem is the TOP of the
    mast, I need to build a bracket that is on a port/starboard swivel that
    has a pair of lines running down to a couple of cleats on the pole....
    	ANY IDEAS or CONTACTS about where to purchase / ro get parts
    	or ideas on building would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!
2017.37I will be in Chicago for a week...BTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QSat Apr 17 1993 21:238
    I will be in chicago this week starting monday and getting back on
    friday evening late. If you need anything please call my home
    (802) 879 0987 and ask for Kathy. 
    						see you guys soon!
2017.38Latest Crew updateBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QSun Apr 18 1993 12:2746
______________________________________ LEG 1 __________________________________
Miami Beach FL to Little Creek VA		

	Captain   :  Georgia Hilton
	First Mate:  Roger McCormick
	      Mate:  Steve Bevan

	crew 1   	crew 2		crew 3
	Brian McBride	tom proulx	chis chandler
	Marie Kozo	fred eines	gil stearns
	Robin Sale
______________________________________ LEG 2 __________________________________
Little Creek VA to Hudson River		

	Captain   :  Georgia Hilton
	First Mate:  Roger McCormick
	      Mate:  Steve Bevan

	crew 1		crew 2		crew 3
	ron eagan	tom Proulx	chris chandler
	robin sale	fred eines	gil stearns

_____________________________________ LEG 3 ___________________________________
Hudson river (NYC/Albany) to Burlington VT

	Captain   :  Georgia Hilton
	First Mate:  Roger McCormick

	crew 1		crew 2		crew 3
	ron eagan  	nanc malin	christian brady
	robin sale	tom evans	-open-
	Kathy Hughes (media/news person)

possible leg 3 crew 

barbara augusta		*
bill tanona
paul rondina		*
Allison parent		*
Lynn McCay		*
and a couple others
2017.39.36HIBOB::MALOYMon Apr 19 1993 15:1620
>    I need to make / purchase / build / or otherwise find and install
>    a RADAR mast on the afterdeck of the Southern Cross. I want the mast to 
>    be free standing or mounted against the railing. 

Have you checked the clearance to the end of the mizzen boom?  It does extend 
aft of the rail a bit.  I guess you could mount it on the transom... 
On such a clasic boat, I don't think a radar mast would look very good, why not
mount it on the mizzen mast? It's out of the way and doesn't mess up the looks
of the boat as much. 

>    It needs to be about
>    10' high and needs to have a single axis gimble to set the RADAR level
>    to the horizon while the boat is heeled.

There was a gimbal mount for radars advertized in the magazines a while ago,
I'll see if I can find it for you.
Dave.   (Who has sailed ~3000nm on the Southern Cross)

2017.40Plan B - just mount it any-ol-where... (grin)BTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QMon Apr 19 1993 21:3421
    thats my second option. Basically I want to be able to remove the 
    radar mast when I need to. But the reason I want it on its own
    mast (radar) is that When we drop the masts (which , hopeully, will
    be a twice annual event...) we will need to have VHF, CELLULAR PHONE
    and RADIO TELEPHONE antennas (besides the RADAR) available to us for
    use in the canal and if we do other (steped runs). So if I put up a
    radar mast abeam the mizzn , it will allow for radio / radar antennas
    operational during periods of time when are de-masted... 
    of course option 'B' is to simply mount the darn thing about 20 feet
    up the mizzen....   (which will probably be what I do simply due to
    lack of time...)
    I still need the gimble either way. (or at least would perfer it)
2017.41Rube Goldberg to the rescueAKO539::KALINOWSKIMon Apr 19 1993 22:0211
    re .40
    If you are talking temporary, why not just build a mount to a peice
    of tube and bolt it onto a lifeline with some hose clamps. Then build
    a radar "extenstion cord" to hook it up. Before bringing down the
    mast, unbolt the radar unit from it's mount and attach to temporary
    support. You will not need to worry about heeling if the masts are
    not up. That way the wires could stay in the mast, and you need only
    store the temporary mount and the extention cord.
2017.42Set heads to "DEFROST"RDGENG::BEVANTue Apr 20 1993 11:0217
Plan B sounds best since there won't be time for exotics.

I did 600 miles on French canals using VHF to lock-keepers on a Vitronix 
emergency antenna sitting next to the VHF radio, about waterline height and 
it worked just fine (up to about a mile in line of sight which is all you will 
need). Not sure about Cellphone but since the portables work pretty good at 
deck level I guess they don't need a mast either. More important, where will
the TV antenna be ?   

Does anyone know if it's safe to have the radar spitting out microwaves at 
people-height ?  (I'm thinking of the temporary arrangement suggested in  .41 )

2017.43Better MousetrapOTOOA::MOWBRAYThis isn't a job its an AdventureTue Apr 20 1993 11:2811
    there is another arrangement that is advertised in some mags these
    days, slip an aluminium tube over the backstay .... appropriate length
    for the height needed, have welded from this tube an extension (round
    stock) that will be parrallel to the water line, then make a basket for
    the radar that is attached to the extension.  With appropriate bushings
    etc. this would gimbal in 3 ways which should keep it pretty straight.
    A friend of mine here is buiding one of these at the moment.  He says
    it is pretty straightforward ..... I'll wait till he gets it up before
    passing judgement ... I believe that he saw it in Practical Navigator
    or Ocean Navigator.
2017.44RADAR emissions are not healthy for people...UNIFIX::FRENCHBill French 381-1859Tue Apr 20 1993 13:4311
    No, it is NOT acceptable to have radar spitting out microwaves at
    people height. A couple of decades ago when I was a technicain on USAF
    fighters, this was a BIG concern for people working around / in front
    of operating radar sets. I believe the #1 organ of concern is the eyes.
    At least it was when the aircraft antenna was 4-5 feet off the 
    Radar sets put out the same kind of microwave energy as a microwave
    oven, except that radar sets concentrate the energy into a narrow
    focused beam.
2017.45let's see 3 min on high should do it (grin)BTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QTue Apr 20 1993 16:2227
    ie .44  bill is absolutly correct!!!
    		unless of course you perfer your crew somewhat radiated
    			Personally I perfer my crew aldente (sp)
    PS: we'd need to mount the RADAR antenna at least 10' high. 
    (i used to repair RADAR so I for one am scared to death of getting
2017.46i'm back...BTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QSat Apr 24 1993 11:4128
    i'm back from Chicago... And if I learned anything..it is don't trust
    credit checking firms... wow... what a bunch of hosed software. AND...
    just to make it worse the network looks just about as bad as one could
    come up with while doing a design with intend-to-kill...  ugh...
    anyway... everything is a go. I'll be heading down tuesday night. 
    Robin and I should arrive in Miami around 6 or 7 AM thursday at the
    	Don't forget to call ahead to VINCE before arriving on-site.
    	Park over on the LEFT side of the tree in the drive way. The boat
    is around back behind the house. Walk around to the LEFT side of the
    house, there is a small path between the house and the bushes.. go
    around back, you can't miss the boat. 
    	We need to check the water, but there should be plenty on board for
    	showering and such. If you get there before me , pick up some
    bottled water for drinking.
    						see you guys in a couple
2017.47NORFOLK VA..NEMAIL::EAGANMon Apr 26 1993 15:368
    	I am picking-up the trip in Norfolk VA.. Is anyone else going to do 
    the same?? I am not sure how I am getting down yet, but will determine
    that this week..
2017.48BTO to NorfolkBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QMon Apr 26 1993 19:498
    there is a person coming down from Vermont by car to Norfolk... 
    call kathy this week and she can give you the phone number to call
    him for a ride....
2017.49Southern Cross voice trafficBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QMon Apr 26 1993 19:5428
    We will monitor the Single side band at 0900 1500 and 2100 each day for
    approx. 30 minutes for incoming marine operator calls. 
    to call the southern cross:
    CALL  1-800-732-2255   tell the marine operator that you have a call
    for the SOUTHERN CROSS call sign WHISKEY UNIFORM UNIFORM 5 7 2 6
    					( W U U 5 7 2 6 )
    and the call is directed to the captain: Georgia Hilton
    the marine operator will give you a reference number.
    you then hang up.
    once we have received the call (after a while) we will call in to
    WOO or WOM (east coast high seas operators) after making initial
    contact wtih the operator, they will call you back and initiate the
    or simply call Kathy at 802-879-0987   she will be in touch with us
    about every other day for message traffic
    note: the marine operator calls are $15 for the first 3 minutes and
    $5 for every additional minute so watch the call lenghts...
2017.503rd Leg TransportationNQOPS::MALINTue Apr 27 1993 19:085
I was wondering who is finally committed to the 3rd leg and what your plans
are for getting to Tarrytown?  Georgia suggested the train but going in on
a rental not might be bad either.  Does anyone have any plans?

2017.51Directions?NECSC::EINESCSC/MA SNA product supportTue Apr 27 1993 20:008
    I haven't seen the directions to the boat posted.  Are they available
    This is for Chris Chandler.  Tom is picking me up at the airport.  I
    sure hope he knows how to get there!
2017.52Found it (with some help):NECSC::EINESCSC/MA SNA product supportWed Apr 28 1993 12:1931
    I must have missed this one (thanks, Steve!):
Note 2017.9             Southern Cross is coming North!!!                9 of 51
BTOVT::HILTON_G "SYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corru" 24 lines  12-APR-1993 12:40

The Southern Cross is located in Miami Beach.


	*** Before going to the boat call this   ***
	    number to let them know you are coming.
	    The house owner gets rather upset at
	    tresspassers...  SO CALL FIRST!

		305 - 532 - 5693

ok, back to directions:

Address: 2142 North Bay Road   Miami Beach FL
(its just off Alton Road across the casueway)
(right off casueway, right again onto North Bay rd)

I will send detail instructions later as to how to get
there from the Airport and I95

2017.53I am going.STOWOA::RONDINAWed Apr 28 1993 13:315
    I am committed to Leg 3, plus a friend, Barbara Augusta.  We would like
    to link up and share the rental costs for a car.  My DTN is 276-9167.
    Let me know.
2017.54Safety first (splash!)NECSC::EINESCSC/MA SNA product supportWed Apr 28 1993 18:5513
    I was just taking with an old salt here about some of the recommended
    equipment in Georgia's earlier note.  He STRONGLY recommended that
    anyone doing off-shore sailing have the safety harness.
    Unfortunately, I don't!  Does anyone know where to get one in this
    (Metro-West) area?  I've already been told about BOAT/US in Waltham.
    Is there a closer place?  Or, will there be enough harnesses on-board
    to go around?
2017.55Try Bliss as well or wait until you get to MiamiEMDS::MCBRIDEFlick of my BIC Scarecrow?Wed Apr 28 1993 21:0213
    Very good advice indeed.  I believe Georgia will insist on you wearing
    one while out of the cockpit during the day and all the time at night
    above deck.  
    You may want to try Bliss marine in Woburn as an alternative.  I am sure 
    there will be places in the greater Miami area that you could pick one up 
    at when you arrive on Saturday if there aren't any spares kicking around.  
    Figure on paying between 70.00 and 100.00 for a good one.  A small
    price to pay for some insurance for remaining firmly attahced to the
    boat IMO.  
2017.56The joy of bondage.NECSC::EINESCSC/MA SNA product supportThu Apr 29 1993 03:0912
    Well, it didn't take long to convince me!
    I did go to BOAT/US in Waltham this evening.  I got the low-end
    harness.  The member price was $25 (I won't got into the details
    on how I just happened to come by a membership card...).  But
    yes, you could spend 4-5 times that for a top of the line one.
    If anyone else is doing last minute shopping, let me know if you 
    need their phone number and/or directions. It's a great place.
2017.57Harness available for loanFSOA::BERICSONMRO1-1/L87 DTN 297-3200Thu Apr 29 1993 20:034
    I have a harness, safety light and whistle anyone may borrow for the trip..
    get and return to MRO3 with fresh battery.
    Bob  297-3200   
2017.58One leg down, two to go. Crew still neededEMDS::MCBRIDEFlick of my BIC Scarecrow?Mon May 10 1993 17:5614
    Well, the first leg has been completed successfully.  No problems too
    large to overcome.  Several small ones with potential for being big
    ones.  Near perfect conditions prevailed for the first 5 days.  GPS
    indicated VMG of up to 14.50 kts at times in the gulf stream!  80% crew
    casualty for first two days due to sea sickness.  We began to
    affectionately refer to the after deck as the vomitorium.  Tom Proulx
    suggested we rename the boat to the Chuck Wagon.  I will enter more as
    time permits.  
    There is still room for a few crew, at least two, for the ride from
    Albany (or anywhere in N.Y.) to Champlain.  Call Kathy Hunt ASAP if
    interested.  Her number is listed in one of the entries to this string.  
2017.59Leg 1 - Yacking in 3 part harmonyEMDS::MCBRIDEFlick of my BIC Scarecrow?Thu May 13 1993 15:47188
    Well here is the story of the first leg.  I promised Georgia that I
    would be kind in my entry so with that in mind, here is what transpired
    on Leg 1 of the first annual Southern Cross Northern Exdodus and Yacking 
    Festival.  All in all, I had a great trip and would sail with any of
    the crew aboard again!  I hope to be part of the first annual Southern
    Cross Bermuda Chum Run.
    A seemingly endless list of chores was finally completed late Saturday
    evening with the ceremonial hanging of the coffee maker.  This little
    item was to be a god send.  We purchased a Black and Decker Spacemaker
    tm and engineered a simple yet elegant gimballing system that provided
    easy access to coffee from the cockpit.  At 0300 this was to be the
    equalizer to fend of delerium.  An 8.5kw diesel generator helped
    provide the AC current to power this.  
    Sunday AM found us attacking the list of things that needed to be tied 
    down, secured, stowed, polished, and general preparation for casting
    off the lines which we did at about 14:30.  All was well and emotions
    were high to finally be leaving Miami Beach behind.  Land of garishly
    painted boats bought by folks that have way too much money and way too
    little aesthetic taste.  Gaudy I think fits.  While motoring out of the
    canal and towards the ICW, a strange smell of burning rubber and a
    large cloud of white smoke is noticed coming out of the exhaust.  A
    corresponding rise in engine temp prompted a shut down of the motor and
    a keystone cops episode of raising sails and deploying an anchor. 
    During this process we found the windlass did not work and the bow
    anchor was firmly attached.  Not knowing how or if it worked under
    manual power, the secondary secured to the deck was rigged and sent
    over the bow to hold us in place.  The ensuing 45 miutes or so led us
    to a dry fresh water supply in the heat exchanger, and a most probable
    diagnosis of a bad impeller.  Refilling the fresh water did not do
    anything but priming the raw water side did provide enough of a flow to
    get us going.  The impeller would have to wait.  Fueling up was uneventful 
    and a mad dash to the local 7-11 in the marina golf cart allowed us to top 
    off our beer and ginger ale supplies.  It was time to seek open water
    and the highway North.
    Sunset found us making the turn North and raising sails finally to
    allow us to take advantage of the fresh breeze.  With winds out of the
    SSE and a quartering sea of 6-8' we were in for a spirited ride.  The
    forecast predicted the same for the next several days as well.  It was
    not too long before the first victim was to succumb to Mal de mer.  By
    midnight, 6 of 10 were to be found harnessed in to the lee rail with
    two more to join them by early morning the next day.  For two days, the
    chumming contest enusued.  We had dry heaves, false indications of
    recovery, sympathy yacks, and just plain incapacitation.  The after
    deck (vomitorium) was littered with human carnage.  Prone bodies were 
    found everywhere.  We nicknamed the aft cabin "the infirmary" and the 
    ship itself became known as the "Chuck Wagon".  Let it be known that the 
    crew did in fact fulfill almost all of their watches even while ill.  
    What troopers!  We also had every remedy present and accounted for.  
    Patches, wrist bands, ginger snaps, dramamine, ginger ale etc.  All 
    seemed to work extremely well at PROMOTING sickness.  The two crew that 
    held their own did not use anything.  I could not help but feel a sense
    of smug satisfaction while I sipped a cold beer in the midst of the
    near dead and dying :-).  The longest anyone was out was about 4 days
    with most recovering in 36 to 48 hours.
    Being equipped with an autopilot was to have helped ease the strain on
    the crew but it seem it too was into a bout of sea sickness and refused
    to play along.  This was the only crew member to not stand a watch
    which meant hand steering for the next 6 days.  Not a joyous event for
    the healthy or the ill.  The conditions were great but the boat was
    equipped with hydraulic steering with a three mile linkage which
    provided about as much response and feedback as an old buick.  Add to
    that the 37 turns to the wheel that it took from lock to lock (more
    like 7.5) steering became an adventure.  There were just enough clouds
    around to obscure the stars whcih made steering that much more
    difficult because it had to be done by compass for the most part. 
    Entertainment was provided by a Garmin 50 GPS wired into the binnacle. 
    VMG was the number to watch and it stayed well above 10kts for the
    first two days!  We were flying but no one seemed to really care.  The
    new name for the autopilot is F.R.E.D. in honor of Fred Eines. 
    We also nicknamed Fred the Gybemaster but that's another story :-).  
    On the subject of electronics, we had it all except weather fax. 
    SatNav, SSB, RADAR, 2 GPS units, and a LORAN.  The RADAR was installed
    well having found a mast at a salvage house for a fraction of the
    anticpated cost.  The GPS unit worked extremely well in the cockpit but
    took some getting used to.  LORAN provided a back up and confirmed the
    GPS position.  The SSB was used several times to check into shore and
    listen for weather.  The RADAR unit came in handy for the last night as
    visibility was hindered by fog for the night and most of the following
    day.  Targets were relayed to the helsperson via a set of FM
    transceivers.  This system worked very well.  
    This romp north continued until we were off the coast of N. Carolina
    were the stream hangs a right and heads more off shore.  We ran out of
    steam and stream and decided to motor.  Once again, the smell, smoke
    and temp routine began and we turned off the motor.  It was time to
    affect repairs to the impeller.  Steve Bevan opened her up and sure
    enough there was a torn vane.  The spare was located and replaced but
    not without it's own set of problems.  I volunteered to finish the job
    which was going fairly well until it came time to put things back
    Steve: "Be careful not to drop the key."
    Brian: "I won't" 
    Steve: "I don't think we have a spare." 
    Brian: "I'll be careful."
    Brian: "Oops"
    So, a fishing expedition was undertaken to locate the key which meant
    the bilges needed to be pumped dry which was a difficult task since
    none of the lower pumps seemed to work.  Fortunately the key fell in
    the engine pan which was full of water also and it was hand pumped dry. 
    The bilges I believe have depths in the hundred fathom range and the
    key would have been lost forever.  It was also rumored that strange
    things without eyes and big fangs probably lived down there so no one
    was eager to stick their hand it the murky water.  The key was located 
    and everything was put back together.  In the meantime, Steve had 
    fabricated a replacement which would have worked as well but was not
    This little episode led us to troubleshooting and fixing the larger of
    the bilge pumps which we discovered while pumping looking for the key. 
    "Hey! There's a pump down here!" and soon after, "Look! There's
    another!" followed by "There's another one!".   Tracing wires and 
    replacing a few and finding the right size fuses finally got the biggest 
    of the pumps working.  This sucked the bilge water down in a jiffy.  We 
    tried out the other pumps and found which ones worked etc. We never got 
    around to the engine driven one but we knew it would operate if we had 
    the right belt for it.  
    There was one little problem with all of this.  The pump did not have
    an adequate or working anti siphon system and while underway under
    motor, the pump merrily filled up the boat.  Turning on the pump
    quickly emptied it again so this little problem solving excercise kept
    us busy for awhile.  It was then we noticed the recently replaced stuffing 
    box also had a small trickle in it.  We attempted to repair this with
    underwater epoxy but we only succeeded in rerouting the flow.  Steve
    called the siphoning problem and closed the seacock which stopped the
    flow from the pump.  So we all returned to our relaxing and thumbed our
    noses at the numerous sharks we saw near the boat.  They would have to
    wait a while longer for supper.  Fred recorded the near sinking on his 
    video cam for future enjoyment.   
    All in all the trip was remarkable from a weather stand point.  Shorts
    and t-shirts during the day and shorts and sweatshirts at night.  We
    had so little rain as to be considered negligible but we did have a few
    weather scares.  We saw huge squalls and thunderheads around the boat
    but we dodged the worst.  Sunburn was the biggest concern and the Aloe
    gel was used by a few folks.   The sailing conditions were outstanding
    though we would have liked a larger headsail later in the trip.  A
    .75 oz chute from a 40' was hoisted as a drifter which served us well
    until the wind crept up.  We retrieved the body of the chute followed
    by the tapes and what was left of the top two feet and stuffed it into
    the bag.  It's fixable :-).  
    Several suicidal fish were found on board and one crew member was
    attacked while lounging on the cabin top by a fiercely aggressive one. 
    She was whacked in the leg and swears to this day that it tried to bite
    her ankle in mid flight with huge snapping jaws.  Dolphins were everywhere 
    which were replaced by sharks off Cape Hatteras and on the way in to 
    Norfolk.  A few birds hitched rides for awhile as well.  
    We ate well (too well for the budget I believe) and had the luxury of
    cold beverages from the fridge and hot coffee from the coffee maker.  A
    stern mounted grill allowed us to have a bar-b-cue during a lull in the
    action which yielded a feast of steaks.  Pancakes and omelettes for 
    breakfast, Tortellini with red sauce for dinner provided a sampling of
    the fare.  Gil Stearns provided the majority of the galley duty, (thanks
    Gil) though guest appearances at the stove were made by a few of us.  
    The only real downside was the small but bothersome leaks in the deck. 
    They were only bothersome when water was on deck which it was for the
    first two days due to a good sea running.  All other emergencies large
    and small were handled well by the crew.  Shipping traffic provided
    more of a panic as there were many large ships heading North and South. 
    Only one really proivided any excitement and that was when it decided
    it wanted to pass port to port in a proper sea going manner.  The
    highlight of the shipping traffic was the sub leaving Norfolk.  
    Would I do this again knowing ahead of time what was in store?  In a
    heartbeat.  The small problems we enountered were far off set by the
    tremendous weather, and great crew.  I even got to dock the boat, sort
    of.  Okay, Okay! So I missed the dock by about five feet but at least
    the bow sprit was still there when I left :-).  
2017.60more impressionsSTAR::TPROULXWed May 19 1993 13:5753
    Thanks Brian for reviving those memories of Leg 1 of the trip.
    I fully agree with your assessment of the trip. Great weather,
    sailing, and company made it well worth it. I'll try to post
    some impressions of Leg 2 (Little Creek, VA to Tarrytown, NY),
    although some of the details are getting hazy.
    First of all, the best sailing was definitely on Leg 1. As Brian
    said, the full moon at night, warm air, and plentiful wind made
    for perfect sailing. After the stopover in Little Creek, we had
    decent wind for awhile, but not as strong as before. The first
    night it really began to die, and after some experiments with
    different sail configurations, our VMG dropped to about
    3 knots we had to consider motoring. 
    Somewhere along the line we had a problem with the main fuel filter
    getting gunked up. This affected both the diesel generator and the
    engine. Ron Egan and Steve Bevan deserve kudos for slaving away in
    that filthy hellhole we call an engine room (as does Brian for 
    his efforts on the previous leg). The only other problem I remember
    from Leg 2 is the forward head needing some major maintenance.
    Suffice it to say that Fred and Ron are now certified marine 
    With the engine fixed, we continued along motoring most of the way,
    but sometimes getting enough wind to sail for stretches, which 
    was nice. As always the weather held out, although New Jersey 
    nights are alot colder than Miami nights! Another sailboat passed 
    us in the night at one point. We tried to raise them on the radio, 
    to no avail. 
    We stopped once to do some fishing (I think this was on leg 2) and 
    Steve Bevan demonstrated his prowess at catching inedible fish (rays 
    and sharks). We also went through a large school of dolphin which 
    was a moving experience.
    Excitement mounted (as did the shipping traffic) as we approached
    NY Harbor. We had a ceremonial toast as we sailed under the Verazano
    Bridge. Right at that moment it started to sprinkle and we just
    caught the edge of a storm. Fortunately it passed and we had a 
    blast steaming into NY, past the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan.
    Robin and Fred, in a daring attempt to get on I-Witness video (or
    Rescue 911 I'm not sure) inflated the Zodiac and bounced around 
    in the harbor taking pictures of the boat under sail. After playing 
    chicken with a garbage scow, we picked them up and proceded up the 
    Hudson (with a nice sunset). We went under the Tappanzee Bridge at 
    about 2:00 in the morning on Wednesday, and my portion of the 
    journey ended in Tarrytown, NY. Somebody wake Chandler up.;-)
    Thanks to Georgia for her organizational effort and for giving us
    the opportunity to sail on this trip. Any takers on a Leg 3 report?
2017.61And they lived to tell the tale...NECSC::EINESCSC/MA SNA product supportWed May 19 1993 14:4941
Tom, you scurvy dog!  I was just putting together my own version of Leg 2,
and see you made it into port before me. Amazingly, our stories are very
similar.  Hard to believe we both work at DEC.
>    The new name for the autopilot is F.R.E.D. in honor of Fred Eines. 
>    We also nicknamed Fred the Gybemaster but that's another story :-).  

I resemble that remark!
Brian, you didn't state what F.R.E.D. stands for.  I'm sure the home viewers
would find it very amusing. 

The second leg was only a tad less eventful than the first.  We had another
engine failure, once again attended to by the superhuman Steve Bevan, and Ron
Eagan.  That one turned out to be clogged diesel fuel filters.  However, even
after they replaced the filters, the engine and generator would not start.
They had to bleed the fuel out of the lines as there was a problem with air
pockets after the filter replacement, or some such thing.  While the two of
them slaved in the baking engine room, the rest of us pretty much milled about
in a becalmed stupor.

The day before the engine/generator failure, Ron and I had a fun day taking
apart the head in the main cabin.  Fortunately, Ron is from a long line of
plumbers.  The, uh, "output" was jammed up but good.  At first, we were unsure
if the problem was the macerator or elsewhere in the system.  In the course
of ripping the entire system apart (a task not for the faint of heart), we
determined that the problem was a, uh, "clog", right at the seacock.  There
also probably was a secondary problem with the macerator, which looked
like it had been entirely submerged during the course of the bilge water 
problems Brian mentioned.  We did get the motors in it to come on, but it
looked like all the water had shorted out the timer circuitry.  In the course
of research, we also determined that he Y-valve selecting direct-discharge
vs. macerator was stuck in the direct-discharge mode.  And you guys thought
sharks were the only problem the time we went swimming.

I did take a lot of video on this trip, and will be editing our adventures
into a semi-coherent format.  Send me mail if you are interested in receiving
a copy.  I expect you would enjoy it, even if you were only there in spirit.

2017.62WE'RE HERE !!BTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Wed May 19 1993 17:0727

We made it!   I'll submit a last leg report later but
the drive up the hudson and the champlain canal was
wonderful!.. We dropped the masts by hand with a VERY VERY
small crane and a VERY VERY high degree of luck...

Upon reaching the lake, we (with our running lucky streak)
got the masts stepped Tuesday monring. The TV and newspapers
we're there and we made te 6pm and 11pm news....

Total trip time from Miami to Burlington : 14 days.

			more to follow... right now i'm
			going sailing !!!!

PSL: ANY crew who would like to come up this weekend
	 just give kathy a call at my house and let
	 her know... we will be sailing all weekend
	 just for the >>>*FUN*<<< of it...

2017.63F.R.E.D. Stands for....EMDS::MCBRIDEFlick of my BIC Scarecrow?Wed May 19 1993 19:3989
    For the curious and non-curious alike, F.R.E.D. is short for
    Frantically Reactive, Erratic Driver.  Guaranteed to hold a course
    within 180 degrees, autogybe capable, can put the boat into irons on
    demand.  This is the finest system of it's kind available anywhere! 
    Let's see, what else do we have back here in short term memory :-).....
    Georgia, has my deck chair been monogrammed yet :-)?
    It takes four hours to drive anywhere in the greater Miami area.
    A four door cavalier cannot hold $900.00 worth of groceries. 
    The freezer freezes and so does/did the cooler.
    Larry the Bilge Lizard did NOT eat all of the cockroaches.  
    There are 400 miles of wire on the boat of which 250 miles are actually 
    attached to something.  
    Total theoretical bilge pump capacity is in excess of 18,000 GPH.  
    Filling the fresh water tanks could cause the lake level to drop three
    The autopilot is possessed.
    You never know, flares from 1987 may still work. 
    The crew works faster if you utter the two words, "we're sinking" to
    any sentence or request for action :-).
    I know where all old screw drivers go to die.  The upper left hand
    drawer in the companionway forward.  
    And now for crew recognitions.  I have taken the liberty to recognize each 
    of the crew members of leg one individually for super human feats, faux
    pas, amazing stunts and all around goofiness.   
    Chris Chandler gets the award for "largest number of continuous hours
    asleep".  He and Tony also logged the best three hour run in excess of 30
    Robin wins the "body bag" award for greatest resemblance to a corpse on leg
    1.  Her chalk line outlines can still be seen on deck :-).  She also 
    qualifies hands down for the "inventory system" award for mentally
    cataloging every spare part and it's location.  It was amazing
    actually.  "Robin, where's the package of left hand threaded gangly
    nuts?" to which Robin would reply, "Stainless or bronze?"  
    Gil Stearn gets the "Cordon Bleu" award for his culinary prowess once the 
    idea of being below was a little more appetizing and a little less yack
    inducing.  As Steve would say, "The tortellini was brilliant!"  as were 
    the pancakes etc.  
    Fred Eines needs no awards but look for an Oscar when the film "Four 
    bilge pumps and still she sank!" debuts on a VCR near you this summer.    
    Guaranteed to be the docudrama/thriller of the year.   We will give him 
    the "most likely to gybe" award as well anyway because he is so
    deserving of it :-).  
    Tom Proulx gets the "bucket brigade" co-award for emergency bilge emptying 
    duty during the great sinking scare along with Robin and a cast of
    thousands.  He was also briefly referred to as "Tom Swift" for his
    blazing turn of speed while at the wheel early on.  This record was to
    be shattered later by Chris and Tony.  
    Maria gets the "most likely to be eaten by something" award after her up 
    close and personal encounter with a carniverous flying fish.  She also
    gets the "Fred Eines memorial sympathy yack award" for not letting Fred
    chum over the lee rail alone. 
    Tony gets the award for "the person least likely to be found in the 
    engine room".  He also gets the "longevity award" for his rendition of
    the Eveready Bunny stints at the wheel.  Really came through the first few 
    days out!  Tony also gets the "electronics anonymous" award for
    counseling sailors with accute electronics dependency syndrome.  
    Steve Bevan receives the "most likely to be found in the engine room" 
    award for repairs of all kinds.  Also known as the "anti-tony" award.  
    Also the "longest distance travelled to get sea sick" award.  Steve put
    up a good fight but alas finally succumbed on day 2.  
    Most importantly, Georgia gets the "commodore's award" for effective 
    delegation and due dilligence in the preparation of a vessel for sea.  
    Also recognized for bringing crew and boat safely home to port which 
    is why we did this in the first place!  
2017.64Race tihs weekend - need crewBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Tue May 25 1993 12:5513

To all Crew of the Southern Cross

	My J35 team is racing this weekend and
	needs crew. If any of you want to come
	up this weekend and camp on board and 
	race on Sunday afternoon .. drop a note
	here or call Kathy at the SC hot line.

2017.65Race tihs weekend - need crewBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Tue May 25 1993 12:5613

To all Crew of the Southern Cross

	My J35 team is racing this weekend and
	needs crew. If any of you want to come
	up this weekend and camp on board and 
	race on Sunday afternoon .. drop a note
	here or call Kathy at the SC hot line.

2017.66Tales of the 3RD LEG!NQOPS::MALINWed May 26 1993 03:27133

Well it's time to unfold some tales from the 3rd leg!

The leg officially began in Castleton, NY (an unusually up and coming
riverside town).  Barbara, Christian & I arrived in the rental to find
one mast already stepped and the next ready to go.  Of course by this
time, Georgia was in full-gear.  Having the rental turned out to be a
God-Send, so almost immediately, a shopping list was drawn, $$$ was collected
and we were on our way to accumlate further on-board provisions.

Once the shopping trip was done, a major effort was underway to get the 2nd
mast stepped and enroute before sunset.  The girls made the final tour of the
powerboat Double-Trouble that was docked-in in Castelton due to locks still
being closed due to seasonal high water (someone left a black spot on their 
lovely white carpet & we felt terrible but they didn't notice it while we were 
there) and we pushed off for adventures unknown!  (They were even taking 
farewell  movies of us as we mosied off into the Sunset!)

In keeping with her excellent reputation on "How to Pick a 4* Restaurant",
Georgia valliantly docked up to a hopping 4* establishment somewhere in
NY on the Hudson, just under a Big Bridge.  I collect matchbooks and maybe
someone else can remember the name of this place?  The place was hopping
with beautiful docking facilities of which we were the only boat to appreciate
such pleasures in life.  There was a bopping bar outside overlooking the river
and we decided that this situation definitely called for "Boat Sitting" duties
so some people went for the 4* dinner while others hung back at the boat.
Dinner was great and we were able later to learn how "piggy" NY girls can be
in regard to keeping a clean restroom!  (Now it wasn't necessary to mention
that but it made a big impression on us so it's still worth mentioning!)
As it turned out we were able to dock there overnight and a "WATCH" was 
immediately identified and put into effect.  The watch was uneventful if
you don't count all the card games we played, rap music we had to put up with,
and the thrill of it all to wake up the next shift and tell them "Get up, it's
your Turn!".

6:30 AM came soon enough and we were now on our way to becoming the 
"Lock Meisters!".  We had a great day and quickly established unbelievable 
teamwork mastering thru 13 locks in one day!  It wasn't until later that we
found out that even Georgia had never been thru a lock before!0  We're seriously
considering that if DEC really goes under, there may be some major funds in
taking peoples boats thru the locks for them.
Highlight of the locks was the opportunity to indulge in Ron's Spicy Meatloaf
which turned out to be alot more work for Ron due to an oven problem.
It saved the day and we had a very nice picnic at the final uphill lock 
before beginning our journey downward into Lake Champlain.  Ironically, we
reached the final lock just at dusk, and once thru, docked up at a nice
boat club for the evening.  Everyone was glad to partake in the 4*'s
Restaurants' fabulous deserts.  Of particular hilite was the APPLE CRISP!
Everyone was also glad to "Stretch the old legs and explore this little
NY town at the base of Lake Champlain!".

Next day, we're finally off on the final Lake C. stretch up to Burlington.
We had a great day and the hairiest part was when we got into the widest
part of the lake (you could even see BTO!) and the water started getting
so choppy that we thought for sure the MASTS (layed across the deck) were
going to go for a nosedive!)  Teamwork ensued, once again and we finally
arrived at the LCYC (Lake Champlain Yacht Club).  Of course (being almost
a week ahead of schedule) the mooring wasn't ready but we met the Mayor
of Burlington almost immediately (a fellow club member) 
and began making tracks (if only on the brand new docks that had just been 
built there).

Luckily, enroute, Robin had managed to fix the Zodiac (thanks to a manual
found by Ron while investigating how to fix the forward Head!).  As it all
turned out, we would have had a hell of a time without the blessing of the
Zodiac for the entire remaining trip.  Some people DO NEED showers you know!
And it' worth mentioning that Ron followed thru on his previous Head repair    0
duties from the 2nd leg and we were in GREAT order by the end of the trip!
The rest of the week was spent as a leisurely? vacation in Burlington,
Vermont!  Monday we mosied over to the Shelburne Shipyard for the Mast
Stepping and Media Crunching expedition.  No sense in beating this to 
death as the video will be available in a video store coming near you!
If you can't get the video, try to get the reruns from the 6pm & 11pm
news reruns!

Anyway, the Major news is that the Southern Cross made it North!  It's a 
major spectacle in Burlington making it's DEBUT as the Committee boat for
the QUEEN CITY REGATTA on June 12th!  Georgia will be working with the
DOCKSIDE RESTARAUNT  in Burlington all summer to conveniently host Dinner
Cruises on the Southern Cross and other charters are available upon particular
needs and requests!  It's a great boat and will be getting better all the time!
Once the final summer shakeout is over in LC, SC heads south for Carribean
cruises this winter so start planning your Winter escape NOW!

Well, it's getting kind of long....  just will include a list of some other

	o Robin may or may not quit her Day job (she may get a new one in BTO)

	o Downtown Burlington shopping is very nice!

	o Finally got to perform some Sailing maneuvers near the end of the
  	  trip.  Of particular note are the SC crew attempts to "SAVE THE MAN
	  OVERBOARD".	 A meagher rendition of a precious bumper that we found
 	  we couldn't scoop until we finally captured it!

	o Lunch at the Dockside, Geo's B'day at PERRY's.

	o Tom's Gourmet Breakfasts & Breakfast with Sailworks!

	o Cap'n Ron, SAIL93,  Racing videos!

	o Cosmic Wimpout (game of the week!)

	o Everything can be Frozen~!

	o Georgia's fantastic stir fry!
	o Laundry Orgies?!

	o Tom fixes everything!

	o Robin's renditions of S.Bevan's Fishing expeditions!

	o The Coffee Maker MADE the trip, especially Ron's gourmet blend at the
          end!  OUR SPECIFIC THANKS TO THE 1ST LEG, not to mention fixing of all
	  the other mechanical problems before we got there!

	o The front cabin really does leak and EVERYONE was escaping it's
	  wrath in the end~!

	o Georgia's undending Hospitality and survival of the public BMW!

	o Kathy's awesome paintjob!

	o 100 ways to utilize chick peas!

2017.67NQOPS::MALINWed May 26 1993 14:073
BTW... Georgia had asked me to an enter a note because she is missing a
	HARNESS.  Does anyone have it or a pointer to where it might be?

2017.68missing harness found! news at 11BTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Wed May 26 1993 15:1911

found it...  (sorry folks... it had been buried during
the mast falling..err i mean droppin..umm.. well.. 
never mind..


2017.69PARTY DATESBTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Wed May 26 1993 15:2122

				 CREW PARTY !!!

Come one come all... all crew who ventured under the
captaincy of one Georgia the Hun... are welcome to 
visit and party for the weekend on the SC !


Those of you who made the SAIL93 trip are also welcome
to attend.... doubly so for those who did both!


2017.70TRAVLR::STEARNSWed May 26 1993 17:295

I've got it marked in my calendar.  Do we need to RSVP?

Gil (who's already getting the urge to hoist a sail again)
2017.71Swop those pickiesRDGENG::BEVANWed May 26 1993 17:3640

Don't forget all those people you promised to swop photos with. Now is the 
time to do it, while you can still remember who was who ! 
I just got all my duplicates back from the printers (4 sets). Lots of 
pictures for *ALL* the people on legs 1 & 2 will be in the mail soon.  
So before you get buried in other people's pictures and develop a guilt 
complex the size of a condo, make sure you send off your pictures soon. 
Remember its much cheaper to get the whole film triple printed now, 
rather than pay for 1 off reprints later. 

For all the DECies, when you send out your pictures add your own REPLY to
the conference. Let's make everybody else feel REALLY guilty if they 
don't bother.

These are the mailstops that I'm using for the Leg 1 & 2 crews (unless 
you tell me different)

Fred SHR3-2/W26		Gil HLO2-1/A7		Ron MKO1-1/K10
Tom ZKO3-4/U8		Brian MLO8-3/D17	Georgia BTO1

I planned to send:-  	Robin's photos via Georgia   
			Maria's via Brian (no idea what her new address is)  
			Chris via Fred 
			Tony's via post.

My (Steve B) mailstop is  REO2 G/J2 . I deliberately haven't included people's 
private addresses here but I do have them if you need them.

If anyone got decent pictures of the dolphin school off Miami (I think?)I'd 
really like one + anything else you can spare.

I guess it might also be possible to negotiate a copy of the video for 
several hundred thousand dollars from Fred/Robin. Maybe someone will 
enter another reply when its "cooked". 

Steve B 
2017.72Naughty picturesNECSC::EINESCSC/MA SNA product supportWed May 26 1993 20:559
    Steve, I got my photos back the other day.  I wasn't going to use
    interoffice mail for them, so anyone who wants some choice shots, send
    me your home address.
    The video is "under development" (only a shade better than the check
    being in the mail).
2017.73Just show up...BTOVT::HILTON_GSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Quit)Thu May 27 1993 14:2825

If you are planning on attending the offical party
on the first weekend in August...

plan on being in burlington on friday evening and being
dropped off on sunday afternoon.  

We can all just pile in the boat on saturday earily
morning and head out for where ever the wind takes us
and return sunday morning ....

	I figure we can fit about 20 folk on board
for a one night party. If necessary I can borrow a
38 foot and a 35 foot boat for extra sleeping space.

		if possible drop a note here or call
		kathy at my house with an RSVP....

			(802) 879-0987

Please let folk from sail93 know if you see them in the
halls....   (grin)
2017.74Address for Tony ??????RDGENG::BEVANMon Jun 14 1993 08:357

Can someone mail me (don't post it here)  Tony Stephens' home address, I want 
send him some photos.

Ta   Steve 
2017.75FIRST RACEBTOVT::HILTONSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QMon Jun 14 1993 13:5320
    ok.. this is it!  The Southern Cross is doing her first offical race
    on Lake Champlain on wednesday night. Any crew from the SAIL93 trip or
    any crew from the trip north are welcome to join us on a wonderful
    race and general destruction of small sailboats. ;)
    We will be attempting to do a vanderbuilt start and just start
    yelling tonnage as we cross the starting line amist a gaggle of
    J24s J30s and other assorted boats....
    				see you on Wednesday night...
    PS: we should be getting our PHRF rating soon.
2017.76First offical regatta committee boat action.BTOVT::HILTONSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QMon Jun 14 1993 13:5811
    BTW:   the Southern Cross did her first formal regatta over the weekend
    	   with GREAT sucess!  We made the paper and the news (again) and
     	   had over 200 people visit us for tours at the Burlington
           Boathouse after the race. With the new crew shirts completed the
    	   crew looked rather professional and we even started selling 
    	   shirts all afternoon!  Looks like we're in business!
2017.77JULY 3 (SATURDAY) (fourth of july celebration)BTOVT::HILTONSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QMon Jun 14 1993 14:0111
    Oh... one more piece of news... Burlington has asked us to be the 
    VIP boat for the July 4 city activities... We expect the mayor and
    congressman Sanders to be aboard for the evening fireworks over the
    PS: all SAIL93 and SC crew are invited to attend. (this will be a
    semi-formal affair so jackets or SC uniform will be required during
    the evening hours.
2017.78more courage than senseGLDOA::ROGERSI'm the NRATue Jun 15 1993 14:1721
    > destruction of small sailboats.  
    This actually happened out my way a year ago.  The "Great Escape", a
    custom 55' Yawl (55,000lbs) decided to race and was placed in our
    division.   They had about twenty, newcomers on board.  The last leg
    was a beat to the finish and a sistership, Soverel 33 "Lickety Split",
    decided to bear on calling "starboard".  Soverel 33's weigh about
    6,000lbs.  "Great Escape" could not tack away fast enough and T-Boned
    Lickety Split at an oblique angle.  If the Soverel had weighed more she
    would have been destroyed.  Most of the damage was done by that CQR
    battering ram on the bow.  "Lickety Split's" bowman tried to fend off
    and received a broken arm and dislocated shoulder.  
    Discretion is the better part of Valor and, while the "Great Escape"
    was DSQ'd, this was "Lickety Split's" error.  Soverels turn on a dime
    and accellerate as if turbocharged.  She could have ducked or tacked
    and "Great Escape" would still have been DSQ'd.  But no damage or
    injuries.  I hope your fleet's captain has the sense to post a note to
    "remind" the small, nimble, boat skippers of the limitations of
    battleships with green crews..... :>)
2017.79IE: last.BTOVT::HILTONSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QWed Jun 16 1993 13:2210
    	Never Nver race with un-trained crew....   Never.
    	Anyway We'll be racing with two J35 crews on board... 
    	(seems fitting somehow)...
2017.80NORTH STAR CHARTERS!BTOVT::HILTONSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QWed Jun 16 1993 13:3462
2017.81More stuff on the Southern CrossBTOVT::HILTONSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QWed Jun 16 1993 13:3514
    oh yea...
    	we also have two GPS units
    		     a SatNav 
    		     a LORAN 
    			and a partridge in a pear tree...
2017.82LARVAE::CSOONE::BARKERNE1410ISThu Jun 17 1993 08:0213
   > oh yea...
   >	we also have two GPS units
	On a 70footer ( or however long it is ) do you put one at the front
	and one at the back, then direct the readings to a computer, which
	calculates the difference, and tells you what direction you are 
	pointing ? ( or even whether the boat has stretched or shrunk )?


2017.83Tony's address ?RDGENG::BEVANTue Jun 22 1993 11:046
Any of the crew on Souhern_Cross_Goes_North know the address for Tony Stevens?

If so can you mail it before 26th June.  

Ta Steve

2017.84hey Steve!BTOVT::HILTONSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QWed Jun 23 1993 13:206
    I have Tony's phone number someplace... I'll try to dig it up.
    PS: hey steve, wanna make the run south this fall?
2017.85RACE REPORTBTOVT::HILTONSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QWed Jun 23 1993 13:3347
    Well hey. we raced the SC wednesday evening and finished DFL.
    But.. we had lots of fun!
    the weather was blowing 15 to 20 and we gathered a crew of 6
    to sail in wednesday nights race. As we motored out to the start
    the winds were still blowing at 15 or so. We started to make the
    starting runs across the line and timing our tacks (about 15 seconds
    at best)... So we decided to mix it up a bit with the 30+ footers in
    the A class (we are rated at a PHRF of 54). We did pretty well until...
    We started our final approach to the line with 45 seconds to go. As
    we neared the line we made a quick tack and headed on a Starboard
    tack for the favoured end. All of a sudden... the wind dropped of to 
    about 3 knots. The Wid stopped , The Southern Cross Stopped , The
    Race started and we broke out the Irish Coffee and Beer...
    About 3 minutes later we crossed the starting line ( a mear 150 feet
    away from where we started drinking)... And we were IN the Race!!
    Sort of.
    Well, the race was a triangle with a final windward, leward set of
    legs. Now.. the *FUN* part.
    As we reached the FIRST mark the rest of the fleet had made the
    complete triangle and was about 100 yards behind us heading for the
    final rounding of the SAME mark we were coasting by (at ablut .5 knots)
    By now the wind was DEAD DEAD DEAD... Even the J30's were having
    trouble making a couple knots of boat speed. Were were just parked at
    the mark. So... As we SLLOOWWLY rounded the mark (all 75 feet of us)
    AND.. since we were within 2 boat lenghts of the mark (easily done with
    a boat this big) we had right to make the mark. SO... as each boat came
    up to the mark they found an ISLAND with very tall TREES blocking what
    wind was left. It was fun .. we dorked about 5 or 6 boats... 
    ok ok.. it wasn't nice but the folk we dorked had it coming... they
    were the A-type racers who ALWAYS dork each orther at the drop of a
    hat, so we wern't too awfully sorry for doing it to them...  (smirk)
    Anyway, as we crusided back to the club, happy as clams.. we have
    decided that unless the winds are out of the North at about WARP 3
    we won't be doing anymore wednesday night races....
    PS: Oh well... at least it was a plesent evening for a sail.
2017.86probably.........RDGENG::BEVANWed Jun 23 1993 15:1210

	RE  -2        probably .........   as long as I don't have to have the 
					   berth in the engine room


Tom supplied me with Tony's address, thanks  Tom.
2017.87Here we Go Again!!!!NEMAIL::EAGANWed Jun 23 1993 16:599
    	I'm up for it too.. As long as Steve is along so I don't have to
    spent all my time in the engine room.. A place I know all to well!!
    I think I'm going to take odds on the MTBF on the way down,, Any
    takers.. Let's say 8hrs for starters!!!!!!!!
    Ron AKA  Scottie!!!!!!!!
2017.888 hours? Get real !RDGENG::BEVANThu Jun 24 1993 08:3611
	re  -1

	Ron, is the 8 hours with the lump just sitting there cold (ie the 
	damn thing just breaks itself) or is that 8 engine-running-hours ?  
	(As I recall it *NEVER* ran 8 hours without a problem the whole
	of the last trip).

	If its the later, c'mon I'd hate to steal money off a friend.
2017.89I canna give you Warp but I dinna know about Shields captainBTOVT::HILTONSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QThu Jun 24 1993 13:3821
    hey hey HEY!!!!    come on.. guys.. geeze... after all that effort
    you put into the engine it purrs like a kitten now (cough cough)....
    Actaully, I will be having the main engine and generator checked, oil
    changed and the main engine overhauled this summer so we should be in
    good shape for the ride south.  As it is I had a mechanic give the 
    main engine fuel system a once over and we found a couple of air leaks
    that are now fixed.  She starts first time everytime now and all
    6 actually fire...   (smirk)
    PS: oh steve .. I finally noticed your comments on the engine room
2017.90S.C. event this weekend in Burlington (June 26)BTOVT::HILTONSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QThu Jun 24 1993 13:4318
    FOr the Crew of the Southern Cross...
    	We will be at Perkins Pier in Burlington all day Saturday
    	for the Vermont Chew Chew Food Fest!.   Lots of food, good fun
    	live music and events... During the Day we will be giving tours
    	on board. On sunday we will be attending a Raft up in the lake.
    	All S.C. crew are invited to attend and help out. 
    	(as usual we have a list of stuff we wil be working on during
    	 the weekend...   Hatch rebuilds, deck repairs, table
    		BUT!  I promise lots of beer and good fun!
2017.91SOme Misc events and trip infoBTOVT::HILTONSYS-F-UNIVCRASH% REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Reboot Universe? (Y/N/QThu Jun 24 1993 13:4827
    Additional events scheduled:
    (not in order - dates to follow)
    	Lake Champlain Overnight Race
    	Plattsburg Mayor's Cup VIP boat
    	July 4 Burlington City VIP boat
    Current planned sail south:
    		Depart Burlington VT Mid to late Sept.
    		5 days +/- later we should be in Tarrytown NY
    		Depart Tarrytown NY for Annapolis MD
    		arrive Annapolis about 4 to 5 days later
    		hangout in the Chesepeake bay for about 1 month
    		depart end of october for Ft. Lauderdale
    		about a 10 to 12 day trip (depending on weather and such)
    		Start Southern Charter Ops in late November until April/May
2017.928hrs.. In Any ConditionNEMAIL::EAGANThu Jun 24 1993 14:4537
    		8 hrs. any any conditions.. I really don't want to
    talk about running time, but I have seen it make a 16hr. day
    without a failure (engine.. As we all well know, anything is possiable
    just a few things:
    	-Glass falling form a hatch because some idiot stept on it..
    	  ( I was trying to take a knap and it was almost permanemt)
    	-The head might just stop working.. AGAIN!!!!
    	-The fresh water system won't work correctly
    	-Lights might not come on at night
    	-The auto piolit might blow a fuse (this is a given)!!!
    	-A leaky exhaust system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
         (still holding, what a patch job)
    Well you get the idea!!!! just about anything is possiable!!!
    Oh don't forget the bilge pumps.. They can always cause a little
    I do need to say I did enjoy the trip!!!
2017.93G'bye from the PrinceRDGENG::BEVANFri Jun 25 1993 07:0342
>>>>>>>>-The auto piolit might blow a fuse (this is a given)!!!
>>>>>>>>-A leaky exhaust system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>>>> (still holding, what a patch job)
Yeah Ron, that's what I was afraid of. Hey Georgia, promise me you'll get that
exhaust elbow replaced before we loose someone to the 'monoxide poisoning. It's
pretty rich down there without using the whole engine-room as a muffler-box and
good mechanics are hard to find a 100 miles out to sea. On the other hand I 
guess dead ones are easy to bury!  Hey, I promise not to write rude things on 
the engine-room wall again if you fix the elbow properley.

And get that auto.p  checked out, something weird there (this is from a guy
with an Honours in electronics).

I read a brilliant article the other day about a boat filling up with water
(during rough weather). Sounds familiar ? After they managed to pump it out the
guy says "the one thing I really regret (about the near sinking in mid-ocean)
is that I didn't throw some bilge cleaner down there while I had several
hundred gallons of seawater sloshing about. It would have cleaned out the
bilges a treat".  
I seem to recall the Southern Cross now has quite clean bilges  

Ah well, its time to go now. This is my last day in DEC, for a while at 
least. My contract ends and there's no sign of a re-hire. Then again 
strange things happen in DEC today. So its an electronic "Bye" to all 
those on the Chum Run North and SAIL93. Might see you again sometime, 
maybe October going south. If you Chum Runners want to send me any photos 
(hint hint) my home address was in the package I sent each of you. 

Remember, keep the slimy side under the water.


 Prince of the Engine Room
 Southern Cross goes North
2017.94EMDS::MCBRIDEFlick of my BIC Scarecrow?Mon Jun 28 1993 14:262
    Oh yes, and please do keep those spare water pump keys in a handy
    place.  You just never know when one may slip into the bilge.....
2017.95It's not my disk, but...MARX::CARTERMon Jun 28 1993 16:5911
    A lot of these replies look (to me) more like the subject for mail
    messages than replies of general interest in the notes conference.  In
    particular  a lot of the inside jokes, and requests for addresses which 
    must be sent by mail anyway.
    I'm not the moderator and don't play one on TV, and Alan may not agree, 
    but it is my 2 cents worth.
2017.96Private interest in a public forum.NECSC::EINESCSC/MA SNA product supportThu Jul 15 1993 17:5918
    re: -.1
    If you feel this way you should have brought this up 95 replies ago! 
    I disagree though. While any given notes conference is open for topics
    of general interest to the noting public, individual notes can
    certainly address items of specific concern to certain individuals. 
    No matter.  Half of the people on the trip have been laid off or
    otherwise left DEC anyway.  Sorry to say this will probably be last
    reply of the Southern Cross saga.
    Oh, for any surviving crew: I finally got the editing deck and cables
    I needed to complete the video of the trip.  I hope to have the final
    cut done by the on-board reunion on 8/7. 
2017.97Video on Southern CrossCFSCTC::CLAFLINFri Jul 16 1993 17:1210
Just a suggestion from one who did not partake in the saga.

As a fall activity, what is the possibility of seeing Fred's video at a watering
hole or home?  It sounds much more productive than watching Parcells develope 
ulcers with the Patriots.

I doubt that many will be sailing in say October or so.

dtn 244-20757
2017.98Can you use a camcorder as an anchor?NECSC::EINESCSC/MA SNA product supportMon Aug 02 1993 13:0711
    Doug, if someone wants to set something up, I'd be more than happy
    to supply a copy.
    BTW, the party/reunion is happening this weekend on-board the NEW,
    IMPROVED, NOW WITH IBUPROFREN Southern Cross.  So there is more video
    yet to come.
    I don't know which is a more endless task; video or sailing.
2017.99The Party is OnNQOPS::MALINMon Aug 02 1993 14:476
As Fred just mentioned, the party is definitely on for this weekend. 
If you are planning to go, you should probably give Georgia a call at the
boat and let her know so she can get a final headcount.

	The boat phone is (802)343-7276

2017.100Gone SouthRDGENG::BEVANMon Jan 31 1994 12:384
Does anyone have the story of "Southern Cross goes South"?

2017.101CONSLT::MCBRIDEFlick of my BIC Scarecrow?Thu Feb 03 1994 16:205
    Steve, for the full story I suggest you contact Ron Eagan.  The S.C. is
    still afloat and reportedly doing well though there have been changes
    aboard.  She is for charter still.  
2017.102Stormy weather.NECSC::EINESWed Feb 23 1994 11:4726
    Brian!  I never thought of you as a shy man.  We did make everyone here
    listen to all the good stuff...
    I heard some juicy scuttlebutt from some good friends who were on the
    trip south.  I understand there were severe weather, personality, and
    mechanical problems.  I don't think it would be an exaggeration to say
    some aboard felt lucky to escape with their lives, if not their sanity.
    Yes, I too feel a sense of loyalty to the ship and to the (former)
    captain.  But if my friends had not declined putting their harrowing
    adventure in writing, I would have posted it here for the sake of
    accuracy and closure.
    I commend those still involved with that beautiful ship on their
    devotion to it.  Turning it into a going concern has been a massive
    undertaking, and hopefully with  proper management its potential can
    be successfully realized.
    Maybe they should change the name back to the original one.  The 
    superstition about renaming boats may not be so irrational after all.
    ps To any former crew, I did complete my video of the trip north. 
    Contact me to arrange your copy.  Also, I have been asked to do a
    showing, and plan to in the spring after I get settled in my new house.
2017.103A few commentsEYLAK::BATESKen BatesFri Feb 25 1994 20:4756
I was in Miami last week, and drove up to Ft. Lauderdale to take a look at the
Southern Cross. There was a lot of work done on the boat. Unfortunately, just
about all of it was cosmetic, with very little, if any, substantive work. A
few examples:

    o	Both masts were painted. However, the corrosion on the masts was just
	painted over, not removed. They both will have be stripped and

    o	The new halyards Dave and I bought were used as dock lines, so they're
	basically useless. Hard to believe, but true.

    o	The teak deck, which leaked due to the caulking, was sanded down with a
	power sander, with no new caulking applied. In some spots, the teak was
	sanded down to the point that the bungs were missing, and the screws
	showed through. (The boat might be sailed to Honduras to have the deck
	replaced. Anybody interested in crewing?)

    o	The Lectra-San in the forward head was destroyed after "somehow" taking
	water on board to the point that it filled the bilges and was above the

    o	Varnish on the brightwork was done without sanding. It all had to be
	removed and redone. The varnish which dripped down on the sides was
	left, and is still there.

    o	Lots of damage to the sides, probably from collisions with the dock (or
	other unknown objects).

    o	Lots of cosmetic work belowdecks. All in pine, of course, which hardly
	blends with the teak...

    o	Most things were screwed in with galvanized screws. Makes a pleasant
	orange color...

    o	Grates over the hatch lights were removed. Makes for a clean look, but
	I feel for the person who is furling the main and steps on one of the

    o	Lots of things the owner paid for developed legs and walked off.

    o	The VHF antenna on the mast was disconnected, and a new one installed
	at deck level, together with several others (CB, cellular phone, etc.).
	From an RF radiation standpoint, I suppose that it's better than below
	sea level, but just barely.

All in all, it's hard to estimate the damage that was done, but repairs to the
previous "work" should run in the neighborhood of about $30,000.

It's a real shame to see a boat like this in such condition. Dave Maloy
(retired from DEC!) has been there for the past two months, and is trying to
get things back in shape. He's done a good job so far, but still has a way to
go. Having sailed on her for several thousand miles, I was very upset to see
what has been done to her.

 - Ken
2017.104Sad but trueMROA::BERICSONMRO1-1/KL31 DTN 297-3200Wed Mar 02 1994 14:297
    I was down at the City Marina last week (got a substitute boat for the
    Cross's cancellation.. the 52' yawl Baccarat for Bahama sail).  Visited
    the S. Cross at the same marina.. all Ken Bates said is true.  Its
    really a pity to see a beautiful boat ravaged.  Dave checked with
    Hodorus to see if it is feasabile to re deck her.. the costs seem
    prohibative (I think he is going to reccomend to the owners to sell). 
    She may never make it very far north again.
2017.105Lessons in how to sink .........RDGENG::BEVANTue Mar 22 1994 15:5222
re  .103

>   o   The Lectra-San in the forward head was destroyed after "somehow" taking
>        water on board to the point that it filled the bilges and was above the
>        sole.

       I know how this happened since I had to deduce where the water was
coming in and deal with it. It happened on the move North, the first time we
put the boat hard on the wind on port tack. A big bilge pump had previously 
been fitted to the boat (presumably by the owner) without an syphon
breaker or reverse flow stopper. The outlet was low enough to be under the
water and hey presto a 1.5 inch syphon with a 6 foot drop can import about 
10 gallons a minute. Unfortunately the forward Lectra-san is mounted in a low
well below the floorboards and gets flooded before the telltale water comes 
over the sole of the fwd walk-way (the saloon floor being about another 8 
inches higher). So sad but true. Incidentally, when I got on the boat none 
of the bilge pumps worked!
