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Conference school::sports_memorabilia

Title:Sports Memorabilia
Notice:Wanted: 3.*; For_sale: 4.*; Traded: 5.*
Created:Wed Aug 27 1986
Last Modified:Thu May 08 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:730
Total number of notes:8547

200.0. "Sports cards - nonprofessional/non footbasebasket" by MSDOA::CUZZONE (I'm the AAA.) Fri Oct 19 1990 13:20

    Within the last couple months, University of Tennesse football cards
    started showing up on convenience store counters at $.85 per pack. 
    Given that a) there is no major league professional team in the state
    of Tenn b) UT football is celebrating its 100th year in 1990 and c) 
    Vol fever generally overtakes the average citizen here in September, I
    was not surprised.  Given that a) I am not a native b) I don't
    generally follow college football and c) there are enough damn baseball
    sets to concern me, I haven't bought pack one.
    But it did start me to thinking about cards that fall outside the big 4
    professional sports and how prevalent they are.  I have heard folks
    speak here of tennis and golf cards but have never seen them.  The only
    other cards in this category besides college football that I've seen
    are Racing.  Are these another local issue or are they common?  Anybody
    able to add to the list?
200.2Small market; limited product availabilityMSDOA::CUZZONEI'm the AAA.Fri Oct 19 1990 20:2010
    The NASCAR cards must be the same ones I've seen.  Comes in a lime
    green pack with MAXX across the front.  Someone has been packaging
    minor league cards also.  I have been warned off these because they're
    good candidates for reprints.
    I've never seen Soccer, Derby or Olympic cards.  There would not be
    much market here for non-UT college football cards.  Don't imagine you
    could find an Auburn card that wasn't at least smoke-damaged :-)
200.3OAW::ITZKOTopps '73 613Fri Oct 19 1990 23:147
    Don't forget to add Pro-Set's Wrassling cards. The Hulkster is selling
    for $.50 at the card stores here.
200.4NUTMEG::JACUNSKIMon Oct 22 1990 12:371
    Is "The Lovely Elizabeth" included in the set?
200.6give me a breakNEMAIL::MITCHELLMon Oct 22 1990 21:585
    I was watching a show I can't remember the name of,
    and they were talking about soap stars cards that you can
    order through the mail.
    What it comes down to is that they want woman involved.( I guess)
    Whats next?????????
200.7Soap "stars"!OAW::ITZKOTopps '73 613Mon Oct 22 1990 23:4011
    This mornings' Sacramento newspaper had pictures of the soap stars
    cards. My local card dealer hasn't got his allotment yet. I'll try
    later in the week!
    I don't know if Ms. Lizabeth is included in the Wrestling Set.
    Suppose you'll have to see a checklist.
200.8B Hull-U of Minn.USRCV1::SAPPBWed Sep 25 1991 16:167
    I have a Univ. of Minnesota-Daluth (sp?) card of Brett Hull. I think
    they do this every year for their hockey team. I picked it up at a mall
    card show for 3 bucks. The guy had about 6 of them ranging in price
    from $2.50-$6.50. The most expensive were clear head shots of only him
    and the cheaper ones were team shots and back+side views. In mine, he
    has a helmet with cage but it's obvious its him.