T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
460.1 | The Rabble was much in evidence. | AYOU46::D_HUNTER | This is my Personal_name! | Fri Nov 04 1988 08:49 | 6 |
At my Wedding some 3 years ago at the Burns Monument Hotel on
ye banks and braes o' bonnie Doon, the lads ended up naked
drinking with the Hotel staff until 4:30 a.m.
Don H.
460.2 | Same again, Jimmie | FDCV01::BEATON | | Fri Nov 04 1988 11:38 | 8 |
| Don,
I think all the Kilties are viewing this as "Spring Training" for
Hogmanay (as if they/we ever get out of practice). I can hear the
conversation now "Eh Sir, touch another half, an' I'll gie ya yer
heid in yer hauns tae play wi'". Ah! some traditions never die.
460.3 | Source for info... | MTWAIN::WARD | Pizzaholic | Wed Nov 09 1988 15:31 | 7 |
| Martin:
Send mail to Dave Burden @ ZKO. I understand Highland weddings are a tradition
in his family. At least the last one had a piper. Dave's dad, Bill, is
affiliated with the Clan Lamont Society, and attends the highland games yearly.
460.4 | Now for a serious discussion... | SKYLRK::HAZEL | | Thu Nov 10 1988 20:39 | 27 |
| HI,
For a serious consideration:
wedding in Kirk
dinner and dance afterwards(important part of occassion):
long speeches at the head table
reading of telegrams - Scot's have always had
distant friends and relatives
toasts, toasts and more toasts
dancing, dancing and more dancing
the bride usually has a horseshoe and white heather
as part of her hand held flowers and the wedding cake has favours
on it consisting of small horseshoes, small cats, etc. (all for
The wedding cake is not like an American one - it
is a very solid fruit cake and it has a marzipan frosting
(it can be kept for years and sometimes is). The others
are correct- the drinking goes on for many hours with the
usual results. In modern times groups usually rent a bus
to go to the wedding or arrange to stay in the hotel where
the dinner and dancing take place.
At present I cannot think of anything else but these affairs
are not for the weak.
Hazel Donaldson