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Conference tuxedo::dce-products

Title:DCE Product Information
Notice:Kit Info - See 2.*-4.*
Created:Fri Jun 26 1992
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2269
Total number of notes:10003

2253.0. "Servers disabled after remote config" by HLFS00::JONGH_D (Daan de Jongh) Thu May 15 1997 08:59

    A customeer has problems with remote configuration on DCE V1.1C NT.
    After installing the patch DCENT11CE01 the remote configuration still
    works, but a remote configuration ends with RPC Running, Security Client 
    DISABLED and Running, CDS Advertiser DISABLED and Running and DTS Clerk
    DISABLED and Running. This causes these services to be stopped after
    the next reboot or start.
    Is this a known problem with this patch? 
2253.1TUXEDO::MAZZAFERROThu May 15 1997 12:456
Well, I'm unfamiliar with this NT patch, but there was a problem that
we discuvered several weeks ago with Remote Configuration. As it turned out,
enabling Integrated Login provided a workaround to that problem. I don't 
know, however, if that fix was in this patch you mention or not.

2253.2Problem is in ECO 1HLFS00::JONGH_DDaan de JonghFri May 16 1997 13:388
    I did check the notes-file for remote configuration problems, but I
    didn't see that note 2197 was the same problem.
    I did some testing and it is indeed the patch DCENT11CE01 which causes
    the problems. Before the patch everything worked fine, after installing
    the patch I have these problem.
2253.3Update to problemTUXEDO::MAZZAFERROMon May 19 1997 13:557
This problem does appear to be similar to (if not the same as) the Remote
Configuration problem described in note 2197. There is a patch available
for this problem through MCS associated with IPMT #HPAQ414YE. Daan or
I will update this note when this patch has been applied for this 
customer and has been verified to fix this problem.

2253.4Solved + new problemHLFS00::JONGH_DDaan de JonghMon Jun 02 1997 07:2523
    The customer installed the image mentioned in the IPMT-case, and this
    solved his remote configuration problem, but he got another problem
    Unfortunately another problem is now persistant. After structured
    system shutdown, first stopping all DCE related services manually, an
    automatic startup of DCE causes access violations. These access
    violations are caused by Timechk which service is ran under the System
    account (even before the login box pops up).
    Accepting this error the SecD causes the second access violation.
    Ignoring this as well the system starts up normal except for DCE. 
    Now Stop Clean and Start and all is ok.
    I'm still investigating this problem, because I can't reproduce this
    problem on an English Windows NT system in house. I'm setting up now a
    dutch NT system, because this is the version the customer is using.