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Conference tuxedo::dce-products

Title:DCE Product Information
Notice:Kit Info - See 2.*-4.*
Created:Fri Jun 26 1992
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2269
Total number of notes:10003

2185.0. "Minimalist DCE RPC configuration" by AWECIM::KING () Tue Mar 11 1997 18:29

  I am looking to create a minimalist DCE RPC configuration that spans NT,
  DUNIX and VMS.  I would like to avoid the overhead of configuring a cell,
  time services, security, DFS, etc.  All I'm really interested in is the RPC
  functionality.  I'd even be willing to do static bindings at this point to
  avoid using a nameservice.  

  Is there a way to configure DCE in this minimalistic way?  I noticed on the
  VMS installation there is an option for "RPC only".  I didn't see the same
  thing for DUNIX.  I also saw something in the documentation that indicated
  every cell needed at least on security server.  I searched this conference
  for references to "RPC only" and found a few notes that implied just such a
  configuration with MS RPC used on the NT platforms.

  Is what I'm describing possible?  We're just trying to do some simplistic
  middleware evaluations and would like to trim DCE down to as light a weight
  package as we can.

  Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

2185.1MUFFIT::gerryGerry ReillyWed Mar 12 1997 08:1212
This can be done on Digital UNIX however it is not trivial.  For DCE
1.3 it was fairly easy, using string bindings held in files and just
running the rpcd.

For DCE V2.0a I have had more difficulty.  Mainly in just getting the dced to
reliably start on its own.  However, I have found that hacking the
dce_cf.db file with a dummy cellname and hostname, I can start and
use the dced (starting as dced -b -c).

Can not comment on VMS or NT, but I hope the above helps.

2185.2but is it a "supported" configuration?AWECIM::KINGWed Mar 12 1997 15:3510
  Thanks for the ideas on DUNIX setup, but I was also wondering whether such a 
  low profile configuration was *supported* under DCE 2.0,  The 1.3 installation
  kits on VMS seemed to imply "RPC only" was a valid configuration choice.  Has
  this choice been maintained in 2.0 and for DUNIX.

  Was "RPC Only" always a nominally discouraged configuration option?

  Thanks again for your help,

2185.3RPC-only supported on OpenVMSSTAR::MORRISONWho is John Galt?Wed Mar 12 1997 19:0014
> Has this choice [RPC-only] been maintained in 2.0 and for DUNIX.

There is no V2.0 for OpenVMS as yet.  The current version is still R1.0.3
based.  However, RPC-only is something that is supported in the current
(V1.4) and next version, on OpenVMS at least.

> Was "RPC Only" always a nominally discouraged configuration option?

This was never the suggested method of configuration, but an option for
those customers who wanted RPC but not Naming & Security.

						Wayne Morrison
						Project Leader,
						DCE for OpenVMS
2185.4TUXEDO::MAZZAFERROThu Mar 13 1997 12:398
The DCE for Digital UNIX product does not officially support an RPC-only
configuration; hence, the lack of the configuration option. As was
suggested in .1, rpcd has been rolled into dced since OSF DCE R1.1 (aka
DCE V2.0 on Digital UNIX), along with sec_clientd functionality, so it becomes
more difficult to manually configure an rpc-only environment. It can be
done with a little hand-waving and the creation of file(s) as described in .1.
