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Conference trucks::football;1

Title: Soccer Football Conference
Notice:Don't forget your season ticket.....
Created:Thu Aug 08 1991
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:608
Total number of notes:85903

219.0. "TV football" by MACNAS::JMURPHY (It's a Funny Old Game...) Mon May 25 1992 15:01

    Anybody like to comment on SKY getting exclusive rights
    to live coverage of the Premier Division for the next 5 years...
    Should one T.V. company have exclusive rights...I don't think so...
    Whats even worse , you have to buy a Satellite Dish or else
    subscribe to a cable company to see live football...
    Personally I will miss Saint and Greavsie....they used to
    be good crack especially Greavsie...
219.1Sat1 has exclusive rights here in germany!!!!! KBOMFG::TANNERVorsprung durch GuinnessMon May 25 1992 15:468
  JM, I personally don't care who has exclusive rights over there, I just know
that SAT 1 will be screening live games starting in August, which probably means
that they have done some deal with SKY. I think it's great news, in the past the
only games we could see live were the cup finals (Only Swiss TV). I have no 
details concerning the deal (if it's one)  and we don't have to put up with
Big Chin hill!!!!

219.2UTRUST::CAMPBELLReal ponies don't go oink!Mon May 25 1992 16:561
    Where's the Monopolies Commission when you need them?
219.3Where greed starts and common sense stops.WELCLU::BWALKERCome on you Hatters.Tue May 26 1992 16:319
    Exactly. Why should the Premier League monopolise the TV dosh.
219.4Welcome to realityTROOA::PBLANEYBIS R31,R31,R31Tue May 26 1992 16:4415
    'cos that's where the money is :-)
    Good deal - with a move away from the tentacles of auntie Beeb and ITV,
    maybe we'll see more footy over here (we do get live games every
    Saturday during the season), and the game can grow. If TV and
    advertising can come up with the money, then why not sell to the
    highest bidder ? 
    Sky will probably sell games to the other channels. Pity about having
    to have a dish, but if the Beeb had not been lost in the 1940's in
    terms of their thinking, you all would have had cable by now, and would
    be paying for the service (and not a licence). Blame the beeb, not Sky.
    Welcome to the nineties.
219.5Sky's alright by me!LARVAE::FERRARO_ATue May 26 1992 17:4017
    One interesting memory I have is that a few years ago when ITV and the
    BBC used to argue together versus the football league on the TV
    football deal their comment was that football wasn't worth a lot and 
    the TV companies were even at the stage of not screening football before 
    paying a small amount to get coverage. That is probably the reason why 
    I'm glad that SKY got the deal instead of ITV, it also means no more 
    Elton Welsby, that's worth payment of the satellite dish in itself. 
    I also think that SKY's coverage of the Italian football has been very 
    good and hoepfully it will be able to give more programming time to its 
    coverage with some considered analysis. Also good review programmes of 
    the weeks action plus looking forward. It might also mean that ITV will
    covwer the new first division in a separate deal.
219.6Trust 'em as far as you can chuck 'emBAHTAT::BLYTHELeeds United. Champions 91-92Tue May 26 1992 17:5014
    Sky TV reaches a very small proportion of the viewing public, their
    biggest audience is for the Simpsons, less than 1 million. Pay TV will
    be the rule for live Football the season after next, Football will be
    less attractive to the masses, and the recent upswing in attendances
    will falter. Monday night football - OK for the armchair fan, but no
    good for the supporters who actually go to the games. The TV will
    decide who plays who and when, they will eventually bring in Advert
    Time Outs ......
    Alan Sugar, chairman of Spurs and of Amstrad (who make satellite
    dishes) leaked details of the ITV bid to Sky - breach of contract - I'm
    sure our learned friends will make plenty of dosh out of this.
219.7FORTY2::ASHGrahame Ash @REOTue May 26 1992 18:0915
      <<< Note 219.6 by BAHTAT::BLYTHE "Leeds United. Champions 91-92" >>>
                   -< Trust 'em as far as you can chuck 'em >-

    Alan Sugar, chairman of Spurs and of Amstrad (who make satellite
    dishes) leaked details of the ITV bid to Sky - breach of contract - I'm
    sure our learned friends will make plenty of dosh out of this.

No, apparently he tried to, but Sky had already heard! Rick Parry, Premier 
League supremo, is the guilty man.

Any news yet from the High Court?

219.8At least Arthur Daley was a pleasant rogue.WELCLU::BWALKERCome on you Hatters.Tue May 26 1992 18:2012
    Re last few.
    Would you buy a second hand car from the F.A. or a Premier League
219.9BLKPUD::WATTERSONPTue May 26 1992 18:387
    re .6
    Don't forget that part of the deal is that Match of the Day is back on
    on BBC on Saturday nights - I can't see how this will make football
    'less attractive to the masses'.
219.10Greed.BAHTAT::BLYTHELeeds United. Champions 91-92Tue May 26 1992 19:137
    The General Public has become used to Live TV Matches, and this has
    whwtted their appetite for the game. When Football was off the Box in
    1986 or so, attendences plummeted. American Football has a lot of TV
    money in it, but it is wideley accessible to the punter in the street,
    and they don't have to pay extra to see games.
219.11Longterm bad newsIOSG::PARKERJim ParkerTue May 26 1992 19:4414
	The main problem will be the power this will hand to BSKYB
to control and change the game to suit their customers - the advertisers. We 
will see a few years where there will be very little interference then it will 
be timeouts for ads, penalties to decide games, games played to suit schedules

	With the Beeb or a controlled TV station we were restricted to how 
much we saw but at least there was some control over them and if they started
messing around with the game (even with the agreement of the greedy league 
organisers) pressure could be brought to bear via parliament and other 
controlling bodies. With BSKYB no chance if it effects their profits.


219.12GrandiosoWELCLU::BROWNIThe Man who sold the WorldTue May 26 1992 21:4713
    I'm quite happy with the whole deal actually. Being a SKY dish owner
    AND being a West Ham supporter, with any luck SKY will allow me to
    watch Premier league games, while ITV will probably show a few West Ham
    games as well.
    Isn't life grand?
    Also, as SKY only reaches a limited audience, won't the fact that the
    Premier league games will only be seen by fraction of the viewers last
    season, entice the supporter out of their armchairs and onto the
    terraces (or should I say seats?)
219.13Get a life...JUMBLY::FAIRBURNJTue May 26 1992 22:1710
    Its all very well saying "great" to the return of Match of the Day and
    League football on ITV but let us hear the opinions of the REAL
    supporters who'll be standing in the p.....g rain when the teams stop
    for an advert break.
    Each `half' will last an hour and everyone will be even more soaked
    than usual...can't wait to go down to the Dell. I'd rather it wasn't on
    the TV at all.
219.14Quinlan is a merchant bankerSUBURB::INV_LIBRARYWho hell he?!?Wed May 27 1992 12:4224
    This is another nail in the coffin of televised sport. Now that
    commercial considerations have become the ONLY considerations, national
    sporting events like the Cup Final, Wimbledon, the British Open etc
    will be sold off to the highest bidder. After all, as the
    free-marketeers would argue, sport is a great attraction so why not let
    someone make vast sums of money out of it. If you are not able, or do
    not wish, to subscribe to Rupert Murdoch's little enterprise, then
    tough, go without.
    Those managers now bleating about playing games on Monday nights should
    have thought of that before the Premier League bandwagon flattened
    everything in it's path. From the beginning the Premier League was a
    money making scheme, so why be surprised when football is sold to the
    highest bidder. This seems like a logical conclusion since football in
    this country is now run by a bank manager, Sir John Quinlan or whatever
    his name is. Incidentally, how did he come by this position? Was he
    voted in and if so, who by? With football run by people like this, is
    it really any surprise that the game comes a poor second to the Great
    God, money?
219.15BLKPUD::WATTERSONPWed May 27 1992 13:2126
219.16No sat for me - unless Everton do wellFUTURS::FLETCHERWed May 27 1992 14:0828
    RE-1 Well said Paul.
    Ill be quite happy with the MotD highlights , worst thing that ever
    happened when that was taken off - its good for the planet as well -
    when MotD started there was a significant drop in the birth rate. Jimmy
    Chin every week is a bit of a downer though. I will also be glad to see
    the back of S+G , but are they going??. ITV hope to be showing the 1st
    division , and theres the rest of europe as well.
    I think theres already too much live football , i dont think league
    games lend themseleves well to live tele - theres very rarely enough
    excitment to keep the viewer watching.
    On monday football - is this going to be every week. What about the
    mid-week cup games - are they going to ask teams to play Monday and
    then Wednesday.
    In the Telegraph today theyve printed some stats about last years
    league. In the 1st division only 4 teams showed an increase in average
    crowd compared with the year before - and that was with the present
    television format. Next year there will be a massive drop in
    attendances in the premier league , take your pick from the follwoing
    factors - More Tele , Smaller capacities (stand construction) , Big
    increases in ticket prices (too make up for smaller capacities) , Luton
    have gone down ;-)
219.17SUBURB::INV_LIBRARYWho hell he?!?Wed May 27 1992 15:1327
219.18Have their cake and eat it.BAHTAT::BLYTHELeeds United. Champions 91-92Wed May 27 1992 15:2217
    re -1
    Good Note - I agree with all that.
    The Supporter is being given the rough end of the deal as usual. 9
    million people watched live League Football last season, 1 million may
    be able to watch the Sky offering next season, then the season after
    they will have to pay - how much ? A fiver is the least per game -
    people will switch to other sports and things to do, attendances will
    drop (like they did in 1986).
    I have Sky, the presentation is better than ITV or BBC, but will I pay
    to watch Coventry play Oldham in a mid table 'clash' in March ?. No.
219.19BSKYBLARVAE::FERRARO_AWed May 27 1992 16:2322
    I think that the Monday night games will be something we will have to
    live with, personally I prefer a footie match Monday night as I'm
    always getting b*******d by the missus for keeping the TV on during Sunday
    Lunch. I remember back to the screams that were heard when TV took games
    on a Sunday, we'll get used to it and live with it. I saw Rick Parry on
    Breakfast time today and ge said that Pay TV would not be coming in
    till 1995'ish and his point was why not make people pay an amount to
    watch and subsidise the people who go to games rather than the other
    way round. Trouble with that is I think people in grounds will still
    pay more as well. On the argument on the money going on players and wages 
    etc, I think that if we are honest we all would want to sign the better
    I was a player I would want the best money possible and why not, when
    we look at soccer in some European countries and other sports they are
    not the highest paid sportsmen, I mean would you pay the kind of money
    that is paid for an oversize rounders player? On the question of how
    the game is presented, if you lok at Sky's coverage to date it's far
    better that ITV's so I can only judge on their performance and it's
    been pretty good to date.
219.20Penny wise, pound foolishSALES::THILLWed May 27 1992 21:2826
    I don't have a problem with players getting paid high wages. After all,
    the club wouldn't pay them if they didn't have the money. I'd rather
    see the guys doing the biz on the pitch get the money instead of lining 
    the chairman's pockets.
    This scenario is similar to the Ice Hockey league in the US/Canada. The
    NHL had a national deal with ESPN, which was available to almost all
    the households as a cable channel. The contract didn't pay the league a
    lot, but it provided maximum exposure. (Hockey is very popular in some
    areas, not popular at all in other areas, so exposure/promotion is
    important). The league went with SportsChannel, which paid a lot more,
    but is not available in a lot of areas. So much for developing interest
    and attracting new fans...
    I could see this situation happening in Football as well. All-seater
    stadiums mean higher ticket prices. TV dictates inconvenient times, so
    live attendance slumps. Poorer people are completely shut out, since,
    if it's only on pay TV, they would less likely be able to afford it.
    A younger generation grows up without Football as a major part of their
    lives. People find other things to do with their spare time, and the
    fan base gradually erodes. Sure, the big clubs will always be healhty,
    but wat about the local Division 4 club?
219.21SUBURB::INV_LIBRARYWho hell he?!?Thu May 28 1992 12:2716
219.22Canny pleased about it !!PLUNDR::LOWEGDon't believe a wordThu May 28 1992 21:177
	I am chuffed to bits about SKY getting the coverage..


	PS. Guess who got SKY installed 2 weeks ago ??
219.23Think outside the box, eh?SED750::SADATTarik Sadat: London South TCCFri May 29 1992 22:0314
On the whole I can't say I'm too impressed with the deal, but as jeff said,
it's a bit too late for the Premier league managers to start crying wolf now.
And I shan't be buying a satellite dish either.

What amazes me though is the inability of the ITV to turn the problem into an
opportunity. Clearly they are prepared to pay a great deal of money to televise
football, so rather than complain about being unable to show Premier League
games why not bring us the top European game instead? If it's recorded
highlights on a Monday night then so be it.

I mean to say, what would you rather watch? Wimbledon v Oldham, or AC Milan v
Juventus or Rangers v Celtic or Bayern v Bremen etc...???

219.24Oh GodMACNAS::PRIDGEChicago Blackhawks Stanley Cup Finalists '92Thu Jun 04 1992 19:277
    	What a lot of of old toff. Its like a coversation in an old folks
    home. Does anyone in here know anything about football. I'm outa here.
    I hear better conversation about football in womannotes.    Sops
219.25Sad Loss.....?NEWOA::MORANWey not likely!!Thu Jun 04 1992 19:471
219.26SUBURB::INV_LIBRARYWho hell he?!?Thu Jun 04 1992 19:5915
<<< Note 219.24 by MACNAS::PRIDGE "Chicago Blackhawks Stanley Cup Finalists '92" >>>
                                  -< Oh God >-

 >   	What a lot of of old toff. Its like a coversation in an old folks
 >   home. Does anyone in here know anything about football. I'm outa here.
 >   I hear better conversation about football in womannotes.    Sops
 >                                                 Pat
    I thought this conference was write-locked for anyone who's IQ is lower
    than their age.
219.27The American EagleCHEFS::HOUSEBThu Jun 04 1992 20:0512
    Good to hear from you, it's been quiet on news from Galway over here
    since Shaughs finished.  How is life in Hogans ?? Give my regards to
    that cousin of mine, is he still off the boooze ???
    By the way, this is a conference on Association Football, not American.
    Talking of football how is Vinny H., or shouldn't I ask.
    Still no trip ?????
219.28Sorry, couldn't resistSTKOFF::SPERSSONPas de problemeFri Jun 05 1992 12:156
>    I thought this conference was write-locked for anyone who's IQ is lower
>    than their age.
    Oh, I didn't know that. Do you think we should make an exception for
    Cunno when he turns 18?
219.29Never trust a enemy or a friendMACNAS::PRIDGEChicago Blackhawks Stanley Cup Finalists '92Fri Jun 05 1992 16:2411
    Guys before anybody else jumps all over me about note 219.24,I made the
    mistake of leaving my account open and some my so called "friends" took
    advantage of my mistake so apologies for any offense.There is a lesson
    here for all us make sure you log out or you will have a lot explaining
    to do.Thanks Brian for the kind words,Papa Hopkins is still the same
    and always will be.Hogans is doing fine,they have trouble with the law 
    now and again something to do with not wanting close at night.Once
    again sorry.
219.30Moved for your convenienceGALVIA::SPAINThere's always the U.S.Fri Oct 02 1992 14:4555
                                 -< FOOTBALL >-
Note 264.0                    SKY SPORTS in trouble                   No replies
MACNAS::JMURPHY "It's a Funny Old Game..."           49 lines   2-OCT-1992 11:15

It looks like SKY are on a loser with their 304 Million deal for
broadcasting live Premier League football.

So far they are only attracting roughly 450000 viewers per game.

Channel 4 had 5 million tuned in for Gazza's return to action for
LAZIO v GENOA last Sunday .
BBC have a regular 5 millions plus for Match of the Day on Saturday
nights , I've heard reports that MOTD has attracted 10 million viewers
but I doubt if they would get that many..  
BBC must be laughing with their part of the deal , MOTD showing extended
highlights of 3 games plus all the goals from the other games , any action
that MOTD misses Football Focus on Saturday picks it up..BBC definately
got the better half of the deal.
ITV are showing LIVE games from the first Division in all their regions.
Again ITV will easily attract more viewers that SKY.
Not forgetting CHANNEL 4 who pulled a master stroke by getting the
Itilian Seria A for 1.25 million , definately a steal.

Facts are there is definately enough of Soccer on TV without having to
pay SKY to watch Sky Sports

SCREENSPORT show Spanish , Portugese , Dutch and Brazilian soccer , with
live games from both the Dutch and Brazilian Leagues...
Even RTE show Itilian show soccer on Monday nights , and from this
Saturday they will be showing live games from the English Premier Division.

Definately SKY are in trouble with their pay as you watch system or whatever
they call it . It has been reported that SKY SPORTS will probably revert
to a free channell next season . Thats the only way they are likely to
increase their audience . Sky are probably getting stick from their
advetisers who are paying big money to advertise on the SKY SPORTS channell ,
Those people wont be happy with a viewership of half a million , they want
to advertise to 5 or 10 million people not just a few that SKY can offer them.

I reckon SKY SPORTS will revert to a free channell/nonscrambled before next
season or at least they will start offering very cheap special deals to
entice viewers...Time will tell..

Final thought....with all this soccer on our TV screens , there is only a
certain ammount of it you can watch , you cannot watch it all , its not

Yours in Football


219.31CHEFS::HOUSEBFri Oct 02 1992 15:117
    This has been widely reported here in the papers.
    Nothing to add apart from the fact that if Sky Sports can not attract
    more viewers to their premier league coverage (450,000) than Central TV
    can for Swindon v Oxford (600,000) they must be in trouble. 
219.32SIOG::SPENCERPeter Spencer @DBO 827-2286Fri Oct 02 1992 16:455
>	Even RTE show Itilian show soccer on Monday nights , and from this
>	Saturday they will be showing live games from the English Premier 
    >   Division.
    Anyone know what match is being shown this Saturday on RTE?
219.33not 100% sureMACNAS::CWALSHLife's a beach, then you diveFri Oct 02 1992 16:556
    re. -1
    Leeds vs. Ipswich    I think on RTE.
    Should be a cracker if Leeds play same again, probably a draw though
    knowing Ipswich.
219.34Portman rd.SIOG::N_DONNELLYFri Oct 02 1992 19:414
    Ipswich v Leeds is correct. The match coverage will start at 3.30 but
    will be shown in its entirity(sp)
219.35Lots of alternatives to SKYSALES::THILLFri Oct 02 1992 20:4221
    re a few back.
    This SKY situation sounds a little like what they attempted to do with
    the Olympics in the US. There were 3 different cable channels set up,
    the red, white, and blue (yeah, I know it's pretty lame...) Between
    these 3 channels, every event would be shwn live, in its entirety. They
    were charging something like $300 for the whole Olympics. Anyway, it
    seems that the only people who signed up for it were the friends and
    relatives of the athletes themselves. The viewership was 1/10 of what
    the greedy fat cats had expected, and they ended up dropping the price
    eventually to about $10 a day. 
    It seems like there's a lot of footie on the box to choose from, so I
    can see how someone might think they can get enough from hightlights,
    Italian league and Div 1. Keep in mind that in the US, the Olympic
    coverage was so bad on conventional TV, so this at least was an
    alternative for viewers. 
    I hope they lose their shirts!
219.36Network 2 9.30 I thinkMACNAS::CWALSHLife's a beach, then you diveMon Oct 05 1992 14:426
    I recommend that people in Ireland watch italian soccer tonight.
    There was 48 goals scored over the weekend including one game which was
    7-3... I won't spoil and say which game it was.
    Also Gazza played for 68 mins in Lazio's victory and was supposed to be
    impressive in another high scoring game
219.37ARNIES::SMITHP1Bigmouth lah-de-dah-dahMon Oct 05 1992 15:388
> re: Note 219.36 by MACNAS::CWALSH "Life's a beach, then you dive"
>   There was 48 goals scored over the weekend including one game which was
>    7-3... 

	Are the Italian defences really that crappy ??

219.38Who's got SKY then?FRAMBO::BRADLEYJa, das Bier-gut istMon Oct 05 1992 21:0918
Being over here in Germany I'm intrigued to know whether the SKY thing is
really going to take off or will it die a death. For instance, this
conference has a pretty good cross section of genuine fans from all the clubs
and if anyone was going to be interested in live Premier League games it
would be this lot. So.... just how many of the English contributors here have
got the blessed Wok flying and cough up the 6.99? (I presume its of little
interest outside England). If that figure of 450000 per game is right there 
can't be very many of you - if not, why not?

	Too expensive for the dish plus monthly fee?
	Enough terrestrial football available?
	Rather see the real thing (ie. (Heaven forbid) go to a game?)
	Don't want people thinking you're a Sun reader? (or worse, Sunday Times)

Tell me it'll die then I won't feel left out.

219.39Why I didn't get SKYGALVIA::SPAINThere's always the U.S.Mon Oct 05 1992 21:317
219.40Sky....XSTACY::MDUNPHYThe Hit ManMon Oct 05 1992 21:4011
I'm in the sunny west... that's galway for those who dont know 8^))

I (we) got sky for $10 per month. though thats between 3 so its not bad.

We decided to get it as we felt, if we went to the pub each time, we'd spend
alot more, and so far it's probably saved us a few bob or two .....

and some sore heads....

219.41its awlright, likeXSTACY::KMCGRATHLong road, patient donkeyMon Oct 05 1992 22:3621
    Its a lot more painless to get SKY TV in Ireland because all the big
    towns get their normal TV from a cable company, so the cable company 
    buys the satellite and sends you the signal. All you've got to do is 
    pay SKY for the decoder - i.e. you don't have to fork out for the dish
    itself. In view of that , 10 quid a month isn't much, although the
    games shown so far from the premier league have been mainly skilless
    hoofing sessions which are anything but a pretty sight. SKY give a 
    real bullsht build-up, like ITV last year, only worse, which tries
    to prepare you for the spectacle of your life.....wich doesn't match
    what follows. A more down to earth approach would be far better.
    One thing I will say for them though is that if Andy Gray thinks its a
    bad game, he'll be big enough to admit it, not like Brian Moore, John 
    Motson, etc who would make out that the most classless 0-0 draw was 
    "great entertainment for the big crowd (6,000) and football was the 
    real winner here today".
    I think the deal is good in Ireland, if only the fottball was a bit
     - Kevin
219.42Am I missing something?SALES::THILLWed Oct 07 1992 21:0412
    The thing I find hard to believe is that you have to buy a satellite
    dish. I dunno how much they cost in the British Isles, but in the
    States, one can run you a few thousand dollars. Like Ireland, we have
    cable, which alllows programming to be seen for a monthly fee. Unless I
    misunderstand the situation, you guys in England have to get a dish,
    then still pay for SKY? In the US, a dish is like a giant reciever of
    signals, and you can pull in signals from TV stations hundreds of miles
    away. I've been to England, and I know that towns are often very densely 
    populated. Assuming you did buy a dish, where would you put it if you 
    lived in an urban/reasonably populated area?
219.43KIRKTN::CPATRICKa Sausage Supper &amp; A Bottle PILSThu Oct 08 1992 10:2912
    Most people have the dishes situated on the wall outside there house
    and in some cases if you live in a flat there can be up to 3-4
    dishes on the 1 building....
    As for cable TV,it is currently being installed in Scotland and can
    be rented for #12:99 a month.
    SQF Jambo
219.44SIOG::SPENCERPeter Spencer @DBO 827-2286Thu Oct 08 1992 13:003
219.45yPEKING::JOLLYLViva la rock .... the killer lives onThu Oct 08 1992 16:0711
    My dish and reciverconvertercontrolthingymebob cost 199.00 pounds to
    buy and 4?.00 pounds to have installed.
    I now pay 19.98ish a month pounds and recieve all the pay channels, 
    Sky sports and the 3 movie channels.  The only one I don't get is the 
    adult channel, maybe one day.
    Staright up (fnar, fnar), I'm quite happy with the deal,
219.46seems better than SKY ??PAKORA::CPATRICKa Sausage Supper &amp; A Bottle PILSThu Oct 08 1992 16:218
    Pete, as I havnt yet had the cable TV installed I'm not 100% sure of what
    channels we will receive,but I am lead to beleive there will be 50
    stations to choose from.
    SQF Jambo
219.47sounds reasonableSIOG::SPENCERPeter Spencer @DBO 827-2286Thu Oct 08 1992 19:357
219.48R2ME2::HINXMANI'll just sit here and rustSat Oct 10 1992 00:5814
	Further clarification for Tom.

	Satellite dishes in the U.K. are small devices that can be fixed
	to the wall of a building. They are designed to receive (Direct
	Broadcast Satellite (DBS) broadcasts, which is different from the
	U.S. situation, where, as I understand it, the large backyard
	dishes pull in signals which are primarily used for internal
	communciations by the TV networks.

	There is a proposal to put a DBS satellite over North America
	and broadcast 100 channels from it. The smaller size of dish
	would be sufficient to receive these.

219.49OK, now it makes more senseSALES::THILLWed Oct 14 1992 23:0011
    re last
    I knew it had to be something like this! I couldn't picture the "Powers
    That Be" deciding that Britons had to buy what we know as a Sattelite
    dish in order to watch Premier League Football. The things I'm talking
    about are about 15-20 feet across, and you'd need to mount it on the
    ground in the back yard or something. TV stations use dishes to pick up
    feeds from other stations, then they edit them for their own
219.50FA Cup Final on SKY??MOVIES::PLAYFORDKevin @ EDO-13 [DTN:824-3394]Fri May 13 1994 14:159
For those unfortunate soccer fans north of the border who want to see the FA Cup
Final is it on Sky??

If it is does anyone know of any place in Edinburgh that might be showing
coverage of the game???

219.51BERN01::GOODEJMr DragonFri May 13 1994 14:195
    No, it's not on Sky. But, if it helps, Jerry assures me that it will be
    shown live on Swiss TV! 8-)
219.52It's on, but not liveNEWOA::CAITHNESS_CColin Caithness @NEW, 774-6018Fri May 13 1994 15:443
Sky Sports are showing a recording of the final at 8pm Saturday.

219.53who runs football ?NEWOA::FIDO_TConation is the keyFri May 13 1994 15:476
>Sky Sports are showing a recording of the final at 8pm Saturday.
    I'm surprised that Sky haven't tried to put the kick-off back to 8pm
    to fit in with their schedules !
219.54How ridiculous!!!!IRNBRU::HOWARDNYC,June 18 - ITA 0 - 2 RoIFri May 13 1994 16:186
    WHAT?????  Are those parochial idiots in BBC Scotland switching off the
    Cup Final because it might affect the crowd of 44 people at the 
    Albion Rovers -v- Stirling Albion game? Jeez, it looks like I'll have
    to make my way down to Carlisle to see the match....what a bummer
    Ray....(cheesed off)
219.55I'll be at Somerset anyway....AYOV16::KMCCLELLANDThe Honest TruthFri May 13 1994 17:048
    I think you should know that 'those parochial idiots in BBC Scotland'
    have little input as to what they can and cannot screen. The SFA, Jim
    Farry actually, has the say so and he will not allow any live football
    to be shown on Scottish televison while matches are taking place in
    Scotland. Even if it was being shown, it would not stop the REAL
    supporters from going to see their team anyway.
219.56AYOV22::TADAIRGies the ..-Fri May 13 1994 17:118
       <<< Note 219.54 by IRNBRU::HOWARD "NYC,June 18 - ITA 0 - 2 RoI" >>>
                            -< How ridiculous!!!! >-
    ................................... Jeez, it looks like I'll have
    to make my way down to Carlisle to see the match....what a bummer

    Why not just make your way down to one of the pubs in Ayr that 
   can get BBC Northern Ireland?
219.57IRNBRU::HOWARDNYC,June 18 - ITA 0 - 2 RoIFri May 13 1994 17:206
>>> Why not just make your way down to one of the pubs in Ayr that 
>>> can get BBC Northern Ireland?...
    good call....any suggestions????
219.58try theseAYOV22::TADAIRGies the ..-Fri May 13 1994 17:469

 I believe that pubs like the Anchor Bar and Smugglers down by the harbour 
 will be showing the match.

 Just think .... you may have to investigate tonight to try them out 8-).

219.59What cup final is this then?PAKORA::AMILLARAnd some late news just in....Fri May 13 1994 23:339
    Actually, there is a full league programme north of the border tomorrow
    with a lot of critical games still to play, and all much more important
    than a minor cup final in London. Which teams are involved?  8-))
    On this issue, the SFA are probably correct, although it would have
    been nice to see a delayed transmission in the evening.
219.60MASALA::AMCARTHUREAST FIFE going downFri May 13 1994 23:449
    Well...I'll be at the Alloa vs East Fife game tomorrow. Whoever wins
    stays in division two. I might even invade the pitch if we stay up.
    I would have liked to see United whip Chelsea. Cant they change the 
    kick off time !!
219.61SUBURB::ABSOLOMTAye KarumbaMon May 16 1994 20:537
    SKY are screening their top 100 goals of the season tonight between
    11:30pm and 12:30am. Get the video ready, it's worth having.
219.62Send the wife outSUBURB::GROOMNEarning a fortune, paid a pittance !!Wed May 25 1994 13:427
    BBC2 on Monday evening (31st) have 5 hours of footy related progs
    starting at 7.30pm;  includes a prog about Mr G Best, another about
    horrendous tackles, sitcoms such as the likely lads and some film as
    well.  Could be time for a takeaway pizza and half a dozen 6-packs !
219.63IRNBRU::HOWARDNYC,June 18 - ITA 0 - 2 RoIWed May 25 1994 13:434
219.64YES !!!!XSTACY::PHAYDENWed May 25 1994 14:257
So. What ? It's all over to your gaff on Monday for Pizza and Beer. Count me in
Nev. See ya there lads.
JBG , Jerry do ya wanna come ?

Nev's place 7.30 Monday 30th.

219.65Will there be Guinness ?BERN01::BOLGERJerry Bolger.Wed May 25 1994 14:398
    Thanks for the invite, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it. I'm
    still considering a trip up to Hanover for the match on Sunday. I
    suppose I could always drive back via the UK (assuming I sober up in
    time !).
219.67GVA02::LUANDA::LainsburyI didn't do it.Wed May 25 1994 15:396

	Nev, I never realised you could fit 50,000 people in your living
room. That's a lot of 6-packs.

219.68For those of you with Black and White setsWOTVAX::GREENJAAndy GreenWed May 25 1994 16:1919
    Watch out for an upcoming T.V. series featuring Blackburn Rovers (and
    a few other clubs !) and the efforts being taken to stamp out racism in
    football. Sounds like a Channel 4 kind of thing to me but deserves a
    much wider audience.
    Blackburn has a large ethnic community, mainly Asian, and the club is
    heavily involved in a program with local schools to raise the profile
    of football amongst asian youth. 
    The biggest problem they encounter is the lack of role models, anybody
    know any Asian footballers ?, and the fact that Asian parents only 
    encourage their young to play with cricket balls and bottle tops :-)
219.69NEWOA::FIDO_TConation is the keyWed May 25 1994 17:567
    This is a serious question :-
    Do Blackburn have any players who are of ethnic background ? ( is this
    the politically correct way of asking ? ) If not, then there efforts to
    stamp out racism, which must be applauded, will surely be that much harder.
219.70It's "Provoke Andy" time!PAVONE::TURNERWed May 25 1994 18:1913
    >Do Blackburn have any players who are of ethnic background ? ( is this
    >the politically correct way of asking ? ) If not, then there efforts to
    >stamp out racism, which must be applauded, will surely be that much harder.
    Well, there's Old Smiley himself for starters (I guess the only reason
    they keep Hendrie is to interpret for him ;-))
    Seriously, Terry, I should think the answer is to your question is
    "no", although Berg would fit the "ethnic background" bracket! I'm sure
    Andy Green will fill us in on this one.
219.71Football is for everyone to enjoyWOTVAX::GREENJAAndy GreenWed May 25 1994 18:2016
    Terry, it deserves a serious answer,
    Currently only Keith Brown (afro-carib) is a first team squad member, 
    a right back who never got a game this season due to Henning Berg 
    and David May both being better (rather than blonder !)
    Now if Rovers could unearth an Asian talent the club could expect
    another 5,000-10,000 on the gate overnight.
    A rumour stronger than some others I've heard is about Rovers interest
    in Ndlovu from Coventry, now I don't know where his roots are but it
    certainly isn't East Lancashire !
219.72PAKORA::CDOUDIEX&gt;&gt;--(COLIN)---Thu May 26 1994 18:018
    RE: .61
    And did you see the crap goal Andy Gray picked for his goal of the
    season ???
    After all the great goals I thought it was going to be a cracker......
219.73European/1st Round/French TVGYMAC::DCASSIDYMon Sep 12 1994 17:0024
                        -<  Soccer Football Conference >-
Note 17.399                       French League                       399 of 399
EVTDD1::LAFONTAINE "A flame about this high"         17 lines  12-SEP-1994 10:04
                      -< Get your magnetoscopes set !!! >-
    TV Schedule for the coming days:
    Date/time	Game				Channel		Competition
    5.00pm	Volvograd-Nantes		TF1		UEFA Cup
    6.40pm	Bordeaux-Lillestroem		Canal+		UEFA Cup
    8.40pm	Olympiakos-Marseille		Canal+		UEFA Cup
    10.15pm	Cannes-Fenherbace    		Canal+		UEFA Cup
    8.30pm	Paris SG-Bayern Munchen      	TF1		Champions
    6.00pm	Croatia Zagreb-Auxerre		TF1   		Cup Winners
219.74GENIE::GOODEJMon Sep 12 1994 17:075
    Anyone know when / what channels (preferably on Astra) the games
    involving British clubs this week are??
219.75Antwerp v Newcastle?WOTVAX::HARDYPMon Sep 12 1994 17:106
    Is the Antwerp v Newcastle match being shown on Belgium Television? If
    so would someone please record it for me. I'm in Warrington.
    Many thanks
    Peter Hardy @olo
219.76European/1st Round/German (Incl Astra)GYMAC::DCASSIDYMon Sep 12 1994 17:1126
    TV Schedule for the coming days of the German Clubs. 
	CET: Central European Time ( 1 Hour ahead of British Summer Time)    

    Date/time	Game				Channel		Competition
    16:00 CET	Macabi Tel Aviv-Werder Bremen	ARD		Cup Winners
    18:00 CET	Borrussia Dortmund-Motherwell	SAT-1		UEFA Cup
    20:00 CET	Bayer Leverkusen-PSV Eindhoven	RTL		UEFA Cup
    22:00 CET	FC Akranes-Kaiserslautern    	ARD		UEFA Cup
    20:15 CET	Paris SG-Bayern Munchen      	RTL		Champions
    20:15 CET	Olympia Lubliana-
			Eintract Frankfurt	ARD   		UEFA Cup
	NOTE: All 3 TV stations are available on the ASTRA satellite in
	the clear (i.e. NO encryption)


219.77GENIE::GOODEJMon Sep 12 1994 17:2210
    	are Motherwell really the only British club playing in Europe this
    week??? 8-)   ...or are you just a big Motherwell fan???
    	What about the real teams like Newcastle, Blackburn, Arsenal, 
    Chelsea, Villa and ummm, errr oh yes United somebody??? 8-)
219.78!GYMAC::DCASSIDYMon Sep 12 1994 17:4212
    	 Please re-read the 1st line of the last reply.....
    PS There are more clubs in Europe than just British Clubs....!!!!
219.79GENIE::GOODEJMon Sep 12 1994 17:536
    Ok Dezz, point taken......but I did use smileys!
    Any, anyone know if & when the English club'a games will be televised??
219.80GYMAC::DCASSIDYMon Sep 12 1994 17:5810
    >>Any, anyone know if & when the English club'a games will be televised??    
    	Exactly JBG....that's of course what I'd really like to know....;-)
    	Anu Italian noters out there with an itinerary of this weeks games
    as Inter-Villa should be the big one....
219.81Nostalgia for everyoneCHEFS::STRATFORDSmedication timeMon Jun 12 1995 12:4110
    According to this mornings papers, UK Gold (UK Satelitte repeats
    channel) has just bought a selection of old Match of the Days from the
    1970's. These will be shown throughout the summer on Tuesday, Thursday
    and Friday evenings. No starting date was mentioned.
    Additionally, they will have a series of Classic Sporting Action whilst
    Auntie Beeb is producing 6 45-minute shows about footie in 70's with
    Dennis Waterman (!) narrating.
219.82Only six weeks to go...COMICS::LINDLEYThu Jul 06 1995 18:4119
    Premiership Matches Live on Sky Sports that have been announced :-
    Sun Aug 20		Arsenal vs Middlesboro
    Mon Aug 21		Leeds vs Liverpool
    Sun Aug 27		Sheff Wed vs Newcastle
    Mon Aug 28		Blackburn vs Manchester Utd
    Sun Sep 10		Mancester City vs Arsenal
    Mon Sep 11		West Ham vs Chelsea
    Sun Sep 17 		Nottingham Forest vs Everton
    Sun Sep 24		Newcastle vs Chelsea
    Mon Sep 25		QPR vs Tottenham
    Sun Oct 01		Manchester Utd vs Liverpool
    Sun Oct 15		Sheffield Wed vs Middlesboro
    Mon Oct 16		Wimbledon vs West Ham
    Sun Oct 22		Southampton vs Liverpool
    Sun Oct 29		Tottenham vs Newcastle
    Mon Oct 30		Bolton vs Arsenal