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Conference turris::languages

Notice:Speaking In Tongues
Created:Sat Jan 25 1986
Last Modified:Thu May 22 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:394
Total number of notes:2683

164.0. "Wanted: 68000 cross-assembler" by DONNIE::MOSER (Time to trot, Frito!!) Thu Feb 04 1988 13:16

Hi!  I am looking for a 68000 cross-assembler.  I'm not sure this is the right
conference to ask, but...

Does anyone out there have any idea if there is one in DEC and who to contact
in order to get it on our machine???

Thanks for any help...

    Mike Moser
164.1come and get itCLOUD::SHIRRONStephen F. Shirron, 223-3198Thu Feb 04 1988 14:384
    I have one written in BLISS which you can have for free.  Most people
    seem to use the one from BSO, which you have to buy.

164.2To the ToolShed, pleaseAKQJ10::YARBROUGHWhy is computing so labor intensive?Tue Feb 09 1988 11:254
If this is not already in the Software Tools Clearinghouse, how about
putting it there? 

Lynn Yarbrough 
164.3Hhere's another one...HALLEY::FRIDAYMon Feb 22 1988 18:387
    I've got a cross assembler too, but just the .EXE file.
    It was provided to my by Maurice Marks, way back in 1982.
    But it works pretty well.  Generates absolute code though,
    in "S" record format.
164.4Thanks!DONNIE::MOSERTime to trot, Frito!!Mon Feb 22 1988 22:268
re .3

  I think you have the same one as .1,  and your right... it does work pretty
well!! (I think Maurice actually wrote the assembler)

  Thanks to both of you (.1,.3) for the help...

164.5CLOUD::SHIRRONStephen F. Shirron, 223-3198Tue Feb 23 1988 10:507
    I'll make the .EXE and the source code available to anyone who's
    interested.  I will submit it to the toolshed as soon as I get a
    Yes, it was originally written by Maurice Marks.
164.6KDCFS1::KHOFri Sep 09 1988 19:445
    re .5 I am interested in getting one. Could you please send it to
    Thanks in advanced