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Conference tuxedo::dce-products

Title:DCE Product Information
Notice:Kit Info - See 2.*-4.*
Created:Fri Jun 26 1992
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2269
Total number of notes:10003

2148.0. "Limits on DCE group membership?" by DV780::BROOKS (Use the source Luke!) Tue Feb 04 1997 16:25

    I have a question regarding the number of DCE groups that are
    supported.  My customer is aware of the security problem with Transarc
    DCE and a user belonging to more than NGROUPS_MAX-1 groups in the DCE
    registry.  The customer wants to use DCE groups for common need-to-know
    authorization and could conceivably need many DCE groups.  So there
    are some questions they are asking about DCE groups:
    1) Is there a limit on the number of DCE groups that are supported by
       the DCE registry?
    2) Is there a limit on the number of DCE groups that one can belong
       to and what drives that limit?"
    3) What vendors have limits on group membership and will this
       limitation disappear in future releases?
    The Transarc security advisory states that the HP and IBM products are
    not effected by this problem.  Does that mean that on the HP and IBM
    platforms that belonging to NGROUPS_MAX-1 groups does not give the user
    unauthorized access?  Or does it mean that there is not a NGROUPS_MAX-1
    limit on the number of groups a user can belong to?
    And finally, it looks to me like NGROUPS_MAX is a UNIX kernel parameter
    of some kind.  So is this a case where the operating system of the
    underlying platform is imposing this limit upon DCE/DFS?
    The customer is very curious about this and there is no such thing as
    "too much" information....so fire away!
    Thanks for your help,
    Paul Brooks
    Sandia National Laboratories