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Conference smaug::snagwy

Notice:Note 1.* -> kits and doc, 288.* -> obtaining product support
Created:Fri Feb 07 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:7116
Total number of notes:28576

7012.0. "-FAL-F-RMSVOL, invalid volume number value in XAB ?" by JOBURG::BARNES () Fri Feb 14 1997 11:01


We are having a problem at a customer.

We can copy a file from the Alpha to the IBM

But we cannot copy the file back from the IBM
system using the DCL copy command.

But, using TRANS/DTF we can copy the same file
back from the IBM system to the Alpha.

However, we cannot see the file on the IBM
system when we issue a directory command.

Any suggestions and / or assistence appreciated.

Thanks and Regards,

Les Barnes.
MCS Johannesburg.

Hitachi 416
MVS 5.2.2  os/390
VTAM 4.3
DTF for IBM V3.2

DECnet SNA Data Transfer Facility for OpenVMS, V3.2-00
OpenVMS V6.2
AlphaServer 2100
Domain Gateway CT

$ set def sys$common:[snadtf]
$ dir test*



Total of 1 files.

$ copy testdata.dat 0"sysn"::"iftv.dtfm001.test" /log

0"sysn"::"WRN001:IFTV.DTFM001.TEST/USE:DTFM001" (100 records)

$ copy testdata.dat 0"sysn"::"iftv.dtfm001.test" /log
%COPY-E-OPENIN, error opening 0"sysn"::"iftv.dtfm001.test"
as input
-RMS-E-FNF, file not found

$ trans/dtf

TRANS/DTF> copy 0"sysn"::"iftv.dtfm001.test" test.dat
Job TEST (queue SNADTF$QUEUE, entry 657) started on SNADTF$QUEUE
TRANS/DTF> sho job
%SNADTF-I-QUEEMPTY, all queues are empty
$ dir test.dat



Total of 1 file.

$ dir 0"sysn"::"iftv.dtfm001.test"
%DIRECT-E-OPENIN, error opening 0"sysn"::"wrn001:iftv.dtfm001.test"
as input

-RMS-F-NETFAIL, network operation failed at remote node
-FAL-F-RMSVOL, invalid volume number value in XAB


%DIRECT-E-OPENIN, error opening 0"sysn"::"iftv.dtfm001.test/vol:wrn001"
as input

-RMS-F-NETFAIL, network operation failed at remote node
-FAL-F-RMSVOL, invalid volume number value in XAB

$ dir 0"sysn"::"iftv.*/vol:asn005"

%DIRECT-E-OPENIN, error opening 0"sysn"::"iftv.*/vol:asn005"
as input

-RMS-F-NETFAIL, network operation failed at remote node
-FAL-F-RMSVOL, invalid volume number value in XAB$
7012.1probably related to HCD definition of disk devicesFREE::BLATTFri Feb 14 1997 13:2711

dcl copy of a m/f file issues an implicit directory.  as you point out in .0
the explicit dir fails as well.  this is likely related to how the IBM side
defined the IBM dasd.  (sorry i forget what the acronym stands for but) HCD
allows sites to dynamically define/configure disk units.  because of this
feature, i believe MVS altered device table maintenance and lookup programs.
so, DTF required changes as well.   i do not recall the ECO that fixed the 
problem but i suggest getting the latest one, ECO-10.

7012.2as an afterthought ---FREE::BLATTFri Feb 14 1997 14:075
as you discovered trans/dtf does not issue the implicit directory.  so,
stick with trans/dtf til IBM sysprog installs ECO to DTF for MVS OR
find out what MVS disks work and restrict access to those for the time being.

7012.3JOBURG::BARNESMon Feb 17 1997 05:5812
    Thanks for the responses.
    Where can we get DTF for MVS ECO-10 ?
    Is ther a network location that we can 
    copy it from ?
    Thanks and Regards,
    Les Barnes. 
7012.4Tima ...UTRTSC::VELZENPim van Velzen, CS/SSO HollandMon Feb 17 1997 06:416
Re: .-1

You can find the kit (VMS-saveset called SNADTFM_E10031) in TIMA
or in DSNlink. It's also known as CSCPAT_5037 V1.5.
