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Conference tuxedo::dce-products

Title:DCE Product Information
Notice:Kit Info - See 2.*-4.*
Created:Fri Jun 26 1992
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2269
Total number of notes:10003

2199.0. "DCE client configuration error with dcecp" by BHAJEE::AIGNER () Tue Mar 25 1997 14:56

When I try to configure the local host as DCE Client with dcecp
(as described in OSF DCE Administration Guide - Core Components p. 7-5),
I get the following error:

dcecp> host configure /.:/hosts/asterix -client -secmaster helix -cds helix
-administrator cell_admin -password <password>
Error: can't read "cell_name": no such variable

Is the documentation incorrect or out of date ?
Or what's wrong with the command ?

I'm using DCE 2.0a (Rev. 515) for Digital Unix with Dunix 4.0a.

BTW, assuming the command above should work, would it work to configure a
DCE client on a remote host, too ? Can I configure DCE Servers this way ?

2199.1what about using dcesetup?FOUNDR::WOODRUFFTue Mar 25 1997 16:026
	any reason that you're not using dcesetup to configure the client?
	it does all the work for you. in fact, you could look at the script
	to see the actual commands used to configure the host.

2199.2BHAJEE::AIGNERTue Mar 25 1997 18:5816
We have about 60 client machines (and up to 700 in a further extension step).
Each client machine will get the same DCE Client configuration.

I want to perform the configuration job for all clients automatically from a
dedicated machine or within a basic installation (or initial system startup)
procedure for each host, in either case automatically and NOT interactively
(with dcesetup).

This job should be done by a script based on dcecp which I want to write.

Nevertheless, the dcecp command 'host configure' should work correctly.

If there is a better way to do the extensive client configuration 
automatically (and/or from a central point), I would appreciate to hear about.

2199.3use dcesetup as a starting pointFOUNDR::WOODRUFFTue Mar 25 1997 19:2421
> I want to perform the configuration job for all clients automatically from a
>dedicated machine or within a basic installation (or initial system startup)
>procedure for each host, in either case automatically and NOT interactively
>(with dcesetup).

>This job should be done by a script based on dcecp which I want to write.

 I would either:  write the script to use dcesetup and pass in the cell
 info and then run this script on each host
              or  take the dcesetup script, extract the pieces that are
 needed for the configuration, and then run it on each host.

 oh, I had heard that with R1.1 - some of the dcecp commands were not
 implemented and/or didn't work properly. maybe the configure command is
 one of them.  (This should be true for all vendors and is fixed with the 
 R1.2.1 release).


2199.4Thanks for infoBHAJEE::AIGNERWed Mar 26 1997 09:2917
Is there a list of actually unsupported dcecp commands ?
Can we expect R1.2.1 in the near future ?

I think, for now I'll write my script by extracting the appropriate
commands from dcesetup.

Yet another question to dcesetup:

I've written a script which extracts the DCE version and revision numbers
from dcesetup to show the actual DCE installation (among other things),
as dcesetup does this in it's main menue.
Evaluating dcesetup this way I'm not aware of changes in dcesetup in new
releases. Is there another way to get the DCE version information or may
I get it this way ?

2199.5Version & revision #sTUXEDO::MAZZAFERROWed Mar 26 1997 11:3217

In order to retrieve the version and revision #s from dcesetup, you 
could execute the following command from the command line:

	dcesetup version

which shows both; you'd have to parse the output, of course, to extract
the data of interest.

I don't understand this statement, however :
>> Evaluating dcesetup this way, I'm not aware of changes in dcesetup
>> in new releases.

What types of changes are you interested in or concerned about?

2199.6TUXEDO::MAZZAFERROWed Mar 26 1997 15:1919

I just checked the DCE V2.0 release notes and there is a statement
in there that says that the following commands are not supported:

	host configure
	server disable
	xattrschema create xxx
	cell ping help text is incorrect
	cellalias set (disabled)
	cdsalias set (disabled)

I'm reasonably sure these are all not supported because they weren't
working in the base code out of OSF.

Most, if not all, should be available in the next release since it
will be based upon a later OSF DCE version that supports them.

2199.7Re: DCE client configuration error with dcecpQUABBI::&quot;rahman@tuxedo.lkg.dec.com&quot;Wed Mar 26 1997 19:2166
In article <2199.4-970326-062914@basesys.dce-products>, aigner@bhajee.enet.dec.com writes:
|>Title: DCE client configuration error with dcecp

|>Is there a list of actually unsupported dcecp commands ?

	I don't think we've ever formally put together a list but the
	training slides for CSC listed some of the limitations.

|>Can we expect R1.2.1 in the near future ?

	We provide dcesetup which does lots more than what the host
	consigurations can do out of the box from OSF (setting ACLs,
	creating vendor dependent data files, etc).  It probably isn't
	the best use of our efforts to put everything that needs to be
	done in the host config operations in dcecp since dcesetup has
	been worked on extensively.

	However, what we probably should do is display a message stating
	that the user should use dcesetup instead.

|>I think, for now I'll write my script by extracting the appropriate
|>commands from dcesetup.

	I am not sure what exactly you are extracting out of dcesetup
	and how you are using that information to pass into dcecp but
	I can tell you about what we have done to configure hosts
	automatically on some of our development machines.

	We have created an "input" file containing the proper information
	which consists of mostly carriage returns and pass it into
	dcesetup as stdin.  The "command" file basically contains the
	keyboard sequences that one needs to configure client machines.
	Thus, create a file with the contents being what you would type
	in interactively and then invoke dcesetup under root as following:

		% dcesetup < client_config_command_file

	Note that the above file will contain the cell password so take
	precaution as not to expose it to the world!

|>Yet another question to dcesetup:

|>I've written a script which extracts the DCE version and revision numbers
|>from dcesetup to show the actual DCE installation (among other things),
|>as dcesetup does this in it's main menue.
|>Evaluating dcesetup this way I'm not aware of changes in dcesetup in new
|>releases. Is there another way to get the DCE version information or may
|>I get it this way ?

	"dcesetup version" will display the information you need.
	"dcesetup show" will display the current configuration on the machine.
	You should extract the information you need from the output of
	the commands instead of parsing the dcesetup script file as it
	will continue to change with every release.

	I hope this helps.  Thanks.

								- Mustie

Mustafizur Rahman                           E-Mail: rahman@tuxedo.lkg.dec.com
Project Leader, DCE for Digital UNIX         Phone: (508) 486-5150
Digital Equipment Corporation, Littleton, MA   FAX: (508) 486-7417

[posted by Notes-News gateway]
2199.8BHAJEE::AIGNERThu Mar 27 1997 14:5212
> .5 - .7

Many thanks for your help.

I've never thought about using dcesetup within a script fed by a configuration
input file (confused by the not-working dcecp command).
With my last examinations I came near this idea.
It will work pretty fine. But I have to hide the cell_admin password as best
as I can.

Thanks again