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Conference ssdevo::hsz40_product

Title:HSZ40 Product Conference
Created:Mon Apr 11 1994
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:902
Total number of notes:3319

841.0. "is hszterm retired?" by LEXSS1::GINGER (Ron Ginger) Fri Apr 11 1997 11:47

    I just heard that the latest Unix LP kit shows the hszterm kit as
    If you have indeed retired hszterm I have a major customer that will be
    mad as hell. We use hszterm inhundreds of scripts to monitor and manage
    our HSZ's, including some very critical scripts that make and break
    mirrors every day for backup reasons.
    Unless there is a replacement for hszterm we must still have support of
    And do not tell me about things that run on NT systems. At this site
    the NT management is by a completely separate group from the unix
    management. We do not have the option to add or modifiy NT software.
841.1It's BackSSDEVO::T_GONZALESMon Apr 14 1997 18:485
    Hi Ron, I think that product management has changed their minds about
    retiring hszterm.  I think they plan on putting it back in the next
    consolidated diskupdate.  They got a lot of feedback from
    various people, like yourself, and the support is going to remain
    until the swcc can incorporate its features.
841.2LEXS01::GINGERRon GingerTue Apr 15 1997 13:2220
    Thanks Tom.
    I suspect we need to encourage more field people to offer input on the
    need for a unix based, supported tool, to manage our storge. A GUI
    based package running on NT or W95 is nice, but I contend a mission
    critical commercial Unix system cannot be run from an NT box. We must have a
    good tool that allows SCRIPTING commands from the unix environment.
    Many times we do activites that require both interacting with
    applications like Oracle and managing storage, like making or breaking
    If you agree with me that Unix requires a SCRIPT interface to storge,
    you had better add your voice to product management. They seem
    convinced that unix systems will run just fine without hszterm
    functionality. We may have delayed the retirement, but the plan is
    still clear that product management intendes to retire it.
    If anyone in sotrage engineering would like to see what happens in the
    real world of customers running big storage arrays feel free to call
    me, or any other DEC field consultant with such experience.
841.3one more vote for keeping HSZtermAKING::KRISTue Apr 15 1997 20:3210
    I just discovered today (red-faced) that the HSZterm was removed off
    the April LP CD. My customer is upset and annoyed, since he has many
    scripts using hszterm on V3.2x. This is important to several other
    customers, and I for one would like to see it continued on UNIX
    My 2 c
841.4One more for hszterm!!TRN02::ALMONDOQuid ut UNIX ?Wed Apr 16 1997 12:486
    Strongly agree!!!!
841.5another use...KITCHE::schottEric R. Schott USG Product ManagementWed Apr 16 1997 18:085
sys_check  ( http://www-unix.zk3.dec.com/tuning/tools/sys_check/sys_check.html )
use hszterm.  It also seems to have found problems with it in some customer
sites (hszterm) in that it hangs even when used to an idle lun on the hsz.

This tool is used for support escalations on Digital UNIX...
841.6Isn't "HSZterm" alive and well?...AMCUCS::SWIERKOWSKIQuot homines tot sententiaeFri Apr 25 1997 21:1150

  I too have been investigating "Storage Management Utilities" (either "HSZterm"
or "SWCC"), and I believe that .3 made an incorrect statement re: the latest
(i.e April '97) "Software Products Library" contents.  Please correct me if 
this product really isn't present (I haven't gotten my CD's from ADS yet) and I 
pulled this listing out of the HYLNDR::CDROM conference note #247.47:

<--- begin snippet from SPL master index --->

      DIGITAL UNIX Alpha April 1997 Software Product Library Master Index



        POLYCENTER Manager on      4.1C   2K7AA  REM     2      /pnv41c
        NetView for Digital UNIX

        StorageWorks HSZ40 Array   1.1A   3DCAA  REM     4      /swa11a
        Controller Utility for
        Digital UNIX

<--- end snippet from SPL master index --->

  Isn't "StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility for Digital UNIX" what
you are referring to as "HSZterm"?  Just curious since this kit (all the way
back to the September '96 "SPL" exists in a "/swa11[a]" directory and when
I look at the corresponding "Online Documentation Library" CD's one of the
first things discussed is the "HSZterm Utility".  If this product noted above
from the April '97 "SPL" isn't "HSZterm", please advise.

  I did find an external web page for "DIGITAL StorageWorks Command Console"
that descibes what I think is being referred to as "SWCC" in this conference,
but still don't quite understand if "HSZterm" and "SWCC" overlap or conflict
or complement each other or whether one (i.e. "HSZterm") is being retired and
the other (i.e. "SWCC") is going to be the replacement or whether both will
simply provide whatever features differentiate them today for the forseeable
future, cheers...

						Tony Swierkowski
						Digital Equipment Corporation
						Software Partner Engineering
						Palo Alto, California
						(415) 617-3601