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Conference turris::video

Title:Consumer video topics
Notice:For Sale/Wanted ads in note 10
Created:Mon May 07 1990
Last Modified:Tue Jun 03 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1216
Total number of notes:10064

1211.0. "Speaker Cables for Surrounds?" by SMURF::SWARD (Common sense is not that common) Tue Mar 18 1997 17:29

1211.1JAMIN::WASSERJohn A. WasserWed Mar 19 1997 16:176
> speaker cables for rear speakers in an AV system? 
> I have to run them under a carpet

	If you can run the cables around the edge of wall-to-wall 
	carpeting, normal cables would probably sit well next to the 
	tack strips.
1211.2SMURF::SWARDCommon sense is not that commonWed Mar 19 1997 19:346
    Re .-1
    I plan to do that on one side. The problem is that the room is L shaped
    in I have to cross the long part.
1211.3fire hazard?ENQUE::PARODIJohn H. Parodi DTN 381-1640Fri Mar 21 1997 13:269
    I've been told that running speaker wires under a rug is a fire hazard.
    I found that surprising, given the low power, but there you have it.
    The reason given was that it doesn't take much power to cause a spark,
    once the insulation has been worn through by foot traffic.
    Can anyone confirm or deny?
1211.4QUARK::LIONELFree advice is worth every centFri Mar 21 1997 15:415
I can't see this - unless you have the wires hooked up to a Krell.  There
are flat wires made for this purpose - I wouldn't use a normal "round" insulated

1211.5looks like a duck,...HYDRA::SCHAFERMark Schafer, SPE MROTue Mar 25 1997 13:105
    I'd guess that this is a legend, partly due to the common practice of
    using zip cord for speaker wire.  People DO run AC extension cords
    under rugs and that is a fire hazard.
1211.6EPS::VANDENHEUVELHeinFri Mar 28 1997 17:2823
1211.7End of the storySMURF::SWARDCommon sense is not that commonFri Mar 28 1997 18:2014