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Conference tallis::celt

Title:Celt Notefile
Created:Wed Feb 19 1986
Last Modified:Tue Jun 03 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1632
Total number of notes:20523

556.0. "MIND TEST" by EGAV01::MTUTTLE () Tue Apr 25 1989 15:20

    If you get freed up trying to figure out your tasks,
    well here is a relaxing test to put your mind at ease.
    This test is a measure of your intelligence, your fluency with words
    and your creativity.
    e.g.     16 = O in the P      Answer is (Ounces in the pound)
    1.  26 = L of the A
    2.   7 = D of the W
    3. 1001= A.N.
    4   12 = S of the Z
    5.  54 = C in the D (with J's)
    6.   9 = P in the S S
    7.  88 = P K on a K B
    8.  13 = S on the A F
    9.  32 = D F at which W F
   10.  18 = H on a G C
   11.  90 = D in a R A
   12. 200 = P for P G in a G of M
   13.   7 = S on a F P P
   14.   3 = B M   (S H T R)
   15.   4 = Q in a G
   16.  24 = H in a D
   17.   1 = W on a U
   18.  57 = H V
   19.  11 = P on a F T
   20.  29 = D in F in a L Y
   21.  64 = S on a C B
   22.  76 = T in the B P                 
556.1STEREO::BURNSa.k.a. 3rd DegreeTue Apr 25 1989 15:4612
    	All kinds of test like these can also be found in:

556.2Prizes.MARCIE::KSULLIVANTue Apr 25 1989 18:246
    1st prize.   He won't send you a copy of the tape.
    2nd prize.   He'll send you one copy.
    3rd prize.   He'll send you several copies. (to distribute).
556.3PLEASE NO MORE!!!PEKING::BLAKEBThu Apr 27 1989 15:097
556.4P.S. I only put this in so a bit of slaggin can start!DUB01::OSULLIVAN_DThu Apr 27 1989 16:3311
    Tell me if I'm on the right track:
    L of the A: Law of the Average
    D of the W: Death of the Whale
    S of the Z: Sign of the Zodiac
    -Dermot  A_sucker_for_punishment
556.5Let the Slaggin begin .... :=)STEREO::BURNSa.k.a. 3rd DegreeThu Apr 27 1989 18:2615
    	re: .4   You'er on the track all right .. the South to North Track
    	         and I think you just lost your caboose ..   :=)
    26= letters of the alphabet
     7= days of the week
    12= signs of the Zodiac   (you had one correct)
556.6keVin - thanks for the encouragementDUB01::OSULLIVAN_DFri Apr 28 1989 11:407
    1001= Arabian Nights
    18=   Holes in a golf course
    3=    Blind Mice (see how they run)
    57=   Heinz Varieties
556.7A few moreKAOFS::G_LARKINVidi Vici VeniFri Apr 28 1989 11:4316
    Ok Mike, here's a few of them:
    7 = days of the week
    12 = signs of the zodiac
    54 = cards in the deck (without jokers)
    9 = planets in the solar system
    32 = degrees farenheit at which water freezes
    90 = degrees in a right angle
    200 = pounds for passing go in a game of monopoly
    4 = quarts in a gallon
    24 = hours in a day
    29 = days in feb. in a leap year
    I'll work on the R over the W E
556.8Another fewKAOFS::G_LARKINVidi Vici VeniFri Apr 28 1989 11:592
    13 = Stripes on the American Flag
    64 = Stations on a C.B. (?)
556.9STEREO::BURNSCeltic ThunderFri Apr 28 1989 13:569
    64= squares on a checker/chess board
556.10 febPEKING::BLAKEBFri Apr 28 1989 15:297
    20 = 29 days in feburary in a leap year
556.11Only fooling Brother .... 8-)STEREO::BURNSCeltic ThunderFri Apr 28 1989 18:0618
    0 = P C C O R-E
      Paddy Culberts Chances Of Re-Election       :-)
556.12more...RENOIR::WARDSpring is FINALLY HERE!Mon May 01 1989 16:238
   90 = D in a R A  (degrees in a right angle)

   24 = H in a D    (also halves in a dozen)

   1 = W on a U     (wheel on a unicycle)

556.13Another ODUB02::OSULLIVAN_DThu May 04 1989 10:462
    19.  11 = Players on a Football Team (soccer)
556.14KAOFS::G_LARKINVidi Vici VeniThu May 04 1989 12:081
    22. 76 = Trombones in the Big Parade 
556.1517 1 Wheel on a Uni-cycle...EGAV01::DKEATINGYou Can Observe A Lot By Watching !Fri May 05 1989 13:471
556.16YUPPY::GIBBONSJJenny GibbonsThu Jun 22 1989 13:403
    88 = Piano Keys on a Key Board