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Conference taveng::bagels

Title:BAGELS and other things of Jewish interest
Notice:1.0 policy, 280.0 directory, 32.0 registration
Created:Mon Feb 03 1986
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1524
Total number of notes:18709

289.0. "Bumper Sticker" by USWAV1::ROMAN (Linda) Thu Apr 02 1987 18:51

    	Can someone tell me where I could get a bumper sticker that 
    says Digital in Hebrew letters? I saw one on a car driving down
    Rt. 128 south (around Burlington, Ma.)and I'd like to get one.
289.1Post the source here, please.LEDS::ENGELSONGary (LEDS::) EngelsonThu Apr 02 1987 19:185
    If there are a reasonable number available from whatever
    source, it would probably be worthwhile posting the source as
    a reply, here.  Many of us might want one.

289.2Imported from HertziliyaCURIE::GOLDJack E. Gold, MRO3Thu Apr 02 1987 21:423
    The bumper stickers were originally done over in DEC-Israel. That
    was several years ago. I don't know if they still have any. Do any
    of our friends from Eretz know if they are still available?
289.3Special Pasech offerTAV02::MAYERFri Apr 03 1987 11:2211
    First prize to Jack Gold. 
    All of you who want DIGITAL bumper stickers in Hebrew just send
    me by VAXmail your name and mail stop and I'll try to oblige.
    This special offer only open 'till after Pasech.
    Hag Same'ah
289.4I can't reach you, but I want a bumper sticker.BOOKIE::WIEGLERWed Apr 08 1987 17:437
    I would like a bumper sticker and tried to send mail to Mike Mayer, but
    was told that the node is unreachable.  This happened 2 days in
    a row.  Any suggestions?  Mike, if you read this, please send a sticker
    to me at ZKO2-2/N53.                                        
    	Willy Wiegler
289.5use NMAILCSSE32::MERMELLAndy, CSSE DSS, ZK2-1/N71 381-2226Thu Apr 09 1987 03:080
289.6NMailAKOV75::SHEPROGood enough for Gov't WorkThu Apr 09 1987 11:478
    RE: .4
    You might want to obtain NMail (over the net).  This product will
    allow you to send VaxMail over the net.  If the receiving node is
    down, then the attempt to send is re-queued and etc. until it expires
    or is received.  A facility is available to let the sender know
    when and/or if the message is sent.  
289.7speaking of mailTAVENG::GOLDMANMon Apr 13 1987 10:436
    Mike will appreciate it if you supply him with civilian postal
    addresses as we can only receive internal mail but not send it.
    (you're welcome Mike!)
    Happy Pesach.
289.8No such thing as a free bumper sticker...TAV02::MAYERWed Apr 15 1987 06:3910
    OK folks, the special Pesach campaign on bumper stickers is over!!
    I got 58 requests for 87 stickers. The number I managed to get
    hold of is 50 - so it's FIFO and only one per customer.
    Stickers will be sent out this week by DEC internal mail.
    Happy sticking...
289.9Another seasonal sale?IAGO::SCHOELLERHelp! | !pleHWed Aug 26 1987 23:377

Any chance of a Rosh Hashana special on bumper stickers?  I wasn't here at
